HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-31-11 PZ Agenda Packet TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA January 31, 2011 6:00 pm WESTLAKE TOWN HALL 3 VILLAGE CIRCLE, 2ND FLOOR COUNCIL CHAMBERS / MUNICIPAL COURT ROOM 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON NOVEMBER 29, 2010. 3. PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF AN APPLICATION FOR A GAS WELL PAD SITE SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE PD-1 ZONING DISTRICT OWNED BY MAGUIRE PARTNERS-SOLANA LTD., LOT 1R1, BLOCK 2, WESTLAKE/SOUTHLAKE PARK #1, REFERRED TO AS MAGUIRE PAD B GENERALLY LOCATED AT 1850 SAM SCHOOL ROAD. 4. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, Suite 202, Westlake, Texas, 76262, on January 26, 2011, by 5:00 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. _____________________________________ Kelly Edwards, TRMC, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. P&Z Minutes Page 1 of 4 MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING November 29, 2010 PRESENT: Chairman Bill Greenwood and Commissioners Allen Heath, Sharon Sanden and Wayne Stoltenberg. ABSENT: Walter Copeland OTHERS PRESENT: Planning and Development Director Eddie Edwards and Town Secretary Kelly Edwards, Senior Administrative Assistant Trish Landers, Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry, and Court Administrator Amanda DeGan. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Greenwood called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. 1. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER 25, 2010. MOTION: Commissioner Sanden made a motion to approve the minutes with revisions as discussed. Commissioner Heath seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. P&Z Minutes Page 2 of 4 2. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FOR THE PROPERTY ADDRESSED 2301 HWY 377, A LOT 1, BLOCK 1, ZONED PD3-11, TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CONVENIENCE STORE / GAS STATION. Planning and Development Director Edwards provided a presentation and overview of the site plan. He stated that QuikTrip plans to build a new proto-type store at this location with side entrances, single pumps, and new signage. Director Edwards also provided an overview of the South entrance to the building off of S.H. 170. Discussion ensued regarding the request for a deviation of the landscaping requirements and the lighting requirements. QuikTrip has requested for additional lighting within gas canopy for safety reasons. QuikTrip intends to provide the number of trees required by ordinance. Any trees that are not planted on the property will be provided to the Town for reallocation. Jake Petra, QuickTrip Corporation, 1120 N. Industrial Blvd, Euless provided an overview of the new building design which is due to architectural design requirements by cities and their customers. He also stated that re-fueling will take place at night, site grading will take 6-8 weeks and construction should take 24 to 26 wks from start to finish. Chairman Greenwood opened the public hearing. No one addressed the commission. Commissioner Stoltenberg made a motion to close the public hearing. Commissioner Sanden seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. MOTION: Commissioner Heath made a motion to recommend approval of the a site plan for a planned development for the property addressed 2301 Hwy. 377, Lot 1, Block 1, zoned PD 3-11, to allow for the construction of a convenience store / gas station (QuikTrip) contingent upon that all luminaries will be shielded to comply with the Town’s outdoor lighting requirements, a trash receptacle shall be placed near each customer entrance, that the speakers at the pumps will not be used for continuous advertising and the volume set below the ambient noise level at the property line, trash receptacles must be of a design compatible with the architecture of the building, a monument sign placed at the corner of the lot nearest the intersection of Hwy 170 and Hwy 377 used solely to identify the shopping center as Westlake Corners may be installed by the owner; such sign will not be counted against the number of monument signs allowed on this lot or other lots in the subdivision, the allowance of a second monument sign advertising the convenience store on this lot shall not count against the total number of monument signs allowed on any other lot in this subdivision and the elimination of a curb along the sidewalk and the addition of bollards shall only be allowed if satisfactory evidence is presented to town staff showing that this design is mandated P&Z Minutes Page 3 of 4 by state or federal jurisdictions. Commissioner Sanden seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 3. