HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-05-10 BOT Agenda PacketThe Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees will begin immediately following the conclusion of the Board of Trustees Workshop but not prior to the posted start time. Page 1 of 4 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Mission / Vision Statement Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible global citizens. BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING AGENDA April 5, 2010 WESTLAKE TOWN HALL 3 VILLAGE CIRCLE – 2ND FLOOR COUNCIL CHAMBERS/MUNICIPAL COURT ROOM Workshop Session 4:30 p.m. Regular Session 6:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Workshop Session 2. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FROM APRIL 5, 2010, TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. Page 2 of 4 (ensuring that operationally inappropriate things are not occurring.) Is everything occurring appropriately? 3. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF BLOCK SCHEDULING 4. ADJOURNMENT Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. 4. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the Board of Trustees meeting held on March 1, 2010. b. Consideration of Resolution 10-02, Approving a Nepotism policy. c. Consideration of Resolution 10-03, Approving a new 403(b) administrator through the Region XI Benefits Cooperative d. Consideration of Resolution 10-04, Adopting a policy relative to the use of academy facilities for non-school affiliate groups. e. Consideration of Resolution 10-05, Adopting of the Primary Assessment and Reporting Policy. f. Consideration of Resolution 10-06, Authorizing the CEO of Westlake Academy to enter into an agreement with Parker School Uniforms as the Academy’s preferred vendor for shoes. 5. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF INFORMATION REGARDING THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY SENIOR CLASS OF 2010. 6. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 10-07, ADOPTING THE 2010-2011 SCHOOL CALENDAR. 7. DISCUSSION OF THE QUARTERLY FINANCIAL DASHBOARD REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2010. Page 3 of 4 8. CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION 10-08, ADOPTING A FIVE (5) YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY 9. DISCUSSION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEE GOVERNANCE AS ILLUSTRATED IN DR. BRIAN CARPENTER’S AN INTRODUCTION TO EFFECTIVE CHARTER SCHOOL GOVERNANCE, CHAPTERS 1-2. 10. BOARD CALENDAR - Bandana Bonanza May 1, 2010 - Election Day May 8, 2010 - Board Meeting May 10, 2010 - New Board Trustee/Council orientation May 12, 2010 - Texas Charter Schools Association Conference May 12-14, 2010 - Westlake Academy Graduation May 23, 2010 - Decoration Day May 31, 2010 - Board Meeting June 7, 2010 - Board Budget Retreat – Off Site June 18, 2010 (Friday 9:00 – 1:00) - Board Meeting (adoption of budget) August 16, 2010 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under “Future Agenda Item Requests”, an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the CEO with the requested item and the CEO will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item’s relationship to the Board’s strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the CEO will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. Rick Rennhack Home Schooled children participating in WA sports. Carol Langdon A student parking lot with student only access off of Ottinger Road. 12. ADJOURNMENT Page 4 of 4 ANY ITEM ON THIS POSTED AGENDA COULD BE DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN ONE OF THE PERMITTED CATEGORIES UNDER SECTIONS 551.071 THROUGH 551.076 AND SECTION 551.087 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE. I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, on ________________, _____________ ____, 2010, by 5:00 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. CERTIFICATION _____________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the Board of Trustees meeting held on March 1, 2010. b. Consideration of Resolution 10-02, Approving a Nepotism policy. c. Consideration of Resolution 10-03, Approving a new 403(b) administrator through the Region XI Benefits Cooperative d. Consideration of Resolution 10-04, Adopting a policy relative to the use of academy facilities for non-school affiliate groups. e. Consideration of Resolution 10-05, Adopting of the Primary Assessment and Reporting Policy. f. Consideration of Resolution 10-06, Authorizing the CEO of Westlake Academy to enter into an agreement with Parker School Uniforms as the Academy’s preferred vendor for shoes. Westlake Academy Item # 2 – Review of Consent Agenda Items 1 Memo Town of Westlake To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Tom Brymer, Chief Executive Officer Ben Nibarger, Administrative Coordinator Subject: Workshop Meeting of April 5, 2010 Date: March 30, 2010 Discussion of Block Schedule Proposal for Secondary Curriculum ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who well balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential BACKGROUND : Staff began exploring this option in late 2009 and in early 2010 and identified that it had promise for improving curriculum offerings in the Academy’s Secondary program. With that as the focus, information was presented at the Board’s February1, 2010 and March 1. 2010 workshops regarding this block schedule proposal for the Secondary program. Two options (A & B) regarding use of a block schedule were presented to the Board. Option A would convert the current Secondary schedule to a block schedule utilizing approximately the current student enrollment, but would not allow for additional Secondary course offerings. Option B would convert the current Secondary schedule to a block schedule with new course offerings requiring approximately 60 new students in Grades 7-10 to form a third section in order to have enough students to form for these new classes. Option B would also require 5 new teachers for these new course offerings. At the February Board workshop the Board indicated an interest in having the staff further investigate the Option B proposal including developing a mock master block schedule. This mock schedule along with other information was presented at the March workshop. At the March workshop the Board had new questions and requests for further information for which the staff is to bring back and present on at the April workshop. In the meantime, the Board did indicate it was in agreement with the staff request to begin 2 advertising in appropriate venues for teachers to fill the new positions this Option B proposal would require. This was requested in order to take advantage of the teacher recruitment season, if the Board decides to move ahead with this proposal. The Board also indicated they would like the staff to begin communicating these options to the parent body. On March 23rd and 25th , parent information meetings were held to inform the parent body about this proposal as well as answer questions and hear concerns. A total of approximately 80 parents attended, with some attending both meetings. Notes from these meetings of the questions asked and concerns expressed will be furnished to the Board. FUNDING : Financial analysis has been presented at the Board’s February and March workshops with additional information to be presented at this meeting. There are budgetary impacts of Option B since, as described above, it would require additional students and teachers for the new course courses it would offer. RECOMMENDATION : Hear the staff presentation on this agenda item, have Board discussion, and provide staff direction on whether to proceed further on this proposal for the 2010-2011 school year or subsequent school years. ATTACHMENTS: None. However, the Power Point presentation from the parent information meetings held on March 23 and 25, 2101 as well as the FAQ sheet (frequently asked questions) distributed at the meeting is available on the WA web site at http://www.westlakeacademy.org/visitors/. Westlake Academy Item # 4 – Workshop Adjournment Back up material has not been provided for this item. Westlake Academy Item # 2 – Pledge of Allegiance Texas Pledge: "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible." This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Board will receive the information, ask staff to review the matter, or an item may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. Westlake Academy Item # 3 – Citizens’ Presentations and recognitions CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the Board of Trustees meeting held on March 1, 2010. b. Consideration of Resolution 10-02, Approving a Nepotism policy. c. Consideration of Resolution 10-03, Approving a new 403(b) administrator through the Region XI Benefits Cooperative d. Consideration of Resolution 10-04, Adopting a policy relative to the use of academy facilities for non-school affiliate groups. e. Consideration of Resolution 10-05, Adopting of the Primary Assessment and Reporting Policy. f. Consideration of Resolution 10-06, Authorizing the CEO of Westlake Academy to enter into an agreement with Parker School Uniforms as the Academy’s preferred vendor for shoes. Westlake Academy Item # 4 - Consent Agenda Items BOT Minutes 03/01/10 Page 1 of 4 WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORKSHOP & REGULAR MEETINGS March 1, 2010 PRESENT: President Laura Wheat and Trustees, Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Rick Rennhack, and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: Tim Brittan OTHERS PRESENT: Chief Executive Officer Thomas Brymer, Secretary Kelly Edwards, Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry, Management Intern Christina Wagner-Powers, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Head of Secondary Mark Garcia, Head of Primary Jamie Schmitz, DP Coordinator, Stacy Stoyanoff, Administrative Services Coordinator Ben Nibarger, Municipal Court Administrator Amanda DeGan and Director of Parks and Recreation and Facilities Troy Meyer. 1. CALL TO ORDER Workshop Session President Wheat called the workshop meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. 2. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FROM MARCH 1, 2010, TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. No discussion (ensuring that operationally inappropriate things are not occurring) Is everything occurring appropriately? 3. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF THE NEW PRIMARY REPORT, WHICH WAS DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROPOSED PRIMARY ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING POLICY. BOT Minutes 03/01/10 Page 2 of 4 Head of Primary Schmitz provided a presentation and step by step overview of the redesigned Primary Report and answered questions. He also reviewed how the report would look completed. The first part of the report is for the teacher to explain the depth of understanding, next are the units of inquiry, numbers 4 to 6 allow the teacher to be more descriptive. President Wheat recessed the workshop at 6:05 p.m., to conduct the regular meeting. President Wheat reconvened the workshop at 6:43 p.m. 4. FOLLOW-UP DISCUSSION OF BLOCK SCHEDULE FROM THE FEBRUARY 1, 2010 WORKSHOP. Staff provided a presentation regarding the proposed Block Scheduling option for the 2010-2011 school year. Discussion ensued regarding the pros and cons and financial impacts of implementing a block schedule. An A/B block schedule expands facility usage, equalizes the teacher student contact hours and enhances AP offerings. Option B as presented would create a longer day, would not include a recess and provide teachers more prep time. It would reduce the amount of preps from 3 to 2 preps for teachers. Class times would go from 70 minutes to 80 minutes for all grades but include built in breaks for students. 5. DISCUSSION AND REPORT ON HEAD OF PRIMARY SELECTION PROCESS PER BOARD POLICY. Chief Executive Officer Brymer provided an update on the current process to fill the Head of Primary position. He will create three (3) interviewing panels with staff, teachers and parents. Currently, staff is pre-screening applicants. 6. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF A DRAFT BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY RELATIVE TO THE USE OF ACADEMY FACILITIES FOR NON-SCHOOL AFFILIATE GROUPS. This item will be discussed at the April 5, 2010, meeting. (concepts and principles that underlie good governance) How well are the Students doing? 7. DISCUSSION AND REVIEW OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY PRIMARY STRINGS PROGRAM (G2-5). President Wheat asked this item be discussed prior to discussion item 3 on the agenda. Head of Primary Schmitz and Facilitator of Strings Lisa Redding provided a 2009-2010 summary and update of the program. BOT Minutes 03/01/10 Page 3 of 4 The board recommended more parent education and the expectations for the student and parent. Consider a 4 wk program for parents maybe conduct 2 sessions due to planned vacations. (concepts and principles that underlie good governance) Board Assessment and Development 8. DISCUSSION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEE GOVERNANCE AS ILLUSTRATED IN DR. BRIAN CARPENTER’S AN INTRODUCTION TO EFFECTIVE CHARTER SCHOOL GOVERNANCE, CHAPTERS 1-2. This item will be discussed at the April 5, 2010, meeting. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, President Wheat adjourned the workshop at 9:06 p.m. Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the Regular meeting to order at 6:13 p.m. with all Trustees present. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Wheat led the pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS President Wheat presented a Proclamation recognizing the State Champion Varsity Girls Basketball Team and the Cross Country Boys & Girls Teams 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Consider approval of the Board of Trustees meeting held on January 4, 2010. b. Consider approval of the Board of Trustees meeting held on February 1, 2010. MOTION: Trustee Rollins made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Trustee Corson seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. BOT Minutes 03/01/10 Page 4 of 4 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS - None 6. BOARD CALENDAR - Spring Break March 15-19, 2010 - Bandana Bonanza May 1, 2010 - Texas Charter Schools Association Conference May 12-14, 2010 - Westlake Academy Graduation May 23, 2010 - Decoration Day May 31, 2010 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, President Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn. MOTION: Trustee Langdon made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Corson seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. President Wheat adjourned the meeting at 6:23 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON APRIL 5, 2010. ____________________________ Laura Wheat, Board President ATTEST: _____________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Todd Wood, Director of HR and Administrative Services Subject: Regular Meeting of April 5, 2010 Date: April 5, 2010 ITEM Consider a Resolution approving a Nepotism Board Policy. Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential BACKGROUND (including policy implications and options): The attached Board Nepotism Policy is a lightly modified version of the policy governing Town of Westlake employees and members of the Town Council; containing additional nepotism provisions for employee appointments by the Board. This policy will ensure that actions taken by the Board do not conflict with adopted organizational policies. N/A FUNDING Staff recommends approval. RECOMMENDATION Proposed Board policy and Resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 10-02 Page 1 of 1 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO 10-02 ADOPTING A POLICY REGARDING NEPOTISM IN THE WORKPLACE WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees has considered the following proposed policies during the April 5, 2010 workshop; WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees finds this policy will promote best practices for staff performance and prevent potential conflicts of interest within the organization; and WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interests of the Academy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1 . That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy hereby adopts the Nepotism policy, attached as Exhibit A to this resolution. SECTION 2 . That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 5th DAY OF APRIL 2010. