HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA 2011 Parents Survey WWWeeessstttlllaaakkkeee AAAcccaaadddeeemmmyyy BBBoooaaarrrddd ooofff TTTrrruuusssttteeeeeesss PPPaaarrreeennnttt SSSuuurrrvvveeeyyy DDDrrraaafffttt RRReeepppooorrrttt SSuubbmmiitttteedd TToo:: WWWeeessstttlllaaakkkeee AAAcccaaadddeeemmmyyy BBBoooaaarrrddd ooofff TTTrrruuusssttteeeeeesss ETC Institute Project Manager: Chris Tatham 725 West Frontier Circle Phone: 913-829-1215 Olathe, Kansas Fax: 913-829-1591 66061 E-mail: ctatham@etcinstitute.com EEETTTCCC IIInnnssstttiiitttuuuttteee July 2011 ...helping organizations make better decisions since 1982 Contents Executive Summary.......................................................................i Section 1 Charts and Graphs........................................................................1 Section 2 Analysis of Trends......................................................................21 Section 3 Importance-Satisfaction Analysis...............................................28 I-S Matrix Graphs...............................................32 Section 4 Tabular Data...............................................................................34 Section 5 Survey Instrument.......................................................................78 Executive Summary i EXE C U T I V E SUM M A R Y 2011 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Executive Summary Report Overview and Methodology During the summer of 2011, ETC Institute administered a survey of parents of children who attended Westlake Academy. The purpose of the survey was to gather input from parents to improve the overall quality of education and programs provided by the Academy. This was the third time ETC Institute administered the Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey; the first surveys were administered in 2009 and 2010. The four-page survey was administered by mail and phone to a random sample of 194 parents. The results for the random sample of 194 parents have a 95% level of confidence with a precision of at least +/- 5.0%. This summary report contains: ¾ A summary of the methodology for administering the survey and major findings ¾ Charts showing the overall results for most questions on the survey ¾ A comparison of survey results from previous surveys ¾ Importance-satisfaction analysis ¾ Table sowing the distribution of answers for each question on the survey ¾ A copy of the survey instrument The major findings of the survey are provided on the following pages. Major Findings • Importance of Westlake Academy. Most (80%) of the parents surveyed who live in the Town of Westlake felt the Academy was “very important” or “somewhat important” in their decision to move to the Town of Westlake; 13% did not feel it was important and 7% were not sure. Executive Summary ii EXE C U T I V E SUM M A R Y • Satisfaction With Westlake Academy Services and Programs. The Westlake Academy services and programs that residents were most satisfied with, based upon a combination of “very satisfied” and “satisfied” responses were: o Suitability of the Westlake Academy campus for learning (90%) o IB curriculum (86%) o Overall satisfaction with education (84%) o DP teachers/faculty (83%) o Effectiveness of the WAF (82%) o DP Curriculum (82%) The service/program that parents were least satisfied with, based upon a combination of “very satisfied” and “satisfied” responses was the school lunch programs (37%). • Westlake Academy Services and Programs Parents Felt Were Most Important. The top three Westlake Academy services and programs that parents felt were most important were: (1) academic progress of the child, (2) PYP teachers/faculty, and (3) IB curriculum. • Westlake Academy’s Future Plans. The items that parents felt were most important in Westlake Academy’s future plans, based upon a combination of “extremely important,” “very important” and “important” responses were: o Continue to offer tutoring outside of the classroom time (96%) o Provide additional campus facilities (88%) o Expand the new media educational opportunities (84%) • Communication and Outreach. Some of the major findings related to communication and outreach at the Academy are listed below: o Most (95%) of the parents surveyed agreed that email is their preferred method of communication with teachers. When later asked to select the way that it would be best for Westlake Academy to communicate with parents, 94% of respondents selected email. o Eighty-one percent (81%) of the parents surveyed agreed the Academy’s published statements of mission and philosophy align with those of the IB. o Eighty-one percent (81%) of the parents surveyed agreed the Academy’s written curriculum reflects the IB philosophy. Executive Summary iii EXE C U T I V E SUM M A R Y o Eighty percent (80%) of the parents surveyed agreed that reception staff at the Academy were friendly and helpful. • Parental Involvement. Some of the major findings related to parental involvement at the Academy are provided below: o Sixty-eight percent (68%) of the parents surveyed indicated they currently volunteer at the Academy; 31% of the parents do not provide volunteer services to the Academy and 1% did not provide a response. o Sixty-seven percent (67%) of the parents surveyed did not attend a Board of Trustees meeting during the past year; 31% had attended at least one meeting and 2% did not remember. o Most (89%) of the parents surveyed had attended at least one parent- teacher conference during the past year; 10% of the parents had not attended a parent-teacher conference during the past year, and 1% of the parents did not remember whether they attended a parent-teacher conference during the past year. When asked if they had any problems scheduling parent-teacher conferences, ninety percent (90%) indicated they did not have any problems. o Fifty-seven percent (57%) of the parents surveyed had participated in residential trips at the Academy, 39% of the parents did not participate in residential trips and 4% did not remember whether they had participated in residential trips. • Parents Continue to Feel Their Children Are Safe at Westlake Academy. Eighty-nine percent (89%) of the parents surveyed felt their child was physically safe at school; 81% of the parents surveyed felt their child was emotionally safe at school. • Special Education Services Provided by the Academy. Of the parents who had children who used special education services, sixty-five percent (65%) of parents were satisfied with the special education services provided by Westlake Academy and 35% were not. • Other Findings. o Eighty-four percent (84%) of parents indicated they reference the Academy master calendar on a regular basis and 16% did not. Executive Summary iv EXE C U T I V E SUM M A R Y o Eighty-four percent (84%) of parents believed they had an adequate understanding of the IB curriculum while 16% of the parents believed they did not have an adequate understanding of the IB curriculum. o Most (85%) of parents who had participated in residential trips at the Academy felt the trips were affordable; 11% of the parents who had participated in these trips indicated the trip was not affordable and 4% of the parents who had participated in these did not know. o Sixty-eight percent (68%) of the parents surveyed felt lottery applicants were adequately educated about the lottery process; 14% of the parents indicated they were not adequately informed about the lottery process and 18% did not know whether they were adequately informed about the lottery process. Contents Executive Summary.......................................................................i Section 1 Charts and Graphs........................................................................1 Section 2 Comparison of Results: 2010 vs. 2011.......................................21 Section 3 Importance-Satisfaction Analysis...............................................28 I-S Matrix Graphs...............................................32 Section 4 Tabular Data...............................................................................34 Section 5 Survey Instrument.......................................................................78 Section 1: Charts and Graphs 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 1 53% 48% 41% 38% 34% 42% 36% 39% 46% 38% 35% 33% 36% 39% 35% 32% 31% 28% 37% 38% 43% 45% 48% 40% 45% 42% 33% 41% 42% 44% 39% 35% 38% 40% 41% 41% 7% 14% 14% 15% 13% 15% 12% 15% 13% 16% 16% 15% 13% 15% 18% 26% 18% 21% 3% 3% 3% 6% 4% 7% 5% 9% 5% 7% 9% 12% 11% 10% 2% 10% 10% Suitability of campus for learning IB curriculum Overall satisfaction with education DP teachers/faculty Effectiveness of the WAF DP curriculum Social/emotional progress of child PYP Curriculum Opportunities for parental involvement Maintenance of the Academy Academic progress of child PYP teachers/faculty Access to online grade Main entrance security check-in Secondary grade report card MYP Curriculum Primary grade report card Primary Counseling department 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very Satisfied (5)Satisfied (4)Neutral (3)Dissatisfied (1/2) Q1. Overall Satisfaction With Westlake Academy Services and Programs by percentage of parents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows and not applicable) Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 29% 27% 29% 32% 27% 22% 25% 37% 31% 21% 26% 23% 22% 20% 19% 26% 9% 39% 41% 38% 34% 38% 42% 39% 26% 32% 41% 36% 38% 36% 37% 38% 30% 28% 27% 24% 19% 18% 23% 27% 12% 20% 26% 20% 24% 27% 21% 30% 33% 17% 25% 4% 8% 15% 16% 12% 8% 24% 16% 12% 18% 14% 12% 21% 13% 10% 27% 37% Effectiveness of the WAAC PYP specials teachers/faculty Methods of WA communication MYP teachers/faculty Effectiveness of the House of Commons Extracurricular sports programs Communication about child's issues College preparation process The four House system for students School website Opportunities for parent input Five year strategic plan Quality of WA communication Other extracurricular programs School uniform vendor Secondary Counseling department School lunch program 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very Satisfied (5)Satisfied (4)Neutral (3)Dissatisfied (1/2) Q1. (CONTINUED) Overall Satisfaction With Westlake Academy Services and Programs by percentage of parents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows and not applicable) Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 2 33% 31% 29% 28% 24% 21% 17% 11% 11% 11% 8% 7% 6% 6% 5% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% Academic progress of child PYP teachers/faculty IB curriculum PYP Curriculum Social/emotional progress of child College preparation process MYP teachers/faculty MYP Curriculum Communication about child's issues Primary Counseling department DP curriculum Quality of WA communication DP teachers/faculty Overall satisfaction with education PYP specials teachers/faculty Suitability of campus for learning Extracurricular sports programs Other extracurricular programs Opportunities for parental involvement Secondary Counseling department Main entrance security check-in Methods of WA communication Primary grade report card Access to online grade School lunch program School website Effectiveness of the WAAC Five year strategic plan Maintenance of the Academy Opportunities for parent input School uniform vendor Effectiveness of the WAF 0%20%40%60% Sum of all three choices by percentage of parents who selected the item as one of their top three choices Q2. Westlake Academy Services and Programs That Parents Felt Were Most Important Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 48% 34% 31% 33% 24% 21% 28% 26% 28% 24% 25% 19% 20% 24% 17% 31% 23% 19% 4% 16% 24% 13% 28% 40% Continue to offer tutoring outside class time Expand new media educational opportunities Continue overnight field trips Provide additional facilities Improve Academy's website Continue strings program 0%20%40%60%80%100% Extremely Important (5)Very Important (4)Important (3)Not Important (1/2) Q3. Respondent’s Level of Importance with the Following Statements About Westlake Academy's Future Plans by percentage of parents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows and not applicable) Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 3 Q4. Would you be willing to participate in a capital campaign? by percentage of parents Yes 58% No 24% Don't know 18% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 63% 43% 37% 44% 48% 36% 38% 40% 32% 38% 44% 36% 31% 40% 36% 33% 4% 14% 15% 13% 10% 18% 20% 15% 2% 5% 5% 8% 11% 7% 6% 11% Published statements of Mission align with IB Written curriculum reflects IB philosophy Reception staff is friendly and helpful Teachers responds quickly to inquiries Teaching and learning reflects IB Philosophy Assessments reflect the IB assessment philosophy I have been encouraged to volunteer 0%20%40%60%80%100% Strongly Agree (5)Agree (4)Neutral (3)Disagree (1/2) Q5. Agreement with Various Statements About Communication and Outreach at Westlake Academy by percentage of parents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows and not applicable) Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Email is preferred method of communication with teachers 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 4 39% 31% 31% 31% 27% 32% 19% 19% 9% 33% 39% 38% 38% 37% 31% 26% 22% 14% 10% 26% 23% 16% 17% 20% 31% 20% 34% 18% 4% 8% 15% 19% 17% 23% 39% 44% Administrators respond timely to questions Informed about child's programme Teacher keeps me informed about child progress Am interested in more parent education/training 0%20%40%60%80%100% Strongly Agree (5)Agree (4)Neutral (3)Disagree (1/2) Q5. (CONTINUED) Agreement with Various Statements About Communication and Outreach at Westlake Academy by percentage of parents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows and not applicable) Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Collaborative planning and reflection supports implementation of IB programmes Resources and support structures ensures implementation of IB programmes Leadership and administrative structure ensure implementation of IB programmes Received information in enough time to be involved in events Phone calls is preferred method of communication with teachers Q6. How often do you read Westlake Academy’s Communiqué? by percentage of parents Weekly 72% Monthly 18% Rarely 7% Never 1% Don't Know 3% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 5 43% 35% 28% 40% 36% 36% 10% 18% 24% 8% 11% 12% Communiué provides important information Communiué is easy to read Communiué is attractive and interesting 0%20%40%60%80%100% Strongly agree (5)Agree (4)Neutral (3)Disagree(1/2) Q7. Respondent’s Level of Agreement with the Following Statements About Westlake Academy's Communiqué by percentage of parents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows and not applicable) Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 79% 74% 59% 45% 41% 39% 31% 19% 23% 32% 33% 36% 36% 24% 3% 3% 8% 15% 16% 18% 29% 1% 8% 7% 6% 16% Reminders of upcoming events Calendar Principal messages HOC updates WAF updates Photographs from school events Superintendent messages 0%20%40%60%80%100% Very Interested (5)Interested (4)Somewhat interested (3)Not interested (1/2) Q8. Respondent’s Level of Interest with the Following Statements About Westlake Academy's Communiqué by percentage of parents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows and not applicable) Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 6 Q9. How would you prefer to read the Communiqué? by percentage of parents PDF Version 36% Online Version 53% Paper Version 3% No Preference 8% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Q10. Does the Westlake Academy Communiqué keep you adequately informed? by percentage of parents Yes 71% No 26% Don't know 3% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 7 Q12. Are you currently volunteering at the Academy? by percentage of parents Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Yes 68% No 31% Don't know 1% Q12A. If No, would you like to volunteer? by percentage of parents Yes 53% No 43% Don't know 5% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Yes 68% No 31% Don't know 1% Q12. Are you currently volunteering at the Academy? 