HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA 2010 Parents Survey�Vestlake Academy Board. of Trustees Parent Survey F i n a. 1. Rep,or-t Submitted To: Wflestlarke academy Board, qf, - Trustees August 2010 ...helping organizations make better decisions since ETC Institute Project Manager: Chris Tatham 725 West Frontier Circle Phone: 913-829-1215 Olathe, Kansas Fax: 913-829-1591 ETU 66061 E-mail: ctatham@etcinstitute.com Tins titu to Contents Executive Summary ........................................ ............................... i Section 1 Chartsand Graphs ......................................... ............................... 1 Section 2 Comparison of Results: 2009 vs. 2010 ........ ............................... 16 Section 3 Importance- Satisfaction Analysis ................ ............................... 23 I -S Matrix Graphs ................ ............................... 27 Section 4 TabularData ................................................ ............................... 29 Section 5 Survey Instrument ........................................ ............................... 74 C7 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Executive Summary Overview and Methodology i During July of 2010, ETC Institute administered a survey to the parents of children who currently attend Westlake Academy. The purpose of the survey was to gather input from parents to improve the overall quality of education and programs provided by the Academy. This was the second time ETC Institute administered the Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey; the first survey was administered in the summer of 2009. The four -page survey was administered by mail and phone to a random sample of 176 parents. The results have a precision of at least +/- 5.0% at the 95% level of confidence. This consolidated report contains: ➢ A summary of the methodology for administering the survey and major findings ➢ Charts showing the overall results for most questions on the survey ➢ A comparison of survey results: 2009 vs. 2010 ➢ Importance- satisfaction analysis ➢ Tables showing the distribution of answers for each question on the survey ➢ A copy of the survey instrument. The major findings of this study are provided on below and on the following pages. Major Findings Importance of Westlake Academy. Most (92 %) of the parents surveyed, who live in the Town of Westlake, felt the Academy was "very important" or "somewhat important" in their decision to move to the Town of Westlake; 5% felt it was "not important" and 3% were "not sure." Executive Summary AM • Communication and Outreach. Some of the major findings related to communication and outreach at the Academy are listed below: o More than three - fourths (76 %) of the parents surveyed agreed that reception staff at the Academy are friendly and helpful; 15% of the parents were neutral and 9% disagreed. o Sixty -nine percent (69 %) of the parents surveyed felt they had been encouraged to volunteer at the Academy; 18% of the parents were neutral and 12% disagreed. o Most (91 %) of the parents surveyed felt the best way for the Academy to communicate with their family was direct emails. Some of the other ways that parents felt would be good ways to communicate with families were through: school memos (68 %), teachers (54 %), and through direct contact (53 %). o Sixty percent (60 %) of parents felt the Westlake Academy Communiqute keeps them adequately informed, 38% of the parents did not and 2% of the parents indicated they did not know how well the Academy keeps them informed. • Parental Involvement. Some of the major findings related to parental involvement at the Academy are provided below: o Sixty -seven percent (67 %) of the parents surveyed indicated they currently volunteer at the Academy, while 33 % of the parents do not provide volunteer services to the Academy. ii Executive Summary • Satisfaction With Westlake Academy Services and Programs. The Westlake Academy services and programs that parents were most satisfied with, based upon a combination of "very satisfied" and "satisfied" responses were: • Suitability of the Westlake Academy campus for learning (85 %) • IB curriculum (80 %) • DP teachers /faculty (81 %) • Social/emotional progress of children (80 %) • PYP Curriculum (78 %) • Opportunities for parental involvement (78 %) • Westlake Academy Services and Programs Parents Felt Were Most Important. The top three Academy services and programs that parents felt were most important were: (1) the IB curriculum, (2) the academic progress of children, and (3) PYP teachers /faculty. • Communication and Outreach. Some of the major findings related to communication and outreach at the Academy are listed below: o More than three - fourths (76 %) of the parents surveyed agreed that reception staff at the Academy are friendly and helpful; 15% of the parents were neutral and 9% disagreed. o Sixty -nine percent (69 %) of the parents surveyed felt they had been encouraged to volunteer at the Academy; 18% of the parents were neutral and 12% disagreed. o Most (91 %) of the parents surveyed felt the best way for the Academy to communicate with their family was direct emails. Some of the other ways that parents felt would be good ways to communicate with families were through: school memos (68 %), teachers (54 %), and through direct contact (53 %). o Sixty percent (60 %) of parents felt the Westlake Academy Communiqute keeps them adequately informed, 38% of the parents did not and 2% of the parents indicated they did not know how well the Academy keeps them informed. • Parental Involvement. Some of the major findings related to parental involvement at the Academy are provided below: o Sixty -seven percent (67 %) of the parents surveyed indicated they currently volunteer at the Academy, while 33 % of the parents do not provide volunteer services to the Academy. ii Executive Summary o Most (91%) of the parents surveyed had attended at least one parent - teacher conference during the past year; 7% of the parents had not attended a parent- teacher conference during the past year, and 2% of the parents did not remember whether they attended a parent- teacher conference during the past year. o Fifty -three percent (53 %) of the parents surveyed did not attend a Board of Trustees meeting during the past year; 46% had attended at least one meeting and 1% did not remember. o Sixty -three percent (63 %) of the parents surveyed had participated in residential trips at the Academy, 34% of the parents did not participate in residential trips and 3% did not remember whether they had participated in residential trips. Parents Continue to Feel Their Children Are Safe at Westlake Academy. Ninety percent (90 %) of the parents surveyed felt their child was physically safe at school; 81% of the parents surveyed felt their child was emotionally safe at school. Special Education Services Provided by the Academy. Of the parents who had children who used special education services, sixty -one percent (61 %) of parents were satisfied with the special education services provided by Westlake Academy and 36% were not. Importance of Expanding and /or Implementim Academy Programs. Parents were asked to indicate how important they felt it was for Westlake Academy to expand and/or implement various services and programs assuming the resources were available. The items that parents felt were most important, based upon a sum of "extremely important," "very important" and "important" responses, were: • Expanding IB options at the Diploma level (92 %) • Expanding foreign language offerings /opportunities (85 %) • Implementing a Spanish immersion program (81%). Other Findings. o Eighty -four percent (84 %) of parents believed they had an adequate understanding of the IB curriculum while 16% of the parents believed they did not have an adequate understanding of the IB curriculum. o Sixty -four percent (64 %) of the parents surveyed indicated they would support increasing the overall size of the student body at the Academy if the class size were maintained or potentially reduced; 28% would not support increasing the student body size and 8% did not know. iii Executive Summary C� or- i n o Three - fourths (75 %) of parents who had participated in residential trips at the Academy felt the trips were affordable; 23% of the parents who had participated in these trips indicated the trip was not affordable and 2% of the parents who had participated in these trips did not know. o Sixty percent (60 %) of the parents surveyed felt lottery applicants were adequately educated about the lottery process; 18% of the parents indicated they were not adequately informed about the lottery process and 22% did not know whether they were adequately informed about the lottery process. i iv Executive Summary 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report p_YJ .. ection 10. FTC Institute (2010) page 1 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q1. Overall Satisfaction With Westlake Academy Services and Programs by percentage of parents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows and not applicable) Suitability of campus for learning IB curriculum DP teachers /faculty Social /emotional progress of child PYP Curriculum Opportunities for parental involvement Academic progress of child PYP teachers/faculty Overall satisfaction with education Teachers response time Maintenance of the Academy Effectiveness of the WAF MYP teachers/faculty DP curriculum The four House system for students Methods of WA communication 53% 1 32% 1 11% 39% 41 °k 16% 37% 44% 14% 6 36 % 44 % 10% 10% 35% 1 43% 12% 1 10% 36% 1 42% 11% 12% 34% 1 41% 1 10% 1 14% 38% 1 36% 1 11% 1 15% 34% 1 39% 1 15% 1 11% 22% 1 51% 1 14% 13% 30% 1 42% 1 14% L 14% 30% 1 40% 1 21% 19% 47% 21% 26% 39% 30% 5% 32% 33% 28% 7% 28% 41% 22% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% FVery Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) MDissatisfied Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Q1. (CONTINUED) Overall Satisfaction With Westlake Academy Services and Programs by percentage of parents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows and not applicable) New main entrance security check -in MYP Curriculum Quality of WA communication Primary Counseling department School uniform vendor Techer /parent communication School website Effectiveness of the House of Commons Extracurricular sports programs Communication about child's issues Effectiveness of the WAAC College preparation process Opportunities for parent input Secondary Counseling department Other extracurricular programs Grading system Five year strategic plan School lunch program 28% 33% 21% 17% 43% 22% fF 17% 17% 1 42% 22% 1 19% 23% 35% 24% 1 17% 17% 42% 27% 15% 24% 34% 1 17% 25% 14% 44% 249/. 19% 25% 32% 26% 17% 16% 37% 27% 209/6 21% 31% 1 21% 27% 20% 31% 1 36% 12% 24% 28% 32% 16% 22% 28% 29% 21% 19% 30% 34% 16% 11% 37% 30% 22% 11% 34% 31% 25% 8% T 32% 1 35% 25% 8% 23% 1 33% ° 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% iVery Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ODissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) ETC Institute (2010) Page 2 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q2. Westlake Academy Services and Programs That Parents Felt Were Most Important by percentage of parents who selected the item as one of their top three choices IB curriculum 46% Academic progress of child 44% PYP teachers /faculty 28% College preparation process 21% Social /emotional progress of child 16 ° Teacher /parent communication 15% PYP Curriculum 13% Overall satisfaction with education 131% Communication about child's issues 12% 1 DP teachers /faculty 11% MYPteachers /faculty 11% MYP Curriculum 10% DP Curriculum 9% Extracurricular sports programs 71% Quality of communication 6% Suitability of campus for learning 6% Grading system 5% Other extracurricular programs 5% Secondary Counseling department 3% Primary Counseling department 2% Opportunities for parent input 2% School website 2% Opportunities for parental involvement 2% Methods of communication 2% School uniform vendor 2% Teachers response time 1 % Maintenance of the Academy 1 % Five year strategic plan 1 % New main entrance security check -in 1 % 0% 20% 40% 60% MlstChoice 132nd Choice 03rd Choice Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - /i/estlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Surve}) Q3. Agreement with Various Statements About Communication and Outreach at Westlake Academy by percentage of parents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows and not applicable) Reception staff is friendly and helpful I have been encouraged to volunteer Written communication is clear /easy Am interested in more parent education /training 32% I 44% 15% 9% 39% 30% 18 °/ 12 20% 43% 23% 13 19% 28% 32% 22% Academy keeps me informed 15% 31% 32% 23% I 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Ostrongly Agree (5) DAgree (4) E:1 Neutral (3) ODisagree Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - if'estlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Su ve}) ETC Institute (2010) Page 3 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q4. Are you currently volunteering at the Academy? by percentage of parents Yes R7o/ NO 33% Source: ETC Institute (Jelly 2010 - Mestlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Serve }) Q5. How many parent- teacher conferences did you attend last year? by percentage of parents Twn One Three+ 44% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) gone 7% Don't Know 2% ETC Institute (2010) Page 4 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q6. How many Board of Trustees meetings did you attend last year? by percentage of parents None 53% 23 %° Two 13% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Don't Know 1% free+ 10% Q7. Which of the following are the best ways for Westlake Academy to communicate with you and /or your family? by percentage of parents (multiple responses allowed) Direct emails 91 °/ School memos 68% Children's teachers 5�% i Direct contact 53% I HOC newsletter 24% i Parent representative or liaison 18% Counselor 15% Other 5% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - JVestlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) ETC Institute (2010) Page 5 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q8. Is your child receiving tutoring? by percentage of parents Q8c. If yes, how many hours per week does your child receive tutoring? One Five or more 29% 7% Four 9% Yes _ No 26% 74% — --- Two Three 26% — 29% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - IVestlake Acadenry Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Q9. Do you feel your child is emotionally safe at school? by percentage of parents Yes 81% No 17% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - iVestlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) 't know 2% ETC Institute (2010) Page 6 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q10. Do you feel your child is physically safe at school? by percentage of parents Yes 90% i Don't know No 1% 9% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - Mesdake Academy Board of Tiwstees Parent Sw-ve}) Q11. Do you believe you have an adequate understanding of the IB curriculum? by percentage of parents Yes 84% No 16% Sow-ce: ETC Institute (July 2010 - JVesdake