HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-13-09 TC Agenda PacketThe Regular Meeting of the Town of Westlake Town Council will begin immediately following the conclusion of the Town Council Workshop but not prior to the 7: 00 p.m. posted start time. TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA July 13, 2009 WESTLAKE TOWN HALL 3 VILLAGE CIRCLE, 2ND FLOOR COUNCIL CHAMBERS / MUNICIPAL COURT ROOM 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 3. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will receive the information, ask staff to review the matter, or an item may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. 4. HEAR AND DISCUSS REPORT FROM AUTHOR OF THE LITTLE TOWN THAT COULD, WESTLAKE, TEXAS ORIGINS AND LEGACIES. Town of Westlake Town Council Page 2 of 3 Regular Meeting Agenda July 13, 2009 5. HEAR AND DISCUSS REQUEST BY WESTLAKE PUBLIC ART SOCIETY TO APPLY FOR 501(C)3 STATUS. 6. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Town Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Review and approve minutes of the Town Council Workshop and Regular meeting held on June 8, 2009. b. Review and approve minutes of the Town Council Strategic Planning Retreat held on June 22, 2009. c. Review and approve minutes of the Town Council Special meeting held on June 22, 2009. d. Consider a Resolution approving the Town of Westlake Surplus Property Disposal Policy. e. Consider a Resolution authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an agreement with Bristow Contracting for drainage improvements in Stagecoach Hills. 7. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPOINTING AND REAPPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE FOLLOWING BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES: a. 4B Economic Development Board; b. Westlake Historical Preservation Society; c. Planning and Zoning Commission; d. Westlake Public Art Society; e. Texas Student Housing Authority and Entities; and f. Westlake Academy Foundation Board of Directors. 8. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE TOWN. 9. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A TOWN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP). 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Council member may request at a workshop and / or Council meeting, under "Future Agenda Item Requests", an agenda item for a future Council meeting. The Council Member making the request will contact the Town Manager with the requested item and the Town Manager will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Council Member will explain the item, the need for Council discussion of the item, the item's relationship to the Council's strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Council discussion. If the requesting Council Town of Westlake Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda July 13, 2009 Page 3 of 3 Member receives a second, the Town Manager will place the item on the Council agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. - NONE 11. COUNCIL CALENDAR. - NW Metroport Chamber of Commerce Pink, Plaid, and Polka Dot event o July 22, 2009, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., Marriott Solana - TML Newly Elected City Official Orientation o July 24-25, 2009, Austin - TML Newly Elected City Official Orientation o August 7-8, 2009, Austin - NW Metroport Chamber of Commerce Legislative Breakfast o August 26, 2009, DFW Marriott, Fort Worth, 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. - Dedication and Ribbon Cutting for the Sam & Margaret Lee Arts and Sciences Center o August 28, 2009, Westlake Academy Campus - Vaquero Baja (fundraiser for the Academy) o September 14,2009,3:30 p.m. 12. ADJOURNMENT. ANY ITEM ON THIS POSTED AGENDA COULD BE DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN ONE OF THE PERMITTED CATEGORIES UNDER SECTIONS 551.071 THROUGH 551.076 AND SECTION 551.087 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, by Friday, July 10, 2009, by 5 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Town of Westlake Item # 2 — Pledge of Allegiance Texas Pledge: "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible. " Town of Westlake Item # 3 — Citizen's Presentations This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Board will receive the information, ask staff to review the matter, or an item may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. Town of Westlake Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen From: Kim Sutter, Town Secretary Subject: Regular Meeting of July 13, 2009 Date: July 1, 2009 ITEM Hear and discuss report from the author of The Little Town That Could, Westlake, Texas, Origins and Legacies. VISION POINT AND KEY RESULT AREAS This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: Q Hospitality Finds its Home in Westlake o Citizen engagement and communication o Historic Preservation BACKGROUND Mrs. Joyce Gibson -Roach has requested time before the Council to present a report on the Westlake history book. FUNDING N/A RECOMMENDATION No recommendation. ATTACHMENTS: None. Town of Westlake Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Town Council From: Kim Sutter, Town Secretary Subject: Regular Meeting of July 13, 2009 Date: July 1, 2009 ITEM Hear and discuss request by Westlake Public Art Society to apply to the Internal Revenue Service for 501(c)3 status. VISION POINT AND KEY RESULT AREAS This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: Q Inviting Residential & Corporate neighborhoods o Highest quality development and aesthetic standards 0 Hospitality Finds its Home in Westlake o Tourism development BACKGROUND In accordance with the Council Advisory Board policy, Dave Rollins, President of the Westlake Public Art Society, is requesting approval from the Council to proceed with applying with the IRS for 501 (c) 3 status. Mr. Rollins will be present to make the request before the Town Council. Excerpt from policy is below: B. IRS Tax -Exempt Status Requests. All advisory committees, commissions, boards, and affiliates seeking tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service 501(c)3 must receive prior approval from the TC/BOT. When submitting a request to the TC/BOT to apply for this IRS 501(c)3 status, the organization wishing to apply must be able to demonstrate and illustrate to the TC/BOT the benefits of this status for achieving TC/BOT strategic priorities as well as the advantages of this designation not currently afforded by the Town's existing tax-exempt status. Further, the organization requesting to apply for this 501(c)3 status must be able to demonstrate to the TC/BOT their organizational capacity to administer and comply with all IRS regulations related to this status on an on-going basis. Should the Council choose to approve the request, an item will be included on the August 10, 2009, Town Council agenda for consideration. FUNDING N/A RECOMMENDATION No recommendation. ATTACHMENTS: Council's Advisory Board Policy Resolution 07-25 establishing and creating the Society Resolution 08-12 amending the Society Town of Westlake / Westlake Academy Town Council / Board of Trustees CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARD/COMMITTEE/AFFILIATE RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARD/COMMITTEE/AFFILIATE RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY Contents I. POLICY PURPOSE.................................................................................................................................... 2 II. POLICY GOALS......................................................................................................................................... 2 III. POLICY PARAMETERS............................................................................................................................. 2 A. Annual Meeting with Board............................................................................................................. 2 B. IRS Tax -Exempt Status Requests...................................................................................................... 3 C. Use of Town and Academy Name, Resources, and Logos............................................................... 3 D. Fiduciary/Stewardship Responsibilities and Requirements............................................................ 3 1 (adopted December 8, 2008) I. POLICY PURPOSE. To establish a clear framework and process for enhanced collaborative interaction, communication, and mutual understanding of roles and responsibilities between the Town Council (TC) and the Board of Trustees (BOT) and their various citizen advisory boards, commissions, committees, and organizations affiliated with the Town of Westlake and/or Westlake Academy. II. POLICY GOALS. The goals of this policy are: A. Enhanced two-way communication between the TC/BOT and its various advisory boards, commissions, committees and affiliate organizations (and vice versa). B. Reaching mutual agreement regarding annual programs of work for these various citizen advisory boards, commissions, committees, and affiliate organizations to enhance and assist in the pursuit of the TC's/BOT's strategic priorities. C. Achieving a common paradigm that all advisory boards, commissions, committees, and affiliates of the Town of Westlake and Westlake Academy exist to further the TC/BOT strategic agenda and are under the direct control of BOT/TC or, if they are a Westlake Academy affiliate, are under the day-to-day direction of the Head of School. D. Creating a clear understanding, coordination, and agreement by the TC/BOT and its citizen advisory boards, commissions, committees, and affiliate organizations as to each group's role, function, and scope of responsibility in terms of their relationship to the Town of Westlake and/or Westlake Academy. E. Establishing a direct link between Westlake Academy, its Head of School, and the Academy's Senior Management Team as being the first point of contact for coordinating the activities of Westlake Academy affiliates. III. POLICY PARAMETERS. To achieve this policy's purpose and goals, the following parameters are put in place: A. Annual Meeting with Board. All TC/BOT advisory boards, committees, commissions, and affiliate organizations shall meet at least annually with the TC/BOT to: 1.) Report on progress to date in implementing that group's program of work for the current fiscal year 2.) Review a proposed program of work for the coming fiscal year as well as submit any budget requests and requested staff resources for this proposed program of work. Said program of work will be discussed within the context of the organization's program of work carrying out the TC's/BOA's strategic plan for both the Town and Westlake Academy. All funding requests should be submitted not later than the July 1s` prior to the upcoming fiscal year. Requests received after that time will not be considered until the following fiscal year. 3.) Review fund raising activities underway or planned to support the current or proposed plan of work. 2 (adopted December 8, 2008) 4.) The chair of each advisory board, committee, and/or affiliate organization shall schedule this annual meeting (or more frequent if needed) through the Town Secretary's office. The TC/BOT may choose to hold these meetings one or two times per year. 5.) All affiliates of Westlake Academy, prior to meeting with the TC/BOT, will meet with the Head of School to make sure they their proposed efforts are coordinated through the Head of School and his/her designates. B. IRS Tax -Exempt Status Requests. All advisory committees, commissions, boards, and affiliates seeking tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service 501(c)3 must receive prior approval from the TC/BOT. When submitting a request to the TC/BOT to apply for this IRS 501(c)3 status, the organization wishing to apply must be able to demonstrate and illustrate to the TC/BOT the benefits of this status for achieving TC/BOT strategic priorities as well as the advantages of this designation not currently afforded by the Town's existing tax- exempt status. Further, the organization requesting to apply for this 501(c)3 status must be able to demonstrate to the TC/BOT their organizational capacity to administer and comply with all IRS regulations related to this status on an on-going basis. C. Use of Town and Academy Name, Resources, and Logos. Any advisory board, commission, or committee, as well as affiliate organizations of the Town or Westlake Academy, that wish to begin using the Town or Academy's name or logo in their operational efforts must receive prior approval from the TC/BOT. Said approval can be withdrawn at any time by the TC/BOT. Additionally, any on-going use of Town facilities, resources, and staff by an advisory committee, commission, board, or affiliate must be requested through the Town Manager's office and is subject to his/her approval prior to on-going utilization of those resources. Requests to add organizations covered by this policy to the Town's insurance policy shall be submitted to the Town Manager for his prior approval before any insurance coverage is extended. If approved, the annual cost of this insurance shall be borne by the requesting organization. Requests to add staff to support any advisory board, commission, committee, or affiliate shall be made through the Town Manger's office as a part of the annual budget preparation process and must be approved in advance by the TC/BOT. This request will include the identification of funding resources to pay for this position, the operational reporting arrangement for this position, and which payroll/insurance program this position will fall under. D. Fiduciary/Stewardship Responsibilities and Requirements. All advisory boards, commissions, committees, and affiliates that expend funds through their own bank accounts must first have TC/BOA approval to have separate bank accounts. All such groups will also submit their financial control procedures to the Town Manager or his/her designate for review and approval as to providing acceptable internal control on collection and expenditure of funds from these bank accounts. 3 (adopted December 8, 2008) Additionally, if this approval for separate bank accounts is authorized by the TC/BOT, a timely annual audit of this account(s) shall be submitted to the Town Manager or his/her designate for presentation to the TC/BOT. Said audit may be conducted by an external CPA auditing firm or may be conducted by the Town's Director of Finance with that decision being made by the Town Manager depending on staff workload requirements at the time. Since the Westlake Academy Foundation has IRS 501(c)3 status at the time of the adoption of this policy, that organization shall, at its cost, utilize the same external auditor concurrently used to audit Westlake Academy finances. This Westlake Academy Foundation audit shall be prepared on a timely basis for presentation to the TC/BOT at the same time that the Academy's audit is presented. For those advisory boards, commissions, and committees funded by the TC/BOT through the Town or Academy approved budget, use of approved budgetary allocations shall be made on transaction by transaction basis. That is, the chair or president of that organization will identify the vendor they wish to utilize, contact the Town's Director of Finance, and submit necessary invoices so that the vendor can be paid by the Town for goods/services rendered to that advisory committee, commission, or board from their TC/BOT approved budget. Use of approved Town budgeted funds by these organizations shall be in accordance with State purchasing statutes and Town purchasing policies. All by-laws for proposed for citizen advisory boards, commissions, committees, and organizations affiliated with the Town of Westlake and/or Westlake Academy shall first be reviewed and approved by the TC/BOT. 4 (adopted December 8, 2008) TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 07-25 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE, DEFINING THE COMMITTEE SCOPE, APPOINTING MEMBERS AND DEFINING TERMS OF SERVICE. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake recognizes the importance of public art and the benefits of art education for the citizens of Westlake; and WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake is abundantly blessed with natural beauty as well as a rich cultural heritage which is reflected by the high development standards imposed by the Town; and WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen seek to continue the cultural growth and development of Westlake by providing for art in public places for all to enjoy; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the above findings are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein in its entirety. SECTION 2: That the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas does hereby appoint the following individuals to become charter members of the Westlake Public Art Committee and serve the following terms to which members may be reappointed. Michelle Corson, Chairperson 3 yrs Phyllis McConnell 2 yrs Tim Brittan 1 yrs Carol Langdon 3 yrs Shannon LaRue 2 yrs Mary Petty 1 yr Becky Rogers 3 yrs Board Liaison Staff Liaison Scott Bradley, Mayor Town Manager or his appointee SECTION 3: That the Board of Aldermen establishes the following mission for the Public Art Committee: Resolution No. 07-24 — April 23, 2007 Page 1 of 3 Town of Westlake Public Art Committee Mission Statement Founded as a commitment to protect and improve the quality of life of Westlake residents, businesses and students by encouraging, inspiring, documenting, educating and entertaining artistic and creative endeavors throughout the community, the Westlake Public Art committee will provide a wide range of professionally excellent and artistically significant presentations, preserving, collecting, exhibiting, and fostering the engagement of arts into the community. SECTION 4: That the Board of Aldermen establishes the following scope and priorities for the first term(s) of the Public Art Committee: 1. Identify and recommend artists and raise funds to ultimately commission an outdoor statue of The Blacksmith at a designated location at Westlake Academy. 2. Raise funds to be able to acquire and display significant works of art consistent with the theme and culture of the Town of Westlake to display in Westlake Academy and other public buildings. 3. Raise awareness of the importance of the role of art in Westlake by sponsoring artistic and creative endeavors that will benefit the community. SECTION 5: That the Board of Aldermen require the Public Art Committee to prepare an annual budget of projected revenues and expenses necessary to accomplish the mission and that such budget be presented to the Town Manager no later than August 1, of each fiscal year to then be deliberated by the Board for inclusion in the annual budget. SECTION 6: That the Board of Aldermen will identify a funding source for public art no later than their 2007-2008 annual budget process. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 23rd DAY OF APRIL 2007. ATTEST: Scott Bradley, Mayor Kim Sutter, Town Secretary Trent O. Petty, Town Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Resolution No. 07-24 — April 23, 2007 Page 2 of 3 L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney Resolution No. 07-24 — April 23, 2007 Page 3 of 3 TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 08-12 CHANGING THE NAME OF THE WESTLAKE PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE; INCREASING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE BOARD; AND APPOINTING ADDITIONAL MEMBERS AND DEFINING TERMS OF SERVICE. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake recognizes the importance of public art and the benefits of art education for the citizens of Westlake; and WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake is abundantly blessed with natural beauty as well as a rich cultural heritage which is reflected by the high development standards imposed by the Town; and WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen seek to continue the cultural growth and development of Westlake by providing for art in public places for all to enjoy; and WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen created the Westlake Public Art Committee by Resolution on April 23, 2007; and WHEREAS, the membership of the committee has requested the Board consider renaming the Westlake Public Art Committee to the Public Art Society of Westlake; and WHEREAS, the Committee is also requesting the membership be increased from seven to nine members and additional members be appointed at this time; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the above findings are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein in its entirety. SECTION 2. That the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas does hereby approve changing the name of the Westlake Public Art Committee to the Public Art Society of Westlake, expanding the membership to nine, and appointing the following individuals to the terms outlined below: Leah Rennhack June 2010 Dave Rollins June 2009 Kay Anderson June 2009 Vacant June 2008 As a result of the appointments heretofore stated, the Public Art Society of Westlake is represented by the following: Board Liaison Scott Bradley, Mayor Staff Liaison Town Manager or his appointee SECTION 3. That this resolution shall take effect from and after its final date of passage, and it is accordingly so ordered. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 25th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2008. ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney Scott Bradley, Mayor Joe C. Hennig, Interim Town Manager Term Expiration Michelle Corson June 2010 Carol Langdon June 2010 Leah Rennhack June 2010 Shannon LaRue June 2009 Dave Rollins June 2009 Kay Anderson June 2009 Tim Brittan June 2008 Mary Petty June 2008 Vacant June 2008 Board Liaison Scott Bradley, Mayor Staff Liaison Town Manager or his appointee SECTION 3. That this resolution shall take effect from and after its final date of passage, and it is accordingly so ordered. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 25th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2008. ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney Scott Bradley, Mayor Joe C. Hennig, Interim Town Manager MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN COUNCIL WORKSHOP June 8, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Council Members Tim Brittan, Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Rick Rennhack, and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Thomas Brymer, Town Attorney Stan Lowry, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Director of Administrative Services and Human Resources Todd Wood, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, Planning and Development Director Eddie Edwards, and Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wheat called the workshop to order at 6:08 p.m. 2. DISCUSS AND REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FROM JUNE 8, 2009, COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. Mayor Wheat introduced the item and opened the floor for questions related to the consent agenda items from the June 8, 2009, regular meeting. There were no questions or comments regarding the consent agenda items. 3. HEAR AND DISCUSS UPDATE ON DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS IN STAGECOACH HILLS. Public Works Superintendent Greenwood addressed the Council regarding the item and reviewed the project. Mr. Greenwood presented a PowerPoint presentation to the Council displaying an aerial showing the existing drainage conditions. Additionally, Mr. Greenwood presented and discussed the proposed drainage improvements. Town of Westlake Town Council Workshop Minutes June 8, 2009 Page 2 of 2 Mr. Greenwood explained that the project scope was increased due to the drainage volumes, and only one bid was received in the amount of $110,599.82, and is comprised of a base bid and alternate bid. The base bid amount includes the minimum scope of the project, including bar ditch cleaning, drainage repairs and culvert installation to provide Stagecoach residents some drainage relief. The alternate bid amount includes some additional bar ditch cleaning, drainage repairs, culvert installation and culvert end treatments (head walls) to provide additional drainage relief. Mr. Greenwood responded to questions from the Council. Mr. Greenwood advised the Council that the project could be rebid in an attempt to attract additional bidders. Discussion ensued regarding municipal bid requirements. It was the consensus of the Council to direct staff to rebid the Stagecoach Drainage Improvement project. 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS. No items were presented for consideration. 5. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business, Mayor Wheat adjourned the workshop at 6:54 p.m. APPROVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL ON JULY 13, 2009. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 8, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Council Members Tim Brittan, Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Rick Rennhack, and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Attorney Stan Lowry, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Planning and Development Director Eddie Edwards, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, and Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wheat called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Wheat led the pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS. There was no one present wishing to address the Council. 4. CONSENT AGENDA. Mayor Wheat introduced the item and advised that item `f would be removed from the consent agenda and voted on separately. a. Review and approve minutes of the Town Council Workshop and Regular meeting held on May 18, 2009. Town of Westlake Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 8, 2009 Page 2 of 4 b. Review and approve minutes of the Town Council Joint Workshop held on May 21, 2009. c. Review and approve minutes of the Town Council Special meeting held on May 28, 2009. d. Resolution No. 09-27 - Consider a Resolution authorizing a contract with McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen, P.C. (MVBA) to collect delinquent citations. e. Resolution No. 09-28 - Consider a Resolution approving amendments to the Town of Westlake Personnel Manual. MOTION: Council Member Langdon made a motion to approve consent agenda items `a' through `e' as presented. Council Member Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. f. Consider a Resolution authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an agreement with B & R Utility Construction for Drainage Improvements in Stagecoach Hills. MOTION: Council Member Corson made a motion to reject the bid of B&R Utility Construction for the Stagecoach Hills Drainage Improvement project. Council Member Rennhack seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 5. ELECT A MAYOR PRO TEM. Mayor Wheat introduced the item and asked for a motion. MOTION: Council Member Rollins made a motion to elect Council Member Larry Corson to serve as the Mayor Pro Tem. Council Member Brittan seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 6. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBERS TO SERVE ON A WORK GROUP TASK FORCE RELATED TO THE TEXAS STUDENT HOUSING AUTHORITY. Mayor Wheat introduced the item and asked for nominations. MOTION: Council Member Brittan made a motion to appoint Council Member Corson and himself, along with community member Todd Robocheaux to serve on the Task Force, with the additional community member to be appointed by Council Members Brittan and Corson. Council Member Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. (Resolution No. 09-30). Town of Westlake Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 8, 2009 Page 3 of 4 7. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (SUP -09-01) FOR A PRIVATE WATER WELL TO BE LOCATED AT 1802 HIGH COUNTRY DRIVE IN THE VAQUERO RESIDENTIAL ADDITION. Facilities and Recreation Director Meyer introduced the item to the Council. Planning and Development Director Edwards addressed questions from the Council regarding the request. The applicant and/or a representative were not present for the public hearings associated with SUP -09-01 and SUP -09-02. Mayor Wheat opened the public hearings for SUP -09-01 and SUP -09-02. There being no one requesting to speak, Mayor Wheat closed the public hearings and asked for a motion relative to SUP -09-01. MOTION: Council Member Brittan made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 627, granting a Specific Use Permit (SUP -09-01) for a private water well to be located at 1802 high Country Drive. Council Member Corson seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 8. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE REGARDING AN APPLICATION FOR A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (SUP -09-02) FOR A PRIVATE WATER WELL TO BE LOCATED AT 1806 HIGH COUNTRY DRIVE IN THE VAQUERO RESIDENTIAL ADDITION. (This item was introduced with item 7 and the public hearings were held concurrently.) The applicant and/or a representative were not present for the public hearings associated with SUP -09-01 and SUP -09-02. MOTION: Council Member Brittan made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 628, granting a Specific Use Permit (SUP -09-02) for a private water well to be located at 1806 high Country Drive. Council Member Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS. There were no items presented for consideration. 10. COUNCIL CALENDAR. Mayor Wheat reviewed the Council calendar. - Town Council Mini -Retreat Town of Westlake Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 8, 2009 o June 22, 2009, Marriott Solana, 2:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. - TML Legislative Wrap-up o June 26, 2009, Marriott Las Colinas, Irving - TML Legislative Wrap-up o June 29, 2009, Austin - TML Newly Elected City Official Orientation o July 24-25, 2009, Austin - TML Newly Elected City Official Orientation o August 7-8, 2009, Austin 11. ADJOURNMENT. Page 4 of 4 There being no further business before the Council, Mayor Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Council Member Rennhack made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Brittan seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. Mayor Wheat adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m. APPROVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL ON JULY 13, 2009. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN COUNCIL RETREAT June 22, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Council Members Tim Brittan, Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Rick Rennhack, and Rebecca Rollins (arrived at 2:59 p.m.) ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Tom Brymer, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry, Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services Todd Wood, and Fire Lieutenant Richard Whitten. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wheat called the workshop to order at 2:40 p.m. 2. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION REGARDING DIRECTIONFINDERS CITIZEN SURVEY PREPARED BY ETC INSTITUTE. Mr. Chris Tathum, ETC Institute, presented the results of the recent citizen survey to the Council and responded to questions from the Council regarding the survey results. Mr. Tathum advised the Council that overall responses indicated that a large majority of Westlake residents are satisfied with the services provided by the Town. Additionally, overall ratings are higher than the national averages. In response to questions raised during the presentation, Mr. Tathum responded that ETC will provide additional reports sorting the data by subdivision. 3. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION REGARDING TOWN'S STRATEGIC PLAN. Town of Westlake Town Council Planning Retreat Minutes June 22, 2009 Page 2 of 3 Town Manager Brymer introduced the item and advised the Council that a draft strategic plan was presented to the Council in February, and it was the consensus of the Council to wait until the release of the results of the citizen survey before considering the plan Town Manager Brymer commended staff or their efforts associated with developing the draft strategic plan. Town Manager Brymer reviewed the draft plan, including outcome strategies supporting the three vision points — Inviting Neighborhoods, We are Leaders, and Hospitality. Council discussion ensued and the Council directed staff to provide a modified Gantt chart to review the timelines associated with each outcome strategy to ensure achievable target dates, specifically as it relates to the Comprehensive Plan update. The Council requested a full cost analysis to operate Westlake Academy and identification of any budget shortfalls, so that a realistic fundraising goal can be established, as the Academy is an integral component of the Town. 4. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION REGARDING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (CIP). Town Manager Brymer introduced the item and advised that staff has prepared a draft Capital Improvement Plan for 2010-2014 for the Council's consideration. Mr. Brymer advised the Council that projects may be removed by the Council if the project is no longer seen as a priority in terms of meeting the community's strategic plan. Based on the discussion, Town Manager Brymer advised that the Capital Improvement Plan will be discussed further at the next Town Council workshop to be held on July 13, 2009. 5. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION REGARDING TOWN'S FINANCIAL FIVE-YEAR FORECAST. Town Manager Brymer advised the Council that the five-year forecast documents have been included in the meeting packet and addressed questions from the Council. Discussion ensued regarding the five-year forecasts. 6. DISCUSSION OF COUNCIL POLICIES. No discussion on this item. 7. TEAM BUILDING DISCUSSION AND SCENARIOS. No discussion on this item. Town of Westlake Town Council Planning Retreat Minutes June 22, 2009 8. ADJOURNMENT. Mayor Wheat adjourned the retreat at 8:46 p.m. APPROVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL ON JULY l3, 2009. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Page 3 of 3 MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING June 22, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Council Members Tim Brittan, Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Rick Rennhack, and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Tom Brymer, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry, Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services Todd Wood, and Fire Lieutenant Richard Whitten. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wheat called the meeting to order at 8:47 p.m. 2. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP WITH THE TEXAS COMPTROLLER ACCOUNTS TO PROVIDE PURCHASING THROUGH THE TEXAS CO-OP PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZE SUBSEQUENT RENEWALS WITH THE TEXAS COMPTROLLER ACCOUNTS TO PROVIDE PURCHASING THROUGH THE TEXAS CO-OP PROGRAM. Mayor Wheat introduced the item and asked for a motion. MOTION: Council Member Corson made a motion to approve Resolution 09-29. Council Member Rennhack seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 3. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business before the Council, Mayor Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Town of Westlake Town Council Special Meeting Minutes June 22, 2009 Page 2 of 2 MOTION: Council Member Rennhack made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. Mayor Wheat adjourned the meeting at 8:48 p.m. APPROVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL ON JULY 13, 2009. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Town of Westlake Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Town Council From: Todd Wood, Director of HR and Administrative Services Subject: Regular Meeting of July 13, 2009 Date: July 13, 2009 ITEM Consider a Resolution approving the Town of Westlake Surplus Property Disposal Policy. VISION POINT AND KEY RESULT AREAS This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: Q We are Leaders o Environmental Stewardship initiatives. o Financial Stewardship BACKGROUND The Town of Westlake currently has no official policy in place for surplus property disposal. The proposed policy, attached as Exhibit "A", details the internal procedures required for proper property disposal within our organization. Adoption of this policy will provide a mechanism for consistent property disposal practices, ensure compliance with state law, enhance recycling participation where possible, and allow for a supplemental source of revenue for the Town's General Fund. FUNDING None RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 09-31 Exhibit "A" Town's proposed policy. Westlake Academy Draft Policy (changes to the draft are expected before the Board will consider for adoption in August 2009) TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 09-31 APPROVING THE DISPOSAL POLICY OF SURPLUS, OBSOLETE, AND NON - REPAIRABLE FIXED ASSETS. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake recognizes that surplus, obsolete, and non - repairable assets are a result of any ongoing operation; and, WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake understands the need to liquidate such property in a proper manner and in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws; and, WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake realizes that a financial benefit may result from the liquidation of such property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE: SECTION 1. That the Town of Westlake Town Council does hereby approve the proposed policy, attached as Exhibit `A ", governing the disposal of the Town's surplus, obsolete, and non -repairable assets. SECTION 2. That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 13 DAY OF JULY 2009. ATTEST: Laura Wheat, Mayor Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Tom Brymer, Town Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney Exhibit "A" Town of Westlake DISPOSAL POLICY OF SURPLUS, OBSOLETE, AND NON -REPAIRABLE FIXED ASSETS 1. Purpose. The purpose of this policy is to describe the guidelines for the disposal of surplus, obsolete, and non -repairable Town of Westlake properties and fixed assets. 2. Effective. Immediately on the date of its passage by the Town Council. 3. Applicability. This policy applies to all employees. 4. Disposal of Town of Westlake Property. The Town Manager or designee, by established policies and procedures, is authorized to sell worn-out, scrap, obsolete or unused personal property ("Surplus Property") other than items routinely discarded as waste. Disposal may take the form of an on-site auction, Internet auction, recycling, or trash disposal. 5. General Information. The Town of Westlake may schedule items for auction that are considered economically unusable. These include fixed assets such as surplus, obsolete, or non -repairable properties. A Surplus Property Transfer Form signed by the Department Head and Town Manager or designee is used to facilitate the transfer of these items for disposition. Every effort should be made to determine if a need for the surplus property exists anywhere else in the Town of Westlake before a sale or disposal occurs. The Town Manager or designee will maintain a list of surplus property scheduled for disposal. Other departments may requisition any properties on the surplus list by sending a completed requisition form to the Town Manager or designee. Property cannot be sold by the Town, given to or taken by any employee for personal use, or disposed of in any manner other than described in this policy. All rights and titles to Town of Westlake property, whether real or personal, shall be vested in the Town Council and its successors in office. The Town Council may, in an appropriate manner, dispose of property that is no longer necessary for Town of Westlake operations. The Town Manager or designee is authorized to declare Town of Westlake materials, equipment, and supplies to be unnecessary and shall dispose of unnecessary materials, equipment, and supplies for fair market value. If the unnecessary property has no value, the Town Manager or designee may dispose of such property according to administrative discretion. Monies collected from the sale of obsolete materials, equipment, and supplies shall be remitted to the Finance Department and deposited into the General Fund. 6. Town Property Disposal Procedures: Any property that is movable or not attached to the land (referred to as personal property) such as furniture, fixtures, vehicles, equipment, tools, instruments, clothing, or other such items of value, which has lost its useful value to the Town or has become obsolete. Personal property does not include real estate such as land, including the building or improvements on it, or its natural assets, such as minerals and water. Once items have reached their "end -of -useful -life" (as determined by the Town Manager or designee), the items will be classified as disposed property as outlined below: a. Whenever an item of equipment is deemed to be obsolete or unfit for use, such equipment may be disposed of on a competitive basis, either by trade-in or outright sale to the highest prospective buyer. b. Items that cannot be sold in their original form, or lose their identity while in the possession of the Town of Westlake, may be sold as scrap, if deemed advisable, at the highest obtainable offer. c. The determination of the highest prospective buyer shall be made with the approval of the Town Manager or designee, or an authorized representative. The Town Manager or designee coordinates a public sale of disposed property as needed to sell any items that are no longer needed by the Town. Employees of the Town of Westlake will be permitted to purchase items at the sale on the same basis as all other buyers. a. Fixed Asset or Inventory items must be removed from the Town of Westlake's inventory prior to disposal. b. Items should never be discarded at the department level. Instead, items should be transferred to Surplus Property storage where they will then be sold in a Disposal Sale or discarded per instructions from the Town Manager or designee. c. Since there are many contributors to a Disposal Sale, proceeds are pooled and are not returned to any particular department's budget. Town property shall, at the option of the Town Manager or designee, be disposed of by one of the following methods: A. On-site Auctions. The Town Manager or designee advertises the auction in a local newspaper two weekends prior to the date of the auction. The advertisement shall indicate the time, date and location of the auction. The advertisement guidelines are as follows: The advertisement must state that the Town of Westlake reserves the right to cancel or void any sale that has not been conducted in accordance with the terms of the auctioneer's contract; ii. All sales shall be "as/where is"; iii. Payment must be made at the time of sale, and all sales are final; iv. All sales will be for cash, money order, cashier's check, or check with Bank Letter of Guarantee; and v. Town of Westlake shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any article(s) sold at auction after the sale has been consummated. The advertisement guidelines are as follows: All items proposed for auction will be stored in a central location the day of the auction. Federally funded items are to be segregated on the auction floor. The sending department and the Finance Department will prepare the documents required by federal and state guidelines. The Town Manager or designee shall retain the right to remove any items from sale at the