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 8 Q13. How many Board of Trustees meetings did you attend last year? by percentage of parents None 67% One 13% Two 11% Three+ 7% Don't Know 2% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Q14. How many parent-teacher conferences did you attend last year? by percentage of parents None 10% One 11% Two 27% Three+ 51% Don't Know 2% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 9 Q15. Have you had any problems scheduling parent-teacher conferences? by percentage of parents Yes 7% No 90% Don't know 3% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Q16. Which of the following is the best way for Westlake Academy to communicate with you and/or your family? by percentage of parents (multiple responses allowed) 94% 40% 33% 30% 3% E-Mails Direct Contact Website Newsletters Other 0%20%40%60%80%100% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 10 Q17. Do you reference the Academy master calendar on a regular basis? by percentage of parents Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Yes 84% No 16% Q18. Is your child receiving tutoring? by percentage of parents Yes 34% No 66% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 11 Q18C. If yes, how many hours per week is your child receiving tutoring? by percentage of parents 1 hour 20% 2 hours 27% 3 hours 18% 4 hours 11% 5+ hours 14% Not provided 10% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Q19. How is your child progressing academically? by percentage of parents Ahead of expectations 24% At expectations 52% Below expectations 21% Don't know 4% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 12 Q20. Do you feel your child is emotionally safe at school? by percentage of parents Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Yes 81% No 14% Don't know 5% Q21. Do you feel your child is physically safe at school? by percentage of parents Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Yes 89% No 7% Don't know 4% 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 13 Q22. Do you believe you have an adequate understanding of the IB curriculum? by percentage of parents Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Yes 84% No 15% Don't know 1% Q23. Do you have a child with a learning disability that utilizes special education services? by percentage of parents Q23a. If yes, are you satisfied with the modifications and services provided by Westlake Academy? Yes 9% No 89% Not provided 2% Yes 65% No 35% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 14 Q25. If your child was not enrolled at Westlake Academy, where would your child most likely be attending school? by percentage of parents (multiple selections allowed) Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 60% 35% 2% 3% A public school A private school Home school Don't know 0%20%40%60%80%100% Q26. Do you make the full contribution to the Blacksmith Apprentice Program? by percentage of parents Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Yes 61% No 37% Not provided 2% Yes 50% No 45% Don't Know 5% Q21b. If yes, would you be willing to increase your donation? 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 15 Q27. Have you participated in residential trips at the Academy? by percentage of parents Q22a. If yes, was the trip affordable? Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Yes 57% No 39% Not provided 4% Yes 85% No 11% Don't Know 4% Q29. Do live in the Town of Westlake? by percentage of parents Yes 28% No 72% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 16 Q29A. If yes, how important was Westlake Academy in your decision to move to Westlake? Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Very important 80% Not Sure 7% Not Important 13% by percentage of parents Q30. What is your total annual household Income? by percentage of parents Under $50,000 2% $50,000-$149,999 35% $150,000-$500,000 40% Over $500,000 17% Not provided 6% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 17 Q31. How many years have you had at least one child attending Westlake Academy by percentage of parents Less than 1 year 1% 1 year 22% 2 years 13% 3 years 16% 4 years 10% 5 years 12%6 years 6% 7 years 9% 8-9 years 9% Not provided 2% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Q32. In which grades do you currently have children enrolled at Westlake Academy? by percentage of parents (multiple response allowed) Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 21% 17% 18% 16% 17% 11% K-2 Grades 3-4 Grades 5-6 Grades 7-8 Grades 9-10 Grades 11-12 0%10%20%30%40% 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 18 Q33. How many adults are in your home? by percentage of parents One 6%Two 87% Three 6% Four 1% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Q34. How many adults in your home are employed full time outside of the home? by percentage of parents None 5% One 63% Two 30% Not provided 2% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 19 Q35. Which of the following do you most closely associate with Westlake Academy? by percentage of parents Charter School 26% Private School 13% Public School 1% 58% None 3% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) International Baccalaureate school Q36. Do you feel that lottery applicants are adequately educated about the lottery process? by percentage of parents Yes 68% No 14% Don't know 18% Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 20 Section 2: Analysis of Trends 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 21 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Comparison of Results: 2010 vs. 2011 Overview In 2010 and in 2011 ETC Institute administered a survey to the parents of children who currently attend Westlake Academy. The purpose of the survey was to gather information from parents to improve the overall quality of education and programs provided by the Academy. The charts on the following pages show how the results of the 2011 survey compare to the results of the 2010 survey. Given the size of the samples in the 2010 and 2011 surveys, differences of five percentage points or more are statistically significant at the 95% level of confidence Significant changes are described below. Significant Changes • Satisfaction With Westlake Academy Services and Programs. Of the nineteen services and programs rated, there were significant improvements in satisfaction in thirteen areas: o Satisfaction with the effectiveness of the WAAC increased 17% from 51% in 2010 to 68% in 2011. o Satisfaction with the effectiveness of the WA foundation increased 12% from 70% in 2010 to 82% in 2011. o Satisfaction with communications regarding issues/problems increased 12% from 52% in 2010 to 64% in 2011. o Satisfaction with opportunities for parental input increased 12% from 50% in 2010 to 62% in 2011. o Satisfaction with the quality of education increased 11% from 73% in 2010 to 84% in 2011. o Satisfaction with extracurricular sports programs increased 11% from 53% in 2010 to 64% in 2011. o Satisfaction with the college preparation process increased 11% from 52% in 2010 to 63% in 2011. o Satisfaction with other extracurricular programs increased 9% from 48% in 2010 to 57% in 2011. o Satisfaction with the effectiveness of the House of Commons increased 8% from 57% in 2010 to 65% in 2011. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 22 o Satisfaction with the maintenance of the Academy increased 7% from 72% in 2010 to 79% in 2011. o Satisfaction with the IB curriculum increased 6% from 80% in 2010 to 86% in 2011. o Satisfaction with the school lunch program increased 6% from 31% in 2010 to 37% in 2011. o Satisfaction with the suitability of facilities for learning increased 5% from 85% in 2010 to 90% in 2011. There were no significant decreases in the items that were assessed on the survey. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 23 Q1. Overall Satisfaction With Westlake Academy Services and Programs (2011-2009) 90% 86% 84% 82% 79% 79% 77% 68% 67% 65% 85% 80% 73% 70% 72% 78% 75% 51% 63% 57% 85% 85% 82% 72% 85% 81% 76% 64% 67% 72% Suitability of facilities for learning IB curriculum Satisfaction with quality of education Effectiveness of the WA Foundation Maintenance of the Academy Opportunities for parental involvement Academic progress of your child Effectiveness of the WAAC Methods of communication from WA Effectiveness of the House of Commons 0%20%40%60%80%100% 201120102009 by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale; chart only includes services/programs rated in both 2010 and 2009 (excluding don't knows and not applicable) Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey)TREND DATA Q1. (CONT.) Overall Satisfaction With Westlake Academy Services and Programs (2011-2009) 64% 64% 63% 63% 62% 62% 58% 57% 37% 52% 53% 52% 65% 50% 58% 59% 48% 31% 60% 46% 49% 63% 62% 66% 68% 44% 44% Communications regarding issues/problems Extracurricular sports programs College preparation process The four House system for students Opportunities for parental input School website Quality of communication from WA Other extracurricular programs School lunch program 0%20%40%60%80%100% 201120102009 by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale; chart only includes services/programs rated in both 2010 and 2009 (excluding don't knows and not applicable) Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey)TREND DATA 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 24 Q9. Do you feel your child is emotionally safe at school? by percentage of parents Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey)TREND DATA 81% 81% 81% 2011 2010 2009 0%20%40%60%80%100% Yes Q10. Do you feel your child is physically safe at school? by percentage of parents who said “Yes” Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey)TREND DATA 89% 90% 92% 2011 2010 2009 0%20%40%60%80%100% Yes 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 25 Q11. Do you believe you have an adequate understanding of the IB curriculum? by percentage of parents Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey)TREND DATA 84% 84% 80% 2011 2010 2009 0%20%40%60%80%100% Yes Q12. Do you have a child with a learning disability that utilizes special education services? by percentage of parents Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey)TREND DATA 9% 7% 13% 2011 2010 2009 0%5%10%15%20% Yes 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 26 Q12a. If yes, are you satisfied with the modifications and services provided by Westlake Academy? by percentage of parents who have a child with a learning disability who utilizes special education services at Westlake Academy Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey)TREND DATA 65% 61% 64% 2011 2010 2009 0%20%40%60%80%100% Yes Trends: Importance of Westlake Academy Expanding Various Academy Programs Assuming the Resources Are Available (2011-2009) 84% 72% 60% 80% 72% 56% 74% 62% 49% Expand the new media educational opportunities Improve Academy website Continue the Strings program 0%20%40%60%80%100% 201120102009 Source: ETC Institute (July 2011 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) by percentage of parents who rated the item as a 5, 4 or 3 on a 5-point scale; chart only includes services/programs rated in both 2010 and 2009 (excluding don't knows and not applicable) TREND DATA 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 27 Section 3: Importance-Satisfaction Analysis 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 28 2011 Importance-Satisfaction Analysis Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey Overview Today, public officials have limited resources to access activities that are of the most benefit to their customers. Two of the most important criteria for decision making are (1) to target resources toward services of the highest importance to customers; and (2) to target resources toward those services where customers are the least satisfied. The Importance-Satisfaction (I-S) rating is a unique tool that allows public officials to better understand both of these highly important decision making criteria for each of the services they are providing. The Importance-Satisfaction rating is based on the concept that organizations will maximize overall customer satisfaction by emphasizing improvements in those service categories where the level of satisfaction is relatively low and the perceived importance of the service is relatively high. Methodology The rating is calculated by summing the percentage of responses for items selected as the first, second, and third most important Academy services and programs. This sum is then multiplied by 1 minus the percentage of parents that indicated they were positively satisfied with the Academy's performance in the related area (the sum of the ratings of 4 and 5 on a 5-point scale excluding “don't know” responses). “Don't know” responses are excluded from the calculation to ensure that the satisfaction ratings among service categories are comparable. [I-S=Importance x (1-Satisfaction)]. Example of the Calculation. Parents were asked to identify the Academy services and programs they felt were most important. Twenty-one percent (20.6%) of parents ranked the college preparation process as the most important Academy service. With regard to satisfaction, the college preparation process was ranked twenty-fourth overall with 63.4% rating the college preparation process as a “4” or a “5” on a 5-point scale, excluding “don't know” and “not applicable” responses. The I-S rating for the college preparation process was calculated by multiplying the sum of the most important percentages by 1 minus the sum of the satisfaction percentages. In this example, 20.6% was multiplied by 36.6% (1-0.63). This calculation yielded an I-S rating of 0.0754, which was ranked second out of the thirty-four services and programs accessed on the survey. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 29 The maximum rating is 1.00 and would be achieved when 100% of the parents selected the service or program as one of the three most important areas and 0% indicate that they are positively satisfied with the delivery of the service. The lowest rating is 0.00 and could be achieved under either one of the following two situations: • if 100% of the parents were positively satisfied with the delivery of the service • if none (0%) of the parents selected the service as one of the three most important areas; this was the case for five of the Academy services/programs assessed on the survey. Interpreting the Ratings Ratings that are greater than or equal to 0.20 identify areas that should receive significantly more emphasis. Ratings from .10 to .20 identify service areas that should receive increased emphasis. Ratings less than .10 should continue to receive the current level of emphasis. • Definitely Increase Emphasis (IS>=0.20) • Increase Current Emphasis (0.10<=IS<0.20) • Maintain Current Emphasis (IS<0.10) The results for the Westlake Academy Survey are provided on the following page. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 30 Importance-Satisfaction Rating Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey Satisfaction With Westlake Academy Programs and Services Category of Service Most Important % Most Important Rank Satisfaction % Satisfaction Rank Importance- Satisfaction Rating I-S Rating Rank Medium Priority (IS <.10) College preparation process 21%663%240.07541 PYP teachers/faculty 31%277%120.07382 Academic progress of child 33%177%110.07353 MYP teachers/faculty 17%766%210.05854 PYP Curriculum 28%481%80.05545 Social/emotional progress of child 24%581%70.04416 IB curriculum 29%386%20.03937 Communication about child's issues 11%964%230.03918 Primary Counseling department 11%1069%170.03369 MYP Curriculum 11%872%150.031610 Quality of WA communication 7%1258%280.028411 DP curriculum 8%1182%60.015112 PYP specials teachers/faculty 5%1568%190.014613 Extracurricular sports programs 4%1664%220.014614 Secondary Counseling department 3%1856%310.013715 Other extracurricular programs 3%1957%290.013416 DP teachers/faculty 6%1383%40.010617 Overall satisfaction with education 6%1484%30.009418 School lunch program 2%2537%320.009419 Methods of WA communication 2%2167%200.007020 Opportunities for parental involvement 3%2079%90.006721 Primary grade report card 2%2272%160.006022 Five year strategic plan 2%2661%270.005923 School website 2%2762%250.005724 Main entrance security check-in 2%2374%140.005525 Access to online grade 2%2475%130.005326 Effectiveness of the WAAC 2%2868%180.004727 Suitability of campus for learning 4%1789%10.004328 Opportunities for parent input 1%2962%260.003829 School uniform vendor 1%3157%300.002230 Maintenance of the Academy 1%3079%100.002231 Effectiveness of the WAF 1%3282%50.000932 Note: The I-S Rating is calculated by multiplying the "Most Important" % by (1-'Satisfaction' %) Most Important %: The "Most Important" percentage represents the sum of the first, second, and third most important responses for each item. Respondents were asked to identify the items they thought should receive the most emphasis over the next two years. Satisfaction %:The "Satisfaction" percentage represents the sum of the ratings "4" and "5" excluding don't knows/N/A Respondents ranked their level of satisfaction with the each of the items on a scale of 1 to 5 with "5" being very satisfied and "1" being very dissatisfied. © 2011 DirectionFinder by ETC Institute 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 31 Importance-Satisfaction Matrix Analysis. The Importance-Satisfaction rating is based on the concept that public agencies will maximize overall customer satisfaction by emphasizing improvements in those areas where the level of satisfaction is relatively low and the perceived importance of the service is relatively high. ETC Institute developed an Importance-Satisfaction Matrix to display the perceived importance of the programs and services that were assessed on the survey against the perceived quality of service delivery. The two axes on the matrix represent Satisfaction (vertical) and relative Importance (horizontal). The I-S (Importance-Satisfaction) matrix should be interpreted as follows. • Continued Emphasis (above average importance and above average satisfaction). This area shows where Westlake Academy is meeting parent’s expectations. Items in this area have a significant impact on parent’s overall level of satisfaction. Westlake Academy should maintain (or slightly increase) emphasis on items in this area. • Exceeding Expectations (below average importance and above average satisfaction). This area shows where Westlake Academy is performing significantly better than parents expect the Academy to perform. Items in this area do not significantly affect the overall level of satisfaction that parents have with Westlake Academy services. The Academy should maintain (or slightly decrease) emphasis on items in this area. • Opportunities for Improvement (above average importance and below average satisfaction). This area shows where Westlake Academy is not performing as well as parents expect the Academy to perform. This area has a significant impact on parent’s satisfaction, and Westlake Academy should DEFINITELY increase emphasis on items in this area. • Less Important (below average importance and below average satisfaction). This area shows where Westlake Academy is not performing well relative to the Academy’s performance in other areas; however, this area is generally considered to be less important to parents. This area does not significantly affect overall satisfaction with Westlake Academy services because the items are less important to parents. The Academy should maintain current levels of emphasis on items in this area. A matrix chart showing the results for Westlake Academy is provided on the following page. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 32 Satisfaction Rating , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , mean satisfaction Op p o r t u n i t i e s f o r I m p r o v e m e n t We s t l a k e A c a d e m y B o a r d o f T r u s t e e s P a r e n t S u r v e y Im p o r t a n c e - S a t i s f a c t i o n A s s e s s m e n t M a t r i x -S a t i s f a c t i o n W i t h W e s t l a k e A c a d e m y P r o g r a m s a n d S e r v ices- (p o i n t s o n t h e g r a p h s h o w d e v i a t i o n s f r o m t h e m e a n i m p o r t a n c e a n d s a t i s f a c t i o n r a t i n g s g i v e n b y r e s p o n d e n t s t o t h e s u r v e y ) me a n i m p o r t a n c e Im p o r t a n c e R a t i n g Lo w e r I m p o r t a n c e Higher Importance lo w e r i m p o r t a n c e / h i g h e r S a t i s f a c t i o n high e r i m p o r t a n c e / h i g h e r S a t i s f a c t i o n lo w e r i m p o r t a n c e / l o w e r S a t i s f a c t i o n hi g h e r i m p o r t a n c e / l o w e r S a t i s f a c t i o n Ex c e e d e d E x p e c t a t i o n s Le s s I m p o r t a n t Co n t i n u e d E m p h a s i s So u r c e : E T C I n s t i t u t e ( 2 0 1 1 ) Ac a d e m i c p r o g r e s s o f c h i l d r e n Ac c e s s t o o n l i n e g r a d e s Co l l e g e P r e p a r a t i o n P r o c e s s Co m m u n i c a t i o n ab o u t c h i l d ’ s i s s u e s MY P C u r r i c u l u m DP t e a c h e r s / f a c u l t y Ef f e c t i v e n e s s of t h e W A A C Ef f e c t i v e n e s s of t h e W A F Ex t r a c u r r i c u l a r sp o r t s p r o g r a m s Fi v e Y e a r S t r a t e g i c P l a n IB C u r r i c u l u m Ma i n E n t r a n c e S e c u r i t y C h e c k - I n Ma i n t e n a n c e o f t h e A c a d e m y Me t h o d s o f W A c o m m u n i c a t i o n DP C u r r i c u l u m MY P t e a c h e r s / f a c u l t y Op p o r t u n i t i e s f o r p a r e n t i n p u t Op p o r t u n i t i e s f o r p a r e n t a l i n v o l v e m e n t Ot h e r e x t r a c u r r i c u l a r p r o g r a m s Ov e r a l l s a t i s f a c t i o n w i t h e d u c a t i o n Pr i m a r y C o u n s e l i n g De p a r t m e n t Pr i m a r y g r a d e r e p o r t c a r d PY P C u r r i c u l u m So c i a l / e m o t i o n a l pr o g r e s s o f y o u r c h i l d PY P t e a c h e r s / f a c u l t y PY P s p e c i a l s te a c h e r s / f a c u l t y Qu a l i t y o f W A c o m m u n i c a t i o n Sc h o o l l u n c h p r o g r a m Sc h o o l u n i f o r m ve n d o r We b s i t e Se c o n d a r y C o u n s e l i n g D e p a r t m e n t Su i t a b i l i t y o f c a m p u s f o r l e a r n i n g 20 1 1 We s t l a k e Ac a d e m y / B o a r d of Tr u s t e e Parent Survey: Draft Report ET C In s t i t u t e (2 0 1 1 ) Page 33 Section 4: Tabular Data 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 34 Q1 Satisfaction with Westlake Academy: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "very satisfied" and 1 means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with the following items: (Without Don't Know and Not Applicable) (N=194) Very Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied Q1A PYP teachers/faculty 0.0% 8.7% 14.8% 43.6% 32.9% Q1B MYP teachers/faculty 3.1% 13.3% 18.4% 33.7% 31.6% Q1C DP teachers/faculty 0.0% 2.6% 14.5% 44.7% 38.2% Q1D IB (International Baccalaureate) curriculum 0.0% 0.0% 13.7% 38.3% 48.1% Q1E Suitability of the campus for learning 0.5% 2.6% 7.4% 36.5% 52.9% Q1F The school lunch program 18.8% 18.2% 25.3% 28.2% 9.4% Q1G The school uniform vendor 4.7% 5.2% 33.3% 37.5% 19.3% Q1H The Security Check-In System at the Main Entrance 1.6% 9.4% 15.1% 34.9% 39.1% Q1I Extracurricular sports programs 2.4% 6.0% 27.1% 42.2% 22.3% Q1J Academy website 1.6% 16.5% 20.2% 41.0% 20.7% Q1K Other extracurricular programs 3.6% 9.6% 29.9% 37.1% 19.8% Q1L Academic progress of your child 1.1% 5.9% 15.5% 42.2% 35.3% Q1M Social and emotional progress of your child 2.1% 4.8% 11.7% 45.2% 36.2% Q1N Communications regarding issues/ problems related to your child 7.0% 16.8% 12.4% 38.9% 24.9% Q1O Opportunities for parental involvement 0.5% 8.1% 12.9% 32.8% 45.7% Q1P Quality of communication from WA 5.2% 16.1% 21.2% 35.8% 21.8% Q1Q Methods of communication from WA 4.2% 10.5% 18.8% 37.7% 28.8% Q1R The four House system for students (Thoreau, Wheatley, Whitman and Keller) 5.5% 6.1% 25.5% 32.1% 30.9% Q1S Effectiveness of the House of Commons (HOC) 6.9% 5.2% 23.0% 37.9% 27.0% Q1T Effectiveness of the Westlake Academy Foundation (WAF) 2.2% 3.3% 12.8% 47.8% 33.9% Q1U Effectiveness of the Westlake Academy Athletic Club (WAAC) 3.5% 0.7% 27.3% 39.2% 29.4% Q1V PYP Curriculum 0.7% 4.0% 14.8% 41.6% 38.9% Q1W MYP Curriculum 0.0% 2.0% 26.0% 40.0% 32.0% Q1X DP Curriculum 0.0% 3.9% 14.5% 39.5% 42.1% Q1Y Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of education provided by Westlake Academy? 0.0% 2.6% 14.2% 42.6% 40.5% Q1-Z The Primary Counseling department 3.4% 6.9% 20.7% 40.5% 28.4% 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 35 Q1 (CONTINUED) Satisfaction with Westlake Academy: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "very satisfied" and 1 means "very dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with the following items: (Without Don't Know and Not Applicable) (N=194) Very Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied Q1-1 The Secondary Counseling department 7.4% 20.0% 16.8% 29.5% 26.3% Q1-2 Maintenance of the Academy 2.1% 3.2% 16.3% 40.5% 37.9% Q1-3 College preparation process 2.0% 14.1% 20.2% 26.3% 37.4% Q1-4 Primary Grade Report Card 4.1% 6.1% 18.2% 40.5% 31.1% Q1-5 Secondary Grade Report Card 2.6% 7.0% 17.5% 37.7% 35.1% Q1-6 Access to online grades 2.4% 10.0% 12.9% 38.8% 35.9% Q1-7 Opportunities for parent input 3.8% 10.3% 24.3% 35.7% 25.9% Q1-8 The adopted five year strategic plan 2.6% 9.6% 27.2% 37.7% 22.8% Q1-9 PYP specials teacher/faculty 2.3% 5.3% 24.2% 40.9% 27.3% 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 36 Q2 Which THREE of the items listed above are the most important to you? Q2 Top Priority (Sum of Top Three Choices) Number Percent PYP teachers/faculty 61 31.4 % MYP teachers/faculty 33 17.0 % DP teachers/faculty 12 6.2 % IB curriculum 56 28.9 % Suitability of the campus for learning 8 4.1 % The school lunch program 3 1.5 % The school uniform vendor 1 0.5 % The Security Check-In System 4 2.1 % Extracurricular sports programs 8 4.1 % Academy website 3 1.5 % Other extracurricular programs 6 3.1 % Academic progress of your child 63 32.5 % Social and emotional progress of your child 46 23.7 % Communications regarding issues/problems 21 10.8 % Opportunities for parental involvement 6 3.1 % Quality of communication from WA 13 6.7 % Methods of communication from WA 4 2.1 % Effectiveness of the Westlake Academy Foundation 1 0.5 % Effectiveness of the Westlake Academy Athletic Club 3 1.5 % PYP Curriculum 55 28.4 % MYP Curriculum 22 11.3 % DP Curriculum 16 8.2 % Quality of education provided 11 5.7 % The Primary Counseling department 21 10.8 % The Secondary Counseling department 6 3.1 % Maintenance of the Academy 2 1.0 % College preparation process 40 20.6 % Primary Grade Report Card 4 2.1 % Access to online grades 4 2.1 % Opportunities for parent input 2 1.0 % The adopted five year strategic plan 3 1.5 % PYP specials teachers/faculty 9 4.6 % Total 547 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 37 Q3 Planning for the Future: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "extremely important" and 1 means "not important at all," please rate how important it is for Westlake Academy to do the following if resources are available. (Without Don't Know and Not Applicable) (N=194) Not Somewhat Very Extreme Important Important Important Important Important Q3A Provide additional campus facilities 4.3% 9.1% 30.5% 23.5% 32.6% Q3B Continue the Strings Program 29.1% 11.0% 19.2% 19.2% 21.4% Q3C Continue residential field trips 11.8% 12.3% 17.1% 28.3% 30.5% Q3D Expand the new media educational opportunities 9.5% 6.3% 23.7% 26.3% 34.2% Q3E Have the Academy improve its website 14.1% 14.1% 22.5% 25.1% 24.1% Q3F Continue to offer tutoring outside of the classroom time 2.6% 1.6% 19.5% 28.4% 47.9% Q4 Would you be willing to participate in a capital campaign? Q4 Would you be willing to participate in a capital campaign? Number Percent Yes 112 57.7 % No 46 23.7 % Don't know 36 18.6 % Total 194 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 38 Q5 Communication and Outreach: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "Strongly Agree" and 1 means "Strongly Disagree," please rate the following items: (Without Not Applicable and Don't Know) (N=194) Strong Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Q5A The on-campus administrative staff is friendly and helpful 3.1% 4.6% 12.9% 35.6% 43.8% Q5B The Academy's published statements of mission and philosophy align with those of the IB 0.6% 4.4% 13.9% 37.8% 43.3% Q5C I would be interested in more parent education and training sessions 6.9% 16.5% 31.4% 26.1% 19.1% Q5D The Academy's leadership and administrative structures ensure the implementation of the IB programmes 5.0% 14.0% 17.3% 36.9% 26.8% Q5E My child's teacher(s) responds quickly to my inquiries 1.1% 10.2% 9.6% 31.0% 48.1% Q5F The Academy's resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the IB programmes 0.6% 7.8% 22.8% 37.8% 31.1% Q5G My child's teacher(s) keep me informed about their progress 2.7% 14.4% 20.3% 30.5% 32.1% Q5H Collaborative planning and reflection supports the implementation of the IB programmes 2.3% 1.7% 26.2% 39.0% 30.8% Q5I I am encouraged to volunteer at the Academy 2.1% 9.0% 15.3% 33.3% 40.2% Q5J The Academy's written curriculum reflects IB philosophy 1.1% 3.4% 14.6% 43.8% 37.1% Q5K I am informed about what is going on in my child's programme 2.6% 12.7% 16.4% 37.6% 30.7% Q5L The Academy's teaching and learning reflects the IB Philosophy 2.2% 4.3% 18.4% 39.5% 35.7% Q5M Academy administrators respond to my questions in a timely manner 7.7% 10.4% 10.4% 32.8% 38.8% Q5N Email is my preferred method of communication with my child's teacher 0.0% 2.1% 3.6% 31.8% 62.5% Q5O The Academy's assessments reflect the IB assessment philosophy 1.8% 4.2% 20.4% 35.9% 37.7% Q5P Phone calls are my preferred method of communication with my child's teacher 18.8% 25.1% 33.5% 13.6% 8.9% Q5Q I receive information from my child's school with enough time to be involved in events, classroom or school-wide activities 15.6% 22.9% 19.8% 22.4% 19.3% 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 39 Q6 How often do you read Westlake Academy's Communiqué? Q6 How often do you read Westlake Academy's Communiqué? Number Percent Weekly 140 72.2 % Monthly 35 18.0 % Rarely 13 6.7 % Never 1 0.5 % Don't know 5 2.6 % Total 194 100.0 % Q7 Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "Strongly Agree" and 1 means "Strongly Disagree," please rate your level of agreement with the following statements about Westlake Academy's Communiqué:(Without Not Applicable and Don't Know) (N=194) Strong Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Q7A The Communiqué provides important school information 1.6% 5.9% 9.6% 39.6% 43.3% Q7B The Communiqué is attractive and interesting 3.7% 8.6% 23.5% 35.8% 28.3% Q7C The Communiqué is easy to read 2.1% 9.1% 17.6% 36.4% 34.8% 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 40 Q8 Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "Very Interested" and 1 means "Not interested at all," please rate your level of interest in the following features of the Communiqué: (Without Not Applicable and Don't Know) (N=194) Not Interested Not Somewhat Very At All Interested Interested Interested Interested Q8A Superintendent messages 9.5% 6.9% 28.6% 23.8% 31.2% Q8B Photographs from school events 3.1% 3.1% 18.3% 36.1% 39.3% Q8C Reminders of upcoming events 0.0% 0.0% 2.6% 18.8% 78.5% Q8D HOC updates 4.7% 3.1% 14.7% 32.5% 45.0% Q8E WAF updates 2.7% 4.3% 16.3% 35.9% 40.8% Q8F Calendar 0.0% 0.0% 3.1% 23.0% 73.8% Q8G Principal messages 0.0% 1.1% 8.0% 31.9% 59.0% 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 41 Q9 How would you prefer to read the Communique? Q9 How would you prefer to read the Communique? Number Percent PDF Version 70 36.1 % Online Version 102 52.6 % Paper Version 6 3.1 % No Preference 14 7.2 % None Chosen 2 1.0 % Total 194 100.0 % Q10 Does the Westlake Academy Communiqué keep you adequately informed? Q10 Does the Westlake Academy Communiqué keep you adequately informed? Number Percent Yes 137 70.6 % No 50 25.8 % Don't know 7 3.6 % Total 194 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 42 Q11 If you could make one suggestion to improve our Academy communication, what would it be? • Have it be more effective and meaningful. • Mail and paper • Activity for seniors event should be sent out separately, not buried in the communique. • Perhaps use headings to categorize the info. The narrative format make it difficult to find the important things. • HOC events were always last minute; WAF events were never explained - just assumed parents knew from previous years. • Full list of activities with date and time listed. • A more comprehensive calendar at the beginning of the year. • More communication about events in advance - such as strings concert, music concert, etc. • Give more advanced notice for school/class events. • Give parents significant notice, and perhaps more than once, about significant matters - such as PSAT prep and AP preparation for tests! Also, teachers need to be more proactive with their websites. • Allow log-ons - simpler visuals/web pages. • More consistent information. • Share important key dates in advance and prioritize events. • Send home paper and have online version available as well. • Teachers (including special teachers) should be encouraged to communicate much more often with parents via e-mail. Much more direct and effective form of communication. • More information; deadlines are better. • Please e-mail event reminders (free dress, pizza days, etc.) more often. • Whatever announcements are made to students should also be on website or sent to parents. • Timely e-mail reminders for things with due dates - pizza/t-shirts, special dress; music programs, etc. • E-mail. • Don't bog down with too much info - keep it program-centered. • More timely and consistent. • Need more advance notice of events. • Make sure information gets out in a timely manner and doesn't slip through the cracks, such as the end-of-year "Hot Dog Bash". • More frequent. • Communications re: school events, early release days/times, etc. should be communicated in a more timely manner. Always feel like we are finding out last minute. • Teacher/staff responses should be quicker - no more than six hours should be allowed! Several days is unacceptable. • Put meaningful information, not fluff, in the communique. • The online (e-mail) system is not working well. Teachers post grades with dates frequently. • The website - when signed in on the first page, it should state the important events for that day. Updated daily. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 43 Q11 (CONTINUED) If you could make one suggestion to improve our Academy communication, what would it be? • Am satisfied. • Make sure everything is accurate. • Send only the communiques about the grades in which our kids are enrolled. • Make it visually easier to read. • Improve readability. • Send parents e-mails of daily changes to uniform or other activities and don't rely on child to tell parents. • Multiple, persistent reminders -- that's what it takes to be effective today. • Try not to change things at the last minute or surprise us with stuff. • More teacher communication when students are having problems. • Need grade level info online. • Hire Head of School. • Information needs to be communicated in a more timely manner and more frequently. • Send it out earlier. • Link the information from web to e-mails sent home and Facebook posts (i.e. free dress days). Not consistent. • Sometimes e-mail notices could come a little sooner than just 12 hours before an event. • Teacher need to be more diligent and timely about entering grades and assignments online. • Grading system as communication. • Single method of communication. • Layout of the Communique. • Improve frequency of Communique and facts provided. • Make it viewable on a handheld device/cell phone. • I usually get my information from other parents before I receive it from the school. • E-mail the upcoming event. • Organization, communication, friendliness from staff. • Break out info by PYP, MYP, DP. • I like the Communique, but would like a paper on special events. • More informative/promoting/providing details about upcoming events. • More details. • Give enough notice for events. • Come from the school leaders, not Brymer. • Advance notice time and not last minute. • More mainstream information. • Have them update more frequently and give notice for events. • Get a headmaster. • More advanced notice - not just send notes with child. • Get head of school to communicate - not the town manager. • More in-depth. • Nice to get semester syllabus of classes. • Focus communication on the grade the child is in (streamline). 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 44 Q11 (CONTINUED) If you could make one suggestion to improve our Academy communication, what would it be? • Notice of events sooner. • Include text messages if possible and not too hectic for the school. • Have "mobile app" for Communique. • More of the same things. • Include HOC, WAF and WAC in the Communique. • E-mail with link to Communique. • More details about what's going on and more often. • Report more good news about kids/school. • Less planned things need more notice. • More online, less e-mail. • Provide more info with more time to get involved. • Only one source of communication. • Help parents look at website easier/help them understand it. • Information papers coming home doesn't work. • Too much stuff - hard to filter. • Weekly calendar included. Q12 Are you currently volunteering at the Academy? Q12 Are you currently volunteering at the Academy? Number Percent Yes 131 67.5 % No 61 31.4 % Don't know 2 1.0 % Total 194 100.0 % Q12a Would you like to volunteer? Q12a Would you like to volunteer Number Percent Yes 32 52.5 % No 26 42.6 % Don't know 3 4.9 % Total 61 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 45 Q12b If YES to #12a: How would you like to volunteer? • I would volunteer where the school needs it. • HOC. • After school clubs. • I have plans for next year. • Chaperone. • First, understanding all the opportunities and options for which to volunteer and the required time per family. • Fundraising. • Would like to help in classroom. • In class/office. • Support admin. needs for advance notices and follow-up - data entry or teacher assistant. • Classroom, HOC, front desk. • Flexible. • HOC events/after school. • I don't know yet. • Copying, labeling, helping teachers. • Classrooms, work for teachers. • I quit one of my jobs so now I can! • After school. • Possibly at HOC/DAWGS. Difficult with our schedule and notice given of events. • Any event supporting students. • Help teachers where they need it most. • When I'm available - I work full-time. • In general, anywhere they need it. • Anytime during the weekends. • Reasonable and convenient training times. • Evening program or weekends. • Never thought about it. • Need to check. • Just help and assist parties. • Help out with events. • Can I have a list of volunteer opportunities? Also PTA meetings, HOC? • Can't (teacher). • Can't due to conflicts. • Can't - little ones still at home. • Spanish (help with class). • Work schedule prevents me from volunteering. • Not sure yet. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 46 Q13 How many Board of Trustee meetings did you attend last year? Q13 How many Board of Trustee meetings did you attend last year? Number Percent None 130 67.0 % One 25 12.9 % Two 21 10.8 % Three or more 14 7.2 % Don't remember 4 2.1 % Total 194 100.0 % Q14 How many parent teacher/student led conferences did you attend last year? Q14 How many parent teacher/student led conferences did you attend last year? Number Percent None 19 9.8 % One 21 10.8 % Two 52 26.8 % Three or more 98 50.5 % Don't remember 4 2.1 % Total 194 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 47 Q15 Have you had any problems scheduling parent-teacher conferences? Q15 Have you had any problems scheduling parent-teacher conferences? Number Percent Yes 14 7.2 % No 175 90.2 % Don't know 5 2.6 % Total 194 100.0 % Q15a What problems have you had? Q15a What problems BAD SCHEDULE FOR WRKNG PARENTS BAD SCHEDULE FOR WRKNG PARENTS BETTER SCHED FOR WRKNG PARENTS NEED MORE EVENING TIMES NO RESPONSE NOT MAKING THEMSELVS AVAILABLE PARENT PARTICIP IN FIELD TRIPS TEACHER DIDN'T RESPOND Q16 What is the best way(s) to communicate with you and/or your family? Q16 What is the best way(s) to communicate with you and/or your family? Number Percent Newsletter 59 30.4 % Website 63 32.5 % E-mails 183 94.3 % Direct contact 77 39.7 % Other 6 3.1 % None chosen 4 2.1 % Total 392 Q16 Other Q16 Other BANNERS/SIGNS,FOLDER BANNERS/SIGNS,FOLDER FACE TO FACE FACEBOOK PAPER (FOLDER) PAPER (FOLDER) TEXT MESSAGES 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 48 Q17 Do you reference the Academy master calendar on a regular basis? Q17 Do you reference the Academy master calendar on a regular basis? Number Percent Yes 162 83.5 % No 31 16.0 % Don't know 1 0.5 % Total 194 100.0 % Q17a If NO to #11: Why not? • Didn't know we had one. • I was locked out of the parent portal for several weeks when school began. As a new parent, I didn't know I was supposed to log in for information and was caught off guard on several occasions. The website is not easy to navigate and the classroom websites were not always updated. • This survey reminded me of the master calendar. • Not easily read. • I use the sports calendar and the TEA calendar. • Not very user-friendly. A lot that doesn't pertain to us. Maybe have different calendars (sports, MYP, PYP). • Not always correct. • Because it isn't updated. • When I first looked at it, it wasn't up to date so I never went back to check it. • Wife does it. • Not sure what that is. • Junk piled too much. • Spouse does most of the time. • Child keeps us informed. • Difficult to check in. • Don't think it's good info. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 49 Q18 Is your child receiving tutoring? Q18 Is your child receiving tutoring? Number Percent Yes 66 34.0 % No 128 66.0 % Total 194 100.0 % Q18a Where does child receive tutoring? Q18a Where Number Percent AT WESTLAKE= 1 1.5 % CLUB (2)= 1 1.5 % CLUB Z= 1 1.5 % FROM TEACHERS AT WA= 1 1.5 % HEAD OF THE CLASS= 1 1.5 % HOME= 1 1.5 % KAREN DILLARD= 1 1.5 % KAREN DILLARD PREP SAT/ACT= 1 1.5 % KAREN DILLARD, PRIVATE SPANISH T... 1 1.5 % KUMON= 2 3.0 % KUMON, PRIVATE TUTOR= 2 3.0 % KUMON/AFTER SCHOOL= 1 1.5 % MATHASIUM= 2 3.0 % MATHNASIUM= 9 13.6 % MATHNAZIUM= 1 1.5 % OXFORD LEARNING CENTER= 1 1.5 % PRIVATE= 2 3.0 % PRIVATE - THE READING CONNECTIO... 2 3.0 % PRIVATE INSTRUCTOR= 2 3.0 % PRIVATE TUTOR= 4 6.1 % PRIVATE TUTORS= 1 1.5 % PRIVATE TUTORS & WA TEACHER AFTE... 2 3.0 % ROSETTA STONE= 1 1.5 % SCHOOL= 1 1.5 % SYLVAN= 2 3.0 % SYLVAN, WA PYP SPEC. TEACHER (DY... 1 1.5 % SYLVAN/PRIVATE TUTOR= 1 1.5 % WA= 15 22.7 % WA AND PRIVATE= 2 3.0 % WESTLAKE= 3 4.5 % Total 66 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 50 Q18b What subject(s)? Q18b What subjects Number Percent 4TH GRADE MATH= 2 3.1 % BIOLOGY, PHYSICS, SPANISH, HISTOR... 