HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-14 WHPS MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY October 7, 2014 Westlake History Museum 3 Village Circle, Suite 104 PRESENT: President Stephen Thornton, Wanda Brewster, Laurel Mason, Rob Meyer, Jon White, Daniel Zipperlen ABSENT: Paula Thornton OTHERS PRESENT: Susan McFarland 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Thornton called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE WHPS MEETING HELD ON JUNE 24, 2014. Member Brewster read the minutes. President Thornton asked for a motion to approve. MOTION: Member White made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Member Mason seconded the motion. The motion carried. 3. TREASURER'S REPORT. Member Brewster presented the WHPS Statement of Activities dated September 30, 2014. She noted that this report is the final report for fiscal year 2013/2014. The only change in the last 30 days is a payment to Abby Bosworth for Decoration Day expenses. We are now in fiscal year 2014/2015. MOTION: Member Mason made a motion to accept the report. Member Zipperlen seconded the motion. The motion carried. WHPS Minutes 10/07/2014 Page 1 of 3 4. Old Business Constitution Day: The board reviewed the event held at the Westlake Museum on Constitution Day, September 17, 2014 and concluded that it was a successful event which we should continue next year. Member Thornton brought savory tidbits for the reception and visitors read portions of the Constitution and answered questions. Pictures of the event were posted on the Westlake town website by Susan McFarland. 5. NEW BUSINESS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS. Westlake Classic Auto Show: Bert Schultz was unable to attend but the board reviewed some tasks for the upcoming 4`h Annual Westlake Classic Car Show to be held on Saturday, October 18, 2014. Registration begins at 9:00 AM and board members are asked to be there before 9:00 AM to assist with setup and registration. Mr. Schultz will meet with town officials on Tuesday, October 14 at 1:00 PM for a final run-through of the event. Board members are welcome to attend that meeting. Membership: President Thornton told us that former board member Kristi Layton met new Lifetime Member Doug Gutierrez and he mentioned that he hasn't heard from WHPS regarding our events. Discussion ensued about communicating with members. Susan McFarland said she can use Constant Contact to send e-mails to our members if the Board will provide her with e-mail addresses and content to send. Simply Westlake: President Thornton reported that an article about the LO.O.F cemetery co -written by Paula Thornton, Stephen Thornton and Jon White will be included in the December issue of Simply Westlake. The article is now being edited and Stephen Thornton will add photos to accompany the article. Museum Window Exhibit: A committee of Paula Thornton, Laurel Mason and Abby Bosworth will be updating the museum window exhibit with a Christmas touch using the dollhouse. The update will be in place just before Thanksgiving. Website and Social Media: Daniel Zipperlen reported on the results of the Facebook boost for Constitution Day. A total of MOTION: Member Zipperlen made a motion that we spend $30 for a Facebook boost to reach approximately 1500 — 3000 people for the Car Show. Member Meyer seconded the motion. The motion carried. WHPS Minutes 10/07/2014 Page 2 of 3 Future Ideas: New Resident Welcome Packet: Susan McFarland said that she and Sherry Lewis are working on a new welcome packet that will be given to new residents of Westlake when they come in to register for utility service. She invited WHPS to add something to the package. Tree Lighting: Susan McFarland asked the WHPS Board if we would like to participate in the Westlake Christmas Tree Lighting event this year. Town Council Action on Boards: Susan McFarland reported that the Westlake Town Council had discussion about Westlake boards and committees including WHPS and the Westlake Art Society during their last council meeting. Council decided they would continue this discussion during the 5:00 PM workshop portions of future council meetings. WHPS Board members are welcome to attend. President Thornton asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Member White made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Member Zipperlen seconded the motion. The motion carried. President Thornton adjourned the meeting at 8:45 P.M. The next scheduled meeting of the Westlake Historical Preservation Society Board will be Tuesday, November 4, 2014 at 7:00 PM. Ao0R6V;w 6Y tAt WtStL ►KE IdIStOkICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY BOARD ON THE DAY OF"'/t/ - , 2014. d , STEPEH , N THORNTON, PRESIDENT WANDA BREWSTER, SECRETARY WHPS Minutes 10/07/2014 Page 3 of 3