Acaderry Board of Ttztstees Parent Sw-vey) ETC Institute (2010) Page 7 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q12. Do you have a child with a learning disability that utilizes special education services? by percentage of parents Q12a. If yes, are you satisfied with the modifications and services provided by Westlake Academy? Yes 61% No Yes 93% 7% No 39% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Q13. Does the Westlake Academy Communique keep you adequately informed? by percentage of parents Yes 60% Don't know 2% No 38% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) ETC Institute (2010) Page 8 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q14. Importance of Westlake Academy Expanding Various Academy Programs Assuming the Resources Are Available by percentage of parents who rated the item as a 5, 4 or 3 on a 5 -point scale, where 5 means "Extremely Important" and 1 means "Not Important" (excluding don't knows and not applicable) Expand IB options at the Diploma level Expand foreign language offerings /opportunities Implement a Spanish immersion program Offer online access to student grades Expand the new media educational opportunities Offer additional tutoring Expand the Arts program Improve Academy website Continue residential field trips Continue the Strings Program 92% 85% 81% 80% 80% 79% T 79% 72% 68% 56% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - iVestlake Acadenry Board of Tntstees Parent Survey) Q16. Would you support increasing the overall size of the student body at the Academy if the class size were maintained or potentially reduced? by percentage of parents Yes 64% Don't know 8% No 28% Source: ETC Institzte (July 2010 - {Vestlake Academy Board of Tizis tees Parent Surve}) ETC Institute (2010) Page 9 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q20. If your child was not enrolled at Westlake Academy, where would your child most likely be attending school? by percentage of parents (multiple selections allowed) i i i A public school 65% 1 A private school 29% Home school 5% Don't know 4% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Source: ETC Instittde (July 2010 - ii'estlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Sulve }J Q21. Do you make the full contribution to the Blacksmith Apprentice Program? by percentage of parents Q21 b. If yes, would you be willing to increase your donation? Yes 47% No 9% 8 %0 I� No 39% Not provided Don't Know 3% 14% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) ETC Institute (2010) Page 10 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q22. Have you participated in residential trips at the Academy? by percentage of parents Q22a. If yes, was the trip affordable? Yes 75% No 34 �o Yes 63% Don't Know Don't Know 2% 3% No 23% Source: ETC Institute (July ?010 - JVestlake Acade)2y Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Q24. Which of the following do you most closely associate with Westlake Academy? by percentage of parents (multiple responses allowed) International Baccalaureate School 69% i i i i Charter school 34P /o i i i i Private school 9% i i i i i Public school 1 % i i 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - JVestlake Acadenry Board of Tt- stees Parent Survey) ETC Institute (2010) Page 11 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q25. Do you feel that lottery applicants are adequately educated about the lottery process? by percentage of parents Yes 60% I I Don't Know / 22% No 18% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) Q27. Do live in the Town of Westlake? by percentage of parents Yes 34% No 66% Source: ETC Institute (Judy 2010 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) ETC Institute (2010) Page 12 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q27a. How important was Westlake Academy in your decision to move to Westlake? by percentage of parents who live in the Town of Westlake Very importa 90% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - [Vesdake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Surve}) Not important sure 5% io Somewhat important 2% Q28. What is your total annual household Income? by percentage of parents $50,000-$149,999 37% I Under $50,000 5% Not provided 5% $150,0004500,000 Over $500,000 39% 14% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - Westlake Academy Board of Trenstees Parent Survey) ETC Institute (2010) Page 13 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q29. How many years have you had at least one child attending Westlake Academy by percentage of parents 2 years 17% 3 years 1 year 20% 10% 4 years — 8 -9 years 8% 2% 5 years 9% 7 years 19% 6 years 15% Source: ETC Institute (July ?010 - {irestlake Acadenry Board of Tiztstees Parent Survey) Q30. In which grades do you currently have children enrolled at Westlake Academy? by percentage of parents (multiple response allowed) K -2 35% Grades 3 -4 24% Grades 5 -6 32% I I Grades 7 -8 270 Grades 9 -10 23% Grades 11 -12 27% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Source: ETC btstitute (July 2010 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) ETC Institute (2010) Page 14 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q31. How many adults are in your home? by percentage of parents i i One 11% Two 820% o Three+ 7% III Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - JVestlake Acadenry Board of Trustees Parent Survey) i Q32. How many adults in your home are employed full time outside of the home? by percentage of parents One 57% _None 3% Two 40% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - lVestlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) ETC Institute (2010) Page 15 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report OM Te of to VWmi, ETC Institute (2010) Page 16 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Comparison of Results: 2009 vs. 2010 Overview In 2009 and in 2010 ETC Institute administered a survey to the parents of children who currently attend Westlake Academy. The purpose of the survey was to gather information from parents to improve the overall quality of education and programs provided by the Academy. The charts on the following pages show how the results of the 2010 survey compare to the results of the 2009 survey. Given the size of the samples in the 2009 and 2010 surveys, differences of five percentage points or more are statistically significant at the 95% level of confidence Significant changes are described below. Significant Changes • Satisfaction With Westlake Academy Services and Programs. There was a significant increase ( +7 %) in the percentage of parents who were satisfied with the extracurricular sporting programs at Westlake Academy (53% in 2010 vs. 46% in 2009) There were significant decreases in 11 of the 20 items that were assessed in both 2009 and 2010. These findings are presented below: • Satisfaction with the effectiveness of the House of Commons decreased 15% from 72% in 2009 to 57% in 2010. • Satisfaction with the effectiveness of the Westlake Academy Athletic Club (WRAC) decreased 13% from 64% in 2009 to 51% in 2010. • Satisfaction with the school lunch program decreased 13% from 44% in 2009 to 31% in 2010 • Satisfaction with the maintenance of the Academy decreased 13% from 85% in 2009 to 72% in 2010. • Satisfaction with opportunities for parental input decreased 12% from 62% in 2009 to 50% in 2010. • Satisfaction with the grading system decreased 12% from 57% in 2009 to 45% in 2010. • Satisfaction with the quality of education decreased 9% from 82% in 2009 to 73% in 2010. ETC Institute (2010) Page 17 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report • Satisfaction with the quality of communication from the Academy decreased 9% from 68% in 2009 to 59% in 2010. • Satisfaction with the school website decreased 8% from 66% in 2009 to 58% in 2010. • Satisfaction with communication regarding problems /issues related to children decreased 8% from 60% in 2009 to 52% in 2010. • Satisfaction with the IB curriculum decreased 5% from 85% in 2009 to 80% in 2010. • Utilization of Special Education Services. There was a significant decrease ( -6 %) in the percentage of parents who reported their child utilized special education services at the Academy (13% in 2009 vs. 7% in 2010). • Importance of Expanding and /or Implementing Academy Programs. There were significant increases in the percentage of parents. who felt it was important to expand and/or implement 4 of the 8 programs that were assessed in both 2009 and 2010. These results are presented below: • Ratings of the importance of improving the Academy website significantly increased 10% from 62% in 2009 to 72% in 2010. • Ratings of the importance of implementing a Spanish immersion program significantly increased 7% from 74% in 2009 to 81 % in 2010. • Ratings of the importance of continuing the Strings program increased 7% from 49% in 2009 to 56% in 2010. • Ratings of the importance of expanding the new media educational opportunities increased 6% from 74% in 2009 to 80% in 2010. There was a significant decrease ( -8 %) in the percentage of parents who felt it was important for the Academy to expand the Arts program (87% in 2009 vs. 79% in 2010). ETC Institute (2010) Page 18 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Trends: Overall Satisfaction With Westlake Academy Services and Programs (2010 vs. 2009) by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale; chart only includes services /programs rated in both 2010 and 2009 (excluding don't knows and not applicable) Suitability of facilities for learning IB curriculum Opportunities for parental involvement Academic progress of your child Satisfaction with quality of education Maintenance of the Academy Effectiveness of the WA Foundation The four House system for students Methods of communication from WA Quality of communication from WA School website Effectiveness of the House of Commons Extracurricular sports programs Communications regarding issues /problems Effectiveness of the WAAC College preparation process Opportunities for parental input Other extracurricular programs Grading system School lunch program MOL91B7r Laft'L sar ssi 72%' i sor i 64% 1 i 62% i 57% i 0% 20% 40% 60% X2010 02009 Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Stave}) a 82% 7 85% 80% 100% TREND DATA Q9. Do you feel your child is emotionally safe at school? by percentage of parents 2010 2009 Yes Yes 81% 81% Don't know Don't know No 2% No 3% 17% 16% Source: ETC Jnstitute (July 2010 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Surve}) TREND DATA ETC Institute (2010) Page 19 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q10. Do you feel your child is physically safe at school? by percentage of parents 2010 2009 Yes Yes 90% 92% 4 Don't know � No Don't know No 9% 1% 6% 2% Source: L'TClnstitute (,lzzly 2010 - iVesdake Academy Board ojTrustees Parent Szzrreyf I TREND DATA Q11. Do you believe you have an adequate understanding of the IB curriculum? by percentage of parents 2010 2009 Yes Yes 84% 80% I I Don't know No No 2% 16% 18% Source: ETC Institute (July 2010 - Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Sunvj) TREND DATA ETC Institute (2010) Page 20 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q12. Do you have a child with a learning disability that utilizes special education services? by percentage of parents 2010 2009 Yes Yes 7% 13% Not provided 1% No 93% No 86% Source: ETC Institute (fitly 2010 - Wesdake Acaden), Board o(7'rusiees Parent Survey) TREND DA TA Q12a. If yes, are you satisfied with the modifications and services provided by Westlake Academy? by percentage of parents who have a child with a learning disability who utilizes special education services at Westlake Academy 2010 2009 Yes Yes 61% 64% I I I No No 39% 36% Source: ETC Institute (Judy 2010 - {Vesdake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey) TREND DATA ETC Institute (2010) Page 21 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Trends: Importance of Westlake Academy Expanding Various Academy Programs Assuming the Resources Are Available (2010 vs. 2009) by percentage of parents who rated the item as a 5, 4 or 3 on a 5 -point scale; chart only includes services /programs rated in both 2010 and 2009 (excluding don't knows and not applicable) Expand IB options at the Diploma level Expand foreign language offerings /opportunities Implement a Spanish immersion program Offer online access to student grades Expand the new media educational opportunities Expand the Arts program Improve Academy website Continue the Strings program �92% 94% �85% 86% 81% 74% 80% 76% 74% % 79% 87% 72% 62% 56% 0% 20% 40% 60% X2010 02009 Source: LTC Instrnrte (July 2010 - dVestlake Acaclenty Boarrl o(7'rustees Parent Survey) 80% 100% 120% TREND DATA ETC Institute (2010) Page 22 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report. Tip I ETC Institute (2010) Page 23 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report 2010 Importance- Satisfaction Analysis Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey Overview Today, public officials have limited resources to access activities that are of the most benefit to their customers. Two of the most important criteria for decision making are (1) to target resources toward services of the highest importance to customers; and (2) to target resources toward those services where customers are the least satisfied. The Importance- Satisfaction (I -S) rating is a unique tool that allows public officials to better understand both of these highly important decision making criteria for each of the services they are providing. The Importance- Satisfaction rating is based on the concept that organizations will maximize overall customer satisfaction by emphasizing improvements in those service categories where the level of satisfaction is relatively low and the perceived importance of the service is relatively high. Methodology The rating is calculated by summing the percentage of responses for items selected as the first, second, and third most important Academy services and programs. This sum is then multiplied by 1 minus the percentage of parents that indicated they were positively satisfied with the Academy's performance in the related area (the sum of the ratings of 4 and 5 on a 5 -point scale excluding "don't know" responses). "Don't know" responses are excluded from the calculation to ensure that the satisfaction ratings among service categories are comparable. [I- S= Importance x (1- Satisfaction)]. Example of the Calculation. Parents were asked to identify the Academy services and programs they felt were most important. Twenty -one percent (21%) of parents ranked the college preparation process as the most important Academy service. With regard to satisfaction, the college preparation process was ranked twenty- eighth overall with 52% rating the college preparation process as a "4" or a "5" on a 5 -point scale, excluding "don't know" and "not applicable" responses. The I -S rating for the college preparation process was calculated by multiplying the sum of the most important percentages by 1 minus the sum of the satisfaction percentages. In this example, 21% was multiplied by 48% (1- 0.52). This calculation yielded an I -S rating of 0.1008, which was ranked second out of the thirty-four services and programs accessed on the survey. ETC