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FOR THE PROPERTY ADDRESSED 2341 HWY 377, LOT 2 BLOCK 1 OF THE WESTLAKE CORNERS NORTH SUBDIVISION, ZONED PD3-11, TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A LIQUOR STORE. Planning and Development Director Edwards provided a presentation and overview of the site plan. He stated that the monument signed must be setback to at least 10’ feet from the property line. Discussion ensued regarding the variance to the articulation to the building requirements and options to break up the roof line on the North wall. John Dickerson, 8333 Douglas, Dallas, said the tenant did pass up a location in Colleyville and is excited to be in Westlake at this location. Chairman Greenwood opened the public hearing. No one addressed the commission. Commissioner Stoltenberg made a motion to close the public hearing. Commissioner Sanden seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. MOTION: Commissioner Stoltenberg made a motion to recommend approval of a site plan for a planned development for the property addressed 2341 Hwy. 377, Lot 2 Block 1 of the Westlake Corners subdivision, zoned PD 3- 11, to allow for the construction of a liquor store contingent upon the applicant providing a lighting plan that is compliant with the relevant ordinances, , that the monument sign will need to a minimum of 10’ feet setback from the property line, landscaping shall continue along the North side of the structure and a building articulation continuing along the North side of the structure as per the exhibit presented. Commissioner Heath seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. P&Z Minutes Page 4 of 4 4. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Greenwood asked for a motion to adjourn. MOTION: Commissioner Stoltenberg made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Heath seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. Chairman Greenwood adjourned the meeting at 7:52 p.m. APPROVED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ON THE 31st DAY OF JANUARY, 2011. ________________________________ William E. Greenwood, Chairman ATTEST: _____________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Town Secretary Page 1 of 2 Memo Town of Westlake To: Chairman and Commissioners From: Eddie Edwards, Director of Planning and Development Subject: Special Called Meeting of January 31, 2011 Date: January 24, 2011 Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Gas Well Pad Site (GWPS). Range Resources Pad B, 1850 Sam School Road. ITEM VISION POINT AND KEY RESULT AREAS This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas:  Inviting Residential & Corporate neighborhoods o On-going comprehensive planning o Sensitivity to neighborhood integrity o Outstanding community appearance o Highest quality development and aesthetic standards o Open space preservation  We are Leaders o Environmental stewardship initiatives o High quality services delivery coupled with financial stewardships o Infrastructure maintenance and planning The applicant desires to drill a series of wells to access the gas under the subject property and the properties nearby. A Specific Use Permit authorizing and setting specific requirements for a Gas Well Pad Site is a prerequisite to obtaining a Gas Well Pad Site Permit. A Gas Well Pad Site must be permitted, established, inspected and approved prior to the issuance of a Gas Well Permit. A Gas Well Permit is required prior to drilling a gas well. This GWPS SUP is the first regulatory step in the drilling and production processes in the Town of Westlake. BACKGROUND Funding for the regulation, inspection, and monitoring of gas drilling and delivery operations are covered entirely by fees charged to the Operator of the Gas Well Pad Site. FUNDING Page 2 of 2 Staff recommends approval of the SUP subject to the conditions and recommendations contained in the Staff Report. RECOMMENDATION Ordinance ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report SUP and GWPS application (will be provided under separate cover) 1 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TX STAFF REPORT TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION & TOWN COUNCIL I. CASE INFORMATION Case No(s): SUP-12-02-2010 Date: 1/24/2011 Request: Approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Rural Gas Well Pad Site, referred to as Maguire Pad B. Submitted as informational items: Gas Well Pad Site (GWPS) Permit Application (Gas Well Pad Site Permits and Gas Well Permits are approved