HomeMy WebLinkAboutPresentation Town Budget 09-10 Wrkshp“Critical Choices, Critical Challenges” FY 09/10 Budget Workshop FY 08/09 Accomplishments 9/21/2009 2 Fidelity Regional Headquarters Phase II Completed Developed and adopted five year Strategic Plan Five year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) was compiled Began and Completed the Academy Arts & Sciences Center Positive results from the Town’s first DF survey Governmental Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Award GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting The Westlake Wire went “Green” Westlake’s e-Tube went live Westlake Windows was launched Budget Semantics 9/21/2009 3 Governmental Funds General Fund Enterprise Funds Utility Fund Internal Service Funds General Major Maintenance Fund Vehicle and Equipment Fund Utility Major Maintenance Fund Debt Service Fund To pay on Bonds Special Revenue Funds Visitors Association Fund 4B Economic Development Fund Property Tax Reduction Fund FM1938 Fund Cemetery Fund Capital Project Fund Capital Project Fund and it’s Hybrids What's a Budget Monday 8/25/2008 4  A policy document  Financial plan to accomplish the Board’s program of services and priorities  Guides how services are provided to residents  Includes operating and capital costs  Used by the rating agencies to determine financial stability of the organization What’s a Budget 9/21/2009 5 A policy document Financial plan to accomplish the Board’s program of services and priorities Guides how services are provided to residents Includes operating and capital costs Used by the rating agencies to determine financial stability of the organization Strategic Plan/Governance Cycle Monday 8/25/2008 6 Mission, Values, Vision Strategic Plan Program and Service Delivery • Governance • Comprehensive Plan • 5 Year Implementation Plans • ANNUAL BUDGET • Capital Improvement Program Direction Finders Internal Direction Finders Feedback Staff/Board of Aldermen Assessment Westlake Community Vision Monday 8/25/2008 7 Westlake is a one-of-a kind community; an oasis with rolling hills, grazing longhorns, and soaring red-tailed hawks, located in the heart of the Fort Worth -Dallas metropolitan area. Inviting neighborhoods and architecturally vibrant corporate campuses find harmony among our meandering roads and trails, lined with native oaks and stone walls. We are leaders. In education we are known for our innovative partnerships between the Town -Owned Charter School and its corporate neighbors. We are environment stewards – exemplifying the highest standards. Hospitality finds its home in Westlake . As a community, we are fully involved and invested in our rich heritage, dynamic present and exciting, sustainable future. Mission Monday 8/25/2008 8 On behalf of our citizens, the mission of the Town of Westlake is to be a one-of-a -kind community that blends our rural atmosphere with our rich culture and urban location. Community Values 9/21/2009 9 As a community, Westlake values reflect: Innovation A strong knowledge/education base Being friendly and welcoming Family focus Engaged citizens A unique rural setting emphasizing preservation of our natural beauty Aesthetic appeal and high development standards Vision Point One Inviting Residential & Corporate Neighborhoods 9/21/2009 10 Key Result Areas supporting the vision point: On-going comprehensive planning Sensitivity to neighborhood integrity Outstanding community appearance