HomeMy WebLinkAboutBooklet Doublesided Final © Texas Charter Schools Association 2010                                         An effective Texas public charter school creates and sustains a high quality, innovative educational system aligned with its mission that advances measurable, increased learning and development for each student served. © Texas Charter Schools Association 2010                                        Purpose of the Quality Framework The TCSA Quality Framework is a member-built continuous improvement process that will strengthen the academic and operational outcomes of member schools. It is the first review process built specifically for charters by charter leaders, and it is concrete evidence of TCSA’s commitment to innovation and quality. • It is a member led process • It will inform campus practices • It builds public and policy maker confidence The Quality Framework is not a punitive system. The only way to fail is to refuse to participate. The self-assessment is a tool for charter leaders. The outcome of the self- assessment leads to opportunities for training, services, and products offered by TCSA. • It is an internal, multi-year process • Data is protected, and not shared in ways that will harm members The Quality Framework is not duplicative of the TEA. TCSA member schools will be better prepared to meet TEA requirements because of the Quality Framework. • Results are not shared with the TEA • Quality Framework helps improve TCSA schools so regulations are easier to follow • Quality Framework is backed by support from TCSA so schools improve TCSA schools have many of the Quality Framework elements in place. The Quality Framework process will document this fact. Its purpose is to collect and share best practices, and to identify strategies for use by all members. • It is flexible • It will not mandate one best way • It will highlight, not hamper innovation Individual TCSA schools benefit by actual participation in Quality Framework, but broader goals are also met by having the system in place. • Legislative agenda benefits • Public perception improves • Demand increases  © Texas Charter Schools Association 2010                                         The Quality Framework is comprised of 10 interdependent systems that work together to achieve operational excellence and academic quality. These systems are sets of integrated and aligned elements within a public charter school that function to provide services, processes, and tools needed for the success of the students and the sustainability of the organization. Each system has corresponding elements that are key processes or practices that enable the quality standard to be achieved; consequently, these elements must be addressed in order for the school to perform at its highest degree of potential. Additionally, each system has a quality standard that articulates the strategic objective of that system’s elements. The Quality Framework systems are depicted in the following graphic. © Texas Charter Schools Association 2010                                         •Core purpose •Future State •Values/Cultural Norms Mission and  Vision •Governance •Leadership •Planning Leadership •Curriculum •Instruction •AssessmentLearning •Safe and Secure Environment •Facilities •Operational Services Safety & Support  Services •Recruitment and Selection •Development and Support •RetentionStaff •Market Focus •Families •Community PartnershipsStakeholder •Integrated Performance Management •Data Analysis and Usage •Data Security and AccuracyData Driven •Compliance •Transparency Public  Accountability •Financial Plan •Budget •Financial Oversight /Risk Management Fiscal  Management Ac a d e m i c A c h i e v e m e n t a n d G r o w t h • Po s t - s e c o n d a r y R e a d i n e s s C u l t u r e o f H i g h E x p e c t a t i o n • S t u d e n t E n g a g e m e n t • S o c i a l a n d E m o t i o n a l S k i l l s © Texas Charter Schools Association 2010                                         Quality Framework Standards Student Success Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school develops and implements a strategic plan for student success that is aligned and linked to the organization’s mission and vision. Mission and Vision Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school creates a clear, documented, and shared mission and vision statements that guide the decisions and actions of the organization. Leadership Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school develops and implements an ethical system of governance and leadership that sustains a high performing organization aligned with its mission. Learning Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school develops and implements an integrated learning system of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to maximize each student’s potential for postsecondary and lifelong success. Safety and Support Services Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school provides facilities and operational services in a safe and secure environment. Staff Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school develops and implements a comprehensive process for hiring, developing, and retaining high-performing employees. Stakeholder Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school assesses its market and stakeholder needs and creates and sustains strategic partnerships aligned with its mission. Data Driven Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school identifies, gathers, and