HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-26-09 TC MinMINUTES OF THE 'TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN COUNCIL WORKSHOP Januaij, 26, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor LaUra Wheat and Council MernbersTirn 1--iritian (5:00 p.ni,). Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Don Redding and Rebecca Rollins (4:43 pml.), ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Thomas Brvrner, Town Attornev Stan LoNvrv, Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awry, DPS Director Don Wilson, I'mance Director Debbie Piper, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, Planning and DevelopiTtent Director FlAdie Edwards, and Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, I. CALL TO ORDER, Malvor Wheat called the workshop to order at 4-25 p,m, 2. DISCUSSION ANDCONSIDERATION OF A DRAFT' PROPOSED 011, AND GAS DRILLING TECHNICAL STANDARDS ORDINANCE, PROPOSED ZONINC ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS RELATED TO OIL AND GAS DRILLING, AND PROPOSED PERMITS/FEES FOR OIL AND GAS DRILLING IN WESTLAKE. Town Manager Bryrner advised that this item is a contimlatiOrl of the diSCLISSiOrl held during the JaIlUary 12,2009. Council Workshop, Town Manager Bryrner presented a PowerPoint presentation outlining the proposed oil and gas drilling technical standards ordinance including setbacks and the need for master planning for multiple drill. sites, Mr. Tymer also prcsented the proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance, Discussion ensued regarding the Council's authority to deny a SUP (Special U'se Pernik) request and on what o-rOUnds. the necessity for a, gas well pad site master plan, water use and gathering system, andsetbacks, Town of Westlake Town Council Page 2 of Workshop Minutes January 26, 2009 Mayor Wheat opened the floor for comments 1rorn those in attendance, Town Manager Brvmer stated that discussion regarding the technical standards ordinance Will be continUed at the February 9. 2009, Council workshop and will mainly fOCUS Oil the issue oll-setbacks, 3. DISCUSSION AND ("ONSIDERATION OF A DRAFT MEMORANDUiM OF F*NDERSTANDING (M(NU) BETWEEN WESTLAKE, TROPHY ( ' 'LUB, ROANOKE, AND NORTHWEST ISD REGARDING AN AGREEMENT TO PURSUE A VARivry OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL C'OOPERATIVE INITIATIVES. Town Manager Brymer presented the item and reviewed the draft Memorandum of' lJnderstanding (MO( -J) with the Council. At the direction of' the COUTIC11, Town Manager Brymer advised the Council that he NNOUld meet Nxith the Town Manager's o1` the adjoining CIUCS to diSCUSS the potential of' entering into an intergovernirental cooperation initiatives agreement, 4� F1,11TURE AGENDA ITEMS, There Nvere no items subt-nitted for consideration. 5k ADJOURNMENT. There being no 1--urther business, Mayor Wheat adJOUrnLd the workshop at 9:20 pmt. (IOJT APPROVED BY THE TOWN I iNCIL ON FEBRUARY 9,2009, . .. .. ....... barer a Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: K11111 utter. Secretary MIi IJTES OF THE TOWN OFWESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN COIACIL REGULA R MEETINC JanuarN 26, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Council Members `I Brittan. Larry Conson, Carol 1..,angdon, Don Redding, and Rebecca Rollins, ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT- Town Manager Thomas Brymer, "]'own Attorney Stan Lowrv. I)PS Director Don Wilson, Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger L� Awtry, Planning and Development Director Eddie Edwards, and ('ourt Adt-ninistrator Amanda DeGan. I. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wheat called the rnectiric, to order at 8`20 p.m. L- 2. PLEDGE OF AIA,EGIANCE. Mayor Wheat led the pled of al legiance to the United States and Texas flags, 3. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS. There was no one present wishing to address the Council, 4. CONSENTACENDA. 'favor Wheat IntrodUced the consent a0 rich. t7 COUrICil Member Corson reqUested itern 'b" be pulled for discussion and separate consideration. Mayor Wheat requested item V be pulled l"or separate consideration. Toivn of Westlake Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes Jannary 26, 2009 a. Review and approve minutes of the Town Councif Regular meetint, and Workshop field on January 12. 2009, MOTION: Council Member Rollins made a motion to approve the minutes t'rom the January 12, 2009, workshop and regular ineeting. Council Member Langdon seconded the motion. J'he motion carried by a vote cif' 5-0. b, Consider a Resolution approving a. revised Interlocal Agreement arriong Tarrant County. City of Keller. City of" Southlake and Town of' Westlake concerning acqUisition of right-of-way for the FM 1938 pro.ject. MOTION: Council Member Corson made a motion to table this item until clarification can be provided regarding the distribution of' the funds. Council Member Brittan seconded the motion. The tnotion carried by a vote of 5-0, 'Iowa Manager Bry-nier advised that the item will be included on the February 9. 2009, agenda for consideration. Mayor Wheat asked for clarification regarding the ernergency warning system and the citizen norification methods. DPS Director Wilson responded to Mayor Wheat's questions. c. Resolution 09-04 - Consider a Resolution approving the Fort Worth Mza ulti-liard 1 Mitigation Plan as the "I 'own of'Westlake's all hazards emergency plan. MOTION- Mayor Pro Tent Redding made a motion to approve Resolution 09-04, approN.,ing the I -,"ort Worth 1l-ulti-11azard Mitigation Plan as the "['own's all hazards emergency plan. Council Member Rollins seconded the motion, `Fhe motion carried by a vote of -ff. iCONSIDER AN ORDINANCE CALLING AND ORDERING A GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MAV 9,2009. Mayor Wheat introduced the itein and asked for a motion. COUncil Member Corson advised 'that candidate packets are available via the -]'own's website or by contacting thcTown Secretary. MOTION: Council Member Corson made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 607, calling and ordering a general election to be held on May 9, 2009, Council Mernber Brittan seconded the motion. The 1 -notion carried by a vote of 5-ff. To'"n of Westlake Town Council Page 3 of 3 Regular Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS. C'OLjncil Member Corson presented the I611owing item 1br consideration at a fUtUte meeting, - Consideration of. restricting C,'ell Phone/PDA Usage in Vehicles in Active School Zones within the "I"own ol'Westiake, specifically Westlake Acadenly, (Council illember Corson) Council Member Rollins seconded the motion to present the item flor discussion at a future meeting. 7d COUNCIL CALENDAR. Mavor Wheat reviewed the Council calendar. and advised that the Jciint Regional Meeting scheduled for January 29, 2009, has been cancelled. Joint Regional Mccring with NWISD- Roanoke and -l"rophy ('lub o 11/29/09, 630 p.rn., Westlake ['own Hall TMI-, I-egislative Brieting C-) -),,"6 — 21/9/09, Austin, Texas 8. ADJOURNMENT. 'I"here being no further business bef`(.,)re the ('0LInCil., Mayor Wheat asked for a motion to adJOL11-11 the me ting. MOTION: ('ouncil Mernber Langdon made at motion to ad - journ tile meeting, Council Mernber Corson seconded the inotion. 'I"he motion carried by a vote ol'S- 0. Mayor 'Wheat adJourned the rnecti ng at 8: 3 5 p. rn, APPROVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL ON JANUARY 26,2009, ......... . . . -- - - ------ . ............. 1 -aura Wheat, Mavor A 11' ii I SLl1tcr.TRMC,Town Secretary