HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-16-10 BOT Agenda PacketThe Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees will begin immediately following the conclusion of the Board of Trustees Workshop but not prior to the posted start time. Page 1 of 4 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Mission / Vision Statement Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible global citizens. BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING AGENDA August 16, 2010 WESTLAKE TOWN HALL 3 VILLAGE CIRCLE – 2ND COUNCIL CHAMBERS/MUNICIPAL COURT ROOM FLOOR Workshop Session 4:30 p.m. Regular Session 6:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Workshop Session 2. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FROM MAY 10, 2010, TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. 3. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION FROM THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY HOUSE OF COMMONS SPEAKER REGARDING THE ACTIVITIES FROM THE 2009-2010 SCHOOL YEAR AND UPCOMING ACTIVITIES FOR THE 2010-2011 YEAR. Page 2 of 4 4. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION’S 2010 BLACKSMITH CAMPAIGN. 5. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE ESTIMATED YEAR-END ACADEMIC SERVICES BUDGET FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2010 AND ADOPTING THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2011. (ensuring that operationally inappropriate things are not occurring.) Is everything occurring appropriately? 6. DISCUSSION OF THE PROPOSED BOARD OF TRUSTEE POLICIES FOR 2010 – 2011 ACADEMIC YEAR. (ensuring that the right student outcomes are being achieved – focus is on student outcomes and not processes) How well are the students doing? 7. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF DIPLOMA PROGRAMME/ADVANCED PLACEMENT RESULTS FROM THE 2009-10 ACADEMIC YEAR. 8. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION 9. ADJOURNMENT Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. 4. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the minutes for the meeting held on May 10, 2010. b. Consider approval of the minutes for the joint workshop held on June 7, 2010. c. Consider approval of the minutes for the workshop held on June 18, 2010. Page 3 of 4 d. Consider approval of Resolution 10-10, Amending the discipline policy. e. Consider approval of Resolution 10-11, Amending the trips policy. f. Consider approval of Resolution 10-12, Amending the parent – student handbook signature page. g. Consider approval of Resolution 10-13, Amending the academic honesty policy. h. Consider approval of Resolution 10-14, Amending the technology usage policy. i. Consider approval of Resolution 10-15, Adopting a transportation policy. j. Consider approval of Resolution 10-16, Adopting an electronic communication policy. k. Consider approval of Resolution 10-17, Adopting a community learning commitment policy. l. Consider approval of Resolution 10-18, Approving additions to the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual. 5. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RESOLUTION 10-19, APPROVING THE ESTIMATED YEAR-END ACADEMIC SERVICES BUDGET FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2010 AND ADOPTING THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2011. 6. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION 7. BOARD CALENDAR - First Day of School August 23, 2010 - Board Meeting September 13, 2010 - Arbor Day September 25, 2010 - Westlake Baja at Vaquero September 27, 2010 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under “Future Agenda Item Requests”, an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the CEO with the requested item and the CEO will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item’s relationship to the Board’s strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the CEO will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. President Wheat: discussion of BOT policy for seat belts in bus seats including contracted bus services for WA student trips. Page 4 of 4 9. ADJOURNMENT ANY ITEM ON THIS POSTED AGENDA COULD BE DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN ONE OF THE PERMITTED CATEGORIES UNDER SECTIONS 551.071 THROUGH 551.076 AND SECTION 551.087 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE. I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, on August 11, 2010, by 5:00 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. CERTIFICATION _____________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FROM MAY 10, 2010, TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. a. Consider approval of the minutes for the meeting held on May 10, 2010. b. Consider approval of the minutes for the joint workshop held on June 7, 2010. c. Consider approval of the minutes for the workshop held on June 18, 2010. d. Consider approval of Resolution 10-10, Amending the discipline policy. e. Consider approval of Resolution 10-11, Amending the trips policy. f. Consider approval of Resolution 10-12, Amending the parent – student handbook signature page. g. Consider approval of Resolution 10-13, Amending the academic honesty policy. h. Consider approval of Resolution 10-14, Amending the technology usage policy. i. Consider approval of Resolution 10-15, Adopting a transportation policy. j. Consider approval of Resolution 10-16, Adopting an electronic communication policy. k. Consider approval of Resolution 10-17, Adopting a community learning commitment policy. l. Consider approval of Resolution 10-18, Approving additions to the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual. Westlake Academy Item # 2 – Review of Consent Agenda Items Page 1 of 2 Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Thomas Brymer, Superintendent Subject: Workshop Meeting of August 16, 2010 Date: August 2, 2010 Presentation and discussion from the Westlake Academy House of Commons Speaker regarding the activities from the 2009-2010 school year and upcoming activities for the 2010-2011 year. ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT Page 2 of 2 program of work will be discussed within the context of the organization’s program of work carrying out the TC’s/BOA’s strategic plan for both the Town and Westlake Academy. All funding requests should be submitted not later than the July 1st 3.) Review fund raising activities underway or planned to support the current or proposed plan of work. prior to the upcoming fiscal year. Requests received after that time will not be considered until the following fiscal year. 4.) The chair of each advisory board, committee, and/or affiliate organization shall schedule this annual meeting (or more frequent if needed) through the Town Secretary’s office. The TC/BOT may choose to hold these meetings one or two times per year. 5.) All affiliates of Westlake Academy, prior to meeting with the TC/BOT, will meet with the Head of School to make sure they their proposed efforts are coordinated through the Head of School and his/her designates. N/A FUNDING N/A RECOMMENDATION None ATTACHMENTS Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Tom Brymer, Superintendent Subject: Workshop Meeting of August 16, 2010 Date: August 10, 2010 Presentation and Discussion of the Westlake Academy Foundation’s 2010 Blacksmith Campaign ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential BACKGROUND (including policy implications and options): Leadership from the Westlake Academy Foundation Board has requested an opportunity to visit with the Board of Trustees regarding the upcoming 2010 Blacksmith Campaign to fund raise for Westlake Academy’s operating budget. N/A FUNDING Hear report, engage in discussion and provide requested feedback/direction to the WAF Board leadership. RECOMMENDATION: None ATTACHMENTS: Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Tom Brymer, Superintendent Subject: Workshop Meeting of August 16, 2010 Date: August 2, 2010 Presentation and Discussion of the estimated year-end Academic Services budget for Westlake Academy for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2010 and adopting the proposed budget for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2011. ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential In accordance with State law, the staff has prepared the FY 2010-2011 budget outlining the anticipated revenues and expenditures of all funds. The budget will be presented at the workshop to follow-up on direction given to staff at the Board’s June 18, 2010 WA Budget retreat. BACKGROUND N/A FUNDING Staff recommends approval RECOMMENDATION Proposed FY 10-11 WA Budget (to be sent under separate cover) ATTACHMENTS 1 Memo Town of Westlake To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Tom Brymer, Superintendent Subject: Workshop Meeting of August 16, 2010 Date: August 5, 2010 Discussion of the proposed Board of Trustee Policies for 2010 – 2011 academic year. ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who well balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential The Board has directed staff to either amend or continually develop policies which will foster the type of learning environment necessary for student success at Westlake Academy. In pursuit of this goal, a series of previously adopted Board polices related to discipline, school sanctioned trips, and the Parent/Student Handbook (Handbook) have been amended and are being submitted for approval. Broader topics covering, electronic communication, academic honesty, technology use and statements of support necessary to develop a learning community have also been drafted. Staff has identified the amended vs. new policy documents and prepared a synopsis of applicable changes and/or explanations necessary for the Board to make an informed decision. BACKGROUND Amended Policies: 1. Parent/Student Handbook Additions/Revisions: A paragraph has been added encouraging parents to sign an – the previous policy directed staff to develop, maintain and publish the Handbook on an annual basis; amend as necessary according to changes in policy and publish on the Academy web site. 2 acknowledgement form stating they have read and understand the Handbook provisions on an annual basis. Students will be required to sign the acknowledgment form indicating they have read and understand the items contained in the document and the revision provides for student consequences if they fail to sign/return the paperwork. 2. Discipline – the policy, in general, outlined the need to develop a discipline related policy to ensure a safe and productive learning environment; the statement also outlined the due process procedures and identified the ‘serious offenses’ recognized by the Board as detrimental to the students, staff and faculty. Additions/Revisions: In amending the policy, our attorney for Westlake Academy suggested the list of ‘serious offenses’ be moved to the Handbook, that our progressive discipline procedures be clearly delineated and additional language be included to cover the mandatory legal notices regarding drugs, felony offenses, assaults, alcohol, guns, etc. Staff also suggested the implementation of an alternative Saturday school option as a step which could be used for various purposes, which was not previously contained in the policy. 3. Board Parameters for School Sanctioned Trips – the stated purpose of the policy was to affirm the Board’s desire to support residential trips as a component of the IB curriculum and provide the Staff with general directives on planning and executing the events. Additions/Revisions: Revisions to the document began with the Board’s direction to establish a schedule whereby parents could receive prior notification of trip destinations and/or monetary requirements so they could prepare in advance for the student’s travel. As such, the following items are identified in the revision: a. A proposed trip ‘schedule’ for both primary and secondary is included b. General procedures to organize and plan trips are outlined c. Explanations that trips are a privilege is expanded to include consequences for discipline issues that arise while student’s are traveling d. Vendor identification and Request for Proposal processes are identified e. Staff training outlining the responsibilities of each chaperone is required; along with the identification of a group staff leader for each trip f. Setting a minimum number of students necessary for each trip to be a viable learning experience for the group has been established with parameters allowing for the Superintendent (or designee) to determine the number g. Non-sanctioned school trips are addressed with the requirement that the parent obtain prior approval from the respective Principal, prior to the student’s absence in order to receive an excused absence. 3 In addition, language has been included requiring that all out-of-state trips receive Board approval as the immunity laws for each destination location may place additional liability burdens on the governing body/Academy which differ from Texas. Our attorney advised this should be included in the policy document. New Policies: 4. Technology Use and Computer System Responsibilities – as the school has expanded the Staff has identified the need to create a Board policy covering the approved and appropriate use of the technology resources available on the school campus. The proposal is designed to establish that the electronic communication system/technology resources are a privilege the students and staff are afforded and as such, are subject to limitations and consequences for the abuse of the system. The policy covers general user guidelines and safety measures for both students and staff. 5. Learning Community Commitment Statement – the policy covers the establishment of separate statements for parents, students, and faculty/staff, which will serve to reinforce their commitment to the learning environment at Westlake Academy. The ideals found in the statements are based on the mission, vision and values established by the Board for the Academy and also incorporate the traits found in the IB Learner Profile. Parents will be encouraged to sign the statements to indicate their support of their child’s education on an annual basis. Students, in grades 5 – 12, will be required to sign the pledge as a condition of attending the school and parents of the younger students will be asked to read the information to the child. Staff/faculty will also be required to sign a support statement designed to foster and create an effective learning atmosphere. 6. Electronic Communications and Faculty Responsibilities - provides for parameters under which communication should occur between the stakeholders of the Academy community, such as parents, Board members, students, staff, etc. In an effort to comply with privacy measures as it relates to student information, the Academy has certain responsibilities as to when electronic communication is acceptable and when a personal meeting is the best course of action. The following is delineated in the document: a. Electronic communication should be used for short discussions to schedule meetings, answer factual/logistical questions about homework, tests, projects, etc. and/or to provide for trip announcements b. Electronic communication should not be used for discussion regarding 4 behavior, academic performance considered to be confidential according to state or federal law (special needs, learning disabilities, etc.) and/or to discuss training methods, subject content or discipline. The policy also contains a statement designed to prohibit the use of social media, personal email or third-party website use to communicate with parents or students about school matters. 7. Academic Honesty and Honor Code – the policy provides for a definition of academic dishonesty and states the Board’s support of the use of an Honor Code pledge to develop the student’s character as it relates to completing their own work and properly citing the material used in research papers and homework assignments. In addition, the policy provides for consequences if a student violates the pledge, fails to adequately document their materials, commits plagiarism, collaborates on tests or assignments when prohibited or uses other aids during an assessment which are not authorized. 8. Vehicle Transportation Policy – establishes standards and definitions for the use of school owned, leased, or rented vehicles in order to transport the students. The policy is drawn from the applicable state law and procedures customarily found in surrounding ISD’s. Upon review of the policies and approval by the Board, these items will be included in the Handbook (as necessary) prior to the coming school year. Not applicable at this time. FUNDING For the Board to review and discuss the policy proposals for Westlake Academy. RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS: • Board policy proposals covering these related and categories and topics: Student Achievement Board Parameters for School Sanctioned Trips Governance Discipline Parent, Student and Faculty Parent/Student Handbook Relations and Expectations: Academic Honesty & Honor Code Electronic c Communications & Faculty Responsibilities Technology Use & Computer System RResp. onsibilities Learning Community Comm. Statement 1 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 09-04 Date Board Adopted: February 9, 2009 Date Board Amended: August 16, 2010 Effective Date : August 16, 2010 Policy Name : Parent –Student Handbook Policy Category : Parent, Student and Faculty Relations and Expectations Policy Goal : Effective communication of Parent-Student Expectations and Standards Policy Description : The purpose of this policy is to outline the Board of Trustees’ desired outcome to have a Parent/Student Handbook to facilitate communication to Westlake Academy parents and students of the various aspects of the Academy’s operations, student expectations, and student standards. In that light, the Westlake Academy staff is charged with drafting, updating, and publishing, at least annually prior to the start of the school, a Parent/Student Handbook (Handbook). A copy of the current Handbook will be placed on the Academy’s web site. During the course of the school year, the Academy staff is responsible for identifying amendments that may need to be made to the Handbook due to changes in Board policy or Academy procedures. If any amendments are made, they shall be communicated in a timely fashion to all Academy parents and students prior to their effective date. Parents and students will be expected to sign an acknowledgment form stating they have read and understand the policies and procedures outlined in the Handbook for each applicable school year. A student that fails to provide a signed acknowledgment within the allotted time frame may be subject to expulsion from the Academy. 