HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA Strategic Plan - 2010-11Strategic Planning Retreat Westlake Academy May 20, 2011 Strategic Planning Agenda A.Review and Revise Mission, Vision & Values B.Review formatting of strategic plan with IB standards & practices, BSC and dashboards C.Discuss ways to integrate the strategic plan into the BOT agenda 4/15/2013 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 2 REVIEW & REVISE MISSION, VISION & VALUES Section II.A Mission Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community-owned International Baccalaureate charter school whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced and responsible global citizens. What is our purpose, why do we exist, what do we do? 4 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 4/15/2013 Vision What is our picture of the future? 5 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 4/15/2013 Values – Guiding Principles - Academic success through the IB curriculum - Student and family oriented environment - Being a municipally owned and operated charter school - Engaged students with international awareness - Community involvement and support - Diverse learning experience What performance lenses should we use to evaluate results? 6 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 4/15/2013 Desired Outcomes What are our main focus areas, what results do we need to achieve? 7 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 4/15/2013 Mission & Vision High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability Student Engagement – Extracurricular Activities Effective Educators & Staff REVIEW FORMATTING OF STRATEGIC PLAN, IB STANDARDS & PRACTICES, BSC AND DASHBOARDS Section II.B Why plan? 9 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 4/15/2013 •Academic success through the IB curriculum •Student and family oriented environment •Being a municipally owned and operated charter school •Engaged students with international awareness •Community involvement and support •Diverse learning experience Current Strategic Planning Format 10 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 4/15/2013 Vision / Mission Statement Values (Guiding Principles) Desired Outcomes Specific Outcomes Indicators Specific Outcomes are designed to support the five (5) main Desired Outcomes identified as important to the success of the students. Specific Outcome = 1.0 Students will be well prepared to matriculate and succeed in college. Short-Range and On-going Goals Team Leader(s): Heads of Section Indicator = 1.1 100% of students are passing classroom exams Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal Activity = 1.1.1 Continued integration of IB curricula into all daily educational programs Indicators are measurable statements/activities designed to show that Specific Outcomes have been achieved. Team Leaders are identified to monitor our progress toward the stated goals Assigned completion dates for each Indicator Activities are actions Staff will complete to achieve the goal set out in the corresponding Indicator 11 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 4/15/2013 Desired Outcome ~ High Student Achievement Specific Outcome 1.0 Students will be well prepared to matriculate and succeed in college Short-Range and On-going Goals Team Leader(s): Heads of Section 1.1 100% of students are passing classroom exams Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 1.1.1 Continued integration of IB curricula into all daily educational programs Suggested Format for New Strategic Plan • Clear priorities • Shows where we should allocate our resources to achieve our priorities • Results we want and who is responsible for them • How we plan to attain and measure priorities • Allows the governing body to evaluate the effectiveness of the Strategic Plan’s implementation 12 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 4/15/2013 What do we want to do? Align our Mission / Vision / Values with the Desired Outcomes in a way that communicates the following: Process Map 4/15/2013 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 13 Logic Model for BSC 14 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 4/15/2013 Board Administrative Phase One of BSC 1.Organizational assessment to determine the pains, enablers, and values. 2.Strategy, customer and stakeholder value propositions are defined and used to create the organization’s strategy. 3.Strategic objectives are developed. 4.Strategy Maps are created to show causal relationships. 5.Performance measures and targets are used to create strategic measures and track execution. 6.Identification of new Strategic Initiatives to close performance gaps. 4/15/2013 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 15 Phase Two of BSC 7.Automation of performance data (Dashboard Reporting) 8.Cascading the Balanced Scorecard throughout the organization 9.Evaluation (Plan, Do, Study, Act) 4/15/2013 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 16 Strategy Map How do we create and communicate our value to customers? 17 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 4/15/2013 18 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 4/15/2013 Strategic Plan in an “Actionable Format” 19 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 4/15/2013 Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives Date Due SP/IB S&P St a k e h o l d e r I n v o l v e m e n t Teachers and staff are dedicated and satisfied Staff Survey - Maintaining a positive workplace environment where people are highly motivated Year round recruitment A1, B2 Fund100 B2.2 Staff turnover Recruitment profiles B2.2 Median Tenure of staff B2.2 Median salary Salary Survey B2.2 Ratio of international teachers A1.4, B2.2 % of staff with professional development plan Individual professional development plans B2.2-3,C1.2 % of staff on track with professional development plan B2.2 INTEGRATE STRATEGIC PLAN INTO BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA Section II.C 21 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 4/15/2013 Dashboard Examples 22 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 4/15/2013 Dashboard Examples QUESTIONS & DISCUSSION Section II.D 4/15/2013 Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 24