HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 Residents Survey 222000111111 TTTooowwwnnn ooofff WWWeeessstttlllaaakkkeee RRReeesssiiidddeeennnttt SSSuuurrrvvveeeyyy FFFiiinnnaaalll RRReeepppooorrrttt SSuubbmmiitttteedd TToo:: ETC Institute Project Manager: Chris Tatham 725 West Frontier Circle Phone: 913-829-1215 Olathe, Kansas Fax: 913-829-1591 66061 E-mail: ctatham@etcinstitute.com EEETTTCCC IIInnnssstttiiitttuuuttteee July 2011 ...helping organizations make better decisions since 1982 Contents Executive Summary.......................................................................i Section 1 Charts and Graphs........................................................................1 Section 2 Trend Analysis............................................................................22 Section 3 Benchmarking Data....................................................................30 Section 4 Importance-Satisfaction Analysis...............................................41 I-S Matrix Graphs...............................................45 Section 5 Tabular Data...............................................................................47 Section 6 Survey Instrument.......................................................................87 Executive Summary i EXE C U T I V E SUM M A R Y 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey Executive Summary Report Overview and Methodology During the summer of 2011, ETC Institute administered a Resident Survey for the Town of Westlake. The purpose of the survey was to gather input from citizens to help Town leaders make critical decisions concerning the allocation of Town resources, to measure the effectiveness of Town Services, and to help decide the future direction of the community. This was the third time the Town had administered the resident survey; the previous surveys were administered in 2009 and 2010. The six-page survey was administered by mail and phone to a random sample of 255 households in the Town. The results for the random sample of 255 households have a 95% level of confidence with a precision of at least +/- 4.0%. This summary report contains: ¾ a summary of the methodology for administering the survey and major findings ¾ charts showing the overall results for most questions on the survey ¾ trend analysis ¾ benchmarking data that shows how the results for Westlake compare to other cities and towns in the U.S. and to other communities where the DirectionFinder® survey was administered. ¾ importance-satisfaction analysis ¾ tabular data that show the results for each question on the survey ¾ a copy of the survey instrument. The percentage of “don’t know” responses has been excluded from many of the graphs shown in this report to facilitate valid comparisons of the results from Westlake with the results from other communities in ETC Institute’s DirectionFinder® database. Since the number of “don’t know” responses often reflects the utilization and awareness of Town services, the percentage of “don’t know” responses has been provided in the tabular data section of this report. When the “don’t know” responses have been excluded, the text of this report will indicate that the responses have been excluded with the phrase “who had an opinion.” Executive Summary ii EXE C U T I V E SUM M A R Y Major Findings • Overall Satisfaction With Major Categories of Town Services. The highest levels of satisfaction with Town services, based upon a combination of “very satisfied” and “satisfied” responses among residents who had an opinion, were: the quality of public safety services (78%), Westlake’s emergency preparedness efforts (74%) and the effectiveness of Town communication (72%). • Major Categories of Town Services that Residents Felt Were Most Important. The top three major Town services that residents felt were most important were: 1) public safety services, 2) maintenance of Town streets and 3) utility services. • Police Services. The police services that residents were most satisfied with, based upon a combination of “very satisfied” and “satisfied” responses among residents who had an opinion, were: the overall quality of local police protection (76%), the visibility of police in neighborhoods (73%) and municipal court services (72%). • Fire and Medical Services. Residents were generally satisfied with fire and medical services. Based upon a combination of “very satisfied” and “satisfied” responses, among residents who had an opinion, eighty-four percent (84%) of Westlake residents were satisfied with fire services, 83% were satisfied with emergency medical services and 82% were satisfied with the response time of fire and EMS personnel. • Communication/Citizen Engagement. The communication/citizen engagement services that residents were most satisfied with, based upon a combination of “very satisfied” and “satisfied” responses among residents who had an opinion, were: Town efforts to keep residents informed about Council Meetings, Town projects, issues and events (70%), the accuracy of the information received from the Town (70%) and the ease of use of the Town’s website (67%). • Parks and Recreation Services. The parks and recreation service that residents were most satisfied with, based upon a combination of “very satisfied” and “satisfied” responses among residents who had an opinion, was the maintenance of Glenwyck park (71%). Residents were least satisfied with the number of parks and walking/biking trails in the community (53%). • Utility Services. The utility services that residents were most satisfied with, based upon a combination of “very satisfied” and “satisfied” responses among residents who had an opinion, were: curbside recycling services (71%), wastewater utility services (63%), and yard waste collection services (59%). Residents were least satisfied with household hazardous waste disposal service (43%). Executive Summary iii EXE C U T I V E SUM M A R Y • Customer Service. The customer service items that residents were most satisfied with, based upon a combination of “very satisfied” and “satisfied” responses among residents who had an opinion, were the friendliness of Town staff (82%) and the participation of Town staff in community events (71%). • Reasons Residents Will Stay in Westlake Over the Next Five Years. The three most important reasons that residents indicated they will continue to stay in Westlake over the next five years were: 1) quality of life, 2) small town feel and 3) low crime rate/quality of public safety. • Where Westlake Residents Shop. Residents generally did most of their shopping in Southlake: seventy-six percent (76%) of residents purchased books/music in Southlake, 72% of residents went to restaurants in Southlake, 70% purchased entertainment in Southlake, 68% purchased their clothing in Southlake, 58% purchased their groceries/household goods in Southlake and 45% purchased sporting goods in Southlake. Some of the items residents purchased most in other areas not listed on the survey were: furniture (64%) and appliances/electronics (62%). Other Findings • Most (98%) of the residents surveyed felt “very safe” or “safe” in the Town of Westlake; 1% of the residents felt “unsafe” and 1% of residents did not have an opinion. • Most (88%) of the residents surveyed thought Westlake was an “excellent” or “good” place to live; 9% felt it was an “average” place to live, 1% felt it was “poor” and 2% did not know. • Most (81%) of residents were satisfied with the cleanliness of streets and public areas, 14% were neutral and only 5% were dissatisfied. • Westlake’s low crime rate was an important factor in the decision to move to the Town for 95% of the residents surveyed. • Of the residents surveyed who had attended public meetings held in their neighborhood this year, ninety-one percent (91%) felt the meeting was informative and 84% felt they had the opportunity to discuss their ideas and concerns at the meeting. Section 1: Charts and Graphs 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 1 36% 25% 31% 23% 27% 25% 17% 19% 42% 49% 41% 46% 40% 38% 44% 41% 19% 21% 19% 27% 24% 20% 27% 21% 3% 5% 10% 5% 9% 18% 12% 18% Quality of public safety services Westlake's emergency preparedness efforts Effectiveness of Town communication Quality of customer service provided by Town Overall code enforcement Quality of utility services Parks, trails, recreation programs/facilities Maintenance of Town streets 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very Satisfied (5)Satisfied (4)Neutral (3)Dissatisfied (1/2) Q1. Overall Satisfaction With Town Services by Major Category by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 76% 51% 41% 33% 30% 12% 12% 9% Quality of public safety services Maintenance of Town streets Quality of utility services Westlake's emergency preparedness efforts Parks, trails, recreation programs/facilities Effectiveness of Town communication Quality of customer service provided by Town Overall code enforcement 0%20%40%60%80% 1st Choice2nd Choice3rd Choice by percentage of respondents who selected the item as one of their top three choices Q2. Major Categories of Town Services That Residents Felt Were Most Important Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 2 17% 19% 10% 49% 33% 29% 22% 22% 31% 13% 26% 30% Overall quality of governmental services Direction the Town is heading Overall value from local revenue sources 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very Satisfied (5)Satisfied (4)Neutral (3)Unsatisfied (1/2) Q3. Perceptions of Westlake by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Q4. Overall, how safe do you feel in the Town of Westlake? by percentage of respondents Very safe 69% Safe 29% Unsafe 1% Don't know 1% Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 3 Q5. Overall, how would you rate the Town of Westlake as a place to live? by percentage of respondents Excellent 59% Good 29% Average 9% Poor 1% Don't know 2% Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 35% 32% 25% 34% 25% 27% 41% 41% 47% 36% 42% 28% 18% 19% 26% 26% 31% 22% 5% 8% 2% 4% 2% 23% Quality of local police protection Visibility of police in neighborhoods Municipal Court services How quickly police respond to emergencies Efforts by the Town to prevent crime Level of traffic enforcement 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very Satisfied (5)Satisfied (4)Neutral (3)Unsatisfied (1/2) Q6a-f. Satisfaction with Police Services in the Town of Westlake by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 4 39% 41% 46% 45% 42% 36% 13% 17% 18% 3% 1% 1% Overall quality of fire services Overall quality of emergency medical services Response time of fire and EMS personnel 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very Satisfied (5)Satisfied (4)Neutral (3)Unsatisfied (1/2) Q6g-i. Satisfaction with Fire and Medical Services in the Town of Westlake by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 26% 21% 43% 40% 22% 28% 9% 11% Public works response during extreme weather 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very Satisfied (5)Satisfied (4)Neutral (3)Unsatisfied (1/2) Q6j-k. Satisfaction with Emergency Preparedness in the Town of Westlake by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Efforts by Town staff to inform residents of hazardous road conditions, potential inclement weather and closures 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 5 34% 30% 19% 11% 47% 37% 42% 39% 14% 13% 28% 26% 5% 20% 12% 24% Cleanliness of streets/public areas Condition of neighborhood streets Condition of major streets Traffic flow and congestion management 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very Satisfied (5)Satisfied (4)Neutral (3)Unsatisfied (1/2) Q6l-o. Satisfaction with Transportation Services in the Town of Westlake by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 34% 27% 23% 22% 32% 23% 20% 13% 36% 43% 44% 43% 33% 37% 36% 36% 23% 25% 22% 28% 27% 31% 27% 40% 7% 5% 11% 6% 8% 10% 17% 11% Accuracy of info received from Town Ease of use of Town website Completeness of info received from Town Timeliness of info provided Usefulness of Town's newsletter Opportunity for public involvement in decisions Availability/accessibility of Town records 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very Satisfied (5)Satisfied (4)Neutral (3)Unsatisfied (1/2) Q6p-w. Satisfaction with Communication/Citizen Engagement in the Town of Westlake by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Efforts of Town to keep you informed about Council Meetings/Town projects/issues/events 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 6 27% 19% 17% 44% 50% 36% 22% 25% 16% 7% 6% 31% Maintenance of Glenwyck Park General appearance of streetscaping/open spaces Number of parks and walking/biking trails 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very Satisfied (5)Satisfied (4)Neutral (3)Unsatisfied (1/2) Q6x-z. Satisfaction with Parks and Recreation Services in the Town of Westlake by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 18% 24% 16% 17% 16% 14% 9% 7% 53% 39% 43% 41% 40% 42% 38% 36% 13% 25% 19% 20% 14% 30% 38% 35% 16% 12% 22% 23% 30% 14% 15% 23% Curbside recycling services Quality of wastewater utility services Yard waste collection services Bulky item pick up/removal services Residential trash collection services Town efforts to promote water conservation Efforts by Town to manage storm water run off Household hazardous waste disposal service 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very Satisfied (5)Satisfied (4)Neutral (3)Unsatisfied (1/2) Q6aa-ah. Satisfaction with Utility Services in the Town of Westlake by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 7 41% 26% 26% 21% 41% 45% 36% 35% 13% 22% 20% 26% 4% 7% 19% 18% Friendliness of Town staff Participation of Town staff in community events Responsiveness of Town staff Expertise/ability of staff 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very Satisfied (5)Satisfied (4)Neutral (3)Unsatisfied (1/2) Q6ai-al. Satisfaction with Customer Service in the Town of Westlake by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 22% 20% 45% 43% 27% 30% 6% 7% Enforcing sign regulations Enforcing appearance/maintenance of property 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very Satisfied (5)Satisfied (4)Neutral (3)Unsatisfied (1/2) Q6am-an. Satisfaction with Code Enforcement in the Town of Westlake by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 8 40% 40% 27% 33% 24% 7% 28% 24% 34% 24% 27% 15% 16% 18% 28% 24% 28% 28% 16% 18% 12% 18% 22% 49% Attracting retail development is important 0%20%40%60%80%100% Strongly Agree (5)Agree (4)Neutral (3)Disagree (1/2) Q7a-f. Level of Agreement With Various Statements About Westlake by percentage of respondents (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Emphasis on attracting high-end corporate office development is important Mixture of curb & gutter streets and rural roadways is important Pedestrian/bike access to stores/restaurants is important Use of Facebook & Twitter for Town notifications would be useful Connectivity of walking/biking trails is important Q8. Importance of Various Reasons in the Decision to Move to Westlake by percentage of respondents