HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 750 Amending Planned Development PD-1 Adding a section SignsTOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 750 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 202, AS AMENDED; ADDING SECTION 12 "SIGNS"; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on August 24, 1992, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas adopted a Comprehensive Plan for the Town; and WHEREAS, on November 13, 1992, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, on November 16, 1992, based upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas amended the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance with Ordinance 202, creating "PD -1", and WHEREAS, an analysis of the Town's codes and regulations has determined that an amendment to these codes and regulations are required in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the Town and to comply with the development goals for low density residential development; and WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission on June 08, 2015, which recommended that Ordinance 202, as amended, be revised in accordance with the procedures and processes established in the Code of Ordinances for the Town. The Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, is of the opinion that it is in the best interests of the town and its citizens that the amendments (Exhibit 11111) should be approved and adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated herein, adopted by the Town and found to be true and correct. SECTION 2: That Ordinance 202 ("PD -1"), as amended, of the Town of Westlake, Texas be amended by adding Section 12 to read as shown in Exhibit 1, attached. SECTION 3: Sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases, clauses and words of this Ordinance are severable, and if any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word in this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed such Ordinance 750 Page 1 of 23 remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town affecting the regulations of land and zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of those ordinances except in those instances where the provisions of those Ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 5: It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision hereof shall be fined, upon conviction, in an amount not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law in such case provides. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 15th DAY OF JUNE 2015. I '`���' ATTEST: Laura Wheat, Mayor q'L::�L Kell Edwa s, Town Secretary Thomas E. Brym , T wn Manager APPROVqiff,AS TO F6ZM: m L. nfon Lokpf, T wn Attorney 4$k 'q S Ordinance 750 Page 2 of 23 EXHIBIT "1" Section 12. Signs. The regulations of this Section shall apply to all exterior signs in PD 1 unless differing regulations are contained within a specific Planning Area, in which case the Planning Area regulations shall govern. A. DEFINITIONS. In this section, the following words and phrases have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: (1) ATTACHED SIGN means any sign attached to, applied on, or supported by, any part of a building (such as a wall, roof, window, canopy, awning, arcade). (2) DIRECTOR means the director of the Department of Planning and Development. (3) MONUMENT SIGN means a detached sign applied directly onto a grade -level support structure (instead of a pole support) with no separation between the sign and grade. (4) MOVEMENT CONTROL SIGN means a sign that must direct vehicular or pedestrian movement onto or within this district and may include the identification of any area or service or the name or logo of any premise located in this district. (5) PEDESTRIAN MOVEMENT CONTROL SIGN means a sign providing information about any of the following: (A) The name, trade name, or logo of the owner or occupant of any premise within this district. (B) The identification of any premise within this district. (C) Any accommodations, services, or activities offered or conducted, other than incidentally, on any premise within this district. (D) Pedestrian directional information. (E) Campus maps and other orientation information. B. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Sign Permits. Except as otherwise provided herein, a sign permit issued in accordance with the procedures set forth in the UDC is required before any sign is erected or displayed. All sign permits shall be for a specific location, and any relocation shall require a new permit. 2. Lighting and Materials. (a) For horizontal monument signs, vertical monument signs, building identifications signs and fagade panel signs backlit illumination are preferred. However, internal illuminated within individual letters or sign element is permissible if dimmable, in which case lighting levels Ordinance 750 Page 3 of 23 sh ill be subjec, to maximum setlint;s established by the Town Council. Wall plaques may be illuminated with downward directed wall sconces, or if located under covered areas may be illuminated by directional spot lighting. (b) Sign materials identified in Exhibits A through K- 2 shall be the permitted materials for each type of corresponding sign. 3. Signs Over The Public Right -Of -Way. (a) Signs may be located in or attached to structures located in public right-of-way subject to the approval of a license agreement by the Town Council. (b) The Town Engineer shall review the location of any sign located in or overhanging the public right-of-way to ensure that the sign will not pose a traffic hazard or visibility obstruction. (C. PERMITTED SIGN TYPES AND APPROVAL PROCEDURES. In this planning area the following types of signs may be permitted. Sign permits for signs complying with this ordinance shall be issued by the director. However, the director shall have the discretion to refer any sign permit to the Town Council for approval. Area Marker. Area markers are monument signs that are movement control signs and are vertically oriented. They are intended to supplement horizontal monument signs and denote the entrance into the subareas/campuses of the district. Area markers are limited to 96 inches in height and 60 inches in width, with a maximum letter dimension of 12 inches in height. The director may issue permits for area markers at locations shown on Exhibit L. Additional locations may be established by site plan approval. An example of an area marker is shown at Exhibit A. Blade Signs. Blade signs are attached signs that project at right angles to (perpendicular to) the face of a building. They are intended to be visible to pedestrians walking parallel to the building facade to demarcate the location of individual tenants/occupants, or to display the building number. Blade signs along the same fagade shall be of uniform dimension and mounted at a uniform height in a manner that will not impede pedestrian traffic. Blade signs shall nor project more than 30 inches from the face of a fagade nor exceed 48 inches in height. Blade signs identifying a building number shall be limited to one sign per building fagade. In addition, tenants shall be allowed one blade sign per fagade. However, if more than one tenant fagade panel sign has been established by site plan approval, additional corresponding tenant blade signs may be permitted as well. Examples of a blade sign is shown at Exhibit B-1 and B-2. Building Identification Signs. Building identification signs are attached signs affixed to building walls or attached to or cut out of attached architectural elements such as canopies, wall projections or freestanding entrance canopies or portals. Except for hotel or special use buildings, these signs are intended to identify general names of buildings or building numbers rather than individual businesses occupying buildings. Letter height shall not exceed 24 inches. If a building number is used for building identification, it may be no more than 360 square feet. One building identification sign shall be permitted for each of up to two fagades of the same Ordinance 750 Page 4 of 23 building having primary entrances. In the case of a hotel or fitness club, the hotel or fitness club brand may be used as the building identification rather than the general building name or building number. Examples of building identification signs are shown at Exhibit C-1, C-2 and Exhibit D. Corral Portal Signs. Corral portal signs are attached signs intended to indicate arrival in the Solana district from the S.H. 114 exit ramps, and the direction of the subareas/campuses. Text