HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-22-08 PZ MinMINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING May 22, 2008 PRESENT: Chairman Bill Greenwood and Commissioners Walter Copeland, Allen Heath, and Sharon Sanden. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Thomas Brymer, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Planning and Development Director Eddie Edwards, DPS Director Don Wilson, and Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairman Greenwood called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD ON APRIL 24, 2008, AND MAY 8, 2008. Chairman Greenwood introduced the item and asked for a motion. MOTION: Commissioner Heath made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Commissioner Copeland seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 3. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE FOLLOWING CASES: A) SITE PLAN; CASE NO. SP -08-01 B) PRELIMINARY PLAT; CASE NO. PP -08-01; Lots 1-6 C) FINAL PLAT; CASE NO. FP -08-01; Lots 1-2 only Town of Westlake Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting May 22, 2008 Page 2 of 8 ALL THREE APPLICATIONS LISTED ABOVE PERTAIN TO THE FOLLOWING TRACTS OF LAND: approximately 10.22 acres of land in the Planned Development 3 - Planning Area 10 (PD 3-10) zoning district, being a tract of land situated in the William Huff Survey, Abstract No. 648, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to AIL Investment, L.P., by deed recorded in Volume 13588, Page 189 and all of that tract of land conveyed to Hillwood Development Co. LLC (Tract 1) by deed recorded in County Clerk's Filing No. D205179108, both of Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; and, generally located at the Southwest corner of SH 377 and SH 170. Town Manager Brymer introduced the case and advised the Commission that the applicant is requesting approval of the site plan, preliminary plat for lots one (1) through six (6), and the final plat for lots one (1) and two (2). Mr. Brymer advised that the proposed uses are neighborhood commercial, retail, and service uses. Town Manager Brymer advised the Board that staff recommends approval of the cases subject to the following stipulations: 1. Utilities: approval with all staff changes as submitted by the applicant as described: Water and sewer utilities for this site are provided by the Town of Westlake. All staff comments related to water and sewer lines have been addressed by the applicant including line sizing, as well as spacing of manholes, fire hydrants, and valves. A second water line crossing has been added to provide adequate service redundancy (i.e. - looping) and the Town's requirement that no "dead end line" may exceed more than 600' in length has been met. On-site access easements have been provided for all public improvements and off-site easements necessary for water and/or sewer utilities to serve the site will be dedicated by the applicant by separate instrument. A note must be placed on the utility construction plans showing the approved hydrant type, installation cross section, etc. All on-site electric utility lines, new or existing, should be placed underground. 2. Storm water: approval with all staff changes as submitted by the applicant as described: The applicant's engineer has verified that the drainage structures under SH 377 have capacity to receive run-off from this site. Further, the applicant's engineer has confirmed that the site can be properly drained without an on-site storm drain system (i.e. - detention or retention). The time of concentration has been changed to a 10 minute time of concentration per our requirement for a retail site. No off-site drainage easements are necessary to serve this site. There is no mapped FEMA 100 -year floodplain on the subject property. 3. Setbacks/Building Lines: approval with the requested 35' building line for Building 1 on Lot 1 along SH 170 as requested. Town of Westlake Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting May 22, 2008 Page 3 of 8 4. Parking/Fire Lanes: approval with the 25' inside radius fire lane width and with certain parallel parking at the rear of Building 1 on Lot 2 being designated for loading/unloading only with the site plan change to reflect these items. 5. Solid Waste Collection Facilities: approval with the dumpster locations as designated on the site plan and all dumpsters screened with solid screening using materials that must match building architecture and building materials. 6. Street/Highway Right-of-Wav Dedication Requirements: approval with no additional right-of-way dedication required subject to the following conditions: a.) TxDOT will allow their existing lane capacity to be striped for use as an acceleration/deceleration lanes for all site ingress/egress points on SH 377; and b.) Should TxDOT require use of this lane on SH 377 in the future for through -traffic, there is adequate right-of-way remaining on-site to build replacement acceleration/deceleration lanes of serve the development's points of ingress/egress. The applicant has stated that there is 25' to 30' of right-of-way from back of curb to the property line that is sufficient for future replacement acceleration/deceleration lanes, if needed; and c.) No additional right-of-way dedication is required on SH 170 to serve this site. 7. Traffic Access Management/Internal Site Circulation and Connectivity to Adiacent Property Tracts (both owner's and non -owner's tractsl: approval of I point of ingress/egress on to their site off of SH 170 and 3 points of ingress/egress off of SH 377 subject TxDOT approval and to these conditions: a.) The SH 170 ingress/egress point is acceptable if it uses a split -throat right-in/right- out only design as shown on the applicant's site plan. b.) The 3 access points on SH 377, with the spacing shown on the applicant's site plan, are acceptable, if all 3 of the SH 377 access points shown on the applicant's site plan are to be served by a deceleration/acceleration lane that is currently excess TxDOT lane capacity (now used as shoulder) and must be striped per Town requirements to provide for this deceleration/acceleration lane function. c.) The northern SH 377 ingress/egress