HomeMy WebLinkAboutUniversity Tower and Fourm Audit 97-98 The University Tower and Forum (Lodgeco) Properties of the Texas Student Housing Corporation, a Component Unit of the Town of Westlake, Texas Financial Statements For the Year Ended August 31, 1998, and the Period Ended August 31, 1997 Prepared by: Charles Haynes Certified Public Accountant TABLE OF CONTENTS Independent Auditor's Report ................................................................................ 1 BalanceSheet ........................................................................................................ 2 Statement of Revenues and Expenses ..................................................................... 3 Statementof Cash Flows ........................................................................................ 4 Notes to Financial Statements ................................................................................ v Independent Auditor's Report on Additional Information........................................ 9 Calculation of Amount Due to the Texas Student Housing Corporation Pursuant to Section 10.04 of the Installment Sale Agreement ............................ 10 Charles Haynes, CPA Certified Public Accountant 1903 Central Drive, Suite 300 Bedford, Texas 75021 (817) 545-1300 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Board of Directors Texas Student Housing Corporation We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the University Tower and Forum (Lodgeco) of the Texas Student Housing Corporation (the "TSHC"), a component unit of the Town of Westlake, Texas, as of and for the year ended August 31, 1998. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Texas Student Housing Corporation's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. As discussed in Note 1, the financial statements present only the Project and are not intended to present fairly the financial position and results of operations of the TSHC, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. In our opinion, based on our audit and the report of the other auditors, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Project as of August 31, 1998 and 1997, and the changes in its net assets and cash flows for the periods then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Bedford, Texas May 25, 1999 THE UNIVERSITY TOWER AND THE FORUM (LODGECO) PROPERTIES OF THE TEXAS STUDENT HOUSING CORPORATION, A COMPONENT UNIT OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS Balance Sheet August 31, 1998 and 1997 AUGUST 31, 1998 1997 CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,644,081 $ 2,281,705 Trade accounts receivable 2,637,185 1,849,053 Interproject receivable 11,371 13,384 Inventory 49,177 29,538 Prepaid and other 29,371 28,109 4,371,185 4,201,789 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT: Land 2,100,000 2,100,000 Buildings and improvements 21,367,999 21,132,494 Furniture, fixtures and equipment 1,835,299 1,692,715 25,303,298 24,925,209 Less: Accumulated depreciation 2,721,036 1,645,369 22,582,262 23,279,840 TOTAL ASSETS $ 26,953,447 $ 27,481,629 CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade accounts payable $ 185,612 $ 202,853 Notes payable - - Interproject payable 61,319 102,699 Property taxes payable 108,910 106,887 Scholarships awarded 36,961 59,088 Deferred Income 5,971,240 4,272,794 Capital lease obligation 1,376 .9,816 Other 5,410 5,075 6,370,828 4,759,212 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES: Capital lease obligation - - Long-term debt 24,000,000 24,000,000 Accrued interest 3,484,276 2,719,530 27,484,276 26,719,530 TOTAL LIABILITIES 33,855,104 31,478,742 NET ASSETS(LIABILITIES)-UNRESTRICTED (6,901,657) (3,997,113) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 26,953,447 $ 27,481,629 The accompanying notes are an Integral part of these financial statements 2 THE UNIVERSITY TOWER AND FORUM (LODGECO) PROPERTIES OF THE TEXAS STUDENT HOUSING CORPORATION, A COMPONENT UNIT OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAK.E, TEXAS Statement of Revenues and Expenses For the Year Ended August 31, 1996 and the Period Ended August 31, 1997 AUGUST 31, 1998 1997 OPERATING REVENUES: Rents $ 4,654,476 $ 4,875,735 Daily rental 35,295 23,691 Property activity, processing and maintenance fees 179,690 646,111 Dormitory phone service 209,371 215,527 Other 117,043 162,798 5,195,875 5,923,862 OPERATING EXPENSES: Property management 732,440 813,670 Food cost of sales 424,135 374,066 Other food expense 433,353 383,776 Phone expense 242,073 194,427 General and administrative 315,079 240,653 Energy costs 417,173 466,623 Real estate taxes and insurance 287,191 317,303 Maintenance and property operations 771,492 427,431 Management fees 159,303 167,496 Depreciation ti 1,070,682 1,034,359 4,852,921 4,419,804 EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSE FROM OPERATIONS 342,954 1,504,058 Interest expense 3,247,498 3,147,504 EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSE (2,904,544) (1,643,446) NET