HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-17-08 WHPS MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY BOARD MEETING JANUARY 17, 2008 PRESENT: President Kelly Bradley and Board Members Sharon Sanden, Stephen Thornton, Allen Heath, Kristi Layton, Jack Wiesman, and Michelle Corson. ABSENT: Ruby Held OTHERS PRESENT: Judy Thompson, Joyce Roach, Lisa Councilman, Joe Hennig 1. CALL TO ORDER President Bradley called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. President Bradley introduced Judy Thompson and indicated that Ms. Thompson will be assisting the WHPS with the museum. President Bradley also introduced Lisa Councilman who will be joining the board upon appointment by the Board of Aldermen. Each member and guest introduced themselves. 2. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES -- DECEMBER 4, 2007 MEETING President Bradley asked that the minutes from the last meeting be read. Board Secretary Corson asked Member Sanden, who had prepared the minutes, to do the reading. MOTION: Member Heath made a motion to approve the revised minutes that had been sent by Member Sanden which included an additional paragraph regarding overrun/underrun charges and a revision to the language in the "Old Business" section stating that the Member Heath would be reimbursed for "equipment purchases," not "services." The motion was seconded by Member Layton seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Westlake Historical Preservation Society January 17, 2008 Page 2 of 3 Discussion ensued that minutes had not been read and approved from the October 16, 2007 meeting (prior to the Annual Meeting). Member Corson agreed to read those minutes for approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 3. TREASURER'S REPORT Kristi Layton presented the Treasurer's Report indicating an ending balance of $34,228.55 and sug1ested moving the $392 balance from the First American donation for the 50 celebration to an unrestricted line item. Discussion ensued with regard to the $20,000 Fidelity donation as to whether these funds should be restricted to be used toward the museum or not. Discussion also ensued regarding the Town's annual funding of the WHPS and whether a presentation needed to be made annually to ensure the same level of funding. Interim Town Manager Joe Hennig suggested that the Town might reduce the level of funding from year-to- year if not all of the budgeted funds are used and suggested a presentation to the Board of Aldermen in June with a request for funding. He also stated that the Town would help with cash flow needs on the advance of the book costs. Members Layton and Corson agreed to review the spreadsheet compiled by Debbie Piper with orders and pre -sales. MOTION: Member Corson made a motion to not restrict the $20,000 contribution from Fidelity, but to state that the Board's intention is to use those funds, if available, for the museum. Member Sanden seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. MOTION: Member Thornton made a motion to approve the Treasurer's Report. Member Walton seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 4. UPDATE ON HISTORY BOOK Joyce Roach indicated that the history book had been sent and received by the publishers on January 14'', which included six notebooks, and notified the board that the editor would have four copies of a proof to review. Discussion ensued regarding adding additional biographical sketches of current residents. Member Heath indicated that the cost for the book might increase with additional pages. President Bradley suggested sending another letter to residents with a deadline for biographies and Mrs. Roach indicated she might be able to get them included. President Bradley suggested the creation of a history book committee to oversee both market and orders of the books and asked that members consider who should serve on this committee. She also indicated that committees needed to be formed for the museum and for Decoration Day. President Bradley asked that Members Layton and Corson, along with Mrs. Thompson and President Bradley, comprise an oversight ad hoc committee on various WHPS matters. Westlake Historical Preservation Society January 17, 2008 5. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Page 3 of 3 A. Membership Campaign: President Bradley indicated that a chair was needed for a membership committee. Discussion ensued about combining the membership drive with book orders on a single -form providing for: basic membership dues, regular book, upgraded book, and additional contributions. Discussion ensued as to whether WHPS should be a 501(c)3 in order to obtain more tax-deductible contributions. President Bradley indicated she would consult Judge Brad Bradley. Member Thornton asked whether we would jeopardize our funding relationship with the town by taking this action. President Bradley will e-mail a draft of a membership/book order letter. B. Recap Year 2007: President Bradley postponed this item. C. Board Membership Terms: President Bradley postponed this item. b. HISTORY MUSEUM UPDATE President Bradley indicated that sponsored plaques needed to be order for the museum. Member Thornton suggested that we develop guidelines for the operation of the museum, for acknowledgement of donations, and for the security of the museum. He indicated that the museum had been left unsecured and President Bradley agreed to investigate. Member Layton will install some bell device to notify people in the office if someone enters the museum. Member Wiesman and President Bradley indicated they would seek guidance from Georgia Caraway on these guidelines and the tax deductibility of items contributed. President Bradley brought up the subject of cost-sharing with Texas Student Housing Corporation and acknowledged that Mrs. Thompson has agreed to provide help to the museum. Discussion ensued regarding the need to insure the contents of the museum, what would be covered by Maguire or the Town, and whether there might need to be some special contents insurance for items of historical value. President Bradley indicated the board should consider where the permanent home for the museum will be located. 7. ADJOURNMENT Regular meeting dates have been scheduled for the third Thursday of each month. MOTION: Member Heath motioned to adjourn. President Bradley seconded, the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED BY THE WHPS BOARD ON FEB. 22, 2008.