HomeMy WebLinkAbout3rd Report Card - Rollins 03-01-10International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Third Grade Student's Name: Grade Level: Teacher's Name: Mrs. Elaine Natalicchi: Dean of Timothy House Mr. Stephen Spahn: Chancellor Date of Report: International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade Teacher's Name:Date of Report: The Dwight School Student Work International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade Teacher's Name:Date of Report: The Dwight School Student Reflections The Dwight School International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Teacher's Name:Date of Report: Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade PYP Transdisciplinary Units for Third Grade Third Grade students will study the following PYP Units of Inquiry, in addition to all other subjects Who We Are Exploration Where We Are In Time and Place Our Place in Space How We Express Ourselves Communications Central IdeaCentral IdeaCentral Idea Humanbeingsexplorefordifferent reasons,andasaresultoftheir explorations have made contributions. Overtimewehavecometounderstand thattheEarthispartofavastand complex universe. Humanscreatesymbolsystemsasaform of communication. An Inquiry IntoAn Inquiry IntoAn Inquiry Into 1. Reasons people explore 2. Development and use of maps and other valuable tools 3. Contributions to society 1. Composition of the universe 2. Earth's place in space and time 3. Mythological and ancient beliefs 1. How some of the systems originated and developed 2. Visual communication 3. Communication systems that substitute for a loss of a sense FocusFocusFocus Science, History Society How the World Works Energy How We Organize Ourselves Money Sharing the Planet Health Central IdeaCentral IdeaCentral Idea An Inquiry IntoAn Inquiry IntoAn Inquiry Into FocusFocusFocus Energy exists in different forms and is collected , generated, stored and delivered in various ways. Economicsystemsofbarterand exchange have developed over time for use within communities. Manychildrenthroughouttheworldare at risk because of ill health. There are ways to help. ScienceScience and Social StudiesSociety 1. The sources and uses of different forms of energy 2. The collection and generation of different forms of energy 3. The storage and delivery of energy to the consumer 1. How money systems developed through time 2. How bartering and exchange are related to trade and work 3. How we can be responsible in our spending habits 1. The causes of ill health in children throughout the world 2. The measures taken in our society to protect children's health 3. Initiatives to improve children's health around the world History, Geography International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade Teacher's Name:Date of Report: The Dwight School W Attitude Key Student: Self-Evaluation C PYP STUDENT ATTITUDES Mid-YearFinal appreciating the wonder and beauty of the world and its people being committed to my learning, persevering and showing self-discipline and responsibility feeling confident in my ability as a learner, having thecourage to take risks, applying what I have learned andmaking appropriate decisions and choices cooperating. collaborating and leading or following as the situation demands being curious about the nature of learning and of the world, its people and cultures imaginatively projecting myself intoanother's situation, in order to understandhis/her thoughts, reasoning and emotions enjoying learning thinking and acting independently, making my ownjudgements based on reasoned principles and beingable to defend my judgements having integrity and a firm sense of fairness and honesty I practice consistently the following two attitudes I am working on the following two attitudes being creative and imaginative in my thinkingand in my approach to problems and dilemmas respecting myself, others and the world around me Appreciation Commitment Confidence Cooperation Curiosity Empathy Enthusiasm Independence Integrity Creativity Respect Tolerance feeling sensitivity towards differences anddiversity in the world and being responsive tothe needs of others FallWinter <Table <Table <Table <Table <Table <Table <Table <Table <Table International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade Teacher's Name:Date of Report: The Dwight School Learner Profile: As a Thinker, the student: ●Observes carefully ●Uses own ideas and builds on others' ●States opinions and can support them ●Solves problems and makes decisions As an Open-minded person, the student: ●Listens to other people's thoughts and ideas ●Demonstrates tolerance of others' differences As a Reflective person, the student: ●Effectively explains what has been learned ●Identifies how to improve the next time As a Knowledgeable person, the student: ●Learns many new facts and concepts ●Applies knowledge to own experience As a Caring person, the student: ●Tries to find helpful solutions ●Acts as part of a classroom community As an Inquirer, the student: ●Asks questions ●Collects research ●Is motivated to learn As a Risk Taker, the student: ●Is willing to make mistakes ●Is prepared to try something new As a Balanced person, the student: ●Demonstrates organization ●Uses time wisely As a Principled person, the student: ●Makes good decisions about right and wrong ●Is honest with self and others ●Accepts responsibility for own actions As a Communicator, the student: ●Speaks responsibly ●Reads, writes, and talks with meaning ●Listens attentively Onthefollowingpageyouwillfindyourchild'sreflectionsonhis/herprofilecharacteristics, aswellasthoseoftheteacher.Kindlyfillinyourresponsetothesereflectionsandreturnthe page to the teacher. An extra copy of the comments page is included for your records. International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade Teacher's Name:Date of Report: The Dwight School December Reflections L e a r n e r T e a c h e r P a r e n t June Reflections L e a r n e r T e a c h e r P a r e n t Initials Initials Initials Initials Initials Initials International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade Teacher's Name:Date of Report: The Dwight School Evaluation Scale OOutstanding VGVery Good Consistently and successfully applies skills and