HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Retreat presentation Westlake Town Council May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 1 Governance Retreat May 30, 2014 Retreat Agenda May 30, 2014 •DISC Inventory •Governance •Principles of Good Governance •Governance Policies- Board Relations Policy •Best Practices - Leadership Model •How are we doing? Self-assessment May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 2 Review Results of DISC For Each Council member May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 3 DISC Exercise •Draw another person’s name •Review that person’s DISC Report •Prepare to discuss the following –The overall DISC pattern –Their highest dimension(s) –Their “intensity index” for the highest dimension –The person’s motivation and insights (according to DISC – last page summary) •Agree or disagree? Why? May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 4 Laura Wheat May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 5 Carol Langdon May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 6 Rick Rennhack May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 7 Michael Barrett May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 8 Wayne Stoltenberg May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 9 Alesa Belvedere May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 10 Tom Brymer May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 11 Amanda De Gann May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 12 May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 13 Amanda Tom Alesa Wayne Michael Rick Carol Laura Leadership Team Staff Development Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 14 DISC Council and Town Manager D I C S Tom Laura Carol Ric k Michael Wayne Amanda Alesa Leadership Team Staff Development Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 15 DISC Council and Town Manager D I C S Tom Laura Carol Ric k Michael Wayne Amanda Alesa Ron Retreat Agenda May 30, 2014 DISC Inventory •Governance •Principles of Good Governance •Governance Policies- Board Relations Policy •Best Practices - Leadership Model •How are we doing? Self-assessment May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 16 Governance May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 17 Governance May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 18 Governance Defined (Cuff) “The process of exercising corporate and community leadership by the policy-making authority on behalf of the community to the organization as a whole in terms of its purpose, control and future and overseeing the organization to ensure that its mandate is achieved.” George Cuff (2010) May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 19 Governance Defined (Cox) “The process of governing an organization” –Every organization regardless of size has a governance process –Governance applies at both the policy and administrative levels –In order to function well, every organization must have a predictable consistent governance process May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 20 Rules of Good Governance (Cuff) 1.Have clarity of mandate 2.Have clarity of authority 3.Show public accountability and responsiveness 4.Have a clear sense of purpose 5.Give full disclosure 6.Be certain the organization and its components are integrated 7.Have a sound relationship between Council and Town Manager 8.The Town Council acts responsibly, independently and appropriately 9.The governing body properly orients new members and plans for its succession 10.There is ongoing performance assessment (accountability) May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 21 Hallmarks of Effective Governance (Cuff, 2010) 1.There is a learning environment 2.Council members have a servant mindset 3.They respect the views of others 4.Council members challenge ideas 5.The Council has a focused agenda 6.Each member is prepared 7.They respect the role of others 8.Don’t be afraid to ask a question 9.The oversight responsibility of Council is respected by others 10.Decision-making is the result of a thorough process 11.There is a focus on the community 12.Council members have personal integrity 13.Council sets the vision of the Town May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 22 Hallmarks of Effective Governance (Carl Neu, 1997) 1.Think Strategically 2.Understand and demonstrate the elements of teams and teamwork 3.Master small-group decision making 4.Clearly define roles and responsibilities 5.Establish and abide by a Council-staff partnership 6.Make a systematic evaluation of policy implementation 7.Allocate Council time and energy appropriately 8.Set clear rules and procedures for Council meetings 9.Get a valid assessment of the public’s concerns and evaluation of the Council’s performance 10. Practice continuous personal learning and development as a leader 11. Be accountable to yourself, other members of council and the citizens. (Cox and Brymer) May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 23 Governance is about… Proactive vision and planning Understanding roles and fulfilling expectations Effective Leadership Meaningful communication May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 24 Governance is about… Proactive Vision and Planning Town of Westlake Vision Mission Values Strategic Plan – Balanced Scorecard - Budget May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 26 “Things that matter most should never be at the mercy of things that matter least” Goethe So, what does matter most? May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 27 Town Vision Statement “An oasis of natural beauty that maintains our open spaces in balance with distinctive development, trails, and quality of life amenities amidst an ever expanding urban landscape. “ May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 28 Town Mission Statement “Westlake is a unique community blending preservation of our natural environment and viewscapes, while serving our residents and businesses with