HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlenwyck HOA Survey IG l n C) ue u"rade gin#?:tp C£4 :ire u You have a BASIC ac cutin# 1 To iamnue the Jimftof a WIC amount and get unlimited ques%ns,a '-Oc su,%-m Mats Design Survey Critter#asp uses Analyze Remits i#tttttaai laetgFiepc,r#. �,�, ai#f� r Re p a? Res s ar i s Stmud Survey a6, Total Finiabod Survey.46(1101.) 'to ft Proposed development in VV sllake,P01,that umuId allow - Omale Chart for mixed MSO development{retail,office small tract homes on lot sizes less than halt an me), Rcasponse' Response p9mant. Count, #4ift opposed,10 aaay in Ourmal zaahv,to aiirar for 8t}456 . 37' � eat #am in favor of rezoning to allow aral Residential homes,wM two minimum 28 3% lot siz4 and homes that are a m#n# m 2,otil3 square feet of#iv#rtg space am in favor,of tezon#ng to allow estate Residential,homes,witit one scte minimum 152% 7 lot size aenrl hornes that are a minimum 9,800 square teeetofimng space, l any b vor of t#ae proposal which allows' for so fitcsras on tot sizesaveraging less 1D.046 L3. than V2 acre and no,min#mum size of htg sue. #am opposed to tezcrsin9 to a#lova fist rata#t. 56,5% 26 #am opposed to€iztming to allow for an 55 6% 32 apartment opportunity , Ci��iar{p�asaspey) Shia R 'prose - ansrod question '40: skipped question 0 Z My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include(cheek all, Croate Chart ' I�oftfoad that apply) Response Ronse `Peroent count Compmmisir Ofour urslenvimnmert 033% 12 secufft h'6.5%, 31 Over trig of Westlake Academy 570% 26 answered question 4 skipped question ' http:// . ur�v o ey, ySur ns s.a-s ?s 7— 1ng O/,D Oe .'. 121812012 .My biggest ooncerns regarding#his proposed development inciude(check all ' C�-�,e'Chat, DO,rIDIa 4 that apply) ? . add"f&c�rta8 Ourden tsn j Rke and fire 6t�. 27 resources traf ,cc+ragestfon 84,4% 38 i3ecroasist i ieriy,, 95.61% 43 lncressed pojsulation densit3r 71.1%' 32 Pri>xi ity to In r lncotste residents' 482% 22 I have no concerns 0,0% 0 answered question 46 skipped question. 4 .Alease insert sdditionalt�airirr sets flare' 1�espon Count 3.+0 rtrr ns>_ 22 ansmred queo#on 22 skipped question' 24 4 This rezon ng ill be"discussed and'uoted upon at the Plannj andZonir Srea2c t h Ft o $ ksrs Commission andsubsequeni 7owan Counc'f meetings onDecember 10,2012: #esponss Response Percent Count 1 plan to.auend the meetings to discuss 7 on rezoning Pb-i Dsccmber 10,2#12'."- i cannot bap resent atthe'rown Council ties#an December 9ti; 2612,but"ho—sloftedws peation wlth the taf itav ni nip esonjoe� .' 83.?�k 36 eoasiieiered by!#d Planning aeon ccaa t voce sit,24iq, answered question', 43' skipped question 3 5.Please insert name_Note thai inserting your name iindicates you are sighing this petition+A' o.-w h the bov,, q t°s you have indicated,Your name will be included v 7 your survey responses anti wilf'be dermrsd to, Westlake,Town Council. answered ques#on 46 skipped ques#on g h ://ww surv'eYmon eY.0 Surrey . or s.a ? in= ln cJ ''/` FG , : 1 / / fly 5.Please insiart name.Note that iriser#ng your name indicates you are signing this petition Wth the, i .._�w i ac, answers you have indit ai-ad,'Your name v411 be included with your survey resp6nses and viii be delivered to VVesilalre Te ri Council. Response Count Ahow,Re ises 46 anewered quostioo 4i slipped quest 6n, 0 S.Pfease insertyoursddiess. C atto d I•ttespcir�se Count ansWored gaaestion. 46 skipped qu"e on U Ogg! 111: :ll wv,s y oil y.co i egg s . x?sin- l ngcJDI`/i� sF I�.,: 12/8,12012 Mttl Comments from tle of Mat attracts me4nd others to tll r the rltr hrh li f the r el h h dd . iou l . ll €h small lots; small hp r r arrt nd retail will deteriorate,fr rtr h t i pr e tty r l rrt. t'm h thi i erlr d I lr considered; This tp dlprr �rrt seems rpltly out ref lrn rth what tll r tl reeds to keep its h t� t r nd uniquenea : °l�hi da al prr ont i a li t s and or town resources., ieh k phy l it r and Will e VcI q, i 1 ' rh i ie ' tha diti t` h this development because"th eir pro rty' lrr will- rhu h lower. They will, morethan,their fairahare oftown, rr i r d dilu'terthe qUOjit Yofge rMe :currently r tl provided to Westlake residents. 1.would rd hi r t ,; te r it rp �fd for developers if appr6vedto lessen e rr nt utd n,r ide'nt pay for Water r l D N, R ses This i Cpl t even consider,this type of development rid fhd ire density'in tlokel 4` : 11 5 against,r r ar ingle family homes r l than t acre In tla . tit;� as long ti er is no tax abatement at the pry, f property taxes eh residents, x Westlake i r€:rr l; ilonpddmrnerdi li town with Very unique characteristics that make,i err ttr tive nd,valuable place t liVe.,,Th,6,'proposW'd'evelopmont'would iOnifi r tly mpr r i e these characteristics and severely,diminishthe town's,' diff rentiati rr from other communities;A,6rn very opposed,to this prepd l: �1511' ES Vi repr er t turnover of resident's i p rt e t re ult rrl security i and rtror�l school-crowding. Arid cri tr otinri of 89 homes re ult i t YF,.�k RS of security issues: during,construction phases,. S 3: PP VtewRie on es l moved'toWestiake,because it was an exclusive community. If,wt- rezone for more houses and apartments we to the smell town appeal. ��. �. i "a �, � _ � �. � ,��, - � - .E ,�y.�, gb .w 4' � �!� � �!: . w " 'fir w ^ . � "' w �.:. ,w a N" � ,�.�® _ �,'�, .. �, � � .� :, IR � � � � .� .� �,u; l�' p �'� �. � �,,: .. ,, ;.. �� a .. .� � .. 1F, �' "" �;�b $ , °"� ! ,, yr ,,' �� `, ar� '� :N� � .� �." �� l � � � � r AFB i is �'� �.� -aM- f a ri. - y� � y ,y� y ,.. 6 �'0 p � :.'@, w � .. g �. W yy � ':y; �. ggyp ... �..... .a.r s..:. vmi.. w.4 B y ,� �.. � � ��, it � xe � � '� � � � �� �' Yr ai ��" if �t �+�� ' s � 8 dt �` � �''� y � �. �"`11� � �' Ik QE; 1� �1 ! � AA -¢. ,r3zk3 We movedto West foUtyears tjse 6f the, T6vn' vision of mUlintaing, . �eautfidul r I setfin�'Whe're hawks acid cayotpq,coujo and therewaspipnty of, r rt t � . f t will it r roving. _,. s � f_ic Upgrade Glenwyck Sign Out Help Home My Surveys Survey Services Plans&Pricing +Create Survey You have a BASIC account 1 To remove the limits of BASIC account and get unlimited questions,Upgrade now! Westlake Rezoning PD1 Petition Community Design Survey Collect Responses I Analyze Results Report-], View Summary Default Re port d; Browse Re s p o rg s e s Response Summary Total Started Survey:58 Filter Responses Total Finished Survey:68 (100%) Crosstab Responses PAGE:I rat munload Responses 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow Cre Chary Dr,,,jnloFo for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), Share Responses Response Response Percent Count I am opposed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such a development 81.0% 47 1 am in favor of rezoning to allow Rural Residential homes,with two acre minimum lot size and homes that are a minimum 2,000 square 25.9% 15 feet of living space I am in favor of rezoning to allow Estate Residential homes,with one acre minimum lot size and homes that are a minimum 1,800 square 15.5% 9 feet of living space I am in favor of the proposal which allows for 89 homes on lot sizes averaging less than 1/2 acre 0.0% 0 and no minimum size of living space I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. 50.0% 29 1 am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 65,5% 38 rt Other(please specify) SI-io,w Respcn es 5 answered question 68 skipped question a 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include(check all first=te rlha t Dov,,nload that apply) answered question 57 skipped question I of 4 12110/12 1:50 PM 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include(check all C'FeLMe Chat that apply) Response Response Percent Count Compromising of our rural environment 91.2% 52 Security 71.9% 41 Overcrowding of Westlake Academy 56A% 32 Additional burden on police and fire resources 63.2% 36 Traffic congestion 86.0% 49 Decreasing property values 94,7% 54 Increased population density 66.7% 38 Proximity to lower income residents 45.6% 26 1 have no concerns 0.0% 0 answered question 57 skipped question 1 3.Please insert additional comments here Down6osi! Response Count Sh ex;Responses 24 answered question 24 skipped question 34 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Crerale Char* D-varoad Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: Response Response Percent Count I plan to attend the meetings to discuss rezoning PD-1 on December 10,2012. 14.5% 8 answered question 55 skipped question 3 2 of 4 12/10/12 1:50 PM 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Upgrade Ge n'wyck 'Sicin tau, HOP .....,"me My Surveys Survey Services Plans&Pricing You have a BASIC account I To remove the limits of BASIC account and get unlimited cluesItions,upgrade nowt Westlake Rezoning PD1 Petition Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results ........... ............................... ............- ............. ................ View Summary Default Browse Responses Filter Responses Response Summary Total Started Survey:58 Total Finished Survey:58 (100114 Crosstab Responses PAGE:I Download Responses w !01'El 1,With respect to the proposed development in Westlake, PD1,that would allow Create Char, D n Share Responses for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), ----------- Response Response Percent Count I am opposed to any changes in current zoning 81.0% 47 to allow for such a development I am in favor of rezoning to allow Rural Residential homes,with two acre minimum lot 25.9:10 15 size and homes that are a minimum 2,000 square feet of living space I am in favor of rezoning to allow Estate Residential homes,with one acre minimum lot 15.5% 9 size and homes that are a minimum 1,800 square feet of living space I am in favor of the proposal which allows for 89 homes on lot sizes averaging less than 1/2 0.0% 0 acre and no minimum size of living space I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. 50.0% 29 I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an 65.5% 38 apartment opportunity. Other(please specify) answered question 58 skipped question 0 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include(check all Create Chart D o v.,ri o a d, that apply) Response Response Percent Count Compromising of our rural environment 91.2% 52 Security 71.9% 41 Overcrowding of Westlake Academy 56.1% 32 Additional burden on police and fire resources 63.2% 36 ✓ww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_Responses.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G9j2yK... 1/3 2110112 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Traffic congestion 86.4% 49 Decreasing property values 94.7% 54 Increased population density 66.710 38 Proximity to lower income residents 45.6% 26 i have no concerns 0.0% 0 answered question 57 skipped question 1 3.Please insert additional comments here .ov-viiko a d Response Count Show Responses 24 answered question 24 skipped question 34 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Create cha i Downioad Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: Response Response Percent Count i plan to attend the meetings to discuss rezoning PD-1 on December 10,2012. 14.5 0 8 I cannot be present at the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but I have signed this petition with the intent of having my opinion considered by the Planning and Zoning 85.5% 47 Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. answered question 55 skipped question 3 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the Down oad answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Response Count Show Responses 58 answered question 58 skipped question 0 rwrw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_Responses.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G9j2yK... 213 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results 6.Please insert your address. Dmavmoad Response Count Show Responses 58 answered question 58 skipped question 0 FoflowUs; Facebook - T,.mtier - Ln*edIn • I.)urB'Cxi • Gooale+ YouTube Heiv FAC)s&Tutodils - Conta(A Sup port About Us: Nila..nagernent Tearn - Board ofDrectors - Pailners • Newsroom - Con act VvVfelliring Sitemap Policies: TerinsofUse Prh,,acyPolicy • Anti-S—PamPolicy • SecuntvStafement - Ernwi0jA-Out C, ;a a€« NedeNand, Norsk Por'Wou6s PyccKo�i Suorni S,,enFka ansk, Deqsch - EngHsh EFpan(A Fra,,iqa;s C,op,yr:9M,,',-:)1999-2012 Survey"Oonkey mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_Responses.aspx?sm=zlngcJD`/`2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G9j2yK..- 3/3 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results 1ew Summary Default Report 1± Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 1 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: iP Address: empty 38.107245.67 Response Started: response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 8:35:28 FPM Wednesday,December 5,2012 8:39:38 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sixes less than half an acre), I am opposed to anychanges in current zoning to allow for such a development i am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. I cannot believe the Town is entertaining this request,particulariythe so-called"apartnent opportunity." ._... ...........__.. ........._1111. 2.fly biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural enAronment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on ooiice and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density Prommityto lower income residents 8.Please insert additional comments here We moved to Westa,ake four years ago because of the Towns vision of maintaing a beautf.dul rural se t€ng where hawks and cayotes could be seen and there was plentyof room around with no traffic.If this request passes,we will seriously consider moving. _..._....... _..__. _ _._ __._ _..._......_ _1111... __ _111.1.. _......._.._...._....__. 4,This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: _._.. .r�... -,m... �_.,n ­............ .„. ..�1111.................... No Response 1.,.1.,.11,.11..1 _1.111.._._,.. ....... .. ........... . __,_. ....... S.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. . . . .... Michael Keeley 6,Please insert your address. 853 Broken Bend Drive mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.asp)Osm=zingcJD%2bsFG0eAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results View Summary Default Report IF;f Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 2 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: em pty Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 9:24:06 Aryl Wednesday,December 5,2012 9:26:58 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I am opposed to any changes in current zoning to aIfow for such a development lam in favor o£rezoning to alloy✓Rural Residential homes;with two acre minimum lot size and homes that are a minimum 2,000 square feet of"hAng space _.............. ..1111.... 1111.... 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) - M ,,, . __ „w .�.�.,.. .._ --- ------ ...m.. Compromising of our rural eneronment Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density 3.Please insert additional comments(sere ­111­11­1. - 1111. _..�_ n_. .__.._._. __�.__... ..._.� _. 