HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA Block Schedule Meeting Summary 4-1 Block Schedule Information Meeting Tues, March 23, 2010 A Performance all, 7:00 ®10445 pm Total present: 48 Parental Questions/Comments/Concerns Ann Dunlap—G10 and G7 ap rent 1) Asked number of new students to be added and how they are to be added (asked during presentation) 2) Would change allow us to teach Math and Spanish by ability level-dividing classes by ability; Commented that current Grade 10 is being taught by ability for number of years in Math and was told this point blank by staff member; Requested that if this change does allow teaching by ability,then WA should place this at top of reasons why- especially for Spanish; Feels that if it is not presented as top reason then it will be lost in the shuffle and never made a top priority 3) Thanked the staff for allowing this meeting 4) Stated that she is not opposed to this idea and does see its natural progression. 5) Commented that the G10 class has been subject to more churn than others and experienced 10 new kids coming in this year alone; She feels the class should be divided by ability and it is evident by low scores on standardized tests because teachers are not spending enough time where it is really needed and are instead, spending time bringing other kids up to the same level;they are not exposed to the areas they should be 6) Stated that there is $500,000 to spend(from PowerPoint slide) and feels this decision may be a foregone conclusion 7) Asked if we had to offer Physics and then followed with several questions pertaining directly to schedule example; Feels it is very compounded; Asked if we will spend less time on the Standard Level classes than Higher Level; 8) Stated that she may be biased,but feels that Math and Spanish need more continuity than the new schedule will allow; Specific electives do not bother her and she is fine with lack of choices for her children; Asked if staff would be able to fit all of these choices in to the schedule (from PowerPoint slide) 9) Asked about the Baja money(Fund 100) and where that money went or is it yet to spend; Feels it would be well advised of staff to listen and slow down this option- to use the Baja money for new teachers and maybe implement option in halves; Stated she sees no difference in Blacksmith money and Fund 100 money 10)Commented that she thinks the growth of Westlake will take care of itself and we do not need to do Option B all at once. 11)Stated that she feels many problems in existing grades to address Dee Ann Jeppeson—G7, G4, G1 parent 1) Asked if adding 15 students every year to G7 class; Feels the entire class falls behind when teacher has to catch up incoming new students equaling 1/3 of class- they will be way behind in IB program; Feels the bar is lowered for entire class and effects the current students by bringing them down, limiting and lowering their abilities; Asked if we would then have placement exams with change; Page 1 of 9 Feels there is no way the teacher can continue to teach at a higher level with 1/3 of group as brand new students-stated it simply cannot be done (asked during presentation) 2) Stated she thinks we need core subjects every day—like Math 3) Feels that G7 has been ripped off; permanent sub most of year Uschi Szpak—G9 parent 1) Commented that it is about time that we expand the curriculum; Her son would be interested in noted subjects with asterisks (from PowerPoint slide); If we decide to implement this curriculum, when would the classes be added; Asked if understood correctly that if Theater class is now offered in G10,then son could take it in G11 as a DP level course Leigh Sander—G10 and G8 parent 1) Asked what is driving the choices of courses with asterisks (from PowerPoint slide) Lizann Cundall-G10 and G8 parent 1) Stated that we are wanting to add 5 additional teachers and new courses with 61% of parents saying they would pay to expand courses (per 2009 parent survey); Asked if we have considered that the parent survey should be distributed again because it was done during different circumstances last year; Understands that there are less participants in the Blacksmith program this year 2) Commented that she is disturbed that school is becoming very athletic oriented; Felt in the beginning, it was to be more academically driven; Asked what son would be doing in PE class vs. playing baseball for PE credit; Asked if coaches would be volunteers or paid 3) Feels that every year,there is a major change; Asked why we cannot graduate a few classes first before we snake any more changes; Asked if we do agree to do this, but do we need to change it next year; Why can't we wait and spend more time figuring this out—ask the G10 class what they would like as their electives, do another parent survey 4) Stated that she doesn't feel she can ask questions in a Board Workshop; Feels it is hard to stay at such a long meeting and gave example of last month's meeting going on for 1 1/2 hours about the primary grade reports; Asked if there was really an opportunity for public comments about this choice - at the next meeting? 