HomeMy WebLinkAboutAll Slides Municipal Academic ForecastsTown of Westlake 1 Skilled, Engaged Residents Responsive Organizations Strong Community Relationships Developing Resident Leaders Supporting Resident-Driven Groups Facilitating Community Building Activities E NGAGED R ESIDENTS & A VIBRANT C OMMUNITY Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) FY 2016 - 2020 2 -CIP is a planning document designed to balance the needs/interests of community with our financial capacity. -Works in tandem with our vision/mission statements & our strategic objectives -Helps prioritize our projects, allocate funding, and protect our infrastructure. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) FY 2016 - 2020 3 -Projects are grouped according to type -Cemetery/Parks -Facilities -Roads/Street Improvements/Trails -Utility Fund -Information Technology -Vehicle Replacement -And allocated by category -Funded -Unfunded (Under Discussion) Highlights FY’s 15/16 & 16/17 4 -Projects are prioritized to invest in public municipal buildings -Based on direction from Council at 2014 retreat -Fire Station -Bond issuance proposed for FY 15/16 -Total project -$8.4 M (approx.) -Completion anticipated by FY 17/18 Highlights FY’s 15/16 & 16/17 5 Town Hall -Public / Private Partnership = Entrada Development -Cash investment -$1.8 M in FY 15/16 -FFE, IT, Contingency -$950K in FY 16/17 Road Projects -Dove Road Reconstruction / Drainage -$100K FY 15/16 -Roanoke Road Reconstruction / Drainage -$453K FY 16/17 Five-year Forecast Synopsis (pg. 85 – Tab 4) 6 Revenues -Sales tax – 3% increase -Remaining revenue – 2% increase -Entrada revenue beginning in FY 16/17 Taxes -Residential base – average home value = $1.2M -Tax rate – M&O = 0.13710 Bonds -FY 15/16 = $8.4 M -Annual debt payment = $507,369 -FY 18/19 = $2.5M -Annual debt payment = $183,775 Five-year Forecast Synopsis (pg. 85 – Tab 4) 7 Expenditures -Includes all CIP projects categorized as “funded” -Municipal staff salary brought to market -Additional staff requests included -WA reserve allocations included ($300K) -Expenditures – 3% increase overall -Municipal office rental fees offset and reduced -Hotel/motel tax anticipated in FY 17/18 Transfers -Granada / Entrada permits/fees from General Fund to Capital Projects Fund -Annual funds to MMR funds from General & Utility Funds - UF transfers for municipal building allocated Municipal Planning 8 - Questions and Staff Direction FY 2015-16 Draft Budget Westlake Academy May 27, 2015 Key Highlights for FY 2014-15 •Completed - Phase 1 expansion (estimated 832 students) & continued community growth –Budget reflects Council decisions based on 2012 - WA Facility Master Plan (FMP) recommendation •Phase 1 = Three (3) new buildings - Secondary Classrooms, Multi- Purpose Hall, and Athletic Field House •Guided by enrollment projections and 5-year forecast indicating projected enrollment of 820 in FY14/15 and 830 in FY15/16 –Future enrollment would be managed by attrition/graduation to ensure adequate space for primary boundary residents until funding was available for Phase 2 of the FMP •Phase 2 would require additional enrollment increases and capital costs, which are not currently funded. 5/28/2015 10 Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation Key Highlights for FY 2015-16 •Budget document prepared according to conservative revenue projections – utilized projections from FY 14/15 •Service Level Adjustments (SLA’s) developed and linked to Tier Two Strategy Map •Staff is monitoring the legislative debate relative to a public education funding increase •Projections hold WAF funding flat •Growth of fund balance to 60 days 5/28/2015 11 Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation 5/28/2015 12 Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation Departmental Tier Two Map FY 2015-16 Draft Budget 5/28/2015 13 Actuals Adopted Estimated Proposed WESTLAKE ACADEMY FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 FY 2014/15 FY 2015/16 $ Inc(Dec) % Inc(Dec) Local Revenues 1,369,832 1,663,805 1,622,805 1,626,770 3,965 0% State Revenues 5,190,308 5,782,092 5,923,696 6,089,950 166,254 3% Total Revenues $ 6,560,140 $ 7,445,897 $ 7,546,501 $ 7,716,720 $ 170,219 2% 61XX - Salaries 4,911,121 5,431,205 5,357,205 5,845,341 488,136 9% 62XX - Contracted Services 910,036 1,032,369 1,021,214 901,164 -120,050 -12% 63XX - Supplies & Materials 621,114 645,390 532,691 474,200 -58,491 -11% 64XX - Other Operating Costs 287,869 361,468 401,118 402,634 1,516 0% 65XX - Debt Service 3,733 84,186 90,565 90,565 0 0% Total Expenditures $ 6,733,873 $ 7,554,618 $ 7,402,793 $ 7,713,904 $ 311,111 4% Net Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures $ (173,733) $ (108,721) $ 143,708 $ 2,816 $ (140,892) -2% MUNICPAL EXPENDITURES FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 FY 2014/15 FY 2015/16 $ Inc(Dec) % Inc(Dec) Annual Debt Service Payment 2,033,434 2,292,658 2,292,658 2,293,723 1,065 0% General Maintenance & Replacement 310,126 441,000 441,000 