HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-09-08 TC Agenda Packet June 9, 2008 WESTLAKE CIVIC CAMPUS 2600 J. T. OTTINGER ROAD 7:00 p.m. i ' C '' r� 4131"e1l33,yWNNxe El9rej 3. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Aldermen and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a, =° A. Consider a Resolution authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an Interlocal Cooperation agreement with the Northeast Fire Department Association. e5o B. Consider a Resolution approving the opening of two new TexPool depository accounts to accommodate the Arts and Sciences Center project. C. Review and approve minutes of the Board of Aldermen and regular meeting held on May 19, 2008. F D. Consider a Resolution approving the addition of a 457 deferred compensation plan to the � i . employee benefit package. E. Review and approve any outstanding bills. Board of Aldermen Agenda June 9,2008 Page 2 of 3 4. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not Listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. 7. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE FOLLOWING CASES: —A) SITE PLAN; CASE NO. SP-08-01 B)PRELIMINARY PLAT; CASE NO. PP-08-01; Lots 1-6 C) FINAL PLAT; CASE NO. FP-08-01; Lots 1-2 only o�� � ALL THREE APPLICATIONS LISTED ABOVE PERTAIN TO THE FOLLOWING TRACTS OF LAND: approximately 10.22 acres of land in the Planned Development 3- Planning Area 10 (PD 3-10) zoning district, being a tract of land situated in the William Huff Survey, Abstract No. 648, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to AIL Investment, L.P., by deed recorded in Volume 13588, Page 189 and all of that tract of land conveyed to Hillwood Development Co. LLC (Tract 1) by deed recorded in County Clerk's Filing No. D205179108, both of Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; and, generally located at the Southwest corner of SH 377 and SH 170. 8. CONSIDER O MEMBERS ACADEMY FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS. BOARD CALENDAR. - School Board Training 6/10—6/11, 6 p.m. - Westlake Academy Foundation meeting—6/12/08, 8:30 a.m. - Texas Student Housing Authority meeting- 6/17/08, 5:30 p.m. - Celebrate Scott Bradley -6/21/08, 3 p.m. Marriott Solana - Board of Aldermen Regular meeting—6/23/08, 7 p.m. - Board of Trustee Special Workshop—6/23/08, time tbd - Strategic Planning Reheat—6/27 and 6/28, Embassy Suites, Grapevine Board of Aldermen Agenda Page 3 of 3 .tune 9,2008 - Planning and Zoning Commission—7/24/08, 6 p.m. - Texas Municipal League Newly Elected Officials training 7/25 —7/26/08, Austin, 7:30 a.m. ® 8/8 - 8/9/08, Austin, 7:30 a.m. j �. . Lyljxm I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, by Friday, June 6, 2008, by 5 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Town of Westlake Pledge Allegiance I Back up material has not been provided for this item. Town of Westlake To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen From: Don Wilson, Director of Public Safety Subject: Regular Meeting of June 9, 2008 Date: May 28, 2008 Consider a Resolution authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an interlocal cooperation agreement establishing a Mutual Aid Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services Agreement with the Cities of Bedford, Colleyville, Euless, Grapevine, Haltom City, Hurst, Keller, North Richland Hills, Richland Hills, Roanoke, Southlake, Trophy Club, Watauga, and Westlake. These cities and towns are collectively known as the Northeast Fire Department Association (NEFDA). : • • � The occurrence of any natural or manmade disaster can very quickly overwhelm any agency and community's resources. Without the assistance of neighboring communities, these events can hamper mitigation and recovery efforts, prolonging the damage and potential harm to the community and its citizens. This mutual aid agreement will allow each participating community to assist in these events as well as in those "routine" Fire, EMS incidents, etc. that potentially involve community services daily. This agreement is not limited to emergencies, but includes requests to non-emergency calls for assistance as well. Today's events and the environment in which the Town may be forced to react, dictates a broad approach to disaster response, thus this expanded agreement. As a member to the NEFDA organization, the Town has at its disposal a Hazardous Materials Response Team, a Technical Rescue Team, a Heavy Rescue Team, a Mass Casualty Team, an Explosives Response Team, an Air and Light Unit, and a Mobile Command Unit. The Town provides team members, as a participating member, to the Hazardous Materials Response Team. FUNDING There is no direct funding impact by this agreement on the adopted FY 2007-08 NEFDA dues and membership cost are a routine budget item. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS Resolution Mutual Aid Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services Agreement WHEREAS,the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake does hereby recognize and agree that assistance and cooperation is amongst all signature parties of this mutual aid agreement is beneficial, and; BE IT RESOLVER BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE,TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake does hereby authorize the Town Manager of Westlake to enter into an agreement for mutual aid for fire protection and emergency medical services wherein the equipment, facilities and trained personnel of each Patties city are available to the Parties in this mutual aid agreement on a requested basis. SECTION 2: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 9T" DAY OF JUNE 2008. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Town Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney Attachment: Mutual Aid Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services Agreement • f �i Mutual id Fire Protection and erge c y INfedieal Sen is es Agreement The taate of Texas Tarrant "ra t C Irzs a-greenaent is made and entered into by and between the cities of Bedford, Colley,ille, Eulcssn Grapevine, Haltom City., 1-1urst_ feller, North: Ricbland .Halls. Richland hills, Roanoke. " outhla e. I rophy� Club, b�s`atau a. <aa>d 'est.la e_ herein referred to as "Parties", This group of cities is also as the ort eaast Fire Department Association. It is mutually agreed that the Parties desire to enter into a nrtatual aid agreement for fire Protection and ernrertertcy medical services wherein the equipment. laeilities and trained personnel of each parties city arc available il°a ble to the Parties in this inutual aid agreement care as requested basis. Now therefore, that it is agreed that in consideration of the mutual covenants,, agreements and benefits to all Parties it is hereby agreed as follows: a. Soaps of Services As used herein, the term, "Responding City" shall naeaar tine City receiving a request f`car assistance outside of its boundaries pursuant to this Agreenaaetn, "Requesting �`It� shall aarearr ar city see in<>: assistance outside rI its l otr.ndarit s pursuant to this .�greerraenL During the term of this agreement, tine Parties agree to provide, upon request, such fire Protection and suppression personnel and equipment and emergency medical assistance and personnel and equipment that ttray= be needed to assist in an etneagerred as long,as that request does not a�tcc;t the ability of the Responding City to provide emergency services within its own boundaries as cleterminecl by the Responding City's Fire Chef or his i designee, It is expressly understood brat such mutual aid requests shall be made to the Responding City's Fire Chief his designee, 'Tile Parties agree that a request will only be made -,N"beat an enl r gen y occurs thaat requires assistance or when it is determined by the Request City and Re�,ponding City that it is mutually beneficial to provide assistance that is not o.faan emergency= nature, The Parties agree: . `Co maintain the work tierce and equipment en needed to sufficiently control fires or t:at}ter emergencies corrit-non to the saving of lives and l;�rca erty which are likely to occur within their respective urisd.ictiorts b. To maintain an errrcr tend action plan ftar activating, personnel within their respective jurisdictions, c. To maintain established Procedures to handle cm rtgcnc icr: cl. T-o provide all Parties with the current rescrurrces available to each r€spectiv City by type,staffing, and function that eknilc be requested in are errrergerrc y. e, ,ail Parties tartest utilize the Incident Command S-Nstein (11C S) and be Na;tionat Incident Management System ( 1 )compliant. : . Direction and Control The requested .fire service or etaaergency r°rteclical equipment and personnel of the Responding City shall be under the irection and control of their ow Officers/Supervisors. operating within the ICS, tlarcaugftcrr.rt the entire incident or I rc ii �r.= t�p� iscr shall report to the Ccruatc Post of the cucstir �mergency. City fc_)r as Si rtrz1ent and .shall pe.r°ate under the direction s ctf the Incident C'caratraraarsclt r (1(1"). I-lie fact that the teas .s at hand in an ernergeracy are dangerous in mature rtaua;t aaSLv<ays be considered and as such if the Res, c�rt€Ii€�� City, providing ri isli.rag. aatattaraal aaicl, determines that the request is unsafe. the respective City's Officer/Supervisor will take the appropriate action to assure their crews are as safe as possible, If an ra tion is deerne.d to fro ns=afe, the ICS will be inforr ied and the respective Of c eri"Su er isor shall take actions necessary a:ry to protect their respective crew(s), M. Equipment and Consumable Goods `rhe condition of the equipment assist be the scale responsibility- of its owner, If the equipment is darnaged or destroyed during the Incident, the financial responsibility` is tilt: owner s which may be recovered through insurance acquired by the €setter or any other resource available to the owner, Any c:onsuntaable resources rnaav be reimbursed by car through the IC's jurisdiction (Requesting Party)provided that sufficient ic:ient fasten, have been appropriated for said purpose or if consuniaables can be recovered fioni the property owner or purveyor, The offiecte€ jurisdiction has as right to recover any and all crests of an incident from any rresources available. If' such recovery is possible., the Requesting City shall notify € utu al aid Responding City of such passibility% In the event the incident receives as Disaster Declaration frorn the State or Federal, Government, the jurisdictions involved shall be subject to local, stag:, and federal lases; and regulations. '. Term of Agreement Consideration .01 Term,m, Tire tenets of the Agreement shall becorne effeedve spars approval by the governing body for €;tacit respective Party hereto and shall remain in ef'f'ect Ior an initial. terra of one (1) year cornmencing upon the <ls.ate of each Party's signature below, a\-lricit tetras shall regrew autoinaticaally annually upon tits:: anniversoary date of this Agrac;.ment unless earlier terrninaatetl by a Party as provided herein. If a Party desires to opt out, the Party aaaaast give a 90 clays:°notice of'such Intent, if a Party opts out, the a<baeerarerat �°e� �� intact for the rest of the Paartie& riding parties to the a,'reement will not affect the terms of the ag=reement, Consideration, The Parties agree that sufficient consideration for this Agreement exists and is found in the cross promises set forth above and other good and valuable u ale consideration. Party hereto paying for the perlormance of governmental taaraa;ticaaas or, services shall make such payments frann current revenues legally available to the paying ..}warty. Each Party further agrees that it is fairy- cc:�ra peaasatctl for the services or functions performed under the terms of this Agreement. 'I'his ,Ttement can he amended or replaced by as tat4 c_arity cif` the parties. All of the Parties must be notified in within 30 clad=s and an open t rta n must be held in which all of the Parties have been invited to attend. -he Amendment will not be t fl ct va to any Party that does not agree. 1. "oniplianec with All . e. a—ws 'i'he. Parties shall bsene, and comply with all federal, Siate. local lams, rules, ordinances, and regulations affecting the coattltact or sere ices provided and their performance of all obligattions undertaken 1�-,,this Aoreernent. IL fe ral Considerations All local, State and Federal Laws shall supersede: any provisions made in this ALTeeluer . Anv provision sea eft cteci will 'lot negate the vest of the Agreement- In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this a.treernent shall be held to be invalid. illegal or unenforceable in an -respect, such invalidity.ity. illegality or unen-forc;eability shall not affect any other provision thereof and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. Venue fca.r any proceeding under this Agreement shall be in Tarrant County. Texas. This agreement shall become binding and effective as to each individual Party upon signature by an aauthoriz,d representative of such individual :Party. I f< Liabilih,1 Governmental Immunity unity All civil liability arising from the, furnishing of fire"EMS protection services under this A reernent shall be assigned to the Party actually providing the equipment- services, and manpower pursuaant to Texas Government Code.,, Sect:ion `fit?l,(} 6 (a-1) aand thy: assignment of liability is intended to be different than liability other'lvisez assigned Linden 'Texas t_"overnmeat Code. Section 791-006 (a). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the fact that Panties hereto accept certain responsibilities relating to the rendering of Fire Protection arid Emergency Medical Services under this Acreerrrent as part of their responsibility for providing, rotettion for the public health makes it imperative that the per°lbrrnance of these vital services be recognized as a governmental function and that the doctrine of 40ver°ta:rnental :ia�r.n�unity shall e_. aural it, hereby, invokes to the extent possible under the law. No Party hereto waives any intntrrnity or defense that Nv°rarrld otherwise available le te> it at, ainst claims arisin<e f.-r€ern the exercise of ooverrtnre ntal powers and functions. X Insurance Each Party shall Provide liability insurance to cover the acts and omissions of its respective officers, employees, arid a gent�,- obligations tinder this Agreenie;nt, including butt not limited to all personnel providing lire, Protection and Emergency Medical Services as :yet forth herein, X. Non-Waiver All rights. remedies and privileges permitted or available to any Party under this Agreement or at law or equity shall he cumulative and not ahertraative., and election cif any such right, remedy or pr vile; e shall not constitute as waiver or exclusive election of rights, remedies or privileges with respect to any anther permitted or available, right remedy or privilege. Additionally, one instance of forbeara rce; by the any Party in the enforcement of any such right, remedy or privilege aga nst any other Pang=. shall not constitute as.waiver of such right, re inedy or privile,,e by the forbearing Party. A default by an y Party under this A-greerrient shall not.result in a forfeiture ofany rights, remedies, or privileges Linder this A-1'eerr ertt by such defaulting Party, X. Signature Authority The undersigned o ticer° and or agents of the Parties hertno are the properly authorized officials and have the ne.c,essary authority to execute this agreement oil behalf of the Parties hereto and each fart-L, hereby certifies to the rather that and necessary resolutions- extending such authority have been duly passed aril are now in full force and effect, _�21_ Town of Westlake To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen From: Debbie Piper, Finance Director Subject: Regular Meeting of June 9, 2008 Date: June 2, 2008 ITEM A Resolution approving the opening of two new TexPool depository accounts to accommodate the Arts and Sciences Center project. BACKGROUND The Arts and Sciences Center account will be used for the depository of the funds received from the General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008, to be delivered on June 19, 2008, as well as all funds received for the project. This includes donations from Texas Student Housing and Mrs. Lee. Funds raised by the Westlake Academy Foundation for this capital campaign will also be transferred into this account upon receipt from the Foundation. All interest accrued will remain in the account and be used towards the expense of the capital project. The Arts and Sciences Center CM (Construction Manager) Retainage account is a requirement per the contract executed on May 5, 2008 between the Town of Westlake and Steele & Freeman, Inc. Article 6 of Amendment No. 2 of the contract states that the 10% retainage fee will be deposited in an interest-bearing account with interest earned paid to the contractor. As payments are made, the 10% retainage will be transferred to this fund and all interest earned will be payable to Steele & Freeman, Inc. upon satisfactory completion of the Arts and Sciences Center. TexPool's fee is 0.0485% annually, calculated daily on the fund balance of each respective pool. The fees are deducted from the interest earnings of the pools. There is no direct reduction to the participant's account, and all TexPool rates are quoted net of fees. Currently, TexPool's interest is approximately 2.4%. FUNDING There is no affect to the current budget. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the opening of these two TexPool accounts. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution (2)Texpool "Bank Information Sheet"to open each account WHEREAS, The Town of Westlake is a current participant in the Texas Local Government Investment Pool(TexPool); and WHEREAS, it is prudent to set up a separate account for the construction of the Arts and Sciences Center to maintain all revenues and expenditures regarding the project in one account without commingling funds; and WHEREAS, the executed contract dated May 5, 2008 between the Town of Westlake and Steele & Freeman, Inc. (Construction Manager) states that the 10% retainage fee will be deposited in an interest bearing account with interest earned paid to the contractor upon satisfactory completion of the Arts and Sciences Center;and WHEREAS, Resolution No 08-22 has appointed Thomas E. Brymer, Debbie J Piper, and Donald R Redding as authorized signers of the Town of Westlake's TexPool accounts, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWJ OF SECTION 1: That the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen does hereby approve the opening of two accounts regarding the Arts and Sciences Center by the appointed authorized signers. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall become effective on June 6, 2008. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 9TH DAY OF JUNE 2008. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Town Manager L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney MINUTES OF TOWN i '; WESTLAKE,TEXAS Tj May 19,2008 PRESENT: Mayor Scott Bradley and Aldermen Larry Corson, Kevin Maynard, Don Redding, Pete Steger, Bob Timmerman, Mayor-elect Laura Wheat, Aldermen-elect, Rebecca Rollins, Carol Langdon, and Tim Brittan. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Tom Brymer, Town Attorney Stan Lowry, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Finance Director Debbie Piper, DPS Director Don Wilson, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, and Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry. IFIX13: i'' Mayor Bradley called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. 1 i , Westlake Academy students led the pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags. Mr. Rick Rennhack, 1762 Hidden Springs Court, expressed his appreciation to Mayor Scott Bradley for his leadership Mayor Bradley recognized his family members who were in attendance: Mrs. Kelly Bradley, wife; Mr. Joe A. Bradley, father; Mrs. Brooke Nicholson, daughter; and his grandchildren, Riley and Reece Nicholson. Mrs. Barbara Brizuela expressed her appreciation to Mayor Bradley for his leadership, his belief that public education can be something more, and his dream for a community school Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Regular Meeting May 19,2008 Page 2 of 6 in the Town of Westlake and his endurance and perservance to make the dream a reality. Mrs. Brizuela also recognized Mayor Pro Tern Redding for his role as a founder of the school. Mayor Bradley introduced the consent agenda and asked for a motion. A. Review and approve minutes of the Board of Aldermen workshop and regular meetings held on April 28, 2008. B. Review and approve minutes of the Board of Aldermen workshop and regular meetings held on May 5, 2008. C. Review and approve any outstanding bills. MOTION: Alderman Steger made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Alderman Maynard seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5- 0. CONSIDER 5. , ORDINANCE CANVASSING THE RETURNS AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF ELECTIONS ON MAY t I1 . Mayor Bradley read the ordinance canvassing the returns and declaring the results of the general and special elections held on May 10, 2008. MOTION: Alderman Timmerman made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 594, canvassing the general and special elections held on May 10, 2008. Alderman Maynard seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5- 0. Mayor Bradley expressed his appreciation to the Board for their service to the community. Town Secretary Sutter administered the Oath of Office to the following newly elected officials: • Laura Wheat, Mayor-elect • Rebecca Rollins, Alderwoman-elect • Carol Langdon, Alderwoman-elect • Tim Brittan, Alderman-elect Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Regular Meeting May 19,2008 Page 3 of 6 RECOGNITION OF OUTGOING BOARD MEMBERS AND APPOINTED Mayor Wheat recognized out-going Board members Scott Bradley, Bob Timmerman, Pete Steger and Kevin Maynard and presented each with a clock to thank them for their gift of "time" while serving on the Board, and also presented each of the outgoing members spouses with a bouquet of flowers. State Representative Vicki Truitt (District 98) presented a certificate issued by Texas Governor Rick Perry to Scott Bradley in recognition of his years of leadership to the Town. Mr. Scott Bradley expressed his appreciation to the Town and its residents for allowing him to serve the town for so many years. Town Manager Brymer addressed the Board regarding the case and advised the Board that the Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to continue the Public Hearing to the May 22, 2008, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Mr. Brymer recommended the Board continue to the Public Hearing to the June 9, 2008, Board of Aldermen meeting. Mayor Wheat continued the public hearing. There being no one requesting to speak, Mayor Wheat requested a motion to continue the public hearing to June 9,2008. MOTION: Mayor Pro Tem Redding made a motion to continue the public hearing to June 9, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. Alderman Corson seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. t', CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TOWN'S GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND, SERIES 2008 IN THE AMOUNT OF$2.5M FOR ! AND ASSOCIATED COSTS OF THE ARTS AND SCIENCES CENTER. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Regular Meeting May 19,2008 Page 4 of 6 Mr. Jason L. Hughes, Vice President of First Southwest Company, addressed the Board regarding the item. Mr. Hughes presented the Board a summary of the Bond Sale: • $2.5 million in GO Bonds were sold via a competitive private placement • Twenty year amortization with level debt service—May 2009 to May 2028 • First coupon—November 1, 2008 • The Town received bids from three (3) banks: ® Houton Community Bank ® Bank of America ® TIB • Total debt service - $3,636,865.33 • Average annual debt service - $181,843.27 • Bonds are callable at anytime Mr. Hughes advised the Board that the funds from the sale would be available June 19, 2008. Mr. Leroy Graunder, McCall, Parkhurst and Horton, L.L.P., was present to address questions from the Board. MOTION: Alderman Corson made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 595, authorizing the issuance and sale of $2.5M in General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008; providing for the security for and payment of said bond; providing an effective date; and enacting other provisions relating to the subject. Mayor Pro Tern Redding seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 1 I 1 • 1 4 • Facilities and Recreation Director Meyer addressed the Board regarding the item. Mr. Meyer advised the Board that the easement is necessary to accommodate the construction of the Arts and Sciences Center building as well as future expansion of the campus. MOTION: Mayor Pro Tern Redding made a motion to approve Resolution No. 08-30, authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an agreement with AIL Investments, L.P. granting the use of a 10' underground water utility easement. Alderwoman Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Regular Meeting May 19,2008 Page 5 of 6 ENERGY(2. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH ATMOS ., THE RELOCATION OF OF f CAMPUS.THE CIVIC Public Works Superintendent Greenwood addressed the Board regarding the item. Mr. Greenwood advised the Board that the relocation of the gas utility line will be preformed under the direction of ATMOS, and is necessary to accommodate the construction of the Arts and Sciences Center building as well as future expansion of the campus. MOTION: Alderman Brittan made a motion to approve Resolution No. 08-31, authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an agreement with ATMOS Energy for the relocation of approximately 775 feet of gas line located on the Civic Campus. Alderwoman Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. A. Acceptance of a gift to assist the funding of the construction of the new Westlake Academy Arts& Sciences Building Project; B. Application of the gift towards the Arts portion of the Arts& Sciences Building Project; C. Naming a portion of the Arts & Sciences Building Project; D. Authorization of the interim use of the Westlake Academy Foundation naming guidelines for the Arts & Sciences Building Project; E. Directing the Town Manager to prepare a draft policy for naming all Town facilities for the Board's consideration. Town Manager Brymer introduced the item and advised the Board that a donation of $500,000 has been received and will be applied toward the construction of the Arts portion of the Arts and Sciences Center building located at the Westlake Civic Campus. Mr. Brymer advised the Board that the proposed resolution calls for the naming of the Black Box Theater as the "Sam W. Lee Theater" in honor and recognition of the late Mr. Lee, a Westlake resident for almost 30 years. On behalf of the Board and the Town, Mayor Wheat expressed her appreciation for the generous donation. Mayor Wheat recognized Mrs. Margaret Lee, Mr. Juan Prado, and Mr. John Paige, who were in attendance. MOTION: Alderwoman Langdon made a motion to approve Resolution No. 08-32, as presented. Mayor Pro Tern Redding seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Regular Meeting May 19,2008 Mayor Wheat reviewed the council calendar: - Planning and Zoning Commission—5/22/08, 6 p.m. - Historical Preservation Society meeting—5/22/08, 5 p.m. - Decoration Day event—5/26/08, 6 to 8:30 p.m. - Arts and Sciences Center groundbreaking—6/5/08, 12 noon - Board of Trustees meeting—6/9/06, 6 p.m. - Board of Aldermen meeting—6/9/08, 7 p.m. - Strategic Planning Retreat—6/12 - 6/13 or 6/16 - 6/17 - Westlake Academy Foundation meeting—6/12/08, 8:30 a.m. - Texas Student Housing Authority meeting, 6/17/08, 5:30 p.m. - Texas Municipal League Newly Elected Officials training ® 7/25 —7/26/08, Austin, 7:30 a.m. 8/8 - 8/9/08, Austin, 7:30 a.m. Page 6 of 6 Due to a scheduling conflict, the Strategic Planning Retreat will be rescheduled to June 27 and June 28, 2008. Mayor Wheat invited all in attendance to the dining hall for a reception to recognize all outgoing and incoming elected and appointed officials. There being no father business, Mayor Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Alderman Brittan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Alderwoman Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. Mayor Wheat adjourned the meeting at 7:59 p.m. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary II 1 I W'[MM1 1T ha m"I I To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen Prom: Todd Wood, Director of HR &Administrative Services Subject: Approval of ICMA Deferred Compensation Plan Date: June 9, 2008 INIXON Consider the addition of a 457 Deferred Compensation Plan to the Town of Westlake employee benefit package; and to authorize the Town Manager to execute the agreement with ICMA Retirement Corporation. BACKGROUND A 457 Deferred Compensation Plan is a supplemental retirement savings program that allows the participant to make contributions before taxes are deducted. Contributions are handled through payroll deduction, reducing taxes each pay period. This optional benefit is offered in most municipalities and provides employees with additional retirement choices. Deferred compensation plans are portable; contributions may be rolled into 457 plans. New employees may also roll over their existing 457 plans into the ICMA plan. The Human Resources Department anticipates this will assist in attracting and retaining quality personnel. Approval of this deferred compensation plan will also carry out the specified terms agreed to in the Town Manager's employment agreement. FUNDING There is no cost to the Town to adopt this benefit. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Administrative Services Agreement with ICMA-RC 1:7 x.Yi t► ► i 1 WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake has employees rendering valuable services; and WHEREAS, the establishment of a deferred compensation plan for such employees serves the interests of the Town by enabling it to provide reasonable retirement security for its employees, by providing increased flexibility in its personnel management system, and by assisting in the attraction and retention of competent personnel; and WHEREAS, the Town has determined that the establishment of a deferred compensation plan to be administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation serves the above objectives; and WHEREAS, the Town desires that its deferred compensation plan be administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation, and that some or all of the funds held under such plan be invested in the VantageTrust Company, a trust established by public employers for the collective investment of funds held under their retirement and deferred compensation plans; WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake has employees rendering valuable services; and; NOW, THEREFORE, BE i i BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF SECTION 1: That the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen does hereby adopts the ICMA Retirement Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan and Trust, referred to as Appendix A. SECTION 2:' That the Town of Westlake hereby executes the Declaration of Trust of the VantageTrust Company, attached hereto as Appendix B, intending this execution to be operative with respect to any retirement or deferred compensation plan subsequently established by the Town, if the assets of the plan are to be invested in the VantageTrust Company. SECTION 3: That the assets of the Plan shall be held in trust, with the Town of Westlake serving as trustee, for the exclusive benefit of the Plan participants and their beneficiaries, and the assets shall not be diverted to any other purpose. SECTION 4: That the Town of Westlake hereby agrees to serve as trustee under the Plan. SECTION 5: That the Director of HR/Administrative Services shall be the coordinator for this program; shall receive necessary reports, notices, etc. from the ICMA Retirement Corporation or the VantageTrust Company; shall cast, on behalf of the Town, any required votes under the VantageTrust Company; Administrative duties to carry out the plan may be assigned to the appropriate departments, and is authorized to execute all necessary agreements with ICMA Retirement Corporation incidental to the administration of the Plan. SECTION 6: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 9T' DAY OF JUNE 2008. ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney 2 Laura Wheat, Mayor Thomas E. Brymer, Town Manager Mlvatvala A i •• ' As Amended and Restated Effective January 1,2006 Article I. Purpose The Employer hereby establishes and maintains the Employer's Deferred Compensation Plan and Trust,hereafter referred to as the"Plan." The Plan consists of the provisions set forth in this document. The primary purpose of this Plan is to provide retirement income and other deferred benefits to the Employees of the Employer and the Employees'Beneficiaries in accordance with the provisions of Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,as amended(the"Code"). This Plan shall be an agreement solely between the Employer and participating Employees. The Plan and Trust forming a part hereof are established and shall be maintained for the exclusive benefit of Participants and their Beneficiaries. No part of the corpus or income of the Trust shall revert to the Employer or be used for or diverted to purposes other than the exclusive benefit of Participants and their Beneficiaries. Article II. Definitions 2.01 Account. The bookkeeping account maintained for each Participant reflecting the cumulative amount of the Participant's Deferred Compensation,including any income,gains,losses,or increases or decreases in market value attributable to the Employer's investment of the Participant's Deferred Compensation,and further reflecting any distributions to the Participant or the Participant's Beneficiary and any fees or expenses charged against such Participant's Deferred Compensation. 2.02 Accounting Date. Each business day that the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading,as provided in Section 6.06 for valuing the Trust's assets. 2.03 Administrator. The person or persons named in writing to carry out certain nondiscretionary administrative functions under the Plan,as hereinafter described. The Employer may remove any person as Administrator upon 75 days'advance notice in writing to such person,in which case the Employer shall name another person or persons to act as Administrator. The Administrator may resign upon 75 days'advance notice in writing to the Employer,in which case the Employer shall name another person or persons to act as Administrator. 2.04 Automatic Distribution Date. April 1 of the calendar year after the Plan Year the Participant attains age 70-1/2 or, if later,has a Severance Event. 2.05 Beneficiary. The person or persons designated by the Participant in his or her Joinder Agreement who shall receive any benefits payable hereunder in the event of the Participant's death. In the event that the Participant names two or more Beneficiaries,each Beneficiary shall be entitled to equal shares of the benefits payable at the Participant's death,unless otherwise provided in the Participant's Joinder Agreement. If no beneficiary is designated in the Joinder Agreement,if the Designated Beneficiary predeceases the Participant,or if the designated Beneficiary does not survive the Participant for a period of fifteen (15)days,then the estate of the Participant shall be the Beneficiary. If a married Participant resides in a community or marital property state,the Participant shall be responsible for obtaining appropriate consent of his or her spouse in the event the Participant designates someone other than his or her spouse as Beneficiary. The preceding sentence shall not apply with respect to a Deemed IRA under Article IX. 2.06 Deemed IRA. A separate account or annuity established under the Plan that complies with the requirements of Section 408(q) of the Code, the Income Tax Regulations thereunder,and any other IRS guidance. 2.07 Deferred Compensation. The amount of Includible Compensation otherwise payable to the Participant which the Participant and the Employer mutually agree to defer hereunder, any amount credited to a Participant's Account by reason of a transfer under Section 6.09 or 6.10, a rollover under Section 6.11, or any other amount which the Employer agrees to credit to a Participant's Account. 2.08 Dollar Limitation. The applicable dollar amount within the meaning of Section 457(b)(2)(A) of the Code,as adjusted for the cost-of-living in accordance with Section 457(e)(15) of the Code. 2.09 Employee. Any individual who provides services for the Employer,whether as an employee of the Employer or as an independent contractor, and who has been designated by the Employer as eligible to participate in the Plan. 2.10 Employer. of the [State/Commonwealth] of Code. which is a political subdivision, agency or instrumentality ,described in Section 457(e)(1)(A) of the 2.11 457 Catch-Up Dollar Limitation. Twice the Dollar Limitation. 2.12 Includible Compensation. Includible Compensation of a Participant means"compensation,"as defined in Section 415(c)(3) of the Code,for services performed for the Employer. Includible Compensation shall be determined without regard to any community property laws. For purposes of a Participant's Joinder Agreement only and not for purposes of the limitations in Article V, Includible Compensation shall include any employer contributions to an integral part trust of the employer providing retiree health care benefits. 2.13 Joinder Agreement. An agreement entered into between an Employee and the Employer, including any amendments or modifications thereof. Such agreement shall fix the amount of Deferred Compensation,specify a preference among the investment alternatives designated by the Employer, designate the Employee's Beneficiary or Beneficiaries, and incorporate the terms,conditions, and provisions of the Plan by reference. 2.14 Normal Limitation. The maximum amount of Deferred Compensation for any Participant for any taxable year (other than amounts referred to in Sections 6.09, 6.10, and 6.11). 2.15 Normal Retirement Age. Age 70-1/2, unless the Participant has elected an alternate Normal Retirement Age by written instrument delivered to the Administrator prior to a Severance Event. A Participant's Normal Retirement Age determines the period during which a Participant may utilize the 457 Catch-Up Dollar Limitation of Section 5.02(b) hereunder. Once a Participant has to any extent utilized the catch-up limitation of Section 5.02(b),his Normal Retirement Age may not be changed. A Participant's alternate Normal Retirement Age may not be earlier than the earliest date that the Participant will become eligible to retire and receive immediate, unreduced retirement benefits under the Employer's basic defined benefit retirement plan covering the Participant (or a money purchase pension plan in which the Participant also participates if the Participant is not eligible to participate in a defined benefit plan), and may not be later than the date the Participant will attain age 70-1/2. If the Participant will not become eligible to receive benefits under a basic defined benefit retirement plan (or money purchase pension plan,if applicable) maintained by the Employer, the Participant's alternate Normal Retirement Age may not be earlier than 65 and may not be later than age 70-1/2. In no event may a Participant's normal retirement age be different than the normal retirement age under the Employer's other 457(b) plans, if any. In the event the Plan has Participants that include qualified police or firefighters (as defined under Section 415(b)(2)(H)(ii)(I) of the Code), a normal retirement age may be designated for such qualified police or firefighters that is not earlier than age 40 or later than age 70-1/2. Alternatively, qualified police or firefighters may be permitted to designate a normal retirement age that is between age 40 and age 70-1/2. 2.16 Participant. Any Employee who has joined the Plan pursuant to the requirements of Article IV. For purposes of section 6.11 of the Plan, the term Participant includes an employee or former Employee of the Employer who has not yet received all of the payments of benefits to which he/she is entitled under the Plan. 2.17 Percentage Limitation. 100 percent of the participant's Includible Compensation available to be contributed as Deferred Compensation for the taxable year. 2.18 Plan Year. The calendar year. 2.19 Retirement. The first date upon which both of the following shall have occurred with respect to a participant: Severance Event and attainment of age 65. 2.20 Severance Event. A severance of the Participant's employment with the Employer within the meaning of Section 457(d)(1)(A)(ii) of the Code. In general, a Participant shall be deemed to have experienced a Severance Event for purposes of this Plan when, in accordance with the established practices of the Employer, the employment relationship is considered to have actually terminated. In the case of a Participant who is an independent contractor of the Employer, a Severance Event shall be deemed to have occurred when the Participant's contract under which services are performed has completely expired and terminated, there is no foreseeable possibility that the Employer will renew the contract or enter into a new contract for the Participant's services, and it is not anticipated that the Participant will become an Employee of the Employer, or such other events as may be permitted under the Code. 2.21 Trust. The Trust created under Article VI of the Plan which shall consist of all compensation deferred under the Plan, plus any income and gains thereon, less any losses, expenses and distributions to Participants and Beneficiaries. Article III. Administration 3.01 Duties of the Employer. The Employer shall have the authority to make all discretionary decisions affecting the rights or benefits of Participants which may be required in the administration of this Plan. The Employer's decisions shall be afforded the maximum deference permitted by applicable law. 3.02 Duties of Administrator. The Administrator, as agent for the Employer,shall perform nondiscretionary administrative functions in connection with the Plan, including the maintenance of Participants'Accounts, the provision of periodic reports of the status of each Account, and the disbursement of benefits on behalf of the Employer in accordance with the provisions of this Plan. Article ITT. Participation in the Plan 4.01 Initial Participation. An Employee may become a Participant by entering into a Joinder Agreement prior to the beginning of the calendar month in which the Joinder Agreement is to become effective to defer compensation not yet earned, or such other date as may be permitted under the Code. A new employee may defer compensation in the calendar month during which he or she first becomes an employee if a Joinder Agreement is entered into on or before the first day on which the employee performs services for the Employer. 4.02 Amendment of Joinder Agreement. A Participant may amend an executed Joinder Agreement to change the amount of Includible Compensation not yet earned which is to be deferred (including the reduction of such future deferrals to zero). Such amendment shall become effective as of the beginning of the calendar month commencing after the date the amendment is executed,or such other date as may be permitted under the Code. A Participant may at any time amend his or her Joinder Agreement to change the designated Beneficiary, and such amendment shall become effective immediately. Article V Limitations on Deferrals 5.01 Normal Limitation. Except as provided in Section 5.02, the maximum amount of Deferred Compensation for any Participant for any taxable year, shall not exceed the lesser of the Dollar Limitation or the Percentage Limitation. (a) Catch-zap Contributions for Participants Age 50 and Over: A Participant who has attained the age of 50 before the close of the Plan Year, and with respect to whom no other elective deferrals may be made to the Plan for the Plan Year by reason of the Normal Limitation of Section 5.0 1, may enter into a Joinder Agreement to make elective deferrals in addition to those permitted by the Normal Limitation in an amount not to exceed the lesser of: (1) The applicable dollar amount as defined in Section 414(v)(2)(B) of the Code, as adjusted for the cost- of-living in accordance with Section 414(v)(2)(C) of the Code; or (2) The excess (if any) of (i) The Participant's Includible Compensation for the year, or (ii) Any other elective deferrals of the Participant for such year which are made without regard to this Section 5.02(a). An additional contribution made pursuant to this Section 5.02(a) shall not,with respect to the year in which the contribution is made, be subject to any otherwise applicable limitation contained in Section 5.01 above, or be taken into account in applying such limitation to other contributions or benefits under the Plan or any other plan. This Section 5.02(a) shall not apply in any year to which a higher limit under Section 5.02(b) applies. (b) Last Three Years Catch-up Contribution: For each of the last three (3) taxable years for a Participant ending before his or her attainment of Normal Retirement Age, the maximum amount of Deferred Compensation shall be the lesser of: (1) The 457 Catch-Up Dollar Limitation, or (2) The sum of (i) The Normal Limitation for the taxable year, and (ii) The Normal Limitation for each prior taxable year of the Participant commencing after 1978 less the amount of the Participant's Deferred Compensation for such prior taxable years. A prior taxable year shall be taken into account under the preceding sentence only if(x) the Participant was eligible to participate in the Plan for such year,and (y) compensation (if any) deferred under the Plan (or such other plan)was subject to the Normal Limitation. 5.03 Sick,Vacation and Back Pay. If the Employer so elects,a Participant may defer all or a portion of the value of the Participant's accumulated sick pay, accumulated vacation pay and/or back pay, provided that such deferral does not cause total deferrals on behalf of the Participant to exceed the Dollar Limitation or Percentage Limitation (including any Catch-up Dollar Limitation) for the year of deferral. The election to defer such sick,vacation and/or back pay must be made in a manner and at a time permitted under Section 1.457-4(d) of the Income Tax Regulations. Pursuant to proposed IRS regulations issued under Section 415 of the Code, the Plan may permit deferrals from compensation, including sick,vacation and back pay,so long as the amounts are paid within 2 1/2 months following severance from employment and the other requirements of Sections 457(b) and 415 of the Code are met.Additionally, the agreement to defer such amounts must be entered into prior to the first day of the month in which the amounts otherwise would be paid or made available. 5.04 Other Plans. Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, the amount excludible from a Participant's gross income under this Plan or any other eligible deferred compensation plan under Section 457(b) of the Code shall not exceed the limits set forth in Sections 457(b) and 414(v) of the Code. 5.05 Excess Referrals. Any amount that exceeds the maximum Dollar Limitation or Percentage Limitation (including any applicable Catch-Up Dollar Limitation) for a taxable year,shall constitute an excess deferral for that taxable year. Any excess deferral shall be distributed in accordance with the requirements for excess deferrals under the Code and Section 1.457-4(e) of the Income Tax Regulations or other applicable Internal Revenue Service guidance. 5.06 Protection of Person Who Serves in a Uniformed Service. An Employee whose employment is interrupted by qualified military service under Section 414(u) of the Code or who is on leave of absence for qualified military service under Section 414(u) of the Code may elect to contribute additional Deferred Compensation upon resumption of employment with the Employer equal to the maximum Deferred Compensation that the Employee could have elected during that period if the Employee's employment with the Employer had continued (at the same level of Includible Compensation)without the interruption or leave, reduced by Deferred Compensation, if any, actually made for the Employee during the period of the interruption or leave. This right applies for five years following the resumption of employment(or, if sooner,for a period equal to three times the period of the interruption or leave). Article VI. Trust and Investment of Accounts 6.01 Investment of Referred Compensation. A Trust is hereby created to hold all the assets of the Plan (except Deemed IRA contributions and earnings thereon held pursuant to Article IX) for the exclusive benefit of Participants and Beneficiaries, except that expenses and taxes may be paid from the Trust as provided in Section 6.03. The trustee shall be the Employer or such other person that agrees to act in that capacity hereunder. 6.02 Investment Powers. The trustee or the Administrator, acting as agent for the trustee,shall have the powers listed in this Section with respect to investment of Trust assets, except to the extent that the investment of Trust assets is directed by Participants, pursuant to Section 6.05 or to the extent that such powers are restricted by applicable law. (a) To invest and reinvest the Trust without distinction between principal and income in common or preferred stocks, shares of regulated investment companies and other mutual funds, bonds, loans, notes, debentures, certificates of deposit, contracts with insurance companies including but not limited to insurance, individual or group annuity, deposit administration, guaranteed interest contracts, and deposits at reasonable rates of interest at banking institutions including but not limited to savings accounts and certificates of deposit. Assets of the Trust may be invested in securities that involve a higher degree of risk than investments that have demonstrated their investment performance over an extended period of time. (b) To invest and reinvest all or any part of the assets of the Trust in any common, collective or commingled trust fund that is maintained by a bank or other institution and that is available to Employee plans described under Sections 457 or 401 of the Code, or any successor provisions thereto,and during the period of time that an investment through any such medium shall exist, to the extent of participation of the Plans the declaration of trust of such commonly collective, or commingled trust fund shall constitute a part of this Plan. (c) To invest and reinvest all or any part of the assets of the Trust in any group annuity, deposit administration or guaranteed interest contract issued by an insurance company or other financial institution on a commingled or collective basis with the assets of any other 457 plan or trust qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code or any other plan described in Section 401(a)(24) of the Code,and such contract may be held or issued in the name of the Administrator, or such custodian as the Administrator may appoint,as agent and nominee for the Employer. During the period that an investment through any such contract shall exist, to the extent of participation of the Plan, the terms and conditions of such contract shall constitute a part of the Plan. (d) To hold cash awaiting investment and to keep such portion of the Trust in cash or cash balances,without liability for interest, in such amounts as may from time to time be deemed to be reasonable and necessary to meet obligations under the Plan or otherwise to be in the best interests of the Plan. (e) To hold, to authorize the holding of,and to register any investment to the Trust in the name of the Plan, the Employer,or any nominee or agent of any of the foregoing, including the Administrator, or in bearer form, to deposit or arrange for the deposit of securities in a qualified central depository even though,when so deposited,such securities may be merged and held in bulk in the name of the nominee of such depository with other securities deposited therein by any other person, and to organize corporations or trusts under the laws of any jurisdiction for the purpose of acquiring or holding title to any property for the Trust, all with or without the addition of words or other action to indicate that property is held in a fiduciary or representative capacity but the books and records of the Plan shall at all times show that all such investments are part of the Trust. (f) Upon such terms as may be deemed advisable by the Employer or the Administrator, as the case may be, for the protection of the interests of the Plan or for the preservation of the value of an investment, to exercise and enforce by suit for legal or equitable remedies or by other action,or to waive any right or claim on behalf of the Plan or any default in any obligation owing to the Plan, to renew,extend the time for payment of, agree to a reduction in the rate of interest on, or agree to any other modification or change in the terms of any obligation owing to the Plan, to settle, compromise,adjust, or submit to arbitration any claim or right in favor of or against the Plans to exercise and enforce any and all rights of foreclosure, bid for property in foreclosure, and take a deed in lieu of foreclosure with or without paying consideration therefor, to commence or defend suits or other legal proceedings whenever any interest of the Plan requires it, and to represent the Plan in all suits or legal proceedings in any court of law or equity or before any body or tribunal. (g) To employ suitable consultants, depositories, agents, and legal counsel on behalf of the Plan. (h) To open and maintain any bank account or accounts in the name of the Plan, the Employer, or any nominee or agent of the foregoing, including the Administrator, in any bank or banks. (1) To do any and all other acts that may be deemed necessary to carry out any of the powers set forth herein. 6.03 'Taxes and Expenses. All taxes of any and all kinds whatsoever that may be levied or assessed under existing or future laws upon the Plan, or in respect to the Trust, or the income thereof, and all commissions or acquisitions or dispositions of securities and similar expenses of investment and reinvestment of the Trust,shall be paid from the Trust. Such reasonable compensation of the Administrator, as may be agreed upon from time to time by the Employer and the Administrator,and reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred by the Administrator in performance of its duties hereunder (including but not limited to fees for legal, accounting, investment and custodial services) shall also be paid from the Trust. 6.04 Payment of Benefits. The payment of benefits from the Trust in accordance with the terms of the Plan may be made by the Administrator, or by any custodian or other person so authorized by the Employer to make such disbursement. The Administrator,custodian or other person shall not be liable with respect to any distribution of Trust assets made at the direction of the Employer. 6.05 Investment Funds. In accordance with uniform and nondiscriminatory rules established by the Employer and the Administrator, the Participant may direct his or her Accounts to be invested in one (1) or more investment funds available under the Plan;provided, however, that the Participant's investment directions shall not violate any investment restrictions established by the Employer. Neither the Employer, the Administrator, nor any other person shall be liable for any losses incurred by virtue of following such directions or with any reasonable administrative delay in implementing such directions. 6.06 Valuation of Accounts. As of each Accounting Date, the Plan assets held in each investment fund offered shall be valued at fair market value and the investment income and gains or losses for each fund shall be determined. Such investment income and gains or losses shall be allocated proportionately among all Account balances on a fund-by- fund basis. The allocation shall be in the proportion that each such Account balance as of the immediately preceding Accounting Date bears to the total of all such Account balances as of that Accounting Date. For purposes of this Article,all Account balances include the Account balances of all Participants and Beneficiaries. 6.07 Participant Loan Accounts. Participant loan accounts shall be invested in accordance with Section 8.03 of the Plan. Such Accounts shall not share in any investment income and gains or losses of the investment funds described in Sections 6.05 and 6.06. 6.08 Crediting of Accounts. The Participant's Account shall reflect the amount and value of the investments or other property obtained by the Employer through the investment of the Participant's Deferred Compensation pursuant to Sections 6.05 and 6.06. It is anticipated that the Employer's investments with respect to a Participant will conform to the investment preference specified in the Participant's Joinder Agreement,but nothing herein shall be construed to require the Employer to make any particular investment of a Participant's Deferred Compensation. Each Participant shall receive periodic reports, not less frequently than annually, showing the then current value of his or her Account. 6.09 Post-Severance"Transfers Among Eligible Deferred Compensation Plans. (a) Incoming Transfers: A transfer may be accepted from an eligible deferred compensation plan maintained by another employer and credited to a Participant's or Beneficiary's Account under the Plan if: (1) In the case of a transfer for a Participant, the Participant has had a Severance Event with that employer and become an Employee of the Employer; (2) The other employer's plan provides that such transfer will be made;and (3) The Participant or Beneficiary whose deferred amounts are being transferred will have an amount immediately after the transfer at least equal to the deferred amount immediately before the transfer. The Employer may require such documentation from the predecessor plan as it deems necessary to effectuate the transfer in accordance with Section 457(e)00) of the Code, to confirm that such plan is an eligible deferred compensation plan within the meaning of Section 457(b) of the Code,and to assure that transfers are provided for under such plan.The Employer may refuse to accept a transfer in the form of assets other than cash, unless the Employer and the Administrator agree to hold such other assets under the Plan. (b) Outgoing Transfers: An amount may be transferred to an eligible deferred compensation plan maintained by another employer,and charged to a Participant's or Beneficiary's Account under this Plan, i£ (1) In the case of a transfer for a Participant, the Participant has a Severance Event with the Employer and becomes an employee of the other employer; (2) The other employer's plan provides that such transfer will be accepted; (3) The Participant or Beneficiary and the employers have signed such agreements as are necessary to assure that the Employer's liability to pay benefits to the Participant has been discharged and assumed by the other employer;and (4) The Participant or Beneficiary whose deferred amounts are being transferred will have an amount immediately after the transfer at least equal to the deferred amount immediately before the transfer. The Employer may require such documentation from the other plan as it deems necessary to effectuate the transfer, to confirm that such plan is an eligible deferred compensation plan within the meaning of Section 457(b) of the Code,and to assure that transfers are provided for under such plan. Such transfers shall be made only under such circumstances as are permitted under Section 457 of the Code and the regulations thereunder. 6.10 Transfers Among Eligible Deferred Compensation flans of the Employer. (a) Incoming Transfers. A transfer may be accepted from another eligible deferred compensation plan maintained by the Employer and credited to a Participant's or Beneficiary's Account under the Plan if: (1) The Employer's other plan provides that such transfer will be made; (2) The Participant or Beneficiary whose deferred amounts are being transferred will have an amount immediately after the transfer at least equal to the deferred amount immediately before the transfer; and (3) The Participant or Beneficiary whose deferred amounts are being transferred is not eligible for additional annual deferrals in the Plan unless the Participant or Beneficiary is performing services for the Employer. (b) Outgoing Transfers. A transfer may be accepted from another eligible deferred compensation plan maintained by the Employer and credited to a Participant's or Beneficiary's Account under the Plan if: (1) The Employer's other plan provides that such transfer will be accepted; (2) The Participant or Beneficiary whose deferred amounts are being transferred will have an amount immediately after the transfer at least equal to the deferred amount immediately before the transfer; and (3) The Participant or Beneficiary whose deferred amounts are being transferred is not eligible for additional annual deferrals in the Employer's other eligible deferred compensation plan unless the Participant or Beneficiary is performing services for the Employer. 6.11 Eligible Rollover Distributions. (a) Incoming Rollovers:An eligible rollover distribution may be accepted from an eligible retirement plan and credited to a Participant's Account under the Plan. The Employer may require such documentation from the distributing plan as it deems necessary to effectuate the rollover in accordance with Section 402 of the Code and to confirm that such plan is an eligible retirement plan within the meaning of Section 402(c)(8)(B) of the Code. The Plan shall separately account(in one or more separate accounts) for eligible rollover distributions from any eligible retirement plan. (b) Outgoing Rollovers: Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary that would otherwise limit a distributee'.s election under this Section,a distributee may elect, at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Administrator, to have any portion of an eligible rollover distribution paid directly to an eligible retirement plan specified by the distributee in a direct rollover. (e) Definitions: (1) Eligible Rollover Distribution: An eligible rollover distribution is any distribution of all or any portion of the balance to the credit of the distributee, except that an eligible rollover distribution does not include:any distribution that is one of a series of substantially equal periodic payments (not less frequently than annually) made for the life (or life expectancy) of the distributee or the joint lives (or joint life expectancies) of the distributee and the distributee's designated beneficiary; or for a specified period of ten years or more; any distribution to the extent such distribution is required under Sections 401(a)(9) and 457(d)(2) of the Code; and any distribution made as a result of an unforeseeable emergency of the employee. For purposes of distributions from other eligible retirement plans rolled over into this Plan, the term eligible rollover distribution shall not include the portion of any distribution that is not includible in gross income (determined without regard to the exclusion for net unrealized appreciation with respect to employer securities). (2) Eligible Retirement Plan: An eligible retirement plan is an individual retirement account described in Section 408(a) of the Code, an individual retirement annuity described in Section 408(b) of the Code, an annuity plan described in Sections 403(a) or 403(b) of the Code, a qualified trust described in Section 401(a) of the Code, or an eligible deferred compensation plan described in Section 457(b) of the Code which is maintained by an eligible governmental employer described in Section 457(e)(1)(A) of the Code, that accepts the distributee's eligible rollover distribution. (3) Distributee: A distributee includes an employee or former employee. In addition, the employee's or former employee's surviving spouse and the employee's or former employee's spouse or former spouse who is the alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order,as defined in Section 414(p) of the Code, are distributees with regard to the interest of the spouse or former spouse. (4) Direct Rollover: A direct rollover is a payment by the plan to the eligible retirement plan specified by the distributee. 