point (closest to the SH 377 and 170 intersection) should be designated as right-in/right-out only if TxDOT and the Town concur that there are too many left turning movements to make full ingress/egress movements safely at this location. d.) The remaining 2 ingress/egress points on SH 377 be permitted to serve as full ingress/egress points provided adequate deceleration/acceleration lane capacity is provided per 7-b above. If this is not provided, the southern -most ingress/egress point should be restricted in to right-in/right-out turning movements only. Town of Westlake Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting May 22, 2008 Page 4 of 8 8. Site Design: approval subject to staff's review and approval of the final exterior elevations for all building on Lots 1-6, that the final exterior elevations comport to the applicant's attached preliminary exterior elevation drawing, as well as the following requirements for Lots 1-6: A. Materials, Building Design, Architecture, and Hard Screening 1. Materials. Approved building materials for this project shall consist of the following minimums: • simulated stone • concrete with textured painting and cast reveals • wood kickers • standing seam metal roofs • concrete column • galvanized steel awnings at certain points on each building • a contrasting awning material at other points on the building • texturized paint • metal/wood kicker These materials will be used in all the buildings on the site without significant deviation, unless a formal site plan amendment is approved. 2. Roof lines. The roof line and tower element in Building 1 on Lot 1 are acceptable as submitted. The roof line on Building 1 on Lot 2 shall be revised and subject to final approval by staff to show further roof line articulation at the north and south ends of this building to avoid a monolithic rectangular building appearance facing S11377. 3. Architecture. All buildings are required to have four-sided, 360 degree architecture. The Town's development standards require all sides of these buildings to be articulated. Building 1 on Lot 1 must be articulated on all 4 sides due to its full street view. The drive-in access for this building must be placed on the south side of the building only. All remaining buildings on Lots 2-6 must be articulated on all sides except for the side facing the Union Pacific RR right-of- way (i.e.- articulated on 3 sides), if it has no street view and is being used only for service access as well as loading/unloading. Since four-sided architecture is required, and the walls of buildings facing the railroad will not be articulated, this wall must have adequate treatments to break-up monolithic appearances. These can include banding, inlays, coining, and variation of building materials in attractive patterns as approved by staff. All these items must be reflected on final elevations and approved by staff prior to building permit issuance. Town of Westlake Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting May 22, 2008 Page 5 of 8 4. Hard Screening. All gas meters, electric meter boxes, breaker boxes, and conduit located at service entrances of buildings should be screened with materials that match the building's architecture and materials or be placed inside the building. All heating/air conditioning equipment, whether placed on the ground, near the building, or on the roof, must be fully screened from view. B. Landscaping and Landscape Screening: approval subject to: 1. adding language to the landscape plan that all plantings in public right-of-way are the applicant's maintenance responsibility and adequate clearance for service vehicles must be observed, and 2. All electric transformers, irrigation equipment, gas meters, etc located away from the buildings, or at/near the side of buildings, shall be totally screened with landscaping. C. Signage: approval subject to the monument sign requirements set by zoning and the locations shown on the site plan. Further, all of these signs will require detailed review per the Town's sign ordinance process. Additionally, the monument signage for this site plan approval process shall comply with the details submitted with this site plan as minimum standards regarding sign size, illumination, and materials. All sign materials shall harmonize with site's architectural theme and materials. Sign faces must have internal illumination or fixtures that direct all light downward toward the sign or a combination thereof. D. Lighting: approval subject to a note being placed on the photometric plan and the site plan stating that the site plan complies with the Town's lighting standards. Prior to construction, the applicant shall submit the type of parking lot light fixture proposed for staff review and approval for the entire site as well as any on -building light fixtures (sconces) for Buildings 1 and 2, if any are proposed. All fixtures should fit with the site's architecture and design as well as must meet Town standards to direct all on-site light downward on the applicant's site only and minimize ambient light migration off-site. E. Water Features/Public Art: recommend approval noting that no water features (i.e. - storm water retention) are required for this site. Locations for public art may be available, are strongly encouraged, but are not required. The applicant has indicated a willingness to work with the Public Arts Committee regarding placement of public art on this gateway location. F. Trails/Open Space: not applicable as there are no trail locations required since the site is not located in the 100 -year flood plain and there is no open space dedication required for this site per the Town's trail plan. Town of Westlake Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting May 22, 2008 Page 6 of 8 9. Other: recommend approval with these additional stipulations: a. The applicant shall, prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the buildings on Lot 1 and 2, have Lots 1-6 de -annexed from the MUD 1 boundary. b. All vicinity maps on all documents shall be changed to read "JT Ottinger Road" as opposed to "Ottinger Road" and all buildings on all lots on all documents shall be numbered in the same sequence as the