HomeMy WebLinkAboutMath Review Report | | \ � . � . J�-iv Cl2\� . APRIL, } WESTLAKE ACADEMY Math Review r 1 t Simon 1St (MYP Mathteacher) Claudia urt e-Cable (PYP Coordinator) Math evie ° Barbara ri (Head Jamie it (Head of Primary) David Jenkins (Head of Secondary) Mary Carlson (MYP Mathteacher) Livia (G5 teacher) Alison Schneider (GI teacher) Emily e rd (G4 teacher) MATH REVIEW REPORT RT 2 April,2008 r - 1 WEST KE Aa C R D E M '! Statement of Intent Westlake Academy's Head of School requested the creation of a math review team to coordinate a review to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of Westlake Academy's current K-10 mathematics teaching and learning. The ultimate goal is to observe and analyze the curriculum, teaching practices, the learning and resourcing, to ensure the mathematics education Westlake Academy students are receiving prepares them to successfully develop conceptual understanding that will be transferred and connected to other disciplines. In addition to that, this review will focus on mathematics, a key discipline that needs to be the center of attention of all practitioners in the US. This set of commendations and recommendations is intended to guide Westlake Academy's head of School, Heads of Section and teachers as it revises the current mathematics practices and is the first review instance that will help Westlake Academy continue to develop a rigorous curriculum based on best practice in education. MATH REVIEW REPORT 3 April, 2008 KE WA A, C A, D E M Y Summary At the request of the Head of school, Mr. Aisthorpe (IVDP Math teacher) and Ms. ®urthe-Cabale (PYP Coordinator) spent two months coordinating this Math Review. Using teams of MYP and PYP teachers, we observed and analyzed math classes at the MYP and PYP level. Using a set of descriptors (Appendix A) we focused on the curriculum, the classroom practice, the students, and resources and accommodations. We observed and analyzed these aspects of the teaching and learning of mathematics using anecdotal records, curriculum documents, and interviews. We did so by always having in mind the connection between those elements and the development of mathematical processes related to defining and solving problems, reasoning, connecting mathematical concepts to each other and to the larger world, and communicating about mathematics. The hard work of all the Westlake Academy educators is reflected in the school's relatively high scores on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), Stanford Tests, and the PSAT. However, compared to the standards of key states and high achieving countries, it is our considered opinion that the US is not expecting enough of its students. In this report, we present several commendations and recommendations that have the purpose of helping WA to construct an even stronger common understanding of what purposeful and effective mathematic teaching and learning looks like. MATH REVIEW REPORT 4 April, 2008 1^- E "EE Process A set of descriptors to guide the lesson observations were developed by the review coordinators and the Head of School. Those descriptors focused on aspects of the curriculum, classroom practice, the students, and resourcing and accommodations. The descriptors had the purpose to guide and focus the observations and to help the observers generate data that could be compared in a qualitative manner. Regarding the curriculum, the groups focusing on this aspect used the following documents to elaborate their conclusions: TEKS, PYP Scope and Sequence documents, PYP S&S-TEKS alignment, PYP Planners, PYP Math Integration Matrix, MYP Matrix, MYP Math-TEKS alignments. After deciding which guidelines to define as the focus of the observations, the "Math Review Team" was formed. The team included the HOS, Head of Secondary, Head of Primary, 3 PYP teachers and 2 MYP teachers in addition to the review coordinators. Each member of the review team observed between 3 to 6 lessons and gave written feedback. Based on that feedback the team was divided into pairs and each pair focused on one aspect of the review and presented a written report. Each written report was discussed with the whole team and the final observations where passed on to the review coordinators. It is based on those reports and final observations that this final report has been elaborated. MATH REVIEW REPORT 5 April, 2008 q � WESTLAKE A e A D E M Y Commendations, ec ti s and Matters to be