5) Commented that she believes the class size increase is not only being recommended to add options but feels the money is also a driving force; Asked why we would not increase the class size in primary instead of secondary-added that her daughter is spending time tutoring other secondary kids and that is not why she is here but to be the best that she can be; Stated that this need would only continue with the integration in the MYP 6) Stated that we keep saying this is a school of choice and if they don't like the choices,they can all leave; Added that we say we will never placate every student; Commented that the great majority making decisions do not have children affected and they need to think about the children Page 2 of 9 Melissa Sircar- G7 and G4 parent 1) Restated numbers heard earlier during meeting—Asked for clarification if we added 59 students all at once, then Option B (PowerPoint slide) is possible during the first year; Asked then that we would only add 15 new Grade 7 students, every year to that section only; Questioned how does this all work and effect class size, number of classes, student-teacher ratio, etc. 2) Prefaced following comments with feeling of guilt to say that she has been here since the beginning and she does not want to create a wall in saying that : Stated she is open for more students having choices but this churn,this constant coming/going of students, has caused a lot of turmoil with students,parents and teachers and she is not open to the discontent that it creates 3) Stated that she loves the idea of going in the direction where the students can participate in their own education; Said that if we are going to do this, let's do it without creating the constant churn, bringing these students up to speed and keep them here; Added that she cannot go through many more of her daughter's broken heart over her friends leaving or their siblings not getting in so they must leave 4) Commented that they are risk takers or would not be here; she needs to see that this change is really managed well; She added that she does not doubt the staff/leader's abilities but that they have not lived this with them 5) Stated that if we can show her how we are going to do this, she will support the option; However, if we are telling her that in 4 months we will need to add 5 new teachers,possibly new aides, new students and address all the logistics without showing her the plan, she cannot support it; Added that this could be a great plan, a great idea- as good as the beginning of WA but she is asking can we manage it and can we show her the plan; Asked when they will get to see a final plan 6) When asked a general question about if we should require a parental contract— answered that it could work if we were very careful with the wording,not offensive and must be very consistent with the application and monitoring of policies; not like trouble with uniform policy, etc. 7) Stated that she has been asking a lot of general questions for benefit of the school and now would like to comment about how it impacts her kids personally: Said that they have trained her daughters to accomplish very high goals, college degrees-but she has had two teachers tell her directly that straight A's are not possible in both electives and core courses; Asked why do we have teachers telling this? Is this what we want them to say? She has a hard working kid in G7 that is trying her best and then has a teacher tell her that an"A" is not obtainable- she does not understand this Deborah Ziegler—G9, G6, G2 parent 1) Referred back to Mrs. Jeppeson question regarding new students coming in— Asked if we have done any kind of analysis on new students that have thrived, struggled, need tutoring, etc.-pointed out that we cannot do any testing until they are already admitted 2) Asked with the above point in mind and in regard to Economics and Physics, how are we offering both when we are an IB school; She is trying to understand how Page 3 of 9 this works when we cannot test until after they are accepted to our school; Asked why/how are we offering both Physics and IB Physics Sharron Turner—G10 ap rent 1) Asked if G10 will get extra 15 kids 2) Stated that G10 has had the largest class of kids added/integrated into the classroom and they have really struggled in many areas; This was not done well 3) Added that if you are going to bring in new students at this level, you need to hold after-school classes, direction on how kids can do the assignments and better mix new/old students together; Stated that these kids did not feel they received any support and didn't know what to do with themselves 4) Asked again about once new students are here, what are we going to do with them as any/all movement is disruptive with classes this size and she has witnessed it; Can kids mix with their classes more instead of moving as whole groups 5) Commented on Miss Burke's question by stating that they do add G 1 students at LD Bell with their program. b) Stated that her daughter wants more kids brought in and is thrilled with an advance theater class and more art, in spite of the facts and all the difficulty that these G10 kids have had 7) Agrees with other comments that this just needs to be a well thought out plan. 8) When asked how she would feel if we implemented a parent contract, stated that she felt it would be good but thinks it should be carefully addressed; doesn't want it to be too offensive April Harrell-Teacher and G4 pare nt 1) Would like to add a G4 class; 2) Stated that it is a concern of faculty as well and she wants to make sure it is known that Mark and Tracy Odom have shared their concern of this concept and discussed it with staff; assuring us that this is at the top of priority list—for kids to understand the culture and integrate better. Kaitlin Burke—Grade 10 student 1) Stated that there is only one study hall and they have a heavy course load-Asked if they will have a study hall with the new block schedule and have more than once-a-week study hall period; Asked if that will be the case in GI I next year 2) Asked for confirmation that G11 would not add new students next year. Wayne Stoltenber¢- G4 and G1 parent 1) Asked if we would be adding Economics as he feels it is a tremendous idea 2) Stated for audience that he is personally aware that the IB education in Delaware would cost parents $22,500 - $25,000 a year 3) Asked what does the incremental cost look like to add new students, teachers, and what money we receive from State; Pointed out the financial impact to our school in adding these students and wants to see that we will receive a meaningful amount in return to do so Page 4 of 9 Bridgette Ledak—Grade 9 student 1) Stated her biggest concern