HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-08-15 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting June 8, 2015 Board Members in Attendance: Bill Greenwood, Karen Stoltenberg, Zan Jones, Debbie Kraska, Kevin Hansen, Andy Sedino, Andy Grieser, Deanna Titzler, Wendy Greenwood, Jeff Watson, and Ken Gordon Others in Attendance: Shelly Myers, Julie Kelly I. K. Stoltenberg called the meeting to order at 8:39 AM with introduction of newest WAF Board Directors, Wendy Greenwood and Deanna Titzler. II. Motion to approve minutes of May 18, 2015 meeting by A. Sedino, second by D. Kraska. Motion carried. III. Financial Report  Statement of financial position reviewed by S. Myers. o S. Myers discussed Financial Analysis. Gallery Night Hotel/Meeting expense of $72.48 was actually revenue, so needs to be corrected. o The $50,000 Fund-an-Item goal was being counted twice, in Gallery Night budgeted revenue as well as its own line. The correction put actual auction revenue much closer to goal. o Efforts to collect outstanding Blacksmith Annual Fund pledges have been successful and will continue over the summer.  Motion to approve financial report by A. Sedino, second by K. Hansen. Motion carried. IV. Development Committee  Continued review of WAF events o Baja  There are no half-day Mondays during the school year that would allow for teacher participation in a daytime event any earlier than 3pm.  Discussed Tennis events beginning earlier in the day to allow participating ladies time to prepare for evening cocktail party.  Recommended outdoor DJ/music to enhance party atmosphere.  Will connect with Larrah Lewis, Vaquero’s new Special Events Coordinator. o Foundation VIP Party  Will continue with one, collective VIP event as feedback has all been positive.  Discussed a different location such as the new Circle T Ranch barn, the Bella Vita model home or the new Trophy Club Meat U Anywhere location. o Gallery Night  Event scheduled for March 5, 2016.  Feedback was all positive, other than exorbitant bar bill.  A. Sedino suggested doing away with passed hors d’oeuvres to reduce event cost.  Researching online auction methods. V. Marketing Committee  Z. Jones reported progress on the June postcard, 2014-15 year-in-review, and Evergreen piece.  Evergreen piece will discuss all ways to contribute to WAF versus just informing of options. VI. President’s Report  K. Stoltenberg reported that 2014-15 has been a great year for events and fundraising for the WAF.  The new Board Directors have enthusiasm and great ideas to contribute.  Back to School party is going to take place in August before school year begins. Plan to contact all known new families prior to event to introduce and personally invite to the party. VII. Executive Director’s Report  S. Myers reported that the WA Family Campout has been rescheduled for September 18, 2015.  North Texas Giving Day is September 17, 2015, with bonus funds possibly going toward STEM or STEAM initiatives.  She is currently working with Finance Department on filing annual 990 with IRS.  DP Economics Shark Tank grant activity will be implemented in fall 2015 to allow more time for planning and participation by students. Other Business  J. Watson reported that recent speakers at Board of Trustees meetings have voiced concerns regarding the school. Enrollment and admissions changes were approved, and will go into effect August 2015.  Gift presentation was made by K. Stoltenberg and S. Myers to Ken Gordon and Bill Greenwood, to show thanks and appreciation for their years of service on the WAF Board. Next Meeting: Monday, August 24, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Lee Field House Conference Room, WA D. Kraska moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by A. Grieser. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:21AM.