HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-25-11 WHPS MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY JULY 25, 2011 PRESENT: Bert Schultz, Kristi Layton and Stephen Thornton ABSENT: Kelly Bradley, Karen Stoltenberg, Ginger Awtry 1. CALL TO ORDER President Bert Schultz called the meeting to order at 10:05 AM. (It was agreed that we would continue to start the meeting at 10:00 AM for another month or two and see if the earlier start time worked better for the board. President Schultz, Members Thornton and Layton stated that the original 1:30 PM start was probably better and preferred by them. The board will continue to review starting time at the new few meetings before making a final decision.) 2. BOARD MEMBER RESIGNATIONS President Schultz informed the board that Board Members Allan Werst and Fred Held had sent e- mail notice of resignations on 7/21/2011 and 7/24/2011 respectively. He read their e-mails and his response back to Board Members Werst and Held. The resignations were accepted without further comment. President Schultz stated that he would prepare a letter of invitation to all existing WHPS members inviting them to apply for board member positions. It was believed that because they had already shown an interest in the society by becoming members, they may also be interested in becoming a board member. President Schultz will draft the letter for Member Layton to print and mail to existing WHPS members. 3. REVIEW JUNE 27, 2011 MEETING MINUTES Because a quorum was not present, President Schultz summarized the June 27, 2011 meeting minute content which will be formally read and approved at the next meeting. 4. REVIEW TREASURER'S REPORT Because a quorum was not present, Member Layton recapped the Treasurer's Report which will be updated and submitted for review and approval at the next meeting. President Schultz requested that the beginning and end date for the 2011 Fiscal Year be added to the report header. S. MEMBERSHIP REPORT Member Layton will submit an updated Membership Report at the next meeting. 6. PROPOSED MISSION STATEMENT President Schultz stated that he had spoken with Sharon Sanden and determined that the society did not have a formal Mission Statement. Members Bradley and Thornton submitted some documents that included verbiage that could be included in a mission statement. President Schultz will draft a mission statement for consideration by the board at the next meeting. 7. EVENT PLANNING UPDATE LIVING HISTORY PRESENTATIONS President Schultz stated that the Bat Masterson Living History Presentation was tentatively scheduled for Thursday 22 September, but availability of the Performance Hail must be confirmed by the Westlake Academy. President Schultz will follow up with the academy. HISTORICAL MARKER DEDICATION DAY President Schultz stated because we are currently considering the Living History Presentation for September, the Car Show for October and the Membership Meeting for November and possibly a 9/11 Memorial Program for September, the Town had no objections to moving the first Historic Marker Dedication Day to Spring 2012. We would then have three events in the Spring of 2012, (Historic Marker Dedication Day, a Living History Presentation and Decoration Day). Members Thornton and Layton had no objections and concurred with the schedule change. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AND RECEPTION Member Layton will determine the location for the 2011 General Membership Meeting and Reception, preferably the new Deloitte Facility. The tentative meeting and reception date is Thursday October 10, 2011. Member Layton will announce the meeting location at the next meeting. FIRST ANNUAL WESTLAKE VINTAGE AND CLASSIC CAR SHOW President Schultz reported that the First Annual Westlake Vintage and Classic Car Show is progressing according to plan and schedule. 10 registrations had already been received. He is preparing a Master Action Item List for the Town and the Society and will present same at the next meeting. 9/11 TENTH ANNIVERSARY MEMORIAL PROGRAM Member Thornton presented an outline program for a 9/11 Tenth Anniversary Memorial Program to be held on Sunday 9/11/2011 at the site of the 9/11 First Anniversary Memorial Tree site in the Glenwyck Farms/Westlake Town Park. A stone bench will be dedicated at the end of the program. President Schultz forwarded the program outline to the Town asking their approval and support for the program. 8. CONFIRM COMMITTEE CHAIR APPOINTMENTS President Schultz submitted Board Member Contact Information for review and approval. Several changes were noted and will be updated for review at the next meeting. He also submitted a list of Committee Chairs for review and comment. President Schultz will update the list of committee chairs and co-chairs for review by the board at the next meeting. 9. BOARD MEMBER RECOMMENDATIONS It was noted that Karen Stoltenberg has recruited a new board member who can start in September, and President Schultz will draft a letter to all WHPS members soliciting their interest in becoming board members. 10. MUSEUM WORKSHOP UPDATE/SCHEDULE President Schultz summarized the results of the first museum workshop held on Saturday July 9, 2011. The workshop was considered to be a tremendous success with significant progress being made. Another workshop is tentatively scheduled for Saturday August 27, 2011. 11. TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF MUSEUMS CONFERENCE President Schultz announced that the Irving Heritage Society is soliciting volunteers for the subject conference. If a volunteer assists the society, the volunteer will be able to attend a few sessions of the conference at no cost. Stephen appears to be the only person who may have an opportunity to volunteer on 4, 5 and 6 August. President Schultz will e-mail all of the details to Stephen for his consideration. 12. ADJOURNMENT President Schultz adjourned the meeting at 11:35 AM. APPROVED BY THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY BOARD ON THE DAY 2011, 1' '•J (7/25/2011) BERT SCHULTZ, PRESIDENT KAREN STOLTENBERG, SECRETARY SUBMITTED TO WESTLAKE TOWN SECRETARY KELLY EDWARDS i