as a student is time, due to the big course load; Asked if we will be extending class time with the addition of new students and how long will this make the day; Will the day be longer 2) Asked how would having an extra 15 kids in her grade impact her one-on-one time with the teacher; She wants to make sure her personal needs are not jeopardized and that she has time to do the work- Dana Braun-G9 and G8 parent 1) Stated that her survey answer last year would be different if she would have known to what expense bringing in more kids or course selections would have on her kids; Feels that adding another 15 kids to Grade 10 next year is a lose/lose situation 2) Stated that we do lower the bar and we start review from beginning of course for some students but yet, another set of students wants the higher IB work; Feels the teacher is pulled 3) Commented that(the data/PowerPoint slides reflect)kids are staying due to Westlake residents and we will continue to get new students as they move in; Feels right now, we still have more coming in than leaving and does not see this proposed change as a benefit 4) Stated that we have phenomenal teachers and that is not what she is questioning 5) Commented that as parents, we get one shot with our kids education and this is a lot to look at-logistically; Asked why can't we slow down with this decision, see what another survey would say ; Reiterated that we are a school of choice and people come here for the small classes and the IB program; Added that she is not saying this is a bad plan but everyone sees what is lining up here; Stated that we are dealing with our children's' lives and are responsible for them; Feels that it makes no sense to push this through and that four months is not long enough to figure out the teachers, parking, lunches, lockers, etc. before next school year 6) Asked staff if they felt the students that are in WA right now are hindered in any way because of the lack of choices. Unidentified G9 Father 1) Stated that we do not have the option of selecting students; Asked if the selection is chronological Unidentified Father—Grade unknown 1) Asked how do we select students Becky Rogers- GI0 and G7 parent 1) Stated that she feels there is a huge disconnect between those families that have been here since beginning of WA and all of the new Administration/Staff; They have heard all of this every year and it has never worked-the constant addition of new students into the IB curriculum, school culture, and the effect on the current students-academically and emotionally Page 5 of 9 2) Feels new parents come out and feel/think the school is a resort-type place and make their kids come even when they don't want to come; Thinks it has been a disaster and emotional drain to the students and parents. They try to reach out to assimilate—and it is miserable and just does not work. 3) Commended us for giving the kids more options; she admires it and appreciates it but feels we need to realize that they are on the phone for hours with new parents because they are freaking out over the school work and other issues; Feels this does not look good from the outside looking in 4) Stated that we have a huge lunchroom and locker situation—kids are exhausted during the day with such a late lunch and exhausted from carrying all of their books around to every class; Asked how is this going to work with these new numbers and she would like all of these issues resolved before adding new students 5) Understands that by adding 3 classes per grade the student-teacher ratio would drop; Feels we do have great kids here and you cannot tell them to stop coming but asks if we will then have 3 different levels of classes and end up with a labeling/stigma situation of a low class or"stupid" class- as kids say; Feels that we do not have a lot of that now but it would certainly breed more of it with continuously adding large group of new students and you cannot continue to go back and review constantly with whole class 6) Asked is there money involved in getting this proposal going; Asked isn't there a bigger need for more money to provide bigger lockers, bigger lunchroom, etc. before we add new students 7) Stated she thinks the block schedule is a great idea but it's the adding of the students that cause great concern and the effect that it has on the core classes and at what level they are being taught 8) Feels that G7 has major issues; She has personally seen the dilution of the work in that grade this school year and feels her son's caliber of work is not even close to the same level her older daughter received; Stated that her son came home from school this year and stated that he did not want to go to college-added that he has never felt this way before Lisa Valentine-Teacher and G9 and G7 parent 1) Asked if the necessary 5 additional teachers would be full time or part time; 2) Asked with the increase, are there any plans to provide additional support for the teachers—aide with copying help, working with kids, teaching the multiple levels and stated that they do need the support. Mike Garabedian-G8 and G5 parent 1) Stated he has been at WA since Day One and he loves the idea of expanding courses - Economics, Athletics, maybe Homebuilding 2) Feels our culture here is very unique and it continues to develop as we have gone through some rough times 3) Sees the financial aspects and understands it but feels we have two big albatrosses —One: bringing in 59 kids is a big shock; We may get lucky but assimilating will be a challenge-especially in that middle school G7 with 15 new kids; Page 6 of 9 Two: we will now have a building/space issue right now instead of a more organic way of integrating 2-4 kids at a time and able to slowly plan the growth 4) He sees what we want to do but is concerned about the way we want to do it— hates to see it get messed up 5) Commented about importance of consistent discipline and the need for