HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-25-08 TC Agenda PacketMITZINIM WESTLAKE ii♦1 . 3 VILLAGE CIRCLE 0 2. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1, 2008, THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30,2009. 3. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF A STATUS REPORT ON CONSTRUCTION OF .. i, CENTER. 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under "Future Agenda Item Requests ", an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Town Manager with the requested item and the Town Manager will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item's relationship to the Board's strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Town Manager will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. viol illm"l'i' r To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen From: Tom Brymer, Town Manager Subject: Workshop Meeting of August 25, 2008 Date: August 20, 2008 ITEM Presentation and Discussion of the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year October I, 2008 Through September 30, 2009. VISION POINT AND KEY RESULT ALAS This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: M Inviting Residential & Corporate neighborhoods • On -going comprehensive planning • Sensitivity to neighborhood integrity • Outstanding community appearance • Highest quality development and aesthetic standards • Open space preservation Q We are Leaders • Premier educational facilities and programs • Producing well educated future leaders and thinkers • Business partnerships with Westlake Academy • Environmental stewardship initiatives • High quality services delivery coupled with financial stewardships • Infrastructure maintenance and planning W Hospitality Finds its Home in Westlake • Citizen engagement and communication • Historic Preservation • Tourism development i : ! I, N> Staff has been preparing the proposed municipal budget for the Town for FY 08 -09 Fiscal Year for Board deliberation. Staff will review this proposed budget at this workshop to seek Board input, direction, guidance on this important policy setting and implementation document for the upcoming fiscal year. I 1►1/ ► ► /a1 1:7 DL�Z�]►% Q/ t!�1►`I'17:11 Y [�)►`I Staff recommends that the Board review and provide direction at this workshop regarding this proposed budget. If a second workshop is needed, it could be held on September Stn Additionally, at the September 8th regular Board meeting the public hearing required by State law regarding the proposed budget will be held. Following that public hearing, the Board can consider adoption of the FY 08 -09 Budget. Adoption of the Proposed Budget could also be considered at the September 22 °d Board meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 08 -09 Town Budget will be presented under separate cover. 0 PUblic Arts Society n MEMORANDUM TO: The Board of Aldermen FROM: The Public Art Society of Westlake ( "PAS ") DATE: 24 August 2008 RE: Funding Request for the Public Art Society The past 12 months have been very busy for the Public Art Society! As you are well aware, most of 2008 has been dedicated to writing "Creating Culture, Connecting Community: A Master Plan for Public Art in Westlake, " which you recently approved. This plan is now available on the Town's website and we are in the process of creating our own website which will allow us to provide updates on arts' activities in the area and to recognize our supporters. We expect to launch the website in the next month or two. Through funds we have raised, we have been able to follow through on our mission to promote the arts in Westlake by: Sponsoring and funding Cowtown Opry's performance at Decoration Day Commission a portrait honoring the service of outgoing Mayor Scott Bradley We are planning to host a one act play in the fall at a resident's home which will be open to the public. It is our hope that this will provide a further opportunity for our community to connect with the arts and will enable the PAS to gain broader awareness in Westlake. Additionally, we are eager to begin our first visual arts project. In keeping with our plan, we hope that Westlake will become known as an artistic community by providing some recognition of the arts at major gateways into the Town. Because Precinct Line Road is a major current and future artery, we would like to pursue an art installation along this roadway. We will work closely with the Town and the streetscape consultants on this project. The design work for this is just beginning and we have asked the Town Manager to set up a meeting for our group with the consultants to begin discussion of how we might pursue this project. Public Art Society of Westlake Memo Page 2 of 3 August 24, 2008 This project will likely require extensive planning and the implementation of this art piece may not occur in 2009. In the event that it does not, we are considering alternative art plans which we will bring to you including the possibility of some art pieces along the current trail system or a meaningful work in the cemetery (perhaps even in partnership with the Historical Preservation Society). We will work on the Precinct Line project concurrently so that it will be ready for implementation in accordance with construction. In the resolution which created the Public Art Society, adopted April 23, 2007, the Board of Aldermen requested that the Public Art Society present ideas for funding the public art initiative in Westlake. On June 18, 2007, we presented these suggestions to the Board, which included the following: A "Two Percent for Art" policy on capital improvements occurring within Westlake A policy dedicating 15% of the Town of Westlake's Visitor Association revenues, or other such source of funds as deemed appropriate by the Board of Aldermen, such that this 15% dedication amount, based on previous revenues would allocate approximately $60, 000 to the Public Art Fund annually. A policy dedicating a proposed $4, 000 of each Oil and Gas Well drilling permit be dedicated to the Public Art Fund ' the purpose of providing artistic beautification within the Town as an offset to the visual impact of drilling rigs. No action was taken on these funding requests in last year's budget cycle. Our Master Plan also provided suggested policies for the Town to consider in order to reach its goals of making Westlake a community of the arts. We expect to come to you before the end of the calendar year with a specific art plan for Precinct Line Road, as well as a shorter -term project. However, because you are in the process of adopting the budget now, we respectfully ask that you consider some funding for the Public Art Society at this time. This will enable us to plan for what the Town's participation will be in these projects so that we can better understand what we will need to raise privately. We will not move forward with a specific art plan until we have received your approval. The Town has demonstrated support and commitment to other entities it sponsors. The Historical Preservation Society annually receives $20,000 in funding from the Town and will also be receiving assistance from the Town in fronting the cost of its 50 year history book, which was estimated at $40,000. Additionally, the Town has provided support to the Westlake Academy Foundation, loaning $25,000 in start-up costs and recently granting $500,000 to the Foundation's efforts to build an expansion of the school. The PAS respectfully requests that the Board of Aldermen provide funds to the public art fund in the coming fiscal year of $60,000, as was requested last year. The PAS will August 24, 20•8 continue to raise funds for the art initiative in the private sector, as it has done since inception. We hope that the Board will further give consideration to the policies recommended by the PAS in our Master Plan. Thank you for considering this request. Town of Westlake R ' u► < <�C^ All, Budget Overview "Setting Strategic Priorities" Monday, August 25, 2008 Moi)day 8/25/2008 i Milestones for Fiscal Year 07/08 ✓ Solana Marriott Expansion Completed ✓ Continuation of Fidelity Phase II ✓ Terra Bella ✓ Deloitte Announcement ✓ Westlake Corners ✓ Automated Solid Waste Collection ✓ Government Finance Officers Association Budget Award Monday 8/25/2008 2 Budget Semantics ffIV Special Revenue Funds Capital Project Fund Debt Service Fund Monday 8/25/2008 Utility u General Major Maintenance Fund Vehicle and Equipment Fain JWky Nftjor rWWM'' naflC& Fund" Visitors Association Fund " roc -an arMiC D e Y e § Oup M e nn � r;['J /rnc! Properly ry (dlu d n n r cwwd''i Lr 1 93 S r�u nCD Capital Project Fund cic�id' i r�x Hyr)r d To pay on Bonds What is a Budget.? A policy document Financial plan to accomplish the Board's prograrn of services and p, oo o td g u' s o services r p ovme to res'.ildents Inc nudes opraton and c poi A costs Used by the radng agenues to determne Monday 8/25/2008 Strategic Plan/Governance Cycle Monday 8/25/2008 Westlake Community Vision Westlake is a one-of-a kind community; an oasis with rolling hills, -', longhorns, and soaring area. Worth-Dallas metropolitan Inviting neighborhoods and architecturally vibrant corporate campuses fond harriniany among our eand er,� n . roads and tr ills, Nuned with native and Vrco-)rye wa s. We are D a ergs. 0n ee_ oduc�zl' o n, we are, known for oUr 'Hrmov ti e between the lrb\wt — O\vvn d CMa irte r Sc'ha M and Dts corpora- t naa gg lathe rs. %/Ko are e nuircumr eR2 s' Uwards ° am[Q)Go Y'n ['g s> Lr Bandar rd s. Hospitality finds its home in Westlake. As a corn unot , we are f 00 involved and invested in our rich hedtage, d na oc present and excNng, sustainable future. Monday 8/25/2008 Mission community on 6ehaff of our citizens, the mission of the Town of Westfake is to be a one-of-a-kind 61ends our I I; 1 with our rich culture and urban Location. Monday 8/25/2008 i Community Values As a community, l ake values re i co,c ) DnnawaV' n knaAedgejeducaflon base and wiekarnhg Family focus Engaged citizens Q unique rural inmoocc G FC, _)c° c)ur natural uty V/ [L�\,asthetk appea� and high development standardl Monday 8/25/2008 Vision Point: Inviting Residential and Corporate Neighborhoods The Town .. Westlake enjoys f neighborhoods. I I I,..' h' Westlake is an oasis I r f hills that blends grazing °.I I ;I and f," L.f, y red-tailed hawks inviting neighborhoods as well as y 'I h i I vibrant L that find harmony along I% ' I I I' roads and trails, lined with native T ' s and stone supporting )�� Key Result Areas the vision point: © � am,cg- comprehensive pla. 