HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 Update Recruitment Strategy-1Westlake Academy Recruiting and Retention Strategy “Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community-owned International Baccalaureate charter school whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced and responsible global citizens.” Westlake Academy Recruiting and Retention Strategy The purpose of Westlake Academy’s Recruiting and Retention Strategy is to attract, select, cultivate, and retain top teaching and administrative talent to achieve the school’s mission. Westlake Academy needs teachers and administrators who: • create a positive and professional environment • maintain worthwhile relationships with students and staff • posses creativity within classrooms RESULTS LIFE-LONG LEARNERS ACHIEVE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE The recruiting strategy supports Westlake Academy’s Strategic Plan. Westlake Academy Recruiting and Retention Strategy The teacher appraisal process by Section Principals and Coordinators in the three IB programs determines how well a teacher’s students are able to demonstrate characteristics of the IB Learner Profile. The appraiser uses the following domains on the effectiveness of the attitudes and skills imparted to students: Planning and Preparation for Learning Classroom Management Teaching Methodology Monitoring, Assessment and Follow-up Family and Community Outreach Professional Responsibilities 4 Highly Effective 3 Effective 2 Improvement necessary 1 Does not meet Rating Scale Westlake Academy Recruiting and Retention Strategy • Attracts high-caliber teachers who get great results (e.g. marked gains in their students’ achievement); and • Promotes high levels of retention of top teachers, who stay at Westlake Academy to develop, improve and acquire leadership skills over time. RESULTS x LONGEVITY = MAXIMUM HUMAN POTENTIAL Recruit Select Develop Retain Westlake Academy Recruiting and Retention Strategy Key Challenges • Resource capacity at WA to recruit a wider range of candidates. • Adequate staff resources to research quality teachers. • Existing traditional teacher training and certification programs to provide adequate preparation for successful teaching. • Adequate resources for evaluating predictors of success during the recruiting process. • Providing adequate incentives for recruiting international teachers. • Enhance a professional culture that supports and rewards great teaching based on results. • Resources to invest in professional development and attractive career ladders and opportunities. • Resources to invest in retention of top performers. NE W T A L E N T L E G A C Y T E A C H E R S RE T E N T I O N Recruiting top talent requires resources Demand > supply for high-performing candidates Value performance in real terms Westlake Academy Recruiting and Retention Strategy Key Challenges: Attracting and Retaining Top Talent Overcoming Recruiting Challenges: What we can do • Maintain an attractive and competitive salary and benefits package • Establish teacher internship programs • Establish a national and international marketing program • Implement succession planning for high-performing staff, preserving legacy knowledge • Commence the recruiting process earlier in the school year Overcoming Retention Challenges: What we can do • Ensure proper leadership and support is given to teachers by the principal • Provide professional growth and career enhancement opportunities for our employees • Annual one-time performance compensation for top performers Westlake Academy Recruiting and Retention Strategy • To be and feel well supported • To be and feel valued • To have opportunities for growth and significant leadership opportunities • To feel that they are part of a successful team and their opinions matter • To achieve and maintain balance among personal and professional priorities • To be adequately compensated What do teachers value? INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC REWARDS Westlake Academy Recruiting and Retention Strategy The Human Resources Department’s role requires partnership and interaction with internal and external stakeholders HR Principals Candidate Profiles Westlake Academy Recruiting and Retention Strategy The Bottom Line • The Human Resources Department and Section Principals are committed to finding the right person for every classroom • Investment of time and resources around recruitment-selection-placement phase for candidates to ensure higher levels of continued teacher success Compensation • Maintain a competitive base salary scale and benefits package • Provide relocation packages for international teachers, as needed (proposed from Fund 100) • Implement annual one-time performance pay for high performing employees to support Legacy teachers (proposed from Fund 100) • Provide one-time recruiting incentives, as necessary (proposed from Fund 100) •Implement an Internship Program that provides onsite training and mentorship Westlake Academy Recruiting and Retention Strategy •Develop an going in-school mentoring program •Promote Professional development for all teaching staff Ongoing support and professional development: what we can do Westlake Academy Recruiting and Retention Strategy The Legacy Teacher Definition: “Legacy teachers are those educators who affect a positive and lasting difference in the lives of the students they teach”. Legacy Teachers are not defined by tenure, but by high performance and demonstrated success both inside and outside the classroom. The development and retention of Legacy Teachers increases our effectiveness and add value to the organization. Recruit Develop Evaluate Reward How do we reward those who add great value to the organization? Attract Westlake Academy Recruiting and Retention Strategy The proposed Fund 100 Legacy Teacher Reward System 1.Eligibility for the Legacy Teacher Reward System begins with earning the designation of being “Highly Effective” on their annual performance evaluation. 2.Section Principals determine “Legacy Teachers” using the following criteria: - Teaching Style & Passion in the classroom - Implementation of curricula - Creation and influence of school-wide initiatives - Assumption of leadership roles - Impact on student achievement A Legacy Teacher is determined and rewarded by the following steps: Legacy Teacher designations are made on an annual basis, and are rewarded from the proposed Fund 100 Legacy Teacher Reward System. Westlake Academy Recruiting and Retention Strategy The Westlake Academy Foundation’s “Fund 100” grants for academic initiatives were established to support the following mission: “To provide funds that will be used exclusively in ways that will promote Legacy teachers who exemplify, embody and inspire the IB philosophy, principles and standards. Specifically, funds will be used to attract, retain and develop Legacy teachers.” The Proposed Fund 100 Legacy Teacher Reward System Pending Board of Trustees approval of this system, grant applications would be submitted to the Westlake Academy Foundation to fund one- time performance payments on an annual basis for employees designated as a “Legacy Teachers”. This designation would be determined each year, and is not automatically recurring. Westlake Academy Recruiting and Retention Strategy Action Plan and Timeline Action Timeline HR advertises positions internationally (approved and proposed) October - January Principals inform Superintendent of non-renewal of contacts for faculty for coming academic year January 2012 Initial advertisements for positions are posted in local papers and posted on recruitment websites. Firm vacancy list determined by section principals. January 2012 Superintendent/Principals attend recruitment fairs (Funding?) January/February 2012 Local interviews begin February - March 2012 All budgeted positions filled March - April 2012