HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-15-03 PZ Agenda PacketNotice of Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Page I of I
182 ;111113
Notice is hereby given that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Westlake. Texas will. hold
a meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 159 20039 at the Westlake Town Hall, 3 Village Circle, Suite
207. Solana, in the Town of Westlake, Texas, to consider the following agenda
1. Meeting called to order and announce a quorum.
2. Review and approve the minutes of the meeting held on March I'), 2003=
3. Conduct a Public Hearing to consider a request from Hillwood Development Corp. to rezone 39.6
acres located partially in I'D 3-8 and PD 3-7 along US 377 just north of the Town's West Pump
4. Adj ourm-nent.
I certify that the above notice was posted on the front door of the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3
Village Circle, Suite 207, Westlake, Texas, on Monday, May 12, 2003, at 5:00 p.m., under the Open
Meetings Act,- Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
GlIngeVrosswy, Towm%ecretary
If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the
Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-430-0941 and reasonable accommodations will be made to
assist you.
http://www.westlake-tx.org/agendas/Pz05l5O3.htm 05/12/20033
Present: William E. Greenwood, Chairman
Allen Heath, Vice Chairman
Hank Barry, Member
Stan Parchman, Member
Sharon Sanden, Member
Trent Petty, Town Manager
Don Wilson, Emergency Services Coordinator
Chuck Stark, Town Engineer
Eddie Cheatham, Water & Wastewater Engineer
Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary
Absent: No one.
Item #1: Chairman Greenwood opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Item #2: Review and approve minutes of the regular meeting held on November 14, 2002. Motion by Commissioner
rry, seconded by Commissioner Sanden, to approve the minutes as presented. There was no discussion and the
motion carried unanimously.
Item #3: Conduct a staff presentation to consider the final plat for the Westlake Pump Station. Mr. Petty told the
Commission that staff was recommending approval. There was a motion by Commissioner Heath, seconded by
Commissioner Parchman, to recommend approval of the final plat. There was no discussion and the motion carried
Item #4: Conduct a staff presentation to consider amendments to the Engineering Design Standards. Mr. Petty, Mr.
Wilson, Mr. Cheatham and Mr. Stark went through every amendment and explained these to the Commission. After
a short question and answer session on each item there was a motion by Commissioner Barry, seconded by
Commissioner Heath, to recommend approval of the amendments as presented to the Board of Aldermen. There was
no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously.
Item #5: There was a motion by Commissioner Barry, seconded by Commissioner Sanden, to adjourn. The motion
carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission on , 2003.
William E. Greenwood, Chairman
Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary
TO: Planning & Zoning Commission
FROM: Mr. Trent Petty, Town Manager �
Mr. Stan Lowry, Town attorney
Mr. Jeff Williams, Town Engineer
Consider a rezoning of a portion of PD 3-7 and PD 3-8, and more specifically.a 39.6 acre tract
located along U.S. 377 just north of the Town's West Pump Station.
- The _Staff ,has _ determined _the . proposed re -zoning from Office industrial and Public Golf to
.Off ce Campus Healthcare is consistent with the Town's Master Land Use Plan.
The property is currently zoned as PD 3-8 (Oce Industrial) and PD 3-7 (Public Golf). The
proposed zoning is Office Campus — Healthcare. The proposed rezoning request for the 39.6
acre tract does not affect the remainder of the property contained in PD 3-7 and PD 3-8. The
applicant has submitted: (1) full size zoning exhibit (24" x 36") for the proposed tract to be
rezoned; (2) zoning exhibit, aerial photograph, and legal description; (3) location map showing
the site with respect to the boundary of the Circle T; (4) draft of the PD Ordinance. These
documents are attached for your use. We have reviewed the legal description and verified the
accuracy of this document.