6.12 Trustee-to-Trustee Transfers to Purchase Permissive Service Credit. All or a portion of a Participant's Account may be transferred directly to the trustee of a defined benefit governmental plan (as defined in Section 414(d) of the Code) if such transfer is (a) for the purchase of permissive service credit(as defined in Section 415(n)(3)(A) of the Code) under such plan,or (b)a repayment to which Section 415 of the Code does not apply by reason of subsection (k)(3) thereof,within the meaning of Section 457(e)(17) of the Code. 6.13 Treatment of Distributions of Amounts Previously Rolled Over From 401(a) and 403(b) Plans and IRAs. For purposes of Section 72(t) of the Code, a distribution from this Plan shall be treated as a distribution from a qualified retirement plan described in Section 4974(c)(1) of the Code to the extent that such distribution is attributable to an amount transferred to an eligible deferred compensation plan from a qualified retirement plan (as defined in Section 4974(c) of the Code). 6.14 Employer Liability. In no event shall the Employer's liability to pay benefits to a Participant under this Plan exceed the value of the amounts credited to the Participant's Account; neither the Employer nor the Administrator shall be liable for losses arising from depreciation or shrinkage in the value of any investments acquired under this Plan. Article VII. Benefits 7.01 Retirement Benefits and Election on Severance Event. (a) General Rule: Except as otherwise provided in this Article VII, the distribution of a Participant's Account shall commence as of a Participant's Automatic Distribution Date, and the distribution of such benefits shall be made in accordance with one of the payment options described in Section 7.02. Notwithstanding the foregoing,but subject to the following paragraphs of this Section 7.01, the Participant may elect following a Severance Event to have the distribution of benefits commence on a fixed determinable date other than that described in the preceding sentence, but not later than April 1 of the year following the year of the Participant's Retirement or attainment of age 70-1/2,whichever is later. The Participant's right to change his or her election with respect to commencement of the distribution of benefits shall not be restrained by this Section 7.01. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Administrator, in order to ensure the orderly administration of this provision, may establish a deadline after which such election to defer the commencement of distribution of benefits shall not be allowed. (b) Loans: Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 7.01, no election to defer the commencement of benefits after a Severance Event shall operate to defer the distribution of any amount in the Participant's loan account in the event of a default of the Participant's loan. 7.02 Payment Options.As provided in Sections 7.01,7.04 and 7.05, a Participant may elect to have value of the Participant's Account distributed in accordance with one of the following payment options,provided that such option is consistent with the limitations set forth in Section 7.03: (a) Equal monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments in an amount chosen by the Participant, continuing until his or her Account is exhausted; (b) One lump-sum payment; (c) Approximately equal monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments, calculated to continue for a period certain chosen by the Participant; (d) Annual Payments equal to the minimum distributions required under Section 401(a)(9) of the Code, including the incidental death benefit requirements of Section 401(a)(9)(G), over the life expectancy of the Participant or over the life expectancies of the Participant and his or her Beneficiary; (e) Payments equal to payments made by the issuer of a retirement annuity policy acquired by the Employer; (f) A split distribution under which payments under options (a), (b), (c) or (e) commence or are made at the same time, as elected by the Participant under Section 7.01, provided that all payments commence (or are made) by the latest benefit commencement date permitted under Section 7.01; (g) Any other payment option elected by the Participant and agreed to by the Employer and Administrator. A Participant's selection of a payment option under Subsections (a), (c),or(g) above may include the selection of an automatic annual cost-of living increase. Such increase will be based on the rise in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) from the third quarter of the last year in which a cost-of-living increase was provided to the third quarter of the current year. Any increase will be made in periodic payment checks beginning the following January. 7.03 Limitation on Options. No payment option may be selected by a Participant under subsections 7.02(a) or(c) unless the amount of any installment is not less than $100. No payment option may be selected by a Participant under Sections 7.02, 7.04, or 7.05 unless it satisfies the requirements of Sections 401(a)(9) and 457(d)(2) of the Code, including that payments commencing before the death of the Participant shall satisfy the incidental death benefit requirements under Section 401(a)(9)(G) of the Code. 7.04 Minimum Required Distributions. Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, the Plan shall comply with the minimum required distribution rules set forth in Sections 457(d)(2) and 401(a)(9) of the Code, including the incidental death benefit requirements of Section 401(a)(9)(G) of the Code. 7.05 Post-Retirement Death Benefits. (a) Should the Participant die after he or she has begun to receive benefits under a payment option, the remaining payments, if any, under the payment option shall continue until the Administrator receives notice of the Participant's death. Upon notification of the Participant's death, benefits shall be payable to the Participant's Beneficiary commencing not later than December 31 of the year following the year of the Participant's death, provided that the Beneficiary may elect to begin benefits earlier than that date. (b) In the event that the Beneficiary dies before the payment of death benefits has commenced or been completed, the remaining benefits payable under the payment option applicable to the Beneficiary shall, subject to the 10 requirements set forth in Section 7.04, be paid to an additional beneficiary designated by the Beneficiary. If no additional beneficiary is named,payment shall be made to the Beneficiary's estate in a lump sum. (c) In the event that the Participant's estate is the Beneficiary, payment shall be made to the estate in a lump sum. 7.06 Pre-Retirement Death Benefits. (a) Should the Participant die before he or she has begun to receive the benefits provided by Section 7.01, the value of the Participant's Account shall be payable to the Beneficiary commencing not later than December 31 of the year following the year of the Participant's death,provided that the Beneficiary may elect to begin benefits earlier than that date. (b) In the event that the Beneficiary dies before the payment of death benefits has commenced or been completed, the remaining value of the Participant's Account shall be paid to the estate of the Beneficiary in a lump sum. In the event that the Participant's estate is the Beneficiary, payment shall be made to the estate in a lump sum. 7.07 Unforeseeable Emergencies. (a) In the event an unforeseeable emergency occurs, a Participant or Beneficiary may apply to the Employer to receive that part of the value of his or her Account that is reasonably needed to satisfy the emergency need. If such an application is approved by the Employer, the Participant or Beneficiary shall be paid only such amount as the Employer deems necessary to meet the emergency need, but payment shall not be made to the extent that the financial hardship may be relieved through cessation of deferral under the Plan,insurance or other reimbursement, or liquidation of other assets to the extent such liquidation would not itself cause severe financial hardship. (b) An unforeseeable emergency shall be deemed to involve only circumstances of severe financial hardship of a Participant or Beneficiary resulting from an illness or accident of the participant or beneficiary, the Participant's or Beneficiary's spouse, or the Participant's or Beneficiary's dependent (as defined in Section 152 of the Code, and, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2005,without regard to Sections 152(b)(1), (b)(2),and (d)(1)(B) of the Code); loss of the Participant's or Beneficiary's property due to casualty (including the need to rebuild a home following damage to a home not otherwise covered by homeowner's insurance,e.g., as a result of a natural disaster); or other similar extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances arising as a result of events beyond the control of the Participant or the Beneficiary. For example, the imminent foreclosure of or eviction from the Participant's or Beneficiary's primary residence may constitute an unforeseeable emergency. In addition, the need to pay for medical expenses, including non-refundable deductibles, as well as for the cost of prescription drug medication, may constitute an unforeseeable emergency. Finally, the need to pay for the funeral expenses of a spouse or a dependent (as defined in section 152 of the Code, and, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2005,without regard to Sections 152(b)(1), (b)(2), and (d)(1)(B) of the Code) may also constitute an unforeseeable emergency.Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Section 7.07(b), the purchase of a home and the payment of college tuition are not unforeseeable emergencies. 7.08 In-Service Distribution of Rollover Contributions. Effective January 1, 2006, the Employer may elect to allow Participants to receive an in-service distribution of amounts attributable to rollover contributions to the Plan. If the Employer has elected to make such distributions available, a Participant that has a separate account attributable to rollover contributions to the Plan, may at any time request a distribution of all or any portion of the amount attributable to his or her rollover contribution. 7.09 In-Service Distribution to Participants Age 70-112 or Older. A Participant who has reached age 70 1/2 and has not yet had a Severance Event, may, at any time,request a distribution of all or a part of his or her Account.A Participant may only receive two (2) such distributions pursuant to this Section 7.09 in any calendar year. 7.10 Distribution De Minimis Accounts. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Article VII: (a) Mandatory Distribution. If the value of a Participant's Account is less than $1,000, the Participant's Account shall be paid to the Participant in a single lump sum distribution,provided that: (1) No amount has been deferred under the Plan with respect to the Participant during the 2-year period ending on the date of the distribution; and (2) There has been no prior distribution under the Plan to the Participant pursuant to this Section 7.10. (b) Voluntary Distribution. If the value of the Participant's Account is at least$1,000 but not more than the dollar limit under Section 411(a)(1 1)(A) of the Code, the Participant may elect to receive his or her entire Account in a lump sum payment if: (1) No amount has been deferred under the Plan with respect to the Participant during the 2-year period ending on the date of the distribution; and (2) There has been no prior distribution under the Plan to the Participant pursuant to this Section 7.10. Article VIII. Loans to Participants 8.01 Availability of Loans to Participants. (a) The Employer may elect to make loans available to Participants in this Plan. If the Employer has elected to make loans available to Participants, a Participant may apply for a loan from the Plan subject to the limitations and other provisions of this Article. However, no loans are available from Deemed IRAs. (b) The Employer shall establish written guidelines governing the granting of loans,provided that such guidelines are approved by the Administrator and are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article, and that loans are made available to all Participants on a reasonably equivalent basis. 8.02 Terms and Conditions of Loans to Participants. Any loan by the Plan to a Participant under Section 8.01 of the Plan shall satisfy the following requirements: (a) Availability. Loans shall be made available to all Participants on a reasonably equivalent basis. (b) Interest Rate. Loans must be adequately secured and bear a reasonable interest rate. (c) Loan Limit. No Participant loan shall exceed the present value of the Participant's Account. (d) Foreclosure. In the event of default on any installment payment, the outstanding balance of the loan shall be a deemed distribution. In such event, an actual distribution of a plan loan offset amount will not occur until a distributable event occurs in the Plan. (e) Reduction of Account. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan, the portion of the Participant's Account balance used as a security interest held by the Plan by reason of a loan outstanding to the Participant shall be taken into account for purposes of determining the amount of the Account balance payable at the time of death or distribution, but only if the reduction is used as repayment of the loan. 12 (f) Amount of Loan.At the time the loan is made, the principal amount of the loan plus the outstanding balance (principal plus accrued interest) due on any other outstanding loans to the Participant from the Plan and from all other plans of the Employer that are either eligible deferred compensation plans described in section 457(b) of the Code or qualified employer plans under Section 72(p)(4) of the Code shall not exceed the lesser of: (1) $50,000, reduced by the excess (if any) of (i) The highest outstanding balance of loans from the Plan during the one (1) year period ending on the day before the date on which the loan is made;or (ii) The outstanding balance of loans from the Plan on the date on which such loan is made; or (2) One-half of the value of the Participant's interest in all of his or her Accounts under this Plan. (g) Application for Loan. The Participant must give the Employer adequate written notice, as determined by the Employer, of the amount and desired time for receiving a loan. No more than one (1) loan may be made by the Plan to a Participant's in any calendar year. No loan shall be approved if an existing loan from the Plan to the Participant is in default to any extent. (h) Length of Loan. Any loan issued shall require the Participant to repay the loan in substantially equal installments of principal and interest, at least monthly, over a period that does not exceed five (5)years from the date of the loan;provided, however, that if the proceeds of the loan are applied by the Participant to acquire any dwelling unit that is to be used within a reasonable time(determined at the time of the loan is made) after the loan is made as the principal residence of the Participant, the five (5)year limit shall not apply. In this event, the period of repayment shall not exceed a reasonable period determined by the Employer. Principal installments and interest payments otherwise due may be suspended for up to one (1) year during an authorized leave of absence, if the promissory note so provides, but not beyond the original term permitted under this subsection (h),with a revised payment schedule (within such term) instituted at the end of such period of suspension. (i) Prepayment. The Participant shall be permitted to repay the loan in whole or in part at any time prior to maturity,without penalty. (j) Promissory A`ote. The loan shall be evidenced by a promissory note executed by the Participant and delivered to the Employer,and shall bear interest at a reasonable rate determined by the Employer. (k) Security. The loan shall be secured by an assignment of the participant's right, title and interest in and to his or her Account. (1) Assignment or Pledge. For the purposes of paragraphs (f) and (g), assignment or pledge of any portion of the Participant's interest in the Plan and a loan,pledge,or assignment with respect to any insurance contract purchased under the Plan,will be treated as a loan. (m) Other Terms and Conditions. The Employer shall fix such other terms and conditions of the loan as it deems necessary to comply with legal requirements, to maintain the qualification of the Plan and Trust under Section 457 of the Code, or to prevent the treatment of the loan for tax purposes as a distribution to the Participant. The Employer, in its discretion for any reason,may also fix other terms and conditions of the loan,including, but not limited to, the provision of grace periods following an event of default, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article and Section 72(p) of the Code,and any applicable regulations thereunder. 13 8.03 Participant Loan Accounts. (a) Upon approval of a loan to a Participant by the Employer, an amount not in excess of the loan shall be transferred from the Participant's other investment fund(s), described in Section 6.05 of the Plan, to the Participant's loan account as of the Accounting Date immediately preceding the agreed upon date on which the loan is to be made. (b) The assets of a Participant's loan account may be invested and reinvested only in promissory notes received by the Plan from the Participant as consideration for a loan permitted by Section 8.01 of the Plan or in cash. Uninvested cash balances in a Participant's loan account shall not bear interest. Neither the Employer, the Administrator, nor any other person shall be liable for any loss, or by reason of any breach, that results from the Participant's exercise of such control. (c) Repayment of principal and payment of interest shall be made by payroll deduction or,where repayment cannot be made by payroll deduction, by check, and shall be invested in one (1) or more other investment funds, in accordance with Section 6.05 of the PIan,as of the next Accounting Date after payment thereof to the Trust. The amount so invested shall be deducted from the Participant's loan account. (d) The Employer shall have the authority to establish other reasonable rules, not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan,governing the establishment and maintenance of Participant loan accounts. Article IX. Deemed IRAs 9.01 (general. This Article IX of the Plan reflects section 602 of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 ("EGTRRA"), as amended by the Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002. This Article is intended as good faith compliance with the requirements of EGTRRA and is to be construed in accordance with EGTRRA and guidance issued thereunder. This Article IX shall supersede the provisions of the Plan to the extent that those provisions are inconsistent with the provisions of this Article IX. Effective for Plan Years beginning after December 31, 2002, the Employer may elect to allow Employees to make voluntary employee contributions to a separate account or annuity established under the Plan that complies with the requirements of Section 408(q) of the Code and any regulations promulgated thereunder(a"Deemed IRA"). The Plan shall establish a separate account for the designated Deemed IRA contributions of each Employee and any earnings properly allocable to the contributions,and maintain separate recordkeeping with respect to each such Deemed IRA. 9.02 Voluntary Employee Contributions. For purposes of this Article,a voluntary employee contribution means any contribution (other than a mandatory contribution within the meaning of Section 411(c)(2) of the Code) that is made by the Employee and which the Employee has designated, at or prior to the time of making the contribution, as a contribution to which this Article applies. 9.03 Deemed.IRA Trust Requirements. This Article shall satisfy the trust requirement under Section 408(q) of the Code and the regulations thereto. IRAs established pursuant to this Article shall be held in one or more trusts or custodial accounts (the"Deemed IRA Trusts"),which shall be separate from the Trust established under the Plan to hold contributions other than Deemed IRA contributions. The Deemed IRA Trusts shall satisfy the applicable requirements of Sections 408 and 408A of the Code,which requirements are set forth in section 9.05 and 9.06, respectively, and shall be established with a trustee or custodian meeting the requirements of Section 408(a)(2) of the Code ("Deemed IRA Trustee"). To the extent that the assets of any Deemed IRAs established pursuant to this Article are held in a Deemed IRA Trust satisfying the requirements of this Section 9.03,such Deemed IRA Trust, and any amendments thereto, is hereby adopted as a trust maintained under this Plan with respect to the assets held therein, and the provisions of such Deemed IRA Trust shall control so long as any assets of any Deemed IRA are held thereunder. 14 9;04 Reporting Duties. The Deemed IRA Trustee shall be subject to the reporting requirements of Section 408(1) of the Code with respect to all Deemed IRAs that are established and maintained under the Plan. 9.05 Deemed Traditional IRA Requirements. Deemed IRAs established in the form of traditional IRAs shall satisfy the following requirements: (a) Exclusive Benefit. The Deemed IRA account shall be established for the exclusive benefit of an Employee or his or her Beneficiaries. (b) Maximum Annual Contributions. (1) Except in the case of a rollover contribution (as permitted by Sections 402(c), 402(e)(6),403(a)(4), 403(b)(8), 403(b)(10), 408(d)(3) and 457(e)(16) of the Code), no contributions will be accepted unless they are in cash, and the total of such contributions shall not exceed: $3,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2002 through 2004; $4,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2005 through 2007; and $5,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2008 and years thereafter. After 2008, the limit will be adjusted by the Secretary of the Treasury for cost-of-living-increases under Section 219(b)(5)(C) of the Code. Such adjustments will be in multiples of$500. (2) In the case of an Employee who is 50 or older, the annual cash contribution Iimit is increased by: $500 for any taxable year beginning in 2002 through 2005; and $1,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2006 and thereafter. (3) No contributions will be accepted under a SIMPLE IRA plan established by any employer pursuant to Section 408(p) of the Code. Also, no transfer or rollover of funds attributable to contributions made by a particular employer under its SIMPLE IRA plan will be accepted from a SIMPLE IRA, that is an IRA used in conjunction with a SIMPLE IRA plan, prior to the expiration of the 2-year period beginning on the date the Employee first participated in that employer's SIMPLE IRA plan. (c) Collectibles. If the Deemed IRA Trust acquires collectibles with within the meaning of Section 408(m) of the Code after December 31, 1981, Deemed IRA Trust assets will be treated as a distribution in an amount equal to the cost of such collectibles. (d) Life Insurance Contracts. No part of the Deemed IRA Trust funds will be invested in life insurance contracts. (e) Minimum Required Distributions. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of this Deemed IRA to the contrary, the distribution of the Employee's interest in the account shall be made in accordance with the requirements of Section 408(a)(6) of the Code and the Income Tax Regulations thereunder, the provisions of which are herein incorporated by reference. If distributions are made from an annuity contract purchased from an insurance company, distributions thereunder must satisfy the requirements of Q&A-4 of Section 1.401(a)(9)-6T of the Income Tax Regulations (or Section 1.401(a)(9)-6 of the Income Tax Regulations, as applicable), rather than paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) below and Section 9.05(f). The minimum required distributions calculated for this IRA may be withdrawn from another IRA of the Employee in accordance with Q&A-9 of Section 1.408-8 of the Income Tax Regulations.. (2) The entire value of the account of the Employee for whose benefit the account is maintained will commence to be distributed no later than the first day of April following the calendar year in which 15 such Employee attains age 70-1/2 (the"required beginning date") over the life of such Employee or the lives of such Employee and his or her Beneficiary. (3) The amount to be distributed each year, beginning with the calendar year in which the Employee attains age 70-1/2 and continuing through the year of death shall not be less than the quotient obtained by dividing the value of the IRA(as determined under section 9.05(f)(3)) as of the end of the preceding year by the distribution period in the Uniform Lifetime Table in Q&A-2 of Section 401(a)(9)-9 of the Income Tax Regulations, using the Employee's age of his or her birthday in the year. However, if the Employee's sole Beneficiary is his or her surviving spouse and such spouse is more than 10 years younger than the Employee, then the distribution period is determined under the Joint and Last Survivor Table in Q8LA-3 of Section 1.401(a)(9)-9 of the Income Tax Regulations, using the ages as of the Employee's and spouse's birthdays in the year. (4) The required minimum distribution for the year the Employee attains age 70-1/2 can be made as late as April 1 of the following year. The required minimum distribution for any other year must be made by the end of such year. (f) Distribution Upon Death. (1) Death On or After Required Beginning Date. If the Employee dies on or after the required beginning date, the remaining portion of his or her interest will be distributed at least as rapidly as follows: (i) If the Beneficiary is sorneone other than the Employee's surviving spouse, the remaining interest will be distributed over the remaining life expectancy of the Beneficiary,with such life expectancy determined using the Beneficiary's age as of his or her birthday in the year following the year of the Employee's death,or over the period described in paragraph (1)(iii) below if longer. (ii) If the Employee's sole Beneficiary is the Employee's surviving spouse, the remaining interest will be distributed over such spouse's life or over the period described in paragraph (1)(111) below if longer. Any interest remaining after such spouse's death will be distributed over such spouse's remaining life expectancy determined using the spouse's age as of his or her birthday in the year of the spouse's death, or, if the distributions are being made over the period described in paragraph (1)(iii) below, over such period. (iii) If there is no Beneficiary,or if applicable by operation of paragraph (1)(i) or (1)(ii) above, the remaining interest will be distributed over the Employee's remaining life expectancy determined in the year of the Employee's death. (iv) The amount to be distributed each year under paragraph (1)(i), (ii),or (iii), beginning with the calendar year following the calendar year of the Employee's death, is the quotient obtained by dividing the value of the IRA as of the end of the preceding year by the remaining life expectancy specified in such paragraph. Life expectancy is determined using the Single Life Table in Q&A-1 of Section 1.401(a)(9)-9 of the Income Tax Regulations. If distributions are being made to a surviving spouse as the sole Beneficiary, such spouse's remaining life expectancy for a year is the number in the Single Life Table corresponding to such spouse's age in the year. In all other cases, remaining life expectancy for a year is the number in the Single Life Table corresponding to the Beneficiary's or Employee's age in the year specified in paragraph 1(i), (ii), or (iii) and reduced by 1 for each subsequent year. (2) Death Before Required Beginning Date. If the Employee dies before the required beginning date, his or her entire interest will be distributed at least as rapidly as follows: (i) If the Beneficiary is someone other than the Employee's surviving spouse, the entire interest will be distributed, starting by the end of the calendar year following the calendar year of 16 the Employee's death,over the remaining life expectancy of the Beneficiary,with such life expectancy determined using the age of the Beneficiary as of his or her birthday in the year following the year of the Employee's death, or, if elected, in accordance with paragraph (2)(in) below. (ii) If the Employee's sole Beneficiary is the Employee's surviving spouse, the entire interest will be distributed, starting by the end of the calendar year following the calendar year of the Employee's death (or by the end of the calendar year in which the Employee would have attained age 70-1/2, if later), over such spouse's life, or, if elected, in accordance with paragraph (2)(iii) below. If the surviving spouse dies before distributions are required to begin, the remaining interest will be distributed,starting by the end of the calendar year following the calendar year of the spouse's death,over the spouse's Beneficiary's remaining life expectancy determined using such Beneficiary's age as of his or her birthday in the year following the death of the spouse,or, if elected,will be distributed in accordance with paragraph (2)(iii) below. If the surviving spouse dies after distributions are required to begin, any remaining interest will be distributed over the spouse's remaining life expectancy determined using the spouse's age as of his or her birthday in the year of the spouse's death. (iii) If there is no Beneficiary, or if applicable by operation of paragraph (2)(i) or(2)(ii) above, the entire interest will be distributed by the end of the calendar year containing the fifth anniversary of the Beneficiary's death (or of the spouse's death in the case of the surviving spouse's death before distributions are required to begin under paragraph (2)(ii) above). (iv) The amount to be distributed each year under paragraph (2)(i) or (ii) is the quotient to be obtained by dividing the value of the IRA as of the end of the preceding year by the remaining life expectancy specified in such paragraph. Life expectancy is determined using the Single Life Table in Q&-A-1 of Section 1.401(a)(9)-9 of the Income Tax Regulations. If distributions are being made to a surviving spouse as the sole Beneficiary,such spouse's remaining life expectancy for a year is the number in the Single Life Table corresponding to the Beneficiary's age in the year specified in paragraph (2)(i) or(ii) and reduced by 1 for each subsequent year. (v} The"value" of the IRA includes the amount of any outstanding rollover, transfer and recharacterization under Q&As-7 and-8 of Section 1.408-8 of the Income Tax Regulations. (vi) If the sole Beneficiary is the Employee's surviving spouse, the spouse may elect to treat the IRA as his or her own IRA. This election will be deemed to have been made if such surviving spouse makes a contribution to the IRA or fails to take required distributions as a Beneficiary. (g) Nonforfeitable. The interest of an Employee in the balance in his or her Deemed IRA account is nonforfeitable at all times. (h) Reporting. The Deemed IRA Trustee of a Deemed Traditional IRA shall furnish annual calendar-year reports concerning the status of the Deemed IRA account and such information concerning required minimum distributions as is prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. (i) Substitution of Deemed IRA Trustee. If the Deemed IRA Trustee is a non-bank trustee or custodian, the non- bank trustee or custodian shall substitute another trustee or custodian if the non-bank trustee or custodian receives notice from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue that such substitution is required because it has failed to comply with the requirements of Section 1.408-2(e) of the Income Tax Regulations and Section 1.408-2T of the Income Tax Regulations 17 9.06 Deemed Roth IRA Requirements. Deemed IRAs established in the form of Roth IRAs shall satisfy the following requirements: (a) Exclusive Benefit. The Deemed Roth IRA shall be established for the exclusive benefit of an Employee or his or her Beneficiaries. (b) Maximum Annual Contributions. (1) Maximum Permissible Amount. Except in the case of a qualified rollover contribution or recharacterization (as defined in (6) below), no contribution will be accepted unless it is in cash and the total of such contributions to all the Employee's Roth IRAs for a taxable year does not exceed the applicable amount(as defined in (2) below), or the Employee's compensation (as defined in (8) below) if less, for that taxable year. The contribution described in the previous sentence that may not exceed the lesser of the applicable amount or the Employee's compensation is referred to as a "regular contribution." A"qualified rollover contribution" is a rollover contribution that meets the requirements of Section 408(d)(3) of the Code, except the one-rollover-per-year rule of Section 408(d)(3)(B) does not apply if the rollover contribution is from another IRA other than a Roth IRA (a"nonRoth IRA"). Contributions may be limited under(3) through (5) below. (2) Applicable Amount. The applicable amount is determined under (i) or (ii) below: (i) If the Employee is under age 50, the applicable amount is: $3,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2002 through 2004; $4,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2005 through 2007;and $5,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2008 and years thereafter. (ii) If the Employee is 50 or older, the applicable amount is: $3,500 for any taxable year beginning in 2002 through 2004; $4,500 for any taxable year beginning in 2005; $5,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2006 through 2007;and $6,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2008 and years thereafter. After 2008, the limits in paragraph (2)(i) and (ii) above will be adjusted by the Secretary of the Treasury for cost-of-living increases under Section 219(b)(5)(C) of the Code. Such adjustments will be in multiples of$500. (3) If(i) and/or(ii) below apply, the maximum regular contribution that can be made to all the Employee's Roth IRAs for the taxable year is the smaller amount determined under(i) or (ii). 