Open space preservation The Town of Westlake enjoys inviting neighborhoods. We are a one-of-a-kind community. Westlake is an oasis with rolling hills that blends grazing longhorns and soaring red-tailed hawks with inviting neighborhoods as well as architecturally vibrant corporate campuses that find harmony along our meandering roads and trails, lined with native oaks and stone walls. Vision Point Two We Are Leaders 9/21/2009 11 Key Result Areas supporting the vision point: Premier educational facilities and programs Producing well educated future leaders and thinkers Business partnerships with the Town and Westlake Academy Environmental stewardship initiatives High quality services delivery coupled with financial stewardship Infrastructure maintenance and planning In education, we are known for our innovative partnerships between the Town -owned charter school and its corporate neighbors. We are environment stewards – exemplifying the highest standards. Vision Point Three Hospitality Finds Its Home In Westlake Monday 8/25/2008 12 As a community, we are fully involved and invested in our rich heritage, dynamic present and exciting, sustainable future. “Westlake, a premiere knowledge-based community.” Key Result Areas supporting the vision point: Citizen engagement and communication Historic preservation Tourism development Arts and culture Strategic Priorities FY 09/10 Monday 8/25/2008 13 VISION FOCUS Neighborhoods Leadership Hospitality Co m p . P l a n n i n g Ne i g h b o r h o o d I n t . Co m m u n i t y A p p e a r a n c e Qu a l i t y D e v . Ae s t h e t i c S t a n d a r d s Op e n S p a c e Pr e s e r v a t i o n Pr e m i e r E d u c a t i o n Fa c i l i t i e s & P r o g r a m s Fu t u r e L e a d e r s an d T h i n k e r s Bu s . P a r t n e r s h i p w / To w n & A c a d e m y En v . i r o n m e n t a l St e w a r d s h i p Hi g h Q u a l i t y S r v w/ F i n . S t e w a r d s h i p In f r a s t r u c t u r e M a i n t & Pl a n n i n g Ci t i z e n E n g a g e m e n t Ci t i z e n C o m m u n i c a t i o n Hi s t o r i c P r e s e r v a t i o n To u r i s m D e v e l o p m e n t Ar t s a n d C u l t u r e Administration X X X X X X Plan & Zoning X X X X X Town Secretary X X X Fire/EMS X X X Municipal Court X X X Public Works X X X X X Fac/ Maintenance X X X Finance X X X X Parks/ Recreation X X X X X X X Information Tech. X HR/Admin Srv. X X X Utility Fund X X X X Visitors Fund X X X X X X X X X 4B Fund X PTR Fund X X General MM Fund Utility MM Fund Cemetery Fund X X X V&E Fund X FM1938 Fund X X X X X A & S Fund X X Capital Imp. x X X X Debt Service X Financial Overview 9/21/2009 14 All Funds Summary Table 9/21/2009 15 Fund Name Beginning Fund Balance Revenues and Other Funding Sources Expenditures and Other Funding Uses Ending Fund Balance General Fund $ 3,904,487 $ 3,805,841 $ 4,590,394 $ 3,119,934 4B Economic Development 483,162 727,400 757,131 453,431 Visitors Association 802,385 476,975 706,971 572,389 Special Revenues - 161,000 161,000 - FM1938 - - - - Cemetery 54,609 16,550 24,000 47,159 Vehicle/Equipment 50,000 94,336 94,336 50,000 Property Tax Reduction 1,035,665 727,300 1,035,680 727,285 Debt Service - 1,499,750 1,499,750 - Capital Projects 230,445 590,500 590,500 230,445 Arts & Sciences - - - - Lone Star 13,559 100 - 13,659 Utility 1,728,860 2,531,766 2,930,593 1,330,033 Utility Major Maint 50,000 22,500 22,500 50,000 General Major Maint 50,000 23,000 23,000 50,000 TOTAL $ 