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: ______________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Chief Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Exhibit A TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 10-02: Date Board Adopted: April 5, 2010 Date Board Amended: Effective Date : April 5, 2010 Policy Category : Faculty Attraction and Retention Policy Name : Westlake Academy Nepotism Policy Policy Goal : Establishing Guidelines for the prevention of Nepotism in the workplace and ensuring best practices of employees in the performance of assigned duties. Policy Description : No person related within the second degree of affinity or within the third degree by consanguinity to any elected officer of Westlake Academy, or to the CEO, shall be appointed any office, position, or clerkship, or other service of Westlake Academy. Relatives of all other persons employed by Westlake Academy may not be hired if the relative is within the second degree of affinity or within the second degree of consanguinity. This policy applies to all Westlake Academy departments, and may not be circumvented in cases where a relative would not be supervised by the existing employee. Exemptions to this policy may be made by the CEO only for temporary, part-time positions. In the event that two employees enter into a marital relationship, one employee will be required to resign their employment with Westlake Academy within thirty (30) days. Present or future employees may not be promoted nor transferred to a position that would be in violation of this policy. For the purposes of this policy, a relative is defined to include: First degree affinity – spouse, spouse’s mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter; Second degree affinity – spouse’s aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, grandson, first cousins; First degree of consanguinity – employee’s mother, father, daughter, son, sister, brother; Second degree of consanguinity – employee’s aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, grandson, first cousins; Third degree of consanguinity – employee’s great aunt, great uncle, great niece, great nephew, great grandmother, great grandfather, great granddaughter, great grandson, second cousins. All provisions of this policy apply to relatives and/or relationships established between employees of the Town of Westlake and Westlake Academy. Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Todd Wood, Director of HR and Administrative Services Subject: Regular Meeting of April 5, 2010 Date: April 5, 2010 ITEM Consider a Resolution approving a new 403(b) administrator through the Region XI Benefits Cooperative. Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential BACKGROUND (including policy implications and options): 403(b) programs are optional, specialized retirement programs available to public school employees. As members of the Region XI Benefits Cooperative, Westlake Academy employees have the option to participate in this additional retirement program if they choose. The Region XI Benefits Cooperate recently changed its third-party 403(b) administrator from the ISC Group to JEM Resources Partners. While we are not required to change our current TPA, we no employees enrolled in this benefit at the present time and approving JEM as our current TPA will make future 403(b) benefit administration less cumbersome for Region XI. Although this change should be considered a “housekeeping issue”, it is necessary for the Board of Trustees to formally approve the change by formal resolution, which will be forwarded to the Region XI Board of Directors for acceptance. N/A FUNDING Staff recommends approval. RECOMMENDATION Resolution ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 10-03 Page 1 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 10-03 APPROVING THE REGION XI EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER BENEFITS COOPERATIVE 403(B) ADMINISTRATOR OF RECORD. WHEREAS, Westlake Academy is an active participant in the Region XI Education Service Center Employee Benefits Cooperative; and, WHEREAS, the Region XI Education Service Center Employee Benefits Cooperative (the “ESC Region XI BC”), has enjoined by Interlocal Agreement with Education Service Center Region 10, on July 13, 2009, to provide 403(b) administration services; and, WHEREAS, the Education Service Center Region 10 utilizes JEM Resource Partners as its 403(b) administrator of record; and, WHEREAS, Westlake Academy desires to enhance its employee benefit programs through intergovernmental partnerships to reduce costs and enhance administrative efficiency; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1. That the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees does hereby elects to have JEM Resource Partners as their 403(b) Administrator beginning April 5, 2010. SECTION 2. That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. NOW, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy authorizes its CEO to execute any and all documents and take whatever action necessary to carry out the desires of the Board of Trustees as stated herein. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 5TH DAY OF APRIL 2010. I certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution and agreement adopted by the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy and that the same is reflected in the minutes of the Board meeting held on April 5, 2010. In witness thereof, we hereunto affix our signatures this 5th day of April, 2010. Resolution 10-03 Page 2 of 2 BY: __________________________________ ____Laura Wheat_ Signature of School Board or Charter Typed Name of School Board or Charter _________________ School Board President School Board President __________________________________ ____Kelly Edwards, TMRC Signature of School Board or Charter Typed Name of School Board or Charter _________ School Board Secretary School Board Secretary __________________________________ ____ Signature of Charter School Chief Typed Name of Charter School Chief Thomas E. Brymer______________ Executive Officer Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney Name of Participant: _____ Westlake Academy _____________ _____ Address: _____2600 JT Ottinger Road ________________ _____Westlake, TX 76262 _________________ Name of Contact Person: _____ Todd Wood ________________________ Phone Number: ______(817) 490-5711 _____________________ __________________________________ Signature of ESC Region XI BC Board Typed Name of ESC Region XI BC Board Wes Eversole President President __________________________________ Signature of ESC Region XI BC Board Typed Name of ESC Region XI BC Board William Stokes Secretary Secretary __________________________________ Signature of ESC Region XI Executive Typed Name of ESC Region XI Richard Ownby Director Executive Director __________________________________ Date Approved by ESC Region XI BC Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Tom Brymer, Town Manager/CEO of Westlake Academy Amanda DeGan, Municipal Court Director/Special Projects Coordinator Subject: Regular Meeting of April 5, 2010 Date: March 30, 2010 Consideration of a Resolution Adopting a Board of Trustees Policy Relative to the Use of Academy Facilities for Non-school Related Groups. ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential BACKGROUND This policy was discussed at the Board’s March 1, 2010 workshop with no changes directed by the Board to the draft policy presented at that meeting. As the Academy has evolved and the interests and opportunities for student involvement have expanded, the need has arisen to develop a structured Board policy for the use of Academy facilities by non-school related groups. These groups would enrich the school experience of the students and offer them the opportunity to participate in additional philanthropic based events and organized club meetings, which while beneficial, are not directly involved in the daily educational curriculum of the students. : The opportunity to meet will be determined on a first-come first-served basis according to the availability of classroom/meeting space. Staff will develop a process to allow the groups to submit written requests and receive approved room assignments and meeting times. The approved groups will be required to hold meetings which are strictly voluntary in participation, occur during non-instructional time, and do not require any direct staff intervention. Also, availability of use of these facilities will be determined after giving first priority for usage to official Academy groups and activities and official WA affiliate groups (i.e. the HOC, WAF, and the WAAC). This policy will be a component of the facility use policy for Westlake Academy. FUNDING Not applicable at this time. : RECOMMENDATION For the Board to review and discuss the Draft policy regarding the use of Academy facilities for non-school affiliate groups and provide Staff with feedback concerning the content of the policy and consideration for approval at a future meeting. : ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution adopting the policy concerning use of Academy facilities for non- school related groups : 2. Policy concerning use of Academy facilities for non-school related groups WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 10-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY ADOPTING A POLICY PERTAINING TO BOARD PARAMETERS FOR USE OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY FACILITIES BY NON-SCHOOL RELATED GROUPS WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees has considered the proposed policy establishing parameters for use of the Westlake Academy campus facilities by non-school related groups; WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees finds that this policy will enhance Westlake Academy students’ educational experience by enriching their school experience and offering Academy students the opportunity to participate in additional philanthropic based events and organized club meetings, which while beneficial, are not directly involved in the daily educational curriculum of the students; WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interests of the Academy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1 . That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy hereby adopts the proposed policy related to use of Westlake Academy campus facilities by non-school related groups which is attached as Exhibit A to this resolution. SECTION 2 . That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 5TH DAY OF APRIL, 2010. ___________________________________ ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President ______________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Secretary Tom Brymer, Chief Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Exhibit A TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 10-04: Date Board Adopted: April 5, 2010 Date Board Amended: N/A Effective Date : April 5, 2010 Policy Name : Use of Academy Facilities by Non-school Related Groups Policy Category : Governance Policy Goal : Establishment of a policy as it relates to the use of Westlake Academy campus facilities by auxiliary student-related groups not directly involved in the educational curriculum of the students. Policy Description : As the interests and opportunities for student involvement have expanded, the Board has identified the need to develop a structured policy for the use of Academy facilities by non-school related groups. These groups should enrich the school experience of the students and offer them the opportunity to participate in additional philanthropic based events and organized club meetings which are not directly involved in the daily educational curriculum of the students. Staff is directed to create an application process to accommodate requests for the use of campus facilities by such groups. Priority for the use of campus facilities will be given to Academy-sponsored groups and activities as well as officially recognized Westlake Academy affiliate organizations, which include the Westlake Academy Foundation, the House of Commons, and the Westlake Academy Athletic Council. Other requests under this policy will be considered according to the order of submittal and available meeting space and times. Student participation in meetings scheduled subject to this policy shall be strictly voluntary. All such meetings must occur during non-instructional time of the students’ day and shall not require official staff intervention or facilitation. This policy shall function in tandem with the Town of Westlake Facility Use policy and all applicants under this policy shall abide by all procedural requirements as 2 set forth in the Town’s Facility Use policy, except that an applicant under this policy need not be a resident of the Town of Westlake. The use of Westlake Academy facilities is considered to be a privilege and as such, the Academy reserves the right to prohibit any group from utilizing the facilities if they partake in activities which include unlawful conduct, result in property damage, or engage in other types of disruptive behavior. Any fees or deposits required through the Town’s Facility Use policy shall be waived for eligible applicants reserving campus facilities under this policy. Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Jamie Schmitz, Head of Primary Subject: Regular Meeting of April 5th, 2010 Date: March 30th, 2010 Consider a Resolution adopting of the Primary Assessment and Reporting Policy ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT X Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES X PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship X Communication/Transparency X Engaged Stakeholders X Maximizing Each Child’s Potential The Board has adopted a series of policies intended to direct and guide the Staff in the education of the students at Westlake Academy. To further support those efforts, the abovementioned policy is recommended by Staff for adoption. Guidelines consistent with the Board policy directives will be published in the Parent/Student Handbook. This policy was reviewed by the Board at the February 1 BACKGROUND (policy implications) st , 2010, workshop. N/A FUNDING Adoption of the Resolution of the Primary Assessment and Reporting Policy for Westlake Academy RECOMMENDATION 1. Resolution ATTACHMENTS: 2. Westlake Academy Primary Assessment and Reporting Policy WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 10-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY ADOPTING A POLICY PERTAINING TO PRIMARY ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees has considered the proposed policy establishing Board parameters pertaining to Primary Assessment and Reporting; WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees finds that this policy will enhance student achievement by assisting all members of the school community to understand and use educational assessment in a consistent and successful way; WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interests of the Academy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1 . That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy hereby adopts the proposed policy related to Primary Assessment and Reporting which is attached as Exhibit A to this resolution. SECTION 2 . That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 5th DAY OF April, 2010 ___________________________________ ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President ______________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Secretary Tom Brymer, Chief Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Exhibit A TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. – 10-05: Date Board Adopted: April 5, 2010 Date Board Amended: N/A Effective Date : April 5, 2010 Policy Name : Primary (K-G6) Assessment and Grade Reporting Policy Policy Category : Student Achievement Policy Goal : Definition and Transparency in the Primary (K-G6) Student Assessment and Grading Policy Policy Description : The purpose of this assessment policy is to help all members of the school community understand and use educational assessment in a consistent and successful way. Our goal is to create a community that embraces assessment as a valuable and essential part of the learning cycle. 