Institute (2010) Page 24 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report The maximum rating is 1.00 and would be achieved when 100% of the parents selected the service or program as one of the three most important areas and 0% indicate that they are positively satisfied with the delivery of the service. The lowest rating is 0.00 and could be achieved under either one of the following two situations: • if 100% of the parents were positively satisfied with the delivery of the service • if none (0 %) of the parents selected the service as one of the three most important areas; this was the case for five of the Academy services /programs assessed on the survey. Interpreting the Ratings Ratings that are greater than or equal to 0.20 identify areas that should receive significantly more emphasis. Ratings from .10 to .20 identify service areas that should receive increased emphasis. Ratings less than .10 should continue to receive the current level of emphasis. • Definitely Increase Emphasis (IS> =0.20) • Increase Current Emphasis (0.10 <= I5<0.20) • Maintain Current Emphasis (IS <0.10) The results for the Westlake Academy Survey are provided on the following page. ETC Institute (2010) Page 25 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Importance- Satisfaction Rating Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey Satisfaction With Westlake Academy Programs and Services Most Most Importance - Important Important Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction IS Rating Category of Service % Rank % Rank Rating Rank High Priority (IS .10 -.20) Academic progress of child College preparation process Medium Priority pS <.10) IB curriculum PYP teachers /faculty Teacher /parent communication Communication about child's issues MYP Curriculum MYP teachers /faculty Overall satisfaction with education Extracurricular sports programs Social /emotional progress of child DP Curriculum PYP Curriculum Grading system Other extracurricular programs Quality of communication DP teachers /faculty Secondary Counseling department Opportunities for parent input Suitability of campus for learning Primary Counseling department School website School uniform vendor Methods of communication Five year strategic plan Opportunities for parental involvement New main entrance security check -in Maintenance of the Academy Teachers response time 44% 2 75% 7 0.1100 21% 4 52% 28 0.1008 46% 1 80% 2 0.0920 28% 3 74% 8 0.0728 15% 6 58% 22 0.0630 12% 9 52% 26 0.0576 10% 12 60% 18 0.0400 11% 11 66% 13 0.0374 13% 8 73% 9 0.0351 7% 14 53% 25 0.0329 16% 5 80% 4 0.0320 9% 13 65% 14 0.0315 13% 7 78% 5 0.0286 5% 17 45% 32 0.0275 5% 18 48% 31 0.0260 6% 15 59% 19 0.0246 11% 10 81% 3 0.0209 3% 19 49% 30 0.0153 2% 21 50% 29 0.0100 6% 16 85% 1 0.0090 2% 20 58% 20 0.0084 2% 22 58% 23 0.0084 2% 25 59% 21 0.0082 2% 24 63% 16 0.0074 1% 28 40% 33 0.0060 2% 23 78% 6 0.0044 1% 29 61% 17 0.0039 1% 27 72% 11 0.0028 1% 26 73% 10 0.0027 Note: The I -S Rating is calculated by multiplying the "Most Important" % by (1- 'Satisfaction' %) Most Important %: Satisfaction %: © 2010 DirectionFinder by ETC Institute The "Most Important' percentage represents the sum of the first, second, and third most important responses for each item. Respondents were asked to identify the items they thought should receive the most emphasis over the next two years. 1 2 3 4 s 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1s 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2s 28 27 28 29 The "Satisfaction" percentage represents the sum of the ratings "4" and "5" excluding don't knows /N /A Respondents ranked their level of satisfaction with the each of the items on a scale of 1 to 5 with "5' being very satisfied and " 1" being very dissatisfied. ETC Institute (2010) Page 26 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Importance- Satisfaction Matrix Analysis. The Importance- Satisfaction rating is based on the concept that public agencies will maximize overall customer satisfaction by emphasizing improvements in those areas where the level of satisfaction is relatively low and the perceived importance of the service is relatively high. ETC Institute developed an Importance- Satisfaction Matrix to display the perceived importance of the programs and services that were assessed on the survey against the perceived quality of service delivery. The two axes on the matrix represent Satisfaction (vertical) and relative Importance (horizontal). The I -S (Importance- Satisfaction) matrix should be interpreted as follows. Continued Emphasis (above average importance and above average satisfaction). This area shows where Westlake Academy is meeting parent's expectations. Items in this area have a significant impact on parent's overall level of satisfaction. Westlake Academy should maintain (or slightly increase) emphasis on items in this area. Exceeding Expectations (below average importance and above average satisfaction). This area shows where Westlake Academy is performing significantly better than parents expect the Academy to perform. Items in this area do not significantly affect the overall level of satisfaction that parents have with Westlake Academy services. The Academy should maintain (or slightly decrease) emphasis on items in this area. Opportunities for Improvement (above average importance and below average satisfaction). This area shows where Westlake Academy is not performing as well as parents expect the Academy to perform. This area has a significant impact on parent's satisfaction, and Westlake Academy should DEFINITELY increase emphasis on items in this area. Less Important (below average importance and below average satisfaction). This area shows where Westlake Academy is not performing well relative to the Academy's performance in other areas; however, this area is generally considered to be less important to parents. This area does not significantly affect overall satisfaction with Westlake Academy services because the items are less important to parents. The Academy should maintain current levels of emphasis on items in this area. A matrix chart showing the results for Westlake Academy is provided on the following page. ETC Institute (2010) Page 27 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Parent Survey Importance- Satisfaction Assessment Matrix - Satisfaction With Westlake Academy Programs and Services - (points on the graph show deviations from the mean importance and satisfaction ratings given by respondents to the survey) R y: d. mean importance Exceeded Expectations Continued Emphasis lower importance /higher Satisfaction higher importance /higher Satisfaction Suitability of campus for learning ■ D teachers /faculty ■ ■ Social /emotional progress of child IB curriculum ■ Opportunities for parental involvement ■ ■ PYP Curriculum Academic progress of child Teachers response time ■ ■ Overall satisfaction ■PYP teachers /faculty Maintenance of the Academy■ with education DP Curriculum ■ ■MYP teachers /faculty Methods of communication ■ MYP Main entrance security check -in ■ Curriculum ■ School uniform vendor �■ Primary Counseling department ■ Teacher /parent communication School website Quality of communication Communication about child's issues Extracurricular sports programs ■ ■/ ■College preparation process Opportunities for parent input ■ Secondary Counseling department■ ■ Other extracurricular programsl Grading system ■ Five year strategic plan Less Important Opportunities for Improvement lower importance/lower Satisfaction higher importance/lower Satisfaction Importance Rating C) .y Source: ETC Institute (2010) ETC Institute (2010) Page 28 2010 Westlake academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report ETC Institute (2010) Page 29 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report 1 Satisfaction with Westlake Academv: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "Very Satisfied" and 1 means "Very Dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with the following items: (N =176) Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Q1 a PYP teachers/faculty 3.1% 11.7% 10.9% 35.9% 38.3% Q1 b MYP teachers /faculty 0.0% 13.1% 21.2% 46.5% 19.2% Q1c DP teachers /faculty 0.0% 5.6% 14.1% 43.7% 36.6% Q1d IB (intnl baccalaureate) curriculum 0.6% 2.9% 15.9% 41.2% 39.4% Q1e Suitability of the campus for learning 1.7% 1.7% 10.8% 32.4% 53.4% Q1f The school lunch program 16.3% 19.9% 33.1% 22.9% 7.8% Q1g The school uniform vendor 6.3% 8.6% 26.9% 41.7% 16.6% Q1 h The new Security Check -In System at the Main Entrance 5.5% 12.8% 20.7% 32.9% 28.0% Q1 i Teacher /parent communication 9.2% 16.2% 16.8% 33.5% 24.3% Q1j Extracurricular sports programs 5.9% 13.7% 26.8% 37.3% 16.3% Q1 k Other extracurricular programs 5.6% 16.1% 29.8% 37.3% 11.2% Q1 School website 8.0% 10.9% 23.6% 43.7% 13.8% Q1 Academic progress of your child 2.3% 12.1% 10.3% 41.4% 33.9% Q1 n Social and emotional progress of your child 4.5% 5.7% 9.7% 44.3% 35.8% Q10 Communications regarding issues /problems related to your child 9.3% 17.4% 20.9% 31.4% 20.9% Q1 Opportunities for parental involvement 4.5% 7.4% 10.8% 41.5% 35.8% Q1q Quality of communication from WA 9.7% 9.7% 21.6% 42.0% 17.0% Q1 r Methods of communication from WA 6.3% 9.7% 21.7% 40.6% 21.7% ETC Institute (2010) Page 30 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q1 Satisfaction with Westlake Academy: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "Very Satisfied" and 1 means "Very Dissatisfied," please rate your satisfaction with the following items: (N =176) CONTINUED ETC Institute (2010) Page 31 Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Q1 s The four House system for students (Thoreau, Wheatley, Whitman and Keller) 2.5% 4.3% 28.4% 32.7% 32.1% Q1t Effectiveness of the House of Commons (HOC) 4.8% 12.6% 26.3% 31.7% 24.6% Q1 u Effectiveness of the Westlake Academy Foundation (WAF) 1.8% 6.7% 21.3% 40.2% 29.9% Q1v Effectiveness of the Westlake Academy Athletic Club (WAAC) 3.6% 8.8% 35.8% 31.4% 20.4% Q1w PYP Curriculum 0.0% 10.1% 12.4% 42.6% 34.9% Q1x MYP Curiculum 1.0% 16.2% 22.2% 43.4% 17.2% Qty DP curriculum 0.0% 5.2% 29.9% 39.0% 26.0% Q1 -1 Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of education provided by the Academy? 2.3% 9.1% 15.4% 38.9% 34.3% Q1 -2 The Primary Counseling department 6.1% 11.1% 24.2% 35.4% 23.2% Q1 -3 The Secondary Counseling department 8.1% 8.1% 34.3% 30.3% 19.2% Q1 -4 Maintenance of the Academy 3.0% 11.3% 14.3% 41.7% 29.8% Q1 -5 College preparation process 4.8% 11.4% 32.4% 27.6% 23.8% Q1 -6 Grading system 10.7% 14.2% 30.8% 33.7% 10.7% Q1 -7 Opportunities for parent input 9.9% 11.1% 29.2% 28.1% 21.6% Q1 -8 The five year strategic plan, recently adopted 10.5% 14.5% 34.7% 32.3% 8.1% Q1 -9 Teachers response time 7.4% 5.7% 14.3% 50.9% 21.7% ETC Institute (2010) Page 31 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q2 Which THREE of the items listed above are most important to you? Q2 1st Choice Number Percent IB (International Baccalaureate) curriculum 40 22.7% Academic progress of your child 38 21.6% PYP teachers /faculty 26 14.8% Communications regarding issues /problems related to child 10 5.7% Overall satisfaction with the quality of education 9 5.1 % DP teachers /faculty 7 4.0% Teacher /parent communication 6 3.4% PYP Curriculum 6 3.4% Social and emotional progress of your child 5 2.8% College preparation process 5 2.8% Quality of communication from WA 4 2.3% DP Curriculum 3 1.7% None chosen 2 1.1 % School website 2 1.1 % MYP Curriculum 2 1.1 % Opportunities for parental involvement 2 1.1 % Suitability of the campus for learning 2 1.1 % MYP teachers /faculty 2 1.1 % Methods of communication from WA 2 1.1 % Grading system 1 0.6% The school uniform vendor 1 0.6% Teachers response time 1 0.6% Total 176 100.0% ETC Institute (2010) Page 32 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q2 Which THREE of the items listed above are most important to you? 02 2nd Choice Number Percent Academic progress of your child 27 15.3% College preparation process 17 9.7% IB (International Baccalaureate) curriculum 16 9.1 % Social and emotional progress of your child 14 8.0% PYP teachers /faculty 13 7.4% MYP Curriculum 12 6.8% MYP teachers /faculty 11 6.3% PYP Curriculum 10 5.7% DP teachers /faculty 8 4.5% Teacher /parent communication 8 4.5% Communications regarding issues /problems related to child 6 3.4% Suitability of the campus for learning 6 3.4% Overall satisfied with the quality of education 5 2.8% DP Curriculum 4 2.3% Grading system 4 2.3% Extracurricular sports programs 4 2.3% Quality of communication from WA 4 2.3% Methods of communication from WA 2 1.1 % The Secondary Counseling department 2 1.1 % None Chosen 2 1.1 % The five Year strategic plan, recently adopted 1 0.6% Total 176 100.0% ETC Institute (2010) Page 33 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q2 Which THREE of the items listed above are most important to you? Q2 3rd Choice Number Percent IB (International Baccalaureate) curriculum 24 13.6% College preparation process 14 8.0% Academic progress of your child 13 7.4% Teacher /parent communication 12 6.8% PYP teachers /faculty 11 6.3% Extracurricular sports programs 9 5.1 % Social and emotional progress of your child 9 5.1 % Other extracurricular programs 8 4.5% DP Curriculum 8 4.5% Overall satisfaction with the quality of education 8 4.5% PYP Curriculum 7 4.0% MYP teachers /faculty 6 3.4% Communications regarding issues /problems related to child 5 2.8% DP teachers /faculty 5 2.8% MYP Curriculum 4 2.3% The Primary Counseling department 4 2.3% Grading system 4 2.3% Opportunities for parent input 4 2.3% None Chosen 4 2.3% The Secondary Counseling department 3 1.7% Suitability of the campus for learning 2 1.1 % Quality of communication from WA 2 1.1 % Maintenance of the Academy 2 1.1 % School website 2 1.1 % Opportunities for parental involvement 2 1.1 % The school uniform vendor 2 1.1 % The new Security Check -In System 1 0.6% Teachers response time 1 0.6% Total 176 100.0% ETC Institute (2010) Page 34 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q2 Which THREE of the items listed above are the most important to you? (Sum of Top Three Choices) Q2 Sum of Top Three Choices (In Descending Order) Number Percent IB (International Baccalaureate) curriculum 80 45.5% Academic progress of your child 78 44.3% PYP teachers /faculty 50 28.4% College preparation process 36 20.5% Social and emotional progress of your child 28 15.9% Teacher /parent communication 26 14.8% PYP Curriculum 23 13.1 % Overall satisfaction with the quality of education 22 12.5% Communications regarding issues /problems related to your child 21 11.9% DP teachers /faculty 20 11.4% MYP teachers /faculty 19 10.8% MYP Curriculum 18 10.2% DP Curriculum 15 8.5% Extracurricular sports programs 13 7.4% Suitability of the campus for learning 10 5.7% Quality of communication from WA 10 5.7% Grading system 9 5.1 % Other extracurricular programs 8 4.5% The Secondary Counseling department 5 2.8% Opportunities for parental involvement 4 2.3% The Primary Counseling department 4 2.3% School website 4 2.3% Opportunities for parent input 4 2.3% Methods of communication from WA 4 2.3% The school uniform vendor 3 1.7% Maintenance of the Academy 2 1.1 % Teachers response time 2 1.1 % The new Security Check -In System at the Main Entrance 1 0.6% The five year strategic plan, recently adopted 1 0.6% Total 520 ETC Institute (2010) Page 35 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report 3 Communication and Outreach: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "Strongly Agree" and 1 means "Stron Disagree," please rate the following items: (N =176) Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Ma The reception staff is friendly and helpful 4.0% 5.1% 14.8% 43.8% 32.4% Q3b Written communication from the Academy is clear and easy to understand 2.3% 11.1% 23.4% 43.3% 19.9% Q3c The Academy keeps me informed about its instructional units 5.8% 16.8% 32.4% 30.6% 14.5% Q3d I would be interested in more parent education and training sessions 4.2% 17.6% 31.5% 27.9% 18.8% Me I have been encouraged to volunteer 2.9% 9.4% 18.1% 30.4% 39.2% ETC Institute (2010) Page 36 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q4 Are you currently volunteering at the Academy? Q4 Are you currently volunteering at the Academy? Number Percent Yes 118 67.0% No 58 33.0% Total 176 100.0% Q4a If not, how would you like to participate? Q4a If not, how would you like to participate? Number Percent DEPENDS ON THE ACTIVITY TIME= 2 4.8% LIKE TO COACH, USED TO PLAY SOFTBALL= 1 2.4% DON'T KNOW WHAT OPPORTUNITIES ARE AVAILABLE 2 4.8% DON'T HAVE AVAILABLE TIME TO VOLUNTEER 26 62.9% FIELD TRIPS AND CLASS TRIPS= 1 2.4% I'D LIKE TO HELP WITH ACTIVITIES FOR SENIORS 1 2.4% IN THE CLASSROOM= 1 2.4% ONLY ON WEEKENDS, I WORK DURING THE WEEK 2 4.8% OPEN TO SCHOOL NEEDS= 1 2.4% TEACHER ASSISTANT= 1 2.4% WHATEVER IS NEEDED= 4 9.5% Total 42 100.0% ETC Institute (2010) Page 37 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q5 How many parent- teacher conferences did you attend last year? Q5 How many parent- teacher conferences did you attend last Year? Number Percent None 13 7.4% One 24 13.6% Two 58 33.0% Three or more 77 43.8% Don't Know 4 2.3% Total 176 100.0% Q6 How many Board of Trustee meetings did you attend last year? Q6 How many Board of Trustee meetings did you attend last year? Number Percent None 93 52.8% One 41 23.3% Two 22 12.5% Three or more 18 10.2% Don't Know 2 1.1 % Total 176 100.0% Q7 What is the best way(s) to communicate with you and /or your family? Q7 What is the best way(s) to communicate with your family? Number Percent Direct emails 160 90.9% School memos (e- mails, notes, newsletters, etc.) 119 67.6% Children's teachers 95 54.0% Direct contact (phone call, school /home visit, meeting) 93 52.8% HOC newsletter 42 23.9% Parent representative or liaison 31 17.6% Counselor 26 14.8% Other 9 5.1 % Total 575 ETC Institute (2010) Page 38 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q8 Is your child receiving tutoring? Q8 Is your child receivinq tutoring Number Percent Yes 45 25.6% No 131 74.4% Total 176 100.0% Q8a If YES to #8: Where is your child receiving tutoring? (e.g. WA, Sylvan, Kumon, etc.) Q8a Where is your child receiving tutoring? (e.g. WA Sylvan, Kumon, etc.) Number Percent CLUB Z= 1 2.2% COLLEGE TEACHERS OFFICE= 1 2.2% HEAD OF THE CLASS= 2 4.4% INDIVIDUAL CLUB 2 TUTORING= 2 4.4% KAREN DILLARD= 3 6.7% KUMON= 6 13.3% PRIVATE INSTRUCTION & WA= 1 2.2% PRIVATE TUTOR= 14 31.1 % WA= 9 20.0% WA, SYLVAN & PRIVATE TUTOR= 4 8.9% WA & PRIVATE SPANISH TUTOR= 2 4.4% Total 45 100.0% ETC Institute (2010) Page 39 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q8b If YES to #8: In which subject(s)? Q8b If YES to #8: In which subiect(s)? Number Percent ALGEBRA; PHYSICS= 2 4.4% CHEMISITRY; SPANISH; BIOLOGY; MATH 1 2.2% CHEMISTRY SPANISH= 2 4,4% CHEMISTRY; MATH= 1 2.2% ENGLISH MATH; STRINGS= 1 2.2% ENGLISH, MATH= 1 2.2% ENGLISH; HISTORY; SCIENCE; SPANISH= 2 4.4% EXTENDED ENGLISH (IB)= 1 2.2% MATH= 10 22.2% MATH; READING= 1 2.2% MATH; READING 1 2.2% MATH; FRENCH STUDY SKILLS= 2 4.4% MATH; SPANISH= 2 4.4% MATH; ENGLISH= 1 2.2% MATH, SPANISH, VIOLIN= 2 4.4% MATH; ENGLISH= 1 2.2% MATH; LANGUAGE ARTS; STUDY SKILLS 2 4.4% SPANISH; SAT /ACT PREP 1 2.2% READING= 4 8.9% SAT PREP= 1 2,2% SAT PREP; MATH; ENGLISH= 2 4.4% SPANISH= 2 4.4% SPANISH; BIOLOGY= 1 2.2% WRITING= 1 2.2% Total 45 100.0% Q8c If YES to #8: How many hours per week? Q8c If yes how many hours per week Number Percent 1 13 28.9% 2 12 26.7% 3 13 28.9% 4 4 8.9% 5+ 3 6.7% Total 45 100.0 % ETC Institute (2010) Page 40 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q9 Do you feel your child is emotionally safe at school? Q9 Do you feel your child is emotionally safe at school? Number Percent Yes 143 81.3% No 30 17.0% Don't Know 3 1.7% Total 176 100.0% Q10 Do you feel your child is physically safe at school? Q10 Do you feel your child is physically safe at school? Number Percent Yes 159 90.3% No 16 9.1 % Don't Know 1 0.6% Total 176 100.0% Q11 Do you believe you have an adequate understanding of the IB curriculum? Q11 Do you believe you have an adequate understanding of the IB curriculum? Number Percent Yes 147 83.5% No 29 16.5% Total 176 100.0% ETC Institute (2010) Page 41 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q12 Do you have a child with a learning disability that utilizes special education services? Q12 Do you have a child with a learning disability that utilizes special education services? Number Percent Yes 13 7.4% No 163 92.6% Total 176 100.0% Q12a If YES to #12: Are you satisfied with the mod ificationslservices provided by Westlake Academy? Q12a If YES to #12: Are you satisfied with the mod ificationslservices Provided by Westlake Academy? Number Percent Yes 8 61.5% No 5 38.5% Total 13 100.0% Q13 Does the Westlake Academy Communique keep you adeguately informed? Q13 Does the Westlake Academv Communique keep _y_ou adequately informed ?Number Percent Yes 106 60.2% No 67 38.1 % Don't Know 3 1.7% Total 176 100.0% ETC institute (2010) Page 42 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report 14 Plannino for the Future: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "Extremely Important" and 1 means "Not Important," please rate how important it is for Westlake Academy to do the following if resources are available. (N =176) 19.7% 24.9% 39.9% Q14h Implement a Spanish immersion program 10.5% 8.8% 18.7% Somewhat 38.0% Q14i Offer additional tutoring outside of the Extremely Not Important Important Important Very Important Important Q1 4a Expand IB options at the Diploma Level 4.4% 3.8% 9.4% 25.2% 57.2% Q14b Expand the Arts program (music, drama) 11.0% 10.4% 22.5% 27.2% 28.9% Q14c Continue the Strings Program 26.1% 18.3% 16.3% 16.3% 22.9% Q14d Continue residential (overnight) field trips 17.3% 15.0% 27.2% 14.5% 26.0% Q14e Expand the new media educational opportunities (i.e.,video production, on -line journalism) 13.2% 7.2% 25.7% 26.3% 27.5% Q14f Have the Academy improve its website 15.7% 12.2% 28.5% 17.4% 26.2% Q14g Expand foreign language offerings and opportunities 5.8% 9.8% 19.7% 24.9% 39.9% Q14h Implement a Spanish immersion program 10.5% 8.8% 18.7% 24.0% 38.0% Q14i Offer additional tutoring outside of the classroom time 11.8% 9.5% 21.3% 25.4% 32.0% Q1 4j Offer online access to student grades 9.8% 9.8% 10.4% 16.2% 53.8% ETC Institute (2010) Page 43 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q15 What do you like BEST about Westlake Academy? LOT LIKE "HOME ";FAMILY ATMOSPHERE ACADEMIC OPPORTUNITY BROAD EDUCATION IN SMALL CLASS SIZE CLOSE -KNIT ENVIRONMENT & GOOD EDUCATION STANDARDS CLOSE TO HOME COMMUNICATION IS BETTER THAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS COMMUNITY OF PARENTS INVOLVED;IB CURRICULUM CONTINUM UNITS OF UNQUIRING FOLLOW THROUGH LEARNING CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT CULTURE TIGHT KNIT COMMUNITY FEEL CURRICULUM CURRICULUM EMPHASIS ON STRONG ACADEMICS AND SIZE OF SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT & CURRICULUM EVERYBODY KNOWS EVERYBODY EXTRA OPPORTUNITIES; IB CURRICULUM FACT THAT ITS A SMALL SCHOOL FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT GENERAL CULTURE OF INSTITUTION; MISSION OF IB PROGRAM GREEN CAMPUS (ENVIRONMENT) /EDUCATION HAD 3 KIDS ATTEND KELLER HIGH IB CURRICULUM IB CURRICULUM IB CURRICULUM IB CURRICULUM IB CURRICULUM IB CURRICULUM IB CURRICULUM IB CURRICULUM IB CURRICULUM IB CURRICULUM IB CURRICULUM IB CURRICULUM IB CURRICULUM; INTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE IB CURRICULUM; SMALL CLASS SIZE IB CURRICULUM; SMALL CLASS SIZE IB CURRICULUM; TEACHERS WORK REALLY HARD IB PROGRAM ETC Institute (2010) Page 44 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q15 What do you like BEST about Westlake Academy? (CONTINUED) IB PROGRAM IB PROGRAM AND SCHOOL SIZE; DIVERSITY IB PROGRAM; LEARNING THROUGH INQUIRY IB PROGRAM; STUDENT TO TEACHER RATIO IB PROGRAMS INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION BECAUSE OF SMALL STUDENT BODY ITS REALLY A NURTURING "FAMILY" ENVIRONMENT ITS SMALL ITS SMALL LEARNING THROUGH DISCOVERY LEVEL AND FOCUS OF EDUCATION;CURRICULUM;TEACHING METHOD LOCATION, ISN'T THAT SAD? LOW STUDENT - TEACHER RATIO MUCH SMALLER CHILD /TEACHER RATIO MY CHILD ENJOYS ALL ASPECTS OF LEARING AT WA OPPORTUNITY FOR THE STUDENTS ORIGINAL INTENT TO PRODUCE WELL DIRECTED GOLBAL CITIZEN OUR CHILDREN ARE HAPPY AND FEEL SECURE PERSONAL INTERACTION BETWEEN STAFF, CHILDREN, PARENTS PHILOSOPHY OF CURRICULUM POSSIBILITIES AVAILABLE IF IB CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTED PRIMARY TEACHERS PROACTIVE, ENGAGING EDUCATIONAL STYLE QUALITY OF EDUCATION AND EXTENDED FAMILY /COMMUNITY QUALITY OF EDUCATION; SMALL CLASS SETTING QUALITY OF INSTRUCTION; SMALL CLASSES; IB SAFE ENVIRONMENT;IB PROGRAM SAMLL SIZE OF STUDENT BODY SENSE OF COMMUNITY SENSE OF COMMUNITY SENSE OF COMMUNITY SIZE SIZE SIZE AND ATMOSPHERE SIZE OF CLASSES SIZE OF SCHOOL SIZE OF THE SCHOOL /IB PROGRAM SIZE -SMALL GRADE LEVELS SMALL; THE STAFF KNOWS AND UNDERSTANDS MY CHILD SMALL ATMOSPHERE & CLASSES;IB CURRICULUM; UNIQUENESS SMALL CAMPUS W /K -12 INTERACTION SMALL CLASS SETTING; STUDENT /TEACHER RATIO SMALL CLASS SIZE SMALL CLASS SIZE, ALTHOUGH IT SEEMS TO BE GROWING SMALL CLASS SIZE; TEACHER'S ARE EXCELLENT ETC Institute (2010) Page 45 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q15 What do you like BEST about Westlake Academy? (CONTINUED) SMALL CLASS SIZES - - SMALL CLASS SIZES SMALL CLASS SIZES /SPANISH /IB PROGRAM SMALL CLASSES SMALL CLASSES SMALL CLASSES SMALL CLASSES, SMALL COMMUNITY,GLOBAL THINKING & EDU. SMALL COMMUNITY FEEL SMALL ENVIRONMENT /IB CURRICULUM SMALL ENVIRONMENT; ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH STAFF SMALL RATIO OF STUDENT /TEACHER IN CLASS SMALL SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT, WARM AND CARING. SMALL SCHOOL WITH IB CURRICULUM SMALL SCHOOL; IB PROGRAM SMALL SCHOOL; SAFE ATMOSPHERE SMALL SCHOOL;WILLING TO TRY SOMETHING NEW SMALL SIZE OF SCHOOL SMALL SIZE OF SCHOOL SMALL SIZE; IB CURRICULUM;TEACHERS SMALL STUDENT BODY & IB CURRICULUM SMALL STUDENT POPULATION -NO BULLYING SMALL STUDENT TO TEACHER RATIO; QUALITY OF EDUCATION SMALLER; PARENT INVOLVEMENT; IB CURRICULUM STAFF STAFF TEACHER - STUDENT RATIO; LOCATION; UNIFORMS; IB PROGRAM TEACHER /STUDENT RATIO TEACHERS TEACHERS; SUPPORT OF MY CHILDREN; CURRICULUM TEACHERS AND COUNSELORS TEACHERS /CLASS SIZE TEACHERS;CAMPUS TEACHERS;IB CURRICULUM THAT IT'S SMALL -KEEP IT THAT WAY THE "FAMILY" FEELING THE DESIRE TO BE SUCCESSFUL THE FACULTY THE IB PROGRAM THE IB PROGRAM PRIOR TO 2009 THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT THE NEW CAMPUS THE SMALL CLASS SIZE THE WAY STUDENTS REFLECT UPON THEMSELVES & THEIR LRNING THE WHOLE PACKAGE /IB PROGRAM TOTAL COMMITMENT OF STAFF /TEACHERS TO STUDENT PROGRESS ETC Institute (2010) Page 46 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q16 Would you support increasing the overall size of the student body at Westlake Academy if the class size were maintained or potentially reduced? Q16 Would you support increasing the overall size of the student body at Westlake Academv if the class size were maintained or potentially reduced ?Number Percent Yes 113 64.2% No 49 27.8% Don't Know 14 8.0% Total 176 100.0% Q17.On average, Texas Charter Schools have a student to teacher ratio of 22.7 students per teacher and spend 18.4% on facilities, maintenance and operations (lease /rent, utilities, upkeep, etc). Westlake Academy has 12.6 students per teacher (2008 -2009 school year) and currently spends 6.7% on facilities, maintenance and operations. How do you think the Academy should cover the shortfall for facilities, maintenance and operations? • Parents donations. • Reach out to math, science, and international groups locally to create partnerships. • Increase property taxes for town of Westlake and said taxes should be used for scholastic and academic programs, not athletics. Property tax in Westlake. • 1 don't understand the question -we have less than 1/3 the cost for about 1/2 the students - sounds like WA is better off. WA has a lot fewer students, fewer teachers and no special education costs. • 1 could support increasing size of class to assist with this, IF we could be assured that the school could handle the management of more students. Professionally run, organized, well thought out and proactive versus reactive. • Send out student assessment fee, building fee, paper fee, maintenance fee for sporting events, drama, etc. • More active fundraising - people need to feel the value of WA to be willing to give more. • Just because we spend less than other charter schools on average, doesn't make this a shortfall for us- faulty reasoning. Keep classes small (this is vital). • Maintain a budget freeze and reward cost reductions, as opposed to trying to spend to maintain costs to keep from getting budget reduced. • Increasing the student body even slightly, would raise revenue and assist in some of the shortfall. • Fundraising. • Less waste. • Ease restrictions on development and bring in more retail. We've seen some of this recently with liquor sales passed. • Increase Blacksmith funds. ETC Institute (2010) Page 47 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q17 On average Texas Charter Schools have a student to teacher ratio of 22.7 students per teacher and spend 18.4% on facilities maintenance and o0erations (lease /rent, utilities, upkeep, etc). Westlake Academy has 12.6 students per teacher (2008 -2009 school year) and currently spends 6.7% on facilities, maintenance and operations. How do you think the Academy should cover the shortfall for facilities, maintenance and operations? (CONTINUED) • More students. • Property tax assessed. • Town property tax. • Get taxes from Keller! • Charge a tuition! Request parents pay for extras! Increase the $1800.00 /student to $3000.00 /student. • Corporate donations and fundraisers for parents to attend. • Promote voluntary support; verify if relative high number of teachers results in higher grade averages. • Raise more money. • Potential options: City supported education bond; lobby Texas governor and leaders for increase in funds to charter schools; institute property /education tax; change moderate tuition. • Allow the parent to know what is needed and ask for assistance. • Live with it. • Property tax/more traditional fundraising. • Poorly written question -why not ask directly based on what Westlake actually needs to cover expenses? Fundraiser opportunities that aren't fought over between school, HOC, and students would be a good start. Opportunities to target funds by those donating, too. • Property tax. • This is a misleading statement -the ratio of students to