8,403,172 $ 10,677,018 $ 12,435,855 $ 6,644,334 Projected Revenues All Sources FY 09/10 9/21/2009 16 Revenues Total Percentage General Sales Tax $ 2,905,200 27% Contributions 530,500 5% Beverage Tax 17,750 0% Franchise Fees 646,675 6% Permits & Fees 505,220 5% Inter Governmental 180 0% Fines & Forfeits 547,460 5% Investment Earnings 20,700 0% Misc Income 141,031 1% Grants 152,950 1% Charge for Services 2,533,716 24% Hotel Tax Revenues 450,000 4% Total w/o Transfers In 8,451,382 79% Transfers In 2,225,636 21% Fund Totals $ 10,677,018 100% Projected Expenditures All Sources FY 09/10 9/21/2009 17 Expenses Total Percentage Payroll Salaries $ 1,832,259 15% Payroll Related 538,489 4% Supplies 92,470 1% Services 3,032,166 24% Insurance 34,491 0% Maintenance 325,742 3% Rent Utilities 394,203 3% Eco Dev Incentives 488,327 4% Capital Outlay 257,917 2% Capital Projects 1,241,000 10% IFA Debt 1,773,154 14% Total w/o Transfers 10,210,219 82% Transfers Out 2,225,636 18% Fund Totals $ 12,435,855 100% Summary of Funds Transferred In & Transferred Out 9/21/2009 18 General Fund 118,000 Transfer In from Utility Fund 300,000 Transfer In from Property Tax Reduction Fund - Transfer In from Visitor Association Fund $ 418,000 Total Transfers In - Transfer Out to General Major Maintenance 8,050 Transfer Out to Special Revenue Fund $ 8,050 Total Transfers Out 4B Economic Development Fund 757,131 Transfer Out to Debt Service Fund $ 757,131 Total Transfers Out Visitor Association Fund - Transfer Out to General Fund 179,275 Transfer Out to Debt Service Fund 100,000 Transfer Out to Capital Projects 3,000 Transfer Out to Vehicle /Equipment Replacement Fund $ 282,275 Total Transfers Out Special Revenue Fund 8,050 Transfer Out to General Fund $ 8,050 Total Transfers In Property Tax Reduction Fund 300,000 Transfer Out to General Fund 563,344 Transfer Out to Debt Service Fund 23,000 Transfer Out to General Major Maintenance Fund 89,336 Transfer Out to Vehicle/Equipment Replacement Fund 60,000 Transfer Out to Capital Projects $ 1,035,680 Total Transfers Out Summary of Funds Transferred In & Transferred Out 9/21/2009 19 Vehicle & Equipment Fund 89,336 Transfer In from Property Tax Reduction Fund 2,000 Transfer in from Utility Fund 3,000 Transfer in from Visitors Association Fund $ 94,336 Total Transfers In Debt Service Fund 757,131 Transfer In from 4B Economic Development Fund 563,344 Transfer In from Property Tax Reduction Fund 179,275 Transfer In from Visitor Association Fund $ 1,499,750 Total Transfers In Utility Fund 118,000 Transfer Out to General Fund 22,500 Transfer Out to Utility Major Maintenance Fund 2,000 Transfer Out to Vehicle/Equipment Replacement Fund $ 142,500 Total Transfers Out Utility Major Maint Fund 22,500 Transfer In from Utility Fund $ 22,500 Total Transfers In General Major Maint Fund 23,000 Transfer In from Property Tax Reduction Fund - Transfer In from General Fund $ 23,000 Total Transfers In Summary of Funds Transferred In & Transferred Out Monday 8/25/2008 20 Funds proposed to be transferred from General Fund and Utility Fund to Vehicle and Equipment Fund  Begin to deal with future costs General Fund monies to be transferred are one-time revenues Recommended Positions (all departments) 27 The one new clerical position is to be shared by Planning & Zoning, Human Resources, Facilities Maintenance, and Parks & Recreation (General Fund) See page 28 for detail Proposed Staffing 9/21/2009 21 Department Position Addition