who felt the item was "extremely important,” "very important" or “important” Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 95% 94% 91% 91% 90% 89% 88% 86% 82% 79% 65% 57% 57% 52% 44% 28% Low crime rate/quality of public safety Quality of life Access to highways Quality of your subdivision Small town feel Aesthetic appeal and high development standards Access to DFW airport Type of housing available Sense of community Subdivision amenities Number of parks & trails Westlake Academy Access to other public schools Westlake as a retirement destination Proximity to private schools Employment opportunities in the Westlake area 0%20%40%60%80%100% Extremely ImportantVery ImportantImportant 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 9 2% 42% 33% 30% 30% 27% 21% 17% 16% 11% 10% 10% 10% 6% 6% 1% Quality of life Small town feel Low crime rate/quality of public safety Westlake Academy Quality of your subdivision Aesthetic appeal and high development standards Access to DFW airport Subdivision amenities Sense of community Access to other public schools Type of housing available Access to highways Westlake as a retirement destination Number of parks & trails Proximity to private schools Employment opportunities in the Westlake area 0%20%40%60% 1st Choice2nd Choice3rd Choice by percentage of respondents who selected the item as one of their top three choices Q9. Reasons Residents Will Stay in Westlake Over the Next Five Years Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Keller 11%Trophy Club 14% Roanoke 14% Southlake 58% Another Place 3% Q10a. Where residents most frequently purchase groceries/household goods by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 10 Keller 3% Trophy Club 3% Roanoke 15% Southlake 72% Westlake 4% Another Place 3% Q10b. Where residents most frequently go to restaurants by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Keller 3% Roanoke 2% Southlake 68% Westlake 1% Another Place 26% Q10c. Where residents most frequently purchase clothing by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 11 Keller 1% Roanoke 2% Southlake 76% Another Place 21% Q10d. Where residents most frequently purchase books/music by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Keller 4% Roanoke 3% Southlake 45% Westlake 2% Another Place 46% Q10e. Where residents most frequently purchase sporting goods by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 12 Keller 1%Roanoke 1% Southlake 34% Another Place 64% Q10f. Where residents most frequently purchase furniture by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Keller 2% Roanoke 2% Southlake 34% Another Place 62% Q10g. Where residents most frequently purchase appliances/electronics by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 13 Keller 1% Trophy Club 1%Roanoke 5% Southlake 70% Westlake 2% Another Place 22% Q10h. Where residents most frequently purchase entertainment by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Keller 1% Roanoke 5% Southlake 41% Westlake 24% Trophy Club 1% Another Place 28% Q10i. Where residents most frequently purchase guest hotel accommodations by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 14 16% 9% 25% 14% 22% 12% 37% 25% Decoration Day Any of the Master Works concert series events Arbor Day event Christmas Tree Lighting 0%10%20%30%40% This YearLast Year by percentage of respondents who indicated they had participated in the event Q11a-d. Percentage of residents who participated in activities and events sponsored by the Town Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 19% 12% 15% 16% 8% 6% 10% 8% 49% 59% Trails or amenities at Glenwyck Park Any other publicly accessible trails 0%20%40%60%80%100% Weekly MonthlySemi-AnnuallyAnnuallyNever Q11e-f. How often residents use Town trails by percentage of respondents (excluding not provided) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 15 31% 49% Public meeting in neighborhood 0%10%20%30%40%50% This YearLast Year by percentage of respondents who said “Yes” Q12a. Percent of Residents who Participated in Public Meetings Held in Their Neighborhood Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 91% 84% 9% 17% The meeting was informative I had the opportunity to discuss ideas/concerns 0%20%40%60%80%100% YesNo by percentage of respondents Q12b-c. Perceptions of Public Meetings THIS YEAR Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 16 86% 85% 14% 15% The meeting was informative I had the opportunity to discuss ideas/concerns 0%20%40%60%80%100% YesNo Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Q12b-c. Perceptions of Public Meetings LAST YEAR by percentage of respondents 45% 47% 43% 55% 53% 57% I will attend a meeting in the future The meetings are important The meetings are useful 0%20%40%60%80%100% YesNo by percentage of respondents who DID NOT attend a public meeting THIS YEAR Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Q12d-f. Other Questions Related to Public Meetings: 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 17 50% 53% 50% 50% 47% 50% I will attend a meeting in the future The meetings are important The meetings are useful 0%20%40%60%80%100% YesNo Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Q12d-f. Other Questions Related to Public Meetings: by percentage of respondents who DID NOT attend a public meeting LAST YEAR 18-34 years 4% 35 to 54 years 52% 55 to 74 years 39% 75+ years 4% Not provided 1% Q13. Demographics: Age of Survey Respondents by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 18 Q14. Demographics: How many years have you lived in Westlake? by percentage of respondents 3 or less 27%4 or 5 25% 6 to 10 27% 11 to 15 8% 16 to 20 1% 21 to 30 7% 31+ 2% Not provided 3% Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Q15. Do any children in grades K-12 currently live in your home? Q15a. If YES, do any of these children currently attend Westlake Academy? by percentage of respondents Yes 48% No 51% Not provided 1% Yes 62% No 38% Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 19 Q15b. If NO, did any of these children previously attend Westlake Academy? Q15d. If YES, are you considering re-enrolling them at Westlake Academy? by percentage of respondents who had children in grades K-12 living in their home who were not attending Westlake Academy Yes 51% No 43% Not provided 6% No 92% Not provided 8% Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Stagecoach Hills 12% Vaquero 38% Wyck Hill 6% Glenwyck Farms 23% Mahoeta Boone 3% Other 14% Not provided 5% Q16. Demographics: In which subdivision do you live? by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 20 Under $50,000 3% $50,000 to $149,999 6% $150,000 to $500,000 43% $500,000+ 33% Not provided 15% Q17. Demographics: Household Income by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) Male 53% Female 47% Q18. Demographics: Respondents Gender by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 21 Section 2: Trend Analysis 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 22 DirectionFinder® Survey Analysis of Trend: 2009 versus 2011 Overview In 2009 and then again in 2011 the Town of Westlake conducted a resident survey to assess resident satisfaction with the delivery of major city services. The charts on the following pages show how the results of the Town’s 2011 survey compare to the results of the Town’s 2009 survey. Given the sample size of both surveys, changes of 4.0% or more from 2009 to 2011 were statistically significant. Some of the significant changes are described below. Significant Changes • Satisfaction with Major Categories of City Services. Among the nine major categories of city services that were assessed in 2009 and 2011, there was significant improvement in three areas: o Satisfaction with Westlake’s emergency preparedness efforts increased 9% from 65% in 2009 to 74% in 2011. o Satisfaction with parks, trails, and recreation programs/facilities increased 7% from 54% in 2009 to 61% in 2011. There was a significant decrease in one of the nine major categories of city services: o Satisfaction with the quality of customer service decreased 8% from 77% in 2009 to 69% in 2011. • Satisfaction with Police Services. Among the six police services that were assessed in 2009 and 2011, there were one significant improvement from 2009: o Satisfaction with Municipal Court services increased 4% from 68% in 2009 to 72% in 2011. There were three significant decreases in the police services that were rated from 2009: o Satisfaction with the level of traffic enforcement decreased 9% from 64% in 2009 to 55% in 2011. 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 23 o Satisfaction with how quickly police respond to emergencies decreased 4% from 74% in 2009 to 70% in 2011. o Satisfaction with the visibility of police in neighborhoods decreased 4% from 77% in 2009 to 73% in 2011. • Satisfaction with Fire and Medical Services. Among the three fire and medical services that were assessed in 2009 and 2011, there were significant improvement in satisfaction in two of the fire services rated: o Satisfaction with the overall quality of fire services increased 9% from 75% in 2009 to 84% in 2011. o Satisfaction with the overall quality of emergency medical services increased 6% from 77% in 2009 to 83% in 2011. There were no significant decreases in the fire and medical services that were rated. • Satisfaction with Maintenance Services. Among the three maintenance services assessed in 2009 and 2011, there was significant improvement in one area: o Satisfaction with the cleanliness of streets and other public increased 8% from 73% in 2009 to 81% in 2011. There were no significant decreases in the maintenance services that were rated. • Satisfaction with Utility Services. Of the six utility services that were assessed in 2009 and 2011, there were no significant improvements. There were significant decreases in all six of the utility services that were rated: o Satisfaction with residential trash collection services decreased 34% from 90% in 2009 to 56% in 2011. o Satisfaction with yard waste collection services decreased 19% from 78% in 2009 to 59% in 2011 o Satisfaction with curbside recycling services decreased 16% from 87% in 2009 to 71% in 2011. o Satisfaction with household hazardous waste disposal services decreased 10% from 53% in 2009 to 43% in 2011. o Satisfaction with bulky item pick up/removal services decreased 6% from 64% in 2009 to 58% in 2011. o Satisfaction with water conservation/protecting water resources decreased 4% from 60% in 2009 to 56% in 2011. • Satisfaction with Code Enforcement. There were no significant changes in satisfaction for any of the code enforcement services that were assessed in 2009 and 2011. 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 24 • Satisfaction with Perceptions of Westlake. Of the three perception items rated in 2009 and 2011, there were no significant improvements. There were significant decreases in all of the perception areas rated: o Satisfaction with the value received from local revenues decreased 27% from 66% in 2009 to 39% in 2011. o Satisfaction with the direction the town is headed decreased 17% from 69% in 2009 to 52% in 2011. o Satisfaction with the overall quality of governmental services decreased 4% from 70% in 2009 to 66% in 2011. 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 25 Trends: Overall Satisfaction With Town Services by Major Category (2011 vs. 2010 vs. 2009) 78% 74% 71% 72% 69% 63% 61% 60% 47% 83% 73% 69% 76% 72% 72% 56% 70% 66% 80% 65% 70% 74% 77% 60% 54% 63% 46% Quality of public safety services Westlake's emergency preparedness efforts Maintenance of the Town park Effectiveness of Town communication Quality of customer service provided by Town Quality of wastewater utility services Parks, trails, recreation programs/facilities Maintenance of Town streets Town efforts to manage storm water run-off 0%20%40%60%80%100% 201120102009 by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (June 2011 - Westlake, TX) Trends: Overall, how safe do you feel in the Town of Westlake? by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (June 2011 - Westlake, TX) 98% 95% 97% 2011 2010 2009 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very safeSafe 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 26 Trends: Satisfaction with Police Services in the Town of Westlake (2011 vs. 2010 vs. 2009) 76% 73% 72% 70% 67% 55% 84% 78% 73% 80% 73% 71% 78% 77% 68% 74% 66% 64% Quality of local police protection Visibility of police in neighborhoods Municipal Court services How quickly police respond to emergencies Efforts by the Town to prevent crime Level of traffic enforcement 0%20%40%60%80%100% 201120102009 by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (June 2011 - Westlake, TX) Trends: Satisfaction with Fire and Medical Services in the Town of Westlake (2011 vs. 2010 vs. 2009) 84% 83% 82% 80% 81% 80% 75% 77% 82% Overall quality of fire services Overall quality of emergency medical services How quickly emergency medical personnel respond 0%20%40%60%80%100% 201120102009 by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (June 2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 27 Trends: Satisfaction with Maintenance Services in the Town of Westlake (2011 vs. 2010 vs. 2009) 81% 67% 61% 77% 74% 70% 73% 66% 64% Cleanliness of streets/other public areas Condition of neighborhood streets Condition of major streets 0%20%40%60%80%100% 201120102009 by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (June 2011 - Westlake, TX) Trends: Satisfaction with Utility Services in the Town of Westlake (2011 vs. 2010 vs. 2009) 71% 59% 58% 56% 56% 43% 91% 77% 68% 89% 59% 61% 87% 78% 64% 90% 60% 53% Curbside recycling services Yard waste collection services Bulky item pick up/removal services Residential trash collection services Water conservation/protecting water resources Household hazardous waste disposal services 0%20%40%60%80%100% 201120102009 by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (June 2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 28 Trends: Satisfaction with Code Enforcement Services in the Town of Westlake (2011 vs. 2010 vs. 2009) 67% 63% 75% 71% 66% 66% Enforcing sign regulations Enforcing exterior maint. residential property 0%20%40%60%80%100% 201120102009 by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (June 2011 - Westlake, TX) Trends: Perceptions of Westlake (2011 vs. 2010 vs. 2009) 66% 52% 39% 71% 56% 58% 70% 69% 66% Overall quality of governmental services Direction the Town is headed Value received from local revenues 0%20%40%60%80% 201120102009 by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (June 2011 - Westlake, TX) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 29 Section 3: Benchmarking Data 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 30    Be n c h m a r k i n g  An a l y s i s    DirectionFinder® Survey Year 2011 Benchmarking Summary Report Overview ETC Institute's DirectionFinder program was originally developed in 1999 to help community leaders across the United States use statistically valid community survey data as a tool for making better decisions. Since November of 1999, the survey has been administered in more than 