superior municipal and academic services that are accessible, efficient, cost -effective, and transparent.” May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 29 “One-of-a-kind community; natural oasis – providing an exceptional level of service.” Municipal Mission Tag Line May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 30 •Innovation •Educational Leaders •Family Friendly & Welcoming •Informed & Engaged Citizens / Sense of Community •Preservation of our Natural Beauty •Strong Aesthetic Standards •Transparent / Integrity-driven Government •Fiscal Responsibility •Planned / Responsible Development Town Value Statements May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 31 Retreat Agenda May 30, 2014 DISC Inventory •Governance Principles of Good Governance •Governance Policies- Board Relations Policy •Best Practices - Leadership Model •How are we doing? Self-assessment May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 37 Governance is about… Proactive vision and planning Understanding roles and fulfilling expectations Effective Leadership Meaningful communication May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 39 Governance is about… Understanding Roles and Fulfilling Expectations Role and expectations of Town Council Role and expectations of Town Staff May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 40 Understanding the Role of Council Defined by Statutes for General Law Cities Carried out by policy and process Communicated by actions May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 41 Policy decisions and directives - Corporately in open session of formal meetings - Through the Town Manager Individual actions speak louder than words - Informal directives from individual members - Communications with department heads and supervisors without knowledge or consent of Town Manager Individual actions can be destructive and counterproductive May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 42 Role of Town Council Town Council’s expectations of each other What do we expect of each other? “The Town Council expect …” May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 43 Council’s expectations What does Council expect of staff? “Council expects staff to…” May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 44 Council’s expectations What does Staff expect Council to (as defined by Council members)… “Staff expects Council to…” May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 45 Role of the Town Council •Board Relations and Code of Ethics –Adopted by Town Council, 2008, 2011 (amended) –Describes •Mayor and Board Responsibilities and Relationships •Board and Staff Conduct and Relationships •Media Relations •Board Code of Ethics May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 46 Board Relations and Code of Ethics Mayor’s responsibilities 1. The presiding officer at all meetings. 2. The Mayor Pro-tem shall preside in his/her absence. 3. Shall have a voice in all matters before the Board. 4. Shall preserve order and decorum 5. Spokesperson for the Board 6. Encourages all Board members to participate in Board discussion and gives each member an opportunity to speak 7. May limit each speaker to five minutes to ensure an efficient use of time. 8. Responsible for keeping the meetings orderly 9. Should a conflict arise, the Mayor will serve as the mediator. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 47 Board Relations and Code of Ethics Mayor and Board Responsibilities 1.Any Board member may request … an agenda item for a future meeting. (Procedure for the item is detailed). 2.Each Board member is responsible for being prepared, to attend the meetings, and discuss the agenda. 3.Each is encouraged to attend at least one Texas Municipal League sponsored conference each year. 4.Board members are to be informed about previous action taken by the Board in their absence. 5.Board members shall first be recognized by the Mayor, confine himself/herself to the question under debate, avoid reference to personalities, and refrain from impugning the integrity or motives of any other Board member or Staff member in his/her argument or vote. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 48 Board Relations and Code of Ethics Mayor and Board responsibilities 6.A Board member may move to change the order of business. 7.The affirmative vote of a majority of the Board members present and voting shall be necessary to approve the motion. 8.Any Board member may appeal to the Board as a whole from a ruling by the Mayor. (Procedure is detailed.) 9.Any Board member may ask the Mayor to enforce the rules established by the Board. Should the Mayor fail to do so, a majority vote of the Board members present shall require him/her to do so. 10.A Board member serving as liaison to a Board is responsible for keeping all Board members informed . May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 49 Board Relations and Code of Ethics Board Code of Conduct 1.Board members shall preserve order and decorum, shall not interrupt or delay proceedings, and shall not refuse to obey the orders of the Mayor or the rules of the Board. 2.Board members shall demonstrate respect and courtesy to each other, to Town staff members, and to members of the public appearing before the Board. 3.Board members shall refrain from rude and derogatory comments and shall not belittle staff members, other Board members, or members of the public. 4.They should not use their position to secure special privileges and should avoid situations that could cause any person to believe that they may have brought bias or partiality to a question or issue before the Board. 5.Members of the Board will not condone any unethical or illegal activity. 6.All members of the Board agree to uphold the intent of this policy and to govern their actions accordingly. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 50 Board Relations and Code of Ethics Board and Staff Relations (Board/Town Manager) 1.Questions arising from Board members after receiving their information packet should be… presented to the Town Manager for staff consideration prior to the Board meeting. 