ASSETS AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD (3,997,113) (2,353,667) NET ASSETS AT END OF PERIOD $ (6,901,657) $ (3,997,113) 3 THE UNIVERSITY TOWER, FORUM, COLONY APARTMENTS AND VARIOUS OTHER RELATED PROPERTIES OF THE TEXAS STUDENT HOUSING CORPORATION, A COMPONENT UNIT OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS Consolidated Statement of Cash 'Flows For the Year Ended August 31, 1998, and the Period Ended August 31, 1997 AUGUST 31, 1998 1997 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Excess of revenue over(under) expense $ (2,904,544) $ (1,643,446) Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation 1,070,682 1,034,359 Changes in operating assets and liabilities: (Increase) decrease In accounts receivable (788,132) (2,353,668) (Increase) in Inventories (19,639) (25,012) (Increase) in other current assets (1,262) (35,362) Increase(decrease) in trade payables (17,241) 277,954 Increase In property taxes payable 2,023 174,944 Increase In scholarships awarded (22,127) - Increase(decrease) in deferred income 1,698,446 5,295,292 Increase(decrease) in other liabilities 335 68,851 NET CASH PROVIDED(USED) BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES (981,459) 2,793,912 CASK FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (Purchase) of property and equipment (378,089) (29,389,402) (Gain) on sale of assets (2,790) NET CASH (USED) IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES (380,879) (29,389,402) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Increase (decrease) in capital lease obligations (6,440) 16,062 Increase(decrease) in notes payable - .281,572 Increase in long-term debt - 29,000,000 Increase in accrued Interest 764,746 1,978,291 NET CASH PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES 756,306 31,275,925 Increase(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (637,624) 3,348,891 Beginning cash and cash equivalents 2,281,705 (1,067,186) ENDING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS $ 1,644,081 $ 2,281,705 SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURE OF CASH FLOW INFORMATION Cash paid during the year for: Interest $ 236,778 $ 242,569 Income taxes - - 5 THE UNIVERSITY TOWER AND FORUM (LODGECO) PROPERTIES OF THE TEXAS STUDENT HOUSING CORPORATION, A COMPONENT UNIT OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS Notes to Financial Statements August 31, 1998 Note 1 —Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Introduction The accompanying financial statements relate to the operation of The University 'Power (the "Tower"), and the Forum (the "Forum") located in Bryan, Texas (collectively referred to as the "Projects"). The Projects are owned by the Texas Student Housing Corporation (the "TSHC"), and are operated and managed under an agreement with SSRS, Inc., a professional property management firm. The TSHC is a Component Unit of the Town of Westlake, Texas. The Tower is comprised of two attached and fully integrated buildings. The first portion, a two-story structure, was constructed in 1963, and refurbished in 1989 and 1990. The second portion, a seventeen-story tower, was constructed in 1985. Together, the Tower consists of 843 dormitory units.' The Forum was constructed in 1964 and consists of 236 units. Effective January 20, 1996, the TSHC purchased the Tower, Forum and five (5) of the Other Properties from Lodgeco Properties, Ltd. for $24,000,000. The accompanying financial statements for the Projects reflect comparative revenues and expenses and cash flows for the years ended August 31, 1998 and 1997. Basis of presentatio n Financial statement presentation follows the recommendations of the Financial Accounting Standards Board in its Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 117, Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organization . Under SFAS No. 117, the TSHC is required to report information regarding its financial position and activities according to three classes of net assets: (1) unrestricted net assets, (2) temporarily restricted net assets, and (3) permanently restricted net assets. All of the net assets of these TSHC "projects". Basis of accounting The accompanying financial statements have been prepared using the accrual basis of accounting and accordingly reflect all significant receivables, payabies, and other assets 1 liabilities. Revenue recognition See Independent auditor's report 6 Revenues received in advance for housing leases, property activity fees, and maintenance fees are deferred and recognized over the term of the leases. Housing leases are classified as operating and are for periods ranging from five to twelve months. Revenue from non- refundable processing and late charge fees is recognized when received. Daily rental revenue is recorded daily on a check-in basis. All other daily rental revenue is recognized when earned. Cash and cash egquiva1mU For purposes of the statement of cash flows, all unrestricted highly liquid investments with initial maturities of three