administratively after the SUP is approved by Town Council. The GWPS permit is included in the packet as an informational item only but may be referenced in a motion for approval.) Lease Name: Maguire B Unit on Maguire South pad. Location: 1850 Sam School Road. The subject property is located between Sam School Road and Hwy. 114, south of the Marriott hotel. Property Owner: Maguire Partners Developer/Operator: Range Production Company Zoning: PD - 1 Proposed Use(s): Rural Gas Well Pad Site (rural >1000 feet). By ordinance, a Rural Gas Well Pad Site contains a Drill Zone that is located more than 1,000 feet from a Protected Use at the time of the filing of a Gas Well Pad Site Permit application. By ordinance, a Protected Use is defined as a habitable structure, Religious Institution, Public Building, Healthcare Facility, School or Public Park (note: parks do not include trails and the trail near this proposed GWPS is a private trail). This term does not apply to accessory building, garages, hangars, or storage buildings. The applicant intends to develop the site to drill an unknown number of gas wells. Phasing: At this time, only one (1) well will be drilled and data gathered to determine the optimum number of wells to be drilled in the future for this site, i.e. - The initial gas well on this pad site will be one of possibly several drilled over time (time period not determined).The applicant is submitting a Gas Well Pad Site SUP application for 2 approval and concurrently submitted for administrative review, the related Gas Well Pad Site Permit application. The SUP submittal includes a Site Plan outlining all equipment and vehicle parking and storage areas to be used in the drilling phase and a Site Plan showing all equipment and parking areas to be used in the production phase. (See attached site plan, Exhibit T from the GWPS application). If this SUP application is approved, this would also amend the PD Site Plan for the existing PD-1 zoning district. The Town’s official records reflecting this Gas Well Pad Site, its access routes, and any other conditions of the SUP (if approved) may impact future PD-1 zoning district development in and around this pad site. II. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (Staff recommends approval of the Gas Well Pad Site SUP for the Maguire B Unit Pad, located in the PD-1 zoning district, subject to the following comments, stipulations, and/ or conditions: 1. Platting The applicant represents that all conditions of zoning for PD-1 that affect the GWPS site plan and platting for this property have been met. However, the parcel included in the SUP application, on which the GWPS will be located, is not currently platted. The applicant has stated that this parcel will not be sold nor sub-divided; but only leased from the surface owner. We are advised that this is not an uncommon practice in the natural gas industry and that other area municipalities allow Gas Well Pad Sites to be permitted on unplatted property. To prevent any possible future subdivision of the parent tract from the SUP tract which will contain the GWPS, this status as non-subdivided property will be researched and reviewed during the annual renewal process for the GWPS and Gas Well permits. If there is any change of ownership or division of property within each one year permit time period, the GWPS tract must be re-platted to reflect this change of ownership and subdivision of property. 2. Traffic Management Plan Primary access to the proposed site will be off of Sam School Road and Solana Blvd. See attached Exhibit A from the SUP application). A separate road maintenance agreement between the Operator and the Town of Westlake for access and use of public right-of-way by the Operator is required prior to issuance of a Gas Well Pad Site permit. 3 3. Structures and Protected Uses within 1,000’ The proposed GWPS meets the setback requirements of a Rural GWPS. (As shown in Exhibit B from the SUP application). A list of all property owners and their addresses has been provided by the applicant as required by ordinance. There are no Westlake properties containing a Protected Use within 1,000 feet of proposed Drill Zone. There is a Protected Use located in Tarrant County but outside the Town of Westlake and Southlake borders. It is 890’ from the Drill Zone. Staff has contacted this property owner and they have no objections to the location of the GWPS. The proposed GWPS is located in close proximity to the border of Southlake and some Southlake roadways but they are no longer included in the Traffic Management Plan. There are no Protected Uses in Southlake that are within 1,000 feet of the Drill Zone. (While the Town does not have the authority to enforce Westlake zoning requirements relative to development in Southlake, as a courtesy, staff has sent a copy of this staff report to Southlake staff for dissemination to their citizens, if they wish to do so). 