HomeMy WebLinkAboutFoundtion Info BOT Packet 12-06-10 FY 10-11 Blacksmith Annual Fund Campaign 12.6.10 FY 10/11 FY 99L10 FY 08/09 FY 07/08 FY 06 07 Goal $600,000.00 $420,000.00 Budgeted Goal $419,230.00 Total Raised $545,385.00 $427,207.00 $418,313.00 $411,505.00 $388,377.00 Bio to Goal 91.00% 106,00% %to Budgeted Goal 130.00% Total Raised $545,385.00 $427,207.00 $418,313.00 $411,505.00 $388,377.00 Total Children Enrolled in WA 520 491 417 379 346 #of Children represented by Donor Familes 344 Total #of Families 295 Total #of Donor Families 184 Average Gift per Donor Family $2,964.04 Average Gift per All Families $1,848.76 Average Gift per Donor Student (326) $1,672.96 Average Gift per Student(520) $1,048.82 $870.00 $1,003,00 $1,086.00 $1,122.00 Westlake Donors %of All Families from Westlake (77) 26.00% % of Donor Families from Westlake (50) 27.00% % of Westlake Families who gave 65.00% Total Raised by Westlake Families $219,700.00 %of Grand Total Raised 40.50% Average Gift of Westlake Family $4,394.00 Secondary Boundary Donors %of all Secondary Boundary Familes (218) 73.00% %of Donor Families in Secondary Bounderies (134) 73.00% %of Secondary Boundary Families who gave 61.00% Total Raised by Secondary Boundary Families $322,685.00 %of Grand Total Raised 59.00% Average Gift $2,408.00 Corporate Contributions(21 recd) $52,300.00 % of Total Contributions 9.60% Average Corporate Gift $2,490.48 FY10-11 BAF Donations by FamiiV's Start at WA New in 2010 New in 2009 2003-2008 Total#of Families 47 47 201 % of total familes 16.00% 16.00% 68.00% #of Families Donating 26 25 133 %of Total Families who gave 55,00% 53.00✓ 91.00/ of Total Donors 14.00% 13% 72.00% Average Gift per Donor Families $2,134.00 $3,274.00 $2,694.00 Average Gift per All Families (Donor& Non-donor) $1,180.00 $1,741.00 $1,782.00 FY10-11 BAF Contributions by-Gift Level Titanium ( $5,000+ per child) 3 famifles Steel ($4,000 -$4,999 per child) 1 family Iron ($3,000-3,999 per child) S families Copper ($2,000 - 2,999 per child) 111 families Pewter(up to$2,000 per child) 61 families FY 10-11 BAF Contributions by Grade 12th -61% 8th - 65% 4th -79% 11th-41% 7th - 60% 3rd - 67% 10th -74% 6th -70% 2nd-68% 9th - 71% 5th -63% 1st- 70% K -57% 2010 Blacksmith Annual Fund Campaign Executive Report "Pulling our Own Weight" December 6, 2010 Mission • To raise vital financial support to fund the difference between state funding and the actual cost of an 1B education at WA • 100% of contributions are transferred directly to the general fund to cover actual school expenses Goal • Move the school closer to becoming a self funded, self sustaining entity • 2010 goal was actual costs notwithstanding $1.5M in debt structure Methodology • Rowing theme kick off at Back to School Night with prizes for early participants • Refined FAQ's • $200 increase in per student request, simplified donor form • Participation/letters of support from each Principal and many teachers • "Be a Lifesaver"personal request in car lines • Weekly email reporting and signage updates in both car pool lines • Listing BY NAME, CLASS and LEVEL OF PARTICIPATION • Inclusion of BOT, Corporate Gifts and Administration in weekly reporting ' Phone-a-thon Evening calls to every family who had not participated by 3rd week ' Personal thank you calls to every Smith family • Thank you letters with holiday cards by winter break for YE tax benefits • Forthcoming report will detail expenditures covered and tie to online financials • Permanent installation planned to recognize donors Results • Highest dollars raised in WA history ($542,385, 90% of Goal, 129% Budget) • 27% increase over FY 09/10, with only +6% increase in students • Westlake families contributed a disproportionate amount of dollars (higher per student and% of grand total), but smaller- Tparticipation. Opportunities • New family %participation and $ gift relatively low: better up front communication in marketing/new student packet, and family mentor program • Grandparent matching program • Salary auto debit capability • Corporate giving • Grants Camp Community Storehouse Summer Readin Program - 2010 "Partnering to Serve the Children" Keller Independent School District Northwest Independent School District Westlake Academy Sponsored by: Community Storehouse Providing Reading Assistance through a Motivation to Learn 1.rlo'71.1 .11 Goa-is of Camp Community Storehouse • To support children's mental and physical growth • To intervene early in an area research strongly supports (Reading & Writing) • To provide students with developmentally & academically appropriate reading material • To ensure each child in the program receives meal service • To provide service-learning training for youth volunteers Camp Community Storehouse Overview * Children are referred & selected from local school districts * Families qualify within the school district& Community Storehouse. Program is a three week session: 9:00-1:00-5 days/week. * Pre-kindergarten through 3rd Grade * 130 children + . * Rotation: 3 one hr. periods (1)guided reading group (2) music &art (3) physical fitness/socialization * 1 hour for meal service and ! hour for Daily Speakers * Five reading teachers, 1 music/art teacher& 1 P.E. teacher. * The teachers were "master"teachers within their area of study. Campor'r muney s "r .s« , @ k 'Vu p a� � j§ t VF t �! Performance Model • Data collection on each student included both Qualitative and Quantitative data • Each student entering the camp received: — DRA II reading assessment at the beginning — Exit level assessment to benchmark gains and development at the end of the 15 day session. • Qualitative notes were collected by the teachers with a complete folder delivered on each student to their home campus prior to the 2010-11 school year. -- Camp Community Storehouse successes/outcomes: *Educated 41 Pre-K Students&Measured Them All on the DRA II *Overall Success Rate of:2.7%growth and 92%increase on fluency rate as measured by the DRA 11 * Welcomed in 75-100 volunteers daily *Approximately 25-30%were Westlake Academy students and or parents n *Westlake Academy Children participated in camp *Fed students and families in need daily *15 days of Community Presentations Strengths of Camp Community Storehouse ■ o • Measurable Results Impacting Students • Target Behaviors for Long-term Success - n • Youth Volunteers Gain Transferable Skills ,- • Strong Community Involvement • Schools Benefit with the Reading Program • Children Improve Self-Esteem&Social Skills • Parents Take an Active Role in the Learning Process • Children Become Motivated Learners Ail f - Camp Community Storehouse Community Storehouse is looking forward to continued partnership with the Keller I.S.D, Northwest I.S.D. and Westlake Academy for the support of the youth in our area to grow as lifelong learners.