1) Our Purposes for Using Assessment a) For learners, assessment does the following: i) Promotes efficient learning by focusing the student's attention on what is important ii) Promotes understanding and life-long learning iii) Promotes self-evaluation and self-monitoring by the use of well- defined expectations and criteria iv) Motivates learning by communicating progress concerning what a student knows and is able to do v) Helps understand how school learning relates to present world and futuregoals. b) For teachers, assessment does the following: i) Provides formative and summative data about student learning ii) Provides diagnostic data to improve learning 2 iii) Assists instructional planning by providing informed feedback iv) Helps to determine teaching effectiveness - what approaches and methods work v) Helps to determine whether the program is achieving desired goals (program accountability) vi) Is a tool for communicating to others c) For administrators, assessment does the following: i) Assists in determining the effectiveness of programs ii) Assists in determining school and grade-level learning goals iii) Assists in allocation of resources, including professional development iv) Monitors student achievement and supports student learning d) For parents, assessment does the following: i) Provides formative and summative data about student learning and attainment. ii) Provides information about the child’s learning experience in school. iii) Provides information about future educational opportunities. iv) Helps provide information of the strengths and weaknesses of both the instructional program and the individual learner. In consideration of the need to establish relevant and comprehensive grade reporting and assessment policies for the student body of Westlake Academy, the following numerical grades will be utilized by the Staff to indicate academic performance with regard to critical concepts, content and skills on primary report cards. Grade 4 Meets with Excellence Grade 3 Meets with Proficiency Grade 2 Developing Proficiency Independently Grade 1 Requires Support to Meet Proficiency In addition to the abovementioned, the following descriptors and rubric will be utilized by the Staff to indicate academic performance with regard to higher order, conceptual understanding. These descriptors and rubric will be used to indicate the level of understanding for each of the six grade level units of inquiry that are implemented each academic year. Primary Report Unit of Inquiry Descriptors for Understanding K-3 3 Accomplished:  Interprets information (data, ideas, or concepts) accurately, appropriately, and in-depth in a variety of contexts  Applies formulas, procedures, principles, or themes accurately, appropriately, and/or creatively in a variety of contexts  Explains—accurately and thoroughly—possibly using multiple solutions, positions, or perspectives that balance opposing points of view  Creates a detailed conclusion or complete solution that is well-supported, logically consistent, and often unique  Integrates ideas or develops solutions that are clear, coherent, and cohesive  Reflects independently and thoughtfully by using supporting details and examples. Uses the reflective process to set goals and targets.  Perceives and approaches problems in a number of different ways, often exhibiting clever, unique or unusual ideas. Competent/Consolidating:  Presents information (data, ideas, or concepts) accurately and appropriately in familiar contexts  Applies formulas, procedures, principles, or themes accurately and appropriately in familiar contexts  Describes a solution, position, or perspective accurately  Organizes a conclusion or solution that is complete, logical, and consistent with evidence presented  Connects ideas or develops solutions in a clear and coherent order  Reflects thoughtfully by using some supporting details and examples. Uses the reflective process to set general goals. Developing:  Reports information (data, ideas, or concepts) in familiar contexts with minor inaccuracies, irrelevancies, or omissions  Uses appropriate formulas, procedures, principles, or themes in familiar contexts with only minor inaccuracies  Identifies a simple solution or a perspective with only minor inaccuracies  Offers an abbreviated conclusion or simple solution that is mostly consistent with the evidence presented, with minor inconsistencies or omissions  Arranges ideas or solutions into a simple pattern  Reflects thoughtfully with some assistance. Beginning/Novice:  Copies information (data, ideas, or concepts)  Labels formulas, procedures, principles, or themes  Names a single solution, position, or perspective  Attempts a conclusion or solution that is consistent with evidence presented  Lists ideas or expresses solutions in a fragmentary/random manner  Reflects with support and assistance Primary Report Unit of Inquiry Descriptors for Understanding Grades 4-6 Accomplished:  Interprets information (data, ideas, or concepts) accurately, appropriately, and in-depth in a variety of contexts 4  Applies formulas, procedures, principles, or themes accurately, appropriately, and/or creatively in a variety of contexts  Explains—accurately and thoroughly—multiple solutions, positions, or perspectives that balance opposing points of view  Creates a detailed conclusion or complex solution that is complete, well- supported, logically consistent, and often unique  Integrates ideas or develops solutions that are exceptionally clear, coherent, and cohesive  Reflects independently and thoughtfully by using supporting details and examples. Uses the reflective process to set goals and targets.  Perceives and approaches problems in a number of different ways, often exhibiting clever, unique or unusual ideas.  Competent/Consolidating:  Presents information (data, ideas, or concepts) accurately and appropriately in familiar contexts  Applies formulas, procedures, principles, or themes accurately and appropriately in familiar contexts  Describes two or more solutions, positions, or perspectives accurately  Organizes a conclusion or solution that is complete, logical, and consistent with evidence presented  Connects ideas or develops solutions in a clear and coherent order  Reflects thoughtfully by using some supporting details and examples. Uses the reflective process to set general goal Developing:  Reports information (data, ideas, or concepts) in familiar contexts with minor inaccuracies, irrelevancies, or omissions  Uses appropriate formulas, procedures, principles, or themes in familiar contexts with only minor inaccuracies  Identifies simple solutions, over-simplified positions, or perspectives with only minor inaccuracies  Offers an abbreviated conclusion or simple solution that is mostly consistent with the evidence presented, with minor inconsistencies or omissions  Arranges ideas or solutions into a simple pattern  Reflects thoughtfully with some assistance Beginning/Novice:  Copies information (data, ideas, or concepts)  Labels formulas, procedures, principles, or themes  Names a single solution, position, or perspective  Attempts a conclusion or solution that is consistent with evidence presented  Lists ideas or expresses solutions in a fragmentary/random manner  Reflects with support and assistance Staff will administer a variety of authentic assessments to measure student understanding and progress throughout the year IBPYP Attitudes – Students, in collaboration with teachers, will assign a letter indicator to at least six (6) IBPYP Attitudes per quarter to communicate the following: 5 C = I practice consistently the following attitudes W = I am working on the following attitudes The IBPYP Attitudes are as follows: • Appreciation: appreciating the wonder and beauty of the world and its people • Commitment: being committed to their learning, preserving and showing self-discipline and responsibility • Confidence: feeling confident in their ability as learners, having the courage to take risks, applying what they have learned and making appropriate decisions • Cooperation: cooperating, collaborating and leading or following as the situation demands • Creativity: being creative and imaginative in their thinking and in their approach to problems and dilemmas • Curiosity: being curious about the nature of learning and the world, its people and cultures • Empathy: imaginatively projecting themselves into another’s situation, in order to understand his/her thoughts, reasoning and emotions • Enthusiasm: enjoying learning • Independence: thinking and acting independently, making their own judgments based on reasoned principles and being able to defend their judgments • Integrity: having integrity and a firm sense of fairness and honesty • Respect: respecting themselves, others and the world around them • Tolerance: feeling sensitivity towards differences and diversity in the world and being responsive to the needs of others Specialist Grades – Specialist Teachers (Art, Strings, P.E., Music, and Spanish) will grade according to discipline specific criteria. 6 Each of the aforementioned categories will be graded utilizing the following indicators: Grade 4 Meets with Excellence Grade 3 Meets with Proficiency Grade 2 Developing Proficiency Independently Grade 1 Requires Support to Meet Proficiency Report Cards - Westlake Academy will send home four (4) primary report cards each year. The report cards will be sent home at the end of each nine (9) week grading period. Parent Teacher Meetings – Staff will conduct two (2) parent/teacher conferences per year − one (1) each semester, and one (1) student-led conference - in semester two (2). This will allow parents to meet with teachers to briefly discuss their child’s progress, and, in the case of student-led conferences, witness the demonstration of understanding firsthand. Additional concerns will be addressed at individually scheduled conferences available at any time during the school year. Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Ben Nibarger, Administrative Coordinator Subject: Regular Meeting April 5, 2010 Date: March 30, 2010 Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the CEO of Westlake Academy to enter into an agreement with Parker School Uniforms as the Academy’s preferred vendor for shoes. This is a three year preferred vendor contract that ties in with our existing school uniform contract with Parker Uniforms. ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential BACKGROUND (including policy implications and options): The school administration has proposed a school calendar for the 2010-11 school year. The calendar meets all the requirements of the TEA for 180 instructional days minus the allotted number of staff In Service days, early release days and start date. The Academy consulted surrounding school districts when drafting this calendar. Once passed by the School Board the calendar will be submitted to TEA for final approval. N/A FUNDING N/A RECOMMENDATION Resolution ATTACHMENTS: Expedited State Waiver WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 10-06 AUTHORIZING THE CEO OF THE ACADEMY TO ENTER INTO THE CONTRACT ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT A WITH PARKER SCHOOL UNIFORMS TO PROVIDE STUDENTS AT WESTLAKE ACADEMY SCHOOL UNIFORMS. WHEREAS, the Academy utilizes Parker School Uniforms which is responsible for providing the school uniforms in full compliance with the Westlake Academy Uniform Policy. WHEREAS, Westlake Academy staff strictly enforces that the students follow the school uniform policy as stated in the Parent/Student Handbook. WHEREAS, Resolution 08-23 authorized the CEO to enter into a contract with Parker School Uniforms to provide school uniforms for Westlake Academy. WHEREAS, Parker School Uniforms will keep in stock at all times an ample supply of all required footwear to assure that Westlake Academy students will be able to meet the uniform requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy does hereby authorize the CEO to enter into the contract attached hereto as Exhibit A regarding footwear with Parker School Uniforms. SECTION 2: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 5 DAY OF APRIL 2010. ___________________________________ ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President _______________________________ __________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Chief Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Mark Garcia, Head of Secondary Subject: Workshop Agenda Item for April 5, 2010 Date: March 31, 2010 Presentation and discussion of information regarding the Westlake Academy senior Class of 2010. ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential BACKGROUND (including policy implications and options): The Class of 2010 is the first Graduating class of Westlake Academy. We will present information on the status of graduation, college admissions, and other items related to this class. N/A FUNDING Hearing of the presentation and discussion of this item. RECOMMENDATION None ATTACHMENTS: Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Ben Nibarger, Administrative Coordinator Subject: Regular Meeting April 5, 2010 Date: March 30, 2010 Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the expedited State waiver for early release and in-service work days for the 2010-11 school calendar. ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential BACKGROUND (including policy implications and options): The school administration has proposed a school calendar for the 2010-11 school year. The calendar meets all the requirements of the TEA for 180 instructional days minus the allotted number of staff In Service days, early release days and start date. The Academy consulted surrounding school districts when drafting this calendar. Once passed by the School Board the calendar will be submitted to TEA for final approval. N/A FUNDING N/A RECOMMENDATION Expedited State Waiver ATTACHMENTS: Resolution WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 10-07 AUTHORIZING THE 2010-2011 SCHOOL CALENDAR AND APPROVING REQUEST FOR STATE WAIVER. WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees has considered the proposed 2010-2011 school calendar and the proposed State Expedited Waiver; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interests of the Academy and the public; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1 . That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy hereby adopts the proposed 2010-11 School Calendar (Exhibit ‘A’) and authorizes the school administration to request the State Expedited Waiver. SECTION 2 . That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage, but contingent upon approval by the TEA. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 5 DAY OF APRIL 2010 ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: ______________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Secretary Tom Brymer, Chief Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: __________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Dates at a Glance August 6 Teacher Prep Day Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa August 9 - 13 Staff Development 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 August 16 First Day of School 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 September 6 Holiday 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 September 22 Staff Development/Student Holiday 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 October 1 K - 6 Parent Conference/Early Release 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 7 - 12 Staff Development/Early Release 31 October 11 Holiday 18 12 21 20 20 20 October 20 Staff Development/Early Release November 10 Staff Development/Early Release Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa November 23 - 26 Thanksgiving Holiday 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 December 14 - 16 Early Release/Secondary Exams 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 December 17 Staff Development/Student Holiday 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 December 20 - 31 Winter Holiday 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 January 11 - 13 Early Release 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 January 17 Holiday/Martin Luther King Day 30 31 January 19 Staff Development/Early Release 17 17 13 12 20 20 February 16 Staff Development/Early Release March 14 - 18 Spring Break Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa April 13 Staff Development/Early Release 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 April 22 Holiday / Bad Weather Make-Up 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 April 25 Holiday / Bad Weather Make-Up 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 May 24 - 26 Early Release/Secondary Exams 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 May 27 Last Day of School/Early Release 27 28 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 May 30 Staff Holiday May 31 Staff Development 20 20 18 18 19 19 Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Student Instructional Days 178 21 20 Teacher Work Days 187 School Closed Report Cards Early Release Day First and Last Day of School EP Employee Planning (no school for students) Parent Teacher Conferences EP Holiday Bad Weather Make-Up Name of School March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 2010-2011 School Calendar July 2011 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H HEPEPEPEPEP H EP H EP H EP EP CDD-106R10 APPLICATION FOR EXPEDITED AND GENERAL STATE WAIVERS General Instructions. For Expedited Waivers, please complete Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4. For General State Waivers, please complete Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6. Bolded items in Section 2 and Section 3 must be completed. Please direct questions to the State Waiver Unit at (512) 463-9630 or www.tea.state.tx.us/waivers. SECTION 1. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR ALL WAIVERS. District Name: Westlake Academy County/District No. 220 - 810 Address: 2600 J T Ottinger Rd Telephone No. (817) - 490 - 5757 City, State, Zip: Westlake, TX 76262 Fax No. (817) - 490 - 5777 Contact Person: Ben Nibarger Telephone No. (817) - 490 - 5762 Email: bnibarger@westlakeacademy.org SECTION 2. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR ALL WAIVERS. Superintendent: Tom Brymer Dr. Mr. Typed Name Mrs. Ms. Signature Board President: Laura Wheat Typed Name Signature Date Board Approval: Board Vote – For Against Abstain Absent SECTION 3. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR ALL WAIVERS. Comments of appropriate Site-Based Decision Making Committee: SBDM Committee Chairperson Signature SECTION 4 Staff Development Waiver, pursuant to Texas Education Code (TEC) §25.081. This waiver allows the district or charter school to train staff on various educational strategies designed to improve student performance in lieu of a maximum of three days of student instruction. Please state the number of days requested. 3 . EXPEDITED WAIVERS. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. Please check the years requested: 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Reading/English Language Arts; Mathematics; Science; and/or Social Studies Staff Development Waiver, pursuant to TEC §25.081. This waiver allows the district or charter school to conduct additional staff training for reading/english language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies strategies aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills in lieu of a maximum of two days of student instruction. Please check no more than two subject areas for only one day each: Reading/English Language Arts Mathematics 1 Science 1 Social Studies Please check the years requested: 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Staff Development through Participation in Eligible Conferences Waiver, pursuant to TEC §25.081. This waiver allows the district or charter school to send staff to eligible conferences for staff development to improve student performance in lieu of one day of student instruction. Please check the years requested: 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Early Release Waiver, pursuant to TEC §25.082(a). This waiver allows the district or charter school to conduct school for less than seven (7) hours for a total of six (6) days of student instruction to provide additional training in educational methodologies and/or to provide time to meet the needs of students and local communities. Please state the number of days requested. 6 Please check the years requested: 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Modified Schedule/TAKS Testing Days Waiver, pursuant to TEC §25.082(a). This waiver allows the district or charter school to modify the schedule of classes on TAKS testing days during the current school year to reduce interruptions during testing periods. Please check the years requested: 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 CDD-106R10 ALL APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE MAILED OR FAXED. THE FAX NUMBER IS (512) 475-3666. State Waiver Unit | Texas Education Agency | 1701 North Congress Avenue | Austin, TX 78701-1494 | Phone (512) 463-9630 SECTION 4. EXPEDITED WAIVERS TEXTBOOK WAIVERS: Pursuant to TEC §7.056. This waiver allows school districts and open enrollment charter schools the opportunity to purchase instructional materials and obtain reimbursement up to the state maximum cost called for in a proclamation, for which no textbook was offered for consideration by publishers. These courses include, but are not limited to: 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Proclamation 1997: Remedial Reading Grade 6: 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Proclamation 1999: Photojournalism, Astronomy; AP Environmental Science; IB Environmental Systems; and AP Human Geography: 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Proclamations 2001 and 2002: Business Education; Technology Education/Industrial Technology Education; Trade and Industrial Education; Languages Other Than English; and Fine Arts: 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Proclamation 2004: IB Mathematical Studies Subsidiary Level; IB Mathematical Higher Level; and IB Advanced Mathematics Subsidiary Level. A complete list of subjects eligible for waivers and the maximum costs allowed may be viewed at: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/textbooks/waivers/subjectsnobids.pdf Foreign Exchange Student Waiver, pursuant to TEC §25.001(e). This expedited waiver allows the district to limit the number of foreign exchange students to a number that is not less than five per high school. An application to limit the number to less than five per high school must be submitted as a general waiver. The number requested by the district for an expedited waiver is (state number of students) per high school. The waiver is subject to the provisions in the attached guidelines and FAQ http://www.tea.state.tx.us/waivers/ForeignExchangeGuidelines.doc http://www.tea.state.tx.us/waivers/ForeignExchangeFAQ.doc. The waiver will be issued if it is determined that admission of more than this number indicated will (check all that apply): (1) create a financial or staffing hardship for the district; (2) diminish the district's ability to provide high quality educational services for the district's domestic students; or (3) require domestic students to compete with foreign exchange students for educational resources. Please check the years requested: 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 SECTION 5. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION & SECTION 6 FOR GENERAL WAIVERS Course Requirement For foreign exchange student waiver, description must address the circumstances applicable to the district under TEC § Section 25.001(e) (1), (2), or (3). Please submit local policy with application. http://www.tea.state.tx.us/waivers/ForeignExchangeGuidelines.doc http://www.tea.state.tx.us/waivers/ForeignExchangeFAQ.doc Pregnancy Related Services On-Campus CEHI Study of Electronic Courses Other Specify Additional Early Release Days Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs, pursuant to TEC 37.008(g). This waiver allows the district to use more than 18% of the district’s SCE allotment to provide supplemental services for disciplinary alternative education programs established under Section 37.008. The school district is required to state the reason for needing to exceed the 18% limit and to report the number of students in each grade level, by demographic subgroup, not making satisfactory progress under the state’s assessment system. The district is also required to submit a copy of their district/campus improvement plan which provides a description of their disciplinary alternative education program for TEA review. The district/campus improvement plan must conform to the requirements in TEC Section 11.252 and 11.253 and the Financial Accountability Resource Guide, 9.2.3. This waiver is granted for one year and the waiver must be resubmitted in writing by July 20 through the Texas Education Agency waiver office for each subsequent year, in accordance with TEA policies and deadlines for filing. Please state the total percentage of the district’s SCE allotment that is being requested to provide supplemental services at the DAEP. SECTION 6 PLEASE USE SEPARATE PAGE. . COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR ALL WAIVERS OTHER THAN EXPEDITED WAIVERS. 1. Give a brief narrative description of the requested waiver. 2. Does the district or campus plan reflect the need for this waiver? If yes, what is the specific objective impacted by the waiver? 3. Cite the Texas Education Code or the Texas Administration Code that the district or campus wishes to waive? 4. Describe the plan to be implemented, if the waiver is granted. 5. How will granting this waiver help achieve the district’s or campus’ objective? 6. Please explain how the school district or campus will evaluate the impact of the waiver towards meeting the district’s or campus’ goal. 7. Please specify the school years for which the waiver is requested, to a maximum of three years. 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Debbie Piper, Finance Director Subject: Regular Meeting of April 6, 2010 Date: March 30, 2010 Discussion of the Quarterly Financial “Dashboard” report for the quarter ended February 28, 2010. ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential BACKGROUND The 2nd quarter “Dashboard” report for the FY 2009-2010 is attached. Our goal is to have a concise and easy to understand document regarding the financials of our Academy operating fund-General Fund. The remaining funds are grant funds related to federal and state funds with specific requirements as to the expenditures. They are fully funded and expensed by year-end. For the second quarter of FY 2009-2010, the Academy’s “Dashboard” includes an “Estimated Budget” section. Typically, we don’t add this section until the third quarter, but because the State ARRA Title XIV grant funds had to be moved to a specific Special Revenue Fund and several employees needed to be re-classed after the budget was adopted, the section was added to show these changes. The “Estimated Budget” includes the following: REVENUES • Reduction of revenues by $63,820 for ARRA Title XIV grant funds (Moved to separate fund) • Addition of $3,000 revenue for local gifts and donations. EXPENDITURES • Expenditures have been reduced by the $63,820 (offsetting the reduction in revenues) for the AARA Title XIV grant funds. • Re-classed personnel from Function 23 to Function 41 (Total amounts offset) The same columns presented for the “Adopted Budget” are also included on the report for the “Estimated Budget”. These columns, as well as the “Dashboard” column, have a blue column heading to help distinguish between the different budgets. A summary is presented at the bottom of the page indicating the net revenues over (under) expenditures along with the projected ending fund balance for the Adopted Budget, Estimated Budget and the Actual YTD. The operating days remaining in Fund Balance have been calculated using operating expenditures. Please note the “Analysis” is color coded and corresponds to the specific line-item on the “Dashboard” report. All “cautionary” and “critical” items are detailed with explanations of the variances. Beside each major category or function on the analysis report, you will find a number that reflects the exact variance in that function/line-item that corresponds to the percentage on the “Dashboard”. FUNDING N/A RECOMMENDATION No action required. General Fund - Quarterly Financial Dashboard – Quarter Ended 02/28/2010 ATTACHMENTS: General Fund - Analysis of Dashboard for Quarter Ended 02/28/2010 3/30/2010 2:13 PM ACTUAL ADOPTED Annual 6 months Annual 6 months YTD Budget YTD Budget YTD 2/28/10 Dashboard Local Interest Income 3,000$ 1,500$ 3,000$ 1,500$ 274$ 18.3% Local Gifts & Donations-Misc - - 3,000 3,000 3,000 100.0% Local Gifts & Donations - BSA 420,000 210,000 420,000 210,000 302,931 144.3% Local WAF Salary Reimb 64,858 32,429 64,858 32,429 23,731 73.2% Local Food/Beverage 8,600 5,160 8,600 5,160 - 0.0% Local Athletics 48,006 28,804 48,006 28,804 35,983 124.9% Local Other 11,000 6,600 11,000 6,600 8,210 124.4% State Foundation State Funds 3,443,120 1,721,560 3,379,300 1,689,650 1,684,760 99.7% State TRS On-Behalf 174,285 - 174,285 - - 100.0% TOTAL 4,172,869$ 2,006,053$ 4,112,049$ 1,977,143$ 2,058,888$ 102.6% Positive Cautious Negative >95%75% - 95%< 75% ACTUAL ADOPTED Annual 6 months Annual 6 months YTD Budget YTD Budget YTD 2/28/10 Dashboard Instructional 11 2,318,077$ 1,295,260$ 2,254,257$ 1,256,968$ 1,127,929$ 89.73% Resources & Media 12 91,303 50,656 91,303 50,656 44,115 87.09% Curriculum and Staff Dev 13 61,655 30,828 61,655 30,828 36,919 119.76% Instructional Leadership 21 92,034 52,016 92,034 52,016 46,412 89.23% School Leadership 23 210,441 107,921 164,035 84,006 89,219 106.21% Guidance & Counseling 31 153,340 78,408 153,340 78,408 79,236 101.06% Health Services 33 53,813 30,949 53,813 30,949 27,779 89.76% Food Services 35 9,018 5,086 9,018 5,086 3,996 78.58% CoCurricular Activities 36 108,220 57,602 108,220 58,442 45,900 78.54% Administration 41 272,714 138,135 319,120 162,050 167,140 103.14% Maintenance & Operations 51 300,156 150,895 300,156 150,895 118,568 78.58% Data Processing 53 140,404 71,654 140,404 71,654 74,310 103.71% Community Services 61 64,858 30,564 64,858 30,564 26,590 87.00% Debt Service 71 42,000 21,000 42,000 21,000 - 0.00% TOTAL 3,918,033$ 2,120,974$ 3,854,213$ 2,083,522$ 1,888,113$ 90.62% Payroll & Related 61xx 2,970,799$ 1,646,607$ 2,912,432$ 1,611,111$ 1,516,412$ 94.12% Prof & Contracted Srv 62xx 488,190 244,095 487,266 244,473 209,134 85.54% Supplies & Materials 63xx 238,151 119,076 235,651 117,826 70,979 60.24% Other Operating Costs 64xx 178,893 90,197 176,864 89,113 91,588 102.78% Debt Service 65xx 42,000 21,000 42,000 21,000 - 0.00% TOTAL 3,918,033$ 2,120,974$ 3,854,213$ 2,083,522$ 1,888,113$ 90.62% Positive Cautious Negative < 100%101%-110%>111% Adopted Adopted Estimated Estimated YTD Annual YTD Annual YTD Actuals Budget Budget Budget Budget 6/30/09 254,836$ (114,921)$ 257,836$ (106,379)$ 170,775$ - 100,000 - 100,000 Beginning Fund Balance 504,653 504,653 504,653 504,653 504,653 Ending Fund Balance 659,489$ 389,732$ 662,489$ 398,274$ 675,428$ # of Operating Days 61 36 63 38 64 Daily Operating Cost $10,734 $10,734 $10,559 $10,559 $10,559 ADOPTED BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET Revenue Legend: Expenditure Legend: Net Revenues Over (Under) Exp WESTLAKE ACADEMY General Fund Quarter Ended 02/28/10 ADOPTED BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET REVENUES Other Resources Other Uses FUNCTION OBJECT CODES EXPENDITURES SUMMARY WESTLAKE ACADEMY Analysis of Dashboard for Quarter Ended 2/28/10 GENERAL FUND Page 1 REVENUES INTEREST INCOME • Interest rates are lower than anticipated - ($1,226) WAF SALARY REIMBURSEMENT • ($3,730) Original budget included Teacher Retirement System (TRS) On-Behalf payment which is a “Paper” entry only. This amount represents the “match” amount paid by the State. Total on-behalf expenditure line items are offset by a revenue on-behalf line-item. There is no affect to the bottom line. This amount should not have been included in the total budget for the reimbursement of the Foundation Director. – ($8,698) • ($3,800) Budget was based on 12 months of salary. Director’s beginning date was September 29, 2009. • ($1,105) Per discussions with the Education Service Center, when a school hires a new employee that has never been with the TRS, the school has to pay the matching funds of 6.64%. After 90 days this amount is paid by the State of Texas. This amount has not been reimbursed and will be corrected in the next quarter. FOOD/BEVERAGE • Based on the executed agreement with Victual, LLC, the Academy will receive 5% of net revenues from the lunch program sales. The contract states these payments will be paid in three installments on December 18, 2009, March 12, 2009 and June 14, 2009. We are in contact with the company regarding these payments. - ($5,160) EXPENDITURES FUNCTION 13 – Curriculum and Staff Development - $6,091 • 100% IB fees have been paid FUNCTION 23 – School Leadership - $5,213 • Copier lease is based on copies – majority of copies are made during the school year with very little use during the summer months FUNCTION 31 – Guidance and Counseling - $828 • Majority of diagnostics and special education services are provided during the school year WESTLAKE ACADEMY Analysis of Dashboard for Quarter Ended 2/28/10 GENERAL FUND Page 2 FUNCTION 41 – Administrative - $5,090 Payroll – $2,279 • Overtime of administrative staff Professional Services – ($4,961) • $ 11,253 Legal Services • $ 6,250 Audit - Audit completed and paid in full • ($13,950) Education Service Center - Business contract paid in March, 2010 and Board training budgeted but not received to-date • ($ 2,525) Parent Survey • ($ 6,000) Strategic Retreat facilitator Supplies & Materials - $ 739 • Total expenditure