HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-13-09 TC MinABSENT: Council Member Tim Britton. a MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN COUNCIL WORKSHOP July 13, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Council Members Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Rick Rennhack, and Rebecca Rollins. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Thomas Brymer, Town Attorney Cathy Cunningham, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services Todd Wood, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, and Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wheat called the workshop to order at 4:35 p.m. 2. DISCUSS AND REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FROM JULY 13, 2009, COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. Mayor Wheat introduced the item and opened the floor for questions related to the consent agenda items from the July 13, 2009, regular. meeting. Town Manager Brymer advised that staff would like to discuss two items on the consent agenda. Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services addressed the Council regarding consent agenda item 6(d) related to a proposed surplus property disposal policy. Mr. Wood advised the Council that a similar policy will be presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration. Mr. Brymer and Mr. Wood addressed questions from the Council regarding the proposed surplus property disposal policy. Town of Westlake Town Council Workshop Minutes July 13, 2009 Page 2 of 3 Public Works Superintendent Greenwood addressed the Council regarding consent agenda item 6(e) related to the Stagecoach Hills drainage improvements. Mr. Greenwood stated that the bid amount is $30,000 less than a previously submitted bid due to clarification on the sidewalls and better defined expectations in the bid package. 3. DISCUSS AND REVIEW A DRAFT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN. Town Manager Brymer advised that the Council reviewed a draft CIP at the June 22, 2009. mini - retreat and changes were made based on Council input. Mr. Brymer advised that staff has completed the compilation of a five (5) year Capital Improvement Plan for the Town, and that the projects have been placed in the various years of the five (5) year planning period with cost escalation and operations /maintenance costs as appropriate. Mr. Brymer stated that staff recommends the Council review and adopt the plan annually to guide the CIP process as well as the annual budget for the next fiscal year. Public Works Superintendent Greenwood presented the following proposed CIP's: Stagecoach Hills Street construction and drainage - Mahotea Boone reconstruction and drainage Aspen Lane reconstruction and drainage Dove Road reconstruction and drainage (Ottinger - Vaquero) Dove Road reconstuction and drainage (Vaquero - Terra Bella) Roanoake Road reconstruction and drainage (Hwy 170 to Town limits) Roanoke Road reconstruction and drainage (Hwy 170- Daimler Chrylser) J.T. Ottinger Road reconstruction and drainage (Westlake Academy to Town limits) Sam School Road reconstruction and drainage (Solana - Town limits) FM 1938 Streetscape /Wayfinding N -1 sewer line transfer N -1 sewer line transfer/ inflow and infiltation repairs (remainder of Capital Improvement Projects were discussed in the July 13, 2009, regular meeting.) Discussion ensued regarding the need to reconstruct any roads at this time, and the impact of future gas well drilling activities on the roads. Facilities and Recreation Director Meyer presented the following proposed CIP's Park improvements Municipal Complex Fire Station Water Well for Civic Campus Westlake Academy - South parking area o Council recommended additional lighting be considered Westlake Academy - West parking area improvments Westlake Academy - Cover existing walkway Town of Westlake Town Council Workshop Minutes July 13, 2001 - Cemetery improvements - bring back consultant cost, determine when we can sell spaces, replace fence, etc. (remainder of Capital Improvement Projects were discussed in the July 13, 2009, regular meeting.) Town Manager Bryrner advised the Council that an item to adopt the CIP has been included on the July 13, 2009, regular meeting agenda. 4. DISCUSS AND REVIEW TOWN OF WESTLAKE STRATEGIC PLAN. This item will be discussed at the July 13, 2009, regular meeting. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS. No items were presented for consideration. 6. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business, Mayor Wheat adjourned the workshop at 7:13 p.m. APPROVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL ON AUGUST 10, 2009. 4/ Laura Wheat, Mayor Page 3 of 3 ABSENT: Council Member Tim Brittan. MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 13, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Council Members Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Rick Rennhack, and Rebecca Rollins. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Tom Brymer, Town Attorney Cathy Cunningham, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry, and Lt. Richard Whitten. 1, CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wheat called the meeting to order at 7:48 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Wheat led the pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS. Ms. Joyce Gibson -Roach of Keller, addressed the Council regarding the Westlake History Book, and stated that the book has been dedicated to Mr. Jack Wiesman and read the book dedication to the Council. Ms. Roach expressed her appreciation to Mr. Wiesman and commended him for his contributions to the book. Additionally, Ms. Roach recognized Mr. Allen Heath, Ms. Jaymi Ford and Ms. Terri Bahun for their photographs used in the book and advised that an acknowledgment page would be inserted in the book giving proper recognition. Town of Westlake Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 13, 2009 Page 2 of 6 Ms. Roach further recognized WHPS President Sharon Sanden, and Town Secretary Kim Sutter for their assistance during the writing of the book, and Mr. Alan. Werst for his contributions associated with Decoration Day and the promotion of the Buddy Poppy. Ms. Sharon Sanden expressed appreciation to Troy Meyer for obtaining donations for the Decoration Day event and Mr. Alan Werst for collection of donations associated with the Buddy Poppy distribution Mr. Alan Werst advised the Council that a check for $644.39 will be presented to the local VFW club. 4. HEAR AND DISCUSS REPORT FROM AUTHOR OF THE LITTLE TOWN THAT COULD, WESTLAKE, TEXAS ORIGINS AND LEGACIES. Ms. Joyce Gibson -Roach addressed the Council regarding the item and provided an update relative to book sales and continued marketing of the book. Mrs. Sharon Sanden, president of the Westlake Historical Preservation Society, addressed the Council regarding upcoming events and finances, specifically related to the publishing and sale of the book, marketing plans, and a book launch in the fall. 5. HEAR AND DISCUSS REQUEST BY WESTLAKE PUBLIC ART SOCIETY TO APPLY FOR 541(C)3 STATUS. Mr. David Rollins, president of the Westlake Public Art Society, addressed the Council regarding the item. Mr. Rollins stated that the Society is fully aware of Internal Revenue Service regulations associated with 501(c)3 status, and member Shannon Larue will undertake the tasks associated with the status as her background is in finance. Council Member Rennhack inquired as to how the establishment of a 501(c)3 will impact the interactions and oversight between the Society and the Town Council. Town Manager Brymer stated that the Council will retain the authority to appoint members to the Society as the Council established the Society; however: if the Westlake Public Art Society becomes a 501(c)3, the Town would need to contract with the Art Society to handle funding allocations. Mr. Brymer added that per the Council policy, the Society would be responsible for meeting the IRS regulations, audit cost and the 990 preparation and filing with the Internal Revenue Service. Mayor Wheat and Council Member Rennhack stated that they understand the disadvantage of not being a 501(c)3 and trying to raise and accept donations. Town Manager Brymer stated that the contract would outline how the Town allocated funding would be spent. Town of Westlake Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 13, 2009 Page 3 of 6 Council Member Rennhack suggested that the same firm that audits the Town's financials also audit non - profits association with the Town. Town Manager Brymer advised the Council that an item will appear on the August 10, 2009, regular meeting agenda for consideration and approval for the Westlake Public Art Society to proceed with applying for 501(c) 3 status with the State. 6. CONSENT AGENDA. Mayor Wheat introduced the item and asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda. a. Review and approve minutes of the Town Council Workshop and Regular meeting held on June 8, 2009. b. Review and approve minutes of the Town Council Strategic Planning Retreat held on June 22, 2009. c. Review and approve minutes of the Town Council Special meeting held on June 22, 2009. d. Resolution No. 09 -31 - Consider a Resolution approving the Town of Westlake Surplus Property Disposal Policy. Resolution No. 09 -32 - Consider a Resolution authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an agreement with. Bristow Contracting for drainage improvements in Stagecoach Hills. MOTION: Council Member Rollins made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Council Member Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4 -0. 7. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPOINTING AND REAPPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE FOLLOWING BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES: Mayor Wheat introduced the item. Town Secretary Sutter reviewed the expiring terms for each of the following Boards, Commissions, and Committees and advised the Council that two applications have been received for consideration. a. 4B Economic Development Board; b. Westlake Historical Preservation Society; c. Planning and Zoning Commission; d. Westlake Public Art Society; e. Texas Student Housing Authority and Entities; and f. Westlake Academy Foundation Board of Directors. Town of Westlake Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 13, 2009 In addition to the reappointments, it was the following individuals: Board Term Expires 4B Economic Development Board June 2011 Historical Preservation Society June 2012 Academy Foundation Board June 2011 Name Rick Rennhack Karen Stoltenberg Jack Risenhoover Page4of6 consensus of the Board to appoint the MOTION: Council Member Langdon made a motion to approve Resolution No. 09- 33, appointing and reappointing members to the Council's Boards, Commissions, and Committees. Council Member Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4 -0. 8. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE TOWN. Town Manager Brymer advised the Council that this plan is a draft based on Council input and discussion dating back to June 2008. Mr. Brymer stated that an approved plan would provide staff direction as to the Council's goals for the Town. Mr. Brymer recognized the Town staff for their efforts associated with the plan and recognized Court Administrator Amanda DeGan for serving as the lead on this project. Council Members Rollins and Langdon commended Town staff for their efforts in preparing the plan. Discussion ensued with regard to landscaped neighborhood entrances and whether or not they conflict with the Town's desire to promote water conservation. Mayor Wheat stated that she would like to see a cost comparative budget related to other Charter schools to determine if the IB component causes the budget shortfall. Town Manager Brymer stated that he would like to look at a per student cost. MOTION: Council Member Corson made a motion to approve Resolution No. 09 -34, approving and adopting a Strategic Plan for the Town. Council Member Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4 -0. 9. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A TOWN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP). Town Manager Brymer presented the item and advised that each staff meriber will provide further details on the proposed projects. Public Works Superintendent Greenwood presented the following projects to the Council: ("other Capital Improvement Projects were discussed at the July 13, 2009, Council workshop) - Stagecoach Hills waterline connection Town of Westlake Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 13, 2009 - Ground storage tank J.T. Ottinger / Dove Road intersection Page 5 of 6 Discussion ensued regarding the Stagecoach Hills waterline connection and the need to upsize the water line today and possible debt issuance for funding of the ground storage tank. Council Member Corson asked if the CIP projects can be classified by those that the Town is contractually obligated to complete, by need (morally obligated), as well as nice to haves. Council Member Rennhack expressed his support for Council Member Corson suggestion. Town Manager Brymer suggested the projects also be segregated by designated funds. Facilities and Recreation Director Meyer presented the following projects to the Council: (other Capital Improvement Projects were discussed at the July 13, 2009, Council workshop) Deloitte trail connection project on Dove Road (Down Dove to Pearson to Vaquero) - West Dove Road trail connection to J.T. Ottinger Road Town Manager Brymer offered to make the necessary revisions and bring the CIP back to the Council for consideration. 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS. There were no items presented for consideration. 11. COUNCIL CALENDAR. Mayor Wheat reviewed the Council calendar. NW Metroport Chamber of Commerce Pink, Plaid, and Polka Dot event o July 22, 2009, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., Marriott Solana TML Newly Elected City Official Orientation o July 24-25, 2009, Austin TML Newly Elected City Official Orientation o August 7 -8, 2009, Austin NW Metroport Chamber of Commerce Legislative Breakfast o August 26, 2009, DFW Marriott, Fort Worth, 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Dedication and Ribbon Cutting for the Sam & Margaret Lee Arts and Sciences Center o August 28, 2009, Westlake Academy Campus Vaquero Baja (fundraiser for the Academy) o September 14, 2009, 3:30 p.m. Town of Westlake Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 13, 2009 12. ADJOURNMENT. ATTE There being no further business before the Council, Mayor Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Council Member Rennhack made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4 -0. Mayor Wheat adjourned the meeting at 10:15 p.m. APPROVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL ON AUGUST 10, 2009. w; Ki Sutt -r, TRMC. To Secretary Laura Wheat, Mayor Page 6 of 6