18 G) The maximum regular contribution is phased out ratably between certain levels of modified adjusted gross income ("modified AGI," defined in (7) below) in accordance with the following table: If the Employee's modified AGI for a taxable year is in the phase-out range, the maximum regular contribution determined under this table for that taxable year is rounded up to the next multiple of$10 and not reduced below$200. (ii) If the Employee makes regular contributions to both Roth and nonRoth IRAs for a taxable year, the maximum regular contribution that can be made to all the Employee's Roth IRAs for that taxable year is reduced by the regular contributions made to the Employee's nonRoth IRAs for the taxable year. (4) Qualified Rollover Contribution Limit. A rollover from a nonRoth IRA cannot be made to this IRA if, for the year the amount is distributed from the nonRoth IRA,(i) the Employee is married and files a separate return, (ii) the Employee is not married and has modified AGI in excess of$100,000 or (iii) the Employee is married and together the Employee and the Employee's spouse have modified AGI in excess of$100,000. For purposes of the preceding sentence, a husband and wife are not treated as married for a taxable year if they have lived apart at all times during that taxable year and file separate returns for the taxable year. (5) SIMPLEIRA Limits.No contributions will be accepted under a SIMPLE IRA plan established by any employer pursuant to Section 408(p) of the Code. Also, no transfer or rollover of funds attributable to contributions made by a particular employer under its SIMPLE IRA plan will be accepted from a SIMPLE IRA, that is,an IRA used in conjunction with a SIMPLE IRA plan, prior to the expiration of the 2-year period beginning on the date the Employee first participated in that employer's SIMPLE IRA plan. (6) Recharacterization. A regular contribution to a nonRoth IRA may be recharacterized pursuant to the rules in Section 1.408A-5 of the Income Tax Regulations as a regular contribution to this IRA, subject to the limits in (3) above. (7) ModifaedAGI. For purposes of(3) and (4) above,an Employee's modified AGI for a taxable year is defined in Section 408A(c)(3)(C)(i) of the Code and does not include any amount included in adjusted gross income as a result of a rollover from a nonRoth IRA(a"conversion"). (8) Compensation. For purposes of(1) above,compensation is defined as wages, salaries, professional fees, or other amounts derived from or received for personal services actually rendered (including, but not limited to, commissions paid salesmen, compensation for services on the basis of a percentage of profits, commissions on insurance premiums, tips and bonuses) and includes earned income, as defined in Section 401(c)(2) of the Code (reduced by the deduction the self-employed individual 19 Modified AGI Full Phase-out No Filing Status Contribution Range Contribution Single or Head $95,000 or less Between$95,000 $110,000 of Household and $110,000 or more joint Return $150,000 or less Between$150,000 $160,000 or Qualifying and$160,000 or more Widower Married- Between$0 $10,000 Separate Return $0 and$10,000 or more If the Employee's modified AGI for a taxable year is in the phase-out range, the maximum regular contribution determined under this table for that taxable year is rounded up to the next multiple of$10 and not reduced below$200. (ii) If the Employee makes regular contributions to both Roth and nonRoth IRAs for a taxable year, the maximum regular contribution that can be made to all the Employee's Roth IRAs for that taxable year is reduced by the regular contributions made to the Employee's nonRoth IRAs for the taxable year. (4) Qualified Rollover Contribution Limit. A rollover from a nonRoth IRA cannot be made to this IRA if, for the year the amount is distributed from the nonRoth IRA,(i) the Employee is married and files a separate return, (ii) the Employee is not married and has modified AGI in excess of$100,000 or (iii) the Employee is married and together the Employee and the Employee's spouse have modified AGI in excess of$100,000. For purposes of the preceding sentence, a husband and wife are not treated as married for a taxable year if they have lived apart at all times during that taxable year and file separate returns for the taxable year. (5) SIMPLEIRA Limits.No contributions will be accepted under a SIMPLE IRA plan established by any employer pursuant to Section 408(p) of the Code. Also, no transfer or rollover of funds attributable to contributions made by a particular employer under its SIMPLE IRA plan will be accepted from a SIMPLE IRA, that is,an IRA used in conjunction with a SIMPLE IRA plan, prior to the expiration of the 2-year period beginning on the date the Employee first participated in that employer's SIMPLE IRA plan. (6) Recharacterization. A regular contribution to a nonRoth IRA may be recharacterized pursuant to the rules in Section 1.408A-5 of the Income Tax Regulations as a regular contribution to this IRA, subject to the limits in (3) above. (7) ModifaedAGI. For purposes of(3) and (4) above,an Employee's modified AGI for a taxable year is defined in Section 408A(c)(3)(C)(i) of the Code and does not include any amount included in adjusted gross income as a result of a rollover from a nonRoth IRA(a"conversion"). (8) Compensation. For purposes of(1) above,compensation is defined as wages, salaries, professional fees, or other amounts derived from or received for personal services actually rendered (including, but not limited to, commissions paid salesmen, compensation for services on the basis of a percentage of profits, commissions on insurance premiums, tips and bonuses) and includes earned income, as defined in Section 401(c)(2) of the Code (reduced by the deduction the self-employed individual 19 takes for contributions made to a self-employed retirement plan). For purposes of this definition, Section 401(c)(2) of the Code shall be applied as if the term trade or business for purposes of Section 1402 of the Code included service described in subsection (c)(6). Compensation does not include amounts derived from or received as earnings or profits from property(including but not limited to interest and dividends) or amounts not includible in gross income. Compensation also does not include any amount received as a pension or annuity or as deferred compensation. The term "compensation"shall include any amount includible in the Employee's gross income under Section 71 of the Code with respect to a divorce or separation instrument described in subparagraph (A) of Section 71(b)(2) of the Code In the case of a married Employee filing a joint return, the greater compensation of his or her spouse is treated as his or her own compensation but only to the extent that such spouse's compensation is not being used for purposes of the spouse making a contribution to a Roth IRA or a deductible contribution to a nonRoth IRA. (c) Collectibles. If the Deemed IRA Trust acquires collectibles within the meaning of Section 408(m) of the Code after December 31, 1981, Deemed IRA Trust assets will be treated as a distribution in an amount equal to the cost of such collectibles. (d) Life Insurance Contracts. No part of the Deemed IRA Trust funds will be invested in life insurance contracts. (e) Distributions Before Death. No amount is required to be distributed prior to the death of the Employee for whose benefit the account was originally established. (f) Minimum Required Distributions. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of this IRA to the contrary, the distribution of the Employee's interest in the account shall be made in accordance with the requirements of Section 408(a)(6) of the Code, as modified by section 408A(c)(5), and the regulations thereunder, the provisions of which are herein incorporated by reference. If distributions are made from an annuity contract purchased from an insurance company,distributions thereunder must satisfy the requirements of section 1.401(a)(9)-6T of the Temporary Income Tax Regulations (taking into account Section 408A(c)(5) of the Code) (or Section 1.401(a)(9)-6 of the Income Tax Regulations, as applicable),rather than the distribution rules in paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) below. (2) Upon the death of the Employee, his or her entire interest will be distributed at least as rapidly as follows: (i) If the Beneficiary is someone other than the Employee's surviving spouse, the entire interest will be distributed,starting by the end of the calendar year following the year of the Employee's death, over the remaining life expectancy of the Beneficiary,with such life expectancy determined using the age of the beneficiary as of his or her birthday in the year following the year of the Employee's death, or, if elected, in accordance with paragraph (2)(iii) below. (ii) If the Employee's sole Beneficiary is the Employee's surviving spouse, the entire interest will be distributed starting by the end of the calendar year following the calendar year of the Employee's death (or by the end of the calendar year in which the Employee would have attained age 70-1/2, if later), over such spouse's life, or, if elected, in accordance with paragraph (2)(iii) below. If the surviving spouse dies before distributions are required to begin, the remaining interest will be distributed,starting by the end of the calendar year following the calendar year of the spouse's death, over the spouse's Beneficiary's remaining life expectancy determined using such Beneficiary's age as of his or her birthday in the year following the death of the spouse, or, if elected,will be distributed in accordance with paragraph (2)(iii) below. If the surviving spouse dies after distributions are required to begin, any remaining interest will be distributed over the spouse's remaining life expectancy determined using the spouse's age as of his or her birthday in the year of the spouse's death. 20 (iii) If there is no Beneficiary, or if applicable by operation of paragraph (2)(i) or (2)(ii) above, the entire interest will be distributed the end of the calendar year containing the fifth anniversary of the Employee's death (or of the spouse's death in the case of the surviving spouse's death before distributions are required to begin under paragraph 2(ii) above). (iv) The amount to be distributed each year under paragraph (2)(1) or (ii) is the quotient obtained by dividing the value of the IRA as of the end of the preceding year by the remaining life expectancy specified in such paragraph. Life expectancy is determined using the Single Life Table in Q&A-1 of Section 1.401(a)(9)-9 of the Income Tax Regulations. If distributions are being made to a surviving spouse as the sole Beneficiary,such spouse's remaining life expectancy for a year is the number in the Single Life Table corresponding to such spouse's age in the year. In all other cases, remaining life expectancy for a year is the number in the Single Life Table corresponding to the Beneficiary's age in the year specified in paragraph (2)(i) or(ii) and reduced by 1 for each subsequent year. (3) The"value" of the IRA includes the amount of any outstanding rollover, transfer and recharacterization under Q&As-7 and-8 of Section 1.408-8 of the Income Tax Regulations. (4) If the sole Beneficiary is the Employee's surviving spouse, the spouse may elect to treat the IRA as his or her own IRA. This election will be deemed to have been made if such surviving spouse makes a contribution to the IRA or fails to take required distributions as a Beneficiary. (g) Nonforfeitable. The interest of an Employee in the balance in his or her account is nonforfeitable at all times. (h) Reporting. The Deemed IRA Trustee of a Deemed Roth IRA shall furnish annual calendar-year reports concerning the status of the Deemed IRA account and such information concerning required minimum distributions as is prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. (i) Substitution of Deemed IRA Trustee. If the Deemed IRA Trustee is a non-bank trustee or custodian, the non- bank trustee or custodian shall substitute another trustee or custodian if the non-bank trustee or custodian receives notice from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue that such substitution is required because it has failed to comply with the requirements of Section 1.408-2(e) of the Income Tax Regulations and Section 1.408-2T of the Income Tax Regulations. Article X. Non-Assignability 10.81 (general. Except as provided in Article VIII and Section 10.02, no Participant or Beneficiary shall have any right to commute, sell, assign,pledge, transfer or otherwise convey or encumber the right to receive any payments hereunder, which payments and rights are expressly declared to be non-assignable and non-transferable. 10.02 Domestic Relations Orders. (a) Allowance of Transfers:To the extent required under a final judgment, decree, or order (including approval of a property settlement agreement) that (1) relates to the provision of child support,alimony payments,or marital property rights and (2) is made pursuant to a state domestic relations law, and (3) is permitted under Sections 414(p)(11) and (12) of the Code, any portion of a Participant's Account may be paid or set aside for payment to a spouse, former spouse, child,or other dependent of the Participant (an "Alternate Payee"). Where necessary to carry out the terms of such an order,a separate Account shall be established with respect to the Alternate Payee who shall be entitled to make investment selections with respect thereto in the same manner as the Participant. Any amount so set aside for an Alternate Payee shall be paid in accordance with the form and timing of payment specified in the order. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize any amount to be distributed under the Plan at a time or in a form that is not permitted under Section 457(b) of 21 the Code and is explicitly permitted under the uniform procedures described in Section 10.2(d) below. Any payment made to a person pursuant to this Section shall be reduced by any required income tax withholding. (b) Release from Liability to Participant: The Employer's liability to pay benefits to a Participant shall be reduced to the extent that amounts have been paid or set aside for payment to an Alternate Payee to paragraph (a) of this Section and the Participant and his or her Beneficiaries shall be deemed to have released the Employer and the Plan Administrator from any claim with respect to such amounts. (c) Participation in Legal Proceedings: The Employer and Administrator shall not be obligated to defend against or set aside any judgment, decree, or order described in paragraph (a) or any legal order relating to the garnishment of a Participant's benefits,unless the full expense of such legal action is borne by the Participant. In the event that the Participant's action (or inaction) nonetheless causes the Employer or Administrator to incur such expense, the amount of the expense may be charged against the Participant's Account and thereby reduce the Employer's obligation to pay benefits to the Participant. In the course of any proceeding relating to divorce, separation, or child support, the Employer and Administrator shall be authorized to disclose information relating to the Participant's Account to the Alternate Payee (including the legal representatives of the Alternate Payee),or to a court. (d) Determination of Validity of Domestic Relations Orders:The Administrator shall establish uniform procedures for determining the validity of any domestic relations order. The Administrator's determinations under such procedures shall be conclusive and binding on all parties and shall be afforded the maximum amount of deference permitted by law. 10.03 IRS Levy. Notwithstanding Section 10.01, the Administrator may pay from a Participant's or Beneficiary's Account balance the amount that the Administrator finds is lawfully demanded under a levy issued by the Internal Revenue Service with respect to that Participant or Beneficiary or is sought to be collected by the United States Government under a judgment resulting from an unpaid tax assessment against the Participant or Beneficiary. 10.04 Mistaken Contribution. To the extent permitted by applicable law, if any contribution (or any portion of a contribution) is made to the Plan by a good faith mistake of fact, then after the payment of the contribution, and upon receipt in good order of a proper request approved by the Administrator, the amount of the mistaken contribution (adjusted for any income or loss in value, if any,allocable thereto) shall be returned directly to the Participant or, to the extent required or permitted by the Administrator, to the Employer. 10.05 Payments to Minors and Incompetents. If a Participant or Beneficiary entitled to receive any benefits hereunder is a minor or is adjudged to be legally incapable if giving valid receipt and discharge for such benefits, or is deemed so by the Administrator, benefits will be paid to such persons as the Administrator may designate for the benefit of such Participant or Beneficiary. Such payments shall be considered a payment to such Participant or Beneficiary and shall, to the extent made, be deemed a complete discharge of any liability for such payments under the Plan. 10.06 Procedure When Distributee Cannot Be Located. The Administrator shall make all reasonable attempts to determine the identity and address of a Participant or a Participant's Beneficiary entitled to benefits under the Plan. For this purpose,a reasonable attempt means (a) the mailing by certified mail of a notice to the last known address shown on the Employer or Administrator's records, (b) notification sent to the Social Security Administration or the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (under their program to identify payees under retirement plans), and (c) the payee has not responded within 6 months. If the Administrator is unable to locate such a person entitled to benefits hereunder, or if there has been no claim made for such benefits, the Trust shall continue to hold the benefits due such person. Article XI. R elationship to Other Plans and Employment Agreements This Plan serves in addition to any other retirement, pension, or benefit plan or system presently in existence or hereinafter established for the benefit of the Employer's employees, and participation hereunder shall not affect benefits receivable under any such plan or system. Nothing contained in this Plan shall be deemed to constitute an employment contract or agreement 22 between any Participant and the Employer or to give any Participant the right to be retained in the employ of the Employer. Nor shall anything herein be construed to modify the terms of any employment contract or agreement between a Participant and the Employer. Article XII. Amendment or Termination of flan The Employer may at any time amend this Plan provided that it transmits such amendment in writing to the Administrator at least 30 days prior to the effective date of the amendment. The consent of the Administrator shall not be required in order for such amendment to become effective, but the Administrator shall be under no obligation to continue acting as Administrator hereunder if it disapproves of such amendment. The Administrator may at any time propose an amendment to the Plan by an instrument in writing transmitted to the Employer at least 30 days before the effective date of the amendment. Such amendment shall become effective unless,within such 30-day period, the Employer notifies the Administrator in writing that it disapproves such amendment, in which case such amendment shall not become effective. In the event of such disapproval, the Administrator shall be under no obligation to continue acting as Administrator hereunder. The Employer may at any time terminate this Plan. In the event of termination,assets of the Plan shall be distributed to Participants and Beneficiaries as soon as administratively practicable following termination of the Plan. Alternatively, assets of the Plan may be transferred to an eligible deferred compensation plan maintained by another eligible governmental employer within the same State if(a) all assets held by the Plan (other than Deemed IRAs) are transferred; (b) the receiving plan provides for the receipt of transfers; (c) the Participants and Beneficiaries whose deferred amounts are being transferred will have an amount immediately after the transfer at least equal to the deferred amount immediately before the transfer;and (d) the Participants or Beneficiaries whose deferred amounts are being transferred is not eligible for additional annual deferrals in the receiving plan unless the Participants or Beneficiaries are performing services for the employer maintaining the receiving plan. Except as may be required to maintain the status of the Plan as an eligible deferred compensation plan under Section 457(b) of the Code or to comply with other applicable laws, no amendment or termination of the Plan shall divest any Participant of any rights with respect to compensation deferred before the date of the amendment or termination. Article XIII. Applicable Law This Plan and Trust shall be construed under the laws of the state where the Employer is located and is established with the intent that it meet the requirements of an "eligible deferred compensation plan" under Section 457(b) of the Code,as amended. The provisions of this Plan and Trust shall be interpreted wherever possible in conformity with the requirements of that Section of the Code. In addition, notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, the Plan shall be administered in compliance with the requirements of Section 414(u) of the Code. Article XIV. Gender and Dumber The masculine pronoun,whenever used herein,shall include the feminine pronoun, and the singular shall include the plural, except where the context requires otherwise. 23 This Declaration of Trust(the"Group Trust Agreement")is made as of the 19th day of May,2001,by VantageTrust Company, which declares itself to be the sole Trustee of the trust hereby created. WHEREAS,the ICMA Retirement Trust was created as a vehicle for the commingling of the assets of governmental plans and governmental units described in Section 818(x)(6)of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,as amended,pursuant to a Declaration of Trust dated October 4, 1982,as subsequently amended,a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as set out below(the"ICMA Declaration");and WHEREAS,the trust created hereunder(the"Group Trust") is intended to meet the requirements of Revenue Ruling 81- 100, 1981-1 C.B.326,and is established as a common trust fund within the meaning of Section 391:1 of Title 35 of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated,to accept and hold for investment purposes the assets of the Deferred Compensation and Qualified Plans held by and through the ICMA Retirement Trust. NOW,THEREFORE,the Group Trust is created by the execution of this Declaration of Trust by the Trustee and is established with respect to each Deferred Compensation and Qualified Plan by the transfer to the Trustee of such Plan's assets in the ICMA Retirement Trust,by the Trustees thereof,in accord with the following provisions: (a) Incorporation of ICMA Declaration by Reference;ICMA By-Laws. Except as otherwise provided in this Group Trust Agreement,and to the extent not inconsistent herewith,all provisions of the ICMA Declaration are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof,to be read by substituting the Group Trust for the Retirement Trust and the Trustee for the Board of Trustees referenced therein. In this respect,unless the context clearly indicates otherwise,all capitalized terms used herein and defined in the ICMA Declaration have the meanings assigned to them in the ICMA Declaration. In addition,the By-Laws of the ICMA Retirement Trust,as the same may be amended from time-to-time,are adopted as the By-Laws of the Group Trust to the extent not inconsistent with the terms of this Group Trust Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing,the terms of the ICMA Declaration and By-Laws are further modified with respect to the Group Trust created hereunder,as follows: any reporting,distribution,or other obligation of the Group Trust vis-a-vis any Deferred Compensation Plan,Qualified Plan,Public Employer,Public Employer Trustee,or Employer Trust shall be deemed satisfied to the extent that such obligation is undertaken by the ICMA Retirement Trust(in which case the obligation of the Group Trust shall run to the ICMA Retirement Trust);and 2. all provisions dealing with the number,qualification,election,term and nomination of Trustees shall not apply,and all other provisions relating to trustees(including,but not limited to,resignation and removal)shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the appointment of a single corporate trustee. (b) Compliance with Revenue Procedure 81-100. The requirements of Revenue Procedure 81-100 are applicable to the Group Trust as follows: Pursuant to the terms of this Group Trust Agreement and Article X of the By-Laws,investment in the Group Trust is limited to assets of Deferred Compensation and Qualified Plans,investing through the ICMA Retirement Trust. 