210 cities and towns in 43 states. Most participating communities conduct the survey on an annual or biennial basis. This report contains benchmarking data from two sources: (1) a national survey that was administered by ETC Institute to a random sample of more than 3,926 U.S. residents in May and June 2011, and (2) survey results from 36 medium sized cities and towns (population of 20,000 to 199,999) where the DirectionFinder® survey was administered between February 2009 and June 2011 The national survey results were used as the basis for the mean performance ratings that are shown in this report. The results from individual communities were used as the basis for developing the range of performance that is shown in this report for specific types of services. The 36 cities included in the performance ranges that are shown in this report are listed below: • Arlington, Virginia • Auburn, Alabama • Ballwin, Missouri • Blue Springs, Missouri • Bridgeport, Connecticut • Burbank, California • Casper, Wyoming • Columbia, Missouri • Davenport, Iowa • East Providence, Rhode Island • Greenville, South Carolina • Independence, Missouri • Kansas City, Kansas • Lawrence, Kansas • Lee's Summit, Missouri • Lenexa, Kansas • Manhattan, Kansas • Naperville, Illinois • Olathe, Kansas • Overland Park, Kansas • Palm Desert, California • Peoria, Arizona • Prairie Village, Kansas • Provo, Utah • Pueblo, Colorado • Round Rock, Texas • San Bernardino, California • Shoreline, Washington • Sioux Falls, South Dakota • Tamarac, Florida • Tempe Arizona • West Des Moines, Iowa • Westlake, Texas • Westland, Michigan • Wilmington, North Carolina • Yuma, Arizona 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 31    Be n c h m a r k i n g  An a l y s i s    The charts on the following pages show the range of satisfaction among residents in the communities listed above. The charts show the highest, lowest, and average (mean) levels of satisfaction for service delivery. The mean rating is shown as a vertical line and indicates the mean ratings from ETC Institute’s national survey. The actual ratings for Westlake are listed to the right of each chart. The dot on each bar shows how the results for Westlake compare to the other communities where the DirectionFinder® survey has been administered. 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 32 78% 74% 72% 47% 63% 61% 69% 80% 61% 46% 62% 70% 71% 55% Public safety services Emergency preparedness efforts Effectiveness of Town communication Storm water run-off Wastewater utility services Parks/trails/recreation programs/facilities Customer service 0%20%40%60%80%100% Westlake U.S. by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Source: 2011 ETC Institute Overall Satisfaction with Major Categories of Town Services - Westlake vs. the U.S 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 33 89% 82% 95% 85% 32% 25% 31% 31% Overall quality of customer service Effectiveness of Town communication Parks, trails and recreation Stormwater run-off management 0%20%40%60%80%100% Overall Satisfaction with Town Services by Major Category - 2011 by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale LOW---------MEAN--------HIGH Westlake, TX 69% 61% 47% 72% Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011) 39% 66% 45% 57% Value received from local revenues Overall quality of government services 0%20%40%60%80% Westlake U.S. by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Source: 2011 ETC Institute Satisfaction with Issues that Influence Perceptions of the Town Westlake vs. the U.S 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 34 81%24%Value received from local revenues 0%20%40%60%80%100% LOW---------MEAN--------HIGH Perceptions that Residents Have of the Community in Which They Live - 2011 by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale 39% Westlake, TX Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011) 76% 73% 70% 67% 55% 73% 57% 72% 62% 64% Local police protection Visibility of police in neighborhoods Police response time to emergencies Crime prevention Traffic enforcement 0%20%40%60%80%100% Westlake U.S. Overall Satisfaction with Police Services Westlake vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Source: 2011 ETC Institute 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 35 80% 85% 81% 47% 39% 42% Visibility of police in neighborhoods Overall efforts to prevent crime Traffic enforcement 0%20%40%60%80%100% LOW---------MEAN--------HIGH by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale Satisfaction with Police Services Provided by Cities and Towns - 2011 73% 55% 67% Westlake, TX Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011) 84% 82% 90% 87% Quality of fire services Emergency medical response time 0%20%40%60%80%100% Westlake U.S. Overall Satisfaction with Fire Services Westlake vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Source: 2011 ETC Institute 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 36 61% 67% 81% 59% 56% 64% Condition of major streets Condition of neighborhood streets Cleanliness of streets & public areas 0%20%40%60%80%100% Westlake U.S. Overall Satisfaction with Maintenance Services Westlake vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Source: 2011 ETC Institute 89% 83% 33% 20% Overall cleanliness of streets/public areas Condition of major streets 0%20%40%60%80%100% LOW---------MEAN--------HIGH by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Satisfaction with Maintenance Services Provided by Cities and Towns - 2011 61% Westlake, TX Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011) 81% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 37 71% 77% Maintenance of local park 0%20%40%60%80%100% Westlake U.S. Overall Satisfaction with Parks and Recreation Westlake vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Source: 2011 ETC Institute 94%44%Maintenance of parks 0%20%40%60%80%100% LOW---------MEAN--------HIGH by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale Satisfaction with Parks and Recreation Services Provided by Cities and Towns - 2011 71% Westlake, TX Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 38 56% 71% 59% 58% 43% 82% 71% 70% 59% 53% Residential trash collection services Recycling services Yard waste collection services Bulky item pick up/removal services Household hazardous waste disposal service 0%20%40%60%80%100% Westlake U.S. Overall Satisfaction with Utility Services Westlake vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Source: 2011 ETC Institute 63% 67% 48% 56% Enforcing exterior maint of residential property Enforcement of sign regulations 0%20%40%60%80%100% Westlake U.S. Overall Satisfaction with Code Enforcement Westlake vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Source: 2011 ETC Institute 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 39 75%32%Enforcing sign regulations 0%20%40%60%80%100% LOW---------MEAN--------HIGH by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale Satisfaction with Code Enforcement Services Provided by Cities and Towns - 2011 67% Westlake, TX Source: ETC Institute DirectionFinder (2011) 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 40 Section 4: Importance-Satisfaction Analysis 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 41 2011 Importance-Satisfaction Analysis Westlake, Texas Overview Today, City and Town officials have limited resources to activities that are of the most benefit to their citizens. Two of the most important criteria for decision making are (1) to target resources toward services of the highest importance to citizens; and (2) to target resources toward those services where citizens are the least satisfied. The Importance-Satisfaction (I-S) rating is a unique tool that allows public officials to better understand both of these highly important decision making criteria for each of the services they are providing. The Importance-Satisfaction rating is based on the concept that cities and towns will maximize overall citizen satisfaction by emphasizing improvements in those service categories where the level of satisfaction is relatively low and the perceived importance of the service is relatively high. Methodology The rating is calculated by summing the percentage of responses for items selected as the most important services for the Town to emphasize. This sum is then multiplied by 1 minus the percentage of respondents that indicated they were positively satisfied with the Town's performance in the related area (the sum of the ratings of 4 and 5 on a 5-point scale excluding “don't know” responses). “Don't know” responses are excluded from the calculation to ensure that the satisfaction ratings among service categories are comparable. [I-S=Importance x (1- Satisfaction)]. Example of the Calculation. Respondents were asked to identify the major categories of Town services they thought were most important. Fifty-one percent (51%) of residents ranked the maintenance of Town streets as the most important Town service. With regard to satisfaction, the maintenance of Town streets was ranked eight overall with 60% rating the maintenance of Town streets as a “4” or a “5” on a 5-point scale, excluding “don't know” responses. The I-S rating for public safety was calculated by multiplying the sum of the most important percentages by 1 minus the sum of the satisfaction percentages. In this example, 51% was multiplied by 40% (1-0.60). This calculation yielded an I-S rating of 0.2040, which was ranked first out of the eight major service categories. 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 42 The maximum rating is 1.00 and would be achieved when 100% of the respondents select an activity as one of the items they felt was most important and 0% indicate that they are positively satisfied with the delivery of the service. The lowest rating is 0.00 and could be achieved under either one of the following two situations: • if 100% of the respondents were positively satisfied with the delivery of the service • if none (0%) of the respondents selected the service as one of the services they felt was most important. Interpreting the Ratings Ratings that are greater than or equal to 0.20 identify areas that should receive significantly more emphasis. Ratings from .10 to .20 identify service areas that should receive increased emphasis. Ratings less than .10 should continue to receive the current level of emphasis. • Definitely Increase Emphasis (IS>=0.20) • Increase Current Emphasis (0.10<=IS<0.20) • Maintain Current Emphasis (IS<0.10) The results for Westlake is provided on the following page. 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 43 Importance-Satisfaction Rating 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey Major Categories of Town Services Category of Service Most Important % Most Important Rank Satisfaction % Satisfaction Rank Importance- Satisfaction Rating I-S Rating Rank Very High Priority (IS >.20) Maintenance of Town streets 51%260%80.20401 High Priority (IS .10-.20) Quality of public safety services 76%178%10.16972 Quality of utility services 41%363%60.15373 Quality of parks, trails and facilities 30%561%70.11594 Medium Priority (IS <.10) Emergency preparedness 33%474%20.08595 Quality of customer services 12%769%40.03786 Effectiveness of Town communication 12%672%30.03427 Overall code enforcement 9%867%50.02978 Note: The I-S Rating is calculated by multiplying the "Most Important" % by (1-'Satisfaction' %) Most Important %: The "Most Important" percentage represents the sum of the first, second, and third most important responses for each item. Respondents were asked to identify the items they felt were most important Satisfaction %:The "Satisfaction" percentage represents the sum of the ratings "4" and "5" excluding 'don't knows.' Respondents ranked their level of satisfaction with the each of the items on a scale of 1 to 5 with "5" being very satisfied and "1" being very dissatisfied. © 2011 DirectionFinder by ETC Institute 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 44 Importance-Satisfaction Matrix Analysis. The Importance-Satisfaction rating is based on the concept that public agencies will maximize overall customer satisfaction by emphasizing improvements in those areas where the level of satisfaction is relatively low and the perceived importance of the service is relatively high. ETC Institute developed an Importance-Satisfaction Matrix to display the perceived importance of major services that were assessed on the survey against the perceived quality of service delivery. The two axes on the matrix represent Satisfaction (vertical) and relative Importance (horizontal). The I-S (Importance-Satisfaction) matrix should be interpreted as follows. • Continued Emphasis (above average importance and above average satisfaction). This area shows where the Town is meeting customer expectations. Items in this area have a significant impact on the customer’s overall level of satisfaction. The Town should maintain (or slightly increase) emphasis on items in this area. • Exceeding Expectations (below average importance and above average satisfaction). This area shows where the Town is performing significantly better than customers expect the Town to perform. Items in this area do not significantly affect the overall level of satisfaction that residents have with Town services. The Town should maintain (or slightly decrease) emphasis on items in this area. • Opportunities for Improvement (above average importance and below average satisfaction). This area shows where the Town is not performing as well as residents expect the Town to perform. This area has a significant impact on customer satisfaction, and the Town should DEFINITELY increase emphasis on items in this area. • Less Important (below average importance and below average satisfaction). This area shows where the Town is not performing well relative to the Town’s performance in other areas; however, this area is generally considered to be less important to residents. This area does not significantly affect overall satisfaction with Town services because the items are less important to residents. The agency should maintain current levels of emphasis on items in this area. A matrix chart showing the results for Westlake are provided on the following pages. 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 45 Satisfaction Rating , , , , , , ,, mean satisfaction Op p o r t u n i t i e s f o r I m p r o v e m e n t 20 1 1 T o w n o f W e s t l a k e R e s i d e n t S u r v e y Im p o r t a n c e - S a t i s f a c t i o n A s s e s s m e n t M a t r i x -M a j o r C a t e g o r i e s o f T o w n S e r v i c e s - (p o i n t s o n t h e g r a p h s h o w d e v i a t i o n s f r o m t h e m e a n i m p o r t a n c e a n d S a t i s f a c t i o n r a t i n g s g i v e n b y r e s p o n d e n t s t o t h e s u r v e y ) me a n i m p o r t a n c e Im p o r t a n c e R a t i n g Lo w e r I m p o r t a n c e Higher Importance lo w e r i m p o r t a n c e / h i g h e r S a t i s f a c t i o n hi g her i m p o r t a n c e / h i g h e r S a t i s f a c t i o n lo w e r i m p o r t a n c e / l o w e r S a t i s f a c t i o n hi g h e r i m p o r t a n c e / l o w e r S a t i s f a c t i o n Ex c e e d e d E x p e c t a t i o n s Le s s I m p o r t a n t Co n t i n u e d E m p h a s i s So u r c e : E T C I n s t i t u t e ( 2 0 1 1 ) Em e r g e n c y p r e p a r e d n e s s Ma i nte n a n c e o f T o w n s t r e e t s Cu s t o m e r s e r v i c e Pa r k s , t r a i l s a n d f a c i l i t i e s Ov e r a l l c o d e e n f o r c e m e n t Pu b l i c s a f e t y s e r v i c e s Ut i l i t y s e r v i c e s Ef f e c t i v e n e s s o f T o w n co m m u n i c a t i o n 20 1 1 To w n of We s t l a k e Re s i d e n t Survey: Final Report ET C In s t i t u t e (2 0 1 1 ) Page 46 Section 5: Tabular Data 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 47 Q1. Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "very satisfied" and 1 means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with the following services provided by the Town of Westlake: (N=255) Very Very Don't Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know Q1a. Quality of public safety services 32.9% 38.0% 17.3% 1.2% 2.0% 8.6% Q1b. Efforts to ensure community is prepared for emergencies 20.4% 39.2% 16.5% 3.1% 1.2% 19.6% Q1c. Overall maintenance of Town streets 19.2% 40.8% 20.8% 11.8% 6.3% 1.2% Q1d. Overall effectiveness of communication 29.8% 39.6% 18.4% 8.6% 1.2% 2.4% Q1e. Overall quality of utility services 23.9% 37.3% 19.2% 8.6% 8.6% 2.4% Q1f. Overall quality of parks, trails, & facilities 14.5% 37.3% 22.7% 8.6% 1.6% 15.3% Q1g. Overall quality of customer service 20.8% 41.6% 24.7% 3.9% 0.4% 8.6% Q1h. Overall code enforcement 22.7% 33.7% 20.4% 6.3% 1.2% 15.7% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 48 EXCLUDING DON’T KNOW Q1. Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "very satisfied" and 1 means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with the following services provided by the Town of Westlake: (without "don't know") (N=255) Very Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q1a. Quality of public safety services 36.1% 41.6% 18.9% 1.3% 2.1% Q1b. Efforts to ensure community is prepared for emergencies 25.4% 48.8% 20.5% 3.9% 1.5% Q1c. Overall maintenance of Town streets 19.4% 41.3% 21.0% 11.9% 6.3% Q1d. Overall effectiveness of communication 30.5% 40.6% 18.9% 8.8% 1.2% Q1e. Overall quality of utility services 24.5% 38.2% 19.7% 8.8% 8.8% Q1f. Overall quality of parks, trails, & facilities 17.1% 44.0% 26.9% 10.2% 1.9% Q1g. Overall quality of customer service 22.7% 45.5% 27.0% 4.3% 0.4% Q1h. Overall code enforcement 27.0% 40.0% 24.2% 7.4% 1.4% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 49 Q2. Which THREE of the services listed above are most important to you? Q2. 1st choice Number Percent Public safety services 145 56.9 % Community is prepared for emergencies 12 4.7 % Street maintenance 27 10.6 % Effectiveness of communication 6 2.4 % Utility services 28 11.0 % Parks, trails & facilities 17 6.7 % Customer service 2 0.8 % Code enforcement 6 2.4 % None chosen 12 4.7 % Total 255 100.0 % Q2. Which THREE of the services listed above are most important to you? Q2. 2nd choice Number Percent Public safety services 31 12.2 % Community is prepared for emergencies 57 22.4 % Street maintenance 49 19.2 % Effectiveness of communication 10 3.9 % Utility services 34 13.3 % Parks, trails & facilities 23 9.0 % Customer service 14 5.5 % Code enforcement 2 0.8 % None chosen 35 13.7 % Total 255 100.0 % 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 50 Q2. Which THREE of the services listed above are most important to you? Q2. 3rd choice Number Percent Public safety services 18 7.1 % Community is prepared for emergencies 16 6.3 % Street maintenance 54 21.2 % Effectiveness of communication 15 5.9 % Utility services 43 16.9 % Parks, trails & facilities 36 14.1 % Customer service 15 5.9 % Code enforcement 15 5.9 % None chosen 43 16.9 % Total 255 100.0 % Q2. Which THREE of the services listed above are most important to you? (top 3) Q2. Sum of Top Three Choices Number Percent Public safety services 194 76.1 % Community is prepared for emergencies 85 33.3 % Street maintenance 130 51.0 % Effectiveness of communication 31 12.2 % Utility services 105 41.2 % Parks, trails & facilities 76 29.8 % Customer service 31 12.2 % Code enforcement 23 9.0 % None chosen 12 4.7 % Total 687 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 51 Q3. Several items that may influence your perception of the Town of Westlake are listed below. Please rate each item on a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "very satisfied" and 1 means "very dissatisfied." (N=255) Very Very Don't Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know Q3a. Quality of governmental services 15.7% 46.3% 20.4% 8.2% 4.3% 5.1% Q3b. Value received from local revenue sources 9.0% 26.3% 28.2% 15.3% 11.4% 9.8% Q3c. Direction Westlake is heading 17.6% 30.2% 20.0% 17.6% 6.7% 7.8% EXCLUDING DON’T KNOW Q3. Several items that may influence your perception of the Town of Westlake are listed below. Please rate each item on a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "very satisfied" and 1 means "very dissatisfied." (without "don't know") (N=255) Very Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q3a. Quality of governmental services 16.5% 48.8% 21.5% 8.7% 4.5% Q3b. Value received from local revenue sources 10.0% 29.1% 31.3% 17.0% 12.6% Q3c. Direction Westlake is heading 19.1% 32.8% 21.7% 19.1% 7.2% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 52 Q4. Overall, how safe do you feel in the Town of Westlake? Q4. Overall feeling of safety Number Percent Unsafe 2 0.8 % Safe 73 28.6 % Very Safe 177 69.4 % Don't Know 3 1.2 % Total 255 100.0 % Q5. Overall, how would you rate the Town of Westlake as a place to live? Q5. As a place to live Number Percent Poor 2 0.8 % Average 24 9.4 % Good 73 28.6 % Excellent 151 59.2 % Don't Know 5 2.0 % Total 255 100.0 % 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 53 Q6a-f. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Police Services: (N=255) Very Very Don't Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know Q6a. Local police protection 32.5% 38.4% 16.9% 4.3% 0.8% 7.1% Q6b. Visibility of police in neighborhoods 29.8% 38.8% 18.0% 6.3% 1.2% 5.9% Q6c. How quickly police respond to emergencies 18.8% 20.4% 14.5% 2.4% 0.0% 43.9% Q6d. Efforts to prevent crimes 18.0% 30.6% 22.4% 0.8% 0.4% 27.8% Q6e. Level of traffic enforcement 25.9% 27.1% 21.6% 14.5% 7.5% 3.5% Q6f. Municipal Court services 19.6% 36.9% 20.4% 1.2% 0.0% 22.0% EXCLUDING DON’T KNOW Q6a-f. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Police Services: (without "don't know") (N=255) Very Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q6a. Local police protection 35.0% 41.4% 18.1% 4.6% 0.8% Q6b. Visibility of police in neighborhoods 31.7% 41.3% 19.2% 6.7% 1.3% Q6c. How quickly police respond to emergencies 33.6% 36.4% 25.9% 4.2% 0.0% Q6d. Efforts to prevent crimes 25.0% 42.4% 31.0% 1.1% 0.5% Q6e. Level of traffic enforcement 26.8% 28.0% 22.4% 15.0% 7.7% Q6f. Municipal Court services 25.1% 47.2% 26.1% 1.5% 0.0% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 54 Q6g-i. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Fire and Medical Services: (N=255) Very Very Don't Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know Q6g. Quality of fire services 28.2% 32.9% 9.4% 1.6% 0.8% 27.1% Q6h. Quality of emergency medical services 26.7% 27.5% 11.0% 0.0% 0.4% 34.5% Q6i. Response time of fire & emergency medical services personnel 25.5% 20.0% 9.8% 0.0% 0.4% 44.3% EXCLUDING DON’T KNOW Q6g-i. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Fire and Medical Services: (without "don't know") (N=255) Very Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q6g. Quality of fire services 38.7% 45.2% 12.9% 2.2% 1.1% Q6h. Quality of emergency medical services 40.7% 41.9% 16.8% 0.0% 0.6% Q6i. Response time of fire & emergency medical services personnel 45.8% 35.9% 17.6% 0.0% 0.7% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 55 Q6j-k. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Emergency Preparedness: (N=255) Very Very Don't Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know Q6j. Level of response of public works during extreme weather conditions 18.4% 29.8% 15.7% 5.9% 0.4% 29.8% Q6k. Town staff to inform residents of hazardous road conditions, potential inclement weather & closures 17.6% 33.7% 23.9% 7.5% 1.6% 15.7% EXCLUDING DON’T KNOW Q6j-k. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Emergency Preparedness: (without "don't know") (N=255) Very Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q6j. Level of response of public works during extreme weather conditions 26.3% 42.5% 22.3% 8.4% 0.6% Q6k. Town staff to inform residents of hazardous road conditions, potential inclement weather & closures 20.9% 40.0% 28.4% 8.8% 1.9% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 56 Q6l-o. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Transportation Services: (N=255) Very Very Don't Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know Q6l. Condition of major streets 18.4% 41.6% 27.1% 8.6% 2.7% 1.6% Q6m. Condition of neighborhood streets 29.4% 36.9% 13.3% 9.8% 9.8% 0.8% Q6n. Cleanliness of streets/ public areas 32.9% 46.3% 13.7% 4.3% 0.8% 2.0% Q6o. Traffic flow & congestion management 10.2% 38.0% 25.5% 13.3% 9.4% 3.5% EXCLUDING DON’T KNOW Q6l-o. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Transportation Services: (without "don't know") (N=255) Very Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q6l. Condition of major streets 18.7% 42.2% 27.5% 8.8% 2.8% Q6m. Condition of neighborhood streets 29.6% 37.2% 13.4% 9.9% 9.9% Q6n. Cleanliness of streets/ public areas 33.6% 47.2% 14.0% 4.4% 0.8% Q6o. Traffic flow & congestion management 10.6% 39.4% 26.4% 13.8% 9.8% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 57 Q6p-w. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Communication/Citizen Engagement: (N=255) Very Very Don't Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know Q6p. Efforts to keep residents informed about council meetings, town projects, issues & events 32.9% 34.9% 22.7% 5.9% 0.8% 2.7% Q6q. Timeliness of information provided 30.6% 32.2% 26.3% 7.1% 0.4% 3.5% Q6r. Accuracy of information provided 25.1% 40.0% 23.5% 2.7% 2.0% 6.7% Q6s. Completeness of information 20.4% 40.0% 25.9% 2.7% 3.1% 7.8% Q6t. Opportunity for public involvement in local decisions 18.4% 32.5% 24.3% 9.4% 5.9% 9.4% Q6u. Usefulness of Town's newsletter 20.8% 33.3% 27.8% 5.5% 3.9% 8.6% Q6v. Ease of use of Town's website 19.6% 36.9% 18.4% 7.5% 2.0% 15.7% Q6w. Availability/ Accessibility of Town records 6.7% 19.2% 21.2% 5.1% 0.8% 47.1% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 58 EXCLUDING DON’T KNOW Q6p-w. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Communication/Citizen Engagement: (without "don't know") (N=255) Very Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q6p. Efforts to keep residents informed about council meetings, town projects, issues & events 33.9% 35.9% 23.4% 6.0% 0.8% Q6q. Timeliness of information provided 31.7% 33.3% 27.2% 7.3% 0.4% Q6r. Accuracy of information provided 26.9% 42.9% 25.2% 2.9% 2.1% Q6s. Completeness of information 22.1% 43.4% 28.1% 3.0% 3.4% Q6t. Opportunity for public involvement in local decisions 20.3% 35.9% 26.8% 10.4% 6.5% Q6u. Usefulness of Town's newsletter 22.7% 36.5% 30.5% 6.0% 4.3% Q6v. Ease of use of Town's website 23.3% 43.7% 21.9% 8.8% 2.3% Q6w. Availability/ Accessibility of Town records 12.6% 36.3% 40.0% 9.6% 1.5% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 59 Q6x-z. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Parks and Recreation Services: (N=255) Very Very Don't Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know Q6x. Maintenance of Town- owned Glenwyck Park 17.6% 28.2% 14.1% 3.5% 0.8% 35.7% Q6y. Number of publicly accessible parks & walking/ biking trails 13.7% 28.6% 12.9% 19.6% 5.1% 20.0% Q6z. General appearance of streetscaping & open spaces 17.3% 46.7% 23.5% 5.9% 0.0% 6.7% EXCLUDING DON’T KNOW Q6x-z. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Parks and Recreation Services: (without "don't know") (N=255) Very Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q6x. Maintenance of Town-owned Glenwyck Park 27.4% 43.9% 22.0% 5.5% 1.2% Q6y. Number of publicly accessible parks & walking/ biking trails 17.2% 35.8% 16.2% 24.5% 6.4% Q6z. General appearance of streetscaping & open spaces 18.5% 50.0% 25.2% 6.3% 0.0% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 60 Q6aa-ah. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Utility Services: (N=255) Very Very Don't Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know Q6aa. Residential trash collection services 15.7% 39.6% 13.7% 15.7% 14.5% 0.8% Q6ab. Curbside recycling services 17.6% 51.4% 12.9% 8.6% 7.1% 2.4% Q6ac. Yard waste collection services 13.3% 34.9% 15.3% 7.8% 10.2% 18.4% Q6ad. Bulky item pick up/ removal services 11.8% 28.2% 13.7% 9.0% 6.7% 30.6% Q6ae. Efforts to promote water conservation & protect water resources 11.8% 35.3% 25.5% 8.6% 3.5% 15.3% Q6af. Household hazardous waste disposal service 3.5% 17.3% 16.9% 6.3% 4.7% 51.4% Q6ag. Management of storm water run-off 6.7% 27.5% 27.1% 5.9% 5.1% 27.8% Q6ah. Wastewater utility services 16.1% 26.3% 17.3% 3.5% 4.7% 32.2% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 61 EXCLUDING DON’T KNOW Q6aa-ah. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Utility Services: (without "don't know") (N=255) Very Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q6aa. Residential trash collection services 15.8% 39.9% 13.8% 15.8% 14.6% Q6ab. Curbside recycling services 18.1% 52.6% 13.3% 8.8% 7.2% Q6ac. Yard waste collection services 16.3% 42.8% 18.8% 9.6% 12.5% Q6ad. Bulky item pick up/ removal services 16.9% 40.7% 19.8% 13.0% 9.6% Q6ae. Efforts to promote water conservation & protect water resources 13.9% 41.7% 30.1% 10.2% 4.2% Q6af. Household hazardous waste disposal service 7.3% 35.5% 34.7% 12.9% 9.7% Q6ag. Management of storm water run-off 9.2% 38.0% 37.5% 8.2% 7.1% Q6ah. Wastewater utility services 23.7% 38.7% 25.4% 5.2% 6.9% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 62 Q6ai-al. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Customer Service: (N=255) Very Very Don't Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know Q6ai. Participation of Town Staff in community events/ neighborhood meetings 21.2% 36.1% 17.3% 5.1% 0.8% 19.6% Q6aj. Expertise & ability of staff to resolve resident concerns 16.1% 26.7% 20.0% 11.0% 2.4% 23.9% Q6ak. Responsiveness of Town staff to residential concerns/issues 20.4% 28.2% 15.7% 10.2% 4.7% 20.8% Q6al. Friendliness of Town Staff 37.6% 37.6% 11.8% 3.5% 0.4% 9.0% EXCLUDING DON’T KNOW Q6ai-al. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Customer Service: (without "don't know") (N=255) Very Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q6ai. Participation of Town Staff in community events/neighborhood meetings 26.3% 44.9% 21.5% 6.3% 1.0% Q6aj. Expertise & ability of staff to resolve resident concerns 21.1% 35.1% 26.3% 14.4% 3.1% Q6ak. Responsiveness of Town staff to residential concerns/issues 25.7% 35.6% 19.8% 12.9% 5.9% Q6al. Friendliness of Town Staff 41.4% 41.4% 12.9% 3.9% 0.4% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 63 Q6am-an. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Code Enforcement: (N=255) Very Very Don't Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know Q6am. Enforcing exterior appearance & maintenance of property 16.5% 36.1% 25.1% 3.5% 2.0% 16.9% Q6an. Enforcing sign regulations 17.6% 35.3% 21.6% 4.7% 0.0% 20.8% EXCLUDING DON’T KNOW Q6am-an. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where "5" means "very satisfied" and "1" means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items of Code Enforcement: (without "don't know") (N=255) Very Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Q6am. Enforcing exterior appearance & maintenance of property 19.8% 43.4% 30.2% 4.2% 2.4% Q6an. Enforcing sign regulations 22.3% 44.6% 27.2% 5.9% 0.0% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 64 Q7. Using a scale of 1 to 5 where "5" means "Strongly Agree" and "1" means "Strongly Disagree," please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements: (N=255) Strongly Strongly Don't Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Know Q7a. Pedestrian and/or bike access to retail stores/ restaurants is important 23.5% 26.3% 27.5% 11.4% 10.6% 0.8% Q7b. Mixture of curb & gutter streets & rural roadways is important 26.3% 33.3% 27.1% 7.5% 3.9% 2.0% Q7c. Attracting retail development to grow sales tax base is important 39.6% 27.1% 15.7% 6.3% 9.4% 2.0% Q7d. Continued emphasis on attracting high-end corporate office development is important 39.2% 23.9% 17.6% 7.5% 10.6% 1.2% Q7e. Use of Facebook & Twitter for Town notifications would be useful 7.1% 15.3% 27.8% 16.5% 32.5% 0.8% Q7f. Connectivity of walking/ biking trails is important 32.9% 24.3% 24.3% 6.7% 11.4% 0.4% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 65 EXCLUDING DON’T KNOW Q7. Using a scale of 1 to 5 where "5" means "Strongly Agree" and "1" means "Strongly Disagree," please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements: (without "don't know") (N=255) Strongly Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Q7a. Pedestrian and/or bike access to retail stores/ restaurants is important 23.7% 26.5% 27.7% 11.5% 10.7% Q7b. Mixture of curb & gutter streets & rural roadways is important 26.8% 34.0% 27.6% 7.6% 4.0% Q7c. Attracting retail development to grow sales tax base is important 40.4% 27.6% 16.0% 6.4% 9.6% Q7d. Continued emphasis on attracting high-end corporate office development is important 39.7% 24.2% 17.9% 7.5% 10.7% Q7e. Use of Facebook & Twitter for Town notifications would be useful 7.1% 15.4% 28.1% 16.6% 32.8% Q7f. Connectivity of walking/biking trails is important 33.1% 24.4% 24.4% 6.7% 11.4% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 66 Q8. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 means "Extremely Important" and 1 means "Not Important," please indicate how important the following issues were in your decision to move to the Town of Westlake. (N=255) Extremely Very Less Not Don't Important Important Important Important Important Know Q8a. Sense of community 29.0% 27.5% 25.1% 10.2% 3.9% 4.3% Q8b. Quality of life 54.9% 26.7% 12.5% 0.0% 2.0% 3.9% Q8c. Small town feel/rural atmosphere 47.5% 30.6% 11.4% 3.5% 3.1% 3.9% Q8d. Aesthetic appeal & high development standards 51.4% 23.5% 14.5% 6.3% 1.6% 2.7% Q8e. Westlake Academy 38.8% 7.5% 10.6% 9.0% 30.2% 3.9% Q8f. Access to other public schools 20.0% 12.2% 24.3% 14.5% 23.9% 5.1% Q8g. Proximity to private schools 12.2% 7.8% 23.5% 16.5% 32.5% 7.5% Q8h. Low crime rate/quality of public safety 59.2% 22.7% 13.3% 1.6% 1.2% 2.0% Q8i. Employment opportunities 7.8% 2.4% 17.6% 20.8% 42.0% 9.4% Q8j. Access to DFW airport 39.6% 31.0% 17.6% 6.3% 3.5% 2.0% Q8k. Access to highways 42.0% 34.9% 14.5% 5.1% 1.2% 2.4% Q8l. Type of housing available 47.8% 24.3% 14.1% 4.7% 5.1% 3.9% Q8m. Quality of your subdivision 62.0% 22.7% 6.7% 1.2% 2.7% 4.7% Q8n. Westlake as a retirement destination 23.9% 9.8% 18.0% 14.1% 24.3% 9.8% Q8o. Number of publicly accessible parks & trails 17.6% 21.6% 25.9% 19.2% 11.8% 3.9% Q8p. Subdivision amenities 38.8% 22.4% 17.3% 9.4% 10.2% 2.0% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 67 Q9. Which THREE of the reasons listed above are the most important reasons you will stay in Westlake over the next 5 years? Q9. 1st choice Number Percent Sense of community 7 2.7 % Quality of life 40 15.7 % Small town feel/rural atmosphere 26 10.2 % Aesthetic appeal & high development standards 17 6.7 % Westlake Academy 56 22.0 % Access to other public schools 14 5.5 % Proximity to private schools 4 1.6 % Low crime rate/quality of public safety 13 5.1 % Access to DFW airport 7 2.7 % Access to highways 3 1.2 % Type of housing available 7 2.7 % Quality of your subdivision 20 7.8 % Westlake as a retirement destination 5 2.0 % Number of publicly accessible parks & trails 3 1.2 % Subdivision amenities 21 8.2 % None chosen 12 4.7 % Total 255 100.0 % 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 68 Q9. Which THREE of the reasons listed above are the most important reasons you will stay in Westlake over the next 5 years? Q9. 2nd choice Number Percent Sense of community 13 5.1 % Quality of life 47 18.4 % Small town feel/rural atmosphere 27 10.6 % Aesthetic appeal & high development standards 12 4.7 % Westlake Academy 14 5.5 % Access to other public schools 11 4.3 % Proximity to private schools 2 0.8 % Low crime rate/quality of public safety 33 12.9 % Access to DFW airport 24 9.4 % Access to highways 8 3.1 % Type of housing available 5 2.0 % Quality of your subdivision 24 9.4 % Westlake as a retirement destination 2 0.8 % Number of publicly accessible parks & trails 4 1.6 % Subdivision amenities 8 3.1 % None chosen 21 8.2 % Total 255 100.0 % 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 69 Q9. Which THREE of the reasons listed above are the most important reasons you will stay in Westlake over the next 5 years? Q9. 3rd choice Number Percent Sense of community 8 3.1 % Quality of life 21 8.2 % Small town feel/rural atmosphere 31 12.2 % Aesthetic appeal & high development standards 25 9.8 % Westlake Academy 5 2.0 % Access to other public schools 1 0.4 % Low crime rate/quality of public safety 31 12.2 % Employment opportunities 2 0.8 % Access to DFW airport 13 5.1 % Access to highways 14 5.5 % Type of housing available 14 5.5 % Quality of your subdivision 24 9.4 % Westlake as a retirement destination 8 3.1 % Number of publicly accessible parks & trails 8 3.1 % Subdivision amenities 13 5.1 % None chosen 37 14.5 % Total 255 100.0 % 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 70 Q9. Which THREE of the reasons listed above are the most important reasons you will stay in Westlake over the next 5 years? (top 3) Q9. Sum of top three choices Number Percent Sense of community 28 11.0 % Quality of life 108 42.4 % Small town feel/rural atmosphere 84 32.9 % Aesthetic appeal & high development standards 54 21.2 % Westlake Academy 75 29.4 % Access to other public schools 26 10.2 % Proximity to private schools 6 2.4 % Low crime rate/quality of public safety 77 30.2 % Employment opportunities 2 0.8 % Access to DFW airport 44 17.3 % Access to highways 25 9.8 % Type of housing available 26 10.2 % Quality of your subdivision 68 26.7 % Westlake as a retirement destination 15 5.9 % Number of publicly accessible parks & trails 15 5.9 % Subdivision amenities 42 16.5 % None chosen 12 4.7 % Total 707 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 71 Q10. Please indicate where you most frequently purchase the following products. If your purchases are evenly distributed among more than one location, please indicate where you most recently purchased the item. (N=255) Trophy Another Keller Club Roanoke Southlake Westlake Place Q10a. Groceries/household goods 11.1% 13.5% 13.9% 58.3% 0.0% 3.2% Q10b. Restaurants 3.2% 3.2% 14.7% 72.1% 4.0% 2.8% Q10c. Clothing 2.8% 0.0% 2.0% 68.4% 0.8% 25.9% Q10d. Books/music 1.2% 0.0% 1.6% 75.9% 0.0% 21.3% Q10e. Sporting Goods 4.4% 0.0% 3.2% 44.8% 2.0% 45.6% Q10f. Furniture 0.8% 0.4% 1.2% 34.3% 0.0% 63.3% Q10g. Appliances/electronics 1.6% 0.0% 2.0% 34.4% 0.0% 61.9% Q10h. Entertainment 1.2% 1.2% 4.5% 69.6% 2.0% 21.5% Q10i. Guest hotel accommodations 0.9% 1.4% 5.0% 40.7% 24.4% 27.6% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 72 Q11a-d. Have you attended the following activities and events sponsored by the Town THIS year? (N=255) Yes No Q11a. Decoration Day 15.7% 84.3% Q11b. Master Works concert series at Solana 8.6% 91.4% Q11c. Arbor Day event 25.1% 74.9% Q11d. Christmas Tree Lighting 14.1% 85.9% Q11a-d. Did you attended the following activities and events sponsored by the Town LAST year? (N=255) Yes No Q11a. Decoration Day 21.6% 78.4% Q11b. Master Works concert series at Solana 11.8% 88.2% Q11c. Arbor Day event 37.3% 62.7% Q11d. Christmas Tree Lighting 24.7% 75.3% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 73 Q11e-f. How often do you use the following: (N=255) Semi- Not Weekly Monthly annually Annually Never provided Q11e. Trails or amenities at Glenwyck Park 17.3% 13.7% 7.5% 9.4% 45.1% 7.1% Q11f. Other publicly accessible trails 11.4% 14.5% 5.1% 7.1% 54.9% 7.1% EXCLUDING NOT PROVIDED Q11e-f. How often do you use the following: (N=255) Semi- Weekly Monthly annually Annually Never Q11e. Trails or amenities at Glenwyck Park 18.6 14.8 8.0 10.1 48.5 Q11f. Other publicly accessible trails 12.2 15.6 5.5 7.6 59.1 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 74 Q12. Have you attended a public meeting in your neighborhood THIS year? Q12a. A public meeting in your neighborhood Number Percent Yes 79 31.0 % No 176 69.0 % Total 255 100.0 % Q12b-c. If YES (THIS YEAR), please answer the following: (N=79) Yes No Q12b. Was the meeting informative? 91.1% 8.9% Q12c. Did you have the opportunity to discuss your ideas/concerns? 83.5% 16.5% Q12d-f. If NO (THIS YEAR), please answer the following: (N=176) Yes No Q12d. Will you attend a neighborhood meeting in the future? 44.9% 55.1% Q12e. Do you think these meetings are important? 47.2% 52.8% Q12f. Do you think these meetings are useful? 42.6% 57.4% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 75 Q12a. Did you attend a public meeting in your neighborhood LAST year? Q12a. A public meeting in your neighborhood Number Percent Yes 124 48.6 % No 131 51.4 % Total 255 100.0 % Q12b-c. If YES (LAST YEAR), please answer the following: (N=124) Yes No Q12b. Was the meeting informative? 86.3% 13.7% Q12c. Did you have the opportunity to discuss your ideas/concerns? 84.7% 15.3% Q12d-f. If NO (LAST YEAR), please answer the following: (N=131) Yes No Q12d. Will you attend a neighborhood meeting in the future? 49.6% 50.4% Q12e. Do you think these meetings are important? 53.4% 46.6% Q12f. Do you think these meetings are useful? 50.4% 49.6% 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 76 Q13. What is your age? Q13. Your age Number Percent 18-34 years 9 3.5 % 35-54 years 133 52.2 % 55-74 years 100 39.2 % 75+ years 10 3.9 % Not provided 3 1.2 % Total 255 100.0 % Q14. How many years have you lived in Westlake? Q14. Years lived in Westlake Number Percent 3 or less 69 27.1 % 4 or 5 65 25.5 % 6 to 10 70 27.5 % 11 to 15 20 7.8 % 16 to 20 2 0.8 % 21 to 30 17 6.7 % 31+ 4 1.6 % Not provided 8 3.1 % Total 255 100.0 % 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 77 Q15. Do any children in grades K-12 live in your home? Q15. Children in grades K-12 Number Percent Yes 123 48.2 % No 130 51.0 % Not provided 2 0.8 % Total 255 100.0 % Q15a. If YES to Question #15, do any of these children currently attend Westlake Academy? Q15a. Do they currently attend Westlake Academy Number Percent Yes 76 61.8 % No 47 38.2 % Total 123 100.0 % Q15b. If NO to Question #15a, did any of these children previously attend Westlake Academy? Q15b. Did they previously attend Westlake Academy Number Percent Yes 24 51.1 % No 20 42.6 % Not provided 3 6.4 % Total 47 100.0 % Q15d. If YES to Question Q15b, Are you considering re-enrolling them at Westlake? Q15d. Considering re-enrolling them Number Percent No 22 91.7 % Don't know 2 8.3 % Total 24 100.0 % 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 78 Q16. In which subdivision do you live? Q16. Which subdivision Number Percent Stagecoach Hills 30 11.8 % Vaquero 98 38.4 % Wyck Hill 14 5.5 % Glenwyck Farms 58 22.7 % Mahotea Boone 8 3.1 % Other 35 13.7 % Not provided 12 4.7 % Total 255 100.0 % Q17. Which of the following BEST describes your total annual household income? Q17. Total annual household income Number Percent Under $50K 7 2.7 % $50K-$149,999 16 6.3 % $150K-$500K 109 42.7 % $500K+ 84 32.9 % Not provided 39 15.3 % Total 255 100.0 % Q18. Your gender: Q18. Your gender Number Percent Male 135 52.9 % Female 120 47.1 % Total 255 100.0 % 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 79 Q18. OPTIONAL: If you have an additional comments please write them in the space provide below: • The master calendar is too confusing and hard to get it to work. • Make sure you fully understand the risks in allowing natural gas drilling in our community. This is more than just a revenue issue! • I strongly believe Westlake Academy should be sold to the private sector so it can be properly funded by the families that use the school. Perhaps then the town can rescind the "city tax" they inflicted upon the majority of residents that do not have any intent in funding this substandard school. • The most important item in Westlake is the school Westlake Academy. Where is the survey on it? Let's get some real answers on the school: drama, grading system, science, athletics, etc., and how the school is operated day by day, semester by semester, year by year. • It is painfully obvious that the Stagecoach Hills subdivision is the "ugly stepchild" in Westlake. Sometimes it seems that the town would just as soon see us disappear. I have lived in areas where airparks were seen as an advantage to a community. I would like to see that happen here. The Town needs to help us improve streets, lighting, utilities, etc., in a more timely fashion. This would be a step in the right direction. • Storm drains were installed in the neighborhood and it made the drainage worse. Now I have water standing in the drainage system most of the time. The city was notified a couple of times but doesn't seem to want to fix the problem. • Need better solution for school: not city run and paid for by residents, low Westlake enrollment makes little sense. Need hike and bike trails: runners and bikers without trails present huge safety issues. Enforce codes: appearance of some properties is poor, need maintained - do what you say you are going to do and enforce. • Water bills and cost is way too high. • We love living in Westlake. We love the individuals that lead our town. We are so thankful for all your hard work! We think the best investment to raise money for the town would be to have a Whole Foods grocery story and an In-Out Burger (most popular chain coming to Texas) join the community. Then we could have more income to fix roads, add park, support new offices for town leaders and fund the school. Have a great day and thanks again for all you do and for wanting to hear from us. • Traffic at Peasou and Dove is awful. Sewer and drainage in area is poor. Poor access to parks, walkways, sidewalks, etc. • Something must be done to reduce the cost of water in Westlake. We pay way too much and have no alternative options. Why can't Glenwyck Farms get any other internet service other than One Source? This must change. I am extremely unhappy about the reduction in trash/recycle service; bring back 2 times/week, please. • It seems the city is very slow in depositing checks issued to the city. Slow and/or poor administrative systems or accounting or cash management usually indicate or point to bigger problems in the organization. Keep the size of government small. • Would like to have direct information about whether or not there will be further drilling for natural gas near residential neighborhoods. 