HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-22-08 TC Agenda Packetiq 1. mulm1 1 'i WESTLAKE TOWN HALL 3 VILLAGE CIRCLE 3. DISCUSSION OF THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1, 2008 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30,2009. 4. I+IT'IURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under "Future Agenda Item Requests ", an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Town Manager with the requested item and the Town Manager will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item's relationship to the Board's strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Town Manager will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. - None ANY ITEM ON POSTED 1 • 1 BE DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION f IT IS WITHIN ONE OF PERMITTED UNDER • 551.071 THROUGH 1 Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Workshop Minutes July 28, 2008 Page 2 of 2 I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, by Friday, September 19, 2008, by 4 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Kim Sutter, TFINIC, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817- 490 -5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Town of Westlake �7 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen From: Eddie Edwards, Director of Planning and Development Subject: Regular Meeting of September 22, 2008 Date: September 16, 2008 ITEM Presentation and discussion of staff work to date regarding possible amendments to the Oil and Gas Wells section of the Town of Westlake Code of Ordinances. This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: 10 Inviting Residential & Corporate neighborhoods • On -going comprehensive planning • Sensitivity to neighborhood integrity • Outstanding community appearance • Highest quality development and aesthetic standards • Open space preservation 2 We are Leaders • Environmental stewardship initiatives • High quality services delivery coupled with financial stewardships • Infrastructure maintenance and planning At the May 5, 2008, workshop on this subject the Board of Aldermen directed staff to: Look into Keller's adopted and Southlake's proposed ordinances to obtain information as to lessons learned and /or the reasoning behind their ordinance language. Westlake staff met with staff from both Keller and Southlake, reviewed their respective ordinances and received feedback as to items they feel could be improved upon and will be considering this information as the draft ordinance progresses.' ® Look into the viability of obtaining objective, non - conflicted resources in terms of outside technical expertise to assist staff. �, 11,11OW e p t e rn., b e r 2, 12. e-,� Roadwat Permits IN F TIM& Why not ip greatest setback F, The purpose of setbacks — safety and quality 0 I nuisance life or Unintended consequences of larger setback requirements. All � l l � •; - „ • I -MM 9 •0 feet standard, AM be4-&tD'acks Proposed = continuel�'111 Distance from drill zone to habitable structure z 300 feet — absolute minimum setback. Requires. specific concerns-- 0 aft betbacks Proposed= continuei • im,.r► �` required After a Gas Well Pad Site has been approved, from setback habitable allows structures will be 300 feet. This reduction M IM i" Proposed distance from drill zone t street right-of-way is 200 feet. i M M", * The proposed requirement for the Drill Zone of be a minimum of perimeter of the Gas Well Pad with a minimum required i foot separation of the Gas Well Pad Site perimeter fence from adjacent property 125 foot setback any e s or other uses not related to the gas well drilling or production operations. e Roadway Improvement / Repair agreement Approved truck routes — Truck routs will be approved during the Gas Well Pad Site permitting process. Encourage use of State owned Highways and Access Roads by reducing roadway improvement/repair fees. Prohibit usage of certain roads based on safety factors and traffic studies. Coordinate efforts with neighboring cities to regulate truck routs for gas well sites located in the Town • Westlake and in neighboring cities. * Fresh water for operations. Water will not be provid IT, 701: N 0 701 i •, • •. • 4 i 1 ' • •. �'�'�` r`,, in the peak limits being exceeded and a possible increase in water fees for all Westlake water • Freshwater wells may be drilled on site or water may be trucked in and stored on site. � � • � 1 � !, i.t" m g There is a two pronged appro Gas Well Drilling and Production activities requiring two separate ordinance amendments. Regulatory stan• . • to the Building Codes as they relate to new buildings. Dealing with safety Zoning regulations i, regulate the Land Use aspects • insure conformance Plans for Land Use, Open Space,. Thoroughfares, ani Water & Sewer Utilities. 11 I Gas wells located .• Drill Zone of an approved Gas Well Pad site will be permitted administratively. Staff has obtained an objective, non - conflicted authority, who specializes in the enforcement of these types of ordinances, to assist staff in the review and preparation of this ordinance. ® Include in this process a focus group of interested local oil /gas industry representatives to get their technical feedback/input. Staff has and will continue to include industry representatives in the drafting and review process of the ordinance. Industry professionals have been very informative and willing to assist in any way possible. ® Make sure that we inform and receive input from our citizens as to what the staff will propose to the Board in terms of an ordinance amendment prior to it going to the Board. Following this workshop, and after incorporating the board's direction into the draft ordinance, staff will hold a meeting to inform and receive input from Westlake citizens prior to presenting the ordinance to the Board of Aldermen for adoption. Before presenting a draft of the ordinance to the public, staff felt that we should seek feedback from the Board of Aldermen on several key regulations. In the previous two workshops there was discussion and general consensus on several items. However, after further research and after the benefit of input from the sources recommended by the Board of Aldermen, we think these areas should be revisited before proceeding further with the draft. Many of the regulations in all of our neighboring cities ordinances are very similar and are either limited by state or federal laws, or are deemed agreeable to both the cities and the operators. The key regulations that seem to vary from city to city are: ® Setbacks- Distance from wells to dwellings, structures, roadways, parks, and property lines. ® Roadway usage - road repair agreements and routing. ® Water — Source and storage of water for fracturing the shale. Storage and disposal method of flow -back and produced water. ® Permits - Procedures for obtaining permits and permit fees. Staff is seeking direction if not a general consensus on the proposed regulations governing the above issues. We will be presenting information brought to light since our last workshop that should be considered prior to concluding that the most restrictive or most commonly accepted regulations are the best regulations. M r i ii1i�[ 3� t 1RI To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen From: Tom Brymer, Town Manager Subject: Workshop Meeting of September 22, 2008 Date: September 15, 2008 ITEM Discussion of the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year October 1, 2008 Through September 30, 2009. VISIT POINT AND KEY RESULT AREAS This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: R1 Inviting Residential & Corporate neighborhoods • On -going comprehensive planning • Sensitivity to neighborhood integrity • Outstanding community appearance • Highest quality development and aesthetic standards • Open space preservation R We are Leaders • Premier educational facilities and programs • Producing well educated future leaders and thinkers • Business partnerships with Westlake Academy • Environmental stewardship initiatives • High quality services delivery coupled with financial stewardships • Infrastructure maintenance and planning 2 Hospitality Finds its Home in Westlake • Citizen engagement and communication • Historic Preservation • Tourism development BACKGROUND Staff presented and reviewed this proposed budget at the Board's August 25th workshop to seek Board input, direction, guidance on this important policy setting and implementation document for the upcoming fiscal year. This proposed budget was also discussed at the Board's September 8th workshop at which time the Board's direction to staff was to 1.) produce scenarios /options /choices that reduce growth in operations and maintenance spending as well as prioritize those scenarios, and 2.) produce a prioritization of capital spending. Staff intends to present that information at this workshop for Board review and discussion prior to considering adoption of a budget for FY 08/09. FUNDING: N/A RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Board review and provide direction to staff at this workshop regarding any changes they wish to make to this proposed budget. Additionally, at the September 8th regular Board meeting the public hearing required by State law regarding 1 the proposed budget was held. Following that public hearing, the Board determined it wished to review additional information referenced above and thus, adoption of the FY 08 -09 Budget was tabled until the September 22"d regular Board meeting. I U I O VIMRI SiTa ►a rmrm town of 31[estlake Agenda 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under "Future Agenda Item Requests ", an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Town Manager with the requested item and the Town Manager will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item's relationship to the Board's strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Town Manager will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. - Items submitted will be discussed as part of the regular meeting and are listed on the regular meeting agenda. r" town of Westlake Fire! Back up material has not been provided for this item. �[�ii T�Ei►�f►��[ID�3 WESTLAKE TOWN HALL 3 VILLAGE CIRCLE MUNICIPAL COURT ROOM, SUITE 207 7:00 p 9 1 S/ Bill 3. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Board will receive the information, ask staff to review the matter, or an item may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. 4. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Aldermen and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Review and approve minutes of the Board of Aldermen regular meeting and workshop and held on September 8, 2008. b. Consider a Resolution approving an Interlocal agreement for police services with the City of Keller, Texas. 7. CONSIDER f APPROVING THE SUB CONTRACTORS IDENTIFIED BY '. CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION ►i - ► RO 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under "Future Agenda Item Requests ", an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Town Manager with the requested item and the Town Manager will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item's relationship to the Board's strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Town Manager will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. - Consider changing name of Board of Aldermen to City Council. Requested by Alderman Brittan. - Consider discussion of storm water drainage. Requested by Alderman Corson. • Stagecoach Hills • Phase III in Vaquero • Exploration of the appropriate relationship the Town should have with its neighboring communities relative to shared storm water drainage challenges. - Consider coordinating a tour of the Keller Police Services Facility. Requested by Alderman Corson. 9. BOARD CALENDAR. - Joint Board of Aldermen /Planning & Zoning Commission land use /zoning training o Monday, 9/29/08, 6 -8 p.m., Town Hall offices, Court Room - Metroport Chamber of Commerce State of Cities o Tuesday, 10/7, 11 a.m. — 1 p.m., Trophy Club County Club - Arbor Day Celebration o Saturday, 10 /11, 8 a.m.- 3 p.m., Glenwyck Farms park area - Texas Municipal League Annual Conference and Exhibition o 10/28 — 10/31/08, San Antonio, Texas - Christmas Tree Lighting o Tuesday, 12/2/08, 6:30 p.m. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Regular Meeting Agenda September 22, 2008 Page 3 of 3 I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, by Friday, September 19, 2008, by 5 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817 - 490 -5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Town of Westlak,t Pledge I Allegiance us�=M* • - r Town of !Festtzlce This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Board will receive the information, ask staff to review the matter, or an item may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF IFOARD OF ALDERMEN REGULAR MEETING September 8, 2008 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Aldermen Tim Brittan, Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: Alderman Don Redding. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Thomas Brymer, Town Attorney Stan Lowry, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, DPS Director Don Wilson, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry, Director of Planning and Development Eddie Edwards, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, and Director of Administrative Services Todd Wood, Mayor Wheat called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. !. Mr. Jack Walton, 13225 Thornton Drive, Westlake, addressed the Board regarding the flooding at Stage Coach Hills in June 2007 and expressed the need for adequate drainage. Town Manager Brymer advised that the item will be placed on a future agenda for discussion. gum U 6111110rin W901 01 M "'191191 ! / !, Mayor Laura Wheat presented the GFOA plaque to Finance Director Debbie Piper, Finance Clerk Jaymi Ford, and Administrative Services Director Todd Wood. Town Manager Brymer commended Town staff for their efforts related to receiving the designation. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Page 2 of 3 Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2008 Mayor Wheat introduced the consent agenda and asked for a motion. a. Review and approve minutes of the Board of Aldermen regular meeting and workshop and held on August 25, 2008. MOTION: Alderman Corson made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Alderwoman Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4 -0. CONSIDER 5. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING PURSUANT TO THE RATE REVIEW MECHANISM SETTLEMENT :. AND THE ATMOS CITIES STEERING Town Manager Brymer presented the item to the Board. Alderman Corson inquired as the average percentage increase per residential household. Town Attorney Lowry advised that he is not certain of the percentage, but the increase on average is .81 cents per month /household. MOTION: Alderman Brittan made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 599, adopting certain natural gas rates pursuant to the rate review mechanism settlement between Atmos and Mid -Texas and the Atmos Cities Steering Committee. Alderman Corson seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4 -0. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE- PROPOSED FY 08/09 BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2008 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2009. Mayor Wheat introduced the item and opened the public hearing. There being no one requesting to speak, Mayor Wheat closed the public hearing. 7. CONSIDER OF A RESOLUTION y ! ' . 08/09 BUDGET INCLUDING 1 ' 1' THE FY 07/08 : ? 1 ! '` THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE. Mayor Wheat introduced the item and asked for a motion to table action on the item based on the discussion at the September 8, 2008, workshop. MOTION: Alderman Corson made a motion to table consideration of the item. Alderwoman Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4 -0. Town of Westlake Board of aldermen Page 3 of 3 Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2008 No items were submitted for consideration. Mayor Wheat reviewed the Board calendar. - Joint Regional Meeting with Roanoke, Trophy Club, and Northwest ISD o Wednesday, 9/10/08, 6:30 p.m., Roanoke City Hall - Westlake Academy Strategic Planning Retreat o 9/12 & 9/13/08, Embassy Suites, Grapevine - Special Board of Aldermen Meeting o 9/15/08, 5 p.m., Town Hall offices - Texas Student Housing Authority Meeting o Tuesday, 9/16/08, 5:30 p.m., Marriott Solana and Town Hall offices - TML Region VIII Quarterly Meeting o Thursday, 9/18, 6:30 p.m., Brookside Convention Center, Hurst, TX - Joint Board of Aldermen /Planning & Zoning Commission land use /zoning training o Monday, 9/29/08, 6 -8 p.m., Town Hall offices, Court Room - Arbor Day Celebration o Saturday, 10/11, 8 a.m. — 3 p.m., Glenwyck Farms park area - Texas Municipal League Annual Conference and Exhibition o 10/28 — 10/31/08, San. Antonio, Texas - Christmas Tree Lighting o Tuesday, 12/2/08, 6:30 p.m. There being no further business, Mayor Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Alderman Brittan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Alderwoman Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4 -0. Mayor Wheat adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD F ALDERMEN ON SEPTEMBER 22, 2008. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary f.Y�if�iil��►�IIIIFI PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Aldermen Tim Brittan, Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: Alderman Don Redding. STAFF PRESENT: Town Manager Thomas Brymer, Town Attorney Stan Lowry, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, DPS Director Don Wilson, Planning and Development Director Eddie Edwards, Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry, and Head of School Mark Rosevear. ���� • Mayor Wheat called the workshop to order at 4:20 p.m. CONSTRUCTION PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF A STATUS REPORT ON OF ARTS AND SCIENCES CENTER. Facilities and Recreation Director Meyer addressed the Board regarding the item. Mr. Meyer reviewed the timeline of events for the construction of the Arts and Sciences Center building. Mrs. Leah Rennhack, President of the Westlake Academy Foundation, reviewed the funding sources as of September 2008: Source Amount G.O. Bond Funds $2,467,000 Texas Student Housing $500,000 Lee Gift $500,000 Foundation Donations $641,447 Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Page 2 of 4 Workshop Minutes September 8, 2008 Interest $28,325 TOTAL $4,136,772 Anticipated Pledges (Pledges.for 2008 -2009 $353,946) $431,890 GRAND TOTAL $4,568,663 Mrs. Rennhack further advised that, over the past four (4) years, the Blacksmith Apprentice program has raised $4.1 million. (The Blacksmith Apprentice Program is designed to raise suppo,f for the ongoing maintenance and operations of the school from parents of children enrolled in the Westlake Academy.) Facilities and Recreation Director Meyer outlined the construction cost for the project and advised the Board that the $211,000 cost for utility relocation could be charged to the Town's Utility Fund and the Academy budget could absorbed the $200,000 FF &E expenditure. MIT= EM Construction Cost $5,189,389 Utility Relocation (Utility Fund) FF &E (Academy budget) -$411,000 G.O. Bond, Texas Student Housing, Interest, - $3,495,325 100% of Lee gift Westlake Academy Foundation Cash & Pledges - $1,073,337 Unfunded Portion $209,727 Board discussion ensued regarding the impact of pouring /not pouring the foundation for the Arts portion of the building, the aesthetics of a poured foundation fenced in for safety, and the future needs for the space. Additionally, the Board discussed the merits of the interfund loan related to the utility relocation and the furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF &E) and the promise made to the voters not to exceed the $2.5 million obligation by the Town. Mayor Wheat advised that Mrs. Margaret Lee has given permission to use 100% of the Lee gift for phase 1, with the understanding that that Black Box Theater would be named after the Lees. Town Manger Brymer advised the Board that incremental cost of pouring the foundation is estimated at $160,000. Staff advised that a 2 to 3% increase in cost per month can be expected if the pouring of the foundation is delayed. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Workshop Minutes September 8, 2008 Page 3 of 4 Town Manager Brymer advised that it is recommended the Board hold a special called meeting on Monday, September 15, 2008, to lock in the bids for the construction of the facility. • �: us a IIA of WIN am U .. 0 Town Manager Brymer introduced the item, and advised the Board that the contract calls for a 4% increase over last years cost of services. Mr. Brymer reviewed the proposed changes to the contract and advised the Board that the proposed contract is for a term of five (5) years and contains a two (2) year cancellation clause. Keller Chief of Police Mark Hafner was present and addressed the Board regarding the proposed contract. Discussion ensued with regard to services offered to local schools such as bike safety, Stranger Danger, etc. and the possibility of the offerings at Westlake Academy. Town Manager Brymer advised the Board that the proposed contract will be be presented at the September 22, 2008, regular meeting for consideration and approval. Town Manager Brymer advised the Board that this item is a follow -up to the staff presentation of the proposed budget at the August 25, 2008, Aldermen workshop. Alderman Corson expressed his concern that the proposed expenditures exceed the anticipated revenues, and expressed his desire for an analysis of the proposed expenditures. Town Manager Brymer reviewed proposed positions and expressed the need to evaluate compensation. Mrs. Michelle Corson, President of the Public Art Society of Westlake, addressed the Board regarding the funding request for the Public Art Society of Westlake. Mrs. Corson stated that the funding request has been reduced to $10,000. Ms. Kristi Layton, Treasurer of the Westlake Historical Preservation Society (WHPS), reviewed the accomplishments of the Society over the past eight (8) years, and advised the Board that the Society is requesting funding in the amount of $5,000 as well as an advance of $30,000 with the intent of reimbursing the Town with a portion of the book sales. Ms. Layton explained that the funding request is intended to cover administrative expenses, operation of the museum, Decoration Day and the annual meeting. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Workshop Minutes September 8, 2008 Page 4 of 4 At the direction of the Board, Town Manager Brymer will present options that reduce growth in operations and maintenance spending as well as prioritize those scenarios and prioritize capital expenditures. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF TOWN/ACADEMY FACILITIES RENTAL USE POLICIES AND FEES FOR THE CIVIC CAMPUS BUILDINGS O WESTLAKE RESIDENTS. Municipal Court Administrator DeGan and Facilities and Recreation Director Meyer presented the proposed policy to the Board and advised that the main objective is to offer the facility for use to Westlake residents while recovery 100% of the cost associated with the facility use. Head of School Rosevear stated that he opposed to the use of classrooms for rental purposes. It was the consensus of the Board to have staff proceed with finalizing the policy and obtaining cost of service and present to the Board for consideration. No items were submitted for consideration. There being no further business to come before the Board, Mayor Wheat adjourned the workshop at 6:28 p.m. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary 1 i To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen From: Tom Brymer, Town Manager Don Wilson, Director of Public Safety Subject: Regular Meeting of September 22, 2008 Date: September 16, 2008 I18sm Consider a Resolution Amending and Renewing an Interlocal Agreement for Police Services with the City of Keller, Texas. This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: Rl We are Leaders • Premier educational facilities and programs • High quality services delivery coupled with financial stewardship The Town of Westlake has contracted successfully with the City of Keller for police related services since FY02 /03. This contract has, until now, been an annual contract with the price being adjusted at the time of renewal. This contract is being proposed as a five year agreement with either party being given the right to terminate with at least two years prior notice to the subsequent October 1. The price for these services would be adjusted annually. This five year contract term is being recommended to give both municipalities adequate time to make alternative service arrangements in the case of contract termination. There are additional wording additions /changes being recommended by staff in this iteration of the contract, all of which are highlighted in yellow and having been available for review at the September 8, 2008 workshop. 8111► Funding for this item is in the proposed FY2008/09 budget. The amount proposed for these services is $760,105. M 7 IDUT 1111117_1 Y [i1►1 Staff recommends approval 1. Resolution No. 08 -53 2. Proposed contract with City of Keller for police related services 3. Exhibit A to said contract giving pricing calculation detail 4. Patrol district map �1 ° 1 . 1' . 1 1CAL SERVICES WITH THE CITY OF KELLER, TEXAS, APPROVED THE 13 th DAY OF ii 2, AND AUTHORIZING THE TOWN 1 EXECUTE TEXAS. SAID AMENDED AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF WHEREAS, an Interlocal Agreement for police services being provided by the City of Keller, Texas for the Town of Westlake, Texas was approved on May 13, 2002, for an initial term of twenty -eight (28) months; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the term and conditions of said agreement, it contemplated an annual review of the budget (expenditures) related to police services being performed by the City of Keller and that amendments related thereto, including the extension of the agreement for a five (5) year term with provisions as stated in this resolution, may be made in accordance with the provisions therefore as outlined in the agreement; and WHEREAS, the City of Keller has completed its calculation and review of the annual police services budget as it pertains to the services provided the Town of Westlake and hereby requests the agreement and the proposed amendments be approved. NOW, THEREFORE, D BY THE BOARD OF D OF THE TOWN OF SECTION 1: That the above findings are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein in their entirety. SECTION 2: This agreement shall be for a term of five (5) years commencing on October 1, 2008 and ending September 30, 2013. If either party wishes to terminate this agreement during the first three (3) years, they may do so under the requirements in Section 7 Cancellation of the amended agreement. SECTION 3: That the Interlocal Agreement is amended to read as follows: "Section 5. Payments for Services Performed. All payments referred to herein shall be paid by WESTLAKE to KELLER in four (4) equal installments on the 1 st day of each calendar quarter beginning October 1, 2008 in advance of the services performed by KELLER for WESTLAKE for each calendar quarter of KELLER' S fiscal year. The annual payment amount shall be KELLER's budgeted amount for the police services being provided as reflected in Exhibit "A ". KELLER shall provide to WESTLAKE on an annual basis the cost of police services, based on KELLER's Fiscal Year Police Department Operating Budget adjusted annually to include KELLER's annual Police Department budget increases in personnel costs and benefits, operating costs, capital costs, and General and Administrative Charges as anticipated to be approved by the KELLER City Council during the annual budgeting process for the upcoming Fiscal Year beginning October 1, as well as any direct expenditure increase(s) necessary to serve only WESTLAKE as the result of a significant addition of a commercial /retail establishment or housing sub - division requiring dedicated permanent police resources requested by the Board of Aldermen. In the event the WESTLAKE Board of Aldermen fails or refuses to approve the annual payment amount by October 1, of any year during the term of this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be deemed a cancellation of the Agreement pursuant to Section 7.13. herein." SECTION 4: WESTLAKE shall pay the sum of $760,105.00 Dollars to KELLER for police services for the twelve -month period beginning October 1, 2008 and ending September 30, 2009, said sum to be paid in four (4) equal installments of $190,026.25 dollars beginning October 1, 2008. SECTION 5: Both parties agree that staffing as outlined in the agreement is not a static staffing number. By sharing patrol districts between the two municipalities as shown in Exhibit B there will be times when WESTLAKE will receive more resources than what can be delivered by eight (8) employees to handle peak events like traffic collisions, criminal investigations, and major disturbances. WESTLAKE will not be subject to "black -out time" where no officers are unable to respond to life threatening or high priority incidents because of lack of resources in Westlake/North Keller. KELLER agrees to utilize all available resources including the use of Mutual Aid with surrounding cities. SECTION 6: Either party shall have the right to terminate this agreement by giving written notice to the other party at least two (2) years prior to the subsequent October 1. All payments by WESTLAKE to KELLER shall continue until the cancellation date is reached unless a mutual agreement to the contrary is reached. However, in accordance with the Texas Interlocal Cooperation Act, not later than September 30 of each year, this Agreement, or amendments thereto, including any and all revisions /calculations relating to Exhibit "A" that may be applicable to a new payment schedule, shall be subject to approval by the governing bodies of KELLER and WESTLAKE in order that it shall remain in force and funds budgeted therefore. SECTION 7: That all provisions not hereby amended shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 8: This Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. 1.7:�►Y.`I�•7:ht•7_�' • : ihi�•Zt7�•Ilia( • t • '' ►1 i 11 ATTEST: Laura Wheat, Mayor Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Town Manager L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney THE STATE OF TEXAS )( COUNTIES TARRANT And r THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into by the CITY OF KELLER, TEXAS, a Home Rule municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "KELLER ", and the TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, a Type A General Law municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "WESTLAKE ", each acting by and through its duly appointed city managers: WITNESETH: WHEREAS, WESTLAKE is desirous of providing its residents and businesses with full -time police protection and services, and WHEREAS, KELLER is desirous of furnishing full -time police protection and law enforcement services to WESTLAKE, and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to enter into said agreement to provide police protection and law enforcement services at the highest level possible for both communities in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein, and WHEREAS, all payments to be made hereunder shall be made from current revenues available to the paying party; and WHEREAS, KELLER and WESTLAKE have concluded that this Agreement fairly compensates the performing party for the services being provided hereunder; and WHEREAS, KELLER and WESTLAKE believe that this Agreement is in the best interests of KELLER and WESTLAKE; and WHEREAS, this Agreement has been approved by the governing bodies of KELLER and WESTLAKE; and WHEREAS, this agreement shall be in conformance with Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, more commonly known as the "Interlocal Cooperation Act ". NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES AND CONSIDERATION PROVIDED FOR HEREIN, THE RECEIPT AND SUFFICIENCY OF WHICH ARE HEREBY CONFIRMED, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING: The provisions of this indemnification are solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and not intended to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, to any other person or entity. Section 15. This agreement may only be modified, changed or altered at any time, upon mutual agreement of parties, provided that any such modification, change and /or alteration be reduced to writing, and approved by the governing bodies of KELLER and WESTLAKE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this the day of 2008, in duplicate originals. i By: P.H .McGrail Mayor By: Dan O'Leary City Manager By: Sheila Stephens City Secretary By: L. Stanton Lowry City Attorney By: Laura Wheat Mayor By: Tong Brymer Town Manager By: Kim Sutter Town Secretary 0 FISCAL YEAR 2008/09 POLICE DEPARTMENT OPERATING And GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGETS FOR POLICE SERVICES TO THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE. OPERATING BUDGET $7,220,580 Includes seventy -three (82) full -time employee equivalents (FTEs); police patrol; traffic control dispatch services, records, and equipment; criminal investigation services; animal control services; departmental train - ing; and capital equipment 82 FTEs Cost per Full -time Employee $ 88,056.00 Annual Service Level Calculation: 8 FTEs (1) x $ 88,056.00 $ 704,448.00 GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES (2) 55,657.00 Includes services of Administration , Finance Administration, Human Resources, and Non - Operating Expense. TOTAL ANNUAL COST $ 760,105.00 (I) 5 Police Patrol Officers 2 Police Motorcycle Officers I Records Clerk 8 FTEs (2) PERCENT ( %) OF RESPECTIVE ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET USED: Administration 2% Finance Admin 3% Human Resources 3% Non - operating 1% Foli A m Town of Westlake I U11 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen From: Tom Brymer, Town Manager Subject: Regular Meeting of September 22, 2008 Date: September 15, 2008 Hum Consider of a Resolution Adopting the FY 08/09 Budget Including Final Amendments to the FY 07/08 Budget for the Town of Westlake. VISION POINT AND KEY RESULT AREAS This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: 10 Inviting Residential & Corporate neighborhoods • On -going comprehensive planning • Sensitivity to neighborhood integrity • Outstanding community appearance • Highest quality development and aesthetic standards • Open space preservation 10 We are Leaders • Premier educational facilities and programs • Producing well educated future leaders and thinkers • Business partnerships with Westlake Academy • Environmental stewardship initiatives • High quality services delivery coupled with financial stewardships • Infrastructure maintenance and planning 10 Hospitality Finds its Home in Westlake • Citizen engagement and communication • Historic Preservation • Tourism development 11,410[11110101011 t7_\IIlLakig' Staff recommends adoption of this resolution adopting the FY 08/09 Budget as well as approving final amendments to the FY 07/08 Budget. The Town staff has prepared the Proposed FY 2007/2008 Budget, which places an emphasis on allocating funds for maintenance of public buildings and infrastructure as well as for capital improvement projects, without the use of a property tax. The start of construction for the Westlake Performing Arts & Science Civic Center is programmed in this Proposed FY08 /09 Budget. This proposed budget also anticipates funding the Dove Road Bridge expansion near Glenwyck Farms, beginning to set funding aside for the FM 1938 streetscape /way finding project, as well as the providing resources for the Stagecoach Hills Street reconstruction project. Additionally, this proposed budget begins to utilize as its framework the Board of Aldermen's vision, values, and mission statement from its strategic planning retreat held in June of this year. This includes identifying key result areas within the three (3) focus areas of this vision statement and connecting those key result areas to departmental budgets. The Utility Fund's proposed budget includes funding the on -going automation of water meters that will allow real -time date collection /monitoring of water meters located within specific areas of the Town. Also included in the Utility Fund budget is the TRA /Southlake N1 Sewer Line Improvement Project, which includes the design and construction of a metering station with SCADA equipment at the proposed "point of entry ". Funding is included in the Visitors Association Fund for additional marketing by the Marriott Solana to increase their group bookings business. This fund is also providing a fund transfer to the Debt Service Fund because the Property Tax Relief Fund (funded by a half -cent sales tax) will be helping to fund General Fund operations. This is due to the reduced performance of the Town's one -cent sales tax that has traditionally been the General Fund's largest revenue source. The 413 Fund, financed with another half -cent sales tax, will continue to be used for debt service payments, as has the previous practice. v 1. Resolution 08- 51 2. Budget Transmittal Memo Dated 8 -15 -08 3. Budget Overview for FY08 /09 i 0. A N 1, J IN) N IN) J- .. • 1_ •. ;, 1 11 1 1i. WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly held and all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard for or against any item therein; and. WHEREAS, as required by Texas Local Government Code 102.002, the budget officer has prepared a municipal budget to cover the proposed expenditures of the municipal government for the succeeding year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Board of Aldermen hereby adopts the revised budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008 and the proposed Annual Operating Budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009 and appropriates the funds contained therein. SECTION 2: That a copy of the official adopted 2008 -2009 budget documents shall be kept on file in the office of the Town Secretary. SECTION 3: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 22 DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2008. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Tom Brymer, Town Manager NN,, i f 1 ! ' L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney General Fund All (Original Proposed Budget) Revenues PTR revenue Expenditures Excess Rev over(under) exp Transfers in: Utility Fund (Impact fees) Utility Fund (Master Plan) Property Tax Reduction Total Transfers in Transfers out: CP Arts & Sciences Building General MMF Special Revenue Fund V &E Replacement Total Transfers out Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balance, Beginning Fund Balance, Ending Restricted /Designated Net Fund Balance, Ending A &S Building designation ** FISCAL YEAR 08/09 Base + Current Base + Current SLAB + Base + SLAs + Pay Pay Increases + Net FY 07/08 Total Base + Current SLAB + Increases + Net Recurring SLAs + Estimated Base Budget Current SLAB Pay Increases Recurring SLAs One Time SLAB $ 4,346,795 $ 4,699,942 $ 4,699,942 $ 4,699,942 $ 4,757,625 $ 4,757,625 706,650 706,650 706,650 706,650 706,650 4,393,057 4,393,056 4,467,856 4,521,686 4,637,455 4,948,912 (46,262) 1,013,536 938,736 884,906 826,820 515,363 25,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 - - - - 17,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 47,000 67,517 200,000 15,660 7,500 75,000 237,500 - 134,500 290,677 - - - - 447,000 (311,939) 1,043,536 968,736 914,906 856,820 115,363 3,076,299 2,764,360 2,764,360 2,764,360 2,764,360 2,764,360 2,764,360 3,807,896 3,733,096 3,679,266 3,621,180 2,879,723 315,274 257,906 257,906 257,906 257,906 257,906 2,449,086 3,549,990 3,475,190 3,421,360 3,363,274 2,621,817 305,467 305,467 305,467 305,467 305,467 Fund Balance, Unrestricted $ 2,449,086 $ 3,244,523 $ 3,169,723 $ 3,115,893 $ 3,057,807 $ 2,316,350 Page 1 C FISCAL YEAR 08/09 Base + Current Base + Current SLAB + Base + SLAs + Pay Pay Increases + Net FY 07/08 'Total Base + Current SLAB + Increases + Net Recurring SLAB + Estimated Base Budget Current SLAB Pay Increases Recurring SLAB One Time SLAB FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ (with A &S Bldg. 795,437 720,637 666,807 608,721 (132,736) FB Variance from 07 -08 - %% designation) 32% 29% 27% 25% -5% FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ (w /o A &S Bldg 1,100,904 1,026,104 972,274 914,188 172,731 FB Variance from 07 -08 - %% designation) 45% 42% 40% 37% 7% EXP Variance from 07 -08 - $$ (1) 74,799 128,629 244,398 555,855 EXP Variance from 07 -08 - %% 0% 2% 3% 6% 13% EXP IX Variance from 07 -08 - $$ 242,899 EXP 1X Variance from 07 -08 - %% 6% ** interfund loan in the total amount of $630,942 with a proposed $325,474 being repaid during the FY 08 -09; leaving balance of $305,467 Page 2 •I Revenues PTR revenue Expenditures Excess Rev over(under) exp Transfers in: Utility Fund (Impact fees) Utility Fund (Master Plan) Property Tax Reduction Total Transfers in Transfers out: CID Arts & Sciences Building General MMF Special Revenue Fund V &E Replacement Total Transfers out Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balance, Beginning Fund Balance, Ending Restricted /Designated Net Fund Balance, Ending A &S Building designation ** FISCAL YEAR 08/09 Base + Current Base + Current SLAB + Base + SLAs + Pay Pay Increases + Net FY 07/08 Total Base + Current SLAs + Increases + Net Recurring SLAB + Estimated Base Budget Current SLAs Pay Increases Recurring SLAB One Time SLAB $ 4,346,795 $ 4,699,912 $ 4,699,912 $ 4,699,912 $ 4,733,482 $ 4,733,482 - - - - 250,000 4,393,057 4,393,056 4,467,856 4,521,686 4,601,318 4,807,074 (46, 262) 306,856 232,056 178,226 132,164 176,408 25,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 - - - - 17,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 47,000 67,517 200,000 15,660 7,500 105,500 56,900 290,677 - - - - 162,400 (311,939) 336,856 262,056 208,226 162,164 61,008 3,076,299 2,764,360 2,764,360 2,764,360 2,764,360 2,764,360 2,764,360 3,101,216 3,026,416 2,972,586 2,926,524 2,825,368 315,274 257,906 257,906 257,906 257,906 257,906 2,449,086 2,843,310 2,768,510 2,714,680 2,668,618 2,567,462 305,467 305,467 305,467 305,467 305,467 Fund Balance, Unrestricted $ 2,449,086 $ 2,537,843 $ 2,463,043 $ 2,409,213 $ 2,363,151 $ 2,261,995 Page 3 C � FISCAL YEAR 08/09 Base + Current Base + Current SLAB + Base + SLAs + Pay Pay Increases + Net FY 07/08 Total Base + Current SLAB + Increases + Net Recurring SLAs + Estimated Base Budget Current SLAB Pay Increases Recurring SLAB One Time SLAB FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ (with A &S Bldg. 88,757 13,957 (39,873) (85,935) (187,091) FB Variance from 07 -08 - %% designation) 4% 1% -2% -4% -8% FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ (w /o A &S Bldg 394,224 319,424 265,594 219,532 118,376 FB Variance from 07 -08 - %% designation) 16% 13% 11% 9% 5% EXP Variance from 07 -08 - $$ (1) 74,799 128,629 208,261 414,017 EXP Variance from 07 -08 - %% 0% 2% 3% 5% 9% EXP 1X Variance from 07 -08 - $$ 206,761 EXP 1X Variance from 07 -08 - %% 5% ** Interfund loan in the total amount of $630,942 with a proposed $325,474 being repaid during the FY 08 -09; leaving balance of $305,467 Page 4 Utility Fund All Scenarios (Original Proposed Budget) Transfers out: Transfer out to UMM 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Transfer out to GF (Impact fees) FISCAL YEAR 08/09 Transfer out to GF (Master Plan) 17,000 Total Transfers out 40,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 62,000 112,900 112,900 Base + Current Base + Current SLAB + 112,900 112,900 Fund Balance, Unrestricted Base + SLAs + Pay Pay Increases + Net FY 07/08 Total Base + Current SLAB + Increases + Net Recurring SLAB + Estimated Base Budget Current SLAB Pay Increases Recurring SLAB One Time SLAs Revenues $ 2,252,743 $ 2,272,550 $ 2,272,550 $ 2,272,550 $ 2,272,550 $ 2,272,550 Expenditures 1,780,979 2,043,689 1,963,986 1,971,558 1,974,189 2,043,689 Excess Rev over(under) exp 471,764 228,861 308,564 300,992 298,361 228,861 Transfers out: Transfer out to UMM 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Transfer out to GF (Impact fees) 25,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Transfer out to GF (Master Plan) 17,000 Total Transfers out 40,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 62,000 Net Change in Fund Balance 431,764 183,861 263,564 255,992 253,361 166,861 Fund Balance, Beginning 1,220,048 1,651,812 1,651,812 1,651,812 1,651,812 1,651,812 Fund Balance, Ending 1,651,812 1,835,673 1,915,376 1,907,804 1,905,173 1,818,673 Restricted /Designated 112,900 112,900 112,900 112,900 112,900 112,900 Fund Balance, Unrestricted $ 1,538,912 $ 1,722,773 $ 1,802,476 $ 1,794,904 $ 1,792,273 $ 1,705,773 FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ 183,861 263,564 255,992 253,361 166,861 FB Variance from 07 -08 - %% 12% 17% 17% 16% 11% EXP Variance from 07 -08 - $$ 262,710 183,007 190,579 193,210 262,710 EXP Variance from 07 -08 - %% 15% 10% 11% 11% 15% Page 5 Utility Fund All Scenarios Recommendations) FISCAL YEAR 08/09 Base + Current Base + Current SLAs + Base + SLAs + Pay Pay Increases + Net FY 07/08 Total Base + Current SLAB + Increases + Net Recurring SLAB + Estimated Base Budget Current SLAs Pay Increases Recurring SLAB One Time SLAs Revenues $ 2,252,743 $ 2,272,550 $ 2,272,550 $ 2,272,550 $ 2,272,550 $ 2,272,550 Expenditures 1,780,979 2,043,689 1,963,986 1,971,558 1,972,711 2,037,411 Excess Rev over(under) exp 471,764 228,861 308,564 300,992 299,839 235,139 Transfers out: Transfer out to UMM 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Transfer out to GF (Impact fees) 25,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Transfer out to GF (Master Plan) - - - - - 17,000 Total Transfers out 40,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 62,000 Net Change in Fund Balance 431,764 183,861 263,564 255,992 254,839 173,139 Fund Balance, Beginning 1,220,048 1,651,812 1,651,812 1,651,812 1,651,812 1,651,812 Fund Balance, Ending 11651,812 1,835,673 1,915,376 1,907,804 1,906,651 1,824,951 Restricted Deposits 112,900 112,900 112,900 112,900 112,900 112,900 Designated A &S Interfund Loan - - - - - 205,000 Fund Balance, Unrestricted $ 1,538,912 $ 1,722,773 $ 1,802,476 $ 1,794,904 $ 1,793,751 $ 1,507,051 FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ 183,861 263,564 255,992 254,839 (31,861) FB Variance from 07 -08 - %% 12% 17% 17% 17% -2% EXP Variance from 07 -08 - $$ 262,710 183,007 190,579 191,732 256,432 EXP Variance from 07 -08 - %% 15% 10% 11% 11% 14% Visitors cia i n Fund II Scenarios (Original Proposed Budget) Transfers out: Transfer out to DS - - - - - 640,050 Transfer out to CP 30,000 - - - - 250,000 Transfer out to Cemetery 10,000 - - - - - Total Transfers out 40,000 - - - - 890,050 Net Change in Fund Balance 126,155 177,631 FISCAL YEAR 08/09 208,686 206,054 (839,436) Fund Balance, Beginning 1,183,022 1,309,177 Base + Current Base + Current SLAs + 1,309,177 1,309,177 Base + SLAs + Pay Pay Increases + Net FY 07/08 Total Base + Current SLAs + Increases + Net Recurring SLAB + Estimated Base Budget Current SLAB Pay Increases Recurring SLAs One Time SLAB 5,000 5,000 5,000 Revenues $ 487,525 $ 499,000 $ 499,000 $ 499,000 $ 499,000 $ 529,000 Expenditures 321,370 321,369 283,346 290,315 292,946 478,386 Excess Rev over(under) exp 166,155 177,631 215,654 208,686 206,054 50,614 Transfers out: Transfer out to DS - - - - - 640,050 Transfer out to CP 30,000 - - - - 250,000 Transfer out to Cemetery 10,000 - - - - - Total Transfers out 40,000 - - - - 890,050 Net Change in Fund Balance 126,155 177,631 215,654 208,686 206,054 (839,436) Fund Balance, Beginning 1,183,022 1,309,177 1,309,177 1,309,177 1,309,177 1,309,177 Fund Balance, Ending 1,309,177 1,486,808 1,524,831 1,517,862 1,515,231 469,741 Restricted /Designated 25,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Fund Balance, Unrestricted $ 1,284,177 $ 1,481,808 $ 1,519,831 $ 1,512,862 $ 1,510,231 $ 464,741 FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ 197,631 235,654 228,686 226,054 (819,436) FB Variance from 07 -08 - %% 15% 18% 18% 18% -64% EXP Variance from 07 -08 - $$ (1) (38,024) (31,055) (28,424) 157,016 EXP Variance from 07 -08 - %% 0% -12% -10% -9% 49% Page 7 Transfers out: Transfer out to DS 0 0 0 0 0 640,050 Transfer out to CP 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 Transfer out to Cemetery 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 Total Transfers out 40,000 0 0 0 0 640,050 Net Change in Fund Balance 126,155 177,631 FISCAL YEAR 08/09 208,686 206,764 (585,527) Fund Balance, Beginning 1,183,022 1,309,177 Base + Current Base + Current SLAB + 1,309,177 1,309,177 Base + SLAs + Pay Pay Increases + Net FY 07/08 Total Base + Current SLAs + Increases + Net Recurring SLAB + Estimated Base Budget Current SLAB Pay Increases Recurring SLAB One Time SLAB Revenues $ 487,525 $ 499,000 $ 499,000 $ 499,000 $ 499,000 $ 529,000 Expenditures 321,370 321,369 283,346 290,315 292,237 474,477 Excess Rev over(under) exp 166,155 177,631 215,654 208,686 206,764 54,524 Transfers out: Transfer out to DS 0 0 0 0 0 640,050 Transfer out to CP 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 Transfer out to Cemetery 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 Total Transfers out 40,000 0 0 0 0 640,050 Net Change in Fund Balance 126,155 177,631 215,654 208,686 206,764 (585,527) Fund Balance, Beginning 1,183,022 1,309,177 1,309,177 1,309,177 1,309,177 1,309,177 Fund Balance, Ending 1,309,177 1,486,808 1,524,831 1,517,862 1,515,940 723,650 Restricted /Designated 25,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 51000 Fund Balance, Unrestricted $ 1,284,177 $ 1,481,808 $ 1,519,831 $ 1,512,862 $ 1,510,940 $ 718,650 FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ 197,631 235,654 228,686 226,764 (565,527) FB Variance from 07 -08 - % 1S% 18% 18% 18% -44% EXP Variance from 07 -08 - $$ (1) (38,024) (31,055) (29,133) 153,107 EXP Variance from 07 -08 - % 0% -12% -10% -9% 48% Page 8 Property Tax Reduction Fund All Scenarios (Original Proposed Budget,' Page 9 FISCAL YEAR 08/09 Base + Current Base + Current SL4s + Base + SLAs + Pay Pay Increases + Net FY 07/08 Total Base + Current SLAB + Increases + Net Recurring SLAB + Estimated Base Budget Current SLAB Pay Increases Recurring SLAB One Time SLAs Revenues $ 841,730 $ 839,676 $ 839,676 $ 839,676 $ 839,676 $ 839,676 Expenditures - - - - - _ Excess Rev over(under) exp 841,730 839,676 839,676 839,676 839,676 8391676 Transfer Out to CP 250,000 Transfer out to GF 418,140 - - - - 706,650 Total Transfers Out 418,140 - - - - 956,650 Net Change in Fund Balance 423,590 839,676 839,676 839,676 839,676 (116,974) Fund Balance, Beginning 154,474 578,064 578,064 578,064 578,064 578,064 Fund Balance, Ending $ 578,064 $ 1,417,740 $ 1,417,740 $ 1,417,740 $ 1,417,740 $ 461,090 FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ - - - - - (116,974) FB Variance from 07 -08 - %% - - - - - -20% TO Variance from 07 -08 - $$ - - - 538,510 TO Variance from 07 -08 - %% - - - - 129% Page 9 Property Reduction ,', All Scenarios (with New