is limited to the name of the district and the names of the subareas/campuses. Non -text graphics are limited to the Solana logo and directional arrows. Locations and dimension of Corral Portal Signs will be determined in conjunction with the license authorizing their placement in public right of way. An example of a corral portal sign is shown at Exhibit E. Facade Panel Signs. Fagade panel signs are attached signs intended for buildings primarily containing retail tenants. Background panels in building facades intended for fagade panel signs may not exceed the width of the corresponding retail space. Individual letters and logos not exceeding 16 inches in height may be affixed or incorporated into the panels to identify the name of the establishment occupying the space. Occupants shall be limited to one facade panel sign per facade unless otherwise established by site plan approval. The director may approve sign permits for individual tenants or changes of occupancy provided that the signs comply with the letter height maximum and illumination standards established by this section. An example of a fagade panel sign is shown at Exhibit F. Horizontal Monument Signs. Horizontal monument signs are monument signs where the length exceeds the height. Horizontal monument signs are intended to identify the entrances to the district subarea/campuses from Kirkwood and Solana Boulevards and Sam School Road. Text is intended only to identify the subarea or campus and no more than one individual businesses or occupant name or logo per sign. Horizontal monument signs may not exceed five feet in height or forty feet in length. Non -text graphics are limited to graphic elements identified with the district. Except for locations approved with Exhibit L, site plan approval shall be required for horizontal monument signs. An example of a horizontal monument sign is shown at Exhibit G. Monuments will comply with signs within rights of way provisions herein. Parking Garage Entrance Sign. Parking garage entrance signs are attached signs on or near the entrance of a parking garage or an entrance portal. Parking garage entrance signs shall be used solely to denote the entrance to a parking garage. One parking garage entrance sign is permitted for each entrance with letters not to exceed 20 inches in height. An example of a parking garage entrance sign is attached as Exhibit H. Vehicle Movement Control Sign. Vehicle movement control signs as defined in subsection A shall be permitted by the director at any street or driveway intersection. Vehicle movement control signs may be pole mounted at a height not to exceed 72 inches. The sign face of vehicle movement control signs may not exceed 12 square feet. An example of a vehicle movement control sign is shown at Exhibit I. Ordinance 750 Page 5 of 23 Signs- Vellicill rrloltunrent sio- is ',iic raonllnwnt signs where the height ;('.e('s talc lengill, or NN111:re a tallcr •,>>.r -tical element is coinbinec? -%•-,,ith a horizontal element. There are two types of vertical monument signs. (a) Primary Vertical Monument Signs. These signs may include text that identifies the district, the building and the individual businesses or organizations occupying a building. Primary oriented vertical monument signs are limited to 20 feet in height and 10 feet in width. The maximum letter height is 9 inches. A logo identifying the development is limited to 180 square inches; letters and other logos may not exceed 9 inches in height. Two primary vertical monument sign are permitted per building. Examples of primary vertical monument signs are shown at Exhibits J-1 and J-2. (b) Secondary Pedestrian -Oriented Vertical Monument Signs. Secondary pedestrian oriented vertical monument signs are dimensioned and oriented for view by from pedestrian walkways. One secondary pedestrian oriented vertical monument is permitted per building fagade. Secondary pedestrian'oriented vertical monument signs may not exceed 12 feet in height or 10 feet in width. Title or district identification letter and logo height may not exceed 8 inches, otherwise letter and logo height may not exceed 4 inches. Pedestrian oriented vertical monument signs may contain any information listed under the definition of pedestrian movement control sign. If more than