HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-10-07 BOT Agenda PacketTOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA December 10, 2007 WESTLAKE CIVIC CAMPUS - BOARD ROOM 2600 J. T. OTTINGER ROAD 6:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. 3. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007 ANNUAL AUDIT REPORT FROM STOVALL, GRANDEY & ALLEN, LLP. 4. HEAR REPORT FROM HEAD OF PRIMARY REGARDING PRIMARY YEARS PROGRAM (PYP). 5. HEAR REPORT FROM MIDDLE YEARS PROGRAM (MYP) AND DIPLOMA PROGRAM COORDINATOR REGARDING THE DIPLOMA PROGRAM (DP) AUTHORIZATION VISIT. 6. HEAR REPORT FROM HEAD OF SCHOOL REGARDING STATUS OF WAITING LIST AND THE NEW OPEN ENROLLMENT APPLICATION PROCESS. 7. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. A. Review and approve minutes of the School Board of Trustees meeting held on November 12, 2007. B. Review and approve any outstanding bills. 8. ADJOURNMENT. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, and Westlake Civic Campus, 2600 J.T. Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas, on Friday, December 7, 2007, by 6 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Westlake Academy Memo To: President and Members of the Board of Trustees From: Barbara Brizuela, Head of School Debbie Piper, Finance Director Subject: Regular meeting of December 10, 2007 Date: December 3, 2007 ITEM Consider a resolution approving the FY 2006/2007 annual audit report from Stovall, Grandey & Allen, LLP. BACKGROUND Stovall, Grandey & Allen, CPAs have completed the Westlake Academy 2006-2007 annual financial audit report. As in prior years, we again had no "Findings", reportable conditions nor material weaknesses to be reported to TEA. Findings are items required by TEA to be reported regarding TEA compliance, large variances in budget vs. actual balances, etc. TEA doesn't necessarily look upon these as bad (they require an explanation of all "Findings" and review in subsequent years), but it certainly looks good for the Academy not to have any for the current year. Upon review of the financials, it should be noted that our ending fund balance increased by $264,020 providing a fund balance of $691,740 for the year ended August 31, 2007. Of this amount, $670,172 represents our cash balance. Total FY 2007 expenditure increases over FY 2006 were $422,700. This is a 19% increase over the prior year. $245,883 (58%) of this amount can be attributed to instruction and related expenditures. Revenues increased by $491,091 (20%). $462,690 of this total is from state revenue. Please review the Management Discussion and Analysis document included in the audit for additional statistical information and Academy achievements during the year ended August 31, 2007. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval. WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 07-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY TO APPROVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007 ANNUAL AUDIT REPORT FROM STOVALL, GRANDEY & ALLEN, LLP. WHEREAS, Section 7.3.6 of the Data Collection & Reporting section of the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide Update 11.0 requires that the annual financial and compliance report be audited by an independent auditor; and WHEREAS, Section 7.3.6 of the Data Collection & Reporting section of the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide Update 11.0 requires the audit report be submitted to the Division of School Financial Audits of TEA no later than 150 days after the close of the fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the audit report must be approved by the Board of Trustees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy does hereby approve the fiscal year 2006/2007 annual audit report from Stovall, Grandey & Allen, LLP. SECTION 2: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 10th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2007. ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Attorney Scott Bradley, President S GwA Stovall Grande), & Allen LIT November 13, 2007 To the Board of Trustees Westlake Academy Sao W Street We have audited the financial statements of Westlake Academy (the "Academy") for the Site 900 year ended August 31, 2007, and have issued our report thereon dated October 25, 2007. Fort Worth, Texas Professional standards require that we provide you with the following information related to 76102-4702 our audit. Phone 817-6.32-2700 Fxx 817-632-2598 Our Responsibility Under U.S. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards www.sga-cpas.com As stated in our engagement letter dated June 15, 2007, our responsibility, as described by professional standards, is to plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement and are fairly presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Because an audit is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute assurance and because we did not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that material misstatements may exist and not be detected by us. As part of our audit, we considered the internal control of the Academy. Such considerations were solely for the purpose of determining our audit procedures and not to provide any assurance concerning such internal control. Significant Accounting Policies Management is responsible for the selection and use of appropriate accounting policies. In accordance with the terms of our engagement letter, we will advise management about the appropriateness of accounting policies and their application. The significant accounting policies used by the Academy are described in Note I to the financial statements. No new accounting policies were adopted and the application of existing policies was not changed during 2006-2007. We noted no transactions entered into by Westlake Academy during the year that were both significant and unusual, and of which, under professional standards, we are required to inform you, or transactions for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. Accounting Estimates Accounting estimates are an integral part of the financial statements prepared by management and are based on management's knowledge and experience about past and current events and assumptions about future events. Certain accounting estimates are particularly sensitive because of their significance to the financial statements and because of the possibility that future events affecting them may differ significantly from those expected. No significant estimates were noted during the current year. Audit Adjustments For purposes of this letter, professional standards define an audit adjustment as a proposed correction of the financial statements that, in our judgment, may not have been detected except through our auditing procedures. An audit adjustment may or may not indicate matters that could have a significant effect on the Academy's financial reporting process (that is, cause future financial statements to be materially misstated). See attached schedule for a complete listing of all adjusting journal entries. The Academy has approved all proposed audit adjustments. There were no proposed audit adjustments that were not recorded by the Academy. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & BUSINESS ADVISORS Westlake Academy November 13, 2007 Page 2 Disaereements with Manaizement For purposes of this letter, professional standards define a disagreement with management as a matter, whether or not resolved to our satisfaction, concerning a financial accounting, reporting, or auditing matter that could be significant to the financial statements or the auditor's report. We are pleased to report that no such disagreements arose during the course of our audit. Consultations with Other Indenendent Accountants In some cases, management may decide to consult with other accountants about auditing and accounting matters, similar to obtaining a "second opinion" on certain situations. If a consultation involves application of an accounting principle to the governmental unit's financial statements or a determination of the type of auditor's opinion that may be expressed on those statements, our professional standards require the consulting accountant to check with us to determine that the consultant has all the relevant facts. To our knowledge, there were no such consultations with other accountants. Issues Discussed Prior to Retention of Independent Auditors We generally discuss a variety of matters, including the application of accounting principles and auditing standards, with management each year prior to retention as the Academy's auditors. However, these discussions occurred in the normal course of our professional relationship and our responses were not a condition to our retention. Difficulties Encountered in Performing the Audit We encountered no significant difficulties in dealing with management in performing our audit. This information is intended solely for the use of the Board of Trustees and management of the Academy and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. Very truly yours, LLP STOVALL, GRANDEY & ALLEN, LLP Fort Worth, Texas Adjusting Entries By Entry Number FY 2007 Westlake Academy 1214/2007 Adjusting Entries Must Adjustment be Approved by District. Debit Account Number Credit APPROVED BY: Adjusting Entry Number: 1 199 -41 -6211 -00 -701 -7 -99 -000 1,031.25 199 - 41 -6499 -00 - 701 -7 -99 -000 148.00 199 - 41 -6399 -00 - 701 -7 -99 -000 209.06 199 - 51 -6319 -00 - 001 -7 -99 -000 69.90 199 - 51 -6319 -00 - 001 -7 -99 -000 39.17 199 - 51 -6319 -00 - 001 -7 -99 -000 245.82 199 - 51 -6256 -00 - 001 -7 -99 -000 6,926.00 199 - 51 -6256 -00 - 001 -7 -99 -000 7,751.88 199 - 51 -6257 -00 - 001 -7 -99 -000 737.50 199 - 51 -6249 -00 - 001 -7 -99 -000 360.00 199 - 00 -2123 -00 - 000 -7 -00 -000 17, 518.58 Remarks: Accrued A/P given to us by the client upon arrival. Adiusting Entry Number: 2 199 - 00 -1411 -00 - 000 -7 -00 -000 1,224.97 199 -11 -6143 -00 - 001 -7 -11 -000 1,224.97 Remarks: Proposed AJE from client to clear prepaids. (17,518.58) (17,518.58) (1,224.97) (1,224.97) Adjusting Entry Number: 3 199 - 00 -1290 -00 - 000 -7 -00 -000 1,352.00 199 - 00 -5744 -01 - 000 -7 -00 -000 (1,352.00) 1,352.00 (1,352.00) Remarks: Journal Entry received from client to book additional receivable from the Blacksmith Apprentice Program. 1 Adjustments to Worksheet by Adjustment Number FY 2007 Westlake Academy 12/4/2007 Control Adjustment Adjustments Must be approved by District. Code Control Description Debit Credit APPROVED BY: Adjustment Number: 1 Column: Reclassifications 3600 Unreserved Fund Balance - General Fund 674,524.00 3900 Unrestricted Net Assets (674,524.00) 3430 Prepaid Items 17,216.00 3870 Restricted for Prepaid Expenses (17,216.00) 691, 740.00 (691, 740.00) Remarks: To reclass fund balance i WESTLAKE A C A D E M Y Report on the Revised Open Enrollment Process and an Update on the Waiting List In the Charter renewal documents submitted last year, we revised our enrollment process to comply with the TEA Charter School Division recommendation that we had too long of a period for accepting applications. Although we had, to that date, accepted applications for classes with a waiting list on a rolling basis, making certain to mark the application form with the date on which it was turned in to the office, we changed our policy to comply with the requested shorter time period. Our new policy states that we will accept applications from December 1" through January 31st Our office staff contacted everyone who had submitted applications for 2008-09 before this new policy was adopted and asked them to come in on December 3`d (the first working day of December) to resubmit the application. All people approaching the school after the adoption of the new policy about applications were told to submit them between December 3`d and January 3150 On December 3`d, there were people standing in line as of 3:00 am. These were not lottery applications but waiting list applications as first-come, first-served is the rule for applications when there is a pre-existing waiting list. At 6:30 am, we began to give out numbers and the procedure for the day. Applications were accepted as of 9:00 am. Kindergarten lottery applications do not need to be dated. They are accepted between December 15L and January 315` and the same random selection process used in the past will be maintained. Ads will go in the local papers to announce that we are accepting Kindergarten applications and letters will go out to Westlake Academy families to assure that siblings get their applications in so that we know how many vacancies we will have available at the time of the lottery. Attached is an update of the numbers on the existing waiting lists. Friday, December 7, 2007 Siblings on list Total on list (including sibling) Kindergarten 0 144 1st 1 115 2nd 1 132 3rd 2 183 4th 4 142 5th 10 120 6th 7 114 7th 1 70 8th 0 84 9th 1 18 10th 0 7 TOTALS 27 1129 SO FAR: 1 employee for Kindergarten 08-09 6 siblings for Kindergarten 08-09 38 applications for Kindergarten lottery so far 08-09 0 MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING November 12, 2007 PRESENT: President Scott Bradley and Board Trustees Larry Corson, April Gallagher, Don Redding, Pete Steger, and Bob Timmerman. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Head of School Barbara Brizuela, Secretary Kim Sutter, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Executive Assistant Ginger Awtry, DPS Director Don Wilson, and Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer. 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Bradley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION President Bradley recessed the regular session of the Town of Westlake Board of Trustees meeting at 6:00 p.m., as he read the following item to be discussed in executive session: A. The Board will conduct a closed session under Texas Government Code section 551.074 to discuss personnel matters. President Bradley convened the executive session at 6:01 p.m. The executive session adjourned at 6:45 p.m. 3. RECONVENE MEETING. The Board reconvened into regular session at 6:46 p.m. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION ACTION. There was no action taken. Town of Westlake Board of Trustees Page 2 of 5 Regular Meeting November 12, 2007 5. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. Ms. Shannon LaRue, 1855 Broken Bend Drive, Westlake, Texas, addressed the Board regarding the need for a dispute resolution process to include students, parents, faculty, and community members to address unresolved parent concerns and staffing issues. President Bradley advised that the subject will be discussed at a future workshop. Ms. Rebecca Rollins, 13239 Roanoke Road, Westlake, Texas, addressed the Board regarding the status of the parent/student handbook as she has not received a copy. Head of School Brizuela responded that the handbook should be available from the Academy's website. Ms. Carol Langdon, 1832 Broken Bend Drive, Westlake, Texas, addressed the Board regarding the need to add and modify existing programs. Ms. Langdon suggested the expansion of the current buddy system, and the possibility of hosting an introduction and welcome program for new students entering the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. 6. HEAR REPORT FROM WESTLAKE ACADEMY STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS. Head of School Brizuela introduced the 2007-2008 Westlake Academy Student Council officers. President Patrick Watson, Vice President Tyler Springer, Treasurer Brooke Awtry, and Secretary Noah Rollins addressed the Board regarding recent events, planned activities and goals for the year, fundraisers, and school dances. 7. HEAR REPORT FROM WESTLAKE ACADEMY STUDENTS WHO ATTENDED THE YOUNG NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE. Head of School Brizuela introduced the following 7t` grade students who participated in the Young National Leadership Conference: Ms. Taylor Braun, Ms. Bridget Ledak, Ms. Casey Gallagher, Ms. Marsha Kubyshko, and Ms. Jordan Lee. The students shared their experiences of the six day trip with the Board. 8. HEAR REPORT FROM WESTLAKE ACADEMY STUDENTS REGARDING HALLOWEEN CANDY DRIVE. Mrs. Courtney Jenkins advised the Board that a total of 199.1 pounds of candy was collected by the students and donated to Grapevine Relief and Community Exchange (GRACE) to be included in Holiday baskets. Town of Westlake Board of Trustees Page 3 of 5 Regular Meeting November 12, 2007 11. HEAR REPORT FROM WESTLAKE STAFF REGARDING PARTICIPATION IN THE FEAST OF SHARING. Mrs. Courtney Jenkins addressed the Board regarding the item, and stated that the faculty helped serve meals to 3,000 families on November 7, 2007. Mrs. Jenkins advised the Board that the Feast of Sharing is an opportunity for faculty and staff to become involved. Mrs. Jenkins outlined community service opportunities available to the students and outlined community service opportunities in which students have participated. Ms. Bailey Cockrum, 1825 Broken Bend Drive, stated that she participated in a school - wide service trip last year by greeting troops arriving at DFW Airport, and expressed her desire to continue to participate in this service trip and suggested the project be expanded to include the second grade as well. Ms. Cockrum shared a letter with the Board from a soldier who was greeted at the airport by Westlake Academy students. 9. HEAR REPORT FROM HEAD OF SCHOOL REGARDING GOLD MEDAL TEA AWARD AND RECENT STANFORD ACHIEVEMENT TEST RESULTS. Head of School Brizuela addressed the Board regarding the item and stated that the Gold Medal Award was given for student achievement in the areas of reading, math, writing, social studies, science, and attendance. Head of School Brizuela highlighted the results of the recently administered Stanford Achievement Test. 10. HEAR REPORT FROM HEAD OF SCHOOL REGARDING 10 -YEAR PROJECTIONS FOR THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY. Head of School Brizuela summarized the 10 -year projection plan to the Board. Ms. Brizuela reviewed the assumptions utilized to create the report. In summary, Ms. Brizuela explained that the projection assumes only a small increase in state revenue and a 3% increase in student revenue annually, as well as a 3.5% salary increase for staff. Trustee Corson complimented the Head of School on the detail and approach of the plan, and suggested including the projections as a part of the budget process in the future. Mr. Corson inquired as to the decision to address capital expenditure assumptions regarding operational aspects of the Academy. Head of School Brizuela advised that the original Academy building has not been included in the assumptions as the Town owns the facility. However, Ms. Brizuela noted that the projections include a recommendation to consider a capital expenditure item in 2010-11 to include the expansion of the dining room facilities. Town of Westlake Board of Trustees Regular Meeting November 12, 2007 Page 4 of 5 Trustee Corson suggested that staff consider presenting capital expenditure requirements for the Town and the Academy, and establish a process to identify the priority between the two. Trustee Corson further recommended that a reserve fund be established to address the needs of a physical building. 12. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHANGES TO THE PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK REGARDING UNIFORM POLICY, AND THE PARENT COMPLAINT PROCESS. Head of School Brizuela outlined the changes to the uniform policy. Ms. Brizuela stated that the changes are recommended to accommodate students enrolled in the MYP, and to provide further clarification regarding the parent complaint process. MOTION: Trustee Redding moved to approve Resolution No. 07-11, authorizing changes to the Parent/Student Handbook as presented. Trustee Gallagher seconded the motion. Trustee Timmerman stated that he feels the complaint procedure policy requires further review to clearly outline the steps in the parent complaint process and suggested action not be taken at this time. Mayor Bradley asked if the Board would consider adopting the changes as presented and hold a workshop to consider additional changes. AMENDED MOTION: Trustee Redding amended the motion to approve the Resolution as presented, and conduct a workshop to revisit the parent complaint policy at a later date. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 13. CONSENT AGENDA. President Bradley introduced the item and asked for a motion. A. Review and approve minutes of the School Board of Trustees meeting held on October 22, 2007. B. Review and approve any outstanding bills. MOTION: Trustee Timmerman moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Trustee Steger seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5- 0. Town of Westlake Board of Trustees Regular Meeting November 12, 2007 14. ADJOURNMENT. Page 5 of 5 There being no further business, President Bradley adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON DECEMBER 10, 2007. Scott Bradley, President ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Date Run: 12-03-2007 3:56 PM Cnty Dist: 220-810 From 11-15-2007 To 12-03-2007 YTD Check Register WESTLAKE ACADEMY Sort by Check Number Program: FIN1800 k1 Page: 1 of 3 File ID: C Check Check Vend TYP Nbr Date Credit Memo Nbr Payee _ Fnd-Fnc-Obj.So-Org-Prog_ Cd Reason Amount 001492 11-20-2007 00197 AMAZON.COM 199-12-6329.00-001-899000 C READING MATERIALS 446.16 001493 11-20-2007 00431 ART VIDEO WORLD 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C READING MATERIALS/VIDIC 31.88 001494 11-20-2007 00266 ATMOS ENERGY 199-51-6255.00-001-899000 C MONTHLY SERVICE 260.39 001495 11-20-2007 00281 BANK OF THE WEST 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C FITNESS AWARD 36.50 199-11-6399.00-001-823000 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 34.95 199-11-6399.00-001-823000 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 461.95 199-13-6411.00-001-899000 AIRFARE 184.80 199-13-6411.00-001-899000 AIRFARE 216.80 199-13-6499.00-001-811000 CONFERENCE FEES 299.00 199-13-6499.00-001-811000 MEMBERSHIP DUES 118.00 199-41-6499.00-701-899000 FINANCE CHARGE 35.16 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 FIELD TRIP 489.00 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 FIELD TRIP 489.00 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 PSAT 175.00 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 SPORTS UNIFORMS 795.33 Check 001495 Total: 3,335.49 001496 11-20-2007 00010 BORDEN 199-35-6341.00-001-899000 C MILKS AND JUICES 132.91 199-35-6341.00-001-899000 MILKS AND JUICES 230.71 199-35-6341.00-001-899000 MILKS AND JUICES 279.61 199-35-6341.00-001-899000 MILKS AND JUICES 316.29 199-35-6341.00-001-899000 MILKS AND JUICES 242.93 Check 001496 Total: 1,202.45 001497 11-20-2007 00482 DANA BRAUN 199-41-6499.00-701-899000 C LUNCH FOR ROBERT SCOT 242.82 001498 11-20-2007 00265 BUS BANK 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C G9 RESIDENTIAL TRIP TO T 7,975.00 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 G9 RESIDENTIAL TRIP TO P 2,750.00 Check 001498 Total: 10,725.00 001499 11-20-2007 00467 MARIA BUSICO de FLIGHT 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C MEMBERSHIP 108.20 199-41-6499.00-701-899000 TRAVEL 82.00 Check 001499 Total: 190.20 001500 11-20-2007 00320 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUP 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C SUPPLIES 75.15 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 SUPPLIES 39.30 Check 001500 Total: 114.45 001501 11-20-2007 00483 CHILDRENS CANCER FUND 865-00-2190.25-000-800000 C FUNDRAISER G3 250.00 001502 11-20-2007 00352 ELITE SPORTS OFFICIALS 865-00-2190.30-000-800000 C SPORTS OFFICIALS FOR Gi 595.00 001503 11-20-2007 00001 ESC REGION XI 199-41-6239.00-701-899000 C WIN SCHOOL COMMITTMEP 4,655.00 001504 11-20-2007 00477 GLOBAL ELEM MODEL UNITE 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C REG FOR G8 MUN STUDEN" 675.00 001505 11-20-2007 00469 GREEN MEADOWS CULTUR< 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C NATIVE LANDS AT LYNN CF 369.00 001506` 11-20-2007 00484 HAL LEONARD CORP 865-00-2190.17-000-800000 D DUPLICATE PAYMENT -537.89 865-00-2190.17-000-800000 C GETKNW MATTRESS SHOVE 537.89 Check 001506 Total: .00 001507 11-20-2007 00066 KALEIDOSCOPE INFO. SVC 11 199-11-6395.00-001-811000 C ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISST/ 1,298.97 199-53-6219.00-001-899000 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISST< 7,207.25 199-53-6219.00-001-899000 POSTINI FILTERING 37.50 Check 001507 Total: 8,543.72 indicates voided checks Date Run: 12-03-2007 3:56 PM YTD Check Register Program: FIN1800 Cnty Dist: 220-810 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Page: 2 of 3 From 11-15-2007 To 12-03-2007 Sort by Check Number File ID: C Check Check Vend TYP Nbr Date Credit Memo Nbr Payee _Fnd-Fnc-Obj.So Org=Prog Cd Reason Amount 001508 11-20-2007 00246 KIDCONNECTION THERAPY 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 C SPECIAL ED SERVICES 142.50 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPECIAL ED SERVICES 95.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPECIAL ED SERVICES 712.50 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPECIAL ED SERVICES 380.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPECIAL ED SERVICES 332.50 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPECIAL ED SERVICES 285.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPECIAL ED SERVICES 332.50 Check 001508 Total: 2,280.00 001509 11-20-2007 00132 LAMINATOR WAREHOUSE 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C LAMINATE 100.68 001510 11-20-2007 00250 LEXIS NEXIS RISK MANAGEI\ 199-41-6219.00-701-899000 C SCREENINGS 10.00 199-41-6219.00-701-899000 SCREENINGS 206.46 Check 001510 Total: 216.46 001511 11-20-2007 00088 DARCY MCFARLANE 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 C SUPPLIES 31.47 001512 11-20-2007 00485 MOTEL 6 199-13-6411.00-001-899000 C HOTEL ROOM 52.89 001513 11-20-2007 00013 OFFICE DEPOT 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C SUPPLIES 382.56 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 95.64 Check 001513 Total: 478.20 001514 11-20-2007 00041 PANDA EMBROIDERY 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C PATCHES 376.00 001515 11-20-2007 00059 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C SUPPLIES 192.24 001516 11-20-2007 00087 SUSAN SHIELDS 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 C SPEECH AND LANGUAGE T 542.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH AND LANGUAGE T 455.00 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH AND LANGUAGE T .50 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH AND LANGUAGE T 50.00 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH AND LANGUAGE T 140.00 Check 001516 Total: 1,187.50 001517 11-20-2007 00480 SIR SPEEDY PRINTING 865-00-2190.29-000-800000 C NEWSLETTER 1,195.90 001518 11-20-2007 00243 TWELVE OAKS CATERING 199-00-5751.00-000-800000 C TRANSFER UNUSED DTUDE 355.00 001519 11-20-2007 00422 TERRI WATSON 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C DRAWING PAPER 25.92 199-13-6411.00-001-899000 FOOD 3.85 199-13-6411.00-001-899000 MILAGE 204.48 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 ENTRANCE FEE 48.00 Check 001519 Total: 282.25 001520 11-20-2007 00415 DANIELA WHITE 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 C POSTAGE 21.73 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 WALGREENS - LABELS 19.90 Check 001520 Total: 41.63 001521 11-20-2007 00128 XACT BUSINESS SOLUTION 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 C LETTERHAED 742.37 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 ACADEMY FORMAT 90.50 Check 001521 Total: 832.87 001523 11-29-2007 00348 DELTA JANITORIAL SERVICE 199-51-6249.00-001-899000 C NOV JANITORIAL SERVICE; 3,848.00 001524 11-29-2007 00021 DENTAL SELECT 