4. Private Road/ Driveway for access to the Gas Well Pad Site. The applicant has shown a cross section of the roadway to consist of 6” of reclaimed asphalt over 6” of lime stabilized subgrade (show n in attached Exhibit C from the SUP application). The first 50 feet of the private roadway from the edge of Sam School Road must be constructed of concrete or other Town approved paving surface. Additionally, as stated in the 2006 International Fire Code , since this private access road will also be the fire apparatus road for the GWPS, it shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to provide all weather driving capabilities at all times. The drive approach must be constructed as a permanent approach with a concrete culvert and stone or masonry faced headwalls. 5. Location of Vehicle Parking and Storage Areas. Parking and storage areas are provided as required. (Shown on the attached Exhibit D from the SUP application). 6. Water Source and Other Public Utilities/ 4 Water will be obtained from nearby fire hydrants and conveyed through temporary water lines laid on the surface and in culverts for road crossings. See Exhibits E & F 7. Water Storage Facilities Including On-site Retention Ponds No on-site water storage facilities are proposed. The applicant has indicated that they will obtain all water for this Gas Well Pad Site from the Town of Westlake, to the extent that the Town can provide it. 8. One Hundred (100) Year Flood Plain No portion of the proposed Gas Well Pad Site is located within the One Hundred (100) Year Flood Plain. 9. Grading and Drainage / Erosion Control The applicant’s submitted site plan shows no on-site detention or retention. The increase in run-off caused by the installation of compacted materials in the Gas Well Pad Site area will result in an increase of approximately 5cfs, which should not have any negative impact on adjacent properties. The application shows maximum slopes of 2:1 which exceed the ordinance limitation of 3:1. The applicant has indicated that this steeper slope not only preserves trees but is needed in order to contain the land disturbance within the area allowed by their lease. Staff is recommending that native or dark colored rock or other approved material be utilized to adequately address erosion and maintenance concerns. This installation is to be approved by town staff. Erosion control materials for the GWPS development process will be field approved after installation. Installation of erosion control systems will be in accordance with recognized industry standards and practices. 10. Screening and Landscape Plan (see attached Exhibit I from the SUP application). This SUP submittal is based on this site being classified as a Rural Gas Well Pad Site (GWPS) as mentioned above in the Proposed Use section of this staff report. The regulating ordinance provides that Rural Gas Well Pad Sites may be allowed to delay all or part of its landscape and screening wall installation as approved by the Town Council provided a specific time schedule is established and approved as a part of the Specific Use Permit application. Further, while if screening is required, it can be approved by the Town Council (as a part of the SUP) as wrought iron with masonry columns, which the applicant has proposed. Also, the landscape and screening wall installation for a 5 Rural GWPS can be required immediately by the Town upon the Final Platting or issuance of a building permit for a Protected Use located on any property within the setback requirements for High Impact or Urban Gas Well Pad Sites. For the Drilling phase, the applicant has proposed installing a temporary chain link perimeter fence with all weather screening for a period not to exceed one year after completion of the first well. No additional landscaping is proposed during this time frame. Upon expiration of one year after completion of the first well, the applicant proposes installing a wrought iron fence with masonry columns and twenty-seven additional trees to serve as their permanent landscape and screening. The applicant is of the opinion that the location of this GWPS, situated among the large grove of existing trees and at a ground elevation significantly higher than the highway, will be better hidden from view by the installation of the less obtrusive wrought iron fence along with the strategic installation