HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-13-12 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting April 13, 2012 Board Members in Attendance: Casey Paulson, Kelly Cox, April Gallagher, Zan Jones, Charlotte Ryan, Rob Scott, Jeff Watson, Leah Rennhack, Sean Shope, Ken Gordon, Shelly Myers Guests: Livia Miller I. K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:39 AM. II. Motion to approve Minutes of February 17, 2012 meeting by C. Paulson, second by C. Ryan. Motion carried. III. Financial Report • S. Shope reported stable balance sheet with $253,000 in total revenue, predominantly coming from Gallery Night. • Pledges receivable are from the Arts & Sciences building Capital Campaign. S. Myers will follow - up with outstanding pledges. • Moving forward, we will create an aging report for each campaign's month -to -month outstanding pledges (i.e., Blacksmith Annual Fund, Gallery Night, and Westlake Baja). • Motion to approve financials by R. Scott, second by A. Gallagher. Motion carried. IV. Development Committee • Gallery Night gross proceeds totaled $243,000. Overall guest feedback was extremely positive with areas to improve including silent auction closings, and timing of dinner and live auction. • Discussed establishing themed sponsor rooms /suites as well as offering complimentary rooms with brunch as way to add value to sponsorships. • Baja planned for October 2, 2012 with the VIP party to be held in Vaquero. Sponsorships and auction forms will be ready soon. The committee is considering changing the golf experience to more of a "carnival games" event. • Review and update of complimentary VIP guest list is ongoing; directors are encouraged to share names as appropriate. • Considering a "Stock Tale" cocktail party as part of Blacksmith campaign to educate and encourage major donors to gift appreciated stock to fulfill annual fund pledges. V. Marketing Committee • Gallery Night received significant newspaper and magazine coverage, sparking idea to create a "Media Book" to include with next year's sponsor packages. Showing previous year's coverage can demonstrate value of sponsorship. Spring newsletter will have a "Gifts in Action" theme. Z. Jones, S. Myers and J. Kelly attended the National School Foundation Association annual conference. Sessions included marketing, grantwriting, alumni outreach, and best office practices. VI. Investment Committee • Matt Brann and Cord Adams of Shamrock Asset Management gave quarterly update of WAF's three funds; return since account inception is up 6.4 %. • S. Myers will re- examine Deloitte letter for naming intentions. • Shamrock will monitor investment mix against WAF Investment Policy to ensure compliance. • Re- circulate Investment Policy to board for review and consider charging each fund an administrative and investment fee. VII. Administrative Committee K. Gordon shared succession planning discussion, including: 1) Administrative committee would provide officer and director nominations instead of a separate nomination committee; 2) Past presidents would serve on advisory board; 3) Vice President would not automatically become President; 4) Director terms would move from 2 to 3 years; 5) President, after 2 years of service, has option of staying 1 -2 more years. Will review director terms and determine returning members and any openings. VIII. Grants Committee Grant recipient, Vicki Nees, MYP Counselor, recently attended the LEAD conference, which focused on making student organizations more efficient and effective. Some conference ideas have already been implemented: (1) Student Council elections and inductions were moved to the Spring to allow training and transition time for next year's leaders; (2) All student organizations will have a representative on Student Council to better coordinate activities; and (3) Day of community service for all G7 -11 students, "Operation Secret Service," has been scheduled for May 4. S. Myers presented this month's grant request: • Teachers' College Reading and Writing Proiect "Summer Institute in Reading ": week -long professional development experience at Columbia University for PYP teacher. Motion to approve by R. Scott, second by C. Ryan. Approved for $2,180. • Language and Culture in Today's Spain: two -week immersion experience for PYP teacher to gain strategies and resources for teaching Spanish. Motion to approve by C. Ryan, second by S. Shope. Approved for $2,500. • "Poverty and Education" Leadership Symposium: budget amendment to previously approved grant to cover DP teacher's registration and Visa costs. Motion to approve by A. Gallagher, second by Z. Jones. Approved for $225. IX. President Report • Given availability of need -based scholarship funds, a meeting with school leadership has been scheduled to establish a process to objectively determine student financial need. X. Next Meeting: May 11, 2012 — 8:30 AM in the Arts & Sciences conference room. XI. L. Rennhack moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 11:00 AM. Second by A. Gallagher. Motion carried.