199-00-2153.00-021-800000 C DENTAL SELECT 632.05 001525 11-29-2007 00349 JACKSON SUPPLY 199-35-6342.00-001-899000 C NON-FOOD 79.78 001526 11-29-2007 00486 NOEL M NAJERA 865-00-2190.30-000-800000 C GAME OFFICIAL 320.00 * indicates voided checks Date Run: 12-03-2007 3:56 PM YTD Check Register Program: FIN1800 Cnty Dist: 220-810 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Page: 3 of 3 From 11-15-2007 To 12-03-2007 Sort by Check Number File ID: C Check Check Vend Typ Nbr Date Credit Memo Nbr Payee Fnd-Fnc-Obj.So-Org-Prog Cd Reason Amount 001527 11-29-2007 00013 OFFICE DEPOT 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C SUPPLIES 35.21 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 SUPPLIES 694.13 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 SUPPLIES 20.77 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 34.72 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 84.80 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 157.21 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 174.60 Check 001527 Total: 1,201.44 001528 11-29-2007 00020 UNUM LIFE INSURANCE 199-00-2153.00-010-800000 C UNUM LIFE 178.75 001529 11-29-2007 00435 UTICA INSURANCE 199-00-1411.00-000-800000 C WORKERS COMPENSATIOP 805.00 001530 11-29-2007 00484 HAL LEONARD CORP 865-00-2190.17-000-800000 C MUSIC/DRAMA/ARTS 37.89 Grand Totals: 46,362.56 End of Report indicates voided checks t -1v Westlake Academy Math Review: January 2008 WESTLAKE A C A D E M Y Areas of Review Review team information Review Team B Brizuela, Head of School S Aisthorpe, MYP Math, Review Coordinator C Ourthe-Cabale, PYP Coord., Review Coord. J Schmitz, Head of Primary D Jenkins, MYP/DP Coordinator A Schneider, G1 teacher E Setford, G4 teacher L Miller, G5 teacher M Carlson, MYP Math M LeSurf, MYP Chemistry & IT Curriculum Classroom Practice Students Resources and Accommodations Mary Carlson, Alison Schneider Emily Setford, Mark LeSurf David Jenkins, Jamie Schmitz Livia Miller, Barbara Brizuela Each Review Team member will be expected to help with their Area during the week, gathering data on that Area, then using it to write a Final Area Report for submission to the Review Coordinators within 10 days of the end of the Review week. The format of the Final Area Report is attached to this document. Prior to the Review process it is advisable to inform parents and students in general of what is taking place within the context of it being a normal process of review. Westlake Academy Math Review: January 2008 Purpose of the Review: Reflective practice is encouraged and it should be continuously developed throughout our journey as an IB school. Being aware of our strengths and weaknesses in the teaching and learning of Math will help us continue growing, developing and improving our practice. Goals of the review 1. To identify good practice and to establish common criteria and a framework for excellence throughout the school. 2. To share good practice and benefit from collaboration and constructive ideas for improvement. 3. To map the progression of concepts and skills throughout the school. 4. To identify areas needing resourcing and support. 5. To raise the standards of teaching and learning and to improve the school's overall quality. 6. To promote and develop reflection and reflective practice. The Context of the Review 1. It should focus on educational standards, and the process of self-evaluation. 2. It should be designed to build morale and promote positive spirit. 3. Classroom observation and analysis of learner attainment and classroom environment will be more important than concern for documentation and organizational aspects. 4. The Review should focus on teaching methodologies and the learners' learning processes. Practical recommendations for raising standards should be the outcome. 5. The Review will not focus on individual teachers or class assessment but rather provide a whole school picture of how teaching and learning takes place. 6. The Review should be descriptive, not prescriptive. Aspects of Teaching and Learning Math to be Observe through Classroom Visits 1. Class routines and rituals 2. Planning and classroom management 3. Teaching strategies 4. Differentiation 5. Learning progress: feedback and assessment 6. Classroom environment 7. Resources and the use of them 2 Westlake Academy Math Review: January 2008 Reviewer Final Area Report A. Curriculum 1. There is a clearly defined curriculum available 2. There is alignment between written curriculum and practice 3. The curriculum reflects the School's Mission 4. The curriculum is appropriate for students' abilities 5. The curriculum adequately enables students to progress. 6. Assessments are clearly defined and sufficiently varied to accommodate individual variations in ability and learning styles. 7. Resources are available to meet the needs of the program 8. The available resources are used to meet the needs of the program 9. Appropriate use is made of media and technology 10. The curriculum makes an appropriate contribution to the whole school curriculum 11. The curriculum provides opportunity to stretch the most able and support the least able 12. An extracurricular program is available to all pupils 13. The previous 3 years' performance indicators show that the students are fulfilling their potential Comments: SA 3 Westlake Academy Math Review: January 2008 B. Classroom Practice SA SD 1. Lessons observed were well-prepared and effective 2. Lesson objectives were clear 3. Students were engaged 4. There was full and active participation in the lessons Observed 5. There was evidence a varied methodology in the lessons �... 6. The lessons observed cater for the needs of all the v Students in the class 7. The teachers have high expectations of students mar,. Comments: rd Westlake Academy Math Review: January 2008 C. Students 1. Students seemed well motivated towards math 2. There was evidence of a variety of assessment Techniques 3. There was evidence of regular and up-to-date Marking 4. Pupils understood their assessments 5. There was evidence of students working to the Best of their ability 6 Students felt comfortable with the subject 7. Students felt concerns were listened to 8. Students with difficult felt supported 9. Able students felt they had the opportunity to study In depth 10. The system of rules was clear to students 11. Students felt there was a clear and fair system of Sanctions 12. Students interact appropriately with each other Comments: „,4J k" Westlake Academy Math Review: January 2008 D. Resources and Accommodations 1. Classroom provision 2. Provision of books 3. Provision of AN materials 4. Provision of IT materials 5. Library provision 6. Provision of adult support 7. The layout of the classroom is appropriate for the Effective delivery of the state curriculum 8. This area is appropriately resourced to enable the Effective delivery of the curriculum 9. Visual displays are stimulating and updated Comments: f, Q Z> SA SD G Westlake Academy Math Review: January 2008 Observer