teachers is not reality of classroom representation. Continue with Blacksmith program, institute a "facility fee" per child, everyone would have to pay. • Blacksmith apprentice program. • All parents should contribute to Blacksmith program and expected contribution should be increased, • 1 thought facilities shared with city as a part of reducing cost. • Support from Westlake residents. • Look for grants; add one additional fundraiser that is less formal, that might appeal to more families. • Become semi - private and charge people (not sure it's even possible.). • 1 need more facts than this statement to make a management decision. • No shortfall- Westlake Academy just operating at a higher level of efficiency -it would be more efficient if lights were turned off at night. • As we always have - parents. • Offer extended hours for working parents with options of tutoring extra - curriculars and charge a fee with these monies supporting the shortfall. ETC Institute (2010) Page 48 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q17.On average, Texas Charter Schools have a student to teacher ratio of 22.7 students per teacher and spend 18.4% on facilities, maintenance and operations (lease /rent, utilities, upkeep, etc). Westlake Academy has 12.6 students per teacher (2008 -2009 school year) and currently spends 6.7% on facilities, maintenance and operations. How do you think the Academy should cover the shortfall for facilities, maintenance and operations? (CONTINUED) • Revenue from oil /gas drilling. • Property tax. • Small increase in student teacher ratio -from 18 -20 /class. • More students. • Increase class size. • Class size -rent facilities out; thinking into the future - develop an alumni support program. • 1 don't have all the details, but it appears that Westlake runs a very cost effective facilities group and should continue to do so. • Create more classes for all of the students on the waiting list, • The numbers given in the paragraph doesn't represent anymore in PYP. There are almost 20 students in each class and this affects the learning of the students. • Volunteers for some upkeep. Fundraisers that can double as community service. • Cut frivolous spending. • Increase the number of students per teacher slightly- consider 16 to 1 ratio. • All families should be required to pay the difference. • Continue Blacksmith program. • Improve relationship between Board and parents which would help increase donations from parents. • I'm concerned about where current funding is going? • Donations. • 1 don't see this as a shortfall. • Property tax. • Look into taxes (business and property) -apply for public school funding. • Parents funding. • Parents funding. • Parents funding. • Tuition, • Short -term property increase. • Spend less on sports programs; less on international teachers. • Raise the student/teacher ratio. • Collect more money from parents. • It's my understanding that the Town of Westlake already covers the shortfall. • This question is very poorly written. What shortfall? Just because WA spends a lower percentage doesn't mean there is a shortfall. • Change how it spends some of the funds. For example: some of the teacher conferences were expensive and no necessarily appropriate or necessary. Monitor the monies requested from within the school by the staff. • Bonds, city tax, higher Blacksmith fund. • A moderate increase in student body would help as long as teacher support is provided. ETC Institute (2010) Page 49 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q17.On average, Texas Charter Schools have a student to teacher ratio of 22.7 students per teacher and spend 18.4% on facilities, maintenance and operations (lease /rent, utilities, upkeep, etc). Westlake Academy has 12.6 students per teacher (2008 -2009 school year) and currently spends 6.7% on facilities, maintenance and operations. How do you think the Academy should cover the shortfall for facilities, maintenance and operations? (CONTINUED) • Supplement grants from Texas Education Association because of the success of WA and the demand. • Fundraising, taxes, less administrative overhead. • This isn't an accurate statement. Class sizes are larger. Blacksmith Program covers excess. • Reconsider a property tax. • More fundraisers. • Monies raised by Blacksmith Apprentice program. • 1 don't agree with these statistics -there are opportunities in other budgeting categories to free up operations monies, • Residential property tax. • Conserve resources, reduce debt and forego expansion plans until funds are available. Expand the retail tax base. • Increase size of school -more students -more tuition. • Fundraising. • More monies from State. • Private donations; corporate donations; fundraisers. • Property tax. • Add fees to each student's enrollment. • Donations or taxes. • Taxes. • Enforce a mandatory contribution amount for all families or mimic a private school- charge a tuition but then enforce an entrance criteria based on an entrance exam. • Increase student to teacher ratio to 15 -18 students; increase Blacksmith apprentice contribution; new income streams, for example, adult continuing education by partnering with University of Dallas or UNT. • Property tax. • Review the staffing and budget for areas where parent volunteers or volunteer organizations can support. Increase annual fees or require specific material donations. Partner with other schools for better discounts. ETC Institute (2010) Page 50 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q18. On average Texas Charter Schools receive 13.3% less state funding than traditional ISDs. Currently the Blacksmith Apprentice Program provides 6.8% of the schools total operating cost (including school related expenses paid by the Town of Westlake). How do you think the Academy should cover the shortfall? • Donations and fund raising. • Reach out to math, science, and international groups locally to create partnerships. • Increase property taxes for town of Westlake and said taxes should be used for scholastic and academic programs, not athletics. • Property tax in Westlake. • On top of BAP, parents pay on going fees for paper. We buy all novels required and replenish supplies throughout the year. These are all costs not traditionally paid in public schools. • Make Blacksmith program not optional -if not paid, the students to buy their own text books, print their own homework, etc. Do a better job laying out expectations of paying. • A SMALL increase in requested parent contribution. What about installing a radio tower and charging rent for it? Pursue legislation that state would give more. • Increase tax revenues by encouraging more economic development specifically retail. • Fundraising. • Donations. • Westlake Academy foundation -make it minimally required to donate. • Need to separate the school board from the city. • Increase Blacksmith funds. • More students. • Property tax assessed. • Town property tax. • Get taxes from Keller! • Charge a tuition! Request parents pay for extras! Increase the $1800.00 /student to $3000.00 /student. • Parents #1; fundraisers and donations #2. • Review budget and only tolerate value added activities. • WA moves to a private school instead of public charter. • Potential options; City supported education bond; lobby Texas governor and leaders for increase in funds to charter schools; institute property /education tax; change moderate tuition. • Find better ways to get funding from the government or local businesses. • Reach out to the parents. • Talk to local senate and state representatives about charter school. The government should provide equal funding for charter schools. • Property tax/more traditional fundraising. • Another poorly written question. What's the point? If there is a shortfall, how much and why? Lack of parental donations? Cost to town of Westlake? Lack of support for school? Westlake needs to do a better job of advertising it's strengths to the community and state. ETC Institute (2010) Page 51 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q18. On average, Texas Charter Schools receive 13.3% less state funding than traditional ISDs. Currently the Blacksmith Apprentice Program provides 6.8% of the schools total operating cost (including school related expenses paid by the Town of Westlake). How do you think the Academy should cover the shortfall? (CONTINUED) • Property tax. • The state gives all operating expense money, what they don't give is capital money- donations for buildings, etc .... run the school more effectively. • The % of parent/families that participate must be addressed -if not through donation -then institute more "fees" for extra - curricular activities. • We know property tax is inevitable, but wish the school could operate without a tax. • More fundraising opportunities, • Require Blacksmith participation and set a minimum "tuition ". • Continue what is being done today. • Require up front tuition cost. Monthly payments for people who can't afford the tuition. Seek business support. • Become semi - private and charge people (not sure it's even possible.). • It's not only unfair but discriminates against successful schools that don't follow the PUBLIC model. Unite all the people to petition or bring suit against the TX government. • You are comparing apples to ORANGES! No shortfall -keep working within the yearly budget. Don't try to be as wasteful with money as KISD. • As we always have - parents. • Fundraisers, donations, etc. • Corporate sponsorship. • Lobby Texas legislature to get what ISD's get; small increase in student to teacher ratio. • Continue to seek outside funding through the foundation. • Request a donation or sponsorship from the large financial corporations within the sight of the school. • Federal grants. • More families should participate. There are families that don't participate at all. • Less expensive school uniforms. Maybe just uniform shirts with jeans or suitable trousers. This will allow more opportunity for donations. Lab and classroom fees for all students in addition to the per student expectations of the Blacksmith program. • Cut frivolous spending. • Increase the suggested donation amount per family. Compared to the cost of private school tuition, our school at $1800.00 is ridiculously low. • Continue with Blacksmith program, however, all families should be required to pay the full amount. • Ask State to increase charter school funding. • Improve relationship between Board and parents which would help increase donations from parents. • Contact law makers to increase charter school funding. • Was told the Blacksmith program covered the shortfall. ETC Institute (2010) Page 52 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q18. On average Texas Charter Schools receive 13.3% less state funding than traditional ISDs. Currently the Blacksmith Apprentice Program provides 6.8% of the schools total operating cost (including school related expenses paid by the Town of Westlake). How do you think the Academy should cover the shortfall? (CONTINUED) • Request additional monies from parents. • Public school funding. • Fundraising and parents funding. • Donations. • Parents funding. • Mandatory for parent funding contributions. • Make it more comfortable for every family to participate. • Get property taxes from Westlake residents. • Charter schools need to run on less money. • Fight with State to change the laws, • It's my understanding that the Town of Westlake already covers the shortfall. • Fundraise more aggressively and cut expenses (strings /administrators). • You must make a budget and stick to it. Is it possible for the Academy to operate at 6.5% below other schools? Of course it is, you have to cut what you can or fund raise. • Fundraising. • Bonds, city tax, higher Blacksmith fund. • A moderate increase in student body would help as long as teacher support is provided. Increase Blacksmith requirements to$2000.00 /child. • Taxes, less administrative overhead, re- evaluate international stipends. • Blacksmith program already does. • Increase donation requests through Blacksmith program. • Spending monies better in other areas -as a municipally owned charter school, Westlake needs to cover the shortfall. • Raise more money. • Residential property tax. • To change State law. • Additional fundraising events. • More monies from State. • Private donations; corporate donations; fundraisers. • Property tax. • Divide costs equally among all students. • Donations or taxes. • Town needs to generate a revenue stream. • Increase contribution to cover shortfall; corporate sponsoring. • Property tax, ETC Institute (2010) Page 53 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q18 On average Texas Charter Schools receive 13.3% less state funding than traditional IQ& Currently the Blacksmith Apprentice Program provides 6.8% of the schools total operating cost (including school related expenses paid by the Town of Westlake). How do you think the Academy should cover the shortfall? (CONTINUED) • Review the staffing and budget for areas where parent volunteers or volunteer organizations can support. Increase annual fees or require specific material donations. Partner with other schools for better discounts. • Increase donations. Q19 With the Town of Westlake facing financial constraints how do you think the Academy should cover the direct and in- direct operating costs of the school (approximately $590,000) currently booked to the Town of Westlake? • Downsize town government. • The town of Westlake has benefited significantly from the school with higher property taxes. It shouldn't begrudge subsidizing the school. • Property tax. • Make Blacksmith fund donation and application process for admission to Westlake Academy. • Property tax in Westlake. • Property tax? The school is a marketing tool which has greatly increased home purchases in Westlake- attract more businesses. • Divide the amount evenly among the number of students and send a bill! • The town should continue to fund the school. You can't just quit on a previous commitment, especially when there is no property tax. • That seems high. • Fundraisers. • Implement a property tax • Separate the school from the town. • More students. • Property taxes assessed, • Town property tax. • Close if it can't become fiscally viable! • Charge a tuition! Request parents pay for extras! Increase the $1800.00 /student to $3000.00 /student. • Property taxes for Westlake. • Review operating cost. • I don't know. • Institute a property tax. • Where does the school tax money go? One house and I pay $60k in taxes, how much goes to the school? ETC Institute (2010) Page 54 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q19. With the Town of Westlake facing financial constraints, how do you think the Academy should cover the direct and in- direct operating costs of the school (approximately $590,000) currently booked to the Town of Westlake? (CONTINUED) • Parent participation. • Property tax/more traditional fundraising, • Quit paying for expensive surveys and get proactive! The surrounding towns /communities need to know about all of the successes - academics, athletics, graduates, etc. of WA. • Property tax. • Outsource and the town can downsize, town employees (excluding teachers) are overpaid. How many assistants does a manager of a town of 750 need? • Once again, increase the Blacksmith