1 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 09 - 14 Date Board Adopted: August 3, 2009 Date Board Amended: August 16, 2010 Effective Date : August 16, 2010 Policy Name : Discipline Policy Category : Governance Policy Goal : Description of the discipline policy Policy Description Our primary belief is that no student or member of the Westlake Academy community has the right to impede the education of another student. Any behavior, which is disruptive to the learning environment, will not be tolerated and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, as necessary, to ensure the integrity of the learning environment. The Academy encourages parents to work with their children and school personnel to establish clear expectations for student behavior. : Staff and students will use the IB learner profile attributes as a basis for the development of a constructive behavior environment. Every effort will be made to develop positive consequences, which can be applied to individual students as well as classrooms. Consistency is important and will be a priority in decisions involving student behavior and discipline in order to establish firm and consistent limits for students. The IB program also establishes a positive educational environment for both the student and teacher. Generally, the following levels will be used to determine consequences for disregarding school and classroom rules: Parent/Student Handbook Each year, Westlake Academy shall make available the Parent/Student Handbook, which shall describe the acceptable standards of student conduct and : 2 the disciplinary consequences applicable to violations of the standards of conduct or other school or classroom rules. Both parents and students are expected to sign acknowledgement of the receipt and review of the Parent/Student Handbook for each year in which the student is enrolled in the Academy. A student that fails to provide a signed acknowledgment within the allotted time frame may be subject to expulsion from the Academy. Revisions to the Handbook that are made during the school year shall be made available promptly to students, parents, teachers, administrators, and others. Generally, consequences for disregarding acceptable standards of conduct or school and classroom rules will include one or more of the following: Progressive Discipline: 1. Warning from teacher or any member of school staff and reflection by student 2. Disciplinary action from classroom teacher or Head of Section and reflection by the student 3. For more serious offenses, Head of Section Principal disciplinary action and reflection by the student 4. For repeated infractions or serious offenses, Serious infractions, Head of Section disciplinary action by the Principal or Superintendent, parent notification and reflection by the student Disciplinary action may include: 1. Detention 2. In-school Suspension 3. Saturday School 4. Out-of-school Suspension 5. Expulsion 6. Or other consequences determined by the Principal or Superintendent to be appropriate in compliance with the procedures identified in the Parent/Student Handbook Depending on the severity of an offense, school personnel may request immediate intervention by the Principal or Superintendent in any disciplinary 3 matter. Parents will be notified promptly if a student’s behavior may result in a disciplinary consequence that includes detention for which the parent may need to make alternative transportation plans for the student, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, or proposed expulsion. Severe infractions of the Code of Conduct or disruption considered serious by school personnel will warrant immediate teacher or Head of Section intervention. Parents will be notified of serious behavior problems immediately. Guidelines for Discipline Procedure : Westlake Academy personnel shall adhere to the following general guidelines when imposing discipline: 1. A student shall be disciplined when necessary to improve the student’s behavior, to maintain essential order, or to protect other students, school employees, or property. 2. Students shall be treated fairly and equitably. Discipline shall be based on a careful assessment of the circumstances of each case. Factors that may be considered include: a. Seriousness of the offense; b. Student’s age; c. Frequency of misconduct; d. Student’s attitude; e. Potential effect of the misconduct on the school environment; f. Provisions of the Parent/Student Handbook. 3. When applicable, the following steps will be taken to ensure Westlake Academy students receive appropriate due process: • The student will be informed of the prohibited conduct or rule violation that he/she is alleged to have committed. • The student will be provided information related to the factual basis for the allegations. • The student will have an opportunity to respond to the allegations and provide any additional information relevant to the allegations, including any defenses or other mitigating factors. 1. Must be informed of accusations against them. 4 2. Must have explained to them the factual basis for the accusations. 3. Must have a chance to present an alternative factual position if the accusations are denied. Serious offenses include: • Defiance of authority • Verbal or physical threat or action against another person i.e. bullying • Fighting • Drugs - using, possessing, giving or selling any dangerous, illegal or look- alike drugs or drug paraphernalia, • Students can not use, without permission, or misuse any prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications. • Alcohol – using, possessing, giving or selling any alcoholic or look-alike alcoholic beverages • Tobacco – using, possessing, giving or selling any tobacco or tobacco products • Gambling - wagering or betting money or other stakes on the outcome of any activity • Theft - stealing property of another person or of the school • Weapons dangerous items - bringing items to school that are considered dangerous as decided by the Head of Section • Willfully damaging or destroying school property • Possession and or distribution of printed, audio or video material deemed inappropriate by school authorities • Downloading offensive or inappropriate material from the internet • Visiting offensive or inappropriate sites on the internet • Cheating and/or plagiarism; which includes the dishonest use of electronic media. • Three detentions The consequences for a violation of the serious offenses policy may result in expulsion on the first offense for any of the above. 4. Discipline for serious offenses: A student may be removed from class if the student engages in conduct involving a public school that contains the elements of the offense of false alarm or report under Texas Penal Code 42.06, or terroristic threat under Texas Penal Code 22.07. 5 A student may be removed from class if the student commits the following on or within 300 feet of school property, as measured from any point on the school’s real property boundary line or while attending a school-sponsored or school- related activity on or off school property: a) Engages in conduct punishable as a felony, b) Engages in conduct that contains the elements of assault, under Penal Code 22.01(a)(1), c) Sells, gives, or delivers to another person, or possesses, uses, or is under the influence of: a. Marijuana or a controlled substance, as defined by the Texas Controlled Substances Act, Health and Safety Code Chapter 481, or by 21 U.S.C. 801, et seq; b. A dangerous drug as defined by the Texas Dangerous Drug Act, Health and Safety Code, Chapter 483. d) Sells, gives, or delivers to another person an alcoholic beverage, as defined by the Alcoholic Beverage Code, 1.04, or commits a serious act or offense while under the influence of alcohol, or possesses, uses, or is under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, e) Engages in conduct that contains the elements of an offense relating to an abusable volatile chemical under Health and Safety Code, 485.031 through 485.034, f) Engages in conduct that contains the elements of the offense of public lewdness under Penal Code, 21.07, g) Engages in conduct that contains the elements of the offense of indecent exposure under Penal Code, 21.08. h) Students shall not smoke, use or possess tobacco products, Any conduct by a student that poses a risk to the safety of the student, other students, school employees or school property may be treated as a serious offense and may result in the student’s removal from class and other appropriate discipline, up to and including expulsion. The consequences for a serious offense may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion on the first offense. Serious offenses may also include 6 other prohibited behaviors as identified in the Parent/Student Handbook based on the circumstances and severity of the offense. 5. Prior to expulsion from Westlake Academy, a student will have an opportunity for a hearing before the appropriate Principal. The student’s parent shall be notified in advance of the hearing. If the Principal recommends expulsion, the student may appeal that decision to the Superintendent. If the Superintendent upholds the recommendation for expulsion, the student may appeal that decision to the Board of Trustees. Gun-Free Schools Act In accordance with the Gun-Free Schools Act, Westlake Academy shall expel, from the student’s regular program, for a period of one (1) year, any student who is determined to have brought a firearm, as defined by federal law, to school. The Superintendent may modify the term of expulsion for a student or assess another comparable penalty that results in the student’s exclusion from the regular school program, on a case-by-case basis. 20 U.S.C. § 7151; Tex. Educ. Code §§ 12.104(b)(1), 37.007(e). For purposes of this policy, “firearm” means: A. Any weapon (including a starter gun) which will, or is designed to, or which may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; B. The frame or receiver of any such weapon; C. Any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; D. Any destructive device. “Destructive Device” means any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four (4) ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce, mine, or device similar to any of the preceding described devices. It also means any type of weapon (other than a shotgun shell or a shotgun that is generally recognized as particularly suitable for sporting purposes) by whatever name known which will, or which may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant, and which has any barrel with a bore of more than one-half inch in diameter; and any 7 combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into a destructive device as described in this item, and from which a destructive device may be readily assembled. 18 U.S.C. § 921. 1 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 09-08: Date Board Adopted: March 9, 2009 Date Board Amended: August 16, 2010 Effective Date : March 9, 2009 Policy Name : Board Parameters for School Sanctioned Trips Policy Category : Student Achievement Policy Goal : Students Who Become Well Balanced, Life Long Learners Policy Description : The Board of Trustees supports Academy sanctioned trips as a means to pursue, promote, and enhance IB learning goals for Academy students as set out in the IB Learner Profile. As such, all school sanctioned trips should fit and promote this IB Learner Profile, the IB curriculum, as well as be of direct educational value for the student participants of these trips. In an effort to provide the safest possible environment for the students of Westlake Academy, this policy for student trips will be enforced on any and all trips that require students to be away from the property located at 2600 J. T. Ottinger Road, Westlake, TX 76262. Board Approval for Out-of-State Trips The Board shall approve all out-of-state, school-sponsored trips. Such approval shall consider the immunity laws applicable for the destination, District and employee liability for damages arising from accidents and/or injuries that may occur during the trip, the stated educational value of the trip, and whether participation results from advancement in a regional or national competition. The following grade level(s) and trip formats have been identified as consistent with the IB curriculum and Learner Profile and thereby, effective as of the 2011/2012 school year, approved as to a standing schedule for the Academy. Grade Trip Format/Location Date of Occurrence Primary 2 4 Team Building (Local destination) Spring 5 Domestic or International Trip (Location subject to approval) Spring Secondary 7 Team Building (Domestic) Fall 8 Historical/Boston, Washington D.C. (Domestic) Spring 9 Language Immersion (Domestic) Fall 10 International Trip (Location subject to approval) Fall 11 Team Building (Local destination) Fall 12 Senior Trip (Location subject to approval) Spring All other policy directives contained in this document will begin with the 2010/2011 school year as it relates to, requests to organize student trips, staff training and chaperone responsibilities, non-school sanctioned trips, conduct expectations and consequences, and student participation. Requests to Organize Student Trips Other than the previously identified trips associated with each grade level, trip requests within the contiguous 48 states must be submitted to the Principal of each section for review, prior to Board approval. Requests for student trips to locations outside the United States will be submitted to the Superintendent for review, prior to Board approval. Student trips should coordinate with the Academy’s school calendar as much as possible. If any part of the requested trip will occur during scheduled instructional time, the request should adequately address how the academic needs will be met for any students not participating in the trip. The Superintendent or his/her designee is responsible for establishing required chaperone ratios that address safety needs. All student trips must be organized in accordance with the requirements established in the Parent-Student Handbook, other applicable administrative procedures, and any requirements imposed by the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall review the request and, if applicable under this policy, forward it to the Board for approval. All student trip decisions are the sole purview of staff and faculty, subject to the restrictions of this policy. As such, parent input on such trips will be encouraged and utilized as appropriate however all final decisions on Westlake Academy 3 student trip destinations and trip logistics will be made by Superintendent designated staff and faculty subject to the parameters of this policy. To that end, student trips should be planned to coordinate as much as practical with the Academy’s school calendar. A school planned trip that occurs during the time the Academy is in session should also adequately address the academic needs of the students that cannot attend the trip. The Head of School or his designate is responsible for establishing chaperone ratios that address safety needs. All trips must be planned in accordance with requirements established in the Parent-Student Handbook or other administrative procedures and requirements approved and set out by the Head of School. Any trip taken away from the school is a privilege, not a right, and as such, students are required to represent our school in a responsible manner. This privilege could be revoked as a disciplinary measure if deemed necessary by the school administration. Students who violate the code of conduct or directives given by school staff during a school trip, will be subject to the disciplinary processes contained in the Parent/Student Handbook. Serious conduct violations that occur during a school trip may result in expulsion in accordance with Academy policies and Parent/Student Handbook. Vendor Identification Staff shall utilize a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to identify and select a vendor to provide the school sponsored trips on an annual basis. All trip locations will be coordinated through the selected vendor who will work with the Superintendent or his/her designee to schedule the events. Staff Training and Chaperone Responsibilities Any staff member who participates in a school sponsored trip will be required to undergo a training process which explains the trip guidelines and responsibilities associated with serving as a chaperone. The foremost duty of all chaperones shall be the care and supervision of the students. All written and implied rules of conduct in the Employee Manual or found in the Parent/Student Handbook will be followed. Additionally, trips will have a designated Group Leader, assigned by the appropriate Principal, to serve as the staff member who will coordinate the logistics, recruit additional chaperones, communicate with parents and make any necessary decisions which concern the welfare of the students while away from the Academy. 4 Chaperones are not permitted to bring a spouse or other children who are not otherwise eligible for participation in a school trip as their guests, even at their own expense. Participation in Student Trips The Academy shall obtain written parent permission before any student may participate in any school-sponsored student trip or other activity away from school. Participation is subject to any pre-requisites that may be set in compliance with the Parent/Student Handbook. Students who participate in school-sponsored trips shall be required to ride in transportation arranged or provided by the school to and from the event. An exception may be made if the student’s parent or guardian personally requests that the student be allowed to ride or travel with the parent or presents a written request to the office. The Academy shall not be liable for any injuries that occur to students being transported/traveling outside the school arranged transportation. Each school sponsored trip will be subject to a minimum number of student participants that will be deemed necessary to continue with the event. The Board has established 2/3 as the minimum number of student participation rate for each grade level trip. However, should a simple majority of 50% be achieved, the Superintendent, or his/her designee, is directed to review the educational benefits of the trip and determine if the trip should proceed as planned. Non-residential trips will require the Principal’s approval for both location and the minimum number of student participants necessary to plan the event. The following are the Westlake Academy Residential Trips Policy Rationale and Learning Outcomes: Rationale: Non-school Sanctioned Trips As school attendance, participation in the classroom environment and exposure to the appropriate educational material is vital to the success of the student, families are encouraged to refrain from removing their child(ren) for family trips during the school term. 5 Parents who schedule trips during the school year, which are not officially sanctioned by the Academy, subject their student(s) to unexcused absences. Any absences of this nature must be submitted to the Principal for review and approval prior to the withdrawal of the student. Approved trips will be given an excused absence and conversely unapproved trips will be given an unexcused absence, which will follow the guidelines in the Parent/Student Handbook for make-up work and attendance consequences. Residential Trips At Westlake Academy, we believe that residential trips give the students greater opportunities for experiential learning within an appropriate, relevant and authentic context, as well as the chance to develop their independence and self- management skills. Time away from home helps cement and forge friendships, as well as strengthening the bonds that they have with their teachers. In addition to the aforementioned, residential trips afford students with the opportunity of experiencing different perspectives and cultures, thus promoting and developing greater understanding and international-mindedness. The following are the Learning Outcomes for Residential Trips: DEVELOPING KEY SKILLS • Using and applying knowledge, skills and understanding in different, realistic and exciting contexts • Developing the ability to work co-operatively • Developing the ability to communicate successfully • Showing initiative and a positive attitude • Showing greater independence, moving towards self-reliance • Becoming increasingly risk aware and increasing understanding and independent action RAISING ACHIEVEMENT BY BOOSTING SELF-ESTEEM AND MOTIVATION • Raising self-esteem through successful participation and enjoyment • Developing a positive attitude to learning • Helping demonstrate strengths and understanding of limitations • Encouraging responsibility • Improving behavior • Addressing disaffection 6 DEVELOPING SOCIAL EDUCATION AND CITIZENSHIP • The ability to work with others, accept and support them, building relationships • Learning to tolerate others and respect their views – understanding equal opportunities • Learning to accept the consequences of their own actions • Learning to defend their own point of view • Encouraging a commitment to voluntary service • Exploring attitudes and values they will carry into adult life PROMOTING EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT • An appreciation of the natural world as a source of interest and challenge • A concern for living things • An understanding of the need for interdependence between people and the environment • Recognition of the effect of present actions on the future • An increasing ability to access evidence and make personal decisions PROMOTING HEALTH AND FITNESS AND A POSITIVE USE OF LEISURE (where applicable) • Developing a positive attitude to physical activities and a healthy lifestyle • Developing and experiencing physical fitness and well-being • Achieving success in physical activities • Developing self-respect and self-discipline and the ability to cope with adversity Revised 080210 1 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 10- Date Board Adopted: August 16, 2010 Date Board Amended: N/A Effective Date : August 16, 2010 Policy Name : Technology Use and Computer System Responsibilities Policy Category : Parent, Student and Faculty Relations and Expectations Policy Goal : To establish accountability standards and parameters for the use of technology at Westlake Academy congruent with the Academy’s academic honor and employee/student conduct codes and expectations. Policy Description : In an effort to promote to appropriate use of technology in the classroom and within the broader learning environment, the Board of Trustees approves the following policies and procedures for Westlake Academy. Technology Resources Access Access to the Academy’s electronic communications system and/or technology resources is a privilege, not a right. All users shall be required to acknowledge receipt and understanding of all Board policies and administrative regulations governing use of the system and shall agree in writing to allow monitoring of their use and to comply with all policies, regulations and guidelines. Noncompliance may result in suspension of access or termination of privileges and other disciplinary action consistent with Academy policies, any applicable employee policies or procedures, and the Parent/Student Handbook. Violations of law may result in disciplinary action by the Academy, in addition to any action taken by law enforcement. 