Addressed. Curricula Commendations There is a clearly defined curriculum in the TEKS, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills as outlined by the state of Texas Department of Education. ® Westlake Academy not only follows the TEKS, but also has a school document that aligns the IB curriculum documents (Scope and Sequence and Course Descriptions) with the TEKS. Any TEKS that are not addressed within the IB curriculum documents are also taught by teachers. Combining such documents creates an enhanced, more detailed, more challenging and more complex curriculum. The PYP has also created a math integration matrix, focusing on providing a meaningful context for the application of scope and sequence expectations and facilitating more meaningful transdisciplinary connections. In all sessions observed, the curriculum was clearly defined and reflected. An inquiry-based/applied math approach was evident, and the students had the opportunity to partake in authentic, "hands-on" activities in all sessions which added a very concrete and necessary dimension to the teaching and learning of mathematics. Overall, the Math curriculum reflects the School's Mission through its rigor, innovative approaches, and by focusing on the needs of each student to develop a thirst for knowledge, and maximize individual potentials Recommendations In service training should be made available to train teachers to make better use of the school's existing technology to enhance delivery of the curriculum. Teachers in the PYP need guidance on how often and much time to devote to the teaching and learning of mathematics. TAKS results should be analyzed and the results should be used to highlight and address any areas for development. Programs such as Singapore Math should be investigated and their implementation considered. MATH REVIEW REPORT 6 April, 2008 jc i W}�y� gg ;@fir E r Classroom Practice A C A D E M Y Commendations Lessons observed were well-prepared and effective. All reviewers are in agreement that students were engaged, actively participated in lessons, and teachers set high expectations for every student. Teachers consistently draw on and make connections with the students' prior knowledge and, on several occasions, make reference to pattern-based strategies which seem to be very effective, particularly for students who may not have fully grasped the concepts at hand. With regard to assessment, verbal assessment/questioning was observed, and it was evident that students understood criteria and the purpose of their inquiries and learning. Recommendations Teachers should make the objectives of the lesson clearer to the students. Peer observation of the teaching of mathematics should be continued and developed in order to maintain and improve the sharing of best practices. Differences in learning styles should remain a focus for teachers. Students Commendations Student interviews were carried out across the entire WA spectrum (K-GIO), with each grade level being represented by 6 students of a range of abilities. The students were very engaged and enthusiastic in all sessions observed. Enthusiasm was also apparent during all of the student interviews. Through the class observations and the interviews it was very evident that most students see math as a non-intimidating subject. They seem to approach math in a very relaxed way due to the hands-on and inquiry based approach that is consistent across the board. MATH REVIEW REPORT 7 April, 2008 WEE Resources and Accommodations M Y The layout of the classroom is appropriate for the effective delivery of the curriculum. The resources are available and they are of good quality. There is an optional Math Club for 4-6 and MYP students. The students benefited from the extra challenges and achieved outstanding results when competing at regional and state level. Recommendations An audit of the school's mathematics resources should be carried out. Teachers will be more likely to use available resources to improve delivery of the curriculum if they know what we have and where to find it. A central location should be made available to store shared equipment. Resource programmes such as Singapore Math should be investigated and their implementation considered. Materials for the remediation of students that have performed poorly in TAKS should be purchased. Extra curricular mathematics activities, when provided, should be more widely promoted. ESC Region 11 provides