441,000 0 0% In-Direct Operating Costs 562,615 579,492 579,492 596,877 17,385 3% Total Municipal Costs $ 2,906,174 $ 3,313,150 $ 3,313,150 $ 3,331,600 $ 18,450 1% Academic & Municipal Expenditure Costs $ 9,640,047 $ 10,867,768 $ 10,715,943 $ 11,045,504 $ 329,561 5% Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation Average State Funding Per Student 5/28/2015 14 $6,500 $6,600 $6,700 $6,800 $6,900 $7,000 $7,100 $7,200 $3,748,690 $4,243,680 $4,485,634 $4,865,214 $5,595,410 $5,732,480 530 630 658 697 812 832 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 15/16 Proposed $7,073 $6,736 $6,817 $6,980 $6,890 $6,890 Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation The chart below depicts the average amount of state funding per student received by the Academy through the state’s Foundation School Program (FSP). The Academy has experienced an approximate 3% per student decrease ($183) in funding since the FY 10/11 school year. WAF Blacksmith Contributions 5/28/2015 15 $- $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 15/16 Proposed $524 $680 $800 $851 $1,100 $1,100 Th o u s a n d s Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation The Annual Blacksmith fundraiser has become increasingly vital to the academic budget as the percentage of operating dollars received from the State has declined. In the draft FY 2015/16 academic services budget, Blacksmith revenues represent approximately 14.6% of the Academy’s total revenue. These dollars are allocated to faculty and staff salaries and benefits, which comprise over three -quarters of the total operating budget. Per the WAF Executive Director, revenues will remain flat for the proposed FY 15/16. Revenues by Dollars/Percent 5/28/2015 16 - 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 15/16 Proposed $4,865,214 $5,595,410 $5,732,480 $850,979 $1,100,000 $1,100,000 Other Local Revenue (BTS, Tech & Other) Town Contribution - Westlake Reserve Interest Earned Food Services Transportation/Parking WAF Fund-an-Item Athletic Activities Town Contribution TRS On-behalf/Medicare Part B WAF Donation TEA - FSP Funds & Available School Funds Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation The majority of funding for the Academy is derived from two (2) sources representing approximately 89% of total operating revenues. The FSP funding accounts for 75% ($5.732M) of total operating dollars and the Westlake Academy Foundation (WAF) is responsible for 14% ($1.1M). The WAF provides general operating dollars through the Blacksmith program and grant reimbursements. An additional 4% is contributed from the Municipal General Fund through the Westlake Reserve. 13% 15% 14% 75% 75% 75% Revenue & Expenditure Comparison 5/28/2015 17 $0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 $1,024,517 $1,038,224 $1,041,040 $991,659 $979,144 $912,730 $791,970 56 51 49 50 55 59 64 FY 13/14 Actual FY 14/15 Estimated FY 15/16 Proposed FY 16/17 Projected FY 17/18 Projected FY 18/19 Projected FY 19/20 Projected $6 . 5 6 0 $7 . 5 4 7 $7 . 7 1 7 $7 . 7 2 3 $7 . 7 2 8 $7 . 7 3 4 $7 . 7 4 0 $6 . 7 3 4 $7 . 4 0 3 $7 . 7 1 4 $7 . 7 7 2 $7 . 7 4 1 $7 . 8 0 0 $7 . 8 6 1 Mi l l i o n s Revenues Expenditures Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation The FY 15/16 draft budget anticipates a slight increase in fund balance due to additional revenue support from the Town of We stlake and the Blacksmith Annual fundraiser. If the Blacksmith annual fundraiser does not meet the anticipated amount, the Academy’s expenditures may exceed revenues in the FY 15/16 school year. Student Enrollment 5/28/2015 18 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 15/16 Proposed 530 630 658 697 812 832 Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation Enrollment is anticipated to increase by approximately 20 students in the FY 15/16 school year. The increase is the result of completing Phase 1 of the Academy Master Plan. We anticipate enrollment in future school years to remain flat (as approved by Board and Council based on the Phase 1 master plan Resolution 12-37 dated 11-12-2012) or until funding for additional facilities is made available. Lottery Waiting List 5/28/2015 19 Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation Enrollment demand in the secondary boundary areas remains strong. There are over 2,000 students on the lottery waiting list. FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 705 1027 2128 2194 2177 2400 Students by Boundary 5/28/2015 20 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 530 630 658 697 812 832 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 15/16 Proposed 371 460 461 425 586 599 159 170 197 272 226 233 Secondary Boundary Primary Boundary Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation The number of students attending the Academy, who reside in Westlake, has increased since FY 10/11. Staff will continue to manage additional growth at the Academy through student attrition until it becomes necessary to implement