analyzes data and information to guide decision making and continuous improvement. Public Accountability Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school accounts to the public for meeting legal, fiscal, and academic requirements. Fiscal Management Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school uses its resources in alignment with legal requirements and its mission to advance measurable, increased learning and development for each student served. © Texas Charter Schools Association 2010                                                        Student Success Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school develops and implements a strategic plan for student success that is aligned and linked to the organization’s mission and vision. System Elements Indicators Academic Achievement and Growth Achievement on state standards test1 a b d c e g Achievement on norm referenced or criterion reference tests other than state test2 3 d g p Longitudinal growth3 5 a b d j Value-added measure2 a d p Courses or course components passed4 a e p Literacy level growth (reading and writing)2 e p Post-secondary Readiness State defined College-Ready Indicator data5 Students on track to graduate according to their individual student learning plans 2 a e g j Graduation and completion rates5 a e Participation and achievement on college readiness tests: ACT9, SAT8, 2300 TAKS5 9 a e j Implementation of college and career access programs and services (e.g.- internships, scholarships pursued/received, FAFSA and application support, counseling, college awareness and visits, and career internship participation/availability)2 a p Participation and achievement in AP, IB, dual credit courses/tests 5 a e Post secondary (two year or four year institutions) acceptance and enrollment2 p Career readiness assessments: THEA1, Accuplacer8, PLAN (ACT) 9a e j p Certification program participation and completion 2 8 p Dropouts recovered p Post secondary success (eligible students employed, enlisted, receiving certification, or graduated from program or institution)2 p Culture of High Expectation Systematic approach for communicating high expectations for all students, according to mission10 h j p Student Engagement Student attendance6 a e Student engagement at the classroom level2 g p Student reenrollment rate5 a Co-curricular, extracurricular, service, and or internship activity2 g j p Students receiving mentoring or tutoring2p Social and Emotional Skills Student support services2 p Students achieving standard/growth on Social and Emotional Learning metrics (SEL)2 g p Teachers trained in and implementing Social and Emotional Learning programs2 g p Discipline referrals over time (425’s) 6 b e p Students in leadership positions (including mentoring and or tutoring of other students)2 p Students achieving community service target hours2 g p © Texas Charter Schools Association 2010                                                        Mission and Vision Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school creates a clear, documented, and shared mission, vision, and values statements that shape the decisions and actions of the organization. System Elements Indicators Core Purpose Organization is mission-driven10 h j Future State Organization has a clearly articulated vision 10 a Values/Cultural Norms Organization operates within shared values, beliefs and cultural norms10 i Leadership Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school develops and implements an ethical system of governance and leadership that sustains a high performing organization aligned with its mission. System Elements Indicators Governance Policies and procedures are in place 1a b c j Board members participate in training and development 1bf Board follows state laws regarding nepotism and conflict of interest 1a b c j p Board evaluates executive officer/organization leader1 f Board conducts self-evaluations1 f Board and organization leader review school performance1 f Leadership Organization leaders periodically review school progress1 a c j k m School leaders review and refine campus plans2 c g i p Leadership development processes and structures in place1 2 p Succession plan in place1 2 p Stakeholder satisfaction with leadership assessed10 a b Planning Strategic plan developed and implemented1 a c j Process improvement methodologies in place and implemented2 l p Strategic communication plan implemented1 2 a i p All staff operate within legal and ethical bounds1 2 a i p © Texas Charter Schools Association 2010                                                        Learning Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school develops and implements an integrated learning system of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to maximize each student’s potential for postsecondary and lifelong success. System Elements Indicators Curriculum Scope and sequence in place 2 b d g j p Classroom environments support curriculum 2 b g p Evidence-based curriculum implemented 2 d g College, career, and life skills integrated into curriculum 1 2 p Technological literacy is integrated into curriculum 1 2 p Instruction Lesson plans aligned to scope and sequence 2 g j Classroom observation and coaching ensures effective instruction 2 d Differentiated instructional strategies aligned to students’ needs 2 b d g Individual student learning plans completed for each student Schedule supports learning needs of all students 1 2 g j m n Assessment Students receive