HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA SP Council PresentationWestlake Academy Strategic Planning “Pursuing excellence, facing challenges.” 4/5/2013 1 4/5/2013 2 - Lewis Carroll “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there” Lewis Carroll 4/5/2013 3 Vision/Mission “Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community-owned International Baccalaureate charter school whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life -long learners who become responsible global citizens.” 4/5/2013 4 Values (Guiding Principles) Academic Success through IB Curriculum Student and family oriented environment Being a municipally owned and operated charter school Engaged students with international awareness Community involvement and support Diverse learning experience 4/5/2013 5 Desired Outcomes High Student Achievement Strong Parent and Community Connections Financial Stewardship and Sustainability Student Engagement Effective Educators and Staff 4/5/2013 6 Definitions and Explanations for the Desired Outcomes High Student Achievement Develop inquiring, knowledgeable, caring and disciplined young people who use their unique talents to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect Strong Parent and Community Connections To involve all stakeholders in building a better Westlake Academy community Financial Stewardship and Sustainability To ensure sufficient, well-managed resources to support and advance the mission of Westlake Academy Student Engagement To ensure that athletics, community service and extra-curricular activities are held to the same standard of excellence as the curricula programs to promote well-balanced students Effective Educators and Staff Recruit, develop and retain a core faculty and staff with the personal qualities, skills and expertise to work effectively with inquiry-based, student-centered curricula 4/5/2013 7 Mission / Vision Value Statements Desired Outcomes Specific Outcomes Action Steps 4/5/2013 8 Value Desired Outcome = High Student Achievement • Students will be well prepared to matriculate and succeed in college – Short-Range and On-going Goals Team Leader(s): Heads of Section • 100% of students are passing classroom exams • 60% of students qualify for National Honors Society • Graduate 100% of our students • 100% college enrollment for all graduates • Students perform at a level exceeding state average on college entrance exams (ACT, SAT) Specific Outcome Measurable Achievement Indicators 4/5/2013 9 Academic Success through IB curriculum Strategic Plan Performance Measures Developed using the principals from Dr. Brian Carpenter’s measurement guidelines Academy’s Present Performance Mission-Specific Outcomes In d i v i d u a l G a i n s Absolute Performance Re l a t i v e Pe r f o r m a n c e 4/5/2013 10 Desired Outcome = H igh Student Achievement Specific Outcomes 1.0 – Students will succeed in college (pg. 1) 2.0 – Graduate the maximum number of students with IB Diploma (pg. 2) 3.0 – Students will excel on TAKS exams (pg. 3) 4.0 – IB Learner Profile will be integrated into curricula and culture (pg. 3) 5.0 – Continual review of IB assessment methods and curricula (pg. 4) 6.0 – Create list of benchmark schools (pg. 5) 7.0 –Discuss and define ‘What makes an excellent school” (pg. 5) 8.0 – Working proficiency in a second language (pg. 5) 9.0 – Parent participation in educational process (pg. 6) 10.0 – Consistent review of staff to student ratio (pg. 7) 4/5/2013 11 Desired Outcome = Strong Parent & Community Connections Specific Outcomes 1.0 – Academy will work with Town to foster community ties (pg. 7) 2.0 – Maintain communication between stakeholders and Academy (pg. 8) 3.0 – Ensure smooth transition of new students (pg. 9) 4.0 – Continue to work with and promote Academy to local businesses (pg. 10) 5.0 – Foster ties with organizations who can assist the Academy (pg. 10) 4/5/2013 12 Desired Outcome = Financial Stewardship & Sustainability Specific Outcomes 1.0 – Academy will work with Town to provide cost effective services (pg. 10) 2.0 – Staff will efficiently use utilities and school resources (pg. 11) 3.0 – Regularly review compensation packages for the Academy (pg. 11) 4.0 – Staff will support the Foundation in fundraising and grants (pg. 11) 5.0 – Increase the growth of resources (pg. 12) 4/5/2013 13 Desired Outcome = Extracurricular Activities Specific Outcomes 1.0 – Promote school-wide leadership, athletic comm. svc., etc. opportunities (pg. 13) 2.0 – Prepare annual student survey (pg. 14) 3.0 – Promote and support the House system (pg. 14) 4.0 – Sponsor summer programs for educational development (pg. 14) 5.0 – Recognize students for their achievements (pg. 14) 4/5/2013 14 Desired Outcome = Effective Educators & Staff Specific Outcomes 1.0 – Attend professional development opportunities (pg. 15) 2.0 – Conduct on-site IB visits and assist with Charter renewal (pg. 16) 3.0 – Promote leadership and collaboration across K-12 faculty (pg. 16) 4.0 – Draft long-range facility master plan (pg. 17) 5.0 – Recruit, develop and retain qualified staff members (pg. 17) 6.0 – Develop multi-year technology contract (pg. 18) 7.0 – Implement systems to address academic and administrative needs (pg. 18) 4/5/2013 15