one pedestrian oriented vertical monument sign is requested per building fagade, it must be approved through the site plan approval process. Examples of pedestrian oriented vertical monument signs are shown at Exhibits K-1 and K-2. Wall Plaques. Plaques and affixed to the face of a building and not exceeding 648 square inches or one inch in thickness, .and containing any information listed under the definition of pedestrian movement control sign may be approved by the director in any number, provided that multiple signs may not be approved in a single location. Window Decals and Display Boxes. Each tenant/occupant shall be allowed to display window decals or display boxes indicating hours of operation, menus or other information pertinent to the premises. Window decal and display boxes shall not be require a permit if limited to no more than 216 square inches. C. UNLISTED SIGN TYPES. The Town Council shall have the discretion as part of site plan approval to approve sign types not listed herein or to approve listed sign types that vary in dimension or number from the signs listed herein, including detached monument signs located in or along the S.H. 114 right of way indicating entry into the Town of Westlake. Final design and location of Town of Westlake entry signs shall be as approved by the Town Council. A sample design is attached here to as Exhibit M solely to illustrate preliminary concepts. EXHIBITS A through M for Section 12. Ordinance 750 Page 6 of 23 MATERIAL: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE MATERIAL OR POLYCARBONATE; ALUMINUM MAY BE PAINTED OR PRE -FINISHED. LETTERS CAN BE ACRYLIC. 14, 2015 EXHIBIT A AREA MARKER 1/8" = 1'-0' SoL001 SK -A-001 PROJECT NUMBER S K E T C H N U M B E R Ordinance 750 Page 7 of 23 MATERIAL: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE MATERIAL OR POLYCARBONATE; ALUMINUM MAY BE PAINTED OR PRE -FINISHED. LETTERS CAN BE ACRYLIC. 2015 EXHIBIT B-1 BLADE SIGN 1/8" SOL001 SK -A-002 PROJECT NUMBER S K E T C H N U N B E R Ordinance 750 Page 8 of 23 MATERIAL: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE MATERIAL OR POLYCARBONATE; ALUMINUM MAY BE PAINTED OR PRE -FINISHED. LETTERS CAN BE ACRYLIC. May 14, 2015 EXHIBIT B-2 BLADE SIGN 1/8° = IA" SOL001 SK—A-003 P R O J E C T N U M BE R S K E T C H N U M B E R Ordinance 750 Page 9 of 23 MATERIAL: ACRYLIC, POLYCARBONATE, OR METAL LETTERS; LETTERS MAY BE CUT OUT OF AN ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENT OR MOUNTED TO THE BUILDING. May 14, 2015 EXHIBIT C-1 BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGN 1/81, SOL001 SK -A-004 PROJECT NUNBER S K E T C H N U M B E R Ordinance 750 Page 10 of 23 MATERIAL: ACRYLIC, POLYCARBONATE, OR METAL LETTERS; LETTERS MAY BE CUT OUT OF AN ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENT OR MOUNTED TO THE BUILDING. May 27, 2015 EXHIBIT C-2 BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGN 1/8" = SOL001 SK -A-005 PROJECT NUNBER S K E T C H N U M B E R Ordinance 750 Page I 1 of 23 EXHIBIT,D BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGN 1/8 - - -- SOL001 SK -A-006 P R 0 J E C 1 N U N 8 E R S K E T C H N U N 8 E R Ordinance 750 Page 12 of 23 MATERIAL: ACRYLIC, POLYCARBONATE, OR METAL FOR LETTERS, LOGO, AND ARROWS; THESE ARE TO BE MOUNTED TO THE EXISTING PORTAL. 2015 EXHIBIT E CORRAL PORTAL SIGN 1/81, SoL001 SK -A-007 PROJECT NUMBER S K E T C H N U N B E R Ordinance 750 Page 13 of 23 MATERIAL: ACRYLIC, POLYCARBONATE, OR METAL LETTERS; LETTERS MAY BE CUT OUT OF AN ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENT OR MOUNTED TO THE BUILDING. 14, 2015 EXHIBIT F FACADE PANEL SIGN 1/8 SOL001 SK -A-008 PROJECT NUMBER S K E T C H N U M B E R Ordinance 750 Page 14 of 23 MATERIAL: ACRYLIC, POLYCARBONATE, OR METAL LETTERS MOUNTED TO OR CUT OUT OF METAL (EXPOSED, WEATHERED, OR PAINTED) MONUMENT SIGN; HORIZONTALLY -INSTALLED STONE TO BE LOCATED AT THE SIGN BASE. May 14, 2015 EXHIBIT G HORIZONTAL MONUMENT SIGN 1/81, = . SOL001 SK -A-009 PROJECT NUMBER S K E T C H N U M B E R Ordinance 750 Page 15 of 23 MATERIAL: ACRYLIC, POLYCARBONATE, OR METAL LETTERS; LETTERS MAY BE CUT OUT OF AN ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENT OR MOUNTED TO THE GARAGE. May 14, 2015 EXHIBIT H PARKING GARAGE ENTRANCE SIGN 1/8" SOL001 SK -A-010 PROJECT NUMBER