many low cost or free training opportunities for teachers of mathematics. These courses often provide free resources that can be used in the classroom. We should maximize our use of these opportunities. The profile of mathematics should be raised throughout the school. Displays in classrooms and around the school can play a key role in achieving this goal. To learn about and use what we already have and is not used to its full potential (Applets, Calculators, Success Maker, etc) MATH REVIEW REPORT 8 April, 2008 ' WESTL KE Ai C A D E M Y Conclusion Although the math review has been carried out and a report written that puts forward recommendations and highlights many commendations, the review process should not stop here. The process of review itself has been beneficial to all involved as a means of encouraging self reflection and as a way to allow teachers to have a broader view of mathematics across the whole school. We already have high standards of achievement and continued review should enable us to build upon our successes in order to achieve even more in the future. We recommend the design of an action plan stating dates, responsibilities, budget implications, and expected outcomes to put into concrete action the recommendations suggested by the review team. MATH REVIEWREPORT 9 April, 2008 -4 1! ;' 0 ,t WESTLAKE ACADEMY APPENDIX MATH REVIEW REPORT 10 April, 2008 r� WESTLAKE A C A D E M Y Westlake tReview Purpose of the review Reflective practice is encouraged and it should be continuously developed throughout our journey as an IB school. Being aware of our strengths and weaknesses in the teaching and learning of Math will help us continue growing, developing, and improving our practice. Goals of the review I. To identify good practice and to establish common criteria and a framework for excellence throughout the school. 2. To share good practice and benefit from collaboration and constructive ideas for improvement. 3. To map the progression of concepts and skills throughout school. 4. To identify areas of resourcing and support. 5. To raise standards of teaching and learning and to improve the schools' overall quality. 6. To promote and develop reflection and a reflective practice. The Context of the Review 1. It should focus on educational standards, and the process of self- evaluation. ® It should be designed to promote a positive spirit and build morale. . Classroom observation and analysis of learner attainment and classroom environment will be more important than concern for policy documentation and organizational aspects. 4. It should focus on teaching methodologies and learners learning processes. Practical recommendations for raising standards should be the outcome. MATH REVIEWPORT 11 April, 2008 { p fc �, WESTL:AKE aVP iia`.f 3 5. The review will not focus an individual teacher or class assessment but provide a whole school picture of how teaching and learning takes place. 6. It should be descriptive, not prescriptive. Review Team Structure (lead of School Mead of Primary School PYP Coordinator MYP Math Team (Mr. Aisthorpe, Mrs. Carlson, Mr LeSurf) 1 Teacher from KG-G2 1 Teacher from G3-G4 1 Teacher from G5-G6 Aspect of Teaching and Learning Math to be Observed thr®ugh Classroom Visits. 1® Classroom practice Class rituals and routines i Planning and classroom management ® Teaching strategies ® Differentiation 20 Curricula • Planning and classroom management ® Learning progress: feedback and assessment 3® Students ® Students interactions e Resources and Accommodation ® Classroom environment a Resources MATH REVIEW REPORT 12 April, 2008 ' ESTL K MATH REVIEW REVIEW REP .SRT I G e to -am. m Ra�'c z"n c lOr Time j Appoint a 1'YP and a I ,'appoint PYP and a ( 1-fOS410P f By `Mart of 08/09 school Coordinator in place overseeing " ec-d?,24.1ary N la th` Coordinator to Secoiidary :Matti year I action plan and coordinating Ovei fce H-li 3lemenUItion of coordinator Porn ('101,11111 .1liei timi bc;f,4e'een PYP i I c;oil 3llc:ClcltlC)tiS 1Clc1 �-'tlrrent Staf,I. teachers,1"S, , 'f lth I c't`(e1t' Tearn `ci.12C1 I ! coordhiate further Spare Man.aw;e€i ent: .l cam. irn}rovements. f re omrttc ndadons I j j with Coordinators. I I N4Y0 0 1�tatl� t Gtt�� 1t,cc t��rit(� � �clt�,dt11� t� t�it(:I1�y I°v1 ttl� C.'ootcls � e 4: 1:1e 7i111 ilii <'�L.'�.r I vicct;ng fakes place. Detasls of i Math c,c}rii`c inator and nic ting bef'orc stall 08. � further actionsdecided. I lliYl' 1 Yi' coordinator regalarly0f 1Tf 1v tern, to Saar f I ! to monitor i# plementation of findings and discuss Coords t t'cOi113nc'.i`1dc1tion>. 