auction if the item does not yield at least 80 percent of the predetermined sales price or if the final sale is not in the best interest of the Town of Westlake. An internal auditor must be present to serve as an independent observer to ensure compliance with auction procedures and must remain until all proceeds have been collected. The internal auditor will issue a written formal audit report to the Finance Director. Auction guidelines are as follows: Auctioneer. The auctioneer is selected by an open bid process conducted by the Town Manager or designee. The Town Manager or designee works with the auctioneer prior to the auction to verify that all items have been documented and have correct pallet and lot numbers on the auctioneer's coupon sales ledger. The Town Manager or designee provides the auctioneer with a copy of the auction lists, including a list of prices to establish a minimum bid price. ii. Vehicle Auction. All vehicles being sold at auction must have Town of Westlake emblems, license plates, and peripheral equipment (radios, sirens, etc.) are removed by the using department prior to the auction. The emblems are destroyed by the using department. The license plates are sent to the Town Manager or designee. After the sale, the Town Manager or designee releases the title to the new owner. iii. Collection and Distribution of Funds. All expenses incurred for the auction will be paid out of the receipts of the auction. The Town Manager or designee shall collect a desegregation form and applicable Tax Exempt Certificates from all buyers and collect and distribute all funds obtained from the auction. A minimum of two people from Town of Westlake will be required to process all payments. Monies from the auction will be collected, in full, on the day of the auction, and submitted to the finance department. iv. Time Limit to Remove Auctioned Items. A maximum time limit of five days or less will be set by the Town Manager or designee, for the removal of all items after the auction. If items are not removed by this time, the items may be disposed of or re - auctioned. In such cases, no refund will be made to the buyer. v. Removal of Auctioned items. The new owner assumes all risks associated with moving or loading the property from the auction location. The Town Manager or designee, if necessary, will assist in loading the auctioned items, but assumes no liability for damage. B. Electronic Auction. An auction Web page will be secured by Town Manager or designee to facilitate an online auction and the items for sale will be listed. A starting bid price and a reserve price, if applicable, will be assigned to each item on the lists created through a coordinated effort by the Town Manager or designee, and the sending department. Any items not sold on the online auction may be listed at the on-site auction. Procedures for the on-site auction will apply to the electronic auction. C. Donation, sale, or lease to Public Entities. Property may be donated, sold, or leased to certain government or educational institutions. Prior to transfer, the Town Council must declare no value or nominal value and that the Town of Westlake does not need the real property or improvements. The entity to whom the transfer is made has shown, to the satisfaction of the Town Council, that the entity intends to continue to use the real property and improvements for public purposes. The Mayor shall execute a deed transferring ownership of the real property and improvements to the municipality, county, state agency, or nonprofit organization. The deed must: Recite the resolution of the Town Council authorizing the donation; and ii. Provide that ownership of the real property and improvements revert to the Town Westlake if the municipality, county, state agency, or nonprofit organization discontinues use of the real property and improvements for public purposes; or iii. Executes a document that purports to convey the property. D. Other Means of Disposal. Property may be directly disposed of under the following circumstances: If the item is broken, unusable, and/or hazardous. Documentation and pictures must be provided for an item to be disposed of. ii. Offer the property as a trade-in for new property of the same general type if the Town Manager or designee considers that action to be in the best interest of the Town. iii. Order any of the property to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as worthless, if the Town undertakes to sell that property and is unable to do so because no bids are received. iv. Competitive sealed bids following the guidelines of Chapter 252 of the Texas Local Government Code for competitive bidding. Financial Stewardship TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 09- : Date Board Adopted: Date Board Amended: Effective Date: Policy Category: Financial Stewardship Policy Name: Surplus Property Disposition Policy Goal: Proper disposition of surplus Town assets acquired for Academy use in accordance with applicable local, State and other legal requirements and guidelines. Policy Description: 1. Purpose. The purpose of this policy is to describe the guidelines for the disposal of surplus, obsolete, and non -repairable Westlake Academy properties and fixed assets. 2. Effective. Immediately on the date of its passage by the Board of Trustees. 3. Applicability. This policy applies to all employees. 4. Disposal of Westlake Academy Property. The CEO or designee may, by established Westlake Academy policies and procedures, dispose of real or personal property that is no longer necessary for Westlake Academy operation(s). Disposal may take the form of an on-site auction, Internet auction, recycling, or trash disposal. 5. General Information. Westlake Academy may schedule items for auction that are considered economically unusable. These include fixed assets such as surplus, obsolete, or non -repairable properties. A Surplus Property Transfer Form signed by the department supervisor and CEO or designee is used to facilitate the transfer of these items for disposition. Arrangements for transfer are made based on available storage space and truck schedules for pick up. Every effort should be made to determine if a need for the surplus property exists anywhere else in Westlake Academy before a sale or disposal occurs. The CEO or designee maintains a list of surplus property scheduled for disposal. Other departments may requisition any properties on the surplus list by sending a completed requisition form to the CEO or designee. Property cannot be sold by the school, given to or taken by any employee for personal use, or disposed of in any manner other than described in this policy. All rights and titles to Westlake Academy property, whether real or personal, shall be vested in the Board of Trustees and its successors in office. The Board may, in an appropriate manner, dispose of property that is no longer necessary for Westlake Academy operations. The CEO or designee is authorized to declare Westlake Academy materials, equipment, and supplies to be unnecessary and shall dispose of unnecessary materials, equipment, and supplies for fair market value. If the unnecessary property has no value, the CEO or designee may dispose of such property according to administrative discretion. Items obtained as federal surplus or with federal funds shall be managed according to federal regulations. The CEO or designee shall establish procedures for the sale at fair market value of any surplus personal property such as books, equipment, and supplies. Items obtained as federal surplus or with federal funds shall be handled in accordance with federal regulations. Personal property includes any item owned by Westlake Academy not classified as real estate. Items of substantial value such as portable buildings and buses shall not be disposed of without advance Board notification under administrative regulations. Monies collected from the sale of obsolete materials, equipment, and supplies shall be deposited to the general fund. 6. Surplus Property: Property no longer needed by Westlake Academy becomes surplus. If a need for the property is not known, it should be transferred to storage by using a Surplus Property Transfer Form. 7. School Property Disposal Procedures: Once items have reached their "end -of -useful - life" (as determined by the CEO or designee), the items will be classified as disposed property as outlined below: a. Whenever an item of equipment is deemed to be obsolete or unfit for use, such equipment may be disposed of on a competitive basis, either by trade-in or outright sale to the highest prospective buyer. b. Items that cannot be sold in their original form, or lose their identity while in the possession of Westlake Academy, may be sold as scrap, if deemed advisable, at the highest obtainable offer. c. The CEO or designee coordinates a public sale of disposed property as needed to sell any items that are no longer needed by Westlake Academy. Employees of the Town of Westlake or Westlake Academy will be permitted to purchase items at the sale on the same basis as all other buyers. e. Fixed Asset or Inventory items must be removed from Westlake Academy's inventory prior to disposal. f. Items should never be discarded at the campus level. Instead, items should be transferred to Surplus Property storage where they will then be sold in a Disposal Sale or discarded per instructions from the CEO or designee. g. Since there are many contributors to a Property Disposal Sale, proceeds are pooled and are not returned to any particular department's budget. 8. Sale, Lease, or Exchange of School Owned Property to Public Entities: At the time of transfer, if the Board has declared no value or nominal value and that Westlake Academy does not need the real property or improvements for educational purposes, and; The entity receiving the transferred property has shown, to the satisfaction of the Board, that the entity intends to continue to use the real property and improvements for public purposes. The Board President shall execute a deed transferring ownership of the real property and improvements to the municipality, county, state agency, or nonprofit organization. The deed must: 1. Recite the resolution of the Board authorizing the donation; and 2. Provide that ownership of the real property and improvements revert to Westlake Academy if the municipality, county, state agency, or nonprofit organization: a. Discontinues use of the real property and improvements for public purposes; or b. Executes a document that purports to convey the property. 9. Transfer of Assets Purchased with Federal Funds: When items purchased wholly, or in part, with federal funds are no longer serviceable or required by Westlake Academy, the CEO or designate, must adhere to any special guidelines of the program for disposition. To dispose of items, a prior written approval must be obtained from the Texas Education Agency (TEA). A list of items to be disposed of is submitted to the TEA by the CEO or designee, and includes descriptions of the item(s), date(s) purchased, initial item procurement cost, and the percent of procurement cost paid with federal funds. The CEO or designee ensures that all federal and state regulations are met before disposition of assets at public auction or through the competitive bid process. 10. Texas Education Agency Approval to Dispose of Equipment: TEA reviews the list of items to be disposed of and instructs Westlake Academy to dispose of the items in accordance with established Westlake Academy policies and procedures. The retention of proceeds from the sale is as follows: a. Initial Acquisition Cost Less Than $1000: Items with an initial acquisition cost of less than $1000 may be disposed of and all proceeds retained by Westlake Academy. b. Initial Acquisition Cost Greater than $1000: When items with an initial acquisition cost of $1,000 or more are disposed of, Westlake Academy may retain $100 or ten percent of the sale price, whichever is greater. The remainder of the proceeds is returned to TEA. 11. Preliminary Auction Lists: In order to dispose of surplus, obsolete, or non -repairable fixed assets, the CEO or designee creates a preliminary auction list, which he or she physically matches to the inventory. The originator sends a copy of the list to the CEO or designee for review. Federally funded items are segregated on the list. 12. Advertising of On-site Auctions: The CEO or designee advertises the auction in a local newspaper two weekends prior to the date of the auction. The advertisement shall indicate the time, date and location of the auction. The advertisement guidelines are as follows: a. The advertisement must be a minimum of six column inches; b. The advertisement must state that Westlake Academy reserves the right to cancel or void any sale that has not been conducted in accordance with the terms of the auctioneer's contract; C. All sales shall be "as/where is"; d. Payment must be made at the time of sale, and all sales are final; e. All sales will be for cash, money order, cashier's check, or check with Bank Letter of Guarantee; and Westlake Academy shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any article(s) sold at auction after the sale has been consummated. 13. On-site Auction. All items proposed for auction will be stored in a central location the day of the auction. Federally funded items are to be segregated on the auction floor. The sending department and the Finance Department will prepare the documents required by federal and state guidelines. The CEO or designee shall retain the right to remove any items from sale at the auction if the item does not yield at least 80 percent of the predetermined sales price or if the final sale is not in the best interest of Westlake Academy. An internal auditor must be present to serve as an independent observer to ensure compliance with auction procedures and must remain until all proceeds have been collected. The internal auditor will issue a written formal audit report to the Finance Director. Auction guidelines are as follows: a. Auctioneer. The auctioneer is obtained by the open bid process is conducted by the CEO or designee. The CEO or designee works with the auctioneer prior to the auction to verify that all items have been documented and have correct pallet and lot numbers on the auctioneer's coupon sales ledger. The CEO or designee provides the auctioneer with a copy of the auction lists, including a list of prices to establish a minimum bid price. b. Vehicle Auction. All vehicles being sold at auction must have Westlake Academy emblems and license plates removed by the using department prior to the auction. The emblems are destroyed by the using department. The license plates are sent to the CEO or designee. After the sale, the CEO or designee releases the title to the new owner. Collection and Distribution of Funds. All expenses incurred for the auction will be paid out of the receipts of the auction. The CEO or designee shall collect a desegregation form and Tax Exempt Certificates from all buyers and collect and distribute all funds obtained from the auction. A minimum of two people from Westlake Academy will be required to process all payments. No personal or company checks will be accepted without a bank Letter of Guarantee. Monies from the auction will be collected, in full, on the day of the auction. d. Time Limit to Remove Auctioned Items. A maximum time limit of five days or less will be set by the CEO or designee, for the removal of all items after the auction. If items are not removed by this time, the items may be disposed of or re -auctioned. In such cases, no refund will be made to the buyer. e. Removal of Auctioned items. The new owner assumes all risks associated with moving or loading the property from the auction location. The CEO or designee, if necessary, will assist in loading the auctioned items, but assumes no liability for damage. 14. Electronic Auction. An auction Web page will be secured by CEO or designee to facilitate an online auction and the items for sale will be listed. A starting bid price and a reserve price, if applicable, will be assigned to each item on the lists created through a coordinated effort by the CEO or designee, and the sending department. Any items not sold on the online auction will be listed at the on-site auction. Procedures for the on-site auction will apply to the electronic auction. Town of Westlake Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Town Council From: Jarrod Greenwood, Public Works Superintendent Subject: Regular meeting of July 13, 2009 Date: July 2, 2009 ITEM Consider a Resolution authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an agreement with Bristow Contracting for Drainage Improvements in Stagecoach Hills. VISION POINT AND KEY RESULT AREAS This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: 0 We are Leaders o Infrastructure maintenance and planning BACKGROUND A proposed contract for this project was previously presented to Council at the June Stn workshop and placed on the agenda for consideration, but was rejected and rebid due to the lack of response. Staff re -advertised and included color photos of sample headwalls in the contract documents. We received six bids with the lowest bid of $75,788.59 provided by Bristow Contracting, which is the same contractor that provided the sole bid previously. A bid tabulation is provided to illustrate the disparity between bids. The proposed drainage improvement plans include redirecting the water to its original path, installation of larger driveway culverts (pipe), and regrading (deepen) the bar ditches on the affected properties along Stagecoach Circle and Thornton Drive. Bristow Contracting provided a base bid amount of $38,031.24 and an alternate bid amount of $37,757.35 for a total cost of $75,788.59, and is a reduction of approximately $35,000 from the $110,599 submitted in June. The base amount includes the minimum amount of bar ditch cleaning, drainage repairs, and culvert installation to provide Stagecoach residents with some drainage relief. The alternate amount includes some additional bar ditch cleaning, drainage repairs, culvert installation, and culvert end treatments (head walls) to provide additional drainage relief. We anticipate work to begin within the first two weeks of August and be completed within 30 days. FUNDING The adopted FY 08/09 budget included $75,000 for the engineering and construction of Stagecoach Drainage Improvements. The cost of engineering is $11,700 and the cost for construction is estimated to be $75,788.59. This will require a budget amendment of $13,000 that will be brought back to Council for approval at a later time and will be paid from the Property Tax Reduction Fund. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 09-32 Agreement Bid Tabulation TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 09-32 AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH BRISTOW CONTRACTING, FOR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS IN STAGECOACH HILLS; AND AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT OF BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS. WHEREAS, Westlake desires to maintain public drainage facilities; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the agreement and Stagecoach Hills drainage improvements benefit the public; and WHEREAS, the Town council finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT, all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 1. THAT, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, hereby approves the agreement with the Bristow Contracting relating to the provision of drainage improvements, attached hereto as Exhibit `A "; and further authorizes the Town Manager to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town of Westlake, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 13 DAY OF JULY 2009. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMS, Town Secretary Tom Brymer, Town Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOWN AND CONTRACTOR THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the _ day of in the year 2009, by and between the Town of Westlake, Texas (hereinafter called OWNER) and (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: Article 1. WORK. CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described as follows: Drainage Improvements The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is generally described as follows: Stagecoach Hills Article 2. ENGINEER. The Town Engineer who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who is to act as OWNER'S representative, assumes all duties and responsibilities and has the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER by the OWNER in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Article 3. CONTRACT TIME. 3.1. CONTRACTOR agrees to commence work within ten (10) days after the date of written notice to commence work, and to complete the work on which he has bid within 30 working days as provided in the General Conditions. Article 4. CONTRACT PRICE. 4.1. OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work on a Unit Price Work Basis in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds based on the measured quantities and the unit prices stated in the Proposal. Article 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES. CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment on work completed during the previous month on the first day of the month. CONTRACTOR shall present only one Application for Payment each month. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER and OWNER shall make payment to CONTRACTOR within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice. A-1 Article 6. INTEREST. All moneys not paid when due shall bear interest at the maximum rate allowed by law at the place of the Project. Article 7. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTIONS. In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 7.1. CONTRACTOR has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. 