HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanet Noonan's Concerns Regarding Block Scheduling Janet Nomnan's Concerns Regarding Block Scheduling and Adding Additional Students to the IVIYP 6107 April S. 2010 0+10ns��/� Before voting onthese issues, one being block scheduling,the other the addition of one section per grade in the MYP | urge you todo more research and to consider the following: Interview administrators parents and teachers from districts who have incorporated the block schedule, including some of the many who are abandoning it for a more flexible modified block. Let's take this opportunity to learn from other's experiences to determine if it really will work for our school before we du something vve can't undo, i.e. admit 6U additional students. Our faculty can be a great resource when researching how and if this will work for our school. While this idea may look great on paper, our faculty are the ones on the ground and in the trenches working with our children every day in the facilities available to them.They are a great resource to utilize before moving forward. Since they are one of the primary groups to be affected by this change, it seems logical to get their perspectives and opinions. The sample block schedule shown at the second informational meeting showed the Performance Hall being used asa classroom for every period of every day. |o this logical? |s|tfair? This means the PYP as well as the MYP and DP will be unable to use this resource at any time for performances or presentations. Will Drama classes be held inthere? I reiterate from the informational meeting my concern over our lack of teachers from abroad. These individuals are invaluable not only to our students, but to their fellow faculty members aswell. They add so much to our school's global perspective and what make us truly an international school, rather than just a multicultural one.Are we attending or participating in any of the International Teacher Fairs? Finally, in regard to international teachers, I would encourage they be recruited for all areas of the curriculum. What about classes like MUN that doesn't require o full class schedule? Are our students going to miss out on this opportunity tu learn from this invaluable experience? is this going to turn into a °c|ub"that is required to meet outside of the school day? The K8YP building isatcapacity. | urge all board members as well as Mr. Brymer and Mr. 0eibargerto spend a full school day asa student in our school's K4YPprogram. Participate in the classes, experience the passing times in the hallways,eat in the dining hall and wait along with the rest of our students who are driving until carline empties out enough for them to exit the school parking lot. To fully understand and appreciate the impact 60+/-additional students will have on our existing student body, I believe this is imperative. As a parent of three children at Westlake Academy who are all involved in sports, I can appreciate how scheduling sports during the school day would ease scheduling for not only the parents, but coaches who are trying to use the gym, etc— However, how would this work with PE classes for the PYPaswell as non-athletes inSecondary? Also,what about sports like golf nr baseball, where m/e don't have the facilities to practice on campus anyway? How is this going tn impact academic classes in terms of priority, etc..? Janet Noonan's Concerns Regarding Block Scheduling and Adding Additional Students to the MYP April 5,2010 Comment(s) regarding the ability to level classes were made at the second informational meeting as a benefit to adding the extra sections to grades 7, 8, 9 and 10. Is this leveling the same as tracking? It was my understanding that tracking was against the rules. Did I misunderstand what was said, or am I incorrect that grouping students in this way is not allowed? Thank you for consideration while considering my comments. Janet Noonan