HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-28-08 PZ Agenda Packet TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA February 28, 2008 7:00 pm WESTLAKE CIVIC CAMPUS - BOARD ROOM 2600 J. T. OTTINGER ROAD 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 24, 2008. 3. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING AN APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 202, WHICH CREATED THE ZONING DISTRICT FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 1 (PD1), OWNED BY MAGUIRE PARTNERS-SOLANA LP, IN THE WESTLAKE/SOUTHLAKE ADDITION NO. 1; ADDING ADDITIONAL ACREAGE TO PD1, APPROXIMATELY 84.25 ACRES OF LAND IN THE C.M. THROOP SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1510 AND THE W. MEDLIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1958, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS; AND APPROXIMATELY 85.91 ACRES OF LAND IN THE C. M. THROOP SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1510, THE W. MEDLIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1958, THE WILLIAM PEA SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1246 AND THE JOSEPH HENRY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 742, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS; GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SH 114 AND PRECINCT LINE ROAD. 4. ADJOURNMENT. MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING January 24, 2008 PRESENT: Chairman Bill Greenwood, Commissioners Tim Brittan, Walter Copeland, Allen Heath, and Sharon Sanden. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Executive Assistant Ginger Awtry, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, DPS Director Don Wilson, and Planning and Development Director Eddie Edwards. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairman Greenwood called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 3, 2007. Chairman Greenwood introduced the item and asked for a motion. MOTION: Commissioner Heath made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Commissioner Sanden seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5 -0. 3. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING AN APPLICATION FOR A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A PRIVATE WATER WELL TO BE LOCATED ON 2020 POST OAK PLACE; VAQUERO - ARTHUR ADDITION, PHASE 3; LOT 26, BLK K. Planning and Development Director Edwards presented the case to the Commission. Mr. Edwards advised the Commission that staff is recommending approval with the condition that the well head be placed outside of any easements and meets the requirements of the Vaquero Homeowners Association. Town of Westlake Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting January 24, 2008 Page 2 of 2 Discussion ensued with regard to screening the well from view and setback requirements. Mr. Edwards advised the Commission that setback requirements are not applicable as the well is not being housed in a structure. David and Sharon Gibbs, applicant and owners, were present to address questions from the Commission. Chairman Greenwood opened the public hearing. There being no one present wishing to speak, Chairman Greenwood asked for a motion to close the public hearing. MOTION: Commissioner Heath made a motion to close the public hearing. Commissioner Sanden seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5 -0. MOTION: Commissioner Copeland made a motion to recommend approval of the SUP as presented. Commissioner Brittan seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5 -0. 4. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Greenwood asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Commissioner Brittan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Sanden seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5 -0. Chairman Greenwood adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on the 28th day of February 2008. William E. Greenwood, Chairman ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Town of Westlake Memo To: Chairman Bill Greenwood and Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission From: Joe C. Hennig, Interim Town Manager Eddie Edwards, Director of Planning and Development Subject: Regular meeting of February 28, 2008 Date: February 20, 2008 ITEM Conduct a Public Hearing and take appropriate action regarding an application for an amendment to Ordinance 202, which created the zoning district for Planned Development 1 (PD -1), owned by Maguire Partners - Solana LP, in the Westlake /Southlake Addition No. 1; adding additional acreage to PD -1, approximately 84.25 acres of land in the C.M. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1510 and the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract 1958, Tarrant County, Texas; and approximately 85.91 acres of land in the C. M. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1510, the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1958, the William Pea Survey, Abstract No. 1246 and the Joseph Henry Survey, Abstract No. 742, Tarrant County, Texas; generally located at the Southeast corner of SH 114 and Precinct Line Road. BACKGROUND The applicant desires to rezone approximately 184.32 acres (Tract 2A at 84.25, Tract 2B at 85.91, plus 14.16 acres of ROW to be dedicated), generally located at the Southeast corner of SH 114 and Precinct Line Road, and North of Dove Road. (See enclosed site plan.) This property is adjacent to the applicant's property, 251.757 acres, which is currently zoned PD -1. Their desire is to have all of their contiguous property governed by the same regulations. In addition to expanding the area regulated by PDA, the applicant also desires to amend the regulations contained in PD 1 to permit a higher maximum building height from 700 feet MSL to 735 feet MSL. Variations in grade elevation on this property are cited as the basis for this request. By amending the boundaries of the PDA area the newly encompassed area will change from "O" Office Park zoning to PD -l. The sections pertaining to setbacks are being amended to clarify or confirm that the property being added to PD -1 would be required to meet the setback requirements of the current zoning ordinance as opposed to the 500 foot setback from residential property required for property already in the PDA area. In other words, the setbacks applicable to the area being rezoned will not change. Additionally, we are taking this opportunity to clean up wording and sections that are obsolete or make reference to ordinances or code sections that have been codified or amended. (See proposed PD -1 with strikeouts for deletions and underlines for additions.) ACTION REQUESTED: Make a recommendation to the Westlake Board of Aldermen for approval of the proposed amendments to Ordinance #202, PD -1. APPROVE BY• Director of Planning & elopment 4LA\x� / / /: T ,n anager' Ice PD -1 Amendment Attachments / Enclosures 1. Application. 2. Proposed ordinance. 3. Zoning map for subject property. 4. Exhibit "A" Tract 2B. 5. Exhibit "A" Tract 2A. 6. NCTCOG aerial map with elevations. TOWN OF WESTLAKE ORA.&r ORDINANCE NO. (Proposed) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 202, WHICH CREATED THE ZONING DISTRICT "PD -1" AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE 202 -01 ON NOVEMBER 13, 2000; AMENDING SECTIONS 3, 4, AND 5, DELETING SECTION 8 AND RENUMBERING SECTION 5 AS SECTION 4, SECTION 6 AS SECTION 5, SECTION 7 AS SECTION 6, SECTION 9 AS SECTION 7, SECTION 10 AS SECTION 8, AND SECTION 11 AS SECTION 9. PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on August 24, 1992, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas adopted a Comprehensive Plan for the Town; and