Phase II of the Facility Master Plan. 70% 73% 70% 61% 72% 72% 30% 27% 30% 39% 28% 28% Expenditure Cost per Student 5/28/2015 21 $0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 $6,111,960 $7,628,418 $8,365,832 $10,867,768 $10,715,943 $11,045,504 530 630 658 697 812 832 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 15/16 Proposed $11.53 $12.11 $12.71 $15.59 $13.20 $13.28 Th o u s a n d s Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation The majority of the increase (63%) in the total per student FY 13/14 expenditures is due to the increase in debt service payments ($259K) on the Phase I expansion of the campus facilities. Debt service, indirect operating costs, and major maintenance and replace ment costs related to the Academy are also included in the figures. The proposed decrease in the FY 15/16 budget indicates a more efficient allocation of our overall operating expenditures as well as an increase in student enrollment, which brings a corresponding increase in State funding. FY 15/16 Median and Average Salary Comparison 5/28/2015 22 Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation $48 $49 $50 $51 $52 $53 $54 $55 $56 $57 WA ISDs WA ISDs WA ISDs WA ISDs FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 $51.3 $53.1 $52.0 $54.1 $52.8 $55.2 $54.0 $56.6 Th o u s a n d s Board Policy states a desire to maintain the median salary within three percent (3%) of the districts surveyed for market comparison purposes. In FY 14/15, salaries were adjusted by two percent (2%). In FY 15/16, staff recommends an alignment of the salary scale, making each step equally comparable to the surrounding market. This alignment would result in an average increase of 2.9% over the FY 14/15 scale, and would be 4.4% below the estimated median average in FY 15/16. Steps furthest from the estimated market median would be increased by up to 4.97%. Alignment of the scale would be a valuable tool in our recruiting and retention efforts, especially for steps 0-7. These steps are currently the furthest from market, and would require a larger adjustment. Staffing Totals 5/28/2015 23 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 15/16 Proposed 60.44 69.53 73.07 77.18 91.80 94.35 Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation Additional 2.55 positions added for FY 15/16 New/Changing Positions 5/28/2015 24 Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation POSITION TITLE NEW COSTS EXPANDED COSTS TOTAL POSITION DESCRIPTION DP Math Teacher (50%) 32,605 - 32,605 new salaried position - 93.5 days DP English Teacher (50%) 29,364 - 29,364 new salaried position - 93.5 days DP Chemistry Teacher (50%) 33,530 - 33,530 new salaried position - 93.5 days MYP Math Teacher 74,591 - 74,591 position added mid year 2015 - 187 days Speech Teacher (split with 31) 18,873 - 18,873 new salaried position - 93.5 days Diagnostician (split with 31) 18,873 - 18,873 new salaried position - 93.5 days PYP Coordinator - 3,579 3,579 Allison Schneider - from 187 days to 197 days MYP Coordinator - 3,524 3,524 Terry Watson - from 187 days to 197 days DP Principal / DP Coordinator - 5,760 5,760 Chris Hill - from 207 days to 226 days MYP Principal - 55,000 55,000 Andra Barton - previously grant funded MYP Counselor - 6,208 6,208 Replacement for Vickie Nees DP Counselor / SL Director - 71,291 71,291 two positions aligned into one - 187 to 207 days Speech Teacher (split with 11) 18,873 - 18,873 new salaried position - 93.5 days Diagnostician (split with 11) 18,873 - 18,873 new salaried position - 93.5 days Facilities Maint Tech - 1,468 1,468 Additional 6% Raise Facilities Day Porter - 1,202 1,202 Additional 6% Raise Crossing Guards (2 Part-Time) 5,695 - 5,695 new hourly position - part time I.T. Coordinator 7,893 7,893 new salaried position - 230 days I.T. Technician 53,797 - 53,797 new salaried position - 230 days GRAND TOTAL $ 305,073 $ 155,923 $ 460,996 Service Level Adjustments 5/28/2015 Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation 25 Citizen, Student, Stakeholder Increase the Future Readiness of All Students 4,280 40% Increase Stakeholder Satisfaction 6,470 60% $ 10,750 Financial Stewardship Increase External Revenue Sources (170,219) 37% Improve Financial Stewardship (289,016) 63% $ (459,235) Academic Operations Optimize Student Potential 27,087 48% Improve the EfficiencIes of Operational Systems 5,629 10% Strengthen IB Philosophy & Implementation 23,225 42% $ 55,941 People, Facilities & Technology Attract, Recruit, Retain & Develop the Highest Quality Workforce 165,167 31% Increase the Capacity of Teachers and Staff 322,968 61% Improve Technology, Facilities & Equipment 45,300 8% $ 533,436 PERSONNEL COSTS 488,136 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 111,991 REVENUES AND SAVINGS (459,235) Grand Total $ 140,892 Discussion Points •Municipal Long-Term Planning –Staff Direction from Council •Academic Long Term Planning –Staff Direction from Board 5/28/2015 26 Westlake Academy – 2015/16 Draft Budget Presentation