expected contributions to approximately $5,000.00 /student or possibly institute a $1,000.00 /student registration fee. • Stay out of lawsuits; review expenses. • Seek business support from the surrounding community. • Continued fund raising in the short term and charge people. • 1 need more input than this statement to make a management decision. • How much of the $590k comes from the state? Total? • As we always have - parents. • Reduce pay of the higher officials. • Lobby Texas legislature to get what ISD's get; small increase in student to teacher ratio. • Property taxes. • 1 would recommend a tax on the business sector or a request for donations /sponsorships from the large corporations within sight of the school. • Business grants and donations. • Tax the VERY wealthy residents! • Have Westlake residents pay property taxes. • Don't know about other options. • Continue with Blacksmith program, however, all families should be required to pay the full amount. • No uniform policy -use this money to go towards the school's operating costs. • Come up with additional creative ways to increase fund giving like the Blacksmith program. • Improve relationship between Board and parents which would help increase donations from parents. • Have property tax for Westlake residents. • Westlake property tax. • Have a property tax involvement. • Fundraising and parents funding. • Property tax increase. • Parents funding. • Parent funding. • Need more information. • More funding from State of Texas. • Property tax. • Town of Westlake needs to cover that. ETC Institute (2010) Page 55 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q19. With the Town of Westlake facing financial constraints, how do you think the Academy should cover the direct and in- direct operating costs of the school (approximately $590,000) currently booked to the Town of Westlake? (CONTINUED) • Tax the homes. • The town should cut administrative staff, 25 staff employees for a village of 700 makes no sense. • Is it the school's responsibility or the towns? The town runs the school- therefore the town is responsible. • Reduce town staff. • School tax. • The town needs to prove this amount. The town should hire better qualified employees. • Property tax and draw in tax sources, such as businesses. • More fundraisers. • Town of Westlake should continue to support the school. • Property taxes. • Float a bond. • Residential property tax. • It may mean cutting extra - curricular activities. • Start tuition per month. • Seek additional taxes from corporations such as Fidelity and/or Deloit & Tuche and 40% of liquor license and an additional tax on liquor. • Fire the Mayor and get a real headmaster. • More partnership with corporate entities and property tax. • Westlake city property tax. • Property tax. • Reduce town staff and their salary. • Taxes; towns responsibility. • Offer opportunities for more businesses in Southlake to increase the tax base. • The town of Westlake will need to cover these costs. • Property tax. • Review the staffing and budget for areas where parent volunteers or volunteer organizations can support. Increase annual fees or require specific material donations. Partner with other schools for better discounts. ETC Institute (2010) Page 56 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q20 If your child was not enrolled at Westlake Academy, where would your child most likely be attending school? Q20 If your child was not enrolled at Westlake Academy, where would your child most likely be attending school? Number Percent A public school where I live 114 64.8% A private school 51 29.0% Home school 8 4.5% Don't Know 7 4.0% Total 180 Q21 Do you make the full contribution to the Blacksmith Apprentice Program? Q21 Do you make the full contribution to the Blacksmith Apprentice Program? Number Percent Yes 102 58.0% No 68 38.6% Don't Know 6 3.4% Total 176 100.0% Q21b. If YES to #21: Would you be willing to increase your donation? Q21 b If YES to #21: Would you be willing to increase your donation? Number Percent Yes 48 47.1 % No 40 39.2% Don't Know 14 13.7% Total 102 100.0% ETC Institute (2010) Page 57 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q21 a. If NO to #21: Why Not? • If all my children could attend Westlake. • My money is my vote -the board won't consider the opinion of non - Westlake residents so I won't contribute. • Because I contribute to every single fundraiser. • Unable. • Income has lessened by over %50 in last 10 months. • We want to help pay for quality and don't feel like that's happening right now. • We weren't sure if our child would stay, we intend on contributing in the future. • It would be 115 of my income. • Single income family. • I wouldn't be willing to increase my donation until the academic atmosphere improves. I don't feel the school has the right educational leadership at this time. • Not in the financial position. • Because charter schools should get same funding as public schools. • Don't have enough money. • Because of the controversy with the headmaster. • Other financial commitments - college. • Single parent home -no child support. • Recession. • Couldn't afford it this past year. • Single mom with a part -time job, no benefits. I struggle to keep the electricity on, much less internet/cell phone. • Child withdrawn from Academy after 7 weeks. • Economic difficulties with pay decrease for 2009 and 2010. • I'm giving what my budget allows. • Child only attended WA for 3 months. I donated to school through other programs. • Limited finances. • Not financially able to contribute that amount. • Single parent and can't afford it. • Financial obligations and cost of uniforms. • New to school and trying to understand system. • Unhappy with Board management. • Financial constraints. • Other financial obligations, • Can't afford at times. • Financially unable. • Financial reasons. • Financial reasons. ETC Institute (2010) Page 58 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q21a. If NO to #21: Why Not? (CONTINUED) • Save for college. • Can't afford it with the number of kids versus income. • Can't afford. • We only attended 1 semester. • We've made contributions at various times, not just during drive. • Don't trust the town. • Financial reasons. • Live outside of Westlake, so I don't have a vote -my monies are the only "voice" I have. • Unemployed, rough year to begin. • Finances don't allow. • Pay enough taxes. • Financially unable. • Funds not available. • Don't see a need. • Income issues for the last 2 years. • Financial burden. • The only vote we have in how school is operated. Q22 Have you Oarticipated in residential trips at the Academy? Q22 Have you participated in residential trips at the Academy? Number Percent Yes 110 62.5% No 60 34.1 % Don't Know 6 3.4% Total 176 100.0% Q22a If YES: Was the trip affordable? Q22a If YES: Was the trip affordable? Number Percent Yes 82 74.5% No 25 22.7% Don't know 3 2.7% Total 110 100.0% ETC Institute (2010) Page 59 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q221b. If NO to #22: Why Not? • Children aren't old enough for this trip. • Only have a kindergarten student, so no opportunity yet. • Some trips are a little expensive, but the value of the experience make it worth the cost. • Too expensive and not enough time to get down payment money together. We need a couple of months to get $200- $500 together, not 20 days. • Some are and some aren't. • Don't know what they are. • The trips are priced too high, poorly planned and booked too late to get good pricing. • Children too young. • Some trips haven't been affordable or not enough notice for financial planning. • Time. • I was on the list but never chose to chaperone but I did volunteer as a coach. • Very expensive, don't think trips are a necessity, • Child not of age yet. • Children not yet old enough /not offered in their grade. • Not allowed to. • My child isn't old enough, yet. • Kids too young and the trips aren't offered in their grade. • They took 3 trips at $500.00 /trip- that's asking too much from parents. • Trips too elaborate. The class trip to Europe was only attended by a handful of students and it should have been cancelled. • Some of the trips were affordable and some weren't. • N/A -child too young. • Too much money for agenda of the trip. • Child was in kindergarten. • Couldn't afford on such short notice. • 1 trip per year is affordable - multiple trips are not. • My child hasn't reached that grade level yet. • Not enough time /notice to save. • Seems like unorganized, poorly planned and last minute communication. • Child too young. • International trips have been expensive. • The school didn't want parents to go. • Was not promoted -money per child too expensive -no fundraising was done to defer costs. • Don't do overnight trips. • No interest. • Only teachers are going -not asked. • Financial reasons. • Small children at home. • Both in DYP ... upper grades too expensive. ETC Institute (2010) Page 60 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q22b. If NO to #22: Why Not? (CONTINUED) • Not offered. • Hasn't been offered to my children yet. • Not affordable and not interested. • No fundraising to offset costs (very expensive). • Kids in Kindergarten. • Too busy and places not of interest. • Not interested. Not enough adequate supervision. • Poor planning -last minute planning. • Children not old enough yet. • Child isn't old enough yet. • Have gone on a residential trip, but felt it was very expensive. • Won't allow my child to go to unsafe areas (i.e. Mexico) and areas that require additional immunizations... must travel in "safe" locations. • Children aren't old enough. Q23. What ONE thing would you like to improve most at Westlake Academy? • A school board that represents this school's % of students -35% Westlake, 65% other. • Getting back to IB thinking and teaching. We're moving too far towards everything we came here to escape - rote learning, textbooks and worksheets. • MYP curriculum. • Availability to have siblings at the same school! • Have an HOS who is also an educator, • Communication! • Improved /unified leadership to guide teaching; policies for overall improved education. • EDUCATION of core academic subjects. • Consistency! For example the format of the report card changed every time this year. • Give control for school decisions back to faculty. Keep town out of school decisions. They don't have background for education. Head of Secondary job is too much for one person if that person has to be head of school, too. • Lower turn over of staff /teachers. • Teacher passion for education. • Expansion of curriculum. • Teachers. • Better teachers in PYP. • Foreign language program teachers and curriculum. • More after hours, either for tutoring, extra activities. • Spanish level advancement - advancement based on ability, not by age or grade level. ETC Institute (2010) Page 61 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q23. What ONE thing would you like to improve most at Westlake Academy? (CONTINUED) • Better parent behavior -it's appalling. On -line grading. • As a new student this past year, I felt unwelcome and a strong lack of discipline from the students. Also, the lack of respect for school appearance and property so I guess improvement in these areas would be great. • Stop telling the staff they are doing a great job, then firing them, it's just plain rude. • Communique -not consistent and very vague. Not a lot of care goes into it. Very robotic and impersonal. Perhaps someone with experience in education should develop and send. Seems written in an "out of the loop" style. • Administration -Hire a true head of schools that actually has education experience. • There are too many things to list just one! A very unorganized, poorly run school! • Better teachers! International teachers! • The attitude among the students -they should be more positive about their school. • WA needs someone with educational administrative experience /superintendent. • Additional foreign language offerings /tutoring on campus. • Replace teachers; get a head of schools. • More parent /teacher interaction. • General communication - unless you check the website daily, you miss a lot of things that are going on (i.e. pizza days.). • Communication between CEO -heads of school (primary and secondary) - parents. • Streamline procedures and processes. • More communication regarding grades prior to report card and before problems occur. • Better leadership. The school needs a head -NOT A TOWN MANAGER running the place. • Communication. • Hire a Head of School and let him /her manage without interference form board members looking out for their own personal interests. • Communicating to the board what is important to parents. Stop the turn over of teachers and administrators. • The constant rumors and criticisms of the board of trustees. We feel that the board is doing a good job. • The class sizes are too big. They originally were at 16 students per class, now most are up to 20 and the rooms are too small for 20 kids. • School Board: I don't feel their actions consistently match school vision and integrity. • Better teachers. • Choice of language options. Add the black box theatre. • Teachers! I find them generally very weak and with poor professional behavior. • More interactive, updated, well designed and well mapped website. • CEO of town should have no direct control of school. Separate the city government and school staff. Quit wasting money on surveys like this! Get a comment box. Don't waste money on traffic study! • Communication. • We need a headmaster that is a trained principal!!! • Diversity. • Fewer part -time teachers. • More discipline for children that constantly disrupt class time. ETC Institute (2010) Page 62 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q23. What ONE thing would you like to improve most at Westlake Academy? (CONTINUED) he curriculum needs more options. • Traffic flow /parking. • Options for students at DP level. • MYP administration -these students need someone who understands them and is consistent in applying the policies and a person they can respect. • Diversity and multi - cultural programs for parents and students. • Stability of teaching staff, Please hire someone who is qualified and give them time to adjust and grow. Don't fire them after 1 or 2 years of service (less politics, more education!!). • Overall parent/teacher communication and responsiveness. • Spanish- instruction should have more emphasis on speaking the language, especially at the secondary level classes. • Hire a full -time Head of School with IB education experience! • Having an educator instead of a CEO as Head of School. • Homework is not being posted /updated regularly. • Communicate better to parents about decisions made concerning staff changes that are made by the Board. • Management by Alderman. • Better faculty. • Staff stability. • Hiring a headmaster. • Website. • Communications between parents /teachers. • Would like to see the school run like a school not a business. • Curriculum- education /counseling. • Get a principal or headmaster with academic background. • Request the teachers to not hand their projects out at the same time. • Not sure. • Bring Mark Roserveer back as principle (possibly). • More funding to the school from the State. • Offer more spaces to more students. • Longer lunch