HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-21-15 PZ Min E � MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING January 21, 2015 PRESENT: Chairman Bill Greenwood, Commissioners Tim Brittan, Liz Garvin, Michelle Lee and Sharon Sanden. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Tom Brymer, Planning and Development Director Eddie Edwards, Public Works Director Jarrod Greenwood, Town Attorney Cathy Cunningham, and Communications & Community Affairs Director Ginger Awtry; later joined by Communications Specialist Susan McFarland. i Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Greenwood called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 5, 2015. MOTION: Commissioner Lee made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Sanden seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 3. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN THAT AMENDS AND REPLACES THE TOWN'S CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Town Manager Brymer opened this item with an introduction of Planning & Development Director Eddie Edwards who then introduced the Town's Comprehensive Plan's (Comp Plan or the Plan) consultant team from MESA Planning (Robin McCaffrey and Ashley P&Z Minutes 01/21/15 Page 1 of 6 Shook) as well as the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee Chairman, Derrell Johnson. Committee Chair Johnson provided a presentation and overview of the entire Comprehensive Plan update process to date leading up to this P&Z meeting. Within this presentation and overview, Chairman Johnson pointed out that additional work and discussion had occurred regarding the proposed Camp Plan since he and the Town's consulting team had last met with the Commission at their joint workshop with the Town Council on December 8, 2014. This additional work, and corresponding discussion, was done in response to particular concerns expressed from two stakeholders, Fidelity Investments and Hillwood Properties. Chairman Johnson summarized Fidelity's concerns regarding the proposed Open Space Plan element of the Comp Plan for their property. Mr. Johnson also summarized the work Hillwood's consultant had done regarding what they viewed as the Thorough Fare Plan (T-Fare Plan) required to serve Hillwood's Circle T Ranch property. Regarding Hillwood's traffic study related to the proposed T-Fare Plan, Mr. Johnson explained the differences in methodology and assumptions between Hillwood's T-Fare Plan study and that conducted by the Town's Comp Plan consulting team, MESA Planning. P&Z Chairman Greenwood opened up the public hearing at 6:38 p.m. Mr. Joe Schneider of Hillwood Properties, 15600 Heritage Parkway, Suite 200, Fort Worth, TX, addressed the Commission. Mr. Schneider that, while in overall agreement with the Plan, there are still issues Hillwood has with the Plan which they would like to discuss in the future as development progresses including the proposed T-Fare Plan element of the Plan and with recognition these issues are not easy sections to work through. Next, Mr. Russell Laughlin with Hillwood Properties, 15600 Heritage Parkway, Suite 200, Fort Worth, TX, addressed the Commission. Mr. Laughlin shared that he appreciates how professional the Town staff has been and understands there is nothing more difficult than balancing a public vision with a private vision in a comprehensive plan update. Further, Mr. Laughlin stated that Hillwood has continued over the years to align their vision with the Town's and its uniqueness has been taken to heart and appreciated by them and many Fortune 500 companies, all leading to successful economic development in Westlake. Hillwood stands behind the Town's vision, adding that comprehensive plans are living, breathing documents and as such, they are poised for compromise as development occurs. Mr. Laughlin summarized Hillwood's high levels of disagreement with the proposed Plan and asked for acknowledgement that these issues would be considered regarding the following: • Thoroughfare Plan and roadway development/triggers: How many cars? When will they come? What kind of employment will that bring? • Transfer of Development Rights: This is very complicated and he does not understand who values these rights, who pays for them, and who benefits from P&Z Minutes 01/21/15 Page 2 of 6 them? Hillwood has several million square feet of entitlements and does not want to give away their rights, but manage them as they grow. • Mesa Planning's FAR (Floor to Area Ratios) proposals: if the building footprint goes up (i.e. vertical), does Hillwood get more consideration as Hillwood desires Type C suite offices and feels the Plan's proposed per square foot employee ratios are too high. Mr. Laughlin would instead like to see the Plan's processes take into account