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WHEREAS, on August 24, 1992, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of
Westlake, Texas adopted a Comprehensive Plan for the Town; and
WHEREAS, - on November 13, 1992, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of
Westlake, Texas adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, on September 15, 1997, based upon the recommendations of the
Planning and Zoning Commission, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake,
Texas amended the Zoning Ordinance and the subdivision regulations by adopting a
'Unified Development Code for the Town (the "Town"); and
WHEREAS, on September 14, 1998, the Board of Aldermen adopted Ordinance
314 rezoning an approximate 222.6 -acre tract of land to a Planned Development District
known as "PD 3-8" and authorizing office, office/industrial, and retail uses; and
WHEREAS, on November 13, 2000, the Board of Aldermen adopted Ordinance
313-01 rezoning an approximate 210.4 -acre tract of land to a Planned Development
District known as "PD 3-7 and authorizing office, office campus, and public golf course
uses; and
WHEREAS, an analysis of the Town*s codes and regulations has determined that
an amendment to these codes and regulations are required in order to protect the health,
safety, and welfare of the Town and to comply with the development goals for low
density residential development; and
Page 1 of 7
WHEREAS, on , the Planning and Zoning Commission of
the Town has recommended that the Zoning Ordinance as contained in the Unified
Development Code be revised in accordance with the procedures and processes
established in that code for the Town;
That the recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated herein, adopted by the
Town and found to be true and correct.
SECTION 1: General Regulations: The property as shown in Exhibits "A"
and "B" is hereby rezoned in accordance with this ordinance. The general regulations and
requirements of the property as shown in Exhibits "A" and "B" shall be identical to and
consistent with the requirements of the zoning category "0" Office Park, described in
Ordinance 314, Town of Westlake Uniform Development Code.
1.1 Zoning Exhibit
A. Any amendment of PD 3-8 for the "0" land use shall be accompanied by a zoning
exhibit map drawn to scale that clearly indicates the location of the requested
zoning, the land uses planned for the land use, the name of the applicant, the
name of the owner, the date of preparation of the zoning exhibit, north arrow and
scale, and any general notes deemed appropriate.
B. The zoning exhibit map shall be a part of the zoning amendment and shall be
filled with the adopting ordinance.
A. This amendment shall not relieve the developer of submitting and providing
concept plans, development plans, and site plans as required by the Uniform
Development Code.
B. The concept plan and the traffic impact analysis, as required by the Unified
Development Code, shall not be required at the time of zoning approval but shall
be required to be provided at the time of site plan approval.
A. In addition to the uses allowed in Section I of Article 11 of the Unified
Development Code, the following uses shall be allowed:
a. Emergency Ambulance Services
Page 2 of 7
b. Verti-stop and Heli -stop
c. Heliport
d. Electric, Cable, and Fiber Optic Switching Station
e. Water and Sewage Pumping Station (below grade)
f. Water and Sewage Pumping Station (above grade)
g. Water, Sewer, Electric, and Gas Meters
h. Electric Transformers
i. Private Streets/Alleys/Drives
j. Laundry/Dry Cleaning (drop/pick)
k. Golf Clubhouse (Public or Private)
1. Health/Spa Facilities (Private)
m. Cafeteria (Private)
n. Job Printing, Lithography, Printing, or Blueprinting
B. -In addition to the uses allowed as accessory uses in Section I of Article 11 of the
Unified Development Code, the following accessory uses shall be allowed:
a. Child Daycare (Private, 7 or more)
b. Restaurant, Caf6, or Dining Facility
c. Parking Structure
d. Custom Business Services
e. Recreation Center (Private)
f. Athletic Courts
g. Medical Laboratory
h. R&D Laboratory
i. Conferencing Center (10,000 sq. ft. or smaller)
C. In addition to the uses allowed by specific use permit in Section I of Article 11 of
the Unified Development Code, the following specific uses shall be allowed:
a. Water and Sewage Pumping Station (above grade)
Page 3 of 7
b. Water Storage Tank and Pumping System (elevated or above grade)
c. Athletic Fields
D. The individual retail or service uses located as accessory uses shall not exceed a
total of 3,000 square feet.
E. Temporary Construction Office or temporary construction material storage shall
be limited to the period of construction.
Open Spaces, trail systems, and public recreational uses shall be subject to the Open
Space plan of the Town. Compliance with requirements of the Open Space plan shall
be shown on the required concept plan, development plan, or site plan as required by
Section 2.2 of this ordinance.
1.5 Thoroughfares
Thoroughfares located adjacent to or within the area of an "0" land use shall be
subject to the Thoroughfare Plan of the Town.
1®6 Applicable Town Ordinances
A. Except to the extent as provided by this amendment, the "0" land use shall be
subject to all regulations provided in the Uniform Development Code and other
Town ordinances as amended.