lot number on which the building is located. c. No accessory buildings shall be permitted on the site. Town Manager Brymer addressed questions from the Commission regarding access management, the building concept plan and the necessity for a site plan amendment request should the applicant desire to deviate from the use of the proposed materials. Chairman Greenwood requested the applicant follow the Dark Sky Association's standards for lighting. Mr. Joe Schneider, Vice President of Land Development for Hillwood Properties, representing the applicant was present to address questions from the Commission. Chairman Greenwood asked if the applicant has met with the Chair of the Westlake Public Art Society regarding incorporating public art in the development. Mr. Schneider advised the Commission that Mr. Mike Berry has met with Mr. David Rollins at the request of Chair of the Public Art Committee, and Hillwood is supportive of the Town and public art, and although a definitive program is not in place today, the applicant will explore opporunities to incorporate art as part of the sign development process. Discussion ensued with regard to the possible need for additional right-of-way to accommodate deceleration lanes in the future if deemed a necessity. Mr. Scheider responded that, should additional right-of-way be required for a turn lane in the future, the additional right-of-way is available. Mr. Schneider advised the Commission that Hillwood representatives have presented a concept plan to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), and the road is well under the trip generation numbers that would require a turn lane. Mr. Schneider stated that he understands TxDOT's standards are a minimum; however, TxDOT's permissions would be required regarding changes to the roadway. Town Manager Brymer stated that TxDOT is the ultimate authority and suggested that the Town and Millwood representatives meet with TxDOT jointly regarding the project. Chairman Greenwood and Commissioner Heath expressed their concern for any project related items that should have been paid by the developer that might obligate the Town financially in the future. Town of Westlake Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting May 22, 2008 Page 7 of 8 Town Manager Brymer responded that any future items would be related to decisions relative to area roadways. Chairman Greenwood inquired if language could be added that would require the developer to be responsible for any cost that should have been paid by the developer during the initial development. Town Manager Brymer responded that any agreement would be difficult to enforce and suggested the requirement of escrow dollars for improvements; however, TxDOT concurrence would be necessary. Discussion ensued with regard to the amount and speed of traffic on US 377 and the need for deceleration lanes. Chairman Greenwood opened the public hearing for consideration of the site plan, preliminary plat, and final plat. There being no one requesting to speak, Chairman Greenwood requested a motion to close the public hearings. MOTION: Commissioner Sanden made a motion to close the public hearings. Commissioner Heath seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. Chairman Greenwood stated that the intention of the approval should be conditioned upon the fact that the Town will not have a future obligation for access lanes should additional lanes be required in the future. In response to the Chairman's request, Director of Planning and Development Edwards suggested the Commission consider adding language that states that any access improvement relative to the development shall not be at the expense of the Town. Mr. Schneider requested that the language be specific relative to acceleration and deceleration lanes along the frontage of the property. MOTION: Commissioner Heath made a motion to recommend approval of the Site Plan, Preliminary Plat, and Final Plat as presented, subject to 1) total compliance with the staff recommendations; 2) any acceleration and deceleration improvement needed from either SH 170 or US 377 shall not be at a cost to the Town, and 3) the Developer shall coordinate with the Public Art Society of Westlake for signage and possible location of public art features. Commissioner Copeland seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 4. CONTINUE A PUBLIC HEARING, SCHEDULED FOR 7:00 PM, AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING AN APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING= ORDINANCE OF THE Town of Westlake Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting May 22, 2008 Page 8 of 8 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, BY REMOVING APPROXIMATELY 107 ACRES FROM PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 3 -PLANNING AREA 3 (PD 3-3) AND REZONING THAT ACREAGE TO BE CALLED PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 3 - PLANNING AREA 12 (PD 3-12); (THIS CASE IS BEING CONTINUED FROM THE MAY 8, 2008, SPECIAL CALLED MEETING) Town Manager Brymer introduced the case and recommended the Commission continue the public hearing to May 29, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Brymer further advised the Commission that a joint workshop with the Board of Aldermen will be held at 5:00 p.m. on May 29, 2008. Chairman Greenwood continued the public hearing at 7:18 p.m. There being no one requesting to speak, Chairman Greenwood requested a motion to continue to the public hearing to May 29, 2008, at 7 p.m. MOTION: Commissioner Heath made a motion to continue the public hearing to May 29, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall offices. Commissioner Sanden seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 5. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Greenwood asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Commissioner Sanden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Copeland seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. Chairman Greenwood adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m. Approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on the 25 day of September 2008. 0 Town Secretary 1111112 Wiilliam�E. Greenwood, Chairman