the quality of client Hillwood is bringing to Westlake and evaluate at that time the development's impact on roads, sewer, etc. If that development impact evaluation is pushed out, we will come to know at that time whether we will have to make the N. Pearson connection or not. Hillwood does not believe we will get to that point based on their past Westlake development projects such as Deloitte, which have been consistent with the Town's original visions and thus there will never need to be a N. Pearson extension on the east side of the Circle T Ranch. • Connectivity of public open space- Mr. Laughlin asked rhetorically how changing development needs through the years will be considered in order that we can together share the common goal to preserve beauty of ranch, of Westlake, and provide the desired economic development. Mr. Jonathan Vinson, an attorney for Equity, a division of the Blackstone Group (new Solana property owners), 901 Main St., Suite 6000, Dallas, TX 75202, addressed the Commission next. Mr. Vinson stated that Solana's new owners (since August 2014) are still working through their visioning process for Solana. However, they would like the Commission to know that they wish to be involved in the Comprehensive Plan process moving forward. The new owners are excited to be in Westlake and are looking forward to a long and productive relationship with the Town. Mr. Vinson advised that Solana's current open space requirements provides 10% coverage within its Planned Development (PD) zoning, and they may want to analyze that in light of future development and their desire to add more value to the Solana development. His client feels the future Dove Road extension is very critical to the Solana property and would like to continue work on this road section and its alignment, helping to put into place a natural extension that will work for all parties. Mr. Vinson added that they also hold the Comp Plan work of Westlake's Committee, Staff and Consultants in very high regard. There being no one else at this time wishing to address the Commission, Chairman Greenwood closed the public hearing and opened the floor for Commission discussion of the proposed Comp Plan. Discussion ensued between Commissioners, Staff, Consultants and Mr. Johnson regarding topics raised during the Commission's public hearing on the proposed Comp Plan. Commission discussion focused on the sensitivity of land owner's zoning entitlements and use of land, how best to reflect the intent and provide more assurance within the proposed T-Fare Plan as it relates to its related roadway sections and its color coded roadway expansions and extensions which are proposed only and driven by development and traffic. MESA Planning consultant Robin McCaffrey pointed out that it is important to note the f _ disclaimer language on the proposed T-Fare Plan applies to all lines (roadways) shown P&Z Minutes 01/21/15 Page 3 of 6 on the map, not just the North Pearson extension. The proposed T-Fare plan should address relieving the points of congestion created by development resulting from existing zoning entitlements. The T-Fare Plan is only driven by the need for streets discussion when the development occurs as development creates the additional traffic that taxes the existing roadways. He added there are a number of design elements the Town can put into place to accommodate the land's development and the need for the connection once the trigger points are hit. Comp Plan Steering Committee Chair Johnson reiterated Mr. McCaffrey's comment as well as reviewed with the Commission the amount of traffic that could be generated by Hillwood's Circle T Ranch property's existing zoning entitlements which is so important, in his view, to have a T-Fare Plan that can handle that level of traffic and provide for adequate mobility within Westlake as it develops. Chairman Greenwood and Commissioners discussed that the proposed T-Fare Plan's intent is clear to this Commission. However, perhaps additional language could be inserted to provide further assurance and clarity to residents and developers in the future that the roadways shown on the T-Fare Plan will not be built until the necessary traffic levels are reached. Chairman Greenwood reiterated the need and the importance of addressing the Town's transportation mobility and connectivity now, as the growth continues to approach the town. Town Manager Brymer pointed out to the Commission Section B2 in the Policy Section of the Proposed Comp Plan that states what levels of service that would trigger improvement of an existing roadway or construction and extension of a new roadway. Commissioner Greenwood re-opened the Public hearing, recognizing Mr. Russell Laughlin who indicated he would like to make additional comments and was