'm co n cc 0 h C ct o c d 'H e N� y/ ✓OutstandAn g cc mi munky, app anaF ancc cc ✓Open space ° pre Wbo Vision Points, We are Leaders Town- owned charter °g, iii Rs corporate - •' •o. are environment stewards — exceirapffying the highest standards. Key Pe s- Wt Aveas sup[port'Mg the vision point: P,roducing well educated future leaders and thinkers ppanne[r2,h'Hps� with the 7(awn and Westlake Environmental 'W� MVI E %-//High qualit sen4caLs d) eHverV coo up 1- d 'Ithi °iRM nc' stewardship v/ Infrastvucture maintenance and plann c Vision Point: Hospitality Finds Its Home in Westlake heritage, As a community, we are fully involved and invested in our rich present ➢ y G es at m--�-)a supporting the vision point: "ZVestCake, a premiere knowfedge-basedcommunity. " Monday 8/25/2008 Strategic Priorities in FY 08/09 VISION FOCUS Neighborhoods Leadership Hospitality E _ E E '° °' 2 "° ° E E o 2 E_ , Administration X x x x x Plan & Zoning x x ` x Town Secretary x Fire /EMS x x Municipal Court x Public Works ` x X X Fac/ Maintenance X x X Finance X x x x Parks/ Recreation x x x x x x x Information Tech. x HR /Admin Srv. X X x Utility Fund x x x X Visitors Fund x x x x x x x x x 4B Fund X PTR Fund x x General MM Fund Utility MM Fund Cemetery Fund x x x V &E Fund x FM1938 Fund x x x x x A & S Fund x x Capital Imp. x x x x Debt Service X Monday 8/25/2008 Means Used to Achieve Strategic Priorities )�, Allocation of one-Ume revenues for major purchases and/or ➢ Tie departmental budgets to Key Resuk Areas ➢ Identify base costs and costs of service �eM adWs co-)nts Monday 8/25/2008 I • AW Monday 8/25/2008 PA 4k —vo 4r 14 Ali Funds Summary Table Beginning Fund Name General Fund $ Revenues Fund Other Balance 2,786,425 $ and Expenditures Funding Other Sources 5,477,787 $ and Funding Ending Uses 5,454,059 $ Fund Balance 2,810,153 46 Economic Development 327,039 832,176 861,907 297,308 Visitors Association 1,318,957 499,000 1,335,757 482,20 0 FM1938 Cemetery 251,826 66,506 - 21,550 - 60,298 251,82 6 27,75 8 Vehicle/Equipment - 134,500 34,115 100,,38S Property Tax Reduction 578,064 839,676 956,650 461090 Debt Service - 1,501,957 1,501,957 - Capital Projects Arts & Sciences Center Utility 75,760 3,367,379 1,418,404 630,000 204,373 2,305,832 645,000 3,969,460 2,089,008 60,76 0 (397,709) 1j,635..228 Utility Major Maint 35,000 15,000 - 50,00 0 ,-General Major Maint 35.000 237,500 138,500 134,000, TOTAL $ 10,260,359 $ 12,699,351 $ 17,046,711 $ 5,912,999 Monday 8/25/2008 15 Projected Revenues All Sources FY 08/09 General Sales Tax $ 3,328,704 27% Mixed Beverage Tax $ 13,300 0% Franchise Fees $ 643,780 5% Permits & Fees $ 1,616,675 13% Intergovernmental $ 5,865 0% Fines & Forfeits $ 650,883 S% Investment Earnings $ 140,000 1% Misc. Revenue $ 126,482 1% Contributions $ 244,373 1% Transfers In $3,217,607 1 Charge for Services $ 2,261,682 25% Hotel Tax Revenues $ 450,000 4% FY 07/08 $ 14,424.946 Monday 8/25/2008 Projected Expenditures All Sources FY 08/09 Payroll /Salaries $ 11789,627 11% Payroll Related $ 568,502 3% Supplies $ 254,193 2% Services $ 31100,010 18% Insurance $ 38,636 0% Maintenance $ 293,970 2% Rent & Utilities $ 394,802 2% ED Incentives $ 500,211 3% Capital Outlay $ 243,749 1% Capital Projects $ 4,926,461 29% Transfers Out $ 31217,607 19% IFA Payments /Debt $ 1,718,943 10% FUND • 17j,046,711 ��. •FY 07/08 $ 12,027,536 Monday 8/25/2008 • Major Increase: Capital Projects 17 Summary of Transfers In and Transfers Out transfer out to Capital Projects Fund $ 75,000 transfer out to Gen Major Mtce Fund $ 237,500 General Fund transfer out to Vehicle Equipment Fund $134 ? .. 50 - 0 transfer in from Property Tax Fund $ 706,650 f in er trans from Utility Fund - _ $ 47,000 f v 4B Fund transfer out to Debt Service Fund $ 861,907 PTR Fund Utility Fund Visitors Fund Monday 8/25/2008 transfer out to transfer out to transfer out to transfer out to Capital Projects Fund Utility Major Mtce Fund Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund $ 250,000 $ 15,000 $ 640,050 $ 250,000 Summary of Transfers In and Transfers Out (cont.) >Funds proposed to be transferred from Genera d l Fun and Utility Fund to Vehicle ,,nd Equipment Fund oo��oo o to deal with future ceists �>Genera� Fund mon'�es to be transferred are orie-toome revereues Monday 8/25/2008 Proposed Staffing Recommended Positions (all departments) Municipal Court Town Secretary Planning & Zoning Human Resources Facilities Maintenance Parks & Recreation Deputy Court Clerk Administrative Clerk Administrative Clerk Administrative Clerk Administrative Clerk Administrative Clerk 29.50 1.00 .50 .33 .33 .17 .17 1 1 • Municipal Court Position — Revenue neutral (General Fund) Town Secretary clerical Position — 50% General Fund /50% Tf SPCA funded Additional clerical position to be shared by Planning and Zoning, Human Resources, Facilities Maintenance & Parks and Recreation (General Fund) 0 See page 186 for if Monday 8/25/2008 Staffing Costs Proposed average Market Pay Adjustment 7 w aHes by pos tt n ➢ Amount budgeted for Market Adj. x716 ➢ Performance Pay 3 � oo (budgeted in Contingency) ➢ Budgeted increase in Employe e 0th �nsuranc 15 Monday 8/25/2008 Service Level Adjustments ➢ 2 Types of SLXs • Maintain Current Service Level • New or Expanded Service Level General Fund 1481674 6841399 8331074 Utility Fund 79,501 601469 1391969 Visitors Association Fund (11383) 9671350 9651967 Cemetery Fund 171743 171298 351041 Vehicle /Equipment Repl. - 341115 341115 GF Major Maint Fund (660) 1381500 1371840 Monday 8/25/2008 7 -� Monday 8/25/2008 Strategic Key Result Areas Impacted: Inviting Residential and Corporate Neighborhoods Comprehensive Planning Neighborhood Integrity Community Appearance Quality Development Aesthetic Standards Open Space Preservation We Are Leaders Premier Education Facilities and Programs Well Educated Future headers and Thinkers Business Partnerships with Town and Westlake Academy Environment Stewardship High Quality Services Coupled with Financial Stewardship Infrastructure Maintenance 8s Planning Hospitality Finds A Home in Westlake Citizen Engagement Citizen Communication Permits & fees 30% General Fund FY 2008/2009 Projected Revenues Fines & Forfeitures Intergovernmental 12% 0% Investment Earnings 1% Misc Revenue 1% Franchise Fees 12% Mixed Beverage Tax 0% 'ransfers In 14% General Sales Tax 30% Monday 8/25/2008 � General Fund FY 2008/2009 Department Expenditures Emergency Services 40% Town Secretary 4 %_ Planning & Zoning 4% Administrative 26% Monday 8/25/2008 Municipal Court 9% Parks & Recreation 3% Public Works 4% Facilties Maintenance 7% Finance 3% General Fund Revenues Revenues & Receipts $ 51477,787 Revenue Type Percent General Sales Tax 30% Mixed Beverage Tax 0% Franchise Fees 12% Permits & fees 30% Intergovernmental 0% Fines & Forfeitures 12% Investment Earnings 1 Misc Revenue 1 *Transfers In 14% *$ 706,650 from Property Tax Reduction Fund Monday 8/25/2008 3,750,000 3,500,000 3,250,000 3,000,000 2,750,000 2,500,000 2,250,000 2,000,000 1,750,000 1,500,000 1,250,000 1,000,000 750,000 500,000 250,000 0 Sales Tax History All Funds Combined — 2% total N M � N Ln O1 Oct 01 FY2004 FY2005 Monday 8/25/2008 FY2006 FY2007 N O � 00 Ln M M M M 2008 2009 estimated proposed � d' Oct M N M tC 01 M N FY2006 FY2007 N O � 00 Ln M M M M 2008 2009 estimated proposed General Fund Expenditures Total Expenditures 1 Using onetime revenue ( 506,000) ®eloitte building permit fee for one-time Expenditures or interfund Transfers SL Xs funded by this revenue source rush Fire Truck Cab & Chassis 55800 oAgenda M mt Software 1870 • ®eloitte Inspection & Contract Svcs. , • Portion of Pickup Truck 16,,000 • a roll Equipment/Software 3 ,,000 o Transfer to Gen Major Mace Fun 200�000 • Transfer to v & E Fund $134500 506000 • Note- Expenses won't occur untH revenue is received Monday 8/25/2008 General Fund Service Level Adjustments Maintain Service Level $148,674 New or Expanded Service Level F * $ 684,399 breaks down as follows: Payroll