HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-09-09 TC MinMINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS CtO'T TOWN )NCIL WORKSHOP February 9, 2009 PRESENL: Mayor Laura Wheat and Council Mernbers Tim Brittan, Larr(..'orson, Carol [,angdon., Don Redding and Rebecca Rollins, ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Thomas Brymer, Town Attorney Stan 1-owry, '['own Secretary Kina SUatCr, DPS Director Don Wilson. and Planning and Development Director Eddie 1-.,dxvards. 1. CALL TO ORDE'R. Mayor Wheat called the workshop to order at 4:21 p,rn. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Wheat recessed the workshop to ofiSCarcs the fbilowing items in executive session at 4:21 pmi a, Pursuant to Section 551.071 deliberation regarding the PUrchase, exchange, lease or value ofreal property: Easements for F. M. 1938 Pro1ject. b. Pursuant to Section 551.071(2)-. consultation with town attorney on a rnatter in which the duty of the town attorney to the governmental body Under the 1'exas Disciplinary kUlCS of Prof�ssional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this Chapter: Gas well drill sites and property rights. Mayor Wheat convened the executive session at 4:23 p.m. The executive session adjourned at 5:02 p.rn -1 RECONVENE MEETING' Mayor Wheat reconvened the rneeting at 5:04 1p,rm Town of Westlake J'owti Council Workshop Minutes February 9, 2009 4. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF A DRAFT PROPOSED 011, AND GAS DRILLING TECHNICAL STANDARDS ORDINANCE, PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS RELATED TO OIL AND GAS DRILLING, AND PROPOSED PERM ITS/FEE.S FOR 011. AND GAS DRILLING IN WESTLA'syn Town Manager Brymer advised that this iter n is a continuation of" than discussion held at the January. 12 and January 1-6. 2009, Council workshops, Mr. Brymer presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding the proposed oil and gas well drilling technical standards ordinance. specifically at it relates to setbacks. and reviewed the staff recommendations. To,vvn Manager Brymer advised that the Council could elect to grant setback adjustments in specific situations. Mr. Bryrner added that regardless of the setback, staff' recornmends that the rneaSUrer-nent be from the drill zone to the protected use.. Council discussion ensued regarding the setback options as presented by staff', the SUP process, and the aesthetic standards. Town Manager Bryi-ner SUrni-narized the Council's discussion and direction up to this point on the zoning aspect of' oil and gas well drilling/production in Westlake. Regarding the zoning part of this discussion., the C01-111CH consensus and direction to staff was to allow oil and gas well drilling/production in all zoning districts, but only with an approved Specific I - Ise permit (S(JP). This will require as major zoning ordinance amendment affecting all properties in Westlake that will require notification of all property owners per the Tarrant and Denton Counties tax rolls. Additionally, the COLInCii direction to staff was to prepare a zoning ordinance amendment that would allow, at the owner's choice, to provide for master planning multi -well tracts as opposed to going through the ST -JP process for each well separately. Discussion continued on the draft Technical Standards Ordinance, Mr. Bry'rner reviewed staft' proposal 4' 2 regarding well setback distances, which would allow the possibility of reducing the setbacks frorn 1.000 foot to 600 feet with rown Council approval. and further reduction from 600 feet to 300 feet with the consent of adjacent property owners and with the approval of the "rown Council, Council discussion continued regarding the required percentage of ad * jacent, property owners or arnount. Of'SUrface area owned by an individual property, owner in the setback reduction area and whether or not the SUP approval should include the percentage of support AND /CSR Town Council approval, The Council discussion fOCLIsed on using; a two-thirds percentage ofproperty owners within the setback reduction area that would have to Support a setback reduction frorn 600 feet to 300 feet, Town Attorney Lowry advised that a determination regarding calculating, the percentages based on ownership Of' SUrface area in the notification arca needs to he vetted it" the Town of WestlakeTown Council Workshop Minutes February 9, 2009 Council desires to proceed in that direction. The Council left the discussion with sorne consensus to further discuss the two-thirds percentage requirement for property owners to allow setback reductions 'rorty 600 to '100 J_eet. However, regarding the remainder of the Technical Standards Ordinance, the Council agreed that it represented the Council's policy direction on this Issue, subject to fine-tuning of the language and legal review, Mayor Wheat opened the floor to those in attendance, Attendees addressed the Council regarding the required notification area prior to consideration of a Special Oise PerTnit (SUT) by the Planning and Zoning Con --mission and the Town Council. Mr. Warren Doyle., representing Hillwood Energy, advised that Hillwood would need to evaluate their development plans if the Town establishes the I.000 -Boot setback. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS. There were not iterns SUbmitted tor consideration, 6. ADJOURNMENT. There being no ffirther business, Mayor Wheat achourned the workshop at 622 p.m. APPROVED BY THET.'OUNCH, ON FEBRUARY 23,2009. Laura Wheat, Mayor Suttef, TRIM(,, Town Secretary MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FebruatT 9, 2009 PRESENT: 110ayor Laura Wheat and Council I'vIaril ers Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Don Redding, and Rebecca Rollins, ABSENT: Council Member ]" uri Britian, OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Thonnas Brymer, Town Attorney Stan Lowry, Town Secretary Kim Sutter., DPS Director Don, Wilson, Assistant to the Town � _Iarrager Ging,er Awry, Planning and Development Director Eddie EdNvards, Finance Director Debbie Piper, and public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, I. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wheat called the meeting to order at 7-37 p,ni, 2. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS. Mr. Perry Ruck, 2190 Otfinger, Road. Keller, addressed the Council regarding gas well drilling, and invited the COLIFICH Members to visit a gas well site as they consider making a decision regarding setbacks, 3. CONSENT AGENDA, Mayor Wheat introduced the itern and asked for- a rnotion, a. Review and approve rnirlUteS Of the Town Council Regular meeting and Workshop held on January 26, 2009, MOTION: Mavor Pro Tem Redding made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Council Mernber Robins seconded the motion, 1'he motion carried by a vote of 4-0. ToNNn of Westlake Town Council Regular Meeting, Minutes February 9, 2009 4. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING A REVISED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AMONG TARRANT OI -JN Y, CITY OF KELLER, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ND TOWN OFWESTLAKE CONCERNING ACQUISITION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR THE FM 1938 PROJIFC'L (Tahled r the Tr ivn (,'ouncil al the ir,kinuarIVI, 26,2009, rneeting) Public Works Superintendent Greenwood addressed the Council regarding the item. Mr, Greenwood advised that the purpose of the revised interlocal agreement is to clarify the disbursement of the funds to the Cities of Keller, SOLIthlake and the Town of Westlake for right-of-way acquisition for the 1,.x.1 19318 project, Tarrant County Corrimissioner Gary Fickes was present to address questions from the Council. Town Manager Brymer con-imcnded Tarrant County for their assistance with the protect funding. MOTION: Council Member Corson made a motion to approve Resolution 09-05, approving a revised interlocal agreement arriong, Tarrant County, City of Keller, City of'Southlake and the Town concerning acquisition of Right - of -Way for the FM 1938 Pro.ject. CMemberuncil Member Langdon angn seconded the motion. The Motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 5. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING LOCAL OPTION TAXES AND Ff,,ES 1'0 FUND TRANSPORTATION INCLUIDING RAIL IN NORTH TEXAS. Town Manager Brymer introduced the itern Tarrant County Corni-nissioner Gary Fickes and Mr, Vic Suhrn, Director, The Tarrant Regional Transportation Coalition (TRTC), addressed the Council regarding the iterve. Commissioner Fickes stated that the proj,iosal Would give Counties the ability to control important local transportation projects and provide a means to fund th e protects b y allowing voters to decide which projects to fund and the SOUrCe of the funding. Mr. Vic Suhm addressed the Council regarding transportation ill the region, and stated Haat: over the next 20 years. the region's POPUlati(,-)n is anticipated to be approximately 3 million people, Commissioner Fickes and Mr. SUbm addressed qL1CSti0r1S from the Conned related to the type of transportation projects to be considered, the intent ofthe legislation. and regional SUPPOI-L MOTION: Mayor Pro Tern Redding made as rnotion to approve Resolution 09-06. supporting local option taxes and fees to fund transportation including rail in North Texas. Council Mernber Rollins seconded the motion, The motion carried by a vote of 4- Town of Westlake'rown Council Regular Meeting, Minutes February 9, 2009 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS. There were no items Submitted fi)r consideration. 7. COUNCIL CALENDAR. Mayor Wheat reviewed the COL11161 calendar, - 'IMI,I,egislativeBriefing c) 2/91/09, ALIstinj"exas S. EXECUTIVE SESSION ,;favor Wheat recessed the regular meeting to discuss the iblio wing iteins in executive session at 8:09 p.m. J'he Council will conduct a closed session under Texas Government Code for the f'ollowing: El. PUr'SUant to Section 551.4)7: deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or valUe ofreal property: 111-1,asernents ("or F. !0. 1938 Project, Ir. Pursuant to Section 551,07](2): consultation with toi,vn artorney on a matter in which the duty, of the town attorney to the governryiental body under the J'exas I)Iscipunary Rules of Prof�.ssjonal Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this ("ha Gas well drill sites and property rights Mayor Wheat convened the exeCL[tiVe session at 8:10 P.m. The executive session ad.journed at 8:3-1 p.rn. 9. RECONVENE MEETING Mayor Wheat reconvened the replar session at 8-34 p.rn, t-- Io. rAKE ANY ACTION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION, IF NFCESSARY No action IL ADJOURNMENT. '['here being no further business before the Council, Mayor Wheat asked for a motion to adJourn the meeting, I - MOTION: Mayor Pro Tern Redding made a motion to adJOUrn the meeting. Council fir` ernber Corson seconded the rnotion. Tbe motion carried lav a vote of` 4- 0. Mayor Wheat adjourned the meeting at 9,114 p.m. Town of Westlake'Fown Council Page 4 of 4 Regular Meeting Minutes February 9, 2009 APPROVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 23,2009. Laura heat, Mayor SLItter. -['R,M(.", Town Secretary