2 Access to the Academy’s electronic communications system/technology resources will be governed as follows: 1. Students in Kindergarten–Grade 12 will be assigned individual student login/access ID’s to utilize the Academy’s system by parental permission, as appropriate. 2. As appropriate and with the written approval of the immediate supervisor and completion of relevant training, Academy employees will be granted access to the Academy’s technology resources as necessary. 3. A staff member may apply for a generic email account and in doing so will ultimately be responsible for use of the account. 4. The Academy will require that all passwords be changed when necessary. All passwords must remain confidential and may not be shared. 5. Any system/resources user identified as a security risk or as having violated Academy and/or campus technology use guidelines may be denied access to the Academy’s technology resource system. 6. All users will be required to sign a user agreement annually each August for issuance or renewal of an account. Academy employees that violate the user agreement or the Academy’s Technology Policy may be subject to an adverse employment action up to and including termination of employment. Academy students that violate the user agreement or the Academy’s Technology Policy may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Academy’s discipline policies and the procedures outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook. 7. All Academy technology resource systems are business assets and are not private. The Academy may access and review any use of technology, including, but not limited to, all Web pages and e-mails sent to and from employees, during transmission or storage. Technology Resources User Responsibilities The following standards will apply to all users of the Academy’s technology resources systems: 3 1. The individual in whose name a user ID/login is issued will be responsible at all times for its proper use. 2. The technology resources system may not be used for illegal purposes, in support of illegal activities, or for any other activity prohibited by Academy policy or guidelines. 3. Users may not disable, or attempt to disable, a content/media filtering device on the Academy’s technology resources system. 4. Encryption methods other than those used and approved by the administrator may not be utilized. 5. System users may not use another person’s user ID/login without written permission from the campus administrator or Academy coordinator, as appropriate. 6. Students may not distribute personal information about themselves or others by means of the technology resources system; this includes, but is not limited to, personal addresses and telephone numbers. 7. Students should never make appointments to meet people whom they meet online and should report to a teacher or administrator if they receive any request for such a meeting. 8. System users must purge and/or make hard copies of electronic mail and file such in accordance with established retention guidelines. 9. System users may not redistribute copyrighted programs or data except with the written permission of the copyright holder or designee. Such permission must be specified in the document or must be obtained directly from the copyright holder or designee in accordance with applicable copyright law, Academy policy, and administrative regulations. 10. System users should avoid actions that are likely to increase the risk of introducing viruses to the system, such as opening e-mail messages from unknown senders and loading data from unprotected computers. 11. System users may not install public domain programs to the technology resources system. Users may not download public domain programs for their own use nor non-commercially redistribute a public domain program 4 and are responsible for determining whether a program is in the public domain. 12. System users may not use the Academy’s technology resources to send or post messages that are abusive, obscene, pornographic, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal. 13. System users may not purposefully access materials that are abusive, obscene, pornographic, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal. 14. System users should be mindful that use of school-related electronic mail addresses might cause some recipients or other readers of that e-mail to assume they represent the school, whether or not that was the user’s intention. 15. Users may not waste Academy technology resources related to the system. 16. System users may not gain unauthorized access to resources or information. 17. System users understand and agree that all documents and communications are the property of the Academy. As such, a system user may not copy, download, disseminate, e-mail or disclose Academy property to third parties not directly related to Academy business without the express written authority of the Academy Superintendent. Information from Third Parties System users and parents of students with access to the Academy’s technology resource system should be aware that, despite the Academy’s use of technology protection measures as required by law, use of the system may provide access to other electronic communications systems in the global electronic network that may contain inaccurate and/or objectionable material. Any user and/or student who gains access, or knows of others accessing such material is expected to discontinue the access as quickly as possible and to report the incident to the supervising teacher/administrator(s). 5 A student knowingly bringing prohibited materials or media into the school’s electronic environment will be subject to suspension of access and/or revocation of privileges on the Academy’s system and will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. An employee knowingly bringing prohibited materials or media into the school’s electronic environment will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Academy policies. Disclaimers Opinions, advice, services, and all other information expressed by system users, information providers, service providers, or other third-party individuals in the system are those of the providers and not necessarily the Academy. The Academy will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to misuse of the Academy’s technology resources system. Revised 080210 1 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 10- Date Board Adopted: August 16, 2010 Date Board Amended: N/A Effective Date : August 16, 2010 Policy Name : Learning Community Commitment Statement Policy Category : Parent, Student and Faculty Relations and Expectations Policy Goal : To pursue shared commitment between faculty, students and parents to build and nurture a flourishing learning community at Westlake Policy Description : For quality education to occur, a partnership between parents, students, and faculty must unite towards a common vision and goals. As such, the Board of Trustees has established vision, mission, and values statements for Westlake Academy all grounded in Westlake Academy’s strong roots in the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum and the IB Learner Profile. In order to bring this vision into the daily school life of our students, tools must be in place to connect the vision by emphasizing and cultivating the development of a learning community. This commitment is contained in the Westlake Academy Learning Community Commitment. There is much written in educational literature about schools as “learning communities”, centered on the faculty/staff, student and parents creating a learning community, which is often characterized as having these attributes (SEDL): • supportive and shared leadership • collective creativity • shared values and vision • supportive conditions • shared personal practice The Academy’s Learning Community Commitment is intended to help chart, reinforce and communicate to the parents, students, and faculty, not only the 2 clear path necessary toward achieving a student’s successful graduation, but the behaviors and ideals necessary to achieve that end. As such, the Board has developed statements toward establishing a Learning Community Commitment for faculty, students and parents. The student portion of the Learning Community Commitment is an acknowledgment of the traits found in the IB Learner Profile which are integral to their overall development and achievement during the course of their educational career. Students in grades 5 – 12 are required to sign the commitment statement on an annual basis. Failure to do so may subject the student to the discipline consequences found in the Parent/Student Handbook, up to and including expulsion from the Academy. The faculty and staff section of the Learning Community Commitment identifies and reinforces the professional conduct required to support our students while they are enrolled in our learning environment at Westlake Academy. Faculty and staff are also required to sign the commitment statements on an annual basis. Failure to do so may result in an adverse employment action. The parent statement portion of the Learning Community Commitment affirms the importance of the parent’s role in attaining a quality education for their child and supporting their student, as well as the staff, in achieving the long term goal of creating a high quality learning environment. Parents are strongly encouraged to read and discuss the student commitments with their children in grades K-5 and pledge their support to the success of the students by signing the parent commitment on an annual basis. 1 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 10- Date Board Adopted: August 16, 2010 Date Board Amended: N/A Effective Date : August 16, 2010 Policy Name : Electronic Communications and Faculty Responsibilities Policy Category : Parent, Student and Faculty Relations and Expectations Policy Goal : Establishing clear guidelines for the use of electronic communication between Westlake faculty/staff and parents, between Board members and parents, as well as between Academy faculty/staff members and their students. Policy Description : Effective communication is an essential component of any successful organization, and the Board wishes to encourage this type of communication among all Academy stakeholder groups and constituents. To that end, it is recognized that electronic communication is frequently used to achieve communication between parties on a timely basis. It is important to identify when electronic communication is appropriate, when it is not, and how to best utilize this method of communication for maximum effectiveness in the school setting. Definitions For the purposes of this policy, the term “electronic communication(s)” shall be defined as: a. Email b. Text messaging c. Instant Messaging d. Social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter 2 Electronic Communication shall be used for short and precise exchanges to: a) plan or schedule meetings between a parent and teacher or between faculty/staff members b) answer a brief factual/logistical question about a student’s homework assignment or scheduling of a test, quiz, or project, (i.e. when tests, quizzes, or projects will be given or when they are due) c) announce trip arrangements and logistics Electronic Communication on these topics shall be timely and concise. As such, inquiries sent via electronic communication shall be answered/returned by faculty/staff within twenty-four (24) hours or less of their receipt from a parent or student (weekends excepted). Electronic Communication shall not be used for substantive discussions and conversations. These include, but are not limited to, the following: a) discussions about a student’s (or students’) behavior or conduct, either in or outside of the classroom, on or off campus b) discussions regarding a student’s (or students’) academic performance or any aspect of student life protected as confidential under State and/or Federal law (i.e., special education needs, learning disabilities, discipline imposed, etc) c) discussions regarding teaching methods, subject content, policy or administrative decisions, or discipline measures/decisions All communication on topics such as these shall occur in face-to-face meetings or telephone conversations, as appropriate. Such meetings and/or telephone conversations shall be set and/or occur in a timely fashion. Faculty/staff members are prohibited from using social media, personal email, or third-party websites to communicate with students or parents about any Academy-related matters. 1 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 10- Date Board Adopted: August 16, 2010 Date Board Amended: N/A Effective Date : August 16, 2010 Policy Name : Academic Honesty and Honor Code Policy Category : Parent, Student and Faculty Relations and Expectations Policy Goal : To establish a standard for academic honesty and the expectations relative to an honor code for Westlake Academy Policy Description : A component of the mission statement for Westlake Academy is to strive to achieve academic excellence and develop life-long learning traits for the success of the students. As such, an academic honesty and honor code is necessary to support those endeavors. All students are expected to act with integrity in regards to Academic and non- academic contexts. Any form of plagiarism, including downloading and using information from the internet without quoting sources, will be considered a violation of the code of conduct. We expect all students to be on their honor, and cheating will be dealt with severely. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty is defined as: • Engaging in any act of plagiarism by passing off ideas or words of another as one's own, using another's work without quoting sources, committing literary theft, or presenting an idea from an already existing source as new or original; • Receiving or providing assistance on an assignment in or out of the classroom where collaboration is not explicitly condoned by the instructor; • Communicating or attempting to communicate with another student during 2 an examination via verbal, nonverbal, written, or electronic means; • Disclosing the content of assessment material to another student who is taking or has taken the same course but has not yet taken the assessment in question; • Possessing or using forbidden materials or aids during an assessment; or • Stealing, attempted theft, or collusion with any who attempt to steal assessment materials. Cheating, plagiarism, forgery and any other forms of academic dishonesty are considered severe discipline infractions and will be subject to the progressive discipline process outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook. Honor Code By means of an Honor Code, students practice responsible leadership, accept personal responsibility and develop strong character and create an atmosphere free from suspicion. At its core, the Honor Code is based on mutual respect and trust, serving as a written model for what is expected from students in terms of behavior, as well as a pledge to live by the school’s values. All students will be required to support the traits identified in the IB Learner Profile by committing to the following: Honor Pledge: “I pledge to uphold the honor of Westlake Academy and ensure that all work carrying my name is my own.” Students who commit themselves to upholding the Westlake Academy Honor Code will be instilled with a sense of honor and integrity that will last beyond their school years. Revised 080210 Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Tom Brymer, Superintendent Stacy Stoyanoff, Diploma Programme Coordinator Subject: Workshop of August 16, 2010 Date: August 9, 2010 Presentation and Discussion of Diploma Programme/Advanced Placement Results from the 2009-10 Academic Year. ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential BACKGROUND (including policy implications and options): The Academy’s Strategic Plan sets out under the Desired Outcome of High Student Achievement, with the Specific Outcome and measures as follows: Graduate the maximum number of students with an IB Diploma on an annual basis – On-going Goal Team Leader(s): Diploma Program Coordinator 2.1 80% of graduates achieve the IB Diploma by 2015 2.1.1 Students will achieve at a level that exceeds the national average relative to other IB schools 2.2 90% will test for the complete panel of Diploma Program exams, Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 N/A FUNDING Review report for discussion purposes at the workshop. RECOMMENDATION Report to be sent under separate cover ATTACHMENTS: BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION Westlake Academy Item #8 Board Recap / Staff Direction Westlake Academy Item # 9 – Workshop Adjournment Back up material has not been provided for this item. Westlake Academy Item # 2 – Pledge of Allegiance Texas Pledge: "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible." CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. Westlake Academy Item # 3 – Citizens’ Presentations and recognitions CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the minutes for the meeting held on May 10, 2010. b. Consider approval of the minutes for the joint workshop held on June 7, 2010. c. Consider approval of the minutes for the workshop held on June 18, 2010. d. Consider approval of Resolution 10-10, Amending the discipline policy. e. Consider approval of Resolution 10-11, Amending the trips policy. f. Consider approval of Resolution 10-12, Amending the parent – student handbook signature page. g. Consider approval of Resolution 10-13, Amending the academic honesty policy. h. Consider approval of Resolution 10-14, Amending the technology usage policy. i. Consider approval of Resolution 10-15, Adopting a transportation policy. j. Consider approval of Resolution 10-16, Adopting an electronic communication policy. k. Consider approval of Resolution 10-17, Adopting a community learning commitment policy. l. Consider approval of Resolution 10-18, Approving additions to the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual. Westlake Academy Item # 4 - Consent Agenda Items BOT Minutes 05/10/10 Page 1 of 5 WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORKSHOP & REGULAR MEETINGS May 10, 2010 PRESENT: President Laura Wheat and Trustees, Tim Brittan, Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Rick Rennhack, and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Chief Executive Officer Thomas Brymer, Secretary Kelly Edwards, Head of Secondary Mark Garcia, Head of Primary Jamie Schmitz, Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry, Human Resources and Administrative Services Todd Wood, PYP Coordinator Terri Watson, DP Coordinator, Stacy Stoyanoff, Administrative Services Coordinator Ben Nibarger, Municipal Court Administrator Amanda DeGan and Director of Parks and Recreation and Facilities Troy Meyer. Workshop Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the workshop meeting to order at 4:32 p.m. 2. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FROM MAY 10, 2010, TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. Trustee Corson asked to discuss the School Calendar. Discussion ensued regarding the changes made using staff input and schedule of exams prior to the Winter Break. 3. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS: President Wheat recognized Ciara McMurry as the recipient of the NCWIT (National Center for Women & Information Technology) Aspirations in Computing award. BOT Minutes 05/10/10 Page 2 of 5 President Wheat and Ms. Sara Titus announced the winners of the Black Cow journalist awards received from the UIL State Journalism completion. Mr. Dave Lieber presented the Black Cow Hall of Fame awards to the Knights, Jaymi Ford, Kyle Herbst, Phillip D’Amore, Shivam Purohit, Bailey Cockrum, Corey Timmerman, and Sara Titus. Mr. Lieber also named Rameen Sarwarzad as Editor of the Year. President Wheat announced the name of winners for the Art in the Square Youth Art awards from Southlake’s Art in the Square. Presentation of the PYP Exhibition invitation to Board of Trustees led by Grade 6 students. (ensuring that the right student outcomes are being achieved – focus is on student outcomes and not processes) How well are the students doing? 4. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF INFORMATION REGARDING THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY SENIOR CLASS OF 2010. Head of Secondary Garcia announced that to date the Class of 2010 has collectively received $3,777,000 in scholarship/grant money. (ensuring that operationally inappropriate things are not occurring.) Is everything occurring appropriately? 5. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF A REPORT CONCERNING THE PLANNED ACTIVITIES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION President Leah Rennhack and Executive Direction Shelly Myers, PhD. provided an overview for the BlackSmith accomplishments and fundraising events fund for 2009. The foundation does anticipate maintain all current levels for fundraising and friend- raising efforts. They also provided planned activities for Summer 2010 & the 2010- 2011 school year. 6. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE FIRST WESTLAKE ACADEMY ALL FACULTY ‘FEDEX DAY’ (HELD ON FRIDAY, APRIL 2ND, 2010). Head of Primary Schmitz provided and overview of the program. Each faculty member provided an overview of their ideas and processes that have been implemented. CEO Brymer stated that he has received positive feedback and would like to gather all the summary sheets and place them in a booklet for the future. BOT Minutes 05/10/10 Page 3 of 5 7. DISCUSSION OF BLOCK SCHEDULE PROPOSAL FOR SECONDARY. CEO Brymer recommended moving forward with Option A which is converting our current system to an A/B Block Schedule. Budgeting and logistics will be discussed in detail during the Budget workshop on June 18th. CEO Brymer feels the staff needs more time to plan a seamless transition of expanding our students and course offerings but not taking Option B off of the table for discussion. Discussion ensued on course offerings and the timeframe to move forward to the expanded schedule. The Board and Staff also discussed the additional options and effects. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, President Wheat adjourned the workshop at 7:12 p.m. Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the Regular meeting to order at 7:13 p.m. with all Trustees present. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Wheat led the pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS Trustee Corson announced that “Seussical the Musical” performed by the 9th grade students was outstanding and wanted to recognize teachers Mrs. Odem, Ms. Harrell, and Ms. James. BOT Minutes 05/10/10 Page 4 of 5 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Consider approval of the Board of Trustees meeting held on April 5, 2010. b. Consideration of Resolution 10-07, Adopting the 2010-2011 School Calendar. c. Consideration Resolution 10-08, Adopting a five (5) year strategic plan for Westlake Academy. d. Consideration of Resolution 10-09, Authorizing Westlake Academy to renew participation with the Region XI Benefits Cooperative for the 2010-2011 school year. MOTION: Trustee Rennhack made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Trustee Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 5. BOARD CALENDAR - New Board Trustee/Council orientation May 12, 2010 - Texas Charter Schools Association Conference May 12-14, 2010 - Westlake Academy Graduation May 23, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. - Decoration Day May 31, 2010 - Board Meeting June 7, 2010 - Board Budget Retreat – Off Site June 18, 2010 (Friday 9:00 – 1:00) - Board Meeting (adoption of budget) August 16, 2010 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Trustee Brittan Discussion regarding lunch/cafeteria logistics. MOTION: Trustee Corson agreed to place the item on a future agenda. BOT Minutes 05/10/10 Page 5 of 5 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, President Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn. MOTION: Trustee Rennhack made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. President Wheat adjourned the meeting at 7:18 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON JUNE 7, 2010. ____________________________ Laura Wheat, Board President ATTEST: _____________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary BOT & TC Minutes 06/07/10 Page 1 of 3 WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND TOWN COUNCIL WORKSHOP June 7, 2010 PRESENT: President Laura Wheat and Trustees, Tim Brittan, Carol Langdon and Rick Rennhack. ABSENT: Larry Corson and Clif Cox OTHERS PRESENT: Chief Executive Officer Thomas Brymer, Secretary Kelly Edwards, Head of Primary Jamie Schmitz, Human Resources and Administrative Services Todd Wood, Administrative Services Coordinator Ben Nibarger, Management Intern Scott Dixon, Municipal Court Administrator Amanda DeGan and Director of Parks and Recreation and Facilities Troy Meyer. Trustees Workshop Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the workshop meeting to order at 4:39 p.m. 2. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION ON THE TEXAS CHARTER SCHOOL ASSOCIATION’S QUALITY FRAMEWORK FOR SCHOOL CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT. CEO Brymer presented an overview of the TCCSA Quality Framework as provided by the Texas Charter Schools Association regarding assessment and peer review. Head of Primary Schmitz spoke to the Board regarding the framework standards and the similarities and using the TCSA framework. Discussion ensued on how to measure the quality framework standards and including parts of this TCSA’s document while making it a living document that will fit the Academy’s specific needs. BOT & TC Minutes 06/07/10 Page 2 of 3 President Wheat asked staff if the two could be integrated and come up with our own instrument and then presented our tool back to the TCSA. 3. ADJOURNMENT President Wheat adjourned the workshop at 6:07 p.m. Joint Workshop Session 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Wheat called the workshop meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. 2. FOLLOW-UP DISCUSSION FROM THE MAY 24, 2010, WORKSHOP REGARDING FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY AND THE MUNICIPAL AND ACADEMIC BUDGETS. Mayor Wheat asked the board to clarify the direction the Council would like staff to pursue when submitting budgets. Town Manager Brymer was under the impression that the council wanted him to move forward with a budget showing a 10% and 20% cuts. Mayor Wheat and the Council asked staff to present budget scenarios reflecting a 10% and 20% cut to review the impact of the services and programs/services that would be eliminated. 3. BOARD CALENDAR - Budget Workshop (Friday 9:00 – 1:00 pm) June 18, 2010 - tentative - Board Meeting (adoption of budget) August 16, 2010 - Arbor Day September 25, 2010 - Board Meeting September 27, 2010 BOT & TC Minutes 06/07/10 Page 3 of 3 4. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, President Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn. President Wheat adjourned the meeting at 6:14 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON AUGUST 16, 2010. ____________________________ Laura Wheat, Board President ATTEST: _____________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary BOT Minutes 06/17/10 Page 1 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORKSHOP June 18, 2010 PRESENT: President Laura Wheat and Trustees, Tim Brittan, Larry Corson, Clif Cox, Carol Langdon and Rick Rennhack. ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Chief Executive Officer Thomas Brymer, Secretary Kelly Edwards, Head of Primary Jamie Schmitz, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry, Human Resources and Administrative Services Todd Wood, Administrative Services Coordinator Ben Nibarger, Municipal Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, Director of Parks and Recreation and Facilities Troy Meyer, and Management Intern Scott Dixon. Workshop Session 1. CALL TO ORDER The workshop began at 9:10 a.m. 2. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE PROPOSED ACADEMIC SERVICES BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011. CEO Brymer provided an overview of the process and presentation. CEO Brymer stated the goal of today’s presentation is to understand the outcome and services that would be affected should those services be reduced. The presentation provided several snap shots of the general financial information of the Academic Services Budget. Discussion ensued regarding the difference of the cost between PYP and MYP students, the cost per Special Education student, census and enrollment information outlining student growth. BOT Minutes 06/17/10 Page 2 of 2 Discussion also ensued regarding recruitment and salaries for teachers and a step pay or performance pay increases, how we have two separate entities and how to show the associated cost for each, block scheduling and the optimum number of students per grade. 3. BOARD CALENDAR - Board Meeting (adoption of budget) August 16, 2010 4. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON AUGUST 16 2010. ____________________________ Laura Wheat, Board President ATTEST: _____________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Page 1 of 2 Memo Town of Westlake To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Tom Brymer, Superintendent Subject: Regular Meeting of August 16, 2010 Date: August 10, 2010 Discussion of the Proposed Board of Trustee Policies for 2010 – 2011 Academic Year. ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who well balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential Staff has researched and is proposing the following adoption/amendment of Trustee policies as it relates to the operational components and student/faculty expectations at Westlake Academy. These policies are integral toward fostering the type of learning environment necessary for student success at Westlake Academy and are as follows: BACKGROUND Amended Policies: 1. Parent/Student Handbook 2. Discipline 3. Board Parameters for School Sanctioned Trips New Policies: 4. Technology Use and Computer System Responsibilities 5. Learning Community Commitment Statement 6. Electronic Communications and Faculty Responsibilities 7. Academic Honesty and Honor Code 8. Vehicle Transportation Policy Page 2 of 2 Not applicable at this time. FUNDING Approval of the recommended policy proposals for Westlake Academy. RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS: Resolutions Board policy proposals covering these related and categories and topics: • Student Achievement Board Parameters for School Sanctioned Trips • Governance Discipline • Parent, Student and Faculty Relations and Expectations Academic Honesty & Honor Code Electronic Communications & Faculty Responsibilities Technology Use & Computer System Resp. Learning Community Comm. Statement Resolution 10-10 Page 1 of 6 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 10-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVING AND AMENDING THE DISCIPLINE POLICY AT WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees recognizes that a safe and non-disruptive environment is central to the education of the students and as such, desires to amend the policy, which is designed to create this type of atmosphere; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and the faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: THAT, all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: THAT, the Board of Trustees for Westlake Academy, hereby approves the amended policy titled, Discipline, attached to this resolution as Exhibit “A”. SECTION 3 : IF any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 4 : THAT this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 16th DAY OF AUGUST, 2010. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Resolution 10-10 Page 2 of 6 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 09-14 Date Board Adopted: August 3, 2009 Date Board Amended: August 16, 2010 Effective Date : August 16, 2010 Policy Name : Discipline Policy Category : Governance Policy Goal : Description of the discipline policy Policy Description Our primary belief is that no student or member of the Westlake Academy community has the right to impede the education of another student. Any behavior, which is disruptive to the learning environment, will not be tolerated and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, as necessary, to ensure the integrity of the learning environment. The Academy encourages parents to work with their children and school personnel to establish clear expectations for student behavior. : Staff and students will use the IB learner profile attributes as a basis for the development of a constructive behavior environment. Every effort will be made to develop positive consequences, which can be applied to individual students as well as classrooms. Consistency is important and will be a priority in decisions involving student behavior and discipline in order to establish firm and consistent limits for students. The IB program also establishes a positive educational environment for both the student and teacher. Parent/Student Handbook Each year, Westlake Academy shall make available the Parent/Student Handbook, which shall describe the acceptable standards of student conduct and the disciplinary consequences applicable to violations of the standards of conduct or other school or classroom rules. Both parents and students are expected to sign acknowledgement of the receipt and review of the Parent/Student Handbook for each year in which the student is enrolled in the Academy. A student that fails to provide a signed acknowledgment within the allotted time frame may be subject to expulsion from the Academy. Revisions to the Handbook that are made during the school year shall be made available promptly to students, parents, teachers, administrators, and others. : Resolution 10-10 Page 3 of 6 Generally, consequences for disregarding acceptable standards of conduct or school and classroom rules will include one or more of the following: Progressive Discipline: 1. Warning from teacher or any member of school staff and reflection by student 2. Disciplinary action from classroom teacher and reflection by the student 3. For more serious offenses, Principal directed disciplinary action and reflection by the student 4. For repeated infractions or serious offenses, disciplinary action by the Principal or Superintendent, parent notification and reflection by the student Disciplinary action may include: 1. Detention 2. In-school Suspension 3. Saturday School 4. Out-of-school Suspension 5. Expulsion 6. Or other consequences determined by the Principal or Superintendent to be appropriate in compliance with the procedures identified in the Parent/Student Handbook Depending on the severity of an offense, school personnel may request immediate intervention by the Principal or Superintendent in any disciplinary matter. Parents will be notified promptly if a student’s behavior may result in a disciplinary consequence that includes detention for which the parent may need to make alternative transportation plans for the student, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, or proposed expulsion. Guidelines for Discipline Procedure : Westlake Academy personnel shall adhere to the following general guidelines when imposing discipline: 1. A student shall be disciplined when necessary to improve the student’s behavior, to maintain essential order, or to protect other students, school employees, or property. 2. Students shall be treated fairly and equitably. Discipline shall be based on a careful assessment of the circumstances of each case. Factors that may be considered include: a. Seriousness of the offense; b. Student’s age; Resolution 10-10 Page 4 of 6 c. Frequency of misconduct; d. Student’s attitude; e. Potential effect of the misconduct on the school environment; f. Provisions of the Parent/Student Handbook. 3. When applicable, the following steps will be taken to ensure Westlake Academy students receive appropriate due process: • The student will be informed of the prohibited conduct or rule violation that he/she is alleged to have committed. • The student will be provided information related to the factual basis for the allegations. • The student will have an opportunity to respond to the allegations and provide any additional information relevant to the allegations, including any defenses or other mitigating factors. 4. Discipline for serious offenses: A student may be removed from class if the student engages in conduct involving a public school that contains the elements of the offense of false alarm or report under Texas Penal Code 42.06, or terroristic threat under Texas Penal Code 22.07. A student may be removed from class if the student commits the following on or within 300 feet of school property, as measured from any point on the school’s real property boundary line or while attending a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off school property: a) Engages in conduct punishable as a felony, b) Engages in conduct that contains the elements of assault, under Penal Code 22.01(a)(1), c) Sells, gives, or delivers to another person, or possesses, uses, or is under the influence of: a. Marijuana or a controlled substance, as defined by the Texas Controlled Substances Act, Health and Safety Code Chapter 481, or by 21 U.S.C. 801, et seq; b. A dangerous drug as defined by the Texas Dangerous Drug Act, Health and Safety Code, Chapter 483. d) Sells, gives, or delivers to another person an alcoholic beverage, as defined by the Alcoholic Beverage Code, 1.04, or commits a serious act or offense while under the influence of alcohol, or possesses, uses, or is under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, e) Engages in conduct that contains the elements of an offense relating to an abusable volatile chemical under Health and Safety Code, 485.031 through 485.034, f) Engages in conduct that contains the elements of the offense of public lewdness under Penal Code, 21.07, Resolution 10-10 Page 5 of 6 g) Engages in conduct that contains the elements of the offense of indecent exposure under Penal Code, 21.08. h) Students shall not smoke, use or possess tobacco products, Any conduct by a student that poses a risk to the safety of the student, other students, school employees or school property may be treated as a serious offense and may result in the student’s removal from class and other appropriate discipline, up to and including expulsion. The consequences for a serious offense may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion on the first offense. Serious offenses may also include other prohibited behaviors as identified in the Parent/Student Handbook based on the circumstances and severity of the offense. 