7.2. CONTRACTOR binds itself to use such materials and so construct the work that it will remain in good repair and condition for and during the period of two (2) years from the date of the repair and to maintain said work in good repair and condition for said term of two (2) years. CONTRACTOR binds itself to repair or reconstruct the work in whole or in part at any time within said period, if in the opinion of the ENGINEER, it be necessary. 7.3. To the fullest extent permitted by laws and Regulations, CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless OWNER and ENGINEER and their consultants, agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, direct, indirect or consequential (including but not limited to fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and court and arbitration costs) arising out of or resulting from the performance of Work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (a) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself) including the loss of use resulting there from and (b) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of CONTRACTOR, and Subcontractor, any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder or arises by or is imposed by Laws and Regulations regardless of the negligence of any such party. 7.4. In any and all claims against OWNER or ENGINEER or any of their consultants, agents or employees by any employee of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under paragraph 7.3 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for CONTRACTOR or any such Subcontractor or other person or organization under workers' or workmen's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. Article 8. Contract Documents The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work consist of the following: A-2 8.1 Notice to Bidders consisting of one (1) page. 8.2 Instructions to Bidders consisting of three (3) pages. 8.3 Proposal consisting of Five (5) pages. 8.4 This Agreement consisting of four (4) pages. 8.5 Performance, Payment and Maintenance Bonds consisting of four (4) pages. 8.6 General Conditions consisting of 26 pages. 8.7 General Requirements consisting of 14 pages. 8.8 Construction Plans consisting of seven (7) sheets as prepared by Graham Associates, Inc. 8.9 Addenda Nos. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 8. Article 9. TERMINATION. OWNER may terminate contract if CONTRACTOR persistently fails to perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents including, but not limited to, failure to supply sufficient skilled workers, or suitable materials or equipment, or otherwise violates in any substantial way any provisions of the Contract Documents. OWNER may, after giving CONTRACTOR seven (7) days written notice and to the extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, terminate the services of CONTRACTOR, exclude CONTRACTOR from the site and take possession of the Work. Article 10. MISCELLANEOUS. 10.1. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound, and specifically but without limitation moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 10.2. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect of all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, OWNER and CONTRACTOR have signed five (5) copies of the Agreement. Two counterparts each have been delivered to OWNER and CONTRACTOR, and one counterpart has been delivered to ENGINEER. All portions of A-3 the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by OWNER and CONTRACTOR or by ENGINEER on their behalf. This agreement will be effective on the OWNER: Town of Westlake, Texas M Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, Town Secretary Address for giving notices: 3 Village Circle, Suite 202 Westlake, Texas 76262 day of , 2009. CONTRACTOR: By: ATTEST: Address for giving notices: (If OWNER is a public body, attach List name of person to whose attention resolution authorizing execution of notices are to be sent: Agreement. ) (If CONTRACTOR is a Corporation, attach evidence of authority to sign.) BID TABULATION Town of Westlake Stagecoach Draiange Improvements Bid Onenina: Wednesday. July 1. 2009 Base Bid Total $38,031.24 IAlternate Bid Items $37,836.30 $47,550.00 $44,099.00 $38,736.00 $52,372.08 11 27" RCP installation 155 L.F. Bristow Contracting Aventura Excavation North Texas Contracting, Inc. Saber Development Coproration Humphrey & Morton Construction Company Rodgers Construction Company ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE r TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL Base Bid Items $3,500.00 $90.00 $4,500.00 $65.00 $3,250.00 $60.10 $3,005.00 $115.33 $5,766.50 13 Remove & Replace asphalt driveway 1 Remove two joints and abandon remaining 24" RCP 1 L.S. $409.69 $409.69 $562.50 $562.50 $300.00 $300.00 $250.00 $250.00 $140.00 $140.00 $1,148.18 $1,148.18 2 12" RCP installation 20 L. F. $46.22 $924.40 $46.63 $932.60 $70.00 $1,400.00 $42.00 $840.00 $49.80 $996.00 $43.07 $861.40 3 24" RCP installation 110 L. F. $51.36 $5,649.60 $60.42 $6,646.20 $80.00 $8,800.00 $67.15 $7,386.50 $50.30 $5,533.00 $54.06 $5,946.60 4 27" RCP installation 150 L. F. $57.29 $8,593.50 $64.36 $9,654.00 $90.00 $13,500.00 $74.15 $11,122.50 $60.50 $9,075.00 $53.60 $8,040.00 5 Remove & Replace concrete driveway 70 S.Y. $57.75 $4,042.50 $70.00 $4,900.00 $90.00 $6,300.00 $65.00 $4,550.00 $60.10 $4,207.00 $114.95 $8,046.50 6 Construct new concrete driveway 45 S.Y. $52.09 $2,344.05 $49.70 $2,236.50 $70.00 $3,150.00 $55.00 $2,475.00 $45.10 $2,029.50 $100.06 $4,502.70 7 Remove & Replace asphalt driveway 55 S.Y. $49,021 2,696.10 $42.50 $2,337,501 $70,001 $3,850.001 $45,001 $2,475.00 $39.10 $2,150.501 $87.24 $4,798.20 8 Ditch excavation 700 C.Y. $10.46 $7,322.00 $9.68 $6,776.00 $9.00 $6,300.00 $15.00 $10,500.00 $19.40 $13,580.00 $16.76 $11,732.00 9 Hydro -mulch seeding 2,750 S.Y. $1.74 $4,785.00 $1.02 $2,805.00 $1.00 $2,750.00 $1.00 $2,750.00 $0.30 $825.00 $2.15 $5,912.50 10 IRelocate sprinkler heads 1 10 1 EA. $126.441 $1,264,401 $98.60 $986.001 $120.001 $1,200.001 $175.001 $1,750.00 $20.00 $200.001 $138.401 $1,384.00 Base Bid Total $38,031.24 IAlternate Bid Items $37,836.30 $47,550.00 $44,099.00 $38,736.00 $52,372.08 11 27" RCP installation 155 L.F. $57.29 $8,879.95 $64.36 $9,975.80 $90.00 $13,950.00 $74.15 $11,493.25 $60.50 $9,377.50 $50.44 $7,818.20 12 Remove & Replace concrete driveway 50 S.Y. $57.66 $2,883.00 $70.00 $3,500.00 $90.00 $4,500.00 $65.00 $3,250.00 $60.10 $3,005.00 $115.33 $5,766.50 13 Remove & Replace asphalt driveway 60 S.Y. $49.03 $2,941.80 $42.50 $2,550.00 $70.00 $4,200.00 $45.00 $2,700.00 $39.10 $2,346.00 $93.80 $5,628.00 14 Ditch excavation 400 C.Y. $10.46 $4,184.00 $9.68 $3,872.00 $9.00 $3,600.00 $15.00 $6,000.00 $19.40 $7,760.00 $16.59 $6,636.00 15 HYDRO -MULCH SEEDING 1,400 S.Y. $1.74 $2,436.00 $1.02 $1,428.00 $1.00 $1,400.00 $1.00 $1,400.00 $0.30 $420.00 $4.19 $5,866.00 16 24" Stone clad headwall 6 EA. $594.00 $3,564.00 $1,177.91 $7,067.46 $1,100.00 $6,600.00 $2,250.00 $13,500.00 $2,130.00 $12,780.00 $4,829.40 $28,976.40 17 27" Stone clad headwall 16 EA. $594.00 $9,504.00 $1,177.91 $18,846.56 $1,300.00 $20,800.00 $2,350.00 $37,600.00 $3,160.00 $50,560.00 $5,433.30 $86,932.80 18 12" Stone clad double headwal 2 EA. $594.00 $1,188.00 $1,177.91 $2,355.82 $1,200.001 2,400.00 $1,650.00 $3,300.00 $1,200.00 $2,400.00 $4,024.091 $8,048.18 19 27" Stone clad double headwal 2 1 EA. 1 $772.201 $1,544.401 $1,501.141 $3,002.28 $1,800.001 $3,600.00 $3,500.001 $7,000.001 $4,900.001 $9,800.001 $7,071.591 $14,143.18 20 lKelocate sprinkler heads 5 1 EA. 1 $126.441 $632.201 $98.601 $493.001 $1120.001 $600.00 $175.001 $875.001 $20.001 $100.001 $138,401 $692.00 Alternate Bid Total $37,757.35 $53,090.92 $61,650.00 $87,118.25 $98,548.50 $170,507.26 TOTAL $75,788.59 $90,927.22 $109,200.00 $131,217.25 $137,284.50 $222,879.34 Town of Westlake Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Town Council From: Kim Sutter, Town Secretary Subject: Regular Meeting of July 13, 2009 Date: June 29, 2009 ITEM Consider a Resolution reappointing and appointing members to Boards, Commissions, and Committees. BACKGROUND Members with expiring terms have been contacted by the Town Secretary's office and asked to respond as to their desire to continue to serve as a board, commission, or committee member. Attached you will find a Board roster. The roster has been color - coded for a quick visual overview. - Members names in BLUE would like to be considered for reappointment. - Members names in Gray are currently serving on the Board. - Members name in RED are not seeking reappointment. - Current vacancies are also included in RED. The attached resolution indicates the names of the board, commission, and committee members that wish to continue to serve as well as the term expiration for each appointment/reappointment. Please note that there are open positions on a few of the Boards and you may also wish to make appointments to fill those vacancies as well as consider new appointments to fill the positions of board members who no longer wish to continue to serve. Applications to consider for appointment have been included in your packet. RECOMMENDATION Consider reappointments and appointments to the Town's Boards, Commissions, and Committees. FUNDING N/A ATTACHMENTS Board Roster Resolution No. 09-33 Board Applications TOWN OF WESTLAKE BOARD, COMMISSION, FOUNDATION, AND COMMITTEE ROSTER Red = Vacancy or Not Seeking Reappointment Blue = Consider for Reappointment 4B Economic Development Board (4 Aldermen and 3 non -Aldermen, 2 year terms) (must be residents of the Town) Member Address board) Phone number Laura Wheat 2006 Navasota Cove Westlake, TX 76262 817-380-1515 Vacant, Council Member (D. Redding) Westlake, TX 76262 Westlake, TX 76262 Tim Brittan, Council Member 1925 N. Pearson Lane Westlake, TX 76262 817-379-0782 Carol Langdon, Council Member 1832 Broken Bend Drive Westlake, TX 76262 817-723-3399 David Brown, Treasurer 4050 Aspen Lane Westlake, TX 76262 817-431-9283 Vacant - non -Council Member Stephen Thornton 13187 Thornton Drive Westlake, TX 76262 Vacant - non -Council Member Vacant Resignation of T. Walton 2005 Wood Thrush Court Historical Preservation Society (Meets 3rd Monday of each month at 6 p.m. ) Address (created by Resolution 00-02, 2-14-00) (3 year terms) (10 member board) New Term Expires Member Address Westlake, TX 76262 817-379-9223 Heidi Kloempke, 2600 JT Ottinger Road Westlake, TX 76262 Westlake, TX 76262 Jack Wiesman 2607 W. Southlake Blvd Southlake, TX 76092-6722 817-431-1004 Kristi Layton 9 Village Circle, Suite 500 Westlake, TX 76262 817-961-6605 Sharon Sanden 13288 Thornton Drive Westlake, TX 76262 817-491-9491 Stephen Thornton 13187 Thornton Drive Westlake, TX 76262 817-491-2005 Vacant Resignation of T. Walton 2005 Wood Thrush Court Westlake, TX 76262 Vacant Resignation of K. Bradley Mike Silliman 9 Village Circle, Suite 500 Vacant Resignation of L. Councilman June -10 Mary Petty Vacant Resignation of Ruby Held June -09 Vacant 4833 Pershing Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76107 817-732-3660 Other Members: Joyce Roach P.O. Box 143 Keller, TX 76244 817-431-8716 Planning & Zoning Commission (meets the 4th Thursday of each Month - if necessary) (2 yr terms) New Term Expires June -09 June -09 June -09 June -09 June -09 June -09 June -09 New Term Expires June -11 June -10 June -09 June -11 June -10 June -10 June -10 June -11 June -09 June -09 Member Address Phone Number New Term Expires William Greenwood, Chr 40 Wyck Hill Lane Westlake, TX 76262 817-379-9223 June -09 Vacant Election of R. Rennhack to Council Westlake, TX 76262 June -10 Walter Copeland 1401 Hawthorn Way Westlake, 1 X 16262 817-917-1478 (cell) June -10 Allen Heath 5944 Stage Coach Circle Westlake, TX 76262 817-491-9140 June -10 Sharon Sanden 13288 Thornton Drive Westlake. TX 76262 817-491-9491 June -09 Public Art Society of Westlake (est. Reso. 07-25, 4-23-07, amended Reso.08-12 2-25-08) (9 members) Member Address Phone Number New Term Expires Michelle Corson (3) 2102 Vaquero Club Drive Westlake, TX 76262 817-379-2303 June -10 Leah Rennhack (3) 1762 Hidden Springs Court Westlake, TX 76262 817-746-1762 June -10 Kelly Cox 2252 King Fisher Drive Westlake, TX 76262 817-337-9903 June -10 Shannon LaRue (2) 1855 Broken Bend Drive Westlake, TX 76262 817-742-0703 June -09 Dave Rollins Pres (2) 13239 Roanoke Road Westlake, TX 76262 817-491-1668 June -09 Kay Anderson (1) 2005 Wood Thrush Court Westlake, TX 76262 817-562-2005 June -09 Mike Silliman 9 Village Circle, Suite 500 Westlake, TX 76262 214-906-6560 June -10 Mary Petty 1021 Simmons Keller, TX 76248 June -09 Debra Hale 4833 Pershing Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76107 817-732-3660 June -09 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 7/6/2009 - 3:56 PM TOWN OF WESTLAKE BOARD, COMMISSION, FOUNDATION, AND COMMITTEE ROSTER Texas Student Housing Authority Board of Directors (7 Directors, 2 year terms) Member Address Phone Number Jim Carter 2650 FM 407, Suite 145-100 Bartonville, 1 X 76226 817-239-7791 Jac Irvine 6068 Lake Way Mews North Richland Hills, TX 76180 817-428-1910 Vacant Westlake, TX 76262 Julie Timmerman George Ledak 1220 Mt. Gilead Road Roanoke, TX 76262 817-337-9941 Jill McKean 11845 Hickory Circle Keller, TX 76248 469-586-2378 Chuck Schultz 1714 Wisteria Way Westlake, TX 76262 817-431-9540 Melanie Lekkos 2006 Brazos Court Westlake, TX 76262 817-424-9171 Scott Bradley General Counsel 3 Village Circle, Ste 207, 762622 817-800-4508 Pete Ehrenberg Executive Director 3 Village Circle, Ste 207, 76262 817-490-5723 Kim Sutter Secretary 3 Village Circle, Ste 207, 76262 817-490-5744 Westlake Academy Foundation (7 to 15 members (reso. 07-36), 2 year terms) Member Address Colleen Hess 2215 Vaquero Club Drive Westlake, TX 76262 140; Leah Rennhack, President 1762 Hidden Springs Court Westlake, TX 76262 Julie Timmerman 1804 Millstream Court Westlake, TX 76262 Chris Noonan 814 Shorecrest Drive Southlake, TX 76092 Bill Greenwood 40 Wyck Hill Lane Westlake, TX 76262 David Lee 705 Timber Lake Circle Southlake, TX 76092 George Ledak 1220 Mt. Gilead Road Roanoke, TX 76262 Leigh Sander 1517 Windsor Forest Court Roanoke, TX 76262 Di 5940 Mahotea Boone Trail 62 Charlotte Ryan 27 Wyck Hill Westlake, TX 76262 Jeff Ry< 27 Wyck Hill Westlake, TX 76262 Karen Osborne 1803 Millstream Court Westlake, TX 76262 Kelly Cox 2252 King Fisher Drive Ws Phone Number 817-379-3793 817-491-4292 817-746-1762 817-742-0333 817-329-1569 817-379-9696 817-481-5423 817-337-9941 817-379-1948 817-63, 817-337-0252 817-337-0252 817-858-9504 817-337-9903 Page 2 of 2 New Term Expires June -'10 June -10 June -10 June -09 June -10 June -09 June -09 New Term Expires June -09 June June -10 June -10 June -10 June -10 June -09 June -09 June -09 ne-10 .evolving House of Commor June -10 Jun -09 Jun -09 Rev. 7/6/2009 - 3:56 PM TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 09-33 REAPPOINTING AND APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE 4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD; WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY; PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION; PUBLIC ART SOCIETY OF WESTLAKE; TEXAS STUDENT HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS; THE TEXAS STUDENT HOUSING CORPORATION; THE TEXAS STUDENT HOUSING CORPORATION — DENTON PROJECT; THE TEXAS STUDENT HOUSING CORPORATION — COLLEGE STATION PROJECT; AND THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION, AND RESOLVING RELATED MATTERS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION L THAT the following individuals are hereby appointed/reappointed to the 4B Economic Development Board: As a result of the appointments heretofore stated, the 4B Economic Development Board is represented by the following: Term Expiration Laura Wheat, Mayor June 2011 Carol Langdon, Council Member June 2011 Tim Brittan, Council Member June 2011 , Council Member June 2011 David Brown, Non -Council Member June 2011 Non -Council Member June 2011 Non -Council Member June 2011 As a result of the appointments heretofore stated, the 4B Economic Development Board is represented by the following: SECTION II. THAT the following individual(s) is hereby appointed/reappointed to the Westlake Historical Preservation Society: Term Expiration Term Expiration Laura Wheat, Mayor June 2011 Carol Langdon, Council Member June 2011 Tim Brittan, Council Member June 2011 , Council Member June 2011 David Brown, Non -Council Member June 2011 Non -Council Member June 2011 Non -Council Member June 2011 SECTION II. THAT the following individual(s) is hereby appointed/reappointed to the Westlake Historical Preservation Society: Term Expiration Kristi Layton June 2012 June 2012 June 2012 June 2010 June 2010 June 2011 said term of office expiring June 2012 As a result of the appointment heretofore stated, the Westlake Historical Preservation Society is represented by the following: Kristi Layton Stephen "Thornton Jack Wiesman Sharon Sanden Heidi Kloempken Term Expiration June 2012 June 2012 June 2012 June 2010 June 2010 June 2010 June 2010 June 2011 June 2011 June 2011 SECTION III. THAT the following individuals are hereby appointed reappointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission: William Greenwood Sharon Sanden Term Expiration June 2011 June 2011 June 2010 As a result of the appointments heretofore stated, the Planning and Zoning Commission is represented by the following: William Greenwood Sharon Sanden Walter Copeland Allen Heath Term Expiration June 2011 June 2011 June 2010 June 2010 June 2010 Section IV. THAT the following individuals is hereby appointed/reappointed to the Westlake Public Art Society: Term Expiration Dave Rollins June 2011 Shannon LaRue June 2011 Kay Anderson June 2010 Debra Hale June 2010 June 2011 June 2011 As a result of the appointment heretofore stated, the Westlake Public Art Society is represented by the following: Dave Rollins, Chair Kay Anderson Shannon LaRue Michelle Corson Leah Rennhack Debra Hale Mary Petty Vacant Vacant (Board Liaison) Staff Liaison Term Expiration June 2011 June 2010 June 2011 June 2010 June 2010 June 2010 June 2011 June 2011 June 2011 Town Manager or his appointee Section V. THAT the following individuals are hereby reappointed to the Texas Student Housing Authority, the Texas Student Housing Corporation, the Texas Student Housing Corporation — Denton Project, the Texas Student Housing Corporation — College Station Project; Chuck Schultz George Ledak Term Expiration June 2011 June 2011 June 2011 June 2010 As a result of the appointments heretofore stated, the Texas Student Housing Authority, the Texas Student Housing Corporation, the Texas Student Housing Corporation — Denton Project, the Texas Student Housing Corporation — College Station Project are represented by the following: Jim Carter Jac Irvine Jill McKean George Ledak Chuck Schultz Term Expiration June 2010 June 2010 June 2010 June 2010 June 2011 June 2011 June 2011 SECTION VI. THAT the following individuals are hereby appointed/reappointed to the Westlake Academy Foundation Board of Directors: PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 13 DAY OF JULY 2009. ATTEST: Laura Wheat, Mayor Term Expiration George Ledak June 2011 Leigh Sander June 2011 Kelly Cox June 2011 Colleen Hess June 2011 Karen Osborne June 2011 Charlotte Ryan (HOC) June 2010 June 2011 June 2010 As a result of the appointments heretofore stated, the Westlake Academy Foundation is represented by the following: Term Expiration Leah Rennhack June 2010 June 2010 Julie Timmerman June 2010 Chris Noonan June 2010 Bill Greenwood June 2010 Dr. Shezad Malik June 2010 Jeff Ryan June 2010 Deborah Zielger June 2010 George Ledak June 2011 June 2011 Leigh Sander June 2011 Kelly Cox June 2011 Karen Osborne June 2011 Colleen Hess June 2011 Charlotte Ryan Term as Chr. of HOC — June 2010 SECTION VII. THAT this resolution shall take effect from and after its final date of passage, and it is accordingly so ordered. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 13 DAY OF JULY 2009. ATTEST: Laura Wheat, Mayor Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Town Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney Town of Westlake Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Town Council From: Tom Brymer, Town Manager Subject: Regular Meeting of July 13, 2009 Date: July 6, 2009 ITEM Consideration of a Resolution adopting a strategic plan for the Town of Westlake. VISION POINT AND KEY RESULT AREAS This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: Q Inviting Residential & Corporate neighborhoods o On-going comprehensive planning o Sensitivity to neighborhood integrity o Outstanding community appearance o Highest quality development and aesthetic standards o Open space preservation Q We are Leaders o Premier educational facilities and programs o Producing well educated future leaders and thinkers o Business partnerships with Westlake Academy o Environmental stewardship initiatives o High quality services delivery coupled with financial stewardship o Infrastructure maintenance and planning Q Hospitality Finds its Home in Westlake o Citizen engagement and communication o Historic Preservation o Tourism development BACKGROUND Since June of last year, the Town Council and staff have worked to formulate community vision, value statements, as well as a mission statement on which to build a strategic plan for Westlake. The process of preparing and reviewing a strategic plan for the Town that moves the Town towards its vision, values, and mission has been going on since that time and has involved extensive commitments of Council and staff time to accomplish. The purpose of this workshop agenda item is to provide the Board an opportunity to discuss the revisions made to this draft strategic plan at its recent mini -retreat prior to consideration of the strategic plan for adoption. Below is a recap of Town Council meetings to date directed towards formulating the vision, values, and mission as well as developing the strategic plan to move the Town forward: • June 27-28, 2008. Two day off-site Council/Leadership Team strategic planning retreat focused on developing the Town's vision, values, and mission statements. • July 14, 2008. Council workshop held to follow-up from the strategic planning retreat. Council gave their consensus to use a format of dividing the vision statement into 3 vision points and create "key result areas" for each of those vision points. • February 23, 2009. Council workshop held where a draft municipal strategic plan was presented. Council consensus was to wait on the results of the DirectionFinders citizens' survey results before moving forward with the strategic plan. • June 22, 2009. At this Council mini -retreat, the DirectionFinders results were presented as well as the draft strategic plan containing Council revisions from the February 23, 2009 workshop. Council made further revisions to the draft strategic plan at this mini -retreat. FUNDING N/A at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Town Council adopt this resolution approving this strategic plan so it can become a guiding document for the Council in terms of focusing Council's efforts and priorities (and in turn, the staff's) on the strategies outlined in the plan. The strategic plan can be integrated into a number of the Town's governance and management processes, including budgeting and performance evaluations. It can be connected to a metrics (performance measurement) system to gauge its implementation and attainment of the various strategies set out in the plan. An annual citizens survey can also be used to measure success with implementing the strategic plan as well as determining areas in the plan that need more or less emphasis in terms of allocation of staff time and/or other resources. The plan should be viewed as just that, a plan, and should be reviewed at least annually with the Council to review its implementation as well as make any updates or changes the Council wishes to make to it. ATTACHMENTS: • Resolution No. 09-34 adopting a strategic plan for the Town of Westlake. • Draft strategic plan with changes made from June 22, 2009 Town Council mini - retreat. OA TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION 09-34 APPROVING AND ADOPTING A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE TOWN. WHEREAS, the Westlake Town Council has determined that effective governance of the Town of Westlake requires a multi-year focus that can best be provided by a strategic plan formulated by the Council -staff team; and, WHEREAS, the Westlake Town Council has invested significant Council and staff time over the last year in an off-site planning retreat as well as subsequent workshops to formulate vision, values, and mission statements to guide the creation of a strategic plan as well as has reviewed three drafts of this strategic plan; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council has determined that this strategic plan allows for a multi-year focus on the Council's priorities for the Town of Westlake, as well as the allocation of Council and staff time and resources to pursue those priorities; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that approving this strategic plan provides opportunities to measure implementation of the plan, integrate it with other governance and management processes, and shall be reviewed by the Council at least annually for any updates and/or revisions that the Council determines are necessary to make the plan as effective as possible; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT, all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2. THAT, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, hereby approves the attached strategic plan for the Town of Westlake attached to this resolution as Exhibit 'A. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 13TH DAY OF JULY, 2009. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Tom Brymer, Town Manager Stan Lowry, Town Attorney 2009 Town of Westlake Strategic Plan 'Westlake, a premier knowledge based community" DRAFT 3 Village Circle, Suite 202, Westlake, Texas 76262 www.westlake-tx.org (817) 430-0941 Vision Statement Westlake is a one -of -a -kind community—an Community Values oasis with rolling hills, grazing longhorns, and soaring red-tailed hawks, located in the heart • Innovation of the Fort Worth -Dallas metropolitan area. • A strong knowledge/education base • Being friendly and welcoming • Family focus • Engaged citizens • A unique rural setting emphasizing preservation of our natural beauty • Aesthetic appeal and high development standards Table of Contents History and Demographics 2 Key Result Area Summary and 3 Timelines Community Strengths and Challenges Vision Point One Vision Point Two Vision Point Three Outcome Strategies and Objectives 4 5 Inviting neighborhoods and architecturally vibrant corporate campuses find harmony among our meandering roads and trails, lined with native oaks and stone walls. We are leaders. In education, we are known for our innovative partnerships between the Town -owned Charter school and its corporate neighbors. We are environmental stewards — exemplifying the highest standards. Hospitality finds its home in Westlake. As a community, we are fully involved and invested in our rich heritage, vibrant present and exciting, sustainable future. Mission Statement 6 "On behalf of the citizens, the mission of the Town of Westlake is to 7 be a one -of -a -kind community that blends our rural atmosphere with our rich culture and urban location." 8 Page 2 Town of Westlake History and Demographics Approximately 700 residents currently occupy the Town of Westlake's 6.6 square miles, which is situated in the northern triangle of the Fort Worth—Dallas area. Originally settled in 1847, Westlake was incorporated in 1956. Today, the Town of Westlake is home to several neighborhoods, all of which share a commitment to excellence, but possess unique character and charm. All residents live in single-family homes and there is an award winning private golf course in Town. The median age in Westlake is 47, and 51 % of the residents are female. Some of the community's top employers are: Fidelity Investments, Chrysler Financial, and First American Real Estate Information Services, Inc. Several companies have offices in Solana, a high-profile corporate campus near State Highway 114. Solana's Village Circle also provides a mix of retail spaces and restaurants, plus offers the 296 -room Marriott Solana hotel. The sales tax rate in Westlake is 8.25%. Of the money collected, 6.25% is paid to the state of Texas,1 % to the Town, and the remaining 1 % to a local property tax relief fund and an economic development fund. 'Westlake, a Top Employers premier • Fidelity Investments knowledge • Chrysler Financial based . First American Real Estate Information Services, Inc. communz " • Wells Fargo Bank Solana Office Complex • McKesson Corporation Major & Planned Developments • Fidelity Investments North Texas Campus • Solana Corporate Campus • Chrysler Financial —Westlake Campus • First American Campus • Deloitte University Campus (in -design) • Marriott/ Solana Hotel Page 3 Strategic Plan's Organization and Timelines During the strategic planning process, the Town Council and staff Leadership Team developed an overview of the major work related objectives and mission for the Town of Westlake. The vision and mission statements were drafted to reflect the unique characteristics found within our community and the values which are important to our residents. The information is contained within three vision points which describe the areas that the Council has determined are vital to maintaining our Town and providing services to enhance the quality of life of our residents. Town of Westlake Vision Point One—Inviting Residential and Corporate Neighborhoods Vision Point Two — We are Leaders Vision Point Three — Hospitality Finds Its Home in Westlake "Vision without The vision points are then divided into key Result Areas (KRA's) and outcome action is a dream. measures which serve to focus the efforts of the staff on achieving the desired results Action without of the Council. vision is simply These range from issues such as maintaining neighborhood integrity through passing the time. infrastructure maintenance and development standards to promoting historic preservation and citizen involvement. Action with vision is making a Within each outcome measure, the staff has identified key objectives and a timeline in which to complete tasks and reach our goals. The timelines are either assigned short, positive d�erence. " mid, or long-range goals, while some are considered to be on-going and necessary on a - Joel Barker reoccurring basis. Short -Range Goals = 1— 2 years Mid -Range Goals = 3-5 years Long -Range Goals = 5 or more years On-going Goals The outcome measures are also assigned a Team Leader or Co -Leader who is responsible for working with a staff team to complete or work toward achieving the tasks in each Key Result Area. Page 4 Town of Westlake Community Strengths and Challenges The Westlake Mayor and Town Council are united in their view that the community enjoys many strengths. Westlake has no current ad valorem tax, however, this requires the Town to assess and evaluate alternative sources of revenue to maintain financial stability. The history of responsible planning and zoning, along with a growing corporate campus base is viewed as a benefit to the community. The Mayor, Council and staff continue to anticipate, identify and prepare for external conditions or activities, which would detract from the success and unique development of the Town. Special attention is given to practicing fiscal conservatism while delivering the highest quality of services to our residents. Future questions on such issues as the consideration of oil and gas drilling standards within the Town, creating a retail base, revenue opportunities, efficient service delivery, public safety concerns and the development of Westlake Academy will be important to Westlake elected officials, residents, the business community and staff. Future Milestones and Events • Groundbreaking of Deloitte University • Completion of the Sam and Margaret Lee Arts and Sciences Center Strengths • Fully integrated community duct bank • Access to top quality of life amenities • Development of quality corporate campuses and partnerships • Promotion of the Town as an event and conference location Opportunities and Challenges • Further development of a diversified revenue sources for the Town • Enlarged Westlake Academy campus with track, soccer, and baseball fields • Expanded park system • Attraction of retail development • Development of extensive interconnected trail system with surrounding municipalities • Potential SH 114 connectivity to SH 1-35 • Expansion of eco -friendly / green initiatives within the Town • Further urban sprawl from surrounding communities • Review of maintenance needs of infrastructure and funding for major repairs • Need to identify location of secondary water source and develop existing water supplies 2009 Strategic Plan Summary VISION POINT ONE -INVITING RESIDENTIAL AND CORPORATE NEIGHBORHOODS The Town is home to several communities; residential, corporate and agricultural uses. Our largest residential development is home to a state of the art golf facility and many beautiful homes. Stagecoach Hills is located along the historic stagecoach line which transported passengers from Keller to Denton. Westlake neighborhoods include: • Aspen Lane • Glenwyck Farms • Mahotea Boone • Paigebrooke Farms • Stagecoach Hills • Terra Bella • Vaquero • Wyck Hill The Town is located along the Tarrant and Denton County borders and has portions of major State highways that surround our perimeter. We are an ideal location for businesses and have enjoyed a long history with our corporate campus developments. Key Result Areas Supporting the Vision Point un -going comprenensive planning Short -Range Goals Update Master Plans: Comprehensive Use, Open Space /Trails, Land Use Mid -Range Goals Precinct Line Rd. Construction Develop Master Plan as Community Focal Point Highest Quality Development and Aesthetic Standards Short -Range Goals • Deloitte Groundbreaking • Update Codes/Amendments • Fidelity Phase II Completion • Finalize Oil and Gas Related Ordinances Mid -Range Goals • Attraction of Retail Development Sensitivity to Neighborhood Integrity Short -Range Goals • Landscaped Entrances Mid -Range Goals • Connected Trail System Lona -Range Goals • Town -wide Completed Trail System Open Space Preservation Short -Range Goals • Open Space Land Acquisition • Park Space Expansion Outstanding Community Appearance Short -Range Goals • Streetscape Projects Page 5 Entrance to Glenwyck Farms �1T'3 Fidelity Investments Construction Project Page 6 Strategic Plan Summary VISION POINT TWO -WE ARE LEADERS Town of Westlake Town leaders foresaw the need for a facility to educate the children of Westlake in a local setting and to provide the citizens with a civic campus. 7>` In 2003, the Town raised funds to build Westlake Academy, the only open -enrollment charter school owned and operated by a municipality in the State. The Academy offers the rigorous International Baccalaureate curriculum and all residents are eligible to enroll their children. The elected Town Council also serves as the Board of Trustees for the Academy. The Westlake Academy unique arrangement serves to strengthen the working relationship between the Academy and the Town. Westlake is also one of a handful of towns in Texas that does not levy a property tax. Instead, revenue from sales taxes, user fees, and franchise fees fund Town services. MM Entrance to Westlake Academy Key Result Areas Supporting the Vision Point Premier Educational Facilities and Programs Short -Range Goals • Opening of Arts and Sciences Center High Quality Services Delivery Coupled with Financial Stewardship Short -Range Goals • Review of growth related policies: "Growth pays for Growth" • Public Safety Service Delivery and Funding Review Producing Well Educated Future Leaders and Thinkers Short -Range Goals • Academy Students in Internships at Corporate Campuses • Academy and Deloitte University Mentoring Programs Infrastructure Maintenance and Planning Short -Range Goals • Town Facility Master Plan • Develop Capital Improvement Plans • Drainage Utility and Storm Water Planning Long -Range Goals • Regional Rail System Environmental Stewardship Initiatives Short -Range Goals • Create Westlake Green Team • Automated Recycling Program • Plan for Environmental Improvements and Water Conservation Strategies 2009 Strategic Plan Summary VISION POINT THREE -HOSPITALITY FINDS ITS HOME IN WESTLAKE In an effort to foster citizen engagement, enhance our neighborhoods and increase partici- pation in the community, many of the residents serve on various advisory boards that are committed to furthering the mission of the Town and ensuring Westlake is truly a unique community. The Westlake Historical Preservation Society was created to identify, preserve, and perpetuate the history of the Town of Westlake and the Cross Timbers region. The Town is committed to protecting and improving the quality of life of Westlake residents, businesses and students by encouraging, inspiring, educating and entertaining artistic and creative endeavors. The Public Art Society of Westlake provides a wide range of professional and artistic presentations to foster the arts in the community. Westlake is also a member of Tree City USA. The Town must meet strict standards to ensure there are viable tree management plans and programs in place to help support growth and forestry. Key Result Areas Supporting the Vision Point Citizen Engagement and Communication Short -Range Goals • Improve Web Site User Friendliness • Develop Communication Plan • Review E -government Usage for Service Delivery • Conduct Regular Neighborhood Meetings Arts and Culture Short -Range Goals • Implement Westlake Speaker Series to Feature Community Leaders Historic Preservation Short -Range Goals • Integrate Mission of the Historical Preservation Society into Community Events Tourism Development Short -Range Goals • Host Regional Events • Development to Include Additional Hotels and Restaurants Page 7 WA Campus Fountain 4.21 r'yitp vi y 2009 Page 8 Vision Point One—Inviting Residential and Corporate Neighborhoods Glenwyck Park "We are limited, not by our abilities, but by our own vision. " - Anonymous Vaquero Key Result Areas and Outcome Strategies ON-GOING COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING — Ensure the master plans are continually updated and reviewed to enhance the development of the Town. Outcome Measure: All master plan documents are not more than 5 years old. Outcome Strategies: 1. Update master plans to guide development and provide a framework for future projects; promote the Master Plan as a community focal point — Short & Mid -Range Goals. Team Co -Leaders: Tom Brymer/ Eddie Edwards Objective 1.1: Develop RFP for master plan review. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 Objective 1.2: Work with consultant to draft the master plans — form community/staff task force. Estimated Completion Date: Winter, 2010 2. Precinct Line Road construction — Mid -Range Goal. Team Leader: Jarrod Greenwood Objective 2.1: Facilitate stakeholder meetings to communicate project status and engage community members. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2009 Objective 2.2: Finalize construction plans with TxDOT; TxDOT bid placement. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2010 Objective 2.3: TxDOT commences construction. Estimated Completion Date: Winter 2010 SENSITIVITY TO NEIGHBORHOOD INTEGRITY — Maintain the high standards of neighborhood planning and residential construction to foster the Town's unique character and rural atmosphere. Outcome Measure: Utilize the 2009 Direction Finder survey to establish a benchmark measure for neighborhood integrity. Outcome Strategies: 1. Promote and develop landscaped entrances to neighborhoods — Mid -Range Goal. Team Leader: Troy Meyer Objective 1.1: Review and update ordinances and Unified Development Code for all landscaping requirements which would include, but not limited to: irrigation systems, plans, trees, xeriscape concepts, water features, lighting, gates, and signs. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 Page 9 Sensitivity to Neighborhood Integrity (cont.) Objective 1.2: Develop and implement a process to educate developers, homeowners associations, and staff on new requirements. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2011 2. Review and update the current trail system plan and develop interconnectivity options with surrounding municipalities — Mid and Long -Range Goals. Team Leader: Troy Meyer Objective 2.1: Partner with Keller, Trophy Club, Southlake and Roanoke on best location for connecting local and regional trail systems. Estimated Completion Date: Winter, 2010 Objective 2.2: Develop standards for park benches, water features, picnic tables, signs, and pet stations. Estimated Completion Date: Winter, 2010 Objective 2.3: Identify changes to the open space plan created March of 1999 and present to the Town Council for approval. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY APPEARANCE —Enhance the appearance of the Town with public art displays and high-quality, environmentally responsible landscaping projects. Outcome Measure: Utilize the 2009 Direction Finder survey to establish a benchmark measure for community appearance. Outcome Strategies: 1. Streetscape projects to enhance community appearance —Short -Range Goal. Team Leader: Jarrod Greenwood Objective 1.1: Work with consultants, TxDOT, and community stakeholders to develop streetscape concept that will incorporate existing themes and characteristics within Westlake. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2009 Objective 1.2: Work with Public Art Committee to enhance the FM 1938 corridor by developing a streetscape plan that includes areas dedicated for public art. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 Town of Westlake Arbor Days Hot Air Balloon � OACRIN Entrance to Stagecoach Hills 2009 Page 10 HIGHEST QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AND AESTHETIC STANDARDS — Ensure standards are met which maintain the superior appearance and construction of developments. Outcome Measure: At least one local, regional, or national award/recognition on an annual basis for new Westlake residential or commercial development. i Outcome Strategies: 1. J. T. Ottinger Road Terra Bella Entry Support our newest corporate partners, Deloitte and Fidelity, with Deloitte University and the completion of Fidelity Phase II — On-going Goal. Team Leader: Ginger Awtry Objective 1.1: Facilitate communication between the stakeholders — PR/marketing team, Town Council, staff, citizens and businesses —to aid and promote the groundbreaking and opening activities. Estimated Completion Date: On-going Objective 1.2: Coordinate and assist with press releases, special required permitting, community traffic flow, security needs, local dignitary contacts, and any other municipal areas in which assistance is warranted. Estimated Completion Date: On-going 2. Revise and update all codes and related amendments —Short -Range Goal. Team Leader: Eddie Edwards Objective 2.1: Revise plan review checklists to reflect the new codes, policies, and procedures; Update Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2009 Objective 2.2: Update Town of Westlake internet site to reflect the new code adoptions. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2009 Objective 2.3: Update contractor handouts reflecting new codes, revised policies, and procedures. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 3. Finalize oil and gas drilling related ordinances —Short -Range Goal. Team Leader: Eddie Edwards Objective 3.1: Develop applications, forms, policies, and procedures related to issuing permits and administering the adopted codes. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2009 Objective 3.2: Amend technical standards provision in Code of Ordinances. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2009 Objective 3.3: Amend zoning ordinance to allow drilling and production in additional zoning districts. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2009 Page 11 Town of Westlake Highest Quality Development and Aesthetic Standards (cont.) 4. Work to attract nationwide, well known anchor and retail businesses — Mid -Range and On-going Goals. Team Co -Leaders: Tom Brymer /Eddie Edwards Objective 4.1: Explore viable economic development tools to attract retail development, specifically in the western area of Westlake, which would be beneficial to the Town and potential business partnerships. Estimated Completion Date: Winter, 2010 Cielo Restaurant Objective 4.2: Research the use of special districts and other incentives that would allow the Town to be proactive in our effort to attract retail uses. Estimated Completion Date: Winter, 2010 and On-going OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION — Maintain the rural atmosphere, spacious residential lots, park facilities and open areas within the master planned community development. Outcome Measure: Utilize comprehensive plan to develop a recommendation or feasible ratio of open space to land development. Outcome Strategies: 1. Open space land management and park system expansion —Mid -Range Goal. Team Leader: Troy Meyer Objective 1.1: Define the "Open Space Land Management" concept to develop practices and policies to protect our natural resources. Estimated Completion Date: Winter, 2009 Objective 1.2: Review current land management plans; "inventory" available open space/potentials sites located in the flood plains/wet lands. Estimated Completion Date: Winter, 2009 Objective 1.3: Develop long range plans to maintain resources including ordinances and additional requirements to site plans/SUP submittals mandating open space requirements as developments proceed through the Town. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2010 Objective 1.4: Analyze the open space in relation to comprehensive trail system and amend trail space to integrate cohesive planning. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 Objective 1.5: Work with Planning Department to ensure public open spaces are included in development proposals. Marriott/ Solana Hotel Estimated Completion Date: On-going Objective 1.6: Hire consultant for revised trail master plan, to include, overview of system components, cemetery design elements Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 Objective 1.7: Examine the establishment of a parks master plan. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 Page 12 Vaquero "Westlake has been a lot of things, but it has never been ordinary. " Fort Vorth Star Telegram Town of Westlake Vision Point Two — We Are Leaders PREMIER EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS — Develop high quality educa- tional facilities and learning opportunities for the students of Westlake Academy. Outcome Measure: Completion of Arts & Sciences Center. Outcome Strategies: 1. Complete the Sam and Margaret Lee Arts and Sciences Center— Short -Range Goal. Team Leader: Troy Meyer Objective 1.1: Pouring of concrete foundation. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2009 Objective 1.2: Continual supervision and interaction with contractors and suppliers to facilitate contract completion for construction related matters. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2009 Objective 1.3: Opening of Arts and Sciences Center. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2009 PRODUCING WELL EDUCATED FUTURE LEADERS AND THINKERS—Supportthe Academy staff in their efforts to educate the students. Outcome Measure: Development of program processes and objectives; creation of 2 intern positions and placement of students within 2 years. 1. Create partnerships between municipal and Academy staff to utilize local government resources to enhance student learning and achievement - Short -Term and On-going Goals. Team Leader: Debbie Piper A. Field Trips Objective 2.1: Discuss with the Leadership Team any field trip opportunities that will be of interest to the students and introduce them to the responsibilities of local government services. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2009 Objective 2.2: Meet with Head of Sections to develop a plan and determine what grade levels would be applicable. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2009 Objective 2.3: Based on meeting outcome ,scheduling limitations and student availability, conduct a meeting with staff to identify field trip dates and assist the respective Department Head with scheduling, if necessary. Vaquero Estimated Completion Date: Winter, 2009 2009 Producing Well Educated Future Leaders and Thinkers (cont.) B. Internships and Mentoring Objective 2.4: Meet with staff to determine level of interest and assistance the interns will be able to provide and formulate rotation to allow students the experience of working in all aspects of local government. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2009 Objective 2.5: Coordinate placement opportunities with local businesses and prepare evaluation forms and feedback process for both students and employers. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 Objective 2.6: Select interns and prepare a schedule with Town and Academy staff. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 Page 13 Beginning Phase of A&S Site Preparation ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP INITIATIVES—Develop and implement comprehensive `green' programs for the residents, corporations, and the Academy. Outcome Measure: Implementation of approved environmental programs within five years. Outcome Strategies: 1. Develop a comprehensive automated recycling and composting program to identify new technology which maybe utilized in our environmental stewardship — Short -Range and On-going Goals. Team Co -Leaders: Jarrod Greenwood / Troy Meyer Objective 1.1: Conduct Council workshop presentation to identify environmental stewardship initiatives and prioritize tasks within the program —to include, geo-thermal and bio -diesel options and e -waste recycling opportunities Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 A. Formation of Westlake Green Team Objective 1.2: Establish the Westlake Green Team to address issues with recycling/composting. Will include Town Council, staff, student representatives, corporate residents and waste management provider. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 Objective 1.3: Coordinate activities of Team with NCTCOG, especially its Green Cities Committee. B. Recycling Program Objective 1.4: Survey surrounding recycling and composting programs and available services to develop a comprehensive program. Estimated Completion Date: Winter, 2009 Objective 1.5: Implement recycling program at all Town facilities. PWRIM Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2009 Objective 1.6: Provide hazardous material disposal for citizens. Estimated Completion Date: On-going Westlake Academy and Student Body Page 14 Town of Westlake Environmental Stewardship Initiatives (cont.) C. Water Conservation Efforts Objective 1.7: Develop water conservation messages for landscaping and the use of xeriscaping in neighborhoods and common areas. Develop plant listing �-►.� for landscape ordinance. Integrate input from resident master gardeners to enhance conservation and landscaping recommendations. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 Objective 1.8: Assist Academy with water conservation, protection, and production education by speaking to students and arranging field trips to water and wastewater treatment facilities. Estimated Completion Date: On-going Objective 1.9: Provide water conservation information to customers through the website, mailings, news letters, and Academy publications. Estimated Completion Date: On-going Westlake DPS Engine HIGH QUALITY SERVICES DELIVERY COUPLED WITH FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP Research available revenue resources to offset the cost of providing services; continue to provide outstanding government administrative support services while working within the municipal budget. Outcome Measure: Implementation of at least one new demand driven revenue source per year, over the next five years. Outcome Strategies: 1. Establish a strategy for achieving long-term financial sustainability for the Town government, including Westlake Academy — Mid -Range Goal. Team Leader: Tom Brymer Objective 1.1: Review 2009 Direction Finders results with Council. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2009 Objective 1.2: Review 2009 Westlake Academy Parent Survey with Council. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2009 Objective 1.3: Review Town Capital Improvement Plan, municipal 5 -year financial forecast, and Academy financial forecast during proposed 09/10 budget deliberations. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2009 Objective 1.4: Research and compile report regarding municipally owned and operated charter schools and their organizational structure. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2009 Objective 1.5: Council to review long-range financial forecast, Academy cost structure components, staff to identify options and strategies to address financial issues and their timing. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 2009 High Quality Services Delivery Coupled with Financial Stewardship (cont.) Objective 1.6: Council to prioritize service options and provide staff direction on future budgeting and resource allocation. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 2. Review and discuss growth related policies — Short -Range Goals. Team Co -Leaders: Tom Brymer / Todd Wood / Debbie Piper A. Council discussion of "Growth pays for growth" approach to financial stewardship and policy making. Page 15 Objective 2.1: Identify sources of Town expenditures related to service delivery which are not currently offset by fee collection. Analyze identified expenditures, from the standpoint of current impact and future expansion to ensure quality service delivery. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 Objective 2.2: Identify actual or potential costs incurred by the Town. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 Objective 2.3: Survey other communities to benchmark costs for newly proposed fees and amendments of existing fees. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 B. Impact Fees Objective 2.4: Discuss and receive Council direction on impact fee feasibility study. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 Objective 2.5: Prepare proposal of utility impact fee analysis and feasibility report. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 Objective 2.6: Review impact fee recommendations and consider fee adoption. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2011 C. Park Land Dedication and Development Fee Objective 2.7: Discuss and receive Council direction on park land dedication and development fee implementation. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 Objective 2.8: Prepare proposal of park land dedication and development fee analysis and feasibility report. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2010 3. Explore public safety service delivery options and funding— Short -Range Goal. Team Co -Leaders: Tom Brymer / DPS Lieutenants Objective 3.1: Research available options to deliver and fund public safety programs. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 Objective 3.2: Present options and recommendations to Council. Westlake DPS Ambulance Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2010 Page 16 "Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately omn the vision, and relentlessjdrive it to completion. " - Jack belch Town of Westlake High Quality Services Delivery Coupled with Financial Stewardship (cont.) 4. Enhance the effectiveness of service delivery via intergovernmental partnerships — Mid -Range and On-going Goals. Team Leader: Tom Brymer Objective 4.1: Council discussion of the use of inter -local agreements as a means to pursue various types of intergovernmental partnership opportunities with area municipalities. Expected Completion Date: Winter, 2009 Objective 4.2: Share a draft of a memorandum of understanding and/or inter -local agreement with municipalities surrounding Westlake to determine the interest level of such partnerships. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 Objective 4.3: Pursue dialogue and discussion at both the staff and Council level with cities that have expressed an interest in pursuing identified opportunities of mutual interest. Estimated Completion Date: On-going INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE AND PLANNING — Identify the maintenance needs of existing buildings, review the impact of severe weather patterns on our neighborhoods and formulate a long-term capital improvement plan. Outcome Measure: Approved capital improvement plan within two years. Outcome Strategies: 1. Draft facility master plan with Council —Short -Range Goal. Team Leader: Amanda DeGan Objective 1.1: Work with the Leadership Team to establish a viable facility planning/CIP process. Estimated Completion Date: Winter, 2009 Objective 1.2: Discuss facility master plan (FMP) scope with Council and receive direction. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 Objective 1.3: Draft FMP scope and solicit project proposals; retain outside consultant to assist staff on FM P. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 Objective 1.4: Select priorities from FMP and convert into a rolling 5-10 year capital improvement plan. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2011 2009 Infrastructure Maintenance and Planning (cont.) 2. Review the drainage and storm water plans needed to minimize the impact of severe weather on our neighborhoods — Short -Range Goal. Team Leader: Jarrod Greenwood Objective 2.1: Complete Stagecoach Hills subdivision draining improvement project. Estimated Completion Date: May, 2009 Page 17 Spring Flowers 3. Storm Water Utility review —Short Range Goal. Team Leader: Jarrod Greenwood Objective 3.1: Discuss storm water utility (SWU) fee with Council as to feasibility and receive direction. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2010 Objective 3.2: Draft SWU feasibility analysis scope; retain outside consultant to assist staff. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2011 Objective 3.3: Receive SWU report and present recommendations to Council. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2011 Objective 3.4: Implement SWU fee. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2011 4. Work with transportation representatives to include Westlake in regional rail system —Short -Range and On-going Goals. Team Leader: Kim Sutter Objective 4.1: Compile a list of resources for information on a regional rail system. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2009 Objective 4.2: Monitor progress of plans for and implementation of a regional rail system through legislation, NCTCOG, NE Leadership Forum, etc. Estimated Completion Date: On-going Objective 4.3: Survey community interest/seek input from corporate neighbors and residents for a rail system. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2009 Objective 4.4: Consider Town Council resolution approval in support of rail system. Estimated Completion Date: Winter, 2009 Objective 4.5: Communicate information and progress of system to corporate neighbors and residents. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 and On-going Page 18 Vision Point Three — Hospitality Finds Its Home in Westlake Town of Westlake CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION — Design a comprehensive plan to communicate with residents, Academy families, corporate partners, and other community stakeholders. Outcome Measure: Utilize the 2009 Direction Finder survey to establish a benchmark for resident satis- faction in communication and engagement efforts. Outcome Strategies: 1. Develop overall communication plan for the residents and businesses — Short -Range and On-going Goals. Team Leader: Kim Sutter Objective 1.1: Coordinate with PR firm to develop a communications plan for the Town and Academy. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2009 Objective 1.2: Establish and conduct regular PR/marketing team meetings, to include, selected business community members, to implement the communication plan and gauge the success of the activities. Estimated Completion Date: On-going Objective 1.3: Establish regular monthly meeting dates and times with PR firm to discuss promotion of the Town and Academy. Estimated Completion Date: On-going 2. Use of technology to enhance service delivery and citizen engagement. — Short -Range and On-going Goals. Team Leader: Todd Wood A. Web -site re -design Objective 2.1: Increase user-friendly accessibility and information dissemination Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2009 Objective 2.2: Collectively review the website for updates; assess the relevance of content and remove the obsolete information. Estimated Completion Date: On-going .;, B. Review the use of e -government Objective 2.3: Staff to conduct feasibility study and applications for integrated e -government services for customers. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2009 Objective 2A Present study to Council in workshop. Westlake Academy Estimated Completion Date: Winter, 2009 Objective 2.5: Implement Council directed e -government program. Estimated Completion Date: Summer, 2010 Page 19 HISTORIC PRESERVATION — Record the events, individuals, or groups associated with the Town of who had an impact on the region to provide an accurate portrayal of the history of Westlake. Outcome Measure: Host two events on an annual basis to increase awareness of the Town's history. Outcome Strategies: 1. Integrate the mission of the Westlake Historical Preservation Society (WHPS) into community events — Short -Range and On-going Goals. Team Leader: Ginger Awtry Objective 1.1: Meet with WHPS president to review mission and strategic plan of both the Society and the Town/Academy plan to ensure continuity. Estimated Completion Date: Winter, 2009 Objective 1.2: Coordinate and foster communication with community groups and Westlake Academy liaison to ensure our local events promote historical preservation and the Society's visibility; coordinate the event calendars of the groups. Estimated Completion Date: On-going Objective 1.3: Assist in communication between the WHPS and other groups, specifically the Public Arts Society, to promote historical preservation and visibility along trail pathways, entry points, parks and civic campus, etc. Estimated Completion Date: On-going Objective 1.4: Continue to provide assistance in the hosting of Decoration Day; assist the PR firm in marketing the event to residents and the general public. Estimated Completion Date: On-going TOURISM DEVELOPMENT — Promote the Town as an ideal location for hosting conferences and large meeting events and market the Town's hotel and restaurants as an additional component of regional attractions. Outcome Measure: Increase in occupancy and group meeting rate bookings at the Marriott/Solana Hotel within two years. Outcome Strategies: 1. Host regional events to attract individuals to our restaurants, hotel and businesses — Short -Range and On-going Goals. Team Leader: Ginger Awtry Objective 1.1 Facilitate and partner in communications with ARTSNET and our corporate resident, Maguire Partners, to promote our Masterworks Concert Series in an effort to provide local entertainment and attract individuals from neighboring communities. Estimated Completion Date: On-going Town of Westlake Decoration Day Flags "Vision is the art Of seeing what is invisible to others. " - Jonatban Swift Wyck Hill 2009 Westlake Academy/ Civic Campus Page 20 Tourism Development (cont.) Objective 1.2: Work with PR/marketing team, consultants and Masterworks partners to develop concert series and increase participation by 10% annually . Estimated Completion Date: On-going Objective 1.3: Partner with the Recreation department in annual Arbor Days celebration; working to increase resident, student and corporate participation. Estimated Completion Date: On-going Objective 1.4: Review Town survey results, discuss with marketing team, other municipalities and applicable corporate marketing staff to determine the level of interest in hosting an expanded number of events in Westlake. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 2. Develop and assist the PR/marketing team, working with the Town's PR consultant group to promote Westlake as a business and tourist destination —Short -Range Goal. Team Leader: Kim Sutter Objective 2.1: Develop concept for marketing team; including goals and objectives and target audience (based on progress of communications plan). Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2009 Objective 2.2: Interact with PR firm, and possibly corporate partners, to develop collateral material for use proactively/reactively to request for information regarding the Town. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 Objective 2.3: Formulate a contract with Marriott/Solana for the use of the hotel/motel occupancy tax funds setting occupancy rate targets to promote the hotel as a premier tourist destination and to increase the visibility of the facility. Estimated Completion Date: Fall, 2009 Page 21 Town of Westlake ARTS AND CULTURE — Work with Arts Society to place art pieces within the Town and encourage varied forms of artistic mediums to compliment our natural resources, diverse neighborhoods and corporate architecture. Outcome Measure: Implementation of two speaker sessions per year and incorporate sites for art placement into the comprehensive planning process. Outcome Strategies: 1. Implement a Westlake speaker series featuring community leaders - Short -Range and On-going Goals. Team Leader: Ginger Awtry Objective 1.1: Work with Public Arts Society (PAS) to develop community speaker series hum for both residents and student body. Estimated Completion Date: Spring, 2010 Sunrise at Westlake Academy Objective 1.2: Facilitate report with PAS to the Council in order to determine the future direction of the program. Estimated Completion Date: On-going Successful strategic plans are not successful because of the plan itself. They are not successful because of their vision statement, their mission statement, values, tactics, outcomes, or performance measures. Yes, these things are all part of a successful strategic plan — but, the strategic plan must be a part of something larger than even the plan's vision. It must tell a story. A story that captures one's imagination, fires one's dreams, and compels one to want to be a part of that story, because it is so inspiring. Westlake's story is not yet finished, and the best chapters are yet to come! The 2009 strategic plan will help write the next chapters — the story of a "premier, knowledge based community." And, we hope this strategic plan inspires you, the reader, to want to be a part of the Westlake story. ToAr Bwyoret- Tw,r /ffa�raye,-/cE0 Al"Mak Aeadewf 3 Village Circle, Suite 202, 1Ylestlake, Texas 76262 Phone: (817) 430-0861 Fax: (817) 430-0967 www. Westlake-tx. or Premier communities have a shared vision, mission, and values. More than that, they have a plan to turn that vision into something real that adds value to the community's quality of life. This is the Westlake Town Council's strategic plan for its continued pursuit of excellence on be- half of the residents of the Town of Westlake. Town of Westlake Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Town Council From: Tom Brymer, Town Manager Subject: Regular Meeting of July 13, 2009 Date: July 7, 2009 ITEM Consider a Resolution adopting a Town Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). VISION POINT AND KEY RESULT AREAS This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: Q Inviting Residential & Corporate neighborhoods o On-going comprehensive planning o Sensitivity to neighborhood integrity o Outstanding community appearance o Highest quality development and aesthetic standards o Open space preservation 0 We are Leaders o Premier educational facilities and programs o High quality services delivery coupled with financial stewardship o Infrastructure maintenance and planning BACKGROUND Staff has completed the compilation of a five (5) year Capital Improvement Plan for all Town infrastructure and public buildings. Projects have been placed in the various years of the five (5) year planning period with cost escalation and operations/maintenance costs as appropriate. Staff recommends Council's annual review and adoption of this plan to guide the CIP process as well as the annual review by Council prior to consideration of the proposed budget for the next fiscal year. Council reviewed this "Draft" CIP at its June 22nd mini -retreat and made several changes to it. The attached `Draft" reflects Council's direction received at that meeting. FUNDING Funding impacts in the proposed CIP are as follows: 1 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 Funded Projects $ 1,470,500 $ 612,680 $ 2,446,845 $ 485,030 $ 528,000 Unfunded Projects 45,000 563,880 685,740 282,490 9,222,400 Partially Funded 250,000 711,200 727,300 1,066,000 1,072,500 Total Capital Projects $ 1,765,500 $ 1,887,760 $ 3,859,885 $ 1,833,520 $ 10,822,900 1 RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of this resolution adopting this Capital Improvement Plan. ATTACHMENTS: • Resolution No 09-35 adopting a Town five (5) year Capital Improvement Plan • "Draft" Capital Improvement Plan • Memo dated 7-6-09 to Council providing further information regarding preparation of the CIP. 0 TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION 09-35 APPROVING A TOWN FIVE (5) YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN. WHEREAS, the Westlake Town Council has identified having a five (5) year capital improvement plan (CIP) for all Town infrastructure and public buildings needs; as being a positive planning tool; and, WHEREAS, the Westlake Town Council desires to utilize a CIP to plan for its capital improvement needs as well as the operations/maintenance costs associated with said capital improvement needs; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council has reviewed a draft five year CIP prepared by staff and determined such a CIP provides a valuable financial planning tool to plan for necessary infrastructure and public building construction needs as well as plan for the financial resources necessary to meet those needs; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council will review this CIP annually as a part of the budget preparation calendar and its fiscal policies; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT, all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2. THAT, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, hereby approves the attached Capital Improvement Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "A ". PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 13TH DAY OF JULY 2009. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Tom Brymer, Town Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Stan Lowry, Town Attorney (� •F,,,��r y�S / Kms. 5 1 X51 - - .>"• !�' , .r � ��.� . a. f. la i� -.1 � �� s t f. � �• � . :d7 �!`- �� ���r ` r• �t � j�"�,•� t. OK 41 ,�' r �. � t , Y.+.::,� �yfit � PPT, 7t 44 t• - �+ - S40;11. .rte_" ��-,+■�t� �� � ',� ,?; � ` f � 1. - ,r z • E- ♦ s MEMORANDUM DATE: July 7, 2009 TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Tom Brymer, Town Manager SUBJECT: Draft Capital Improvement Plan The purpose of this Draft Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is to more formally structure the process for all Town capital projects. A Town capital project should be defined as construction or reconstruction of any public building or infrastructure, whether funding is currently available or not. If funding is not currently available, but the project is determined by the Council to be important, the project should still be in the Council's approved five year CIP and shown as unfunded. If funding is later made available, the project is already on the "radar screen", although it may be scheduled in the out years of the five year planning period. By going through the effort of a formally prepared CIP this year prior to budget consideration, the subsequent years should be more of an annual update to make sure of the following: • The staff has identified all the capital projects the Council sees on the horizon. • The Council can remove the projects that are no longer seen as a priority in terms of not meeting the community's strategic needs (assuming that no funding has been spent on design thus far). • Annual Council review allows project timing to be adjusted in terms of which year in the five year time span the project is assigned. • Annual review of the Council approved five year CIP allows this review to be performed at the same time as the review of the five year Financial Forecast (this is completed to see the financial impact of a capital project not only on the capital side, but also on the operations/maintenance side). • With Council's adoption of this five year CIP, along with the adopted financial policies, no capital project, regardless of funding source, is put into the CIP until it first comes through the annual update "call for projects" prepared each Spring by the staff and is included in the CIP approved by the Council. Attachments 1 GENERAL FUND (or GO Bonds) F Funded/ 1 Stagecoach Hills Street Reconstruction & Drainage $ 300,000 $ - $ - $ - $ F 5 1 Mahotea Boone Reconstruction & Drainage - 60,960 - - - Pg # Source DESCRIPTION FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 1 Dove Road Reconstruction & Drainage (Ott-Vaq) Unfunded - 264,945 - - F 8 1 Dove Road Reconstruction & Drainage (Vaq - TB) - - - - 429,000 GENERAL FUND (or GO Bonds) F 4 1 Stagecoach Hills Street Reconstruction & Drainage $ 300,000 $ - $ - $ - $ F 5 1 Mahotea Boone Reconstruction & Drainage - 60,960 - - - F 6 1 Aspen Lane Reconstruction and Drainage - - 166,240 - - F 7 1 Dove Road Reconstruction & Drainage (Ott-Vaq) - - 264,945 - - F 8 1 Dove Road Reconstruction & Drainage (Vaq - TB) - - - - 429,000 F 9 1 Roanoke Road Reconstruction & Drainage (170 -Limits) 100,000 - - - - F 10 1 Roanoke Road Reconstruction & Drainage (170 -DC) - - - 191,880 - F 11 1 JT Ottinger Road Reconstruction & Drainage (WLA - Limits) - - - 239,850 - F 12 1 Sam School Road Reconstruction & Drainage - - - - 99,000 F 1 13 1 Park Improvements 45,000 25,400 1 259,750 53,300 - Streets/Drainage/Park $ 445,000 1 $ 86,360 1 $ 690,935 $ 485,030 $ 528,000 ** OF 14 E Municipal Complex $ - $ 60,960 $ 51,950 $ 133,250 $ 4,235,000 ** OF 15 E Fire Station 9,222,400 - 132,080 114,290 149,240 4,987,400 OF 16 1 Water Well for Civic Campus 430,500 - 60,960 - - - UF 17 1 Westlake Academy - South Parking Area $ - 264,160 - - - F 18 1 Westlake Academy - West Parking Improvements 767,520 - - - 197,410 - - 259,750 - - UF 19 1 Westlake Academy - Cover Existing Walkway Facilities/Improvements $ - 1 $ 518,160 $ 623,400 $ 282,490 $ 9,222,400 563,880 685,740 282,490 E Total External Funding Sources 430,500 414,560 166,240 282,490 9,222,400 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 445,000 $ 604,520 $ 1,314,335 $ 767,520 $ 9,750,400 VISITORS ASSOCIATION FUND PF 20 1 FM 1938 Streetscape/Wayfinding $ 250,000 $ 711,200 $ 727,300 $ 1,066,000 $ 1,072,500 TOTAL VISITOR ASSOCIATION FUND $ 250,000 $ 711,200 $ 727,300 $ 1,066,000 $ 1,072,500 CEMETERY FUND * OF 21 E Cemetery Improvements $ 45,000 $ 45,720 $ 259,750 $ - $ TOTAL CEMETERY FUND $ 45,000 $ 45,720 1 $ 259,750 $ - $ - UTILITY FUND F 22 1 N-1 Sewer Line Transfer $ 175,000 $ - $ - $ - $ F 23 1 N-1 Sewer Line Transfer I & I Study/Repairs 120,000 - - - 612,680 F 24 1 Stagecoach Hills waterline connection 300,000 304,800 - - - F 25 1 Ground Storage tank - - 1,558,500 - - TOTAL UTILITY FUND $ 595,000 $ 304,800 1 $ 1,558,500 $ - $ - CONTRIBUTIONS/GRANTS *** F 26 E Deloitte Trail Connection Project on Dove Rd (Contribution) $ 425,000 $ - $- *** F 27 E West Dove Road Trail Connection to JT Ottinger Road (Grant) 5,500 96,520 - - - *** F 28 E JT Ottinger/Dove Intersection (Contribution) - 125,000 - - - TOTAL PROJECTS USING CONTRIBUTIONS BREAKDOWN OF INTERNAL/EXTERNAL FUNDING SOURCES BREAKDOWN OF FUNDED/UNFUNDED/PARTIALLY FUNDED PROJECTS F Funded Projects $ 1,470,500 $ 612,680 Total Internal Funding Sources $ 1,335,000 $ 1,473,200 $ 3,693,645 $ 1,551,030 $ 1,600,500 563,880 685,740 282,490 E Total External Funding Sources 430,500 414,560 166,240 282,490 9,222,400 BREAKDOWN OF FUNDED/UNFUNDED/PARTIALLY FUNDED PROJECTS F Funded Projects $ 1,470,500 $ 612,680 $ 2,446,845 $ 485,030 $ 528,000 OF Unfunded Projects 45,000 563,880 685,740 282,490 9,222,400 PF Partially Funded Projects 250,000 711,200 727,300 1,066,000 1,072,500 * Dependent upon future sale of plots ** All facilities are currently dependent upon external funding sources consisting of grants/donations *** Dependent upon contributions/grants F Funded Projects OF Unfunded Projects PF Partially Funded Projects 2 Pg # CAPITAL PROJECTS by VISION POINT FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 Inviting Residential & Corporate Neighborhoods 4 Stagecoach Hills Street Reconst. & Drainage 5 Mahotea Boone Reconstruction and Drainage 6 Aspen Lane Reconstruction and Drainage Total Streets/Drainage 26 Deloitte Trail Connection Project on Dove Road 27 * West Dove Road Trail Connection to JT Ottinger Road 20 FM 1938 Streetscape/Wayfinding Total Streetscape/Trails 16 Water Well for Civic Campus 16 Westlake Academy - South Parking Area 17 Westlake Academy - West Parking Area Improvements 19 Westlake Academy - Cover Existing Walkway Total Westlake Academy Campus Improvements 21 ** Cemetery Improvements 13 Park improvements Total Parks/Cemetery Improvements TOTAL Inviting Res. & Corp. Neighborhoods Leadership 22 N-1 Sewer Line Transfer 23 N-1 Sewer Line Transfer/I&I Study & Repairs 24 Stagecoach Hills Waterline Connection 25 Ground Storage Tank Total Utility 7 Dove Rd Reconst. & Drainage (Ott-Vaq) 8 Dove Rd Reconst. & Drainage (Vaq-Terra Bella) 9 Roanoke Rd Reconst. & Drainage (170- Town Limits) 10 Roanoke Rd Reconst. & Drainage (170 -Daimler Chyrs) 11 JT Ottinger Rd Reconst. & Drainage (WLA-Town Limits) 28 JT Ottinger/Dove Intersection 12 Sam School Rd Reconst. & Drainage (Solana - Limits) Total Streets/Drainage 14 Municipal Complex 15 Fire Station Total Facilities TOTAL Leadership Total Capital by Vision Point $ 300,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - - 60,960 - - - - - 166,240 - - 300,000 60,960 166,240 - - 425,000 - - - - 5,500 96,520 - - - 250,000 711,200 727,300 1,066,000 1,072,500 680,500 807,720 727,300 1,066,000 1,072,500 - 60,960 - - - - 264,160 - - - - - 197,410 - - - - 259,750 - 325,120 457,160 - - 45,000 45,720 259,750 - - 45,000 25,400 259,750 53,300 - 90,000 71,120 519,500 53,300 - $ 1,070,500 1 $ 1,264,920 I $ 1,870,200 I $ 1,119,300 1 $ 1,072,500 $ 175,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - 120,000 300,000 304,800 - - - - - 1,558,500 - - 595,000 304,800 1,558,500 - I - - 264,945 - - - - - - 429,000 100,000 - - - - - - - 191,880 - - - 239,850 - 125,000 - - - - - - - 99,000 100,000 125,000 264,945 431,730 528,000 - 60,960 51,950 1331250 4,235,000 132,080 114,290 149,240 4,987,400 - 193,040 166,240 282,490 9,222,400 $ 695,000 1 $ 622,840 I $ 1,989,685 1 $ 714,220 1 $ 9,750,400 * Dependent upon grant funding ** Dependent upon future sale of plots *** All facilities are currently dependent upon external funding sources consisting of grants/donations. Note: All projections have been escalated based on historical annual inflation rates post 9-11. 3 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: The project will provide stabilization of road subgrade and 2" of asphalt to the approximate 4500 LF of pavement in Stagecoach Hills Subdivision and replace/improve culverts and ditches. Anticipate crack sealing 2nd year from completion. --• ..• Thru 09/30109 Planned Budg710/11 FY 09/ 11/12 12/13 13/14 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Engineering - 30,000 - - - - 30,000 Construction - 270,000 - - - - 270,000 - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - 4,676 - - 4,676 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - 300,000 - - - - 300,000 --• Thru 09/30109 Planned Budg710/11 FY 09/ 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total General Fund - 300,000 - - - - 300,000 - - - - 4,676 - - - - 4,676 FUNDING TOTAL i 300,000 - - - - 300,000 4 Thru 09/30/09 BudgetPlanned FY 09/10 Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - 4,676 - - - - 4,676 Maintenance - Services Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - 4,676 - - 4,676 4 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: The project will provide stabilization of road subgrade and 2" of asphalt to approximately 1,100 LF of Mahotea Boone and replace/improve culverts and ditches. Anticipate crack sealing 2nd year from completion. --• Thru 09/30/09 Thru 09/30/09 Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total Engineering - - 5,080 - - - 5,080 Construction - - 55,880 - - - 55,880 - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - 1,173 - 1,173 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - 60,960 - - - 60,960 --• Thru 09/30/09 Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total General Fund - 60,960 - - - 60,960 - - FUNDING TOTAL - - 60,960 - - - 60,960 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - 1,173 - - - - - 1,173 - - - - Maintenance - - - - - Services Equipment - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - 1,173 - 1,173 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: The project will provide stabilization of road subgrade and 2" of asphalt to approximately 2,700 LF of Aspen Lane and replace/improve culverts and ditches. Anticipate crack sealing 2nd year from completion. -•• Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total Engineering - - - 10,390 - - 10,390 Construction - - - 155,850 - - 155,850 FUNDING TOTAL - - - 166,240 - - 166,240 - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - 166,240 - - 166,240 -•• Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 General Fund - Maintenance - 166,240 - - 166,240 2,970 2,970 Services Equipment FUNDING TOTAL - - - 166,240 - - 166,240 ffl Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - - - Maintenance - - - 2,970 2,970 Services Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - 2,970 2,970 ffl DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: The project will provide stabilization of road subgrade and 2" of asphalt to approximately 5,000 LF of Dove Road and replace/improve culverts and ditches. Project improvements are from JT Ottinger to Vaquero. Anticipate crack sealing 2nd year from completion. ..•W111:111 =1 L1 Budget FY 09/10 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Engineering - - - 25,975 - - 25,975 Construction - - - 238,970 - - 238,970 - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - 5,500 5,500 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - 264,945 - - 264,945 IMPACT ON OPERATING Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 General Fund - - 264,945 - - 264,945 - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - 264,945 - - 264,945 IMPACT ON OPERATING Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - - - - 5,500 - - 5,500 - Maintenance - - - - - - Services Equipment - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - 5,500 5,500 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: The project will provide stabilization of road subgrade and 2" of asphalt to approximately 6,500 LF of Dove Road and replace/improve culverts and ditches. Anticipate crack sealing 2nd year from completion. -• • •- Thru Budget Planned 09/30/09 FY 09/10 10/11 1 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total Engineering - - - - - Construction - - - - - 44,000 44,000 385,000 385,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - 12/13 - - 429,000 429,000 -• • •- Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 General Fund - - - - - 429,000 429,000 Maintenance Services Equipment - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - 429,000 429,000 0 • •- Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - Maintenance Services Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - - - 0 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: The project will provide stabilization of road subgrade and 2" of asphalt to approximately 750 LF of Roanoke Road and replacement of a narrow bridge at a 60" drainage structure. Anticipate crack sealing 2nd year from completion. -• IMPACT ON OPERATING Thru 09/30/09 Thru Budget 09/30/09 FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Engineering - 10,000 Construction - 90,000 - - - - - - - 10,000 - 90,000 i 100,000 - - - - 100,000 Maintenance Services Equipment - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - 100,000 - - - - - -• IMPACT ON OPERATING Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total General Fund - 100,000 - - - - 100,000 13/14 Supplies FUNDING TOTAL i 100,000 - - - - 100,000 IMPACT ON OPERATING Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - 779 - - - - 779 - - Maintenance Services Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - 779 - - 779 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: The project will provide stabilization of road subgrade and 2" of asphalt to approximately 4,000 LF of Roanoke Road and replace/improve culverts and ditches. Project improvements will be from Highway 170 to Daimler Chrysler. Anticipate crack sealing 2nd year from completion. qW 10=16111a" .• Thru 09/30/09 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Engineering - - - - - 21,320 - 21,320 Construction - - - - 170,560 - 170,560 - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL I - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - 191,880 - 191,880 qW 10=16111a" ;I11011110W Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total General Fund - - - 191,880 - 191,880 Supplies - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - 191,880 - 191,880 10 • •-ru 709/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - - - - - - - Maintenance Services Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL I - - - - - - - 10 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: The project will provide stabilization of road subgrade and 2" of asphalt to approximately 5,000 LF of Dove Road and replace/improve culverts and ditches. p Anticipate crack sealing 2nd year from completion. • •- • . • Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Engineering - Construction - - - - 26,650 - 26,650 - - - 213,200 - 213,200 - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - 239,850 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - 239,850 - 239,850 • •- 0:111:110111=1" Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 General Fund - - - - 239,850 - 239,850 - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - 239,850 - 239,850 • •- Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total Supplies - Maintenance - Services - Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - - - 11 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: The project will provide stabilization of road subgrade and 2" of asphalt to approximately 2,000 LF of Sam School Road Road and replace/improve culverts and ditches. Anticipate crack sealing 2nd year from completion. 