HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-04-14 WHPS MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY November 4, 2014 Westlake History Museum 3 Village Circle, Suite 104 PRESENT: President Stephen Thornton, Wanda Brewster, Paula Thornton, Jon White, Daniel Zipperlen ABSENT: Laurel Mason, Rob Meyer OTHERS PRESENT: Bert Schultz 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Thornton called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE WHPS MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER 7, 2014. The minutes having been previously distributed were not read aloud. President Thornton asked for a motion to approve the minutes. MOTION: Member Zipperlen made a motion to approve the minutes. Member Brewster seconded the motion. The motion carried. 3. TREASURER'S REPORT. Member Brewster presented the WHPS Statement of Activities dated October 31, 2014. She noted that this report is the first report for fiscal year 2014/2015. The report shows Car Show revenues of $1680 and $1500 in sponsorships for a total of $3180. The report includes a Town Historical Board Expense of $773 representing half the cost of the historical marker for Circle T Ranch. This category, Town Historical Board Expense, is for expenses the Town of Westlake pays on behalf of WHPS. MOTION: Member Thornton made a motion to accept the report. Member White seconded the motion. The motion carried. 4. Old Business Member Thornton gave her impressions of the event held at the Westlake Museum on Constitution Day, September 17, 2014. She said the event was successful but attendance was WHPS Minutes 11/04/2014 Page 1 of 3 low. Perhaps next year we will hold the event at a place with more foot traffic. Member Thornton said she will chair the event next year. Bert Schultz suggested we contact Kristi Layton at Cassidy Turley and she will send an email advertising the event to all Westlake business tenants. 5. NEW BUSINESS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS. Westlake Classic Auto Show: Bert Schultz reported on the successful 4th Annual Westlake Classic Car Show. There were 73 automobiles exhibited and approximately 500 people attended the show. There were 414 People's Choice ballots cast. He thanked the board for our help and the personal attention we gave to the exhibitors. Mr. Schultz will continue to chair the event through the 5th annual car show in October 2015. He is developing a notebook detailing the day by day tasks required to organize a successful car show which the WHPS Board may use if we continue to have a car show in 2016 and beyond. President Thornton requested that Mr. Schultz work with a committee of WHPS board members on the 5th annual car show so we can learn from the experience. Membership: President Thornton passed out a membership recruiting letter he has drafted. He requested comments and suggestions be sent to him in the next week. Member Mason is working with someone on creating a list of past members so that we can begin a membership drive. Bert Schultz reminded us of the Lifetime Members plaque hanging in the museum. President Thornton said he will add Douglas Gutierrez' name to the plaque and take a picture of it to send to him. Simply Westlake: Member Thornton reported that the Simply Westlake staff has requested WHPS write more articles for the magazine. She has tentatively committed the board to write one quarterly, pending board approval. The article about the I.O.O.F cemetery co -written by Paula Thornton, Stephen Thornton and Jon White will be included in this December issue. The next article we write will be about the Circle T Ranch historical marker. Historical Marker Dedication Day: Bert Schultz reported that the marker for Circle T Ranch is here and will be installed soon on the north side of Dove Road between Vaquero Estates and Pearson Lane. There is a turnout there for the ranch entrance. The Board will organize a Dedication Day next spring. Member Thornton will chair the event. Website and Social Media: Daniel Zipperlen reported on the results of the Facebook boost for the Westlake Classic Car Show . Several of the people he met at the show said they heard about it on Facebook. WHPS Minutes 11/04/2014 Page 2 of 3 I.O.O.F Cemetery Advisory Committee President Thornton reported that he met with Troy Meyer and he is amenable to working with an advisory committee from WHPS. He will get together with Jon White, Daniel Zipperlen and Abby Bosworth. President Thornton also reported that $66,000 is included in the town budget for FY 2014/2015 to install an irrigation system and other improvements for the cemetery. Future Ideas and Purchases: President Thornton brought up several ideas for discussion: - Purchase of 6 walkie/talkies for use during the car show in 2015 and other events. - Purchase of a video camera to record our events. - Contact with Cassidy Turley to request use of the empty retail space next door to the museum. President Thornton will research the costs of walkie/talkies and a video camera and will report to the board in a future meeting. He will also contact Kristi Layton about the possibility of using the space next door to expand the Westlake Museum so that more items can be on display. 6. ADJOURNMENT President Thornton asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Member Zipperlen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Member White seconded the motion. The motion carried. President Thornton adjourned the meeting at 9:19 P.M. The next scheduled meeting of the Westlake Historical Preservation Society Board will be Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at 7:00 PM. APPROVED BY THE WEST" -KE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY BOARD ON THE DAY OF icctc 8�4. �S STEPEHEN THORNTON, PRESIDENT -WAIUDA BREIAFSTER; SE£REfAR�( — WHPS Minutes 11/04/2014 Page 3 of 3