B. Unless otherwise provided in this ordinance, regulations as provided in Ordinance
No. 307 Supplemental Regulations to the PDs shall apply.
SECTION 2: Development Standards: Land zoned as "0" land use shall be
subject to the following development standards:
2.1 Density
The maximum floor area ratio for structures located in the "0" land use shall be
0.45:1 for all sites not abutting a residentially zoned property located within the
corporate limits of the Town or adjoining municipality
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A. The maximum building height for all sites having a 0.45:1 floor area ratio shall be
five stories or 75 feet, whichever is less.
B. The height limits imposed in this Section 2.2 -- Building Height shall not apply to:
Page 4 of 7
a. chimneys and vent stacks, church spires, elevator shafts, penthouses, cupolas,
entry features, skylights, or other architectural features that are not intended
for occupancy or storage;
b. flag poles and similar devices; or
c. heating and air conditioning equipment, solar collectors, and similar
equipment, fixtures and devices provided such equipment, fixtures, and
devices are screened from view with a solid wall that is architecturally
consistent with the design of the building to which they are attached.
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The minimum building size shall be 3,000 square feet.
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A. The minimum parking requirements for uses located within the "0" land use shall
conform to the requirements provided in Article 6 — Parking and Loading
Standards of the Unified Development Code.
B. Relief from the parking requirements contained in Article 6 — parking and
Loading -Standards of the Unified Development Code for developments that
constitute a number of structures and include shared parking or scheduled parking,
shall be permitted upon approval of a parking study that justifies any departure
from the regulations of Article 6. Said parking study must be reviewed by the
Town traffic engineer and approved by the Board of Aldermen upon
recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
C. No parking top floor of a parking structure, or floor that is open to the sky, shall
have area lighting that extends above the parapet wall of the top floor, or have
lighting poles or structures which exceed the overall height of poles or structures
located in parking areas adjacent to such parking structure. All parking lot
lighting shall have full -shielded cut-off of light and shall not have more than a
250 -watt light source.
SECTION 3: Area I2eguirement® Land zoned as "0" land use shall be subject
to the following area requirements:
The minimum lot size for lots in the "0" land use shall be 100,000 square feet.
However, the lot size may be reduced by special exception of the Board of Aldermen
Page 5 of 7
upon demonstration that said reduction in lot size is consistent with the character and
goal for development of "0" Office Park land uses.
The minimum lot width for lots in the "0" land use shall be 200 feet measured at the
minimum front yard setback distance for the "0" land use, with the exception of any
area used for public use.
The minimum front yard setback for lots in the "0" land use shall be 50 feet.
The minimum rear yard setback for lots in the "0" land use shall be 50 feet.
The minimum side yard setback for lots in the "0" land use shall be 45 feet, with the
exception of any area used for public use.
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- A. No structure located in the "0" land use shall exceed the height of a line drawn at
a slope of 2:1 from any public right-of-way or roadway easement.
B. No structure located in the "0" land use shall exceed the height of a line drawn at
a slope of 5:1 from any abutting residential property line.
C. If the grade of the ground rises or falls from the point of origin of the slope line,
the maximum height shall increase or decrease by the difference in grade.
3.7 Scenic View Protection
No structure may extend beyond the elevation of 785 MSL. In addition, the Board of
Aldermen may require additional sight line illustrations andlor cross-sections through
sites having maximum FAR requirements of 0.45:1. Additional restrictions on sites
that threaten the view corridors along natural slopes may be applied by the Board.
SECTION 4: Sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases, clauses and words of this
ordinance are severable, and if any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word in
thin ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or
unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the Board of Aldermen hereby
Page 6 of 7
declares that it would have passed such remaining portions of this ordinance despite such
invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in fall force and effect.
SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the
Town affecting the regulations of land and zoning and shall not repeal any of the
provisions of those ordinances except in those instances where the provisions of those
ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance.
SECTION 6: It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this
ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision hereof shall
be fined, upon conviction, in an amount not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($ 2,000)
and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a
violation occurs or continues.
SECTION 7: This ordinance shall become effective upon its passage by the
Board of Aldermen.
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Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary
L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney
DAY OF 2003.
Scott Bradley, Mayor
Trent 0. Petty, Town Manager
Page 7 of 7
MA Y. 15, 200371h
NO. T 91' 1
Joseph C. Schneider, P. E.
