HomeMy WebLinkAboutBSC Update 03-29-13[WESTLAKE ACADEMY – BALANCED SCORECARD] April 2, 2013 Westlake Academy | Table of Contents 1 04/02/2013 Westlake Academy BSC Update April 2, 2013 [WESTLAKE ACADEMY – BALANCED SCORECARD] 2 | Westlake Academy This page left intentionally blank. [WESTLAKE ACADEMY – BALANCED SCORECARD] April 2, 2013 Westlake Academy | Table of Contents 3 Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Snapshot of Current Data ....................................................................................................................... 6 Attendance ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Academic Performance ...................................................................................................................... 6 April 2, 2013 [WESTLAKE ACADEMY – BALANCED SCORECARD] 4 | Westlake Academy This page left intentionally blank. [WESTLAKE ACADEMY – BALANCED SCORECARD] April 2, 2013 Westlake Academy | Table of Contents 5 Introduction Westlake Academy began the strategic planning process in 2009. Faculty and staff members took a day to work in small groups focusing on the Academy’s vision and mission. During this process staff began identifying areas of strategic interest, as well as short and long-term goals. Members of the Westlake Academy Leadership Team participated in a facilitative role and later compiled the information. This was further refined and organized into the first draft of the Academy’s strategic plan. The first draft was presented to the Board of Trustees in January 2010. During the workshop, Board input was collected and integrated to further develop the Academy’s strategic plan. Through this iterative process, staff identified the Academy’s five desired outcomes or strategic themes: 1. High Student Achievement - Develop inquiring, knowledgeable, caring and disciplined young people who use their unique talents to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. 2. Strong Parent & Community Connections - To involve all stakeholders in building a better Westlake Academy community. 3. Financial Stewardship & Sustainability - To ensure sufficient, well-managed resources to support and advance the mission of Westlake Academy. 4. Student Engagement & Extracurricular Activities - To ensure that all athletics, community service and extracurricular activities are held to the same standard of excellence as the curricula programs to promote well-balanced students. 5. Effective Educators & Staff - Recruit, develop and retrain a core faculty and staff with the personal qualities, skills and expertise to work effectively with the IB inquiry-based, student- centered curricula The Board adopted the first Westlake Academy Strategic Plan in April 2010 and requested that staff utilize this document as a tool to bring focus to the Academy’s efforts and more effectively maximize the Academy’s resources. The Academy’s five desired outcomes have continued to be central in the ongoing evolution of the Academy’s vision, values, and mission. Each year the Board and members of the staff review the strategic plan, take measure of our successes and shortfalls and try to bring to light areas for improvement. The Academy’s vision, values and mission were updated most recently in the June 2012 strategic planning and budget retreat. April 2, 2013 [WESTLAKE ACADEMY – BALANCED SCORECARD] 6 Snapshot of Current Data | Westlake Academy Snapshot of Current Data The following charts and graphs include areas of the dashboard report and strategic management system that we are currently able to access the data and update for the Boards review. Attendance As a public school, Westlake Academy’s primary source of funding is directly related to our Average Daily Attendance (ADA). The ADA is determined by the daily attendance taken each morning at 10:00 am. During the budget process, and based upon historical precedent, Westlake anticipates an ADA over the year of approximately 97%. In the most recent six-week attendance report, we had an ADA of 95.52%. Academic Performance In Figure 1, the total number of courses being offered to the secondary program is broken down into the number of individual student courses. The first three quarters of the FY 2012-13 school year are displayed. It can be seen that the number of individual student courses being failed has increased in the third quarter by approximately 52% over the second quarter and 33% over the first quarter grades. The total number of individual courses being failed represents approximately 9% of the total number of individual student courses. Figure 1 - Cumulative Student Performance In the charts below, the student’s academic performance for the first three quarters is displayed with red (failing – grade below 70), yellow (passing – grade between 70 and 85), and red (passing with an 86 or better 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Failing 70 - 85 85+ Cummulative Student Performance Q1 Q2 Q3 [WESTLAKE ACADEMY – BALANCED SCORECARD] April 2, 2013 Westlake Academy | Table of Contents 7 0 20 40 60 80 DP Physics 2 G10 - Algebra 2 G10 Art G10 Chemistry G10 English G10 PE G10 Spanish 3 G10 Theater G11 - IB Art HL G11 - IBTheater G11 Calculus G11 Chemistry 1 G11 Economics G11 IB Biology G11 IB Econ G11 IB HistAmer G11 IB MathStud G11 Physics G11 Spanish 4 G12 - IB Art HL G12 - IBTheater G12 Chemistry 2 G12 IB Biology G12 IB Econ G12 IB Env Sys G12 IB HistAmer G12 IB Math SL G12 IB MathStud G12 Spanish 5 G12 TOK G7 - Math G7 - Science G7 English G7 French G7 Humanities G7 PE G7 Spanish G7 Theater G8 - Algebra 1 G8 - Science G8 English G8 French G8 Humanities G8 PE G8 Spanish 1 G9 - English G9 - Geometry G9 Biology G9 PE G9 Spanish 2 G9 Speech G9 Visual Arts IB English 1 IB English 2 MYP Government MYP World Geo MYP World Hist. Span. Ab Initio 2012-13 Quarter 1 Grades 0 20 40 60 80 DP Physics 2 G10 - Algebra 2 G10 Art G10 Chemistry G10 English G10 PE G10 Spanish 3 G10 Theater G11 - IB Art HL G11 - IBTheater G11 Calculus G11 Chemistry 1 G11 Economics G11 IB Biology G11 IB Econ G11 IB HistAmer G11 IB MathStud G11 Physics G11 Spanish 4 G12 - IB Art HL G12 - IBTheater G12 Chemistry 2 G12 IB Biology G12 IB Econ G12 IB Env Sys G12 IB HistAmer G12 IB Math SL G12 IB MathStud G12 Spanish 5 G12 TOK G7 - Math G7 - Science G7 English G7 French G7 Humanities G7 PE G7 Spanish G7 Theater G8 - Algebra 1 G8 - Science G8 English G8 French G8 Humanities G8 PE G8 Spanish 1 G9 - English G9 - Geometry G9 Biology G9 PE G9 Spanish 2 G9 Speech G9 Visual Arts IB English 1 IB English 2 MYP Government MYP World Geo MYP World Hist. Span. Ab Initio 2012-13Quarter 2 Grades 0 20 40 60 80 DP Physics 2 G10 - Algebra 2 G10 Art G10 Chemistry G10 English G10 PE G10 Spanish 3 G10 Theater G11 - IB Art HL G11 - IBTheater G11 Calculus G11 Chemistry 1 G11 Economics G11 IB Biology G11 IB Econ G11 IB HistAmer G11 IB MathStud G11 Physics G11 Spanish 4 G12 - IB Art HL G12 - IBTheater G12 Chemistry 2 G12 IB Biology G12 IB Econ G12 IB Env Sys G12 IB HistAmer G12 IB Math SL G12 IB MathStud G12 Spanish 5 G12 TOK G7 - Math G7 - Science G7 English G7 French G7 Humanities G7 PE G7 Spanish G7 Theater G8 - Algebra 1 G8 - Science G8 English G8 French G8 Humanities G8 PE G8 Spanish 1 G9 - English G9 - Geometry G9 Biology G9 PE G9 Spanish 2 G9 Speech G9 Visual Arts IB English 1 IB English 2 MYP Government MYP World Geo MYP World Hist. Span. Ab Initio 2012-13 Quarter 3 Grades