concepts above expectations GGood SSatisfactory Meets grade level expectations Not meeting expectationsNeeds StrengtheningNS NANot Applicable Does not apply to the curriculum IImproving Showing steady progress with respect to previous mark Skills and concepts assimilated and used appropriately Remarkable depth of understanding; exceptional initiative and independence significantly above expectations. FallMid-Year WinterFinal <Table UNIT OF INQUIRY Understanding of unit concepts Ability to pose thoughtful and insightful questions Ability to think critically Active participation in group inquiry Abilitytoself-monitorandmaintainconsistenteffortand focus in class sessions Productive collaboration in group work with peers MATHEMATICS FallMid-YearWinterFinal Effort Numeration and counting (place value) Operations and relations Exploring data Geometry and spatial sense Measurement and reference frames Patterns, rules, functions and problem-solving Mental Math International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Teacher's Name:Date of Report: The Dwight School Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade FallMid-YearWinterFinal Effort: LANGUAGE ARTS Literature: Analyzes and responds to literature Reads a variety of literature independently Decoding: Learns required words Uses reading strategies effectively Reads fluently with expression Comprehension: Comprehends reading material Written Expression: Writes in different forms Writes fluently in an organized and logical manner Uses encoding strategies Expresses ideas in writing Uses and understands a rich vocabulary Writing Process: Uses writing process effectively Speaking: Expresses ideas orally Listening: Listens actively Penmanship: Follows correct letter formation and directionality in writing International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Teacher's Name:Date of Report: FOREIGN LANGUAGES The Dwight School Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade Attitudes: Displays a positive attitude towards foreign languages Shows consideration for others' ideas and questions Shows willingness to take risks Shows perseverance and thoroughness during activities Mid-YearFinal Language Development: Listens attentively Demonstrates understanding of what he or she has heard Answers questions in a foreign language Participates in simple conversational exchange Interaction: Asks relevant questions Participates willingly in front of others Works well with a partner Works well alone Takes role of leader Uses a foreign language in conversation Work Habits: Completes assigned tasks Is focused on task at hand International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade Teacher's Name:Date of Report: The Dwight School ART Demonstrates understanding of art concepts Explores art processes and techniques Employs creative thinking skills Engages in meaningful reflections Mid-Year Final Effort and participation MUSIC Demonstrates understanding of music theory Mid-YearFinal Engages in singing with good performance etiquette Recognizes musical works Works cooperatively Participates with energy and effort International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Teacher's Name:Date of Report: PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mid-YearFinal The Dwight School Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade Skills and Concepts: Applies locomotor movements Applies non-locomotor movements Demonstrates body awareness Applies eye-hand coordination principles Applies eye-foot coordination principles Applies left/right side coordination principles Applies symmetrical and opposition movements Demonstrates spatial relations Recognizes visual tracking patterns Demonstrates balance Engagement in Learning Process: Listens attentively Follows directions Participates with energy Demonstrates perseverance Works cooperatively Works independently Takes risks International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Teacher's Name:Date of Report: DANCEMid-YearFinal The Dwight School Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade Skills and Concepts: Applies dance techniques as taught in class Applies rhythm techniques Demonstrates body awareness Applies eye-hand & eye-foot coordination principles Applies left/right side coordination principles Applies symmetrical and opposition movements Demonstrates spatial relations Demonstrates musicality Demonstrates balance Remembers a routine after a certain number of repetitions Engagement in Learning Process: Listens attentively Follows directions Participates with energy Demonstrates perseverance Works cooperatively Works independently and express freedom in the creative process Takes risks International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Teacher's Name:Date of Report: The Dwight School Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade LIBRARY Effort Masters the necessary research process Uses research tools effectively Participates in story activities Mid-Year Final INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Effort Masters keyboard and mouse skills Follows directions Is able to navigate computer programs Mid-Year Final Uses the Internet responsibly GEOGRAPHY Effort Understands mapping process Demonstrates accurate mapping skills Actively participates Mid-Year Final International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Teacher's Name:Date of Report: The Dwight School Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade Home and school shared goals Absences:Lates: International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Teacher's Name:Date of Report: The Dwight School Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade Home and school shared goals from Fall Conference Absences:Lates: Teachers' Comments on Progress: International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Teacher's Name:Date of Report: The Dwight School Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade Home and school shared goals Absences:Lates: International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Final Report: Teacher's Name:Date of Report: The Dwight School Student's Name:Grade Level:Third Grade Absences:Lates: Home and school shared goals from Winter Conference