HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-24-15 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting August 24, 2015 Board Members in Attendance: Deanna Titzler, Zan Jones, Sean Shope, Wendy Greenwood, Karen Stoltenberg, Andy Sedino, Chris Jeppesen, Kevin Hansen, Debbie Kraska, Leah Rennhack Others in Attendance: Julie Kelly, Shelly Myers I. K. Stoltenberg called the meeting to order at 8:31 AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of June 8, 2015 meeting by A. Sedino, second by C. Jeppesen. Motion carried. III. Financial Report  S. Shope reported that grants for the 2014-15 school year will be paid in August.  Discussed draft of new Foundation budget. o Reviewed decrease in Baja revenues and possible changes to event. o Discussed potential need for Board to review all revenue items prior to budget passage. o Board will vote on budget at next month’s meeting.  Motion to approve financial report by A. Sedino, second by C. Jeppesen. Motion carried. IV. Development Committee  Blacksmith Annual Fund campaign. o S. Myers informed board that BAF goal for 2015-16 will be $1.1million. o BAF campaign will be presented to parents at Curriculum Nights. o K. Stoltenberg reported that grade captains will be contacted in the coming month.  Giving Day o North Texas Giving Day is scheduled for September 17th, and last year’s Giving Day’s donors will be emailed to encourage participation and request this year’s donation.  Baja o Event is scheduled for October 19th.  Donated Air Miles o S. Myers reported that a former WA parent is interested in a program to allow individuals to donate airline miles to the school. o American Airlines will need to be contacted to inquire about method by which individuals can transfer miles without fees. V. Marketing Committee  Z. Jones reported that committee met over the summer to work on the Evergreen piece.  W. Greenwood reported that Postcard and Year in Review pieces will include theme of “I heart WA.”  Ongoing plan will be to relate donations received to reasons for why students love WA. VI. Grants Committee  S. Myers presented request to amend the “Recruitment/Retention” grant approved in June 2014 to include the funding (partially or fully) for the recruitment of recently hired College Counselor.  Motion to approve $7,000 of grant request by D. Kraska, second by D. Titzler. Motion carried. Approval was not unanimous; 2 nays. VII. Administrative Report  K. Stoltenberg presented application of Mr. Adam Smith for service on WAF Board of Directors.  Motion to approve appointment by C. Jeppesen, second by A. Sedino. Appointment approved. VIII. President’s Report  No report IX. Executive Director’s Report  S. Myers reported on recent meeting with WA House of Commons Speaker, Melissa Morse. Presented recommendation to use joint funding method. All grant requests would come through the Foundation for determination of appropriate vehicle for funding, WA Foundation or WA HOC. Other Business  None Next Meeting: Monday, September 14, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Lee Field House Conference Room, WA A. Sedino moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by C. Jeppesen. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:49AM.