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 80 Q18. (CONTINUED) OPTIONAL: If you have an additional comments please write them in the space provide below: • The education and experience of Westlake Academy does not live up to the hype. Teachers and staff are arrogant and elite. The constant hand outs asking for money (kids had to pay $1.00 just to wear Halloween costume to school) is pathetic! My kid was learning to beg from professionals. This survey continues to dodge the toughest questions around Westlake Academy. It has divided this once united town, and is polarizing neighbors and friends. It is silently forcing residents to take sides. You need to stop charging taxes to the residents to pay for Westlake Academy. Now that trash service is cut in half, I am sure it is to pay for the school which we don't need. Why do Westlake residents have to pay to put non-Westlake residents through Westlake Academy? If Westlake wants to be in the education business, then take the school private (yes, give back the charter) and charge a tuition for attendance. That way the costs are covered by those who use the school. This would go a long way and would help reunite the town and be more fair to everyone. There could also be a discount for living in Westlake. Please lower the water rates too. We are being overcharged and again we believe it is to pay for school overruns. Town leadership needs to focus on running a town, not a school. We want the town to focus and improve services for the whole town, not just supporters/users of Westlake Academy or just policies that benefit the school. Services, streets, trash, and taxes have all been compromised to support the school. • Houses are too large for trash to be picked up once a week! The Town is very slow in sending checks to bank, it takes 2 to 3 weeks for a check to clear after paying the Town of Westlake. • Roadside cleanliness is an issue. • We need to do something on Steve Court during ice storms, maybe it block off or use sand when its icy because vehicles get stuck there every time. Also remove property taxes and this survey could be done online. • I would like the decal of Chi removed from the curve sign on Dove Road. • Walking trails (sidewalks) needed on Ottinger. We live just south of the academy and there is no place for people to walk and it is dangerous to walk in the street. Not sure you made a good deal on letting the big trucks use this Ottinger to service Deloitte. In the short run it may be okay, but in the long run I don't think it will be good for the roads or houses. No complaints but so much effort in police traffic enforcement - not much contact or attention unless you're speeding - more to it than just tickets. Officers are very friendly and professional when I've spoken with them. • Please reduce the traffic on Dove. • Connecting existing walking paths would make them and parks available to all residents without car use. Somewhat concerned about aesthetics of road leading from Ottinger to Deloitte facility. Publicly distributed information provides little detail. Example: Have arrangements been made for "Westlake Signature" landscaping and trees to assure entry does not appear commercial? My concern about aesthetics is somewhat mitigated by Westlake's demonstrated attention to detail on aesthetics and bucolic feel of our town. It would be helpful to have more detail on specific plans. • I was not for a city tax like we had in 2010. • The mailed newsletter is a waste of money. Westlake Wire is a waste. Email update would be effective. Enforce sign regulations on Roanoke Road on the Westlake side. • Thanks for asking. 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 81 Q18. (CONTINUED) OPTIONAL: If you have an additional comments please write them in the space provide below: • Trash pickup went from twice per week to once per week at the same rate - not satisfactory. When you ask a question, the answer does not tell you if you are providing too much service or not enough. This survey can be used to justify any position. It is not a well written survey. Stop sending it out. • Sidewalks connecting Vaquero to other trails (NOT through Roland Arthur's property he will never subdivide) should be part of the new road. How in the world is it taking so long to build the road? Attracting a grocery store or market to Westlake would be a great benefit. The nearest store is at least 10 minutes. What are the new trash days and why did it change? Water rates are way too high. Jury duty has been going smoothly. Thank you. • Westlake Academy is a financial black hole that is manifesting into other negative unintended (or perhaps intended) financial consequences and decision making. • Please repeal the property tax and tax Fidelity and Deloitte instead. Retroactive was not fair. • The cost of the water and sewer in particular is ABSOLUTELY ABSURD. My water bill is more than all my other utilities combined on a monthly basis. Now we have a property tax and 1/2 the garbage service. Costs keep going up and what are we getting for it? For the first time since I moved here four years ago, I am disappointed I live in Westlake. If it wasn't for Vaquero and what it offers, I would move. • The town's over-emphasis on the importance of the mediocre school is a problem. • The intersection of Dove and Randel Mill is extremely busy. Many cars drive fast and also accelerate rapidly and quite loudly from that intersection in all three directions. It would be nice to have some sort of "no rapid acceleration" sign or some sort of speed bump or obstacle that would slow people down. There are several areas on both sides of Dove Road pavement that are in disrepair between Randel Mill and Hwy 114. • Westlake Academy provided a decidedly inferior education to Southlake Carroll schools. Why does a town of 1,000 total people, the majority of whom are minors, need a town manager? Westlake is the worst run, most pretentious, and most ill-conceived governance structure and planning in the State of Texas, if not the entire USA. This survey is a total waste of town money and time. • The school is a complete waste of resources which consequently hinders the financial stability of the town. If the school is so great, why aren't the people who use it willing to pay for it? Because the people who live in or around the most affluent town in the country can't afford it? • Speed traps are ridiculous and lead to a waste of time in Municipal Court. Tax increase was not necessary. Need solution to cost of water. • I feel there is a serious lack of communication between the Town Council and the citizens of Westlake. In the three years I have lived here, only the first year was full of information from the Town of Westlake. The last two years a lot has happened and I feel the citizens are left out of the loop unless they go online every day and this is not possible. • The length of time it is taking to build Precinct Line is a joke. We aren't landing planes, just cars. • I love Westlake but I do not trust you to value my opinion after raising taxes without representation, so why should I bother with a survey? When the will of the people is subverted and oppressed, we are in big trouble. Now I've lost respect for town government. 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 82 Q18. (CONTINUED) OPTIONAL: If you have an additional comments please write them in the space provide below: • Trash pickup services are horrendous. Trash truck leaks oil all over my neighborhood streets and trash falls out of the truck and blows over the neighborhood. Additionally, there is absolutely no dedicated recycle truck. There used to be a dedicated recycling service but not now. Why? I have a dedicated Town of Westlake green recycle trash receptacle, however, my recyclable material gets picked up and dumped into the same garbage truck with my regular garbage. Why? Westlake deserves a waste management company that is serious and dedicated to recycling. • The continual Precinct Line construction is making daily living in Westlake less enjoyable, especially here in Vaquero. • Thank you for all that you do and are trying to do to grow and develop Westlake. • Wish we could have a sewer system and a new street. Sidewalks and trails at least. Westlake Academy would be on my list also. • Thanks for the fire hydrant near my home. Upgrade to electrical services good, but streets deteriorating quickly. • Close Westlake Academy. It is a divisive waste of money. • I think with the economy and a lot of us with businesses taking a cut in salary, it was a lousy time to propose additional taxes. • I scored a dissatisfied on trash pickup because they never seem to pick it all up. Going to once a week, there is usually more than will fit in the blue can and all they pick up is the blue can. • Westlake is a beautiful community. It is also a very transient community. It is critical that we continuously reinvigorate our neighborhoods and involvement with our citizens. There are many options in the area, so we must continue to stand out. We need to continue to promote Westlake Academy, our communities, and our parks. Need to bring pride back. • Time will tell if the decision for property tax levy was a wise decision to fund Westlake Academy. It is a huge conflict of interest when the town of Westlake represents both the City and Academy. The citizens of Westlake should not be supporting two schools. Taxes will be going up in years to come and the people get taken by both federal and local government. I would personally like to choose my charity to give to. Now, both federal and local governments are making that decision for taxpayers. • I think the addition of temporary classrooms is a mistake that cheapens the school and the community. • Very disappointed: the gas drilling - hideous, didn't realize getting mineral rights; ever increasing traffic on Dove Road - with people turning on Randall Mill or Sam School - something has changed because it is terrible; decreasing frequency of trash collection; increasing costs for trash, water, sewer; money wasted on Westlake Academy and now having to pay city taxes - would rather have a library than the Academy. Zero improvements. You try to bring issues up at meetings and people just smile and nod. Waste of time. • Town council does a great job. I would like to see better judgment on traffic enforcement. Tickets should be issued for dangerous driving, not a rolling stop or going 40 mph down a hill coasting on Dove Road. If there is another option to Keller Police, we should look at it. Westlake is a spectacular place to live. 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 83 Q18. (CONTINUED) OPTIONAL: If you have an additional comments please write them in the space provide below: • We felt that the math education was lacking, as well as the teacher quality at Westlake Academy. During the recent tornado warnings, we were unable to hear any warning sirens. I know that they were going off in all neighboring towns. Does Westlake have a warning system in place? If so, it is not working. Garbage Service: I am in favor of only one pickup per week, but I don't see how it's reasonable that the level of service got reduced without a reduction in price. Water costs continue to increase. I can't imagine the costs many townspeople incur when they water their lawns daily. We are extremely conservative and will most likely pay around $800 for the month of August. We've seen annual increases well above the level of inflation since we moved here. Property Tax: To have meetings with local townspeople and then to disregard any who opposed the town tax was a disgrace. It is apparent that the tax was passed so quickly to cover increasing costs at Westlake Academy. There were two council members who voted against its passage. At the first meeting after its passage one of those members said, "Well, since we have the money, let's build a new building." This is appalling. The Westlake Academy needs to be able to cover all of its costs, including the cost of the buildings that were constructed, without any support at all from the town. Perhaps being the state's only municipally owned charter school was a mistake. Westlake Academy: I want the school to be successful because I live in this town and hope that its success will ultimately increase our property values, although at this time we are not getting any uplift in our valuations. I hope that as the school size increases, the elitist attitude that is so prevalent there will diminish and it will truly become a school for everyone. • We just bought our home in September 2010 so do not have much experience. Nice, beautiful town. Too many police patrol Dove and Precinct Line looking for speeders. I don't speed so it does not impact me, but their time would be better spent looking for criminals. Cutting back trash pickup service from two days per week to one day per week was a horrible decision that shows little regard for customer preferences. Service should be changed back to twice per week. • Southlake schools provide superior schooling K-12. We do not need additional tax burden of Westlake Academy. It should be a private school, so charge for attendance. • Wish trash pickup was twice a week. • Very impressed by responsiveness of town. • Enjoy living in Westlake. • Eliminate the property tax. Privatize Westlake Academy - town of 700 residents cannot afford its own public school. Quit bringing businesses to the city. Should have to contract with another water provider and lower water costs. Restore the trash service to the level of six months earlier. • City does a good job listening to citizens but a little dismissive of citizen opinions. Not consider all the options before implementing a property tax. Consider town manager and school leader; should not be the same because it creates a conflict of interest. They don't really listen to us. Restore the trash service back the way it was. Contract with another water department to lower costs. • Traffic enforcement is too aggressive. Keller Police in surrounding areas waiting to give grief. • City be a bit more aggressive of ordinances. Davis onto Dove need to clean up current construction. Road on farm to Dove. Shrubs scratching cars. Upkeep side of roadway south of Dove. • Westlake Academy is excellent. If school is excellent community will be excellent and property values will be good. 