12 •-• PROJECT Thru 09/30/09 Thru 09/30/09 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Engineering - - - - - 11,000 11,000 Construction - - - - - 88,000 88,000 - - - - - - 99,000 99,000 - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - - - 99,000 99,000 12 •-• Thru 09/30/09 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 1 11/12 12/13 13/14 General Fund - - - - - 99,000 99,000 - - - - Services Equipment - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - - - - - - 99,000 99,000 12 IMI, • •- -3 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - - - - Maintenance - - - - Services Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - - - 12 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: Purchase of playground equipment, benches and trail head structures to be located along the current GlenWyck Farms and Terra Bella trail systems. Additional features along FM 1938 trail, i.e. park benches, bike racks, stretching stations, etc. 13 --• • o] UZI MV411 0":11) Ile Thru 09/30/09 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Construction - 30,000 25,400 - 53,300 - 108,700 Engineering - - - - - - - Land purchases - - - 15,000 - - 259,750 - - I - - 259,750 I - 15,000 Landscape EXPENDITURES TOTAL - 45,000 25,400 259,750 1 53,300 1 383,450 13 --• • o] UZI MV411 0":11) Ile Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Thru Budget 09/30/09 FY 09/10 10/11 Planned 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total General Fund - 45,000 25,400 259,750 53,300 - 383,450 1,039 FUNDING TOTAL - 45,000 25,400 259,750 53,300 - 383,450 13 •, • o] UZI MV411 0":11) Ile Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - 1,016 1,039 1,066 1,100 3,121 Maintenance Services Equipment - - 1,039 - 2,750 1,039 - - - - - - - - - - - i - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - 1,016 2,078 1 1,066 3,850 4,160 13 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: ; «•'� This project will provide a 20,000 square foot, integrated Wi• facility to include courtroom, town administration offices and sports fields. Located on the Parchman and Lee property. ri K s 4 f • • MMUZ,19 Thrt 09/300 Thru Budget 09/30/09 FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Engineering - - 10,160 - 26,650 27,500 64,310 Construction - - - - - 3,300,000 3,300,000 Design - - 50,800 51,950 106,600 165,000 374,350 Sport fields FF&E - - - - - 220,000 522,500 220,000 1 522,500 I 1 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - 60,960 1 51,950 1 133,250 4,235,000 1 4,481,160 - Thrt 09/300 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Outside Funding Source ** - - 60,960 51,950 133,250 4,235,000 4,481,160 - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - 60,960 51,950 133,250 1 4,235,000 4,481,160 - Thrt 09/300 7FY Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - Maintenance - Services - Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - ** Outside funding sources include grants and/or donations. 14 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: This project will provide a 12,000 square foot fire station including four bays, sleeping area, meeting room, kitchen, storage and two offices. ti get �(TL :101 walh' Is] 11"qrcll Thru Budget 09/30/09 FY 09/10 :1Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 1 12/13 13/14 Engineering - - 20,320 - 31,980 22,000 74,300 Construction - - - - - 3,960,000 3,960,000 Design - - 111,760 114,290 117,260 226,600 569,910 FF&E - - - - - 52,800 52,800 Utility Engineering/Extension - - - - 726,000 726,000 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - 132,080 114,290 149,240 4,987,400 5,383,010 :101 walh' Is] 11"qrcll Thru Budget 09/30/09 FY 09/10 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Outside Funding Source ** - - 132,080 114,290 149,240 4,987,400 5,383,010 - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - - 132,080 1 114,290 1 149,240 4,987,400 5,383,010 • •• - Thru Budget 09/30/09 FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - - Maintenance Services Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - - - ** Outside funding sources include grants and/or donations. 1s DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: This project will provide water for the Civic Campus which includes 70 irrigation zones for the soccer field and football field and Phase One of the civic campus. FY 08-09 water bill estimated at $18,000. Well should reduce expenditure by approximately $12,000. A fx Proposed well location •-• ;I Z1914 Thru Budget Planned 09/30/09 FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total Construction - - 45,720 - - - - 45,720 Power - - 5,080 - - 5,080 Landscaping - - 10,160 - - - 10,160 - - - - - - - - i1EXPENDITURES TOTAL 1 - 1 - I 60,960 - - - 60,960 •-• MAI III IKO]•- Thru Budget Planned 09/30/09 FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total General Fund - 60,960 - - - 60,960 12/13 13/14 Supplies Maintenance Services Equipment FUNDING TOTAL - - 60,960 - - - 60,960 16 MAI III IKO]•- Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies Maintenance Services Equipment - - - - - - - - - - 1,039 1,066 2,200 4,305 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - 1,039 1,066 2,200 4,305 16 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: This project will extend the parking area along the south property line and west of the Sam & Margaret Lee Arts and Sciences Center. An additional 120 parking space will be added giving the campus a total of 268 spaces. The campus currently has 148 spaces. The additional spaces will be needed with the increase in student drivers and staff. This also will accommodate all school events held on campus. 17 M"': III • • Thru Budget Planned 09/30/09 FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Thru BudgetPlanned 09/30/09 FY 09/107711/12 General Fund - - 264,160 Project Total - 264,160 12/13 13/14 Engineering - - - - 20,320 - - - 17 III • • Thru Budget Planned 09/30/09 FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Thru BudgetPlanned 09/30/09 FY 09/107711/12 General Fund - - 264,160 Project Total - 264,160 12/13 13/14 Engineering - - - - 20,320 - - - 20,320 Construction 177,800 - - - 177,800 Lighting & Landscaping - - 66,040 - - - 66,040 844 - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - 264,160 17 •• •- Thru Budget Planned 09/30/09 FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total General Fund - - 264,160 - - 264,160 12/13 FUNDING TOTAL - - 264,160 - - - 264,160 17 •• •- Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - - Maintenance Services Equipment - - 2,078 2,665 2,750 7,493 - - 203 208 213 220 844 - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - 203 2,286 2,878 2,970 8,337 17 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: The west parking area was constructed in the summer of 2006 as a temporary asphalt parking area for pick-up and drop-off of students. Improvements include curbs, landscape islands, sidewalks and lighting. The parking lot does not meet the required Town development standards for new construction. PROJECT Thru Budget Planned Project 09/30/09 FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Total General Fund - - - 197,410 - - 197,410 FUNDING TOTAL - - - 197,410 - - 197,410 PROJECT OPERATING Thru Budget 09/30/09 FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Engineering - - - - - 15,585 - - 15,585 Construction - 129,875 - - 129,875 Lighting & Landscaping - - - 51,950 - - 51,950 Equipment - - - - I - I - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - 197,410 - - 197,410 PROJECT Thru Budget Planned Project 09/30/09 FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Total General Fund - - - 197,410 - - 197,410 FUNDING TOTAL - - - 197,410 - - 197,410 18 IMPACTON OPERATING Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - - - - Maintenance - - - - Services - - - 520 533 550 1,603 Equipment - - - - I - I - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - 520 1 533 1 550 1,603 18 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: Cover existing walkway from Pod D to the north entrance of the Sam & Margaret Lee Arts & Science Center. ��. .+r ♦ 1 � r r V � 4- u- • •• -• uIelval •-• I Ro Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Engineering - - - - - - - - 259,750 Construction - - 259,750 - - Design - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - 1,039 1,066 2,200 4,305 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - 259,750 - - 259,750 u- • •• -• uIelval --• Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Thru Budget Planned 09/30/09 FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total General Fund - - - 259,750 - - 259,750 Supplies FUNDING TOTAL - - - 259,750 - - 259,750 u- • •• -• uIelval Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 1 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - - 4,305 Maintenance Services Equipment - - 1,039 1,066 2,200 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - 1,039 1,066 2,200 4,305 19 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: This project will consist of the design and construction of landscape and hardscape improvements to the FM 1938 corridor from SH 114 south to Randol Mill Road, including sidewalks, trailheads, signage, rest areas, plantings, entry monuments. Maintenance is for irrigation only. =r .$- � .. ..• • • Thru 09/30/09 Budget7nn FY 09/112 Planned Project Total 250,000 711,200 727,300 1,066,000 12/13 13/14 Construction - 225,000,,375 - - 959,400 973,500 3,442,275 Engineering - 25,000 76,200 77,925 106,600 99,000 384,725 - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - 250,000 711,200 727,300 1,066,000 1,072,500 1 3,827,000 ..• • • Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned Project FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Total General Fund - 250,000 711,200 727,300 1,066,000 1,072,500 3,827,000 12/13 FUNDING TOTAL - 250,000 1 711,200 727,300 1,066,000 1,072,500 1 3,827,000 20 • • Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - 10,390 - - - - - - - Maintenance - Services - Equipment - 10,660 11,000 32,050 - - - - - - I - I - OPERATING IMPACT TOTALI 10,390 1 10,660 1 11,000 1 32,050 20 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: These improvements will consist of a wrought iron and stone fence on the south side of the property. Also includes section markers, roadways and landscaping. Based on current funding sources, this project will be dependent upon the future sale of plots. 21 •-• Thru Budget 09/30/09 FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Engineering - - 45,000 - - - - - Construction 30,480 259,750 - - 335,230 Design - - 15,240 - - - 15,240 - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - 45,000 45,720 259,750 - - 350,470 21 :111 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Thru Budget 09/30/09 FY 09/10 10/11 Planned 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total Cemetery Fund - 45,000 45,720 259,750 - - 350,470 5,195 FUNDING TOTAL - 45,000 45,720 259,750 - - 350,470 21 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - 5,000 5,080 5,195 5,330 5,500 26,105 Maintenance Services Equipment - 8,000 8,128 8,312 10,660 13,200 35,100 - - - - - - - - - I - - I - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - 13,000 1 13,2087 13,507 1 15,990 18,700 61,205 21 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description:Tg" This project is intended to transfer ownership of a section of sewer line from Westlake and Southlake to � TRA. It includes the design and construction of a metering station with SCADA equipment at the proposed Town of Westlake "Point of Entry." Westlake;'��`f will be required to conduct an extensive inflow andR. infiltration study and perform repairs (Separate capital+ improvement).; --• Thru 09/30109 Planned Budg710/11 FY 09/ 11/12 12/13 13/14 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Construction - 100,000 - - - - 100,000 Engineering - 25,000 - - - - 25,000 Technical (I&I Study) - 50,000 - - - - 50,000 - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - 175,000 - - - - 175,000 --• Thru 09/30109 Planned Budg710/11 FY 09/ 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total Utility Fund - 175,000 - - - - 175,000 - - - - - - - - - - Maintenance - FUNDING TOTAL i 175,000 - - - - 175,000 • • Thru 09/30/09 BudgetPlanned FY 09/10 Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Maintenance - Services Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL I - - - - - - - 22 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: As a condition of the N-1 sewer line transfer Westlake was required to conduct an extensive inflow and infiltration study. The study will identify repairs that need to be made. --• Thru 09/30/08 Thru 09/30/08 Budget Planned FY 08/09 10/11 1 11/12 12/13 13/14 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Construction - 100,000 - - - - 100,000 Engineering - 20,000 - - - - 20,000 - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - 120,000 - - - - 120,000 --• Thru 09/30/08 Thru 09/30/08 Budget Planned FY 08/09 10/11 1 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total Utility Fund - 120,000 - - - - 120,000 - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL i 120,000 - - - - 120,000 I V-11 • • Thru 09/30/08 BudgetPlanned FY 08/09 Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - - - - - - - Maintenance Services Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - - - 23 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: This project will consist of constructing a water line to Stagecoach Hills from the exisitng pump station or 20" water line and the replacement of lines within the subdivision itself. Proposed Waterline --• Thru 09/30/08 Budget Planned FY 08/09 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Construction - 270,000 274,320 - - - 544,320 Engineering - 30,000 30,480 - - - 60,480 - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - 300,000 304,800 - - - 604,800 --• Thru 09/30/08 Budget Planned FY 08/09 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total Utility Fund - 300,000 304,800 - - - 604,800 - - - - - - - - FUNDING TOTAL - 300,000 1 304,800 - - - 604,800 no• • Thru 09/30/08 Budget FY 08/09 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Maintenance Services Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - - - 24 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: This project will consist of designing and constructing a new ground storage tank at the existng pump station. We anticipate this tank will be a 1,000,000 gallon tank. Maintenance (consisting of inspection and cleaning) would not be expected until year two. MIDETONIZOA :1 • • 01012110' Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total Construction - - - 1,480,575 - - 1,480,575 Engineering - - - 77,925 - - 77,925 - 1,558,500 - - 1,558,500 - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - 550 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - - 1,558,500 - - 1,558,500 MIDETONIZOA Thru 09/30/09 01012110' Planned Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 08/09 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Utility Fund - - - 1,558,500 - - 1,558,500 - - FUNDING TOTAL - - - 1,558,500 - - 1,558,500 • •• Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 08/09 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - - - - 550 - Maintenance Services Equipment - 550 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - 550 550 25 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: Connect the trail from the Deloitte project to Vaquero current trails. Hillwood Development can fund up to $1.5 M for Dove road improvements. 26 -1 st Wel•- PROJECT EXPENSE Thru 709/30/09 Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total 10 Design 25,000 - - - - - 25,000 15 Construction - 400,000 - - - - 400,000 25 Engineering - 25,000 - - - - 25,000 425,000 - - - 450,000 6,454 EXPENDITURES TOTAL 25,000 i 425,000 - - - 450,000 26 -1 st Wel•- all 0 1111 LIMTh Thru 709/30/09 09/3 7710/11 Planned Planned Project Total 11/12 1 11/12 12/13 13/14 General Fund - - - - - I - Dove Rd Imp (Contribution) 25,000 425,000 - - - 450,000 FUNDING TOTAL 0 1 25,000 425,000 - - - 450,000 26 -1 st Wel•- Thru 709/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Maintenance (Electrical) - - - - 1,039 1,066 1,650 3,755 Services (Landscaping) - - 6,234 10,127 10,450 26,811 Services (Irrigation) - - - 1,039 2,665 2,750 6,454 Water usages - - - 12,468 10,660 12,100 35,228 OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - 20,780 24,518 26,950 72,248 26 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: This project will connect the trail that will terminate at the southwest corner of the Deloitte project and extend northward to JT Ottinger Road. Once constructed, the project will provide a trail connection all the way from Westlake Academy to Fidelity/Vaquero. This includesR-%k an eight -foot sidewalk with landscaping and a pedestrian bridge. The Town will need to acquire the right-of-way and/or easement from Hillwood at the west entrance into Deloitte. • Well •• ••• Thru 09/30/09 Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total Engineering - 5,500 - - - - - - 5,500 Construction - - 55,880 - 55,880 Design - - - - - - - Landscape - - 40,640 - - - 40,640 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - 5,500 1 96,520 1 - - 102,020 • Well •• PROJECT Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total General Fund - - - - - - - - - Grant Proceeds/or Contribution - 5,500 96,520 - 102,020 FUNDING TOTAL - 5,500 1 96,520 1 - 102,020 • Well •• -i Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - - Maintenance - - 1,039 1,066 1,100 2,105 Services - - - 2,598 2,665 2,750 5,263 Equipment - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - 3,637 3,731 3,850 7,368 27 DRAFT 7/8/2009 Project Description: Re -alignment of Dove/JT Ottinger intersection to improve traffic safety. • ••:is I Biel aLr— ••• Budget FY 09/10 Thru 09/30/09 Budget Planned FY 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Project Total Engineering - - 25,000 - - - 25,000 Construction - - 100,000 - - - 100,000 - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - 125,000 - - - 125,000 • ••:is I Biel aLr— ••• Budget FY 09/10 Planned Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Dove Rd Imp (Contribution) - - 125,000 - - - 125,000 - - Maintenance FUNDING TOTAL - - i 125,000 - - - 125,000 • ••:is I Biel aLr— Thru 09/30/09 Budget FY 09/10 Planned Project Total 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supplies - - - - - - - Maintenance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Services Equipment - - - - - - - OPERATING IMPACT TOTAL - - - - - - - 28 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 7, 2009 TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Tom Brymer, Town Manager SUBJECT: Draft Capital Improvement Plan The purpose of this Draft Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is to more formally structure the process for all Town capital projects. A Town capital project should be defined as construction or reconstruction of any public building or infrastructure, whether funding is currently available or not. If funding is not currently available, but the project is determined by the Council to be important, the project should still be in the Council's approved five year CIP and shown as unfunded. If funding is later made available, the project is already on the "radar screen", although it may be scheduled in the out years of the five year planning period. By going through the effort of a formally prepared CIP this year prior to budget consideration, the subsequent years should be more of an annual update to make sure of the following: • The staff has identified all the capital projects the Council sees on the horizon. • The Council can remove the projects that are no longer seen as a priority in terms of not meeting the community's strategic needs (assuming that no funding has been spent on design thus far). • Annual Council review allows project timing to be adjusted in terms of which year in the five year time span the project is assigned. • Annual review of the Council approved five year CIP allows this review to be performed at the same time as the review of the five year Financial Forecast (this is completed to see the financial impact of a capital project not only on the capital side, but also on the operations/maintenance side). • With Council's adoption of this five year CIP, along with the adopted financial policies, no capital project, regardless of funding source, is put into the CIP until it first comes through the annual update "call for projects" prepared each Spring by the staff and is included in the CIP approved by the Council. Attachments Town of Westlake Item # 10 — Future Agenda Items 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Council member may request at a workshop and / or Council meeting, under "Future Agenda Item Requests", an agenda item for a future Council meeting. The Council Member making the request will contact the Town Manager with the requested item and the Town Manager will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Council Member will explain the item, the need for Council discussion of the item, the item's relationship to the Council's strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Council discussion. If the requesting Council Member receives a second, the Town Manager will place the item on the Council agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. None Town of Westlake Item # 11— Council Calendar 11. COUNCIL CALENDAR. - NW Metroport Chamber of Commerce Pink, Plaid, and Polka Dot event o July 22, 2009, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., Marriott Solana - TML Newly Elected City Official Orientation o July 24-25, 2009, Austin - TML Newly Elected City Official Orientation o August 7-8, 2009, Austin - NW Metroport Chamber of Commerce Legislative Breakfast o August 26, 2009, DFW Marriott, Fort Worth, 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. - Dedication and Ribbon Cutting for the Sam & Margaret Lee Arts and Sciences Center o August 28, 2009, Westlake Academy Campus - Vaquero Baja (fundraiser for the Academy) o September 14, 2009, 3:30 p.m. Town of Westlake Item # 12 — Adjournment Back up material has not been provided for this item.