Planning & Zoning New administrative clerk .33 Human Resources New administrative clerk .33 Facilities Maintenance New administrative clerk .17 Parks & Recreation New administrative clerk .17 Total Proposed New Positions FY 09/10 1.00 Staffing Costs 9/21/2009 22 Proposed market increase of 2.4%, which is equal to the increase received by the Westlake Academy. Service Level Adjustments 9/21/2009 23 Two types of SLA’s Maintain Current Service Level New or Expanded Service Level Description Maintain Service Level New or Expanded Service Level Total General Fund 16,350 557,189 573,539 Utility Fund 154,838 283,511 438,348 Visitors Association Fund - 331,781 331,781 Cemetery Fund - - - Vehicle/Equipment Repl. Fund - 94,336 94,336 GF Major Maintenance Fund - 23,000 23,000 Grand Total 171,188 1,289,817 1,461,004 General Fund 9/21/2009 24 General Fund FY09/10 Projected Revenues 9/21/2009 25 General Sales Tax 38% Contributions 3% Beverage Tax 1% Franchise Fees 17% Permits and Fees 13% Intergovermental 0% Fines & Forfeitures 14% Interest 0% Misc Income 3% Transfers In 11% General Fund FY 09/10 Projected Expenditures 9/21/2009 26 Payroll / Salaries 33% Payroll & Related 9% Supplies 4% Service 31% Insurance 1% Maintenance 5% Rent & Utilities 5% Economic Development 10% Capital Outlay 1% Transfers Out 0% General Fund Revenues 9/21/2009 27 Expenditures Percent General Sales Tax 38.17% Contributions 2.63% Beverage Tax 0.47% Franchise Fees 16.99% Permits and Fees 13.27% Intergovernmental 0.00% Fines & Forfeitures 14.38% Interest 0.29% Misc Income 2.81% Transfers In 10.98% Sales Tax History - All Funds 9/21/2009 28 882,685 994,606 1,810,707 1,465,171 1,795,287 1,700,000 1,452,600 441,343 497,303 905,353 732,585 897,644 850,000 726,300 441,343 497,303 905,353 732,585 897,644 850,000 726,300 - 250,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,500,000 1,750,000 2,000,000 2,250,000 2,500,000 2,750,000 3,000,000 3,250,000 3,500,000 3,750,000 FY2004 actual FY2005 actual FY2006 actual FY2007 actual FY2008 actual FY2009 estimated FY2010 proposed General Fund 4B Fund PTR Fund General Fund SLA’s 9/21/2009 29 Maintain Service Levels New or Expanded Service Levels Total $ 16,350 $ 557,189 * $ 573,539 * $557, 189 breaks down as follows: Payroll adjustments $ 35,353 Payroll related adjustments $ (2,949) One-time costs $ 498,568 Recurring costs $ 26,217 Monday 8/25/2008 30 24 29 60 51 37 20 20 15 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 Projected FY 08/09 Projected FY 09/10 Proposed Residential Building Permits (Quantity) Monday 8/25/2008 31 32 2 22 38 1 36 53 73 22 5 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 Projected FY 08/09 Projected FY 09/10 Proposed Mi l l i o n s Commercial Building Permits (Values) Utility Fund 9/21/2009 32 Utility Fund Projected Revenues FY 09/10 = $2,531,766 9/21/2009 33 Water Revenue 74% Meter Repair 0% Debt Service Areas 4% Waste Management 2% Tap Fees 2% Impact fees 5% Misc Revenue 0% Interest Earned 0% Sewer Revenue 17% Utility Fund Projected Expenses FY 09/10 = $2,930,593 9/21/2009 34 Payroll 6% Payroll Related 2% Supplies 0% Services 47% Insurance 0% Maintenance 3% Rent & Utilities 4% Capital Outlay 2% Interfund Advance/Debt 12% Transfers Out 5% Capital Projects (3) 21% Utility Fund 9/21/2009 35 Revenues increasing slightly due to increased usage with no increase in rates. Decrease estimated in ending balance from $1.6 million in FY 08/09 to $1.2 million in FY 09/10 