1111. No Response ­-.111,11111",.............._.... ........_.._.... 1 1.....1......1 ....1........1 ... . ....._................ ................. .........._...... .._.................. 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December Its,2012: I cannot be resent at Town Council meeting on December I0,20 G,but!have signed � -- p w g d this petition.,iG:the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and zoning Commission and Town Council or,,December 10.2012. ..........__. .. ......_.. ................. ............ 1111. _.............._.... ._ . . ................. . . ....._...._._...__.. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Janice Keeley 6.Please insert your address. 1853 Broken Bend Dr. ...... .........111................... 1 11........1. .................. .._..._.._. ........................ ......... ..................... Fallow Cos. Faceboo€; Twiner L inkedln s Our Bioo 9 G000te+ You`i be Help: F;'Qs&Turorials ° Cos:taciSLI:q:;ort About CJs: Ma:nagernentTeam • Board of f3irectors . Partners ^ Newsroom e Contact Us We're Hiring Site nsap mwv.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetai1.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results View Summary Default Report I Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 3 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link,) Custom Value: IP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 9:29:27 AM- Wednesday,December 5,2012 9:30:50 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I am opposed to anychanges in current zoning to allow for such a development 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) ................... Compromising of our rural emAronment Security. Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density Prommilyto lower income residents 3.Please insert additional comments here No Response 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: ..........­................. ...................................­­---------- I plan to attend the meetings to discuss rezoning PD-4 on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Andrew Kuster 6.Please insert your address. 1903 Shady Grove Court .......... I—.................... ­­...........­­­­.......I.......... Foflowi,ls: Facebook Tveller Unkedln -OurBlog Googie+ Help: FACtz&Tutorials - Contact Support A+w.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetaii.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results View Summary Default Report I Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 4 of 98 respondents rosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom value: iP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 9:27:11 Aa3 Wednesday,December 5,2012 9:30:55 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), .,..._ . I am opposed to any onanges in cumentzonIng to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. Rezoning for residential with a minimum of 4,500 sq fit and 113 acre would be acceptable ....... .. 11.11...... ..........__ 1111_....._..... .. ............... ...1111....... ......._1111.._,.._. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural envronment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Acade my Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values_ Increased population density ............. _..._1 .............. ................_.. ...................._... ............. 3.Please insert additional comments here m..,w.- I would seek to sell my residence if this re-zoning were to be approved ....... _.....__...._. 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted Capon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be present at the Town.Council meeting on December 10,2012,but!have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council or.December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name,Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petitions with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Daniel Tews 6.Please insert your address. 1602 Creekwood Court Westlake,Texas 76262 1.1-1-1-111-1-1.1-1 _111.1..1.............._._._... .. ......_......... . ........ ............... ......._.._.._ vw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results ---------------------............. .......-------------------- View Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 5 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link,) Custom Value: IP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 9:23:22&M Wednesday,December 5,2012.9:32:30 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I am in favor of rezoning to allow Rural Residential homes,with two acre minimum lot size and homes that are a minimum 2,000 square feet of living space I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail, I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity, --------------- ------ 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) ...................................... ............-............ ................................ Compromising of our rural environment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density Proximityto lower income residents 3.Please insert additional comments here ----------- ................. The survey the Town circulated in July 2010 asked residents why they moved to Westlake.The responses listed in order of importance were:(1)aesthetic appeal,(2)rural atmosphere,(3)sense of community,(4)type of housing, (5)low taxes,(6)access to airport,(7)s pec;fic neighborhood,(8)proxim ily to DFW,(9)to be by friends1farn Hv and(10) Westlake Academy.This development threatens everyone of those reasons that people value Westlake.Bringing in smaller and lower income housing will most certainly drive propertyvalued down,will increase burden on Westlake Academy which already purports that it is at capacity and will introduce yet more traffic and crime to our neighborhood. Furthermore,I am becoming incredibly discouraged by the lack of transparency offered by our Town Council.Why have residents not been notified of this vote beyond what is legally necessary?Why has this issue not been addressed'In Westlake Wire?Why are there no signs in the Town to alert neighbors?I love my home and I love my community but I am beginning to wonder if it is time to move. ........... 4,This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: .......... ---------,--_- ----------------............-------------........... I cannot be present at the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012:but[have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. --..............I............................... .................................1--.1-1.1 11........... ..................- 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Stef Nlauler ...................... ------ 6.Please insert your address. aww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ng cJD%2bsF G OeAPBcQO Qf68 G... 112 210/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results ....... 1855 Broken Bend Dr. ....... . ....._..................... .. .._............ . ........._...... .... ............. ........_.... ............_............ Follow Us: Eacebook • Ta tier • Linkedin Cur Bbt • Goo_gie+ • YouTube Yelp: [=AGs&Tutonads: s ContactSuppmt About€3s. Mbnagemenffearr Board:of Directors . Pertnere . Newsroom , Conzar s ir.'e'e Hiring n Citemaip Policies: TernnsofUse a Privacypoiicy Ant-Spaml✓oky Security Statement s maii()p--Jut Dansk = Deutsch English Espanol Fran,as -. Rai< €;o Nedleriands Norsk Portuguee3 d pyco"'10. Suon3 Svenska Cop}T eht cr;�1999-2012 Surpeylvl,nkry m m.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.asp>?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 2/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses t Analyze Results ---------- ----------------------- .......... View Surnmary Default Report!, Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 6 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empty 66-182.192.193 Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 9:44:28 AIM Wednesday,December 5,2012 9:47:46 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PDI,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), ................ I am cppos ed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such a development lam in favor of rezoning to allow Rural Residential homes,with two acre minimum lot size and homes that are a minimum 2,000 square feet of living space I am in favor of rezoning to allow Estate Residential homes,with one acre minimum lot size and homes thattare a Minimum 1,800 square feet of lhAng space I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an aparti-nent opportunity, 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include(check all that apply) .............................. Compromising of our rural emironnient Security O\ercrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing propertyvalues Increased population density Proximityto lower income residents ------------ ----------------- 3.Please insert additional comments here 11-11111-1-'.—.............----....... ............. .................................. No Response 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012; I cannot be present at the Town Council meeting on December 10,20 1 Z but I have signed this petition with the intent of ha,,4ng myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. ----------- ------------------------'--........... 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Ryan Moore .......................................... 6.Please insert your address. .................... ................ 1760 Hidden Springs Court Westlake,TX76262 ...........-I.-I-I.......... ........... nnimsurveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results View Summary Default Report'a ....................... ... .:: Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 7 of 58 respondents Drosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empty 66.182.196226 Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 9:46:15 AVM 1ednesday,December 5,2012 9:49:16 AVI 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,P€B1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), N.._.. _�.- _................. I am in favor of rezoning to allow Estate Residential homes,with one acre minimum lot size and homes that area minimum 1,800 square feet of space 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) - ---- _.m _.. _ Compromising of ural _ environment Decreasing properyvalues _ Increased population density __...... ....... _....._.... ............................ ..._........ .. ..._......_.... . ..._._..... .......... ..._...._.._._._. _....................._ 3.Please insert additional comments here The town of West[a e s own webs ite s late s,"The Town of Wes'Iake�was our:ded by group of pioneers who sought to preserve a place of natural beauty and a van ish;ng way of life In the Cross Timbers region of Texas".As such,I feel we need to maintain large lots sizes and homes to meat this As ion.Retail/office deveioprnents best left to areas adjacent Solana area or off Hwy 114,not in the midst of the residential areas of the township. 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2€112: I cannot be present at.he Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but I have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. .,..,... .... ......., Mlchael Crowe 6.please insert your address. �_._.. ....__ _._._ ---_._ ........... ........ 1604 Creekwood Ct Wes tlake,TX76262 ......... .......... _........._ _.. ._...._......... ... ..._........ ... .._...._..... Follow CJs: Facebook Tw?tte, Linkedln • Our Blog a oogle= - You"rube Help. FAQs&Tufor als , Contact SuF:,port Aboutus: 11N'anagemer:tTcam . Boar!of Directors - Partners - Newsroom e ContactUs • We'reFidng Srtemap mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetaii.asp)C?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFG0eAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10112 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results View Summary Default Report 1.T i Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 8 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 9:48:51,4A Wednesday,December 5,2012 9:55:53 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I am opposed to anychanges in current zoning to allow for such a development 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) ...................... .......................................................- Compromising of our rural en�roninent Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing propertyvalues Increased population density .................................... -------- 3.Please insert additional comments here -------............ ............ ----------- I'Ayfamilymoved to Westlake in 2012 specifically for the high qualityschool,the low congestion,great con-u-nunity and rural environment I am also relocating our business to Solaria in JaRUary2013 as well because I have such a positive view of the community.The proposed change in zoning would have a verynegative impact on ourtown and would deterotate the quahlyof Westlake.Please do not allow for this change. ---1.1-1-.-........... --- ----.............. ................ ........... 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I plan to attend the meetings to discuss rezoning PD-1 on December 10,2012. ................ 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. John Schilsky ---—---------- --------- 6.Please insert your address. 161,0 Fair Oaks Drive Westlake Texas 76262 Follow Us; Facebook Tvmter Linked-In Our'Blrig - Googlel F Yo--uTube Help: FAQs&lutonals - ConladSuPport mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetaii.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analvze Results��s View Summary Default Report i-I Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 9 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Sure Responses (Web Link) Custom value: tP Address: empty 66.1 82.195.87 Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 5:56:25 AM Wednesday,December 5,2C 12 10:02:56 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes can lot sues less than half an acre), �...,..._ .__. 1 am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. i am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural enrronment Security Ovarrrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and Ire resources Tra€€{c congestion Decreasing property values 3.Please insert additional comments here ......................-................ Col IeyAIIs should be used as an exam pie of a corn munitythat continLies TO make the wrong choices for Its rest dents in an effort to increase revenue.Thev have built m any rnultiuse developments that remain ern ptyroday.They end up putting doctors offices and liquor stores in which brings in more outside traffic.I don't want to see Westlake become a pass thru commun1tyand I would hate for the beautiful rural areas to be ruined with apartments. 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: No Response 5.please insert name.Mote that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petitions with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. --- . Trina Gwynn 6.please insert your address. 