HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-26-12 WHPS MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY March 26, 2012 Westlake Histary Museum 3 Village Circle, Suite 104 PRESENT: President Bert Schultz, Kelly Bradley, Megan Brady, Jim Budarf, Kristi Layton, Karen Stoltenberg, Stephen Thornton OTHERS PRESENT: Allan Werst 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Schultz called the meeting to order at 1:33 P.M. 2. ADMINISTER OATH OF OFFICE Kelly Edwards administered the oath of office to Megan Brady and Jim Budarf. 3. MEETING MINUTES AND ACTION ITEM LIST President Schultz asked for a motion. MOTION: Member Budarf made a motion to approve the minutes. Member Bradley seconded the motion. The motion carried. President Schultz reviewed the Action Item list. Member Budarf will assist Member Stoltenberg with the Constant Contact proposal. They will continue to explore it, without committing the funds to it. Members Stoltenberg and Brady presented an alternate prize to replace the glow necklaces. President Schultz made a motion. WHPS Minutes 03/26/2012 Page 1 of 4 MOTION: President Schultz made a motion to have Members Stoltenberg and Brady order the prizes for Decoration Day (at their discretion) with a maximum expenditure of $150. Member Budarf seconded the motion. The motion carried. Member Brady announced that Falcon Holdings will contribute to WHPS and Decoration Day upon approval from the CFO's boss. Member Brady will follow up with her. President Schultz and Member Budarf will meet at a later date to pursue the idea of other sponsors for the car show. 4. TREASU'RER'S REPORT President Schultz asked for a motion. MOTION. Member Budarf made a motion to approve the Treasurer's Report. Member Brady seconded the motion. The motion carried. 5. MEMBERSHIP REPORT Member Layton gave the membership report. She will have a membership drive in May and will send a letter to the entire WHPS contact list (minus the current WHPS members). Members Stoltenberg and Brady will assist with the mail out. We discussed the possibility of including Trophy Club residents with the mail out. WHPS received two new lifetime memberships. Member Layton received one in the mail from Debra and Alan Heath, including a form to be submitted to Alan's former employer, IBM, for a $250 donation. Bert gave a copy of the paper work and the $500 check to Member Layton. Debbie Piper will send the form and the associated documents to IBM. Allen Werst handed in his and Helen Jane's lifetime membership form at the meeting. President Schultz confirmed board member contact information and chair assignments.. President Schultz also mentioned that Member Bradley will be retiring from her board member position in June 2012, but she will continue to assist the WHPS board. Member Bradley has invited Bryan Buchleiter of Redeemer Church to join the WHPS board, and she also has two possible candidates from Trophy Club to consider. The board will discuss and consider this further at the next meeting. Member Bradley will also be the "follow-up" person for Decoration Day. The board discussed whether to keep all of its current events and decided to proceed with all scheduled events. Member Layton suggested that the board review and possibly make some changes to the Annual Meeting, as it gets closer to the fall. The board decided to increase its board members from 7 positions to 9 positions. President Schultz will discuss this with Ginger and seek Town approval to expand the board. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Spring Living History Presentation WHPS Minutes 03/26/2012 Page 4 of 4 President Schultz reported that everything is set and ready for the Spring Living History Presentation. He will get flyers to Members Stoltenberg and Brady, and they will distribute on Tuesday, April 10. Member Stoltenberg will print up invitation and send to WHPS membership. b) Historic Marker Dedication Day President Schultz reported that the Historical Marker plaque and mounting post have been ordered. He also noted that an event planning meeting is scheduled for April 11. He will get flyers to Member Stoltenberg to distribute. Member Stoltenberg will print up an invitation to send to the WHPS membership. c) Decoration Day Program Member Bradley presented the Decoration Day report, and President Schultz presented the Decoration Day program. 7. NEW BUSINESS a) Westlake Academy Junior Historian Program Rod Harding will provide a sponsor and co-sponsor for the WA Junior Historian Program. b) Second Quarter Museum Window Exhibits President Schultz reported that the window exhibit featuring Trish Biddle is ready to go. c) Book Sales Agreement President Schultz will follow up with Ronald Chrisman regarding the board's questions and need for more information. First, we need to find out how much we paid for the book, and the board wants examples of what would happen in certain sales situations. We discussed the need for a Book Sales Chair. Member Stoltenberg will talk with Barnes and Noble about carrying the History book, and Member Brady will talk with the Vaquero pro shop about carrying it. d) Trophy Club Town Council Presentation President Schultz and Member Budarf will make a presentation to the Trophy Club Town Council on Monday, March 26, and they will ask for the Town's support for WHPS. 8. ADJOURNMENT President Schultz adjourned the meeting at 3:53 P.M. The next meeting will be held Monday, April 23, 2012 at 1:30 P.M. at the Westlake Museum. APPROVED BY THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL' PRESERVATION SOCIETY BOARD ON THE DAY OF I 'u U .2012. WHPS Minutes 03/26/2012 Page 4 of 4 i BERT SCHULTZ, PRESIDENT r, y j } �q I i i KAREN STOLTENBERG, SECRETARY.,__ _, WHPS Minutes 03/25/2012 Page 4 of 4