S K E T C H N U M B E R Ordinance 750 Page 16 of 23 MATERIAL: ALUMINUM OR POLYCARBONATE MOUNTED TO METAL POLE; ALUMINUM MAY BE PAINTED OR PRE -FINISHED. LETTERS CAN BE ACRYLIC. May 14, 2015 EXHIBIT I VERTICAL MOVEMENT CONTROL SIGN S0L001 8 - SK -A-01 1 PROJECT NUNOER S K E T C H N U N B E R Ordinance 750 Page 17 of 23 MATERIAL: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE MATERIAL OR POLYCARBONATE; ALUMINUM MAY BE PAINTED OR PRE -FINISHED. LETTERS CAN BE ACRYLIC. May 14, 2015 EXHIBIT J-1 PRIMARY VERTICAL MONUMENT SIGN 1/81, SOL001 SK -A-012 P R O J E C T N U N BE R S K E T C H N U M B E R Ordinance 750 Page 18 of 23 MATERIAL: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE MATERIAL OR POLYCARBONATE; ALUMINUM MAY BE PAINTED OR PRE -FINISHED. LETTERS CAN BE ACRYLIC. May 29, 2015 EXHIBIT J-2 PRIMARY VERTICAL MONUMENT SIGN 1/81 , = SOL001 S K - A - 013 PROJECT NUNBER S K E T C H N U M B E R Ordinance 750 Page 19 of 23 MATERIAL: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE MATERIAL OR POLYCARBONATE; ALUMINUM MAY BE PAINTED OR PRE -FINISHED. LETTERS CAN BE ACRYLIC. May 14, 2015 EXHIBIT K-1 SECONDARY PEDESTRIAN ORIENTED VERTICAL MONUMENT SIGN SOL001 SK -_A - 014 P R O J E C T N U M B E R S K E T C H N U M B E R Ordinance 750 Page 20 of 23 MATERIAL: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE MATERIAL OR POLYCARBONATE; ALUMINUM MAY BE PAINTED OR PRE -FINISHED. LETTERS CAN BE ACRYLIC. May 29, 2015 SECONDARY PEDESTRIAN ORIENTED — -A. EXHIBIT K-2 VERTICAL MONUMENT SIGN SOL001 SK -A-0-15 PROJECT NUN BE R S K E i C IT N U IA B E R Ordinance 750 Page 21 of 23 BE LOCATED Solana Wayfinding Masterplan =.E Ep NSFORTHE EXAMPLTLLOOCATIO OOF SIGNS ANDpNNU BERG SONS WILL MOST AVE O VET SEEN FILALIZED. PORTALMON...ENT SIGNAGE • FACILITY ENTRANCE/ARRNAL SIGNAGE -AT CAMPUS CRCLE, THESE WILL BE PRIMARY VERTICAL MONUMENT SIDNS, ATVILIAOECIRCLE,TMMWILLNOSTLYSESECONDARY PEDESTRWI ORIENTED VERTICAL MONUMENT SHINS, BUT THERE WLL BE A FEW PRIMARY VERTICIL MONUMENT Stam • VEHICULAR WAYFINDING SIGNAGE - UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. THESE WILL BE VERTICAL MOVEMENT CONTROL SIGNS . PEDESTRIAN WAYTINDING SIGNAGF -THESE WILL BE SECONDARY PEDESTRIAN Campus Entrance ORIENTED VERTICAL MONUMENT SKINS Village Circle r 7 . if HORIZONTAL MOPRIM A7 AREIM W MA i Campus Entrance - Campus Circle i iIORmON►ALMOIRJ6@IT A AT CkYM ENTRANCEMITIM AREJM MARKER AREA MARKER i • Air'6 _- • r Town of Westlake I PD Site Plan Amendment I Exhibit L Community Entrance The Corral Town of Westlake Proposed Sign - Option A THE DNBIRON TIE IOWM OF� ON TIE BM MPH MD RBE)NOf LO MON ARETBO Town of Westlake I PD Site Plan Amendment I Exhibit M Town of Westlake Proposed Sign - Option B ' E 0E001049FRONTIETOYM OFMEBTLAID:OMTNE BIOS MQNANDRBEYAOf L MON ARETBO ii'x'SSiC Town of Westlake I PD Site Plan Amendment I Exhibit M Ordinance 750 Page 23 of 23 INVOICE Star -Telegram 808 Throckmorton St. RE {, IVED FORT WORTH, TX 76102 JUL 0 6A15 (817)390-7761 Federal Tax ID 26-2674582 BY: Bill To: TOWN OF WESTLAKE 3 VILLAGE CIR STE 202 WESTLAKE, TX 76262-7940 TOWN Misc Fee THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Tarrant I3580 1 Customer ID: TOW27 Invoice Number: 334508671 Invoice Date: 6/25/2015 Terms: Net due in 21 days Due Date: 6/30/2015 PO Number: Order Number: 33450867 Sales Rep: 073 Description: TOWN OF WESTLA Publication Dates: 6/24/2015 - 6/25/2015 th }�1li�age���L1 { Dale{{ z��Amio�n�, 23 23 LINE $6.17 $283.76 $10.00 Net Amount: $293.76 otary Public, LYNNE HOLLAND :_°•' ;�: Notary Public, State of Texas w: My Commission Expires July 31, 2016 Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared Deborah Baylor, Bid and Legal Coordinator for the Star - Telegram, published by the Star -Telegram, Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the attached clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the listed dates: BIDS & LEGAL DEPT. STAR TELEGRAM (817) 390-7039 7('� t t 01 1 / SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, THIS Thursday, Juyfe 2ff, 7015. Notary Thank You For Your Payment Remit To: Star -Telegram P.O. BOX 901051 FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Customer ID: Customer Name: Invoice Number: Invoice Amount: PO Number: Amount Enclosed: TOW27 TOWN OF WESTLAKE 334508671 $293.76 I