1623 Fair Oaks Ct Westlake,TX ............. _._...._._..... Follow s: Facebook T,.,,Mer Linkedln - 'Our F€og Gocgle i Yo;iTube Help: rA s&Tu,'r:;i a OntactSuppoit mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQDQf68G... 1/2 2/10112 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results .................. View Summary Default'Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 10 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empty 66A82.199.189 Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 9:59:24 AM Wednesday,December 5,2012 10:0631 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I am opposed to any changes in current zon ing to allow for such a development I am in favor of rezoning to allow Rural Residential homes,with two acre minimum lot size and homes that area Minimum 2,000 square feet of Wng space I am in favor of rezoning to allow Estate Residential homes,with one acre minim LIM lot size and homes that are a minimum 1,800 square feet of Irving space I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportiinity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural environment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing properly values Increased population density 3.Please insert additional comments here No Response 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 110,2012: ............ ................­..........................­­­­­...........................- I cannot be present at the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but I have signed this petition with the intent of having rnyopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012, 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. K!mberlyS Evans ................ ..........- ............... 6.Please insert your address. 18117 Broken Bend Drive Westlake,TY 76262 I...................I........................... ................. mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G. 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results View Summary Default ReportF Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 19 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response 'Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5;2012.10:14:53 AM Wednesday,December 5,2012.10:18:36 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in' Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sues less than half an acre), . - _............,. .n... ...,,. I am opposed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) � . Compromising of our rural environment Security Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density ?ro;dmityta lower income residents 3.Please insert additional comments here Kee the A-lure of Westlake rural and upscale.No additional retail,business or apartment like buildings mould be approapproved_- ... ved..-.... ... ............. ........_...... ................................. .,__.._......................_.._,.... ..... ............. _........... .._...._...... .............. 4,This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be present at the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but 1 have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. >.Please insert name. mote that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Tom&Kristen Ducatelli _.. &.Please insert your address. 1601 Sleepy Hollow Court Westlake,TX 76262 Follow Us! Fasebook f Twitter Linkedin - Our Diog Goo le* Yo 3Tiabe. N m.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses z Analyze Results'View Summary Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 12 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: iP Address: empbl Response Started: Response Modified; Wednesday,December 5,2012 10:03:16 AM Wednesday,December 5,2012 10:21:36 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), 1 am opposed to anychanges in current zoning to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. _._._......... ..... ........... __._... _ _..._. . 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) �._ . ._..� .. No Response 3.Please insert additional comments here ._.... _ �.,...._. Westlake is a wonderful place,Keep it thatway.If growth is desired,stayw„hin the zoning rules followed byGlenwyck Farms,Terra Bella,and Vaquero. 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: ------. 4 _� ..r.. I cannot be present at the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but I have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.please insert name.Dote that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Gawd Owen _..._... - .---............................. __.......... _.._._,... ._._.___ _.................. 6.Please insert your address. 1606 Sleepy Hollow Ct Foliow us: Facebook ,,,d:t:ter UnkedIn. - Ot.ir Biog . Goo; ir; • .ou Ibe, Helga: F AQs 8 Tu>rials - ConfactSulpport about Us: .r;a=aget??e tTerm m Boar„of Direct.,.._ - Partners 9 News€.^,0rrr , C.ont..`s t fs Vse're H4i „ Sitermap Pollcies: TermsofUse e PrivacyPoiicy a ,.,.i-Sr)amPu;icy secwitystaternent > .nlailoptout D,,3-,k a Deutsch e English --aahol t ran zs i al;ano iNeder lands iNorsk - Portugue, m py,r"'('c: Suarni Svenska nvw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetai1.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results ............ —-------------- ------- View Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 13 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link,) Custom Value: IP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 10:39:50 AM �-Vednesday,December 5,2012 10:41:32 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PDI,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), ................. - -1�11- ................................... ............. I am opposed to anychanges in current zoning to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. --- ...................... ...... ............... 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) ............ ...........--------- Compromising of our rural enAronment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and Ire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Proxi.mityto lower income residents -------- - - I--.........................1111111 ............. .............. ............. ............... ............ 3.Please insert additional comments here ....................... .................. ........... ............................ --------------- No Response --------------- ---------------- 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be presentat the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but I have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and T own Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. ............. Angela M.Schilsky,M.D. .......... ............... ............. ............ 6.Please insert your address. ....... .........------- .... ........................................... ..................----------------------- ...................... ........... 1610 Fair Oaks Drive Westlake,TX 76262 Glenwyck Farms Follow Us: Facebook Twitter m Linkedin - OurBlog - Googie+ e YouTube ✓ww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results ✓ Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results ------------------ --------------............ xfievv Summary Default Report 17r, Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 14 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empty 66.1$2.222.206 Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 10:38:44 AM Wednesday,December 5,2012 10:43:44 MI 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PDI,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), ................ I am-opposed to any changes in currentzoning to allow for such a developi-nern ............... 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) 111-1-1.1-11.1111.1-11-1.......................-------------.-....................................... ......................... ................................... ............ Compromising of our rural en,&onment Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing properlyvalues ProAmItyto lower income residents 111111111._........ .1-1.1-...-11.1.1-1 -11.1 -.......... 3.Please insert additional comments here ....... e ------------ No Response 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: ..........................------ ....................-..................... ....................... I ca n n at be pres a n t at the Town Council rn ee'li rig on Decern bar 10,2012,but I have s i g n ad this petition with the intent of haming myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council or...December 10,2012� I'll-,------------------------------ ------------------ ---------------------- ................ --------- 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Councii. Nicholas Smith 6.Please insert your address. ------------------------ ......................... ....... .................... 1805 MH'Istream Couit Westlake.TX 76262 .................I..�ll.�,��,�'..,.,.�����,,����lI I..", I..",.............- ..........-I I.......... Follow Us: I`Lcebook T;Mfter Linkedin - OurBlog a Goog'e+ - "cu-,"ube Help: FA()S&Tufo�ials - Conta"isupport About Us: Nial age rn..e nt Tea m - Board of Di r c4 rs - Pa nn en s - N cws room - Co ntact U s - We',e H iris g - Sitern so e M. M mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G. 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results - _------- View Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter responses Displaying 15 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response L^deb t"ink Share responses (Web Link) Custom Value: lP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 10:43:02 AM Wednesday,December 5,2012 10:44:51 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), .. lam opposed to a., .". nychanges In cu rrent zonin g to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. €am opposed to rezoning to allow'or an apartment opportunity. _._.. _.. ........... 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural en aronment Traffic congestion Decreasing propettyealues Increased population density 3.Please insert additional comments here No Response _....._ _ ............ _.._ 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be present at the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but l have signed this petition with the intent of hating myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. „. ...�� Paul Rostron 6.Please insert your address. 1120 Post Oak Westlake .. ............._,. . ..._..._...... .............. ....... ....._..... .............._... .. .._...._._ Follow Us. r aeebook t".+ti ter L inked€n ° Our Slog , Googie+ ° You-Tube Help: a contact&-pport About Us: Mianagemcnffcam < Poem of Direct rs - Partners . Newsr -)m o Contart Us < S sere Hiring m Siteniap Nm.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetai1.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G.". 112 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses AnalvzeResutts ............. ------- ----------------------- View Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 16 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link,' Custom Value: IP Address: empty 12.25.107,2 Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 10:15:36 AM Wednesday,December 5,2012 11:01:00 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,P131,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), ........... I am opposed to anychanges in currentzoning to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity, 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include(check all that apply) -1-1-111.11 .............. .......----------------------------------- Carr.prorn is ing of our rural environment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing propenyvalues Increased population density ProYimityto lower income residents .................. ................... ... ................ 3.Please insert additional comments here I'm really surprised as apparentlack of'udgmenLon the parlof thetown to even consider this change without iinvoi,Ang the community.Atthe risk cfj..ping to conclusions,it appears thatthe lack of transparency and'poor communication seems to be intentional due to this not being the firs,incident.Having a discussion/decision on something as significaritas this change should have been properly cominunicated in line with the intent ofthe law, notjust meeting the most basic technicalities,which doesn'tr-nean only communicating thatthere will be a zoning discussion.The citizens of Westlake should have been told that there would be a meeting to decide on re-zoning 88 acres to allow for small lots,small houses,and more retail.As ifthe trade and increases in crime weren't bad enough,how could we consider rezoning to allow low'Income housing and more retail and possiblyeven apartments?Please go back and look atthe Westlake surveyresults of the most irnporiantreasons that people move to Westlake.This decision would violate the top 4,and as the leaders of community you have a responsibilityto represem the residents and to make decisions in their best interest.Most of you also live in ourcorrimunity,and so a decision like this would also reduce ....... yourquali tyof..l ife Ijusthope thatcommon sense prevails, .... . .............I I ............. ........ 4,This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent'Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: ..............-- ----...................--.------- ........... I cannot be present at the Town Council m eeting an December 10,20112,but I have signed thi s petition with the intent of having rn y opi n i on considered by the Planning and Zoning Corn m is s i on and Town Council or December 10,2012, ............... 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. .......... .....------- Mike Mauler ...........................----------- mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetai1.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10112 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results . 1855 Broken Bend dr,Westlake,Tx,76262 Follow Us: F'arebook - Twitter ° Lirikeoln ° t)r.€rBiog- ° GE—:ogle- YouIube Help: FAQs&Tutorials Coniact Support AboutUs. Board•ofDirecmrs e Partners Newsroom - contactus siternap Pollcim TeransofUse Pmacy Policy ° AI ti-Spam Po ic! Security Slatei'n ent IEma'l Dpi+OU! Dansk Deutsch < English Espanol Praricais _ ltahano ° Nederiands i I Norsk ^ pcmugui" Pyc.,:�'A.. Suomi ° sve—k„ 1999-2012 Surveyiivbnkey mw.surveymon key.com(MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 2/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses 3 Arsalyze Results l View Summary Default Report p z m. Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 17 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Customs Value: IR Address: empty Response started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5:2012 10:58:32 AM Wednesday,December 5,2012 11:02:33 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), €am opposed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. €am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include(check all that apply) n _ �,...._,.. , �. ... ._..