2. Pursuant to the By-Laws,the Group Trust is adopted as a part of each Qualified Plan that invests herein through the ICMA Retirement Trust. In accord with the By-Laws,that part of the Group Trust's corpus or income which equitably belongs to any Deferred Compensation and Qualified Plan may not be used for or diverted to any purposes other than for the exclusive benefit of the Plan's employees or their beneficiaries who are entitled to benefits under such Plan. 4. In accord with the By-Laws, no Deferred Compensation Plan or Qualified Plan may assign any or part of its equity or interest in the Group Trust,and any purported assignment of such equity or interest shall be void. (c) Governing Law. Except as otherwise required by federal, state or local law, this Declaration of Trust (including the ICMA Declaration to the extent incorporated herein) and the Group Trust created hereunder shall be construed and determined in accordance with applicable laws of the State of New Hampshire. (d) judicial Proceedings. The Trustee may at any time initiate an action or proceeding in the appropriate state or federal courts within or outside the state of New Hampshire for the settlement of its accounts or for the determination of any question of construction which may arise or for instructions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has executed this Declaration of Trust as of the day and year first above written. VANTAGETRR`UST COMPANY Name: Paul E Gallagher Title: Secretary 2 Page 1 of 6 6/3/2008 4:39 PM TOWN F WESTLAKE Invoices Received: 05/12/08 thru 06/01/08 For Review by Board on 06/09/08 ea° ® s s Akin Gump 1186825 460.00 100 43325 11 Legislative Fees All About Recognition 56889 288.00 100 43520 11 Service recognitions for: Mayor&3 Aldermen Alliance Reg'I Newspapers 04302008 167.98 100 45405 11 Planning-Zoning: Hillwood 377/170 Corners Engraving/etching on Waterford vase for Barbara Brizuela;marble Artisan Studio 2082 80.00 100 43520 11 vase with etching for vase AT&T LD 1 (810755838) 05042008 58.84 100 45305 11 Town-70%Long Distance Service allocation Banc of America Leasing 010375782 257.61 100 44302 11 100%Copier Lease DP3520 Admin Corporate Couriers 65093 28.20 100 46120 11 Courier Service: P&Z/Development Dallas Business Journal 705761 95.00 100 46115 11 One year subscription Sales tax rebate thru quarter ended March 2008(per economic Fidelity Investments CR052708 123,352.13 100 46524 11 development agreement)1%payable to Fidelity Town Engineering Fees: DRC meeting for Deloitte&US 377 Graham Associates,Inc. 080402 1,460.00 100 46215 11 commercial projects Name plates for: Thomas Brymer,Mark Rosevear,Laura Wheat Identitec 947-508-05 160.00 100 46190 11 &Carol Langdon Joseph Lopez CR052108 21.48 100 46106 11 Reimbursement for hospitality items:1000 ct foam cups Reimbursement for hospitality items&flowers/bouquets for Kim Sutter CR050608 79.52 100 46106 11 outgoing Board members: May 19,2008 Board Meeting Maguire Partners#202 06012008 250.21 100 46220 11 Utilities-Town 50%allocation Maguire Partners#202 06012008 5,140.56 100 44410 11 Rent-Town 50%allocation Maguire Partners#207 06012008 13.34 100 46220 11 Utilities-Town Secretary 3.67%(Based on sq.footage) Maguire Partners#207 06012008 249.86 100 44410 11 Rent-Town Secretary 3.67%(Based on sq.footage) Maguire Partners#207 06012008 324.57 100 46220 11 Utilities-Court 89.34%(Based on sq.footage) Maguire Partners#207 06012008 6,078.20 100 44410 11 Rent-Court 89.34%(Based on sq.footage) Northwest Metroport 4002 22.00 100 45830 11 Monthly Luncheon-Scott Bradley Office Depot 430324062-001 10.99 100 46106 11 1 pk of hot cups&1 pk of towels Large binder clips,laserjet cartridge,post-it notes&package of Office Depot 430324062-001 133.59 100 46105 11 note pads Office Depot 429793143-001 8.00 100 46106 11 Hospitality items Office Depot 429793005-001 64.34 100 46105 11 2/cases of copy paper Office Depot 429793005-001 21.55 100 46106 11 Sugar,sweetener,coffeemate&creamer Office Depot 428562901-001 86.63 100 46105 11 Envelopes,small binder clips&letter file pockets Office Depot 428729737-001 23.55 100 46105 11 Legal hanging folders Office Depot 428729776-001 8.00 100 46106 11 Hospitality items Office Depot 428993477-001 20.32 100 46106 11 4/cases of water bottles Office Depot 428993477-001 13525 100 46105 11 Business card holder,copy paper&variety of color paper Office Depot 429007713-001 163.78 100 46105 11 Rotary file&cartridge Office Depot 429236610-001 42.28 100 46105 11 Desk lamp&steno pads Todd Wood ER052008 5.05 100 45825 11 Mileage to Barnes&Noble and Wal-Mart Page 1 of 6 6/3/2008 4:39 PM Invoices Received: 05/12/08 thru 06/01/0,1., For Review by Board on 06/09/08 Todd Wood ER052008 11.64 100 46106 11 3/20 pack of bottled water Todd Wood ER052008 23.97 100 46105 11 Office supplies Valero 11 05162008 46.56 100 46215 11 Pool Vehicle Fuel Vickie Brown PR053008 387.50 100 43335 11 lContract Labor-Administration TotaLAdministration Valero 06 05162008 69.07 100 46215 12 Building Official Vehicle Fuel Total Building 69.07 Alliance Reg'l News 04302008 294.64 100 45405 13 Public Ads-Ordinances/Bids/P&Z 64 supplement pages,graps&updating electronic database(12 Municipal Code Corp. 98412 1,582.48 100 46185 13 copies of supplement No 9 to the code of ordinances) Membership dues for local chapter of the TMCA as required for N.TX Municipal Clerks CR052908 25.00 100 46615 13 certification Northwest Metroport 4002 22.00 100 45830 13 Monthly Luncheon-Kim Sutter Cancellation notice of P&Z&Board of Aldermen meeting: May Star Telegram 297049871 1 9971 100 45405 13 19,2008 Star Telegram 296823761 137.95 100 45405 13 Notice of P&Z&Board of Aldermen meeting: May 19,2008 Total Town Secretary 2,161.78 AT&T 825.147.526 05152008 66.30 100 45310 14 Mobile Phone(Ambulance&Fire Truck) Atmos Energy 00181228( 05192008 33.89 100 46225 14 Fire Station Gas Service Austin Hardware 822737 37.18 100 46215 14 Door latch for M481 Electrical work at Fire Station: 2 light boxes,1 light box for motion Big Bear Electric,Inc. 07-575 1,200.00 100 44212 14 sensor,1 duplex receptacle and install electrical panel Diversified Inspections 164812-DIITL 98.64 100 46215 14 Ladder testing Emerg.Eqpmt of N.TX 8057 1,036.00 100 46215 14 Rear brake job on Engine 481 GST Public Safety 2008009294 767.02 100 46605 14 EMS Uniforms: T-shirts,patches,name tapes&various items Home Depot 9024895 23.79 100 46155 14 21Shop towels&5/Painting mits Home Depot 4114557 11.97 100 46155 14 1/Utility rope Home Depot 2042291 54.90 100 46155 14 Paint&brushes for hydrants Huguley Assessment Ctr 448 400.00 100 43125 14 Assessment for: Jonathan Duncan Kwik Kar 00001-01654914 14.50 100 46215 14 M481 state inspection Mary A.Connell,Ed.D. 714 225.00 100 43135 14 Employment evaluation for: Jonathan Duncan Matheson Tri-Gas 662360 85.14 100 46615 14 Medical supplies Nortex Modular Space 21371 618.75 100 45325 14 Building Lease-Fire Station: June 2008 Office Depot 429793005-001 9088 100 46105 14 Print cartridge&laminating business card pouches epot 428562901-001 72.92 100 46105 14 Dry erase markers,highlighters,pens,post-it notes&batteries Page 2of6 6/3/2008 4:39 PM TOWN O WESTLAKE Invoices Received: 05/12/08 thru 06/01/0,1., For Review by :• ' • on 06/09/08 p�- ® ' Training for 2 Fire Dept employees for the American Heart Assoc Rescue 1 080508 110.00 100 45830 14 Advanced Cardiac Life Support Richard Whitten ER052808 44.82 100 44213 14 Firefighter Supplies Roanoke Auto Supply 596381 12.79 100 46215 14 Grounds lights Roanoke Auto Supply 596680 6.92 100 46215 14 Wind shield wipers M481 Southeaster Emergency 241636 127.70 100 46615 14 Medical Supplies: Cricothrotomy Set Southeastern Emergency 237235 (111.37) 100 46615 14 Credit invoice#231011 -valve regulator Southeastern Emergency 241906 127.70 100 46615 14 Medical Supplies: Cricothrotomy Set Southeastern Emergency 239951 189.45 100 46615 14 Medical Supplies: Pads,probe covers&various supplies Stericycle 4000060129 14.33 100 46615 14 Hazardous Waste Management Fee Valero 01 05162008 60275 100 46215 14 EMS Vehicle Fuel-M481 Valero 03 05162008 747.67 100 46215 14 EMS Vehicle Fuel-E481 Valero 04 05162008 142.52 100 46215 14 EMS Vehicle Fuel-Tahoe Verizon 8173374722-1 05042008 120.69 100 45305 1 14 Fire Station Telephone Verizon 8173374722-2 05042008 59.95 100 45315 1 14 Fire Station Internet Line World Point 480161 38.75 100 46130 14 CPR Cards&Books Total Fire Dept. + z 7,071.55 Office Depot 430467733-001 10.77 100 45105 15 IThermal paper Office Depot 430373969-001 19.04 100 46106 15 2/cases of water bottles&3 rolls of towels Office Depot 430373969-001 329.19 100 46105 15 Toner cartridges&copy paper Valero 07 05162008 116.64 100 46215 15 Marshall Vehicle Fuel i Total Court 475.64 Brock Paving Industries 08-00-09 3,845.00 100 44303 16 Road Repairs&Maintenance Rodgers Construction W080513-01 973.08 100 43214 16 Storm drain investigate and clean Valero 05 05162008 173.57 100 46215 16 Public Works Vehicle Fuel @ 50% Total Public Works 4,991.65 Access Lift&Svc 05060812 100.00 100 45903 17 Elevator Maintenance for the month of April 2008 Keys&trip charge for Town Office at Solana to repair kepad& DFW Safe&Lock 55276 66.50 100 44212 17 handle at court DFW Safe&Lock 55281 161.75 100 44212 17 Keys/door repairs&trip charge Hadden Landscaping 27814 87.50 1 100 43344 17 Irrigation inspection @ Dove Road&Triangle: April 2008 Landscape maintenance for the Westlake Municipal Complex: Hadden Landscaping 27730 1,97730 100 43348 17 April 2008 Hadden Landscaping 28142 87.50 100 43344 17 1 Irrigation inspection @ Dove Road&Triangle: May 2008 Page 3 of 6 6/3/2008 4:39 PM TOWN OF WESTLAKE Invoices Received: 05/12/08 thru 06/01/08 For Review by Board on 06/09/08 e� @ Hadden Landscaping 28207 145.00 100 43344 17 Mow&weedeat: Vaquero Median&Ottinger Road: May 2008 Hadden Landscaping 28209 500.00 100 43348 17 Tractor mow&weedeat behind Academy Landscape maintenance for the Westlake Municipal Complex: Hadden Landscaping 28063 11977.30 100 43348 17 May 2008 Hadden Landscaping 28181 55.00 100 43348 17 Install flowers Hadden Landscaping 27913 145.00 100 43344 17 Mow,edge,weedeat: Vaquero Median-April 2008 Hadden Landscaping 28231 346.05 100 43340 17 Academy: irrigation repairs Home Depot 0024802 36.85 100 44306 17 Build stage for May 26,2008 event Humphrey&Associates 66135 216.37 100 44218 17 Lamp and Bulb Supplies/Materials Leslie's Pool 1067475 386.49 100 44225 17 Install drain for filter at the Academy Logical Solutions 100989 2,975.00 100 44219 17 Replacement module for hot water system Longhorn,inc. S1678669.001 5.93 100 43340 17 Repairs for irrigation system Installed foot valve,calibrated and checked operation on pump M.P.S.Inc. 03632 1,289.44 100 43340 17 from pond to irrigation system Maguire Partners 060841 10.00 100 44212 17 Two keys for Key#509 in Suite#202 Nextel 392123723-043 141.60 100 45310 17 Mobile Phone charges for Troy Meyer Office Depot 428993477-001 98.60 100 46105 17 Laser pointer pen,hole puncher,rotary file,pads&markers Old Faithful Fountains 5745 834.47 100 44213 17 Pump for irrigation system Panda Embroidery 53874 160.00 100 46605 17 Embroidery for Uniforms TD Industries NTS1034683 490.53 100 45911 17 A/C Unit needed to be re-charged with R-22 TD Industries NTS1037547 (278.00) 100 43340 17 Credit Invoice#NTS1019879: Leak repair on 2 inch irrigation line TD Industries NTS1026152 904.85 100 45910 17 Boiler check TD Industries NTS1028001 1,195.61 100 45910 17 Repair to boiler Mileage: Pickup maps of cemetery from Mr.Fanning's home, meeting at Academy,met with contract about water leak,met Troy Meyer ER051208 42.93 100 46215 17 survey crew at cemetery&groundbreaking meeting off site Valero 10 05162008 74.61 100 46215 17 Facilities Vehicle Fuel @ 50% Total,FacilitieslGrounds 14,234.18 g Fee for services rendered in connection with the Annual Lawrence Financial 03262008 1,500.00 100 43245 18 Continuing Disclosure Report Xact 134112 27.50 100 46125 18 Printing of Business Cards for Todd Wood,SPHR,IPMA-CP Total Finance §' 1,527.50 Arbor Day Foundation 05282008 10.00 100 45911 19 Tree City USA contribution for shrub to be used on campus Mow&weedeat Westlake Cemetery&Mow vacant house:April Hadden Landscaping 27881 448.03 100 44306 19 2008 Landscape maintenance for Westlake Triangle/Dove Road: May Hadden Landscaping 28143 22.36 100 43349 19 2008(50%to HOA) Landscape maintenance for Westlake Triangle/Dove Road: April Hadden Landscaping 27815 1 22.36 1 100 1 43349 19 2008(50%to HOA) Page 4 of 6 6/3/2008 4:39 PM .. O . . OF WESTLAKE Invoices Received: 05/12/08 thru 06/01/N. For Review by Board on 06/09/08 Landscape maintenance for the Westlake Glenwyck Trail Area: Hadden Landscaping 27729 1,220.83 100 43349 19 April 2008(50%to HOA) Landscape maintenance for the Westlake Glenwyck Trail Area: Hadden Landscaping 28062 1,220.83 100 43349 -- 19 May 2008(50%to HOA) Mow&weedeat Westlake Cemetery&Mow vacant house:May Hadden Landscaping 28210 438.28 100 44306 19 2008 Lake maintenance services to the four ponds located near Texas AquaServe,LP 04302008 474.92 100 45911 19 Glenwyck for the month of April 2008(50%to HOA) Troy Meyer ER051208 30.54 100 46215 19 New gas gauge&gas for mule Valero 10 05162008 74.61 100 46215 19 Park&Recs Vehicle Fuel @ 50% Total ParkslRecreatlon 3,962.76 Computer Equipment&Software: MS Office Pro Plus 2007&MS CDW KJT4900 56.00 100 43405 20 Office Std 2007 Computer power supply,migration software&books for leadership Todd Wood ER052008 286.20 100 43405 20 team Total IT,Dept. 34220 Atmos Energy 1812050 05192008 347.72 199 13020 0 Academy Gas Service -100% Hotel&restaurant charges for: Mark Rosevear(04/20108 thru Marriott International 337H103640 1,108.29 199 13020 0 04/25/08) Tri-County Elec.150-505- 05212008 s 8,122.10 ' 199 13020 0 Academy Electric Total Academy Fund ( ( 9,578.11 � AT&T LD 2(810755838) 05042008 12.61 220 45305 11 Visitor Fund-15%Long Distance Service allocation Maguire Partners#202 06012008 125.10 220 46220 11 Utilities-Visitor Fund 25%allocation Maguire Partners#202 06012008 2,570.28 220 44410 11 Rent-Visitor Fund 25%allocation # 6 I Due.from Visitor Fund Cemetery: one year system support/maintenance(09/13/08 thru Ramaker C1802-6 450.00 255 43405 0 09/12/09) ) Due from Cemetery Fund 460,00: Pate Engineers 0103564 7,078.23 410 16600 13 Arts&Science Building-Engineering and Surveying Services Pate Engineers 0102993 6,518.00 410 16600 13 Arts&Science Building-Engineering and Surveying Services t Due from.Capltal,Projects 13,696.23- back flow prevention inspection: 1900 S Hwy 377- 1-A Fire Testing 6914 100.00 500 44123 16 IDomestic Pump Station AA Wrecker Service 153193 75.00 500 46215 16 2002 White Ford F-150: Pull out of pond American Leak 11114 265.00 500 44112 16 Commercial Teak detection AT&T LID 3(810755838) 05042008 12.61 500 45305 16 Utility Fund-15%Long Distance Service allocation Atlas Utility Supply 156419 1,672.00 500 44112 16 411"meters&10/1"electronic registers Page 5 of 6 6/312008 4:39 PM TOWN OF WESTLAKE Invoices Received: 05/12/08 thru 06101/08 For Review by Board on 06/09/08 Atlas Utility Supply 156479 171.13 500 44112 16 2/meter adapters Data Prose 49327 222.98 500 44135 16 Utility Billing Processing for April 2008 Fort Worth Water Dept 05212008 23,295.35 500 44105 16 Water Volume Purchases Fort Worth Water Dept 05212008 17,612.18 500 44110 16 Water Peak Payment Fort Worth Water Dept 05212008 50.00 500 44106 16 Water Service Charge Engineering Fees-Utility Fund: Preparation of application to amend CCN(Certificate of Convenience&Necessity),mapping& documents associated with application to remove Johny Graham Associates, Inc. 080402 4,575.00 500 43220 16 Automotive tract from Town CCN. Home Depot 3024862 68.76 500 44130 16 PVC,adapters&various items Home Depot 3024862 24.97 500 44226 16 1/Shovel International Diving Svcs 755 1,500.00 500 44119 16 In-service cleaning of 685 TG Ground Tank Keller(City of) 05272008A 39.89 500 44312 16 Keller Waste Water-acct 094-0000102-000 Keller(City of) 05272008 78.81 500 44312 16 Keller Waste Water-acct 094-0000100-000 Maguire Partners#202 06012008 125.10 500 46220 16 Utilities-Utility Fund 25%allocation Maguire Partners#202 06012008 2,570.28 500 44410 16 Rent-Utility Fund 25%allocation Rodgers Construction W080513-01 3,270.52 500 44112 16 Repair fire hydrant,investigate leaking valve&materials Water service relocate&adjust manhole ring and cover at 2005 Rodgers Construction W080513-01 2,363.17 500 44130 16 Woodthrush&Parts to raise manhole Tri-County Elec.8006064 05212008 15.45 500 46222 16 On-Line Meter Electric Service Trinity River Authority BB 788 13,563.00 500 44115 16 TRA Wastewater Treatment Valero 05 05162008 173.57 500 46215 16 Utility Fund Vehicle Fuel @ 50% Due.from Uti►ity 71,844.77,. 3 Maguire Partners#207 06012008 25.37 100 13100 0 Utilities-Texas Student Housing 6.98%(Based on sq.footage) Maguire Partners#207 06012008 475.09 100 13100 0 Rent-Texas Student Housing 6.98%(Based on sq.footage) Due from TSH s 500.46 273,294.39 Page 6 of 6 6/3/2008 4:39 PM r"r-q 'town of a Back up material has not been provided for this item. t Town of Westlake Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen From: Tom Brymer,Town Manager Subject: Regular Meeting of June 9,2008 Date: June 4,2008 ITEM Consider a Development Agreement Between the Town of Westlake, AIL Investment, L.P. (AIL) and Hillwood Alliance Services, LLC(HAS)Pertaining to Responsibilities and Funding for Certain Roadway Improvements/Extensions, Access, Buffers, Trail Improvements, Placement of Electric Lines Underground, as well as Filing of a Rezoning Application for the Remainder of the PD 3-3 Zoning District BACKGROUND This agreement, if approved, would establish between the Town, AIL, and HAS, the conditions, responsibilities, and funding for future Dove/JT Ottinger Road improvements, construction of a westerly road extending west from JT Ottinger Road to Highway 170, trail improvements along Dove Road, placement of electric lines underground, access to certain portions of Dove Road, and filing of rezoning application for the remainder of PD 3-3. During the discussion of the proposed Deloitte University project, a number of off-site access, infra- structure, and land use issues arose that can best be dealt with via a development agreement between the developer and the Town. This proposed development agreement is intended to deal with those issues. FUNDING If this development agreement is approved, the Town would be committing to improvements to Dove/JT Ottinger Roads. Under this agreement, the Town may choose to fund its portion of these improvements by using all or a portion of the monies that AIL will provide for AIL's portion of these improvements. AIL's maximum obligation for Dove Road improvements is set in this agreement at 50% of Dove Road improvements or$1.5 million,whichever is less. RECOMMENDATION Approval of the proposed development agreement. The agreement's primary points will be reviewed in a staff presentation at the meeting. ATTACHMENTS 1.) Resolution adopting the development agreement 2.) Proposed development agreement i June 9, 2008 eloitte Steve Silverstein,Director Jon Eisele, Partner Cary Moon Staubach Bradley Selner, Executive Vice President Tommy Parrett, Executive Vice President Vinson & Elkins, LLP Paul Martin, Attorney Hillwood Mike Berry, President Russell Laughlin, Senior Vice President Bill Burton, Senior Vice President Joe Schneider, Vice President Kelly,Hart and Hallman,LLP Chad Key, Attorney NWsr?l M.62 a•12•54'66. R•GV4.do, 38.32, too 03, S66,$0-16-t A-sr4;1 05, 03, Not L 34 1 1 so,I?-[ 160.88, E 40.01, '21*3!4'47- S54*13,31-g 32.07, 60.18. s23•41.47. 109.97 AlL PROPERTY PART i D9.044 AC KM g "fl- MWSOCNr. p ba VOL-I 16 t* ROO,I ""331.43, sa•m,ovw TAAcr 7.30.14-r so sol.56• 4' M L®340. L-1 L L RIM7.go, ager per, 63L"- 5 62 L.C.-S64'Z9l ,,-EjjMW op Do 631, umma AM PART 2 s 8a :A $SIP ol,$9-q 569°27'17°0 Ali, MwgrAawr, C.P. uj 42 rRAcr W.62- 24x.20' lR7.4a 41 I V1I 4 22 AIL PROPERTY r. 41. PART 2 z )1 IM-267 ACM roan or oomxmKmqo Toy. ur 49.9.{`1 ;L To POW OF WWI AIL IM•SOC,vr, L.p, VOL-j-'al.po.j" TRACT I DOVE RD so 5214 f 4-1 V2i,24' 11-154.00, I zil H L,253.3$- ft-0-W PARML L,C.-sa 12'a- rp. ,,x. j!L 16 0 EXH181T*A' TPACrA" EXHIBIT SHOWING TOW S OF LAND SITUATED IN THE 0'W"TIAKE,AR(RANT COUNTY,TEXAS F)LE. )a\ DA7Ev 03.�jjujorB�0150070 I\094\SUR\SOO 794ex 3.dgn 08 0?-24-n- it • M. Approved by Town of Westlake Resolution Igo. 08-36 . f F � : A. HAS Improver nents"shall collectively mean the Westerly Road (defined ; .: �,Y ; cite tiecfric Line Relocation (defined below) and the Trail (defined below). The HAS Improvements shall be constructed pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in Sections 1, 2 and 3 of this Agreement. B. Westerly Road. HAS shall construct or cause to be constructed a two-lane private or public road from the Parish Lane interchange on State Highway 170 to Ottinger Road, connecting to the points on State Highway 170 and Ottinger Road as generally depicted on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Westerly Road"). The construction of the Westerly Road will be completed on or before the HAS Improvement Deadline(defined below). a. The Westerly Road shall be constructed to the Town's standards as of the date of this Agreement, but may be constructed as either a public or private road in HAS's sole discretion. If the Westerly Road is constructed as a private road, it shall be gated with no public access except emergency access. AIL or HAS may, in their sole discretion, elect to dedicate the Westerly Road to the Town and the Town shall accept such dedication at any time including,without limitation,if the development or projected development of property near or adjacent to the Westerly Road requires the Westerly Road to be made public. At such time that AIL or HAS elects to dedicate the Westerly Road as a public road, AIL or HAS shall give notice to the Town of such election (the "Hillwood Dedication Notice"), and the Town shall, V. within days after receipt of the Hillwood Dedication Notice (the "Dove/Ottinger Road Section Deadline"),improve the Dove/Ottinger Road Section (hereinafter defined) in accordance with the provisions of Section S.E. below. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, even if the Town fails to improve the Dove/Ottinger Road Section in accordance with the provisions of Section S.E.below prior to the Dove/Ottinger Road Section Deadline,then AIL or HAS shall still have the option to dedicate the Westerly Road to the Town and the Town must accept such dedication within twenty(20)days after the Dove/Ottinger Road Section Deadline. b. In the event the Westerly Road is initially constructed by HAS as a private road,the Town may elect to cause AIL to dedicate it as a public road only at any time following the later of(i) completion of such Westerly Road or (ii) the date that is seven (7)years after the Effective Date of this Agreement, and provided: (1) if the Town so elects to cause AIL to dedicate the Westerly Road as a public Road, the Town must improve the Dove/Ottinger Road Section in accordance with the provisions of Section S.E. below; (2) the Town must give written notice of its election to AIL, and AIL shall have one (1) year following the later of(A) such written notice, or (B) the Town's completion of the Dove/Ottinger Road Section in accordance with the provisions of Section S.E. below, to dedicate the Westerly Road to the Town as a public road. C. Provided that the Westerly Road is initially built to the Town standards in effect as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, the Town must accept the dedication of the Westerly Road regardless of whether the Town's standards have changed at the time of such dedication; provided, however, that prior to such dedication, AIL and/or HAS shall (i) repair the Westerly Road to the standards in effect as of the Effective Date of this Agreement,and(ii) if any portion of the then- existing Westerly Road is in a location that is not generally consistent with the Town's Master Thoroughfare Plan as of the date of such dedication,reconstruct such portion of the Westerly Road in a location that is consistent with the Town's Master Thoroughfare Plan provided that AIL or one of its affiliates. d. At such time, if ever, that the Westerly Road is dedicated as a public road (whether at the election of AIL, HAS or the Town), none of AIL, HAS or their respective affiliates shall be required to pay any platting, impact or any other fees, charges or expenses with respect to such dedication. 3. Portions of the Westerly Road may be constructed in a permanent configuration and other portions in a temporary configuration,and AIL may,in its sole discretion and at any time(whether while the road is private or after it has been dedicated to the Town as a public road), elect to relocate portions of the Westerly Road as future development plans for the property near or adjacent to the Westerly Road are refined. or modified. E uoiju3U!utuapui qanS -SVHIII pvo-dXpajsoAX aqjjo uoijanjisawjo utisap juaN112tau aqj qj!At uoilz)auuoa ni io jo ino tuispe kpadoid Sue oj a�vtuep aqj Ioj .10 Hosiad Suu jo q1vap .10 of 'Unful .101 saal sxauiojw puu sisoa pnoa 'uoputpq jo sasuadxa lie tuipnjaui'puF Btu p Isassol Istulula JIB .1,UaAa jo sailil!quil puu dins luoilau jo sasnua sat v pug Sue istnetu puu motj saaSold tua puu sjuaNu lsjaagjo lsluiagjo sj!la3fulisalA jo umol aqj ssaitujuq ploq puu ICJ!UtuaPul 01 Saaltv SVH sluawaiinFa-d—uo-!Iuau!utuapuI ID -uotjdposap spunoq puu s;Djow u opnjoui plugs 'sjuowsvo pm X-em-jo-jqOij Ouiploui `kp;)doid luol jo umol oqj of Uolluol pop XUB'Umo_L oqj/Cq pon nboi jj 'TDOd 'dJOU01T-UOIP5-C—1 j -;)q,tuw oseo oqj su 'oinjuu iupwts jo sloofoid oilcind uodn puL,slooils oilqnd uo p!q of spodsoi 1pe ut pog!jenb oq of puu'sloofoid oilqnd jo/pu-e spoils ollqnd ul�Ilom op of p3pLloq puu 'POSU301i 'Poinsui �uioq ioj slupwimboi /Winjuls puL, spiupmjs XiolulWobi s,umol z)Lll pow jsnw jolmiluoo 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uo umwoljsnm suuld osagl -aseala.ilo dwels umol oqj fuproq suuld panozddu jo has n glim po uosoid oq Iings uoilon.ilsuoo oql ui Ouijedioilzud sdoloealuoo IIV z *umol oql glint path puu pololdwoo uaaq anuq Ilegs `Xuu.Ii `sluauinoop lou.iluoo puu suuld pa.imboi Iid I :pno-d x1jolsom oql of loodsol qjim pw uaaq anuq suorlipuoo Ouimollo.I oqj iugl pagsiies oq Ilegs umol oql`puog/CliolsoM ogllo uoilonalsuoo i?uizt.zoglnu of.ioi.zd •uoilon.ilsuoD of zoizd suoilipuoD .g -spzupuuls OuiaaauT�?uo umol oqj glim aouepa000u ui pajon.gsuoo oq llugs Sluauzanoddwl SVH Ile lugs siuuuanoo SVH •sp.zupuMS uiaaaui ug Y SJLN:IW:IA®HJWI SVH HHI.HOd Sd2I11Q:43OHd NI0I13flH.ISNO3 '£N01133S •luauiaoAV sigl,lo uoileuiuudal Sun puoiaq anuiluoa i1ngs uoglaas sigl ul suoiluNlggo uollUagtuuiapui acgjL [�•pno �fgdalsaM aql 3o uoilaiduioa agl dalju sdnai (Z) oml uugj adoui saspu lugl r�llgYgnit do`llns`uollma jo asni;a 6atutuep`ssol`uugga Suu of Sgddn lou Igugs uoilvagluulapui ganS -uMo,l,agl jo(s)lan Injll!m do aaua2ig2au agl ulodj aside IIIqu?g do signs tuopaujo asnua bsatutuep°sassol`sulinla agl lualxa aql of Siddn lou llugs S uaalsna aql uto.ij panmisna `i�Pm-to-jg2tl PBOd anoQ 2?utlslxa ayl utgl!m inq `pno'd aAoQ JO Opts glzou oqj uo („Itn�L») Itn1i/3Itnmopts [Hull 'IIV-81 INfIWINIW IH.L d0 JNIQNV,LSNaCINI Nflo]aptm(,g)looj Ig�?io uu lon_iisuoo of saa.z�3n SVH t •Olaaagl panfaa gltm su2?tssn io szoss000ns `sole!Igjv slt jo-11V wozd ponnboi oq Iltm puul j;)glo zo,�nm jo-Iglu InuoilippB ou pun pw-d anoQ JOI ptrel.zagio io Xvm jo-lg2ij,.mss000u lIn palnoipop,�IsnotAoid aAnq s0lssn pun sioss000ns`sainggjn ST!pun ZId ingl sa�?palmouNou pun soo&c Xgojoq umo L oqj £ -SVH io umoL all.iaglta Xq pouotltpuoo ao pa,Cnlap `plaggltm Xiguosmun oq lou lings Innoiddn golgm `SVH pun umOls aqj gloq,�q fuilijm ut panoiddn uaaq sng olnuitisg IsoD oqj Itlun uotlnfggO puo-d anoQ umu.ttxuW oql jo uoiltod Xuu of Igft-t /We anntl iou puods lou Iings umo L agi `XJL'Jluoo agi of 5tugj/WB 2?atpunlsgitmioN •umo_,oqj pun SVH Xq Innoiddn ua14t.zm OI loofgns oq Ilntls aimpsg IsoD gotgm `moloq •g•S uotloaS gltm oounpioaan ui sluauianoiduit Bons jol olmilso s,aaaut'Rua uu uodn posuq aq Iings(„;)jewiisg IsoD„ agi) uotloaS dLD pnog anoQ agi jo uoilonilsuoo Intltui agi jo Isoo polnutilso aqI, z '(Oo'oo0`OOS`I$) sNv IIOQ OOt/ON QNd QNVSIIOHZ Qg2IQN i-I 9Ald NOI`I'IIW gN0 (tt) jo `umol agi Xq panoidutt si It awtl aql In uotloaS dn:) puo21 anoQ oqj jo uotlon.ilsuoo lntltut oqj jo lsoo aril 3o (%OS) luoo.tad /qjg (t) :(,uoiJn�tig0 pno-d aAoQ wntutxuW,,ogl)3o aassal oqj of poltwtI oq Ilim uotloaS dn� 21 pnO aAoQ agl OI sJuauiaAoiduii Xun of pi-efioi gltm uotlnftlgo Inlol s*"IIV I :suoilnituttl pun sutzal 5utmolloj agi of JooCgns («uotloaS deD pnog anoQ„ agl) oomiojoi /Cq uioloq polnaodiooui pun olaaag pogonlin «g» ltgtgxg uo palotdap Xlanlnotlind aaow(olazagl polular sitiatuanojdtut aagio pun futdnospunl `satltltln lln`uotlnittutl inogltm `23utpnlout) PEON anoQ JO uotliod ingl of sluowoAozduit ui olndiotlind of saaa,04n 'IIV`aunt uim lJol snonutluoo n gltm uotloa.ztp gong ut aural ouo jo tuntutuitu n gltm osno.zatllta ui `uuld aanjg2?no OLjJ_ talsnjnj s,umol agi pun spanpunlS 241113au15tig s,UMOI agl ut patigap azn smol pons sn,,1oloalloD jofuW,,jo,,.ioloolloD.iouiW,,n jo pmpunls tuntutuitu n of llmq si pno-d aAOQIn[p papiAOZd •uotloaS nO pnoN aAoQ oqj of polnlag suotln tlgO'IId ogtoa S D •pnOZI anoQ of palnlaz sluowXLd ioglo oNuw of.io soal.iagio jo loudutt Xud of`pnON aAoQ tttnlutnui .io .undoi 10 sivatuanoidtui lonaisuoo `punl oluoipop `,tJ.iadoad XLm-lo-igft.z .io luauzasna Inuotltppn joj oj-epo�?au zo ojinbon of uotln5tlgo dun `uoilnittutl jnogltm `5utpnlaut `pumd anoQ oI PJUOOJ tptm uotln�tlgo Xun aAnq atutlXun in su5tssn ao stoss000ns`salntlg.In antloadsat 110111 Jo ICuu zo SVH `III ' hugs Juana Ou ut `molaq -D-S uotloaS ui glioj Jas XIlnogtoods suoiie2?tlgo oqj ungl zaglo `mill so5polmouNon pun sooi5u umol oqj `Iuauiaaa5d still ut glioj Ps SVH pun,IlVjo suotln2?tlgo pun sluowooifn agl.ioj uotlnaaptsuoo ut`XjLjluoo agI of futgl,�un 2?uipunlsgltmloN •sluautanoz uil puo-1 anoQ JOJ suoiln ilgO'IId uO uotJnitutt'I •g •aauaaalaa Xq utazag polnzodiooui pun oloiag pagou:4u„g„Itgtgxg uo palotdap/�IxeInotpnd azotu(olojogj polnlaa sivatuaAoidtui jogio pun futdnospuul`satltltln Iin`uotlnj!un[lnogltm`�?utpnlotu)pno-d.ia&utI10 pun pnoN oAOQIO suotlzod osogl unaui lings „uoiJaaS PLO-1 100?UIli0/3AoQ„`Iuauiaaz�3d stgl jo sosodind.iod uotloaS pnO d.ia utllO/anoQ v S,LVgbllgrlO2IdIlII UVONHAOU °9 NOIJOHS 9 •(Iie.tl all ion.tisuoo of Jsoo paieuttiso agJ ssal) uoiJeOilgO peog anoQ utnwixuW oqJ (q) io olmiisg uoiialdutoD auJ jo (Z/1)jleg-auo (e) jo lassol aui of Ienbo iunouze ue ut umol ails of spun]Ianilap Ilegs ZId `ojuuziisg uoiialdutoD auJlo Jdiooaa s,'IIV.zaTJe s,Cep (09),4xis uigiiM •(,,ojuwiisg uoiialdutoD„aqi)uoiioaS peog zaOuiiJO/anoQ auJ of Suautanoidun aql jo uoiJon.tisuoo aialdutoo of pa.tinbat isoo Ouiuteutaa oqi jo aieutiiso algeuoseaa s,umos auJlo ooiiou uali.zm gJinm'IIV apino.zd llegs umol aqJ `paaoo.td of ooiiou e.zoJoeaiuoo eons uaniO pue anoge•I•g-s uoiioaS ui pogposop sivatuano.zdtut aqJ jo uoiion.tisuoo aqi .tol .zoioe.ziuoo e uto.zl piq e paid000e set umo,l, aqJ 3ou0 Z '(Iiet,l, aqJ ion.tisuoo of Jsoo paietuiiso aqi ssal) uoiieOilgO peo-d anoQ tuntuixuW aqi (q) ao olmiisg pig-aJd agJ JO (Z/1)3teq-ouo (e)jo .tassol agJ of lenbo iunouze ue ut unno,l, agJ of spun] .zanitap Ilegs 71y `aieuiiisg pig-aad agJ 3o Idiooaz s,'IIV .zaije s,Cup (09) �4xis ulgl!/A '(,,3juwiJs3 pig-and„ aui) liom dons to uoiion.tisuoo aui.tol szol-m4 oo uto.rl spiq iioilos of umol aui zol,xess000u laom Ieoiutloaioo2 Cue tuaojaad pue nptui 3uo`uOisop of isoo agJ jo ojetuiiso algeuosea.z s,umol aui Ouipnloui aotiou ualiam giim ZIV apinoid Itegs umol aui `uoiJooS peoN 102UIIO/anoQ oqi jo uoiliod e Ouino.zduu giim paaooid of Xpeaa st Ji iegi soutwiolop umol aqJ aouO I :sM0110l se uoiioaS peO2I 100uiIIO/anoQ aqi Ouiiongsuoo pue Oui.zaautOua `OuiuOtsop jo isoo aqi.zoj,Jed of spunl uoiieOilgO peo-d anoQ wntuixuW aqJ to uonjod e.zo Ile osn,Getz umOI aqi.`anoge Z'D'S uoiioaS of Juensznd SVH pue umol all gioq/�q Ouiii.zm ui panotdde st oluunisg JsoO aqi zaild •sivatuano.zdutt Bons jo uotioldtuoo s,umo,l,aui oJ.toud peot oilgnd L,se peo- ClzaisoAN aqj ojuoipop of patinbaz aq`IIV Itegs Juana ou ut pue `amlpeaQ uoiioaS peo-I 130uij40/3noQ aqi of .toi id ueld oiLjgOnozogl .zaisuW pue spaepueJs ivautdolanap s,umo,L aqJ giim aouepa000e ui uotJoaS peo21.ta2uiiiO/anoQ oqJ jo Suauzano.tdtut aialdwoo isnut umol oql -uoiioaS peoN .z3puij0/3noQ aqi of paiela-d suoiie iigO umo,l, oIJioa S g •peog anoQ of paiela.z sivauz/Ced.tatlio qeut of .to saal.tagio.to ioeduti,Ced of`peoX anoQ uieiuieut.zo ztedaz.to sJuatuano.tdtuz Jon.tisuoo`puel aleoipop of uoiieOilgo,Cue `uotieiiutit Jnogiim`Ouipnloui `peoX anoQ of sivauzano.idun punt ,Cum Cue ut Jo peo-d anoQ ano.tdtut of umol all of uogeOilgo,Cue aneq auzii,Cue ie /� adOld I-IOQ agJlo aaumo aqi Itegs Juana ou ut Jegi so2polmouNoe pue sooifu umo L aui`,C.te.tJuoo aqi of 2UIgj Cue 2uipueisgj!woN -sivauzano.z WI peo-d anoQ.zol suotie gqO I-IDQ uo uoiieiiwi-1 Q •/j zadWd`III' agJ uto.j Iiu l,,aqi of Joouuoo zo oiui ail of auziJ Cue Je JuOij aqJ anew Ilegs 1�41adotd ZIP' agJ jo ioumo aqi Iegj sooj2u ptre so0polmo"oe ,Cga.tau umol all -ouilpeaQ Juautanoadtui SVH auJ a.zojaq to uo paialdwoo oq Ilim IiezZ oqJ jo uoiJonilsuoo aq L liens oql jo(oq Xew oseo aqJ se)isoo poleuniso.to isoo ogJ,Cq siseq.iellop-.tol-.rellop e uo poonpa.t si uotJe�?ilgO peo2l anoQ wnwixLW agJ iegi Bons uoiieOilgO peoN anoQ wnwixuW aqi IsuieOe paiipa.zo oq llegs gu 1,aqJ OuiJonjjsuoo pue Oui.zaauifua `OutuOisop jo (oq Xeuz oseo agJ se) Jsoo polmiiso aqi.ro isoo aui (o) pue `,Citadoid ,hem jo-JgOu.zo ivatuaseo IeuoiJzppe.zol aieuo0au.to omnboe of uo(jvi?ggo Xue aneq bets suOisse.zo s.tossaoons`saieiljJJe aniioodsoi.ziogl jo,Cue.zou `'IIV `SVH `jagiiau (q)`,hem jo-sJg2u.to siuomsea sumo,CIJuonno umol aqi qoiqm uodn uoiieoo-I Ire t I, aqi jo suoiizod uo Iie-tL agJ Jonilsuoo of ponnbaz oq Xluo Begs SVH(e)`XJuJTuoo auJ of OuigjXue 2uipuLJsgiiAA4oN '(,,uoiieoo l Iiujl,,agJ)aouazaja.t,Cq uia.zaq paietodzoout pue oiaaaq pogoeue «d,, Jigigxg uo popidap st uotJeool goigm `/tadoid 7Id oqi jo ouil Xljodo.zd uaaisea aqJ mou ssed tapun aqi of/i tado td I-IDQ agJ jo,C.tepunoq L 'ptaggiim ,clquuosea.iun aq IOU /Cuw goiq-m umo,l aqI jo luosuoo uoppm ssaidxo aul Inotliim SVH Xq poaissL,oq Iou llugs uiaioq lsoiolui,fun.io`joa.tatll I.red,Cuu`luatuaa.i�V siq,L -Iuau--a 1� •g •ulaaatl papino.id osim.iaglo sn ldaoxo `OOUeualuim pun asn ioj umo,l aqI of peo-I Xlj;)IsOM aqi of sig2?"Iin pa.i taPun tl anUg ZId-io/pun S VH iugi uuauz llugs pno-I,fl.ialsoM ogTjo uoilnoipap jo oouuld000V -jooui2?ug umol agl.io uatu.iaply jo p.reog umol aul,fq paunba.t uotlutuaojui.iaglo puu sIt?i.iainuz`suoisuatuip`uoilLool atll`polnoipap oq of,fl.iodoad aqi jo fuimnap p.iooa.i llinq-s-e poliulop pagilaao n paliiuigns sl?g noulfua s,SVH oql Iilun pald000r aq llugs peo-d,tl.zaisaM aql jo uoiluoipop ON •suoilnoipaQ Io aounl aoov v SNOISIAOUd'WHUNAD L I®I0I13HS •saaj uoiluoilgnd pun fuiuoz-oi `i?uiuoz `uoiluoilddu `uoij-ptuil Inoglim `2uipnloui `paniUm oq llim saaj umos olquoilddu 1pe pue ,fun jVgj saOJ2?U umol atlZ •2uiuo O-d Oql.zoj uoiluoildde s,Zld.iapistioo of saa.ifn umo,l,aql •timoZ aqi Xq llutuozoN oql jo uouuaapisuoD g •pt?oZI anoQ uio.iJ ,flloa.zip IOU puU `s,fnmpLoi.taglo jo XLA,,Iied oNullsaM woaj oq Itim Xpodoad £-£Qd 2utuinwoX aql fuiss000,ogjz.il aOgJo .io/pu>; Inio.zOWWOO IIn `Onoqu •d•p uoilooS ui pomoll-e asimaaglo su idooxg s •,fl.iado.id £-£Qd 2uiureu -d aqi uitliim luauidolanap aogJo OqT JO uoiluool Oql of sn suoiloulsaz oigdn.i2oa2? ou oq Ilim aaagl `sNougias olquoilddu Am of pau2?aa glim Idaoxg t •pa2ungoun mutual liim,Ciiadoad £-£Qd 2uiuietuON Ogi of loodsa.i giim£-£Qd jopun pomollu/�liva.i tno sasn aagio lln`anoqu palnls sn a-eql.iotliO £ •laaj a.iunbs 000`00Z`i oq Illm,fi.iadoid £-£Qd fuiuintua2l aqI ui sasn snduzno oln.iod.ioo.io/pun oogjo ojujodioo`oogjo.ioj vome 2uiplinq tunuiixm ag•l Z •,£Liadojd £-£ Qd 2?uiuintua,d aqi uigiim fq.iadoid pouoz,CIluiluopisa.z fuiuimoi ou aq llim ojogi ingi iuolui aqi giim`,f.