of twenty-seven additional trees, than by the installation of the masonry fence and layered landscape plan as detailed in the ordinance. It is the applicant’s desire that this level of landscape be approved as the final landscape and screening plan even if development occurs within 1,000 feet of the Drill Zone. Staff understands that the operator has entered into an agreement with the property owner to plant additional trees as necessary to screen the site from view as seen from Hwy 114. Staff recommends that these additional trees to be planted be required as part of this SUP, however, planting can be delayed to sometime prior to issuance of the first Gas Well permit. This will allow time for the GWPS to be developed and a field assessment to be made to determine the screening needs, prior to planting the trees. For the initial Drilling phase there will be no fencing around the site as there will be personnel on location 24 dours per day during the drilling and completion operations.. The applicant shall install a temporary chain link fence with all- weather screening around the perimeter of the site immediately following the completion of the first well. The temporary fence may remain for a period not to exceed one year after completion of the first well. Upon expiration of the above time frame, not to exceed one year after completion of the first well, the applicant shall install a wrought iron fence with masonry columns and the additional trees, as shown in the plans provided with the GWPS application, to serve as their permanent landscape and screening. 11. Tree preservation and Mitigation Plan The applicant has submitted a tree preservation/mitigation plan (see attached Exhibit J from the SUP application). The tree mitigation plan provided does 6 not meet all of the mitigation requirements as established in the Town of Westlake code of Ordinances Section 98-48, Tree Replacement Requirements. However, the operator and town staff have worked out an accompanying tree mitigation agreement in which the operator will pay to the Town of Westlake $300,000 to be placed in the Reforestation Fund. The operator will pay $175,000 upon issuance of the Gas Well Pad Site Permit and first Gas Well Permit, $75,000 upon the issuance of the second Gas Well Permit, and $50,000 upon issuance of the third Gas Well Permit. The above stated fees are in lieu of planting replacement trees on site on a caliper inch per caliper inch basis. The Reforestation Fund may be used to cover costs associated with planting, maintaining, or preserving trees anywhere within the town. Staff feels that the tree reforestation fund contribution will be of greater benefit to Town of Westlake overall than the replanting of additional trees on this heavily wooded site. 12. Site Security Plan The applicant has submitted a site security plan (see attached Exhibit K from the SUP application). The site will be occupied 24 hours a day until the first well is completed. Following the completion of the first well, the applicant is proposing a temporary chain link fence with all-weather screening around the entire GWPS until the site is fully drilled or one year following completion of the first well, at which time a permanent fence will be installed. Applicant shall provide Knox locks for all gates. 13. Noise Management Plan The applicant submitted an exhibit from The Environmental and Natural Resources Group, Inc. (see attached Exhibit L from the SUP application). The exhibit shows the ambient noise levels as measured at various times and calculated or recorded in various methods to establish the pre-drilling sound levels observed at the site. The applicant does not anticipate that the site will be in close enough in proximity to adjacent uses to warrant the use of any noise mitigation, but they are prepared to install and use them if the measured levels exceed those outlined in the code. Approval of this SUP and renewal of all related permits is contingent upon the operator complying with Town ordinances regulating noise. 14. Outdoor Lighting Plan Applicant revised notes on drawings as requested by Town staff for clarification of the lighting details. An additional sheet was added to the exhibit regarding the fixtures heights as requested. 7 While the applicant states that all luminaries shall be shielded according to state and federal safety laws, they must also comply with the Town’s outdoor lighting requirements as found in Section 102-207 and in the PD-1 requirements for outdoor lighting (see attached Exhibit M from the SUP application). The applicant stated that lights are labeled on the rig and will be used only when necessary to meet state and federal safety regulations. Applicant shall provide shielding and or alteration of the lighting as, directed by Town staff, to comply with the Town’s lighting ordinances to the degree possible without unduly compromising the safety of the workers. 