amount should even out by year-end; additional supplies purchased at beginning of year Other Operating Costs – $7,033 • $7,460 Miscellaneous Operating Fees Don Wall Productions $4K for web-site video Various association/chamber dues paid in full FUNCTION 53 – Data Processing - $2,656 • Service Center contract for PEIMS software/services paid in full 1 Memo Town of Westlake To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Tom Brymer, CEO Subject: Regular Meeting of April 5, 2010 Date: March 30, 2010 Consideration of a Resolution Adopting a Five (5) Year Strategic Plan for Westlake Academy ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who well balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential A suggested process for preparing a strategic plan for Westlake Academy was discussed at the Board’s October 5, 2009 workshop. The Council’s consensus was that this proposed process was acceptable. The WALT then met with the entire Academy staff who divided into small work groups; each assigned various components of the plan. After that input was received, the WALT started working on various drafts of the plan until we arrived at the draft strategic plan that was presented to the Board at its January workshop. Board discussion of this draft strategic plan began at the Board’s Jan. 4, 2010 workshop and concluded at its Feb. 1, 2010 workshop. Since that time, staff has been taking the Board’s input and using it to shape this proposed final draft of this strategic plan. BACKGROUND Using the mission/vision/value statements identified by the Board, this draft strategic plan is built around five (5) desired outcomes (not listed in any priority order): • High Student Achievement • Strong Parent & Community Connections • Financial Stewardship & Sustainability • Student Engagement – Extracurricular activities 2 • Effective Educators & Staff FUNDING : The strategic plan, if and when adopted, and depending on what is included in it regarding strategic initiatives, could have financial impacts for the Academy. RECOMMENDATION : Staff recommends that the Board discuss and ask questions about the proposed final draft plan as presented and determine if it wishes to add, modify, or delete any portion of it. Following that Board discussion, staff recommends that the Board adopt the resolution approving this strategic plan. The WA Strategic Plan will then become a key guide for allocation of staff time and Town resource proposals to pursue the Plan’s strategic initiatives over the next 5 years. This is a plan and will need to be revisited by the Board and staff on a regular basis. ATTACHMENTS 1. Memorandum dated 3-30-10 from CEO to the Board transmitting the Proposed Westlake Academy Five Year Strategic Plan : 2. Proposed Westlake Academy Five Year Strategic Plan 3. Resolution Adopting the Westlake Academy Five Year Strategic Plan 4. Memo Dated 12-07-09 from CEO to BOT re: Council Meeting Schedule and the Strategic Planning/Budget Calendar for Both Westlake Academy and the Town of Westlake. 1 MEMORANDUM Date: March 30, 2010 TO: Honorable President and Board of Trustees FROM: Tom Brymer, Town Manager/CEO Westlake Academy SUBJECT: Proposed Final Draft Westlake Academy Five Year Strategic Plan Staff discussed a process for preparing a strategic plan for Westlake Academy at the Board’s October 5, 2009 BOT workshop. Following the Council’s consensus that this process was acceptable, we met with the entire Academy staff and got them working in small groups on various components of the plan. After we received that input, the WALT started working on various drafts of the plan until we arrived at the draft strategic plan that was presented and discussed at the Board’s January and February 2010 workshops. This draft plan will be on the Board’s April 5th regular meeting for consideration and adoption. Using the mission/vision/value statements identified by the Board, this draft strategic plan is built around five (5) desired outcomes (not listed in any priority order): • High Student Achievement • - Develop inquiring, knowledgeable, caring and disciplined young people who use their unique talents to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect Strong Parent & Community Connections • – To involve all stakeholders in building a better Westlake Academy community Financial Stewardship & Sustainability • – To ensure sufficient, well-managed resources to support and advance the mission of Westlake Academy Student Engagement – Extracurricular activities • - To ensure that all athletics, community service and extra-curricular activities are held to the same standard of excellence as the curricula programs to promote well-balanced students Effective Educators & Staff - Recruit, develop and retain a core faculty and staff with the personal qualities, skills and expertise to work effectively with inquiry-based, student- centered curricula 2 Under each desired outcome are specific outcomes, outcome measures and steps to achieve the specific outcome. Where we can, we’ve assigned team leaders for specific outcomes. Also, where practical we will need to assign short range (1-2 years), medium range (2-3 years), and long range (4-5 years) time frames. Most importantly, once adopted, this Strategic Plan becomes a guidepost for the Board’s governance and Staff’s management of the school in terms of pursuing the strategic initiatives identified in the Plan. It will need to be revisited by the staff on a regular basis. This document is being sent by hard copy and electronically so you have time to read and digest it prior to the April 5th regular Board meeting. In the mean time, if you have any questions regarding this plan, please let me know. Attachment Resolution 10-08 Page 1 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 10-08 APPROVING AND ADOPTING A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees for Westlake Academy has determined that effective governance of the Westlake Academy requires a multi-year focus that can best be provided by a strategic plan formulated by the Board-staff team; and, WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees has invested significant Board and staff time over the last several months in an off-site planning retreat as well as subsequent workshops to formulate vision, values, and mission statements to guide the creation of a strategic plan and has reviewed drafts of this strategic plan; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has determined that this strategic plan allows for a multi-year focus on the Board’s governance priorities for Westlake Academy, as well as the allocation of Board and staff time and resources to pursue those priorities; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has determined that approving this strategic plan provides opportunities to measure implementation of the plan, integrate it with other governance and management processes, and shall be reviewed by the Board at least annually for any updates and/or revisions that the Board determines are necessary to make the plan as effective as possible; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1. THAT, all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2. THAT, the Board of Trustees Westlake Academy, hereby approves the attached strategic plan for Westlake Academy attached to this resolution as Exhibit “A. Resolution 10-08 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 5th DAY OF APRIL, 2010. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: ______________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Chief Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney International World School STRATEGIC PLAN A central tenet of the Town of Westlake is the belief that communities with the brightest future are those where knowledge is highly valued and its goals and objectives are based on acquiring an education, learning together and imparting knowledge to our future generations. In Westlake’s case, those generations are found in the students attending the Academy now and in the future. In keeping with this philosophy, Westlake Academy is the only municipally owned and op- erated Charter School in the State of Texas and as such, is the largest operating department of the Town of Westlake. The development of the Strategic Plan is designed to provide the Westlake community, our faculty, students, and parents as wells as our peer schools with the knowledge necessary to understand the direction of the Academy as well as the emphasis the Board of Trustees places in educating our next generation of leaders. The Strategic Plan contains the mission, vision, and values of Westlake Academy as defined by the Academy’s Board/Staff team. The Plan is intended to equip our faculty, parents, students, administration and the Board with a “road map” to pursue the desired outcomes that move the school closer to this vision and ultimately, to the highest level of student success we can attain with the resources provided. Phone: (817) 490-5757 Fax: (817) 490-5758 www.westlakeacademy.org 2600 J. T. Ottinger Road Westlake, Texas 76262 Insert Seal Here Presented On: April 5, 2010 Table of Contents Mission/Vision/Values 2 Overview 3 Desired Outcomes 4 Highlights of the Academy 4 High Student Achievement 5 Parent/Comm. Connections 12 Financial Stewardship 16 Student Engagement 20 Effective Educators 23 Governance Structure MISSION / VISION Westlake Academy is governed by a six (6) member Board of Trustees comprised of the Board President and five (5) Trustees. These positions serve a dual role — as both the Academy’s governing board and the Town Council for the Town of Westlake. The Trustees serve two (2) year staggered terms of office and are responsible for the governance of the school, which includes adopting policies related to educational services and programs, approving the annual budget and appointment of members to the Westlake Academy Foundation. The Board also appoints the Chief Executive Officer of the school, who is responsible for the Academy’s daily operations, staff appointment/ management, plant maintenance, and financial administration. In addition, the CEO functions as the Town Manager for the Town of Westlake. VALUES (GUIDING PRINCIPLES) “Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community-owned International Baccalaureate charter school whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become responsible global citizens.” Academic success through the IB curriculum Student and family oriented environment Being a municipally owned and operated charter school Engaged students with international awareness Community involvement and support Diverse learning experience 2 The strategic plan is the result of many hours of review and discussion with the Board of Trustees, and Westlake Academy Staff, which spanned a year-long process where we gathered information, discussed our long-range goals and developed comprehensive guidelines to ensure student success. The Board met during a planning retreat to develop the mission / vision statement and identify the values that were important to the Academy. The plan was then expanded to include five (5) Desired Outcomes which the Staff used to develop Specific Outcomes, Indicators and Activities to accomplish these directives. Strategic Plan Overview Vision / Mission Values (Guiding Principles) Desired Outcomes Specific Outcomes Specific Outcomes are designed to support the five (5) main Desired Outcomes identified as important to the success of the students. Assigned completion dates for each Indicator Activities are actions Staff will complete to achieve the goal set out in the corresponding Indicator Team Leaders are identified to monitor our progress toward the stated goals Indicators are measurable statements/ activities designed to show that Specific Outcomes have been achieved. Specific Outcome = Students will be well prepared to matriculate and succeed in college. Short-Range and On-going Goals Team Leader(s): Heads of Section Indicator = 100% of students are passing classroom exams Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal Activity = Continued integration of IB curricula into all daily educational programs Indicators 3 Description of Desired Outcomes ~ High Student Achievement Develop inquiring, knowledgeable, caring and disciplined young people who use their unique talents to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect ~ Strong Parent & Community Connections To involve all stakeholders in building a better Westlake Academy community ~Financial Stewardship & Sustainability To ensure sufficient, well-managed resources to support and ad- vance the mission of Westlake Academy ~ Student Engagement – Extracurricular activities To ensure that all athletics, community service and extra-curricular activities are held to the same standard of excellence as the curricula programs to promote well-balanced students ~ Effective Educators & Staff Recruit, develop and retain a core faculty and staff with the personal qualities, skills and expertise to work effectively with the IB inquiry-based, student-centered curricula Westlake Academy is the only school in the state of Texas to provide their students with all three IB programs — Primary Years, Middle Years and the Diploma Program; and one of five schools to offer all three in the United States. Provides numerous extra-curricular opportunities, in addition to the rigorous curriculum, such as athletics, drum line, music, yearbook, Black Cow journalism and newspaper publishing, historian and garden club, student council, science and history competition, Model United Nations, etc. Our first graduating class, 24 students, have received over $1 million dollars in scholarship offers! Rated as “Exemplary” by the Texas Education Agency for three (3) of the last seven (7) years Highlights of Westlake Academy PSAT Statistics for 2008/2009 Critical Reading 9th 10th 11th National Mean 41.6 41.6 46.7 Texas Mean 40.3 40.3 44 Westlake Students 48.9 50.6 56.5 Math 9th 10th 11th National Mean 44 44 48.9 Texas Mean 43.5 43.5 47 Westlake Students 47.2 51.3 59.2 Writing 9th 10th 11th National Mean 41 41 45.8 Texas Mean 40.4 40.4 44.4 Westlake Students 46.5 48.5 54.7 4 Desired Outcome ~ High Student Achievement A central focus of Westlake Academy is to prepare students to achieve a world class education through the use of the IB curriculum and ultimately toward doing well in college. Special attention will be given to providing students with the educational framework needed to help them experience success on their homework assignments and in taking classroom based tests. Both of which can be used as benchmark indicators as to a students performance on the rigorous final IB exams adminis- tered during their senior year of the Diploma Program. Students will receive instruction in foreign language studies, exposure to and application of modern technology in the classrooms, and be given the opportunity to model the IB Learner Profile traits that will assist them in the formation of their critical thinking skills. Profile Traits Inquirers Open-minded Knowledgeable Caring Thinkers Risk-takers Communicators Balanced Principled Reflective Staff will focus on providing curriculum and school experiences that will translate into achieving the students goals of entering the college of their choice. Among other tasks, we will provide the students with time management and research study skills which are crucial to college coursework and examine the feasibility of providing on-campus review courses for the SAT and ACT exams along with the implementation of other external assessment tools to gauge the students capabilities in reading, mathematics and problem solving tasks. We will also perform a complete alignment of the IB curriculum across the spectrum of our K-12 facility. This will allow each ‘section’ of students to better succeed as they progress through their learning experiences. For example, each subject (math, science, etc.) will undergo continuous review to ensure the curriculum and methods being taught in the Primary Years (PYP) will transition into the Middle Years Program (MYP) and so on, into the 11th and 12th grade, known as the Diploma Program (DP). Students who matriculate from Grade 6 (PYP) to Grade 7 (MYP) and from Grade 10 (MYP) to Grade 11 (DP) will be prepared do well in their studies. As parents are an integral component to the achievements of the student, the Board of Trustees, through the use of the Westlake Academy Strategic Plan, have developed specific programs and directives designed to assist new families in their transition into the Academy’s community along with maintaining multiple lines of communication for our continuing families. Please see the following specific outcomes and indicators associated with High Student Achievement for more information. 