period. • Getting good teachers. • More sports. • Stability in management. • Communication. • Transportation. • Must offer honors math - higher math programs. • The attitude of the parents. • Quality of faculty; full -time principal. ETC Institute (2010) Page 63 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q23. What ONE thing would you like to improve most at Westlake Academy? (CONTINUED) • For the teachers /staff to feel supported by their Heads of Section and know who to turn to for answers /issues -where they will get action, thereby improving morale. • Hire a head of school -a true, caring and effective leader. • Cleanliness. • Relationship between CEO and school staff /parents. • Spanish immersion; lunch food and education of it; system of transport. • School management is very disconnected. Need to better follow the policies. • Faculty. • Leadership /Leadership /both on campus and with board of trustees. • A better coordination of teachers, vertical planning of curriculum and teacher /parent communication for increased parent participation. • School to stay at small level and emphasis on academics to remain. • Grading system -not being graded on a curve -only graded on self -make it too subjective, this does the child no good, should be graded with standard grading system, against other children, to make children work harder. • More college preparation -SAT prep classes. • Teacher turnover rate. • School politics. • To have a head of school. • Administrative structure -we need a Head of School who is an IB qualified educator. • Focus on academics -less extra - curricular emphasis. • Get rid of CEO and improve the hiring standards of IB curriculum teachers. • Just concerned about monetary shortfalls. • More science classes - physics, chemistry and biology. • College prep -I'm not comfortable with the curriculum. I don't feel it does enough towards preparing students for college. • Better organization. • Not sure yet. • Academic level raised. • The international component has deteriorated over the last 3 years. Fix it and get rid of the politics. • Standardized IB curriculum and grading. • Less teacher attrition, additional classes, such as physics and chemistry versus an overall science class; better preparation for college; grades posted on a website posted weekly, so we can track our child's progress versus finding out when we get a grade card. • New school CEO instead of a new Head of Secondary every year. • Quality of teaching and administration. • Communication and cooperation with the parents and volunteer groups. • Less parent influence on teachers -no parent bullying of teachers. Consistent discipline procedures applied to all students. Give seniors some privileges. ETC Institute (2010) Page 64 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q24 Which of the following do you most closely associate with Westlake Academy? Q24 Which of the following do you most closely associate with Westlake Academy? Number Percent International Baccalaureate school 121 68.8% Charter school 60 34.1 % Private school 16 9.1 % Public school 2 1.1 % Total 199 Q25 Do you feel that lottery applicants are adequately educated about the lottery process? Q25 Do you feel that lottery applicants are adequately educated about the lottery process? Number Percent Yes 105 59.7% No 32 18.2% Don't Know 39 22.2% Total 176 100.0% Q26. There are no scholastic requirements to attend Westlake Academy. The only entry requirement for the Academy is residency within the approved primary or secondary boundaries. What was the main reason that you enrolled your student(s) at Westlake Academy? • We live in Westlake because of the school. • Higher academic expectations, which have deteriorated the last 3 years. • Rigorous curriculum. • IB program. • IB program. • IB and small student population; higher expected standard for students (IB traits). • Because it's small, personable and offers a better education and readiness for college. • IB program curriculum and excellent teachers with small class size. Raising rates will make class sizes over 20 in a classroom. • Higher education qualities. • For the best start possible in my area. College preparedness, MBA like programs, scholarships long term. • IB curriculum; size of school. • IB curriculum and potential for student with the IB diploma. • Educational opportunity with the IB program. • Quality. • Live in Westlake. • The direction the curriculum was headed. ETC Institute (2010) Page 65 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q26 There are no scholastic requirements to attend Westlake Academy. The only entry requirement for the Academy is residency within the approved primary or secondary boundaries. What was the main reason that you enrolled your student(s) at Westlake Academy? (CONTINUED) • The IB curriculum. • The challenging IB curriculum. • Small class size and higher level education (IB program). • Environment and curriculum. • The IB program. • IB Program. • Curriculum. • Small class size (gone), individual attention, accelerated academics (gone) and exceptional teachers (gone). • Moved to Westlake -now I wish I hadn't. • IB curriculum, small student to teacher ratio. • Reputation of the school and the IB curriculum. • IB program -kids coming from school without IB program underestimate the IB program. • IB curriculum. • Curriculum. • Size of the school and the IB program. • Our doctor spoke very highly of WA and we got on the waiting list. • Smaller classes; IB curriculum. • The IB curriculum and close proximity to our home. • IB curriculum. • IB curriculum. • Academic. • High academic standards were a stated expectation for students attending. IB curriculum. • Small size of the school, IB curriculum and the fact that the school is K -12. • The IB curriculum and small class sizes. • IB and the initial vision of the school. Also, drawn to school due to Mayor Bradley's high standards and integrity. • Economical /convenient. • IB program -stiff academics -small classes. • Location and IB curriculum. • Small classroom size and low student to teacher ratio. • I enrolled our son because of the IB curriculum. He started in 2003. 1 followed the school from the beginning, when it was first proposed, to the wall- raising. • Good reputation, small class size and the surrounding community. ETC Institute (2010) Page 66 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q26. There are no scholastic requirements to attend Westlake Academy. The only entry requirement for the Academy is residency within the approved primary or secondary boundaries. What was the main reason that you enrolled your student(s) at Westlake Academy? (CONTINUED) • IB program. • The academic opportunity in an IB program. • For a better, more personalized education. • IB program and small classes. • Quality of education in small class size on small campus (relative to public schools). • IB program. • Student to teacher ratio; IB program; academics. • Small class size. • We came because of the IB curriculum. My kids have been at Westlake since the doors first opened. • The IB curriculum, the chance to be exposed to a world school to broaden their minds. • IB offered a learning method that was not being used in our district at the time. • More opportunities of learning (foreign language, strings, IB program)but because of non - requirements of scholastic and behavioral standards, there are many disruptive students in each grade and they hinder learning. • IB program and low student to teacher ratio. • Small environment/IB curriculum. • We enrolled our student for the IB diploma program in a small school atmosphere. • IB education -in a small school setting -which will provide college credits, along with the potential for WA to be a top 100 school in the US. • Word of mouth. • B curriculum /well rounded education. • Had heard that the school had a great curriculum. • Chance for better education. • IB program. • Heard about school from other residents (word of mouth). • IB program. • Curriculum. • Because of IB curriculum and teacher /student ratio. • IB program. • Education. • Small class size. • Liked what Academy had to offer and also very much liked exclusivity of school. • IB curriculum. • Smaller school setting. ETC Institute (2010) Page 67 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q26. There are no scholastic requirements to attend Westlake Academy. The only entry requirement for the Academy is residency within the approved primary or secondary boundaries. What was the main reason that you enrolled your student(s) at Westlake Academy? (CONTINUED) • To get a better education. • Small class sizes. • IB program and charter school. • IB program; strings. • Location; size; environment; IB program. • IB curriculum. • IB program. • Educational opportunities. • IB curriculum. • Closes proximity to house and for daughter's learning differences. • It offered much smaller child /teacher ratio and came highly recommended by someone I trust (an educator). • IB curriculum. • IB program. • IB curriculum. • Curriculum and emphasis on academics; controlled environment, unlike public school. • Curriculum - highly academic school -more emphasis on academics. • IB curriculum. • IB curriculum. • The hopefully superior educational opportunity. • IB curriculum. • IB curriculum. • It was my ex- wife's decision. • Residing in Westlake. • Expecting good education through IB curriculum. • Scholastic reduction; IB; size. • The offering of an academically based program versus being focused on sports; small school /class sizes. • Quality of education; IB curriculum; IB philosophy and values. • Small class size; IB curriculum. • IB curriculum. • The IB curriculum and small class sizes. • IB program; small size of school. ETC Institute (2010) Page 68 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q27 Do you live in the Town of Westlake? Q27 Do you live in the Town of Westlake? Number Percent Yes 59 33.5% No 117 66.5% Total 176 100.0% Q27a IF YES to #27: How important was Westlake Academy in your decision to move to Westlake? Q27a IF YES to #27: How important was Westlake Academy in your decision to move to Westlake? Number Percent Very important 53 89.8% Somewhat important 1 1.7% Not sure 2 3.4% Not important 3 5.1 % Total 59 100.0% Q28 Which of the following BEST describes your total annual household income? Q28 Which of the following BEST describes your total annual household income? Number Percent Under $50,000 9 5.1 % $50,000 - $149,999 65 36.9% $150,000 4500,000 69 39.2% Over $500,000 25 14.2% Not provided 8 4.5% Total 176 100.0% ETC Institute (2010) Page 69 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q29 For how many years have you had at least one child attending Westlake Academy? Q29 For how many years have you had at least one child attending Westlake Academy? Number Percent 01 34 19.8% 02 30 17.4% 03 17 9.9% 04 13 7.6% 05 15 8.7% 06 26 15.1 % 07 32 18.6% 08 2 1.2% 09 3 1.7% Total 172 100.0% Q30 In which grades do you currently have children enrolled at Westlake Academy? Q30 In which grades do you currently have children enrolled at Westlake Academy? Number Percent Kindergarten 13 8.3% 01 19 12.1 % 02 23 14.6% 03 22 14.0% 04 16 10.2% 05 21 13.4% 06 29 18.5% 07 21 13.4% 08 22 14.0% 09 11 7.0% 10 25 15.9% 11 22 14.0% 12 21 13.4% Total 265 ETC Institute (2010) Page 70 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q31 Including you, how many adults are in the home? Q31 Including you, how many adults are in the home? Number Percent 1 20 11.4% 2 144 81,8% 3 9 5.1 % 4 2 1,1 % 5 1 0.6% Total 176 100.0% Q32 Including you, how many adults in your home are employed full -time outside of the home? Q32 Including you, how many adults in your home are employed full -time outside of the home? Number Percent 0 6 3.4% 1 100 56.8% 2 70 39.8% Total 176 100.0% Q33 If you have additional comments, please provide them in the space below: • Early drop off. • Advance planning /better communication. • Evening information meetings, activities, HOC meetings in evenings. • Better website that is maintained in a timely manner. • After school programs. • Busing students to extra- curricular events will help. • Breakfast offered with early drop off. • After school study hall /activities. • Earlier drop off and later pick up times. • Flexible scheduling, be available to your customer. • Providing transportation for athletes and students to games and events. Charge $2 or $3 for home games instead of $5 -this adds up when parents /grandparents attend all home games. • I'm highly concerned about everything at the Academy. I'm giving it 6 weeks, then I'm pulling my children out if it's not any better than it was last year. • Expand parent/teacher conference hours; recognize that dual income families can't participate in everything; improve communication to help parents plan by providing longer notice periods of conferences, field trips, etc.; allow on -line registration, field trip forms (automate these things) with a mobile application or, at a minimum, for viewing communications on a mobile device. ETC Institute (2010) Page 71 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q33 If you have additional comments, please provide them in the space below: CONTINED • Before /after school programs. • Some type of after school program. • Remember that some of us do work. • Meetings after school /evening. • Accurate communication on website regarding homework assignments. • The Academy desperately needs before school care. If they could open at 7am and serve breakfast or tutoring, for a fee, it would help many parents. Many parents are educators that work in other school districts and must be at school by 7:30am. Teachers could rotate duty, parents could volunteer, etc. • Plan ahead and send out more uniformed, clear and consistent e- mails. • Be more flexible, rules are too rigid. If students have after school activity, they can stay there. The school expects parents to make too many trips back and forth to pick up and drop off and pick up, etc. • After school programs that working parents can pay toward. • We can rarely make meetings (including students). I would incorporate video and audio conferencing and schedule meetings before or after hours. • The town and school priority lists should both have the #1 item as: Top quality academics. The website wasn't kept updated and had dead -end links during this past school year. The 5th grade teachers (who are great women) were slow to intervene about bad behavior and slow to deliver consequences after too many warnings. The cafeteria food is good, but the monthly menu isn't accurate and it would be good if the menu were re- cycled every month. The "Rosevear" incident was a fiasco that should never happen again. • After school classes. Program back East had parents teach after - school classes for 3 weeks, i.e. child could take chess from 4 -5:30 for 3 weeks then HULA for next 3 weeks - parents paid for the after - school care and parents who taught were paid for their time. • After school programs, a bus route within reason. • Better after school supervision. • More communication about MYP /secondary activities. Teenagers aren't good at passing along information until the last minute. • Have meetings and activities that start at 7pm or later. • Be more organized and timely with information. Too many "spur of the moment" things. E- mails sent at