[ofaluo snduiuo oluiod.ioo jo/pun oogjo olniodioo `oogjo un of fiiadOld £-£Qd fuiuintuO'd aqi uiglim 2?uiuivuial,�jjado.zd asn IniluapisOJJO sa.iOn L I I Xtaimixoiddu Oql ai?ungD I :(«auiuoza-I„agi`/�IOAiioalloo) suzial 2?uimolIOJ 041 JO 2tiilsisuo3 £-£Qd of IuatupuOWV 2uiuo2 u aoj umo,l,aqi of,flddn IlBgs'IIV `Iuautaaai?d sigijo OInQ aniloa3.Ig agl aalju s,Cnp(09),cixis uigliM -n!uozoX.ojuo!juo!jddV v .LIO IL9IIAIINV ONINOZ £-£ Qd `9N0113HS •uoun2?ilg0 peo-d anoQ uinwix-PW aui isuitlou palipaao oq IILgs slunowu dons `•g•S uoiloaS sit l ui glzoj las sasodmd aqi loj spun] uoiin2ilgo puo21 anoQ uinwixuW aul jo uoilzod,fun sasn umol aqI lualxo aqI o,l 8 sumo j,aqj aAlgAt lluqs juatuaaAV siqj ui pauiujuoa ftuiqjou'Similuoa aqj of 2u[qjCuu tuipuejsqj!A,qoNj -SjUaUlaAoidtuj SVH aqj jo uoilanalsuoz) jo uoilaidtuoz) aqj Ialju sleaS omi uuqj aiotu sasile jvqjI4!j!qvtjio pus luoilaujo asnua atutuup Issol Itulula Sun of Sidde jou lluqs uoiluag!umapui qanS -juamaadV siqliapun SVH jo slag juatiltau jo luuoilualui 'uoissituo `coma aqj Sq pasnea juajxa aqj of �41jadwd iruu of atumvp Xuu col ao uosaad Sue jo qjuapio of Sanfupoj saaj,sSauioj4n pun sjsoa jinoa luoilg2h 11 jo sasuadxa lle tuipul3m 'put .4 Xuu to fj!j!qvij pun j!ns luoilau to sasnea lsatutugp `Sassol 'Stuirla flu pug sun jsuiettu pun tuoij 'sapind uAtojL aqj ssalmiuq p[oq pun puajap'Sj!uuiapui lluqs pug of saaitu SVH losIV -spuutuap pun smiula q3ns lie puuSuv tuoij"So"Jud umol,aqjSjaA!jaajjoa Isaq I itaqj qjoq ui S00j!AUI !audua ajuAi d pun ailqud pun saaSoldtua IsjuLjlnsuoa Isjuate IsiaaUjo Isiriz)ljjo sji jo lie pug uAtojL aqj pajold pun puajap sasuadxa pun isoz)umo sj!jr Illm SVH -juatuaaAiV siqj aqj qj!Ai uoij3auuo;) ui.iojo Ino tuisiju saiiied SVH,,aqj lSjaAij3ajj03'S3aj!AUI.T0 saaXoldtuo Isluullnsuo;) Isluatu lsla;)Wo sj! 'svH jo lau juatiltau ao luuoi juajui 'uoissituo Iioaia aqj Xq pasniga juaixa aqj of uosiadio Xpadwd oj fan fui Sq asilvCutu umum juatuajjjasao/puu uoi etijq jo sasuadxa lie tuipnImi luoijan jo sas R nuaiospumap`suns lstuiuj3l,,4!jjqvij Ilu Pug SUB tuoij Isalpaudua ajUAild pug z)ilqnd iiaqj qloq ui S3al!AUI Pun saaSoldlua Isjunjinsuoa Isjuatir Isia3gjo lsjci3Ujo sj!jo Ilu pan uAtol aqj ssaltumq ploq pun puajap M Sj!utuapui 'asualai XlInj Istuiula lie aAiuA,. lluqs SVH 'SUOISIAOJd !UIU3pUl 1U.15U59 'SVH JO qlV 'umoL oqj uoowoq ostidioluo jutof io diqsjaujjud v �uiTuojo se ponjisuoo oq IILqs uiaiz)q �Wiqjou PUB 'simlinsuoo puv sioloviluooqns'siolo-e.quoo's;)o,Coldw3'sluafiL,'siz)ogjo s,SVH pun'SVH`umol oqj uoowoq se CIdd-e jou lluqs ioijodns luopuodsoi jo ouploop oqj 1-eqj 'sluullnsuoo pup sioloviluooqns `siolouiluoo`sac,ColdWO`slump'SJ009JO S,SVHJO SUOISSIWO pup slog 3qj ioj olq!suodsoi oq 11-eLls puu'mus f uiwiojiod suosiod IlL,pue iz)punojoq SVH Xq powiojjod�Ijom otlijo sl!ujop OLIIJO JOITUOO 0AISnj3X3 3AL14 hugs SVH juqj'umol;Dqljo oo,Cojdwo io luuAios`lump'i0ogjo uu Tou puu jolo-eiluoo luopuodoptii Ule Sl J!JULIJ SjUVU3AO0 SVH -snjujS jolouiluoD luopuodopul •9 -ju3w3z)ji?V siql of luunsind powjojjod oq 01 UOIj!pUO3 JO JUVU3AO3 ,pup JO 13AMAI, L, olnlllsuoo jou hugs ,C4jvdpuu�q omo0inpui jo z)ougjLoqjoj -Igouoq SUOII!PUOO JO TUUUOAOZ);)qj qoiqm of soil and 3qjJO TUOSLIOO jnoLjj!m POAlum oq,Cvtu juowo;)j0V siqljo uoil!puoo jo juuu0AO0 ON -JOAIUM a •osimjoqlo jo SVH�q lIngjap u uodn jumooBV siql oluutwiol umol aqj fww JU;)AO Ou ui '/IjLjluoo oqj of�uiqT,Cu-e�uipuujsqj!woN c -oino of A4!unlioddo ojq-euoseoj u iodolOAOCI oqT OAl2 PUL'30IJOU ql!m SVH OP!Aoid IluLls umol aqj 94pnoos oqj uo f uimaip of iotid -,Cpowoi qons QP!Aoid of umol oqj/Cq,Cj!unjjoddo Isig U3AI0 oq ll!m SVH Tuql POP!Aojd',4jud pjiLll u Lli?nojql JO 313SI! SjU3W3Aoidwj SVH OT ololdwoo pur ,4!jnoos oqj jopun spun] uiLIqo z jotpolonilsuoo oq SIUOWOAoidwl SVH oql jvqj oz)uuwjojjod og!o3dsoiinboi puv llnujop ui oq of juowo2j2V stql omeloo(I t :AIW 'S0Ip3W3J OAtsnloxo puuojos sl! se 'umol oqj 'jjnLjop dons f uu�!oods umol oqj wojj ooijou tio ll!jm ujo idi000i s,SVH i?ulm011OJ S,CLP(K)�!qj L114T!m llnujop u oino of SVHJO ojnl!uj u uodn uoqj'juowooj0V siqljo suoiT!puoo puU swial oqj of jumsind SjU3W0Aojdwj SVH oqj Iz)nilsuoo of sl!,ej SVHJI "SVH—s I otpofuo-g ilnuj;)G .,D 6 ,C.imo'p uolunlS •-I :UIJV Z90SL snxal `i?urnil 801 olmS `uoa2uiM tOZb WTI `,C.imoZ pun 01,Cog :ol,Cdoo gltm iofnuuw umol :Uuv Z9Z9L snxal `axnplsOM ZOZ almS `apoalD a�nUIVA £ ;)NullsoM jo umol :NANO.I.3HI 01 :fuimolloj;)gl of`polsonbor Idmoi uinloi `llm pog!:poo io pTnm •S•H mIntW,Cq luas aq ll-egs juowooji?V siLg of lunns.md uantf aq of pazmb;)j jo uant,� saouou,Cud •saoilON quowoolfv siLII JO SWJOl aql of loofgns umol a)qj ,Cq pold000n pun osn oilgnd o1 polnoipop oq ll!m 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le®O.iddu umo jL aql salTlutis jaall,Io io 6Iunllnsuoa 6lelagjo baaSolduia uAto jL iaglo .io mulllug umol aqI Sq InnOaddu lugl sall°ind aqI jo Iualui aqI tuiaq II 6soaSolduia .io `sluuAias `sluate `siaalljo siq `iaauitua tulllnsuoa aqI Xq paandaad suollnagIaads puu u2tIsap aqI uI Iaalap puu IoI umol agl XgIIIquIi i® Illglsuodsa i gans jo uoilduinssu uu aq of paivaap aq lou llugs Irmo iddu ganS suolluag!aads puu utisap .Iiagl jo Saualaduioa puu 0e.inaac aql ioj sluate io `siaaUjo `saaSolduia `saolamiluoa `naultlua sil `SVH 3o ,4Illquil pue �4IIIq!suodsa i aql jo asuala i e aq of pauiaap aq ao alnlllsuoa lou llugs luauiaadV sigl japun SVH Cq pallluzgns suoileagmads ao sutisap 6suuld Sue jo iaaUjo io baaSolduia `luullnsuoa 6lelaUlo `aaSolduia u,to,l, .iaglo.io .iaaui2tu:I UAtO,l, aql jO IUAO.iddV -slaa,Ia(t uolsa([ ISUIu Iu apul •9 -mul uomtuoa io Siolnluls alquaildde aaglo io apo3 saipauiaH puu aallamid II AIa suxa l agl jo -bas la 100°101 uOIIaaS .iapun salllunuiuii io sasuajap 01 jo uoil-endo jo IouiTuoo/{q.opo`osnalaj oI papualui Iou on luamaa.Li?V slgllo sm.ial oql(Z) pun `.uiogl jo lie 10 SvH ao 7Id `umol oql trim digsuoilnla.r lnnlouiluoo u ui oq,Cnut saililuo io uoszad psigl guns Ingl Ionl oql i?uipuelsglinjou`,�4ilua ao uosaad pjigl,Cun Ioajjn aslm oglo .zo Illauoq of souped all�q popuolui Am ou ui sT pan `Iuamaat?V sigl of sailznd aqI uaamloq salndsip/sioTI m sloapn Xluo IaamoojiiV sigT(l)Ingl ooj2u XIlnogloods soil ud oql`Ioojjo pun a01Tn.Tado popuolui sli Ouipnloui `luamaa.z2V sigl jo sosodind.zod •salanlopuag X ud pjlgs x /CON pngD :LIolluaIV ZO I9L XL `LITIOM IIOA OOSZ aln1S `Iaa.ilS uiLW IOZ d"I'I unmllnH W TJ73H, 11ON :ol,Cdoo glim pia2i uocl :uoiluaTd LL I9L X.I. `gPOM IdOA OOZ almS `Xnmsl.Lnd ai?nli.OH 009£I DZZ `XundmoD IuamdolanaQ poomlliH :ol/Woo LIIim uggfinnZ Ilossn-d :uoijuajd LL I9L X.I. `LITIOM IJOA OOZ olmS `X-emNJLd 32MPOH 009£I 0ZZ `XundwoD IuamdolanaQ poomlliH oho Wl `IuamisanuI'IId :SVH OZ ,Cam PngD :uollualy ZOI9L X,L ` JOM VOJ OOSZ alrnS `ImIS uirW IOZ d'IZ unmIlnH W TjnH XII3X :ol Xdoo gum piO-d aoQ :uoiluaIIV LL I9L XI `gTiOM ljoA OOZ olInS `XEmNand 02nllz3H 009E I 0'IZ `,4uudmoD IuamdolanaQ poomlliH :ol,�doo gllm uilqi?nnZ ltassn-d :aoiluajd LL 19L X I. `g:POM I.IOA OOZ olinS `X-emNJud 35nl!'OH 009£I D-IZ `XundmoD IuowdolanaQ poomlliH O/o 'd'-1 `IuamisanuI 'IIV :-IIv OL II [soi?ud i?uimolloj uo sa.zniuufiS] •luow;)ojOV sicl jo uoilnooxo Oqi of joild uarlul Xljodoid puu,Clnp uaaq suq Ii uo i?uipuiq aq o}luow;)Oji?V sigl zoj iopio ui uo lul oq of pa.zmboz uo[lou Xuu Iugi siuu.zaum jC4jud gong joa.zoq suoisinoid pup sw.iol aql of sludioulad joq/siq puiq pup luowooj2d sigl olnooxo of pozizoglnu aau luawooi2v sigl uo sopoluuOis ogi Iugi lut'jium pup luasoidoi gouo sall.iud aLII •loV of i.zoglnb y� 'Jopuna.raq suoijuOilgo sii cuaojaOd of ZIV jo Oanliu3 Xuu aoj zapunazaLl suoliu0Llgo sli jo Ilnujop ul ao Olquit SVH plod oI IOU sa310u JOLllinj pup `.zapunojoq suoilufiigo sli cu.iojsad oI SVH jo O.tnliu3 Am.zoj zapunOZOq suoilui?ilgo sli jo llnujap ui zo atquil'IId plow of Iou sooi5u umo L oq j •umol agl pup IId pup umo I, OT Pup SVH Jo goua uaamlaq /tIuo jogluj Inq `ZIV puu SVH uoomloq(OSimjoglo io lunlouiluoo)drgsuoilulai u aluon of popuolui IOU si luoulxmoV slq `ulojotl paululuoo CJualuoo OLll of 2uiglxuu 0uipuuisglimloiti •suoliu ilg0 Iu.LOnaS Z .Iuawo;)Jov sigi jo 'E-D-L Pup'Q•s suoiloOS oI pzu2a.z glim Xlanisnloxo Xieio!jauoq Cvud pjigl u aq hugs/,vadoid I-IDQ Oql Jo Jaumo agl `�Jusluoo ac[I oI Iuauzaa12FT sicll ui Oslo auigi/Cuu jo 0uio0azoj agl f?uipuuisgiinAoX -,caxud Xuu of wogs/�q Ouimo suoileOilgo woo/ijiluo ao uoszod pzigl/Cuu°mul ZI svxol jo olmS `oilgnd XIMON •diusaacr:pu,d pol!wil plus jollegag uo `digsjoupnd pol!wil sUxal n ­d•Z `Iuaugsanul-Ilv jo j;)ulznd lu.zauaf `digsjouliud pol►unl snxa,l u`•d•-I`luauzafuUpW aounllIV pooml[!Hlo joLgzud Inaaua�3`,Cuvdwoo/�Irpguq pol!wil sL'xaZ n `0'I'I `dO aouL"IIV PoomII1H 30 G ,Cq `800Z uo ow aaolag pafpolmoulou sum luaumalsut fuiofaaoj 3qL § 10 AINFIOD § SVX3110 31VIS IHI :01IL. :aWBN :fig jouliud luaauaf sl[ `/W-edwoo,14gignll poltuill suxal,u DTI `dO aoun111V PoomllIH :,Cg zauliud Inaauai? sli `dTgsaaul ud pal!wil snxas n d—1 `luautafuuvW aouvll[V Poom[M :1�9 diqgsnu�liiudTppyal!wigl �suxol- •Ql• A 6.A�1ll�L'11.7.�.71�11LY lA Y "8002 ` jo pup agl jo se 9ALLD�Idd9 39 OL CITLI1D�IXA £I szxol jo olvIS `oilgnd/avjoN -/W-edwoo,,4iliguil paliutil pinsloll-eqog uo `Atudutoo Sjiliguil pOIiutil SUXOI P `DTI `saoin.zOS aou-eTllV poomlhH JO jogwow 2i0inu w `Xuuduioo XChligvil politutl sBxal e`DZZ`XuvdwoD juautdolanOQ poonllliHJo Xq `800Z uo aut azolag po2p 1mouxoz sum juaum Tsui 2uio2aIOJ OLIJ § 30 AINI(10D § SVXgs d0 91V,I,S gHI :3PU :OUreN :,fig .tagutaut fut�heuuw sji `,Wudwoo/,lilignil pOjiunl sLxal 1? `DZZ `XundutoD luoutdolanOQ poomlPH :Xg ,Cundutoo,,4iliguii pollwil snxoj_v 3'I'I `SJ3IAHaS 93NVI'I'IV IIOOMTIIH 11 I sexa,,jo aIeIS `oitgnd ,fJVTON •umol aql jo jtegag uo `o�etlsoM jo umo j_ oqj jo ioXuW ` Xg `800Z uo au a.zojog poOpatmomioe sum luownilsui fuiofa.[oj all § d0 A.Ll MOD § SVVII d0 IIVIS alll Xauaoud umoL `, .Jmoq u0ueas •-I :AS GgAONddV Wd' Od :31TU :OWL,N :Xg :Isa lv :atlil :auteN :Cg SVX:4jL`2txv,ljLsalm AO NIMO L vio I abed 30P*ZxOt,6LO05\DH'I\JA'i\"dnS\,t,60\[OLOO9[O\ElOf\:f 800z,co ounf �IID tlogz#IqDv VWL00910 ,oK qof frVD !1--QJ VE'99t"9,,9V,99.L9 Nsjt-,gq qotqA%jo p-ioqo 8uoj aqj laij £0,I Etjosnipw u 2uTAoq ,,90,9t'4E9JO aOu'e 1'R-4ua0t'VnO'41 'PaJ ZL'6Lt7JOQ3uu)S'Pa'l0 ut'ljal aqj of QAjno pivsqj!m aoNgHL IPI aqj of aAjno ujo 2uiuui2oq aqj of paj Z8-Zlol '3,,99,0.68N HONgHL aaJ LI*601 '9,,Lt7,ft,.i:Z S EIDNAHJ, -1a;;)J 8L 09'3,,l C,E IA79 S HDNgHL WON 'H,,L9,89.t7E S ADTIMI •10,9J 60176 01011 S HOXaHl `'130J LO 6E'3,,Lt,17Z-IZ S ADMIRL 88'081 '&H,4Z.LO S UXaHl 'PRJ ZZ*Z61 '9,,91,89-99 S aDNffHJ, 53-IJ t7l*9811 '1,6919.68 N FIDMaHJ, 'TaaJ 98*Z99Z'A,10Jl.00 N 93N3HL `PaJ EV*LH'M,,El,fl.00 N FIDNgHl 'JgaJ L5*9U I 'A,60,171.68 S 90NAHL !IQOJ 170'IZEI '&,EI,90,)00 S 9DNAHJ, !IaQJ 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VD L.i 3275i PIS.5 4 2 TRACT 2 o Le'Lsc tv'>o. 0, rn m r- 2,10,4, it 0 JESSE almoom SURVEY S '-4 'm AggTRACT NUMBER 992 NOOP31,561E 1296.32' APPROXIMATE SURVEY LINE 9-4 c a, 1p At W s ni % '08 L'Zoo 3 J Z SO of OS CO RD 4041 o c m m(A m x OIL W, ap ozo L 22 -n I >r) -Et, OOS 4 >-4 rn Ct) m In 0 we a VIC Lo Z z z ul a-J m-�o 0,> o m m m s O z ul + I' C 4'J Ct til ACF#2505 AiP SHT.NO. 10 TER& BURGESS,INC. JOB # 015007094 JDATE. 06-L03-08 DRAWN: TM CHECKED. JFK a �r cn r0 ti . C �©D rn av� y 0©z a 3GM>< O 2 K O rnN-SR ;L> Ij �-)rnO(I Kof �>G) b N y o N I D O r 1 -_ _-____ _________ ___- D ti N rOm Z1. I y W y r A c�m ----"I r -------- ---------------- UI w• n ar y O'ITINGER RD 'i r \ Nny--------------- . i 1 W Cpl r °X tl m ti 1 ago O �O ao bcn cc aL m PEARSON , �i LANE --®-------- 6 TO \----J N m - _ AIL y., L „ PG.24 Z z y O C '0 2Zt z jgsJA�� Nr ACF# 2506 Carter Burgess °� SHT. NO. _rF: e JOB # 015007.094 DATE- 06-03-08 DRAWN: TM CHECKED: JFK OTrINGER RD IT7 ------------------------------ 0 z ti nxm 22 00 M �d FOR AIL co VOL.13544, PG,E24 Carter Burgess SHT. NO. JOB # 015007.094 DATE: 06-03-08 DRAWN: TM :ECHECKED-. JFK | / ' � m WT ol OTrINGER RD ---------------------- "zp ------------------------------ 9.0 < ------- 0 --------- <Z4 ;;Ozxm to m AIL L INVESTMENT, VT ACF# 2508 jgeJhrolll� Carter Burgess SHT, NO. JOB # 015007.094 =DATE, 06-03-08 DRAWN: TM 7CHECKED: JFK ` oz y W y - rn 0 OTTINGER RD ------------------------------- A rj r \�� y m \ ._--------.___..- I 1 I ( -� Z ® 8 o V D b > SX Or2 �O I -------_----------- OZ D� � OOT I z PEARSON I LANE ---- o y --'� V V C r _------------ m °° AIL ;71NVESTME At a m � - L.P. �r v= VOL.13544, O PG.24 2 L C, yw3 ------------------ v Z Lo o m o ti r -------------- U ° m N � t / L Lw a T ~ C y M v D° r JgQJA� y r- FMR TEXAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ACF# 2504 2 VOL. 13457 PG.,403 Carter n Burgess SHT. NO. JOB # 015007.094 DATE: 06-03-0$ DRAWN: TM CHECKED: JFK puON anoQ pun pnood xafulljp if aoj sis,�Ieun jondtui ogyeal oqj ui uoiTnutaojul oonds uado jo sofhewooaad pun sad4 gjim Suole earn £-£ Qd Oululuuiaa aql aoj Oisop pun sueld asn luaaano £-£Qd utq�im saaon LSZ �uluteuiaa aqi aoj �isuap ol jonduii aql Otuuaaouoo uoivetuaojui Iuuoijippn :aaam uaaouoo jo main aqZ wilntuaojui luuog!ppu aoj polsu pun llam su suaaouoo Intanas possaadxo uoissiuiuioo aql `sis,Clnun jonduii ogjnal u jo uollaldtuoo oqj aoj atuil aaouz moire 01 aapao ul Jueoilddu aql Xq pajsanbaa snm uoilnnuiluoo Oupow oqj g2n04I[V 'Wd 00:L W 80OZ `8 ,,LN I!Iun fulanaH oilgnd all jo uoilunuiluoo a aoj llsnouiluuun paJon uoissiWWOD ZNd age `80OZ `i7Z Iudd jo D'upow palnpagos nlanlnfaa aqj IFS 1:J7 01 I:S tuo.g pafungo Ouioq on sjuauiaainbaa odols lupuopisaa aqZ wijisip �oRuluuuld (uuuloS-aain�?uN) 1-(Id oqj aoJ panoaddn Clluooaa wqi of aeliuiis si palsonbaa asuaaoui iqi?lag aqZ •sosn pajeloossn magi pun aaivao ejup algissod `aaluao uoilnonpo pun aouaaajuoo pasodoad aql a1upotuui000u 01 paaolim Xileorjloods uaag sng (£ ivauidolanaQ pauunld 3o ZI egad i3uluueld) ZI -£ Qd ea.re �utuunld poTuaao �Imou oqj •saaon LSZ aIntuixoaddu Ouiuietuaa aql uo pajonajsuoo oq of`saaoe Sq£ XIolmixoadde aoj panoaddu Xlsnoina.id sainjonalsio aSnjooj aannbs penualod aeons 10m) 3qi 2?uimollu sngZ •pa�uego Fou aan asn oog o jo iaaj aannbs oqj pun Iajoq i.iosoi jo iaaj aannbs `sasnoq jo aaqumu algumollu oqi fuipnioui sjuatuolipua oqj `aanamoH •saaoe LSZ Xj;Dw iixoaddu ol poonpai si uaan f?utuuuld oqj `£-£ Qdjo salaupunoq aql puipuatun ,Cg •pnoa oqj ssoaou Ouiuoz S-N gjim pno d anoQ ,Cg paaapaoq si /�aupunog gTnoS puu `Z-N pauoz si isarn oqj o1 XIndoid aqj `£-£ Qd pauoz si Isug oqj of pun gjjolsl aql 01 �Jaadoad nuipunoaans aqZ -1uuoilddu aql ,Cg poumo ,Claadoad ,Cq papuno.iins si �jaadoad joo�gns oqj •JolaI ip louiuoz «£ juauidolanaQ pauunld„ aql jo «£ naaV 5uluunld„jo Ind si ji suuaui goigm "£-£ Qd uigiim pauoz �Ijuaaano si X:iadoad sigl •joOuilp jo Iseg pun puo-d anoQ Jo gizoN paleool XIinaauaf saaoe LO Xlaluuiixoiddn auozaa of saaisap jueoilddn aqj `mainaa and Q�iIIl®2I�?I��� '(ZI-£ Qd) ZI naaV pauunld-£juauidolanaQ pauueld paituo ag of af?naaon jugj 5uluozaa pun (£-£ Qd) £ eaad fuluunid-£ juauzdolanaQ pauuuld tuoaJ saaou LOI �Ia�ntuixoadde auinotuaa Xq `snxaZ `MJUJISaM Jo umo1, aqI Jo aoueuipap SuiuoZ anisuogaadaioD aql of juatupuatun ue aoj uoileoliddu un fuinoaddu aounuipao un zapisuoo pun OUPBOH oilgnd n anuiluoD Will 800Z `Z aunl :;)I-CG 80OZ `6 aunt jo fuiiaatu auin50-d :Ioo(gnS juatudolanaQ pun 2uluuuld3o aoToaaiQ `spaumpg aippg :tuoad uauiaaply 3o pauog aql jo saagwoN pun aoXufN algnaouoH :01 owa i � ��a alvllsaA �amo I sda.z luatlo pun meotldde uto.g siolloZ lstsXlnue jondwl ogje.tZ weld idoouoD Qd ooueupo posodoad suotjelndtls gjtm j.todaajjnjS S.I.ItlIIiII VIV (•oouuuip.zp populle aoS) •suotjepuoutut000.t uolssiwwoD Zwd pun 3juls 4111" pun aoueutpap ntn Isonboi ai?ungo Outuoz posodoid aql anoiddd IIalslfl aH Noll3v •lzoda.t jjels pogonlln aqj and IenoiddV NOI,I.V(IAI3wwo32lH.AWLS -liodo.z jjels oqj ut paints se suotlulndtls oqj glt,,A lsanbaa aqj anoaddu uowj;)plV jo paeog oqi vegi puz)ww000a of XIsnouttueun pOJOA pun asno sM aaptsuoo 01 `800Z `6Z Xelni nnpsanq j uo i?uijz) y t popD ImoodS u ploq uotsstwwoD fiutuoZ pue Outuueld oql `aseo aumpume futuoz aql ssnostp of uautaaplV jo pauog aql g1tm dogsNiom jutof n .zolV NOIIVC1N2lwwo3aH SI®ISSINNO3 9NIN107 NIV 9NIZ\NV ld '800Z ',,6 ounf `XepuoN of 2utaeM otlgnd aql onutluoo utn2n of �Isnowiuuun paQon pan 80OZ 'ti1161 �LN `/CepuON Jo 5ulpout polnpagos /�I.tnln&m ztogl ve zout uogi uaut.toplV jo p.tnog aqZ •suotldo swoon alts Ie.zanas of 2utlnloi swoijer31j anal leuotltppe lonpuoo pun not miojui oaout uiulgo of aapao ut aouenutjuoo Inuot�tppe aqi .toj poNsu iueotldde aqZ -wd 00:L Te 800Z `ZZ XvW `Cepsinq j plaq oq of uotlnnuiluoo xagloue .toj �Isnowiumn paaon pun aseo stgj JOJ 2ut.zuaH otlgnd oql onu!Tuoo of �,8 XvN `,�eps.mgj uo utd 00:L W 10LU uotsstuWOD fuluoZ pun Outuueld oq.l, •uotssIWWOD a41 �q anoge polou sutoouoo autos aql possatdxo p.tnog aql `/�IleuotjtppV •utd 00:L Je 8002 '6I XuN I!Iun i3ut.tnaH otlgnd oqj anutluoo of ,CIsnounueun polon osln pun f?utIaauz polnpogos /4l.teln5o.t atoql .zoj 8002 `8Z II-tdV `XupuojN uo pw uz)wnpld jo paeog oqZ •ojo `sno.re orjjnal poseoiout `safpt.rq `loogos oqj aoj sueow Ingj Iegm pun Al VON PM, Aga Y E l � s' YS f s •L r _ w _ a o r. y y�� r mss;."re=se �f� as � iP' $ '� �� �• da$ ° w - 40 o A. 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oqJ `moloq paptnoid su Jdooxg ialuaa ulu puu jalua3 luuoiluanpa puu aauaiajuo- 3 I b uoilaaS IH9IJII 9NIQrIIfiff Nf fvlxvw f Nollaas laa� OOZ aq Iings noon asn ao!jjo ogJ-toj glptm lol wnuttutuz oq L aag.I I'£ uoglaaS II.LQIAk lOrI WfINININ £NOI L3:IS •J2aj a.tnnbs 000`OOZ oq Iings roxe asn aaluoD nlnQ pun .taluao Inuotlnonpg pun aouaaajuoD at11 Joi azts Jol utnurtutut oq.l aalua3 ulu(l puu aaluaj luuoTluanp2, puu aaualajuoa I•Z uorlaaS azis loll Nflfvl lw Z N0I132tS •(suollnpoutua000n lq�?IUJano IOJ posh sutooa sn pougap swoon lsong) sutooi lsong OOZ`I jo IuJol n of paituttl pun Jaaj aannbs 000`0SZ`I oq lings .raluaa nlvU pun aaluaD Inuotinonpg pun oouaaajuoD agJ .toj na.zu aoo[j aJnf3a2?2n umuuxnut oq,l maluaa ulu(t puu ialuaa luuolluanpal puu aauaaajuo3 I•I uoplaaS A,I.ISNA I Nollads S NVLS .l.l@LHYI 01HAI °III 2Arl3l LLfl`i' 3D>vIVNIQ2I0 01 358d njuoD Ieuoilnonpg puu aouonpoo-u£-£Fed 800z" Sp.aupuRIS Iua[udojanaa •1II alall.IV •outl lal.tna.t oqj utotj paansnauz st Nmgias pan,C 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3l p.zn,C apis agl ,Cq apuluo.tj .tagio oqj pun suoilnln�3aa p.tn,C luo.tj aql ,Cq pau.tano..f st aOnluo.J auo `aounlstp junbo•lo safnluoij laeals oml snq lol .tau.toa n 31 Q •sOutplmq,Caossaoon jogjo pun `sofumO `.saouaj :slznoo aut-03 :stood i?uiwwims :suotlnlnOaa p.re,C ana.z oqj ,Cq pauaanop aan afuluo.tj gons Ouoln p.tu,{oqj ut sa.tnlonals jo suotltod.to saanion.ils Duimolloj oqj `Inld ,Cq af?uluoaj auo uo paitgtgotd st swoon jl •slooils gloq uo paptAo.td aq isnw p.re,C luoij pa.tinba.t n `aOuluoaj atgnop snq pun .taglouu of laa.tls auo wo.tj sun.t lol n jl D •Nonglas.taina.tf oqj solna.to.tanagotgm `,Cum jo-Igft.t pa.ttnba.t oqj wotj to ouil Iol luo.tj aql wo.tj pa.tnsuow si Nongias p.tn,C luotj aql g •p.tu,C luo.t� pa.ttnba.z aql olut IaaJ ang of do loofoid ,Cnuz satuoaluq pun sanna joo.t pa.tanaltiunD -loaf wunbs ZI paaoxo lou saop uotloofozd jo ua.tn sit .II p.in,C luoij pa.ttnbaa oqj olut laaj oml of do loofoid XLw ,{ouwigo oonlda.tg V •pzu,C luoaj pa.ttnba.t aql olut sauout Z ungl aaow loofoid lou ,Cnuz soininaj In.rnioaitgoan zaglo pun `saotujoo sasanoo Itaq `sllts moputm jo suotloo fond ,C.znutp.zo `.tanamoq `paptno.td :aounutp tp ad stgl Cq pamolin sufts pun saouaj .toj ldaoxa polonalsgoun pun uado oq Ism sp.tn,C luoaj pa.ttnbo-d d iulauag Z°y uo►IaaS ADNVNIMO I I afed JOWD leuorteonpg pue 30u3aaPoD-g£-£Vd s00Z` spaepuuIS Iuauadolaeaa 'III 91,1111V paiuutolnu un jo uoisnloul oqi `si�uiiunld �3uidnosuax to aalum mot futztliln u2isop oduospuel n jo 33LIs umol , q I'?noaddu pu?v uolssiwgns atll uodfl •uolluil l lI aduaspuug Z-0I uollaaS •IuauadolaAap pasodoad puv uaaz z)ql jo aaniuu aqi gl!m auldooN uT aapunaut 11-eus /Cumtlind Itual atll jo u2is3p oql •uotioaatp /Cuv ut kpodoad Ioa fgns z)ql oleo iaaj 001 uugi aaluaal oluaiouod lou op (s)II>val z)ql I?;gi eons poufisop puu Cum jo-sigf?p ollgnd of Loll-eaud �Ilnaaua'3 puB fuolu painool aq Iinus (s)llual DuiN!q pup fui)lilt ollgnd `umol oqi /�q paatnbaa31 •sllu.al, �WtN!U io/puu tul lll I'0I uollaaS SINIAMHE-1 92l l.IaI21Wd0'I A SfI0J V'IrI2[3SIW Of NOULDHS •apnai? ul aouaaajjlp oqj ,Cq osnajoop io osuamoul units jg5m t p;)u!w od wnwixuw Z)ql `quit adols atll jo wiWo jo iulod aui woij sll-e.I io soda punoa2 aql jo apuap atll JI Xnmpuoa Cuu jo autl Xnm Jo-IgAia aul WOIJ (1(73M jo Slqi?Ta aaglo pur shoals Duipnloui) 1:Z jo odols >? I-e umnap cull n jo Ig2ioq oqi paaoxa iou lings saanionils /�Iiuzuj 310uls uoN adolS Xumpuo-g Z°6 uollaaS •apnaD u1 oouaaajjtp aqi q asuaaoop io osuaaout lluus iuftaq paIliuraad utnurtxuut aql `ml odols oqi jo utatao jo iutod oqi woaj Slluj io sasiz puno.to z)ql jo opuafl oqj jj -cull lol /CI!wuj aLfuls dun Woij (fL,m jo s}qi?►a aaitio pun siooils 2utpnloui) I:tjo odols n iu umuap ouil n jo Ig21aq aql paaoxa Iou Ilugs saanlonais �pwvj abuts uou `moloq pa a pinoid su idaox adolS IulluaplsaH I.6 uollaaS S,LIe AVVA2IIIlbAH Ud®'IS 6 N0113AS •ouil /Ciaadoad oqi of iogj ouo uvgl aatuau iou inq `pau/C apis pa.iinbaa oui ul poluool oq /Cuut shun 2uiuoiitpuoo aid D 'Nz)uglas 131n0.12 aui Salnaao.tanagolgm `Cum jo-iq�3la paaTnbaa oqi ao ouq iol agl utoaj paansuauz st lo7aglas oqi `asuo golgm ul `pang opts >; sB palvaal Si pain luoaj v uagm Idooxa `autl lot apis z)ql wo.rj paansnaul si Nougias pmeX opls acl.L •g •piL,X apis paarnbaa z)ql olu► Ioafoid iou , nm sa►uooing •pae,C apls paainbaa oqi oiui laa) aaaul of do loafoad M san?;a Jooa paaaAallluuD •laaj aaunbs ZI paaoxa iou swop uoiloafoad jo eaau sit 3r panX apls paalnbaa z)ql olut Iaaj oml of do loo fold XPw /Cauwigo oonldoig d •paint opls paalnba.[ aqi olul sogout ZI uvgj aaow ioofoid Iou Xuw saanivaj Inanioaiitloan aagjo puu `sooivaoo `sosinoo ilaq `sll►s mopulm jo suoiloofoad /�aeutpao `aanamou `papinoad `00uuutpa0 Qd stui /�q pomoltL, suits puu saouaj ioj idaoxa palonilsgoun put, undo oq isnw spauX apis paambaZl d Iu.1auag Z°g uollaaS 'laaJ SL aq Ilugs eoxe asn aaluaD nluQ puu aaluaa Iuuotl-eonpg pun aouaaaJuOD aqi.tOj pxe,C opts wnurtuiw oq L ialuaa ulu([ put, ialuaa Iuuolluanpg puu aaua aaluoa I.8 uollaaS S?I3val as GHVA 21QIS 8 N IJDAS 3DMVNIG'dO Z ai�tid .ialu3D 172uotivonpg PUB aoua'QJUOD-g£-£dd 800Z` spaepuujS juawd®lana([ 'III alagl.IV 'Xnm jo slg5t.t otlgnd puu salts juooufpn ato.g i?upaOjjnq aptnoad of moan alupdoiddu ut palnaluaouoo oq Iinus p imbaa saaal pnuotjtppu Xun puu `a.znlsud undo of palnotpap alts aql jo suoiliod ol /CIddu iou Iings ooumuos 5uto2oioj oql •pa.Imba.i oq llugs oonds uaaa'R alquauttad s,olis 341 jo zuou aad (saa.il 5utastxa 5utpnlout) saa.il QDojup SZ uugj moot oN quamamnba-d aaij S°OI uoijaaq '5utpltnq oqj puu knwilum uut.Ilsopod oql loouuoo of st juaIut X.Imud oqj sr 5uol os `ua.In stga ut palnool Oq of pomollu oq ltngs si?utpltng auoou�pu pun span, untalsopod auIjOOuuoo sXnmjpu/�\ 'Outpltnq u pun (Iqi?iaq ut ssol jo 1aaj Z spiulloq i?utpnloxo) so.tnixtg lgnt.zdn jo outl n of loll-end um of pamollu on sknmNlum urp sopod ou pun `Iaaj ZI3o IgOtag utnwixnut n anuq Iings snow untalsopod aluutuznllt of pasn satznutwn-I •g •auij jooz Autpltnq aql uuqj.zaq-5tq you inq `1Oaj SZjo lqf?taq umuttxntu n gltm jol oqj uo aaagmXuu (tt) pun :outl jooi Oulpltnq oql anogn you inq apOuJ i3utpltnq aql uo (t) pollulsut aq XPW snaan aotAaas pun Outpnol pup sua.zu .5utjznd `saoun.iluo `sapuouj Outplmq owmi tnllt of ao Xjpnoas 5utppmq .Ioj pasn sat.Iuutuln-I d tuijq�i-j b'Oi uoipaS •s5uijuujd.Io saanjon.Iis `Xgdu.iSodol Xq sata.tado.td jo Xum jo sag5t.t juoon�pn wo.Ij pouoaaos aq jtjl3mq ut 1aaj uanas spaaoxa luql i?utouaj XU72 jngj `paptno.id `.aaluoo ujup Bons jo Xlt.Inoos aq;.zoj paatnba.t Xlgnuosuai st lg5taq qons Jt JLiptaq ut IOOJ uanas paaoxo �ntu asn aaluoo uaup Xuu punon, Sutouod •�tulauIA £'OI uol}aas •uotlOaostp Ojos s,aaumo qons ju `pa5nfuastp XIluauuul.Iad .to Xlt.tutodutal oq Xnut ulajs/{s u qons Inq s2uilunld jo juautgsppgnjsa oqj .zoj molpn ol uotlaaostp s,aaumo oqj 1u paztltln oq /Cw wo sXs uotl-O�I.z.tt /�.tu.Iodulaj V •/�4tado.Id joofgns aLll jo We ao .Ind aoj pantnm aq Xuul utaJsXs uotlu5t.zat aduospuul £1 o5led posog-nju3D luuollnonpg put oouo.ia)juo:)g£-£dd SON` sl!q!gxg Al x1311.1 ' iIodDN jjvjS £ LIUIHX9 uuld idaouoD Z 1181HXH joi.usta ad.Io uolldi.zosaQ 103-1 I IISIHXd S,I.IffIHX2[ Al2trl3lJ IV "This document�vas prepare�3 under?2 TAC ¢63.21, does not rg ect this repo is of pn on t e ground / survey,an is pot to a used tq convey or estpblish / interests in real property xw tt s rights and interppe is impplied qqr estppbs d by thhe creatlor� or su�odivfisionatfor w?t ibwas pi of t S,political - r 1_. n !�, I f, N00°14'85 11 "�-°i• - I i !i Z { 2553.85' , \ W$ I ` O°Da w Nw ITT N� i - I 500,05,13,W �� m m = 1321.04' N N_ M � o —{A ' °° • to m N N <O Z °0 m C o D i �tMINGER RD' N Z — -- mm m y ww \\ m Lm O �DCn roz�� '•,., Oz H O O m / t�w9N 2 'C Z n4 3 >T� v � Ny b Z zta�+�0>- no oCJ �O y Y. ,4Z ______________ o��„C7�+ �cm r,D,,,•d'm�in ` o-r_mad''b ri°°�n•�-o�-b`N w n5 e __'` y S01°05'24'•E 1442.71 pw o 1 100.66' pOo �D I 1L-:' Iw;� B�,O2 trove-ro In �tfi i iw° 039.96' •�J•'fl"'y, wm-,h' S00 27'39"W a� 99'Z92 °• wNn°-� m AIL mP 3 £6 Z£e00 S m f INVESTMENT. l..P, '�u ^? o - VOL.13544•P3.2a mo ewv- a ,.. ..., . ..:,m 856.36' ;o It t, m .o N00°27'35"E Y,'Nj NWIB r9sp rn- .1 7 I nW0 l --------- t tS 3 �.B£ fi5°005 S'63 36 t y P fN p 8°60S z , JACCM fire- -- Carter Burgess �.. _ SHT. No. -T 11 11 6URGPSS,INC. JOB 015007.094 DATE: 04-14-08 DRAWN: TAM CHECKED: JFK (Bi7?35.n� zio I Dgled C)OP*DNINOZZ I-MJ\DH'I\dAMUnS\tI60\TOL009 I O\EIOA:f SOOZ 'S I jjidV "dio Zlt,Z#,qDv t'60*L00910 'ONqOf EM .pL o-doAo(lp!Lsjo ouil qliou oql guoltlaojSO'ESIIIM,,gE,t,S.SSSHDMHHL tsuxoj'XjunoD jumueL'spioamd XlunoD'6LZ Oftd `86L91 DLunlOA ul pQpjoo3i se 'a)juljsoAA,jo umoL Dqj of poop Xq poqposop purl jo jovil uipliao iPT41 uT umoqs su c pvo�j oAo(I jo ouil fum-jo-jq9jjqjiou OT TOaJ LL'Ztt,I 'H,,tZ,S0.10 S HDNHHI `I;DOJ MIL8 'MAU0.0t, S HONHHL • 0aJ 9979L 'H6,Et,,ZZ.00 S HOMMI, •10c)J EZ'091 'H,S£,MLL M HDMHHI IQaJ 9 1*10 9 'H,,61,0 9.8 8 N smaq qoiqmJO PJOqO RuOl 011113aJ 09-LZZI JO snipRJ U 5UIAuq,,LZ,MEZJO Ofte juiluoa L,q2nomp `Taal OL-1709 JO 30uuIslP Om Ue ')jgl o1qj of oAina juo2?Uuj-uou plus 111!m HONHHI `.gal oql of oAino iuo�uuj-uouujo fuiuui5oq aqj of joqj 56'f8Z 'R,,6Z,L0,89 M HDNHHI flaaJ L I*017E 'H,6117,Lt7.9Z M HDNHHL •I333 Z9*LZZ 'U,,10,1 Z.tZ M HON21HJ, 9 .130J OZ*EtIZ'H,,OI,H.OZ N RDNHHL •IDQJ L8'LgE 'Ak,,6Z,gt7.00 M HDNHHI `i'mij puu-lfumo3juj plus jo ouil fliodoid q1iou oT41 puu Z jouij-IIV plus jo ouil X11odo.id XljoT41nos aiqljo ouil Xliodoid uouimoo oiql 2?uolu Inj U'LE 'AAA ,6t,.68 S RDNHHIL m xo ooi L IXjunoD juL,.ueL 'spi000-d XjunoD 'ZZZ OFEd 'SL6 E I ouinjOA Ul P P 0 su '-pi-I Ipuul XLm3)Wl of poop Xq p3qlj3sop purl jo jouij umjjo3 jv1qj jo jawoo, Iiodojd Isuoiqljou oql 2?uiaq oslu julod plus 'Z puil -IIV plus jo ouil kpodoid XIiaqlnos oT41 ui jamoo Ila uu guioq jDs,,ssQ2?.inq Wn D,,podwuls duo opsuld iql!m poi uoit gout 8/S L,IL, [)NIINMOHEI :smolloj su spunoq put sajoui Xq paqllosop XInInogird ajoui 2?uioq puL, 's-ex@,L 'XlunoD juuuej 'spio3od XjunoD 'Ztg Dft'd '9LH I QUIMOA ui popj000i su '-d—I 'luouilsoAul-JIV of poopXq paqljosop ptmljo (Z jouil)jouji uiupoo juiql jo wipod L, 2?uiaq pm, 'sexal 'XIunoo juzuuj '089 jaqLunM jouijsqV XoAlnS S)IOIJPuOH -90111 puu t,80 I joqu-mN jaujjsqV'faAinS uilpoW soljuqD aiqj `8561 jaquinN jau4SqV 'XgAlnS ul[pQW UOSI!Ak DT41 'Z69xaqwnN jouijsqV'/,oAinS uosql[) ossof oTqj ui p3jEnj!s puul JO IOUIP ONIHEI ZI-C(ld NOIJLJIH DSO(l ITV9:411 Z Jo Z o3rd OOP*DNINOZZ I OLOOS 10\UOA:f sooz'sl I?idV 111D z I tZ#JDV t,60*LO09 10 oX qof EIWD ,,8 n s o o s ................ ------- N0SSVN S3V4Vr .......... 4- jo `(19-'d'VdHUd SVAM 11 HDIHAk WJ NOISIAI(IEMS'IVDILI'IOJ RHI JO A YVGNMS RHI JO NOIIV2MDIANODMI 2I0 MOIIV�D 9HI AR GaHSFIRVISH UO(IHI'IdM SISHNRINI CfNV SIHODf 9SOHI IdRDX9 'AD13dOUd-IVH-d NI SISHN91NI HSI-IRVJS9 UO AgAXOD Ol G9Sfl HE Ol ION Sl CIMV 'ARA-dnS aKnOUD HHJ,NO NV-40 SI-IfISH-d 9HI JLDTIJaX ION SJOU CNV'IZ*09S DVI ZZ U9CLNa(192IVJMdd SVM IMHWnDO(I SIHI :RION 'ssQl JO QIOUI PuBT JO s0JOU 9LE-LO I io lopj ounbs LLZLL9't gut I. WOO P UE JNINM099 jo INIOd Dqi of IoLuj put,-1 XumoV7 pouoiluQuiwop oqj jo ouil Xpodoid Is-ea Qqj Suolu U0qj PULI I 13'U-ll'III'PIUS JO OUTI Xljodoid Isto Oql guOlu 103J U'96Z I 'a,,99,1 C000 N aDNaHl !st,xol 'XlunoD jutmq 'sploond,CjunoD 'gEE aged 'CSSEj ownlOA ul PP10301 Se "J"I `jumulsmul 11V of p3op Xq paqliDsop Q joull)puel jo lovil upliDo jvqj jo cull Xpodold Ispo k OT41 01 PtO-d OAO(I PILs JO cull MlOu 3ql SUOIB 4uTnUTIU00 133J 61-8 C I 'A ,6Z,9 E,LS S 9 N9H t'jo f 32-ed DOP*ONINOZE-CNR(INIVWWDaTdAk\2InS�t60\lOLO0gf0\ff0f\:f SOOZ `8I I!ldV SID Z I f7Z#JOV t760'LOO 9 10 *oN qof E[ND .jq2.0 au}ol aAno L jo 2ut UUi Dq 3q1 of 1333 E4-001 'J,9E6 EO,9Z N HDNHHL '1333 t7E*99t7'9,,917,99.L9 M SxBaq qOlqmJO pioqo 2uol z)ql 11333 EO•IZ173o Snlpgl 9 2?uIAL'q ,,50,9170£93o ol5ut,peijuao u q2noiql '4333 ZL'6Lt73O QMBISIP O.Iv We Vol aqj ol;)Aino piss qjim joNHHL 4j3j 3q1 of aAinD r jo 5uiuut&3q z)ql of iz);)j Z8-Z 10 1 'q,,99,6t,.68 X HDN'JHI `1;)-'3 L 1'601 'H,,LI7,I t7JZ S aDNaHL `1033 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Apea gbnoayl pa�aom aq ll!M uleluoo ll!m al!s aqj jegAA jo gonw jegj os s! slid -aseo buiuoz e jol ueld Ideouoo e aol sluawaa!nbaa wnwiuiw aqj spaeoxe golynn veld Ideouoo pal!e}ap e pall!wgns seq jueo!idde eq I .�.t7 o} �:q woaj pabuego aq of pasodoid 6uieq aae sluauaaa!nbai adols le!juaplsa�l -(eueloS-aa!nben) L-pd JO; panoidde Rllueoaa asogj of aseaaou ue si joulslp Z L-9 ad pasodoad sigl aoj palsanbai lgbieq aqj -ewes aqj u!ewaj pinonrs `E-0 ad sl uolum `Z L-£ od aol loeal buluoz ivaied eql u! sa!}!suap 6ululeuaad -saaoe ggZ ul!m £-C ®d aneal pue £-£ ®d WOJ; saaoe L0 L anouaaa pinom `panoidde j! `joefoid RI!saanlun all!olaQ @qI JOI ZI-£ od -saaoe 99£;O slslsuoo 9-£ ®d geaaue SiN3WW03 M91A311 A-VI 'II aaluao elea pue aaluao leuoljeonp3/90u9aa;u00 :as pos®dOJd (-xoadde) saaoe /0L :sajo d-l� GPOIa® :a9d®l8A80 poonnll!H :aaum Peon! aa6u!}}p JP JO Jsea pue peo�j ano® Jo U}aou le pajeool Rlleaauab si A�aadoad joafgnS :u®Ileo®-I AI!saaniun aii!ola® :8weN }uawd®{ana ZL-C ad OI £-£ ad WOJj 6ulUOZaJ e;O lenoiddy gsen a 80-6Z-9 :8480 '® ase0 Ili - 13SVO °1 N3 1 A aNVOG/NOISSIWWOO DNINOZ TONINNVId 01 iNOd3N JJV1 iS3nt)3N 30 HO IN®Z X_L '3MV-liS3M =10 NMOi Z Gqj -sasn jejuao elep pue jejugo leuoijeonpe/jejugo qouqjGjuOo eq,jo; alls padols Apej e uo bui>lied pue sb uipl!nq jo loo; aienbs uoill!w Z-l, ajewixoidde ue 40 Juawaoeld sAAOqS ueld Ideouoo aqj 'uoijeoildcle ebueqo*5u,uoz J'GqI 01 Paqoelle s! q0!qm 91!s ZI,-C (Id pasocloid aqj uO asn pasocloid Gqj jo; ueld IdE)ouoo e pall!wqns GAeq jadolGAep pue Jueoildcle aqj 7--b--T---------- 0 B �1843/u ise(3 041S -9 -PeOH J96ulljo it UO aj!s ilaqj jo aps Isam aqj UO pajeoOl juiod ssej5e/ss@j6ul ue w04 eq ll!m @j!s aqj ' 01 ssGooe aaAoldwa pue GOINGS lie 1eqj 'ueld Iclaouoo jiaql jad 'bulmoqs Gie jadolGAGP pue Jueoildcle aqi -G* AIJP GjeApd qjjou e pue Aem�Jecl @�eJJSE)AA eIA aq Ipm aj! s NI 01 ssaooe Isanb/oilqnd lie 'ueld Iclaouoo P@Helap iiaqj jad 'moqs jadOlGAGP pue jueoildcle @qj -sseoojd /VXGIAGJ juawdoIE)A@p @qj U1 Jellel pepwqns aq Ilp qolqm ueld ,91!s aqj qj!AA anssi jeqj WAA 6ulle@p 01 pasoddo se 'ueld Iclaouoo pGl!el@P slql uO sjuiod ssame GOINGS pue 'agAoldwe 'Isanb 'oilqnd P9!j!jU@P! @Aeq j@dOl@AGp pue Jueoildcle aqj -C (Id 139[ps jo jaujoo jseaq�jou GqI Jeau Alq6noi juiod e of sale Zl, 1! 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U9AI6 ,gC je palsenbei s' OLL HS 6UO18 L jol uo L Buipling jol eu!j buippq eqj :sulk ul I'n /so 4a *V tr -Aluo sluaweAow buiujnl jno-jq6ij/ui-jq6ij of ui palopIsal aq p1noqs juiod ss9j6,q/ss9j6ui 4sow-ujeqlnos eqj 'p9p!Aoid jou si siql 11 -9Aoqe L-q-9 jad PGP!Aoid si fq!oedeo auel uoijejejeooe/uoijejejeoep alenbepe p9p!Aoid sluiod sseiBe/sseiBui linj se emes of pappied eq LLS HS uo sluiod sseibe/ssej6ui Z Buiuiewei eq_L -S -uoileool Slqj 18 A1818S SjU9LU9AOLU SSGJ69/SSGJ6UI linj eNew 01 SjU9UJ9AOLU 6uiwnl:491 Auew ool eie 9i9qj leql inouoo umoj_aql pue 10®x1 j! Aluo jno-jq6ij/ui-jq6ij se pgleuBisep aq pinoqs (uoijoesJOR OL L PUB LLC HS 94101 IS9SOIO) juiod ss9J69/ss9J6ui LLC HS UJ94POu 941 'Z .uoijounj auel uoijejelgooe/u011ejejeoep Siqj JOI 9P!AOjd of sluawaiinbei umoi jad p9dijjs aq Isnw pue (jappoLls se p9s,n mou) A4!oedeo auel j_o(]x_L ssaoxe Alluejjno si jeqj euel uoijejol9ooe/uopielooep e Aq pamas aq ol aie ueld ells s,lueoildde aq; uoumoqssluiodSS9008LLCHS9qlJOCllV I .j! '(eouaiinouoo jLOC]xj_ Buiwnsse) elqeldaooe eie 'ueld ells sjusoildde eqj uo umoqs buioeds at4l qllm 'LLC HS uo spod ssaooe C qqj q -ueld el!s speoildde aq� uo umoqs se u6is9p Aluo Ino-lqbij/ui -IqBij leojql-l!lds e sesn jl jl alqeldaooe si juiod ssej6e/ss;gJ6ul OLL HS 9qi 'e :suoil!puoo aseqj ol loefqns eq pinoqs ss9j69/ss9j6uj jo sluiod eseq_L 'Ll-C HS 10-40 ssaiBa/sseiBui jo sluiod C pue 0/L HS 10.40 91!s J1941 01 uo ss9j69/ss9j6ui jo juiod L palsenbgj seq �ueoijdde eq_L "pemolle aq jou pinoqs ss9j69/ss9j6ui jo juiod 9UO le SJU9U19AOUI buiujnl i9t4jo Auew ool Lpm joguoo jet4j Jo seuel uiew wojj eie jeqj ells eqj olui sjuawamw ujn_L 'SjU9LUqAOLU Buiujnl ales ql!m peoueleq JUGLUGAOLU o!j4ejj-q6nojqj j9doid jol BUIP!Aoid el!Llm 'ieumo "doid qqj of sseooe el!s elen b9pe 9P!Aoid of umoi at44 Aq las aje spiepuels lueweBeuew sseooV -spjepue�s wnwiuiw _Lo(]X_L 9Aoqe PUB J9AO SjU9LUqjinb9j sseooe has ueo umo_L eqj 'eou9jin3uoo 1®®x1 qi!m 'J9A9mOH -J-O(Ixl.Aq 1,99 eje sluawaiinbei sseooe wnwiu►w 'qons sV '(LLC HS pue OL L HS) sAempeoj pelloiluoo io(]xi Aq Aleiijue PGP!Aoid si alp loefqns eqj jol sseooe Aempeo� oej4 s,jeumo-uou pue s,jeumo tpoq) S438JJL 7FPBiJOJd 4u83B!