HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-13-15 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting April 13, 2015 Board Members in Attendance: Ken Gordon, Debbie Kraska, Chris Jeppesen, Zan Jones, Andy Grieser, Karen Stoltenberg, Andy Sedino, Jeff Watson, Sean Shope Others in Attendance: Julie Kelly, Shelly Myers I. K. Stoltenberg called the meeting to order at 8:43 AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of March 16, 2015 meeting by A. Sedino, second by K. Gordon. Motion carried. III. Financial Report  Statement of financial position reviewed by S. Shope. o S. Shope discussed Financial Analysis. BAF transfer of $57,608.76 as of March 31, 2015. o Total liabilities and net assets currently total $1,704,879. o Current account receivables for Gallery Night, Baja and BAF will be calculated and reported at next board meeting.  Motion to approve financial report by A. Sedino, second by C. Jeppesen. Motion carried. IV. Development Committee  Run the Ranch o S. Myers reported that race will take place rain or shine. Rain forecasted through Saturday. o T-shirts are ordered and will be assembled with race bags at packet pick-up. o Current expenses running over event budget o Runner registration currently stands at 135; 200-250 goal. V. Marketing Committee  Evergreen solicitation piece o Z. Jones and A. Grieser currently working on an evergreen marketing piece. This promotional piece will state the purpose of the Foundation and Foundation events, with a focus on soliciting sponsorships. It will discuss that the Academy is a charter school, and thus, receives only a percentage of regular public school state funding. Will also discuss the Foundation’s granting process and images of funded projects. o A. Grieser discussed that this piece could be a benefit to corporations for their annual charitable giving budget planning. o K. Gordon suggested a menu selection for event sponsorships, and also the opportunity to contribute to the endowment. o D. Kraska suggested listing different scenarios for different donors in terms of the benefits to sponsoring/donating (e.g., WA yard sign for families may be a motivating benefit to sponsorship). o C. Jeppesen suggested that the benefits could be customizable to the donor.  Z. Jones discussed ideas for celebrating reaching the Blacksmith Annual Fund goal, and possibly creating a video of appreciation and to highlight gifts in action. VI. Administrative Committee  K. Gordon reported on applications of Wendy Greenwood and Deanna Titzler for Board appointments. Applicants were interviewed by K. Gordon, K. Stoltenberg, and J. Watson.  Motion to approve both candidates by K. Gordon, second by A. Sedino. Motion carried. VII. President’s Report  K. Stoltenberg reported that VIP Party is tentatively scheduled for 5/1/15, though has not been confirmed with TMS as of yet.  BAF phone-a-thon scheduled for 4/21/15 (6-9pm) to solicit new Academy families as well as families who have not yet contributed.  C. Jeppesen and A. Sedino discussed possibility of securing a challenge grant to encourage current non- donors to give to BAF. VIII. Executive Director’s Report  S. Myers expressed appreciation to Deloitte University for the upcoming DP Economics student STEM outing.  S. Myers recently spoke with Jim Weaver at First Financial Trust regarding endowment management alternatives. They offered to review current holdings as a benefit.  She discussed a group of families interested in honoring former Head of School, Barbara Brizuela, by establishing an endowed fund to award merit-based college scholarship for a senior student. Discussed various fee schedules for fund management.  Recommended holding a Spring Foundation Board retreat to review current initiatives and events. Retreat tentatively scheduled for the morning of May 18th.. Other Business None Next Meeting: Monday, May 11, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Lee Fieldhouse Conference Room, WA A. Sedino moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by D. Kraska. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:41AM.