HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-02-09 PZ MinMINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING April 2, 2009 PRESENT: Chairman Bill Greenwood and Commissioners Walter Copeland, Allen Heath, Rick Rennhack, and Sharon Sanden. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Thomas Brymer, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Planning and Development Director Eddie Edwards, DPS Director Don Wilson, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, and Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairman Greenwood called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 18, 2008. Chairman Greenwood introduced the item and asked for a motion. MOTION: Commissioner Sanden made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Commissioner Rennhack seconded the motion. Commissioner Heath requested a correction to the minutes. VOTE ON MOTION: The amended motion carried by a vote of 4-0, with Commissioner Copeland abstaining from the vote due to his absence from the December 18, 2008, meeting. 3. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE FOLLOWING CASES: A) SITE PLAN; CASE NO. SP -09-01 B) PRELIMINARY PLAT; CASE NO. PP -09-01 Town of Westlake Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes April 2, 2009 Page 2 of 6 BOTH APPLICATIONS LISTED ABOVE PERTAIN TO THE FOLLOWING TRACTS OF LAND: approximately 107 acres of land in the Planned Development 3 - Planning Area 12 (PD 3-12) zoning district, generally located east of J. T. Ottinger Road and north of Dove Road. Town Manager Brymer introduced the item and reviewed the history of the zoning case amendment, the permitted uses, and the concept plan as approved by the Town Council in May 2008. Mr. Brymer presented the architectural, topographical, and site plan renderings for the project. Chairman Greenwood inquired as to the proposed lighting standards for the parking lots. Planning and Development Director Edwards responded that the lighting plan submitted by the applicant complies with the Town ordinances and the International Dark Skies Association standards. Town Manager Brymer addressed the Commission regarding the Dove Road streetscape, and advised the Commission that the Town has worked with a streetscape consultant and the Town has asked the applicant to utilize streetscape design concepts that will complement other areas of the Town. Town Manager Brymer advised that staff is recommending approval of the Site Plan and the Preliminary Plat with the following stipulations: - Preliminary Plat o Floodway and floodplain may be relocated prior to final platting. o Drainage and maintenance easements along floodway boundary will be provided prior to Certificate of Occupancy. - Site Plan: c Access/Streets • Primary public/guests ingress and egress from north via private drive from Westlake Parkway. • Service/Employee ingress and egress from west via private drive from J.T. Ottinger Road (conveyed by easement between Deloitte and Hillwood). • Preliminary Plat and Site Plan approval conditional upon completion of westerly access road prior to hotel/conference center receiving CO. Pedestrian Circulation/Trails/Open Space • Portion of hike/bike trail along north side of Dove Road, adjacent to PD 3-12, to be constructed per Town standards by developer. • 25' dual use easement for utilities (duct bank) and future trail use required along western property line north, near J.T. Ottinger (with conditions). • Trail along Dove Road to be curvilinear in design. • Streetscape along Dove Road will include the following per approval by Town staff prior to installation: - split rail fencing Town of Westlake Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes April 2, 2009 Page 3 of 6 - native grasses - stone treatments o Lighting • Complies with all Town standards and with International Dark Skies guidelines. • All fixtures are to be submitted and reviewed/approved by Town staff prior to installation. o Tree mitigation • To occur both on-site and off-site. • Must be in compliance prior to issuance of CO. o Signage • No signs, visible from public or private properties, are proposed in submittal other than directional/way finding signage. o Building design/Screening Fence • Data center building permit issued only after plans are provided indicating compliance with horizontal and vertical articulation as required by ordinance. • Data center screening fence must meet Town requirements (i.e. solid masonry or Town Council approval of stone columns with wrought iron fencing) Commissioner Heath inquired about the use of hardiplank material for an exterior finish. Planning and Development Director Edwards responded that there is no masonry percentage requirement for commercial construction, just an approved material. Planning and Development Director Edwards addressed the Commission regarding the use of stucco for the project. Mr. Steve Silverstein, Director with Deloitte, responsible for real estate strategies and investments addressed the Commission regarding the project. Mr. Silverstein advised the Commission that the goal is to achieve the Gold standard for LEED