�..._. .... _. Compromising of our rural en Aronment Traffic congestion Decreasing prapertyvalues 3.Please insert additional comments here _ No Response 4 This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: —---- I cannot be prese _at,heTown Council meeting on December 10,20.2,but€have this petition with the intent n of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. _ �... .�_,,..2°r,....... ----__..--------- --. Oliva K.Owen 6.Please insert your address. . _ «�W _ 1606 Sleepy Holiow Court Wes il ake,TX 76262 ........................................ __.. . ................ ......_...... ................. _._........... ...... _......_.._ Follow Us: Facebook T,,•d':tter Linke cin - Our Blog a Googie+ • Y,uTube Help: F AQs&Tutorials . Coniacf Support Af3md Us: wlana4'emLntTeam • Board of DE;'ectcrs ° Partners Newsroom ^ Contacts is VNe`re Hirin`.: &ternap Policies. 'berms oftJse = PrivacyP'olicy = fYtti-Spam Policy a S t;uriTySt,:tement Emaii Opt-Out mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2110/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results ------------...........------------------------- ------------- View Surnmary Default R e p o r t Browse Responses Filter Responses Dispiaying 18 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empty 63,98.241.18 Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,Decernber 5,2012 11:00:56 AM Wednesday,Decernber 5,2012 11:02:49 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail.,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), ................-................................................. ...............--- .. .............................................- .......... I am opposed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such a develop re n I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an ap@rtmeril opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) ............ ------------------- ........ ...... .......... Compromising of our rural environment Security O\ercrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density, ---------------------------------- ....... --------------------- 3.Please insert additional comments here And I Vote' .......... 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be present at the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but I have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012, .............. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. ----------- John A Osborne,MD,PhD ----------------------- ------ ....... 6.Please insert your address. 1803 Millstream Court Westlake,TX 76262 ........... Follow Us: Facebonk Tovifter Linke-din OurBlog - Google-1 Help: FAQs&1 utarials - Contact Support A(,w.su rveymon key.com/MySu rvey_ResponsesDeta il.aspx?sm=zl n g cJD%2bsF G OeAPBcQOQf68 G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results ------------ .......... View Summary Default Report "..' Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 19 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empty 66.182-196A86 Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 1,11:05:23 AM Wednesday,December 5,2012 11:07:44 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), ............­............. ...... I am opposed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such development We enjoy the openness of the community we bought it tc and vehemently would oppose any building on that or other lots close to our residence.That's whywe bought here for the openness and beauty! 1-1.1-1.11-1--­................I _111.......1..... ............... .......... .1111........... ............... 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) ................ ......................................................- Compromising of our rural environment Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased Population density Proximityto iowerincome residents 3.Please insert additional comments here Please reconsider arlyfurther building in our beautiful Town of Westlake.I: whywe purchased here,the sense of peace and openness we all enjoy.We would move if this changes. .......... 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: .......—--_--_------------- .......... .......... I Plan to attend the meetings to discuss rezoning PD-1 on December 10,20112, .......... ........ ............................- 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Cheryl Enciter 6.Please insert your address. ................. 1821 Broken Bend Drive ­­­-1.1-1-1..............._­..........­­ ............ ............................................ ........... Follow Us: Fpcei.-,00k • N.,"ter > LinkedIn - t)ur Blot; , Gooaie-, You Tube Help: =AQs&Tutorials Contact Support About us: Management Tearn o Board of Directors • Partners Neoisroom - Contact Us VVe'rel-1himg sitemap mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetai1.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G. 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results View Summary nary Default Report ir7 Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 20 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empty 66,182.196,67 Response Stated: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 11:23:53 AM Wednesday,December 5,2012 11:25:24 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lest sizes less than half an acre), I am opposed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such a development 2.try biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural environment Decreasing propertyvalues _... . .... .......... __11_11... ......... Please insert additional comments here If I wanted to live in Keifer or Trophy Club,I would have bough t a horn in one of those communities.Let's not compromise Westlake. 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2€112: I cannot be present a..ne Town Council meeting on December'0,2012,but I have signed this petition with the intent ofhavng myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. ........ ....._,...._, __............. ..._......... . ._._....... .. .. .._._..._. .. ......1-1111 __........ ......_....... _-_..._......_.... 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your manse will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. ­ . Daniel Dickson _11.11.1 ____................11.1. .. .. ............... .... ................................ 6.Please insert your address. 1833 Broken Bend Dr Westlake,76262 Follow Us: Facebook T,.lMte:r Linkedln • Ou Biog = Goegf• • Yb,Tube: Delp: :FAGS&Tutorials - Contact Support About Us: tvlana,er entTearn < Boar. ofDirectc:rs Par4ners , Newsroorrl > Cor=trct[ts `Afe`te inng Slternan Policies: Terns of Use P ivacypo;icy F Anti-spam policy securitys-tatcment • cmaif Gp;-Dut Dar:>k p Deutsch Engrsh Esoafiol < Fram a; a _ l:al«ano Neder,.and Norsk Porlugui: s P,,t;; n a<. • Suorld Sver;ska j .surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... V2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results --------------- View Summary Default Report i 7v 1 Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 21 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link Custom Value: IP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 11:38:48 AM Wednesday,December 5,2012 11:40:32 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I am In favor of rezoning to allow h RuM I Residential homes,wit two acre minirnum lot size and homes that are a 1 minimum 2,000 square feet of living space lain opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. ...................... ............ 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) ------------------- ................. Compromising of our rural en ironment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property mlues Increased population density ............ ................... 3.Please insert additional comments here ................. ...........—....................... ................. ........... No Response .1..111.11....,.._I.I....l".."I-11--l- -..........................................- ............. 4,This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be present atthe Town Council meeting on December 10.2012,but 1 have signed this petition with the intent of having rnyopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. -11 --1.1111-1-111---................ Lisa Wax 1-1--1-1.1- .............. .......... .......... 6.Please insert your address. 1607 Sleepy Hollow Ct. .......... ....................... Follow Us: Facebook Twitter Linkedin Our'Blog Go-4e+ - You tlbe rww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetai1.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2110/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results ----------- ------ View Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 22 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Wleb Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2412 11:39:02 AM Wednesday,December 5,2012 11:41:05 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PDI,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), ...................- -,-'.-...... .......... [am opposed to any changes in CUrrentzoning to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity, ------ -11- -................ ...........- 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) .......... ............. Compromising of our rural environment Security Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased Population density Proximityto lower income residents 3.Please insert additional comments here ............ No Response 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: --------------------------- I cannot be present at th a Town Council m eetn on December 10,2012,but 1 have s gn h ..........----wg ed i ...t..n.......the of hating myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. ......................................."I.--.................- .......... ................. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. —-----------................ ........... Tatiana Smith ------------------------- ------ 6.Please insert your address. ............ ............... 1805 MMsb'eam Court Follow Us: Facebook T,,x,,ztter Linkedin Our Slog Google, YouTube Help: FAQs&lu--,ohah; - Contact Support ✓ww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses i, Analyze Results View Summary Default Report 1. ;! ._..........._........_..... Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 23 of 58 respondents Crosstale Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: em ply Response Started: Response Modred: Wednesday,December 5,2012 1 1:42:41 W Wednesday,December 5,2012.11:44:05 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract houses on lot sizes less than half an acre), €am opposed to anychanges in currentzon:ng to allow for such a d:velop€vent I am in favor of rezoning to allow Rural Residential homes,with two acre minimum lot size and homes thalm area minimum 2,000 square feet of lilt ig space ............._ __...... _......_. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include(check all that apply) Compromising of our rural environment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density ProAmityto Tower income residents 3.Please insert additional comments here No Response ................ ._..._.._.... _...,...... _........._ ............ .. ........... .............. _...., _._.._ 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be present at the own Council meeting ors December 10,20!2,but i have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5,Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. ��,.... _ �. .�. _. ... ....................... , Horace Wu- -- 6.Please insert your address. 1849 Broken Send Dr wwv.surveymon key.corn/MySurvey_ResponsesDetai Laspx?sm=z1 ngc.JD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf66G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results liew Summary Default Report; ..........................._... Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 24 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Zink) Custom Value: iP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday:December 5,2012 11:51:51 AM Wednesday,December 5,2012 1 1:59:48 AM 1.With respect to She proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract hones on lot sizes less than half an acre), 1 am opposed to anychanges in currentzoning to allow for such a development 1 am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. lam opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural environment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Proximityto lower income residents .............................._..._............................................................... ... ......... ...___.. ............ 3,please insert additional comments here Westlake, _ ypposeo to ail of � d. � Due to the recentcrimes in Ul . 1 am totali o o e above changes in the Westlake.In addition,as aresident of Glerwyck 1 stronglyoppose the fact of decreasing property Value. ......__._... _..... ... ............ .............._. _.,.. ._..........._.._. d.this rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent town Council meetings on December 10,2012: 1 cannot be present a,the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but 1 have signed this petition xith the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012, 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake town Council. 1— ti... Nasrin Karbasi Ross Karbasi 6.Please insert your address. 1625 Fair Oaks Ct Westlake,TX.76262 mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetai1.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses y YAnalyze ResultsFY View Summary Default Report 17j __...__...._.....__ ._.....,_ Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 25 of 58 respondents rosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom value: iP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2.012 11:50:01 NM Alednesday,December 5,2012 12:06:01 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), •.•,...... ..,•. .. .___._. __.,1111 11_,,,11, __._ ___.._.. �. _-_,-_,..,. •,• .. I am opposed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such a development I am in favor of rezoning to allow Rural Residential homes,with two acre minimum lot size and homes that area minimum 2,000 square feet of living space I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. I am disappointed this would even be considered.Westlake has had a long standing historyof NOT being a high densitytown,ratherjust the opposite.Recall;the resident base that is here moved here for low density. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural en,,A.ronmant Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Addifional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density Pro)dmityto lower income residents ................................_............. 1...111...._................... 1111 _....._...._ .............. ..._....._.,_.. 