Adjustments One -time Costs Recurring Costs Monday 8/25/2008 $ 53,951 $487,823 $142,625 Total * See Pages 187 —191 for detail on SLNs General Fund FY 2008/2009 Expenditures by Function Insurance 0% Services 30% Supplies 4% ' Payroll Related & Benefits ° 90/ Monday 8/25/2008 Repair & Maintenance 4% Rent & Utilities 5% Payroll /Salaries 28% Economic Development Incentives 90/ Capital Outlay 3% Transfers Out 8% General Fund Fund Balance Designation > $ 647,708 proposed to designated for Arts and See page 54 feu r details Monday 8/25/2008 Residential Building Permits Monday 8/25/2008 32 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Residential Construction History FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 Projected Proposed Monday 8/25/2008 Commercial Building Permits Monday 8/25/2008 34 Commercial Construction History 250,000,000 225,000,000 200,000,000 175,000,000 150,000,000 125,000,000 100,000,000 75,000,000 50,000,000 25,000,000 C FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 Projected Proposed Monday 8/25/2008 ' O Q1 ` I� -- - - - O M LA Ln O . _ _ w O 0 M O 00 N � O O P% C _ O N FY 00/01 FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 Projected Proposed Monday 8/25/2008 ' TIM ME wo, j WA M Strategic Plan Key Result Ik' Areas Impacte Inviting Residential and Corporate Neighborhoods Comprehensive Planning We Are Leaders Environment S High Quality Services Coupled with Finan Stewardship Infrastructure Mainte and planning Hospitality Finds A Home in Westlake Citizen Communication Utility Fund Projected Revenues FY 2008/2009 = $2,305,832 Interest Earned 2% Misc. Revenue 0% Impact Fees 1% Tap Fees 1% Waste Management 2% Debt Service Areas 4% Monday 8/25/2008 Sewer Revenue 17% Meter Re 0% Dater Revenue 73% Water Purchases /Peak Pmt 44% Monday 8/25/2008 Utility Fund Projected Expenses FY 2008/2009 = $2,089,008 Insurance G L /Auto /Property 0% Services 12% Repair & Mtce 4% Supplies 1% Rent & Utilities 5% Interfund Payments /Debt 10% Payroll Related 2% Capital Outlay 3% Total Transfers Out 3% Capital Projects 8% Payroll 8% Utility Fund P11= 0 0 ell�ll�illi� T. ➢ Increase estimated in ending balance from $1.3 mflUon, M FY 07108 to $1.5 million in FY 08/09 (See page 158-) ➢ Expenditures = $ 2,089,008 Monday 8/25/2008 39 Utility Fund Service Level Adjustments Maintain Service Level $79,501 Payroll Adjustment One Tome Costs Recurring Costs Monday 8/25/2008 New or Expanded Service Level y Total MHOM ,._,r� 1 WIN, Monday 8/25/2008 Strategic Plan Key Result Areas Impacted: Inviting Residential and Corporate Neighborhoods Comprehensive Planning Aesthetic Standards Hospitality Finds A Home in Westlake Historic Preservation Tourism Development Arts and Culture Visitor Association Fund Fund Balance — Beginning Receipts Total Expenditures Transfers Out Total Less Restricted Funds FUND BALANCE ENDING • Transfers Out of $ 890,050 breaks down as follows: Monday 8/25/2008 $ 1,3181957 $ 499,000 $ 1,817,957 Debt Service $ 640,050 Capital Projects 250 000 (FM1938 Streetscape) $ 890,050 $ 445,707 $ 890,050* $ 11335,757 $ - 5, 000 $ 477,200 Visitors Association Fund Projected Revenues Hotel Occupancy Tax 90% Monday 8/25/2008 FY 2008/2009 = $ 499,000 1% Arbor Days Income 2% terest come 6% storical 3oa rd icome 1% Visitors Association Projected Expenditures Transfers Out 67% Monday 8/25/2008 FY 2008/2009 = $1,335,757 Capital Outlay 0% Payroll _7% Payroll Related 2% Supplies 2% Services 20% Rent & Utilities 2% Visitor Association Fund Service Level Adjustments ➢ Maintain Current Service Level $ 56,260 *Marriott Transportation ➢ New /Expanded Service Level • Marriott Marketing $ 93,470 • Transfer to Debt Service $ 640,050 • Transfer to Capital Projects (FM1938streetscape) $ 250,000 • Communications /marketing $ 50,000 * See page 193 for SLA details Monday 8/25/2008 Monday 8/25/2008 Strategic Plan Key Result Areas Impacted: Inviting Residential and Corporate Neighborhoods Comprehensive Planning's ' Hospitality Finds A Home in Westlake ,f Citizen Communication Property lax Reduction Fund (Former 4A Fund) Funding Source — /2 cent sales tax Transfers Out 956650* FUND BALANCE ENDING $ 461,090 Monday 8/25/2008 Property.Tax Reduction Fund (cont) (Former 4A Fund) Transfer out of $ 956,650 allocated as follows: ✓ Capital Projects Fund for Stagecoach Hills Street Reconstruction $ 250,000 ✓ General Fund Expenditures • O&M $ 473,500 • Master Plan $ 50,000 • Pay Adjustments $ 100,000 $ 706,650 • Portion of Backup Generator $ 20,000 • SLA On -going $ 63,150 TOTAL $ 956,650 Monday 8/25/2008 Monday 8/25/2008 Strategic Plan Key Result Areas Impacted: Inviting Residential and Corporate Neighborhoods Comprehensive Planning We Are Leaders Premiere Education Facilities and Prograri Hospitality Finds A Home in WestlakeM Citizen Communication 46 Economic Development Fund Funding Source — %2 cent sales tax Fund Balance — Beginning Receipts (Sales Tax) Transfers Out to Debt Service FUND BALANCE ENDING $ 327,039 $ 832,176 $1,159,215 $ 861,907 $ 297,308 Monday 8/25/2008 �' Premiere Education Facilities and Programs High Quality Services Coupled with Financial Debt Service Fund Fund Balance — Beginning Transfers I n Visitors Fund 4B Fund Expenditures FUND BALANCE ENDING $ -0- $ 640,050 $ 861,907 $1,501,957 $ 1,501,957 • All debt service expenditures are related to bonds issued for construction /expansion of Westlake Academy • Total bond indebtedness as of FY 08/09 (see page 130 for details) Principal & Interest $ 35,265,086 Monday 8/25/2008 Monday 8/25/2008 Strategic Plan Key Result M Areas Impacted: Inviting Residential and Corporate Neighborhoods Neighborhood Integrity Community Appearance 4 Aesthetic Standards We Are Leaders da High Quality Services Coupled with Financial Stewardship Hospitality Finds A Home in Westlake Citizen Engagement Historic Preservation Cemetery Fund • i.' Mw3,14,Mwv FORTRIlme Expenditures FUND BALANCE ENDING Monday 8/25/2008 $ 66,506 X1,550 $ 88,056 E $ 2'7,758 See page 194 for SLA Detail Monday 8/25/2008 Strategic Plan Key Result Areas Impacted: Inviting Residential and Corporate Neighborhoods We Are Leaders Hospitality Finds A Home in Westlake Vehicle &Equipment Replacement Fund Fund Balance — Beginning $ -0- Transfer In (from General Fund) $134,500 Expenditures * Monitor /Defibrillator $ 27,215 * Furniture & Fixtures $ 6,900 34,115 FUND BALANCE ENDING $100,385 Monday 8/25/2008 /a —J Cad.;8 StrateRl Key R Areas Im Inviting Residential andF Corporate Neighborhoods Neighborhood Integrity Community Appearance Aesthetic Standards We Are Leaders Premier Education Facilities and Programs Environmental Stewardship :)spitality Finds A Home in Westlake Citizen Communication Monday 8/25/20(., -. Funded Capital Improvement Projects Project Description Funded By Project Amount Water Well for Civic Campus Dove Road Bridge Expansion Deloitte Trail Gleynwyck Trail Extension Stagecoach Hills Paving FM 1938 Streetscape Total Capital Projects Fund — 410 Arts and Sciences Center Total Arts & Sciences Center Fund — 411 TRA Assumption of N1 Sewer Line Water Meter Automation Total Utility Fund - 500 General Fund General Fund Contributions Contributions Property Tax Fund Visitors Association Contributions /Bonds Utility Fund Utility Fund 45,000 60,000 25,000 15,000 250,000 250,000 $ 645,000 3,969,460 $ 3,969,460 146,501 27,000 $ 173,501 Grand Total All Projects (All Funds) $ 4,787,961 See page 136 -138 for details Monday 8/25/2008 Ahl Strategic Plan Key Result Areas Impacted: Inviting Residential and corporate Neighborhoods Community Appearance Quality Development Aesthetic Standards We Are Leaders Premier Education Facilities and Programs Well Educated Future Leaders and Thinkers Business Partnerships with Town and Westlake Academy Hospitality Finds A Home in Westlake Citizen Engagement 151/2008 61 ` 4,-� • lw Z4 A '7 3F Five Year Forecast )��A Planning Tool ➢Allows for Course Correction Policy Questions to Think About )�� What service,5 does the Town wish to provide? ➢ What level of services? ➢ What capital improvements, if any, do we want to )�� How do we provide these things i manner r "' is ancially sustainabfinle? Possible Areas to Examine in the Future ➢ Grote Existing Revenues Sourceso -Sales Tax - etafl Economic ®evei®p ent ➢ New Revenues Scurces for Operations Funding ➢ Economic Development Policies -Sales Tax Abatement G.Properp Tax Abatement ➢ Possible CIP Funding Sources -intergovernmental overnmental Cooperative Efforts Private Development Fees -Pare Land Dedications -Water & Sewer Impact Fees - Grants -Storm water Utility p ��� � p - Other t Next Steps ➢Another Budget Workshop 09 -08-08 Public Hearing at 09-08-08 Regular Meeting )�> Adoption at 09-08-08 or 09-22-08 Meeting 46mili I' 1 �41 J ow 9 • X. - I-- L ons ol IF It Town of Westlake Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen From: Troy J. Meyer, Director of Facilities and Recreation Subject: Workshop Meeting of August 25, 2008 Date: August 19, 2008 ITEM Presentation and discussion of a Status Report on construction of the Arts and Sciences Center. VISION PINT AND KEY RESULT AREAS This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: Rl We are Leaders • Premier educational facilities and programs • High quality services delivery coupled with financial stewardships BACKGROUND Staff will continue to update the Board as outlined in the timeline below: Timeline August 28, 2008 - Building Committee reviews bids - 4:30p.m. Town Hall - Review FF& E package - Review construction bid package September 8, 2008 - Board of Aldermen Workshop or - Funding update Meeting - Receive and review bids for interior and exterior finishes. At this time, staff will seek direction from the Board regarding forward progress with the project. September 22, 2008 - Board of Aldermen Meeting - Funding update - Consider award of bid for exterior and interior finishes. September 237 2008 - Construction begins No recommendation at this time. FUNDING N/A ATTACHMENTS None Agenda Items FUTURE ITEMS This worksheet should include items that require discussion by the Board, but have not been scheduled for a specific meeting date Date Dept, Item Description Mtg or Wrkshp Generated by t Date 5/12/2008 School Exit Interviews Board 5/13/2008 Draft Policy for naming all Town facilities for the Board's consideration Wrkshp Staff Wrkshp wrkshp and PH 9/22 5/23/2008 Community Developmen Update on status of work on proposed oil & gas drilling /pipeline ordinance Adoption 10/6 Board /staff 5/23/2008 Facilities Building Use Policy Wrkshp workshop & approval 9/8/08 Staff 5/23/2008 Facilities Discuss Comprehensive Plan and Plan Elements Wrkshp Staff 5/23/2008 Public Works Southlake Waterline Proposal Wrkshp Staff 5/30/2008 Facilities Cemetery Rules & Reg. Wrkshp 28- Jul -08 Staff 5/30/2008 Facilities Water Well Reg. Mtg Mtg 10/6 Staff 7/15/2008 Town Manager PAC, WAF, WHSP (Bylaws to comport with PAC) Reg. Mtg Staff 7/29/2008 Facilities Create Park and Rec Advisory Board Wrkshp Staff Deadline to submit items for agenda(s) is August 28, 2008 Don - Ou) Aldermen Meeting Plate Dept, Item Description status Mtq or Wrkshp 7/29/2008 Facilities Bldg Use Policy discussion and adoption Wkshp and mtg Discussed at 7/29 post board meeting 8/25/2088 Finance Budget Public Hearing Reg. Mtg 8/12/200 Budget Adoption Reg. Mtg 8/12/2008 Troy A&S center bid review wkhp 8/12/2008 Finance Possible continuation of budget workshop wkohp e/18/2008 T Mgr and DPG Keller PDcontract Rog. MLg possible workshop discussion Trustees Meeting 'Date Dept. Item, Description Status Mtq or Wr,kshp Aldermen Meeting Gate Dept. Item Description Status Mtg or Wr shp 7/29/2008 Troy Award BID for A &S Center Reg. Mtg 8/14/2008 EE Gas Drilling and pipeline ordinance workshop and public hearing wrkshp and mtg Deadline y �� � submit agenda(s) September c , �k Aldermen Meeting Date Dept. Item Description Status Mtg or 8/14/2008 EE Gas drilling and pipeline ordinance presentation and approval Reg. Mtg 8/14/2008 EE PD 3 -3 Amendment Reg. Mtg 8/14/2008 EE Deloitte SP, PP, and FP Reg. Mtg 8/14/2008 EE Water well amendment Reg. Mtg 8/18/2008 JG Utility Rate Increase Reg. Mtg (P &Z Sept. 25) (P &Z Sept. 25) (P &Z Sept. 25) VA MI: Deadline to submit items for agenda(s) is Oct. 16, 2008 Aldermen Meeting 8/15/2008 EE Bldg Code and amendments Reg. Mtg im. Deadline to submit items for agenda(s) is Oct. 30,2008 Aldermen Meeting Date Dept. Item description 8/14/2008 ee zoning amendment for gas drilling and pipeline ordinance Trustees Meetin Reg. Mtg P&Z on October 23 per EE tfrrlr4r-- M-7M, ;; WESTLAKE OW11 AALL 3 VILLAGE CIRCLE 7:00 p 3. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Board will receive the information, ask staff to review the matter, or an item may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. 4. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Aldermen and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Review and approve minutes of the Board of Aldermen workshop held on July 28, 2008. b. Review and approve minutes of the Board of Aldermen regular meeting held on August 11, 2008 e. Consider approval of a resolution supporting locally enforced motor vehicle idling limitations for the North Central Texas region and enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Texas Environmental Quality Commission. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Regular Meeting Agenda August 25, 2008 5. CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE DELETING SECTION WESTLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES SEWAGE (SEPTIC Page 2 of 2 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under "Future Agenda Item Requests ", an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Town Manager with the requested item and the Town Manager will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item's relationship to the Board's strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Town Manager will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. - Joint Regional Meeting with Roanoke, Trophy Club and Northwest ISD " 0 9/10/08,6:30 p.m., Roanoke City Hall - Westlake Academy Strategic Planning Retreat 0 9/12/08 — 9/13/08 - Corporate Neighbors Reception 0 9/18/08, 5:30 — 7:30 p.m. @ the home of Doug and Laura Wheat - Joint Board of Aldermen /Planning & Zoning Commission land use /zoning training 0 9/29/08,6-8 p.m., Town Hall offices, Municipal Court Room - Arbor Day Celebration 0 10/11/08, Glen Wyck Farms park area, Time TBA - Texas Municipal League Annual Conference and Exhibition 0 10/28 — 10/31/08, San Antonio, Texas I'�� Dire] IN1.2 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, by Wednesday, August 20, 2008, by 5 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817- 490 -5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Town of I AW . e,_�t �. Item r Pledge Allegiance NMM�M@ Little bit of history: In 1933, the legislature passed a law establishing rules for the proper display of the flag and providing for a pledge to the flag: "Honor the Texas Flag of 1836; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible." The pledge erroneously referred to the 18' )6 national flag, known as David G. Burnet's flag, instead of the Lone Star Flag. Senator Searcy Bracewell introduced a bill to correct this error in 1951, but the legislature did not delete the words "of 1836" until 1965." The pledge was again amended by House Bill 1034 during the 80th Legislature with the addition of "one state under God." The revised wording became effective on June 15, 2007. Town of Westlakc Presentations I This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Board will receive the information, ask staff to review the matter, or an item may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. TOWN OF MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF ummiI PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Aldermen Carol Langdon, Don Redding, and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: Aldermen Tim Brittan and Larry Corson. STAFF PRESENT: Town Manager Thomas Brymer, Town Attorney Stan Lowry, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, DPS Director Don Wilson and Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry. Mayor Wheat called the workshop to order at 4:11 p.m. 2. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION ! STATUS REPORT REGARDING THE UTILITY V. . D ,. Superintendent of Public Works Greenwood addressed the Board regarding the item. Mr. Greenwood advised the Board that a utility rate study is typically conducted every two to three years and includes a comprehensive analysis of current rates to determine if full cost of services is being recovered. Mr. Greenwood added that the last rate increase for water and sewer services was 2004. Mr. Greenwood reviewed the Town's fiscal and budgetary policies, the existing and proposed water rates (base rates and volume rates), and the existing sewer rates (base rates and volume rates) and proposed change. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Workshop Minutes July 28, 2008 istinLy and Proposed Water Rates: Existing and Proposed Sewer Rates: Existing rGp"',Se,,rt BASE RATES Existing Existing Sea Meter Size Existing , Proposed de - t iaz Existing Proposed Meter Size Residential Residential Commercial Commercial 3/4" $ 37.50 39.00 $ 25 $ 39.00 1 55.00 55 65.1'3 $ 25 $ 65.13 1.5" 105.00 102.50 129.87 $ 75 $ 129.87 2" 170.00 157.50 207.87 $ 150 $ 207.87 3" $ 325 455.13 $ 450 $ 455.13 4" $ 720 819.00 Residential includes 2000 gallons 1,500 $ 819.00 Residential Includes 2000 gallons VOLUME RATES Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Volume Residential Residential Commercial Commercial " 0-2000 $ - $ 2.86 $ 2.50 $ 2.85 2001-10000 $ 2.50 $ 2.85 $ 2.75 $ 2.85 10001-20000 $ 2.60 $ 2.85 $ 3.50 $ 2.85 20001-40000 $ 2.70 $ 3.56 $ 4.00 $ 3.56 40001 - 400000 $ 2.80 $ 4.45 $ 4.50 , $ 4.45 +400000 $ 2.90 $ 5.57 $ 6.00 $ 5.57 Existing and Proposed Sewer Rates: Page 2 of 5 Existing rGp"',Se,,rt 211-11, CO3 Existing Existing Sea Meter Size Residential Res i de - t iaz Commercial C a'l 3/4" $ 30.00 z 3 0, 01 0 $ 30.00 '4 $ 3.21 11. $ 55.00 $ zi!S. $ 55.00 $ 0 0 1.5" $ 105.00 $ 10, 5, 03 0 $ 105.00 $ 0510 0 2" $ 170.00 3, 2 i 1 T0, iOND, $ 170.00 1211 -i70.01 3" $ 370.00 F 7,00)0 $ 370.00 $ 370,00 4" $ 635.0 0 Cap Removed $ 635.00 635,00 Residential includes 2000 gallons Page 2 of 5 Existing 211-11, CO3 Existing Residential Commercial C"'c,3vu-nem-a 0-2000 $ - $ 3.21 $ 3,21 2001-10000 $ 3.21 12 i $ 3.21 3,21 10001-20000 $ 121 Ni 121, $ 3.21 3,21 20001-40000 $ - $ 3.211 $ 3.21 3, 2 i 40001-400000 $ - m 1211 $ 3.21 '47", 3,21 +400000 $ - 121 $ 3.21 Residential is capped at 20,000 gallons Cap Removed Page 2 of 5 Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Workshop Minutes July 28, 2008 Page 3 of 5 Mr. Greenwood advised the Board that the only proposed change to the sewer rates is to eliminate the 20,000 gallon cap on residential. Additionally, Mr. Greenwood compared the current and proposed rates by neighborhoods in Westlake, as well as the neighboring communities of Trophy Club, Roanoke, Keller, and Southlake. Board discussion ensued with regard to the need to communicate the rate increase to the residents, the need to promote conservation, the status of the search for a secondary water source, the affect of the increase on the budget, upcoming capital projects and the costs associated with each. Mayor Wheat emphasized the need to communicate with residents regarding the increase and suggested the Town consider holding a forum as a means to share water conservation measures with residents. Mayor Wheat referenced an article regarding Boone Pickens and his plan to acquire water rights for resell and recommended the Town Manager evaluate the concept. Town Manager Brymer advised the Board that if capital costs continue to increase, the Town may need to consider some type of impact fee as a funding source. Town Manager Brymer advised the Board that the Town purchased a rate model module as part of the study, giving staff the ability to evaluate the water rates between comprehensive studies. Additionally, Mr. Brymer stated that staff will present a budget impact scenario based on a 10% conservation rate. In closing, Town Manager Brymer advised the Board that a rate ordinance will be presented in the fall for Board consideration and, if approved, the rate increase will be implemented in January 2009. Mr. Brymer added that the proposed rate structure will be utilized in preparing the FY 2008 -2009 budget. 3. PRESENTATI ®N AND DISCUSSI ®N REGARDING THE ROANOKE I. . .I+. CE TERY. - Rules, regulations policies and procedures for the operation of the cemetery. Facilities and Recreation Director Meyer addressed the Board regarding the item. Mr. Meyer reviewed the history of how the Town acquired the cemetery, reviewed the funding earmarked for the ground maintenance and a cemetery master plan, as well as possible options for operating and regulating a cemetery. Mr. Meyer advised that an official title search needs to be completed before the Town can sell plots, and recommended the Board adopt rules, regulations, policies, and procedures for the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Workshop Minutes July 28, 2008 Page 4 of 5 operation of the cemetery. Mr. Meyer also presented possible improvements to the cemetery (new fencing, irrigation, master plan, and contracted services). Board discussion ensued regarding the possibility of including a mausoleum, focusing on the green aspect, and the need for a cemetery advisory committee. Board recommendations to the rules, regulations, policies and procedure include defining `cemetery' and who owns, and considering the addition of a mausoleum and associated rules. Mr. Meyer stated that a parks committee might be a consideration and duties of the Tree City USA committee could be a responsibility of the parks committee in addition to cemetery oversight. Town Attorney Lowry advised the Board that, given the quick release of the cemetery to the Town, all issues are unknown to the Town at this time and it would be difficult to implement permanent plans until issues are identified. However, operating procedures would be appropriate at this time. Mr. Meyer stated that the next step will include bringing someone in to organize records and work with Town staff to fine -tune the rules and regulations for the cemetery. 4. PRESENTATI ®N AND DISCUSSI ®N OF A STATUS REPORT ON CONSTRUCTION OF THE ARTS AND SCIENCES CENTER. A. Timeline B. Review interior /exterior finishes C. Funding update Facilities and Recreation Director Meyer addressed the Board regarding the item. Mr. Meyer reviewed the construction timeline, funding resources, and phase costs. Construction Timeline: - June 2008 - June 2008 - July 2008 - July /August 2008 - August 21, 2008 - August 28, 2008 - September 8, 2008 - September 22, 2008 - September 23, 2008 Groundbreaking for utility relocation Estimate from construction manager for all phases Drawings 100% complete Bid packages released Bid packages due Bids reviewed by Building Committee Workshop with Board of Aldermen to review bids Approval of construction contract Construction begins Board discussion ensued with regard to the status of fundraising, and a back -up plan to provide the necessary facilities for the students should construction be delayed. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Workshop Minutes July 28, 2008 Page 5 of 5 As a back -up plan, Town Manager Brymer stated that following the evaluation of the bids, staff would have an opportunity in the fall to review and evaluate other options for providing the necessary facilities. Mr. Brymer added that the Board will need to review all capital project needs of the Town before any decisions can be made. The next update will be provided to the Board at the August 25, 2008, meeting. . IMMUNE There being no further business to come before the Board, Mayor Wheat adjourned the workshop at 6:55 p.m. ....�; ' i C : : i • ,� 1..E f � 1 M ` Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF BOARD OF ALDERMEN REGULAR MEETING August 11, 2008 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Aldermen Tim Brittan, Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: Alderman Don Redding. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Thomas Brymer, Town Attorney Matthew Boyle, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, DPS Director Don Wilson, Finance Director Debbie Piper, and Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry. ! ! ': U of '' Mayor Wheat called the meeting to order at 8:24 p.m. 2. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. There was no one present wishing to address the Board. 3. CONSENT AGENDA. Mayor Wheat introduced the consent agenda and requested a motion. a. Review and approve minutes of the Board of Aldermen regular meeting held on July 28, 2008. c. Consider approval of a $624 Increase to the Town Manager's approved interim housing allowance during his transition period to permanent housing for his employment with the Town of Westlake. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Regular Meeting Minutes August 11, 2008 Page 2 of 3 MOTION: Alderman Corson made a motion to approve the consent agenda, with the exception of item "b ". Alderwoman Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3 -0, with Alderwoman Langdon out of the room at the time of vote. b. Resolution 08 -49 - Consider a Resolution authorizing an agreement with Pivot Building Services and the Town of Westlake for janitorial services at the Westlake Civic Campus. Facilities and Recreation Director Meyer responded to questions raised by Alderwoman Langdon in regard to the janitorial services contract. Additionally, Mr. Meyer advised the Board that a full -time day porter service is included as opposed to the part-time service utilized in the previous year. MOTION: Alderman Brittan made a motion to approve Resolution loo. 08 -49, as presented. Alderwoman Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4 -0. PRESENTATION 4. h DISCUSSION OF s CONSTRUCTION ARTS AND SCIENCES CENTER. Facilities and Recreation Director Meyer addressed the Board regarding the item. Mr. Meyer advised the Board that the pre -bid subcontractor conference was well attended, and the construction bids are due back to the Town on August 21, 2008. Following the bid opening, the bids will be reviewed by the Building Committee and subsequently by the Board of Aldermen. Mr. Meyer briefly outlined the structure of the bid document: Base bid Science, open space, and foundation for black box. Phase I Science portion, open space, shell for black box and art. Phase 2 Complete building Interior finish out options The next report will be given at the August 25, 2008, meeting. 5. PRESENTATION 1 DISCUSSION OF QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDING JUNE 30,2008. Finance Director Piper reviewed the quarterly financial reports for the quarter ending June 30, 2008. Mrs. Piper reviewed the expenditures, revenue and balances for the General, Utility, and Visitors Association Funds. Board discussion ensued regarding the report. Town Manager Brymer advised that staff will closely monitor the sales tax and hotel occupancy tax. Town of Westlake Board of (Aldermen Regular Meeting Minutes August 11, 2008 Page 3 of 3 Alderwoman Rollins mentioned the taxes charged to cell phone users as a possible revenue source, if the Town is not currently receiving. Additionally, Alderwoman Rollins advised that a new cemetery tax has been proposed and could be a consideration for maintenance of the cemetery. No items were submitted for consideration. 1 ZITw!