1 1.6 % CHEMISTRY, SPANISH, MATH= 2 3.1 % ENGLISH= 1 1.6 % GEOMETRY= 1 1.6 % MATH= 20 31.3 % MATH AND LA= 1 1.6 % MATH AND READING= 1 1.6 % MATH AND SPANISH= 2 3.1 % MATH AND SPANISH AS NEEDED= 1 1.6 % MATH, BIOLOGY, HISTORY= 1 1.6 % MATH, CHEMISTRY= 1 1.6 % MATH, ENGLISH= 3 4.7 % MATH, HISTORY, SPANISH= 1 1.6 % MATH, SCIENCE= 2 3.1 % MATH, SCIENCE, READING= 2 3.1 % MATH, SCIENCES AND ENGLISH= 1 1.6 % MATH, SPANISH, CHEMISTRY= 2 3.1 % MATH/SCIENCE= 1 1.6 % READING= 2 3.1 % READING, MATH= 1 1.6 % READING, WRITING, MATH= 1 1.6 % READING/DYSLEXIA= 2 3.1 % SAT/ACT PREP= 1 1.6 % SAT/ACT/STRINGS= 1 1.6 % SPANISH= 7 10.9 % SPANISH, MATH= 1 1.6 % SPANISH, PHYSICS, MATH= 1 1.6 % SPANISH, SCIENCE= 1 1.6 % Total 64 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 51 Q18c How many hours per week does your child receive tutoring? Q18c How many hours per week? Number Percent 1 13 19.7 % 2 18 27.3 % 3 12 18.2 % 4 7 10.6 % 5+ 9 13.6 % Not provided 7 10.6 % Total 66 100.0 % Q19 How is your child progressing academically? Q19 How is your child progressing academically? Number Percent Ahead of where you would expect him/her to be 47 24.2 % About where you would expect him/her to be 100 51.5 % Behind where you would expect him/her to be 40 20.6 % Don't know 7 3.6 % Total 194 100.0 % Q20 Do you feel your child is emotionally safe at school? Q20 Do you feel your child is emotionally safe at school? Number Percent Yes 157 80.9 % No 27 13.9 % Don't know 10 5.2 % Total 194 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 52 Q21 Do you feel your child is physically safe at school? Q21 Do you feel your child is physically safe at school? Number Percent Yes 173 89.2 % No 14 7.2 % Don't know 7 3.6 % Total 194 100.0 % Q22 Do you believe you have an adequate understanding of the IB curriculum? Q22 Do you believe you have an adequate understanding of the IB curriculum? Number Percent Yes 162 83.5 % No 30 15.5 % Don't Know 2 1.0 % Total 194 100.0 % Q23 Do you have a child with a learning disability that utilizes special education services? Q23 Do you have a child with a learning disability that utilizes special education services? Number Percent Yes 17 8.8 % No 172 88.7 % Not provided 5 2.6 % Total 194 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 53 Q23a Are you satisfied with the modifications/services provided by Westlake Academy? Q23a Are you satisfied with the modifications/ services provided by Westlake Academy? Number Percent Yes 11 64.7 % No 6 35.3 % Total 17 100.0 % Q23b If NO to #23a: Why not? • Not compliant with state-mandated requirements. • I believe my child needs some modifications; however, I am seeking outside advice to determine what those modifications should be. • Doesn't need it. • Very slow to act and not the right qualified instruction. • No official person with training. • Teachers need to update their website and communicate homework expectations. • Not needed. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 54 Q24 What do you like BEST about Westlake Academy? • It's close to our home. • Small class size; family feel. • Small school and IB program. • Small school, early start with Spanish, program is more global centric (vs. Texas centric) with intention to teach to be inquirers, not note learners. • Size, curriculum. • IB program/small class size. • Hands-on, minds-on learning. • Learning community striving for excellence. • Small size. • Teachers and curriculum. • Small classes/IB curriculum. • Academic environment. • The interaction between teachers/parents. • Organization, caring, kind facility. • I like IB curriculum for learning. • My child doesn't get lost in the crowd. All students are cared for by teachers. • The striving for excellence. • Small school/strong academics. • Small class size/IB curriculum. • K-12 IB school. • Community environment and IB curriculum. • Small school K-12. • Small class sizes. • Small class size. • Preparing children for global society and method of teaching this. • IB curriculum, committed faculty. • Small size and caring teachers and staff (for the most part). • Small environment that pushes my children toward excellence! • Campus, teachers. • Small, intimate, striving to be the best IB school. • Size - before adding students. • Small community. I feel that everyone encourages everyone else. • Academics. • Small school body. • The small size, IB curriculum and community environment. • Teachers care; safe place. • Small class size - two classes per grade. • Small classes, individual learning. • Small class size/incredible MYP teachers. • The IB curriculum. • Size (small environment). • Small class size. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 55 Q24 (CONTINUED) What do you like BEST about Westlake Academy? • IB curriculum. • IB curriculum. • Proximity. • The level of education my child is receiving in a small environment that is manageable. • The learning environment and curriculum. The knowledgeable and caring teachers. • PYP staff and my child's teacher! • Short groups. Small school (IB). • Small classes. • Small number of classes/students per grade; K-12 option, private school environment. • Small campus (low student-teacher ratio), fewer students per grade, private school environment. • Faculty communication with students. • Small classes, community. • Collaboration between teacher and student. • The independent, academic structure. • IB philosophy and curriculum. • Size. • Small classes. • IB curriculum. • It has the potential to be outstanding! • IB program/size. • IB curriculum. • IB curriculum. • The academic opportunities/IB program, class size, personalized attention. • IB curriculum - stick to it - quit trying to manipulate it to be what it was not intended to be. • Small classes. • The small number of students. The family feel of the kids in their grades. • It is small - small grade size, small class size. • IB program and campus are phenomenal. • Family. • IB-DP association. • Family setting. • The size. • Curriculum. • The size. • Diversity in the curriculum. • Teachers. • Personal relationships with teachers and staff. • The students. • The size. • Size and idea of IB. • The curriculum and atmosphere. • School environment; close-knit community feeling. • Small campus. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 56 Q24 (CONTINUED) What do you like BEST about Westlake Academy? • IB, small class sizes. • Safety at WA. • IB. • Teachers, small classes. • IB; more practical than other schools. • The small class. • IB curriculum. • IB environment. • Dedication to education. • IB program. • Small class sizes. • Campus is beautiful. • Hoping it will prepare for a better education. • Class size, school ranking. • Curriculum. • Culture, class size, direction. • Hard to tell - one child does well, the other has problems. • IB program and education; pre-college prep; small classes. • IB program. • Small classes - everyone knows each other. Not violent or sexual. • IB program. • The quality of families and education. • IB program, private "academy feeling" (private school environment). • Teachers. • Parent involvement. • Small classes. • Small school feeling. • Small classroom sizes. • Small size/IB curriculum. • Learning experiences/safety. • IB curriculum. • Small school/student-to-teacher ratio. • IB program. • IB program. • Small school. • It's a good school. • Size and curriculum. • Good school and good teachers. • Small classes; school caters to and looks out for child; IB curriculum. • Quality of teachers. • IB program. • Smaller classes. • Quality of education. • Education program. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 57 Q24 (CONTINUED) What do you like BEST about Westlake Academy? • Education opportunities. • Small class size and individual attention. • Overall environment and IB curriculum. • Academic environment, open conversations. Q25 If your child was not enrolled at Westlake Academy, where would your child most likely be attending school? Q25 If your child was not enrolled at Westlake Academy, where would your child most likely be attending school? Number Percent A public school where I live 117 60.3 % A private school 67 34.5 % Home school 4 2.1 % Don't Know 6 3.1 % Total 194 100.0 % Q26 Do you make the full contribution to the Blacksmith Apprentice Program? Q26 Do you make the full contribution to the Blacksmith Apprentice Program? Number Percent Yes 118 60.8 % No 71 36.6 % Not provided 5 2.6 % Total 194 100.0 % Q26a Would you be willing to increase your donation? Q26a Would you be willing to increase your donation? Number Percent Yes 59 50.0 % No 53 44.9 % Don't Know 6 5.1 % Total 118 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 58 Q26b Why no? Q26b Why not Number Percent (REFUSED TO PROVIDE A REASON)= 2 1.8 % ALREADY HARD TO MEET= 1 0.9 % ALREADY PAY HIGH PROPERTY TAX= 2 1.8 % BUDGET= 2 1.8 % BULLYING IS OUT OF CONTROL= 1 0.9 % CAN WE ENSURE ALL PARENTS PAY?= 1 0.9 % CAN'T AFFORD= 2 1.8 % CAN'T AFFORD IT= 2 1.8 % CAN'T AFFORD TO= 2 1.8 % CANNOT AFFORD= 2 1.8 % CANNOT AFFORD TO= 1 0.9 % CATEGORIZED BASED ON DONATION... 2 1.8 % CHARGE SO MUCH THRU THE YEAR= 1 0.9 % COLLEGE COSTS= 1 0.9 % CONTRIBUTE,BUT NOT TO FULL PGM= 1 0.9 % CORP MATCH/ALL WE CAN DO= 1 0.9 % CURRENTLY UNEMPLOYED= 1 0.9 % DAUGHTER GRADUATED, IN COLLEGE= 2 1.8 % DEADBEATS NEED TO STEP UP!= 2 1.8 % DEPENDS ON FINANCES= 1 0.9 % DEPENDS ON THE REASON= 1 0.9 % DISAPPROVE HOW FUNDS DISTRIBUT= 2 1.8 % DISLIKES THE WAY SCHOOL IS RUN= 1 0.9 % DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS= 2 1.8 % DONT AGREE W/ HOW MONEY SPENT= 1 0.9 % DONT FEEL THEY GET ENOUGH HELP= 1 0.9 % DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS= 3 2.7 % DUE TO TAXES BEING IMPLEMENTED= 1 0.9 % ECONOMY DIFFICULT= 2 1.8 % FEEL THE MONEY ISNT USED WELL= 1 0.9 % FINANCES= 1 0.9 % FINANCES ARE DIFFICULT= 2 1.8 % FINANCIAL TROUBLE= 2 1.8 % FINANCIALLY NOT ABLE RIGHT NOW= 2 1.8 % FINANCIALLY UNABLE= 1 0.9 % FUNDS ARE LIMITED= 1 0.9 % HIGHER TUITION = PRVT SCHOOL= 2 1.8 % HOUSEHOLD INCOME DIMINISHED= 1 0.9 % HUSBAND IS FT STUDENT NOT WRKG= 2 1.8 % HUSBAND WAS LAID OFF FOR 1 YR= 2 1.8 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 59 Q26b (CONTINUED) Why no? Q26b Why not Number Percent I FEEL IT'S AN ADEQUATE AMOUNT= 1 0.9 % I HAVE 4 KIDS & GIVE MAXIMUM= 1 0.9 % MAXED OUT= 2 1.8 % MNTHLY PYMT TO SCIENCE WING= 1 0.9 % MONEY/ECONOMY= 1 0.9 % MY DONATION IS NOT USED WISELY= 2 1.8 % NOT ABLE= 1 0.9 % NOT ABLE TO= 3 2.7 % NOT FINANCIALLY ABLE RIGHT NOW= 1 0.9 % NOT YET, BUT I WILL= 1 0.9 % NOW PAYING TAXES IN WESTLAKE= 2 1.8 % ONLY DOING HALF - HAVE 3 KIDS= 1 0.9 % OTHER PARENTS NOT PARTICIPATNG= 2 1.8 % OUR DONATIONS HAVE INCREASED= 1 0.9 % OUT OF WORK= 2 1.8 % PARTIAL CONTRB DUE TO FINANCES= 1 0.9 % PAY TAXES TO SUPPORT= 2 1.8 % PAYING ON ANOTHER RESIDENCE= 1 0.9 % PAYING TOO MUCH IN PRIV TUTORS= 1 0.9 % PROPERTY TAX INCREASE= 1 0.9 % SCHOOL LEADER NOT AN EDUCATOR= 2 1.8 % SINGLE INCOME; HIGH PROP TAXES= 2 1.8 % SPENDING MONEY ON TUTORING= 2 1.8 % TAX INCREASE!= 1 0.9 % TEMPORARY FINANCIAL SETBACK= 1 0.9 % THE ECONOMY IS HARD= 1 0.9 % TUITION INCREASE = PRVT SCHOOL= 1 0.9 % TUTORED= 1 0.9 % UNABLE TO= 1 0.9 % UNABLE WITH MULTIPLE CHILDREN= 2 1.8 % UNIFORM DISCIPLINE; FRNDLINESS= 1 0.9 % WA NOT PROVIDING EDUCTN NEEDE... 1 0.9 % WE CONTRIBUTE WHAT WE CAN= 1 0.9 % WE DO WHAT WE CAN= 1 0.9 % WE HAVE SIX KIDS & ONE INCOME= 2 1.8 % WE PAY ENOUGH= 1 0.9 % Total 110 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 60 Q27 Have you participated in residential trips at the Academy? Q27 Have you participated in residential trips at the Academy? Number Percent Yes 111 57.2 % No 76 39.2 % Don't Know 7 3.6 % Total 194 100.0 % Q27a Were they affordable? Q27a Were they affordable Number Percent Yes 94 84.7 % No 12 10.8 % Not provided 5 4.5 % Total 111 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 61 Q27b If NO to #27: Why not? • Cost. • Not this year - bullying. • I have not liked some locations presented. They didn't seem safe. • New family. • Parents not notified (informed) in time to budget for it. • None in 2010-11. • The school should not make students pay for chaperones. If trips are important, budget for those costs. • Too expensive and not enough notice. • Child too young. • Very expensive. • Because I am not comfortable yet. • Children are too young. • Not offered in my children's grades. • Almost $1,700.00 needed within three days' time - outrageous! • N/A because of their age. • Time. • Not sure what it is. • Not old enough yet. • Won't let them go. • Too expensive. • Won't let kids go on overnight events. • Too young. • Not offered. • Too busy - traveling for work. • Too young to go. • Doesn't fit into work schedule. • No time due to work - trips are scheduled inconveniently - not enough notice. • Working. • Wasn't available. • Scheduling - not enough notice. • Looking for a job and kids are older. They don't want me. • Don't know what it is. • Don't know what they are - possibly didn't have them last year. • I'm new to the school 2011-2012. • Not invited yet. • Unable. • Too busy. • All-teacher trip. • Don't know what it is. • Too young for them. • Don't know what it is. • Don't know what they are. • Work schedule. • Don't know what they are. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 62 Q28. What ONE thing would you most like to improve at Westlake Academy? • When teachers have to speak in front of parents, know the program, speak from the heart and don't use note cards and read from them. • Lunch program! • Bullying - zero tolerance should be enforced! Problem for years! • Teacher quality (more experienced?), more student advocates. Some teachers seem more bothered by students and their inquiries than eager to help. • Too many parents involved with teachers who are teaching their children - they should be separate. • Participation in the Blacksmith Fund. • Open children's opportunities to help schools in developing nations, i.e. collect obsolete textbooks from NW I.S.D., Keller I.S.D., and Carroll I.S.D. and figure out cheap transport to Africa, Iraq, and Afghanistan. • Communication, i.e. free dress days, fundraising events, volunteer opps. • More coordination of homework between teachers. 3-5 hours per night seems excessive to me. They're just kids! • Teachers updating online grades quicker. • Communication - I felt like I was always getting information at the last minute. I get tons of e- mails and so a single e-mail can get overlooked. I almost didn't get my child to her music program because I missed an e-mail that went out three months before the concert. • Can't think of anything. I love the school. • Nothing. • Fewer field trips - more instruction, especially math and science. • The two buses have been a disappointment and a waste of money. Secondary is getting better, but has a long way to go - feel sorry for the junior and senior classes, but we learn by mistakes. • There are some questionable teaching staff members. I would like to see improvements in those staff members. I would expand the counseling department as well. • Organized carpool program. • Less politics. • WA desperately needs a Head of School or Superintendent with experience in education. • Highly effective, engaging teachers in every classroom with minimal lecture style. • Timely information about upcoming events. • There should be more e-mails from PYP teachers informing parents of what assignments are due, upcoming projects, etc. I found the website confusing to navigate. • Keeping parents aware of academic deadlines. • Have teachers input grades in timely manner - not seven weeks later. Unacceptable for DP teachers. • There should be a "zero tolerance" policy on physical violence. • Culture. • Communication! • Teacher should not discriminate by deducting a child's grade for capitalizing "G" in God. A child needs to have freedom of belief/religion at WA, too. • Retention of leadership. After eight years, still do not feel solid base for PYP program - MYP, DP. • Staff and teacher accountability. There are kids and teachers getting away with gross violations of policy and no one holds them accountable. • Communication from school (not teacher communication, but from the school at large) about events. • Communication. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 63 Q28. (CONTINUED) What ONE thing would you most like to improve at Westlake Academy? • Math curriculum. • Leadership and HOC. • MYP teachers. • International trips. • Communication. • Quality of teachers. • More international teachers! • Language program. • Primary faculty! • Technology system. Leadership consistency. Don't mix younger students with older students in study hall. It is disturbing for older students who need this time to study. • Keep the class sizes small - it seems each year they are getting larger. • Good teachers and school. Need to have a golf coach. • I would like to improve Spanish with levels, not by groups or grades. • Communication. • Shorten school hours! They are too long! • Reduce the length of the school day. Kids need to be kids! • Larger facilities, i.e. gym, lunchroom for growing school. Older children already eat outside or in class. • Pairing new families with existing families to better learn the school processes. • The security level needs to be increased a bit. Would love to see the drivers license be scanned to show if the visitor has any criminal history. • Something like a talented and gifted program for advanced learners; better math. • School board and Superintendent. • Communication with teacher and update grades regularly. • Improve overall quality of teachers. • Decrease teacher turnover; better quality teachers with proper backgrounds in IB program. • Hire Head of School. • Leadership. • More facilities! Portables are not good. • Need a Head of School with understanding of IB and TEA requirements who can administer all levels - PYP, MP and DP! • Traffic flow (drop off/pick up); advance notice of events. • Get a true Head of School - Tom Brymer is neither an educator nor a Superintendent. • Timely communication from administration. • Communication, especially between PYP, MYP, DP and staff - one doesn't know what the other is doing. • Consequences to students should be more uniformly and fairly delivered. • Amount of long distance driving to boys sporting events. Need different rank division so they're closer. • Foreign languages. • Organization and management. • Pick up/drop off process needs to be more organized. • More teacher mentoring as a whole. Relationship needs to improve, needs more respect. The teachers are sarcastic to the kids. • More after school academic activities for younger students. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 64 Q28. (CONTINUED) What ONE thing would you most like to improve at Westlake Academy? • Communication. • Timeliness of notification of field trips and classroom activities. • The teachers - for example, get rid of • More qualified teachers. • All parents donate $2,000.00/child; communication, overall organization and cleanliness. • Tougher consequences for bullying. • Athletics. • Make the residential trips more affordable. • Remember that it is still a public school; they can't put people into groups based on how much they donate. • Math and science (focus, material). • More space. • Lunch program. • More well-trained specialists in gifted/talented and special education. No adequately trained members in special education. • Restrict class and campus size; strengthen mathematics. • Class trip (senior year) to St. Thomas was expensive. Time and money could have been spent locally and community help given to local folks. • A better understanding of IB. • Communication with parents. • Bullying between each other. • More science classes in the upper levels. • We need more qualified leadership. • Gifted talent program. • Foreign language program. • Communication, • Parent pick-up area. • Math and writing programs - improve to make more challenging. • Communication focused and streamlined. • More timely posts of graded assignments online. Pick-up line work in a more timely manner. • Include a third language or second language class for MS years and DP years. My daughter is bilingual so she'll need another language to learn. She was in French before. • Website improved. • Drop off/pick up lines. • Teachers. • Website. • More clubs. • Communication with parents (administration needs to communicate - teachers are doing fine). • Increase technology use. • More choices in classes. • IB program. • Remove online grading for just primary. • More priority on arts programs. • Sports program. • More help in science/math. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 65 Q28. (CONTINUED) What ONE thing would you most like to improve at Westlake Academy? • Sports program. • After school activities. • Upper management level. • Lunches. • More after school clubs. Teachers lead a little more. Q29 Do you live in the Town of Westlake? Q29 Do you live in the Town of Westlake? Number Percent Yes 55 28.4 % No 139 71.6 % Total 194 100.0 % Q29a How important was Westlake Academy in your decision to move to Westlake? Q29a How important was Westlake Academy in your decision to move to Westlake? Number Percent Very important 44 80.0 % Somewhat import 4 7.3 % Not important 7 12.7 % Total 55 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 66 Q30 Which of the following BEST describes your total annual household income? Q30 Which of the following BEST describes your total annual household income? Number Percent Under $50,000 4 2.1 % $50,000-$149,999 68 35.1 % $150,000-$500,000 78 40.2 % Over $500,000 32 16.5 % Not provided 12 6.2 % Total 194 100.0 % Q31 For how many years have you had at least one child attending Westlake Academy? Q31 For how many years have you had at least one child attending Westlake Academy? Number Percent Less than a year 2 1.0 % 01 43 22.2 % 02 26 13.4 % 03 30 15.5 % 04 19 9.8 % 05 23 11.9 % 06 11 5.7 % 07 18 9.3 % 08 18 9.3 % Not provided 4 2.1 % Total 194 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 67 Q32 In which grades do you currently have children enrolled at Westlake Academy? Q32 In which grades do you currently have children enrolled at Westlake Academy? Number Percent Kindergarten 24 12.4 % First grade 15 7.7 % Second grade 26 13.4 % Third grade 23 11.9 % Fourth grade 29 14.9 % Fifth grade 26 13.4 % Sixth grade 30 15.5 % Seventh grade 20 10.3 % Eighth grade 30 15.5 % Ninth grade 21 10.8 % Tenth grade 31 16.0 % Eleventh grade 18 9.3 % Twelfth grade 16 8.2 % Total 309 Q33 How many adults are in the home? Q33 How many adults are in the home? Number Percent 1 12 6.2 % 2 169 87.1 % 3 11 5.7 % 4 2 1.0 % Total 194 100.0 % Q34 How many adults in your home are employed full-time outside of the home? Q34 How many adults in your home are employed full-time outside of the home? Number Percent None 9 4.6 % One 123 63.4 % Two 59 30.4 % Not provided 3 1.5 % Total 194 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 68 Q34a How many can we better accommodate the needs of a working parent or working parents? • Communication updates (portal doesn't work). • Before/after school assistance would be great/helpful. • More notice of events during the day. • Offer after school clubs - pay parents to run after school clubs, i.e. photography, tae kwan do, gardening, dance, ballet, chess, film. • Better hot lunch program. • Give advanced notice for school activities. • Just understand that there needs to be communication for 8-5 working parents. • I believe bringing any issues to a parent's attention as soon as possible. Some teachers have informed me of serious problems six weeks after the issues arose with no prior indication through TxConnect! • Offer a carpool organization - a volunteer who can connect drivers to carpool. • Prioritize key meetings, share dates in advance and begin at 6 p.m. • Teachers, especially PYP, should e-mail parents much more often to inform them of what is due and when as far as assignments. • Communicate timely e-mails and update online grades in a timely manner. • You're doing a great job! • Do not stagger release times! Fewer early release days. • Schedule events with working parents in mind. • Tell HOC to be less elitist - include non-Westlake residents more. • Timing of events and advanced communication. • After school care at WA. • Schedule events after 6 p.m. • Frequent e-mails. • Westlake Academy was not designed to accommodate working parents. It is there to educate children! Consider the child's needs first. • That's not your problem or purpose. Focus on educating children. • Allow earlier drop off. • You guys do a great job! • Evening meetings. • Meetings after work hours, not at 4:30. • More flexibility in teacher conferences and school events. • As much advance notice about special events as possible for planning purposes. • After school care. • Can't - he's a pilot - all weather-related. • Communication. • Schedule things before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. • Events/meetings after hours. • Make meetings in the evenings. • Time for outside events - notice for events. They only give a week and that's not enough. • Communication needs to improve. • Give more than one week's notice on events - prefer 2 to 3 weeks, as this allows us time to rearrange work schedules to better attend events as possible. • You did enough. • Before school care, or allow drop off at 7:15. • They already do a good job. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 69 Q34a (CONTINUED) How many can we better accommodate the needs of a working parent or working parents? • Functions are always during the school day. • More notice on events and information on activities like dances and other activities. • More notice for everything. • More e-mails to parents about events. • Adjust school hours to 8:00 to 3:20. • Daytime meetings cannot be attended by working parents. • Provide a bus. • More afterschool activities. • Communicate properly. • Scheduling meetings for after work/dinner hours. • Don't know that they can. • Schedule meetings later in the evenings. • After school activities for after 3:45 to 4:30. • Having cafeteria offer breakfast. Need better selection at lunch. • Communication - streamline it. • Give a minimum of three weeks notice on field trips and give an idea of trips for the year. • They do a good job. Busing would have been nice when the kids were younger. • After school programs. • More options for volunteering. • Communicate with parents. • After school programs. • Offer conferences and special events after hours and with more advanced notice. • School bus. • More details about events, more notice when money is due. • After school activities. • Homework online would be helpful. • After school care for youngest. Q35 Which of the following do you most closely associate with Westlake Academy? Q35 Which of the following do you most closely associate with Westlake Academy? Number Percent Charter school 50 25.8 % Private school 25 12.9 % Public school 2 1.0 % International Baccalaureate school 112 57.7 % None 5 2.6 % Total 194 100.0 % 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 70 Q36 Do you feel that lottery applicants are adequately educated about the lottery process? Q36 Do you feel that lottery applicants are adequately educated about the lottery process? Number Percent Yes 132 68.0 % No 27 13.9 % Don't Know 35 18.0 % Total 194 100.0 % Q37 There are no scholastic requirements to attend Westlake Academy. The only entry requirement for the Academy is residency within the approved primary or secondary boundaries. What was the main reason that you enrolled your student(s)? • Kids were bored at public school they attended. • The promise of the IB education. • IB program/size of school/diversity of teachers and staff. • IB program and student/teacher ratio. • Public school in Keller I.S.D. secondary (7th - 12th grade) is mostly outdated memorization and worksheets. Very little reading or thinking. • Small class sizes. • Stronger education and size of school. • IB curriculum. • IB curriculum. • Originally submitted to lottery because of press coverage when the school first opened. After four years in the lottery, we were drawn and met with Ms. Watson to discuss curriculum. • Small ratio (teacher:students), IB program, environment. • The challenging curriculum and the student is able to compete. • Academics. • Close to home, IB program, K-12 in one campus.; • The IB program, even though there have been massive adjustments every year with growing pains. • We were looking for a school that would promote a high standard of education, where children didn't get lost in the system. • Classroom size (teacher:student ratio). • Opportunity for better education. • Better option than the local public or private choices. • IB • IB curriculum. • Looking for small school environment with IB curriculum. • The IB program. • Smaller class size and being more prepared for college. • The fact that WA is an IB school. • IB curriculum. • Size of school and curriculum. • For them to receive a strong education and to be known (small environment). • Commitment to different level of education focused on the Learner Profile and IB curriculum. • IB. • IB curriculum. • Education. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 71 Q37 (CONTINUED) There are no scholastic requirements to attend Westlake Academy. The only entry requirement for the Academy is residency within the approved primary or secondary boundaries. What was the main reason that you enrolled your student(s)? • Small school body. • IB program. • Academics, safety, caring teachers. • IB curriculum. • Quality of education, uniforms, reputation. • IB school. • I believed that the IB curriculum suited my child well and I was pleased with the smaller setting. • To receive a more well-rounded education in a small setting. • IB education! • The IB program. • IB program. • We wanted them to receive the best education possible. • We loved the school and thought it would be the best place for our child. • IB curriculum. • To have a better education. • The International Baccalaureate; the size of the school. • Small campus. • We wanted a "private school" environment with low teacher/student ratios. The K-12 option was also an incentive. We like the social-emotional goals included in the curriculum. • We want a small school with excellent curriculum. We are looking for a low number of students in each grade. We like that the school is K-12 and has a private school atmosphere. • Live in Westlake - chose town for school and privacy of community. • IB, small size. • To have a better, more global education experience. • Comparing what some WA students were learning to what public school was teaching my kids made our decision. • IB program. • For a better education. • IB program. • IB - size! • Small class size. • For the opportunity of attending an IB school; class size/school size. • IB curriculum. • Reputation of WA and the IB program. • Models private school and encourages independent learning. • Small class sizes, curriculum, facilities, Mayor Bradley. • Quality of the education for the price. • IB program. • Programs. • Convenience. • Advance education opportunities. • The size of the school and the IB education. • IB curriculum. • Best school around. • For the IB curriculum. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 72 Q37 (CONTINUED) There are no scholastic requirements to attend Westlake Academy. The only entry requirement for the Academy is residency within the approved primary or secondary boundaries. What was the main reason that you enrolled your student(s)? • Academics. • IB curriculum. • IB school. • The reputation of the school. • Child with dyslexia needed different learning environment and it was closer drive than private school. • I heard good things about Westlake Academy. • Quality of the school. • Better school. • Small class; IB. • IB program. • IB curriculum; it was a better school. • IB. • IB curriculum. • Smaller size classrooms and uniforms. • IB. • IB environment; small class size; reputation of school. • Good education. • IB. • Quality of the school/class sizes. • IB. • IB curriculum. • No public school - better education at WA. Son is advanced and needs more challenges. • IB program - the children were in IB programs overseas. • Better academics, culture, class size and programs. • Thought it would provide a better curriculum. • Charter IB school. • Attended IB school somewhere else in the past. • Resident. • Because we live here and it's convenient. Believe in the international education. • Quality of the institution, from the people to the curriculum to the facilities. • I would like my daughter to benefit from the IB program. This program goes hand-in-hand with the education she was receiving in her beginning years. We feel it's more adequate for her learning style, as well as personal style. We believe in the IB program. • IB curriculum. • Size of school and IB curriculum. • Like the curriculum and the campus. • Looking for something better than public school. Both of the kids have a strong interest in art and they felt more attention would be given to them at Westlake. • IB curriculum. • IB curriculum. • IB curriculum. • IB curriculum. • Reputation of the IB program. • IB program. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 73 Q37 (CONTINUED) There are no scholastic requirements to attend Westlake Academy. The only entry requirement for the Academy is residency within the approved primary or secondary boundaries. What was the main reason that you enrolled your student(s)? • IB program. • IB program, good school. • IB program. • Class size and curriculum. • IB program. • He is academic and we wanted the best for him. • Quality of education. • IB programs. • The IB program and harder classes. • Local school with good reputation. • Because it's so close to home and child can walk. • Academic opportunities. • Small size and IB program. • Better education. • Philosophy and financial structure and IB program. Q38 If you have additional comments, please provide them in the space below: • I felt this whole process of the lottery was awful. Names should be pulled in front of parents, then the whole lottery list should be seen on the website so parents can see the list and not feel the lottery system is fixed. Sorry we really hated the school. • The school needs to more closely monitor their teachers. • More emphasis needs to be placed on the importance of the Blacksmith Fund and that needs to start at the lottery/application process. Also surprised there isn't more emphasis on technology. Current equipment is old and cutting edge teaching is done on iPads. • After leaving public schools we were very concerned at the first parent/teacher conference. Both of our kids were doing fine - but the conference was not organized, there was no agenda, and the teachers didn't go over any of our kids' work. It felt like they were "winging" it. Initially, we were very concerned. The second parent-teacher conference was better. I recommend an agenda for the teacher to follow with the parent so the parent has an understanding of how their child is doing - possibly outlining strengths and areas of opportunity for their child. • Very impressed with the school overall. Very conducive to learning regardless of child's ability. • The school should be operated like a school and not operated as if it were a municipality. • Rosetta Stone was a great help to my student! Teachers who faithfully offer tutoring are very valuable. We have some wonderful, caring staff members. The MYP and IB students need better facilities for study halls! Seriously! 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 74 Q38 (CONTINUED) If you have additional comments, please provide them in the space below: • We are so very grateful to WA and the teachers and staff. You are making a positive impact on our children! • We consider it very important to continue the string program and even include some different kinds of instruments, like winds! All the way to 12th grade! • More staff to support the teachers and the administration. Everyone seems to be overworked. • Thank you for providing a wonderful educational opportunity for our community. • PYP counselor and teaching staff should work harder on helping new kids adapt to Westlake. Encouraging students to be open and friendly to new students would help. Also, assigning a mentor parent would be helpful to new families to the school. • Ask teachers to please update grades each week and respond to e-mails in a timely manner. • Solid black or white shoe requirement seems miniscule and unimportant compared to other issues. • Teacher websites should be informational and provide curriculum-based information. They should not be used as the only posting of certain programs (spring music). Some can't check every website everyday, and some websites aren't updated after the first of the year. • So glad to be part of the WA community. Thank you for all you do to make WA what it is. Lives are being impacted and changed. • With the challenges of education, Westlake Academy has provided an excellent commitment to the child, and I would not trade their experience to date for any other institution. There are always challenges in any environment, so encourage leadership to strive for a great IB experience. • The school needs to stop adding new students and programs until they can adequately manage what they currently have. • WA is a great school! My comments are only in the hope of making it even better! Thank you. • Like teachers a lot, but they seem overwhelmed. Morale is negative sometimes with students and staff both and parent groups. HOC is not helpful. What does HOC money do? Help those teachers out some with it or buy things for kids. • Need more national competitions/MUN/international class trips. • Love the school - great job! So happy to have all four of my children enrolled next year! Go Blacksmiths. • WA needs made many improvements. More focus needs to be on improving math and science. Our teachers should teach by IB standards and methods. Too much lecturing still exists. No one could fix our challenges in a year or two. Ms. Milton is an excellent example of an IB teacher. I cannot say the same for others. Our students deserve to ask and inquire without being embarrassed. We sincerely hope you are spending enough time in classrooms. Students should be the priority! If teachers "don't fit", swift change should take place. • Online grading for primary is extremely disorganized. Why can't we have assignment grades as the secondary students (DP and MYP) have access to with the program? • Last year there was an outside tutor brought in for Spanish tutoring. It was very helpful and we would like to see this again. • We are happy. • Please consider shortening the school day. It is way too long and leaves no time for extracurricular activities. Children need some down time after school. Also, the Academy needs to be more open and welcoming to parents. • Shorten the school day! Children need time to play or participate in extracurricular activities. The school day is too long! More openness to parents. Friendlier atmosphere to parents. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 75 Q38 (CONTINUED) If you have additional comments, please provide them in the space below: • Would like to see more screening or background checking of students (lottery) who come to WA and become troublemakers before it is discovered they were expelled from another ISD for assault! • Outstanding six years! • Thank you to the teaching staff - MYP, Mr. Harding and support staff. This group of people are doing a great job educating my child. We are looking forward to the last two years! • Our teacher experience has been very uneven; need to evaluate our strings program and PYP art. Need higher level math and science. • 1) We need an educator running the school. 2) We need more trained teachers with better years of experience. 3) The teachers need to be watched closer and evaluated better to make sure they are quality in the classroom. 4) How is pottery expanding the school curriculum? 5) Coach A needs training • School administrators need to fairly and consistently enforce the school's policies across all grade levels. For example, the uniform policy, the discipline process and residential policies. • Please consider letting DP children the ability to leave campus for lunch or early. Also, it seems the morale of the staff is a bit strained - perhaps look into reorganizing and motivational workshops. Their frustration comes across either on the phone or in person. Thank you - great survey. • Extremely happy. • Get rid of the Stream Program or make it an extracurricular program. • They are missing the opportunity for success by losing educational goals and relying on fiscal goals. We have the opportunity to be amazing, but they are missing the boat. • There needs to be a scholastic requirement (GPA, testing). • Needs an entrance exam. • I hope that Westlake Academy continues to be ranked among top schools. I believe it will make a tremendous impact on getting our school recognized. • Need better organization and communication within the school as well as with parents. • I know Westlake Academy does not teach to the TAKS test, but I was disappointed, along with my child, that TAKS scores were down. Also, I believe my child was safe at school, but at times he did not feel safe. He went through a lot at the beginning of school emotionally, but it did get better by the end of school (although he felt bullied through the end of the year). • Stop taking lottery students. • I'm very happy with the school. • Uniforms need to be better or not required and they are expensive. Lunch menu - don't have enough time. • Need to better assist people who have special needs, either gifted or special education. Provide more language options. • We need new leadership. Also please encourage parent participation on field trips; everyone should be welcome - all the time. • Students tend to be clique-like. Teachers and counselors need to be on top of this. Emotional strain for girls, particularly. • The surveys are a very good idea and a good way to get feedback from parents. • More choices in science classes, like advanced chemistry and physics for students who know they will be in the premedical track. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 76 Q38 (CONTINUED) If you have additional comments, please provide them in the space below: • More gifted/talented programs. Children tend to forget or lose notices - should give notice by e- mail or newsletter. • Foreign language - more variety and work. • Remember the culture and what they stand for - don't grow too fast. • Stability and leadership. Not a town leader - a Head of School should have control. • Teachers should pay attention to bullying. • Need Subway-type sandwich - selection of fruit and vegetables. Like packed lunches - not so much hot lunch. • Seems almost handpicked for diversity; skewed to have balance. • Thank you for the survey! • Was not satisfied that it took a year to diagnose dyslexia, but now very satisfied with services being provided. Also come up with less expensive uniform options. • They are doing a great job. • Don't cut funds for art programs. There needs to be a "catch up/tutoring" for foreign language classes so the kids who care can excel. • Math/science upper grade teachers need to be strong and focus needs to be put on the subject. • Need sidewalks to the school. • Help in school - talk to someone. Find the right person to talk to about getting help. • Master calendar too confusing and hard to get it to work. 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 77 Section 5: Survey Instrument 2011 Westlake Academy/Board of Trustee Parent Survey: Draft Report ETC Institute (2011)Page 78 Town of Westlake ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________3 Village Circle, Suite #202  Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-430-0941  Fax: 817-430-1812  www.westlake-tx.org   May, 2011 Dear Westlake Academy Parent: Before you begin your well-deserved summer break, the Board of Trustees for Westlake Academy would be so grateful if you would participate in our parent survey regarding the future direction and programs of the school. If this is your first time to complete this survey, we thank you. And if you have participated in this survey previously, we also thank you and would like to make sure you are aware of how we used last year’s survey feedback in our Board and Staff decisions to pursue continuous improvement for Westlake Academy. As a result of your comments: • We now offer access to online grades and attendance • We are expanding the course offerings in the Diploma Programme (G11-12) • We are expanding foreign language offerings next school year • We have adjusted the method of communication to provide weekly updates to parents with comments from the programme coordinators and links directly to additional information • We instituted the “Don’t Walk By” program which has created a marked improvement in the campus environment’s appearance • We offered 2 additional information meetings for all parents • We improved our on-boarding process for all new students entering the Academy as well as opportunities for parents to learn more about the International Baccalaureate Programme. • We expanded the arts program (pottery) • We are offering additional tutoring for Spanish and Mathematics, as well as introducing Rosetta Stone software to enhance Spanish learning Your feedback is highly valuable and very useful to us. The survey results will be used as a working tool to assist us in making critical decisions about the direction of the Academy and future programs, especially in these economically challenging times. Please return your survey in the enclosed return-reply envelope to ETC INSTITUTE, 725 W. Frontier Circle, Olathe, KS 66061. If you have questions, please contact Administrative Coordinator Ben Nibarger at (817) 490-5762 or contact us via e-mail at bnibarger@westlakeacademy.org. Many thanks for your help in sustaining Westlake Academy as a premier academic institution. Sincerely yours, Laura Wheat President, Board of Trustees Enclosure Westlake Academy / Board of Trustee Parent Survey 1. Satisfaction with Westlake Academy: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means “very satisfied” and 1 means “very dissatisfied,” please rate your satisfaction with the following items: How satisfied are you with: Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don’t Know N/A A. PYP teachers/faculty 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 B. MYP teachers/faculty 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 C. DP teachers/faculty 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 D. IB (International Baccalaureate) curriculum 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 E. Suitability of the campus for learning 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 F. The school lunch program 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 G. The school uniform vendor 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 H. The Security Check-In System at the Main Entrance 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 I. Extracurricular sports programs 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 J Academy website 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 K. Other extracurricular programs 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 L. Academic progress of your child 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 M. Social and emotional progress of your child 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 N. Communications regarding issues/problems related to your child 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 O. Opportunities for parental involvement 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 P. Quality of communication from WA 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 Q. Methods of communication from WA 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 R The four House system for students (Thoreau, Wheatley, Whitman and Keller) 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 S. Effectiveness of the House of Commons (HOC) 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 T. Effectiveness of the Westlake Academy Foundation (WAF) 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 U. Effectiveness of the Westlake Academy Athletic Club (WAAC) 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 V. PYP Curriculum 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 W. MYP Curriculum 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 X. DP Curriculum 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 Y. Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of education provided by Westlake Academy? 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 Z. The Primary Counseling department 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 1. The Secondary Counseling department 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 2. Maintenance of the Academy 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 3. College preparation process 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 4. Primary Grade Report Card 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 5. Secondary Grade Report Card 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 6 Access to online grades 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7. Opportunities for parent input 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 8. The adopted five year strategic plan 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 9. PYP specials teachers/faculty 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 2. Which THREE of the items listed above are the most important to you? [Write in the letters and numbers below using the letters and numbers from the list in Question 1 above.] 1st ______ 2nd _______ 3rd _______ 3. Planning for the Future: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means “extremely important” and 1 means “not important at all,” please rate how important it is for Westlake Academy to do the following if resources are available. How important is if for Westlake Academy to: Extremely Important Very Important Important Somewhat Important Not Important Don’t Know N/A A. Provide additional campus facilities (Black Box Theater, Gym, etc.) 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 B. Continue the Strings Program 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 C. Continue residential (overnight) field trips 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 D. Expand the new media educational opportunities (i.e., video production, on-line journalism) 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 E. Have the Academy improve its website 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 F. Continue to offer tutoring outside of the classroom time 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 4. Would you be willing to participate in a capital campaign? ___(1) Yes ___(2) No 5. Communication and Outreach: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means “Strongly Agree” and 1 means “Strongly Disagree,” please rate the following items: How strongly do you agree with the following: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know N/A A. The on-campus administrative staff is friendly and helpful 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 B. The Academy’s published statements of mission and philosophy align with those of the IB 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 C. I would be interested in more parent education and training sessions 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 D. The Academy’s leadership and administrative structures ensure the implementation of the IB programmes 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 E. My child’s teacher(s) responds quickly to my inquiries 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 F. The Academy’s resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the IB programmes 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 G. My child’s teacher(s) keep me informed about their progress 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 H. Collaborative planning and reflection supports the implementation of the IB programmes 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 I. I am encouraged to volunteer at the Academy 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 J. The Academy’s written curriculum reflects IB philosophy 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 K. I am informed about what is going on in my child’s programme 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 L. The Academy’s teaching and learning reflects the IB Philosophy 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 M. Academy administrators respond to my questions in a timely manner 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 N. Email is my preferred method of communication with my child’s teacher 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 O. The Academy’s assessments reflect the IB assessment philosophy 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 P. Phone calls are my preferred method of communication with my child’s teacher 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 Q. I receive information from my child’s school with enough time to be involved in events, classroom or school-wide activities 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 Westlake Academy’s Communiqué 6. How often do you read Westlake Academy’s Communiqué? ___(1) Weekly ___(2) Monthly ___(3) Rarely ___(4) Never 7. Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means “Strongly Agree” and 1 means “Strongly Disagree,” please rate your level of agreement with the following statements about Westlake Academy’s Communiqué: How strongly do you agree with the following: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know N/A A. The Communiqué provides important school information 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 B. The Communiqué is attractive and interesting 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 C. The Communiqué is easy to read 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 8. Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means “Very Interested” and 1 means “Not interested at all,” please rate your level of interest in the following features of the Communiqué: How interested are you in: Very Interested Interested Smwhat Interested Not Interested Not Interested At All Don’t Know N/A A. Superintendent messages 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 B. Photographs from school events 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 C. Reminders of upcoming events 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 D. HOC updates 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 E. WAF updates 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 F. Calendar 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 G. Principal messages 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 9. How would you prefer to read the Communique? ____(1) PDF Version ___(2) Online Version ___(3) Paper Version ___(4) No Preference 10. Does the Westlake Academy Communiqué keep you adequately informed? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 11. If you could make one suggestion to improve our Academy communication, what would it be? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Are you currently volunteering at the Academy? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 12a. If NO to #12: Would you like to volunteer? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 12b. If YES to #12a: How would you like to volunteer? _______________________________________ 13. How many Board of Trustee meetings did you attend last year? ____(1) None ___(2) One ___(3) Two ___(4) Three or more 14. How many parent teacher/student led conferences did you attend last year? ____(1) None ___(2) One ___(3) Two ___(4) Three or more 15. Have you had any problems scheduling parent-teacher conferences? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 15a. If YES: what problems have you had? __________________________________________________ 16. What is the best way(s) to communicate with you and/or your family? (check all that apply) ___(1) Newsletter ___(2) Website ___(3) E-mails ___(4) Direct contact (phone call, school/home visit, meeting) ___(5) Other – please specify: __________________________ 17. Do you reference the Academy master calendar on a regular basis? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 17a. If NO to #11: Why not? _____________________________________________________________________ 18. Is your child receiving tutoring? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No IF YES to #18: 18a. Where? (e.g WA, Sylvan, Kumon, etc.) Please list:__________________________________________________ 18b. What subject(s)?___________________________________________________ 18c. How many hours per week? ______________ 19. How is your child progressing academically? ___(1) Ahead of where you would expect him/her to be ___(2) About where you would expect him/her to be ___(3) Behind where you would expect him/her to be 20. Do you feel your child is emotionally safe at school? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 21. Do you feel your child is physically safe at school? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 22. Do you believe you have an adequate understanding of the IB curriculum? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 23. Do you have a child with a learning disability that utilizes special education services? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 23a. If YES to #23: Are you satisfied with the modifications/services provided by Westlake Academy? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 23b. If NO to #23a: Why not? _________________________________________________________________ 24. What do you like BEST about Westlake Academy?______________________________________________________ 25. If your child was not enrolled at Westlake Academy, where would your child most likely be attending school? ____(1) A public school where I live ____(2) A private school ____(3) Home School 26. Do you make the full contribution to the Blacksmith Apprentice Program? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 26a. If YES to #26: Would you be willing to increase your donation? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 26b. If NO to #26: Why not?_________________________________________________________________________ 27. Have you participated in residential trips at the Academy? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 27a. If YES to #27: Were they affordable? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 27b. If NO to #27: Why not? _______________________________________________________________________ 28. What ONE thing would you most like to improve at Westlake Academy? ________________________________________________________________________________________ DEMOGRAPHICS 29. Do you live in the Town of Westlake? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 29a. If YES to #29: How important was Westlake Academy in your decision to move to Westlake? ____(4) Very important ____(3) Somewhat important ____(2) Not sure ____(1) Not important 30. Which of the following BEST describes your total annual household income? ___(1) Under $50,000 ___(3) $150,000 - $500,000 ___(2) $50,000 - $149,999 ___(4) Over $500,000 31. For how many years have you had at least one child attending Westlake Academy? _______year(s) 32. In which grades do you currently have children enrolled at Westlake Academy? (list up to five) 1st child______ 2nd child______ 3rd child______ 4th child______ 5th child______ 33. How many adults are in the home? ___________ 34. How many adults in your home are employed full-time outside of the home? _____(0) None _____(1) One _____(2) Two 34a. How can we better accommodate the needs of a working parent or working parents? ______________________________________________________________________________ UNDERSTANDING WHO WE ARE 35. Which of the following do you most closely associate with Westlake Academy? ____(0) Charter school ____(1) Private school ____(2) Public school ___(3) International Baccalaureate school 36. Do you feel that lottery applicants are adequately educated about the lottery process? ____(1) Yes ____(2) No 37. There are no scholastic requirements to attend Westlake Academy. The only entry requirement for the Academy is residency within the approved primary or secondary boundaries. What was the main reason that you enrolled your student(s)? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 38. If you have additional comments, please provide them in the space below: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ THANK YOU! Please return your completed survey in the postage-paid envelope that was provided addressed to: ETC Institute, 725 W. Frontier Circle, Olathe, KS 66061