Teacher: Westlake Academy Math Lesson Observation Sheet Obsv. Start time End time: Concept and Learning Objective: Class: Prompts OK? Comments Classroom practice Promptness of start of lesson Rituals and routines Objectives shared, expectations set. Use of questioning Addressing student misconceptions Variety of methods to suit different learners Interaction between students and teacher Addressing poor behavior Teacher communication -voice, positioning, writing. Curriculum Appropriate topic for ability level What math concept is being taught? Interesting/challenging work Link to previous learning Planning for differentiation Assessment of learning Students Engagement/ motivation of students Student to student interaction What are the students doin ? Resources and Accommodation What resources are the students using? Use of technology Math related classroom dis la s Layout of room Use of adult assistance Westlake Academy Math Review: January 2008 Classroom Observation Focus: ♦ Raising standards. ♦ Helping the students learn math more effectively. Before the observation: ♦ Discuss with the teacher how your presence is to be explained to the class, what you are going to do, where you should sit, your exact time of arrival. ♦ Discuss what you will need before the observation, such as the lesson plan, handouts, etc. ♦ Read the lesson plan, paying particular attention to the learning objective. Take notes showing what parts went as expected, had to be changed, and so forth. ♦ Agree a time and place to discuss the lesson. During the observation: ♦ Keep the lesson plan with you and refer back to it as needed. r, ♦ Look at the children's work to see what the lesson is building on. ♦ Sit outside the direct line of the teacher's vision, but where you can see the children and what the teacher is doing. When the children are doing activities move around to ascertain the effectiveness of the teacher's explanations, organization and choice of task. " ♦ Keep the checklist with you at all times and make notes about what actually happens, focusing on the agreed areas. Make hypotheses and judgments as you gather evidence. Try to tell a story of the lesson, by noting cause and effect. ♦ Think about the student's learning and what it is about the teaching that is helping or hindering it. Note what children actually achieve. Look through children's books to get a feel for their progress and the teacher's marking. ♦ Avoid teaching the children yourself. As far as possible be unobtrusive. w ♦ Remember that your presence will normally have an effect on the pupils. It is sometimes useful to leave the room and to get a feel for the atmosphere as you go back in. This can also be used when the lesson is going badly because it gives the teacher the opportunity to pull the class together. ♦ Look friendly and positive throughout, even if things aren't going as planned. Say something positive to the teacher as you leave the class. Post -observation: ♦ Take time to reflect after the observation. ♦ Agree with the teacher on a time and place where you won't be disturbed. ♦ List strengths and a few areas for development. Focus on the teaching and learning that took place, using specific examples of what the students did and said. ,"A Westlake Academy Math Review: January 2008 ♦ Encourage reflection and listen well by asking open-ended questions. (How do you think the lesson went? What pleased you the most? Why? What were you trying to achieve? What did the students learn? What did the lower attaining students learn? What did the higher attaining students learn? Why did you choose that activity? If you taught the lesson again, what would you do differently? What will you do in the follow-up lesson?) ♦ Paraphrase and summarize what the teacher says. Be sensitive to how the teacher is taking your feedback. ♦ Highlight strengths and identify areas for development. Interview with students: ♦ Select a quiet, undisturbed location. ♦ Pupils should be asked to bring their folders/binders/notebooks for the subjects with them. ♦ Two reviewers should be involved in each interview. ♦ One reviewer will carry out the interview while the other will take notes. ♦ The students should be seen in groups. ♦ Encourage the students to show and explain their work. ♦ Ask open-ended questions. (What is your favorite piece? Why? What is your least favorite piece? In which ways is your understanding assessed? How does the teacher know if you've understood a concept/activity? How do you know if you've understood a concept/activity?) ♦ The interview should always be non -threatening. ♦ After the interview a summary of it should be written by both reviewers. 7 Date Run: 12-03-2007 3:56 PM YTD Check Register Program: FIN1800 Cnty Dist: 220-810 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Page: 1 of 3 From 11-15-2007 To 12-03-2007 Sort by Check Number File ID: C Check Check Vend Typ Nbr Date Credit Memo Nbr Payee Fnd-Fnc-Obj.So-Org-Prog Cd Reason Amount 001492 11-20-2007 00197 AMAZON.COM 199-12-6329.00-001-899000 C READING MATERIALS 446.16 001493 11-20-2007 00431 ART VIDEO WORLD 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C READING MATERIALS/VIDIC 31.88 001494 11-20-2007 00266 ATMOS ENERGY 199-51-6255.00-001-899000 C MONTHLY SERVICE 260.39 001495 11-20-2007 00281 BANK OF THE WEST 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C FITNESS AWARD 36.50 199-11-6399.00-001-823000 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 34.95 199-11-6399.00-001-823000 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 461.95 199-13-6411.00-001-899000 AIRFARE 184.80 199-13-6411.00-001-899000 AIRFARE 216.80 199-13-6499.00-001-811000 CONFERENCE FEES 299.00 199-13-6499.00-001-811000 MEMBERSHIP DUES 118.00 199-41-6499.00-701-899000 FINANCE CHARGE 35.16 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 FIELD TRIP 489.00 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 FIELD TRIP 489.00 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 PSAT 175.00 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 SPORTS UNIFORMS 795.33 Check 001495 Total: 3,335.49 001496 11-20-2007 00010 BORDEN 199-35-6341.00-001-899000 C MILKS AND JUICES 132.91 199-35-6341.00-001-899000 MILKS AND JUICES 230.71 199-35-6341.00-001-899000 MILKS AND JUICES 279.61 199-35-6341.00-001-899000 MILKS AND JUICES 316.29 199-35-6341.00-001-899000 MILKS AND JUICES 242.93 Check 001496 Total: 1,202.45 001497 11-20-2007 00482 DANA BRAUN 199-41-6499.00-701-899000 C LUNCH FOR ROBERT SCOT 242.82 001498 11-20-2007 00265 BUS BANK 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C G9 RESIDENTIAL TRIP TO T 7,975.00 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 G9 RESIDENTIAL TRIP TO P 2,750.00 Check 001498 Total: 10,725.00 001499 11-20-2007 00467 MARIA BUSICO de FLIGHT 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C MEMBERSHIP 108.20 199-41-6499.00-701-899000 TRAVEL 82.00 Check 001499 Total: 190.20 001500 11-20-2007 00320 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUP 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C SUPPLIES 75.15 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 SUPPLIES 39.30 Check 001500 Total: 114.45 001501 11-20-2007 00483 CHILDRENS CANCER FUND 865-00-2190.25-000-800000 C FUNDRAISER G3 250.00 001502 11-20-2007 00352 ELITE SPORTS OFFICIALS 865-00-2190.30-000-800000 C SPORTS OFFICIALS FOR Gi 595.00 001503 11-20-2007 00001 ESC REGION XI 199-41-6239.00-701-899000 C WIN SCHOOL COMMITTMEP 4,655.00 001504 11-20-2007 00477 GLOBAL ELEM MODEL UNITE 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C REG FOR G8 MUN STUDEN' 675.00 001505 11-20-2007 00469 GREEN MEADOWS CULTURE 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C NATIVE LANDS AT LYNN CF 369.00 001506` 11-20-2007 00484 HAL LEONARD CORP 865-00-2190.17-000-800000 D DUPLICATE PAYMENT -537.89 865-00-2190.17-000-800000 C GETKNW MATTRESS SHOVE 537.89 Check 001506 Total: .00 001507 11-20-2007 00066 KALEIDOSCOPE INFO. SVC 11 199-11-6395.00-001-811000 C ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISST/ 1,298.97 199-53-6219.00-001-899000 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISST/ 7,207.25 199-53-6219.00-001-899000 POSTINI FILTERING 37.50 Check 001507 Total: 8,543.72 * indicates voided checks Date Run: 12-03-2007 3:56 PM YTD Check Register Program: FIN1800 Cnty Dist: 220-810 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Page: 2 of 3 From 11-15-2007 To 12-03-2007 Sort by Check Number File ID: C Check Check Vend Typ Nbr Date Credit Memo Nbr Payee - _ _Fnd_Fnc_gb So-Or9_Prog-_ Cd Reason Amount 001508 11-20-2007 00246 KIDCONNECTION THERAPY 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 C SPECIAL ED SERVICES 142.50 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPECIAL ED SERVICES 95.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPECIAL ED SERVICES 712.50 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPECIAL ED SERVICES 380.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPECIAL ED SERVICES 332.50 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPECIAL ED SERVICES 285.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPECIAL ED SERVICES 332.50 Check 001508 Total: 2,280.00 001509 11-20-2007 00132 LAMINATOR WAREHOUSE 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C LAMINATE 100.68 001510 11-20-2007 00250 LEXIS NEXIS RISK MANAGEh 199-41-6219.00-701-899000 C SCREENINGS 10.00 199-41-6219.00-701-899000 SCREENINGS 206.46 Check 001510 Total: 216.46 001511 11-20-2007 00088 DARCY MCFARLANE 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 C SUPPLIES 31.47 001512 11-20-2007 00485 MOTEL 6 199-13-6411.00-001-899000 C HOTEL ROOM 52.89 001513 11-20-2007 00013 OFFICE DEPOT 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C SUPPLIES 382.56 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 95.64 Check 001513 Total: 478.20 001514 11-20-2007 00041 PANDA EMBROIDERY 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C PATCHES 376.00 001515 11-20-2007 00059 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C SUPPLIES 192.24 001516 11-20-2007 00087 SUSAN SHIELDS 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 C SPEECH AND LANGUAGE T 542.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH AND LANGUAGE T 455.00 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH AND LANGUAGE T .50 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH AND LANGUAGE T 50.00 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH AND LANGUAGE T 140.00 Check 001516 Total: 1,187.50 001517 11-20-2007 00480 SIR SPEEDY PRINTING 865-00-2190.29-000-800000 C NEWSLETTER 1,195.90 001518 11-20-2007 00243 TWELVE OAKS CATERING 199-00-5751.00-000-800000 C TRANSFER UNUSED DTUDE 355.00 001519 11-20-2007 00422 TERRI WATSON 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C DRAWING PAPER 25.92 199-13-6411.00-001-899000 FOOD 3.85 199-13-6411.00-001-899000 MILAGE 204.48 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 ENTRANCE FEE 48.00 Check 001519 Total: 282.25 001520 11-20-2007 00415 DANIELA WHITE 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 C POSTAGE 21.73 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 WALGREENS - LABELS 19.90 Check 001520 Total: 41.63 001521 11-20-2007 00128 XACT BUSINESS SOLUTION: 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 C LETTERHAED 742.37 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 ACADEMY FORMAT 90.50 Check 001521 Total: 832.87 001523 11-29-2007 00348 DELTA JANITORIAL SERVICE 199-51-6249.00-001-899000 C NOV JANITORIAL SERVICE; 3,848.00 001524 11-29-2007 00021 DENTAL SELECT 199-00-2153.00-021-800000 C DENTAL SELECT 632.05 001525 11-29-2007 00349 JACKSON SUPPLY 199-35-6342.00-001-899000 C NON-FOOD 79.78 001526 11-29-2007 00486 NOEL M NAJERA 865-00-2190.30-000-800000 C GAME OFFICIAL 320.00 * indicates voided checks Date Run: 12-03-2007 3:56 PM YTD Check Register Program: FIN1800 Cnty Dist: 220-810 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Page: 3 of 3 From 11-15-2007 To 12-03-2007 Sort by Check Number File ID: C Check Check Vend Typ Nbr Date Credit Memo Nbr Payee Fnd-Fnc-Obj.So-Org-Prog Cd Reason Amount 001527 11-29-2007 00013 OFFICE DEPOT 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C SUPPLIES 35.21 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 SUPPLIES 694.13 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 SUPPLIES 20.77 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 34.72 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 84.80 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 157.21 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 174.60 Check 001527 Total: 1,201.44 001528 11-29-2007 00020 UNUM LIFE INSURANCE 199-00-2153.00-010-800000 C UNUM LIFE 178.75 001529 11-29-2007 00435 UTICA INSURANCE 199-00-1411.00-000-800000 C WORKERS COMPENSATIOI` 805.00 001530 11-29-2007 00484 HAL LEONARD CORP 865-00-2190.17-000-800000 C MUSIC/DRAMA/ARTS 37.89 Grand Totals: 46,362.56 End of Report * indicates voided checks MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING November 12, 2007 PRESENT: President Scott Bradley and Board Trustees Larry Corson, April Gallagher, Don Redding, Pete Steger, and Bob Timmerman. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Head of School Barbara Brizuela, Secretary Kim Sutter, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Executive Assistant Ginger Awtry, DPS Director Don Wilson, and Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer. 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Bradley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION President Bradley recessed the regular session of the Town of Westlake Board of Trustees meeting at 6:00 p.m., as he read the following item to be discussed in executive session: A. The Board will conduct a closed session under Texas Government Code section 551.074 to discuss personnel matters. President Bradley convened the executive session at 6:01 p.m. The executive session adjourned at 6:45 p.m. 3. RECONVENE MEETING. The Board reconvened into regular session at 6:46 p.m. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION ACTION. There was no action taken. Town of Westlake Board of Trustees Regular Meeting November 12, 2007 5. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. Page 2 of 5 Ms. Shannon LaRue, 1855 Broken Bend Drive, Westlake, Texas, addressed the Board regarding the need for a dispute resolution process to include students, parents, faculty, and community members to address unresolved parent concerns and staffing issues. President Bradley advised that the subject will be discussed at a future workshop. Ms. Rebecca Rollins, 13239 Roanoke Road, Westlake, Texas, addressed the Board regarding the status of the parent/student handbook as she has not received a copy. Head of School Brizuela responded that the handbook should be available from the Academy's website. Ms. Carol Langdon, 1832 Broken Bend Drive, Westlake, Texas, addressed the Board regarding the need to add and modify existing programs. Ms. Langdon suggested the expansion of the current buddy system, and the possibility of hosting an introduction and welcome program for new students entering the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. 6. HEAR REPORT FROM WESTLAKE ACADEMY STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS. Head of School Brizuela introduced the 2007-2008 Westlake Academy Student Council officers. President Patrick Watson, Vice President Tyler Springer, Treasurer Brooke Awtry, and Secretary Noah Rollins addressed the Board regarding recent events, planned activities and goals for the year, fundraisers, and school dances. 7. HEAR REPORT FROM WESTLAKE ACADEMY STUDENTS WHO ATTENDED THE YOUNG NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE. Head of School Brizuela introduced the following 7th grade students who participated in the Young National Leadership Conference: Ms. Taylor Braun, Ms. Bridget Ledak, Ms. Casey Gallagher, Ms. Marsha Kubyshko, and Ms. Jordan Lee. The students shared their experiences of the six day trip with the Board. 8. HEAR REPORT FROM WESTLAKE ACADEMY STUDENTS REGARDING HALLOWEEN CANDY DRIVE. Mrs. Courtney Jenkins advised the Board that a total of 199.1 pounds of candy was collected by the students and donated to Grapevine Relief and Community Exchange (GRACE) to be included in Holiday baskets. Town of Westlake Board of Trustees Page 3 of 5 Regular Meeting November 12, 2007 11. HEAR REPORT FROM WESTLAKE STAFF REGARDING PARTICIPATION IN THE FEAST OF SHARING. Mrs. Courtney Jenkins addressed the Board regarding the item, and stated that the faculty helped serve meals to 3,000 families on November 7, 2007. Mrs. Jenkins advised the Board that the Feast of Sharing is an opportunity for faculty and staff to become involved. Mrs. Jenkins outlined community service opportunities available to the students and outlined community service opportunities in which students have participated. Ms. Bailey Cockrum, 1825 Broken Bend Drive, stated that she participated in a school - wide service trip last year by greeting troops arriving at DFW Airport, and expressed her desire to continue to participate in this service trip and suggested the project be expanded to include the second grade as well. Ms. Cockrum shared a letter with the Board from a soldier who was greeted at the airport by Westlake Academy students. 9. HEAR REPORT FROM HEAD OF SCHOOL REGARDING GOLD MEDAL TEA AWARD AND RECENT STANFORD ACHIEVEMENT TEST RESULTS. Head of School Brizuela addressed the Board regarding the item and stated that the Gold Medal Award was given for student achievement in the areas of reading, math, writing, social studies, science, and attendance. Head of School Brizuela highlighted the results of the recently administered Stanford Achievement Test. 10. HEAR REPORT FROM HEAD OF SCHOOL REGARDING 10 -YEAR PROJECTIONS FOR THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY. Head of School Brizuela summarized the 10 -year projection plan to the Board. Ms. Brizuela reviewed the assumptions utilized to create the report. In summary, Ms. Brizuela explained that the projection assumes only a small increase in state revenue and a 3% increase in student revenue annually, as well as a 3.5% salary increase for staff. Trustee Corson complimented the Head of School on the detail and approach of the plan, and suggested including the projections as a part of the budget process in the future. Mr. Corson inquired as to the decision to address capital expenditure assumptions regarding operational aspects of the Academy. Head of School Brizuela advised that the original Academy building has not been included in the assumptions as the Town owns the facility. However, Ms. Brizuela noted that the projections include a recommendation to consider a capital expenditure item in 2010-11 to include the expansion of the dining room facilities. Town of Westlake Board of Trustees Regular Meeting November 12, 2007 Page 4 of 5 Trustee Corson suggested that staff consider presenting capital expenditure requirements for the Town and the Academy, and establish a process to identify the priority between the two. Trustee Corson further recommended that a reserve fund be established to address the needs of a physical building. 12. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHANGES TO THE PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK REGARDING UNIFORM POLICY, AND THE PARENT COMPLAINT PROCESS. Head of School Brizuela outlined the changes to the uniform policy. Ms. Brizuela stated that the changes are recommended to accommodate students enrolled in the MYP, and to provide further clarification regarding the parent complaint process. MOTION: Trustee Redding moved to approve Resolution No. 07-11, authorizing changes to the Parent/Student Handbook as presented. Trustee Gallagher seconded the motion. Trustee Timmerman stated that he feels the complaint procedure policy requires further review to clearly outline the steps in the parent complaint process and suggested action not be taken at this time. Mayor Bradley asked if the Board would consider adopting the changes as presented and hold a workshop to consider additional changes. AMENDED MOTION: Trustee Redding amended the motion to approve the Resolution as presented, and conduct a workshop to revisit the parent complaint policy at a later date. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 13. CONSENT AGENDA. President Bradley introduced the item and asked for a motion. A. Review and approve minutes of the School Board of Trustees meeting held on October 22, 2007. B. Review and approve any outstanding bills. MOTION: Trustee Timmerman moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Trustee Steger seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5- 0. Town of Westlake Board of Trustees Regular Meeting November 12, 2007 14. ADJOURNMENT. Page 5 of 5 There being no further business, President Bradley adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON DECEMBER 10, 2007. Scott Bradley, President ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary