HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-23-09 TC MinMINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN COUNCIL, WORKSHOP February 23, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Council Members Tirn Brittan, L.arry Corson, Carol Langdon, on Redding and Rebecca Rollins (arrived at 4:29 p.m.) ABSENT: None, OTHERS PRESENT: J'own Manager Thomas Brymer, Town Attorney Stan 1,owry, To Secretary Kim Sutter, DPS, Director Don Nilson, Finance Director Debbie Piper., Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, Director of Administrative Services Todd Wood, and Planning and Development Director Eddie Edwards, T. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wheat called the workshop to order at 4:20 p.ni. 2. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF DRAFT MUNICIPAL STRATEGIC PLAN. Town Manager Br- yrrier addressed the Council regarding the itern and presented a PowerPoint presentation outlining the process to date. Mr. Brymer reviewed the key result areas and the associated outcome strategies tied to each of the Vision Points as established by the Council. Mr. Brymer received comments and addressed, questions from the Council regarding the presentation, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan was present as well as the remainder of the Town staff to address questions from the Council regarding the plan, Board discussion ensued regarding the plan, specifically with regard to funding the projects outlined in the plan, timeline of the pro jects, and frequency of revisiting and reevaluating the plan. Town of Westlake'Fown Council Workshop Minutes February 23, 2009 Council Member Corson suggested the plan be presented to the Council for discussion following the results of the Direction Finder survey, Town Manager Brymer recognized Court Administrator Amanda De an for her efforts in preparing the plan as well as the Town staff, 3. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF A STATUS Rf-.PORT ON CONSTRUCTION OF THE ARTS AND SCIENCES CENTER, Facilities and Recreation Director Meyer addressed the Council regarding, the item. Mn Meyer presented a PowerPoint presentation, which included an aerial shot of the construction area., a floor plan, and exterior elevation oil' the buildin& Additionally, Mr. Meyer presented and reviewed the interior finishes and ftimishings proposed for the structure, Mr. Meyer reviewed the budget for the project, Mr Meyer stated that expenditures to Mate total $1.2 million, and the project is running approximately three and one half" weeks behind schedule due to issues related to the chemical resistant plumbing. 14owever, Mr. Meyer stated that the project will be completed by August 2200 9. Following the presentation, Mr. Meyer addressed questions from the Council, 4. DISCUSSION OFT HE TOWN OF WESTLAKE AND WESTLAKE ACADEMY FY 2009-2010 BUDGET CALENDAR, Tow -n Manager Brymer introduced the item and stated that staff %vould like to utilize a budget calendar, which would outline the budget preparation and adoption process, Mr. Brymer added that the calendar applies to the Academy and the Town. Council Member Rollins asked il" a 'dashboard' quarterly financial report could also be presented for the school. Finance Director Piper replied that the she would need to evaluate, but felt that a similar report could be prepared for the Academy budget. 5. DISCUSSION OF THE QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED DECEMBER 31, 200& Finance Director Piper presented the item to the Council, and reviewed the quarterly financial rep � orls wC with the ouncil, Ms. Piper responded to questions ftorn the Council regarding the report, Town of Westlake Town Council Page 3 of 3 Workshop Minutes February 23, 2009 6. EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mayor Wheat recessed the workshop to discuss the fiollowing item in executive session at 6:45 p,rn. A. Pursuant to Section 551,074(a)(1) of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the evaluation and duties of public officers, The Town Manager Mayor Wheat convened the executive session, at 6:50 p.m, The executive session adJoumed at 803 P.rn 7RECONVENE MEETING, Mayor Wheat reconvened the workshop at 8:06 p.m, 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS. There were no items subt-nitted flor consideration. 9. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business, Mayor Wheat adjourned the workshop at 8:07 p,rn. APPROVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL ON MARCH 9,2009. 1-2, L-I'l-ILLL L,aura Wheat, Mayor TRMC, Town Secretary MINUITES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN COUNCIL, REGULAR MEETING Februan, 23, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor l.aura Wheat and Council MembersTirn Brittan, Larry Corson, Carol Langdon., Don Redding, and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: None, OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Thornas Brymer, Town Attorney Stan Lowry, Town Secretary Kiran Sett er, ITS Director Don Wilson, Assistant to the Town Mmiager Ginger Aw-try, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod (ireenwood, Director of Administrative Services Todd Wood, and Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer. L CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wheat called the meeting to order at 8:07 p,m, 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, T Mayor Wheat led the pledge of allegiance to the t Mired States and Texas flags, 3. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS. There was no one present wishing to address the Council, 4. CONSENT AGENDA. Mayor Wheat introduced the items and asked for a motion: a. Review and approve minutes of the Twvvn Council Regular meeting and Workshop held on February 9, 2009. b. Resolution No. 09-07 - Consider a Resolution approving the payrnent of Graharn Associates, Inc. invoice for engineering services related, to the FM 1938 prqject. Town of Westlake Town Couacil Regular Meeting Minutes February 23, 2009 c, Resolution No. 09-08 - Consider a Resolution adopting an identity theft policy in accordance with an amendment to the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003 . MOTION: Council Member Corson made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Council Member Langdon seconded the inotion. The motion carried by a, vote of 5-0. 5. HEAR 'THE YEARLY SERVICE AND AcriVITY REPORT FOR POLICE SERVICES BY CHIEF MARK ITAFNER OF THE KELLER POLICE DEPARTMENT. Keller Police Chief Mark Hafrier presented the police services yearly activity report to the Council, which included the following information: - Over 10,000 vehicle stops - 349 arrests for criminal violations - 8,014 traffic citations - 45 intoxicated, drivers 85 animal control calls Investigated 208 motor vehicle collisions with no fatalities Chief Hafner advised that the overall calls t'or service, including citizen and 0, fficer initiated, were up by 5% over the previous year, and the average cost per call for service is $41 ,00, Council Member Corson asked if the number of motor vehicle stops for the year was considered a high percentage. Chief Haffier responded that compared to the City Keller's 32,000 vehicle stops he feels that 10,000 is a high percentage, 6. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE RACIAL PROFILING REPORT AS PREPARED BY THE CITY OF KELLER. POLICE DEPARTMENT Keller Police Chief Mark Hater presented the report, to the Council, and advised that, no signi rcant over representation of issuing citations to any particular race is readily apparent. MOTION: Mayor Pro Tern Redding made a, motion to approve Resolution No. 09- 09, accepting the racial profiling report as pre -pared by the City of Keller Police Department. Council Member Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0, 7. FU CaAGENDA ITEMS. No items were submitted for consideration. Town of Westlake Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 23, 2009 8. COUNCIL CALENDAR. Mayor Wheat reviewed the Council calendar. - Candidate Filing Period for Town Council, o February 7 through March 9, 2009, 5 pni. - Texas Student Housing Authority Meeting o Tues.. February 24 . 2009 5.30 pmi, - General Election Day o May 9, A1C - Decoration Day o Monday, May 25,2009., I.O.O.F. Cemetery 9EXECuTIVE SESSION. Mayor Wheat recessed the meeting to discuss the following iterns in executive session at 8:18 .r r. A, Pursuant to Section 55 1 .074(a)(1) of the Texas Gov resent Code to deliberate the evaluation and duties of public officers: The `t Manager Mayor Wheat convened the executive session at 8.-23 p.m. The executive session a4iourned at 10:30 p.m, 10. RECONVENE MEETING. Mayor Wheat reconvened the meeting at 10:31 Parse, ]I. TAKE ANY NECESSARY ACTION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION, IF NECESSARY. MOTION: Council Member Corson made a motion to amend the Town Manager's contract effective March 1, 2009, as t."c)],lows, 1) increase del -erred cornpensation contribution by$5,000,., and 2) increase the nnonthly car allowance by $300. Mayor Pro Tem Redding seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of'5-0. 12. ADJOURNMENT. There being no 1--'urther business be,f(,-)re the Council, Mayor Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Council Member Britian made a motion to adjourn the rueetin g. Council Member Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. Mayor Wheat aqjourned thernecting at 3 0 33) p.m. Town of Westlake Town Council Page 4 of 4 Regular Meeting Minutes February 23, 2009 APPROVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL ON MARCH 9,2009. 1 -aura Wheat, Mayor ATTES rtt �tC'FmAin Secretary Secret, I