WHEREAS, on November 13, 1992, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, on November 16, 1992, based upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas amended the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance with Ordinance 202, creating "PD -1 ", and WHEREAS, on November 13, 2000, based on the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Board of Alderman of the Town of Westlake, Texas amended Ordinance 202, and WHEREAS, an analysis of the Town's codes and regulations has determined that an amendment to these codes and regulations are required in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the Town and to comply with the development goals for low density residential development; and WHEREAS, on February , the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Westlake has recommended that Ordinance 202 as amended be revised in accordance with the procedures and processes established in the Code of Ordinances for the Town; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: Page 1 C:\Documents and Settings \Inspector \Desktop \W files \PD- 1 \PD -1 amendment draft 5.doc SECTION 1: That the recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated herein; adopted by the Town and found to be true and correct. SECTION 2: That Ordinance 202 ( "PD -1 "), as amended, of the Town of Westlake, Texas be amended by amending the first paragraph of Part II as follows: That Ordinance No. 200, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of 1992, is hereby amended, as envisioned by such ordinance, by adding Plan Development District number 1 ( "PD -1 ") within the property described in Exhibits "A" and "A -1 ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes, to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. PD -1 will be subject to the following zoning provisions. SECTION 3: That Ordinance 202 (PD -1), as amended, of the Town of Westlake, Texas be amended by amending Section 3, Subsection B as follows: B. The maximum percent of PD1 to be occupied by (i) principal use buildings shall be ten percent (10 %) of the land area (as defined below), excluding court yards, atria, etc. not enclosed within the buildings. Parking garages shall not be included in the calculation of density or site coverage. For these purposes PD 1 shall be deemed to have 251.757 436.077 acres of land area which is its original acreage, plus the additional acreage added by this amendment, before donations for roadways except for right of way within PD1 donated for S.H. 114. SECTION 4: That Ordinance 202 (PD -1), as amended, of the Town of Westlake, Texas be amended by amending Section 3, Subsection C as follows: C. The minimum size of any front, side or rear yard for principal and accessory use buildings, with the exception of Lot 1R2 of Block 2 which shall be as shown on the replat of Lot 1R2 of Block 2 of Westlake /Southlake Park Addition No. 1, shall be: 1. One hundred (100) feet from any public road, street or highway, except for the building located immediately adjacent to the intersection of Sam School Road and weed Solana Boulevard, for which building the setback shall be eighty (80) feet; 2. The minimum setback from State Highway 114 shall be two hundred (200) feet; 3. Five hundred (500) feet from any residentially zoned area for the property described in Exhibit "A "; 4. In accordance with Section 102- 124(b)(2)(b) of the Code of Ordinances for the property described in Exhibit "A -1 "; or 5. Otherwise, setbacks shall be one hundred (100) feet for side yards, and one hundred (100) feet for rear yards. Page 2 CADocuments and Settings \Inspector \Desktop \W filesTD -NID -1 amendment draft 5.doc SECTION 5: That Ordinance 202 (PD -1), as amended, of the Town of Westlake, Texas be amended by amending Section 3 as follows: E. The maximum permitted building height for any