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 84 Q18. (CONTINUED) OPTIONAL: If you have an additional comments please write them in the space provide below: • Too many employees that don't do enough that need to do more. Police need to focus more on public safety and not making money off of traffic tickets. • Great place to live. Couldn't be happier. • Police department ticketing residents in neighborhoods for ridiculous reasons (other than speeding) is very tormenting and is going to drive away residents. • Tired of the town wasting our money to keep Westlake Academy open in its current format. You can call the new tax whatever you want but it's still a school tax. • The cards are against residents who don't attend public neighborhood meetings. Our powers that be don't seem interested in resolving the fiscal problems related to Westlake Academy. The town should not have to financially support, via taxes, Westlake Academy. We already pay CISD school taxes. Westlake Academy needs to be changed to a private school because most of their students come from other communities which is great, except they aren't paying for it. Water prices are way too high. You need to bring in commercial businesses. • Newest chain In and Out Burger and Whole Foods grocery store would be great in Westlake. • Don't like the electric company. • The town is a very nice town and the Mayor's very approachable. • Would like protected walking and bike access from Glenwyck to Westlake Academy. Would like trash pickup to go back to two days, along with recycling. • Roadside cleanliness and neighborhood road improvement. • Police are too concerned about entrapment of speeders. Unethical tactics are used to give traffic tickets. It would be desirable to return to twice weekly residential trash pickup. • Great place to live. • Unethical tactics are used to give traffic tickets. Please return to two times a week residential trash pickup. • Regarding taxes, I purchased property in Westlake because it was self-governed by people, it was a small town, there were no taxes and it had a community feel in a rural setting. It is changing and not for the better. I oppose property taxes for Westlake residential property owners. I do not believe that city communication is a "spin free zone" - specifically referring to questions 6R and 6S, the accuracy of the information received from Town and the completeness of the information received from town. • Very disappointed with utility. I am beyond disappointed with trash. Paying more to live in community and get less. These are reasons why I am leaving. Mayor is not doing his job, especially regarding school. Don't agree with curriculum choices in school. We need additional lanes for bikers. Too many police. • A couple of homes with too many living there and a lot of cars parked outside. The home with too many people on Main Street looks trashy. • Need to be made aware you need a voucher to take hazardous materials to station drop-off. No one told me. • Need useful bike trails from neighborhood to schools and businesses. • More information about town services and programs. What's available for people to do needs to be made more readily available to residents of Westlake. 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 85 Q18. (CONTINUED) OPTIONAL: If you have an additional comments please write them in the space provide below: • Would love a Starbucks. • Would be nice to have a children's park area in Glenwyck Farms. • Forty students enrolled in one grade at Westlake Academy is too many. Trash pickup should be twice a week. Cleanliness of streets needs improvement. • We need a professional in IB education leading the Westlake Academy. Two school principals reporting to the town manager does not work. • Appalled during week in February that public works did not put anything on main thoroughfares for snow and ice. It was very dangerous and no concern was shown by the public works department. What happened to phone message notifications of severe weather alerts? Better town calendar to inform residents of what is available, i.e., bulky item pickup, drop-off and household hazardous waste drop-off, town events. During summer months, public works should do more trimming at intersections of vegetation for better visibility with traffic. • Get innovative about weekly email announcements, especially in the subject lines with the wording. I feel town is communicating but maybe needs to fine tune communication verbiage. • Our subdivision has no voice on the City Council. Our subdivision doesn't have representation and by segregating school board of trustees from the Town Council, that would allow for people whose interests are not around the school to be represented. • More funding for schools, especially Westlake Academy since that is a priority for parents in Westlake. • The town is trying to change into something too big; council members should make sure it keeps that small-town feel. • I think the Town is spending too much money on these surveys. • We need new Town leadership. No more taxes, we have already paying for two education systems. • Water bill is way too high. I'm not using the amount being billed for water and I feel that this is an underhanded tactic instead of just outright taxing us for needed services and repairs to infrastructure. Clarity on who is responsible for street lighting. More information is needed about long-term vision for roadways. • Thank Laura and Tom for doing this. More and aggressive enforcement of lighting restrictions. 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 86 Section 6: Survey Instrument 2011 Town of Westlake Resident Survey: Final Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 87 Town of Westlake May 2011 Dear Westlake Resident, This marks the third installment of our annual DirectionFinder resident survey. We are extremely grateful for your continued participation and support of this effort. Resident responses have grown from 253 households in 2009 to 261 in 2010, a truly phenomenal achievement! If you have not participated in this survey before, we would especially like to hear from you; we ask that you take a few moments so we can have your important feedback. You may notice some changes in the types of questions being asked in this year's survey. This is because we have used your previous survey responses to further hone this year's survey instrument to identify key areas of concern for our residents. For example, a number of the major street capital projects will be underway over the next several months. This is a result of your survey responses about street infrastructure priorities. Additionally, this survey assists your Town government in understanding and gaining a sense of the "pulse" of our community regarding your concerns and interests about the Town. It is our desire to maintain and promote a community that not only meets, but exceeds, your expectations for service excellence and a great quality of life. Your input via this survey will help us in that effort. Also, anytime you have questions or concerns about your Town government, please send us an email, call, or come by the Town offices; we are here to serve you. Please help us by taking a few minutes to complete the enclosed survey. A survey has been mailed to every adult resident in the Town. Please have each adult in your household complete the surveys received and return to the address listed below. We would especially like to hear from those of you who have not responded in the past. Results will be used as a working tool to assist us in making critical decisions concerning the allocation of Town resources, measure the effectiveness of Town services, and help set the future direction for our community. Please return your survey in the enclosed return-reply envelope to: ETC INSTITUTE 725 W. Frontier Circle Olathe, KS 66061 Any questions may be directed to Ginger Awtry in the Town Manager's Office at (817) 490 -5719 or via e-mail at gawtry@ westlake-tx .org. Thank you for helping to make Westlake a premier community! Thomas E. Brymer Town Manager/Superintendent Westlake Academy 3 Vill age Circle, Sui te #202 • Westlake , Texas 76262 Metro : 817 -430 -0941. Fax : 817-430-1812. www.westlake -tx.org        TOWN OF WESTLAKE 2011 RESIDENT SURVEY 1. Satisfaction with Major Categories of Town Services: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where “5” means “very satisfied” and “1” means “very dissatisfied,” please rate your satisfaction with the following services provided by the Town of Westlake: How Satisfied are you with: Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don’t Know A. Quality of public safety services (police, fire, emergency medical, and municipal court) 5 4 3 2 1 9 B. Overall efforts by Westlake to ensure the community is prepared for emergencies 5 4 3 2 1 9 C. Overall maintenance of Town streets 5 4 3 2 1 9 D. Overall effectiveness of communication by the Town 5 4 3 2 1 9 E. Overall quality of utility services 5 4 3 2 1 9 F. Overall quality of parks, trails, and facilities in Westlake 5 4 3 2 1 9 G. Overall quality of customer service provided by the Town 5 4 3 2 1 9 H. Overall code enforcement 5 4 3 2 1 9 2. Which THREE of the services listed above are most important to you? [Write in the letters below using the letters from the list in Question 1 above] 1st: ______ 2nd: ______ 3rd: ______ 3. Several items that may influence your perception of the Town of Westlake are listed below. Please rate each item on a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means “very satisfied” and 1 means “very dissatisfied.” How Satisfied are you with: Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don’t Know A. Overall quality of governmental services provided by the Town of Westlake 5 4 3 2 1 9 B. Overall value that you receive from local revenue sources (i.e. taxes, fees, and permits) 5 4 3 2 1 9 C. The direction the Town is heading 5 4 3 2 1 9 4. Overall, how safe do you feel in the Town of Westlake? ___(4) Very safe ___(3) Safe ___(2) Unsafe ___(1) Very unsafe ___(9) Don’t know 5. Overall, how would you rate the Town of Westlake as a place to live? ___(4) Excellent ___(3) Good ___(2) Average ___(1) Poor ___(9) Don’t know        6. Satisfaction with Specific Types of Services Provided By the Town: Using a scale of 1 to 5, where “5” means “very satisfied” and “1” means “very dissatisfied,” please rate your satisfaction with each of the following: How Satisfied are you with: Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don’t Know Police Services A. Quality of local police protection 5 4 3 2 1 9 B. Visibility of police in neighborhoods 5 4 3 2 1 9 C. How quickly police respond to emergencies 5 4 3 2 1 9 D. Efforts by the Town to prevent crime 5 4 3 2 1 9 E. Level of traffic enforcement 5 4 3 2 1 9 F. Municipal Court services 5 4 3 2 1 9 Fire and Medical Services G. Quality of fire services 5 4 3 2 1 9 H. Quality of emergency medical services 5 4 3 2 1 9 I. Response time of fire and emergency medical services personnel 5 4 3 2 1 9 Emergency Preparedness J. Level of response of the public works department during extreme weather conditions 5 4 3 2 1 9 K. Efforts by Town staff to inform residents of hazardous road conditions, potential inclement weather and closures 5 4 3 2 1 9 Transportation Services L. Condition of major streets in Westlake 5 4 3 2 1 9 M. Condition of streets in your neighborhood 5 4 3 2 1 9 N. Cleanliness of streets/public areas 5 4 3 2 1 9 O. Traffic flow and congestion management in Westlake 5 4 3 2 1 9 Communication/Citizen Engagement P. Efforts of the Town to keep you informed about Council Meetings, Town projects, issues and events 5 4 3 2 1 9 Q. Timeliness of information provided by the Town 5 4 3 2 1 9 R. Accuracy of the information you receive from the Town 5 4 3 2 1 9 S. Completeness of the information you receive from the Town 5 4 3 2 1 9 T. Opportunity for public involvement in local decisions 5 4 3 2 1 9 U. Usefulness of the Town’s newsletter 5 4 3 2 1 9 V. Ease of use of the Town’s website 5 4 3 2 1 9 W. Availability/Accessibility of Town records 5 4 3 2 1 9 Parks and Recreation Services X Maintenance of Town-owned Glenwyck Park 5 4 3 2 1 9 Y Number of publicly accessible parks and walking/biking trails in Westlake 5 4 3 2 1 9 Z General appearance of streetscaping and open spaces 5 4 3 2 1 9        CONTINUED 6. Satisfaction with Specific Types of Services Provided By the Town: Using a scale of 1 to 5, where “5” means “very satisfied” and “1” means “very dissatisfied,” please rate your satisfaction with each of the following: How Satisfied are you with: Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don’t Know Utility Services AA Residential trash collection services 5 4 3 2 1 9 AB Curbside recycling services 5 4 3 2 1 9 AC Yard waste collection services 5 4 3 2 1 9 AD Bulky item pick up/removal services (old furniture, appliances, etc.) 5 4 3 2 1 9 AE Town efforts to promote water conservation & protect water resources 5 4 3 2 1 9 AF Household hazardous waste disposal service (for oil, paint, etc) 5 4 3 2 1 9 AG Efforts by the Town to manage storm water run-off 5 4 3 2 1 9 AH Quality of wastewater (or sanitary sewer) utility services 5 4 3 2 1 9 Customer Service AI Level of participation of Town Staff in community events/neighborhood meetings 5 4 3 2 1 9 AJ Expertise and ability of staff to resolve resident concerns 5 4 3 2 1 9 AK Responsiveness of Town staff to residential concerns/issues 5 4 3 2 1 9 AL Friendliness of Town Staff 5 4 3 2 1 9 Code Enforcement AM Enforcing the exterior appearance and maintenance of property 5 4 3 2 1 9 AN Enforcing sign regulations 5 4 3 2 1 9 7. Using a scale of 1 to 5 where “5” means “Strongly Agree” and “1” means “Strongly Disagree,” please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements: Please rate your Agreement with the following statements: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree A. Pedestrian and/or bike access to retail stores/restaurants is important to me. 5 4 3 2 1 B. Westlake’s mixture of curb & gutter streets and rural roadways is important to me. 5 4 3 2 1 C. Attracting retail development to grow Westlake’s sales tax base is important to me. 5 4 3 2 1 D. Westlake’s continued emphasis on attracting high-end corporate office development is important to me. 5 4 3 2 1 E. The use of Facebook and Twitter for Town notifications would be useful to me. 5 4 3 2 1 F. Connectivity of Westlake’s walking/biking trails is important to me. 5 4 3 2 1        8. Reasons for Moving to Westlake: Using a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 means “Extremely Important” and 1 means “Not Important,” please indicate how important the following issues were in your decision to move to the Town of Westlake. How Important was? Extremely Important Very Important Important Less Important Not Important Don’t Know A. Sense of community 5 4 3 2 1 9 B. Quality of life 5 4 3 2 1 9 C. Small town feel/rural atmosphere 5 4 3 2 1 9 D. The aesthetic appeal and high development standards 5 4 3 2 1 9 E. Westlake Academy 5 4 3 2 1 9 F. Access to other public schools (Keller, Northwest or Carroll ISD’s) 5 4 3 2 1 9 G. Proximity to private schools 5 4 3 2 1 9 H. Low crime rate/quality of public safety 5 4 3 2 1 9 I. Employment opportunities in the Westlake area 5 4 3 2 1 9 J. Access to DFW airport 5 4 3 2 1 9 K. Access to highways 5 4 3 2 1 9 L. Type of housing available 5 4 3 2 1 9 M. Quality of your subdivision 5 4 3 2 1 9 N Westlake as a retirement destination 5 4 3 2 1 9 O. Number of publicly accessible parks & trails 5 4 3 2 1 9 P. Subdivision amenities (airpark, golf club, parks & open space, etc.) 5 4 3 2 1 9 9. Which THREE of the reasons listed above are the most important reasons you will stay in Westlake over the next 5 years? [Write in the letters below using the letters from the list in Question 8 above]. 