Recommendations' Page 10 FISCAL YEAR 08/09 Base + Current Base + Current SLAB + Base + SLAs + Pay Pay Increases + Net FY 07 ®08 Total Base + Current SLAs + Increases + Net Recurring SLAB + Estimated Base Budget Current SLAB Pay Increases Recurring SLAB One Time SLAB Revenues $ 841,730 $ 839,676 $ 839,676 $ 839,676 $ 839,676 $ 839,676 Expenditures - - _ Excess Rev over(under) exp 841,730 839,676 839,676 839,676 839,676 839,676 Transfer Out to CP Transfer out to GF 418,140 - 250,000 Total Transfers Out 418,140 - - - 250,000 - - - - 500,000 Net Change in Fund Balance 423,590 839,676 839,676 839,676 839,676 339,676 Fund Balance, Beginning 154,474 578,064 578,064 578,064 578,064 578,064 Fund Balance, Ending $ 578,064 $ 1,417,740 $ 1,417,740 $ 1,417,740 $ 1,417,740 $ 917,740 FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ - - FB Variance from 07 -08 - %% _ - - - 339,676 _ _ 59% TO Variance from 07 -08 - $$ TO Variance from 07 -08 - %% - - - 81,860 - - - 20% Page 10 Cemetery Fund All (Original Proposed : " d J Page 11 FISCAL YEAR 08/09 Base + Current Base + Current SLAB + Base + SLAs + Pay Pay Increases + Net FY 07/08 Total Base + Current SLAB + Increases + Net Recurring SLAB + Estimated Base Budget Current SLAB Pay Increases Recurring SLAs One Time SLAB Revenues $ 71,763 $ 21,550 $ 21,550 $ 21,550 $ 21,550 $ 21,550 Expenditures 23,157 23,157 38,000 38,000 45,796 58,796 Excess Rev over(under) exp 48,606 (1,607) (16,450) (16,450) (24,246) (37,246) Transfers in 10,000 Total Transfers in 10,000 Net Change in Fund Balance 58,606 (1,607) (16,450) (16,450) (24,246) (37,246) Fund Balance, Beginning - 58,606 58,606 58,606 58,606 581606 Fund Balance, Ending 58,606 56,999 42,156 42,156 34,360 21,360 Restricted /Designated - - - - _ _ Fund Balance, Unrestricted $ 58,606 $ 56,999 $ 42,156 $ 42,156 $ 34,360 $ 21,360 FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ (1,607) (16,450) (16,450) (24,246) (37,246) FB Variance from 07 -08 - %% -3% -28% -28% -41% -64% EXP Variance from 07 -08 - $$ - 14,843 14,843 22,639 351639 EXP Variance from 07 -08 - %% 0% 64% 64% 98% 154% Page 11 Cemetery Fund r • ' • • r Fund Balance, Unrestricted $ 58,606 $ 56,999 $ 42,156 $ 42,156 $ 38,313 $ FISCAL YEAR 08/09 FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ (1,607) (16,450) (16,450) Base + Current Base + Current SLAB + FB Variance from 07 -08 - %% -3% -28% -28910 -35% Base + SLAs + Pay Pay Increases + Net 14,843 FY 07/08 Total Base + Current SLAB + Increases + Net Recurring SLAs + 102% Estimated Base Budget Current SLAB Pay Increases Recurring SLAB One Time SLAB Revenues $ 71,763 $ 21,550 $ 21,550 $ 21,550 $ 21,550 $ 21,550 Expenditures 23,157 23,157 38,000 38,000 41,843 46,843 Excess Rev over(under) exp 48,606 (1,607) (16,450) (16,450) (20,293) (25,293) Transfers in 10,000 - - - - - Total Transfers in 10,000 - - - - - Net Change in Fund Balance 58,606 (1,607) (16,450) (16,450) (20,293) (25,293) Fund Balance, Beginning - 58,606 58,606 58,606 58,606 58,606 Fund Balance, Ending 58,606 56,999 42,156 42,156 38,313 33,313 Restricted /Designated - - - - - - Fund Balance, Unrestricted $ 58,606 $ 56,999 $ 42,156 $ 42,156 $ 38,313 $ 33,313 FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ (1,607) (16,450) (16,450) (20,293) (25,293) FB Variance from 07 -08 - %% -3% -28% -28910 -35% -43% EXP Variance from 07 -08 - $$ - 14,843 14,843 18,686 23,686 EXP Variance from 07 -08 - %% - 64% 64% 81% 102% Page 12 Transfers In 15,000 - - - - 237,500 Total Transfers In 15,000 - - - - 237,500 Net Change in Fund Balance 15,000 - - - - 99,000 Page 13 General Major r All • Recommendations) Transfers in 15,000 - - - - 107,500 Total Transfers In 15,000 - - - - 107,500 Net Change in Fund Balance 15,000 - - - - 15,000 Fund Balance, Beginning 20,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Page 14 Revenues Expenditures Excess Rev over(under) exp Transfers In Total Transfers In Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balance, Beginning Fund Balance, Ending Restricted /Designated Fund Balance, Unrestricted FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ FB Variance from 07 -08 - %% EXP Variance from 07 -08 - $$ EXP Variance from 07 -08 - %% FISCAL YEAR 08/09 (34,115) 134,500 134,500 - - - - - 100,385 100,385 Page 15 Revenues Expenditures Excess Rev over(under) exp Transfers In Total Transfers In Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balance, Beginning Fund Balance, Ending Restricted /Designated Fund Balance, Unrestricted FB Variance from 07 -08 - $$ FB Variance from 07 -08 - % EXP Variance from 07 -08 - $$ EXP Variance from 07 -08 - %% FISCAL YEAR 08/09 - - - - 50,000 Page 16 Projected Projected Projected Beginning Ending Ending Fund Fund Projected Projected Projected Projected Net Fund A &S Balance Balance Revenues Transfers Expenditures Transfers Net Balance Restricted Pledge (Unrestricted) Funds 10/1/2008 In Out Change 9/30/2009 Designated Designation 9/30/2009 OPERATING FUNDS 75,760 Arts & Sciences Center 3,383,420 FM1938 251,826 Utility Major Maint 35,000 General Major Maint 35,000 General $ 2,764,360 $ 4,733,482 $ 297,000 $ 4,807,074 $ 162,400 61,008 2,825,368 257,906 305,467 2,261,995 413 Economic Development 327,039 832,176 861,907 (29,731) 297,308 0 297,308 Visitors Association 1,309,177 529,000 474,477 640,050 (585,527) 723,650 5,000 .718,650 Cemetery 58,606 21,550 46,843 (25,2.93) 33,313 33,313 Utility 1,651,812 2,272,550 2,037,411 62,000 173,139 1,824,951 112,900 205,000 1,507,051 Vehicle /Equipment 0 56,900 6,900 50,000 50,000 50,000 Property Tax Reduction 578,064 839,676 500,000 339,676 917,740 917,740 Debt Service 0 0 1,501,957 1,501,957 0 0 0 Net Operation 6,689,058 9,228,434 1,855,857 8,874,662 2,226,357 (16,728) 6,672,330 375,806 510,467 5,786,057 CAPITAL & MAJ MAINT FUNDS Capital Projects 75,760 Arts & Sciences Center 3,383,420 FM1938 251,826 Utility Major Maint 35,000 General Major Maint 35,000 Net Capital & Maj Maint 3,781006 TOTAL $ 10,470,064 25,000 250,000 290,000 (15,000) 1,050,941 4,434,361 (3,383,420) 0 15,000 15,000 107,500 92,500 15,000 1,075,941 372,500 4,816,861 0 (3,368.4201 60,760 0 251,826 50,000 50,000 412,586 $ 7,084,916 $ 60,760 0 0 251,826 50,000 50,000 60,760 0 351,826 436,566 $ 510,467 $ 6,137,883 Page 17 GENERAL PROJECTS 1 Arts & Sciences Building 2 Stagecoach Hills Paving /&Drainage 3 G|envvyck Trail Extension 4 Qe|oitteTrai| 5 FK41938Streetacape G Dove Road Bridge Expansion 7 Water Well for Civic Campus Net Total IJITILITY FUND PROJECTS 1 TRA Assumption of N1 Sewer Line 2 Water Meter Automation Net Total fimflaq am RM Page 18 NEW SCENARIO General Fund Beginning Fund Balance Sales Tax (taking Fidelity &Deloitto funds into consideration) Revenues (Inc $5O6.00OKDe(oiMo fees P/OO/0Q Transfers |n(FVV Impact Fees) Transfer in(UF%of master plan) Transfers in (Property Tax Reduction Fund) Expenditures (net nf1 time exp for O8/0A&EDIncentives) Payroll and Related Expenditures Transfer Out (SRF) Transfer out (Building Fund & Trail Escrow) Transfers Out (General Major Maintenance Fund) Transfer out (Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund) Transfers O (Capital Net Total Restricted Funds (Court restrictions) Restricted Funds (G|enwYnk Farms Trail) Designated Funds (A&8 Building Pledges Receivable) (Total of $630,942 w/$325,474 proposed pledge reimb) Ending Balance (projected) Operating Days Visitors Association Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues Payroll and Related Expenditures Expenditures Tmnufamoui - doitoomine Transfers out 'CP Capital P Net Total (projected) Designated (Historical/Public Arts) Endin Balance (projected) Operating Days $ 3.076.299 $ 2.764`360 * 2,825,369 $ 2,380,818 $ 1.979.577 * 1,521.300 1.677,400 1,684.352 1.351.758 1.236.000 1,273.080 1.311,272 2.669.336 3.089.131 2.640.025 2.719.226 2.800.802 2.884.827 25.000 30.000 30.050 37.132 38.245 30.393 (183,692) 17,000 - ' 723,650 250.000 - - - - (2.680.205) (2.792.325) (2.342.194) (2.256.149) (2.323.834) (2.393.548) (1.712.853) (2.014.748) (2.075.191) (2.137.447) (2.201.571) (2.267.018) (7.500) - - - - - (200.000) (15.680) (105.500 ) - - - - (5G.AOO - - 2,764,360 1,-825,369 2,380,816 11,979,�"7-7 1,521,300 1,095,625 188,089 108,721 108,721 108J21 108,721 108J21 149.185 140.185 149.185 149.185 140.185 149,185 ' - 2,449,086 2,261,995 2,272,095 1,870,856 1,412,579 986,904 203 172 188 155 114 77 1.183,022 487.525 (92.1UU) (22S.27O) 1,309,177 1,309,177 723.650 507.340 145.751 189,270 529.000 513.970 529389 545,271 561.629 <121.880 (125.516) (123.281) (133.160) (137.155) (352.617) (175.480 (180.753 ) (180.178) (101.761) A640.050 (179,276) (180.944) (182,418) (183,692) - ' 723,650 507,340 145,751 189,270 238,292 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 718,650 502,340 140,751 184,270 233,292 557 615 172 216 264 9/22/20089:31AM Page 19 NEW SCENARIO Cemetary Fun Beginning Fund Balance Revenues Transfers In Expenditures Txonuhamout - CP Transfers O (Debt Service) Ending Balance (projected) FIVI1938 Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues Transfers In Expenditures Transfers O Service) Ending Balance (projected) 413 Beginning Fund Balance - � 58,600 33.313 (12,944) (59,538 ) (71,480) 71.763 21.550 22.107 22.862 23.548 24,255 10,000 (23.157) (46.843 ) (33,453 ) C34,457 (35,400) (30.555) (35.000) (35.000 - - - - - ' 20,826 210.145 ' 251,826 251,826 251,826 251,826 - Beginning Fund Balance 385,938 327.039 297.308 267.577 237,846 208.115 Revenues 839.275 832.178 670.104 680207 710.913 732,240 Expenditures - - - - - - Transfers Out (Debt Service) (898,174) (861,907) (699,835) (719,938) (740,644) (761,971) Ending Balance (projected) 327,039 297,308 267,577 237,846 208,115 178,384 "-Fund balance represents balance due from UF fo—rv-a-r-i0-U--S- capitaT—projects (balance sheet accounts e to7from-receive-vg,731 through )-MTru-n-rs received are being transferred for annual debt payments Property Tax Reduction Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Revenues (no int income after FYO8-0& Transfer out to Debt Service Fund Transfer out to General N\/N25Y6annually Transfer out to Utility MM Transfer out 0o Capital Projects Transfer out {o General Fund Ending Balance (projected) 154,474 578'064 917.740 967.204 755.014 789.037 841.730 839,676 670,104 600.207 710.013 732.240 (418.140) - V620.039 - (002.586) - (576.090) - (554.365) - (250.000 ' ' - (300.000} - (100.000) - (500.000) 578,064 917,740 967,204 755,014 789,037 466,913 g/J 9:31 AM Page 20 NEW SCENARIO Fund Description IFY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09 -10 FY 1071 FY 11-12 FY 12 -13 Debt Service Fund Beginning Balance Transfer in (GF) Transfers In (413) Transfers In (Property Tax Reduction Fund) Transfer in (Visitors Assoc Fund) Expenditures - debt service Ending Balance (projected) Utility Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues Impact Fees Water Revenue Water Revenue (Hillwood/Town Sry Area) Payroll and Related Expenditures Expenditures Water Purchases Transfers Out (PCMF) (5% of Exp) Transfers Out (PCMF - excess not covered) Transfers Out (GF operations - % of master plan) Transfers Out (Impact Fees to GF) Debt Service (Hillwood Infrastructure Pymt) Debt Service (Keller Overhead Storage) Debt Service (Ground Storage Tank) $1M /20Years Capital Projects Net Fund Balance Restricted Funds Ending Fund Balance (projected) Operating Days 898,174 861,907 699,835 719,938 740,644 761,971 418,140 - 620,639 602,396 576,890 554,365 - 640,050 179,276 180,944 182,416 183,692 (1,316,314) (1,501,957) (1,499,750) (1,503,278) (1,499,950) r (1,500,028) 1 ,220,048 1,651,812 1 ,824,951 1,697,347 881,703 1,140,257 616,753 467,923 481,961 496,420 511,312 526,651 25,000 35,000 36,050 37,132 38,245 39,393 1,521,370 1,673,507 1,723,712 1,775,424 1,828,686 1,883,547 89,620 96,120 99,004 101,974 105,033 108,184 (228,695) (235,501) (242,566) (249,843) (257,338) (265,058) (519,710) (500,398) (582,051) (599,512) (617,498) (636,023) (804,606) (911,025) (938,356) (966,506) (995,502) (1,025,367) (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) - (17,000) (25,000) (30,000) (36,050) (37,132) (38,245) (39,393) (89,620) (96,120) (99,004) (101,974) (105,033) (108,184) (120,067) (120,866) (120,304) (121,625) (121,107) (121,911) (75,000) (75,000) (75,000) (75,000) (18,281) (173,501) (360,000) _ (1,060,000) - - 1,651,812 1,824,951 1,697,347 881,703 1,140,257 1,412,096 112,900 317,900 273,367 112,900 112,900 112,900 1,538,912 1,507,051 1,423,980 768,803 1,027,357 _ 1,299,196 319 334 295 155 200 246 9/22/2008 9:31 AM Page 21 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenue Transfers in from GF Tmno*min from GFto make updeficit Expenditures Ending Balance (projected) Major Maintenanc Fun Beginning Fund Balance Revenue Transfers in from GF Transfer in from PTRFund Tmnuomin from GF0o make updeficit Expenditures Ending Balance (projected) Utility Major Maintenance Fund Beginning Fund Balance Transfers in from Utility Fund Transfer in from PTRFund (25% annually) Transfers in from UFto make updeficit Expenditures Ending Fund Balance (projected) - - 58,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 - 56.900 - - - - - - ' - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 (315,000) _ - _ 20,000 35,000 50,000 M65,200 (480,100 ) (1.900100) 15,000 - - 107,500 - - - - - - - - - - ' 20,000 35,00 15.000 15.000 - - - ' - - 50,000 35,000 50,000 65,000 80,00 05,00 15.000 15.000 15.000 - - - 15.000 ' - - ' - - 65,000 80,000 65,000 (70,000) Total Projected Ending Fund Balance $ 6,577,710 $ 6,137,883 $ 5,621,878 $ 3,615,458 $ 2,616,605 $ 920,235 9/22/2008 9:31 AM Page 22 GENERAL FUND 410 LTDOW Road Bridge Expansion 50% GF/50% contrib. 60,000 Dept 16 - Public Works 60,000 Water Well on Civic Campus - 60,000 45,000 Deloitte Trail Project on Dove Road (contribution) 25,000 425,000 — -------- - - - - -- ---------- 1,000,000 Pond Improvements ----------- --- 25,000 173,601 — ----- 1,060,000 'Glenwyck Trail extension to Terra Bella (escrow) 15,000 - GRAND TOTAL - $ 1,155,000 Dept 17 - Total Facilities & Grounds Maintenance 40,000 [- 450,000 $ 46,000 tell 10 lKeliv, 1:4 -.7-3 11110] z"I PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION FUND FFV-16-3-8 StreetscapeA(Vayfindi—ng----'- 250,000 400,000 - TOTAL VISITOR ASSOCIATION FUND 1 $ 1 $ 250,0001$ 400,0001$ - CE IVIETARY FUND Improvements 35,000 000 $ TOTAL CE METARY FUND 35,0001$ 350 1 $ ARTS & SCIENCES CENTER FUND -- 5,189,388--L -- -Arts-&-s-ciences Center — Ce------------------ - - - - -- L TOTAL A&S CENTER FUND 5,189,388 T$ $ fir$ JIM[ T --FSolana TRA Assumption of N1 Sewer Line Water Meter Automation Stagecoach Hills waterline connection 146,501 27,000 - - 60,000 300,000 - 60,000 water/sewer acquisition --- --- 1,000,000 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS UTILITY FUND 173,601 $ 360,OOOT$ 1,060,000 $ $ GRAND TOTAL 5,652,889 $ 1,155,000 $ 1,795,000 $ 145,000 $ 9/22/2008 9:31 AM Page 23 General Mair Maintenance Fund 9/22/2008 9:31 AM Page 24 Aspen Lane pavement rehabilitation ------------ - 5,000 5,000 Academy - 15 ton spit systems 9,000 33,000 8,000 19,000 19,000 -- --- - ---- Wyck Hill resurface -- - - - - -- -. 36,000 - 25,000 Dove Road Resurface (Vaquero to Terra Bella) 5,000 313,200 Offinger Road (170 to Westlake Academy) 35,500 - Ottinger Road (WA to Westlake/Keller city limits) 160,000 Pearson Lane (Dove to Westlake/Keller city limits) --------------- ---- - - 21,000 Roanoke Road (Daimler Chrysler to WL/Keller city limits) - ----- - -- - 10,000 - Roanoke Road (170 to Daimler Chrysler) 122,100 20,000 Roanoke Road (170 to Westlake/Roanoke limits) --------- 13,000 33,000 - 19,000 Main Street (170 to Westlake/Roanoke limits) - 12,000 - Sam School Road (Kirkwood Branch to WUSL limits) -._ ---- 12,000 - -- 51,800 Dove Road (Offinger Road to Vaquero) - - - - 10,000 - - 255,200 Dept 17 - Total Facilities & Grounds Maintenance Randol Mill (Dove Rd to Westlake/Southlake limits) $ 91,000 $ 83,000 $ 60,000 $ 59,000 - TOTAL GENERAL FUND 92,5001$ 215,2001$ 314,9001 $ 820,0001$ 727,400 Otti n ger Roundabout 500,000 Dove/Randol Mill Roundabout -- - -------------- -- Landscape 114/170 Corridor - ------- 100,000 - - - - - -- 100,000 Dept 16 - Total GF Public Works $ 124,200 $ 231,900 $ 760,000 668,400 9/22/2008 9:31 AM Page 24 Academy - HVAC System replacement 7,000 5,000 5,000 Academy - 15 ton spit systems 9,000 8,000 19,000 19,000 Academy - Remodel Dining Hall 36,000 Academy - Remodel Office Space 5,000 Remodel Court Room and Municipal Office Space 35,500 Relocation pumps for campus irrigation system 27 ton roof to units 5,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 A/C 2 ton & 7.5 ton (server room) --- - - ----- - ----- - -- - 10,000 - Heating boilers 20,000 Carpet/VCT flooring --------- 13,000 --- -- 19,000 - 19,000 Parking ------- . .... ------ - - ------ - 16,000 - Painting/cloth wall coverings repairs - - -._ ---- 12,000 10,000 Exterior Paint - Wood Treatment & replacement - - - - 10,000 10,000 - - Dept 17 - Total Facilities & Grounds Maintenance $ 92,500 $ 91,000 $ 83,000 $ 60,000 $ 59,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 92,5001$ 215,2001$ 314,9001 $ 820,0001$ 727,400 9/22/2008 9:31 AM Page 24 I I h i IN 11 MAJ4,111 ral r&v, V-1 Rik 9 =0 140 QR =1:1 I EN I I TOTAL UTILITY FUND ESSEN= I GRAND TOTAL I 9/22/2008 9:31 AM Page 25 -.