Senior Development Manager
817 224 6054
April 16, 2003
Mr. Trent Petty, Town Manager
Town of Westlake
3 Village Circle, Suite 207
Westlake, TX 76262
Re: Application for Proposed Rezoning of a Portion of PD 3-8 and PD 3-7
Dear Trent:
Attached please find the Application for Rezoning of a 39.6 -acre tract located along US 377
just north of the Town's West Pump Station. This site is partially located in PD 3-8 and
PD 3-7. This Application is for the rezoning of this tract to an office campus -health care use.
Included in this package you will find fifteen copies of the following documents for your use:
A full-size zoning exhibit (24" x 36") for the proposed tract to be rezoned.
2. One copy each of the zoning exhibit, legal description, aerial photograph
(showing the limits of the area to be rezoned), and a rezoning location exhibit
showing the site with respect to the boundary of the Circle T (all 8'/z" x 1 1 ").
A draft of the PD Ordinance indicating the proposed zoning for this site.
4. A check for the application fee in the amount of $5,360.31.
As previously discussed, this rezoning request contemplates a rezoning of a portion of the
original Tract 8-6 and a portion of the golf course in PD 3-7, which was part of the original
Circle T planned development zoning. No other property outside of the 39.6 -acre tract is
affected by this rezoning request.
Trent, I trust the enclosed zoning information meets the submittal requirements for this
rezoning request. We look forward to working with the Town's staff,, the Planning and
Zoning Commission, and the Board of Aldermen in this rezoning effort_
13600 Heritage Parkway Suite 200 Fort vfrorth, Texas 76177 Phone 817 224 6000 Fax 817 224 6060 114wiv,hillivood.com
Mr. Trent Petty, Town Manager
April 16, 2003
Page 2
Please feel free to call should you have any questions or require any additional information.
,Si cer y
r J
Joseph C. Schneider
C: Russeli Laughlin
Mike Berry
A 1 •.1 1;
WHEREAS, on August 24, 1992, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of
Westlake, Texas adopted a Comprehensive Plan for the Town; and
WHEREAS, on November 13, 1992, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of
Westlake, Texas adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, on September 15, 1997, based upon the recommendations of the
Planning and Zoning Commission, the Board of Alden -nen of the Town of Westlake,
Texas amended the Zoning Ordinance and the subdivision regulations by adopting a
Unified Development Code for the Town (the "Town"); and
WHEREAS, on September 14, 1998, the Board of Aldermen adopted Ordinance
314 rezoning an approximate 222.6 -acre tract of land to a Planned Development District
known as "PD 3-8" and authorizing office, office/industrial, and retail uses; and
WHEREAS, on November 13, 2000, the Board of Alden -nen adopted Ordinance
313-01 rezoning an approximate 210.4 -acre tract of land to a Planned Development
District known as "PD 3-7" and authorizing office, office campus, and public golf course
uses; and
WHEREAS, an analysis of the Town's codes and regulations has determined that
an amendment to these codes and regulations are required in order to protect the health,
safety, and welfare of the Town and to comply with the development goals for low
density residential development; and
Page 1 of 7
WHEREAS, on , the Planning and Zoning Commission of
the Town has recommended that the Zoning Ordinance as contained in the Unified
Development Code be revised in accordance with the procedures and processes
established in that code for the Town;
That the recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated herein, adopted by the
Town and found to be true and correct.
SECTION 1: General regulations: The property as shown in Exhibits "A"
and `B" is hereby rezoned in accordance with this ordinance. The general regulations and
requirements of the PD 3-8, as hereby amended, "OCHC" uses shall be established as
1.1 Zoning Exhibit
A. Any amendment of PD 3-8 for the "OCHC" land use shall be accompanied by a
zoning exhibit map drawn to scale that clearly indicates the location of the
requested zoning, the land uses planned for the land use, the name of the
applicant, the name of the owner, the date of preparation of the zoning exhibit,
north arrow and scale, and any general notes deemed appropriate.
B. The zoning exhibit map shall be a part of the zoning amendment and shall be
filled with the adopting ordinance.
1 �� i• 111
A. This amendment shall not relieve the developer of submitting and providing
concept plans, development plans, and site plans as required by the Uniform
Development Code.