5. Prior to expulsion from Westlake Academy, a student will have an opportunity for a hearing before the appropriate Principal. The student’s parent shall be notified in advance of the hearing. If the Principal recommends expulsion, the student may appeal that decision to the Superintendent. If the Superintendent upholds the recommendation for expulsion, the student may appeal that decision to the Board of Trustees. Gun-Free Schools Act In accordance with the Gun-Free Schools Act, Westlake Academy shall expel, from the student’s regular program, for a period of one (1) year, any student who is determined to have brought a firearm, as defined by federal law, to school. The Superintendent may modify the term of expulsion for a student or assess another comparable penalty that results in the student’s exclusion from the regular school program, on a case-by-case basis. 20 U.S.C. § 7151; Tex. Educ. Code §§ 12.104(b)(1), 37.007(e). For purposes of this policy, “firearm” means: A. Any weapon (including a starter gun) which will, or is designed to, or which may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; B. The frame or receiver of any such weapon; C. Any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; D. Any destructive device. “Destructive Device” means any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four (4) ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce, mine, or device similar to any of the preceding described devices. It also means any type of weapon (other than a shotgun shell or a shotgun that is generally recognized as particularly suitable for sporting Resolution 10-10 Page 6 of 6 purposes) by whatever name known which will, or which may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant, and which has any barrel with a bore of more than one-half inch in diameter; and any combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into a destructive device as described in this item, and from which a destructive device may be readily assembled. 18 U.S.C. § 921. Resolution 10-11 Page 1 of 7 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 10-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVING AND ADOPTING A POLICY ESTABLISHING PARAMETERS FOR SCHOOL SANCTIONED TRIPS FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees considers school sanctioned trips to be an important component of the learning environment and an integral concept in pursuing an International Baccalaureate education; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees wishes to identify grade level trips for planning and fund-raising purposes, which are specific to Primary and Secondary; and, WHEREAS, a safe and structured environment is desired for each trip; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and the faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: THAT, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: THAT, the Board of Trustees for Westlake Academy, hereby approves the policy titled, Board Parameters for School Sanctioned Trips attached to this Resolution as Exhibit “A”. SECTION 3 : IF, any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 4 : THAT, this Resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 16th DAY OF AUGUST, 2010. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President Resolution 10-11 Page 2 of 7 ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Resolution 10-11 Page 3 of 7 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 09-08: Date Board Adopted: March 9, 2009 Date Board Amended: August 16, 2010 Effective Date : March 9, 2009 Policy Name : Board Parameters for School Sanctioned Trips Policy Category : Student Achievement Policy Goal : Students Who Become Well Balanced, Life Long Learners Policy Description : The Board of Trustees supports Academy sanctioned trips as a means to pursue, promote, and enhance IB learning goals for Academy students as set out in the IB Learner Profile. As such, all school sanctioned trips should fit and promote this IB Learner Profile, the IB curriculum, as well as be of direct educational value for the student participants of these trips. In an effort to provide the safest possible environment for the students of Westlake Academy, this policy for student trips will be enforced on any and all trips that require students to be away from the property located at 2600 J. T. Ottinger Road, Westlake, TX 76262. Board Approval for Out-of-State Trips The Board shall approve all out-of-state, school-sponsored trips. Such approval shall consider the immunity laws applicable for the destination, District and employee liability for damages arising from accidents and/or injuries that may occur during the trip, the stated educational value of the trip, and whether participation results from advancement in a regional or national competition. The following grade level(s) and trip formats have been identified as consistent with the IB curriculum and Learner Profile and thereby, effective as of the 2011/2012 school year, approved as to a standing schedule for the Academy. Resolution 10-11 Page 4 of 7 Grade Trip Format/Location Date of Occurrence Primary 4 Team Building (Local destination) Spring 5 Domestic or International Trip (Location subject to approval) Spring Secondary 7 Team Building (Domestic) Fall 8 Historical/Boston, Washington D.C. (Domestic) Spring 9 Language Immersion (Domestic) Fall 10 International Trip (Location subject to approval) Fall 11 Team Building (Local destination) Fall 12 Senior Trip (Location subject to approval) Spring All other policy directives contained in this document will begin with the 2010/2011 school year as it relates to, requests to organize student trips, staff training and chaperone responsibilities, non-school sanctioned trips, conduct expectations and consequences, and student participation. Requests to Organize Student Trips Other than the previously identified trips associated with each grade level, trip requests within the contiguous 48 states must be submitted to the Principal of each section for review, prior to Board approval. Requests for student trips to locations outside the United States will be submitted to the Superintendent for review, prior to Board approval. Student trips should coordinate with the Academy’s school calendar as much as possible. If any part of the requested trip will occur during scheduled instructional time, the request should adequately address how the academic needs will be met for any students not participating in the trip. The Superintendent or his/her designee is responsible for establishing required chaperone ratios that address safety needs. All student trips must be organized in accordance with the requirements established in the Parent-Student Handbook, other applicable administrative procedures, and any requirements imposed by the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall review the request and, if applicable under this policy, forward it to the Board for approval. All student trip decisions are the sole purview of staff and faculty, subject to the restrictions of this policy. As such, parent input on such trips will be encouraged and utilized as appropriate however all final decisions on Westlake Academy student trip destinations and trip logistics will be made by Superintendent designated staff and faculty subject to the parameters of this policy. Resolution 10-11 Page 5 of 7 Any trip taken away from the school is a privilege, not a right, and as such, students are required to represent our school in a responsible manner. This privilege could be revoked as a disciplinary measure if deemed necessary by the school administration. Students who violate the code of conduct or directives given by school staff during a school trip, will be subject to the disciplinary processes contained in the Parent/Student Handbook. Serious conduct violations that occur during a school trip may result in expulsion in accordance with Academy policies and Parent/Student Handbook. Vendor Identification Staff shall utilize a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to identify and select a vendor to provide the school sponsored trips on an annual basis. All trip locations will be coordinated through the selected vendor who will work with the Superintendent or his/her designee to schedule the events. Staff Training and Chaperone Responsibilities Any staff member who participates in a school sponsored trip will be required to undergo a training process which explains the trip guidelines and responsibilities associated with serving as a chaperone. The foremost duty of all chaperones shall be the care and supervision of the students. All written and implied rules of conduct in the Employee Manual or found in the Parent/Student Handbook will be followed. Additionally, trips will have a designated Group Leader, assigned by the appropriate Principal, to serve as the staff member who will coordinate the logistics, recruit additional chaperones, communicate with parents and make any necessary decisions which concern the welfare of the students while away from the Academy. Chaperones are not permitted to bring a spouse or other children who are not otherwise eligible for participation in a school trip as their guests, even at their own expense. Participation in Student Trips The Academy shall obtain written parent permission before any student may participate in any school-sponsored student trip or other activity away from school. Participation is subject to any pre-requisites that may be set in compliance with the Parent/Student Handbook. Students who participate in school-sponsored trips shall be required to ride in transportation arranged or provided by the school to and from the event. An exception may be made if the student’s parent or guardian personally requests that the student be allowed to ride or travel with the parent or presents a written request to the office. The Academy shall not be liable for any injuries that occur to students being transported/traveling outside the school arranged transportation. Resolution 10-11 Page 6 of 7 Each school sponsored trip will be subject to a minimum number of student participants that will be deemed necessary to continue with the event. The Board has established 2/3 as the minimum number of student participation rate for each grade level trip. However, should a simple majority of 50% be achieved, the Superintendent, or his/her designee, is directed to review the educational benefits of the trip and determine if the trip should proceed as planned. Non-residential trips will require the Principal’s approval for both location and the minimum number of student participants necessary to plan the event. Non-school Sanctioned Trips As school attendance, participation in the classroom environment and exposure to the appropriate educational material is vital to the success of the student, families are encouraged to refrain from removing their child(ren) for family trips during the school term. Parents who schedule trips during the school year, which are not officially sanctioned by the Academy, subject their student(s) to unexcused absences. Any absences of this nature must be submitted to the Principal for review and approval prior to the withdrawal of the student. Approved trips will be given an excused absence and conversely unapproved trips will be given an unexcused absence, which will follow the guidelines in the Parent/Student Handbook for make-up work and attendance consequences. Residential Trips At Westlake Academy, we believe that residential trips give the students greater opportunities for experiential learning within an appropriate, relevant and authentic context, as well as the chance to develop their independence and self-management skills. Time away from home helps cement and forge friendships, as well as strengthening the bonds that they have with their teachers. In addition to the aforementioned, residential trips afford students with the opportunity of experiencing different perspectives and cultures, thus promoting and developing greater understanding and international-mindedness. The following are the Learning Outcomes for Residential Trips: DEVELOPING KEY SKILLS • Using and applying knowledge, skills and understanding in different, realistic and exciting contexts Resolution 10-11 Page 7 of 7 • Developing the ability to work co-operatively • Developing the ability to communicate successfully • Showing initiative and a positive attitude • Showing greater independence, moving towards self-reliance • Becoming increasingly risk aware and increasing understanding and independent action RAISING ACHIEVEMENT BY BOOSTING SELF-ESTEEM AND MOTIVATION • Raising self-esteem through successful participation and enjoyment • Developing a positive attitude to learning • Helping demonstrate strengths and understanding of limitations • Encouraging responsibility • Improving behavior • Addressing disaffection DEVELOPING SOCIAL EDUCATION AND CITIZENSHIP • The ability to work with others, accept and support them, building relationships • Learning to tolerate others and respect their views – understanding equal opportunities • Learning to accept the consequences of their own actions • Learning to defend their own point of view • Encouraging a commitment to voluntary service • Exploring attitudes and values they will carry into adult life PROMOTING EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT • An appreciation of the natural world as a source of interest and challenge • A concern for living things • An understanding of the need for interdependence between people and the environment • Recognition of the effect of present actions on the future • An increasing ability to access evidence and make personal decisions PROMOTING HEALTH AND FITNESS AND A POSITIVE USE OF LEISURE (where applicable) • Developing a positive attitude to physical activities and a healthy lifestyle • Developing and experiencing physical fitness and well-being • Achieving success in physical activities • Developing self-respect and self-discipline and the ability to cope with adversity Revised 080210 Resolution 10-12 Page 1 of 3 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 10-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVING AND AMENDING THE POLICY PERTAINING TO THE PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK (HANDBOOK) FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has directed staff to create, maintain and publish a Parent/Student Handbook for the families of Westlake Academy to facilitate communication specific to the Academy’s operations, student expectations, and standards; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees wishes to provide students and parents with the necessary notifications and acknowledgment opportunities for receipt of the material contained in the Handbook; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and the faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: THAT, all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: THAT, the Board of Trustees for Westlake Academy, hereby approves the policy amendment titled, Parent-Student Handbook, attached to this resolution as Exhibit “A”. SECTION 3 : IF any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 4 : THAT this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 16th DAY OF AUGUST, 2010. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President Resolution 10-12 Page 2 of 3 ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Resolution 10-12 Page 3 of 3 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 09-04 Date Board Adopted: February 9, 2009 Date Board Amended: August 16, 2010 Effective Date : August 16, 2010 Policy Name : Parent –Student Handbook Policy Category : Parent, Student and Faculty Relations and Expectations Policy Goal : Effective communication of Parent-Student Expectations and Standards Policy Description : The purpose of this policy is to outline the Board of Trustees’ desired outcome to have a Parent/Student Handbook to facilitate communication to Westlake Academy parents and students of the various aspects of the Academy’s operations, student expectations, and student standards. In that light, the Westlake Academy staff is charged with drafting, updating, and publishing, at least annually prior to the start of the school, a Parent/Student Handbook (Handbook). A copy of the current Handbook will be placed on the Academy’s web site. During the course of the school year, the Academy staff is responsible for identifying amendments that may need to be made to the Handbook due to changes in Board policy or Academy procedures. If any amendments are made, they shall be communicated in a timely fashion to all Academy parents and students prior to their effective date. Parents and students will be expected to sign an acknowledgment form stating they have read and understand the policies and procedures outlined in the Handbook for each applicable school year. A student that fails to provide a signed acknowledgment within the allotted time frame may be subject to expulsion from the Academy. Resolution 10-13 Page 1 of 4 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 10-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVING AND ADOPTING A POLICY ESTABLISHING AN ACADEMIC HONESTY AND HONOR CODE FOR THE STUDENTS AT WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to create a supportive learning environment with the ultimate outcome being the achievement of academic excellence and the development of life-long learning skills for the students at Westlake Academy; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary to promote academic honesty and develop the use of an honor code to achieve the desired outcome; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and the faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: THAT, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: THAT, the Board of Trustees for Westlake Academy, hereby approves the policy, Academic Honesty and Honor Code, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit “A”. SECTION 3: IF, any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 4: THAT, this Resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS THE 16th DAY OF AUGUST, 2010. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President Resolution 10-13 Page 2 of 4 ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Resolution 10-13 Page 3 of 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 10-13: Date Board Adopted: August 16, 2010 Date Board Amended: N/A Effective Date : August 16, 2010 Policy Name : Academic Honesty and Honor Code Policy Category : Parent, Student and Faculty Relations and Expectations Policy Goal : To establish a standard for academic honesty and the expectations relative to an honor code for Westlake Academy Policy Description : A component of the mission statement for Westlake Academy is to strive to achieve academic excellence and develop life-long learning traits for the success of the students. As such, an academic honesty and honor code is necessary to support those endeavors. All students are expected to act with integrity in regards to Academic and non-academic contexts. Any form of plagiarism, including downloading and using information from the internet without quoting sources, will be considered a violation of the code of conduct. We expect all students to be on their honor, and cheating will be dealt with severely. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty is defined as: • Engaging in any act of plagiarism by passing off ideas or words of another as one's own, using another's work without quoting sources, committing literary theft, or presenting an idea from an already existing source as new or original; • Receiving or providing assistance on an assignment in or out of the classroom where collaboration is not explicitly condoned by the instructor; • Communicating or attempting to communicate with another student during an examination via verbal, nonverbal, written, or electronic means; • Disclosing the content of assessment material to another student who is taking or has taken the same course but has not yet taken the assessment in question; • Possessing or using forbidden materials or aids during an assessment; or • Stealing, attempted theft, or collusion with any who attempt to steal assessment materials. Resolution 10-13 Page 4 of 4 Cheating, plagiarism, forgery and any other forms of academic dishonesty are considered severe discipline infractions and will be subject to the progressive discipline process outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook. Honor Code By means of an Honor Code, students practice responsible leadership, accept personal responsibility and develop strong character and create an atmosphere free from suspicion. At its core, the Honor Code is based on mutual respect and trust, serving as a written model for what is expected from students in terms of behavior, as well as a pledge to live by the school’s values. All students will be required to support the traits identified in the IB Learner Profile by committing to the following: Honor Pledge: “I pledge to uphold the honor of Westlake Academy and ensure that all work carrying my name is my own.” Students who commit themselves to upholding the Westlake Academy Honor Code will be instilled with a sense of honor and integrity that will last beyond their school years. Revised 080210 Resolution 10-14 Page 1 of 6 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 10-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVING AND ADOPTING A POLICY REGARDING THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY AND COMPUTER SYSTEM USER RESPONSIBILITIES FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to establish a policy providing for the use of the technology resources available to the students, faculty/staff and other visitors while on campus or through access methods provided at Westlake Academy; and, WHEREAS, the policy identifies a set of broad based procedures necessary to secure the system and establish appropriate user guidelines; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and the faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: THAT, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: THAT, the Board of Trustees for Westlake Academy, hereby approves the policy, Technology Use and Computer System Responsibilities, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit “A”. SECTION 3 : IF, any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 4 : THAT, this Resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 16th DAY OF AUGUST, 2010. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President Resolution 10-14 Page 2 of 6 ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Resolution 10-14 Page 3 of 6 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 10-14: Date Board Adopted: August 16, 2010 Date Board Amended: N/A Effective Date : August 16, 2010 Policy Name : Technology Use and Computer System Responsibilities Policy Category : Parent, Student and Faculty Relations and Expectations Policy Goal : To establish accountability standards and parameters for the use of technology at Westlake Academy congruent with the Academy’s academic honor and employee/student conduct codes and expectations. Policy Description : In an effort to promote to appropriate use of technology in the classroom and within the broader learning environment, the Board of Trustees approves the following policies and procedures for Westlake Academy. Technology Resources Access Access to the Academy’s electronic communications system and/or technology resources is a privilege, not a right. All users shall be required to acknowledge receipt and understanding of all Board policies and administrative regulations governing use of the system and shall agree in writing to allow monitoring of their use and to comply with all policies, regulations and guidelines. Noncompliance may result in suspension of access or termination of privileges and other disciplinary action consistent with Academy policies, any applicable employee policies or procedures, and the Parent/Student Handbook. Violations of law may result in disciplinary action by the Academy, in addition to any action taken by law enforcement. Access to the Academy’s electronic communications system/technology resources will be governed as follows: 1. Students in Kindergarten–Grade 12 will be assigned individual student login/access ID’s to utilize the Academy’s system by parental permission, as appropriate. Resolution 10-14 Page 4 of 6 2. As appropriate and with the written approval of the immediate supervisor and completion of relevant training, Academy employees will be granted access to the Academy’s technology resources as necessary. 3. A staff member may apply for a generic email account and in doing so will ultimately be responsible for use of the account. 4. The Academy will require that all passwords be changed when necessary. All passwords must remain confidential and may not be shared. 5. Any system/resources user identified as a security risk or as having violated Academy and/or campus technology use guidelines may be denied access to the Academy’s technology resource system. 6. All users will be required to sign a user agreement annually each August for issuance or renewal of an account. Academy employees that violate the user agreement or the Academy’s Technology Policy may be subject to an adverse employment action up to and including termination of employment. Academy students that violate the user agreement or the Academy’s Technology Policy may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Academy’s discipline policies and the procedures outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook. 7. All Academy technology resource systems are business assets and are not private. The Academy may access and review any use of technology, including, but not limited to, all Web pages and e-mails sent to and from employees, during transmission or storage. Technology Resources User Responsibilities The following standards will apply to all users of the Academy’s technology resources systems: 1. The individual in whose name a user ID/login is issued will be responsible at all times for its proper use. 2. The technology resources system may not be used for illegal purposes, in support of illegal activities, or for any other activity prohibited by Academy policy or guidelines. 3. Users may not disable, or attempt to disable, a content/media filtering device on the Academy’s technology resources system. 4. Encryption methods other than those used and approved by the administrator may not be utilized. Resolution 10-14 Page 5 of 6 5. System users may not use another person’s user ID/login without written permission from the campus administrator or Academy coordinator, as appropriate. 6. Students may not distribute personal information about themselves or others by means of the technology resources system; this includes, but is not limited to, personal addresses and telephone numbers. 7. Students should never make appointments to meet people whom they meet online and should report to a teacher or administrator if they receive any request for such a meeting. 8. System users must purge and/or make hard copies of electronic mail and file such in accordance with established retention guidelines. 9. System users may not redistribute copyrighted programs or data except with the written permission of the copyright holder or designee. Such permission must be specified in the document or must be obtained directly from the copyright holder or designee in accordance with applicable copyright law, Academy policy, and administrative regulations. 10. System users should avoid actions that are likely to increase the risk of introducing viruses to the system, such as opening e-mail messages from unknown senders and loading data from unprotected computers. 11. System users may not install public domain programs to the technology resources system. Users may not download public domain programs for their own use nor non-commercially redistribute a public domain program and are responsible for determining whether a program is in the public domain. 12. System users may not use the Academy’s technology resources to send or post messages that are abusive, obscene, pornographic, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal. 13. System users may not purposefully access materials that are abusive, obscene, pornographic, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal. 14. System users should be mindful that use of school-related electronic mail addresses might cause some recipients or other readers of that e-mail to assume they represent the school, whether or not that was the user’s intention. 15. Users may not waste Academy technology resources related to the system. 16. System users may not gain unauthorized access to resources or information. 17. System users understand and agree that all documents and communications are the property of the Academy. As such, a system user may not copy, download, Resolution 10-14 Page 6 of 6 disseminate, e-mail or disclose Academy property to third parties not directly related to Academy business without the express written authority of the Academy Superintendent. Information from Third Parties System users and parents of students with access to the Academy’s technology resource system should be aware that, despite the Academy’s use of technology protection measures as required by law, use of the system may provide access to other electronic communications systems in the global electronic network that may contain inaccurate and/or objectionable material. Any user and/or student who gains access, or knows of others accessing such material is expected to discontinue the access as quickly as possible and to report the incident to the supervising teacher/administrator(s). A student knowingly bringing prohibited materials or media into the school’s electronic environment will be subject to suspension of access and/or revocation of privileges on the Academy’s system and will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. An employee knowingly bringing prohibited materials or media into the school’s electronic environment will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Academy policies. Disclaimers Opinions, advice, services, and all other information expressed by system users, information providers, service providers, or other third-party individuals in the system are those of the providers and not necessarily the Academy. The Academy will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to misuse of the Academy’s technology resources system. Revised 080210 Resolution 10-15 Page 1 of 5 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 10-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVING AND ADOPTING A POLICY PERTAINING TO VEHICLE TRANSPORTATION FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to establish standards and parameters governing the use of school owned, leased, or rented vehicles in a manner which promotes safety and protects school assets; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and the faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: THAT, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: THAT, the Board of Trustees for Westlake Academy, hereby approves the policy titled, Vehicle Transportation Policy, attached to this resolution as Exhibit “A”. SECTION 3: IF, any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 4: THAT, this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS THE 16th DAY OF AUGUST, 2010. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Resolution 10-15 Page 2 of 5 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 10-15: Date Board Adopted: August 16, 2010 Date Board Amended: N/A Effective Date : August 16, 2010 Policy Name : Vehicle Transportation Policy Policy Category : Governance Policy Goal: To establish the standards and parameters governing the use of school owned, leased, or rented vehicles in a manner which promotes safety and protects school assets from loss or damage. Policy Description : In an effort to promote safe transportation for all school-related events and establish appropriate standards regarding the use of Westlake Academy-owned, leased, or rented vehicles, the Board of Trustees approves the following policies and procedures for Westlake Academy. Policy Definitions For purposes of this policy: 1. “Bus” means a motor vehicle used to transport persons and designed to accommodate more than ten persons, including the driver. 2. “Passenger car” refers to a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, used to transport persons and designed to accommodate ten or fewer passengers. 3. “Passenger van” means a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle or passenger car, used to transport persons and designed to transport 15 or fewer passengers, including the driver. 4. “School activity bus” means a bus designed to accommodate more than 15 passengers, including the operator, that is owned, operated, rented, or leased by Westlake Academy and is used to transport public school students on a school- related activity trip, other than on routes to and from school. The term does not include a chartered bus, a bus operated by a mass transit authority, or a school bus. 5. “School bus” means a motor vehicle that was manufactured in compliance with the federal motor vehicle safety standards for school buses in effect on the date of manufacture and that is used to transport preprimary, primary, or secondary students to and from school or on a school-related activity trip other than on routes to and from school. The term does not include a school-chartered bus or a bus operated by a mass transit authority. Resolution 10-15 Page 3 of 5 6. “Motor bus” means a vehicle designed to transport more than 15 passengers, including the driver. Education Code 34.003; Transportation. Code 541.201 7. "Motor vehicle" means a self-propelled vehicle or a vehicle that is propelled by electric power from overhead trolley wires. The term does not include an electric bicycle or an electric personal assistive mobility device, as defined by Texas Transportation Code 551.201(11). Bus Operation A school bus may not 1. The door of the school bus is open; or be operated if: 2. The number of passengers on the bus is greater than the manufacturer’s design capacity for the bus. Student Transportation The Board of Trustees may contract for all or any part of its public school transportation with a mass transit authority or commercial transportation company, provided that the authority or commercial transportation company: 1. Requires its school bus drivers to have the qualifications required by and be certified in accordance with standards established by the Department of Public Safety; 2. Transports 15 or more students only in school buses or mass transit authority buses that meet or exceed safety standards for school buses established under Education Code 34.002; 3. Conducts all the following education programs with Board approval: a. A program to inform the public that public school students will be riding on the authority’s or company’s buses; b. A program to educate drivers of the buses to be used under the contract of the special needs and problems of public school students riding on the buses; and c. A program to educate public school students on bus riding safety and any special considerations arising from the use of the authority’s or company’s buses. School Activities When transporting students in connection with school activities: 1. Only school buses or motor buses may be used to transport 15 or more students; and 2. Passenger cars or passenger vans may be used to transport fewer than 15 students. Education Code 34.003(b)(1), (2) Resolution 10-15 Page 4 of 5 Drivers The operator of a passenger car or passenger van used to transport students to school or to a school activity shall ensure that the number of passengers does not exceed the designed capacity of the vehicle and that each passenger is secured by a safety belt. Education Code 34.003(c) 1. Drivers will be fully licensed and shall not be under the influence of any substance that may alter their ability to drive. 2. Drivers will meet all applicable staff qualifications including a satisfactory criminal history and motor vehicle record check (MVR). 3. Drivers will be first aid and CPR certified if another certified staff member is not present. 4. Drivers will obey all traffic regulations. 5. The driver shall not be included in the child: staff ratio. Drivers must not be distracted from safe driving practices by being simultaneously responsible for the supervision of children. 6. The Driver will be familiar with the planned route ahead of time. 7. Drivers must be authorized by Westlake Academy prior to operating any Academy-owned, leased, or rented vehicle. Approval of all drivers will be based on established administrative criteria and guidelines. 8. Operational procedures governing the use and maintenance of Academy-owned, leased, or rented vehicles will be based on established administrative criteria and guidelines. Transportation Safety Westlake Academy shall meet or exceed the safety standards for school buses established by the U.S department of Transportation and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), with the advice of TEA. Safety Standards Westlake Academy may not require or allow a child to stand on a moving bus or passenger van. Education Code 34.004 An operator of a school bus, while operating the bus, shall prohibit a passenger from: 1. Standing in the bus; or 2. Sitting: a. on the floor of the bus, or b. in any location on the bus that is not designed as a seat. Transportation Code 545.426 An operator may not use a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle within a school crossing zone, unless: 1. The vehicle is stopped; or 2. The wireless communication device is used with a hands-free device. Resolution 10-15 Page 5 of 5 An operator may not use a wireless communication device while operating a passenger bus with a minor passenger on the bus unless the passenger bus is stopped. Transportation Code 545.425 Seat Belts A bus, including a school bus and a school activity bus, operated by or contracted for use by Westlake Academy for the transportation of school children shall be equipped with a three-point seat belt for each passenger, including the operator. This requirement applies to: 1. Each bus purchased by Westlake Academy on or after September 1, 2010, for the transportation of school children; and 2. Each school-chartered bus contracted for use by Westlake Academy on or after September 1, 2011, for the transportation of school children. Westlake Academy is required to comply with this requirement only to the extent TEA pays or commits to pay Westlake Academy for expenses incurred in complying with the requirement. Transportation Code 547.701(e)–(f) Westlake Academy shall require a student riding a bus operated by or contracted for operation by Westlake Academy to wear a seat belt if the bus is equipped with seat belts for all passengers on the bus. W estlake Academy may implement a disciplinary policy to enforce the use of seat belts by students. Education Code 34.013 Resolution 10-16 Page 1 of 4 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 10-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVING AND ADOPTING A POLICY REGARDING ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS AND FACULTY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to implement guidelines providing for the use of electronic communications between all stakeholders of Westlake Academy; and, WHEREAS, the need exists to support the use of effective communication while working within the legal boundaries and privacy concerns when discussing issues surrounding students and faculty; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and the faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: THAT, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: THAT, the Board of Trustees for Westlake Academy, hereby approves the policy, Electronic Communication and Faculty Responsibilities, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit “A”. SECTION 3: IF, any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 4: THAT, this Resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS THE 16th DAY OF AUGUST, 2010. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President Resolution 10-16 Page 2 of 4 ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Resolution 10-16 Page 3 of 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 10-16: Date Board Adopted: August 16, 2010 Date Board Amended: N/A Effective Date : August 16, 2010 Policy Name : Electronic Communications and Faculty Responsibilities Policy Category : Parent, Student and Faculty Relations and Expectations Policy Goal : Establishing clear guidelines for the use of electronic communication between Westlake faculty/staff and parents, between Board members and parents, as well as between Academy faculty/staff members and their students. Policy Description : Effective communication is an essential component of any successful organization, and the Board wishes to encourage this type of communication among all Academy stakeholder groups and constituents. To that end, it is recognized that electronic communication is frequently used to achieve communication between parties on a timely basis. It is important to identify when electronic communication is appropriate, when it is not, and how to best utilize this method of communication for maximum effectiveness in the school setting. Definitions For the purposes of this policy, the term “electronic communication(s)” shall be defined as: a. Email b. Text messaging c. Instant Messaging d. Social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter Electronic Communication shall be used for short and precise exchanges to: a) plan or schedule meetings between a parent and teacher or between faculty/staff members Resolution 10-16 Page 4 of 4 b) answer a brief factual/logistical question about a student’s homework assignment or scheduling of a test, quiz, or project, (i.e. when tests, quizzes, or projects will be given or when they are due) c) announce trip arrangements and logistics Electronic Communication on these topics shall be timely and concise. As such, inquiries sent via electronic communication shall be answered/returned by faculty/staff within twenty-four (24) hours or less of their receipt from a parent or student (weekends excepted). Electronic Communication shall not be used for substantive discussions and conversations. These include, but are not limited to, the following: a) discussions about a student’s (or students’) behavior or conduct, either in or outside of the classroom, on or off campus b) discussions regarding a student’s (or students’) academic performance or any aspect of student life protected as confidential under State and/or Federal law (i.e., special education needs, learning disabilities, discipline imposed, etc) c) discussions regarding teaching methods, subject content, policy or administrative decisions, or discipline measures/decisions All communication on topics such as these shall occur in face-to-face meetings or telephone conversations, as appropriate. Such meetings and/or telephone conversations shall be set and/or occur in a timely fashion. Faculty/staff members are prohibited from using social media, personal email, or third-party websites to communicate with students or parents about any Academy-related matters. Resolution 10-17 Page 1 of 4 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 10-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVING THE POLICY PERTAINING TO THE DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF A “LEARNING COMMUNITY COMMITMENT” STATEMENT FOR STUDENTS, FACULTY/STAFF AND PARENTS AT WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees supports a cooperative learning environment and as such desires to create a learning community for the students at Westlake Academy; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to enumerate the behaviors and ideals necessary for student success; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and the faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: THAT, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: THAT, the Board of Trustees for Westlake Academy, hereby approves the policy titled, Learning Community Commitment Statement, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit “A”. SECTION 3: IF, any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 4: THAT, this Resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 16th DAY OF AUGUST, 2010. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President Resolution 10-17 Page 2 of 4 ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Resolution 10-17 Page 3 of 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 10-17: Date Board Adopted: August 16, 2010 Date Board Amended: N/A Effective Date : August 16, 2010 Policy Name : Learning Community Commitment Statement Policy Category : Parent, Student and Faculty Relations and Expectations Policy Goal : To pursue shared commitment between faculty, students and parents to build and nurture a flourishing learning community at Westlake Policy Description : For quality education to occur, a partnership between parents, students, and faculty must unite towards a common vision and goals. As such, the Board of Trustees has established vision, mission, and values statements for Westlake Academy all grounded in Westlake Academy’s strong roots in the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum and the IB Learner Profile. In order to bring this vision into the daily school life of our students, tools must be in place to connect the vision by emphasizing and cultivating the development of a learning community. This commitment is contained in the Westlake Academy Learning Community Commitment. There is much written in educational literature about schools as “learning communities”, centered on the faculty/staff, student and parents creating a learning community, which is often characterized as having these attributes (SEDL): • supportive and shared leadership • collective creativity • shared values and vision • supportive conditions • shared personal practice The Academy’s Learning Community Commitment is intended to help chart, reinforce and communicate to the parents, students, and faculty, not only the clear path necessary toward achieving a student’s successful graduation, but the behaviors and ideals necessary to achieve that end. As such, the Board has developed statements toward establishing a Learning Community Commitment for faculty, students and parents. Resolution 10-17 Page 4 of 4 The student portion of the Learning Community Commitment is an acknowledgment of the traits found in the IB Learner Profile which are integral to their overall development and achievement during the course of their educational career. Students in grades 5 – 12 are required to sign the commitment statement on an annual basis. Failure to do so may subject the student to the discipline consequences found in the Parent/Student Handbook, up to and including expulsion from the Academy. The faculty and staff section of the Learning Community Commitment identifies and reinforces the professional conduct required to support our students while they are enrolled in our learning environment at Westlake Academy. Faculty and staff are also required to sign the commitment statements on an annual basis. Failure to do so may result in an adverse employment action. The parent statement portion of the Learning Community Commitment affirms the importance of the parent’s role in attaining a quality education for their child and supporting their student, as well as the staff, in achieving the long term goal of creating a high quality learning environment. Parents are strongly encouraged to read and discuss the student commitments with their children in grades K-5 and pledge their support to the success of the students by signing the parent commitment on an annual basis. Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Todd Wood, Director of HR and Administrative Services Subject: Regular Meeting of August 16, 2010 Date: August 10, 2010 Consider a Resolution approving additions to the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual. ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential The Westlake Academy Personnel Manual is a written compilation of the Academy’s personnel policies, procedures, and benefits. It is a comprehensive document which must be updated in response to changing laws, employment trends, as well as internal changes in Board policy and organizational structure. BACKGROUND Exhibit “A” contains the proposed additions to the personnel manual. Where applicable, these policies are based on existing Board policies. N/A FUNDING Staff recommends approval. RECOMMENDATION Resolution ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit “A” Resolution 10-18 Page 1 of 13 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 10-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVING PERSONNEL POLICIES AND THEIR INCLUSION INTO THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY PERSONNEL MANUAL WHEREAS, Westlake Academy recognizes that ongoing updates to the Academy’s personnel manual are necessary to ensure best practices; and, WHEREAS, the leaders of Westlake Academy desire to promote professionalism, safety, security, and high standards of performance in the workplace; and, WHEREAS, Westlake Academy desires is to provide employees with a personnel manual that reflects the goals and vision of the Academy’s leaders; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: that, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees does hereby approve the proposed personnel policy additions, attached as Exhibit “A”, and its inclusion into the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual. SECTION 3 : If any portion of this resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. Resolution 10-18 Page 2 of 13 PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 16TH DAY OF AUGUST 2010. ___________________________________ ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President ___________________________ __________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Town Secretary Tom Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney Resolution 10-18 Page 3 of 13 “Exhibit A” – Personnel Manual Additions Nepotism (Hiring of Relatives) The Westlake Academy Nepotism Policy will apply to all employees of the organization, unless defined as an exception in this policy. This policy will eliminate potential nepotism-related problems, which can be disruptive to the operation of an organization. The policy is as follows: • No person related within the second degree of affinity or within the third degree by consanguinity to any elected officer of the Academy, or to the Superintendent, shall be appointed to any office, position, or clerkship, or other service of the Academy. A person related within the third degree by consanguinity of any person employed by Westlake Academy will not eligible for employment consideration. • Existing or future employees may not be promoted or transferred to a position that would be in violation with this policy. • Employees of Westlake Academy or the Town of Westlake who choose to marry will require the resignation of one employee within 90 days of the date of marriage. • Employees may remain employed if the marriage of another employee creates a relationship of the second degree of affinity or beyond, or the third degree by consanguinity or beyond. For the purposes of this policy, a relative is defined to include: First degree affinity – spouse, spouse’s mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter; Second degree affinity – spouse’s aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, grandson, first cousins; First degree of consanguinity – employee’s mother, father, daughter, son; Second degree of consanguinity – employee’s brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, grandson; Third degree of consanguinity – employee’s aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, great grandmother, great grandfather, great granddaughter, great grandson. Relationships created by the adoption of a child are considered relationships of consanguinity for purposes of this policy. Exemptions to this policy include independent contractors, temporary, and seasonal employees. Any potential employee must obtain the approval of the Superintendent prior to beginning employment. Resolution 10-18 Page 4 of 13 Standards of conduct The attitude and behavior of all employees is seen as a direct reflection of Westlake Academy, its programs and policies. Employees should at all times present themselves in such a manner as to promote good will and a favorable attitude of the general public toward Westlake Academy. All employees are expected to work together in a cooperative and professional manner to serve the best interests of the Academy and to be courteous to students, one another, and the public. Expectations of professional conduct for employees include, but are not limited to, the following: • Demonstate professional conduct at all times in the workplace and in public. • Recognize and respect the rights and property of the public, students, and co-workers and maintain confidentiality in all matters relating to students and co-workers. • Report to work proptly, according to the assigned schedule. • Follow proper protocols in accordance with the Academy’s policies, procedures, and organizational stucture. • Faithfully perform all assigned duties with high ethical standards. • Notify immediate supervisors in advance (or as early as possible) if absent or late • Know and comply with all Academy procedures and policies. • Observe all safety rules and regulations and report injuries or unsafe conditions to a super- visor immediately. • Use Academy time, funds, and property for authorized Academy business or activities only. • Discuss or share information related to Academy businessto appropriate or authorized parties only. Unprofessional behavior and misconduct Unprofessional behavior and/or misconduct compromises the best interests of the Academy and the safety of all students, staff, parents, and visitors. Violation of any provision of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Examples of misconduct include, but are not limited to, the following: • Violation of Academy rules, regulations, policies or procedures. • Unsatisfactory performance or conduct. • Theft of, unauthorized removal of, or unauthorized possession or use of school property • Falsification, unauthorized use, or unauthorized disclosure of official Academy documents, records, or information. • Being unruly, disruptive, threatening violence, or fighting. • Willful disobedience of a legal directive issued by a supervisor. • Displaying any disrespectful, insolent, or abusive acts towards another employee, parent, volunteer, or member of the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees. • Wasting or damaging school equipment, property, supplies, or resources. • Unauthorized absence from the workstation or classroom. • Use of any Westlake Academy resource for personal benefit. Resolution 10-18 Page 5 of 13 • Unlawful treatment of persons protected by federal law due to their sex, age, religion, race, ethnic background, or disability status. • Sexual or other form of unlawful harassment. • Conviction of a felony or any other criminal history that is prohibited by Academy policy. • Insubordination. • Fraudulent timekeeping. • Use, possession, or being under the influence of a controlled substance without proper written medical authorization; misuse of prescribed medication, ingestion or being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage in an Academy-owned, leased, or rented vehicle, while operating Academy equipment, or while on call or on standby duty; ingestion of an alcoholic beverage during working hours or on Academy property. • Unauthorized or improper use of official authority. • Illegal, unethical, abusive, or unsafe acts. • Failure to use available safety equipment, including seat belts, or disregard for the safety of others. • Refusal to sign a form acknowledging receipt of the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual or job description. • Use of cell phones or other non-educational electronic devices outside of break times without prior authorization. • Disruptive or distracting behavior during staff meetings, workshops, or training sessions. • Possession of contraband while at work or on Westlake Academy property, which includes but is not limited to: drug paraphernalia, illegal or prohibited weapons, firearms, explosives, incendiaries, stolen property, and counterfeit money • Making false accusations or knowingly providing false information about a student’s or another employee’s behavior or actions. • Unauthorized absences, chronic absenteeism, tardiness, or failure to follow procedures for reporting absences. • Violation of any of the provisions of this Handbook. All Academy employees should perform their duties in accordance with state and federal law, Academy policies and procedures, and ethical standards. Violation of policies, regulations, or guidelines may result in disciplinary action, including termination. Alleged incidents of certain misconduct by certified educators, including having a criminal record, must be reported to SBEC not later than the seventh day the Superintendent first learns of the incident. See Reports to the State Board for Educator Certification, page 46 for additional information. The Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators, adopted by the State Board for Educator Certification, shall apply to all Academy employees, and is reprinted below: “Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators” Resolution 10-18 Page 6 of 13 Statement of Purpose The Texas educator shall comply with standard practices and ethical conduct toward students, professional colleagues, school officials, parents, and members of the community and shall safeguard academic freedom. The Texas educator, in maintaining the dignity of the profession, shall respect and obey the law, demonstrate personal integrity, and exemplify honesty. The Texas educator, in exemplifying ethical relations with colleagues, shall extend just and equitable treatment to all members of the profession. The Texas educator, in accepting a position of public trust, shall measure success by the progress of each student toward realization of his or her potential as an effective citizen. The Texas educator, in fulfilling responsibilities in the community, shall cooperate with parents and others to improve the public schools of the community. Professional Standards 1. Professional Ethical Conduct, Practices, and Performance Standard 1.1 The educator shall not knowingly engage in deceptive practices regarding official policies of the school Academy or educational institution. Standard 1.2 The educator shall not knowingly misappropriate, divert, or use monies, personnel, property, or equipment committed to his or her charge for personal gain or advantage. Standard 1.3 The educator shall not submit fraudulent requests for reimbursement, expenses, or pay. Standard 1.4 The educator shall not use institutional or professional privileges for personal or partisan advantage. Standard 1.5 The educator shall neither accept nor offer gratuities, gifts, or favors that impair professional judgment or to obtain special advantage. This standard shall not restrict the acceptance of gifts or tokens offered and accepted openly from students, parents, or other persons or organizations in recognition or appreciation of service. Standard 1.6 The educator shall not falsify records, or direct or coerce others to do so. Standard 1.7 The educator shall comply with state regulations, written local school board policies, and other applicable state and federal laws. Standard 1.8 The educator shall apply for, accept, offer, or assign a position or a responsibility on the basis of professional qualifications. 2. Ethical Conduct toward Professional Colleagues Standard 2.1 The educator shall not reveal confidential health or personnel information concerning colleagues unless disclosure serves lawful professional purposes or is required by law. Standard 2.2 The educator shall not harm others by knowingly making false statements about a colleague or the school system. Standard 2.3 The educator shall adhere to written local school board policies and state and federal laws regarding the hiring, evaluation, and dismissal of personnel. Resolution 10-18 Page 7 of 13 Standard 2.4 The educator shall not interfere with a colleague's exercise of political, professional, or citizenship rights and responsibilities. Standard 2.5 The educator shall not discriminate against or coerce a colleague on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, disability, or family status. Standard 2.6 The educator shall not use coercive means or promise of special treatment in order to influence professional decisions or colleagues. Standard 2.7 The educator shall not retaliate against any individual who has filed a complaint with the SBEC under this chapter. 