the last minute for next day activities. • Communicate school plans early so parents can plan accordingly. • Offer after - school care for children. • More after - school supervision. • Communication - central a -mails are needed; lack of information in a timely fashion. • Can use an academic professional in the principal position. • After - school concerts /productions would better accommodate working parents if they were scheduled on the weekends. • Come up with after - school programs. • Improve communication and planning. • Do away with afternoon meetings- meetings held evenings only. ETC Institute (2010) Page 72 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report Q33 If you have additional comments, please provide them in the space below: (CONTINED) • Schedule meetings and events after 6pm on weekdays. • Always offer an alternate time for meetings other than 8 -3 Monday- Friday. • After - school at school tutor program with teacher's as tutors. Parents would pay extra for this service. • Schedule of meetings needs to be after 6pm. • Give adequate notice before parent/teacher conferences, informational meetings, so working parents can plan accordingly. • Schedule events and parent/teacher conferences after work hours. • Having meetings in the evening and also before /after - school activities. • Consistent discipline /standards need to be enforced. Heads of Departments need to observe classroom /teachers to ensure that we have good effective teachers. • No suggestions -our employees have been extremely accommodating with our schedules. • Have meetings after 5p.m.; more volunteer programs on weekends. • 1 feel that going completely paperless isn't feasible for working parents that don't have constant accessibility to a computer. I would appreciate receiving a monthly calendar on paper, showing what is going to go on. • Meetings should be scheduled in evenings to accommodate working parents. • Give more notice when things are happening. The day of or even the day before isn't adequate notice. • Offer after - school programs or after - school classes. • After school programs; after school nutrition /food /snack program. • On -line grades; video conferencing with teachers. • Hold informational meetings and teacher conferences after 5 p.m. ETC Institute (2010) Page 73 2010 Westlake Academy Board of Trustee Parent Survey Final Report secdon 5o ETC Institute (2010) Page 74 Town of Westlake June 30, 2010 Dear Westlake Academy Parent: With school now out and most of our students and families enjoying the slower pace of summer break, the Board of Trustees for Westlake Academy would like to take this opportunity to invite you to participate again this year in our parent survey regarding the future direction and programs of the school. This continues to be an exciting time in the history of the Academy and we know you share our pride in the accomplishments of our first graduating class along with all of our students and faculty, in truly making the Academy a "one -of -a- kind" learning experience. As Westlake Academy and the Board of Trustees continue to place a high priority on communicating with parents and involving the community in the success of the school, we strongly believe that an imperative part of this planning process involves gathering input from Westlake parents on a wide range of issues impacting our children's education. Please help us by taking a few minutes to complete the enclosed survey for the 2009 -2010 school year. Your feedback is extremely valuable to us. The Board of Trustees used last year's survey results as a guide throughout the year- during the budget process, evaluating existing programs and planning future endeavors that could improve and enhance the students' learning experience. Once again, the survey results will be used as a working tool to assist us in making critical decisions about the direction of the Academy and future programs, especially in these economically challenging times. Please return your survey in the enclosed return -reply envelope to ETC INSTITUTE, 725 W. Frontier Circle, Olathe, KS 66061. If you have questions, please contact Ginger R. Awtry in the CEO /Superintendent's Office at (817) 490 -5719 or contact us via e-mail at gawtry @westlake - tx.org. Thank you for helping to make Westlake Academy a premier educational facility and we appreciate your time to complete this survey. Sincerely yours, Laura Wheat President, Board of Trustees Enclosure 3 Village Circle, Suite #202 . Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817- 430 -0941 . Fax: 817 - 430 -1812 • www.westlake- tx.org Westlake Academy / Board of Trustee Parent Survey 1. Satisfaction with Westlake Academy: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "Very Satisfied" and 1 means "Very Dissatisfied." please rate vour satisfaction with the following items: How satisfied are you A. PYP teachers/faculty Satisfied 5 -d 4 Neutral 3 Dissatisfied 2 Very Dissatisfied 1 Don't Know 7--7- N/A B. MYP teachers/faculty 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 C. DP teachers/faculty 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 D. IB International Baccalaureate curriculum 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 E. Suitability of the campus for learning 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 F. The school lunch program 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 G. The school uniform vendor 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 H. The new Security Check -In System at the Main Entrance 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 I, Teacher/ parent communication 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 J. Extracurricular sports programs 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 K. Other extracurricular programs 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 L. School website 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 M. Academic progress of your child 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 N. Social and emotional progress of your child 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 0 Communications regarding issues /problems related to your child 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 P. Opportunities for parental involvement 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 Q. Quality of communication from WA 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 R. Methods of communication from WA 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 S The four House system for students (Thoreau, Wheatley, Whitman and Keller 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 T. Effectiveness of the House of Commons HOC 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 U. Effectiveness of the Westlake Academy Foundation (WAF) 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 V. Effectiveness of the Westlake Academy Athletic Club WAAC 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 W. PYP Curriculum 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 X. MYP Curriculum 5 4 3 1 2 1 9 8 Y. DP Curriculum 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 1 Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of education provided by Westlake Academy? 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 2. The Primary Counseling department 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 3. The Secondary Counseling department 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 4. Maintenance of the Academy 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 5. College preparation process 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 6. Grading system 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7. Opportunities for parent input 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 8. The five year strategic plan, recently adopted 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 9. Teachers response time 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 2. Which THREE of the items listed above are the most important to you? [Write in the letters and numbers below using the letters and numbers from the list in Question 1 above.] 1st 2nd 3rd 3. Communication and Outreach: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "Strongly Agree" and 1 means "Strongly Disagree." please rate the following items: Please rate your level of agreement with the following: The reception staff is friendly and helpful Strongly Agree 5 4 3 2 Strongly Disagree 1 Don't 9 N/ 8 A. Written communication from the Academy is clear and easy 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 B to understand C. The Academy keeps me informed about its instructional units 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 I would be interested in more parent education and training D 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 sessions E. I have been encouraged to volunteer 5 4 3 1 2 1 9 8 4. Are you currently volunteering at the Academy? _(1) Yes (Go to Q5) _(2) No (Go to Q4a) 4a. If not, how would you like to participate? 5. How many parent- teacher conferences did you attend last year? _(0) None _(1) One _(2) Two _(3) Three or more 6. How many Board of Trustee meetings did you attend last year? _(0) None _(1) One _(2) Two _(3) Three or more What is the best way(s) to communicate with you and/or your family? (check all that apply) (1) School memos (e- mails, notes, newsletters, etc.) _(5) Parent representative or liaison _(2) Children's teachers _(6) Direct contact (phone call, schoollhome visit, meeting) _(3) HOC newsletter _(7) Direct emails (4) Counselor _(8) Other — please specify: 8. Is your child receiving tutoring? _(1) Yes (Go to Q8a) _(2) No (Go to Q9) 8a. If YES to #8: Where is your child receiving tutoring? (e.g. WA, Sylvan, Kumon, etc.) Please list: 8b. If YES to #8: In which subject(s)? 8c. If YES to #8: How many hours per week? 9. Do you feel your child is emotionally safe at school? _(1) Yes _(2) No 10. Do you feel your child is physically safe at school? _(1) Yes _(2) No 11. Do you believe you have an adequate understanding of the IB curriculum? _(1) Yes _(2) No 12. Do you have a child with a learning disability that utilizes special education services? _(1) Yes (Go to Q1 2a) _(2) No (Go to Q13) 12a. If YES to #12: Are you satisfied with the modifications /services provided by Westlake Academy? (1) Yes (Go to Q13) _(2) No (Go to Q1 2b) 12b. If NO to #12a: Why not? 13. Does the Westlake Academy Communique keep you adequately informed? _(1) Yes _(2) No 14. Planning for the Future: Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means "Extremely Important" and 1 means "Not Important," please rate how important it is for Westlake Academy to do the following if resources are available. How important is if for Westlake Academy to: Expand IB options at the Diploma Level Extremely Important 5 Very Important 4 Important Somewhat Important Not Important Don't Know N/A 77 A. B. Expand the Arts program music, drama 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 C. Continue the Strips Program 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 D. Continue residential (overnight) field trips 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 E Expand the new media educational opportunities (i.e., video production, on -line journalism 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 F. Have the Academy improve its website 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 G. Expand foreign language offerings and opportunities 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 H. Implement a Spanish immersion program 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 I. Offer additional tutoring outside of the classroom time 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 J. Offer online access to student grades 5 4 3 2 1 9 1 8 15. What do you like BEST about Westlake Academy? 16. Would you support increasing the overall size of the student body at Westlake Academy if the class size were maintained or potentially reduced? _(1) Yes _(2) No _(9) Don't know 17. On average, Texas Charter Schools have a student to teacher ratio of 22.7 students per teacher and spend 18.4% on facilities, maintenance and operations (lease /rent, utilities, upkeep, etc). Westlake Academy has 12.6 students per teacher (2008 -2009 school year) and currently spends 6.7% on facilities, maintenance and operations. How do you think the Academy should cover the shortfall for facilities, maintenance and operations? 18. On average, Texas Charter Schools receive 13.3% less state funding than traditional ISDs. Currently the Blacksmith Apprentice Program provides 6.8% of the schools total operating cost (including school related expenses paid by the Town of Westlake). How do you think the Academy should cover the shortfall? 19. With the Town of Westlake facing financial constraints, how do you think the Academy should cover the direct and in- direct operating costs of the school (approximately $590,000) currently booked to the Town of Westlake? 20. If your child was not enrolled at Westlake Academy, where would your child most likely be attending school? (1) A public school where I live (2) A private school (3) Home School 21. Do you make the full contribution to the Blacksmith Apprentice Program? (1) Yes (Go to Q21 b) _(2) No (Go to Q21 a) 21 a. If NO to #21: Why not? 21b. If YES to #21: Would you be willing to increase your donation? (1) Yes (2) No 22. Have you participated in residential trips at the Academy? _(1) Yes (Go to Q22a) _(2) No (Go to Q22b) 22a. If YES: Was the trip affordable? _(1) Yes _(2) No 22b. If NO to #22a: Why not? 23. What ONE thing would you like to improve most at Westlake Academy? UNDERSTANDING WHO WE ARE 24. Which of the following do you most closely associate with Westlake Academy? _(1) Charter school (2) Private school _(3) Public school _(4) International Baccalaureate school 25. Do you feel that lottery applicants are adequately educated about the lottery process? (1) Yes (2) No 26. There are no scholastic requirements to attend Westlake Academy. The only entry requirement for the Academy is residency within the approved primary or secondary boundaries. What was the main reason that you enrolled your student(s) at Westlake Academy? DEMOGRAPHICS 27. Do you live in the Town of Westlake? (1) Yes (Go to Q27a) (2) No (Go to Q28) 27a. IF YES to #27: How important was Westlake Academy in your decision to move to Westlake? (1) Very important (2) Somewhat important (3) Not sure (4) Not important 28. Which of the following BEST describes your total annual household income? (1) Under $50,000 (3) $150,000 - $500,000 (2) $50,000 - $149,999 (4) Over $500,000 29. For how many years have you had at least one child attending Westlake Academy? years) 30. In which grades do you currently have children enrolled at Westlake Academy? , 31. Including you, how many adults are in the home? adults 32. Including you, how many adults in your home are employed full -time outside of the home? adults 33. [If applicable] Do you have any suggestions to help the Academy better accommodate the needs of a working parent or working parents? 1411119 If you have additional comments, please provide them in the space below: PLEASE RETURN YOUR COMPLETED SURVEY IN THE RETURN - ENVELOPE THAT WAS PROVIDED ADDRESSED TO: ETC Institute, 725 W. Frontier Circle, Olathe, KS 66061