1st: ______ 2nd: ______ 3rd: ______ 10. Please indicate where you most frequently purchase the following products? If your purchases are evenly distributed among more than one location, please indicate where you most recently purchased the item. Please indicate where you most frequently purchase the following: Keller Trophy Club Roanoke Southlake Westlake Another Place A Groceries/household goods 5 4 3 2 1 9 B Restaurants 5 4 3 2 1 9 C Clothing 5 4 3 2 1 9 D Books/music 5 4 3 2 1 9 E Sporting Goods 5 4 3 2 1 9 F Furniture 5 4 3 2 1 9 G Appliances/electronics 5 4 3 2 1 9 H Entertainment 5 4 3 2 1 9 I Guest hotel accommodations 5 4 3 2 1 9        11. Please answer the following questions about your participation and awareness of activities and events sponsored by the Town. Never Not Aware HAVE YOU: This Year? Last Year? Attended of Event a.) attended Decoration Day? Yes / No Yes / No _____ _____ b.) attended any of the Master Works concert series events at Solana? Yes / No Yes / No _____ _____ c.) attended the Arbor Day event? Yes / No Yes / No _____ _____ d.) attended the Christmas Tree Lighting? Yes / No Yes / No _____ _____ HOW OFTEN DO YOU (circle one): e.) use the trails or amenities at Glenwyck Park? Weekly Monthly Semi-annually Annually Never f.) use any of the other publicly accessible trails? Weekly Monthly Semi-annually Annually Never 12. Please answer the following questions regarding the neighborhood meetings held throughout Westlake: Never Not Aware HAVE YOU: This Year? Last Year? Attended of Meetings a.) attended a public meeting in your neighborhood? Yes / No Yes / No _____ _____ If YES, b.) Was the meeting informative? Yes / No c.) Did you have the opportunity to discuss your ideas/concerns? Yes / No If NO, d.) Will you attend a neighborhood meeting in the future? Yes / No e.) Do you think these types of meetings are important? Yes / No f.) Do you think these types of meetings are useful? Yes / No 13. What is your age? ____(1) 18 – 34 years ____(3) 55 – 74 years ____(2) 35 – 54 years ____(4) 75 + years 14. How many years have you lived in Westlake? _________ years 15. Do any children in grades K-12 live in your home? ___(1) Yes – please answer #15a ___(2) No 15a. If YES to #15: Do any of these children currently attend Westlake Academy? _____(1) Yes ____(2) No – Please answer 15b 15b. If NO to #15a: Did any of these children previously attend Westlake Academy? ____(1) Yes – please answer #15c and #15d ____(2) No 15c. If YES to #15b: Why did your children stop attending Westlake Academy? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 15d. If YES to #15b: Are you considering re-enrolling them at Westlake Academy? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No        16. In which subdivision do you live? ____(1) Stagecoach Hills ____(4) Glenwyck Farms ____(2) Vaquero ____(5) Mahotea Boone ____(3) Wyck Hill ____(6) Other: ____________________________ 17. Which of the following BEST describes your total annual household income? ____(1) Under $50,000 ____(3) $150,000 - $500,000 ____(2) $50,000 - $ 149,999 ____(4) Over $500,000 18. Gender: _____(1) Male _____(2) Female OPTIONAL: If you have any other comments please write them in the space provided below: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE THANKS YOU FOR COMPLETING THIS SURVEY. Please return your completed document in the enclosed postage paid envelope addressed to: ETC Institute 725 W. Frontier Circle Olathe, KS 66061        TOWN OF WESTLAKE 2011 RESIDENT SURVEY 1. Satisfaction with Major Categories of Town Services: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where “5” means “very satisfied” and “1” means “very dissatisfied,” please rate your satisfaction with the following services provided by the Town of Westlake: How Satisfied are you with: Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don’t Know A. Quality of public safety services (police, fire, emergency medical, and municipal court) 5 4 3 2 1 9 B. Overall efforts by Westlake to ensure the community is prepared for emergencies 5 4 3 2 1 9 C. Overall maintenance of Town streets 5 4 3 2 1 9 D. Overall effectiveness of communication by the Town 5 4 3 2 1 9 E. Overall quality of utility services 5 4 3 2 1 9 F. Overall quality of parks, trails, and facilities in Westlake 5 4 3 2 1 9 G. Overall quality of customer service provided by the Town 5 4 3 2 1 9 H. Overall code enforcement 5 4 3 2 1 9 2. Which THREE of the services listed above are most important to you? [Write in the letters below using the letters from the list in Question 1 above] 1st: ______ 2nd: ______ 3rd: ______ 3. Several items that may influence your perception of the Town of Westlake are listed below. Please rate each item on a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means “very satisfied” and 1 means “very dissatisfied.” How Satisfied are you with: Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don’t Know A. Overall quality of governmental services provided by the Town of Westlake 5 4 3 2 1 9 B. Overall value that you receive from local revenue sources (i.e. taxes, fees, and permits) 5 4 3 2 1 9 C. The direction the Town is heading 5 4 3 2 1 9 4. Overall, how safe do you feel in the Town of Westlake? ___(4) Very safe ___(3) Safe ___(2) Unsafe ___(1) Very unsafe ___(9) Don’t know 5. Overall, how would you rate the Town of Westlake as a place to live? ___(4) Excellent ___(3) Good ___(2) Average ___(1) Poor ___(9) Don’t know        6. Satisfaction with Specific Types of Services Provided By the Town: Using a scale of 1 to 5, where “5” means “very satisfied” and “1” means “very dissatisfied,” please rate your satisfaction with each of the following: How Satisfied are you with: Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don’t Know Police Services A. Quality of local police protection 5 4 3 2 1 9 B. Visibility of police in neighborhoods 5 4 3 2 1 9 C. How quickly police respond to emergencies 5 4 3 2 1 9 D. Efforts by the Town to prevent crime 5 4 3 2 1 9 E. Level of traffic enforcement 5 4 3 2 1 9 F. Municipal Court services 5 4 3 2 1 9 Fire and Medical Services G. Quality of fire services 5 4 3 2 1 9 H. Quality of emergency medical services 5 4 3 2 1 9 I. Response time of fire and emergency medical services personnel 5 4 3 2 1 9 Emergency Preparedness J. Level of response of the public works department during extreme weather conditions 5 4 3 2 1 9 K. Efforts by Town staff to inform residents of hazardous road conditions, potential inclement weather and closures 5 4 3 2 1 9 Transportation Services L. Condition of major streets in Westlake 5 4 3 2 1 9 M. Condition of streets in your neighborhood 5 4 3 2 1 9 N. Cleanliness of streets/public areas 5 4 3 2 1 9 O. Traffic flow and congestion management in Westlake 5 4 3 2 1 9 Communication/Citizen Engagement P. Efforts of the Town to keep you informed about Council Meetings, Town projects, issues and events 5 4 3 2 1 9 Q. Timeliness of information provided by the Town 5 4 3 2 1 9 R. Accuracy of the information you receive from the Town 5 4 3 2 1 9 S. Completeness of the information you receive from the Town 5 4 3 2 1 9 T. Opportunity for public involvement in local decisions 5 4 3 2 1 9 U. Usefulness of the Town’s newsletter 5 4 3 2 1 9 V. Ease of use of the Town’s website 5 4 3 2 1 9 W. Availability/Accessibility of Town records 5 4 3 2 1 9 Parks and Recreation Services X Maintenance of Town-owned Glenwyck Park 5 4 3 2 1 9 Y Number of publicly accessible parks and walking/biking trails in Westlake 5 4 3 2 1 9 Z General appearance of streetscaping and open spaces 5 4 3 2 1 9        CONTINUED 6. Satisfaction with Specific Types of Services Provided By the Town: Using a scale of 1 to 5, where “5” means “very satisfied” and “1” means “very dissatisfied,” please rate your satisfaction with each of the following: How Satisfied are you with: Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don’t Know Utility Services AA Residential trash collection services 5 4 3 2 1 9 AB Curbside recycling services 5 4 3 2 1 9 AC Yard waste collection services 5 4 3 2 1 9 AD Bulky item pick up/removal services (old furniture, appliances, etc.) 5 4 3 2 1 9 AE Town efforts to promote water conservation & protect water resources 5 4 3 2 1 9 AF Household hazardous waste disposal service (for oil, paint, etc) 5 4 3 2 1 9 AG Efforts by the Town to manage storm water run-off 5 4 3 2 1 9 AH Quality of wastewater (or sanitary sewer) utility services 5 4 3 2 1 9 Customer Service AI Level of participation of Town Staff in community events/neighborhood meetings 5 4 3 2 1 9 AJ Expertise and ability of staff to resolve resident concerns 5 4 3 2 1 9 AK Responsiveness of Town staff to residential concerns/issues 5 4 3 2 1 9 AL Friendliness of Town Staff 5 4 3 2 1 9 Code Enforcement AM Enforcing the exterior appearance and maintenance of property 5 4 3 2 1 9 AN Enforcing sign regulations 5 4 3 2 1 9 7. Using a scale of 1 to 5 where “5” means “Strongly Agree” and “1” means “Strongly Disagree,” please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements: Please rate your Agreement with the following statements: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree A. Pedestrian and/or bike access to retail stores/restaurants is important to me. 5 4 3 2 1 B. Westlake’s mixture of curb & gutter streets and rural roadways is important to me. 5 4 3 2 1 C. Attracting retail development to grow Westlake’s sales tax base is important to me. 5 4 3 2 1 D. Westlake’s continued emphasis on attracting high-end corporate office development is important to me. 5 4 3 2 1 E. The use of Facebook and Twitter for Town notifications would be useful to me. 5 4 3 2 1 F. Connectivity of Westlake’s walking/biking trails is important to me. 5 4 3 2 1        8. Reasons for Moving to Westlake: Using a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 means “Extremely Important” and 1 means “Not Important,” please indicate how important the following issues were in your decision to move to the Town of Westlake. How Important was? Extremely Important Very Important Important Less Important Not Important Don’t Know A. Sense of community 5 4 3 2 1 9 B. Quality of life 5 4 3 2 1 9 C. Small town feel/rural atmosphere 5 4 3 2 1 9 D. The aesthetic appeal and high development standards 5 4 3 2 1 9 E. Westlake Academy 5 4 3 2 1 9 F. Access to other public schools (Keller, Northwest or Carroll ISD’s) 5 4 3 2 1 9 G. Proximity to private schools 5 4 3 2 1 9 H. Low crime rate/quality of public safety 5 4 3 2 1 9 I. Employment opportunities in the Westlake area 5 4 3 2 1 9 J. Access to DFW airport 5 4 3 2 1 9 K. Access to highways 5 4 3 2 1 9 L. Type of housing available 5 4 3 2 1 9 M. Quality of your subdivision 5 4 3 2 1 9 N Westlake as a retirement destination 5 4 3 2 1 9 O. Number of publicly accessible parks & trails 5 4 3 2 1 9 P. Subdivision amenities (airpark, golf club, parks & open space, etc.) 5 4 3 2 1 9 9. Which THREE of the reasons listed above are the most important reasons you will stay in Westlake over the next 5 years? [Write in the letters below using the letters from the list in Question 8 above]. 1st: ______ 2nd: ______ 3rd: ______ 10. Please indicate where you most frequently purchase the following products? If your purchases are evenly distributed among more than one location, please indicate where you most recently purchased the item. Please indicate where you most frequently purchase the following: Keller Trophy Club Roanoke Southlake Westlake Another Place A Groceries/household goods 5 4 3 2 1 9 B Restaurants 5 4 3 2 1 9 C Clothing 5 4 3 2 1 9 D Books/music 5 4 3 2 1 9 E Sporting Goods 5 4 3 2 1 9 F Furniture 5 4 3 2 1 9 G Appliances/electronics 5 4 3 2 1 9 H Entertainment 5 4 3 2 1 9 I Guest hotel accommodations 5 4 3 2 1 9        11. Please answer the following questions about your participation and awareness of activities and events sponsored by the Town. Never Not Aware HAVE YOU: This Year? Last Year? Attended of Event a.) attended Decoration Day? Yes / No Yes / No _____ _____ b.) attended any of the Master Works concert series events at Solana? Yes / No Yes / No _____ _____ c.) attended the Arbor Day event? Yes / No Yes / No _____ _____ d.) attended the Christmas Tree Lighting? Yes / No Yes / No _____ _____ HOW OFTEN DO YOU (circle one): e.) use the trails or amenities at Glenwyck Park? Weekly Monthly Semi-annually Annually Never f.) use any of the other publicly accessible trails? Weekly Monthly Semi-annually Annually Never 12. Please answer the following questions regarding the neighborhood meetings held throughout Westlake: Never Not Aware HAVE YOU: This Year? Last Year? Attended of Meetings a.) attended a public meeting in your neighborhood? Yes / No Yes / No _____ _____ If YES, b.) Was the meeting informative? Yes / No c.) Did you have the opportunity to discuss your ideas/concerns? Yes / No If NO, d.) Will you attend a neighborhood meeting in the future? Yes / No e.) Do you think these types of meetings are important? Yes / No f.) Do you think these types of meetings are useful? Yes / No 13. What is your age? ____(1) 18 – 34 years ____(3) 55 – 74 years ____(2) 35 – 54 years ____(4) 75 + years 14. How many years have you lived in Westlake? _________ years 15. Do any children in grades K-12 live in your home? ___(1) Yes – please answer #15a ___(2) No 15a. If YES to #15: Do any of these children currently attend Westlake Academy? _____(1) Yes ____(2) No – Please answer 15b 15b. If NO to #15a: Did any of these children previously attend Westlake Academy? ____(1) Yes – please answer #15c and #15d ____(2) No 15c. If YES to #15b: Why did your children stop attending Westlake Academy? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 15d. If YES to #15b: Are you considering re-enrolling them at Westlake Academy? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No        16. In which subdivision do you live? ____(1) Stagecoach Hills ____(4) Glenwyck Farms ____(2) Vaquero ____(5) Mahotea Boone ____(3) Wyck Hill ____(6) Other: ____________________________ 17. Which of the following BEST describes your total annual household income? ____(1) Under $50,000 ____(3) $150,000 - $500,000 ____(2) $50,000 - $ 149,999 ____(4) Over $500,000 18. Gender: _____(1) Male _____(2) Female OPTIONAL: If you have any other comments please write them in the space provided below: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE THANKS YOU FOR COMPLETING THIS SURVEY. Please return your completed document in the enclosed postage paid envelope addressed to: ETC Institute 725 W. Frontier Circle Olathe, KS 66061