certification. However, as the project progresses, a decision regarding level of LEED will be determined. Discussion ensued regarding the Dark Skies Association standards, the number of employees (both Deloitte and Benchmark employees), the number of service trucks accessing the properties per week, the appearance of a temporary road off Westlake Parkway, gate access, and activity at the data center. Mr. Steve Silverstein introduced the members of the team working on the project. - Brad Selner, Managing Director, Jones Lang LaSalle - Jonathan Carrier, Project Manager, Jones Lang LaSalle - Tommy Parrett, Executive Vice President, Jones Lang LaSalle - Brad Blankenship, Senior Vice President, Jones Lang LaSalle - Valle Hathaway, Senior Project Manager, Jones Lang LaSalle - Kerry Moon, Project Manager, Deloitte Services, LLP - Lester Yuen, Design Director/Senior Associate, Gensler Town of Westlake Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes April 2, 2009 Page 4 of 6 - Pete Chalfant, Architect, Gensler - David Thompson, Managing Principal, SWA Group (Landscape Architect) - Rob Ryder, Landscape Architect, SWA Group - Adam Reeves, Jacobs Carter Burgess Engineering - Melissa Norcross, Public Relations Manager, Deloitte Services, LLP Mr. Lester Yuen, Gensler, addressed the Commission regarding the design choices for the project and presented material samples to the Commission. He also addressed the Commission regarding the footprint of the data center and the articulation of the building. Mr. David Thompson, SWA Group, addressed the Commission regarding the landscape architecture for the project and the selection of native plant material. Mr. Thompson also presented examples of a `living fence', which is proposed as screening for the data center. Town Manager Brymer advised the Commission that staff is agreeable to the footprint of the data center building as proposed, as well as a black chain link fence with evergreen to serve as screening for the building. Mr. Adam Reeves, Jacobs Engineering, addressed the Commission regarding the technical engineering related to the project. Discussion ensued regarding emergency access, contractor parking, and lighting during construction. Chairman Greenwood opened the public hearing. Dr. Joe Bonola, 1800 Barrington, Keller and Westlake property owner, addressed the Commission regarding the cases and raised questions regarding an entrance and exit off Dove Road, screening on Dove Road, the location of the project in relation to Dove Road, and the plans for future development of the property. Mr. Silverstein responded that screening will include some form of ranch style fencing to blend in with the environment, and the intent at this time is to maintain the property as is. However, additional features and rooms maybe added at a later date. There being no further discussion, Chairman Greenwood asked for a motion to close the public hearing. MOTION: Commissioner Heath made a motion to close the public hearing. Commissioner Rennhack seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. Town Manager Brymer reviewed the staff recommendations with the following additional stipulations based on the discussion: Town of Westlake Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes April 2, 2009 Page 5 of 6 2. Access/Streets Add: Western access point (from J.T. Ottinger Road) will be staffed OR monitored 24 hours a day / 7 days a week to achieve the purpose of allowing trucks to turnaround at the site. 8. Pedestrian Circulation/Trails/Open Space/Streetscaping Add: In the event adjacent properties are final platted without providing for continuation of the trail easement to J.T. Ottinger, the 25 -foot dual use easement will revert to a single use easement for telecommunications uses. 9. Lighting Add: Construction and staging lighting area will comply with Town of Westlake requirements to the extent as not to violate OSHA regulations. 12. Building Design/Screening Fence Remove vertical and horizontal articulation requirements and add acceptable as presented. Delete requirement for solid masonry and add black vinyl coated chain link fencing with evergreen is acceptable. Chairman Greenwood requested a motion related to the cases. MOTION: Commissioner Heath made a motion to recommend approval of the Site Plan (SP -09-01) and the Preliminary Plat (PP -09-01), subject to the staff recommendations and with the modifications as presented by the Town Manager to sections 2, 8, 9, and 12 (above). Commissioner Sanden seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 4. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Greenwood asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Commissioner Rennhack made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Copeland seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. Chairman Greenwood adjourned the meeting at 8:49 p.m. Town of Westlake Page 6 of 6 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes April 2, 2009 Approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on the 23 day of April 2009. William E. Greenwood, Chairman ATTEST: f' t" Kiln S .,litter, TRMC, Town Secretary