3.Please insert additional comments here The other concern is thatthis will be the next impetus to spend and we really don't have a handle on the finances now. Recall-a citytaxwas implemented and blamed on the poor econornybut in reality itwas to fixthe spend and broken financial model.This developmentwill require an increase of staff and other e)pend'stures across the board. 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2€312: IcannotbepresentattheTownCoun•i �i . ,. _ign i Council meeting on December 10,2012,but ha:�signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. ........1111. .............. ................._...1.11_1 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Juan Fontanel 6.Please insert your address. �.., ,................ ...........,.•,.... 1845 Broken Bend Dr,Westlake,TX Avd w.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design survey Collect Responses AnaiyzeResulis�' View Summary Default Report 3 ; Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying,26 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: tP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,[December 5,2012 1:07:25 PM Wednesday,December 5,2012 1:08:17 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on tot sizes less than half an acre), I am opposed to anychanges in current zoning to allow for such a development _ _......_._. ___.... _ .............__.... _ _._... 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Decreasing propertyvalues ............ ......._.._...... ......... ............. 3.Please insert additional comments here ................ No Response 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: (cannotbe present a ,he Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but i have signed this petition with the intent of havng myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. _.... _... ...._........ . 5.Please insert name.Mote that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. _. ._ _ Robert J.Scot _... ........__.. __.........._.. .............._. _.... ........... ......__... ..... .......... .....__........ . . ........ .....__.._.._,......_... 6.Please insert your address. _. 1820 Broken Bend Drive Fotlour Us. R'.ic ebook Tw'?Uer m Linkedin • Our Biqa • Goo le+ , Yo;iTl,be Help: FAQs&Tutorials < Contert Support AboutUs: la?agementTeam BoardofDirectors Partners e Newsroom ^ Contact Ls We're Taring s Stemap Policies: Terms oftis , ?ri. Cy poiicy Ar,ti-Sparn Poiicy SecurityStateinegt s Emai'C,pl&t D nsk Deutsch - English a Espanol l Tanga s _ .s: Ualiano a Nede-,damJs N mk Pohugue:; m Pyrc. ygv: m Su.on)i Svenska ;F uww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetai1.asp)<?sm=zingcJD%2bsFGOeAPBc000f68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design survey Collect Responses I Analyze mResults w View Stairiiiary Default Report _. Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 27 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom value: lP Address: em ph/ 68.71 78.75 Response started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2612 9:31:25 kIM Wednesday,December 5,2012 1:10:31 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), _.- ..,......._,............ _... .. . ...... _.. ._ , ... , I am opposed to any charges in current zoning to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) ti.. . _ . ,. .,....,_.M .,, Compromising of our rural enUronment Security Additional burden on police and lire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Proximitym lower income residents 3.Please insert additional comments Isere __ ._. ..,..�m.... �_.,,,..,.,.. I moved to Westlake because it was an exclusive community.If we rezone for more houses and apartments.we lose the srin all town aoceal. ................._.. ............... ...................... 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I plan to attend the meetings to discuss rezoning PD-1 on December 10,2012. ..._... .... ...... __..... ....._.. 5.Please insert naive.Mote that inserting your name Indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. ChristyRenda 6.Please insert your address. .................. . _., 1,804 Copperfield ctwestlake,5:78262 _.._.._... _._.. ............._. Follow Us: Facebook T,,rMter Linke^lr, - Our Blog ° Goog:e- youTube Help: PAC;}sUu-,c)ri:als m Contact Support mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf^o8G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results .......... ------ .....—----------- ................... View Summary Default Report j Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 28 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link} Custom Value: IP Address: empty 66.182.196,154 Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 9:28:42 AV, Wednesday,December 5,2012 1:30:53 PNI 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PDI,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), ................. ....... ... .................. I am opposed to anychanges in currentzoning to allow foi-such a development I am in favor of rezoning to allow Rural Residential homes,with two acre minimum lot size and homes that area minimum 2,000 square feet of 10AIng space I am in favor of rezoning to allow Estate Residential homes,with one acre minimum lot size and homes that are a minimum 1,800 square feet of Wng space I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural environment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Traffic congestion Decreasing propertyvalues ................ ............. ........... ............... 3.Please insert additional comments here ­ Frequent turnover of residents in apartments results in securityissues and additional school crowding.And construction of 89 homes results in YEARS of securityissues during construction phases, ­_­­_........... ­ 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be present atthe Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but I have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. ---------- ­_­_­­­­1_111-11----------- 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. ............ —--—­- Heidi Kuster .................... 6.Please insert your address. ------------- 803 Shady Grove Ct.Westlake,TX 76262 ------------­­........... .........----------------------------------- mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2, 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results View Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 29 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Sure Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: iP Address: em,ph/ Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5:2012 1:45:22 PM Wednesday,December 5,2012 1:47:00 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), .1111... , i am opposed to arychanges in currentzoning to allow for such a developrient I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opponunity. ......_--- _.. .........1111 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) 11-1-1-11-1-1-1-1-1.........., �.,_�„ u. .,w. Compromising of our rural environment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy_ Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density Proximityto lower income residents 11111 .. ......_.... 1 1 1-1................................. ..__1111.. _....._... ....................... ._..... 3.please insert additional comments here No Response _ 4,This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: ........... ._._.. _. I cannot be present al'he Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but€have signed this petition with the intent of having my opinion considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. ........... 11 1..___..1 ..........----_---.................._..... ..................... ......__.._.. ..................... ...................................._.......... ............... ...............- s.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. w Theresa Wood _ 6.please insert your address. .. --_-------------------- ................. ........, ._. ... ,604 Fair Oaks Drive ......... ......_1111 ........ _.. .._........_.. ww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 112 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results ` View Summary Default Report 1=wf Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 30 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empt/ Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 2:59:03 PM Wednesday,December 5,2012 3:02:13 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,P€21,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I am opposed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such a development lam in favor of rezoning to allow Rural Residential homes,with two acre minimum lot s'sze and homes that are a minimum 2,000 square feet of living space I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include(check all that apply) .. Compromising of our rural environment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fkre resources Traffic congestion Decreasing propertyvalues Increased population density Proximityto lower income residents _... ............... ..._._. _....... ................ . ......... 3.Please insert additional comments here No Response d.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be present atthe Town Council meeting on Decembe 10,2012.but I have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinlon considered by+he Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petitions with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Jay P_S61! 6.Please insert your address. r........... _. N. _. I B'3 Broken Bend Drive Westlake Tx 76262 _.. ..................... ............... ..........................---...................................... ............_ ....... .............................._. mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetai1.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 112 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses t :Analyze Results , ___ --- ---------- -------- _. ............... View Summary Default Report 17- ........................................ Browse Responses Filter-Responses Displaying 31 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link.) Custom Value: iP Address: em pIty 190.248.15,93 Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 3:10:51 NA Wednesday,December 5,2012 3:15:53 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,FD9,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sues less than half an acre), _,.. ._M._. �.... I am in favor of rezoning to allow Rural Residential homes,with two acre minimum lot and homes that are a minimum 2,000 square feet of living space 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include(check all that apply) Compromising a — — — , ..R w,e f our rural environment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing propertyvalues .......... 3.Please insert additional comments here . .... _ .. Westlake is a rural,non-commercialized town with veryun que characteristics that make it an attractive and valuable place to live.The proposed development would significantly compromise these characteristics and severely diminish the town's differentiation from other communities.I am very opposed to this proposal. 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be present at the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but i have signed this petition with she intuit of having myopinion considered bathe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Tom Evans 6.Please insert your address. 1817 Broken Bend Drive Westlake,TX76262 ....._ _..... __..._._....... FoilowUs: Sanebook Ivjitter Lirikedin • OurBlog a rorq + = You-i*be, Help: t-A-0s 3 Tutorials - Conlact Support uvwly.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetaif.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results ........------- ----------- -------- View Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 32 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (ViIcb Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empty 50,11.73.181 Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,Dece,,Yiber5,20123:16:11 PM Wednesday,December 5,2012 3:19:33 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PDI,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I am in favor of rezoning to allow Estate Residential homes,with one acre minimum lot si.ze and homes tha i are a MIMmUrn 1,800 square feet of thong space I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. ..........-.111.1.1-1-......-............ ....................... 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural environment 1111 _ 1111 1111 1111 Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Decreasing propertyvalues 3.Please insert additional comments here ------.-- I am against non-single family homes on less than(1)acre in Westlake.Retail is okay as long as there is no tax abatement aLthe expense of.propertyltaxes on residents. 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: .......... I cannot be present at the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012.but I have signed this petition with the intent of hamng myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. 11-11-1-1-111...... Bryan Biddle -11---1-1-111—---I---------- -------------- ------ 6.Please insert your address. w_.1__ ---........... ........... ............. 5900 Stage Coach Circle I ...... .... .11.1111-1.1... ..................... ............................... ........................ ...................- .......... ................... ..............................1...11-.........__......_ Followl.ls: Facebook Tvv�der e Linkeedlil OurBlo- - Googie+ - YoLT sbe Help; RAns&'7,---or - Contact Support About Us: PVbnaaemierff Cam • Board of Directors Partrers - Newsroom - Contact Us - !j'V'e',,Hirmg S.temap Policies: Terns of Use - Prh,-acyPolicy - Anti-Spam-Poliny - SecuritySta-ement Email Op-Out ✓ww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetaif.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2110112 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results -------------- View Summary Default Report..�v Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 33 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: emptj 68,71.72.246 Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 3:32:47 PM Wednesday,December 5,2012 3:43:07 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I am opposed to anychanges in current zoning to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) ----------- Security Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density ProArnityto fewer income residents 3.Please insert additional comments here 11-1­111-11­.............. This is a JOKE to even considerthis type of development and increase in density in Westlake! 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: Icannotbe present atthe Town Council meeting on December 10,20 1.2,butihavesigned this petition with the intent ofhaving myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,20112- ...................-I—- ......................1­­­­­­1­­..1 1 11..........................................