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Develop pro'gram (A I Short: sessions, A I �.ac11c,rs ire tl t 1 j j I' I' a )°ci 11c�ad I C)� "� i -se's ice 1��1't, c , I 1 (: )> al; L }cl� r s 3 i. i n< t1rCi£1.11cC 0:1 .flf)1L 1}ltiz'lI trlliC. to j i> 1� 1�2 tl.', ! r.)t)t. new" sC lkC1C?z year correct time to rl1athernatics, I �, i. I { devote to teaching o nnath s, i Suggestions t I, PKS resr_�!ts slrc)trlcl Student sGc)r'c r[I I t'r''s,KS /1s soc)r� a.. t1�c resuhs c(� t .<c.r r willif fc ;E)1» onf t'H;alYZed ar,cl r'eSUhS Wed be paved onto Te i Qomlinmor are obt r nen they should his/her new students' results on the j next t(acht"r be r'e+.:t:)I'ded c7nd 17ctssed first. day of the" 4"IC'.w school year. o I" � (c,tS n.i11 a t o i i hm Success 11���� (4 clCjlul':> sri;iLllL{ rl�cilt l"14 Staff I f VsrIC 17132`1"3t 1 � 1} i.;tlll ste alestel _�Rtuf Observations ` ill ivE:C,t'tl`ine if C)1dect4vt.'":s of the lesson clearer i:llnC should be Generalists and ClevekTrnent calendar. j objccftives are shared .7,'6tll students, to studerus al5cated to sharing, MYP Math j ideas on [i v,; best to is(;flC-hers s slid° putt i f7i31trC;'eives with - — ---- s t u d c 1 r t5 --- ------. _ __ -- - — ObservaRion continued and All staf obs rve at 1 Aj1 ? per year 1 by Deco By MEC' 08 all st.at Ni vill have deveiopmL least two Generalists observed a rnatl3 lesson .from a M.atlt lessons per Math Coor°els, r i different grade 3o tncll` own, V1i11 C l) tl 1" L1 C ()l 1; �. � l t it)It j Ask tca�,llers to ; 1,11., Various dates. �r t least three trc inirls�$ sessions wHI i 1 attend sessions and Mat.1l j have been a1teii(led by WA staff I t'E'13o1`t: Mtldit1gi C;oo2'Cllll{iA, j and -['indult?;S reportedI } [)ECWPrint Ma list C) i � { l Ctv f:r.r 1.4:t.1)fe courses .`ies � j distribute (teachers, Make short i i presentation «r3 how WES FLAKE II to Mgn oil - t _._._..--------------- .__ E_..__ C` 1 n F� � 'IP4➢� f' cd aCn d�C`5 r �$1 ➢c ae 1�C.0 C19 1 3i ___e ____T _ _ _., __. — —.._._ _ __..,_, __-----__v__. dl`!v oLII an audit of di 1:,1ch Wader Ali IPYP AISIBy NV 21 any ��)bse vations Oi it indicate i Mere schools € iatl`('.1.1dt1cal Ci)1?1]: it a list of � SWI � con"Imunal resources has been an 1#'ti.rease in use of .eSoLi("ces available Math I will be in shared area materia 15, in their morn. cooldinoltor and dint ol1eso1.11ccs As cl group teachers available to all, j 'decide ide 00 llicll of � I diose resoL[mes i should be :7tt1i'(,'(E in tt I C.%413 i1 t1.Linctl a,1`e. 2. � i Use f~AK S results to mediate All Students that Fail AH teachers c < 8" {7 i ts, gr 1 F 1 t � `1[1C.1 � � , ick{�� e111C1 t) ,�€4i.Cle 1 � t0,tc_iI1 ii"t I�tzl.,f, elle 'IrI,s't. 51 CCSC7x I i 111 n, te:11 zn1.leS, of are close to. j SPEDtt <1.C'.hC l'S ' lit?Lf1Cl i C C tl V'C this help 23 01' school 1 fail1xig to receive If they fail a practice test December 1 t� nt�.;Cil�it€C?[1. SchoolI in 1. C,C;(.',1"tlbC;," It1lCl j I c % til purchase � i 4 ominue through tim i rnaterials (l_ uck':le iCwinainder of tile Year, Down?) 7)UKICMIS VVII0 fail OFI ' ii1Cl will receive it ee1.0 e a low scmv on extra hop 11`s1:am ­rAmis Ovill receive I throughout the lie]p for the regia inder ? j j school year focus,llg of the year and Cltiiing I on their particularc, 1 the �Coliovvin year. area of Nvea14ness. recei1A of E1 low s✓ ?1C, I Investigate Imshase of j Find inEol n�lation Math }EYP staff report LXCI Gn made, �,vhet.hcr to S'Li, foie Math Programme, Mating to the !_coordinator. 1 findings by OCT' 09 —1 purchase 9 VE S T I A K,E eC A 11 E ;NI A Ecislon in Singa,,po e Math ! jog anaue. rejadn g to the, A#cC0kam Wings by OCT01) I purchase b3l NOV 09 I Singapore M'aths' ! Contact SUpplli..t. f Or j inspection Copies,F�ind cost. j f I � r � C� ?t�`C \ �1t � lgoing L , Cattendance l" ( ti("Promote after schcol actk C'Jes tM curricular math, ! Math Curricular math events, activides and report Coo i`diriatoi s sl Raise profile c�1�mat1'iernaiics � Math related ; �'Y1� By end of rst 12 WC,-k i i�++�� to cl t � �t tICG�t ii�lll tvcstls u4111 rliAc� i 1, iit tt c sclmol d plays hi A! PYP i {'Ew��c�l�ina Period a14 i I�� z��isi�,t� th�i°�7��1'is��ii t1�E �c1��)01 � W IL-lake esL Academy MM =�S Item ## 4 — Report announcing appointment new and DP Coordinators. Back up material has not been provided for this item.