Capital projects estimated at $605,000 N-1 Sewer Line transfer $185,000 N-1 Sewer Line in-flow & out-flow study/repair $125,000 Stagecoach Hills water line connection $300,000 Utility Fund SLA’s 9/21/2009 36 * $283,511 breaks down as follows: Payroll adjustments $ 20,129 Payroll related adjustments $ 6,191 One-time costs $ 8,900 Recurring costs $ 248,291 Maintain Service Levels New or Expanded Service Levels Total $ 154,838 $ 283,511 * $ 438,348 Visitors Association Fund 9/21/2009 37 Visitors Association Fund 9/21/2009 38 Actual FY 07/08 Adopted Budget FY 08/09 Estimated Budget FY 08/09 Proposed Budget FY 09/10 Fund Balance Beginning $ 1,183,022 $ 1,451,153 $ 1,451,153 $ 802,385 Receipts Hotel Occupancy Tax 527,662 450,000 450,000 450,000 Investment Earnings 36,686 28,000 8,200 3,700 Misc Revenues 20,156 51,000 53,275 23,275 Total Receipts 584,504 529,000 511,475 476,975 Deductions Payroll/Salaries 69,129 98,315 102,252 140,629 Payroll Related & Benefits 22,818 27,315 30,976 42,105 Supplies 49,376 55,350 61,850 33,350 Service 137,831 256,160 266,902 174,475 Rent & Utilities 33,625 34,137 34,137 34,137 Capital Outlay - 3,200 500 - Transfers Out 3,594 640,050 663,626 282,275 Total Deductions 316,373 1,114,527 1,160,243 706,971 Excess Revenue Over/(Under) Deductions 268,131 (585,527) (648,768) (229,996) Fund Balance Ending 1,451,153 865,626 802,385 572,389 Restricted/Designated Funds - - 25,000 5,000 Undesignated Fund Balance, Ending $ 1,451,153 $ 865,626 $ 777,385 $ 567,389 Visitors Association Fund Projected Revenues FY 09/10 = $ 476,975 9/21/2009 39 Hotel Occupancy Tax 85% Intvestment Earnings 6% Historical Board Income 1% Arbor Days Income 2% Public Arts Income 2% Ins Refunds/ Equity Returns 0% Visitors Association Fund Projected Expenditures FY 09/10 = $706,971 9/21/2009 40 Payroll 20% Payroll Related 3% Supplies 5% Service 24% Rent & Utilities 3% Capital Outlay 44% Transfers Out 57% Visitors Association Fund SLA’s 9/21/2009 41 * $331,781 breaks down as follows: Payroll adjustments $ 38,376 Payroll related adjustments $ 11,129 One-time costs $ 282,275 Recurring costs - Maintain Service Levels New or Expanded Service Levels Total - $ 331,781 * $ 331,781 Property Tax Reduction Fund 9/21/2009 42 Property Tax Reduction Fund 9/21/2009 43 Actual FY 07/08 Adopted Budget FY 08/09 Estimated Budget FY 08/09 Proposed Budget FY 09/10 Fund Balance, Beginning $ 154,474 $ 505,665 $ 505,665 $ 1,035,665 Receipts Sales Tax 897,644 832,176 850,000 726,300 Investment Earnings 1,158 7,500 5,000 1,000 Total Revenue $ 898,802 $ 839,676 $ 855,000 $ 727,300 Deductions Transfers Out 547,611 325,000 325,000 1,035,680 Total Deductions $ 547,611 $ 325,000 $ 325,000 $ 1,035,680 Excess Revenue/(Under) Deductions 351,191 514,676 530,000 (308,380) Fund Balance, Ending $ 505,665 $ 1,020,341 $ 1,035,665 $ 727,285 4B Economic Development Fund 9/21/2009 44 4B Economic Development Fund 9/21/2009 45 Actual FY 07/08 Adopted Budget FY 08/09 Estimated Budget FY 08/09 Proposed Budget FY 09/10 Fund Balance, Beginning $ 385,938 $ 512,793 $ 512,793 $ 483,162 Receipts Sales Tax 897,644 832,176 850,000 726,300 Investment Earnings 545 - 1,100 1,100 Total Revenue $ 898,188 $ 832,176 $ 851,100 $ 727,400 Deductions Transfers Out 771,333 861,907 880,731 757,131 Total Deductions $ 771,333 $ 861,907 $ 880,731 $ 757,131 Excess Revenue/(Under) Deductions 126,855 (29,731) (29,631) (29,731) Fund Balance, Ending $ 512,793 $ 483,062 $ 483,162 $ 453,431 Debt Service