HomeMy WebLinkAboutHOC Financial StatementsWestlake Academy House of Commons STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION As of June 30, 2015 BOT 09/14/15 Total ASSETS Current Assets Bank Accounts Cash - Spirit Shop 100.00 Checking - Main - 6053 20,102.29 Checking - SCRIPs - 5366 1,392.79 PayPal 3,306.91 Savings - 0988 24,746.32 Secured Credit Card 5,000.00 Total Bank Accounts 54,648.31 Other current assets Donations/Sponsorships Receivable 0.00 Inventory - House Shirts 1,063.35 Inventory - Spirit Shop Merchandise 5,538.92 Prepaid Expenses 0.00 WAHOC Accounts Receivable/IOUs 0.00 Total Other current assets 6,602.27 Total Current Assets 61,250.58 Fbced Assets Computers 3,591.39 Total Fixed Assets 3,591.39 TOTAL ASSETS 864,841.97 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Art Funds Payable - Original Works 0.00 OW MYP/DP 428.30 OW PYP 1,059.90 OW PYP/MYP 216.86 Total Art Funds Payable - Original Works 1,705.06 Holiday Scrips Program 0.00 Accrual Basis livion, Sep 11 :21)i\71 GMT -7 Total Library Funds Payable - Book Fair 2,855.11 Proposal Payables 0.00 Graduate Board 550.00 PE Field Day - Kona Ice 0.00 PE Stopwatches 0.00 Ping Pong Club - Equipment 450.00 Senior Bricks 2,200.00 Smart Board 0.00 Teacher of the Year Award 0.00 Total Proposal Payables 3,200.00 WAHOC Accounts Payable 0.00 Total Other Current Liabilities 7,760.17 Total Current Liabilities 7,760.17 Total Liabilities 7,760.17 Equity Opening Balance Equity 51,996.51 Retained Eamings 0.00 Net Revenue 5,085.29 Total Equity 57,081.80 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 564,841.97 Accrual Basis Mon, Sep 14 11:20A.M GMT -7 Westlake AcademyHoBse of Commons STATEMENT OFACTIVITY " July 2014 - June 2015 Totai REVENUE Fundraising Events Revenue 0.00 Bandana Bonanza 0.00 B2 T-shirt and Bandana Sales 1,264'00 Donations 2,930.00 Total Bandana Bonanza 4,194.00 Clearing - Events 0.00 Monster Mash 0.00 Dance Tickets - pre -order 570.00 Dodgeball Tourney - pre -order 72.00 DodgebaUTourney-sm|datevmnt 4'00 Food - pre -order 1.684.00 Food-oo|dotmvent 1,008.00 Game Tickets - pre -order 1,992'00 Giowing Goblin Store 770.00 Haunted House Tickets - pre -order 0.00 Tickets - sold at event 1.518.00 VIP Parking - pre -order 525.00 V|PParhng-oddatevent 100.00 ' ''--- - Total Monster Mash 8,224.00 Total Fundraising Events Revenue 12,418.00 Furidraising Program Revenue 0.80 Amazon Smile Program 283.75 Box Tops Program 12.60 EPI School Supply Proceeds 2,073.28 Grocery Store Programs 4,612.82 Schoot Picture Proceeds 5,247.15 SCRIP Proceeds 626.00 Total Fundraising Program Revenue 12,855.40 General HOC Revenue 411.00 Donations/Sponsorships 407.00 HOC Paper Suppty Fees 2,880'00 Studerit Directory Sales 1'293.00 Total Teacher Appreciation Fees 3,255.00 Total General HOC Revenue 8,246.00 Social Events Revenue 0.00 Restaurant Nights 1,208.26 Student Socials/Activities 0.00 Bowl n Tag - Main Event 2,158.00 Total Student Socials/Activities 2,158.00 Total Social Events Revenue 3,366.26 Spirit Shop Revenue 0.00 House Shirt Sales 4,795.00 Spirit Shop Merchandise 49,813.35 Uniform Resale 5,125.00 Total