3. Ethical Conduct toward Students Standard 3.1 The educator shall not reveal confidential information concerning students unless disclosure serves lawful professional purposes or is required by law. Standard 3.2 The educator shall not knowingly treat a student in a manner that adversely affects the student's learning, physical health, mental health, or safety. Standard 3.3 The educator shall not deliberately or knowingly misrepresent facts regarding a student. Standard 3.4 The educator shall not exclude a student from participation in a program, deny benefits to a student, or grant an advantage to a student on the basis of race, color, sex, disability, national origin, religion, or family status. Standard 3.5 The educator shall not engage in physical mistreatment of a student. Standard 3.6 The educator shall not solicit or engage in sexual conduct or a romantic relationship with a student. Standard 3.7 The educator shall not furnish alcohol or illegal/unauthorized drugs to any student or knowingly allow any student to consume alcohol or illegal/unauthorized drugs in the presence of the educator. Resolution 10-18 Page 8 of 13 Information Technology Systems Policy This policy establishes rules governing the use of Information Technology systems. These systems include Internet services, electronic communication systems, telephone communication systems, email, voice mail, facsimiles, cellular phones, computer network, and computer directories and files. Information Technology Systems are provided by Westlake Academy for business use. Employees should not expect privacy with respect to any of their activities using these systems . Westlake Academy reserves the right to review any files, messages, or communications sent, received or stored on its computer, telephone and electronic systems. This policy also applies to third-party offsite services provided by the Academy for official business use. Westlake Academy's prohibition against sexual, racial, and other forms of harassment is extended to include the use of electronic and telecommunications systems. Offensive, harassing, vulgar, obscene, or threatening communications are strictly prohibited, as are sexually oriented messages or images. Privileged or confidential material, which includes, but is not limited to, attorney-client communications, should not be exchanged haphazardly by e-mail, facsimiles, instant messaging or other means. Use of Information Technology must be conducted in accordance with local, state and federal law; engaging in illegal, fraudulent, or malicious conduct is prohibited. Violation of any provisions of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Governance • All Westlake Academy employees who are granted a system account to access to the Academy’s network is responsible for the proper use of the account at all times. • A teacher may apply for a class account and in doing so will ultimately be responsible for use of the account. • The Academy will require that all passwords be changed as necessary. All passwords must remain confidential and may not be shared. • Any system user identified as a security risk or as having violated Academy any provisions of this policy may be denied access to the Academy’s network. • All users will be required to sign a user agreement annually each August for issuance or renewal of an account. Academy employees in violation of the user agreement or the Academy’s Technology Policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. • All Academy electronic communication systems are business assets and are not private. The Academy may access and review all Web pages and e-mails sent to and from employees, during transmission or storage. Resolution 10-18 Page 9 of 13 System User Responsibilities The following standards will apply to all users of Westlake Academy’s Information Technology systems: • The individual in whose name a system account is issued will be responsible at all times for its proper use. • The system may not be used for illegal purposes, in support of illegal activities, or for any other activity prohibited by Academy policy or guidelines. • System users may not disable, or attempt to disable, a filtering device on the Academy’s Information Technology system. • Communications may not be encrypted so as to avoid security review by system administrators. • System users may not use another person’s system account without written permission from Superintendent or designate, as appropriate. • Employees should ensure that students do not distribute personal information about themselves or others by means of the electronic communications system; this includes, but is not limited to, personal addresses and telephone numbers. • System users must purge and/or make hard copies of electronic mail and file such in accordance with established retention guidelines. • System users may not redistribute copyrighted programs or data except with the written permission of the copyright holder or designee. Such permission must be specified in the document or must be obtained directly from the copyright holder or designee in accordance with applicable copyright law, Academy policy, and administrative regulations. • System users are prohibited from using instant messenger programs (including text messaging on personal cell phones) to transmit Academy-related information. Any communication(s) that would create a public record must be transmitted in a manner which allows for proper retention of electronic records. • System users should avoid actions that are likely to increase the risk of introducing viruses to the system, such as opening e-mail messages from unknown senders and loading data from unprotected computers. • System users may not upload public domain programs to the system. System users may not download public domain programs for their own use nor non-commercially redistribute a public domain program. System users are responsible for determining whether a program is in the public domain. • System users may not send or post messages that are abusive, obscene, pornographic, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal. • System users may not purposefully access materials that are abusive, obscene, pornographic, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal. • System users should be mindful that use of school-related electronic mail addresses might cause some recipients or other readers of that mail to assume they represent the school, whether or not that was the user’s intention. • System users may not waste Academy resources related to the electronic communications system. Resolution 10-18 Page 10 of 13 • System users may not gain unauthorized access to resources or information. • System users understand and agree that all documents and communications are the property of the Academy. As such, a system user may not copy, download, disseminate, e-mail or disclose Academy property to third parties not directly related to Academy business without the express written authority of the Superintendent or designate. Prohibited Activities • Engaging in illegal, fraudulent, or malicious conduct. • Harassing individuals. • Transmitting or storing material that is threatening, obscene, sexually explicit or disparaging of others based on race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious or political beliefs. • Obtaining unauthorized access to any computer system. • Using another individual's account or identity without explicit authorization. • Conducting political campaigns or other prohibited activity. • Gambling or playing a game for money or other stakes. • Downloading of software products from internet sites is prohibited without prior approval of the Superintendent or designate. Personal Computers and Electronic Equipment A personal computer and access to Westlake Academy’s internal network is provided to the employee for the purpose of conducting Academy business and improving productivity. All computers and electronic equipment issued to employees are property of Westlake Academy. Employees should utilize these resources for business purposes, and very limited or incidental personal use is acceptable. Such use must be infrequent. Personal use must not: • Involve any illegal activity or any prohibited activity listed above. • Interfere with the productivity of the employee or co-workers. • Consume system resources bandwidth or storage capacity on an on-going basis. All Academy-related files, emails, and other communications stored on any computer are property of Westlake Academy. All files should be considered public information, and subject to the Academy’s established electronic retention schedule. Employees are prohibited from deleting any files without the express consent of the Superintendent or designate. Employees are required to return any Westlake Academy equipment issued to them prior to terminating employment. Employees will be required to sign for all equipment prior to issuance. Failure to return any equipment may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, and/or payroll deduction for the fair-market value of any missing, lost, or equipment that is unaccounted for. Westlake Academy reserves the right to repossess any electronic equipment issued to an employee at any time. Resolution 10-18 Page 11 of 13 Internet Access and Email The Internet is a powerful communication tool and a valuable source of information. Internet service includes but is not limited to e-mail, file transfer protocol (FTP), web browsing and newsgroups. Employees should be aware that information transmitted over the internet is potentially not secure. Internet communication systems may accommodate the use of passwords for security, however the reliability of such for maintaining confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. (Employees should assume that someone other than the intended recipient could read any and all Internet communications). Westlake Academy reserves the right to filter incoming and outgoing network communications for the purpose of securing the network, restricting access to inappropriate content or to determine compliance with this policy. Web page requests may also be filtered to restrict access to questionable or inappropriate content. Requests to access content restricted by the filtering mechanism must be approved by the Superintendent or designate. Westlake Academy maintains an electronic mail system, commonly called e-mail, to assist in conducting business and as a means to enhance the ability of employees to communicate. All employees must be aware that the use of e-mail messages creates a public record and is subject to public record regulations with respect to inspection, disclosure, scheduled retention, and disposition. The Academy reserves the right to retrieve and read any message composed, sent, or received and also reserves the right to filter email for the purpose of security and to restrict inappropriate usage. Employees are expected to use a high-level of professional discretion when communicating by email. Privileged, confidential, or sensitive information may not be secure when transmitted through by email. Additionally, email should not be used to communicate information as an alternative to a personal meeting, when appropriate. Information from Third Parties Employees with access to the Academy’s Information Technology system should be aware that, despite the Academy’s use of technology protection measures as required by law, use of the system may provide access to other electronic communications systems in the global electronic network that may contain inaccurate and/or objectionable material. Any student or employee who gains access to such material is expected to discontinue the access as quickly as possible and to report the incident to a supervisor. An employee knowingly bringing prohibited materials into the school’s electronic environment will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Academy policies. Resolution 10-18 Page 12 of 13 Disclaimers Opinions, advice, services, and all other information expressed by system users, information providers, service providers, or other third-party individuals in the system are those of the providers and not Westlake Academy. Westlake Academy will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to misuse of the Academy’s electronic Information Technology systems. Dress Code Westlake Academy is a public “service” organization; employees are in constant contact with students, parents, guests, citizens, outside business/professional representatives, and the general public. Employees shall act as role models by exemplifying the highest standard of professional appearance for the educational purposes of teaching community values and proper grooming and hygiene. Dress and Grooming: General Guidelines: The dress and grooming of Westlake Academy employees shall be clean, neat, in a manner appropriate for their assignments, and in accordance with the following standards: • Dresses, skirts, and all outer garments should be of a professional length, falling at or just above the knee or longer. Skirts or any clothes that are too tight, too short or too revealing are not appropriate for the workplace • Halters, tank tops, see-through garments, or clothing with revealing/provocative necklines, bare backs, bare midriff, or spaghetti straps shall not be permitted. In addition, clothing with symbols, phrases, or slogans advertising tobacco, alcohol products, or any controlled substances are unacceptable. • If shirttails are made to be worn tucked in, they must be tucked in. If worn in, and pants are designed to be worn with a belt, belts or suspenders shall be worn. • No hats, caps or other head coverings shall be worn inside the building. • Hair shall be clean, neatly trimmed and well-groomed. • Beards and mustaches shall be allowed if they are neatly trimmed. • Footwear shall appropriately compliment the style and standards of dress as defined in this policy. No flip flops or slippers are permitted. • Clothing that reveals undergarments is prohibited. • Hemlines for skirts and dresses should be long enough not to be distracting. • Shorts, leggings, warm-ups, spandex or similar tight pants, exercise clothes, or any garment that may appear to be an undergarment are unacceptable. • Jeans may be worn on days designated by the principal or supervisor, designated spirit days, and teacher in-service days. Resolution 10-18 Page 13 of 13 • Male instructional staff shall be expected to wear slacks and collared shirts or other appropriate professional attire. Ties are encouraged and may be required by the Superintendent or designate. Acceptable alternatives for shirt and tie are shirt and pullover sweater or turtleneck sweater and sport coat. • Office personnel are generally expected to wear business casual attire. The appropriate dress for men is slacks or khakis, dress pullovers, or a button down shirt. Ties are optional, but should be worn when representing the Academy at public meetings or functions, unless otherwise notified. Acceptable alternatives for shirt and tie are shirt and pullover sweater or turtleneck sweater and sport coat. Acceptable attire for women is dress slacks or khakis, blouses, skirts, and pant suits. • Jewelry shall not be worn in a visible pierced area other than the ear. Exceptions to Guidelines The following exceptions apply to these guidelines: • Physical Education staff may choose to wear appropriate attire, approved by the Superintendent or designate, during the physical education instructional periods. • Instructors in certain courses, such as art or science courses, may wear aprons, smocks, or other protective garments during instructional periods where such garments may be appropriate. • Auxiliary employees in maintenance, custodial, transportation, food service, and positions requiring uniforms are exempted from the general guidelines, but shall comply with dress and grooming guidelines specified by their supervisors. Exceptions to these general guidelines may be made by the Superintendent or designate, as necessary. Employee requests for such exceptions shall be made in writing, and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. This policy may be revised by the Superintendent at any time. Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Tom Brymer, Superintendent Debbie Piper, Finance Director Subject: Regular Meeting of August 16, 2010 Date: August 5, 2010 Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution approving the estimated year-end budget for Westlake Academy for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2010 and adopting the proposed budget for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2011. ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential Since late last year, Academy Staff has worked closely with the Board, solicited input from Academy affiliates, and visited with Academy faculty regarding anticipated needs in the coming year for Westlake Academy. The Board of Trustees held several workshops concerning this topic throughout the year, including a very extensive budget retreat held on June 18, 2010, where they gave Staff direction on the proposed budget for the FY 2010/2011 school year. BACKGROUND In accordance with State law, the staff has now prepared and presents the FY 2010/2011 budget outlining the anticipated revenues and expenditures of all funds for the Board’s review and consideration, including the estimated year-end budget for FY 2009/2010. N/A FUNDING Staff recommends approval RECOMMENDATION Resolution ATTACHMENTS Proposed FY 2010-2011 Budget, including estimated year-end budget for FY 2009/2010 (Sent under separate cover) WA Resolution 10-19 Page 1 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 10-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY TO ADOPT THE REVISED ACADEMIC SERVICES BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2010 AND THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2011. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: WHEREAS, Section 44.002 of the Education Code of the Texas Education Agency Texas School Law Bulletin states the budget must be prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles, and WHEREAS, the budget must be approved by the Board of Trustees prior to August 31st according to Texas Education Agency’s Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, Section 2.6.2 – TEA Legal Requirements; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees held a Public Hearing on August 16, 2010; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the Board of Trustees hereby adopts the revised Academic Services budget for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2010 and the proposed Academic Services Annual Operating Budget for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2011 and appropriates the funds contained therein attached to this resolution as Exhibit “A. . SECTION 3: That a copy of the official adopted 2010-2011 Budget shall be kept on file in the office of the Town Secretary. SECTION 4: If any portion of this resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. WA Resolution 10-19 Page 2 of 2 SECTION 5 : That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 16th DAY OF AUGUST, 2010. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION Westlake Academy Item #6 Board Recap / Staff Direction BOARD CALENDAR o First Day of School August 23, 2010 o Board Meeting September 13, 2010 o Arbor Day September 25, 2010 o Westlake Baja at Vaquero September 27, 2010 Westlake Academy Item #7 Board Calendar FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under “Future Agenda Item Requests”, an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the CEO with the requested item and the CEO will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item’s relationship to the Board’s strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the CEO will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. President Wheat: discussion of BOT policy for seat belts in bus seats including contracted bus services for WA student trips. Westlake Academy Item # 8 – Future Agenda Items Westlake Academy Item # 9 – Adjournment Back up material has not been provided for this item.