5 Desired Outcome ~ High Student Achievement (cont.) Specific Outcome 1.0 Students will be well prepared to matriculate and succeed in college Short-Range and On-going Goals Team Leader(s): Heads of Section 1.1 100% of students are passing classroom exams Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 1.1.1 Continued integration of IB curricula into all daily educational programs 1.2 Graduate 100% of our students Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 1.3 100% college enrollment for all graduates Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 1.3.1 Continued integration of IB curricula into all daily educational programs 1.4 90% will test for two (2) or more subject specific Diploma Program certificates Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 1.5 Students will perform at a level that is within the top 25% (upper quartile) on college entrance exams (ACT, SAT) as compared to: State average Surrounding school districts Comparable IB schools Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 1.5.1 Provide onsite testing to increase student access to exams; Research our ability to provide a preparatory SAT, ACT program within Westlake Academy. 1.6 Review the use and interpretation of college skills readiness exams, which are necessary to gauge the student’s ability to perform at the college level Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 1.6.1 Research the capacity and applicability of alternative programs, such as the College and Work Readiness Assessment (CWRA), for administration during freshman and senior years, to determine the college skills levels for the MYP and DP students 1.6.2 Explore the use of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), iCritical Thinking Certification, etc. as evaluation tools of student progress 1.7 Prepare students to use cutting edge technology flexibly and effectively Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 1.7.1 Research the availability/partnership of a technical sponsor 1.7.2 Effectively integrate technology into all IB programs 1.8 Develop time management and research skills study units to further prepare the students to succeed in college level courses Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 6 Desired Outcome ~ High Student Achievement (cont.) Specific Outcome: 2.0 Graduate the maximum number of students with an IB Diploma on an annual basis – On-going Goal Team Leader(s): Diploma Program Coordinator 2.1 80% of graduates achieve the IB Diploma by 2015 2.1.1 Students will achieve at a level that exceeds the national average relative to other IB schools 2.2 90% will test for the complete panel of Diploma Program exams Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 Specific Outcome: 3.0 Students will excel on the TAKS test - On-going Goal Team Leader(s): Heads of Section 3.1 All students will pass the TAKS exams Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 3.1.1 Develop parameters to ensure the students are prepared for State mandated exams in a manner that aligns with the IB instruction 3.2 Exceed the number of commended students relative to internal and external assessments Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 3.2.1 Benchmark the students commended level relative to neighboring school districts 3.2.2 Establish regular and uniform progress reports as it relates to individual students on a year to year and by grade level basis 3.3 Maintain the highest Texas Education Agency rating allowable for public schools Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal Specific Outcome: 4.0 IB Learner Profile will be integrated throughout the entire spectrum of the Westlake Academy curricula and culture – On-going Goal Team Leader(s): Primary, Middle Years and Diploma Program Coordinators 4.1 Students will view learning as a life-long process and possess the following competencies: The ability to think critically, creatively, and solve problems The ability to collaborate effectively, and lead by influence The ability to think flexibly, deal effectively with change, and use a variety of tools to solve problems The ability to adapt to new and unfamiliar surroundings, take initiative, and trust themselves to be creative The ability to communicate effective and cogently (oral and written form) The ability to access and analyze information The ability to ask focused, purposeful questions 7 Desired Outcome ~ High Student Achievement (cont.) (Specific Outcome 4.0—Integration of IB Learner Profile, cont.) 4.2 Students will act as arbitrators to settle disputes Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 4.2.1 Research the availability and integration of formal arbitration training to allow students the opportunity to develop problem solving strategies and dispute resolution skills 4.3 Students will demonstrate the following facets of international-mindedness: Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal Knowledge and understanding beyond one’s own nationality Awareness and understanding of the interdependence among people Awareness and understanding of the independence of people and countries Awareness and understanding of the similarities and differences among people 4.3.1 Students will be provided with a fair and balanced view of issues and event 4.3.2 Curriculum will be presented in a holistic manner, so that both the cognitive and affective domains of learning are stimulated 4.3.3 Promote broad student participation in residential trips 4.4 Explore programs and partnership opportunities to foster international mindedness through the use of cultural/foreign exchange programs, Forgotten Diamonds, sister cities, etc. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2011 Specific Outcome: 5.0 Westlake Academy’s IB curricula and assessment methods are a product of continuous review – On-going Goal Team Leader(s): Administrative Services Coordinator; Primary, Middle Years and DP Coordinators 5.1 Westlake Academy in top performing 5% of the following (for all grades): Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2011 Texas Charter schools Texas public schools Benchmark schools 5.1.1 Use TAKS and additional criteria, such as, SAT, PSAT, Stanford testing, etc. to determine comparable exam scores, applicable data sets and proper comparisons to benchmark our outcomes against other schools 5.1.2 Review the use of the ‘building evidence’ component of the IB to assist the Staff in identifying the appropriate measures and methods to accurately compare our IB success with other schools 5.2 Develop methods to review the curriculum and create alignment with TEKS and between the PYP, MYP and DP programs Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 8 Desired Outcome ~ High Student Achievement (cont.) (Specific Outcome 5.0– Review of IB curricula/assessments, cont.) 5.2.1 Identify subject or activity specific programs (Mathematics, Science, Athletics, Spanish, English, etc.) to be reviewed annually, each spring and fall, for continuous improvement and internal evaluations 5.2.2 Create task force for curriculum recommendations on expansion and/or improvements to cur- rent course offerings (examples: additional foreign language, choir, media arts program, etc.) Specific Outcome: 6.0 Create a list of benchmark schools for educational comparison and explore the formation of a consortium group to foster professional collaboration and methods review - Short-Range Goal Team Leader(s): Administrative Services Coordinator Specific Outcome: 7.0 Work with Council, stakeholders, teachers, and staff to foster a discussion and generate a definition of “What makes an excellent school?” – Short- Range Goal Team Leader(s): Chief Executive Officer and Heads of Section Specific Outcome: 8.0 Students will possess a working proficiency in a second language – Short/Mid-Range and On-going Goals Team Leader(s): Diploma Program Spanish Teacher 8.1 Develop a formalized process to gauge the proficiency levels and gather a teacher based assessment for each student at the beginning of each school year – (PYP, MYP and DP) Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2010 8.2 Students matriculating in grades 6 and 10 meet identified grade level standards for second language proficiency Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 8.3 Graduates will demonstrate the following: Know how to communicate effectively in a number of situations and within the culture where the language is spoken Communicate clearly and effectively in a range of situations; understand and accurately use oral and written forms of the language Express ideas with clarity and fluency while understanding the vocabulary and common usage Possess the ability to understand and respond appropriately to the written and spoken material of average difficult Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 8.4 Explore the feasibility of a full-time Spanish teacher for the primary grades Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2012 9 Desired Outcome ~ High Student Achievement (cont.) Specific Outcome: 9.0 Parents will be encouraged to participate in the educational process to support students in their studies – Short/Mid-Range and On-going Goal Team Leader(s): Primary, Middle Years, and Diploma Program Coordinators 9.1 Develop methods to achieve 100% attendance rate for new parents at parent/teacher meetings Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2011 9.2 Create an educational development process for parents to simulate the student’s IB learning environment and increase their understanding of the curricula Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2012 9.3 Provide parents with information from the IB action kits to further communications, explain curriculum and answer related questions Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2010 9.4 Draft parent commitment agreement, which will explain the homework requirements, IB philosophy and learner profile, along with information relative to each program that will augment the parents understanding of IB and identify the comprehensive structure of the Westlake Academy learning environment Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2010 9.4.1 Provide parenting resources, strategies and weekly focus emails from Staff 9.5 Conduct mandatory new parent meetings to review the parent commitment agreement, and other items specific to Westlake Academy to thoroughly identify the topics and focus items necessary for their children to succeed in the school Estimated Completion Date: On-going 9.5.1 Open meetings to interested parents on the waiting list 9.6 Develop transitional meetings for those students and parents completing one program and moving into another (PYP to MYP/MYP to DP) Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2011 9.7 Identify and provide volunteer opportunities to involve parents/grandparents in the educational process Estimated Completion Date: On-going 9.7.1 Streamline the volunteer application process to reduce the clearance time; research the use of an online application form 9.7.2 Develop process to track the number of volunteer hours and benchmark with other schools and utilize the data in relative grant opportunities 9.7.3 Examine the feasibility of implementing a full-time volunteer coordinator position 9.8 Create content mechanism for quick parent access to their child’s academic progress in all subjects Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2010 9.8.1 Establish standard procedures, timelines and content for all faculty for placement of student grades, assignments, course syllabi, etc. for constant parent engagement of child’s academic progress on a real time basis 10 Desired Outcome ~ High Student Achievement (cont.) Specific Outcome: 10.0 Consistently review the Staff to student ratio to determine reasonable levels of the number of students per class – On-going Goal Team Leader(s): Administrative Services Coordinator 10.1 Heads of Section to perform analysis on an annual basis, during the budget process, and report the information to the CEO Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 11 Desired Outcome ~ Strong Parent & Community Connections The involvement of the entire Westlake Academy community is important to the achievements of the school and the students. Our group of stakeholders include a wide range of different types of individuals and contributors who work in tandem with our educators and Staff on a daily basis. These range from the families of our children, residents of Westlake, corporate businesses who support our efforts, and educational allies, such as various philanthropic foundations. All of whom help to create the unique environment you and your student will find at the Academy. 12 Staff will focus on strengthening our ties within the Westlake community, with neighboring school districts, philanthropic organizations and benchmark schools, through multiple avenues, such as the use of the Academy’s school newspaper, The Black Cow, the development of internship programs with local businesses, collaborative efforts for regional training and forming relationships with education oriented non-profit organizations. The goal of this Desired Outcome is to further inform our residents and families of the current topics of interest to the students with the journalistic reflections and articles found in their news articles along with allowing students the opportunity to explore aspects of the corporate world by working closely with industry leaders. In addition, a parent survey will be presented to the Board for approval on an annual or biyearly basis to promote the formal exchange of information with our parents. This will allow each family with children in the school to express their opinion on a range of topics which are important to the direction of the school and our overall success. Please see the following specific outcomes and indicators associated with Strong Parent Commitment for more information. Desired Outcome ~ Strong Parent & Community Connections, (cont.) Specific Outcome: 1.0 Westlake Academy will work in tandem with the Town to foster community ties – Mid-Range and On-going Goals Team Leader(s): Administrative Services Coordinator 1.1. Distribute the Black Cow newspaper to all households in the Westlake Academy community and Westlake residents Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 1.1.1 Open Black Cow subscription to parents on the waiting list 1.2 Research the development of a newsletter to be distributed to businesses and other concerned parties in the community Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2012 1.2.1 Work with the Director of the Westlake Academy Foundation to determine the level of interest and appropriate subject matter of the newsletter 1.3 Investigate the development of a community education program (Spanish courses, partnerships with local colleges, recycling and composting classes, arts/ceramics) Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 1.3.1 Perform a survey to determine the types of courses according to community feedback 1.3.2 Contact the local colleges and discuss partnerships for on-site credit courses as a satellite campus 1.4 Work with Town Staff to develop an internship program for DP students in the local business community Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 1.4.1 Include the use of job-shadowing on a week-by-week — one time occurrence and/or long term opportunity Specific Outcome: 2.0 Maintain multiple avenues of communication between the school and Westlake Academy stakeholders and develop a communication plan which contains at a minimum: Team Leader(s): Heads of Section; Administrative Services Coordinator – Short-Range and On-going Goals 2.1 Conduct the parent survey on an annual, or bi-yearly, basis to assist the Staff in their educational efforts; identify areas in need of improvement and promote feedback opportunities for the parents Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 2.2 Review the current web site and re-design as needed to increase flexibility and user-friendly aspects of navigation/information Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 2.2.1 Expand Parent survey questions to include additional feedback on web site configuration and usage trends 13 Desired Outcome ~ Strong Parent & Community Connections, (cont.) (Specific Outcome—2.0, Stakeholder Communication, cont.) 2.2.2 Compare CMS platforms to streamline the updating procedures for the web site 2.3 Increase the use of technology and outreach measures to foster transparency and involve the Academy community Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 2.3.1 Develop affiliate access to the web site to provide the House of Commons, Westlake Academy Athletic Club, Black Cow, etc. with the ability to link their home page to the school 2.3.2 Draft parameters for