-ump/MotorRepair/Replacement Replace water pumpstation equipment — - --------- --- 30,000 150,000 Replace lift station major equipment I Elevated storage tank paint/refurbish ,Dept 16 - Total OF Public Works $ $ $ $ 30,000 $ 150,000 TOTAL UTILITY FUND ESSEN= I GRAND TOTAL I 9/22/2008 9:31 AM Page 25 Vm- " r-v.ja =07=9 a 2- a 3-i * - 11 - 227 DTI Desk and Files 4,806 Dept 13 - Town Secretary $ 4,800 $ 54,430 $ $ s TOTAL GENERAL FUND Is 6,9001$ 81,6451$ Ts $ 365=,000 9/22/2008 9:31 AM Page 26 Ambulance Box, Chassis and Equipment 365,000 Firefighter equipment Ice Maker/Hot water heater 2,100 27,215 Dept 14 - Total Fire/EMS 2,100 $ 27,215 $ $ 365,000 Desk and Files 4,806 Dept 13 - Town Secretary $ 4,800 $ 54,430 $ $ s TOTAL GENERAL FUND Is 6,9001$ 81,6451$ Ts $ 365=,000 9/22/2008 9:31 AM Page 26 Item - � 38,606 7,500 - - 7,500 Legislative Consulting - 50,x00 Legislative Consulting /VVA\ ' # 69,800 Master Plan - # 25,000 Third party Inspections - 31,700 Contract Services - 55,000 Agenda Management software ' # 4,850 Brush Fire Truck - # 10,000 Mobile Data Terminal - - Court Lobby Security - 16,000 New Deputy Court/Warrant Clerk Pickup Truck - 311,456 Timekeeping Automation Sub-total General Fund Instrument Maintenance Utility Billing Services Backup Generator Pickup Truck Sub-total Utility Fund Marriott Marketing Contract Services Pickup Truck Historical Preservation Board Public Art Committee Sub-total Visitors Assoc. Expenditure Additional � 38'606 $ ' � - � 38,606 7,500 - - 7,500 50]}00 ' - 50,x00 69,800 - ' # 69,800 25,000 ' - # 25,000 31,700 - - 31,700 55,000 - - 55,000 4,850 - ' # 4,850 10,000 - - # 10,000 1,500 1,500 - - 16,000 ' - 16,000 312,956 1,500 - 311,456 17,500 - - 17,500 7'200 - ' TZOU 40,000 - - 40'000 4800 - - 4800 8,500 - ' 8500 93,740 - - 93,74K0 50,000 - ' 50,000 3,200 - - 3,200 30,000 - ][L000 - 8,500 - ' 8500 185,440 - 30,000 155,440 � Page 27 One-Time ServIce Level Adjustments Original Proposed Budget I Contract Services Pickup Truck Sub -total Cemetery Fund Monitor /Defibrillator upgrade Desk /cabinets - Town Secretary Hot water heater /ice maker - EMS Sub -total V &E Replacement WA - 15 ton HVAC system WA - HVAC System replacement WA - Dining hall improvements WA - Remodel Office Space Remodel Court Room Sub -total Gen. Major Maint. Expenditure Additional Total Cost Reduction Revenues Net Total $ 5,000 $ $ $ 5,000 8,000 - - 8,000 13,000 - - 13,000 27,215 - - 27,215 4,800 - - 4,800 2,100 - - 2,100 34,115 - - 34,115 9,000 - - 9,000 7,000 - - 7,000 36,000 - - 36,000 5,000 - - 5,000 35,500 20,000 - 15,500 92,500 20,000 - 72,500 TOTAL 707,511 t1 30,000 $ 656,011 # Revenues already included in base budget Page 28 Legislative Consulting Legislative Consulting 8NA\ Master Plan Third party Inspections Contract Services Agenda Management software Brush Fire Truck Mobile Data Terminal Court Lobby Security New Deputy Court/Warrant Clerk Pickup Truck Timekeeping Automation Sub-total General Fund Instrument Maintenance Utility Billing Services Backup Generator Pickup Truck Sub-total Utility Fund Marriott Marketing Contract Services Pickup Truck Historical Preservation Board Public Art Committee Sub-total Visitors Assoc. Expenditure Additional Total Cost Reduction Revenues Net Total $ 38'606 $ - $ - $ 38,606 7,508 - - 7,500 50,000 - - 50,000 69,800 - - # 69,800 25,000 ' - # 26,000 - - - - - - ' - 4,850 - - # 4,850 10,000 - - # 10,800 1,500 1,500 - - 207,256 1,500 205,756 - - - - - - ' 17,500 - - 17,500 7,200 - - 7,200 40,000 - - ' - 40,000 - 64,700 64,700 93,74K0 - - 93,74K0 60,000 - ' 50\000 - ' - 30,000 - 30\000 - 8500 - - 8500 182,240 30,000 152,240 Page 29 Contract Services Pickup Truck Sub-total Cemetery Fund Nionito[/DefibriUaturupQrade Desk/cabinets - TovvnSecretary Hotvvaterheater/icanoaker - EMS Sub-total V8'E Replacement VVA'15 ton HVACsystem VVA - HVACSystenmrep|acennent VVA- Dining hall improvements VV4' Remodel Office Space Remodel Court Room Sub-total Gen. MajorK4aint TOTAL # Revenues already included in base budget - - - - 4,880 - - 4,800 ZlUU - ' 2,100 6,900 9,000 - - 9,000 7,000 - - 7,000 36,000 ' - 36,000 5,000 - - 5,000 35,500 Z 92,500 20,000 � 558,596 $ 21,500 $ 30,000 �� ��$ Page 30 9/22/2008 9:31 AM New or Expanded Level - Reoccurring Costs Start Date o 12/01/08 Page 31 Costs shove for 10 month period 83% Additional Expenditure Item Total Cost Revenues Reduction Net General Fund Dept 12- Planning 33.33% $ 15,016 $ 6,500 $ 16,500 $ (7,984) Dept 17- Facilities 16.67% 7,510 - - 7,510 Dept 21 -HR 20.00% 9,010 - 10,000 (990) Dept 15 -Court 100% 33,688 31,988 1,700 - Dept 13- Secretary 100% 38,390 19,195 - 19,195 Sub -Total Personnel 103,614 57,683 28,200 17,731 Vehicle Fuel (Brush Truck) 4,800 - - 4,800 Increase Judge Salary 1,600 - - 1,600 Performance Pay 30,000 - - 30,000 Flex Plan Outsourcing 3,500 - - 3,500 Sub -total Other 39,900 - - 39,900 Total - General Fund 143,514 57,683 28,200 57,631 Utility Fund Dept 21 -HR 5.00% 2,252 - - 2,252 Page 31 9/22/2008 9:31 AM New or Expanded Level - Reoccurring Costs Cotart Date 03/01/09 Item General Fund Dept 12- Planning Dept 13- Secretary Dept 15 -Court Dept 17- Facilities Dept 21 -HR Sub -total Personnel Vehicle Fuel (Brush Truck) Increase Judge Salary Performance Pay Flex Plan Outsourcing Sub -total Other Total - General Fund Utility Fund Dept 21-HR Visitors Association Fund Dept 21 -HR Cemetery Fund Dept 19 -Parks Costs show for 6 month period Additional p ' Total Cost Revenues Reduction 33% $ 7,688 $ 3,250 $ 8,250 $ (3,812) 100% 23,036 11,518 - 11,518 100% 20,302 19,452 850 - 17% 3,843 - - 3,843 20% 4,613 - 5,000 (387) 59,482 34,220 14,100 11,162 1,600 30,000 3,500 - - 1,600 - - 30,000 - - 3,500 35,100 - - 35,100 94,582 - 14,100 46,262 5% 1,153 - - 1,153 8% 1,922 - - 1,922 17% 3,843 - - 3,843 101,500 00 $ 53,180 Page 32 TOWN OF WaSTL AKA d w 717 r74 WN, t r, r.; RE im z BOARD DIRECTION ON 09/08/08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Analyze expenditures, especially in General Fund • Produce scenarios related to O &M expenses • Prioritize those scenarios • Prioritize capital spending 2. Also, staff has looked at aggregate fund balance 3. Revised financial forecast > AS WE GO THROUGH THIS ... ------------------------------------------------------ --- --------------------------------- 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Key Point: 1 cent Sales Tax FY 07/08 Adopted Budget FY 07/08 Amended Budget Net Change FY 08/09 Proposed Budget $1,5469322 $1,223,782 $ 3229540 $1,200,000 > WHAT THIS MEANS ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ------------------------------------------------------------- ■Mentioned in FY07 /08 3,d Quarter Report Review ■ Use Property Tax Reduction (PTR) Sales Tax to offset this reduction REVIEW S SCENARIOS Folt FY 08/09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Base (close to FY 07108 Estimated Ending Budget) 2. Base + Current S LA'S (to maintain current level of service) 3. Base + Current SLA's + Market Pay Adjustments 4. Base + Current SLA's + Market Pay Adjustments + Adjusted Reoccurring New SLA's 5. Base + Current SLA's + Market Pay Adjustments + Adjusted Reoccurring New SLA's + Plus Certain One Time SLA's APPLY SCENARIOS TO THasis FUNDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Fund Utility Fund Visitors Association Fund Property Tax Reduction Fund Cemetery Fund General Major Maintenance Fund Vehicle &Equipment Replacement Fund NEW RECOMMENDATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 --------------------------------------------------------- Scenario #5 r Base ➢ Plus Current SLA's ➢ Plus Market Adjustments for Current Employees ➢ Plus Adjusted Reoccurring SLA's ➢ Plus Certain One Time SLA's ➢ Reduction of Transfers To V &E Replacement Fund and General Major Maintenance Fund REVIEWSCENARIO S 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ *11---*,-,-"* ------------------------------------------------ Impact on All Funds Summa ry See Page Number 17 WESTLAKE SALARIES COMPARED TO MARKET AvuRAGa ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 Y L 20 15 3 0 10 a� 5 L d a U FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 ■ Municipal (current) Academy (after recent adjustment) ENARIO 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 --------------------------------------------------------- ➢ What are the Adjusted Reoccurring SLA's ■ See Page Numbers 31 8 32 ➢ What are the Certain One Time SLA's ■ See Page Numbers 27 thru30 �a ADJUSTED REOCCURRING SLA!s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ➢ Budget 6 months salaries /benefits for the 2.5 proposed new positions ➢ Put those funds into General Fund Contingency Account ➢ Monitor Revenues from October 2008 thru March 2009 ➢ Revenue performance, if adequate, triggers budget reallocation to fill positions with prior board approval MUNICIPAL STAFF (EXCLUDING PUBLIC sAFerY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ------------------------------------- PqFlj a� a� ° 15 C. E a� 0 L 10 a� E m z 5 0 FY 03/04 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 --AL- TOTAL TOWN STAFF 0 BY FISCAL YEAR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 FY 03/04 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 ■ Municipal ® Academy 0 ea CL 0 CL (1) ca as 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 RESIDENTIAL GROWTH --------- 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 Est. 08/09 I P", Ti+. ESTIMATED DAYTIME POPULATION ---------------- in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- 10,000 95000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 FY 03/04 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07108 CERTAIN ONE --------------------------------------------------------------- 0 TimE SLA?s See Page Number 29 & 30 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See Page Number 18 VISITORS ASSOCIATION FUND -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ➢ Historical Preservation Expenditures ■ Additional $30,000 for books ■ Total $35,000 ➢ Projects $30,000 income from History Book Sales ➢ Public Art Committee Expenditures $10,000 ➢ Proposed Marriot Marketing $150,000 ➢ Proposed Contract Marketing /Communication Services $50,000 See page 7 & 8 CEMETERY FUND ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- See Page Number 11 & 12 5 YEAR FORECAST REVISED --------------------------------------------- 0 -------------------------------------------------------------- See Page Number 19 thru 26 NEW RECOMMENDATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario #5 ➢ Plus Current SLA's ➢ Plus Market Adjustments for Current Employees ➢ Plus Adjusted Reoccurring SLA's ➢ Plus Certain One Time SLA's ➢ Reduction of Transfers To V &E Replacement Fund and General Major Maintenance Fund ➢ Plus Recommended Capital Improvement Projects STRATEGIC PLAN /GOVERNANCE CYCLE -------------------------------------------- --- -- - - - - -. ---------------------------------------------- � � 1 - I ----------------- 1 . � 1 Mission, Values, Vision Strategic Plan 1 � �-- ---------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 11 Staff /Board of Aldermen Assessment o e -------- -------------------------------------------------- 1 1 1 1 1 -------------------- - - - - -- 1 ----------------------------- 1 Program and 1 , Service Delivery 1 , -------------------------------------- - - - - -- - -- 0 f � • Governance W ' 1 � ------------------------------------ - - - - -- • Comprehensive Plan 1 1 � Direction Finders ' 5 Year Implementation Plans Internal Direction Finders i< • ANNUAL BUDGET I 1 � Feedback • Capital Improvement Program ; 1 � ; ------------------------------------------------------- WESTLAKE COMMUNITY VISION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Westlake is a one -of -a kind community; an oasis with rolling hills, grazing longhorns, and soaring red - tailed hawks, located in the heart of the Fort Worth - Dallas metropolitan area. Inviting neighborhoods and architecturally vibrant corporate campuses find harmony among our meandering roads and trails, lined with native oaks and stone walls. We are leaders. In education we are known for our innovative partnerships between the Town -Owned Charter School and its corporate neighbors. We are environment stewards — exemplifying the highest standards. Hospitality finds its home in Westlake. As a community, we are fully involved and invested in our rich heritage, dynamic present and exciting, sustainable future. STRATEGIC PRIORI'T'IES IN i VISION FOCUS Neighborhoods Leadership Hospitality E v 0 1 E 3 v E jy E Administration x x x x x x Planning & Zoning x x x x x Town Secretary x x x Fire /EMS x x x Municipal Court x x x Public Works x x x x x Facilities Maintenance x x x Finance x x x x Parks/ Recreation x x x x x x x Information Technology x HR /Admin Services x x x Utility Fund x x x x Visitors Fund x x x x x x x x x 48 Fund x PTR Fund x x General MM Fund Utility MM Fund Cemetery Fund x x x V &E Fund x FM1938Fund x x x x x A & S Fund x x Capitallmprovements x x x Debt Service x Monday _ 09/2212008 � 4 The Town of Westlake Budget transmittal letter August 15, 2008 Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen: On behalf of the Town's staff Leadership Team, I am pleased to present for your review and consideration the Town of Westlake's Proposed FY 2008 -2009 Budget totaling $17,046,711 for the major operating funds, debt service, major maintenance, and capital improvement funds. STRATEGIC APPROACH This proposed FY 2008 -2009 Budget was prepared with: ➢ the first priority being to provide Town residents and businesses with basic, but high quality, Town services, as well as essential on -going support for Westlake Academy, without the assessment of a local ad valorem property tax ➢ a long -term vision set by the Board of Aldermen at their strategic planning retreat held in June of this year. This budget does focus on the next twelve months of the Town's future. However, the Board's initiative to pursue a strategic planning approach to the Town's governance will be critical to giving the Board, and the community, a multi -year focus that couples strategic priority setting with good financial stewardship decisions that achieve the long -term vision set by the Board for Westlake. The Board has articulated an exciting vision for Westlake: Westlake Vision Westlake is a one -of -a kind community — an oasis with rolling hills, grazing longhorns, and soaring red - tailed hawks, located in the heart of the Fort Worth - Dallas metropolitan area. Inviting neighborhoods and architecturally vibrant corporate campuses find harmony among our meandering roads and trails, lined with native oaks and stone walls. We are leaders. In education we are known for our innovative partnerships between the Town -Owned Charter School and its corporate neighbors. We are environmental stewards —exemplifying the highest standards. Hospitality finds its home in Westlake. As a community, we are fully involved and invested in our rich heritage, vibrant present and exciting, sustainable future. Further, the Board has established Westlake's core mission and values: Westlake Mission On behalf of the citizens, the mission of the Town of Westlake is to be a one of a kind community that blends our rural atmosphere with our rich culture and urban location. Community Values r Innovation Strong knowledg %ducation base Friendly and Welcoming Family Focus Engaged Citizens Aesthetic appeal with high development standards Unique rural setting emphasizing preservation of our natural beauty With the establishment of Westlake's vision, mission and values, the Board set key result areas to concentrate in the Town's Strategic Plan that guides preparation of this proposed budget: Missmn Comprehensive Planning Neighborhood Integrity Community Appearance Quality Development Aesthetic Standards Open Space Preservation Premier Education Facilities & Programs Well Educated Future Leaders & Thinkers Business Partnerships with Town & Westlake Academy Environmental Stewardship High Quality Services Coupled with Financial Stewardship Infrastructure Maintenance and Planning 2 Citizen Engagement Citizen Communication Historic Preservation Tourism Development Arts and Culture BUDGET PREPARATION PARAMETERS AND "SCRUBBING" As this Proposed FY 2008 -2009 Budget was prepared, the following parameters and approaches were utilized in order to easily track cost increases as they relate to maintaining or increasing service levels: • Pursued allocation of funds on hand towards major building and infrastructure maintenance as well as creating a fund for vehicle and equipment replacement • Maintained present fund balances to exceed policy requirements • Conservative revenue estimating that identified one -time and on -going revenue increases so that one -time revenue increases would be used for major, but not on- going, expenditures that pursue our strategic priorities, while ensuring that the Town's financial status remains solid • Water and sewer revenues are projected using the new proposed water /sewer rates and structure • Expenditures for current levels of service (adjusted for actual spending as well as deducting one- time expenses) in FY 08 -09 were identified and these became the base budget • Increases in the