15. Dust Mitigation Plan Town staff requested that the applicant identify the dust suppression material to be applied. The applicant noted that the material to be used is Soil Sement. The MSDS for this material is also included in the revised exhibit. Applicant shall provide dust control methods and maintenance schedules as directed by Town staff to adequately mitigate dust migration. Town staff will monitor the site and will determine if dust mitigation efforts are adequate for the various climatic conditions and traffic loads. 16. Waste Disposal Plan Waste from this site will be trucked off-site at least monthly and the on-site dumpster will be located within a lined area enclosed by a by a 1’ high berm as shown on the site plan, located within the landscaping/screening plan referenced above. 17. Telemetry Equipment No telemetry equipment has been identified on the drawings nor will they be necessary since the equipment will be cellular. For clarification, it was noted that no towers will be necessary and thus none will be permitted on site without a site plan amendment. 18. Water Wells No fresh water wells will be drilled on this GWPS. There are no records of any water wells in Westlake within 1,000 feet of the Drill Zone. 19. Pipelines Applicant indicates pipelines to tie this GWPS into a gas transmission line will run 8 from SH 114 to the north side of the GWPS. All pipelines related to the drilling or production operations will be approved and permitted by the Town prior to being installed. 20. Adjacent Property Owners Applicant states there are no protected uses inside the corporate limits of Westlake within 1,000’ of the drill zone of this GWPS and thus, no adjacent property owner consent forms are necessary for this SUP application. SHEET NO. FILE PATH: SHEET CONTENT PHONE: 817-562-3350 KELLER, TX 76244 SUITE 185 5751 KROGER DRIVE NORTH OF 0 300’ GRAPHIC SCALE 600’900’ APPLICANT/OPERATOR: RANGE PRODUCTION COMPANY FORT WORTH, TX 76102 PHONE: (817)869-4140 FAX:(817)869-1440 100 THROCKMORTON STREET, STE. 1200 TEXAS FIRM NO. 12207 ’B’ UNIT PAD MAGUIRE PREPARED BY: SURFACE PROPERTY OWNER: TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS SUP APPLICATION DECEMBER 2010 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS T. MANN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO A-1107 5.173 ACRES OUT OF THE PROJECT NO: 10-RNG008-MAGUIRE SOUTH G:\Job -RNG008-Maguire South DRAWN BY: CMF REVIEWED BY: SOK OF THE WESTLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES. "GAS WELLS" ARTICLE II "DRILLING AND PRODUCTION" TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 56 ORDINANCES FOR SUP FOR GAS WELL PADS AND SITE WILL COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ZONING OPERATOR WILL ENSURE THAT THIS GAS WELL PAD DATE: 12/28/10 FAX: (817) 430-8750 PHONE: (817) 961-6630 WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 9 VILLAGE CIRCLE, SUITE 500 CONTACT: TOM ALLEN, PRESIDENT SOLANA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MAGUIRE PARTNERS- REV: 01/18/11 1850 SAM SCHOOL ROAD S O U T H L A K E CIT Y LI MIT 1 1 LEGEND LOCATION PAD ACCESS DRIVE PROPOSED TEXAS 114 TEXAS 114 S AM S C HO O LRD PLAN MANAGEMENT TRAFFIC SUP- EXHIBIT ’A’ ENTERING SITE ACCESS / ROUTING- EXITING SITE ACCESS / ROUTING- LOCATION PROPOSED PAD SITE W . KIRKW OOD BLVD. SOLANA BLVD./ TOWN OF WESTLAKE STAFF. 3. ACCESS ROUTES WILL BE REVIEW ANNUALLY BY ARE USED TO ACCESS THE SITE. BLVD AND 0.38 LANE MILES OF SAM SCHOOL ROAD 2. 0.22 LANE MILES OF SOLANA BLVD./ W. KIRKWOOD 1. STATE HIGHWAY 114 IS MAINTAINED BY TXDOT. TRANSPORTATION ROUTE NOTES: SOUTHLAKE CITY LIMIT TOWN OF WESTLAKE LIMIT T O W N OF W ES TL A K E LI MIT SHEET NO. FILE PATH: SHEET CONTENT PHONE: 817-562-3350 KELLER, TX 76244 SUITE 185 5751 KROGER DRIVE NORTH OF APPLICANT/OPERATOR: RANGE PRODUCTION COMPANY FORT WORTH, TX 76102 PHONE: (817)869-4140 FAX:(817)869-1440 100 THROCKMORTON STREET, STE. 1200 TEXAS FIRM NO. 12207 ’B’ UNIT PAD MAGUIRE PREPARED BY: SURFACE PROPERTY OWNER: TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS SUP APPLICATION DECEMBER 2010 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS T. MANN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO A-1107 5.173 ACRES OUT OF THE PROJECT NO: 10-RNG008-MAGUIRE SOUTH G:\Job -RNG008-Maguire South DRAWN BY: CMF REVIEWED BY: SOK OF THE WESTLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES. "GAS WELLS" ARTICLE II "DRILLING AND PRODUCTION" TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 56 ORDINANCES FOR SUP FOR GAS WELL PADS AND SITE WILL COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ZONING OPERATOR WILL ENSURE THAT THIS GAS WELL PAD DATE: 12/28/10 FAX: (817) 430-8750 PHONE: (817) 961-6630 WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 9 VILLAGE CIRCLE, SUITE 500 CONTACT: TOM ALLEN, PRESIDENT SOLANA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MAGUIRE PARTNERS- REV: 01/18/11 1850 SAM SCHOOL ROAD Town of Westlake Surface Property Owner: Boy Scouts of America Surface Property Owner: Joe Williams Williams, Mark & Surface Property Owner: HOA of Terra Bella, Inc. Surface Property Owner: Limited Partnership Maguire Partners- Solana Surface Property Owner: Limited Partnership Maguire Partners- Solana Surface Property Owner: Maguire Partners- Solana Land, L.P. Surface Property Owner: Maguire Partners- Solana Land, L.P. Surface Property Owner: Land, L.P. Maguire Partners- Solana Surface Property Owner: Maguire Partners- Solana Land, L.P. Surface Property Owner: Maguire Partners- Solana Land, L.P. Surface Property Owner: Maguire Partners- Solana Land, L.P. Surface Property Owner: Solana Land, L.P. Maguire Partners- Surface Property Owner:Solana Land, L.P. Maguire Partners- Owner: Surface Property Limited Partnership Maguire Partners- Solana Surface Property Owner: Limited Partnership Maguire Partners- Solana Surface Property Owner: Maguire Partners- Southlake Land L.P. Surface Property Owner: S O U T H L A K E CIT Y LI MIT 1000’ R A D I U S 1 0 0 0 ’ R A D IU S 1 0 0 0 ’ R A D IU S SITE LOCATION PROPOSED PAD SAM SCHOOL RD 0 150’300’450’ GRAPHIC SCALE USES PROTECTED STRUCTURES & EXHIBIT ’B’ STRUCTURES EXISTING LEGEND 1 1 TEXAS 114 TEXAS 114 RESIDENCE NEAREST 165’ 1437’ 300’ 380’278’ 75’ PROPOSED DRILL ZONE PROPOSED ACCESS DRIVE PROPOSED DRILL PAD USE COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL USE EXISTING BRANCH KIRKW OOD (VARIABLE WIDTH) LANDSCAPE BUFFER 60’ T O W N OF W ES TL A K E LI MIT W. KIRKWOOD BLVD. SOLANA BLVD./ 1 0 0 0 ’ R A D IU S 1001’ 893’ 806’ 1000’ FROM PAD LIMITS TOWN OF WESTLAKE LIMIT SOUTHLAKE CITY LIMIT (5.173 AC.) SUP BOUNDARY (2.617 AC.) PROPOSED DRILL PAD (3.986 AC.) -WITH GRADING 3 8 6 5 211 4 1 9 12 7 10 SHEET NO. 1 OF 2 DATE: JANUARY 2011 SOURCE: TAD (2010) 1 inch = 400 feet Legend Town/City Limit 2010 TAD Parcels 1,000 Foot Buffer of Drill Zone Drill Zone Pad Boundary Access Drive NORTH 0 400200Feet RANGE PRODUCTION COMPNAY100 THROCKMORTON STREET, STE. 1200FORT WORTH, TX 76102PHONE: (817)869-4140FAX: (817)869-1440 PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 1,000 FEET OF DRILL ZONE APPLICANT/OPERATOR:MAGUIRE'B' UNIT PAD GAS WELL PAD SITE PERMITTOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PREPARED BY: 5751 KROGER DRIVESUITE 185KELLER, TX 76244PHONE: 817-562-3350 114TEXAS 114TEXASSOLANA B L V D ./ W . K I R K W O O D B L V D . SAM SCHOOL RD S O U T H L A K E CIT Y LIMIT T O W N O F W E S T L A K E LIMIT TOWN OF WESTLAKE LIMITSOUTHLAKE CITY LIMIT Parcel NumberTAD ID NumberOwner NameOwner AddressOwner City/StateOwner Zipcode 1A1134‐1AMaguire Partners‐Solana Land, LP9 Village Cir Ste 500Westlake Tx762625910 212960‐‐7BMaguire Partners‐Solana Land, LP9 Village Cir Ste 500Westlake Tx762625910 346189H‐2‐1R1Maguire Partners‐Solana Limited Partnership9 Village Cir Ste 500Westlake Tx762625910 412960‐‐7A2Maguire Partners‐Solana Land, LP9 Village Cir Ste 500Westlake Tx762625910 512960‐‐7A1Maguire Partners‐Solana Land, LP9 Village Cir Ste 500Westlake Tx762625910 646189H‐2‐2R Maguire Partners‐Solana Ltd. Partnership 9 Village Cir Ste 500Westlake Tx762625910 741496‐2‐11‐09Westlake Terra Llc395 W State Hwy 114 Ste 300Southlake Tx760923631 846189H‐3‐1 Maguire Partners‐Solana Ltd. Partnership 9 Village Cir Ste 500Westlake Tx762625910 941496‐1‐19Westlake Terra Llc395 W State Hwy 114 Ste 300Southlake Tx760923631 1041496‐1‐27‐09HOA Of Terra Bella Inc395 W State Hwy 114 Ste 300Southlake Tx760923631 1141496‐1‐20‐09Town Of Westlake3 Village Cir Ste 202Westlake Tx762627940 1241496‐2‐13‐04HOA Of Terra Bella Inc395 W State Hwy 114 Ste 300Southlake Tx760923631 Sheet 2 of 2 ‐ PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 1,000 FEET OF DRILL ZONE * Property owner names for the Maguire Partners properties listed above have been provided by the surface owner.  All other ownership information  provided is based on 2010 Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD) records. Planning & Zoning Item # 4 – Adjournment Back up material has not been provided for this item.