Spirit Shop Revenue 59,733.35 Total Revenue 96,619.01 GROSS PROFIT 96,619.01 EXPENDITURES Education Events Expenses 0.00 Other Education events 66.92 Spelling Bee 218.01 Total Education Events Expenses 284.93 Executive Board Expenses 0.00 Board Meeting Expenses 13.98 Conferences/Training 2,177.14 Leadership Team - Shirts 627.00 Leadership Team - Supplies 589.17 Total Executive Board Expenses 3,407.29 Fundraising Events Expenses 0.00 Bandana Bonanza 0.00 B2 - Bandanas & Shirts (cost) 1,336.00 B2 - Entertainment Expense 0.00 Total Bandana Bonanza 1,336.00 Monster Mash 0.00 Decorations/Supplies 436.81 MM - Glow Store Merchandise (cost) 514.72 MM - Thank You Gifts 225.00 Total Monster Mash 1,176.53 Total Fundraising Events Expenses 2,512.53 Fundraising Program Expenses 0.00 Total Fundraising Program Supplies/Misc 90.52 Total Fundraising Program Expenses 90.52 General HOC Expenses 0.00 Bad Debts 137.00 Bank Charges 246.00 Copy/Print charges 187.88 Credit Card Fees 830.81 Filing Fees 5.14 Insurance - Liability 75.00 Legal & Professional Fees 625.00 Miscellaneous 306.30 Rent - Storage Facility 2,056.80 Subscriptions - CC/QB 1,202.47 Supplies and Materials 515,13 Total General HOC Expenses 6,187.53 HOC Funded Proposals 0.00 C3 Student Leadership 250.00 Fine Arts Program 6,700.61 Graduate Board 550.00 Hammer Time 1,200.00 HOC Holiday Scrips Contribution 825.00 PE Field Day - Kona Ice 800.00 PE Stopwatches 311.19 Ping Pong Club - Equipment 450.00 Senior Bricks 2,280.00 Smart Board 6,766.62 SS Gift Certs Issued (at cost. x1.3 for fair value) 975.00 Teacher of the Year Award 1,500,00 Visual Learning Conference 1,797.00 Total HOC Funded Proposals 24,405.42 Social Events Expenses 0.00 New Family/New Student Welcome Events 508.05 Student Socials/Activities 0.00 Bowl n Tag - Main Event 1,802.35 Total Student Socials/ActivIties 1,802.35 Tears and Cheers 21.11 Total Social Events Expenses 2,332.11 Spirit Shop Expenses 0.09 House T-shirts - cost Spirit Shop Merchandise - cost Spirit Shop Supplies Table f?entat Total Spirit Shop Expenses Teacher Appreciation Expenses Teacher Car Wash Teacher Coffee Expense Teacher Gifts Teacher Meals Expense T. Teacher Appreciation Expenses Volunteer Expenses Room Mom Program Volunteer Appreciation Gifts Volunteer Supplies Volunteer T-shirts/Nametags Total Volunteer Expenses Total Expenditures T 3,176.95 41,474.53 420.17 104.00 45,175.65 0,00 540.00 568.09 1,831.30 2,873.12 5,832.51 0.00 257.06 275.00 57.42 130.00 719.48 90,947.97 NET OPERATING REVENUE 5,671.04 OTHER REVENUE Interest Eamed Total Other Revenue 9.39 9.39 OTHER EXPEN D ITU R ES - Miscellaneous Total Other Expenditures 595.14 595.14 Nt OTHER REVENUE NET REVENUE -585.75 $5,085.29 -- • Westlake Academy House of Commons STATEMENT OF ACTIVITY July 1 - September 14, 2015 Total REVENUE Fundraising Program Revenue 0.00 Amazon Smile Program 109.64 Grocery Store Programs 413.90 Total Fundraising Program Revenue 523.54 General HOC Revenue 0.00 HOC Administration Fees 2,214.00 HOC Paper Supply Fees 2,214.00 Teacher Appreciation Fees 2,952.00 Total General HOC Revenue 7, .00 Social Events Revenue 