current level of service anticipated due to inflation and other cost increases were identified and kept separate from the current level of service base budget in the form of "current service level adjustments" (SLA's) • Resources to place personnel salaries and wages in the Town's municipal operations closer to the market in which we compete to attract and retain talent were identified. This includes anticipated cost increases of 15% in employee health insurance and average market pay adjustments of 7% of total salary cost. This percentage will vary by position depending on distance from market point. Additionally, there is a small amount of dollars budgeted for performance pay. It should be noted that this approach is consistent with the approach used for Academy personnel that are closer to market than municipal operations personnel. • "Expanded or new levels of service" were also identified and kept separate • All costs for base budgets, service level adjustments due to cost increases /inflation, and expanded /new service level adjustments were "scrubbed" and extensively analyzed and discussed in budget review sessions with the Town Manager and Director of Finance to ensure maximum efficiency, effectiveness, and utilization of both additional and requested financial resources. We did this while having our focus being on the sustainability of the request as well as the fact that our economy nationally is going through turbulence and uncertainty. MAJOR MILESTONES IN FY 07 -08 Before reviewing the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year, it is important to note and acknowledge the major areas of progress and activity achieved in Westlake during the course of FY 07- 08. Westlake continues to be one of the leading communities in the entire metroplex for new business locations and residential attraction. These highlights include: 3 Solana Marriott Hotel completion - this long awaited expansion was completed in late 2007 which resulted in this hotel having 295 total guest rooms. • Fidelity Regional Headquarters Phase II - currently under construction and scheduled to be completed in the third quarter of calendar year 2009; this expansion will double Fidelity's current 600,000 sq, ft. campus and add up to approximately 2,500 employees to their Westlake location • Retail Development (Westlake Corners) - Westlake's first stand -alone retail development began at the intersection of SH 170 and US 377 with zoning and site planning. Construction is planned to begin later this year. • Maintained Strong Cash Reserves - fund balances in all major Town operating funds exceeded policy minimums • Residential Building Activity Level - 12 new single - family building permits have been issued thus far this fiscal year which average over 10,000 sq. ft in size with an average permitted value of $1,672,450 (not including lot value) • Development of Terra Bella - this 54.7 acre high -end single family subdivision will open for building permit issuance soon. It features 28 lots along with 22.6 acres of open space containing approximately one mile of public trails that will connect to public trails in the adjacent Glenwyck Farms neighborhood. • GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award - Westlake was recognized for the first time by the Government Finance Officers Association for the professionalism, format, and financial reporting in our 2007 -2008 Budget document. Westlake Academy Arts & Sciences Building - General obligation bonds totaling $2.5 million were issued by the Town in April of this year to fund a portion of the cost of this estimated approximate $4.7 million Phase I addition to the Academy physical plant. This addition will add much needed expanded science laboratory /class room space for Academy students. s FM 1938 (Precinct Line Rd) Improvements - This is an estimated $16 million project funded primarily by TxDOT, along with Tarrant County monies. Design is largely complete with construction scheduled 2009 to improve this roadway in its first phase to 4/6 lane divided by a landscaped median from SH 114 south to Randol Mill Road. • FM 1938 (Precinct Line Rd) Streetscaping - Schematic design is underway for future streetscape improvements to what will be Westlake's major north /south corridor. • Automated Residential Solid Waste Collection - this system was converted to a fully automated cart system to improve collection efficiencies which should help contain future costs • Deloitte Announcement - formal designation of Westlake as the site for this learning and leadership center has been made by the company. Zoning, economic development agreements, concept plans, and an off -site development agreement also have been recently approved to move this estimated $300 million forward to construction some time in 2009. 4 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES IN FISCAL YEAR 2008 -2009 In FY 08 -09 the Proposed Budget begins to utilize the Board's strategic planning framework to shape funding levels and priorities. The chart below illustrates, via the three focus areas of our Town's vision statement, which key result areas within those vision focus points the proposed departmental and fund budgets address. This chart gives a good visual representation of how the Town's financial resources are allocated in terms of vision points and their key result areas (i.e. — outcomes) that we will focus on in FY 08 -09. VISION FOCUS Neighborhoods Leadership Hospitality E 0 u .°-° z E n o n u¢ �? a 01 "' v G c `w v a a O a u v 'o Q c 3 m' E= ° > a Jo y y O LL m" v i s N m '�° a E c w .`H-, o .� N E ._ E v ._ E a E —° u v Administration x x x x Plan & Zoning x x x x x Town Secretary x x x Fire /EMS x x x Municipal Court x x x Public Works x x x x x Fac/ Maintenance x x x Finance x x x x Parks/ Recreation x x x x x x x Information Tech. x HR /Admin Srv. x x x Utility Fund x j x x x Visitors Fund x x x x x x x x x 46 Fund x PTR Fund x x General MM Fund Utility MM Fund Cemetery Fund x x x V &E Fund x FM1938 Fund x x x x x A & S Fund x x Capital Imp. x x x x Debt Service x More detailed expenditure explanations by department and operating fund are set out in the Executive Summary & Budget Overview that follows this transmittal letter as well as in further detail in each departmental budget by fund in the budget document. 5 SUMMARY This proposed budget is built on a conservative fiscal philosophy which rests on a strong financial stewardship foundation. It maintains existing levels of service and in concert with the Board's strategic priorities, advances others, all without the use of a local property tax and in a time of economic down- turn nationally. More than that, the FY 08 -09 Proposed Budget gives us an exciting opportunity. This opportunity moves Westlake forward toward its vision of being a one -of -a kind, premier, knowledge - based community. The Town of Westlake exists as a municipal corporation for one reason alone; to prioritize and deliver the best services possible with the resources provided by our business and residential citizens to achieve an exceptional quality of life. Working as a Board - Staff - Community team, Westlake can continue to achieve positive momentum, movement, and progress towards our vision. Finally, the staff Leadership Team is deserving of much recognition for their concerted efforts in putting this FY08 -09 Proposed Budget together for Board consideration. In particular, I want to thank Director of Finance Debbie Piper and Finance Assistant Jaymi Ford for their assistance in assembling this document and the long hours they have invested in this process. Sincerely yours, Thomas E. Brymer Town Manager M �1= Budget X, F 1 Introduction The Town of Westlake's 2008 fiscal year begins on October 1, 2008 and ends September 30, 2009. It provides the framework to implement the Town's vision, mission and value statements as set out by the Board of Aldermen. The Town's annual budget is prepared in the context of a five (5) year financial forecast. The proposed budget is submitted to the Board approximately thirty to forty five days before the beginning of the fiscal year for their consideration. The Town's budget is set out by fund. It is designed to provide a clear picture of proposed Town spending, allocation of financial resources, and priorities as well as how they are set to carry out the policy direction of the Board. In addition to a fund format, this proposed budget is the beginning of efforts to show the allocation of the Town's resources in concert with the Town's strategic planning efforts. A "bottom -up" approach is used to solicit input from the staff Leadership Team as to their operations' needs with an approach that: • identifies costs to provide the current level of services • identifies additional cost increases needed to maintain the current level of service • additional resources necessary to provide new or increased levels of service. Expenditure Overview The following is an expenditure comparison by fund group showing: • estimated fund expenditures for the current year FY 07/08 • base budget for FY 08/09 without cost /inflation increases • the additional funds (amount of base cost increases) necessary for FY08 /09 to maintain the same level of service as in FY 07/08 • the proposed base budget for FY 08/09 with those cost /inflation increases • costs for new or expanded service costs for FY 08/09 • the Proposed Budget for FY 08/09 with cost increases and certain recommended new or expanded level of service costs or new major maintenance or capital improvement projects. 8 Revenue and Expenditure Fund' Summary Fund Balance $ 3,076,299 $ 2,786,425 $ $ 2,786,425 $ $ 2,786,425 $ (289,874) Revenues 4,353,004 4,974,395 - 4,974,395 503,392 5,477,787 1,124,783 Expenditures 4,642,878 4,620,985 148,674 4,769,660 684,399 5,454,059 811,181 General Fund 2,786,425 3,139,835 148,674 2,991,161 181,007 2,810,153 23,728 Fund Balance 1,183,022 1,318,957 - 1,318,957 - 1,318,957 135,935 Revenues 487,525 499,000 499,000 - 499,000 11,475 Expenditures 351,590 369,790 (1,383) 368,407 967,350 1,335,757 984,167 Visitors Fund 1,318,957 1,448,166 (1,383) 1,449,549 967,350 482,200 (836,757) Fund Balance 385,938 327,039 327,039 - 327,039 (58,899) Revenues 839,275 832,176 832,176 832,176 (7,099) Expenditures 898,174 861,907 861,907 861,907 (36,267) 4B Fund 327,039 297,308 297,308 297,308 (29,731) Fund Balance 154,474 578,064 578,064 578,064 423,590 Revenues 841,730 839,676 839,676 34,115 839,676 (2,054) Expenditures 418,140 956,650 956,650 34,115 956,650 538,510 PTR Fund 578,064 461,090 461,090 - 461,090 (116,974) Fund Balance - 66,506 66,506 - 66,506 66,506 Revenues 81,763 21,550 - 21,550 - 21,550 (60,213) Expenditures 15,257 15,257 29,143 44,400 15,898 60,298 45,041 Cemetery Fund 66,506 72,799 29,143 43,656 15,898` 27,758 (38,748) Fund Balance 251,826 251,826 - 251,826 - 251,826 - Revenues 210,145 - - - (210,145) Expenditures 210,145 - - - (210,145) FM1938 Fund 251,826 251,826 251,826 251,826 -` °' Fund Balance Revenues 1,316,314 1,501,957 1,501,957 1,501,957 185,643 Expenditures 1,316,314 1,501,957 1,501,957 1,501,957 185,643 Debt Fund' - - Fund Balance 478 75,760 75,760 75,760 75,282 Revenues 233,277 630,000 630,000 630,000 396,723 Expenditures 157,995 645,000 645,000 645,000 487,005 Capital Fund 75,760 60,760 60,760' 60,760 (15,000): Fund Balance (149,928) 3,367,379 3,367,379 3,367,379 3,517,306 Revenues 4,155,406 204,373 204,373 204,373 (3,951,033) Expenditures 638,100 3,969,460 3,969,460 3,969,460 3,331,360 A &5 Fund 3,367,379 (397,709) (397,709) (397,709) (3,765,087) Fund Balance - - Revenues 134,500 134,500 134,500 134,500 Expenditures - - 34,115 34,115 34,115 V &E Fund - 134,500 134,500 34,115 100,385 100;385 Fund Balance 20,000 35,000 35,000 - 35,000 15,000 Revenues 15,660 237,500 237,500 - 237,500 221,840 Expenditures 660 660 (660) - 138,500 138,500 137,840 Gen MM Fund 35,000 271,840 (660) 272,500 138,500 134,000 99,000 Fund Balance 20,000 35,000 - 35,000 - 35,000 15,000 Revenues 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 - Expenditures - - - - - Utility MM Fund 35,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 Fund Balance 1,138,002 1,418,404 1,418,404 1,418,404 280,402 Revenues 2,033,940 2,305,832 2,305,832 2,305,832 271,892 Expenditures 1,753,538 1,949,039 79,501 2,028,539 60,469 2,089,008 335,470 Utility Fund 1,418,404' 1,775,197 79,501 1,695,697 60,469 1,635,228 ` 216,824 Revenue and Expenditure Comparison by Fund Type This summary comparison uses a similar format to the one above, but shows fund balance, revenues and expenditures by fund proposed for FY 08/09: Fund Type Transfers d Balance Governmental $ 2,786,425 $ 5,477,787 $ 5,454,059 = $ 2,810,153 Special Revenue 2,542,391 2,192,402 3,214,612 1,520,181 __.... _ —. _......_ Debt Service - _�,.......... -_ 1,501,957 1,501,957 - Capital ........ ......... ... 3,443,139 __.._ .__.... . ........ 834,373 .............. ..... 4,614,460 (336,949) ............. ...... Enterprise 1,418,404 ........._._.... 2,305,832 .. 2,089,008 ... 1,635,228 ......... Internal Service ............................. 70,000 ..... .... 387,000: ...................... 172,615 ............ 284,385 GRAND TOTAL $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 M -LA iee Internal Service ing Fund Balance Governmental Special Debt Service Capital Enterprise Revenue Beginning Fund Balance W Revenues/ Transfers A Expenditures/ Transfers WEnd H Recommended Service Level Adjustments This table provides a summary by department and fund of the service level adjustments (SLA's) proposed for FYO8 /09. Dept 11 r Administrative 12 Planning & Zoning 13 Town Secretary 14 Emergency Services 15 Municipal Court 16 Public Works 17 Facilities Maintenance 18 Finance 19 Parks & Recreation 20 Information Technology 21 HR /Admin Services 99 Transfers Out General Fund 0 Utility Fund 11 Administrative 16 Public Works 18 Finance 21 HR /Admin Services Utility Fund 11 Administrative 17 Facilities Maintenance 18 Finance 19 Parks and Recreation 21 HR /Admin Services 99 Transfers Out Visitors Fund 0 Cemetery Fund Cemetery Fund 0 Vehicle /Equipment Vehicle /Equipment 00 GF Major Maint Fund GF Major Maint Fund ® a Maintain Current Level $ 6,999 Payroll Adj's $ 2,672 EXPANDED One costs $ 97,450 LEVEL costs $ - Total $ 107,121 (1,899) 6,477 66,000 15,798 86,376 (6,147) 2,213 31,700 21,615 49,381 133,339 23,379 55,000 4,800 216,518 11,753 5,894 14,850 43,217 75,714 (3,123) 1,480 - - (1,643) (1,032) 2,434 28,000 7,897 37,300 (58,004) 5,570 - - (52,434) (5,285) 2,434 8,000 5,149 19,000 - - 19,000 53,072 1,398 3,000 49,298 106,768 - - 183,823 - 183,823 148,674 53,951 487,823 142,625 833,074 1,824 3,383 - - 5,207 (43,016) 572 - (42,444) 111,308 352 49,800 161,460 (2,983) 2,301 - (682) 12,368 1,429 - 2,632 16,429 79,501 8,037 49,800 2,632 139,969 9,743 572 96,940 - 107,255 (379) 694 - 315 (10,027) 1,631 (8,396) (379) 694 315 9,659 4,137 - 2,632 16,428 (10,000) - 860,050 - 850,050 (1,383) 7,728 956,990 2,632 965,967 17,743 - 8,000 9,298 35,041 17,743 8,000 9,298 35,041 - 34,115 - 34,115 - 34,115 34,115 (660) 138,500 137,840 (660) 138,500 137,840 il[L= $W716 W5,228 $157,187 oe SAVINGS Increased Revenues /REVENUES Expense Reductions Total $472,892 $ 30,50O $503,392 There are two types of SLA's used in this proposed budget to track cost increases. First is an SLA that maintains the current service level. That is, it contains funding to deal with cost /inflation increases that represent new cost, but continues to provide the current level of service. The second type of SLA identified and tracks all costs (minus associated revenues) of providing a new or expanded level of service. 11 Funds Projected Beginning Fund Balance 10/1/2008 Projected Revenues and Other Funding Sources Projected Expenditures and Other Funding Uses Net Net Change Projected Ending Fund Balance 9/30/2009 Percent of all Funds General $ 2,786,425 $ 5,477,787 $ 5,454,059 $ 23,728 $ 2,810,153 48% 4B Economic Development 327,039 832,176 861,907 297,308 5% Visitors Association 1,318,957 499,000 1,335,757 482,200 8% FM1938 251,826 0 0 0 251,826 4% Cemetery 66,506 21,550 60,298 ;3z; %'8 27,758 0% Vehicle /Equipment 0 134,500 34,115 100,385 100,385 2% Property Tax Reduction 578,064 839,676 956,650 i .F,s •1? 461,090 8% Debt Service 0 1,501,957 1,501,957 0 0 0% Capital Projects 75,760 630,000 645,000 60,760 1% Arts & Sciences Center 3,367,379 204,373 3,969,460 ? ;`GS "i K _ 7% Utility 1,418,404 2,305,832 2,089,008 216,824 1,635,228 28% Utility Major Maint 35,000 15,000 0 15,000 50,000 1% General Major Maint 35,000 237,500 138,500 99,000 134,000 2% TOTAL $ 10,260,359 $ 12,699,351 $ 17,046,711 $ (4,347,360) $ 5,912,999 100% 12 i to General Sales Tax 27% Mixed Beverage Tax 0% Hotel Tax Revenues 4% 1 ^Franchise Fees / 5% Permits & Fees 13% i i Intergovernmental 0% r Fines & Forfeits 5% I Investment Earnings g Charge for Services 1% 18% Misc Revenue 1% Contributions Transfers In 1% 25% 13 General Sales Tax 1,664,352 832,176 832,176 - - 3,328,704 Mixed Beverage Tax 13,300 - - - - - - - 13,300 Franchise Fees 643,780 ; - - - 643,780 Permits & Fees 1,616,675. 