Fund 9/21/2009 46 Debt Service Fund 9/21/2009 47 Actual FY 07/08 Adopted Budget FY 08/09 Estimated Budget FY 08/09 Proposed Budget FY 09/10 Fund Balance, Beginning $ 385,938 $ 512,793 $ 512,793 $ 483,162 Receipts Sales Tax 897,644 832,176 850,000 726,300 Investment Earnings 545 - 1,100 1,100 Total Revenue $ 898,188 $ 832,176 $ 851,100 $ 727,400 Deductions Transfers Out 771,333 861,907 880,731 757,131 Total Deductions $ 771,333 $ 861,907 $ 880,731 $ 757,131 Excess Revenue/(Under) Deductions 126,855 (29,731) (29,631) (29,731) Fund Balance, Ending $ 512,793 $ 483,062 $ 483,162 $ 453,431 Cemetery Fund 9/21/2009 48 Cemetery Fund 9/21/2009 49 Actual FY 07/08 Adopted Budget FY 08/09 Estimated Budget FY 08/09 Proposed Budget FY 09/10 Fund Balance, Beginning $ - $ 62,059 $ 62,059 $ 54,609 Receipts Contributions 169,034 - - - Charge for Services 2,100 18,550 13,550 13,550 Misc. Income - 3,000 3,000 3,000 Transfers In 3,594 - - - Total Revenue $ 174,728 $ 21,550 $ 16,550 $ 16,550 Deductions Supplies 4,979 17,443 9,000 9,000 Services 4,725 16,400 9,000 9,000 Maintenance 3,594 13,000 6,000 6,000 Total Deductions $ 13,299 $ 46,843 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 Excess Revenue/(Under) Deductions 161,430 (25,293) (7,450) (7,450) Fund Balance, Ending $ 161,430 $ 36,766 $ 54,609 $ 47,159 Internal Service Funds 9/21/2009 50 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund 9/21/2009 51 Actual FY 07/08 Adopted Budget FY 08/09 Estimated Budget FY 08/09 Proposed Budget FY 09/10 Fund Balance, Beginning $ - $ - $ - $ 50,000 Receipts Transfers In - 56,900 64,000 94,336 Total Revenue $ - $ 56,900 $ 64,000 $ 94,336 Deductions Capital Outlay - 6,900 14,000 94,336 Total Deductions $ - $ 6,900 $ 14,000 $ 94,336 Excess Revenue/(Under) Deductions - 50,000 50,000 - Fund Balance, Ending $ - $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund 9/21/2009 52 Westlake Academy Warning Devices $ 5,000 Update Security System $ 31,000 Update Security Cameras $ 5,000 HVAC System Replacement $ 5,000 15 ton split systems $ 5,000 2 tone Roof top units $ 11,176 A/C 2 ton & 7.5 ton (server room) $ 10,160 Information Technology Domain Controller Servers $ 14,000 Telephone / Peripheral Devices $ 2,000 Replacement of Routers / Switches $ 3,000 Network Printers $ 3,000 General Maintenance & Replacement Fund 9/21/2009 53 Actual FY 07/08 Adopted Budget FY 08/09 Estimated Budget FY 08/09 Proposed Budget FY 09/10 Fund Balance, Beginning $ 20,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 50,000 Receipts Transfers In 15,000 105,500 90,500 23,000 Total Revenue $ 15,000 $ 105,500 $ 90,500 $ 23,000 Deductions Capital Outlay - 90,500 75,500 23,000 Total Deductions $ - $ 90,500 $ 75,500 $ 23,000 Excess Revenue/(Under) Deductions 15,000 15,000 15,000 - Fund Balance, Ending $ 35,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 General Maintenance & Replacement Fund 9/21/2009 54 Westlake Academy Replace Carpet and Flooring $13,000 Ext Paint/Wood Treatment / Replacement $10,000 Capital Projects Fund 9/21/2009 55 Funded Capital Improvement Projects 9/21/2009 56 General Fund Westlake Academy Water well for civic campus $ 60,000 Utility Fund N-1 Sewer Line Transfer 185,000 N-1 Sewer Line in-flow & out-flow study/repair 120,000 Stagecoach Hills water line connection 300,000 External Funding Sources Deloitte Trail connection on Dove Rd. 425,000 West Dove Rd Trail Connection to JT Ottinger Rd (Grant) 5,500 Total $ 1,195,500