0.00 Student Socials/Activities 0.00 SkateTown Fall Social 268.00 Total Student Socials/Activities 268.00 Total Social Events Revenue 268.00 Spirit Shop Revenue 832.00 Spirit Shop Merchandise 11,086.00 Uniform Resale 2,518.00 Total Spirit Shop Revenue 14,438.00 Square Income 0.00 Total Revenue 22,607.54 GROSS PROFIT 22,607.54 EXPENDITURES Executive Board Expenses 0.00 Conferences/Training 1,086.44 Total Executive Board Expenses 1,086.44 General HOC Expenses 0.00 Bank Charges 187.00 Rent - Storage Facility 390.00 Subscriptions - CC/QB 90.00 Supplies and Materials 45.22 Total General HOC Expenses 712.22 HOC Funded Proposals 0.00 Total PE Field Day - Kona Ice 580l0 PE Stopwatches 143.32 Teacher of the Year Award 1,500.00 - - - - Tata! HOC Funded Proposals 2,143.32 Spirit Shop Expenses 0.00 Spirit Shop Merchandise - cost 9.276.15 Spirit Shop Supplies 768.11 &JrTifotn! Resale Supplies 56.18 Total Spirit Shop Expenses 10,099.44 Square Fees 225.82 Teacher Appreciation Expenses 0.00 Supplies 448.50 Teacher Back to School Lunch 1'071.00 Teacher Gifts 1,306.80 Total Teacher Appreciation Expenses 2,824.30 Total Expenditures 17, 1.54 NET OPERATING REVENUE 5,516.00 OTHER REVENUE Interest Earned Total Other Revenue 0.63 0.83 OTHER EXPENDITURES Other Miscellaneous Expenditure Lost or Stolen Assets Total Other Miscellaneous Expenditure Total Other Expwdituree 0.00 100.00 100.00 NET OTHER RE\/ENUE -99.37 NET REVENUE $5,416.63 Westlake Academy House of Commons STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION As of September 14, 2015 Total ASSETS Current Assets Bank Accounts Cash - Spirit Shop 100.00 Checking - Main - 6053 19,668.47 Checking - SCRIPs - 5366 9,478.61 PayPal 3,070.91 Savings - 0988 24,746.95 Secured Credit Card 5,000.00 Total Bank Accounts 62,064.94 Accounts Receivable Billed Accounts Receivable - QB 0.00 Total Accounts Receivable 0.00 Other current assets Donations/Sponsorships Receivable 0.00 Inventory - House Shirts 1,063.35 Inventory - Spirit Shop Merchandise 5,538.92 Prepaid Expenses 0.00 Undeposited Funds 0.00 WAHOC Accounts Receivable/IOUs 0.00 Total Other current assets 6,602.27 Total Current Assets 68,667.21 Fixed Assets Computers 3,591.39 Total Fixed Assets 3,591.39 TOTAL ASSETS $72,258.60 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Art Funds Payable - Original Works OW MYP/DP Accrual Basis Mon, Sep 14 11:19AM GMT -7 0.00 428.30 Total OW PYP 1,059.90 OW PYP/MYP 216.86 Total Art Funds Payable - Original Works 1,705.06 Holiday Scrips Program 0.00 Library Funds Payable - Book Fair 2,855.11 Proposal Payables 0.00 Graduate Board 550.00 PE Field Day - Kona Ice 500.00 PE Stopwatches 0.00 Ping Pong Club - Equipment 450.00 Senior Bricks 2,200.00 Smart Board 0.00 Teacher of the Year Award 1,500.00 Total Proposal Payables 5,200.00 WAHOC Accounts Payable 0.00 Total Other Current Liabilities 9,760.17 Total Current Liabilities 9,760.17 Total Liabilities 9,760.17 Equity Opening Balance Equity 51,996.51 Retained Earnings 5,085.29 Net Revenue 5,416.63 Total Equity 62,498A3 TOTAL UABILMES AND EQUITY $72,258.60 Accrual Basis Mon, Sep 14 11:19AM GMT -7