1,616,675 Intergovernmental 5,865 - - - - - 5,865 Fines & Forfeits 650,883 - - - - - 650,883 Investment Earnings 54,500 28,000 7,500 15,000 - 35,000 - 140,000 Misc Revenue 74,782 ; 21,000 21,550 -- 9,150 126,482 Contributions - - - - 55,000 189,373 244,373 Transfers In 753,650 134,500 1,501,957 575,000 252,500 3,217,607 Charge for Services - - - 2,261,682 - 2,261,682 Hotel Tax Revenues 450,000 - - - - 450,000 ..5,477,787' -< 832,176 499,000 1 21,550 134,500 1 839,676 1 1,501,957 630,000 204,373 1 2,305,832 1 252,500 1 12,699,351 General Sales Tax 27% Mixed Beverage Tax 0% Hotel Tax Revenues 4% 1 ^Franchise Fees / 5% Permits & Fees 13% i i Intergovernmental 0% r Fines & Forfeits 5% I Investment Earnings g Charge for Services 1% 18% Misc Revenue 1% Contributions Transfers In 1% 25% 13 NOTE 1: Total Expenditures including transfers out appear excessive when the use of fund balance is included in the total. See Transfers In from Fund Balance above for the total amount of fund balance that is being used related to capital projects and debt service - Total net amount = $12,644,122 Transfers Out i 19% IFA /Debt 10% Capital Projects 29% Payroll /Salaries 11% Payroll Related 3% Capital Outlay Supplies 2% 1% Services ED Incentives Rent & Utilities Insurance 18% 3% 2% 0% Maintenance 2% 14 Payroll /Salaries 1,522,671 - 93,489 5,831 - - - - - - 167,636 1,789,627 10% Payroll Related 492,078 - 28,371 2,067 - - - - - - 45,986 568,502 3% Supplies 207,943 - 20,850 16,000 - - - - - - 9,400 254,193 1% Services 1,649,816 - 265,660 16,400 - - - - - - 1,168,134 3,100,010 18% Insurance 32,110 - - - - - - - - - 6,526 38,636 0% Maintenance 199,470 - - 12,000 - - - - - - 82,500 293,970 2% Rent & Utilities 254,626 - 34,137 - - - - - - - 106,039 394,802 2% ED Incentives 500,211 - - - - - - - - _ 500,211 3% Capital Outlay 148,134 - 3,200 8,000 - - - - 34,115 - 50,300 243,749 1% Capital Projects - - - - - - 645,000 3,969,460 - 138,500 173,501 4,926,461 29% Transfers Out 447,000 861,907 890,050 - 956,650 - - - - - 62,000 3,217,607 19% IFA /Debt - - - - - 1,501,957 - - - - 216,986 1,718,943 10% FUNDTOTAL 5,454,059 861,907 1,335,757 60,298 956,650 1,501,957 645,000 3,969,460 34,115 138,500 2,089,008 17,046,711 1 100% T/I Fund Bal 29,731 836,757 38,748 116,974 13,000 3,367,379 4,402,589 Net of T/1 5,454,059 832,176 499,000 21,550 1 839,676 1,501,957 632,000 602,081 34,115 138,500 2,089,008 12,644,122 NOTE 1: Total Expenditures including transfers out appear excessive when the use of fund balance is included in the total. See Transfers In from Fund Balance above for the total amount of fund balance that is being used related to capital projects and debt service - Total net amount = $12,644,122 Transfers Out i 19% IFA /Debt 10% Capital Projects 29% Payroll /Salaries 11% Payroll Related 3% Capital Outlay Supplies 2% 1% Services ED Incentives Rent & Utilities Insurance 18% 3% 2% 0% Maintenance 2% 14 It should be noted that funding from the General Fund and the Utility Fund is proposed to be transferred to the Vehicle fk Equipment Replacement Fund and the Major Maintenance Fund to begin to deal with future major building maintenance costs as well as equipment/vehicle replacement needs. General Fund monies proposed to be transferred are one-time revenues (i.e. — not reoccurring). This comparison is also shown in table form as follows: Summary of Transfers in and Transfers Out transfer out to Capital Projects Fund $ 75,000 transfer out to Gen Major Maintenance Fund 237,500 transfer out to Vehicle & Equipment Rep. Fund $ 134,500 transfer in from Property Tax Fund $ 706,650 PA P 50000 transfer in from Utility Fund 47,000 Fees 4B Fund transfer out to Debt Service Fund 861,907 PTR Fund transfer out to Capital Projects Fund 250,000 Utility Fund transfer out to Utility Major Maintenance Fund $ 15,000 Visitors Association Fund transfer out to Debt Service Fund 640,050 transfer out to Capital Projects Fund 250,000 15 Staffing Levels /Salary & Wage Associated Costs Staffing in FY 08 -09 is proposed to remain the same in all departments with the exception of the following additions: Department Position Addition Town Secretary New administrative clerk .50 Municipal Court New court clerk 1.00 Planning & Zoning New administrative clerk .33 Human Resources New administrative clerk .33 Maintenance /Facilities New administrative clerk .17 Parks /Recreation New administrative clerk .17 Total Proposed New Positions FY 08 -09 2.50 Salary costs have been budgeted at an overall, average 7% market increase to move municipal employees closer to market in pay. However, the percentage of market movement will vary by position depending on where the position falls within the pay market. A total of $69,716 has been budgeted for market pay adjustments. Additionally, a total of $30,000 is set aside in the General Fund for performance (merit) pay adjustments to be administered based on performance evaluation. Anticipated cost increases have been budgeted at a 15% increase for employee health insurance. A detailed listing of all positions by department is located in the appendix. 16 Fiscal Year 2008/2009 General Fund Departmental Summaries The General Fund, as the name indicates, funds many of the Town's general municipal services. As such, it is the Town's primary fund with a variety of funding sources which finance many primary services. Half of the Town's sales tax, all development and permit fees, franchise fees, citation revenue, and miscellaneous other revenues support this fund. The Town's one -half cent sales tax that supports the General Fund has not performed in the current fiscal year according to original projections and thus, the estimate for this revenue is lower in FY 08/09. For that reason it is proposed to transfer $706,650 of funding from the Property Tax Reduction Fund sales tax to off -set the under - performance of the regular half cent municipal sales tax so as to cover operating expenses in FY 08/09. The General Fund is responsible for all administrative expenditures, including non - enterprise and non - Visitor Association personnel. Expenditures out of the General Fund also include building and code compliance, municipal court, emergency services, public works, facilities maintenance (including Westlake Academy), parks and recreation, consulting, finance, and human resources. For the FY 08/09 Proposed Budget, the following is a summary description of major areas of emphasis or service level adjustments by department: ❖ Administrative (Dept 11) This department provides executive management leadership in terms of coordination and leadership of the Town's operations. Major areas of emphasis and /or service level adjustments for FY08/09 for this department are proposed to include: • Creation of overall Town strategic plan with complimentary Academy strategic plan limited to outcome measures • Improving the Town's capital improvement budgeting process • Develop programmatic budget tied to strategic plan • Improve citizen outreach and communication ❖ Planning and Zoning (Dept 12) The Building /Code Compliance Department focuses on all aspects of planning, development review, inspection, and administration of the Town's building and development codes. In FY 08/09 this department will include areas of focus and service delivery that includes: • Updating the Town's entire comprehensive plan including land use, thorough fare plan, open space, water /sewer, and streetscape master plans • Adopt 2006 Building Codes ❖ Town Secretary (Dept 13) The Town Secretary's Office maintains all official Town records, conducts Town elections; attends the Board of Aldermen, Board of Trustee, the Texas Student Housing Authority, and numerous Town advisory boards. Major initiatives and service level adjustments for this department in FY 08/09 are proposed to include: 17 • Continued implementation of paperless packets for Board and extending this to Planning and Zoning packets • Conduct a records inventory for the Town Secretary office and create a records control system • Shared additional staff support funded on a 50/50 basis with Texas Student Housing Authority (TSHA) to address Town Secretary office and TSHA increasing workload ❖ Fire /Emergency Services (Dept 14) This department contains programs and costs related to meeting the Town's fire, police, and emergency medical services needs. FY 08/09 provides the following highlights for this department: • Purchase of cab and chassis for grass fire truck pump along with other necessary equipment for this vehicle • Continued enhancement of public education /prevention programs to extend to all family members • The contract with Keller for police, dispatch, jail and animal control services is proposed to increase by 5.2% from $720,900 to $767,618 in FY 08 -09 (there was no increase in FY 07 -08 due to Southlake being added to dispatch /jail operations in Keller). ❖ Municipal Court (Dept 15) This department provides the Town with professional legal adjudication services in an integral manner for Town residents and those using the Court's services, all done with a high level of customer service. In FY 08/09 the department will: • Add a self- funded court clerk position to implement /monitor fine payment plans • Construct court lobby security upgrades • Equip warrant officer's vehicle with a mobile data terminal (MDT) to enhance warrant service operations ❖ Public Works (Dept 16) The Public Works Department oversees planning and maintenance of the Town's infrastructure including its street system, drainage ways, traffic operations, duct bank, solid waste collections, and water and sewer utility. Additionally, this department is responsible for oversight of major maintenance projects and capital projects for these areas of the Town's infrastructure. In FY 08/09 new areas of focus for this department include: • Completing N -1 sewer line transfer to the Trinity River Authority • Continuing solid waste collection initiatives that focus on recycling and improved efficiencies • Overseeing capital improvement projects relating to FM 1938, its streetscape, as well as the Stagecoach Hills paving and drainage improvement project ❖ Facilities /Maintenance (Dept 17) Facilities Maintenance is responsible for oversight of all planning and management related to maintaining the Town's buildings and physical plant. This responsibility includes oversight of the maintenance of the Town's $18 million Westlake Academy civic complex. This department in FY 08/09 will: • Management of Westlake Academy Arts & Sciences Center capital improvement project 18 • Facilities Plan to be developed to guide funding of general major maintenance fund • Support planning efforts on updating the Town's comprehensive plan •'• Finance (Dept 18) Finance Department provides services that include accounts payable /receivable, utility billing, permitting, and records management for the Town, Westlake Academy and Westlake Academy Foundation. In FY 08/09, this department will: • For the second year, pursue and receive the Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award • Receive an unqualified audit opinion • Submit FY 08 -09 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for GFOA recognition • Continue to provide financial management support to Westlake Academy operations ❖ Parks and Recreation (Dept 19) The Parks & Recreation Department is responsible for maintaining and managing the Town's trail system, parks, parks planning, and special events. This department will pursue the following areas of focus in FY 08/09: • Support updating of comprehensive plan as it relates to parks, open space and trails. • Implementation of the Terra Bella open space /trail system • Guide creation and implementation of cemetery master plan ❖ Information Technoloev (Dept 20) The Department of Information Technology has as its central focus support of all the Town's municipal information technology systems including software and hardware. This includes overseeing software and hardware contracts for third party vendors as well as planning for IT functions, their hardware replacement needs, and software /security support. During FY 08/09 this Department will pursue: • Improve use of existing Town staff via out - sourcing of IT management and support services to a third -party vendor • Continued emphasis on use of IT to improve delivery of Town services • Develop a 5 year technology plan ❖ Human Resources /Administrative Services (Dept 21) The HR /Administrative Services Department is a new department in the FY 08/09 budget, as it was formerly integrated within the Finance Department. This department provides services to external customers as well as internal operations of the Town of Westlake and Westlake Academy. These services include all HR functions, Payroll, Benefit Administration and Risk Management. In FY 08/09 recommended service level adjustments for this department include: • Complete a comprehensive compensation plan based on the organizations vision, mission and values • Improve integration of Westlake Academy human resources operations to Town. • Additional staff support position shared with Planning and Zoning and Parks /Facilities Departments. IE Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Fund Summaries Utility Fund The Utility Fund is responsible for all water, sewer, and telecommunications duct bank service in the Town. The water and sewer services have become more efficient with the inclusion of the Town's SCADA system and pressure release valves. The Town continues to use these new technologies to control inflows into our storage facilities and minimize the annual peak payment charges to the City of Fort Worth. In FY 08/09 it is planned to have a solid waste cost center in this fund to charge the solid waste collection fees the Town began collecting recently for its residential solid waste collection franchisee. Capital projects funded by the Utility Fund are described in the capital improvements portion of this overview. The revenues for this fund were estimated based upon a proposed water and sewer rate increase that was reviewed recently with the Board of Aldermen and is proposed to go into effect in January 2009. The purpose of this proposed rate increase is to fully recover all system costs as well as provide for capital improvements and maintenance of our water and sewer utility. Visitors Association Fund The Visitor's Association Fund was established in late FY 1999/2000 and collects a 7% hotel occupancy tax from the Marriott Solana and any future Westlake hotels. FY 2004/2005 saw the launch of a new program in partnership with the Marriott to operate a shuttle service to deliver and return Marriott visitors to DFW Airport. In FY 08/09 it is proposed to utilize monies in this fund for a variety of uses in accordance with statutory parameters including additional marketing to grow group business for the Marriott as well as fund a phase of the FM 1938 Way Find i ng/Streetscape Project. There are also funds proposed to be used for marketing and communication efforts of the Town. It is also proposed in FY 08/09 to utilize monies from this fund to pay for debt service expenses for bonds issued to construct Westlake Academy. Property Tax Reduction Fund The Westlake Property Tax Reduction (PTR) Fund will continue to receive its funding from a % cent sales tax levy that was formerly earmarked for the 4A Economic Development Corporation. The purpose of this fund is to reduce local property tax rates throughout Texas by providing cities with an additional unrestricted revenue source. In Westlake's case, this fund will mitigate economic pressure to adopt a local property tax. These funds may be used for general Town expenditures and in FY 08/09 it is proposed to use these funds to fund some of the cost of updating the Town's comprehensive plan as well as General Fund operations. In FY 08/09 it is proposed not to use any of these PTR funds for debt service (as had been the practice in FY 07/08), and instead, fund those debt service costs from the Visitors Association Fund. 20 46 Economic Development Fund The 4B Economic Development Fund collects a % cent sales tax to be used for qualified development projects. The 4B Fund has been committed to the repayment of the debt incurred for the Town's Civic Campus project. Cemetery Fund The Cemetery program includes all operations associated with the 5.5 acre cemetery located on J.T. Ottinger Road. This includes interment, lot sales, record keeping, and all maintenance associated with the grounds, fence tree and flower beds. Focus for this fund in FY 08 -09 will include surveying, implementation of the cemetery master plan, as well as commencement of lot sales. FM1938 Fund This is a Texas Department of Transportation project which staff felt justified setting up a separate fund to track pass- through expenditures and contributions from other cities associated with this project. Debt Service Fund The Debt Service Fund was created to clearly illustrate the Town's debt service picture. The Town's debt obligations are consolidated into one fund with payments being transferred from 4B Economic Development Fund and the Visitors Association Fund for the payment of our two issues of certificates of obligation and the bond refunding in relation to the construction of the Civic Campus as well as issuance of $2.5 million in G.O. Bonds issued in FY 07 -08. Future CO's and General Obligation debt issuances will be paid from this fund. Capital Proiects Fund This fund tracks the infrastructure and building projects funded with general fund operating transfers, intergovernmental revenue, bond funds and other special fund sources. Capital projects are those projects over $25,000 that may extend over one fiscal year to complete and reflect multiple expense categories such as engineering, design and construction. All capital projects illustrate not only the expenditure and revenue sources, but ongoing operations impact. Arts and Sciences Center Fund While this is a capital project, staff recommends tracking it in its own fund due to the number and complexity of the funding sources. 