HomeMy WebLinkAboutPresentation Gas Well Drilling Town of Westlake Proposed Gas Drilling and Production Or dinance Workshop September 22, 2008 Topics of Discussion • Definitions • Setbacks • Water • Roadway usage • Permits Definitions • Gas Well Pad Site - The area used for all operational activities associated with gas drilling and production . • Drill Zone - The area within an approved Gas Well Pad Site designated to drilling well bores. • Gas Well production Site — The area designated for containment of all equipment and activities associated with gas production and well maintenance . Gas W II P ad Site and Drill Zone T P 1 r 411 a - - Setbacks - discussion points Distance from drill zone to habitable structure • Why not just adopt the greatest setback that any of our neighboring cities are using? • The purpose of setbacks — safety and quality of life or nuisance mitigation . • Unintended consequences of larger setback requirements. Examples of setback impacts on developable property • 1000 foot 1000 + 1000 + 100 = 2100; 2100 X 2100 = 4,410,000 / 43560 = 101.24 acres • 600 foot 600 + 600 + 100 = 1300; 1300 X 1300 = 1,690,000 / 43560 = 38.8 acres • 300 foot 300 + 300 + 100 = 700; 700 X 700 = 490000 / 43560 = 11.25 acres Formula: h*w/ 43560 = acres, where: h= The setback from one side added to the setback for the opposite side plus the depth of the well bore zone. w= The setback from the front side added to the setback for the back side plus the depth of the well bore zone. Setbacks Proposed Distance from drill zone to habitable structure • 600 feet — base line minimum standard . • 1,000 feet — voluntary and results in the relaxation of some regulations and will be easier for operator to comply with quality of life/nuisance regulations. Setbacks Proposed - continued Distance from drill zone to habitable structure • 300 feet — absolute minimum setback. Requires approval from all property owners with structures closer than 600 feet and Board approval . Results in more restrictive regulations and allows property owners with greater potential of negative impact from well operations to negotiate directly with the operator for creative options to address their specific concerns. Setbacks Proposedm continued Distance from drill zone to habitable structure • After a Gas Well Pad Site has been approved, the required setback from future habitable structures will be 300 feet. This reduction allows for more options for development of surrounding properties . Setbacks from other uses • Proposed distance from drill zone to street right-of-way is 200 feet. Hwy 114 and 170 — Also requires 100 foot setback for the Gas Well production Site perimeter fence from the right-of- way for landscape in the Town Edge Open Space Zone. Hwy 377 — Also requires 50 foot setback for the Gas Well production Site perimeter fence from the right-of-way for landscape in the Town Edge Open Space Zone. All other street right-of-ways — The perimeter fence must be behind the established building setback line for the zoning district. Setbacks from other uses • The proposed requirement for the Drill Zone to be a minimum of 75 feet from the perimeter of the Gas Well Pad Site, along with a minimum required 50 foot separation of the Gas Well Pad Site perimeter fence from adjacent property lines, results in a minimum 125 foot setback from any structures or other uses not related to the gas well drilling or production operations . Setbacks - continued • Variances to the setback requirements, or deviations from any other regulations governing the drilling and production of gas, may be authorized during the Specific Use Permit approval process after receiving a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and approval by the Board of Aldermen . 12 Roadway Usage • Roadway Improvement / Repair agreement — Town will have roadways along the approved truck route assessed for suitability for use by heavy truck traffic and determine if roadway must be improved prior to the increased usage. Repair or replacement costs will be estimated and arrangements for payment of those costs will be addressed in the agreement. Roadway Usage • Approved truck routes — Truck routes will be approved during the Gas Well Pad Site permitting process. — Encourage use of State owned Highways and Access Roads by reducing roadway improvement/repair fees. — Prohibit usage of certain roads based on safety factors and traffic studies. — Coordinate efforts with neighboring cities to regulate truck routes for gas well sites located in the Town of Westlake and in neighboring cities. 14 Water • Fresh water supply for gas drilling operations . — Water will not be provided by Town of Westlake because the increased water demand would result in the peak limits being exceeded and a possible increase in water fees for all Westlake water customers. — Freshwater wells may be drilled on site or water may be trucked or piped in and stored on site. Waste Water • Waste water from Gas well drilling and production operations must be disposed of properly. — Option A is to have all water trucked out of town for disposal . Most likely the waste will be pumped into a nearby Salt Water Disposal Well . — Option B is to permit the drilling of a Salt Water Disposal Well within the Town of Westlake but limit it's usage to disposing of water produced within the Town of Westlake. Permitting • There is a two pronged approach to regulating Gas Well Drilling and Production activities requiring two separate ordinance amendments. — Regulatory standards are similar to the Building Codes as they relate to new buildings. Dealing with safety and operational facets of the operation . — Zoning regulations are used to regulate the Land Use aspects and insure conformance with the Master Plans for Land Use, Open Space, Thoroughfares, and Water & Sewer Utilities. Permitting • The proposed Gas Well Drilling and Production Ordinance will cover the regulatory standards and will contain some land use related items that are specific to this unique use. • To address the remainder of the zoning related issues, an ordinance will be proposed to amend the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance to permit Gas Drilling in all zoning districts with a Specific Use Permit. All Gas Well Pad Site Permits will only be approved following notification of all property owners within 1,000 feet and a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission followed by a hearing before the Board of Aldermen. • Gas wells located within the designated Drill Zone of an approved Gas Well Pad site will be permitted administratively. 18