wanting to hear from an additional speaker that would like to address the Commission. Mr. Laughlin addressed the commission a second time stating that while the Comp Plan document has to be uniformly applied to all developers, Westlake has one primary land owner/developer and that is Hillwood. He shared their fear that"lines on the map" never go away and developers will be forced to follow it. He acknowledges that the intent and purpose of the Town's T-Fare Plan is that its roadway lines are not to be developed into roadways until growth triggers it and the likelihood is small. However, when that line is on the Master Thoroughfare Plan map and future Council and P&Z members are governing years from now, there could be a scenario where the Town says to a developer that road is on the T-Fare Plan map and we want it built. Mr. Laughlin asked if it could be articulated to prevent that scenario from happening, even though he knows the language is in the proposed Plan now, but questions if it is adequate. Brent Gabriel, 1625 Trace Villa, Westlake, TX, stated he has been impressed with the conversation held this evening. He questioned why the T-Fare Plan must note the future roadway extensions on the T-Fare Plan now, if further consideration and discussions are necessary in the future to determine at the time of development when a particular roadway would be needed. He shared that he has heard in the community I the odds of these roadways happening are very slim, but he is concerned that if they do P&Z Minutes 01/21/15 Page 4 of 6 happen, they are very close to Granada and Terra Bella homes. Mr. Gabriel added that it concerns him this is the talk, and that a Dove Road connection to Solana could occur. Chairman Greenwood closed the public hearing a second time. More discussion ensued about the proposed T-Fare Plan's traffic level triggers in the Policy Section of the Comp Plan and the desire to clarify the intent of the T-Fare as to when and how roadways shown on it will be designed and driven by development. Town Manager Brymer commented in response to Mr. Laughlin's concerns, that the Town has a track record of working with development on the timing of roadway extensions. An example of this is the Town not requiring the extension of Westlake Parkway at the time of development for Deloitte University. Town Manger Brymer and Town Attorney Cunningham crafted language together to help with this clarification for future roadways and suggested to the Commission to add a sentence to Figure 113 and to the proposed Thoroughfare Plan plate designating the beginning of the Thoroughfare Plan section of the proposed Comp Plan, between pages 166 and 167, to be added to the end of the disclaimer on each diagram, with the last sentence to read as follows: "Roadway construction thresholds are set out in Policy B. 2 of this Comprehensive Plan document." Town Manager Brymer also informed the Commissioners that, if it is decided by the Town to move forward on the transfer of entitlement rights as recommended in the proposed Comp Plan, ordinance changes will be necessary. Much more public process would be required if that recommendation is pursued. MOTION: Commissioner Brittan made a motion to recommend approval of the amended Comprehensive Plan with the additions as set out by Town Manager Tom Brymer and Town Attorney Cathy Cunningham. Commissioner Lee seconded the motion with the recommendation to note the additional language on every applicable section of the Thoroughfare Plan. Commissioner Brittan accepted this amendment to his motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 4. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Brittan stated that he too, would like to thank the Westlake Staff, Committee Chair Johnson, and MESA Planning team for their hard work and complimented the updated Comp Plan as presented tonight. Commissioner Greenwood echoed that on behalf of all the Commissioners, they were very impressed and moved by this work. There being no further business to come before the Commissioners, Chairman Greenwood asked for a motion to adjourn. P&Z Minutes 01/21/15 Page 5 of 6 MOTION: Commissioner Sanden made a motion to adjourn the meeting and asked to state for the record that the 1992 Comp Plan was placed in the Westlake time capsule at the 50th Anniversary celebration and how fun it would be if we could see what the citizens of Westlake would say about it when opening the time capsule in 2057. Commissioner Lee seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. Chairman Greenwood adjourned the meeting at 8:09 p.m. APPROVED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ON THE MAY 4, 2015. ATTEST: Wil is E. Greenwood, Chairman v. Ginger A Communication Community Affairs Director i i PU Minutes 01/21/15 Page 6of6