HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-13-12 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting January 13, 2012 Board Members in Attendence: Zan Jones, Casey Paulson, Kelly Cox, Charlotte Ryan, Bill Greenwood, Kevin Hansen, Sean Shope, Ken Gordon, Jeff Watson, Shelly Myers Guests: Debbie Piper, Tom Brymer, Julie Kelly, April Harrell, and Lindsey Fickus with Patillo, Brown & Hill I. K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:38 AM. II. Superintendent's Report • Thank you extended for software and recruiting grants. International teacher recruitment fair in London with take place the week of January 24, 2012. Another career fair will be in Boston, MA in February. • The Board of Trustees is continuing to work through and review expansion options and financial sustainability, considering surveys and vetting the waiting list. Another factor to consider would be the availability of quality teachers needed to support expansion. III. Motion to approve Minutes of December 9, 2011 meeting by B. Greenwood, second by C. Ryan. Motion carried. IV. Financial Report • Minimal activity during the month of December, with relatively normal activity in expenses. • Annual audit by Patillo, Brown & Hill was presented by Lindsey Fickus. ❖ The Financials received an unqualified opinion, which assures the highest level of accuracy in the Foundation's financial records, and that they are free of material misstatements. ❖ S. Shope is still working to compare the FYI I audit to the FYI figures. ❖ Patillo, Brown & Hill has been auditing the WAF since 2007. ❖ FYI revealed net assets of $780,000 and FYI I were approximately $1 million. ❖ K. Gordon questioned whether the WAF could do anything to improve internal controls. The audit does include a review of processes, papers and procedures. • Motion to accept the FYI I audit as presented and financials by C. Paulson, second by K. Gordon. Motion carried. V. Grants Committee Guest teacher, April Harrell, presented her experience at the grant- funded National Council for English Teachers conference, November 17 -22, 2011. She shared several of the resources that she brought back for PYP, MYP and DP staff. ❖ The complexity of texts read by high school students correlate directly with college readiness. She reported that WA has pushed more challenging texts, often at younger grades, and shared classic texts written in graphic novel form (e.g., "The Merchant of Venice," "Beowulf," "The Odyssey ") that younger students might find appealing. ❖ She learned strategies for using film as literature. The course was taught by a college professor, which has helped her convey the expectations for incoming college students. ❖ She also attended a session focused on strategies for introducing grammar lessons. ❖ She has not had a chance to share the information gleaned from the conference with the other English teachers. The Board discussed ensuring that grant recipients have been effective before awarding future grants. IB Learns grant ❖ Z. Jones inquired about committing to the $7,600 annual fee. S. Myers will follow up with school administration regarding expectations for ongoing financial responsibility of this fee. • Presented amended budget for National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts grant. Motion to approve by C. Paulson, seconded by B. Greenwood. Motion carried. Approved for $640.00. VI. Gallery Night Report • Donor and Sponsor forms were distributed for review. • John Klukan, Marriott general manager, has been extremely helpful with event planning. • Our partnership with the Westlake Public Arts to launch the "Artist- in- Residence" program for PYP class art is going well. The WPAS will provide funds for the professional artists involved. VII. Investment Committee • Investments have increased by several thousand dollars. Shamrock Financial will present at the April Board meeting. • K. Hansen will send letter to the Rogers Family to discuss their fund with the Foundation. • Motion to discuss and determine brokerage for receiving gifts of stock by K. Gordon. Second by C. Ryan. Motion carried. K. Hansen, S. Shope, and S. Myers will meet and discuss options. VIII. Marketing Committee • Gallery Night details have been submitted to area media. • Z. Jones sent a media alert for the IB diploma presentation, which was picked up by local TV and newspapers and received nice coverage. • Working on strategies to engage and build relationship with alumni. IX. President's Report • Presented need for an officer succession plan. The Administrative Committee will review and advise. • S. Myers will work with school leadership to help close the loop regarding grant implementation. • C. Ryan volunteered to assist S. Myers in creating formal, permanent donor recognition. X. Executive Director Report • None XI. Next Meeting: February 10, 2011— 8:30 AM in the Arts & Sciences conference room. XII. B. Greenwood moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 10:40 AM. Second by Z. Jones. Motion carried.