B. The concept plan and the traffic impact analysis, as required by the Unified
Development Code, shall not be required at the time of zoning approval but shall
be required to be provided at the time of site plan approval.
A. Upon the effective date of this amendment, the uses of the buildings, structures
and land within the "OCHC" land use shall be in accordance with the uses
allowed in the "O" Office land use as provided in Section 1 of Article 4 of the
Unified Development Code.
Page 2 of 7
B. In addition to the uses allowed in Section 1 of Article 11 of the Unified
Development Code, the following uses shall be allowed:
a. Emergency Ambulance Services
b. Verti-stop and Heli -stop
c. Heliport
d. Electric, Cable, and Fiber Optic Switching Station
e. Water and Sewage Pumping Station (below grade)
f Water and Sewage Pumping Station (above grade)
g. Water, Sewer, Electric, and Gas Meters
h. Electric Transfonners
i. Private Streets/Alleys/Drives
j. Laundry/Dry Cleaning (drop/pick)
k. Golf Clubhouse (Public or Private)
1. Health/Spa Facilities (Private)
in. Cafeteria (Private)
n. Job Printing, Lithography, Printing, or Blueprinting
C. In addition to the uses allowed as accessory uses in Section 1 of Article 11 of the
Unified Development Code, the following accessory uses shall be allowed:
a. Child Daycare (Private, 7 or more)
b. Restaurant, Cafe, or Dining Facility
c. Parking Structure
d. Custom Business Services
e. Recreation Center (Private)
f. Athletic Courts
g. Medical Laboratory
h. R&D Laboratory
i. Conferencing Center (10,000 sq. ft. or smaller)
Page 3 of 7
D. In addition to the uses allowed by specific use permit in Section 1 of Article II of
the Unified Development Code, the following specific uses shall be allowed:
a. Water and Sewage Pumping Station (above grade)
b. Water Storage Tank and Pumping System (elevated or above grade)
c. Athletic Fields
E. The individual retail or service uses located as accessory uses shall not exceed a
total of 3,000 square feet.
F. Temporary Construction Office or temporary construction material storage shall
be limited to the period of construction.
G. Future revisions of allowed uses of the "OCHC", after the effective date of this
amendment, shall not be identical to the "O" Office land use but shall be unique
to the "OCHC" land use as listed in the Land Use Schedule contained in the
Unified Development Code.
Open Spaces, trail systems, and public recreational uses shall be subject to the Open
Space plan of the Town. Compliance with requirements of the Open Space plan shall
be shown on the required concept plan, development plan, or site plan as required by
Section 2.2 of this ordinance.
Thoroughfares located adjacent to or within the area of an "OCHC" land use shall be
subject to the Thoroughfare Plan of the Town.
A. Except to the extent as provided by this amendment, the "OCHC" land use shall
be subject to all regulations provided in the Uniform Development Code and other
Town ordinances as amended.
B. Unless otherwise provided in this ordinance, regulations as provided in Ordinance
No. 307 Supplemental Regulations to the PDs shall apply.
SECTION 2: Development Standards: Land zoned as "OCHC" land use shall
be subject to the following development standards:
Page 4 of 7
The maximum floor area ratio for structures located in the "OCHC" land use shall be
0.45:1 for all sites not abutting a residentially zoned property located within the
corporate limits of the Town or adjoining municipality
A. The maximum building height for all sites having a 0.45:1 floor area ratio shall be
five stories or 75 feet, whichever is less.
B. The height limits imposed in this Section 2.2 — Building Height shall not apply to:
a. chimneys and vent stacks, church spires, elevator shafts, penthouses, cupolas,
entry features, skylights, or other architectural features that are not intended
for occupancy or storage;
b. flag poles and similar devices; or
c. heating and air conditioning equipment, solar collectors, and similar
equipment, fixtures and devices provided such equipment, fixtures, and
devices are screened from view with a solid wall that is architecturally
consistent with the design of the building to which they are attached.
The minimum building size shall be 3,000 square feet.
A. The minimum parking requirements for uses located within the "OCHC" land use
shall conform to the requirements provided in Article 6 — Parking and Loading
Standards of the Unified Development Code.