-�l►1IYR Mayor Wheat reviewed the Board calendar. - Special Board of Trustees Meeting 8/21/08, 9:30 a.m., Town Hall offices, Municipal Court Room - Back to School Night 8/21/08, 5 p.m. registration Teacher Welcome Back Breakfast 8/22/08, 8 a.m. — 9 a.m., Academy Dining Hall - Corporate Neighbors Reception 9/18/08, 5:30 — 7:30 p.m. @ the home of Doug and Laura Wheat - Joint Board of Aldermen /Planning & Zoning Commission land use /zoning training 9/29/08, 6 -8 p.m., Town Hall offices, Municipal Court Room - Texas Municipal League Annual Conference and Exhibition 10/28 — 10/31/08, San Antonio, Texas There being no further business, Mayor Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Alderwoman Rollins made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Alderwoman Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4 -0. Mayor Wheat adjourned the meeting at 8:46 p.m. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen From: Don Wilson, Director of Public Safety Subject: Regular Meeting of August 25, 2008 Date: August 13, 2008 ITEM Consider approval of a resolution supporting locally enforced motor vehicle idling limitations for the North Central Texas region and enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Texas Environmental Quality Commission. VISION POINT AND KEY RESULT AREAS This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: Q We are Leaders o Environmental stewardship initiatives I REM c 1 1 J► FE As part of a regional plan to reduce air pollutants, on May 8, 2008, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approved a resolution supporting locally enforced motor vehicle idling restrictions in North Central Texas. Through this initiative, the RTC encourages local government adoption of the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality's (TCEQ) idling limitations rule as well as entrance into a North Texas memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the TCEQ for the purpose of enforcement. The MOA aims to control air pollution from motor vehicles as defined and the enforcement of the provisions of the regulations. Local government support and participation is appreciated in this effort to reduce vehicle emissions and improve air quality within the region. By participating in this regional plan, the Town will enforce idling restriction on diesel powered vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of 14,000 pounds or greater. These vehicles, while idling produce roughly 15 times more emissions than light -duty gasoline vehicles. This regional plan targets these vehicles for compliance during peak ozone producing season — between April and October — but does not hinder their operation due to allowable exemptions. Enforcement is under provisions of the Texas Administrative Code, Title 30 — Environmental Quality, Part 1 — Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Chapter 114 — Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles, Subchapter J — Operational Controls for Motor Vehicles, Division 2 — Locally Enforced Motor Vehicle Idling Limitations. Violations under this provision are subject to a fine not to exceed $500. FUNDING The Regional Transportation Council may consider compliance with this resolution when considering future Regional Transportation Council funding action. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: Cover letter from the Regional Transportation Council. Copy of the Texas Administrative Code Resolution No. 08 -50 Memorandum of Agreement FROM: Linda Koop Chair, Regional Transportation Council Councilmember, City of Dallas SUBJECT: North Central Texas Locally Enforced Idling Restrictions On May 8, 2008, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approved a resolution supporting locally enforced motor vehicle idling restrictions in North Central Texas. Through this initiative, the RTC encourages local government adoption of the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality's (TCEQ) idling limitations rule as well as entrance into a North Texas memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the TCEQ for the purpose of enforcement. Local government support and participation is appreciated in this effort to reduce vehicle emissions and improve air quality within the region. When idling, heavy -duty diesel vehicles produce roughly 15 times more emissions than light -duty gasoline vehicles; which further contributes to the air quality problem in Dallas -Fort Worth (DFW) and can lead to possible adverse health effects. To address these unnecessary emissions, locally enforced idling restrictions have been included as a control strategy in the Dallas -Fort Worth 8 -Hour Ozone Attainment Demonstration State Implementation Plan (SIP) and is one of several policies the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) has committed to implement by the start of the 2009 ozone season. Under this rule, all vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of 14,000 pounds or greater may not idle for more than five minutes within participating jurisdictions. This includes both public and private vehicles and is currently applicable between April and October, which is the peak of the ozone season. Several exemptions exist related to vehicle type, operations, and air - conditioning /heating provisions. A copy of the rule, including such exemptions, is provided for your reference. Adopting this rule and entering into the North Texas MOA is voluntary; however, the RTC reserves the right to consider approval of this rule when evaluating future funding eligibility. NCTCOG staff will be available to provide assistance in various stages as outlined below. &9—e Local Government Res onsibilit NCTCOG Assistance 1- Initiation Adopt Rule and Sign MOA Provide information to council members and commissioners 2- Education Install signs, promote program Develop regional signs, brochures, within jurisdiction web site, and idling complaint hotline 3- Enforcement Determine enforcement personnel Provide officer training on emissions and procedures database and facilitate discussions between agencies pertaining to funding opportunities P O. Box 5888 - Arlington, Texas 76005 -5888 • (817) 695 -9240 - FAX (817) 640 -3028 http://www.nctcog.dst.tx.us/trans a�• a. ! �f's Due to the region's SIP commitment deadline of March 1, 2009, NCTCOG would appreciate your entity's participation in this initiative by implementing idling restrictions as expeditiously as possible. Instigation of all three stages is most preferred in order for this program to yield the largest air quality benefit. In addition to being a SIP commitment, adoption of this rule may also qualify your entity for RTC funding in the near future. Copies of the signed RTC resolution, TCEQ idling rule, and North Texas MOA are enclosed for your review and consideration. Additional information on this initiative may be found at: www.nctcoq.org /ldlingRule. if you have any questions, please contact Amanda Brimmer at (817) 608- 2354 or abrimmer @nctcoq.orq. C�� 1�,06P Linda Koop Chair, Regional Transportation Council Councilmember, City of Dallas W E:cg Enclosures cc: Theresa Pella, Air Quality Section Manager, TCEQ Michael Morris, P.E., Director of Transportation, NCTCOG Christopher Klaus, Senior Program Manager, NCTCOG Carrie Reese, Program Manager, NCTCOG Amanda Brimmer, Senior Transportation Planner, NCTCOG §114.510 Definitions §114.511 Applicability 11§ 4.512 Control Requirements for Motor Vehicle Idling 11§ 4.517 Exemptions Unless specifically defined in the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 382 (also known as the Texas Clean Air Act) or in the rules of the commission, the terms used in this subchapter have the meanings commonly ascribed to them in the field of air pollution control. In addition to the terms which are defined by Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 382; §3.2 of this title (relating to Definitions); § 101.1 of this title (relating to Definitions); and § 114.1 of this title (relating to Definitions), the following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. (1) Idle- -The operation of an engine in the operating mode where the engine is not engaged in gear, where the engine operates at a speed at the revolutions per minute specified by the engine or vehicle manufacturer for when the accelerator is fully released, and there is no load on the engine. (2) Local government - -A city, county, municipality, or political subdivision of the state. (3) Motor vehicle- -Any self - propelled device powered by an internal combustion engine and designed to operate with four or more wheels in contact with the ground, in or by which a person or property is or may be transported, and is required to be registered under Texas Transportation Code, §502.002, excluding vehicles registered under §502.006(c). (4) Primary propulsion engine - -A gasoline or diesel - fueled internal combustion engine attached to a motor vehicle that provides the power to propel the motor vehicle into motion and maintain motion. Source Note: The provisions of this § 114.510 adopted to be effective December 9, 2004, 29 TexRegI1355 The provisions of §1l4.5l2 and §ll4.5l7of this title (relating k)Control Requirements for Motor Vehicle Idling; and one) are applicable only within the jurisdiction of local government that has signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the commission