heightened efforts with even more students—as is,hard to stay on them every day about uniforms and shirts tucked in, correct shoes, etc. 6) Feels offering choices is great 7) Stated that he is hearing that it is a threat to the culture to have a Kindergartner grow up with the older kids—he feels that this has as much value as the 1B program in our school and we should not overlook that point Sarah Stack- Teacher and G9 and G7 a� rent 1) Stated that she is all for more opportunities; Asked if we are rushing into this and at the right time in the hiring cycle of teachers-are we able to hire the best ones with this timing; Feels her own children have already experience this timing dilemma and concerned since hiring season is going on right now 2) Asked for us to please not expand the primary classes - we don't have room. Christy Perry- Substitute Teacher and G10 and G8 parent 1) Stated that she has been here since the beginning and when they first came, WA was not athletically based and it was not a big deal;Now concerned as to why this has changed; Stated that she doesn't think that is what people come here for; She went to school on tennis ability and was an athlete but not why they are here; Added that she feels the athletic programs are fine right now but is wondering about the fixture direction 2) Commented that newer kids feel like they are bringing the others down; Asked how can we change that 3) Stated for audience that there are team building trips/events planned for each grade as she is working on the parent committee in planning them Taylor Braun- G9 student 1) Commented that earlier we stated the students want electives—She did not get a survey nor was asked 2) Stated that they(students) do care about their education whether they're too cool to admit it or not; She talked with 15 other students and none of them knew what was going on with this-asking that until we can tell them where these statistics are coming from, don't say they were asked 3) Understands in order to offer more electives, you have to add kids; that does affect her and she would like a say 4) Stated that she would like to have a student survey Jack 1Zisenhoover- G4 G3 G2 GK parent 1) Stated that he feels this is a runaway train; that it feels like this is a long way down the track and he is just now leaning about it; Questions if this is the Page 7 of 9 optimum way and thinks it would be good from a selling point if so; Process doesn't feel good with parent and student representatives now 2) Commented that we have an awesome level of parental involvement—both a blessing and burden 3) Added that he thinks we don't have to guess at these things like best length of class time as there are many studies out there; Added that he attended schools all over country and was schooled under all different ways and feels that it is helpful to look at what we know—disruptions are unacceptable; the turnover of the team is very important and if you just do nothing,you will have a 3-4 student turnover every year regardless;Now to add to this idea and add 15 kids in G7 on a perpetual basis—thinks it is not an on-boarding issue but a social issue; Said to watch the movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid—it will help us to see; Thinks it will be harmful and we need to put in more thought of the socio aspects 4) He loves the idea of choice and making more money for the school and to offset the property tax pressures (which he hates), but he thought this was going to be a graduating scale. He feels as presented, it is too much and too high; not worth it; Added he would support growing this idea and adding choice—feels they are terrific goals but he cannot support the Grade 7 additions 5) Asked what was the design in the very beginning; he knows it was originally designed to be a charter school with 800 students; Asked about the forethought? 6) Asked about proposed schedule and if all students in study hall at same time 7) Questioned design of change and whether students would spend as much time in theater and art as math and science; Doesn't feel that is really what we need and stated that it is not uncommon to spend different amounts of time in different subjects Rich DePaolo- G2 and G1 parent 1) Commented that he likes the idea of change; He went to the Air Force Academy— full of brats, highly successful people and you can adapt and change 2) Feels Tom was very accurate—that for prospective parents/students, it is all in the presentation;Added that we can scare the parents and put fear in them making sure that they really want to be here 3) Asked if new students added can attend an orientation; mini-summer school type class; Feels that it will be painful but once you go through this change, it will be worth it. George Ledak- G 1 and G9 parent 1) Stated that he has sat in 60 % of school board meetings and since coming here, we have shortened the days, then we made them longer and now change again 2) Stressed to staff that it is their responsibility to make sure of what we're doing Debra Ledak—GI I and G9 parent 1) Stated that she has visited over 30 different colleges, college fairs and admission offices and from these experiences, feels it is not about the choices we offer the students, but taking the hardest courses available; She added that our students compete with all kinds...home schooled, private school, etc. and it was told to Page 8 of 9 her by college admission staff that they look to see what the students do with what is available to them-Do they take the most challenging courses offered; She added that they(college admission staff) felt it was better not to mix IB with AP; 2) Commented that she thinks our students are not here for the choices but for the IB curriculum and the sense of community; We don't even know yet how our kids will perform on the IB exams and yet we are proposing these changes—feels our students need the most challenging courses-IB Page 9 of 9