2.The Town Manager shall designate the appropriate staff member to address each agenda item. 3.The Town Manager is directly responsible for providing information to all the Board concerning any inquiries by a specific Board member. 4.If the Town Manager or his/her staff’s time is being dominated or misdirected by a Board member, it is his/her responsibility to inform the Mayor. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 51 Board Relations and Code of Ethics Board and Staff Relations (Staff relations) 5.The Town Manager is responsible for the professional and ethical behavior of himself/ herself and the discipline of his/her staff. 6.The Town Manager is also responsible for seeing that his/ her staff receives the education necessary. 7.Any conflicts arising between the Town staff and the Board will be addressed by the Mayor and the Town Manager. 8.All staff members shall show each other, each Board member, and the public respect and courtesy at all times. 9.Staff are also responsible for making objective, professional presentations to ensure public confidence in the process. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 52 Board Relations and Code of Ethics Board and Staff Relations (Board orientation) 10.Provide information needed for the orientation of new Board members and inform them of any Texas Municipal League conferences and seminars available. 11.The Town Manager will also be responsible for meeting personally with new members and informing them about Town facilities and procedures. 12.The Town Manager is responsible for the orientation of all new Board members after an election. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 53 Board Relations and Code of Ethics Media Relations 1.During the conduct of official business, the news media shall occupy places designated for them or the general public. 2.All reporters will have access to an agenda and will be furnished support material needed for clarification if requested. 3.The media are requested to refrain from conversing privately with other people in the audience and to conduct any interview with the public outside the meeting room while the Board is in session. 4.All reporters new to Board meetings meet with the Town Manager, Mayor, or the designated media relations representative prior to covering their first meeting. 5.On administrative matters, the Town Manager is the spokesperson, unless he/she has appointed a media relations person to present staff information on the agenda. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 54 Board Relations and Code of Ethics Media Relations 6.The Mayor, or his/her designee, is the primary spokesperson for the Town on matters regarding policy decisions or any Board information pertaining to issues on the agenda. In order to ensure fair treatment of an issue, any clarifications requested by the media on the issue should be addressed after the meeting. 7. The Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen is made up of five Board members and a Mayor, each elected by the residents of Westlake. In respect to each Board member and his/her constituents, his/her views as presented on an issue before the Board should provide equitable representation from all members. Even though Board members may express differing ideas, equitable representation helps promote unity of purpose by allowing the public to be informed of each member’s position during his/her term of office and not only during an election campaign. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 55 Board Relations and Code of Ethics Code of Ethics 1.Be dedicated to the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships in order that the member may merit the respect and confidence of the residents of Westlake; 2.Recognize that the chief function of local government at all times is to serve the best interests of all of the people; 3.Be dedicated to public service by being cooperative and constructive, and by making the best and most efficient use of available resources; May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 56 Board Relations and Code of Ethics Code of Ethics 4.Refrain from any activity or action that may hinder one’s ability to be objective and impartial on any matter coming before the board. Do not seek nor accept gifts or special favors; believe that personal gain by use of confidential information or misuse of public funds or time is dishonest; 5.Recognize that public and political policy decisions, based on established values, are ultimately the responsibility of the board; and 6.Conduct business in open, well publicized meetings in order to be directly accountable to the residents of Westlake. It is recognized that certain exceptions are made by the State for executive sessions; however, any action as a result of that type of meeting will be handled later in open session. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 57 Retreat Agenda May 30, 2014 DISC Inventory •Governance Principles of Good Governance Board Relations Policy •Best Practices - Leadership Model •How are we doing? Self-assessment May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 58 Governance is about… Proactive vision and planning Understanding roles and fulfilling expectations Effective Leadership Meaningful communication May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 59 Governance is about… Effective leadership Leadership by Council Leadership by staff May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 60 Observations about Leadership Have clarity of purpose Be an influence for a great work Do not be discouraged by negative influences Mike McAlister, UH Campus Minister May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 61 Enemies of leadership Lack of commitment and trust Lack of creativity Lack of wisdom Mike McAlister, UH Campus Minister May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 62 Effective Leaders… 1.Have personal integrity and honesty 2.Have vision with defined goals 3.Take action and produce results 4.Are decisive – willing to make tough decisions 5.Listen to others 6.Are collaborative – work with their partners 7.Communicate clearly and concisely 8.Lead by example 9.Are willing to learn and adjust 10.Take responsibility and share success Marty Vanacour, President, Dynamic Relations, L.L.C. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 63 Leaders must encourage an atmosphere of… Understanding Each Town Council member has his/her own personality Each Town Council (as a group) has its own personality Respect For Town Council members and their interests For Town Council members and their experience Trust Council and Town Council share the same goal-to serve May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 64 “The moment we think of something or someone as the enemy – we lose” Mike Murray, Management Consultant May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 65 Leadership Qualities Council Retreat May 2013 •Ability to communicate •Good listener •Strong ethics & character •Be willing to make tough decisions •To inspire others •Able to delegate •Create a shared vision •Best for the community •Patience / Sacrificial •Ability to drive results •Predictable & consistent •Believable & trustworthy •Open & approachable •Admit what you don’t know •In face of difficult situations •Able to make tough decisions •Ability to deal with conflict •Teamwork •Understanding the context / impact of decisions May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 66 Define the Characteristics of Effective Leaders How will we lead? “The Westlake Town Council will lead …” May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 67 Leadership Statements Council Retreat May 2013 1.To communicate openly and to engage in lively debate in a constructive manner – giving all members an opportunity to voice areas of concern or disagreement. Strive to find a consensus and move the discussion forward. 2.Do the right thing: Council members should be able to put the interests of the town and school ahead of any personal interest in the policy making process. 3.Collaboratively work with the Council members to arrive at decisions that are consistent with the town’s vision that demonstrate integrity in the face of conflict if necessary. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 68 Leadership Statements Council Retreat May 2013 4.Work toward common and defined goals together for the betterment of our town & stakeholders. 5.The ability to listen, engage in thoughtful dialogue and respect differing points of view…But at the end of the day, make decisions, drive actions, and measure deliverables that are tied to the strategy and vision. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 69 Governance is about… Proactive vision and planning Understanding roles and fulfilling expectations Effective Leadership Meaningful communication May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 72 Governance is about… Meaningful Communication –To and with the citizens –To and with the Council –To and with the Town staff Meaningful decisions can only be made after meaningful communication May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 73 Communication Qualities Council Retreat May 2013 •Good listener first •Clear & concise – accurately (facts) •Communicate reality •Consideration of alternate viewpoints •Appropriate timing •Be willing - slow process •Be positive •Understand – the issue, implications, opposing views •Tone –Courtesy –Respectful •How (medium) should we communicate (depending on audience)? •“We” not “I” •Ask May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 74 Define your communications expectations? How will we communicate? “The Westlake Town Council will communicate…” With citizens… With other Council members… With Town staff… May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 75 Communication Statements Council Retreat May 2013 1.Communicate respectfully in the manner best suited to the situation and the audience, seeking an understanding of any opposing views and being willing to alter my opinions based on any new information. 2.The ability to communicate a shared vision that will inspire, energize and engage our customers…While being able to communicate reality and strive for understanding and consensus on the goals and objectives. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 76 Communication Statements Council Retreat May 2013 3.Council members will communicate courteously , actively consider alternate or opposing viewpoints and debate issues in a respectful manner, ultimately coming to a consensus decision. 4.Listen first, reflect second, then be clear, consistent, measured and brief in your response. 5.An effective communicator is one who can listen first, learn and understand the facts/situation and respond with clear, concise, honest and selfless responses. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 77 •Overall Governance Philosophy –What are the key elements of the Westlake Council’s leadership philosophy? –The Leadership Philosophy of the Westlake Town Council is…. May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 78 Governance is about… Proactive vision and planning Effective Leadership Meaningful communication Understanding roles and fulfilling expectations May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 79 Retreat Agenda May 30, 2014 DISC Inventory •Governance Principles of Good Governance Governance Policies- Board Relations Policy Best Practices - Leadership Model •How are we doing? Self-assessment May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 80 Retreat Agenda May 30, 2014 DISC Inventory Governance Principles of Good Governance Governance Policies- Board Relations Policy Best Practices - Leadership Model How are we doing? Self-assessment May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 86 Thank you for your participation May 30, 2014 Ron Cox Consulting rcox@roncoxconsulting.com 281.543.0042 87