to delegate enforcement of the provisions of this division to that local government. Source Note: The provisions of this § 114.511 adopted to be effective December 9,2004, 29 TexIlegl1355 RULE §114.582 Control Requirements for Motor Vehicle Idling (u)No person shall cause, suffer, allow, orpermit the primary propulsion engine n[amotor vehicle to idle for more than five consecutive minutes when the motor vehicle, as defined in §l14.5lUuf this title (relating toI)eOoidoos),is not in motion during the period ofApril ] through October 3lof each calendar year. (b) Nm driver using the vehicle's sleeper berth may idle the vehicle: in uncoidoniiul area as defined by Local Government Code, §244.001, in a school zone, within 1,000 feet of a hospital, or within 1,O{K} feet ofu public school during its hours ofoperation. An offense under this subsection may he punishable byu fine not to exceed $50O. This subsection expires September l, 2009. Source Note: The provisions nf this §ll4.512 adopted k)hc effective December 9,2004,29 7exBegll355; amended tnhe effective May l7.2QO0.9lTexReg39O0; amended 0nbc effective February 21,2008,93TexRng1345 RULE § 114.517 Exemptions The provisions of§ll4.5l2oy this title (relating to Control Requirements for Motor Vehicle Idling) donot apply to: (l) z motor vehicle that has u Qrnxo vehicle weight rating of 14,000 pounds or less and does not have a sleeper berth; (2) a motor vehicle that has agnoas vehicle weight rating uf 14,000 pounds or less, after September l,2OO9; (3) a motor vehicle forced to remain motionless because of traffic conditions over which the operator has nucontrol; (4) u motor vehicle being, used by the United States military, national guurd, or reserve forces, ocaoun emergency nr law enforcement motor vehicle; (5) the primary propulsion engine of a motor vehicle providing a power source necessary for mechanical operation, other than propulsion, and/or passenger compartment heating, or alir (6) the primary propulsion engine of a motor vehicle being operated for maintenance or diagnostic purposes; (7) the primary propulsion engine of a motor vehicle being operated solely to defrost a windshield; (8) the primary propulsion engine of a motor vehicle that is being used to supply heat or air conditioning necessary for passenger comfort and safety in vehicles intended for commercial or public passenger transportation, or passenger transit operations, in which case idling up to a maximum of 30 minutes is allowed; (9) the primary propulsion engine of a motor vehicle being used to provide air conditioning or heating necessary for employee health or safety while the employee is using the vehicle to perform an essential job function related to roadway construction or maintenance; (10) the primary propulsion engine of a motor vehicle being used as airport ground support equipment; (11) the owner of a motor vehicle rented or leased to a person that operates the vehicle and is not employed by the owner; or (12) a motor vehicle when idling is necessary to power a heater or air conditioner while a driver is using the vehicle's sleeper berth for a government- mandated rest period and is not within two miles of a facility offering external heating and air conditioning connections at a time when those connections are available. Source Note® The provisions of this § 114.517 adopted to be effective December 9, 2004, 29 TexReg 11355; amended to be effective May 17, 2006, 31 TexReg 3900; amended to be effective February 21, 2008, 33 TexReg 1345 Source: http://info-sos..state.tx.us/pls/pub/readtaclext.vie wtac 3 0. ,i ► Ell WHEREAS, the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) has been designated as the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Dallas -Fort Worth Metropolitan Area by the Governor of Texas in accordance with federal law; and, WHEREAS, the Regional Transportation Council, comprised primarily of local elected officials, is the regional transportation policy body associated with the North Central Texas Council of Governments, and has been and continues to be a forum for cooperative decisions on transportation; and, WHEREAS, the Dallas -Fort Worth area is a federally designated nonattainment area for the pollutant ozone and air quality impacts the public and economic health of the entire region; and, WHEREAS, Locally Enforced Idling Restriction is a Voluntary Mobile Source Emission Reduction Program commitment in the Dallas -Fort Worth Eight -Hour Ozone Attainment Demonstration State Implementation Plan (SIP); and, WHEREAS, the Regional Transportation Council has no regulatory authority to enforce idling restrictions; and recognizes that local governments have such authority upon entering into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). DE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION l: The Regional Transportation Council endorses the TCEQ Idling Limitations Rule as published in the Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 114, Subchapter J, Operational Controls for Motor Vehicles, Division 2, Locally Enforced Motor Vehicle Idling Limitations. SECTION 2: The Regional Transportation Council encourages Local government adoption of the TCEQ Idling Limitations Rule by reference, and supports creation of a North Texas MOA to be entered into by local governments for the purpose of enforcement (Exhibit "A "). SECTION 3: The Regional Transportation Council commits to provide local governments assistance with development of applicable enforcement and education programs; SECTION 4: The Regional Transportation Council may consider compliance with this resolution when considering future Regional Transportation Council funding action. SECTION 5: This resolution will be transmitted to all local governments in the nine - county ozone nonattainment area; SECTION b: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 25TH DAY OF AUGUST 2008. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Town Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney This Memorandum of Agreement ( "Agreement ") is entered into between the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ( "TCEQ ") and the local governments signing this agreement and the Town of Westlake, collectively, the "Parties." 1. The Parties represent that they have the authority to enter into this MOA, including the authority granted by the Texas Government Code Chapter 791 Interlocal Cooperation Contracts. 2. The TCEQ has authority under Section 5.229 of the Texas Water Code and Section 3 82.03 3 of the Texas Health and Safety Code to enter into this MOA. 3. The Performing Parties have authority under Section 382.115 of the Texas Health and Safety Code to enter into this MOA. II. Intent and Purpose The intent of this MOA is to memorialize the agreement between the Parties to implement the following rules aimed at the control of air pollution from motor vehicles: 30 Texas Administrative Code ( "TAC ") Chapter 114, Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles, Subchapter J, Operation Controls for Motor Vehicles, Division 2, Locally Enforced Motor Vehicle Idling Limitations, Sections 114.510 — 114.512 and 114.517. The parties enter into this MOA for the purpose of delegating rule enforcement from TCEQ to Local Governments and incorporation the emission reductions resulting from the implementation and enforcement of the above - referenced rules into the State Implementation Plan ("SIP "). As used in this MOA the following terms have the meanings given below: 1. `EPA" shall mean the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2. "TCEQ" shall mean the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. 3. "Local Government" has the meaning assigned by 30 TAC Section 114.510. 4. "North Central Texas Area" shall refer to those Texas counties included in the Dallas -Fort Worth - Arlington (DFW) Texas, Metropolitan Statistical Area. 5. "SIP" shall refer to the State Implementing Plan. 1. Under Section 110 of the Federal Clean Air Act ( "FCAA "), 42 U.S. Code (U.S.C.) Section 7410, each state that has a non - attainment area must submit a SIP to the EPA demonstrating strategies to come into compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards ( "NAAQS "). 2. Section 110 of the FCAA, 42 U.S.0 Section 7410 requires Texas to submit to the EPA for approval any SIP revisions and to demonstrate that such SIP revisions will not interfere with any applicable requirement concerning attainment and reasonable further progress or any other requirement of the FCAA, as required by Section 110(1) of the FCAA. 3. On November 17, 2004, the TCEQ adopted rules concerning locally enforced motor vehicle idling limitations, which are applicable only within the jurisdiction of a Local Government that has signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the TCEQ delegating enforcement of the rules. The TCEQ submitted the rules to the EPA for approval on December 6, 2004. EPA approved the rules on June 10, 2005. 