—pv UfA41AII550063 pue uoijejn5ji:o all leuie4upubmanquew Ss000v OL48ji -8 'suje:4ed 9AIJOW:48 ui slepejew 6uipl!nq jo uoije!m PUB Buipueq 6uipnioui seouejeedde olt4plouow dn- eejq ol sluewlya9ij ejenbepe 9Aet4 Isnw apes Buippq siLli 'pajelnope eq jou pinom peoiliej eq} 6upej 6uipl!nq sit4j jo eps 944 PUB peimba-i si einjoal!t4oie paps-inol aouiS -6uipeolun/6ulpeol se Ilem se Sseooe ao[Aies jol Aluo pasn Buieq si PUB M91A 199JIS OU Set4 J!J! '(Sep!S E UO U01jelnope Rem-jo-iOlj �nj owoed uolun 941 6uloej ep!s 941 jol Ideoxe sep!s lie uo pejelnoipe eq Isnw 9-Z sjol uo s6uipl!nq 6uiuiewei JIV -Aluo BuIppq eq}jo aps qjnos eq}uo peoeld aq Isnw Buippnq Slqj JOI SS900 8 Ul-eAUP 94j_ -M91A 199JJS linj Sj! ol enp saps t,Ile uo palelnoi:pe aq Isnw l, jol uo l, 6uipl!ng 'pajelnoipe aq ol s6uipl!nq ase4i jo sap!s lle aimbei spiepuels ju9wdol9A9P S,UMOJ , 9qj *9jnjoqj!4oje 99j69p ogs 'peps-t7 eAeq ol pgjinbgj eie s6uippq IIV • LC HS 6upej eouejegdde Buippq jelnBuelogi oi4l!louow e P!OAB ol 6uipl!nq 941 jo spua qjnos PUB you aq}le uoijelnope gull loon j94:pnj MOqS 01 P9SIA9J aq Isnw Z jo-I uo L 6uipl!ng uo gull looi eq I -91cleld000e aie l, jo-i uo l, 6uipl!ng ui juawgig i9mol PUB gull 100i e4j- -saull joo�j 'p9Aoidde si jugwpuewe ueld 911s jewipj e ssalun 'UOljelA9P JUBO!I!UBIS Inoql!m ap eq} uo sBuipl!nq aq}Tie—ui pasn eq pino4s pue gicleld9ooe age slep9jew ase4j. JeNOIN poom/lejaw 0 juied pezijnlxal 9 Buippq 941 uo sjuiod jeqjo le lepajew 6uiume builseiluoo e 9 6uipl!nq qoeg uo sjuiod UleV90 le S6UIUMe 1994S P9ZIUeAle6 0 uwnloo glejouoo o S100i jejew weal 6UIpUejs 0 SJONDI)l POOM 0 S109AW jSeO PUB builuied pejn}xaj qj!m alejouoo 9 euois pelelnwis 9 :eq ll!m pesn aq ol slepajew 6uipl!nq aq}M04S SUOIJEA919.101.19}X9 P9140epe qqj sleIjqjer4 BuluGGJOS PJ8H pue I9jnj394ILl3jV IuBiseC3 Buipling Islepopuy V 'llam se 9-C slo1 ol Aldcle osle moleq sjuawwoo eq} 'snq_L -g-1, slo-I sigAoo pe:4!wqns ueld el!s eql 'lsj!j Z PUB l, SJO1 15UIC1019A9P Aq ju9wdol9A9P sit.loset.ld ol sueld jueoildcle eq}gl!qM ur)!SGa GIIS '6 9 uA&o.L}saw janw sainpxg IIV ,pesodoid we Aue j! 'Z pue l, sBuiplIng J01 (Seouoos) sajn xg jq6il buipl!nq-uo Aus se Ilem se elp aillue aqj JOI 18Aoidde pus M9IA9Jj 4811 JOI pasocloid ejn�x!j IqBil jol bumped jo 9dA4 eqll!wqnsolspeaulueoilddeat4l 'uoilonilsuooOIJOlid -spiepuelsBUI14611 S,umo-L eqj qjp saildwoo ueld alp eqj 1eqj Builels ueld ap aqj pue ueld oplawoloqd 9i4j uo peoeld eq pinoqs 91OU V 'SPJ8Pu8Is s,umO-L 8141 sleew J! 1eqj Builels AeAjns oplewoloqd e pg:4!wqns seq jueoildcle 941 BU144BI-I -C] -jo9jaqj uoijeupwoo e jo 9oal u6is eqj piemol pjemumop It461, lie joemp}eqj sejn&xg jo uoijeumnil! IBUJ91U[ 9AELl Isnw se0el u6iS -slepejew pue awaqj leinloal!40je S,91!s qj!AA gziuowjeq Isnw slepajew u6is JIV 'Slepejew pue 'uoijeuiwnll! 'gzis u6is BuipieBei spiepuels wnLuiuiw se ueld elp siqj ql!m pe:4!wqns spejap eqj qj!m Aldwoo p1noqs ss9ooid leAoidde ueld el!s siqj jol 96eu6is juewnuow 9qj 'J9A9mOH -90ueu'PJO 1pied u6is S,umoi et4j Jed memaj papelop e aiinbai ll!m subis qsqqj jo liv "ueld eps 941 uo umoqs gie suopool u6is juawnuoVq -Buiuoz jo UOII'PuOO e se les ejem 91!s siqj jol subis juawnuow jo sezis pue sjaqwnN OBL'UBIS -3 -Buideospuel qj!m paue9jos Allejol qq pinoqs 's6uipl!nq 10 Sapp 9LIJ le pa�eool jo 'sBuipl!nq aqj woij Aeme pejeool ole sialaw se6 'juawdinbe uoile6iiii Isi9wipisuBil oploele IIV 'pemssclo eq Isnw S910149A 931AJSS J01 aouejeelo ejenbepe pue A4!llq!suodsoi aoueuejuiew sjueoildde eqj aie Aem-jo-jq6ij oilqnd ui sBuilueld lie 1eqj ueld 9deospuel eqj of pappe aq of spaeu 96en6ue-1 -seoueuipio S,umoi eqj jed pale6ilp eq 1pm IB41 el!s-uo 99ij pajogloid 6uilsixe quo si ajaqi -peiinbei segil ui uoijonpai 8 BUIAJOAUI 91!S SIqj JOI PGIUBJ6 BUIUOZ 94110 suofl!puoo 841 10 quo spegai 1eqj pe:4!wqns ueeq seq ueld edeospuel pue AeAjnsggjl V BuiueajoS adeospue-1 pue Buideospue-I -8 -M91A UJOIJ pqueems AlInj eq Isnw 'looi aqj uo jo Buippq eqj jeau punoiB aqj uo peoeld 'juewdinba Buiuoil!puoo iielBuilegq IIV 'Buipl!nq eqj t43jew of p9juieclecl jo/pue 'Buiplinq eqj ap!sui peoeld Jo/pue 'Slepajew pue ainjoal!pie s,Buipl!nq eqj plew 1eqj slepajew qjIm pqueens eq pinoqs seomijua GoiAies s,6uipl!nq e le pad of ol;9 '1!npuoo pue 'sexoq jq�eajcl 'sexoq jejew oploals Isiglew seB IIV 'buIU99JOS PJ8H L eqj uo pa3eld Buieq ejou e 6uipnl3ui 'SlqI 10 Z-1,1, U01139S GAoqe u! Se lueolidde et4l Aq papwqns se Sefte40,9eis fie LJ4!m leAoidde' -.se!;!Il;n mogeindils u! olio 0;pefqns Z- o-I 'qjnoS sjeujoo GAepsom jol jeld 18ug 044 PUB 9-4 s40-1 '44noS sjeujoo q)jegsqAA jol;eld Anuiwileid PUB ueld alts etg jo leAoidde spuawwoogi jjejS SN0ffV--CN3WW0339-:j.qVjLS 111 '91!s siql uO pamolle aq pinoqs sBuipl!nq Ajossaooe ON -0 'Peleool si Buippq 941 q3ILjm uo jeqwnu jol qqj se ewes 9LI1 eq of Alleguenbas pejgqwnu eq pinoqs sluewnoop Ile uo sjol Ile uo 86uipl!nq 118 PM .P80�j Je6ul:40,, of pasoddo se ,,peo�j je6ul:40 -Lr,, P8GJ 01 PeBueqo eq pinoqs sluewnoop lie uo sclew ApIOIA JIV 'a -Isenbei siqj-ql!m sinouoo jjajS 'Z pue l, sJol jol geld leug 941 Bull!!10 UOII!PUOO e 1! 6ui4ew of pasoddo se Z pue 1, 10-1 uo s6uippq 9LI4 10 Aouednc)o.o to ejeogpeo 941 to eouenssi of joijd pajoldwoo eq sIqj 1eqj pasodoid seq jueoildcle eq I -seiiepunoq i, onvy 9141 WO4 uoilexeuue-ep eiinbei ll!m pue L anviui si A:pedoid sp4i *V weld Heil s,umo-L eqj jad uield pool;iegA -001, 9LI1 U1 P918001 IOu S, Ws 944 eouis peimbei eie suOfleOOI Hell ON 9:)edS uedoisllej.L -E) .s4lem SSOJO 919JOU00 pamoloo pedwels epnloui siqj qsildw000e of sAeM -91!s uo IgAejl 1001 Gies 10 SU89w pejeeuilep e Aq pep!Aoid eq pinoqs oWeil ueijjsqpqj (ells GL14 ulqaim) uoi;LInojio ueijlsGPGd -.1 -uoileool AemejeB sIqj uo lie oilqnd to juaweoeld Buipiefti eapwwoo s:PV oilqnd 941 44W 4iom 01 SSGUBUIII!M 8 pajeopul seq jueoildcle eq jou Inq 'peBeinooue eis 'elqel!eAs qq Aew pe oilqnd jol suopoo-1 '91!8 sIqj jol paimbei si (UOIIU,919J J91em wjOjs --a-i) sainjeal jejem ON :pV oil qndjsejnjea_j agile M '3 '91!s-.40 uollejBiw jq611 lueiqwe eziwiuiw pue Aluo op speoildcle eqj uo piemumop jq6I at!S-uo Ile peilp 0 S, , .1 . I piepuels :su01j!pu00 8SeLI1 01 PUB leAoidde i0 xi Joafqns LLC HS 10 go ssai6a/mAul 10 spod S PUB OLI, HS 10-40 alp J19qj ol uo ssqj6q/ssqj6u!jo juiod 1, ;o leAoidde :(speJ4 s-,jqum0-u0- u V 04 4FI�139uu�03 PuTBuoj4fBn:)3`I3e,1S� OJd�WGDB�-Ptv 0�1 I luj��Wui�u�etu; �-Jjc L I L sM 9/u9s 01 OL I, HS uo pajinbei si uOijeopep Aam-jo-jq6j P IBuO111PPe ON (3 `s"Bl uO11BJ9I90GP/uO118J9IG008 luewaoeldai aininj jol juaio!4ns s' IB41 aull Apacloid at44 of qjno to �osq wojj Aem -;0-146!1;0 ,0£ 01 ,9Z s! GJ9411841 P9181s seq iuvoildde aq_L -ssej6q/ssqj6uj to sjuiod sjuawdolaAep eqj 9/ugs 10 seu 81 U01jejefe0ep/U011e1e1gooe juswaoelclaj pl!nq o1 91!s-uo Buluiewei Aem-jo-jq6jj 91"enbepe sjqjqqj ,o!MBjj -qBnojql jol ejnlnj eqj ui LLC HS UO 9uel slqi jo asn'aimbei _LOCI' x-L pinoqs (,q HS UO sjuiod ssaj6,q/ssqj6Uj qj!s Ile Jo;squel U01 'PUB LLC .1 ej91809p/U01.48J91900e UB se asn joj p9di11s aq 01 A4pedeo euel Bullsixe jj;qqj molle II!M io(]xjL (,e :SUOII!PUOO 6UIM01101 eqj ol joefqns paimbei uoijeoip9p Aem-;0-146lj IBUOII!ppe -4-68H UOF4831POC] AUAA7j0-4tjDItj ABM401 OU ql!M 1BAoidde :gUGWGJ!n 11HIA0048 '9 -sispalaw Buippq PUB ainjoelp4ois Buippq wiew Ism 1e41 sleuq1ew Buisn Bulugams P!IOS L111m Peuaajos sialsdwnp lie PUB ueld alp eqj uo* P91BU6IS'ap se SUO4e0OI jaisdwnp 941 qj!M leAoidde -.Sul 11pej U01 381103 SUM pflos *9 10999) 01 96ueqo ueld 911s 941 qpm Aluo buipeolun/Bui -Swaj! 9sqqj 6uieq Z jo-1 uo I, Buippq jo jeqj ;qqj' 'Peol Jol PqjeU61sqP le 6ui�jecl felleied uiepao glom PUB qlP!m euel ej!j snipai 9P!SU! ,9Z 941 LIJ!M leAoidde :S9UB-1 9J-1.A/-5—u!)1JBd 1, -palsenbei ss OLI, HS BuOle 1, 101 uo � 6uipllne J01 auil 6uipI!nq ,qC palsenbei e41 ql!m 1BAoidde Wtvul .1 uuipl1nqjs)l5eq;5S •C poclai siqj to C-I I UopaS ui pecIposep se jueoildcle eqj Aq pe:4!wqns se se6ueqo jjej.s Ile qj!M 18Aoidde 75-919m�Lujoje -Z -punoi6japun aq Ile4s 'Bullsixe Jo mqu squll 0143919 91!s-uo IV SSOJO U01jelle4su! 'E)dfq jueipAq PeAoidde 6uimoqs sueld uoi pnilsum A4!1!ln 6 'Aluo Buippnq eqj jo ap!s qjnos eqj uo peoeld aq isnw Buippq siql Jot. SS900B u!-9APP Gq-L 'M91A 499JIS llnj sj! ol anp seps t, lie uo pglelnoi:pe eq jsnw 1, 101 uo i, 6u,pllne 'pajelnoipe eq 01 s6uipl!nq eseqj jo saps lie eiinbei spiepuels juawdol9A9p S,UMOJ_qqj qqjBqp .Oge 'paps-inol 9Aeq of pgjinbei Gie sBuipl!nq IIV -Fj—nj*ejltj53v -j: 'LLS HS Buloej eouejeedde Buippq jelnBuejoej oiql!louow e P!OAe 01 Buippq siqj jo spue qjnos pue q:pou eqj le uoijelnope eull Jo0i jeq:pnl molts of gels Aq leAoidde leug 01 joefqns pue peslAGJ aq Iletis Z 101 uo L 6uppe uo euil looi eq_L -pe:4!wqns se gicield000e We 1, 101 uo i, buippe ui juawela Jemol pue gull 1001 eq-L .�§eu!j—I0011 -Z -peAoidde si juewpuewe ueld gj!s lewjol e sselun 'UOljelA9p jUeOq!UBjS Inoql!m apsqqj uo sBuipl!nq gqj j—je ui pasn aq 11!m slepajew esgq-L *9Aoqe V-6-11 uoijoeS ui paciposep swnwiuiw 6uimollojaqj 10 Is'suoo lleqs joefoid siqj Jo}sleuejew Buippq peAoiddV 11—epe;eW suluesios PJBH pue 'ejn;oejlqojV 'uB!se a Ouipline Islepe;eW V :9-Lslo-1 Jo}s4uewejinbeiBuimollojeqlsellem S8 'BUIMBJP UOIJeA919 J01jewe Aieuiwilejd pet4oe:Re sjueoildds eqj ol:podwoo SUOIJeA919 JOIJG}Xg JeUg eq}jej4j '9-L sjo-j uo Buipl!nq lie jOj SUOI1eA919 JOIJ9}Xq JeUg 94110 leAoidde pue M9IA9J Sj4ejS :01 joefqns leAoidde ®u !Saa�04!s -8 'Aluo sivaweAow 6uiujnl jno-1q6u/ui-1qBu of ul pqjopjsqj aq pinoqs juiod ss9ibe/ss9j6ul }sow-ujeqjnos 9ql 'p8p!Aoid jou si Slqj 11 -9Aoqe q-L Jed pap!Aoid si fq!oedeo euel uoileigigooe/uolleig,9391) ejenbepe p9p!Aojd spod ss9j69/ss9j6ui linj se emas 04 pe:4!wjed eq LLS HS uo sjuiod sseift/sseAul Z 6ujulew9J 941 CID -uoljeooj sIqj 18 A191 eS SJUQLUGAOLU SS9J69/Ss9j6ui linj 9�ew 01 SJUGLU9AOLU 6uiujnl:491 AUBW 001 ale ejaqj jaqj jnouoo umoj eq} pue 1.o xi 1! Aluo jno-jqBij/ui-jqBu se pajeubisep aq pinot4s (UOII39sJGIUI OL 1, pue LLC HS 94101 1sasolo) pod ss9j6e/ss9j6uj LLC HS uJ94:Pou eu (*3 -uoijounj euel uopialgoop/U01.1 eial909P 8141 JOI 9P!Aoid 01 Sjugweimbei UMO-L Jed peduls eq Ism pue (japinoqs se pesn mou) A4!oedeo quel -Loax-L ssaoxg Alluaim si 1eq1 auel uoljejqlgooq/uo,jejqlq3qp e Aq Pames aq ol aie ueld alp sjueoildde qqj uO umO4s sjuiod ss9008 LLE HS 941;0 S lied! 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Guests would arrive via shuttlelvan/coach, private or rental automobile, or taxi. Employee Traffic Page 3 qf 3 Printed on:4129ID8 Pill", Used by DeShazo,Tang&Associates,Inc.for Trip Generation/Parking Demand Models Based Upon: Phone Interview w/Owner,Gensler,DT&A;plus,DT&A assumptions AU information pertains to original construction phase,unless otherwise stated. (PREUMINARY,subject to review and revision) GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Number of Guest Rooms: 800 2. Assembly Area: 94,000 SF a. >75% of capacity from June through mid-December;<75%of capacity from January through May. b. highest Monday through Wednesday,lower on Thursday and Friday,no weekend attendance except for extended-period programs 110 L11 SH*110wel V. Typical range in number of guests:50-1000 per program 7. Maximum number of guests on site atone time,when considering overlap of multiple prograrrLs: 1,500(not all guests stay overnight) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 8, "Operator": 460 employees in three shifts a. 65% on Shift 1: 7:00 AM-3.00 PM on Shift 2: 3.00 PM-11.00 • c. 3%on Shift 3: 11:00 PM-7:00 AM 9. -Owner". 100 employees on one sNft(8.00 AM-5:00 PM) 10. Data Center employees: 12 employees on one shift(8:00 AM-5:00 PM) 11. Guests: a. Shuttle Bus/Coach-65% (assumed average vehicle occupancy:20 persons per vehicle) b. Drive Alone(Personal Auto,Local/Regional origin)-10% (assumed average vehicle occupancy:1.2 persons per vehicle) c. Drive Alone(Rental Car)-10% (assumed average vehicle occupancy:1.5 persons per vehicle) d. Taxi/Other Drop-off-15% (assumed average vehicle occupancy:1.0 Persons per vehicle) e. If off-site activities are included in program,travel will most likely be arranged by private coach_ Page I of 2 Printed on:4P-ZW 12. Staff- ESTIMATED SERVICE VEHICLE NEEDS 13. Estimated number of"18-wheeler"vehicles serving the site: 14 per week 14. Estimated number of"Single Unit" trucks service the site: 15-25 per week 15. Deliveries can be scheduled by the Owner,as needed END OF DOCUMENT Page 2 of 2 Pirinlrdon:4122W r _j CIIIII I Prepared for. Gensler 711 Louisiana,Suite 300 Houson, Texas 77002 t7I'diA OD7252 DPAFr-DeSh dzo,Tang&Associates,Irrc. Ap-6121,2009 Traffic Impact Analysis for Corporate Conference Center --DT&A Project No.07252-- EXECUTIVE Stl[IVIIVARY............................................ ............................................... I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................i Purpose.........................................................................................................................1 ProjectDescription.............................. .............................._.............................._.........2 StudyParameters..............................._.............................._.............................._...........2 StudyArea............................................................................___..................................2 TRAFFIC IMPACT AN ALYSIS..................................................................................3 Approach........... ..................._.............................._.............................._.........................3 Background Traffic Volume Data........................ .........................................................3 Site-Related Traffic...........___............................................,.........................................3 Trip Generation and Mode Split....................... ......___......--------..........................----3 Trip Distribution and Assignment....................................................................................4 Site-Generated Traffic Volumes.......__.............._._..............................__.................5 Traffic Operational Analysis—Roadway Intersections..............................._..............5 Analysis Methodology..... ......_.......... ......__._.... ................. ............ Analysis Traffic Volumes.......................................................................--.......................6 Summaryof Results............................................................................---------------....»......6 RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................3 CONCLUSIONS ...................................._.........._._..._..__.................... Coq ngte Coal rrncr Gm Traffic 1winct An aty5mis Trtbtcof COn IC05 DRAFT-DeSlwzo,Tang&Associates,hic, Ap4121,2M8 The services of DeShazo, Tang & Associates, Inc. (DT&A) were retained by Gensler on behalf of the Owner to conduct a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for development of a Corporate Conference Center in the Town of Westlake,Texas (-the Project-). The 106.9- acre site is part of the Circle T Ranch and is currently zoned as a Planned Development District -the purpose of this report is to summarize the findings of the TIA for use by the Owner in a request for an amendment to the existing PD zoning to facilitate the Project. The proposed development does not operate like a traditional hotel or other land uses,so no standardized trip generation characteristics are available for this analysis- Hence, trip generation projections for the Project were calculated by a trip generation model developed by DT&A based upon estimated information provided by the Owner and from DT&A's own assumptions based upon professional judgment. For purposes of this analysis, two traffic assignment scenarios were considered: Scenario 1-All traffic(except service vehicles)accesses the site through the main entry via Westlake Parkway. Scenario 2 - All guests traffic accesses the site through the main entry via Westlake Parkway; while all staff traffic access the site through a secondary driveway located on Ottinger Road. Since most of the property immediately surrounding the site is currently rural in nature, the roadway network serving the site is commensurately rural in character and/or is only partially constructed to the ultimately-planned cross-section. Due to the intermittent nature of site traffic and the extensive use of private transit, the traffic impact to the local roadway network will be moderate, Depending upon the decision of whether to designate staff traffic through the main entrance or a side entrance on Ottinger Road, traffic to roadways other than Westlake Parkway may be negligible. As future development occurs and the local thoroughfare network is expanded, reconfiguration of the site driveways may be appropriate in order to achieve proper intersection spacing and traffic capacity. END C 17. rate cvj�ftre"&it 1a Amlysis Page i DeShazo,Tang&Associates,Inc. Engineers Planners 401 South Houston Street Suite 330 Dalla-,,TX 75202--I399 214-748,6740• FAX 214,748,707 Inv I www.deshawtang.rom Technical Memorandum Tw. Mr.David Alderete—Gensler From: DeShazo,Tang&Associates,Inc. Date: April 21,2008 Re. Traffic Impact Analysis for Corporate Conference Center in Westlake,Texas DMA Project No.07252 �a.! =F The services of DeShazo, Tang & Associates, Inc. (DT&A) were retained by Gensler on behalf of the Owner to conduct a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for development of a Corporate Conference Center in the Town of Westlake,Texas("the Project"). DT&A is an engineering consulting firm providing licensed engineers skilled in the field of traffic/transportation engineering. The proposed Project is a conference center for the private use of a corporate tenant located on a 106.9-acre site, The subject site is part of the Circle T Ranch and is currently zoned as a Planned Development District A site location map is provided for reference in Exhibiti. The purpose of this report is to summarize the findings of the TIA for use by the Owner in a request for an amendment to the existing PD zoning to facilitate the Project. The TIA will be provided to the Town of Westlake staff ("the Staff") for technical review to fulfill the associated requirements of the local approval process. Coq--[e co,,ftr n cejfler Traffic Inyact Analysis Page I DRAFT-Dc5)wzv,, Tang&Assixifats,Inc. April 21,2008 This TIA analyzes the anticipated impact, if any, of background traffic growth and site- related traffic at specified buildout conditions. Based upon the results of this analysis, DT&A has recommended traffic-related measures considered commensurate and appropriate to mitigate excessive or undue projected impacts. It is intended that the findings and recommendations presented herein be considered a credible basis to determine the traffic-related improvements essential for the Project to operate safely and efficiently. The proposed development will initially include a conference center with 800 guest rooms and 94,000 square feet of assembly space The proposed zoning request would allow an expansion to up to 1,200 guest rooms. For purposes of this analysis, occupancy cf the project is anticipated to occur in 2009. A preliminary site plan for the Project as provided by Gensler is provided in Exhibit 2, SludyParameters This TIA will analyze the day-to-day traffic operational conditions that are anticipated to be the most critically impacted by the proposed Project at buildout conditions. Based upon the traffic generation characteristics of the Project and the prevailing background traffic conditions,the following periods shall be analyzed: a various weekday peak hours of adjacent street and site-generated trip generation o at existing conditions o at site buildout year 2009 with site-generated traffic The following technical assumptions were also made in this analysis. Background traffic volumes were obtained from DT&A's Traffic Impact Analysis for Phase 11 construction of the Fidelity Investments corporate campus (i.e.,background traffic volumes include the projected volumes from Fidelity Investments) - base traffic volumes were collected in March 2007. Based upon the scale of the proposed Project, the TIA study area was defined in order to assess the most relevant traffic impacts to the local area. The following locations are included in the study area. Intersections: (a) SHA 14 interchange with Westlake Parkway: treat re-srgrlrrl-cnlrtrnlled (b) Westlake Parkway at Capital Parkway: ST-OP-controlled on Capital Parkuhly(1VC51J1k-C PaTkuvv curnnily terminates at lire intersecliots) (c) Ottinger Road at Secondary Driveway(future): STOP-co?zlrolletlt;rzdrizc?taiy Cwporale C001fe"nee Q'we' Treaffic Impact Anolvsis Paj,2 DRAFT-DeSkRzo.Tang&Assorudes,hic. April 21,2008 In accordance with the requirements for site plan approval in the Town of Westlake, submittal of a Traffic Impact Analysis is required for the Project The study is provided to the Staff for review of the projected traffic impact;and,Staff review comments are provided to the Town of Westlake Planning and Zoning Con-unission and Town Council for consideration. The TIA presented in this report will analyze the operational conditions for the peak hours and study area as defined above using standardized analytical methodologies where applicable- Current traffic volume data were collected throughout the study area to represent existing traffic conditions. Growth factors were applied to the existing volumes to project future background traffic at the site buildout year conditions. Then,traffic generated by the proposed development was projected using the standard four-step approach: Trip Generation, Mode Split Trip Distribution, and Traffic Assignment By adding the site_ generated traffic to the background traffic,the resulting site-plus-background traffic impact to operational conditions may be assessed from which approach mitigation measures may be recommended. Traffic volumes derived in the 2007 Traffic Impact Analysis for Fidelity Investments Phase 11 (conducted by DT&A) were used to reflect the current peak period traffic volumes on Westlake Parkway and Dove Road (base data collected by DT&A on March 20, 21, and 27, 2007) and are surru-narized in Exhibit 3. Current daily roadway link volumes on Ottinger Road were collected by DT&A (subcontractor) on April 17-18, 2008. Detailed data are provided in Appendix C. Trip Generation and Mode Split The proposed development does not operate like a traditional hotel or other land uses,so no standardized trip generation characteristics are available for this analysis. Hence, trip generation projections for the Project were calculated by a trip generation model developed by DT&A based upon estimated information provided by the Owner and from DT&A's own assumptions based upon professional judgment. Descriplion of Use The proposed development will host corporate employees from local,regional,and national offices. Various corporate programs will be held for guests during their stay. The duration of programs will range from one day to two weeks; the number of attendees of programs Tmflk 1111pad Allj?lysis POSY 3 DRAFT-DeShnzo,Taixg&Associaft,s,litc. April 21,ZWS will range from 50 to 1,000. Start and end times for programs also vary —8:00 AM-6.00 I'M for one day programs,and miss-day start and end for other programs. For purposes of this analysis,it is estimated that approximately 65%of guests will arrive by private shuttle or coach;10% by private auto (local/regional traffic);10% by taxi, 15% by rental car. It is also estimated that the site will employ up to 460"operator" staff(in three work shifts),100"Owner"staff;and 12 data center staff. Additional detailed assumptions and detailed hip generation and parking assumptions are summarized in Appendix A- An overview of the hourly site-related trip generation is summarized in Table 1_ Table I- Weekday Site Trip Generation Summary (from DT&A Trip Generation Model) One-Hour Period TOTAL IN OUT 6--00 AM 276 276 0 7:00AM 110 98 13 8.00 AM 8 a 0 9:00 AM 0 0 0 10:00AM 33 33 0 11.00AM 33 33 0 12.00 PM 40 331 7 1.00 PM 47 33 13 2.M PM 280 167 113 3.00 PM 305 0 305 4:00 PM 8 0 8 5,00 PM 74 13 61 6:00 PM 147 20 127 7.00 PM 67 , 33 33 8:00 PM 47 331 13 9.00 PM 20 20 0 10:00 PM] 26 26 0 17:00 PM 134 0 134 12:OOAM 1 0 0 0 , Trip Distribution and Assignment Traffic generated by the proposed development was assigned to the study area roadway network based upon a subjective interpretation of the geographic distribution of population and by DT&A's professional judgment and understanding of the available roadway network, [NOTE: This analysis only considers the existing roadway network Future roadway improvements,extensions,and/or expansions are not considered in this analysis and may require further consideration as those projects are implemented] For purposes of this analysis,two traffic assignment scenarios were considered-. cokpomle C—f—nce Ce"ter Traffic hapad Aijatysis Pagc 4 DRAFT-De'5Jxzo,Tinfg&Associates,Inc. April?I,200 Scenario 1 -All traffic(except service vehicles)accesses the site through the main entry via Westlake Parkway. Scenario 2 - All guests traffic accesses the site through the main entry via Westlake Parkway; while all staff traffic access the site through a secondary driveway located on Ottinger Road. For both scenarios,service traffic is assumed to access the site through the secondary access point on Ottinger Road. An illustration of traffic assignment assumptions for each scenario is summarized in Exhibit 4. Though this may include larger service vehicles,including WB-50 trucks(approximately 14 per week), those service trips are relatively low in number and can be scheduled at the discretion of the Owner. The volumes of service vehicles were not considered high enough to merit an independent analysis of intersection capacity, though the impacts should be considered subjectively- Site-Generated Traffic Volumes Site generated traffic is calculated by multiplying the trip generation value (from Table 1) by the corresponding traffic assignments (from Exhibit 4). The resulting cumulative(for all uses) peak period site-generated traffic volumes at buildout of the Project are summarized in Exhibit 5. MT Analysis Melhodolog Traffic operational conditions for traffic-signal-controlled ('signalized-) roadway intersections are quantitatively measured in terms of average delay per vehicle through the intersection as a function of roadway capacity and operational characteristics of the traffic signal. The standardized methodology applied herein was developed by the Transportation Research Board as presented in the Highway Call acity Manual (HCM HCM also qualitatively rates the overall delay conditions in terms of"Level-of-Service- (LOS) ranging from "A" (free-flowing conditions) to "F" (over-capacity conditions). Generally, LOS D or better is considered an acceptable condition for signalized intersections in urban and suburban conditions, while rural locations may demand better level-of-service. A detailed description of HCM LOS for signalized intersections is provided in Appendix E. The standard methodology for measuring the operational conditions of STOP-controlled ("unsignalized-) intersection capacity was also developed by the Transportation Research Board and presented in the HCM. These operational conditions are also qualitatively defined in terms of LOS ranging from'A' to"F" and are quantitatively measured in terms of average delay per vehicle—but, as a function of acceptable gaps in the opposing traffic stream(s). LOS for unsignalized locations are not measured for the entire intersection; C01716rale Conference awter 7iaft IntlWC1 AJIUIY5i5 Page 5 DRAFT-aSho2o, Tarts&Associates,ttic. Alnit 2t,2008 rather,LOS is only calculated for individual traffic movements that must stop or yield right- of-way (traffic movements that do not stop or yield have no effective delay). A detailed description of LOS for unsignalized intersections is also provided in Appendix E, NOTE: The HCM methodology for unsignalized intersections was originally designed to analyze low- to moderate-volume Iocatioms where the traffic is,generally,evenly distributed throughout the intersection(e.g.,an intersecti n of two local streets). However,for unsignalized intersections located onmaiar ihzaroughfares(where traffic volume or roadway capacity is very iaigh andfoa vastly disproportionate< or -unbalanced"), the methodology is deficient Although LOS 0 or better is desirable, LDS F (calculated) commonly results and carrot be operationally mitigated unless a traffic signal is installed (subject to the findings of a Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis and subsequent approved of traffic signal installation by the responsible transportation agency). External factors such as gaps in the traffic stream seated by nearby traffic signals are not sufficiently accounted for in the methodology but may, in fact, provide better-than-calculated conditions. Since no alternative analysis methodology exists,the results directly obtained from the calculated values are presented herein. It is recommended that analysis results for such locations be taken in the context of day-to-day experience rather than as an absolute determination of inadquacyy. Analysis Traffic Volumes Determination of the Project's traffic impact is measured by comparing the incremental change in operational conditions with and without site-related traffic. Exhibit 6 summarizes the background-plus-site peak period traffic volumes at the analysis period. Summary of Results Intersection capacity analyses presented in this study were performed using the Synchro 7 software package. Table 2 and Fable 3 provide a summary of the intersection operational conditions for traffic-signal-controlled intersections and unsignalized intersections, respectively during the peak periods under the analysis conditions presented previously. Detailed software output is provided in Appendix F. NOTE: Signalized intersection results were obtained directly from the optimized sof vareloutput based upon signal phasing and cycle lengths observed in the field and may differ slightly from actual signal operations. Carlwrnle Conferewr Center Troaffir hn1wer Analysis Page 6 un clli S) -0 12 CI w and 44 CS U 'r, cm 4z IM co c=l t'4 M- 0 -0 4R C5 to tn 1! lo,- P , Ln O z I ob cz CA 1:: lt� lid CD 1 Q qq Q ti 49 z OF: z U La C- r Cam. in 2, U3 CI w and 44 CS U 0 to tn 1! lo,- P , Ln CD 1 Q z AM Cz q3s 66"t: — — - — ci CI w and 44 CS U DRAFT-DeShazo,Twig&Assariats,far_ April 21.2009 As noted in the results,the capacity analysis indicates that existing operational conditions at traffic-signal controlled interchange of SH-114 and Westlake Parkway generally operate efficiently and at acceptable Levels of Service. Acceptable conditions are expected to be maintained through the addition of site-related traffic. For the unsignalized intersection of Westlake Parkway at Capital Parkway, it is recommended to add STOP-control to each approach in order to maintain a conventional traffic control at the intersection (as opposed to create an unusual two-way configuration not anticipated by motorists). By introducing the southbound STOP control, the southbound approach results in a Level-of-Service F during the AM peak hour due to the heavy background traffic volume. However, this condition is only expected to dissipate at once the AM peak hour traffic normalizes. Other intersection approaches will operate at satisfactory conditions before and with the addition of site traffic under both site access scenarios(I and 2). Under Scenario 2, where staff traffic intersection operations are expected to with the addition of site-related traffic. intersection are expected to be nominal. 