months or less are considered to be cash equivalents. Accounts receivable The accounts receivable include amounts due from tenants for leases, activity fees late charges and maintenance fees, and are stated net of all known uncollectible accounts. The Projects use historical experience to determine allowances for doubtful accounts, At August 31, 1998, management represented that no allowances were necessary. Income tax status TSHC is exempt from federal income tax under section 501C(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. However, income from certain activities not directly related to its tax-exempt purpose is subject to taxation as unrelated business income. Invento Inventory consists of food and food related items consumed in the normal course of operation of a dormitory establishment. It is recorded at the lower of cost or market on a first-in, first- out basis. Property and equipment Property and equipment is carried at cost. Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method over the estimated useful life. All expenditures for property and equipment greater than or equal to $500 and that have an economic uselife life in excess of two years are capitalized. During the year ended August 31, 1997 certain assets that were classified as Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment in the previous year were transferred to Building and Improvements. The resulting classifications more accurately represent the true nature of these assets. Use of estimates See Independent auditor's report 7 Management of the Projects has made a number of estimates and assumptions relating to the reporting of assets and liabilities, and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities to prepare these financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Not 2—Related Party Transactions During the period ended August 31, 1998, the Projects made payments and collected funds on behalf of other properties within the TSHC for various reasons, all in the ordinary course of business. These advances to and from each property are shown as interproject receivables and payables which are shown at their gross amounts for these "Projects" in the accompanying balance sheet. Note 3 —Future Minimum Rentals under Housinp,Leases The Projects have entered into housing contracts with individuals that relate to contract lease periods that extend beyond August 31, 1998. As of August 31, 1998, the future minimum lease revenue under non-cancelable housing leases for housing within the Projects is zero. Not 4—Property and Equipment The Projects' property and equipment at August 31, 1998 was comprised of the following: Buildings& Furniture& Machinery& Accumulated and lmprovmnts Eixture s ui ment Depreciation Total Tower and 5 Other Properties $1,700,000 $18,791,059 $1,493,475 $131,794 ($2,402,919) $19,713,409 Forum 400,000 2,576,940 186,078 23,952 (318,117) 2,868,853 Totals $2,100,000 $21,367,999 $1,679,553 $155,746 ($2,721,036) $26,953,447 Note 5 — Obligations under Leases As of August 31, 1998 there are no obligations for future payments under operating leases. See Independent auditor's report 8 Note b—Long-Term Debt TSHC has the following obligations for these "Projects" pursuant to Installment Sales Agreement (the"Agreement") related to the Projects: Lod2eco Properties,Ltd. Mortgage Payable Bearing 12% Interest • Payable in monthly installments including interest of variable minimum amounts,as defined in the Agreement • Unpaid portion due January 19, 2021 Secured by facilities, properties and net revenues of the Tower, Forum and five(5)of the Other Properties $24,000,000 The Agreements provide that 2.5% of net operating income as therein defined be retained by the TSHC. The bylaws of the TSHC provide for these funds to be used to fund a student assistance program that provides education and/or housing assistance to qualifying students. The Agreement requires any remaining net operating income, after reduction for amounts paid to the Reserve Replacement Fund (defined in the Agreement) and the amount due TSHC, be applied to any outstanding and unpaid interest, and then principal. No repayment of the principal portion of long-term debt is anticipated during the five-year period subsequent to August 31, 1998. See Independent auditor's report 9 THE UNIVERSITY TOWER, FORUM, COLONY APARTMENTS AND VARIOUS OTHER RELATED PROPERTIES OF THE TEXAS STUDENT HOUSING CORPORATION, A COMPONENT UNIT OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS Calculation of Amount Due to the Texas Student Housing Corporation Pursuant to Section 10.01 of the Installment Sale Agreements For the Year Ended August 31, 1998 Lodgeco Properties, Ltd. Excess of revenue over(under) expense from operations $ 582,672 Add: Non-operating 1 maintenance expenses Depreciation $ 1,070,682 Scholarships awarded 59,088 1,129,770 Less: Amounts deposited into the Replacement Reserve Fund 234,000 NET OPERATING INCOME $ 1,478.442 AMOUNT DUE TO THE TEXAS STUDENT HOUSING CORPORATION (2'/.%) $ 36,861 13