4. The Parties acknowledge that they have entered into this MOA voluntarily and it shall become binding upon the signature of the Executive Director of TCEQ or his designated representative. The Parties agree to comply with the terms of this MOA. 5. The Local Governments understand and agree that the commitments in this Agreement become federally enforceable by the EPA, and by persons using the citizen suits provision of the Federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C.A Section 7604), upon approval of this Agreement into the SIP. (A) Performing Parties agree as follows: 1. In accordance with the terms of this MOA, the Performing Parties agree to implement the following TCEQ Rules: a. 30 TAC Chapter 114, Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles, Subchapter J, Operation Controls for Motor Vehicle Idling Limitations, Sections 114.510 — 114.512 and 114.517. 2. The Performing Parties agree to submit the following information to the TCEQ for the rules listed above not later than forty -five (45) calendar days after the effective date of this MOA. a. Detailed description of the plan for implementation of these rules; b. Copies of local ordinances or resolutions adopted to implement these rules; and C. Copies of agreements entered between Performing Parties and other units of Local Government for the purpose of the implementation of these rules. Agreements entered into after the effective date of this MOA shall be submitted within forty -five (45) calendar days of their execution. 3. Copies of any requisite resolutions under Section 7.352 of the Texas Water Code shall be submitted to the TCEQ within fourteen (14) calendar days after passage by the local governing body. (E) The TCEQ agree to submit this agreement to the U.S. EPA as a technical support document to the DFW eight -hour ozone attainment demonstration SIP. VI. Term and Termination This MOA will become effective upon signature by the Parties and shall expire on January 2, 2013, unless renewed in writing by mutual agreement of the Parties. A Party may withdraw from this Agreement at any time upon thirty days written notice to the other Parties of this agreement. Withdrawal by a Local Government does not constitute termination of the entire MOA. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual written consent of the Parties. 3 r � The MOA represents the entire agreement between the TCEQ and the Performing Parties and supersedes all other agreements, understandings or commitments, written or oral, relative to the intent of this MOA. This MOA may not be amended or modified except pursuant to a mutual written agreement executed by each of the Parties. This MOA shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. In Witness Thereof, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Local Governments, by their authorized officers, have made and executed this MOA in multiple copies, each of which is deemed an original. I Name: Mark Vickery Title: Executive Director Date Memorandum of Agreement Local Government Signature Page In witness thereof, the Town of Westlake, Texas, through its authorized officer, has made and executed this signature page that shall be attached to the Memorandum of Agreement to Control Air Pollution From Motor Vehicles Through Locally Enforced Vehicle Idling Limits, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirely. Executed by: Town of Westlake, Texas Name: Title: f�. --� UOTITTY11AW-M-Pst To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen From: Eddie Edwards, Director of Planning and Development Subject: Regular Meeting of August 25, 2008 Date: August 15, 2008 ITEM Consider an Ordinance deleting Section 18 -2 of the Town of Westlake Code of Ordinances which regulates On -Site Sewage Facilities (septic systems). This item supports the following Vision Point and Key Result Areas: Q We are Leaders o High quality services delivery coupled with financial stewardships .G; J t Tarrant County Health Department — Environmental Services Division has been contracted with to provide plan review and inspection services for on -site sewage facilities installed within the Town of Westlake since 1997. However, the 1994 ordinance which contains design criteria for these systems was not repealed or altered to match the design requirements that Tarrant County uses. Our ordinance also requires annual testing and inspection by the Town Engineer and permitting of each system for one year periods. This is not being done and the fees prescribed would not cover the expenses incurred should we desire to begin enforcing the ordinance as written. The regulations used by Tarrant County exceed minimum State of Texas standards and are adequately enforced to assure safe sewage disposal. See the following link for additional information on permitting and inspection requirements: l ttn: %i ; %zv�v.tarra etc ount _.s ong /ehealti i %c�vp,f ,- ie� .._ `'A =763 � 3i15� 2 pp p No funding will be required if the proposed ordinance is approved. 1:7�C��7► i1lt�►il�i Staff recommends approval of the proposed ordinance deleting Section 18 -2 of the Town of Westlake Code of Ordinances. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. 598 •' 1 f i ', •i �f''1 • 1 ' • ' �. �, WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen previously adopted standards for on -site sewage facilities in the Town of Westlake, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake, Texas has contracted with Tarrant County for plan review and inspection services for on -site sewage facilities; and WHEREAS, the Tarrant County Health Department relies on the provisions of Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission rules, the Texas Health and Safety Code, and the Texas Water Code for its enforcement standards; and WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen wishes to amend the provisions of Section 18 -2 of the Code of Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen deems the adoption of this ordinance to be in the best interests of the health, safety, and welfare of the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS BOARD OF ALDERMEN: SECTION 1. THAT, the matters and facts recited hereinabove are hereby found and determined to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety; SECTION 2. THAT, Section 18 -2 of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended in its entirety and replaced as follows: "Requirements for septic systems: (a) A permit is required for any on -site sewage facility within the jurisdictional area of the Town of Westlake, Texas and its extraterritorial jurisdiction. Such permit must comply with the Rules adopted herein and is required regardless of lot size. (b) The State Rules regarding on -site sewage facilities, including 30 TAC Chapters 30 and 285, Chapters 341 and 366 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, and Chapters 7, 26, and 37 of the Texas Water Code, and all future amendments and revisions thereto, are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference, and all officials and employees of the Town of Westlake, Texas having duties under said Rules are authorized to perform such duties as are required of them under said Rules. (c) The Town Administrator is authorized to designate an on -site sewer facility Inspector for the Town of Westlake, Texas, who must be certified by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality before assuming the duties and responsibilities. SECTION 3. PENALTIES. This Ordinance adopts and incorporates all applicable penalty provisions related to on- site sewage facilities, which includes, but is not limited to, those found in Chapters 341 and 366 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapters 7, 26, and 37 of the Texas Water Code and 30 TAC Chapters 30 and 285. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Town Westlake Board of Aldermen, that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance should be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, or sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the Board of Aldermen without incorporation in this Ordinance of such unconstitutional phrases, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its date of approval as required by law. f i: 1110,14 a 171 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 25' DATE OF AUGUST 2008. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney i-own of Westlake Future l •d Items 6< FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under "Future Agenda Item Requests ", an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Town Manager with the requested item and the Town Manager will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item's relationship to the Board's strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Town Manager will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. OWNIM . �. Westlake Board . t . - Joint Regional Meeting with Roanoke, Trophy Club and Northwest ISD o 9/10/08, 6:30 p.m., Roanoke City Hall - Westlake Academy Strategic Planning Retreat o 9/12/08 — 9/13/08 - Corporate Neighbors Reception o 9/18/08, 5:30 — 7:30 p.m. @ the home of Doug and Laura Wheat - Joint Board of Aldermen /Planning & Zoning Commission land use /zoning training o 9/29/08, 6 -8 p.m., Town Hall offices, Municipal Court Room - Arbor Day Celebration o 10/11/08, Glen Wyck Farms park area, Time TBA - Texas Municipal League Annual Conference and Exhibition o 10/28 — 10/31/08, San Antonio, Texas Town of Westlake Back up material has not been provided for this item.