HomeMy WebLinkAboutHandout WA Five year projection handoutAudited Adopted Estimated Projected Amount Percent Projected Projected Projected Projected FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 Inc/(Dec)Inc/(Dec)FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 1 WAF Salary Reimbursement 47,600$ 48,790$ 48,790$ 49,770$ 980$ 2%50,268$ 50,770$ 51,278$ 51,791$ 2 Other Local Revenue (BTS, Tech & Other)36,499 32,500 47,500 54,000 6,500 14%54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 3 WAF Donation 850,979 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 - 0%1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 4 WAF Fund-an-Item (Moved to SRF)50,851 50,000 - - - 0%- - - - 5 Interest Earned 1,450 1,515 1,575 1,575 - 0%1,730 1,865 1,912 2,019 6 Food Services 3,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 - 0%1,865 6,000 6,000 6,000 7 Town Contribution 282,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 - 0%15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 8 Town Contribution - Westlake Reserve - 300,000 300,000 300,000 - 0%300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 9 Athletic Activities 60,563 64,000 69,500 81,150 11,650 17%81,150 81,150 81,150 81,150 10 Transportation/Parking 36,890 46,000 40,000 41,225 1,225 3%41,225 41,225 41,225 41,225 11 1,369,832 1,663,805 1,628,365 1,648,720 20,355 1%1,645,238 1,650,010 1,650,565 1,651,184 12 21%22%21%21%21%21%21%21% 13 TEA - Available School Funds 167,900 172,854 172,854 222,779 49,925 29%222,779 222,779 222,779 222,779 14 TEA - FSP Funds 4,697,314 5,280,952 5,532,180 5,671,950 139,770 3%5,671,950 5,671,950 5,671,950 5,671,950 15 TEA - IB Training (15 Teachers)6,750 6,750 100%6,750 6,750 6,750 6,750 16 TRS On-behalf/Medicare Part B 325,094 328,286 365,625 391,427 25,802 7%395,342 399,295 403,288 407,321 17 5,190,308 5,782,092 6,070,659 6,292,906 222,247 4%6,296,821 6,300,774 6,304,767 6,308,800 18 79%78%79%79%79%79%79%79% 19 6,560,140 7,445,897 7,699,024 7,941,626 242,602 3%7,942,058 7,950,784 7,955,332 7,959,984 20 EXPENDITURES by FUNCTION 21 Function 11 - Instructional 4,017,952 4,510,171 4,372,465 4,579,900 207,436 5% 22 Function 12 - Resources & Media 56,552 66,252 68,452 74,801 6,349 9% 23 Function 13 - Curriculum & Staff Development 75,493 104,089 160,085 134,590 (25,495) -16% 24 Function 21 - Instructional Leadership 165,116 213,112 225,237 264,259 39,022 17% 25 Function 23 - School Leadership 552,170 606,038 638,013 778,866 140,853 22% 26 Function 31 - Guidance & Counseling 282,334 246,538 280,079 205,230 (74,849) -27% 27 Function 33 - Health Services 61,890 68,710 69,585 66,617 (2,968) -4% 28 Function 35 - Food Services - 500 - - - 0% 29 Function 36 - Co/Extracurricular Activities 121,840 139,256 139,461 146,774 7,313 5% 30 Function 41 - Administrative 379,868 343,836 353,992 306,986 (47,006) -13% 3`Function 51 - Maintenance & Operations 733,367 956,091 950,567 915,068 (35,499) -4% 31 Function 52 - Security & Monitoring Services 700 5,695 4,995 714% 32 Function 53 - Data Processing 177,063 105,015 111,015 169,678 58,663 53% 33 Function 61 - Community Services 106,495 110,823 110,024 112,638 2,614 2% 34 Function 71 - Debt Service 3,733 84,186 90,565 90,565 - 0% 35 Function 81 - Facility Acquisition/Construction - - - - - 0% 36 6,733,873 7,554,617 7,570,239 7,851,666 281,427 4%- - - - 37 Object Code 61XX - Salaries 4,911,121 5,431,205 5,523,798 5,912,800 389,003 7%5,971,928 6,031,648 6,091,964 6,152,884 38 Object Code 62XX - Contracted Services 910,036 1,032,369 1,093,539 940,445 (153,094) -14%940,445 940,445 949,849 959,348 39 Object Code 63XX - Supplies & Materials 621,114 645,390 429,779 483,115 53,336 12%483,115 483,115 483,115 483,115 40 Object Code 64XX - Other Operating Costs 287,869 361,468 432,559 424,741 (7,818) -2%424,741 424,741 424,741 424,741 41 Object Code 65XX - Debt Service 3,733 84,186 90,565 90,565 - 0%90,186 - - - 42 Object Code 66XX - Capital Assets - - - - - 0%- - - - 43 6,733,873 7,554,617 7,570,239 7,851,666 281,427 4%7,910,415 7,879,949 7,949,669 8,020,088 44 Other Resources - Local 239,009 45,000 45,000 45,000 - 0%45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45 Other Uses - Local - (45,000) (45,000) (45,000) - 0%(45,000) (45,000) (45,000) (45,000) 46 239,009 - - - - 0%- - - - 47 65,277 (108,720) 128,785 89,960 (38,825) -30%31,643 70,836 5,663 (60,103) 48 FUND BALANCE BEGINNING 959,240 1,024,517 1,024,517 1,153,302 128,785 13%1,243,262 1,274,905 1,345,741 1,351,404 49 FUND BALANCE ENDING 1,024,517 915,797 1,153,302 1,243,262 89,960 8%1,274,905 1,345,741 1,351,404 1,291,301 50 Assigned - Technology/FFE - 125,000 125,000 125,000 - 0%125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 51 Assigned - Uniform/Equipment Replacement - 5,000 11,350 11,350 - 0%11,350 11,350 11,350 11,350 52 1,024,517$ 785,797$ 1,016,952$ 1,106,912$ 89,960$ 9%1,138,555$ 1,209,391$ 1,215,054$ 1,154,951$ 53 Number of Operating Days (365)56 38 49 51 53 56 56 53 54 Dollars per Operating Day 18,449$ 20,698$ 20,740$ 21,511$ 771 4%21,672$ 21,589$ 21,780$ 21,973$ 55 Primary Students 324 316 324 8 3%324 324 324 324 56 Secondary Students 498 496 508 12 2%508 508 508 508 57 697 822 812 832 20 2%832 832 832 832 58 TEA Funding per Student 6,980$ 6,635$ 7,026$ 7,085$ 59 1%7,085$ 7,085$ 7,085$ 7,085$ 59 Operating Cost per Student 9,661 9,191 9,323 9,437 114 1%9,508 9,471 9,555 9,640 60 Teachers 47.31 55.40 55.40 58.31 3 5%58.31 58.31 58.31 58.31 61 Student/Teacher Ratio 14.73 14.84 14.66 14.27 (0.39) -3%14.27 14.27 14.27 14.27 Total Local Revenues Westlake Academy - General Fund Five Year Financial Forecast - FY 2015-16 thru FY 2019-20 TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED percent of total revenues FUND BALANCE ENDING (Unassigned) NET OTHER RESOURCES (USES) TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Total State Revenues TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITUR percent of total revenues