diagnostic/baseline assessment(s) upon entry 2 b d g j k Students receive formative assessment for progress monitoring 2 b d g j k Students receive summative assessments to measure outcomes 2 b d g j k Safety and Support Services Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school provides appropriate facilities and operational services in a safe and secure environment. System Elements Indicators Safe and Secure Environment Student safety is a priority 1 2 p Campus safety and security is a priority 2a b c j k l Facilities Facilities are optimally utilized and maintained 10 b Operational Services Systematic approach for support service processes (transportation, food services, custodial, grounds maintenance, purchasing, etc.) 1 2 10 a i j © Texas Charter Schools Association 2010                                                        Staff Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school develops and implements a comprehensive process for hiring, developing, and retaining high-performing employees. System Elements Indicators Recruitment and Selection Systematic approach for recruitment 2 b c j k Systematic approach for selection and placement 2 b c j o Development and Support Professional development provided 2 j p Implemented teacher mentoring program 2 j p Annual employee evaluation process in place 2 g h Retention Staff satisfaction 10 a b j l Teacher and staff attendance 2 6 e Retention of high performing staff members 6 o Stakeholder Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school assesses its market and stakeholder needs and creates and sustains strategic partnerships aligned with its mission. System Elements Indicators Market Focus Focused marketing plan aligned to school mission 1 2 a j k l p Families School has a waiting list for entry 1 2 a Families are engaged with the school 2 g Families are satisfied with the school10 a b j h l Community Partnerships Strategic partnerships are developed and maintained1 2 a b g h j Data Driven Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school identifies, gathers, and analyzes data and information to guide decision making and continuous improvement. System Elements Indicators Integrated Performance Management School assesses performance regularly 1 2 a c g j k l School ensures reliable data capture for performance management 2 j Systems in place for knowledge capture and sharing 1 2 k l Data Analysis & Usage Staff analyzes and uses data to drive instruction 1 2 10 b d g j Data Security & Accuracy Policies and procedures in place for data security1 2 b j Policies and procedures in place for data accuracy1 2 g © Texas Charter Schools Association 2010                                                        Public Accountability Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school accounts to the public for meeting legal, fiscal, and academic requirements according to its mission. System Elements Indicators Compliance Compliance with federal, state, and local laws2 5 a Compliance with open meetings and open records requirements1 2 a j Transparency School publicly distributes/posts academic and financial ratings as required 1 2 a b g h j Fiscal Management Quality Standard: An effective Texas public charter school uses its resources in alignment with its mission to advance measurable, increased learning and development for each student served. System Elements Indicators Financial Plan Financial Plan1 a b Budget Annual budget in place 1 2 a b j Unrestricted net assets/fund balance 7 b Grant funds 12 a Financial Oversight and Risk Management Financial expertise 1 2 p Financial controls and oversight 1 2 p Accuracy and reliability of financial information 1 2 a Contracts and procurement 1 k l Financial Reporting 7 a b Risk Management Plan 1 2 7 k l Completion of annual independent audit 1 2 7 a b The Quality Framework is copyrighted © as the property of the Texas Charter Schools Association. All rights are reserved and will be enforced to the fullest extent of the law. The entire framework, including its elements, standards, indicators, and assessments, are for the sole use of the Association and its members. Reproduction without written permission from the Association is strictly prohibited. Potential data capture points: 1CMO level 2Campus 3External testing company(e.g., Pearson) 4Texas Education Agency (TEA) 5TEA – Academic Excellence Indicators System (AEIS) 6 TEA – Public Education Management System (PEIMS) 7 TEA – Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) 8The College Board 9ACT, Inc. 10Survey Research Sources for quality indicators: a National Consensus Panel on Charter School Quality (BCSQ/CREDO) b California Charter Schools Association c Colorado League of Charter Schools d Charter Schools Institute, The State University of New York (SUNY) e Edvance Research, Inc. f Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) g Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education h Ohio’s Leadership Development Framework i Iowa Superintendents Finance and Leadership Consortium (ISFLC) j AdvancEd, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) k Texas Award for Performance Excellence Education Criteria (TAPE) l Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award winner for education best practice (MBNQA) m National Alternative Education Association (NAEA), Indicators of Quality Programming n Educational Quality Assurance Standards for Residential Juvenile Justice Commitment Programs o No Child Left Behind p Committee Best Practices