B. Relief from the parking requirements contained in Article 6 — parking and
Loading Standards of the Unified Development Code for developments that
constitute a number of structures and include shared parking or scheduled parking,
shall be permitted upon approval of a parking study that justifies any departure
from the regulations of Article 6. Said parking study must be reviewed by the
Town traffic engineer and approved by the Board of Aldermen upon
recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
C. No parking top floor of a parking structure, or floor that is open to the sky, shall
have area lighting that extends above the parapet wall of the top floor, or have
Page 5 of 7
lighting poles or structures which exceed the overall height of poles or structures
located in parking areas adjacent to such parking structure. All parking lot
lighting shall have full -shielded cut-off of light and shall not have more than a
250 -watt light source.
SECTION 3: Area Requirement: Land zoned as "OCHC" land use shall be
subject to the following area requirements:
The minimum lot size for lots in the "OCHC" land use shall be 100,000 square feet.
However, the lot size may be reduced by special exception of the Board of Aldermen
upon demonstration that said reduction in lot size is consistent with the character and
goal for development of office campus land uses.
3.2 Minimum Lot Width
The minimum lot width for lots in the "OCHC" land use shall be 200 feet measured at
the minimum front yard setback distance for the "OCHC" land use, with the
exception of any area used for public use.
r TI
The minimum front yard setback for lots in the "OCHC" land use shall be 50 feet.
The minimum rear yard setback for lots in the "OCHC" land use shall be 50 feet.
The minimum side yard setback for lots in the "OCHC" land use shall be 45 feet, with
the exception of any area used for public use.
r ,.
A. No structure located in the "OCHC" land use shall exceed the height of a line
drawn at a slope of 2:1 from any public right-of-way or roadway easement.
B. No structure located in the "OCHC" land use shall exceed the height of a line
drawn at a slope of 5:1 from any abutting residential property line.
C. If the grade of the ground rises or falls from the point of origin of the slope line,
the maximum height shall increase or decrease by the difference in grade.
Page 6 of 7
No structure may extend beyond the elevation of 785 MSL. In addition, the Board of
Alden -nen may require additional sight line illustrations and/or cross-sections through
sites having maximum FAR requirements of 0.45:1. Additional restrictions on sites
that threaten the view corridors along natural slopes may be applied by the Board.
SECTION 4: Sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases, clauses and words of this
ordinance are severable, and if any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word in
this ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or
unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the Board of Aldermen hereby
declares that it would have passed such remaining portions of this ordinance despite such
invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.
SEC'T'ION 5: This ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the
Town affecting the regulations of land and zoning and shall not repeal any of the
provisions of those ordinances except in those instances where the provisions of those
ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance.
SEC'T'ION 6: It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this
ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision hereof shall
be fined, upon conviction, in an amount not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($ 2,000)
and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a
violation occurs or continues.
SECTION 7: This ordinance shall become effective upon its passage by the
Board of Aldermen.
Scott Bradley, Mayor
Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary Trent O. Petty, Town Manager
L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney
Page 7 of 7
F m C7 O
� o
BEING a tract of land situated in the William Huff Survey, Abstract Number 648, Town of
Westlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to AIL
Investment, L.P., by deed recorded in Volume 14320, Page 194 and 195 of Deed Records,
Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows;
COMMENCING at a Texas Department of Transportation brass disc, found at the southwest
corner of Tract 8 of said AIL tract, in the east right-of-way of Interstate Highway 35W (a variable
width right-of-way);
THENCE with said east right-of-way the following courses and distances;
THENCE N 24035'49"E, 2312.32 feet with said east right-of-way;
THENCE S 85007'29"E, 18.55 feet, departing said easterly right-of-way to the POINT OF
THENCE N 24°31'26"E, 714.96 feet;
THENCE N 27056'47"E, 46.56 feet;
THENCE with said non -tangent curve to the right, an arc distance of 455.42 feet, through a
central angle of 06058'05", having a radius of 3744.72 feet, the long chord of which bears
N 28001'24"E, 455.14 feet;
THENCE S 58021'43"E, 1731.69 feet;
THENCE S 31038'16'W, 687.34 feet;
THENCE N 87037'04"W, 400.56 feet;
THENCE N 85048'53"W, 278.52 feet;
THENCE N 78019'50"W, 577.39 feet;
THENCE N 04052'31"E, 211.29 feet;
THENCE N 85°07'29"W, 422.24 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1,723,177
square feet or 39.559 acres of land more or less.
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