posting content to the web site to ensure consistent delivery of information to parents/students 2.3.3 Publish and maintain grade level web sites and the Academy web site 2.3.4 Research the implementation of online accessible grading systems to inform parents of student progress 2.3.5 Research the Town’s sign ordinance to determine the feasibility of the construction of an informational sign to be placed on J. T. Ottinger Road in order to post events and an- nouncements to the school community and Westlake residents 2.4 Develop and update a community events link through the web site Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 2.4.1 Add community events link to include major events such as Arbor Days, Monster Mash, Tree Lighting Ceremony, Decoration Day, etc. 2.5 Formalize procedures through the CEO’s office to gather feedback from parents and students who withdraw from the Academy and use for continuous improvement Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 Specific Outcome: 3.0 Ensure a smooth transition of new students into Westlake Academy Team Leader(s): Heads of Section; Primary, Middle Years, and DP Coordinators, Primary and Secondary Counselors – Short-term and On-going Goals 3.1 Develop peer mentors for new students and families Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2010 3.1.1 Encourage House of Commons to assist Staff in the development of the peer mentors for families 3.1.2 Utilize the student ambassadors to assist new students with their transition in the West- lake Academy community 3.1.3 Sponsor a mandatory orientation program for new students 3.1.4 Establish annual introductory meetings with DP Coordinator and Secondary Counselor to answer questions and concerns of the student as it relates to the DP Program 14 Desired Outcome ~ Strong Parent & Community Connections, (cont.) Specific Outcome: 4.0 Continue to establish local business support to promote the Academy and community events Team Leader(s): Foundation Director – Mid-Range and On-going Goals 4.1 Increase corporate community participation in events and activities Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2012 4.1.1 Host Westlake Academy night at fast food restaurants to promote fundraising (allow for a portion of sales to return to the school and/or wear spirit wear to receive discount); work with HOC, specific class grades to develop opportunities 4.1.2 Host movie nights, etc. with corporate sponsors to build ‘community’ within the school and Town 4.1.3 Corporate student events – work with business community to sponsor a ‘teaching’ event/night (i.e. Fidelity could speak on saving/investing at an early age, discussions regarding the types of students businesses would like to employ and/or utilize as in- terns) 4.1.4 Discuss the posting of athletic jerseys, photos of athletes, sports statistics, etc. in local restaurants or businesses Specific Outcome: 5.0 Foster ties with organizations which will assist Westlake Academy in achieving their goals - such as, other schools and philanthropic groups (Hudson Foundation and neighboring ISD’s, etc.) – Short-Range Goal Team Leader(s): Chief Executive Officer, Heads of Section and Administrative Coordinator 15 Desired Outcome ~ Financial Stewardship and Sustainability Westlake Academy is in a unique situation being an open- enrollment charter school. Funds for our daily operations are supplied largely through State of Texas public education funds, as well as the Town of Westlake funding. These two funding sources are supplemented by private donations. These important donations are raised primarily through the annual Blacksmith Campaign, which is coordinated and conducted by the Westlake Academy Foundation. Town of Westlake funding, through the municipal budgeting proc- ess, remits payments for the debt service on all bonds issued to build and/or expand the Academy. Cross-organizational support is pro- vided through the combining of departmental resources from the Town departments, which include finance, human resources/ administrative, technology, and facilities maintenance, etc., for the needs of the Academy Staff. 16 Financial stability and the procurement of funds to meet the needs of our current and future students is a priority for the Academy. The school is an open-enrollment charter school that is owned and operated by the Town of Westlake, and as such, is the largest operating department of the Town. A guiding philosophy of the operational practices of the Academy is shown through the use of these types of resource sharing opportunities that avail themselves when a school is owned and operated by a municipality. Since a significant portion of the Town’s municipal budget is allocated to the support and success of the student’s at the Academy, the Town Council/Board of Trustees and the Staff consistently strive to identify and implement cost saving measures which will increase our capacity to serve our students while being good stewards of the financial resources of the Town. The organizational structure which allows the Town Council members to also serve on the Board of Trustees, further displays the commitment to the success of the school found within the Westlake community. The board members are able to gain a broad perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing both the Town as a whole, including the school, while providing consistent and proactive governance policies to guide the Staff. The budget is approved on an annual basis by the Town Council/ Board of Trustees. The board then works closely with the Westlake Academy Foundation including the appointment of members to the Foundations’ Board of Directors. The Town Council/Board members also appoint the executive leadership through the Town Manager/ Chief Executive Officer position. This person oversees and appoints the Westlake Academy Leadership Team, the Academy’s daily operations, and manages the financial components of the school. In addition, the Town Manager/CEO, and Academy Leadership Team, work together in supporting the Board’s policy initiatives, including the Strategic Plan, as well as making recommendations to the Board relative to pol- icy options and IB academic program choices. The Staff will continue to look for ways to implement cost savings measures to maximize our financial return on the money entrusted to us for the student’s education. This will include looking for opportunities to partner with the Westlake Academy Foundation to sponsor fundraising events and working with other philanthropic groups who would like to be a part of the success of Westlake Academy. Please see the following specific outcomes and indicators associated with Financial Stewardship and Sustainability for more information. Desired Outcome ~ Financial Stewardship and Sustainability Specific Outcomes: 1.0 Westlake Academy will work with the Town staff to provide cost effective services to the students and stakeholders Team Leader(s): Administrative Services Coordinator - On-going Goals 1.1 Operate within budget allocation on an annual basis Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 1.1.1 Provide quarterly reports to the Board of Trustees 1.1.2 Staff will remit receipts and deposits to the Finance Department in a timely manner (at least once a week) 1.1.3 Staff will handle monetary transactions in a manner consistent with the Town’s approved financial practices policy 1.2 All purchases will be negotiated and/or researched to ensure the best and lowest possible bid/ price for the Academy Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 1.2.1 Heads of Section and Administrative Coordinator will collaborate to identify the best/ appropriate vendor for school related expenditures Specific Outcome: 2.0 Westlake Academy Staff and students will work with the Town and community to maximize the efficient use of utilities and procurement of school resources – Short-Range Goal Team Leader(s): Administrative Services Coordinator; Facilities and Recreation Director; Technology Coordinator 2.1 Reduce utility costs by 10% within 18-months and explore recycling opportunities Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2011 2.1.1 Promote the conservation of electricity, control the usage of water to non-peak hours and work with the Facilities Director to install rain control sensors for watering 2.1.2 Reduce the use of printers/copiers to lower costs; research ‘printing on demand’ technology similar to college systems (possible electronic submission of assignments) 2.1.3 Recommend new technology to reduce the need to print/copy items (Smart Boards, etc.) 2.14 Work with Public Works and Facilities Director to expand recycling opportunities on campus (computers, paper, etc.) and to involve community in those efforts Specific Outcomes: 3.0 Compensation packages for the educators and Staff will be regularly reviewed to remain competitive with surrounding school districts Team Leader(s): Director of Administrative Services – On-going Goal 3.1 Goals will be set to maintain teacher compensation at a competitive level as compared with surrounding school districts Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 17 Desired Outcome ~ Financial Stewardship and Sustainability (cont.) (Specific Outcome 3.0—Compensation Packages, cont.) 3.1.1 Human Resources Director to perform analysis on an annual basis and prepare a report for the CEO 3.1.2 Study options and feasibility of compensation systems that reward teacher effectiveness relative to student achievement Specific Outcome: 4.0 Staff will support and assist the Westlake Academy Foundation in fundraising and grant opportunities Team Leader(s): Heads of Section – Mid-Range and On-going Goals 4.1 Staff will participate in Gallery Night and other fundraising events Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 4.1.1 Art teachers will serve in an advisory capacity to the Director of the Foundation to promote and recruit parents/students to submit art work for Gallery Night 4.2 Conduct annual joint goal setting meetings with the Foundation and Staff Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 4.3 Create Staff task force to work with the Foundation Director to pursue grant opportunities Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2012 4.4 Work with the Foundation to develop expansion opportunities to increase the number of students who are provided access to the IB programs Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2013 4.5 Begin the Implementation of an alumni program for the Academy Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 Specific Outcome: 5.0 Increase the growth of resources Team Leader(s): Chief Executive Officer; Heads of Section – Short/Mid-Range and On-going Goals 5.1 Strive to reach participation rate of 90% of parents in the Blacksmith Apprentice program to maximize parent participation and support the efforts of the Academy Estimated Completion Date: On-Going Goal 5.1.1 Conduct informational sessions to explain the importance of the Blacksmith program and answer questions regarding the donations 5.1.2 Staff to establish meetings with the Foundation to discuss and identify additional avenues to promote the Blacksmith Program at school events; discuss ways to increase the parents understanding of the linkage of their donations and the actual use in the classroom 5.1.3 Work with the Foundation to prepare and distribute flyers and email notifications to kick-off the campaign drive and follow-up with parents to increase participation rates 18 Desired Outcome ~ Financial Stewardship and Sustainability (cont.) 6.0 Constant study, analysis, and emphasis on effective use of all financial resources to attain long term financial stability Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 6.1 Continued progress each fiscal year to improve Westlake Academy’s operational efficiencies and move closer to fully covering the following; a.) all operating costs and b.) improved coverage of direct/indirect costs in the municipal budget. 6.2 Heads of Section/WALT team to work in tandem with CEO to review the financial requirements and funding options for the school 6.2.1 Research grant opportunities to augment revenue sources 19 Desired Outcome ~ Student Engagement Student engagement is an integral component of the Academy’s cornerstone, the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. The IB curriculum rests on a learning philosophy that emphasizes an individualized, inquiry based platform tailored to a child’s learning strengths and can be seen in the profile traits which are woven into the curriculum of the school. Students are encouraged to display the following behaviors in their school work and extra-curricular activities, which are found in the IB Learner Profile: Inquirers Open-minded Knowledgeable Caring Thinkers Risk-takers Communicators Balanced Principled Reflective 20 Leadership and community engagement opportunities are provided at Westlake Academy through various service requirements used to benefit local charities/non-profit based groups. We also use student-based groups, athletics and are researching the addition of summer educational opportunities to foster student engagement. The Academy has implemented a “House” system where each student and faculty member is assigned to a House for the length of their tenure at the school. Each House was named after individuals who represent the qualities important to our mission statement. The system fosters school and team spirit, along with a sense of community through inter-campus competition and service based projects to help those in need. The Strategic Plan contains initiatives to promote and provide the necessary support for the House system to thrive and increase student participation. Students are also engaged through the use of many extra-curricular opportunities such as, music programs, book and chess clubs, drum line, junior historians, Rotary Interact Club, Future Business Leaders, drama club, dancing clubs, etiquette classes, etc. The goal is to support the IB through these opportunities, which allow the students to be well-rounded individuals with varying interests that can be explored and nurtured in a wide range of student groups. Athletic programs are also important to the school and allow the children to explore their natural talents through competitive sports and active exercise-based participation. We offer several options when it comes to team choice — including, volleyball, soccer, cross-country, six (6) man football, basketball, softball and baseball, to name a few. Many sports are offered for both a boys and girls team, with our soccer teams fielding a co-ed mix of students. Competition is balanced with the educational requirements of the Academy and many of our teams have been successful enough to either advance to or win the Texas Christian Athletes Fellowship state championships in their respective sports. Please see the following specific outcomes and indicators associated with Student Engagement for more information. Desired Outcome ~ Student Engagement (cont.) Specific Outcome: 1.0 Westlake Academy Staff will promote school-wide leadership, athletic, community service and extra-curricular opportunities for students Team Leader(s): Primary, Middle Years, and DP Coordinators; Athletic Director – Short-Term and On-going Goals 1.1 Promote and develop community service opportunities to ensure that all students, K-12, complete the necessary service hours Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2011 1.1.1 Establish online activities calendars, which allow for the coordination of extra-curricular, athletic, and community service activities 1.1.2 Staff will continually review community service guidelines to prepare PYP and MYP students to meet the demands of the CAS requirements in the DP program 1.2 Include or expand wording in the Parent Survey to establish a benchmark approval rating for the athletics sports and extra-curricular programs Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 1.2.1 Administer annual student survey to gauge approval rating and suggestions to the sports and extra-curricular events offered at the Academy 1.2.2 Staff will support and collaborate with the Westlake Academy Athletics Club 1.3 Provide diverse opportunities for non-athletic based extra-curricular programs Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2011 1.3.1 Identify and pursue Staff sponsors for science, debate, Odyssey of the Mind, etc. 1.4 Research and if feasible, implement UIL participation in academic events for students Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 1.5 Develop department based strategic plan for athletic program to identify main goals and objectives to support and serve the student athletes Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 1.6 Examine the current athletic conference and compare with alternative groups, such as the University Interscholastic League (UIL), Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS), for alternative sports opportunities and a broader base of competition schools Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 Specific Outcome: 2.0 Prepare an annual student based survey (current and alumni) to cover topics relative to their ex- periences at Westlake Academy, satisfaction levels with athletics and extra-curricular programs, curriculum feedback, etc. Team Leader(s): Administrative Services Coordinator; Heads of Section – On-Going Goal 21 Desired Outcome ~ Student Engagement (cont.) Specific Outcome: 3.0 Staff will promote and support the House system Team Leader(s): House Coordinator – Mid-Range Goal 3.1 Work with the House coordinator to identify House leadership opportunities and establish regular participation in major events Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2012 3.2 School sponsored service activities to work through the House system to increase participation Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2012 Specific Outcome: 4.0 Westlake Academy will sponsor summer programs for educational advancement Team Leader(s): Middle Years, Diploma Program Coordinator and Secondary Counselor – Mid- Range Goal 4.1 Finalize discussions as to the need and offering of summer school programs for Secondary classes Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 4.2 Research the ability of summer programs of surrounding businesses, such as the Solana Club and other school districts, to expand activities into offerings for Academy students Estimated Completion Date: Spring,2011 Specific Outcome: 5.0 Students will be recognized for achievements Team Leader(s): Heads of Section – On-Going Goals 5.1 Staff will recognize students within the Westlake Academy community Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goals 5.1.1 Recognition to occur at commendation ceremonies; announcements at flag and where applicable, through signs posted around the school, in newsletters, and/or Black Cow, etc. 5.2 Students will receive recognition in local newspapers for educational, service and/or athletic achievements, etc. Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goals 5.2.1 Athletic Director will notify publication entities of sports scores and outstanding student successes 5.2.2 Staff will provide press releases to publications for notable accomplishments in academics or service related activities 22 Desired Outcome ~ Effective Educators and Staff Effective student education cannot and will not occur at Westlake Academy without effective educators and staff. This is a given, and for that reason, this desired outcome has been developed and identified as an important Specific Outcome in the Strategic Plan. Recruitment, development, and retention of faculty and staff are the areas of highest dollar investment by Westlake Academy. Investment in this valuable resource, our employees, yields results in the classroom as the correlation between high student achievement and effective teachers is indisputable. 23 To that end, resources will continue to be marshaled through a variety of initiatives identified in this Plan, all of which, are intended to pursue continuous learning opportunities for Academy faculty and staff. Emphasis will be maintained on providing, but also increasing, IB training to all our teachers with the goal of all faculty having the highest level of IB training available. Other staff learning opportunities will be developed, featured and explored, including but not limited to, collaborative efforts with area schools to bring nationally and regionally known educational trainers and speakers for professional development to nurture a culture of continuous improvement for our teachers. The Strategic Plan identifies the need to map out the Academy’s future campus facility needs so that we can anticipate the types of facilities our teachers need to be effective in the classroom. A multi-year technology plan is slated to be developed through this Desired Outcome to coordinate the further implementation of technology to maximize teacher effectiveness with our students. Development of Westlake Academy as an, “employer of choice”, will also emphasize strong teacher recruitment initiatives to hire teachers who are passionate about what they do and seek to inspire their students to have a passion for learning. Teacher development and retention will include a variety of mentoring and coaching programs that involve the teacher assessing and critiquing their own performance to take it to the “next level” with the facilitation of a performance coach. Finally, a variety of means identified in this Plan will be used to promote an organizational culture that values and fosters leadership and collaboration among teachers across curricula. Please see the following specific outcomes and indicators associated with Effective Educators and Staff for more information. Desired Outcome ~ Effective Educators and Staff, (cont.) Specific Outcome: 1.0 Educators and Staff will attend professional development training/opportunities Team Leader(s): Heads of Section; Primary, Middle Years, and Diploma Coordinators – Short/ Mid-Range and On-going Goals 1.1 Develop an organizational culture and framework for professional development Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goals 1.1.1 Heads of Section to work with Staff to identify the type/frequency of training opportunities 1.1.2 Maintain imbedded professional development within the IB for Staff 1.1.3 Conduct public speaking training, teamwork and leadership development for Staff 1.1.4 Examine the feasibility of developing an in-house professional development coordinator position 1.2 Examine the implementation of a teacher focused professional development program such as the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2010 1.2.1 Prepare a report for the Board of Trustees outlining the benefits and professional development advantages of the program 1.3 Secure funding for the leadership team to participate in the Change Leadership Group training, or similar programs, which focuses on educational leadership and mentoring of teachers Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 1.4 Staff will provide reports on workshops and professional development meetings Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 1.4.1 Develop a workshop summary form to describe experiences and record materials and contacts from workshops; Organize to provide reference for all teachers 1.4.2 Implement effective teaching strategies acquired from attending professional development training sessions 1.4.3 Prepare presentations to the Board of Trustees, on an as needed basis, outlining the benefits and training received at professional development courses 1.5 Research the hosting of professional development courses with surrounding schools and local businesses Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2013 1.5.1 Contact schools to determine interest and opportunities for training 1.5.2 Prepare report and submit to Head(s) of Section/CEO/BOT by Fall of 2010 24 Desired Outcome ~ Effective Educators and Staff, (cont.) Specific Outcome: 2.0 Staff will conduct on-site visits with IB officials for evaluation purposes and perform periodic review of the Academy’s Charter document Team Leader(s): Heads of Section – On-going Goals 2.1 Conduct consistent review of the Academy Charter along with appropriate recommendations to the Board as to necessary procedural changes and amendments Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goals 2.2 Staff will work with administration to complete preparatory activities and official on-site visits for IB evaluation and Charter renewal applications Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goals Specific Outcome: 3.0 Promote an environment and culture which fosters leadership and collaboration across K-12 faculty Team Leader(s): Heads of Section – Short-Range and On-Going Goals 3.1 Hold monthly whole staff/faculty meetings and ‘as needed’ section meetings to promote staff development Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 3.2 Incorporate the strategic plan of Westlake Academy into staff meetings and into staff participa- tion activities Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 3.3 Integrate the mission, vision and value statements of the Academy into documents and staff com- munications; post the information in various school locations Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 3.4 Conduct Westlake Academy Leadership Team meetings on a regular basis Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 3.5 Implement the use of video sessions to provide feedback on meeting structure and avenues for improvement of leadership team and presenters of information to faculty Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2011 Specific Outcome: 4.0 Draft long-range facility master plan and integrate with the capital improvement plan (CIP) for the Town of Westlake Team Leader(s): Chief Executive Officer; Facilities and Recreation Director – Short-Range Goal 4.1 Work with the Leadership Team to establish a viable facility planning and review process Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 4.2 Draft facility master plan (FMP) scope with the Board and receive direction Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2011 4.3 Integrate with the CIP for the Town Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2011 25 Desired Outcome ~ Effective Educators and Staff, (cont.) Specific Outcome: 5.0 WA will recruit, develop, and retain effective and highly qualified teachers , staff and management Team Leader(s): Chief Executive Officer and Heads of Section – Short-Range and On-going Goal 5.1 Develop a specific profile and definition of the traits, abilities, skills, and competencies, which define an “effective, highly qualified and accomplished teacher, support staff (non-teaching) position, and Head of Section (principal) position” Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 5.1.1 Incorporate the profile into the annual review process for Staff 5.2 Create teaching teams to support and review in-class presentations and teaching methods Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2012 5.2.1 Video tape four (4) classroom sessions for each teacher, on an annual basis, to create a method for coaching Staff 5.3 Review the use of ‘Fund 100’ for teacher and staff development opportunities (teacher grants, professional development, legacy teachers) Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 5.4 All teachers will receive IB training, as well as Staff and administrators becoming conversant in all state requirements Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 5.5 Perform exit interviews with all teachers/staff to determine reasons for leaving and possible im- provements Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 5.5.1 Closely monitor and track reasons for voluntary contract refusal Specific Outcome: 6.0 Develop a multi-year technology plan for the Academy Team Leader(s): Director of Administrative Services – Mid-Range Goal Specific Outcome: 7.0 Structure, systems, and protocols that address academic and administrative needs will be implemented and communicated to Staff Team Leader(s): Administrative Coordinator – Mid-Range Goal 7.1 Compile a list of all internal processes (e.g. field trip procedures, check requests, attendance, expense accounts, etc.) and place in a single manual for teachers/staff Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2012 7.2 Codify all procedures and protocols for the school and make the accessible to faculty and staff Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2012 7.2.1 Compile a list of all reports required for IB, state and federal authorities and put into place procedures to ensure full compliance 26 3 Village Circle, Suite 202 ~Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-430-0941 ~ Fax: 817-430-1812 ~ www.westlake-tx.org MEMORANDUM Date: December 7, 2009 TO: Municipal Leadership Team Westlake Academy Leadership Team FROM: Tom Brymer, Town Manager/CEO Westlake Academy SUBJECT: Council Meeting Schedule and the Strategic Planning/Budget Calendar for Both Westlake Academy and the Town of Westlake The 2010 Board/Council meeting calendar has been compiled. We have incorporated, as much as possible, key dates for meetings focused on strategic planning and/or budgeting for both Westlake Academy and the Town. Here is some additional detail presented in a different format than what is on the proposed calendar: Westlake Academy Academic Services Budget and Strategic Plan • Dec. 2009- WALT meeting to discuss FY 10-11 Budget • Jan. 2010- meet with WA affiliates for joint planning for FY 2010 • Jan. 4, 2010 present draft WA Strategic Plan to BOT • Feb. 1, 2010- discussion with BOT of broad overview of WA’s 2010-2011 (early input, including review of updated WA financial forecast) • March/April 2010- parents’ survey • June 18, 2010 WA FY 10-11 Proposed Academic Services Budget and Strategic Planning Retreat (note: this is a Friday and would be from 9:00am to 1:00pm) • August 16, 2010- Board adoption of WA FY10-11 Academic Services Budget Town of Westlake Municipal Budget • Jan. 25, 2010- Review of Strategic Plan progress to date/discuss Citizens’ Survey • Feb. 22, 2010- Council ranking of municipal programs/services • May 12, 2010- New Council orientation • May 24, 2010- After election strategic planning retreat to preview the municipal budget (early input), Town financial forecast, and discuss progress and updates to the strategic plan • Aug. 13, 2010- Presentation of FY 10-11 proposed municipal budget in retreat (note: this is a Friday and would be from 9:00am-1:00pm) • Sept. 27, 2010- Council adoption of FY 10-11 municipal budget Memo Westlake Academy To: Honorable President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Tom Brymer, CEO Subject: Workshop Meeting of April 5, 2010 Date: March 30, 2010 Discussion of Board of Trustee Governance as Set Out in Dr. Brian Carpenter’s An Introduction to Effective Charter School Governance, Chapters 1-2. ITEM Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community owned International Baccalaureate Charter School whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible citizens. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MISSION/ VISION STATEMENT Academic Achievement WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential BACKGROUND (including policy implications and options): At the December 7, 2010 Board meeting, the Board agreed to place on its future workshop agendas, when agenda work load permitted, the discussion of chapters from Dr. Brian Carpenter’s book, An Introduction to Effective Charter School Governance. The Board consensus was that each Board member would take a turn leading the discussion on the topics in Dr. Carpenter’s book. Board member Larry Corson has agreed to lead the first discussion session under this format which will be on Chapters 1 (How We Got Here) and 2 (Accountability Times Two: Part 1- Market Accountability) of Dr. Carpenter’s book. N/A FUNDING RECOMMENDATION : The purpose of this agenda item is pursuit of continuous improvement of the Board’s governance role, in this case utilizing in-house learning methods and resources. Recommend that all Board members read Chapters 1and 2 and Dr. Carpenter’s book and come prepared to discuss them in the context of how this information and material relates to the Board’s governance role for Westlake Academy. ATTACHMENTS: None. BOARD CALENDAR - Bandana Bonanza May 1, 2010 - Election Day May 8, 2010 - Board Meeting May 10, 2010 - New Board Trustee/Council orientation May 12, 2010 o Texas Charter Schools Association Conference May 12-14, 2010 - Westlake Academy Graduation May 23, 2010 o Decoration Day May 31, 2010 o Board Meeting June 7, 2010 o Board Budget Retreat – Off Site June 18, 2010 (Friday 9:00 – 1:00) o Board Meeting (adoption of budget) August 16, 2010 Westlake Academy Item #10 Board Calendar FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under “Future Agenda Item Requests”, an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the CEO with the requested item and the CEO will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item’s relationship to the Board’s strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the CEO will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. Rick Rennhack Home Schooled children participating in WA sports. Carol Langdon A student parking lot with student only access off of Ottinger Road. Westlake Academy Item # 11 – Future Agenda Items Westlake Academy Item # 12 – Adjournment Back up material has not been provided for this item.