- ................1-1-1-1-1-- ­­.......... 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. ----------- Michael S.Stallings 6.Please insert your address. ............................... ............ 1806 Millstream Ct,Westlake,Tx Followl.1s; Facebook Twitter Linkedin - OtirBlog - Googic-r `A)uTube Help: FXQF&T.urorials - Cor.'actSuppart AA/w.su rveymon key.co rn/MySu rvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=zl ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1 12 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results ----------------- View Summary Default Report!,j Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 34 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address; empty 66.182.1,95.156 Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5,2012 4:33:37 PM Wednesday,December 5,2912 4:37:10 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), ....................-..............."­._­."""'­'_.­­'­........................ .......... I am opposed to anychanges in current zoning to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. ................. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) ...................... ........---------------- ---------- ........................ Compromising of our rural environment Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Traffic congestion Decreasing propertyvalues Increased population density 3.Please insert additional comments here v.,., ..­11-111111-11---------- ............... --------- .......... No Response ............. ............. .............. 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: 1-11---,___11_­­1­_.'__'---------- ............... No Response I................. ........ .................. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Da,,4d I Frisby 6.Please insert your address. ............ ------------- ,602 Fair Oaks Or --_------------ Follow Us: Facebook Twitter Link din Our Ploy - Googie+ Hetp: FACis&Tutorials = Contact Suppoil About`Us: ManageMer'ffe'ZiM - Board ofDirectors - Partners - Newsroorn - ConlOcl(_ls - We'mHiring, = sitemap ✓ww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses i Analyze Results View Summary Default Report R Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 35 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response 'Oleo Link Share Responses (web Link) Custom Value: lP Address: empty 68.71.75,57 Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,December 5:2012 5:50:41 PM Wednesday,December 5,2012 5:52:27 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I am in favor of rezoning to allow Rural Residential homes,with two acre minimum lot size and homes that are a minimum 2,000 square feet of Irving space i am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural environment W Traffic congestion Increased population density 3.Please insert additional comments here No Response .................................... _ .. ........_.... 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December Iii,2612: .1.�_,....,, - ..."I.._ ..m... ..­ ..... ........ I plan to attend the meetings to discuss rezoning PD-1 on December 10,2012, _.... .................. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are sighing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. _ . Kathleen, r'lakeham 6.Please insert your address. 1614 Fair Oaks YDr. Follow Us: Farebook 9 f:-ailter Linkedln e OurBlo; - Googie-r ° Youlube Help: Ffi05&Tutorials Contact Support AboutUs: tknegen;ertTeam a EoardofDirectors Partners • Newsroom - Contact?,'.. Vx'e'reF'i hg a s'sternap Policies: 'ferrn s c use • Privacyrofl ct lb-Spam po icy Seuwity I'a enlent ^ ;wail Opt-OW mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 112 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses g Analyze Results ................_.., _.___ ...__. _..__.v _..__._ t 'view Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 36 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (`Jtteo Link) Custom value: IP Address: empty 66.9 82240.87 Response Started: Response Mortified: Wednesday;December 5,2012 6:44:53 PM Wednesday,December 5,2012 6:48:56 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail;office,small tract homes on lot sixes less than half an acre), am opposed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such a developr rent Z.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural environment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density Prommityto'lower income residents 3.Please insert additional comments here No Response ..1--.... ._..._.... 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2€112: I p!an to attend the meetings to discuss Fezon ing PD-1 on December,0;2012. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Neil Zucker 6.Please insert your address. 1859 Broken Bend Dr Follow us. Fac ebcrok Twitter Linkedin • Our Bir; • G bogie+ , You-`Ube lleia: FA(:ic&Tutcrials ° Contact Support uww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=zl ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 Surveylvlonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results ......----------------- --------........ View Summary Default Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 37 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link.) Custom Value: IP Address: errip4/ Response Started: Response Modified: Wednesday,Decernber5,2012 7:25:23 PM Wednesday,December 5,2012 7:37:53 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PDI,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I-.--1-1--.......... ...............- I am opposed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such a deva--ioprnern I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. Larger living space requirement high impact(water,sewer taps) ............... p .............- 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) ........... ---------- M. ------ —------ Compromising of our rural environment Security ..1111...................... ................... ................ ..........1-..._. 1.11...1....._._......._._. 3.Please insert additional comments here ............. ------- I would propose higher tap fees,sewer im pact fees or developers if approved to lessen current burden residents pay for water service. ..................1111 ........................................... ................. 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: ..................­.........._I-1111--l-1-1 ..................... I plan to attend the meetings to discuss rezoning PD-11 on December 10,2012. ............. ...................I--_I-I.-I-- - I 1 11.............. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. -. ---------- RudyRenda 6.Please insert your address. .................. ..............- 804 Copperfield Ct .................. ............. ................. Follow Us: Farebook Tvv'llter a Linkedin a O"Lir Dog • Google+ You ube Hehm i-AOs&Tutorials u --ori-actSuPpod, AboutUs: MianagernentTearn - Boarool'Direrctors - Partners - Newsroom • ContactUs We'reHirinr Sitemap Policies: leans ofUse - Privacy policy - Anti-s-arnpolicy ° security Slatern ent a Enlal!Optoul' mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2110/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results View Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 38 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: lP Address: empbl Response Started: Response Modified: Thursday:December 6,20 12 12:17:44 AM Thursday,December 6,2012 12:18:33 Ate 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), _.. .._ ...... . . ......... I am opposed to any changes in current zon+ng to a]Iow for such a development 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural emironment Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Decreasing propenyvalues Increased population density 3.Please insert additional comments here No Response ............. _. _._._ __._. ....................... ._._. .This rezoning will be discussed and vested upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be present at the Town Council m satin g on December 10,20 12,out I have signed th is petition with'the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on.December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name,Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Jay Patel Sapna Patel ry 6.Please insert your address. 1563 Dove Rd.Wesflake,TX76262(81 7)329-3088 Follo+w Us: Facebook Tat+fitter « Linkedln x Our Biog Googie i Yeu T ube Help: FAQs&Tutorials - Contact Support About Us: Managgerner-t Tearn ° board of D irec C?rs ° Pauners - Newsroom - ContE3ci us Wc"e'l":I'>i"lg siten'iap Policies: Terms ofUse PrivacyPoFcy « Az fi-Sparc Po,ir_.y Secu fvstaten?ent Eimad opt-Out _.ansk Deutsch . English m Eap not - Franca s I" F@no Nededand Norsr, Portugu6s PyccK.,,. Suzami « Svpnska Z�_ fflw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results View Summary Default Report= Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 39 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Nonnal Response tnleb Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: lP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Thursday,December 6,2012 4:30:35 AM Thursday,December 6,2012 4:34:48 MA 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PDI,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sixes less than half an acre), ,. I am in favor of remning to allow Rural Residential homes,with two acre minimum lot size and homes that are a minimum 2,000 square feet of living space I am in favor of rezoning to allow Estate Residential homes,with one acre minimum lot size and homes that are a minimum 1,800 square feet of living space lam opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. ......._.... _ . ...__. .. . ......................._ ............ ._........... ...... 2,My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural envsronment Decreasing property values P,ozdmityto lower income residents ...._.................. _ ... _..._._.__ 3.Please insert additional comments here No Re. sponse 4.This re=aming will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be present at Town Council meeting on December 110,20.2,but I have signed this petition with the intent y of having myopinion considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Deborah A Tews _..,. ......__— ..................... _...... .. ............_ ...... ................. _............ _......... 6.Please insert your address. .._.r.. .., 1602 Creekwood Court Glenwyck Farms ......................_...... ............... ......_._.. _...... .- ........... ............ _._...._......._...__.. Follow Lis: Faceboo}t Ttr„ittcr t_{;,i<ed(n CirR'o< ° Gooq;ex ';ou-, Help: FAQs&7u crisis - Contaa:t Support About Us: :VonagerventTearn - r9oaris of DErecimrs Farlr:ers Newsroom Contact(is - ka%e`re ar€ng - vitemap dww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetai1.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10112 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses s GAnalyze Results € View Summary Default„Report) Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 40 of 58 respondents Drosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link; Custom Value: IR Address: empty 64.1 29.99.138 Response Started: Response Modified: Thursday,December 6,2012 4:49:32 AM Thursday,December 6,2012 4:58:20 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I amt opposed to-an3 change .e... v�. 1 1... s€.current zoning to allow for such a development 2,My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include(check all that apply) ......... ., ,u... C'om prom€s€ng of ourruraI en aronrnant Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy 11.11_ 1111 _ .. 1111_. Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing propertyvalues Increased population density _ 1111 11.11 1111 _ 1111 1111. _ 1111 ProArmlyto lower income residents 3.Please insert additional comments here This type of deveiopmem seems comp.eteiyoutof line with what Westlake is.Westlake needs to keep its character and uniqueness.This development is a slide towards TrophyClublRoanoke and will be an extreme suck on town resources.Gienwyck&Vaquero residents will end up"subsidiong”the additional e;pense needed to support this development because their propertyva€ues will be much lower.Theywill consume more than thew fair share of town services and dilute,the qualityof services currenVyprotiided to Westlake residents. ........1111.. 1111. .. ..._...._._.. _............... __..._..... 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be present atthe mown Council meeting on December 10,2012.but I have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 6,Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Andrew&Robyn Adams ... 1...1.11... ...._....._. ................... 6.Please insert your address. 1802 Copperfield Court,Westlake,TX ww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 112 Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results ------—-------------- ------- ------ View Summary ,-Default Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 41 of58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link Custom Value: IP Address: empty 6831.70.214 Response Started: Response Modified: Thursday,December 6,2012 6:23:34,kM. Thursday,December 6,2012 6:29:40 AMI 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), .......................--................................................................. .............. ............ I am opposed to any changes in currentzoning to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail, I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) ...................... Compromising of our rural environment Security Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing properly values Increased population density .......................... ----------------------- ........... 3.Please insert additional comments here No Response .......... 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: ....................--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------- I cannot be present aithe Town Council meeting on December 10,2012;butt have signed this petition with the intent ofha\i,ng myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012, ---...........1-1--l-I............... ............... ................."...................... 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Jim Billington 6.Please insert your address. 11.1.1-1-11-1.1---1.11..........1-1-1--r-11--l"11 ....................................... .............. .........-............... ......................................................... 1823 Broken Bend Westlake,TX 76262 FollowUs: Facebook. Twitter Linkedin OurBlo.g Gcogie-' YouTube Help: FAQs 'Tutorials a ContadSuppart 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design survey Collect Responses zJ>Analyze Results View Surnmary Default Report 17 Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 42 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: €R Address: empty 12.239.21 1.34 Response Started: Response Modi led: Thursday;December 6,2012 10:03:18 AM. Thursday December 6,2012 10:12:41 4A 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sixes less than half an acre), lam in favor of rezoning to allow Estate Residential homes,vah one acre minimum lot size and homes that are a minimum 1,800 square feet ofliune space I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow:for an apartment opportunity. 