21 Vehicle & Equipment Fund The Vehicle and Equipment Fund (V &E) was created to provide a mechanism for long term repair and replacement of vehicles and large major equipment. The V &E Fund receives planned portions of revenues from the General Fund to set aside for future vehicle and equipment repairs and replacement. This helps to avoid future funding shortfalls and forces a more conservative pattern of spending in light of uncertain future revenues. General Maior Maintenance Fund The General Major Maintenance Fund (General MMF) was created to provide a mechanism for long term repair and replacement of large capital assets such as HVAC, walls floors and ceilings, plumbing, electric, roadways, etc. The PCMF receives planned portions of revenues from each operating fund that owns and maintains capital assets to set aside for future capital repair and replacement. This helps to avoid future bond programs and forces a more conservative pattern of spending in light of uncertain future revenues. Utility Maior Maintenance Fund The Utility Major Maintenance Fund (Utility MMF) was created to provide a mechanism for long term repair and replacement of large capital assets such as pump stations, lift stations, elevated and ground storage facilities, etc. The Utility PCMF receives planned portions of revenues from the Utility Fund to set aside for future capital repair and replacement. This helps to avoid future bond programs and forces a more conservative pattern of spending in light of uncertain future revenues. 22 Capital Improvements and Major Maintenance Projects In FY 08 -09, the following capital improvement projects and major maintenance projects are proposed for funding: Capital Projects Fund 410 • Water Well for Civic Campus - $45,000 An alternate water source is going to be needed with the additional soccer field, performing arts and science civic center and west parking lot landscaping. The well will be located on the west side of the pond and does not require a tank or pressure pumps. • Dove Road Bridge Expansion (Higgins Branch) - $60,000 This project will provide for extension of existing box culverts in preparation for any future expansion of Dove Road in accordance with the Town's thoroughfare plan. This would also include clean -up work in accordance with the 2006 TxDot Bridge Report. This project anticipates 50% escrow from neighboring property owner. • Stagecoach Hills Reconstruction - $250,000 This project will provide stabilization of road sub grade and 2" of HMAC to the approximate 4,500 linear feet of pavement in Stagecoach Hills subdivision and improve drainage. • FM 1938 Streetscape /Way Finder - $250,000 This project will allow, on a phased basis, implementation of streetscape elements along this major north /south corridor from SH 114 south to Randol Mill Road. Streetscape improvements could include plantings, street trees, street furniture, sidewalk and pavement decorative markings, as well as street lighting. • Deloitte Trail Project - $25,000 Connect the trail from the Deloitte project to Vaquero current trails. $1.5M will be provided by Hillwood for Dove road improvements. • Glenwyck Trail Extension - $15,000 Connect the Glenwyck Farms current trail to the Terra Bella development to the east. Funds are being held in escrow. Arts and Science Center Fund 411 • Westlake Performing Arts & Science Civic Center - $3,958,110 Construct Phase 1 of this project to include the Science Building and the foundation for the Arts portion of this facility. Utility Fund 500 • Water Meter Automation - $27,000 Plans are to conclude Mahotea Boone pilot program and investigate other alternatives for remaining portion of Town. 23 • TRA Assumption of N1 Sewer Line - $146,501 Assumption of the N -1 sewer line will require the design and construction of a metering station with SCADA equipment at the proposed Town of Westlake "Point of Entry ". This project also includes video inspection, excavation to expose lines for inspection, as well as manhole and sewer main repair work. General Maior Maintenance Fund 600 • Westlake Academy - Pod B HVAC System Replacement - $7,000 The roof top unit on Pod B may need a new compressor. The unit has to be reset about every four to six weeks. Due to the location, a small crane will be needed to get the new compressor on the roof at Westlake Academy Campus • Westlake Academy - 15 Ton Split HVAC System Replacement - $9,000 Replacement of compressors and /or coils for one of the five 15 ton units at Westlake Academy campus • Westlake Academy - Remodel /Expand Dining Hall - $36,000 To expand the Dining Room into the classroom across the hall in Pod G of the Academy and to purchase additional chairs and tables. Additionally, small amount of remodeling of service area which would include a new check -out desk. • Westlake Academy - Remodel Office Space - $5,000 Create two offices out of one current office space at the academy. • Remodel Court Room and Town Office Space - $81,500 Install a 6 inch wooden raised floor to accommodate the Board of Alderman trustees, Planning and Zoning Board, Texas Student Housing Board and judge seats. Upgrade recording and audio video system. Remodel current town office space to accommodate the addition of staff. 24 Town of Westlake Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen From: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Subject: Regular Meeting of September 22, 2008 Date: September 11, 2008 ITEM Consider a Resolution appointing individuals to serve as member of the Public Art Society of Westlake. VISION POINT AND KEY RESULT AREAS This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: El Hospitality Finds its Home in Westlake o Citizen engagement and communication BACKGROUND Currently, three (3) vacancies exist on the board of the Public Art Society of Westlake. Three (3) applications have been submitted for your consideration and appointment: - Kelly Cox - Debra Hale - Mike Silliman FUNDING N/A RECOMMENDATION No recommendation. ATTACHMENTS: Board Application — Kelly Cox Board Application — Debra Hale Board Application — Mike Silliman Resolution 08 -54 TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 08-54 APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE THE PUBLIC ART SOCIETY OF WESTLAKE, AND RESOLVING RELATED MATTERS. WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen created the Westlake Public Art Committee by Resolution on April 23, 2007, and WHEREAS, in February 2008, the Board subsequently approved changing the name and increasing the membership to nine; and WHEREAS, there currently exist three vacancies on the Public Art Society of Westlake; and WHEREAS, the meeting at which this Resolution has been considered was open to the public as required by law, and public notice of the time, place, and subject of the meeting has been given in accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the above findings are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein in its entirety. SECTION 2. That the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas does hereby appoint the following individuals to the terms outlined below: Kelly Cox Debra Hale Mike Silliman June 2010 June 2009 June 2009 As a result of the appointments heretofore stated, the Public Art Society of Westlake is represented by the following: Term Expiration Michelle Corson (3 yr) June 2010 Kelly Cox (3 yr) June 2010 Leah Rennhack (3 yr) June 2010 Shannon LaRue (2 yr) June 2009 Dave Rollins (2 yr) June 2009 Mike Silliman (2 yr) June 2009 Kay Anderson (1 yr) June 2009 Mary Petty (1 yr) June 2009 Debra Hale (1 yr) June 2009 Board Liaison Laura Wheat, Mayor Staff Liaison Town Manager or his appointee SECTION 3. That this resolution shall take effect from and after its final date of passage, and it is accordingly so ordered. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 22 DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2008. ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney Laura Wheat, Mayor Thomas E. Brymer, Town Manager Town of Westlake Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen From: Troy J. Meyer, Director of Facilities and Recreation Subject: Regular Meeting of September 22, 2008 Date: September 18, 2008 ITEM Consider a Resolution approving the sub contractors identified by Steele & Freeman, Inc., the construction manager at -risk, for construction of Phase I Arts and Sciences Center. VISION POINT AND KEY RESULT AREAS This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: Q We are Leaders o Premier educational facilities and programs o Producing well educated future leaders and thinkers o Business partnerships with Westlake Academy BACKGROUND On September 15, 2008, the Board approved to move forward with Phase I, which includes two science labs, one art room, offices, restrooms, lobby and a parking area. S & F presented the following key sub contractors to complete Phase I; Earthwork — Holbrook Concrete — DRM Masonry — Miracle Construction Site Utility — Wright Construction Pavement Markings — Striping Plus Structural Steel — Crist Industries Sealants — George D Alan Roofing — Lon Smith Wood Doors/Hardware — Woodards — Res door Plaster — Anchor Drywall — Midwest Drywal l Specialties — King Science Lab — ALC Roller Shades — Kites HVAC/Plumbing — Berger Engineering As this project progresses over the next ten to twelve months, S & F will provide the town with an updated list of any additional sub contractor used to complete the project. 11110 11 We] Source G.O. Bond Funds Texas Student Housing Lee Gift Foundation Donations Interest TOTAL Anticipated Pledges (Pledges for 2008 -2009 $353,946) GRAND TOTAL Amount $2,467,000 $500.000 $500,000 $641,447 $28,325 $4,136,772 $431,890 $4,568,663 RECOMMENDATION Approve the Resolution approving the sub contractors identified by Steele & Freeman, Inc., the construction manager at -risk, for construction of Phase I Arts and Sciences Center project. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 08 -55 2 TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 08 -55 APPROVING THE SUB CONTRACTORS IDENTIFIED BY STEELE & FREEMAN, INC., THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AT -RISK, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE I ARTS AND SCIENCES CENTER. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake is working to become leaders in premier educational facilities and programs; and WHEREAS, Westlake desires to produce well educated future leaders and thinkers; and WHEREAS, Westlake desires to be business partners with Westlake Academy; and WHEREAS, the Board of Alderman finds that the Arts & Sciences Center benefits the public and is in the best interest of the public, citizens of Westlake, Westlake Academy students and their parents.; and WHEREAS, the Board of Alderman finds that the Arts & Sciences Center is necessary for the enhancement of the Civic Campus; and WHEREAS, the key sub contractors identified by Steel & Freeman, Inc. are as follow; Earthwork — Holbrook Concrete — DRM Masonry — Miracle Construction Site Utility — Wright Construction Pavement Markings — Striping Plus Structural Steel — Crist Industries Sealants — George D Alan Roofing — Lon Smith Wood Doors/Hardware — Woodards — Res door Plaster — Anchor Drywall — Midwest Drywall Specialties — King Science Lab — ALC Roller Shades — Kites HVAC/Plumbing — Berger Engineering As this project progresses over the next ten to twelve months S & F will provide the Town with an updated list of any additional sub contractor used to complete the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. All matters stated in the Recitals above are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2. The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake hereby approves the key sub contractors identified by Steele & Freeman, Inc., for the construction of the Arts & Sciences Center construction of Phase I at the Civic Campus. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 22nd DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2008. ATTEST: Laura Wheat, Mayor Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Town Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney Town of Westlake Item # 8 — Future Agenda Items 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under "Future Agenda Item Requests ", an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Town Manager with the requested item and the Town Manager will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item's relationship to the Board's strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Town Manager will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the, agenda item. - Consider changing name of Board of Aldermen to City Council. Requested by Alderman Brittan. - Consider discussion of storm water drainage. Requested by Alderman Corson. • Stagecoach Hills • Phase III in Vaquero • Exploration of the appropriate relationship the Town should have with its neighboring communities relative to shared storm water drainage challenges. - Consider coordinating a tour of the Keller Police Services Facility. Requested by Alderman Corson. Agenda Items FUTURE ITEMS This worksheet should include items that require discussion by the Board, but have not been scheduled for a specific meeting date DB.te Dept. ItgmtiesCNptlon 5/12/2008 School Exit Interviews 5/13/2008 Draft Policy for naming all Town facilities for the Board's consideration 5/23/2008 Community Developmen' Update on status of work on proposed oil & gas drilling /pipeline ordinance 5/23/2008 Facilities Discuss Comprehensive Plan and Plan Elements 5/23/2008 Public Works Southlake Waterline Proposal 5/30/2008 Facilities Cemetery Rules & Reg. 5/30/2008 Facilities Water Well 7/15/2008 Town Manager PAC, WAF, WHSP (Bylaws to comport with PAC) 7/29/2008 Facilities Create Park and Rec Advisory Board Public Works Stage Coach Hills Drainage Discussion M,£yprlNrlishp Generated by /;Date Board Wrkshp Staff Wrkshp Wokrshop 9/22 Board /staff Wrkshp Staff Wrkshp Staff Wrkshp 28- Jul -08 Staff Reg. Mtg Mtg 10/6 Staff Reg. Mtg Staff Wrkshp Staff Wrkshp Walton at 9/8 meeting Board /staff Agenda Items Oct. 6'08 Deadline to submit items for agenda(s) is September 25, 2008 Aldermen Meeting Date Dept. Item Description 8/14/2008 EE Gas drilling and pipeline ordinance presentation 8/14/2008 EE Deloitte SP, PP, and FP 8/18/2008 JG Utility Rate Increase 8/28/2008 Comm. Dev. PD 3 -3 amendment 8/28/2008 Comm. Dev. SUP Water well 2600 J T Ottinger 8/28/2008 Comm. Dev. SUP Water well 1502 Will's Court 8/28/2008 TM Building Use Policy Adoption 9/3/2008 KS Consider appt of interim president for TSHA 9/17/2008 JG City of Ft. Worth Haz Waste Contract - Renewal 9/17/2008 KS Appointments to WHPS 9/17/2008 TB Resolution supporting greater oversight of intra -state gas utilities Trustees Meeting Date Dept. Item Description Status Mtg or Wrkshp Reg. Mtg Reg. Mtg Reg. Mtg Reg. Mtg (P &Z Sept. 25) Regl Mtg, (P &Z Sept. 25) Reg. Mtg (P &Z Sept. 25) Reg. Mtg Reg. Mtg Reg. Mtg Pending Reg. Mtg Reg. Mtg Status Mtg or Wrkshp Agenda Items Oct. 27'08 Deadline to submit items for agenda(s) is Oct. 16, 2008 Aldermen Meeting Date Dept. Item Description Status Mtg or Wrkshp 8/15/2008 EE Bldg Code and amendments Reg. Mtg 9/9/2008 KS Denton County Commissioner Eads Presentation regarding upcoming Bond Elect Reg. Mtg Agenda Items Nov. 10 '08 Deadline to submit items for agenda(s) is Oct. 30, 2008 Aldermen Meeting Date Dept. Item Description Status Mtg or Wrkshp 8/14/2008 ee zoning amendment for gas drilling and pipeline ordinance Reg. Mtg Trustees Meeting Date Dept. Item Description Status Mtg or Wrkshp P &Z on October 23 per EE Agenda Items Dec. 8'08 Deadline to submit items for agenda(s) is Nov. 25, 2008 Aldermen Meeting Date Dept. Item Description 9/17/2008 TS Approve 6 month meeting calendar Trustees Meeting Date Dept. Item Description Status Mtg or Wrkshp Mtg or Wrkshp Status Mtg or Wrkshp Town of Westlake Item #9 — Board Calendar 9. BOARD CALENDAR. - Joint Board of Aldermen/Planning & Zoning Commission land use /zoning training o Monday, 9/29/08, 6 -8 p.m., Town Hall offices, Court Room - Metroport Chamber of Commerce State of Cities o Tuesday, 10/7, 11 a.m. — 1 p.m., Trophy Club County Club - Arbor Day Celebration o Saturday, 10 /11, 8 a.m.- 3 p.m., Glenwyck Farms park area - Texas Municipal League Annual Conference and Exhibition o 10/28 — 10/31/08, San Antonio, Texas - Christmas Tree Lighting O Tuesday, 12/2/08, 6:30 p.m. Town of Westlake Item # 10 — Adjournment Back up material has not been provided for this item.