principal or accessory building should not exceed seven hundred and thirty five (735) feet above mean sea level. SECTION 6: That Ordinance 202 (PD -1), as amended, of the Town of Westlake, Texas be amended by renumbering and amending Section 5 as follows: Section 5 4. Requirement of a Comprehensive Site Plan. Notwithstanding any provision in the Zoning section of the Code of Ordinances addressing the form of site plans, the comprehensive site plans for certain of the areas covered by PDA, which are attached hereto as Exhibits "B ", "C ", "D ", and "E" (collectively, the "Existing Site Plans" or individually an "Existing Site Plan ") are hereby reapproved by the Town of Westlake and declared to be in conformance with the Zoning section of the Code of Ordinances. The Plans f f Westlake. Seuthl„1.° Palk an addifien toxin T—ew-H e Westlake as filed- in Veltime - X8-8- 214, Pages 78 -79 of the Map and P1„+ Deeefd v= Tarfant County, Texas, as modified by plat filed in Cabinet A, Slide 293, of the Map r- zin ceEe" County, Texas -- (the rcrciirren") —p° s anttYL "F' attaehed hefete and appfoximate gross building square feetages as feft Exhibit "CI u«ue- hcd — rzerete; - ear- of wneh exhibits afe ineer-pefated hefci= r- bj r-e€efeiice-- €er—an pu�eses. Any development within PD -1 not materially in accordance with the Existing Site Plans will require the submission and approval of a new PD site plan in accordance with Section 102 -268 of the Zoning section of the Code of Ordinances for such new, additional or substantially changed development, provided in no event shall the site coverage by principal buildings be more than ten percent (10 %) as set forth in Section 3B above. SECTION 7: That Ordinance 202 (PD -1), as amended, of the Town of Westlake, Texas be amended by renumbering Section 6 of Ordinance 202 ( "PD -1") as Section 5. SECTION 8: That Ordinance 202 (PD -1), as amended, of the Town of Westlake, Texas be amended by renumbering Section 7 of Ordinance 202 ( "PD -1") as Section 6. SECTION 7: That Ordinance 202 (PD -1), as amended, of the Town of Westlake, Texas be amended by deleting Section 8. SECTIONS: That Ordinance 202 (PD -1), as amended, of the Town of Westlake, Texas be amended by renumbering Section 9 of Ordinance 202 ( "PD -1 ") as Section 7. SECTION 9: That Ordinance 202 (PD -1), as amended, of the Town of Westlake, Texas be amended by renumbering Section 10 of Ordinance 202 ( "PD -1") as Section 8. Page 3 CADocuments and Settings \Inspector \Desktop \W filesTD -ITD -1 amendment draft 5.doc SECTION 10: That Ordinance 202 (PD -1), as amended, of the Town of Westlake, Texas be amended by renumbering Section 11 of Ordinance 202 ( "PD -1 ") as Section 9. SECTION 11: Sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases, clauses and words of this Ordinance are severable, and if any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word in this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the Board of Aldermen hereby declares that it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 12: This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town affecting the regulations of land and zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of those ordinances except in those instances where the provisions of those Ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 13: It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision hereof shall be fined, upon conviction, in an amount not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 14: This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage by the Board of Aldermen. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, ON THIS DAY OF , 200 ATTEST: , Mayor , Town Secretary , Town Manager APPROVED AS 1.0 FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney Page 4 CADocuments and Settings\ Ins pector \Desktop \W files \PD- l \PD - I amendment draft 5.doc TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Lnn J GRAPHIC SCALE 1 ".1000' 0 1000 2000 3000 WESTLAKE Town of Westlake ZONING MAP 2650 ]T OnWGER ROAD * W M AU * TEXAS * 76262 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ®Graham AssociRS&PL CONSULTING ENGINEERS &PLANN NNERS 600 SDC FLAGS DRIVE, SUfTE 500 ARLINGTON, TIXP878DII (817)8404836 R-5 Country Residential � j LR Local Rated! O R-2 Rural Resdential Planned Daval ""d (PD) O 0 OMca Pads R -2 Rural Resklential jl 0 Office Pads Planned Dwelopment (PD) R -1 Estate Resklendai Planned D mel arelopd (PD) l O-H OMCe Park. Hotel Planned Dvv6oMwd (PD) PD 9d IL RESORf RETA 1 1 Planned DeMolxnent (PD) R -0 .5 Haighbodwod R ddendal ® 0-I Oflke - Induetdal Polk {•�1�, Planned DeealoPt (PD) MF MuMFamly Residential Planned Davekgnent (PD) O OC off" - Campus ^; .r`-�1�r� 1�...� MF MuM -Family Residential Pudic FedlMm Planned DevelaPmerd (PD) Planned DaMoPmxrt (PD) open SP— Planned Deralopnient (PD) MD(ED 113E Planned DsveloPmant (PD) GU Gavemment Use ®Graham AssociRS&PL CONSULTING ENGINEERS &PLANN NNERS 600 SDC FLAGS DRIVE, SUfTE 500 ARLINGTON, TIXP878DII (817)8404836 g� 0 a sr� Di2, aPr,f {7S R. p C t 794 & r WIL LAM H. rEA SURVEY AOSTRACY N.. '245 TARRANT Ca N i N h, *oN owY No imam NARY M1RV[Y ABSTRACT Nn. 742 7ARRAW C- A33TRACT No 520 DEMON Co � ABST FACT ho iG45 JF.'170N Co. ,' �" ' ' � � 0 86.81 ACRES, s SCALer.400' ? M s S MAGUIRE PARTNERS — I rpq PROVOSEn Row oEDlcAnoN r r a Q D.R.T.C.T. Q - -- -- - -- - -- — AMOY - - - - -- -- - - - -- — - SURVEY LINE -� - -- - C. N. THROOP OUINET ABsTRAC.r Nu. 1510 PAGE 1 OF 4 HU —06s, Inc. DsJas 3131 McKinney Avenue, State 600 Dalas, Texas 75204 -2489 Phone (214) 871311 Fix (214) 871 -0757 EXHIBIT 'A' TRACT 2B 85.91 ACRES OUT OF THE C.M. THROOP SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 1510 THE W. MEDLIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No_ 1958 THE WILLIAM H. PEA SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 1246 AND THE JOSEPH HENRY SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 742 TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 7. FUR M A S LAITO PARTNERSHIP VOL. 13457, PC. 409 O. R. TG T. Q M C RRZ fY Z J MEMUCAN HUNT SURVEY 8 ABSTRACT No. 756 ; FUR TEXAS LARTD PARTNERSHIP 1- VOL. 13457, PG 403 (] AR. 7. C. T. Z U W CL i PROPOSED ROW DEDICAT04 MAGUIRE PARTNERS - PER GRAHAM ASSOCIATES SOLANA LAND, LP. - VOLUME 16858, PAGE 176 DRT.C.T. ---- __ --_ -- -- ------ -------- -. - - - -- SURVEY APPROEEAn�11 - ` u IRE- --- -- - --- -- APPRO)WATE LOCATION COUNTY LINE N. MEDR-IN SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 155d TARRANT Co. -- ----'-- _ �PPROIOMATrLOCA7 SURVEY UNE C.N. THROW SURVEY ABSTRACT Vo. 1510 PROPOSED FDV OCDLCATION PER GRAHAM ASSOCIATES Ljuu-ZOLKI� 3131 MaKkwy Avenue, SWO 600 Dallas, Texas 75204 -2489 Phone (214) 871 -3311 Fax (214) 871 --0757 ROANOKE- DOVEROAD (VARIABLE WQTH R.O.W.) E;CHWIT 'A' TRACT2A 84.25 ACRES OUT OF THE C.M, THROOP SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 1510 AND M E W. MEDLIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 195° TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS LOT $ BLOCK 1 MESTLIKE/SOUIHLAKE PARK ADDfnON N a 1 VOLUME 388 -214, PAGES 7a a 79 P. R.T.aT. t ' 9 + \ O O D LOT 1, BLOCK 3 NESTLAKE /SOUTIHLAKE PARK ADDITION No. 1 KXUME 388 -214, PAGES 78 k 79 P.RTC.T. \Powr OF BEGwN N0 TRACT PA 5/e- IRON RW FOUND . /CARTFTt ! BURGESS CAP afNWYG[ FARMS CAB. A PG 5765 P.R.T.GT. PAGE 1 OF 5 SCALE: I' -400' 7. FUR M A S LAITO PARTNERSHIP VOL. 13457, PC. 409 O. R. TG T. Q M C RRZ fY Z J MEMUCAN HUNT SURVEY 8 ABSTRACT No. 756 ; FUR TEXAS LARTD PARTNERSHIP 1- VOL. 13457, PG 403 (] AR. 7. C. T. Z U W CL i PROPOSED ROW DEDICAT04 MAGUIRE PARTNERS - PER GRAHAM ASSOCIATES SOLANA LAND, LP. - VOLUME 16858, PAGE 176 DRT.C.T. ---- __ --_ -- -- ------ -------- -. - - - -- SURVEY APPROEEAn�11 - ` u IRE- --- -- - --- -- APPRO)WATE LOCATION COUNTY LINE N. MEDR-IN SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 155d TARRANT Co. -- ----'-- _ �PPROIOMATrLOCA7 SURVEY UNE C.N. THROW SURVEY ABSTRACT Vo. 1510 PROPOSED FDV OCDLCATION PER GRAHAM ASSOCIATES Ljuu-ZOLKI� 3131 MaKkwy Avenue, SWO 600 Dallas, Texas 75204 -2489 Phone (214) 871 -3311 Fax (214) 871 --0757 ROANOKE- DOVEROAD (VARIABLE WQTH R.O.W.) E;CHWIT 'A' TRACT2A 84.25 ACRES OUT OF THE C.M, THROOP SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 1510 AND M E W. MEDLIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 195° TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS LOT $ BLOCK 1 MESTLIKE/SOUIHLAKE PARK ADDfnON N a 1 VOLUME 388 -214, PAGES 7a a 79 P. R.T.aT. t ' 9 + \ O O D LOT 1, BLOCK 3 NESTLAKE /SOUTIHLAKE PARK ADDITION No. 1 KXUME 388 -214, PAGES 78 k 79 P.RTC.T. \Powr OF BEGwN N0 TRACT PA 5/e- IRON RW FOUND . /CARTFTt ! BURGESS CAP afNWYG[ FARMS CAB. A PG 5765 P.R.T.GT. PAGE 1 OF 5 NCTCOG 1� 1 of 1 8 U 6 = lr� nttp://www.cirwmaps.corwprmL.asp kJA KJ;Phce ix. Z. 416 P J ?r 11, owl A - DISCLAIMER This data has been compiled for NCTCOG. NCTCOG Maps Various official and unofficial sources were used to gather this information. Every effort www.dfwmaps.com was made to ensure the accuracy of this data, however, no guarantee is given or implied as to the accuracy of said data. 2/22/2008 4:21 PTY JCTCOG http://www.dtWmaps.com/print.asp?Layers=on&AERIAI {f: � rvt•s S.. 44 s 30_ SO UZ ro "�G�— _ i �� ►• fin, - - Hyf7 1 _ I DISCLAIMER This data has been compiled for NCTCOG. N NCTCOG Maps various official and unofficial sources were used to gather this information. Every effort www.dfwmaps.com was made to ensure the accuracy of this data, however, no guarantee is given or implied as to the accuracy of said data. I of 1 2/22/2008 4:21 Ph TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB WESTLAKE Town of Westlake ZONING MAP [nn GRAPHIC SCALE 1' -1000' 0 1000 2000 3000 TEXAS * 76262 LR Loral Reml Sly Planned De�. (PD) ■ O Off— Pads O Ofte Perk Planned DwoWMrad (PD) — -� O-H Office Park- HOW Planned DWMkh erd(PD) PD 3-4 RESORT RETAIL OJ Otflce- Induddd Perk Planned DevelaPrnent (PD) OC Ofike- Cempue P-W-N Farw.10 Pletvled Devekprttxrt (PD) OOpen Specas Ped DevekMlem (PD) ® MIXED USE PWand Dm.Wpn M(PD) GU Government U. ®Graham Associates, EERS& CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8 PLL PLANNERS 000 SIX FLAGS DRNE, SURE 500 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 75011 (517) 540.55.% R-6 Coordry ReaNentlel ^ 1 1 R -2 Ravel RwldandW R -2 Rurd Reakl Planned Dprrarrd (PD) evdo Wo R -1 Eatate Realdentlal R -1 Edele Reekkw" OR Mann dD-10I A(PD) -0.5 Nelghbah d RealdeMlal �7 Planned D-4..m (PD) MF MWtI- F.*R.Wd -del MF MWOFamfly ReddudW Manned DereloMwd (PO) TEXAS * 76262 LR Loral Reml Sly Planned De�. (PD) ■ O Off— Pads O Ofte Perk Planned DwoWMrad (PD) — -� O-H Office Park- HOW Planned DWMkh erd(PD) PD 3-4 RESORT RETAIL OJ Otflce- Induddd Perk Planned DevelaPrnent (PD) OC Ofike- Cempue P-W-N Farw.10 Pletvled Devekprttxrt (PD) OOpen Specas Ped DevekMlem (PD) ® MIXED USE PWand Dm.Wpn M(PD) GU Government U. ®Graham Associates, EERS& CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8 PLL PLANNERS 000 SIX FLAGS DRNE, SURE 500 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 75011 (517) 540.55.% Nk-111-uu ". t 11 lip o iW46t R-t nttp://www.citwmaps.convprint.asp!Layers=on&ALKlALU.J=on&(-,.. - vs *P754- jW& 4�-* man DISCLAIMER This data has been compiled for NCTCOG. N NCTCOG Maps Various official and unofficial sources were used to gather this information. Every effort www.dfwmaps.com was made to ensure the accuracy of this data, however, no guarantee is given or implied as to the accuracy of said data. I of 1 2/22/2008 4:21 PTV