HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-18-12 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting May 18, 2012 Board Members in Attendance: Kelly Cox, April Gallagher, Zan Jones, Charlotte Ryan, Rob Scott, Leah Rennhack, Sean Shope, Ken Gordon, Shelly Myers Guests: Tom Brymer, Lee Rosky I. K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:45 AM. 11. Motion to approve minutes of April 13, 2012 meeting by K. Gordon, second by A. Gallagher. Motion carried. III. Grant Recipient Presentation A. DP teacher, Lee Rosky, presented his experience at the "Poverty in Education Student Leadership Symposium" in Argentina • Attending with six GI I students, discussion centered on two key questions: "How does poverty impact education ?" and "How can education impact poverty ?" • Students from around the world attended. Other teachers were extremely complimentary of our students' active participation. • Upon returning, students shared their experiences with other classes and discussed plans to work on a CAS (i.e., Creativity, Action, Service) program that is more meaningful and impactful for student -led service efforts. The intention is to continue this program for G10 next year. IV. Financial Report • S. Shope reported that the financials remains stable. • L. Rennhack gave background on Capital Campaign initiative, and requested report of amount already transferred to the Town. R. Scott agreed to ensure that the $78,000 invoice received is accurate. • On the financial statements, K. Gordon requested that each fund show fund amount start. S. Shope will work with D. Piper to streamline the type and amount of information presented. • Motion to transfer remaining Bus /Vehicle amount of $8,693 to school's Transportation Fund by K. Gordon. Second by C. Ryan. Motion carried. • Motion to approve financials by K. Gordon. Second by L. Rennhack. Motion carried. V. Superintendent Report • T. Brymer reported on impact of state funding on school budget. Per student allocation is expected to be $159 less than 2011 -12, creating a $98,580 shortfall. • School leaders are working to settle and orient newly hired international teachers. • School architect is reviewing current and projected facilities needs with staff. A facilities plan needs to be completed and adopted. • Town Council planning retreat is scheduled for May 25`h. Budget retreat is scheduled for June 7th VI. Grants Committee • CAMT Math Conference in Houston (July 2012) for $1,202. Motion to approve by A. Gallagher; second by Z. Jones. Motion carried. • TODA Orchestra Directors conference (July 2012) for $1,104. Motion to approve by L. Rennhack; second by Z. Jones. Motion carried. • Purpose- Designed Cooperative Group Student Tables (for G4 -G6 classrooms and mini- commons) for $26,622. Motion to approve by K. Gordon; second by A. Gallagher. Motion carried. • Motion to decline U.S. Service Leadership Camp scholarship grant application by A. Gallagher; second by R. Scott. Motion carried. • Motion to decline Algebra I class scholarship grant application by R. Scott; second by A. Gallagher. Motion carried. VII. Marketing Committee • Spring newsletter was mailed and well received. Next edition will be an "Annual Report" in early Fall. • Will begin sending press releases both to society and business pages to further promote message that supporting Foundation initiatives is a good investment. VIII. Nomination Committee • R. Scott presented application of Rebecca Neidich to WAF board. Motion to approve by R. Scott; second by C. Ryan. Motion carried. • Will continue to seek additional nominations. IX. Next Meeting: June 8, 2012 — 8:30 AM in the Arts & Sciences conference room. X. A. Gallagher moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 11:07 AM. Second by L. Rennhack. Motion carried.