1# 1111TITATZ FRYAM911119 accesses the site via the secondary driveway, the operate at acceptable Level-of-Service conditions Since background traffic is Very light,delays at the NCqF— Recommendations for public improvements within the study area presented in this report reflect the opinion of DT&A based solely upon technical analysis and professional judgment and are not intenled to define,imply,or allocate funding sources nor required improvements. Applicable legal precedent indicates that the Owner of a Project should only be r4equijed to proportionately fund necessary infrastructure improwynents that are directly attributable to implementation of the Project. Such requirements will depend upon the individual circumstances of each project that may be viewed differently by each particular agency/municipality. 1. For Scenario 1 (all traffic accessing the site via Westlake Parkway), configure the intersection of the Westlake Parkway-Capital Parkway intersection as illustrated in Exhibit 7. Installation of an all-way STOP is recommended in order to maintain a traditional traffic control. [NOTE: Once Westlake Parkway is extended in the future, a new driveway location for the subject site may be required in order to maintain proper intersection spacing from the existing location of Capital Parkway] 2. For Scenario 2 (guest traffic accessing the site via Westlake Parkway, staff traffic accessing the site via secondary driveway on Ottinger Road), also configure the intersection of the site driveway on Westlake Parkway-Capital Parkway intersection as illustrated in Exhibit 7. 3. Owner should attempt to schedule service trips to minimize impact on surrounding community. C—P.—fe,Gonfe'encec"Itcr Tmffic Impart Aijalqsis J'agr 8 DRAFT-DeShaze,Tang&Associates,hie. April 27,200$ Development of the subject property to an 800-guest room corporate conference center is proposed on currently undeveloped Property. The proposed development will generate very unique traffic generation patters, much of which will arrive/depart by private shuttle or coach. Since most of the property immediately surrounding the site is currently rural in nature,the roadway network serving the site is commensurately rural in character and/or is only partially constructed to the ultimately-planned cross-section. Due to the intermittent nature of site traffic and the extensive use of private transit,the traffic impact to the local roadway network will be moderate. Depending upon the decision of whether to designate staff traffic through the main entrance or a side entrance on Ottinger Road, traffic to roadways other than Westlake Parkway may be negligible. As future development occurs and the reconfiguration of the site driveways may intersection spacing and traffic capacity. local thoroughfare network is expanded, be appropriate in order to achieve proper Copparale Cooftmicr G-Jiler Traffic Impad Analysis P"S'9 .2,, Inbound K.T.S.A so 50 900° Wesdakc Parkway 5,1 i—d a—9 Driveway 1p0 0 RON I'kn"r M- 1 F970% -N, 140 W Cqdakc Parkway secondary F1—() I sItY 4/ri-o—%] aW F1 Wchi late Parkway 1)o 04 i o--o q Exhibit 4B Site Traffic Assignment (Scemirio 2) Corporate Conference Center Traffic finpaci,Analysis Levend- Triffic Assignrntnj for Staff Traffic Assipmumt for ciucui page m Recommended Condition a. Future Site Driveway (Conccptual) Exhibit 7 Westlake Parkway-Driveway Intersection Configuration Corporate Conference Center Traffic 1111paCL Analysis Page Thomas E"mer,Town Manager Et c,116 • tls, T 3 Village Circle, Suits 202 Westlake,Texas 76262 Re: Traffic Impact Analysis(r1A)for the proposed Corporate Conference Center I have reviewed the traffic study and Ws comprehensive plan. I offer the following general and technical comments: Technical Review 2109 Franklin brave Cell (817)995-8648 Arlington,Texas 76011 Fax(817)462-8202 7 TAR 14 M- propose to have any substantial nepti impacts to the traffic in Westlake. However-, a rwmber of issues need to be examined and agreed to: mm��M. Chafles F. Dibrell, IH,PE 2109 Franklin Drive Cell(817)995-864B Arlington,Texas 76011 3dengesbrelob-gine Fax(817)462-8202 A 0-13 NNIN ZOISM21 Mr. Thomas E.Brymer Town Manager Town of Westlake 3 Village Circle, Suite 202 Westlake,TX 76262 As a follow-up to our meeting on April 29th, I want to first thank you again for the time you and Eddie Edwards spent with us and the valuable input you provided. As requested,I am providing you with a summary of the issues we discussed as well as our concerns and proposed operating solutions. During our meeting,we collectively identified the following three Operating/Transportation Scenarios identifying how Guests,Employees and Service vehicles would access the site: Scenario 1:All Guests arrive via Westlake Parkway and a private drive from the north. All Employees arrive via a drive off of Ottinger Rd.. All Service vehicles arrive via the drive off of Ottinger Rd.by way of Dove Rd. Scenario 2: All Guests,Employees and Service vehicles arrive via Westlake Parkway and the private drive from the north,with Service and Employees splitting off at some point and taking a different route to the loading dock and employee parking located on the western and southern portion of the site. Scenario 3: All Guests and Service vehicles arrive via Westlake Parkway,with Service vehicles splitting off at some point and taking a different route to the loading docks. All Employees arrive via the drive off of Ottinger Rd. We fully understand and appreciate the Town's desire to maintain its"rural nature". That nature is one of the characteristics that drew Deloitte to the site. Both the Town and Deloitte are aligned in that desire. We also understand that the Westlake Charter School is located north of our proposed Ottinger Rd. service drive, and there is a concern with traffic or trucks mixing with school traffic during school zone hours. It's not surprising that the Town has had concerns and reservations about this access and potential impact on traffic without having the benefit of a thorough understanding of the actual operations. Now that we can present you the actual operating information below and Deloitte's willingness to work with the Town to minimize the impact on the surrounding area, we hope your concerns will be mitigated and that we can work together going forward. Z-1 15601 Dallas Parkway,Suite 400 Addison,Texas 75001 The Staubach Qmrpany (972)361-5000 Fax(972)361-5910 provides global coverage through www.staubach.com DTZ Staubach Tie Leung. As we discussed,Deloitte and their consultant team believe Scenario 1 above is the only functional and practical approach to access this site. We were quite taken back when it was suggested this option might not be approved by the Town, and this suggestion has raised serious reservations about the site in Deloitte's mind. However, we are confident that,once the true character and quantity of the vehicular access to the site is evaluated and understood,the Town will see that this impact would be very minimal. To summarize the options and issues: Scenario 1 —Deloitte and their design team have gone to great lengths to create a site layout that preserves the nature of this special site, and that allows for a scripted entry into the facility for arriving guests. A private"rural-type'entry drive will wind through the site and trees to create a -unique arrival and decompression zone for Deloitte's guests. Our programmed arrival provides for the segregation of the arriving guests from other traffic into the site. This arrangement meets each of those desires, and keeps guest and service traffic separated,which allows us to meet one of our major programming requirements. It is also important to note that this option is the only scenario that is consistent with the current"long-term"thoroughfare plan which would eventually take all service traffic due west from the site and away from both Dove and Ottinger. Scenario 2—Wliilc it keeps all traffic off of Dove Rd. and Ottinger Rd.,this scenario creates major hurdles for the site design. First,we would greatly diminish the entry experience for arriving guests. Second,bringing large trucks in this way would cause us to have to build a more substantial road, losing the scripted rural feel, and more importantly, at the crossing of the creek, a more"commercial"bridge would have to be constructed, at great expense and further diminishing the country feel. Upon splitting off from guest entrance,the service and employee drive would have to go through adjacent prime sites to the north of the proposed Deloitte site, greatly damaging the developability of those sites. You will recall that Deloitte is as concerned with the development character and use of these sites as the proposed Deloitte site itself. Finally, a separate service drive would have to cross through the heavily treed area to the north and west of the facility,most likely traveling adjacent to or near the Town of Westlake's future"Hill" park site thus degrading those views and, again,the rural feel. Deloitte is trying to develop the site in a manner that preserves most trees on the property. Scenario 3—This scenario basically presents the same issues for Deloitte as Scenario 2 and does not work for Deloitte. We have provided you with a Traffic Impact Analysis that has been prepared by DeShazo Tang &Associates,a recognized leading traffic engineering consultant. Their report is based on information provided by the two finalist facility operators that Deloitte is considering. These operators operate some of the finest similar conference centers in the U.S. In summary,the report is based on the following traffic data: * Estimated number of"1$-wheeler"vehicles serving the site— 14 per week ® Estimated number of"bobtail""single unit"trucks serving the site---15-25 per week Is Estimated number of employees: o Operator employees—460 in 3 shifts c) Owner employees— 100 in 1 shift Consequently, you can see that we will only average 2 18-wheelers per day, a negligible number. The bobtail trucks would average 2-4 per day, and are basically no more than large vans and very common on collector streets such as Dove Road. DeShazo Tang's report indicates that the automobile traffic on Dove Rd. and Ottinger Rd.would not create a traffic problem. used on DeShazo Tang's findings,including current background traffic and added traffic due to employees,the Level of Service(as defined by Transportation Research Board as presented in the Highway Capacity Manual—(HCM)) for Ottinger Road at the emergency/service/employee entrance on Ottinger is rated"A"or"B"at peak traffic hours. The HCM rating system,A—F, generally provides that a level"D"or better indicates an acceptable level of performance for intersections in urban or surburban locations,while rural locations may demand a better level of service. While we do not believe that the minimal number of trucks above will create any sort of negative to the surrounding streets,we have reached out to our operator candidates to determine potential operational arrangements to mitigate any concerns about these trucks. They have indicated that they could dictate to the providers that no 18-wheeler deliveries could occur during school zone hours. Additionally they can dictate that arriving service deliveries come from Dove as opposed to from the north. This would ensure that a truck never went past the school, as our Ottinger service entry is around 800 feet south of the school. Of course,you cannot control or predict nature,breakdowns and the like,but this should allay any fears of large trucks presenting a danger to school traffic or creating a traffic problem along our proposed Dove Rd./Ottinger Rd. service entry. Regarding automobile traffic, although the Traffic Impact Analysis indicates that Ottinger Road should be only minimally affected by the added traffic,the operators and Deloitte have indicated the ability to 1) adjust shift change times to help avoid peak school hours, and 2)stagger shift changes to spread traffic over a longer period of time. I hope this summary-helps dispel any concern that Deloitte wants to be anything other than a good neighbor, and has the same desire as the Town in preserving the rural nature of the area. Sincerely, THE STAUBAfI-I IPANY tro HI I H I LWOOD A PEPOT COMPANY" WUVVrrt 1%&. Thomas E.Brymer Town Manager Town of Westlake 3 Village Circle, Suite 202 Westlake,TX 76262 Re: DU Project Rezoning Proposed PD 3-12 Westlake,Texas Dear Mr.Brymer, As a follow-up to our April 29 meeting, I would like to thank you and the Town Staff for all of your time and effort in assisting us through the rezoning process for the proposed Delcitte University Project at the Circle T Ranch. We know the Town is as excited as we are about bringing a world class facility such as the Deloitte University to Westlake, and we greatly appreciate your continued efforts. Pursuant to your request, we are providing you with a summary of the effect of the proposed PD 3-12 rezoning and the remaining portion PD 3-3 land use allocations. The PD 3-12 consists of approximately 107 acres which is proposed to be rezoned to provide for the specific uses(s) required to facilitate development of the Deloitte University Conference and Training Facility currently not allowed in PD 3-3. The currently zoned PD 3-3 encompasses 365 acres and includes 117 acres of single family residential leaving 248 net acres of resort hotel and office.The 248 acres provides for 500,000 sf. of resort hotel and 16.4,700 sf. of office space. We understand that the Town's primary concern is the impact of residential development on the school and maintaining open space throughout the Circle T Ranch. As part of the original PD 3-3 rezoning in March of 2004 (which was combined with a rezoning for areas 3-4 and 3-5) a total of approximately 275 single family residential units were deleted from the overall development plan on the Circle T. This reduction was agreed upon by Hillwood in order to alleviate some of the Town's concerns regarding overcrowding of the school. We remain committed to the overall zoning on the Circle T Ranch. and maintaining open space(particularly on the southern portion of the Ranch), 1360014eriwgeFai*w,ay Surtz-200 Fv?wWonh,Texz 76177 Phone 8172246000 Fix 8172-246060 or 6961 h4wodcom Later-Mr.Thomas E.Brymer May 2,2008 Page 2 �0773772 consisK oY ap•r• ! F=• : C : I ;. I• which was approved on the Town via Ordinance of 453 on March 22, 2004. When PD 3-3 was approved it was anticipated that the office and resort hotel buildings would be one (1) story in height, resulting in a "building site coverage" in those zones of approximately 6.15%. The building footprints and building coverage for the residential areas would be dictated by lot layouts, terrain, roadway layouts and other items that would normally affect the development of a single family residential project. With the rezoning of PD 3-12 there will be a gross acreage remaining in PD 3-3 of approximately 258 acres, Netting out the 117 acres of single family residential, the resort hotel and office components will have a total building coverage of 3.61% assuming that these buildings will be three (3) stories in height. The increase in height on the buildings is allowed in the zoning, allows for better utilization of the property,and maintains open space. 'When the DU Project, and the office and resort hotel are built, we calculate overall composite building site coverage of approximately 4.8% resulting in a decrease in building coverage of approximately of 1.28% or 3.7 acres. This assumes that 117 acres of single family residential,which is currently allowed in PD 3-3,remains and the associated building foot prints open space and other items are constant given the normal constraints for development of single family residential property. JCSIkk Enclosure cc: Russell Laughlin,Hillwood Bill Burton,Hillwood Mike Berry,Hillwood an -0 :2 Cl C> M > 0 CV bf) kn 1, Q w di T 00 �t rl vi 4n A. qq u u <C <C 00 In :w Z) �Q cq aD G ca O C� 4z �r E aq =1 102 •zr C Z) C> Lin u C 00 cl- cr COD O C. C, S N CD C� CD in pf� PU 99 u m C4 4I 4 BD 15 fn h WHEREAS, on August 24, 1992, the Board of Aldennen (sometimes referred to as the "Board") of the Town of Westlake, Texas (the "Town"), adopted a Comprehensive Plan (the "1992 Comprehensive Plan") for the Town; and WHEREAS, on November 16, 1992, the Board, adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (the "Zoning Ordinance"): and WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance has been amended by the Board after receiving recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission (the"Commission"), and WHEREAS, on September 15, 1997, based on the recommendations of the Commission, the Board amended the Zoning Ordinance and the subdivision regulations by the adopting of a Unified Development Code (the "UDC") for the Town; and WHEREAS, the UDC has been amended, with the most recent amendments being adopted on August 23, 2003; and WHEREAS, there is located within the corporate limits of the Town an approximately 365 acre tract of land (commonly known as Planning Area 3 -3 Resort and hereinafter sometimes referred to as the"Planning Area"); and 2008 PA 3-3 B4-42 Conference/-and-Educational Center ------------.—Page I ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen agrees that the boundaries for PD 3-3 must be amended and certain uses clarified in order to accommodate the aforementioned Conference and Educational Center and Data Center; and WHEREAS, the Board believes that the interests of the Town, the present and future residents and citizens of the Town, and developers of land within the Town are best served by adopting this Ordinance, which the Board has detennined to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the Thoroughfare Plan, Open Space Plan, and Master Water and Sewer Plan all as amended; NOW,, TAEREFORE, BE IT OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN i That the recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated herein, adopted by the Town and declared to be true and correct. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Westlake, Texas, as codified in the Code of Ordinances and the Planned Development Supplement is hereby amended by this PD Ordinance, by amending the property described in the attached Exhibit I attached hereto by reference for all purposes. This PD will be subject to the concept plan, development standards, and other regulations attached hereto-as,.exhibit 2w. PART TTT Upon the adoption of this PD, the Town Secretary shall promptly enter the new Planned Development on the Town's Official Zoning Map, which entry shall include the abbreviated designation "PD No. 3-12" and the date that this Ordinance was adopted by the Board. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Board of the Town that sections, paragraphs, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this Ordinance since the same would have been enacted by the Board of the Town without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. . 2008 PA 3--3 Bj-4—Conference_`-a+4 Educational Center - ---— ----Page 2 ORDINANCE D A Dr A 7 This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, ON THIS DAY OF , MAYOR ATTEST: , Town Secretary Town Manager rlllfjgl f,f6jTj a NXAV . Mfolfflf Stan Lowry, Town Attorney .2008 PA A B3-4--a Conference/-a Educational Center 3 ORDINANCE � � a� Q4 7L ARTICLE D, GENERAL PROVISIONS....................................................................................| SECTIONSHORT TITLE ........................................................................................................ l SECTIONPURPOSES.............................................................................................................. l SECTION GENERAL DEFINITIONS ....................... ............................................................. Section 3.1 Qouge---------------'--------------------] Section 3.2 WordsundTeouo [)efioed------------------------- l SECTION P[) SUPPLEMENT--------------------------------.2 SECTION 5 APPLICABILITY OF B}{]8IING REGULATIONS.............................................. 2 Section 5] Applicable Town Ordinances....................................................................... 2 Section 5.2 General Critcria-------------------------. 2 SECTION CONCEPT PLAN, DEVELOPMENT PLANS, AND SITE PLANS. .................... 3 Section6.1 PD Concept Plan.......................................................................................... 3 Section 6.2 PD Development P]aoa--------------------------.3 Section6.3 P[) Site Plans ............................................................................................... 3 ARTICLE11. USES...................................................................................................................... 4 SECTION LAND USE SCHEDULE........................................................................................ 4 SECTION ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES------------------.qW ARTICLE 111. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS--------------------..D}449 SECTIONDENSITY......................................................................................................... Section 1.1 Conference and Educational Center and Data Center.......................... l0449 SECTION MINIMUM LOT SIZE..................................................................................... Section 2.1 Conference and Educational Center and Data Center.......................... IO449 SECTION MINIMUM LOT WIDTH................................................................................. IO4�W, Section 3.1 {}fficc--------------------------------.. SECTION MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT................................................................. lO�4�� Section 4.1 Conference and Educational Center and Data Center.......................... Table ofContents .20O8 PA 3-3B-3-4-.2, Center ugci ORDINANCE Section 4.2 Exceptions to Height Requirements.....................................................104-09 SECTION 5 MINIMUM BUILDING SIZE.........................................................................10. Section 5.1 Conference and Educational Center and Data Center..........................10149 SECTION 6 FRONT YARD SETBACKS............................................................................1041-0-19 Section 6.1 Conference and Educational Center and Data Center..........................10449 Section6.2 General......... ...................................................................................... 114-4,41 SECTION 7 REAR YARD SETBACKS........................................................................... 14-4-4) Section 7.1 Conference and Educational Center and Data Center........................ 1144 Section7.2 General................................................................................................ 11 44-W SECTION 8 SIDE YARD SETBACKS............................................................................. 124-2-14 Section 8.1 Conference and Educational Center and Data Center......................... 124-244- Section8.2 General................................................................................................ I 24a-4+ SECTION 9 SLOPE REQUIREMENTS............................................................................ 124-244 Section 9.1 Residential Slope .......................................... .................................... 124-244 Section 9.2 Roadway Slope .................................................................................. 124-244 SECTION 10 MISCELLANEOUS DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS.........................124-244 Section 10.1 Hiking and/or Biking Trails.......................................................................12 Section 10.2 Landscape Irrigation...................................................................................12 Section103) Fencing.................................................................................... ..................12 Section10.4 Lighting..... ................................................................... ............................12 Section 10.5 Tree Requirement.......................................................................................12 ARTICLEIV. EXHIBITS .................................................................................................144-443�_ EXHIBIT I Legal Le�2 11 ig_n-14eeH- of Planning Area 3-12. EXHIBIT PD3-12 Exhibit '_1 EXHIBIT Concept Plan Table of Contents . 2008 PA 3-3`,B3—t-�Conference.;'-e+i,4-EducatioiiaI Center ORDINANCE ".10 MIIII 0 This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Circle T Planning Area No. 3-12 Conference and Educational Center Ordinance", or simply as the"PD Ordinance". 0 JILIV 11 -M, '314,11 M8:1,42 -3 This PD Ordinance is adopted to provide for a superior design of lots or buildings; to provide for increased recreation and/or open space opportunities; to provide amenities or features that would be of special benefit to the property users or community; to protect or preserve natural amenities and environmental assets such as trees, creeks, ponds, floodplains, slopes or hills and viewscapes; to protect or preserve any existing historical buildings, structures, features or places; and to provide an appropriate balance between the intensity of development and the ability to provide adequate supporting public facilities and services. Section 3.1 Usage For purposes of this PD Ordinance, certain numbers, abbreviations, terms, and words shall be used, interpreted and defined as set forth in this Section. Other terms and words are defined elsewhere in this PD Ordinance. Unless the context clearly indicates to the contrary, words used in the present tense include the future tense, and words used in the plural include the singular. The word `°shall" will be interpreted as mandatory, and the word "may" as permissive. Applicable Town Ordinances means the UDC and all other ordinances, rules, and regulations that are adopted by the Board and that are applicable to development within the PD District 3­12. Board means the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas. Commission means the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Westlake, Texas. Floor Area means the total area of all floors of all buildings on a lot or unified development site measured between the outer perimeter walls of the buildings excluding (i) area in a building or in a separate structure (whether below or above grade) used for the parking of motor vehicles, (ii) courts or balconies open to the sky, and (iii) roof area used for recreation. Masonry means brick, stone, cast stone, concrete, glass block, split-face concrete masonry unit, or other masonry materials approved by the Board. PD District means the planned development zoning district established by this PD Ordinance. Article I. General Provisions .2008 PA 3­3B_31-2 Conference and Educational Center--Resort—­­­- Page I ORDINANCE PD Concept Plan means 'a.Aa plan for development which enables the town to evaluate major impacts of a proposed zoning district or planned development district. PD Ordinance means this planned development zoning district ordinance, including any approved PD Concept Plan. PD Supplement means that certain Circle T Planned Development Zoning District as-At4s codified in the Planned Development Supplement. Town means the Town of Westlake, Texas. UDC means the Town's Unified Development Code, as amended. The Board adopted the PD Supplement. The PD Supplement includes additional standards that are applicable within this PD District. The PD Supplement establishes additional standards for the following: (i) concept, informational, development and site plans; (ii) signs; (iii) landscaping; (iv) roadway construction, parking and loading; (v) fencing; (vi) lighting; (vii) other special standards; and (viii) illustrations. To the extent that there is any conflict between a provision in the PD Supplement and this PD Ordinance, the terms of this PD Ordinance shall control. t _ , i ' ,11] ii 111111 Section 5.1 Applicable Town Ordinances Except to the extent provided by the PD Concept Plan, this PD Ordinance and the PD Supplement, development within the PD District shall be governed by the following UDC standards: 0-_-H-Office Park - -Hotel Except to the extent provided by the PD Concept Plan, this PD Ordinance, and the PD Supplement, development within the PD District shall also be governed by the Applicable Town Ordinances. In the event of any conflict between (i)the PD Concept Plan, this PD Ordinance and the PD Supplement and (ii) the Applicable Town Ordinances, the terms, provisions and intent of the PD Concept Plan, this PD Ordinance and the PD Supplement shall control. Except as provided below, in the event of any conflict between the UDC and the Applicable Town Ordinances, the terms, provisions and intent of the UDC shall control. Section 5.2 General Approval Criteria To the extent, if any, that the Applicable Town Ordinances (and, in particular, the subdivision regulations of the UDC) grant to the Board, the Commission, the Town Manager or any other Town employee or consultant, the authority to approve any aspect of development within the PD District (including, but not limited to, preliminary or final plats or any aspect thereof or any agreements or permits related thereto) based on conformity with the Town's Comprehensive Plan, Open Space Plan or Thoroughfare Plan (or with the objectives, goals or policies of such plans), then such authority shall be Article I. General Provisions 2008 PA 3-3-B.3-4=2 Conference and Educational Center-Resort,­­-­ Page 2 ORDINANCE exercised to the extent necessary to determine whether the aspect of development being approved is consistent with the PD Concept Plan, this PD Ordinance, the PD Supplement and the objectives, goals, and policies of such plan, ordinance and supplement. Section 6.1 PD Concept Plan. A PD Concept Plan for this PD District shall be approved prior to the approval of any development plans and site plans required by this PD Ordinance. The PD concept plan shall comply with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the Open Space and Trail Plan, the Master Thoroughfare Plan, the Master Water and Sewer Plan of the Town and the Master Drainage Plan of the town and the UDC Section 6.2 PD Development Plans --Article 14�'z Section 1-3, (3) of the Planned Development�jtiu RLIJ�qment&dpp4ew.-e�4 states that PD development plans shall not be required for development within any of the PD Districts. Pi4ii Section 6.3 PD Site Plans PD site plans are required for development within the PD District. Article 1, Section 1-3. (4)---of the PD Supplement governs the process by which PD site plans are submitted and approved (including, but not limited to, the submittal requirements, approval criteria, and conditions). Article I. General Provisions .2008 PA 3-3B='-4--2 Conference and Educational Center-Resort----------- Page 3 ORDINANCE Buildings, structures, and land within the sub-areas identified on the PD Concept Plan shall be used only in accordance with the uses permitted in the following "Land Use Schedule-. The symbol "X" shall mean that the use is pennitted as a principal use by right. The symbol "S" shall mean that the principal use is permitted only after first obtaining a "Specific Use Permit" as set forth in the UDC. The symbol "A" shall mean that this use is specifically permitted as an accessory use to a main use (this does not exclude other land uses which are generally considered accessory to the primary use). A blank square shall mean that the use is not allowed as a principal use. CIRCLE T PLANNING AREA 3-3-B CONFERENCE AND EDUCATIONAL CENTS AND DATA CENTER LAND USE SCHEDULE PERMITTED Permitted 64V99 USES Special Use"S" Accessary "A" AGRICULTURAL USES Orchard X Plant Nursery(Growing) x Plant Nursery(Retail Sales) X Farms General(Crops) X Farms General(Livestock,Ranch) x Veterinarian(Indoor Kennels) Veterinarian(Outdoor Kennels) Stables(Private Use) s Stables(As a Business) RESIDENTIAL USES Single Family Detached Single Family Zero Lot Line Single Family Attached Duplex Home Occupation Servants/Caretakers Quarters Accommodation for Employees/'Customers/Visitors A Swimming Pool(Private) A Detached Garage(Private) A Sport/Tennis Courts(Private) A Article II. Uses 2008 PA-"-3B4-4-2 Conference and Educational Center- es.o rt -------__.--- Page 4 ORDINANCE