2.fitly biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) , Traffic congestion Decreasing propertyvalues Increased popuiation density 3.Please insert additional comments here -------_----- ... _ ..w Whatattracts me and others to Westlake is the relative high quaiityofthe neighborhoods.Obriouslyallowing snail lots,small houses,apartments and retail will deteriorate from what is presently prevalent.I'm shocked this is seriouslybeing considered, 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent'Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be presentat the Town;Council meeting on December 10.2012,but I have signed this petition a th the intent of hang myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 6.Please insert name,dote that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Jim Krause 6.Please insert your address. ... ..... :651 Creekw.00d Ct Westlake Texas 76262 Follow Us: raceboaK > ivvi;?er s Lr2ke,..n Ot:r :.>e ° Goog,e+ ° :<,,...:,e Help: FAQs&TL odals Conti ct Support About Us: P° agement' a r 4 Board of Directors ° Partners . N e wsmom • Contact us ° WVre Kning sitemap ✓ww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetaiI aspx?sm=z1ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses 4 AAnalyze ResultsF View Surnmary Default Report : Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 43 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response 'Web;rink Share Responses (web Link) Custom value: iP,address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Thursday;December 6,2412 12:32:39 PM Thursday,December 6,2012 12:35:47 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on Pot sizes less than half an acre), ... ..... .... ._. . .... — .............. I am opposed to any changes in cu rrent 2oni n g to allow for such a development lam in favor of rezoning to allow Rural Residential homes,with two acre minimum lot size and homes that are a minimum 2,000 square feet of living space I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural environment Security Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density Proximityto lower income residents 3.Please insert additional casements here No Response 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be present a.the Town Council meeting on December 10,20^2,but€have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name.Notre that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. .....,... _� PatiyKrausa 6.Please insert your address. 601 Creekwood Ct.Westlake,Tx 76262 Avw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetai1.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analvze Results ----------- --------- ...................................... View Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 44 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (14%le b Link) Custom Value: IP Address: emptl 76.199.251254 Response Started: Response Modified: Thursday.,December 6,2012 1:55:44 PM. Thursday,December 6,2012 1:58:11 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), ......................-.......... I am opposed to anychanges in currentzoning to allow forsuch a development 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) ..............--............................................................... Compromising of our rural environment Security Traffic congestion Decreasing propertyvalues Increased population density .................... 3.Please insert additional comments here -------------------- ------------ -------------------------------.................. --------------------- ................. No Response 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I cannot be preseni-at the Town Council meeting on December 10.2012,but!have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name,Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. -------------- ------------ ............ Andrew J Cottingham 6.Please insert your address. 803 Copperfi aid c-t.Wesbake,tx 76262 ................. ............. Follow Us: Facebook 9 T,wZtter • Linkedin - Our Bk)g • Google+ youT be Help: F'AQs&Tutorials ConlacSupport About Us: !,MnagerneniTearn • Board of Directors Partners Newsroom - Contcictl-,s • &16map Policies: 'Perms o,Use , privacypolicy • Anl;-Spam Policy - Security sl&temenl a Tala.;tl Op'-.O ul ✓ w.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetaii.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results ---------- .............. View Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 45 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address empty Response Started: Response Modified: Thursday.,December 6,2012 3:07:31 PM Thursday,December 6,20012 3:12:30 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PDI,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), 1-1 11 11----- .................---I-----".-"-'.- '-. ............-.............................---- '-,......---, ,lam opposed to anychanges in currentzoning to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. ..............- .-.......... .................- 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural emironment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density ProAm4to lower income residents ..............I..............-............................................-1-1-1- .................. ............. ................................... ........................... ........... .......... 3.Please insert additional comments here -........... ................... ............... No Response ........... .......... 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: .....................- I cannot be present at.he-lown Council meeting on December 10,20!2,but[have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered byttie Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. -................ -.--.-................................- .....................--- ---- -..................................-.................... 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. ............... Susan K.Fontanes ----------- 6.Please insert your address. .................... 1845 Broken Bend Drive ---1--1---1- -.......... ...........- miw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G.. 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses s Analyze Results View Summary Default Report'41 Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 46&58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: emply 68.71.701.214 Response Started: Response Modified: Thursday,December 6,2012 6:20:15 Pitt Thursday,December 6,2012 6:21:49 Plvi 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), ........... ................................... I am opposed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such a developm ent. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. [am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. .............. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include(check all that apply) Compromising of our rural environment Security Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density 3.Please insert additional comments here ................ No Response 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: ------------__-- -------------_-------- I cannot be present at the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but 1 have signed this petit!on,"idth the intent of having my opinion considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council or December 10,2012. ................ ............... ............ .... 6.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. 14,Aomca Billington ----------- ------ 6.Please insert your address. ....................­­............. .......................... .............. ........................ 1823 Broken Bend Westlake,TX 76262 ­­­­111111............... ............... Follow,Us: Facpbook. Twitter Linkedin - OurBlog Googie-€ `bu"`ube Help: RAQs&lutonals - Contact Support mwv.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 ��.m;;.<aw:ls,.m.�w.,.a•.vw,rN,n.,excw3 Community Design survey Collect Responses Analyze Results View Summary Default Report Drowse responses Filter Responses Displaying 47 of 58 respondents rosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: iP Address: empty 65.16916:3.131 Response started: Response Modified: Saturday,December 8,2012 11:10:37 AM Saturday,December 8,2012 11:14:01 AM 9.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), _ __...�._ ......_......._.. I am opposed to any changes in currentzoning to allow for such a development I am in favor of rezoning to allow Rural Residential homes.wiih two acre minimum lot size and homes that are a minimum 2,000 square feet of living space I am in favor of rezoning to allow Estate Residential homes;with one acre minimum lot size and homes that area minimum 1,800 square feet of living space I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural environment Security Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing properlyvalues_ 3.Please insert additional comments here No Pe�. sponse 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I c annot be present at the Town Council meeting �et ti t h_, g on December 10,2012,tautl have signed this petition with the intent of hat„ng myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 14,2012. __..__.._ _._ 5.Please insert name.dote that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Del Younglas 6.Please insert your address. 13345 Thrton Dr Wes tiake TX 76262 Follow Lis: Facebook T iMier Linkedin • Our Biog Google r - yot€Tube 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses i�v Analyze Results View Summary Default Report : Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 48 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: lP Address: empty 66.182220.68 Response Started: Response Modred: Saturday,December 8,2012 2:54:17 PM Saturday,December 8:2012 2:57:05 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail;office,small tract homes on lot sues less than half an acre), _... ..... .. __._.._ . . .. .,........ 1 am opposed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such a develops lent 1 am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.illy biggest concerns regarding this proposed development Include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural environment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values 3.Please insert additional comments here No Response __....... ._._.......... ... __ _....... 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: ....... . . 1 cannot be present a.the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,butt have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinlon considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please Insert name.Dote that Inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be Included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Natasha&Dan Ganesh 6.Please Insert your address. 1620 Fair Oaks Ct.Westlake; ,X76262 Follow Us: Facebonk T ifter Linkedin Our Blog > Googler x YoLrTui-be Help: i=AQF&I il-torials ° Contact Support N m.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results�� sew Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 49 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom value: IP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Saturday,December 8,2012 9:34:40 PM Saturday,December 8,2012.9:35:57 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail;office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than halt an acre), I am opposed to any changes in currentzoning to allow for such a del lopment 2,My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural environment Security Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing propertyvalues ........ ... ............. ....... ..... ........... 3.please insert additional comments here r -- _........... No Response 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the [Manning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: I Gannet _�7 r� �.,.•T.. _�•.� s. �,,�•, �•_. — – a� �,�, ,m M. be present at the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but I have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 1111....__.. a.Please insert name.Dote that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. - — .. • Carl Wiese 6.Please insert your address. ..r _ _. 1847 Broken Bend DR Westlake,TX 76262 Follows Us: P a:,ebook Twitter Linke €n • Our e ioc • aoog e+ • Yoi:Tube Help: FAQs&Tutorials • Coniact Support About Us: Nlarnagem rt T earn - Board of Directors Partners • Newsrooir, • Coraact Uss . We're Hiring • Siterriap Policies: terms ofuse Privacy>Polic,; _ } ht€-Sp;;m€'',}iicy Security Statement Email Opt-Out mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetai1.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses AnalyzeRpsults View Summary Default Report la.71 Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 50 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empty 6831.7574 Response Started: Response Modified: Sunday,December 9,2012 5:43:38 P&I Sunday,December 9,2012 5:45:50 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I am opposed to anychanges in currentzoning to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am o,Dposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural enVi ron m ent Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and tire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density Proximityto lower income residents .............. 3.Please insert additional comments here .................. ...... NG Response 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: ........... ........................ ......... I cannot be present at Ill e I-own Council meeting an December 10,2012,but 1 haves J a n ed this petition*ith.the intent of having my opinion considered by the Planning and Zon ing Corti in is s in n and Town Council on December 10,2012. ............................. ................ 1.------I................. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Debra AiNiese 11-1-1--l—............. 6.Please insert your address. ............ ................. ........... .............. 1847 Broken Bend Drive Westlake, X 76252 ............................. .......................... wm.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspa?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results ............. View Summary Default Report 17<� Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 51 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Sunday,December 9:2012 6:34:06AN4 Sunday,December 9,2012 6:37:29 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PDI,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), ............. ................ ............ I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) .................... ...... Compromising of our rural environment Security Traffic congestion 3.Please insert additional comments here ... . 11-I.......... ........... ...................... ................ ............. .............. No Response .. ---.......... ............. 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: 1,11-11 ,............ ........... I cannot be present a',the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but I have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered byth-e Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012, -1--1-1-1-1-1.-1-1-1- -1-1.1.............. .................. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Kate Wiese .......................- ............... 6.Please insert your address. 1847 Broken Send Drive Westlake,TX 76262 Follow,Us: Facebook Twister 'Unkedin • OurBiog - Google+ - Yozi—".Ibe Help: FAQs-&Tutorialrs Contact Support About Us: N4arFgement SoardofDirecllnrs = Partners Newsroom- Can ract Us LNe'reHiring Sitemao Policies: Terms oI Use PrivacyOol:r;"' Anti-Soarnpoijcy EmaiiOPIO'ut Dansk Deutsch English Esoai�ni Franey,as 01--O� ftallano Nederiands NorFk Portugu6s P�rc�uw Suomi Soenska Awv.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetaii.asp)<?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses K, AnalyzeResults .................. View Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 52 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Oink; Custom Value: IP Address: empty Response Started: Response Modified: Sunday,December 9:2012 7:09:31 AM Sunday,December 9,2012 7:12:14 MO 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PDI,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I am opposed to anychanges in currentzoning to allow for such a development I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Secufty Overcrowding Of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Decreasing property values ................................... 3.Please insert additional comments here No Response 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: ---------- I cannotbe present atlhe Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but I have signed this p etition with the intent of having rnyopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. ........... ...... ....... michelle granlield .................................................... -------................ 6.Please insert your address. 1827 broken bend drive westlake tx76262 ­­­'........... ........... ............ Follow Us: Facebook • T�,,fitter • Unkedin • Our Bloc; - Guogle+ - You Ube Help: FAIQs&Tutorials Contact Support Abou'Lls: t0anagernzentTeann - Board of Directors Partners • Newsroom m Cordacl:Us a LNe're.Hring - Siternap Policies: IemnsofUse PrivacyPohcv ° Anli-Spam Poiic,,,, , SecuritySlaterrient • Email Opt-Out ✓ww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQDQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses i Analyze Results I —-------------........... ............ --------- -------------- View Summary Default Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 53 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: empty 69.140.87,106 Response Started: Response Modified: Sunday,December 9,2012 7:13:56 AM Sunday,December 9,2012 7:16:08 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), I am opposed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such a development 1111111111. 11111............... 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include(check all that apply) —---_.....u.-------------------- ...........m. ................. Compromising of our rural eriAronment Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density Prommityto lower income residents 3.Please insert additional comments here .......... No Response .................... 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: ---------------------- I cannot be present atthe Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but I have signed this petition with the intent of having rnyopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. I............1.111.1-.1.1-I.-I ........... 5,Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. AbbyWiese 6.Please insert your address. .................. ........................-.................... ....... 1847 Broken Bend Drive Westlake,TX76262 Follow Us: Facpbook Twitter Linkedln - Our Biog - Googie' Help: FAQsU*utonals - Contact Si z pp A&w.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.asp)<?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 Community Design Survey Collect Responses ;` Analyze Results € View Summary Default Report; Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 54 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (web Link) Custom Value: IP Address: em ply Response Started: Response Modred: Sunday,December 9,2012 12:17:29 PM Sunday,December 9,2.012 12:22:50 PM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), __.�............. ........... _M. . I am in favor of rezoning to allow Rural Residential homes,with two acre minimum lot size and homes hat are a minimum 2,000 square feet of ibo 3g space I am in favor of rezoning to allow Estate Residential homes,with one acre minimum lot size and homes thatare a minimum 1,800 square feet ofINng space I am opposed to rezoning to allow for retail. I am opposed to rezoning to allow for an apartment opportunity. 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Security Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Additional burden or police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing property values Proximityto lower income residents __.... ................ . ........_......_., _.._....... 3.Please insert additional comments here _ _ MJyhusband and 1 are verydisappointed that rezoning is being considered for small lots,and especial yfor apartment opportunity and!or retail.We feel VERY strongly about these issues. 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: . _ _ �. I cannot be present atthe Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but I have signed this petition with the intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. ..W. ..............._..._. ..._.. .. ... ...... .... .._.. ,.. _ Lisa Krieser __............ .._............ ._...._.._.._... _......_.........................--_... __........ 6.Please insert your address. �.................._,_............... ._........... 62' l=air Oaks Court Westlake,TX 76262 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses e Analyze Results View Summary Sum€1 ary Default Report 4 Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 55 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Snare Responses (Web Link` Custom Value: lP Address: em phj Response Started: Response Modified: Monday,December 10,2012 6:25:33 NO Mcinday,Decernber 10,2€312 6:38:32 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on Oat sizes less than half an acre), _,_. ._1. ... . ............................... lam opposed to any changes in current zonir,g to allow for such a development 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) �..._ Compromising of our rural environment Security Additional burden on police and fire resources Tragic congestion Decreasing property values Increased population density _.. 1111.... ......... _11.11__ _..._........ 3.Please insert additional comments here _. -------- --------------... -._t.. . .._.�_. I have sent several emails to the Town Council members already.I am deeply concerned that this matter is seemingly being rushed through without properly addressing the community.Amatter of this importance should be addressed to the citizens of the Town of Westlake and not decided upon bya few members of the Town Council. 1...11...1.._... __...11.11 _.. ._..... __............ _.............. .................................... 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December lit,2012: I plan to attend the meetings to discuss rezoning PD-1 on December 14,2012. ---...................................I 1111..........._._ .... .............. ....1.111... .._1111.. ..._....._..._ .........._........... ....... .............. . s.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Jonathan C.Endter 6.Please insert your address. ........ 821 Broken Bend Dr Westlake,TX 76262 1111........... ........ 1111._..__. ...__...__..... ....._......... .................. ............... ................. ................ ................. .........1-...... ..................._.......... Follow Us: Facebook TwMer a Unkedln - U'Fr Bloo . Goog e+ a You-Fr-be Help: FAQ#s&Tutonals Con°ct Suppiirt About Us: Management "eam = Board of Directors a Partners ^ E le't�+sr oon, e Contact!.s a .tre're Hi;ino • Sitemap mw.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results View Summary Default Report FE Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 56 of 58 respondents Drosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector. Normal Response "'so Link Share Responses (`lUeb Link) Custom value: 1P Address: empty Response Started: Response,Modified: Monday,December 10,2012 7:05:40 AM Monday,December 10,2012 7:10:31 4M 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract horses on lot sizes less than half an acre), I am opposed to anychanges in currentzoning to allow forsuch a development 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Comprom of ourrura! � ..<,P, , . ,"-. - 7.. .x ... p g en nronment Security Additional burden on police and fire resources Traffic congestion Decreasing propertyvalues Increased population..................... ....... . ......... . ...._........... ._..................................._.. _._.... ._._._..._. .............. ..........._..._...... ... .............. 3.Please insert additional comments here No Response 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December iii,2012: I cannot be present at the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but I have signed this petition with the Intent of having myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included With your survey responses and Will be delivered to Westlake'Gown Council. _...._�w_. ,..,, ..,. ...................., ,,w_ ., Matthew Ryan Endter 6.Please insert your address. w_ _ W__. _ ._ _....... ...................... . .. ... 1821 Broken Bend Drive,Westlake,TX,76262 ..._._.. ........... ...................._........_.._... .......................... ............ _. ............._.. Follow Lis: Face.book Twitter Linkedin - Our Biog , Googie+ YouTtsbe Help: FAQs&Tutorials ° Contact S uppon About Us: L;anagement Tearn • Board of Directors , Partners -Ne,vsroom , Contact Us WeYc Hi ing - Site lap Avw.surveymonkey.com/MySu rvey_ResponsesDetail.asp)Osm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeRPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses i aAnalyze Results ....,.,_._.,.e .._.__._..__ -,...._..._._, ..._._.....___.._....._....._.n.,__._._..__. .._..._,...,._._ ...�.�__..._._..._..._...._..�._._....____ _.__. __.._._..__.__�.�...._._.� i._ View Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 57 of 58 respondents Crosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Lnfeb Link Share Responses (web Link) Custom Value: iR Address: emphr Response Started: Response Modified: Nfonday,December 10,2012 9:55:22 ANI Monday,December 10,2012 9:56:39 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PD1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,small tract homes on lot sizes less than half an acre), ....,...._ _..,._. .. ., I am opposed to any changes in current zoning to allow for such a development 2.ley biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include (check all that apply) Compromising of our rural environment Traffic congestion Decreasing properyvalues Increased population density 3.Please insert additional comments here No Response .. _.._... .................. _....._.._.__ 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the Planning and,Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2€112: I cannot be present a the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,but I have signed this petition with the intent of ha Ang myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council on December 10,2012. 5.Please insert name.Dote that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Brent Gabriel 6.Please insert your address. 1625 Trace Bella Follow fist racebook Tw'iter Lini;edln . Our Blog • Goog?e, A YouTUbe Help: F;AQs&Turbhals ^ ConW.ct5i.ppmc About Us: IManagernentTearn < Board of Directors • Partners - Netnarcorn • Contact Us , We`re Hiring sitemap Policies: Terms of Use > Privacy?olicy a AntLs any po€icy Security Statements Email opt-Out ansk Deutsch E-Osh. Es panol - F ran,a _--tN, ltalsano Nederland Norsk PorWgrtds m Pycca.46' Suomi Svcr;ska r 0,' } nww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 1/2 2/10/12 SurveyMonkey-Survey Results Community Design Survey Collect Responses £ Analyze Results View Summary Default Report Browse Responses Filter Responses Displaying 58 of 58 respondents rosstab Responses Download Responses Response Type: Collector: Normal Response Web Link Share Responses (Web Link) Custom value: iF Address: emptl Response Started: Response Modified: Monday,Decern bar 10,2012 10:03:01 AM Monday,December 10,2012 10:04:01 AM 1.With respect to the proposed development in Westlake,PO1,that would allow for a mixed use development(retail,office,shall tract homes on lot sues less than half an acre), ............... ............-.-- ..,_... .... I am opposed to any changes€n current zoning to allow for such a development 2.My biggest concerns regarding this proposed development include(check all that apply) ....... ....._.._...,u ._ .h ,_ . ,.. Compromising of our rural environment Overcrowding of Westlake Academy Traffic congestion Decreasing propertyvaiues Increased population density Prordm%,to lower income residents 3.Please insert additional comments here ,M.__. .__. No Response 4.This rezoning will be discussed and voted upon at the planning and Zoning Commission and subsequent Town Council meetings on December 10,2012: e ...._. ..... ._.. .. .......... ...... ..� I cannot be presen,at the Town Council meeting on December 10,2012,butt have signed this petition with the intent of haming myopinion considered bythe Planning and Zoning Commission and;awn Council or.December 10,2012. 5,please insert name.Note that inserting your name indicates you are signing this petition with the answers you have indicated.Your name will be included with your survey responses and will be delivered to Westlake Town Council. Leah Kay Gabriel 6.Please insert your address. _111,1 ...... ..__..... ____ __. __ .._ 1625 Trace Bella Westlake 1-... ... ......._. ..1_.111._._... ...- ......1111. ... 1111 ... .. .. .......................... Follow Lis: Facebook e Twitters Linked{n e Our Dog 9 Googlef , "ouTcbe Heip: F-AGs&Tutorials • Comact Support About Us: Mariaceme t Team a Board of Directors A Parine€s m Newsroom . Contact Us �,N&e Hinn^ s tc. ap vww.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_ResponsesDetail.aspx?sm=z1 ngcJD%2bsFGOeAPBcQOQf68G... 112